Jessica Wins HoH

by soonerryan on August 9, 2007

Moments after America’s Player Eric was spared eviction, Jessica wins an HoH question-answer game based on diary room sessions.

Her first congratulations? A big, giant hug from Eric.

Your reaction? Who will she nominate? Who should she nominate?

i love eric August 9, 2007 at 7:59 pm

She SHOULD nominate Dick and Daniele. Will she? I doubt it.

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Marie August 9, 2007 at 8:02 pm

I’M IN JENIAL!!! I wanted Jen to win so badly and I can’t believe Jessica won!!I think she’s going to nominate Dick and Daniele as well. I hope she will nominate Eric—LIKE HE SAID SHE SHOULD— and Dustin. Dustin was one of my early favorites, but after that lie, he is not one of them any more.

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bb August 9, 2007 at 8:02 pm

I hope and pray that she will nominate Dick and Daniele.

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Marie August 9, 2007 at 8:02 pm

Oh yeah and that hug from Eric was super creepy. He totally creeped on her.

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Jewels August 9, 2007 at 8:03 pm

I think she should nominate Jen and Zach and then back door Danielle. That would be hilarious!!!!!

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i love eric August 9, 2007 at 8:04 pm

i think the lie from dustin will only help eric. maybe now daniele might have some doubt that the phantom vote didn’t come from eric.

now the real question – how long until the live feeds are back up?!

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Jewels August 9, 2007 at 8:05 pm

Do you think Eric wants to be nominated so that America can’t tell him how to vote?

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BrokenCD August 9, 2007 at 8:06 pm

I would like her to nominate Dick and Amber.

I did like Amber, but she let her true self show this week. I can’t feel sorry for her anymore… Not for what she did, but how she ripped into Eric. I was ok with it, until she said “I HATE YOU!” …. And this from a self proclaimed Christian? Ha! Also, she could easily betray Dustin. Actually, I expect her to betray him…

And I think Daniele would be worthless without ED. He is doing everything for her… She just sits back while daddy does all the dirty work. Then says things like “I hate when people relate me to my father.” But, then she doesn’t do anything to stop him. She NEEDS him to do what he does, she knows it.

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Tranna August 9, 2007 at 8:07 pm

Why don’t people like Dick and Danielle? Did I miss something?

I totally want to see Eric and Dustin gone.

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Jewels August 9, 2007 at 8:10 pm

Broken CD I totally agree with you about Danielle.
I don’t see Jessica getting rid of Amber while she is still voting with her. If Danielle got put up and evicted ED would like implode. I’m telling you good TV

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Amy August 9, 2007 at 8:12 pm

Easy…. she should put up Dustin and Eric. Get rid of one of them that creep out me. If Amber doesnt see right through Dustin this time. Then she deserves everything she gets.

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Taylor August 9, 2007 at 8:13 pm

If she’s smart she’ll nominate Daniele and Jen and back door ED. Jen can win Veto again and make another sacrafice to the point where no one will vote for her to win BB8 because she’ll have nothing left to win. So if no one’s going to let Jen win, with Jen gone, Jessica can back door ED and after that Daniele will be gone without her daddy to protect her.

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i love eric August 9, 2007 at 8:18 pm

everyone hates dick right now.

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Tranna August 9, 2007 at 8:23 pm

I don’t hate Dick.

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Lisa August 9, 2007 at 8:24 pm

I don’t hate Dick. I’ll tell you what, I would feel safer with Dick behind me that any ONE of those losers!!! Dick is REAL! No, I don’t like some of the things he does – but I genuinely like Dick. He’s not even the “type” I would date as I usually have dated jocks, LOL. He’s no BS and I like that!

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EllenT August 9, 2007 at 8:28 pm

I’m sure she will go with the LNC and put up Dick and Danielle. I can’t wait until they (Dustin, Eric, Jessica, Jameka, and Amber) have to start turning on one another. I personally went from supporting them to not being able to tolerate them. Dustin is such a liar! I’m sick of him and his drama and Amber’s crying! You have to admire Dick, at least he shoots from the hip and you know where you stand with him. I’m actually really liking Jen at this point!

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Lucy August 9, 2007 at 8:42 pm

How can you say Dick doesn’t BS — look at all the ripping he did into Zach and Jen — then this week they were the best of friends! I can’t stand him — I hope Jessica puts up Danielle and Dick and Dick leaves — can’t wait to see big freak-out fest with Danielle!

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Lisa August 9, 2007 at 8:47 pm

WOW Ellen, I’m on YOUR page!!! Well said!!!

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Tranna August 9, 2007 at 8:55 pm

I don’t know when it happened, or how, or WHY, but I find myself cheering for Jen, a little bit.

I never liked Eric. Puh-leeze “You can’t spell America without Eric”…cheesy. He’s an overpleaser.

I’d like to see what Eric does if America tells him to get Dustin on the block. Will he still be AmErica’s player? Whatever. I never liked the “America’s Player” twist. If Eric weren’t that player, he would be a wallflower in the house and none of us would be writing about him, except to say vote him out. He’s boring.

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Lisa August 9, 2007 at 9:03 pm

Well, Tranna, go to and select Big Brother, and vote for Dustin – I did.

I’m watching Dick comforting Danielle and I’m thinking maybe the ONLY reason the two of them are there was for them to find their relationship again. If I were Dick, I would take myself off the game and go home. I think it would be a farer game at that point and leave Danielle to figure it all out herself. As long as Danielle knows Dick will be on the other side of the “wall” when it’s all over. I think Danielle is totally emotionally drained right now. I know I would be. I could NOT live in an atmosphere with this level of deceit and lies – never in a million years. Think about it, for 8 weeks NO ONE can trust anyone and it’s only going to get worse. These KIDS are a poor example of what is REALLY happening out there – it’s an embarrassment to all the younger people in the world.

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Keldawg August 9, 2007 at 9:06 pm

Nominate Dick & Danielle. It is a safe bet for Jessica because she doesn’t have any enemies right now, why stir the pot for her sake?

I don’t hate Dick either, I just think he strikes below the belt a little too often, when he doesn’t get what he wants like a 3-year-old. Jen is still in this as well, I think everyone should remember she knows and is friends with Dr. Will & Boogie, she knows what is going on.

I agree with you Tranna about the America’s Player twist also. Eric has only been part of the spotlight because of America gettin’ him in to trouble, I don’t know if he would totally be boring though, I think he would last longer than he will this time around.

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Argath August 9, 2007 at 9:19 pm

I don’t get how some people can say they would rather have Dick behind them b/c you know where he stands. Mmmm he has done a complete 180 with Jen to get her support, HE was responsible for getting Nick out after using him, anyone who doesn’t do what HE says he flips out and acts like an A..H… towards them etc…
Yeah Dick is SUCH a good person to have backing you. I am not a Dustin fan but he is actually doing what is in his and the LNC best interest at this point.
Danielle is just a whiner, Amber I can’t stand, Jessica is finally showing some game with her HOH victory, Jen shows signs of being a bright girl and then…. well need I say more, Eric is caught between a rock and a hard place but he has become a little too shifty and that will come back on him, Zach I kinda feel sorry for as no matter what he does nobody wants him, Jameka is cool but needs to start looking out for herself more and Dick well at first I liked his directness but now I think his name describes him well (I wish some past players would be there right now as they would put him in his place.
Get rid of Dick then Danielle or Jen, then Zach or Amber and then let the chips fall where they may!

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Lisa August 9, 2007 at 9:39 pm

God, Argath, you made my point for me, thanks!

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Argath August 9, 2007 at 9:42 pm

My pleasure Lisa!

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Lisa August 9, 2007 at 9:49 pm


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dicksadick August 9, 2007 at 11:25 pm

dick needs to be taught that he isn’t running everything. BooYahh!

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beta August 10, 2007 at 12:17 am

Its time for D&D to go, I hope everyone in the house realizes that. Its not about who is liked and who is not, its about survival at this point. Get rid of D&D, Jen (who might just win if they don’t), and Zack. Then if they still hate Eric let him be the first one out when its time to start picking off your own. Now I don’t know if anyone has the guts, but if they are smart they would get rid of of Dustin after that… he has too much power, even if its in his own head. The only person strong enough to get rid of him at that point would be Jameika and Jessica but I don’t know if either is up to the challenge. Eric is a player, like him or not, so maybe keep him to lead the get rid of Dustin charge then get rid of Eric after that… wouldn’t that be a joke on Dustin!!!

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Robin August 10, 2007 at 12:24 am

Jess will nominate Dick and Dani but she should nominate eric and dustin.

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Chris August 10, 2007 at 9:34 am

I want Amber and Jameka to leave which I know is not happening (sux). If Danielle and Dick are gone i think the house is gona get boring. Dustin, Jessica, Eric, Amber and Jameka remind me of the nerd herd from BB6.

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Ronjj August 10, 2007 at 10:08 am

This should not even be a question. Dick and his vapid daughter should go home! Dick first because without him controlling his daughter, she will whine even more and fall apart. The following week if the group can stick together, it will be Daniele’s turn to be sent home.

But, the way things have been going in the house, I am not sure we can count on anything.

Bottom line, Dick and his daughter have to go! They are a blight on the house.

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Ken August 10, 2007 at 3:44 pm

No question – it should be the two worst snakes and Bit**** – Amber and Jameka – Amber is a compulsive lier as well as a flipped out drug addict and Jameks with her all her bible thumping has proven to be as foul mouthed as any whore on the steets. Let’s keep the interesting folk and hope for an Eric/Dustin finalle!

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Chris August 10, 2007 at 6:17 pm

If Jessica played smart, she would nominate Dick and Jen and then try and backdoor Amber. I know this probably sounds weird seeing how everyone wants Dick and Danielle out, however she should try and keep Dick till the final 2 because several of the current houseguest, whom shall eventually become the jury would not give Dick their vote and therefore Jessica could win it all. Plus she really should flip over to the D&D Jen and Zach alliance anyways because honestly have you seen her group? Really do they have a chance of winning any of the competions with Danielle and Jen still around, not really. Together Jen and Dani have won the most competions.

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erin August 10, 2007 at 11:49 pm

I love Dick he is the only real humor in the house! And all his stories were backed up on Thursday’s show when they interviewed all the musicans that know him. Everyone else in the house is lame. Amber and Dustin are ridiculous. Jameka is a bit to religious for the public eye. Jessica is up Eric’s ass and is a liar. Eric is a creep. Zach is lonely….. Daniele is smart. Like I said Dick and Daniele

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D&D August 14, 2007 at 12:22 am

Jess nommed Dick (my hero) and Daniele (whiny coat-tail rider). Dick won veto and saved his VERY lucky and ungrateful daughter. Eric — without whom we can’t spell America (gag) — did his job; his lobbying helped Dustin become the replacement nominee.

Frankly, I pray Dustin goes. As pleased as I am with him telling off homophobic Kail and as sorry as I am that he had to go through the Joe experience, he’s a creep and needs to vanish.


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Jewels December 8, 2009 at 9:22 am

I think she should nominate Jen and Zach and then back door Danielle. That would be hilarious!!!!!

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