This blog contains spoilers!!!
The Veto ceremony was held and Jenn used the Veto on Dan. Frank replaced Dan with Brittany. Ian flipped out. Why, you ask? Well, I think because HE wants to be the mastermind this season, but Dan definitely pulled ahead with this latest scheme. Think about it. Dan was on the block. Everyone was set to vote him off. Frank supposedly hated him because he felt that Dan was behind getting Boogie out of the house. What does Dan do? He goes to Frank, with the Bible and swears he’s telling the truth. He tells Frank ALL. He explains how it was Ian that told Brittany about Mike going after her and Shane. Yes, it was Ian and Brittany and Shane, but lets face facts…Dan wanted Boogie out of the house just as much as the others. However, he is able to turn the table around and next thing you know, he’s off the block and Brittany is on.
So now we have Danielle and Brittany facing off this Thursday. Dan, academy award actor that he is declares his hate for Danielle. At his funeral speech, he tells her “You are dead to me.” Huh? The sad part is that the other HG’s fall for this, hook, line and sinker. Dan’s closest ally all season has been Danielle and all of a sudden she is “dead” to him. Shane, Brittany, Ian…what are you thinking???? Okay, so this is where I’m totally confused. I don’t understand why this next vote isn’t a no-brainer. Ian, Shane and Joe vote to save Brittany. Jenn and Dan vote to save Danielle. Brittany stays and Danielle goes. This leaves Dan and Frank with one less ally, right? Wrong? Frankly, I have no idea. I think that in terms of winning, Danielle seems to be the stronger competitor. That alone would have me vote for her to be evicted. What if it was Shane against Dan on the block. We know Brittany would keep Shane, but what would Danielle do? Hopefully, Joe is telling Shane the truth when he says he will vote whichever way Shane is voting. I would be very surprised to see Ian vote Brittany out of the house. In fact, knowing how he feels about her being backdoored (and him looking stupid), I would for sure think he would want to see Danielle get evicted.
Update on America Votes…PayPal is far ahead of Live Feeds as the award for Star’s 50,000th comment. FYI, Star…feel free to vote and influence the votes anyway you see fit!
Have a safe Tuesday, especially y’all in the storm’s path. Bloggergal
yay #!
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QUESTION – how does flashback work – i went to it and wanted to watch the 12:34 fight – had to select 12pm – it was on the fishes – for bout 20 mns then went off – never got to see…..
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I was starting to wonder where everone went to. I havnt received any notifications on this blog. Since I’m on my phone I had to go find this blog and find out what was going on. I’ve missed so much of this talk. So glad I found everyone.
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It just gets more and more confusing to me. I honestly think Dan and Frank possibly could pull it off. Once again, Joe is the deciding vote. He’s a wild card that one. My fear is that he will make it to the end and I hate that thought.
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In previous seasons, didn’t they vote out floaters first and then the two “sides”would fight it out?
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Hi all, I just posted NEW PAGE UP, on the prior page.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This new one obviously came up while I was happily typing away on the prior page. Tomi, I responded to you on that last page.
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Thank you Bloggergal! As always, perfect! Yes, that whole “you’re dead to me” thing confused me too even though I only read about it. Also, the vote seems to me like they can save Brit, so what’s the problem. Too bad we have to wait until Thursday.
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I want Brittany to stay! Dani is such a head case and her phony tears wore out my last nerve! Dani needss to go.m
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Danielle should win the Academy Award last night when she was talking to Brit on the hammock. She even has mastermind Ian fooled. After seeing the talk Shane and Brit had in the kitchen last night I was shocked. Shane is telling her that he is not sure which way he is going to vote!! WHAT??? With his stammering and body language I think he just might vote out Brit! Did anyone else see this?
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They cannot get rid of my girl Brit!! That house would be so boring without her snarky comments!!! Besides the fact that they need to WISE UP!!! Come on, are they trying to let Dan or Frank win???? WTF !!!!
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I dont know whats going on Frank wanted Dan so bad,they made a deal Dan now says he wants Frank out, Frank says he wants Dan out, you had your chance, Dan doesnt want Frank in f2,cause he would beat him and Frank doent want Dan at the end
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Oh, sorry, Holly. I just disagree. Brit has been a whiny conniving wench this season. I always liked her before but it seems like all she does this season is walk around and gossip. She really doesn’t do anything and has made no effort to do anything. Hillbilly – where did that come from? Live feeds or BBAD? I haven’t watched last nights but the night before they had an alliance and Dan even talked to Dani about it. I also disagree with Dani having phony tears. She was truly hurt and angry. I actually like Danielle and would like to see her stay a while. At least she competes and tries.
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HILLBILLY (aka mike) do u know how flashbacks work?
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I don’t want Britney to go home! I can’t help it! I like the girl. She seems to be pretty intelligent and, let’s face it, she takes snarky to a whole new level. I just really don’t want her to end up blind-sided (AGAIN) by someone she trusted. Yes, I know that’s all part of the game, but I still don’t want it to happen.
I have nothing personal against Danielle. However, I think that Britney adds way more entertainment value to the show than does Danielle. I find myself repeatedly being embarrassed on Danielle’s behalf. She just longs, way too much in my opinion, to have a show-mance.
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I’m having a really hard time with Dan justifying swearing on a bible, Chelsea, his dead uncle, etc and celebrating it. Good gameplay, just shouldn’t bring God into his game. He has changed IMO.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Last night’s BBAD Brit and Dan in the AR, Brit questioning Dan and saying she is missing a piece of the puzzle. At one point, Dan was encouraging her to ask one more question that would bring it together in her mind. Come on Brit!! Not sure if she figured it out. I want Brit to stay and play. Brit is entertaining but Danielle just irritates me with her phony tears, illnesses and neediness. at least Brit is the same in the house as outside. Sorry for being long winded, but hubby won’t talk to me about this, he only discusses politics! Like that could be as important as BB, Cheers!
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Again, my opinion is that Danielle’s tears are real. I honestly believe she has a heart. Britney annoys me this season. That being said, different strokes for different folks. Good thing we are all not the same.
Responding to the previous thread, I honestly don’t think these people are the same outside the house. They may be to a certain extent but this is a game. They have to be different and conniving and sneaky. If they aren’t, they get chewed up and spit out before dinner.
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@macy …… the clock on the flashbacks is on big brother time (pacific coast)
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@ donette i know what u mean in re to your hubby this is the first year mine has actually sat and watched with me in fact when they have one of the comps think was the before or after he shouted out the correct answer even before the hgs and he got 100% rite i was amazed i said how did u do that he said i just watched the shows. not to worry have a lot of bb lovers here so just pull up a chair and join the group,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lately i feel like i am on a merry go round with these hgs, they keep saying someting diff depends on to who they r talking to, oh well we will find out thur nite, ciao for now will do grapevine sighting when i can\mm
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LUVS thx – that makes sense…..
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I think people are different in the house for sure. Please let Brittany stay another week. Dan…I don’t even know what to say! Still team Frank!! With Ian my second. Been awhile since BB was this exciting. Thank you to everyone who posts from lf and bbad.
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I agree with you KeriJ. Ian would not be my second choice but I agree with the Frank part. I swear, this group is so confusing and so hard to read. I think I have them figured out and who is going which way and I find out – NOPE.
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Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Frank, Joe and Jenn are the only house guests awake (good time for a team mtg.) they chat about what a surprise it was that danielle did the dishes yesterday. as frank and caterpillar man look at the memory wall Frank says we`re close, real close. Think about how after next week there won’t be a group to worry about but us. Frank says Britney goes home, Dan and Ian go on the block, doesn’t matter which goes, Ian wins POV, Dan goes. Next week will be fast forward, Shane goes up … Frank and Joe continue to work out the possible scenarios. frank says that he isn`t worried about Ian winning and putting me on the block because there will be 4 votes and we will have three of them (Shane, Jenn, Joe).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oh Frank the best laid plans of mice and men, so seems like according to (this)chat brit is going to be voted out by caperpillar man
will update as i can……………..
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Frank says that he hopes if Dan wins HOH and he puts me up against Ian, then at least we have the votes. Joe says yeah Ian is scary and we don’t like him, but Dan has already won it. Frank says that he wants them both out but that he thinks he can beat both of them in the end (well lookee here frank wants dan out no honor among thieves, but no surprise here)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Frank says the way he will vote if he goes to jury is who f**ked me the most, and that’s how I will try and get others to vote too. Joe says not me, I vote on who plays the best game. (wow caterpillar man there is hope for you) Frank says that he didn’t check his integrity and honest at the door, just to pick it up on the way out. I brought mine in with me. (seems frank has watched bb before or even better he had a great coach in booboogie
Joe says that if someone lied about something to save their life that’s fine, it’s the big lies that I don’t like. Joe says that if it was Dan and Shane at the end I would vote for Dan because Shane doesn’t talk game. If I sat down with Shane and asked him his strategy he would say winning competitions.)(OK FOLKS HOLD ONTO YOUR HAT FOR THIS ONE FROM THE CAPERPILLAR MAN) ( Joe says that I figure I deserve second place. (SORRY I FELL OFF THE CHAIR HAD TO GET BACK UP AFTER THAT ONE)
Frank says that at least when we get out Ian and Dan then we know where people stand. Frank says that it would kill him to see Dan or Ian win this game. Joe says yeah and a few other people like Danielle she has slept half the game and cried the other half. Joe talks about making a slop recipe book after the show is over. ( OK FELLOW BLOGGERS PLEASE MAKE NOTE TO BE SURE TO GOGGLE JOE AT LEAST 3 MONTHS AFTER BB ENDS SO WE CAN BE SURE TO RESERVE COPIES OF HIS BOOK FOR OUR OWN USE AND SEVERAL COPIES FOR GIFTS) I am going to be sure if he has a book signig to be the first one in line\
ok my darlings i am off to do some chores hope i gave u enough to chew on until we get more updates from fellow bloggers
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Wow, this is getting more confusing… I can’t believe Dans plan worked with Frank! Danielle should go, let Brittney stay, she is very comical, looking forward to Thurday night!
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i hate this round of BB the money is making these hg’s mean and ugly, i like Brit, if the new house guest would have gotten the coaches out in the beginning thing’s would have been better. Now ~ i really don’t care for this season at all. And I always watch BB every year.
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Hi everyone, I just watch sunday’s episode, I was in a car accident andspent afew days in the hospital so i’mj just catching up with whats been going on in that crazy house.
Ms Dani has more water then the alantic, she is of the opinion that dan owes
her something. they are both there to win the same prize.
I think Frank is just trying to feel he has some backup and dan is better at challeges then brit, so brit on the block makes sense to him . I hope frank is leery of dans words for no one in the house should trust a wordhe saids.
I saw on after dark what looked like shane and frank making a deal for the final two. Frank is trying to keep himself safe until he can play for hoh again.
if what i’m writing is not making sense forgive me
thanks for all the updates I truly appreciate it
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Hannah. It made sense to me. Hope you are okay after your accident. Take care of yourself.
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What a flip flop. Glad Brittany is on the block. I never have seen anyone that flips as much as she does. Whoever is in power is her best friend and then she starts throwing everyone else under the bus. Go home!!!!!!!
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I’m exstatic Dan was saved and would not mind his winning again. He is playing the best game but sadly isn’t winning anything. I’m really enjoying this season of BB. Loved the coaches. Boogie was amazing as he tipped his hat to Ian. Showed some class that boy did. Ian is very clever, maybe too clever and he was bound to get caught. When Dan was in a tight spot, he did what everyone else in the game would have done – he ratted out Ian. I don’t blame him. Why take the fall for someone else? Go Dan and then I’d like to see Brit get second. If Dan doesn’t win, Brit should win because of her last season playing when she was used by the guys. Love her snarky comments. She is a hoot!
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Hannah – sending healing vibes your way!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i hope u r on the mend and feeling better, sorry to hear about the accident
so much went on u almost need a score card to keep up
i understand what u wrote and at this point if they were smart they would believe nothing of what they hear and half of what they see
take care hannah and not to fret our blog here will keep u up to date
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Hi Everyone, this is my first time posting and love to read all the comments!! I really like Britt..but really don’t want a coach winning. I would like to see Shane and Frank final two! We shall see…. Also I would like to thank Mamamargie for all your updates!! I have to admit, I find my self scrolling through some of them looking for your posts. You do a Great job of keeping us informed with all the updates !! and I think you should get an award …LOL ! just saying.
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In reading the posts lately, I have to chuckle because some of the qualities we don’t like in a player, are the same qualities someone else is complaining about in the very player we like. Except for their individual quirks of course. What makes one person’s skin crawl, probably won’t effect someone else.
As I said before, this game allows behavior and expects behavior that we wouldn’t exhibit in ‘real’ life. They behave that way because they can and for the game to be interesting, they have to. If you think about it, the HGs we seem to admire the most are the ones who were the nastiest in some way or another.
@Hannan, take good care.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@JT, prayers still coming your way!
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Funnest quote of the season – by Ian while in the hot tub last night!
“Better be on the Ian bus! I am driving, but I’d rather be a passenger then road kill”
I laughed till I cried!!
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I vote to evict Dani. I really like Brit in the house. You almost need her light touch to counter the back stabbing. Not a fan of Frank or Dan
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is it Thursday…WHY IS MARY VOTING…is there going to be an early eviction…i haven’t had a chance to read everything yet…did some of the house guests fight at 12:34 ?????…nothing like a good bug tussel…per GRANNY CLAMPET…
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I’ve been trying to watch the live feeds, but am having trouble connecting
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to the feeds, is anyone else having the same issue
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Sorry everyone I am very sick so keep up the comments I will will read everything …..:mrgreen:
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Brit should have an award for the biggest “whiner”.
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@bobo Please, please, please get better asap. I’m so sorry you are so sick. Grieves me.
@hannah Oh, my gosh. You were hurt so bad you were hospitalized. I hope you are ok soon. Time in the hospital is serious business. A lot has gone one and even those of us who haven’t been in an accident are having trouble keeping up. Just concentrate on getting well!
There is so much turmoil and flippedy flopping. Dan sucks, sure enough, but Dani just won’t let it go. I don’t blame her for doubting Dan but she brings the ‘you are dead to me’ up all the time, even suggesting threats toward Dan for what he did to her (mememememe) by her brother and father.
Thanks mamamargie and all of you who are reporting the events. Keeping track would be impossible without you. Even with the info clarity is elusive. Who knows who will do what. Lies, lies and dessert coffee about sums it up.
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@Bobo, oh so sorry to hear you feeling that badly. Take good care of yourself and the BB soldiers will keep you in the loop as they do me and so many others. Take care my dear…
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Haven’t posted in quite a while, but I’ve been reading your posts. Thanks for all the updates in inside info everybody. I watch every week and I kinda fast forward some of BBAD. I may hit Joker here and there, but this is where I get my BB info. ‘Preesch! Haha..j/k…I hate that line.
OK, I’ve been backing Dan since day 1. I still am. I don’t care what he does or what he says, he’s playing a game. He can separate that from “real life”. Most of those in the BB house cant seem to manage that. I love that he got himself off the block doing and saying anything to make it happen. He’s smart, funny, and calculated. He may not bring home the big bucks, but I’m down with the lone Renegade!
The bad part, I also like Britteny. Her game sucks, but I think she’s super cute and you gotta love those bikini’s – am I right guys? 🙂 But honestly, she is so funny! Her DR’s and some of the shit she says on BBAD makes me laugh the hardest. For my entertainment, I want her to stay. For the game, she’s kinda worthless.
So, that leaves Dani. She seems sweet, but is an emotional roller coaster who has way too many “OK, this stays between us” type conversations for my taste. I really don’t care if she stays or goes but she in no way should hit final 2.
In the end, I’m down with Dan, so for his game…Dani’s gotta stay. I hope they can pull it off. I gotta say, I love all the action that’s happened as of late. This season was getting a lot of flack for being boring. I’m a fan till they stop airing BB. I’ve watched every minute of every show since day one. I don’t have it memorized like Ian (who could except for him) but since the Boogie eviction…BB14 has been AWESOME!
BTW…is it me or is Ian doing a lot more rocking in his seat and all his weird quirks? Maybe the stress is getting to his anxiety issues? On BBAD he looks like he’s in a rocking chair. I guess that’s why he LOVES the hammock. 🙂
Later folks!
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Boy I hope they show “Dan’s Funeral Speach” on the show, everywhere I go I just get condensed version. I would like to see everyones reaction to his words. As usual whenever something really interesting happens they go to commercial, fish, or just don’t show it at all. Well I think they are going to have to show something, or the public is going to be sooooo confused as to why they took Dan off the block.
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i finally got onto the live feeds and nothing seems to have changed, both
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------girls are still boo hooing being on the block and are driving the men crazy trying to reassure them that each is safe. i’m hoping that frank votes at brit, i think it’s her time to go.
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What happened with Ian’s veto?
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AC!!! ….good to see you here again.
I believe Ian declined to use his veto. He could not take Brit off the block (couldn’t take down a re-nom). So his only option would have been to take Dani down.. then Shane would have prolly gone up. So no dice.
People that have been paying attention….. is this correct? Who had first oprion of using their veto?? Jenn or Ian??
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“oprion” = “option” …at least in my world!
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I’ve been reading the comments since day one and really enjoy this blog. My opinion is though she is funny Brit’s constant touching her face, pulling on her lip, biting her nails is driving me CRAZY! Enough already. Dan is always in the prone position with the smirk in his face in his dirty shorts-and he already has won-someone else’s turn. I really feel Frank deserves to win, he is a great competitor and seems to try to be honest throughout the game.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shane is just plain dumb-without Brittany he can’t make a decision and will be gone soon.
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BOBO – u have the summer flu? that stanks buddy
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BoBo I’m so sorry you don’t feel well. We are here for you.
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@JT, From the talk on BBAD even though Ian had the “2nd” Veto, he was required to use it 1st and he didn’t use it and then jenn used hers. It was the talk of brit and ian last night. Again BB playing for Frank.
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@ Tomi… thanks for clearing that up! 🙂
@Bob…. Hope you feel better soon friend!
@Hannah.. hope you are doing ok after your accident
@Stra… I still haven’t voted… waiting to see what my cut might be. 😛 😆
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Im so confused as to why? everyone else is confused?, lol…..i guess there are only a few of us here that watch the Feeds 24/7 and are not confused as to whats going on….but thank god we have mama and others that keep the non-feeders up to date…….
@BBBloggerGal……after u spelled Brit’s name wrong, now u have almost everyone else spelling it wrong also, lol….Brit is spelled with one T…”Britney”…
@macy…did u ever get the FlashBack to work?…its tricky, u need to have patience with it…just play with it for a while by moving the mouse around it and u will figure it out….
as to update u guys on who’s going home….as of now…votes to evict Brit are: Jenn, Dan, Shane, Joe……Shane has confirmed to Dani already and Joe is gonna vote with Shane….Ian is the lone vote for Brit to stay…so lets see…☺…
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JokersUpdates @jokersupdates
Big Brother 14: Updated alliance chart, good for the next few seconds #bb14 #cbsbigbrother
Get better Mr. Green.
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I am no fan of Dan but what a move – brilliant! I don’t think the boys used Britany last time she played BB, I think she used them and ended up paying the price. —- Ian is definitely rocking more in the hammock, he got too full of himself – now he will pay the price. It’s all in the game.
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Kev11.. that alliance chart should clear up things for those who are confused! 😕
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Ok… I’ll take a stab at clearing up some confusion. But these are just my guesses based on little info.. and little viewing time.. but I did see some key moments the past couple days. (And if I am off base… feel free to correct me HoH8!) 😆
First confusion… why the hell would Frank fall for Dan’s scheme?
Frank had no one in the game. Dan told Frank who the real mole was.. Ian!! And it was believable to Frank based on things he had heard.. and Frank was already thinking it was Ian anyway. Frank needs someone.. anyone to work with. He probably doesn’t trust Dan all that much.. but he really has no other choice in the game… other than to win HOH or Veto every week.
Next… Why did Dan tell Danielle “You Are Dead To Me” (In this game) at the end of the mock funeral?
Dan had to make the rest of the house (Shane, Brit, Joe, Ian) believe that he and Danielle were done. No more working with her. Otherwise they would simply vote her out over any replacement nom. A bit cruel sure… but looks like it’s working so far.
Why would Jenn use her veto to save Dan?
Well… I think she knows she is at the very bottom of the pecking order with the other alliance. Gotta make a move… simple as that. She knows Frank & Dan will dump her as well… but maybe she can get further this way?? And she was tight with Frank from the Team Boogie days. Just trying to roll with someone to final 3.
Why wouldn’t Ian, Shane, & Joe just vote out Danielle?
Because the act is working so far. Danielle is still acting upset.. and really is somewhat too. She was hurt by Dan.. so it’s not a real stretch to act that way still. If Dan & Danielle get caught having the “wrong conversation”… all bets are off and Danielle will get voted out. But as long as the others believe that Dan & Danielle are done… then they see no harm in keeping her… and prolly believe she is still with Shane. And her being on the block now is just an unfortunate circumstance. They see Brit & Danielle as equally loyal… and one has got to go.
Last.. why would Danielle go back to Dan??
Confusion? Stupidity? Poor Judgement? Desperate to be wanted? Low Self Esteem?
All Of The Above?? (I could use some help splaining that girl!!)
Not sure if this is all correct.. or if clears up any confusion… or adds to it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oh well…….. I tried.
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Well I hope Brit can hang in, I would rather see danielle go, she is good at mental and physical challenges, and I don’t want to see dan have any more power, Svengolie works his magic and gets himself off the block, WTF, these people know how dan plays, I really wish he were going 🙄
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Hi Aggie… you gotta admit.. it makes things interesting. 😉
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@ JT
I feel sorry for Danielle in a way, Dan always picks people he can use, she would do anything for him and it certainly is not that way with dan, I don’t like him this season, I thought he was fun with Renny in season 10
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Hi JT, I hate to see dan still in, I hope someone can get him out
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Thanks JT, makes perfect sense to me. Clears things up pretty well. Thanks for the link too. lol
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@HoH8, I’m so happy that you and many others watch 24/7 or should it be 20/7? I just don’t have the time but this blog makes it possible to keep up with the game and all the insider info. Thanks again to all of you who watch and post and post and watch, etc. etc. etc. 😉
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Hi starfish… I thought Kev11’s link to the alliance chart was hilarious… and really not far from the truth! 😆
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Whoops, thanks JT for the correction.
@K11, loved the link and I agree with JT, it prolly isn’t far from the truth. 😀
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@ Bloggergal
What’s Up, some kind of problem with the emails, I am not getting them from this page, PLEASE CORRECT THIS
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hi all, bbad just started and almost freaked out i thought i was watching a scene from psycho with ian (tony perkins) brit (janet lee)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------he has such a crazed look on his face really creeped me out
and brit looked as scared as janet lee
now brit and danielle r hugging and danielle is crying us a river, come on i want to shake the crap of her, what does this girl have for brains slop? drama these 2 are the divas of drama oy vey enough already dani has a job bringing in money some others would kill for and brit is happily married where lots of women would kill for, excuse me but i am so over this drama i am counting the mins till thurs
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@aggie27: So agree. I would love to see Dan go next and I will admire whoever orchestrates it.
@JT: Just sent you an e-mail with some Breaking Bad thoughts. I can’t turn my mind off now. Too many possibilities.
BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Britney to Danielle: “Ian just told me you’re staying, congratulations.” #BB14
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AC is back!
Wishing my dear friends Hillbilly and PK luck tomorrow with Hurricane Isaac heading their way.
Hurricane Aggie is around 24/7…
Not at all happy about Brit being on the Block.
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If I were Frank I’d tread very lightly with Dan and target him next (Try and get Shane, Danielle and Jenn onboard if possible. Remember what he (Dan) did to Ollie in BB10? And remember Jerry’s “Dan is Judas” comment?
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@ K11
I can’t wait till dan goes, but i would not be surprised if that doesn’t happen, he wormed his way off the block, I thought he was fun in his season, I’m not really liking him this season.
About Breaking Bad, OMG, so sad about Mike, Walt is really getting evil, Why the hell would he do that, It really looks like he’s dead, but i guess we won’t know till next time. And if Jesse ever found out, it will be war.
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Glad to see your watching 😆
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Always Ted, so beware 😛
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Ditto everything Ted justwrote. Stay safe guys. and I’m bumming too that Britney’s on the block and likely gone. Like Boogie (with Ian) , she neglected to think someone close to her may (Danielle) have been scheming to get her evicted. At least Britney found out before she left.
And as much as I have trouble liking Mike, respect the way he reacted last Thursday and that he was the only Coach who didn’t hit the button. A 1/4 chance of winning $100,000 is better than the 1/10 (?) chance at the $500,000.
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@kev comment # 52 i think bobo aka mr green was ok before he opened that link must have made him dizzy and ill.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------when i saw it i saw to my self
self what the heck lol
was like a road map these hgs are following going here and there back and forth up and down with no destination lol
jt u splained it all to a t good work my dear, however in danielles case i really think she believes what dan said i know it was a ploy to fool the house but with her complex she believes most of it, she is going to need thepary when she exits the house i am serious she seems to have some deep issues.
looks like shane and joe r going to vote brit out, wonder who is going to flip out first in the jury house ashley or brit.
txs for explanations jt rite on the money
jt prayers still going to denise
hillbilly also prayers still going out to gage, hope he goes home soon and his mom will have to really watch his diet and make sure his meds are taken as ordered hard for a 10yr old
hope u feel better bobo
ciao for now
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@aggie27: Great point about Mike maybe not being dead. Never thought about that. I think he prolly is. As far as why WW killed Mike, I think it may have been a matter of “kill or be killed.” Mike wanted to kill him last season and again two episodes ago so in this blue meth cartel game of chess, I think Walter prolly justtook Mike off the board. Never had a show where I loved so many characters and remembered so many episodes. A tortoise with a human head attached to it that was actually a bomb? A crazy air traffic controller so distraught by his daughter’s death that he accidentally lets two planes collide? And attaching a bomb to a dying old man’s wheelchair to off your biggest enemy? This show deserves so many awards it’s crazy and Brian Cranston is the best actor I’ve ever seen on television. Hands down. Loved Tony Soprano but when I see Cranston interviewed, I’m amazed it’s the same man. That’s some acting. Simpy epic. Will be hollow when it’s gone but expect to watch it from the beginning over at least two more times in my Life. Sorry about the non-BB, BB talk guys.
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@mm: 😉 It game me vertigo too but upon closer examination I found it to be incredibly accurate. We have a very fluid situation in the BB House lately. Has helped take a somewhat bitter taste out of my mouth from this season and I still miss the old days (same with Survivor, The Amazing Race). They’re thinking too much, trying to be too cute. Enough with the superpowers and Pandora’s Box and DR intervention. Justletthemplaydamnit. And no more repeat HGs and can we get away from the stereotypical cast? Right. Prolly not. The Live Feeds, BBAD, ‘Dick At Nite,’ Twitter and this blog are so much more entertaining than the prime time shows although the last two have been really good.
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@JT, u hit the nail on the head….their all a bunch
BB is getting so predictable, they all know about the pandora box, golden vetos etc.. and expect it at certain weeks. It soooo predictable. Come on BB shake it up.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I read a blog and I thought O-ya…remember when they didn’t have a washer and dryer and they washed their clothes in a bucket with a washboard and hose. Or when they grew their food and held comps where they earned their food. They need to go back to the good ole days.
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@JT, u hit the nail on the head….their all a bunch of morons.
BB is getting so predictable, they all know about the pandora box, golden vetos etc.. and expect it at certain weeks. It soooo predictable. Come on BB shake it up.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I read a blog and I thought O-ya…remember when they didn’t have a washer and dryer and they washed their clothes in a bucket with a washboard and hose. Or when they grew their food and held comps where they earned their food. They need to go back to the good ole days.
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Okay I lied. i will try to post another video…even at the risking of going to blog prison. If so, send chhese and crackers and please feed my cat. Justsaw this on Twitter and thought it was worth a laugh here:
Mikian Sellem @MikianSellem
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Big Brother 14: The Trilogy, Part 1: Wil’s Parody of the #BB14 HG’s via @youtube
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Good One Kevin, I always thought will was pretty funny, LMAO 😆
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Hilarious Kevin! Thanks
@Tomi, I agree, CBS needs to go back to the old format or at least change it up. Very predictable. Doesn’t anyone have any imagination for new comps?
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@starfish: They lost their producer who created all those cool comps for like a decade, Mike O’Sullivan, to The Glass House. Hopefully they’ll try to get him back if that show is canceled and they can scrounge up the money….maybe from the profits they reaped from $1 texts for a twist (Coaches back? Yes or No?) they had already come up with THEIR answer for?
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OK just a quick question before I leave for the city. WTF did Ian do that was SOOOOOOOOOOO bad that he is now the evil guy in the house?? Have I missed THAT much or what?
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@ K11…thanks for the Wil video. That was hilarious! He was always good for some laughs in the BB house.
@ JT….you did a great job at clearing things up. Can’t wait for the next chapter. 😆 Inside joke! 😉
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@ K11….I have all the seasons of Br Ba on DVD and have watched every episode twice. As soon as this season is released, I will buy it too. Great show and it will leave an emptiness when they take it off. That show is ‘tight, tight, tight’! 😆 Hard to believe Brian Cranston played the dad in Malcom in the Middle. Dumb show…
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I love Britney and I think she was playing a pretty good game. Dan on the other hand is brilliant! He was able to turn the whole house around and he got himself removed from the block. That in itself deserves to be the winner. I haven’t been able to watch any of the episodes live, but I always make sure I catch it in the morning on my Hopper with the Auto Hop feature. It will automatically skip over the commercials for me, so it gives me time to get ready before I have to head into work at Dish. I cannot wait to see the POV played out on Wednesday’s episode.
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Ian Is turning out to be public enemy #1 in the house, he was drunk yesterday and got nasty, I have a feeling this guy is playing people more than they realize, he’s a pretty smart guy, the I’m weird act, has gotten way over the top. he can act totally normal at times and then goes into the Act. I think he think’s he’s the “KAISER SOSE” of the BB House, house that for a movie reference. Anybody know what movie that’s from? 😆
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@ Aggie …………….. “The Usual Suspects”
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Send both girls home! Both are whiney and I can’t
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------stand their voices. Frank for the win!
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had to share this Jenn doesn’t want to hear Britney talk any more about her being upset she’s nominated. Jenn thinks it’s bringing the entire house down. wasnt it just last week that she was screaming that she was on the block.
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@cheri..dont forget to tell us we need an HD tv to get the hopper..LOL
I really want the hopper….
Brit is funny on Bbad tonight
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thanks, to everyone their well wishes, last night i took a pain pill amd oops slept for over 15 hour
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------is the usual suspects is the movie i think
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Not a Dan fan but he made an awesome move..he now deserve to win for the second time. Cant wait to see Dan turn on Stank and send his cocky ass to jury. Stank is sooo cocky he thinks people want to work with him..Hello everyone but Jenn will try to get you out the first chance.
Sad to see Brit go.
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NEW PAGE UP, Wecome new BBBlogers hope you enjoy yourself, we are a friendly groupe, so dont fell shy
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Thank you all for the well wishes! I have I have Fibromyalgia which gives you pain & Flu like symptoms They I got this from Agent Orange among other things wrong with me! MM you are right I am a klutz ❗ I fell going up my stares last night, flip flop problem 😆 Messed my knees elbow & shoulder! You know what God says he won’t dive you more then you can bare! I think I am getting close to unbearable!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for all the up dates, Trying to get my mind around all that has happened.. Sorry to see Brit go, she is very funny, no real game but I like her, Danie is such a cry baby, I think it’s just for attention! The little guy Ian is a real gamer, As for the rest of the hg’s Not so thrilled with them , but Frank is playing with the wrong guy..Dan! Thanks again….. hope to see you soon..
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Sorry for the spelling..& I have Twice, maybe I am seeing double now 😆
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you be careful, old man and take care of yourself
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From one old man to the other…………. THANK YOU……. 🙄
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-Hey Bobo theres a new page up, you have the body of a ninty year old man, and he doesnt want it back
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I’m sending prayers and good thoughts out to Hanna, Gage, BoBo and all the others that need them. I’m hoping everyone keeps on with the excellent recuperating.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to all the newbies. The people on this blog are the best and you will certainly enjoy your time here.
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In case you didn’t see post #96…
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@Bobo, sorry to hear your doing bad with the fibro. I was diagnosed with it 20yrs ago. But 3 yrs ago they finally said it wasn’t that, which I guess was a good thing, the meds didn’t work anyway. Hang in there.
Im still watching AD brit got it right about frank, he’s not playing smart.
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