Did Danielle Make a Move Too Soon?

by BBBlogger on July 27, 2011

With Rachel as HOH, Danielle thought it would be the perfect time to try to get the Rachel/Brendan duo to go after Jeff/Jordan. This would benefit her by not only keeping Dominic around, but getting out one of the four veterans. Unbelievably, Jeff and Jordan are again chosen for the Veto competition. I really don’t like this new setup. It leaves too many players with absolutely no chance to compete in too many competitions.

The Veto competition involved spelling the longest word by finding letters in a pool of bubbles. Dominic wasn’t trying to win the Veto because he told Rachel/Brendan that he wouldn’t win. What an idiot. You would think after 12 seasons of Big Brother that every single contestant would realize that the only way you can win is to WIN. Continuing their terrifying BB house reign, Brendan wins the Veto.

Dominic approaches Shelly to team up with him and Danielle to work to get a veteran out and Shelly runs right to Jordan and tells her everything. Of course, Jordan runs straight to Rachel and Brendan (with Shelly in tow) and the doodoo hits the fan. The end result is the two duo’s are closer than ever and they are going straight for Dominic with Danielle not following far behind. I’m not sure if Danielle really planned out her strategy or if keeping Dominic around because she likes him influenced her more and made her screw up.

Not at all surprisingly, Brendan doesn’t use the Veto. Dominic is so stupid. He really thinks that his deal with Brendan and Rachel is going to keep him in the house. Adam keeps his mouth shut and is hiding below everyone’s radar.

At the end of the show, they announce that there will be a new twist coming. What, oh what could it be? I sure hope it livens things up a little bit. Have a good Thursday! Bloggergal

Justaguy (JT) July 27, 2011 at 11:15 pm

Oh sure.. now a new page! 😆 Thanks Bloggergal! 😀

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starfish July 27, 2011 at 11:19 pm

Great a new page! 😀 Right on top of things Bloggergal! Thanks.

Looks like Dom is first up and Dani second. At least for now. 😉

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starfish July 27, 2011 at 11:19 pm

JT, numero uno! woot woot

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aggie27 July 27, 2011 at 11:22 pm

HEY You two, do you camp out in these place, How about letting me be #1 for a change 🙄

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Tomi July 27, 2011 at 11:23 pm

Danille got a little twitterpated with Dom. And inturm made a really bad move. She should have told Dom to let her handle it. He has a big mouth and a cocky attitude and now he may be on his way out.

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aggie27 July 27, 2011 at 11:25 pm

(1) Dom
(2) Dani

At least I hope it works out that way, Dani is a good competitor.

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Justaguy (JT) July 27, 2011 at 11:37 pm

WTF is going on with BBAD.. it got stuck twice now.. and last time I had to see Brendon’s face on my screen for 5 minutes. 😮

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starfish July 27, 2011 at 11:44 pm

@Tomi, “twitterpated” LMAO

@Aggie, I hope so too. They were too obvious and pushed too hard. I was rooting for Dani but she blew it big time.

See ya all tomorrow!

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Star July 28, 2011 at 12:21 am

Ok…ROUND 2!!! Why isn’t my name on the blog?? I sent and it said to fill in name and emai alnd of course, my blog was NOWHERE to be found..GRRRR!!! I have been OL WAAAAYYYYY too long today!!! Need to do this and give it a rest!! My eyes have gone all blurry and visions of BB is swimming around in my head..lol Oh wait…that’s BBAD…lol

OK ..aggie..totally agree!! Starfish has gone from never here to …wait..u r actually Bloggergal, aren;t ya??LOL (WE know who U R Bloggergal…J/k!!!)lol
I got the notice on FB and I am still 8 behind right now!!!lol

Are we voting to evict???
I vote to evict BACONHEAD….. Errrrr…..ADAM!!!

I want to see the newbies Do something as a group and shake things I got heh notice on FB and I am still 8 behind right now!!!lol
up!! And all Adam is going to shake is his ass as he hides under whatever is handy!! I am SO over floaters for this season!!! I’m in NO mood!! We need action and drama and I want it NOW!!!!lol

aggie..what is your 1&2 up there?? who you want out????

And HEY JT!!! Mr. I’m not here all week but I can still be #1 on any old new blog..lol

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Star July 28, 2011 at 12:24 am

Ok..there is something seriously wrong with this puter!!!! A couple lines got completely taken out of context there! FB has been freezing up all nite too. I am going to go change puters……

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Justaguy (JT) July 28, 2011 at 12:34 am

Hi Stra.. LOL. What can I say.. right place right time! 😆 I just got on here finally and posted on the old page.. then POOF! a new page! LOL

Timing is everything I guess.

I watched some more of today’s big house meeting.. I’ll have to catch the rest tomorrow after the live show. It’ll prolly be endurance.. so maybe I’ll watch Friday.

But I WILL get caught up! 😀

Nite all……. ZZZZZZzzzzz……..

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Justaguy (JT) July 28, 2011 at 12:36 am

And PS, my BBAD is still messed up.. it has frozen many times. Not sure what is up with that. Anybody else having this happen?


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tendr July 28, 2011 at 1:08 am

I’m fine with Dom leaving. I liked him at first but he’s just too dumb and can’t keep his mouth shut…same with Dani. I wanted Dani to hook up with J&J but when she wanted them out I gave up on her.

Sometimes being passive and quiet IS the way to play.

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justlookin July 28, 2011 at 1:10 am

Lmao! I love that Dom tore Franklin in half!! And hid it back where someone else hid it. Oh I am ROTFLMAO!

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Jake July 28, 2011 at 1:12 am

Jeff is playing King of the Mountain, and suddenly I’m losing all respect for him. Too bad.

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justlookin July 28, 2011 at 1:12 am

I still have hope that Dom stays. Looking forward to the show tmrw!

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justlookin July 28, 2011 at 1:15 am

I like Jeff and Jordan but I don’t want them to win only because Jordan has won b4 and how many reality shows have they been on now?

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Ted July 28, 2011 at 1:21 am

I think ★ has had a little too much caffeine today…

And JT, first again… hmmmmm….

★fish… did you notice Rachel had on the crackle gold nail polish this time?

‘Twitterpated’… I like that too… good one… sounds Shakespearean to be sure…

Dom’s naiveté is showing in his trustfulness… I’d like to see the guy stay, but I’ll have to go along with my girl from Chicago. Adam, for being the seasoned BB aficionado, I think is dazed and confused… not knowing how to play it. I was thinking he was being sly and keeping a low profile, but I think he just does not know what to do.

Shelly does have a deep voice. Everyone has commented, but tonight it was really obvious to me… all those cigs sure can’t help, and I’m sure she has been at it a long time.

So right, Bloggergal… the only way to win is to win. Dom could be relaxing right now instead of sweating tomorrow’s vote.

Big Twist… Keith, Cassie or both showing up tomorrow night?

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Ted July 28, 2011 at 1:26 am

Hey tendr… what’s up down your way? Do you still have that ornery little dog? I wanted Daniele to team up with J&J too… she went the wrong way and will pay. Although, I don’t think she will be out all that soon. And, you are right… nothing wrong with being a floater, as long as you float the right way…

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justlookin July 28, 2011 at 1:28 am

Twiterpated from Bambi lol! Love it!

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Ted July 28, 2011 at 1:33 am

Jake makes a good point… Jeff is acting like he is entitled. He needs to ratchet it down a bit, but I don’t think that’s in his tool box. I wouldn’t mind seeing him win. I think Jordan is my favorite so far (not to be confused with my thinking Daniele is the sexiest), but I don’t like to see repeat winners here or on Survivor. My order of winning would be Daniele then Jeff.

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justlookin July 28, 2011 at 1:35 am

I didn’t realize Dani was friends with B&R b4 this season. I understand why she went that way I guess. But she would have been much better off with J&J. However she would only get to final 5 with them. At least if she works with the newbies they have the numbers to get out the couples if they win some comps. At least the game is really getting going now.

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Ted July 28, 2011 at 1:37 am

Well, I guess everyone’s gone to bed, except the Left Coast… where’s ★fish and Miss T?

Oh Hey justlookin… ‘twitterpated’ is from Bambi??? Well so much for Shakespeare… Although you have to admit it sounds so. So who said it… the skunk? Wasn’t there an owl… that sounds like something an owl would say.

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justlookin July 28, 2011 at 1:40 am

I agree about two time winners. I kinda like seeing new players not return players but then I wouldn’t get to see my favorites come back. So I’m a little split on that subject. If ED was still in the house would I be rooting for him? I don’t know…. Maybe he will be back next season and I’ll find out Lmao.

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Ted July 28, 2011 at 1:41 am

You are right justagirl… although I would never doubt you, you know that… I googled ‘twitterpated’ and guess who said it?

1. the happy jumpy feeling you get that causes you to smile uncontrolably.
2. the way birds and other animals act during mating season (as seen in Bambi)
1. Vianne gets twitterpated when Marcos touches her cheak.
2. “The birds gettin all twitterpated,” said the owl. (Disney’s Bambi really is a good movie.)

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starfish July 28, 2011 at 1:42 am

@Ted, yes I noticed her nail polish tonight. Had no idea it was called “crackle gold”. How do you know these things? Did you have 7 sisters?

@Star, I know, I can’t believe I’m on so much myself. I’m having a grand time tho. Great fun! I’m waiting for my hubby to say something about sitting in front of the puter so much lately. Caffeine, really, is that it?

@tendr & Ted, I too wanted Dani to hook up with J & J but she’s smitten with Roachelle for some reason or is it star struck? No reference to our star tho.

Ok, now I’m going to bed. ciao

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justlookin July 28, 2011 at 1:42 am

The wise old owl said twitterpated.

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Ted July 28, 2011 at 1:43 am

If Evel Dick Donato was still in the house, I would definitely be rooting for him to win… past winner or not.

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justlookin July 28, 2011 at 1:45 am

Lol @ Ted! I have an 8 year old daughter. I’ve seen Bambi a few times recently. 🙂 I love that you Googled it to cool that its really got a definition!

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justlookin July 28, 2011 at 1:47 am

I think I would be too cuz I love him so damn much!

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Ted July 28, 2011 at 1:49 am

Actually ★fish, it’t probably ‘Ritas’! I’ve bought many bottles of nail polish for my girls… related or not… one of my favorite things to give. Have you ever seen the confetti one? Very expensive and absolutely fabulous!

Well… I don’t want justlookin to get too ‘twitterpated’, so I’ll turn in now… see everyone tomorrow…

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justlookin July 28, 2011 at 1:49 am

If I was in the house I so would be sabotaging Rachoe’s food! Lol

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justlookin July 28, 2011 at 1:51 am

Lol goodnight Ted

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justlookin July 28, 2011 at 1:53 am

Ok I believe I am alone here lol so I shall go to bed also. See you all tomorrow.

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Star July 28, 2011 at 3:27 am

JT..hope your BBAD probs clear up..sounds like your cable provider to me. And do watch all of the high jinx from this afternoon on the LFs,when you get time. Best BB of the season so far!! Bout time too, I might add!!

Ted & Starfish….NEITHER actually!!! lol I was hyped up, but not on anything consumable. Just HIGH on life..lol Actually, I was OL WAY more than normal today and was literally blurry-eyed and kind of cybered out.
And Starfish….if Star is mentioned on this blog then it IS referencing me…or US….lol I think we could have that affect on Dani, absolutely have her starstruck…don’t you??;)

Long day in the virtual universe so off to bed.
Morning all who come after!!

Peace OUT!

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aggie27 July 28, 2011 at 3:56 am

Hi Star, The 1 and 2 I have up there are their major targets, I hope Dom does go and nothing happens to change that, Dom and Dani are trying to change their mind, but I think they will stick with the plan. Boy, the Vets really hate Dani, If she can’t get HOH she is #1 on their hit list, she really screwed herself, I don’t see her lasting. And Kalia, they really can’t stand also her days are numbered. Tomorrow is exciting I am so hoping Jeff can get HOH, and he would put Dani’s Butt on the block, KARMA DANI

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aggie27 July 28, 2011 at 3:59 am

Hi Starfish, Yes i thought Dani was playing well at first, Now that she wants to target Jeff, I hope she is gone soon.

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Princess July 28, 2011 at 5:14 am

I can’t help think that Dani is playing with her libido. First Nick then DomiNick. Sad but seems to be true. What a fantastic game this could have been if ED was able to stay. But it’s time for Dani to grow up and learn that her father really IS the brains of the duo!

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Dom July 28, 2011 at 6:36 am

The Vet’s are in control. Danielle move may have work if Dominic knew how to play the game. As a result of his poor play he done, all done and Danielli is the the odds on favorite to be next. Team J&J are working like a clock, like them or not they are playing the game well as everyone in the house don’t like or trust Rachel/Brendan. The newbes should try to find a way to team up with Jeff/Jordan. That is the mistake Danielle and Dominic made or the game maybe diffrent at this time. The vet’s at this time are odds on favorite to make the final 4, however, if porsche and Shelly play their cards right and make a more to team-up with Jeff and Jordan then Rachel and Brendan could be done. Time will tell…

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Sondra July 28, 2011 at 7:41 am

I can’t stand listening to Rachel and now Brendan is becoming just like her. Shelly is playing a great game. Low key, but powerful. Lawon is doing absolutely nil along with Kalia and Porsch is nowhere. Adam is another one who just eats…eats…eats.
Jeff and Jordan are the nicest two people in the house but I think I would like to see them do more about playing the game. It doesn’t matter how many shows they are on, if they deserve to win then so be it.

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PK July 28, 2011 at 8:05 am

Shelly has been a snake since day one in the house. Fortunately for her, nobody has heard her hiss since her voice is so low. But a snake is still a snake as Keith and Cassi now know only to well.

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pam July 28, 2011 at 8:21 am


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Colleen July 28, 2011 at 9:54 am

Yeah, this season has been pretty boring to this point and having to watch so much of Brenchel has been simply torturous! New group lack any cohesiveness and fight and with so many floaters, there’s a serious lack of game play. So glad I didn’t sign up for feeds this year!

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Jane July 28, 2011 at 9:55 am

Okay this is what i’d like to see… tell me if anyone is with me…

Dom goes home tail tucked behind buttcheeks. Then, as much as Dani has been sucking at gameplay… I’d love to see her win HOH! Talk about Housequake!! That would be so awesome and would really shake things up!! I don’t like her gameplay this season and she’s a bit blah but with Dom gone I would love to see her get her own game on!

Does anyone know Dick’s status? Even though he did a tweet here and there… could he be coming back??? Could Cassie??? OMG only the two of them would be what I want to see as a returning player. I’d have to hang myself if it were Keith.

Also side note and a bit of self promotion. Those who are on my FB may have seen it this morning… but I am going to Rapel down 19 floors of the Hyatt for the Charity Special Olympics at the end of August. But I need your help. Even 10 bucks gets me closer! I have to raise 1,000 bucks and I can do it by then with a collective effort! You can donate here and have your name in scroll if you click the box under donation, it will show on my blog (you can see my blog by clicking my name on post above)… go here for donations: http://sosc.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=478823&lis=0&kntae478823=0D070A07073442E4B535F706ED12CA64

Okay back to game… anybody with me on the Dani HOH scenario?

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Nette July 28, 2011 at 9:57 am

IDK That Kieth just makes Me Laugh so much!!! When He gets in the Diary room and starts talking with those BIG EYES looking at You. He’s so dramatic!! lololo…Yep, Dani screwed Herself…see ya Dano…..

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Jane July 28, 2011 at 10:05 am

Nette he does have beautiful eyes but he’s a weirdo with a capital W. I kinda feel bad for him though because he has some inner struggles. Either he is really gay and hasn’t come out the closet… or he had a rough childhood being teased as a church boy and is trying to hard to be the “popular kid” at his age. Hmmm.. maybe both? Poor guy. I actually feel sorry for him. He tries way to hard and its painful to watch.

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Jane July 28, 2011 at 10:17 am

LOL JT!! Glad you liked my “If I were in the house” comment yesterday!

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DonnaP July 28, 2011 at 10:44 am

Dani has to win HOH tonight or the Veto, otherwise she will be gone.
If she wins HOH the power will shift and maybe deals can be done cuz J&J might not trust her right now but they know they need help to kill the Monster that is Brenchel. It would be so great if when Dom opens to door to leave the alarm goes off and he gets to stay..that would be awesome.

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Ted July 28, 2011 at 11:05 am

Hi DonnaP… what’s with the alarm going off? Have they done that before? How would it work… cool idea, but would it be legal as far as interfering with the game?

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Ted July 28, 2011 at 11:07 am

Okay, Miss Self Promotion… always a good cause and I would absoultely love to see you screaming down 19 floors… I’m in.

Hey PK… yes Shelly is a snake… and a good one… that’s what it’s all about isn’t it?

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Jane July 28, 2011 at 11:11 am

Thanks Ted!! Here is the correct link to go directly to me and my son’s Autism in Long Beach Donation page: http://sosc.kintera.org/faf/donorreg/donorpledge.asp?ievent=478823&supId=332330288


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Ted July 28, 2011 at 11:14 am

Thanks Miss T, I was just coming here back to find what name you were under… I can’t remember that long one that starts with a G!

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justlookin July 28, 2011 at 11:20 am

Jane no ED will not be back this season. 🙁

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justlookin July 28, 2011 at 11:22 am

Jane how would I add a pic on here?

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macy1231231 July 28, 2011 at 11:29 am

Hi yall! That $39 bucks i paid for live feeds was paid for in full yesterday! just happened to turn mine on during the middle of brendon and kalias arguement that started all those fireworks – LOVED IT brenden told shelly early that morning that he was going to unleash on kalia. of course it was shelly that fueled that fire. saying that kalia was playing both sides and she never cooks or cleans a thing. (prob the one that is trashing the bathroom and shower too)

i dont usually comment a whole lot – so u can see yesterday FIRED ME UP!

Kalia and dani in the have not room – aaaaallllll day yesterday – paaleeeze gimme a break – thank goodness for fast forward…

who do yall want to win hoh?

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Jane July 28, 2011 at 11:39 am

macy dontcha love it!!! LF rock!

OMG Ted thats a generous donation!! Thank you!! Pray for me haha! I’m totally scurred but if I can bungee jump I can rappel right? OMG Rappelling is soooo much slower!

Just looking click here to add your gravitar pic on BBBlog: http://site.gravatar.com/

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Ted July 28, 2011 at 11:41 am

Macy… what time was that? I want Daniele to win.

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Ted July 28, 2011 at 11:47 am

JustLookin… check your fb inbox (this is the accepted Miss T form of communication)

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Ted July 28, 2011 at 11:49 am

Oh JL… I see Miss T has beat me to it! 😆 Of course the resident computer expert here is PK, so you may wish to direct your queries to him next time.

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Ted July 28, 2011 at 11:51 am

Miss T… Yes it is… you have 19 floors to think about getting smashed into the concrete waiting for you below…

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DonnaP July 28, 2011 at 12:39 pm

Hey Ted,
It happened before, where an alarmed sounded as the evicted hg tried to open the door to go to Julie. Anyone recall this?

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DonnaP July 28, 2011 at 12:43 pm

“alarm sounded”. wth

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Jane July 28, 2011 at 12:43 pm

Hey Ted thanks dude lololololololol! So I’ve decided I am going to wear an Autism Superhero Costume Cape and all bwahahahahaha! And i bet I will still be more exciting than the BB house. I am going to get a flip cam this weekend and document everything the prep (i have no upper body strength need to start hitting the weights… not strongman kind, i mean bitchazz 10lb ones), the making of the costume, and the journey to doomsday lol!

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Jake July 28, 2011 at 12:48 pm

WIN Danielle! It will do wonders for this season.

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Jane July 28, 2011 at 1:45 pm

Jake i’m kinda with you.. i have a fodness for the underdog… i would really love to see floater Lawon take the whole thing and have everyone be bee-fuddled.

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Betty July 28, 2011 at 1:57 pm

So much drama on the last page! 😆 I will be glad if Dom leaves the house tonight. He reminds me of a stupid 16-year-old, trying to talk the talk and running his mouth. That guy really doesn’t know how to play the game and if he had kept his mouth shut to Shelly he would not be in the position he is now. Should Dani win HOH tonight one of the other four other vets will definitely go home. It will probably all come down to the POV, which Rachel will probably win, as she is so good at challenges.

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Betty July 28, 2011 at 1:59 pm

Jane so glad to hear your comment about Lawon. I know not many people on this blog like him, but I think it would be great if he won!!

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PK July 28, 2011 at 2:54 pm

Hey PK… yes Shelly is a snake… and a good one… that’s what it’s all about isn’t it?

Not if she came into the house hoping any one of the newbies, herself included, would ever have a realistic shot at winning $500,000.

Ideal scenario for Buck. The Vets thank her for being so stupid for trusting them and telling them everything the other newbies have been saying and planning since day one, but with only weeks remaining in the game, it’s time to let the maid go.

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TT July 28, 2011 at 3:26 pm

I want to know more about the conversation between Brendon and Kalia, what exactly was said and what brought it on. I don’t know how many people have LF this year, but either nothing is happening or you guys sure aren’t commenting on it, or (another “or”) I’ve missed it.

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BBBlogger July 28, 2011 at 3:56 pm

I opened up the diary room on a new post! Please cast your vote to evict!


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starfish July 28, 2011 at 4:31 pm

@Jane – done!

@Ted – nail polish aficionado. Okay, what polich would you recommend for a 3 year old. I’m going to visit next month and she likes me to polish her nails.
@TT, I too would like more info on the Kalia & Brenchel battle. 🙂

Me too, I would like to see Dom go and just for giggles have Dani win HOH. The only prob with that is she’s aligned with R & B and would prolly put up B & R and if they didn’t win POV, one would go home. I would like to see both B & R gone before J/J.

I vote to evict Dom and I’m going to vote right now.

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Nette July 28, 2011 at 5:06 pm

I vote to evict the 25 yr old virgin….ahhh that would be Dumbinic???
lolololol……I’m betting the twist is Play on Your own..no partners. We’ll see tonight!!!

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Jane July 28, 2011 at 6:19 pm

Starfish!! Thanks soooooooooo much… hugs and kisses!!

I have LF if anyone has the time I can Flashback to look at it. I totally missed it!!

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starfish July 28, 2011 at 6:28 pm

Oops, I mean Dani would prolly put up J/J from my comment 71.

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Ted July 28, 2011 at 6:58 pm

I’ll give it some thought ✩fish…

Have to go vote…

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celina15812 July 28, 2011 at 7:08 pm

i vote to evict dom

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marie July 28, 2011 at 9:07 pm

who won hoh

Support our blog by signing up for the BB22 Live Feeds via CBS All Access
marie July 31, 2011 at 11:13 am


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