8.04 Feed Updates

by Big Brother Blogger on August 4, 2006

BiG BrOtHeR AlLsTaRs
Today’s Events and Happenings-

Danielle wants to put James and Janelle up to ensure that Janelle doesn’t win PoV. (Hmm…does she then think that James will win it?) Meanwhile, Danielle gets her HoH room. It is a mix of a tannish color and brown. Throughout the night, the HG talked about the HoH comp and about what they think will happen next.When they get a moment alone, Danielle and James begin their strategy talk. She tells him her plan is to put up him and Janelle, as she doesn’t want to put up Kaysar, and she promised Howie his safety. She said that James has the votes to stay, and if it comes to 4-3, then he can use his nullify eviction vote pass. James then goes to Marcellas, and he says that he’d keep him over Janelle. Danielle seems to really want Janelle gone, as she feels that she has just controlled the game up to this point.The HG think that they will not have a food competition this week and they will get to pick players at the PoV comp. Meanwhile, Danielle said that she didn’t want to sleep in her HoH bed, so she offered it to the rest of the house. Then, in a long talk with Danielle and James, Will formed a new alliance called the “Fantastic Four.” It contains Danielle, James, Mike, and Will. They all decide that James and Janelle should go up. (But what if she wins PoV? Then what do ya do?)

Janelle and Kaysar say they are very depressed because they are sure one of them will be evicted this week. They talked, along with Howie, about how much Marcellas has changed since the first week. They say he needs to go, along with Danielle. After an extremely long talk, the three drifted off to bed at around 5:45am
 I guess Janelle and Kaysar’s waking up early ended fast since the first HG up wasn’t until 10:30! Ugh…I wish they would learn. Anyway, here’s the info from theis morning in the BB house:Like I said, Danielle and James were the first ones up at around 10:30 AM. Overall, not much strategy talk happened this morning. In fact, the ONLY strategy talk was when Marcellas told Danielle to put up Janelle and Kaysar instead of Janelle and James. A wake-up call came around 12 PM. Meanwhile, Will told Janelle that he will do everything he can to insure that James goes this week.
 Danielle and Kaysar had a long talk about decisions the S6 made when they were HoH. They agree that they will not lie to each other from here on out, and she says that he is the only one that she can fully trust in the house. Shortly after their talk, BB called for an outdoor lockdown. (This was probably issued just to get all the HG out of bed. Some were still sleeping even after the wake-up call. Nothing changed in the house to my notice when the HG returned inside.)Danielle and Marcellas have a talk shortly after BB let them back inside. He tells her that he doesn’t feel that him and Janelle have any sort of agreement. She then tells him that she can’t nominate Howie because she gave him his word. Marcellas then tells Danielle that he will vote the way she wants and then leaves.Mike and Will have a talk. Will says that even though he told Danielle he would vote the way she wants, he wants to turn on her. Meanwhile, James seems upset that Danielle wants to nominate him. Danielle plans to put him up next to Janelle so that he wins PoV and Janelle doesn’t.

Nomination Ceremony:

Danielle nominated Janelle and James…which James knew about even though he is acting p/o’d….. Is it an act or is it for real??



JT (justaguy) September 23, 2009 at 12:16 am

Yipeee!! I’m first!!…. sorry, I just wanted to see what that felt like. It’s really over-rated. I seem to have reached a dead end in the BBBlog universe. I don’t want to build another treehouse here…. just exploring. Maybe if I leave some breadcrumbs, someone will show me how (if) I can get past this cyber roadblock. I’m hoping someone can leave a post-it note at the treehouse that will help me in my travels…. maybe I can’t go any further. can this really be the end for justaguy? can he get past this blockage? will any of his cyber friends come to the rescue? Tune in next time for the answers to these and many more questions on the next episode of... Justadumbass Lost In Space

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JT (justaguy) October 9, 2009 at 8:58 pm

Don’t ya hate it when you travel to the edge of the BBblog universe…. and you drop your damn wallet?!! I couldn’t find that thing at the treehouse anywhere! Thought I’d come back here (17 days later) and check… and sure as hell.. there it was! I guess this roadblock is permanent… fine.. I’ll take my wallet and go back to the treehouse! I didn’t really want to go any further than this anyway! … let’s go, keep it moving, nothing to see here…

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Augustus Cole October 9, 2009 at 10:28 pm

Congratulations, you are Here

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paraphernalia2 October 10, 2009 at 6:10 pm

where are we?

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JT (justaguy) October 10, 2009 at 7:22 pm

Well p2, I’d say we are at a roadblock in time travel. I tried 18 days ago, but couldn’t go back any further. (Remember AC’s post about “Eric The Red” at treehouse 1?). That was his way of telling me I was SOL. Since I came back for my wallet (and of course AC found me here again), AC decided that maybe a picture would help get it through my thick head that I can’t go any further. pssst.. p2, don’t say anything to AC, but see that fence on the left side?… I think I can drive around it… then look up the hill.. see those two tracks? Tire tracks of some kind no doubt.. looks as if someone went for it and made it past this roadblock (Kev11, you over there?!). The right side looks hopeless, but that left side looks very inviting… all I need is an off-road vehicle. The only reason that I want to keep this on the DL from AC is that he must get tired of looking out for me in my travels.. but then again, if I get stuck up there, I’d want him to help me out. Gotta go back to treehouse 2 and kick around some plans…

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Augustus Cole October 11, 2009 at 3:34 am

“Eric The Red” aka the Viking explorer. 😉

LMAO 😆 You know what? I edited out the top of that photo cause I knew the explorer in you would want to know what’s on the other side. But I didn’t catch those tracks till after I posted. And I knew, I just knew you would see them and say something. The open fence to the left is a detour to the SSBlog so you won’t get stuck. 8)

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JT (justaguy) October 11, 2009 at 7:17 pm

So I guess if we have our own little cast of The Wizard Of Oz, now we truly know who the Wizard is…. it was AC all along!! pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!… How does that old song go??… Don’t Fence Me In. Or maybe I’m Truman and AC is Ed Harris (forgot his name in the movie). Maybe if I just keep driving, I’ll plow right through this mirage of the end of my universe. I’ll have to give it some more thought.

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JT (justaguy) October 11, 2009 at 7:59 pm

After further review.. the ruling on this blog has been overturned. JT will take the detour to SSblog and get caught up… some day. Truman did push on and discovered what was beyond his own perceived universe…. but then again.. look what happened when Thelma & Louise just kept on driving. Not good. I believe I have chosen wisely…. this time.

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paraphernalia2 October 11, 2009 at 9:26 pm

definitely put your feet up on the coffee table! everything is meant to be used! even the monogrammed towels!! that’s the thing about having a comfortable home or treehouse. everything is meant to be used!

lot’s of sports talk, sigh. i have two new eyeliners, a base eyeshadow and a new contour color – where is star when i need her!!

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 11:26 am

guys; AC, justa, and star if you’re around we need to talk… k11 if you’re monitoring, please check in to read.

what time works? it used to work about 2pm PT, is that too early for you, justa? AC, can’t be awake at 3am ET – so sometime between 2pm PT today and 10pm PT? i’ll just monitor until i “see” your smiling faces. at least you may be smiling ’til we talk.

if you have a chance, review SS posts from aggie and cynthia from, um, saturday the 11th, or was it sunday, the 11th. sorry, home sick, and no, AC, i can’t tell dates, either. i’m constantly having people in the office, including my boss, remind me that it’s not friday it’s monday. or no, tomorrow is tuesday not wednesday. (no jordo remarks!! – i plan my life around accounting deadlines and p/r and board meetings – i just have a different set of deadlines/datelines i follow.) i really never care what day it is. so many people tell me it’s friday not monday you’d be surprised, or not!!! ok, babbling, leaving. try to meet me here later. please. i promise to bring wine if i’m home – i don’t do beer, that why justa needed to get a big fridge installed in the kitchen.

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 11:30 am

did anyone notice i brought pink and white wildflowers to brighten up the treehouse? no, will not put them in your man room. i think the leather couch, great rug, books and sports memorabilia – along with that huge TV justa was enough. i promised not to make your room girly.

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 11:31 am

TV justa installed was enough (correction)

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JT (justaguy) October 12, 2009 at 1:31 pm

p2, I’m around.. and will keep checking back. I’ll go check out those comments you referred to. I usually like to take things in order, but am not going to spend the time reading all other days to get to the ones you mentioned. More snow today.. the other stuff all melted. This snow is actually covering yards and trees… still too warm for any to stay on roads though.. so that’s good. BBL–

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Augustus Cole October 12, 2009 at 4:55 pm

Anytime after 2PM CT is good for me. I’m not an early person. And why wouldn’t we be smiling after we talk? hmmm, confuses Friday with Monday, that's a new one
Of course we noticed the new flowers. 1 for each Survivor right? 😉 So how many you have left?

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 5:28 pm

hi, forgot to check in earlier – i’m a bad sick person… nope, AC, brought new flowers here. have samoan plumaria on SS site…

anyone around.

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 5:29 pm


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Augustus Cole October 12, 2009 at 6:03 pm

*raises hand* Present 8)

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 6:03 pm

hi sweetie, now if justa can find us….

how’s your day going. i stayed home from work with my blankie and my tissues.

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Augustus Cole October 12, 2009 at 6:10 pm

Took a trip to the Post Office only to find it was closed. Come to find out its Columbus Day. 🙄

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 6:14 pm

yup, my mother called to wish me happy thanksgiving. reminded her (for the 24th year in a row) that US thanksgiving is in November!

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Augustus Cole October 12, 2009 at 6:15 pm

Watching a cult classic “Race With The Devil” (Peter Fonda 1975). Tryna figure out why the hell this movie scared the sh!t out of me when I was a kid.

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 6:18 pm

i’m trying to clean up the mess i’ve made. well several of them but more about that later. the one where i get stressed and order everything in site from QVC and then have to return things. sigh. they don’t like me very much sometimes…. i get letters.

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 6:19 pm

ok, i’m sure justa will show up and read this so you probably want to know why i called this little meeting!

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 6:20 pm

at the risk of being evicted forever from our treehouse, i thought i better fill you all in…

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 6:21 pm

i did a bad, bad, thing. ok, with the best of intentions i apparently screwed up. i do that someimes…

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 6:24 pm

i don’t like this… ok, getting on with it.

you’all know i was worried about k11. he has far more serious back problems than i, and mine have been painful and disabling at times.

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 6:29 pm

well, not being the dumb blonde i pretend to be as much as humanly possible, i gathered all the breadcrumbs and slices of bread along the way and contacted jk by phone.

he had been gone for about 5 days by that time and that is a long time in my world.

he said he was alright, just doing stuff he’d neglected around the house and told me not to worry about him. he didn’t seem to be angry with me, but it was a very brief conversation.

he definitely said my calling him was “not cool” and we talked for about a minute on the social aspects of the blog. he told me again not to worry about him, he was tired of posting for awhile, and i apologized (very sincerely) for the intrusion.

all in all, it was about a 5 minute phone call, and he’s ok.

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 6:35 pm

AC, say something!

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 6:39 pm

justa, you here yet?

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JT (justaguy) October 12, 2009 at 6:51 pm

p2, I just came back from posting/reading at SS blog. I didn’t see this one coming.. I thought maybe you were concerned about some of the comments as to our whereabouts over there.

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 6:54 pm

ok, anyway. as relieved as i was that he was ok, and it was not his back, i felt very guilty about his viewing my call as an intrusion into his personal life. one of the things that has occurred to me is that he may not be contacting people in the tree house because he would prefer not to interact with me, and he has that right.

what i thought might be the best idea would be for me is to let you know he’s ok (as of a week ago yesterday, sunday) and perhaps just bow out of the tree house and post only on SS so that if he wants to be in touch with you guys, i’m not in the way. after all, it was all of you who let me join your club.

if time passes and you’d like to chat with me, you can always leave the same message i left for star, and for you justa, to go see the candle light (referring to one of our very earliest conversations about my collection of pumpkin spice scented candles, etc.)

i think that’s only fair to k11 if he wants to interact with you all without me around.

anyway, i thought i better bring you guys up to speed on the behind the posts stuff and let you all decide. you have all been really good to me and a lot of fun during some tough times.

i’ll check back to see what your verdict is.



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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 6:56 pm

sorry about the “didn’t see this one coming” i don’t use the best judgment apparently, i was SO concerned – having gone through back problems myself. i didn’t act wisely.

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 6:57 pm

and i was concerned about the comments on SS, that’s why i directed your attention there, so you could pop in and say hi.

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 7:08 pm

btw, justa, that’s the second “I didn’t see this coming” i’ve had from you in justa few weeks. can you imagine how many times i heard it from my (now) ex-BF and ex-ex BF?

sorry, justtrying to lighten my mood a little…

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JT (justaguy) October 12, 2009 at 7:09 pm

It actually did cross my mind that a person could look up k11 in Vegas. We know his entire name. Didn’t think you would p2, or I would have tried to talk you down from that one. All in all, I don’t think it’s as bad as you think… he’ll forgive you and realize that you are a true friend.. he’ll come back when he is ready. All those hours that I worked were tough… but sometimes during BB11, it was almost as tough being on there all the time. Everybody needs a break from this at times. I guess you could have let us know that he was ok sooner. I figured it was something like that, but at the same time, it didn’t make sense that k11 would disappear without an explanation. A simple, “Hey guys & gals, I’m blogged out for a while. I’m gonna take a week or two or three for myself….” would have been enough. I tode people here and at SS that I was going to be working long hours and not posting much. I gave my last name… then kev11 did the same on his next post. Mine is pretty commen, and trying to find out which Jeff Taylor I am in the Twin Cities is a bitch!! Just ask people that already know me and are trying to re-touch base!

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paraphernalia2 October 12, 2009 at 7:17 pm

you’re right. i should have “talked” it over with you, and as far as letting you know he was ok, i was hoping that 1) he would pop back on if he realized people were concerned and b) i didn’t want to have this conversation with you all. but you deserved to know how he was and if there was a reason he was staying out of touch.

i’m finding it harder to spend as much time, even in the tree house, as i used to. i hope he realizes that my intentions were pure and i was only concerned about his well being. still, justin case, i’ll give the tree house a break and let the dust settle. i guess part of why i wasn’t too concerned is that i’m easy to find on the internet even without my last name. that’s part of why i wanted to disappear for SS. there are even bad pictures of me from a couple of years ago…

thanks for the encouragement, jeff. i’ll talk to you over on SS. i think one of us should drop in a line that we’ve heard through the rumor grapevine that k11 is ok and justtaking a break, but i think i’ve done enough damage and it wouldn’t sound “strange” coming from you…


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JT (justaguy) October 12, 2009 at 7:31 pm

p2, Now listen here!! You’re not going anywhere. You may have stepped over the reality tv blogroom boundaries.. but no real harm done. What if something had actually happened to kev11? I don’t know who checks on his well being on a day to day basis, but maybe you could have helped. Kev11 and I are alike in so many ways that I am going to risk speaking on his behalf…. p2, You shouldn’t have contacted me, but I do appreciate your concern as a friend. I’m a bit put off, but I’m just a guy… I’ll get over it. I know you meant well. I hope in the future you’ll give more thought to such actions. I guess I could have let people know that I was going to go AWOL for a while. Lessons learned… water –> bridge… Bygones. That would be my general attitude towards the situation.. I know everybody is different.. but I seriously doubt he is staying away because of you p2. You gotta trust me on this until we find out different (I doubt we will).

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JT (justaguy) October 12, 2009 at 7:39 pm

p2, You’re prolly right about posting something about k11 on SS. I’ll throw something in there.

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JT (justaguy) October 12, 2009 at 7:46 pm

I’m gonna jump over to SSblog now for a bit. BBL

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Augustus Cole October 13, 2009 at 3:42 am

Last thing I read was “I did a bad bad thing”… And as I was about to reply that “It was storming really bad, and I hope the power doesn’t go out”…… Then, Zrrrrrr…………………. everything goes black.

So as I’m sitting there in the dark I can’t help but wonder… What the hell did P2 do that was so bad?

1hr goes by… dammit I missed Heroes

2hrs go by… dammit I missed Trauma

missing MNF

3hrs….. dammit i'm getting outta here

Got back about 12AM and whatta ya know, all the lights in the house are on, TV on, Computer off…. Better power up and find out what's bugging P2

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Augustus Cole October 13, 2009 at 3:47 am

Well P2… I’m kinda surprised by K11’s reaction. You said he didn’t seem angry, but that calling him was “not cool”? Hmmm….

Don’t be too hard on yourself though. We know you’re just concerned about the friend you’ve bonded with. Be gentle with her K11, she's a sensitive sweetheart

I too was concerned about him. And I also did a google search not long ago and came up with an Add. & Tele#. Saved it on the computer just in case So looks like we were thinking along the same lines.

I hope you don’t disappear on us now P2. We need our candles and flowers. 😉

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paraphernalia2 October 13, 2009 at 5:15 pm

thank you both! i really appreciate you keeping me in the club.

i know i said i’d stay away for awhile so k11 could come back if i was “keeping” him away but i got a phone call about an hour ago from my sister (who lives justoutside of vancouver). my aunt passed away suddenly this morning at 5am (PT). i am still in shock. she would be 94 in november, but was in pretty good health. like vallerie said, the energizer bunny – she just kept going and going we both expected to have her for another 3 to 4 years! she loved all family functions and was such a sweet soul. she kept saying i wish the Lord would take me home to be with my Fred (her husband who passed away 3 years ago) but she didn’t seem depressed and always had friends around her.

she went to sleep in her own bed (natural causes) and she is now reunited with her Fred. i’m just in shock and my sister is on her way to tell my mother in person. (87 years old.) my problem is i don’t have my passport yet and i’m not sure how i’ll get across the border for the funeral or to see my mother. i’ll work on that tomorrow – i can’t really think straight right now so if you don’t hear from me it’s just reality pushing its way into my life.

i just wanted to let me “tree house family” know…


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JT (justaguy) October 13, 2009 at 7:33 pm

Sorry to hear about your loss p2. It sounds like she had a pretty full life.. more than most get. Hope you can straighten out your passport situation in time. Please feel free to post at the treehouse when you come back. We can’t have one of our own wandering around out here. Best wishes…. Jeff.

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Augustus Cole October 13, 2009 at 11:12 pm

Wow, sorry to hear about your aunt P2. Thats the call we all dread to get. The loss of a loved one or close friend is always tough no matter what age.

Umm, about that Passport. Did you check in your purse? J/P 😀 Hope you find it. We’ll be here when you get back.

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paraphernalia2 October 14, 2009 at 11:03 pm

Augustus, i have no idea how you managed to get me back here through the door (porthole in cyberspace), but thank you.

and thank you for your understanding. i actually thought Val was calling me to tell me daddy had passed away – he’s 92 and in very poor health.

but, i noticed at the top of this page JT was the first to post with his “yippee” i’m first message. does that mean that he was wrong about this tree house being me wandering about lost in cyberspace. CAN justa BE wrong?

how do you do that cyberspace magic you do, AC? can you fix our company’s website? we have someguy who plays in my bosses band (Yambique) african-cuban jazz, who touches it up now and then when (as a 20something professional musician) “feels” like it…

am i asking too much? you can tell me, i have a tendancy to um, push (overrun, invade, disseminate) people’s boundaries, sometimes without even noticing….

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Augustus Cole October 14, 2009 at 11:33 pm

No David Blaine magic here. I’m no pro. I just mess around with the “href=” html tags. I do a lil practicing here 8)

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paraphernalia2 October 14, 2009 at 11:53 pm

AC, you are the master!

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paraphernalia2 October 15, 2009 at 12:13 am

see you on SS

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paraphernalia2 October 15, 2009 at 7:07 pm

icky day tomorrow, family viewing. holding my breath…

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JT (justaguy) October 15, 2009 at 9:54 pm

Hope things go ok for you p2. My sympathies are with you. 🙁

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Augustus Cole October 17, 2009 at 12:41 am

Thinking about you P2. Hope to talk to you or your alter ego soon. 😉

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Augustus Cole October 17, 2009 at 11:58 pm

JT. Any ideas on how we can get Cynt. here? She’s a cool chick. I think her and P2 would get along fine. And Star too once she gets back.

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Augustus Cole October 18, 2009 at 11:08 am

Hey P2. Seems we have a Treehouse on wheels and its now parked in a new spot. Oh, and we have new guests. So no need to leave any more posts here (don’t reply here). Just come to the new “treehouse”. I’m leaving the door open for you. 😉 See you there. 😀

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