HoH — We’re Down To 3!

by soonerryan on August 2, 2007

It’s 7:34 BBT, and we’re down to three as Jessica came off the endurance challenge, citing pain in her arms. She said her legs were ok, but hanging upside down on the bar was rough on the upper body as well as the lower body.

Eric really encouraged her and looked very disappointed when she got off the swing.

Odds are Jen or Kail will be HoH, which will make for a very volatile week … unless Nick’s departure and the likelihood of a letter from Kris pushes Daniele to the win.

Stay tuned.

kendy killman August 2, 2007 at 10:15 pm

do have any news yet on who is hoh

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Lisa August 3, 2007 at 4:11 pm

Danielle is the HOH. I’m assuming you already know. BUT, they are NOW realizing what a HUGE mistake they made voting out Nick. They could have had Kail out then Jen this week and the DEED would be done! Kail could JUST maybe get another free ride next week – very very very strange. Eric is about to be blown out of the water as well as Dustin who is a weisel!

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