Post-Mortem: What Did I Just See?

by soonerryan on August 9, 2007

Whoa. Wow. Wild. In the matter of two days, the Big Brother 8 house went from despising Eric, bringing the 27-year-old New Yorker to the point of tears, to voting to evict Kail.

And as the votes were being cast, did you think Eric stood a chance when the tally was 3 to 1 with Dick, Jen and Zach voting to evict him? I didn’t.

However, behind the scenes, Dustin masterminded a plan to keep the LNC leftovers on track, giving them the best chance of unseating the other half of the house, particularly Dick and Daniele.

First, Dustin convinced Amber that evicting Kail would strengthen them. Amber soooo wanted to eliminate Eric from the picture, but she swore on her daughter’s life. And even though Eric threatened to tell Amber’s dark secret regarding her pregnancy lies, all of America knows it now given the editing tonight.

Of course, those of us with live-feed access (seriously, if you’re a fan and don’t have this, c’mon … ) knew about the secret, the betrayal and the attempted recovery long before tonight’s eviction went down. Nevertheless, it was never clear whether Dustin, Jameka, Amber and Jessica would stick to their strategy or word, whichever was most applicable.

Moments after the vote, evel Dick started in on Dustin and then on Jameka. Somehow, I think Jameka might be one houseguest willing to stand up to Dick, who by the way was portrayed very nicely on the show tonight. Not only is Mr. Donato truthful about his connections in L.A., they all say he’s a good, stand-up dude.

Then Jessica wins an HoH and her top damn nearly comes right off. Shame.

Kidding aside, she bear-hugs Eric as Mr. Stein pumped his fist in joy, proclaiming later that he’s taking applications to finally play for the Power of Veto.

It was the most suspenseful vote to date. It was tense, and I think the foursome made the right choice for THEM. By no means do I think this whitewashes some of Eric’s questionable moves, but we have to give him a little credit for not messing it up further for himself.

On the other hand, one of our posters noted that the Diary Room Voice was workin’ it on Eric’s behalf (did somebody record this?), which makes me wonder whether CBS will have Eric do anything too terribly controversial from here on out.

Finally, what does this mean for the houseguests this weekend?

Let’s just say, I’m recording right now. Dick is ready to blow up something fierce, and while he’s not my cup of tea, he makes the show so much interesting. I said it last week, and I’ll say it again: He is a reality-show legend in the making.

Expect to see E.D. well beyond this show. Doesn’t mean I like the guy or approve of the way he treats people, just proclaiming what I believe to be his greatness in terms of game-play and entertainment value. One commenter compared him to Dr. Will earlier this week, and we all poo-pooed it.

But might they be right? I still say Dick has this house in the palm of his hands.

What makes things right now so volatile and interesting is that, in a much more subdued and “deceptive” way, so does Dustin. So, at this point, I think we have the Dick faction, and we have the Dustin faction.

In whose camp are you? Dick or Dustin? Or do you think another houseguest is actually pulling the puppet strings right now?

Stay tuned tonight. Stay tuned Friday. Stay tuned this weekend. We’ll post updates and live-feed videos and all the shenanigans, blow-ups and collective madness. In the meantime, Amber is actually sticking up for Eric (6:22 BBT), which could only mean that the Big Brother house is turning upside-down yet again.

By the way: I think — my kind-of-educated guess — is that Jessica nominates Daniele and Jen, one of them wins the PoV and Dick gets back-doored. Or, Jen and Dick go up and Daniele gets back-doored.

i love eric August 9, 2007 at 8:32 pm

daniele is now crying to dick saying she wants to go home, what a fucking baby.

by the way- i just got a facebook msg from eric’s brother saying “help save eric. vote dick.”

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Lawguyinla August 9, 2007 at 9:07 pm

THIS IS AWESOME! Exactly what should have happened. Hopefully, Dustin & Company understand that getting Dick and Danielle out of the house is the best thing they can do for themselves and this vote sent a clear message to Dick that is NOT the boss of anyone. I can’t wait for that asshole to be voted out of the house and get what he deserves. There’s now strength in numbers, just like Dustin said. With Jessica in the HOH position, the path is paved for the D&D 2LiveCrew to be split and one of those bitches sent packing. Jamika, keep praying!

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ESPIE August 9, 2007 at 9:49 pm

YEAH FOR ERIC!! I am so happy his behind was saved this week. He did make a horrible move but overall he has not been a bad player and I like him there. I so can’t wait to see Daniel or E.D. leave the house. I still wish the house could hear how wonderful those 2 talk about each and everyone of them. As for E.D. he thinks his crap doesn’t stink. He loves being a bully and is so not what he preaches when he once stated this house is full of good people and that he would never attack anyone the way he did Jen. HELLO, Eric, Dustin, and now we can only wait to see how much his crapy words contriDICK himself. Can’t wait to hear and see more!

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Darlene August 9, 2007 at 10:33 pm

Eric is creepy! He needs to go soon!
Listening to the DR tapes will not reveal too much on E.D. – he said it all in the house. However the rest of them……….. the DR tapes will say LOTS about them!

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Robin August 10, 2007 at 12:21 am

Yes I knew Eric was going to stay in the house at 1:19 AM when amber came out of the diary room and told dustin the diary room was encouraging her to keep eric. She released Dustin from him promise and the rest is history. Way to go CBS you ruined the Big Brother experience for me and I’m sure many others. I hope someone in the house sues you for a whole lot of money!!!

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mookie August 10, 2007 at 1:22 am

i can’t believe what freaking losers these people — dustin, amber, eric, jameka — are talking shit in the hot tub. what a bunch of hypocritical liars. amber is an anti-semite. jameka probably too. they were all freaking deluded and fell for eric’s crap and they should be ashamed of themselves. instead they talk crap about the only person who is being honest. dick is the only real one there. all you people are american idiots.

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Frank August 10, 2007 at 2:21 am

Mookie…I agree with you……freaking deluded idiots!

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Frank August 10, 2007 at 2:24 am

Man…those self proclaimed Christians sure have nasty mouths! Jamika and Amber are hypocritical scum bags!

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Shenanigans August 10, 2007 at 10:20 am

I can’t wait to see the look on ” The Girls ” faces when Dustin turns on them. Strategically he is playing smart. Rid the house of the guys and use Amber to pick off the ladies. Pity he will not have the votes from sequester. I would rather the “Weasel” (Eric) win than Dustin. However I don’t think either of them will have the sequester vote.

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What? August 10, 2007 at 11:08 am

Since when are Christian’s not allowed to get mad? Especially when someone is in thier face 24/7 pushing all thier buttons. Only one perfect person I know of and we all strive to be like him, not proclaim to be him. Never heard either of the girls say they were perfect. Sad how easily you stick up for someone because of thier religion and blast someone BECAUSE of thier religion. Now who is a hypocrite?

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Darlene December 8, 2009 at 9:22 am

Eric is creepy! He needs to go soon!
Listening to the DR tapes will not reveal too much on E.D. – he said it all in the house. However the rest of them……….. the DR tapes will say LOTS about them!

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