Is it Big Brother or the Brendan and Rachel Show?

by BBBlogger on July 24, 2011

Watching Brendan and Rachel is torture–pure torture! Big Brother this is not the Brendan and Rachel show! Enough is enough.

I saw your comments, so I know how you felt about the “star” David Hasselhoff appearing on the show. I agree with all of you. Pushing a CBS show instead of giving the HG’s a real luxury was very self-serving.

Rachel and Brendan’s faces when Jordan chose Kalia and Shelly to accompany her for the luxury was so fun. They really think they are King and Queen of BB and it was good to see them get knocked down a peg or two. Of course, I think that it wasn’t the smartest move on Jordan’s part. If Brendan and Rachel get pissed off enough, they will put Jeff and Jordan on the block.

But, Brendan and Rachel don’t go against the alliance and Rachel nominates Adam and Dominic. I really like Dominic so I’m hoping he finds a way to get out of this and stick around the BB house. I guess we will see on Wednesday. G’nite all! Bloggergal

justlookin July 24, 2011 at 11:12 pm

Well said bloggergal well said!

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justlookin July 24, 2011 at 11:49 pm

I so hope a newbie wins hoh on thursday and puts up b&r. The pouting and crying and fighting I’m so sick of it.

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luv2shootpics July 24, 2011 at 11:58 pm

Try #2
We need a newbie to win HOH to get things stirred up ……… also, I believe this is the last week pairs get nominated as a team!

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Soapsudz July 25, 2011 at 12:51 am

Agree about way too much B&R. I am very tired of Bren talking down to Rach all the time. At bedtime he was again ripping her over inviting Porche to a sleepover…and turns right to “aren’t you going to give me a massage?” I believe he thinks of himself first in all situations and then maybe Rach. He seems to be very immature, spoiled, self-centered and definitely marriage material. Hope through this season on BB13 Rach will see him for who he is and give him a toss. Their faces at not being chosen for the viewing was priceless.
Favorite moment of the evening: Rach & Jordan and the BEE. What a hoot. And then several HGs get involved in watching the BEE. Great camera coverage CBS. In case you didn’t see it…check out Flashback, 24th about 9:10 p.m. on camera 3.

Getting tired of Kalia’s actions and game play. Send her home soon.
No more PINK shorts on a male please, also tired of orange for this summer. And I loved that he’s from IllinoiS….be sure you pronounce that S on the end…a true native. Exum Out Entertainment, that’s some business title.
Sure am ready to see the newbies playing the game and less of the vets.
Wow, sorry, didn’t mean to write so much. Night all.

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justlookin July 25, 2011 at 1:09 am

I worry that Dani is in trouble. I think she really messed up tring to get the couples against eachother.
I am very sick of Kalia and her non game play.
Buck is a sneaky snake wow! Hey Ted did you hear they named the bee after you? Lol. Ok goodnight and good morning all 🙂

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starfish July 25, 2011 at 1:20 am

Thanks JT, I figured out the blue name for Sal.
I would like to see a newbie win HOH too but right now Dom or Shelly are the only ones that even come close to really playing. That’s providing Dom survives elimination. If Brenchel put up J/J, I think the whole house will turn on them. We’ll see who wins POV. Roach wants it “I have to win POV so I can have control” Yes B is mean to her but she plays the stoopid game right along with him. They deserve each other. Too much drama and I’m tired of watching them battle. Too bad everyone else is so boring.

Thanks bloggergal, you hit the nails on the head.

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Judie July 25, 2011 at 1:43 am

i think king and queen will back door j and j now that they have put up dom and adam….only hope one of the j’s can win he veto…..

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tendr July 25, 2011 at 1:44 am

Jordon’s not as dumb as everyone thinks she is. I wouldn’t have gotten ‘the Hoff’ as the answer and it was so cute how Jeff trusted her to have it yet he said “I don’t know how she got the answer out of that first hint” made me laff.
I know JnJ are prob not anyone’s fav but i’ll always like them as my all time fav.
Wish Daniel would side with them instead of r n b tho.
I don’t mind anyone floating by. In fact I think it’s funny when they do.
I also cheat at cards.

If J or J or daniel doesn’t win i hope Shelly does.
yep, uhhuh.

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aggie27 July 25, 2011 at 2:50 am

Hi Justlookin, Star, Tendr, Sal, I was so glad that jordan didn’t try to suck up to B&R by picking them, they just think they should get everything and unfortunately it could be really hard to rid the house of the stench of B&R, I bet one of them might be there in the end. dani ,has probably screwed herself by hanging out with Dom too much they know she wants to keep him for her own benefit and are smart enough not too allow that. anybody that pushes too hard like Dani, will just end up screwing themselves, she will probably end up gone as well. Have a good one all, peace 😀

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aggie27 July 25, 2011 at 2:52 am

Oh By the way Starfish, I could not bring myself to get Beef Jerky at the store It look like something my sisters dog would eat. 🙄

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Fiamma July 25, 2011 at 5:30 am

I hate Rachel’s lips…do you think she’s had injections?

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aggie27 July 25, 2011 at 5:31 am

Brendon And Ratzo, did have sex last night, pigs, can never wait very long 🙄 🙄

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marie July 25, 2011 at 6:25 am

im so sick of rach whinning if she dont get her way poor me poor me every body is so mean to me. Get that b**** out enough is enough. the look on her face last night when she didnt get picked was pricless loved it

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Elisa July 25, 2011 at 6:57 am

Can’t get into there forum what is up with that? I am looking to cancel Showtime two and turning off BB, What the heck is up with these producers, did anyone want Brenchel back? God didn’t we suffer through them last year???? They have ruined the show for me! I swear if Rachel puts up Jeff and Jordon, that’ll be all this girl wrote, I’ll be turning it off. I wanted Cassie and Dany to get together…what a damn shame the green eyed monster created yet again……….I want the next group to be Yah Rachel America still hate your wacko asss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Elisa July 25, 2011 at 7:00 am

What the heck?? I want the next group to be all of the folks voted off early from past seasons!

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anne July 25, 2011 at 7:00 am

everyone is commenting on how much they hate brendan and rachel….have u all noticed they r why u r posting!! ppl would have nothign else to talk about!!!! if they do ever get kicked out of the big brother house, the house would be pretty boring… name one other person who is actually entertaining in that house besides those two…..

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aggie27 July 25, 2011 at 7:17 am

Ok Here is what happened leading to the SEXCAPADE. Ratzo is in the bathroom covering up her face with Zit cream, and also overplucking her brows. she comes out of the bathroom and starts taking off her pants, she is now in leopard print bikini undies, that are hardly there, and Brenda says, PLEASE DON’T SHOW YOUR CRACK ON TV. Then she starts whining about him being mean to her. They both get in bed. then Brenda has a GAS ATTACK, And He Keeps telling Ratzo not to smell, apparantly she likes the smell of his FARTS. 😯 Then they start making out and before you know it. sound effects included, 15 min of action. Then Ratzo is snoring about a minute later. 🙄

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mike stover July 25, 2011 at 7:54 am

OH,Aggie I was trying to eat, but after hearing about that, no more food for me, now that will be in my mind all day

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john July 25, 2011 at 8:01 am

send rachel packing please she is such a whiny needy biatch what brendon sees in her is crazy

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Dom July 25, 2011 at 8:07 am

Rachel and Brendan can still backdoor Jeff & Jordan but at this stage of the game it is not a good move. Plus Dominic is a big threat to them. Thier best move is to geat ride of Dominic which may then give them more control over Daniele as her options would be limited and would have a hard time finding a partner. Note I to believe Rachel and Brendan are onto Dominic and Daniele. Time will tell.

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DonnaP July 25, 2011 at 8:42 am

Yeah the Roachel and Brenda show is getting to me too. . it’s getting a bit boring with the cocky vets having all the power. It will be so good to see them squirm when the power shifts to the newbies.
Dani is in trouble right now but don’t count her out just yet cuz she is a powerhouse when it comes to challlenges.

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pam July 25, 2011 at 8:49 am



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marie July 25, 2011 at 8:55 am

well i hope j or j get veto and get dom out

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bigbubbabronson July 25, 2011 at 9:31 am

Marie, Brendan has veto. Brendan and Rachel are awful, all around awful. I just crack up each time I see their antics and then hear the whine about how America hates them and they want a diff. “image”. Well then, BEHAVE differant! Shame on CBS anyway for making it the Brendan and Rachel show. They pouting and weird uncomfortable sage the showed on TV was ridiculous and I can’t help to think that they couldn’t have edited something ,anything but the two of them, GAG me! I sure hope for a good twist this week and I sure hope it is NOT an evicted houseguests return.
HG’s better recall Dani’s season, she is a spit fire in comps, they haven’t had to see it or remember since she has the golden key. So, if you want BB gameplay (not just our fav’s staying/going) you gotta get rid of Dom this week. I like him, actually rooting for him to win, but gameplay, you gotta get him out. Singles come, he and Dani in an alliance, watch out!

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bigbubbabronson July 25, 2011 at 9:31 am

not sage, SAGA!!!!!

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Bob July 25, 2011 at 9:51 am

For God’s sake, get B & R out of there! Both were crying last nite. They have got to go or I will! Is there a MAN in the house???

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double m July 25, 2011 at 10:03 am

i can’t believe how much compassion rachoe had for the bee but does not come even close to having for a fellow human being, u all may call me cruel but if i was there and saw the bee would have grabbed a book or stick and smashed it to bits then whisked it off the table, i do recall how nasty their sting can be, come on give me a break enough of the R&B show, so sick of them, as for the newbies how can they expect to get some power if they all cower to the vets and say yes sir yes madam do they not realize their time is limited? have they not watched the show? i am losing patience quickly, i am pulling for dom he seems to be the only one who is trying to play the game and not glide along on the coat tails of the vets, and please let cassie come back in full make up. the look on rachoe, porsche and dani would be like the credit card “PRICELESS”, please keep the live feed updates coming i do appesch, and thanks to those of you who were kind enough to answer my grand daughter becca when she asked why is dom called pt, you make her day
ciao for now
double m, 2

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justlookin July 25, 2011 at 10:40 am

I’m not sure who posted about getting Dom out to see Dani play the game but I absolutely agree! But I would like to see someone that will go after r&b. It will be like last season that they will win when they have to. I noticed on bbad lawon was sitting on the couch outside with Jordan and buck just listening away. Absorbing every word said. If he is smart he will use that info to help himself. I must have missed something big that they don’t trust him. All I saw was him sticking to his word. If anyone knows what happened there can you help me understand? Ok have a great day.

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Amc July 25, 2011 at 10:53 am

Watching Big Brother is painful. Rachel is ridiculous and Brandon is spineless. I thnk they lost me this year

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Betty July 25, 2011 at 11:20 am

I am so angry with Dani and Dom that I could spit nails! To see them suck up to Rachel and Brendon was sickening. I did happen to read that Brendon has won the POV. I really did not want to know about that, as I don’t have BBAD or the live feeds, but no matter, as this is what this blog is about. So miss smarty pants Dani, if they backdoor Jeff and Jordan (Jeff being the one leaving) who the hell do you and Dom think will put up R&B? None of the others have won any competitions.

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Amy July 25, 2011 at 11:22 am

Dom is the one to watch – he is smart and conniving – if Rachel is smart she will get him out NOW!!! If they don’t get him out – he can easily win!

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bdawg July 25, 2011 at 11:29 am

I am so over Rachel and her egotistical, childish non-sense. I honestly cannot see what Brendon sees in her. He is in for a life of pain if they end up getting married. Gawd! It’s actually difficult for me to enjoy BB this season because I can’t stand her face or her voice or her behavior. She sickens me. She doesn’t add any positive qualities to the show, the drama that she creates is not the fun kind of drama that keeps people watching – it is just repulsive. I hope she is gone in the next week or two, because I don’t know how long I can stand it.

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kustardpie July 25, 2011 at 11:41 am

OMG, I am so sick of watching and listening to Rachel whine and cry. I hope when (not if) she gets evicted it is before time for the jury so she can go home and watch the season and read the comments here and see that “YES RACHEL, AMERICA DOES HATE YOU”. I certainly hope that they dont’ backdoor Jeff/Jordan this week but it wouldn’t surprise me. Other than those 2 couples, the rest of the house is pretty boring. I’m hoping that once they go to individual play, things will be more interesting.

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Jane July 25, 2011 at 12:23 pm

Double M… so true about the Bee Compassion… Beefuddling!

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Ted July 25, 2011 at 12:42 pm

Hey Everybody… Something weird about watching BB @ 8 in the morning. I was too tired last night to give it the undivided attention the house guests deserve. Catching up on work and tv shows… watched 2 TrueBloods back to back… that’s a great show that our resident Vampire Aggie turned me on to. Anyway, it was fun to see what everyone watching the feeds has been talking about. I thought it was very funny when everyone hid from Rachel. Her expressions are priceless. Especially when Jordan didn’t pick her. I got ‘watching soaps’, but don’t know how Jordan got Bay Watch. Dom snoring and Jeff’s reaction was pretty funny. I agree with everyone that he’s a smart cookie and will go far if he avoids eviction. It always cracks me up when they talk about ‘floaters’ as being a bad thing… hey, they are still in the game.

Look no further than anne’s comment (#16) as to why Rachel and Brendon are on BB for a second time. I think (at the risk of heresy here) that what everyone fails to accept, is that the ‘hard core BB fanatics’, represented here and elsewhere, are only an infinitesimal part of the CBS viewing audience for Big Brother. That is why we are subjected to Rachel/Brendon and The Hoff. I see nothing wrong with promoting another CBS show… it was entertaining and I thought well done. I am not a big Hoff fan and never watched Knight Rider, but I know many viewers have fond memories of him.

I loved Rachel’s gold nail polish, and thought she looked very regal reclining on the HOH bed. Like Cleopatra!

I would, however, like to see other house guests from time to time, and not just Brendon and Rachel.

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Becca July 25, 2011 at 12:59 pm

omg lmao @ ted and i quote
I loved Rachel’s gold nail polish, and thought she looked very regal reclining on the HOH bed. Like Cleopatra
well tedster to me more like

Jane, that bee scene was just too much for me it was a toss up who i wanted to smack more rachoe or the poor bee.

ciao tedster lol
double m M2

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DOUBLE M July 25, 2011 at 1:01 pm

ooh sorry ted do not want to confuse u, had beccas name on here oh ok i did sign double m have to change that, i know how confused u get

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macy1231231 July 25, 2011 at 1:16 pm

Bren talkin to racho about her behavior is like peeing in the wind – somebody in last post felt sorry for her. do i NOT. im tired of wasting my time hating on that woman. o well.

lawon is going to be so sad when he sees the tape of kalia bashing him right after he gets through saying “i feel safe when i see kalia talking to other people, we tell each other everything” o brother.

yall think we can gather up some reward money to pay tony soprano to kind go in the bb house to scare brenchel into leaving voluntarily? ah come on!

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Diana Howey July 25, 2011 at 1:17 pm

For the first time since BB started, I am tempted to stop watching……I HATE R & B so much. They have to be the most obnoxious people in the world; they deserve each other. There are so many things about them that are disgusting… everytime B says anything to her about her behavior, she pouts and crys like a little girl, playing up the sympathy card, poor me, and he falls for it every time. They absolutely believe this is the R & B Show. If thre is a God, they will be booted off soon. Loved how upset they were that Jordan didn’t pick them last night…..though I agree that it might not have been a smart move on J’s part at this point in the game. They are going to do their best to get rid of J&J as soon as it benefits them the best.

I couldn’t have said it better myself….WHEN DID THIS BECOME THE R & B SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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B B Fan July 25, 2011 at 1:25 pm

Not sure about the rest of you, but I miss the comps where people won stuff. Trips, money, a movie night, leotard and whatever. Those were fun to see who would win and then who would steal someone’s prize. Having to watch a new TV show with a has been actor just doesn’t seem like a prize or something I would want to win. Does anyone agree?

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Ted July 25, 2011 at 1:37 pm

Well I missed The Bee, and have no clue what that’s about, but if, as justagirl (#5) says, they named it Ted, than I can only say the house guests have shown excellent taste.

Would love to watch Betty spit nails!

It is interesting to see the clothing (costumes) being worn by the house guests. I am sure it is like Survivor, and the producers are dictating what is to be worn, and probably supplying most. Some are wearing college shirts on occasion… Rachel seems to have a different college on every time. I’m sure that Yale must be very proud of their spokesperson… every time Lawon opens his mouth. So the question is, did the producers give him and Rachel the shirts? Brendon is wearing UCLA, which is his school, so that’s okay, I guess, but I can’t imagine UCLA is too happy.

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Ted July 25, 2011 at 1:42 pm

Double M… what in the hell is going on??? You can be confusing just being yourself… not to mention posing as your granddaughter.

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bigbubbabronson July 25, 2011 at 2:01 pm

Still no word on veto ceremony? Shouldn’t that be done or soon to be?

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marie July 25, 2011 at 2:21 pm

so has brenda used the veto or not

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luv2shootpics July 25, 2011 at 2:25 pm

OK, i’m only half way thru the comments and wanted to remind everyone that Brenden and Rachel were actually voted in to game. About a week before the show, CBS have 5 or 6 pairs from the past and America got to vote on who they wanted back, annnnd somehow they were one of the three voted in!!!!

PS – live feeds on trivia …. veto ceremony must be in progress!

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Tammy July 25, 2011 at 2:26 pm

I’m not a rach/brendan fan but you all have to admit they keep people watching. i see allot of people here quoting word for word what rach/brendan say but I don’t see that happeing much for the other hg’s. When will veto comp be done? rach won’t put j 7 j up she is a chicken lol

Ted I see now how you feel about Rach lol

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TT July 25, 2011 at 2:50 pm

Well, I’m back from my saturday dinner and some “Ritas”! Did I miss anything?
I remember those day’s when they had contests and gave cars and $ and trips, that was fun, and more interesting to watch than B&R pouting or fighting, plus it sometimes brought people together and sometime caused a rif. CBS has just gotten cheap over the years. I don’t even like the slop idea, PB&J was good enough, this isn’t Survivor, you do not need to half starve these people. (don’t get me wrong, I love Survivor, but they are in the jungle not L.A. and that is part of that game) .
I think Dani is shooting herself in the foot, with her trying to inflict her will on people. Kalia won’t shut up, getting to wonder about “Buck”, Adam is showing too many how much stuff he knows about the game, Lowan is going to run back to Dani and Kalia with the conversation he was listening to from Shelly and Jordan, Porche well we know who she is. And that is how I see it, the end.

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Ted July 25, 2011 at 3:04 pm

My prediction is that Brendon will not use the POV. I would love to see him do so, and Rachel put up J&J. However, I would hate to see one of them go… I would much rather watch them than Rachel and Brendon. (They both can give lessons on how be in the DR) But… something needs to start happening on this show.

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Donna July 25, 2011 at 3:33 pm

I titally agree about Brendan and Rachel. I didn’t like them last year and I almost threw up when I saw them come back this year. She is the most obnoxious person to be on this show and I have seen plenty obnoxious people on this show. She is fine as long as she is getting he way but if anything happens not to her liking she cries and pouts and throws a fit! Brendan better think twice and maybe a 3rd time before he really marries that girl. He’s constantly apologizing to her and sucks up to her bad moods. ANd this is BEFORE the marriage. They won’t last a year IF they get married. I am pulling for Jeff and Jordan again. I think they are the sweetest couple. But Please someone, when you get the HOH please put up Brenchel, please, please, please. Thank you

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Mare July 25, 2011 at 3:52 pm

Not only is Rachel more pathetic than ever, she is getting uglier!!! Brendon is so whipped and needs to wake the hell up. She is playing him!!
If Jeff and Jordan were smart they would have put them up last week when they had the chance!!! GO HOME BRENDON AND RACHEL!!
No one likes your immature behavior!!!!!

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Ted July 25, 2011 at 3:52 pm

Brendon did not use the veto.

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mike stover July 25, 2011 at 3:55 pm

I was wondering why no one said anything about who Porche thought the guest was, Michael Jackson doesnt she know he is dead, but Racho told her to say that

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Ted July 25, 2011 at 3:58 pm

Michael Jackson doesnt she know he is dead… That is Hilarious Mike! Who knows, maybe she doesn’t.

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Ted July 25, 2011 at 4:06 pm

@ Starfish… Type I am most attracted to: 13 ~ Daniele, 12 ~ Annie, 11 ~ Natalie. Most Beautiful in All Ways: Jordan

My favorite House Guest ever… Rachel!!!

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TT July 25, 2011 at 4:10 pm

If she doesn’t know MJ is dead, how long has this girl been in the house? Of course she maybe doesn’t know who MJ is.

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nykole July 25, 2011 at 4:12 pm

Anything yet regarding the veto ceremony?

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TT July 25, 2011 at 4:13 pm

Ted, if you like Roach, do you also like ED? If not why not.

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marie July 25, 2011 at 4:22 pm

Glad brenda didnt use the veto

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bigbubbabronson July 25, 2011 at 5:41 pm

Ted-didn’t I read you just came onto the BB game last yr? So you don’t get an all time BB player vote, LOL!!! Watch all 13 seasons, then get back to us on the vote!!!

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Ted July 25, 2011 at 6:20 pm

Correct bigbubbabronson… although I watched about 5 episodes of Season 11 in preparation to watching Season 12, per JTs advice. I didn’t watch the whole season, as I had to watch U-tube segments and it was too much hassle. You will notice that I said My favorite ever… so my choice is based on what I have seen so far. I have watched Jordan very closely on BB and TAR and think she possesses an inner beauty to match her outer beauty. She is also very smart with good common sense… though that’s not how she portrays herself. If I wanted to comment on all the seasons, I am sure Alison Grodner would grant me special dispensation to do so, as she has valued my suggestions on how to make BB better… ie: bringing back Rachel and Brendon.

TT so glad to see you made it back safely from Magaritaville. Please note: I said Rachel was my favorite house guest, not that I liked her.

As for ED, assuming you mean Evel Dick, I was very excited to see that he would be on the show, and see what all the fuss was about. All everyone could ever talk about was Evel Dick, even when he wasn’t on the show last year, he was constantly referred to. I liked what I saw… and that’s exactly how I would play the game.. minus the tats and piercings.

And, to cut Porsche some slack, which no one seems willing to do, she may have forgotten that the celebrity would appear on the show.

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Ted July 25, 2011 at 6:29 pm

Just checked the feeds, and now Lawon is accusing Dom of trying to throw jim under the bus. Jeff was having a hissy fit over it earlier. You’ve got to love the live feeds… 4 cameras ~ 2 images…

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TammyToo July 25, 2011 at 6:57 pm


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Ted July 25, 2011 at 7:56 pm

This is great… Porsche and Rachel are doing streching excersises in the yard, and teaching each other their routines. Shelly and Kalia are power walking around the yard… reminds me of when people do that on the ferry, endlessly walking around the boat… so annoying. What the Hell!!! They have cut to Jeff laying in a hammock doing nothing… Oh Good, it’s back to the girls… Rachel just said “our butts are going to look awesome’! I know everyone will be interested if they have live feeds… 6:48 cameras 3 & 4. There are two cameras on Dom and Daniele whispering in the bedroom. Daniele is flirting a lot… maybe she will try to ‘pop his cherry’, if he really is a virgin, although I think he may be gay and not know it. Usually gay guys best friends are women, and she was pretty cute. I loved the look on her face when they showed Dom and Daniele flirting.

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starfish July 25, 2011 at 8:14 pm

Great to hear Ted. Jordan is “most beautiful in all ways”. I’m happy to hear it. As for Roach being your favorite HG, I personally like Dani from another show and I think she came in 2nd. JT, what show was that?? You’re our resident BB wizard it seems.

R & B are on screen all the time cuz they are the most outrageous and that’s what we want to see so we can yell & scream. As for the S E X, not so much. oink oink

Ted, who’s jim? 😀

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starfish July 25, 2011 at 8:15 pm

JT or Bigbubba, where can we watch previous years of BB?

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starfish July 25, 2011 at 8:22 pm

BB Fan & TT, yeeeessss, they should bring back the comps with actual prizes, cars, $, etc. I also like the game when they could take the prize from another HG. The person who wins one of the big prizes sometimes becomes a target which makes for a more interesting game too.

TT, we called margaritas (Ted notice the spelling) Maggies but I like Ritas too. In the market today I saw a bottle that said Skinny Girl Margaritas. Who knew. I heard that one of the wives on a reality show “invented” it and sold it for a ton of money.

Oh,wearing glitter gold nail polish is regal. Really? Ouch Does anyone you know where glitter gold nail polish except for Halloween?

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starfish July 25, 2011 at 8:23 pm

Sorry Ted, you seem to be on my radar lately. Also, sorry for all these blogs. I’m usually good with one but I got out of control. 😉

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starfish July 25, 2011 at 8:33 pm

Here you go TammyToo:

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Ted July 25, 2011 at 8:51 pm

Beware, TammyToo!!! I think starfish is dispensing bogus information. Good intentions I’m sure, but the nail polish Rachel was wearing was not glitter, and the bottle was a different shape.

Starfish… I don’t know what you mean by ‘jim’. And, I did notice the correct spelling, thank you. We really must set a good example for the young people on this blog. Never apologize for excessive blogging… I don’t!

When I said Rachel looked ‘regal’, I meant the way she was reclining on the HOH bed, in her beautiful flowered blouse and brilliant gold nail polish blazing in the lights of the camera. I think that everyone here must recognize that she is the reigning Queen of Big Brother right now.

I agree with you about the prizes. That makes more sense, especially when someone can share or take away. Look at the drama last night when Jordan had to choose two people to share in her reward… like on Survivor… really shakes things up.

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TammyToo July 25, 2011 at 8:54 pm

I agree… not he bottle at all… It almost looked like Borghese? It had a small ring around the bottom of the brushcap? And no glitter either…. Real SHINY GOLD….. hmmmmmm the search continues

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Ted July 25, 2011 at 8:58 pm

Oh… Starfish I just found ‘jim’ :oops:… of course you know I meant HIM… a rare typo on my part (although I’m okay with that, since it illustrates my humanity) that I’m sure gave you great delight. 😀

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franniep2 July 25, 2011 at 9:05 pm

I don’t know about Starfish, but it sure delights me when ‘MR. PERFECT’ makes a boo-boo. Great to see you’re human Ted.

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TT July 25, 2011 at 9:27 pm

Starfish, I call them “Rita’s” because there was a bar in Denver, on Larimer Square, that use to have “Buck a Rita” nite, and it always stuck with me, never could get my boss to endorse that when I bartended, but it helps when you have someone like Ted watching your spelling, was glad to see he made a human boo, boo, but handled it well, no tears. Also glad to see Ted, doesn’t necessarialy like Evil Dick but he was interested in him, Ted you should really watch Evil Dick’s season, he was a master (in evil and game) but you would see why we think R&B are just whinny bitches. Be back later.

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mike stover July 25, 2011 at 10:00 pm

Frannie I left you a message over at Aggies, I am not a big R&B fan , but if it wasnt for them we would have nothing to talk about, because the rest are so boring, dont you remember last year when they were gone we had nothing to say, ater all we never know what they will do.

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mike stover July 25, 2011 at 10:03 pm

I know Ted I spell some things wrong, remember I am a hillbilly and only have a 2 grade education.

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Holly July 25, 2011 at 10:07 pm

OMG, Ted you are VERY chatty today for a recent convert to BB!! Glad to see your input, minus the cleopatra/rachoe comparison!!

Aggie, I LOVED your play by play of the sexcapades, sooooo funny!!!!!!

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Ted July 25, 2011 at 10:08 pm

If anyone wants to go to Aggie’s Blog… stover posted on of the funniest things I have read in a long time. Skip all the posts, other than mine, till you get to the end.

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Ted July 25, 2011 at 10:14 pm

TT, it’s Rachel I don’t necessarily like… I do like Evel Dick. I have thought of watching Evel Dick’s season… guess I’ll have to buy it. Although, maybe I could get JT to lend me his copy, but he probably would not want to remove it from his BB Shrine.

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starfish July 25, 2011 at 10:15 pm

TammyToo, go to google and there are many examples that you can prolly find one that might work. I thought it was glitter. I can’t believe Ted could describe the bottle. Great observation.

Ok Ted, “my humanity”, #63, excercises vs exercises. woot woot 😀 Frannie take note and smile.

mike stover you couldn’t be more right about nothing to talk about if the two 4 year olds leave the building. TT “whinny bitches” is a perfect description. However, we have Ted to keep us on our toes and yakking away so we won’t get bored. 😛

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aggie27 July 25, 2011 at 10:15 pm

Thanks Holly, yep I happen to be watching when that was happening, what was funny the people on the chatline were pretty vicious, What I don’t Get is they must of had a big microphone above the bed, because You heard all the sound effects I doubt Ratzo Or Brenda would have their Mics On Or would those Dumbasses. It looks Like J&J will have to turn over the mattress again. 🙄

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aggie27 July 25, 2011 at 10:16 pm

STARFISH, You should be able to get seasons of BB on YOUTUBE, Evel Dick said something about that

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Ted July 25, 2011 at 10:18 pm

I thought I heard a fingernail scraping on a blackboard! Or maybe it is that little gnat that keeps buzzing in Jeff’s ear… oh wait, it’s only Holly! I am never chatty dear… only informative.

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starfish July 25, 2011 at 10:19 pm

Ted, “reigning queen” is a little too high on the totem pole. I think “wicked witch of the west” fits her perfectly. Now all we need is a bucket of cold water ❗

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Ted July 25, 2011 at 10:20 pm

Mike, I would never correct you… that was a damn funny remark, and good advice for Franniep2.

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starfish July 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

Thanks Aggie, I’ll give youtube a try. Appreech.

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Ted July 25, 2011 at 10:26 pm

Looks like I need to add another name to comment #82… this one from Southern California…

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starfish July 25, 2011 at 10:27 pm

Oops missed #63 streching vs stretching. You’re slipping, two words in a row. I just can’t help myself. I usually ignore spelling errors here because it’s funny to me. But I make a special effort to pay attention to you because it’s so important to you. I used to edit docs and they just jump out at me except when I’m doing my own typing. lol

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starfish July 25, 2011 at 10:43 pm

“I do my best proofreading, right after I hit ‘send’…!” (Matthew McWatters)

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Ted July 25, 2011 at 10:45 pm


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Justaguy (JT) July 25, 2011 at 11:21 pm

Ted, You know if I had season 8 I would burn a copy and send it to Friday Harbor ASAP.

Buying seasons of BB is next to impossible. There are a few seasons available.. but some of those are just highlight discs disguised as a complete season box set… BEWARE! I haven’t bought any.. but I did do some research on it a while back.

I found someone selling the entire Season 8 CBS shows.. along with EVERY EPISODE of BBAD (season 8)! 😯 That was last year on Amazon (I think?)… don’t remember how many discs it was… A LOT! ..don’t remember the asking price either.

Every other lame ass show is on dvd.. why not Big Brother? I bet the show the Hoff was shilling for, “Same Lame Name” 🙄 will be available by October! 😮

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Ted July 25, 2011 at 11:49 pm

More likely by tomorrow, if it hasn’t been canceled by now…

I know you would… thanks.

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justlookin July 26, 2011 at 1:35 am

Hey Ted have you looked on you tube for season 8? Or net flicks may have them…. Season 8 is the season that got me hooked on big brother. And I was so glad to read the step by step of minute man. Lol NOT! But I do think its funny it was so quick. About the microphones it would not surprise me if they kept them on. They use to make us listen to the slurps of racho under the sheets last year….
So has anything been going on on the LF? Nice to see all the long blog posts. 🙂

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aggie27 July 26, 2011 at 3:31 am

Dani Is toast in this game, nobody that was on her side trusts her anymore, they were talking about getting her out, Too Bad, it will happen sooner or later. She opened her mouth too much, and people will always talk. so she did it to herself. 🙄

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Star July 26, 2011 at 3:38 am

Hey everybody!! I just got done catching up with all your comments. Chatty day!! PHEW!! lol
Not much to add except that they are at it again! The HGs play stupid games all nite on BBAD and wait until 2:55 to start talking hard core game! I was thinking of cancelling the feeds, but since that is the only place you can see anything remotely gameplay related, I guess I’ll be keeping them. (CBS’s sinister plan to make money….) The Vets all met in the HOH room and aired their grievances and kissed and made least on the surface. Dani was still making little inroads to keep Dom, playing up his loyalty to them, but then also covered her ass saying she didn’t care who went…him or Adam. Ya….right !! Oh..and she punctuates every LIE with *Period* at the end…just like ED!!! Cracks me up to see her echo him when she claims to want nothing to do with him!! Anyway, Jeff was hot cuz he doesn’t trust Dom, wasn’t told that Dom was told to throw the veto and heard rumors the he was going to be backdoored in his place!!
So….they cleared the air, reconfirmed their F5 alliance and I got the feeling that no one realy trusts anyone in that room farther than they could throw them in a comp!!! But happy,we are family faces all around.

I take it everyone knows that the noms stayed the same and Dom is already talking about going home. I hope he fights to stay. He is at least funny and eye-candy..for us GIRLS!! 😛 The thought of more of boring, hairy, ass-kissing, bacon -eating Adam makes me almost as sick as having to watch Jerry to F3 in S10. UGH!!!

Speaking of UGH thanks for the blow by blow….so to speak ..og R&B’s recent sexcapade, aggie…lol

Peace, love , light and goodnite!!!

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justlookin July 26, 2011 at 4:09 am

What was the fight between Jeff n Dom? Does anyone know?

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mike stover July 26, 2011 at 7:33 am

The HGs should demand that CBS put plastic sheets on any beds that R&B are sleeping in

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aggie27 July 26, 2011 at 7:42 am

Your welcome Star, It had to happen sooner or later, those people have very little self control, their so weak in alot of ways.

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aggie27 July 26, 2011 at 7:48 am

Interesting conversation With Lawon and Dom in the hammock last night. Dom ,Told lawon, that Dani told him ,Shelly and Kalia are the other votes and shelly is in with Jeff and Jordan, Now I think they are right about Dom, he needs to go now, he is opening up his mouth way too much. and he said he was going to throw shelly under the Bus to B&R. He said he can’t stand shelly now and Cassi will be devastated when she finds out what she did. DOM STFU, you need to GO NOW. 🙄

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aggie27 July 26, 2011 at 8:00 am

Justlookin, Jeff knows that Dom is gunning for him and jordan, he said to lawon That if he got Jeff out, Jordan would not pose any big threat to him. if he got rach out Brenda would pose more of a threat to him.

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mike stover July 26, 2011 at 8:59 am

THX Aggie for the update, dont have LFs now are we ever going to get e-mails again?

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mike stover July 26, 2011 at 9:01 am

CBS will be selling pornos of R&B after the show, not

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Mom2Girls July 26, 2011 at 9:17 am

Hey! I have a question since you all know so much. Dani told Dom that Shelley flipped? Why would she do that? It would make more sense for Dom to distrust Adam until he is gone, right? Dani talks too much & I used to think she had great game. It shouldn’t matter at all that everyone knows Shelley flipped at this point – it only hurts Dani now. If I was J&J/ R&B, I would vote out Dom this week. I would bet that next HOH will be an endurance comp & DOM could win.

R&B should consider that they only have 1 chance to win next HOH but J&J have 2 shots which looks good for Jeff if Dom is gone. Does Dani get to compete next HOH? If Jeff wins, the whole game could change & Dani or R&B may go up.

After that who is left to be worried about? Kalia will flip flop all over the place. Lawan & Adam can’t win. Shelley will be faithful with J&J.
OMG it just dawned on me that sides will definately be taken & Porsche may fly under the radar…….eek, win? lol

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marie July 26, 2011 at 9:22 am

Glad to see the nom stayed the same. i hope jeff gets hoh next

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noah1 July 26, 2011 at 10:47 am

I like Brendan and Rachel……….I hope they win!

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TT July 26, 2011 at 11:36 am

Just when they were actually talking about game the stupid BBad ends. I think they do that on purpose, because this year is so boring if they catch anything good after, they can run it on regular show instead of 15 min. of B&R fighting. Previous years of BBad have been exciting at times, and worth our while, whether you were paying extra for showtime, or just staying up late, this year it’s worth neither. I did notice that Dani said that Dom was told not to go for Veto, and B&R didn’t say anything (meaning they must have told him), so sounds like they set him up. Boy if Dani ever gets HOH before they boot her out, she’ll be after them.

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DonnaP July 26, 2011 at 11:52 am

Hope Dani wins HOH and put that cocky ass homophobe Jeff up on the block. What a bully acting like he did anything spectacular the last time he was on the show. If it was not for the handout coup de T, his ass would have been gone early in the game. STFU Jeff you are not the boss of anyone except Jordon.

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DOUBLE M July 26, 2011 at 12:25 pm

Is it me or does Jeff seem to think he is HenryVIII holding court?
He seemed to have led the brigade in the HOH last nite, the little i saw of it, i tell you there is no need for any sleep aids i get enough sleep trying to wach bbad, and if i hear one more jelly bean being shaken i am going to scream, well now that i think about it that sound does seem to keep me from putting my eyelids on hold.
I too think Dani dug a hole for herself and Dom is gone, I wish he would have stayed longer he does seem to know how to play the game, but in all fairness the newbies did not stand a chance in hell this year against the vets. I bet if Evel was still in the house this would have been a totally different bb this year. But can’t cry over spilt milk what’s done is done. I just can’t wait for R&B to go up on the block.
Thanks all for the lf i do appesch.
Hey mike it seems the hotter the temps get out where u r the funnier u get love those one liners.
will do fly by later
double m, M2

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justlookin July 26, 2011 at 12:56 pm

Thanks for the info. It was a bummer last night with the game talk at the end of bbad. So Dom figured out Kalia and Buck were the ones to turn. I’ve been wondering how long it would take for that to come out. I understand why Dom it spilling everything, he knows he’s leaving and trying to help out who he can. And man when Lawan gets out and watches and sees the way Kalia has sh*t talked him he will be so hurt! I don’t know what happened that the house doesn’t trust him either. I don’t think the newbies will be winning this game. I just hope its not Rachoe or Brenda that win.

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DOUBLE M July 26, 2011 at 2:43 pm

Just i do not think it is the house that does not trust him i think his “partner” kalia threw him under the bus, train and the hummer to keep herself safe and i guess she wants a golden key. i feel kind of sorry for him he does not have a clue, but i will repeat my self the newbies did not stand a chance in hell from day 1, maybe if they stuck together might have been a diff ball game.
and i agree with u just 100% anyone but R or B, guess that is why cbs is cutting back on the luxury comps they need to save for the big prize to go to r&b to pay for the big wedding, and i will bet it will cost more money for the big DIVORCE, lol

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tendr July 26, 2011 at 2:44 pm

I gave Dom a chance (for me to like him) but he doesn’t seem to know how to play the game. I would go in lips puckered. Cassie should have nerded herself out. Put on glasses and maybe walked like Branden (sp?)

AND I wanted Dani to maybe win but she’s zippin’ around too much flappin her jaw (the opposite of what you all call floating can be bad)

I would NOT miss B & R if they were gone. Maybe I’d see more of Jordan who actually cracks me up. She’s adorable and funny and we haven’t got to see as much of that as we have in the past.
Not crazyeyeye about evil dickypoo but it would have been worth seeing him make Brenden, branden (whatever) crying on drooling on Rachel’s fake floaters ………..I’m not always this evil myelf (shud up fran) but i just had a root canal and it hurtz.

HA! I wish Jordan would win again. LOL

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tendr July 26, 2011 at 2:47 pm

yes i do not ck my spelling. too bizy to care.

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starfish July 26, 2011 at 5:15 pm

Perfect tendr, couldn’t agree more and so funny, not evil. O:-) Root canals are nasty business. 🙁

Mike, I also love your one-liners. Very funny and to the point!

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Karen July 26, 2011 at 5:17 pm

I think BB was really counting on Evil Dick to make the show interesting and with his departure we are left of a concept that is not working very well.
I would really like to see a season of BB with real people…not the model, athletic types but some average americans with more brains and less brawn. And how about more of the over 40 set. Just want something different. I have watched this show since the first season and this is one that I haven’t been pulling for someone…I have no idea who to follow…maybe Dani, but not if she loses Dom. Oh well…let see if BB can shake it up.

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hpr56 July 26, 2011 at 5:58 pm

I would like to see Shelly get an HOH. I really like her. She kind of plays both sides but she knows her alliance. She has not made any promises to R & B but by not saying things she makes them believe she is allied with them. I’m glad Brendan did not use the veto. I was so afraid they would back door Jeff and Jordan. The Newbies need to step it up. Instead of sucking up to the Veterans, get a game plan. Geezzzz. I don’t know how many of you remember when Brendan’s ex was interviewed last year but she said after they got engaged that he became very controlling and belittling to her. Seems like he’s followed true to form with Rachhoe. Her whiny little comment that she just wants a wedding like all little girls do, made me puke. Come on chicky, you are way past being a little girl!!!!

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Ted July 26, 2011 at 6:03 pm

Good stuff, Aggie… Thanks. MikeS is becoming the George Carlin of BBB!

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Jennifer July 26, 2011 at 6:03 pm

Sorry, but Rachel is going to win. So all of you threatening not to watch until she is gone…… See you next summer! Put down the hateraide it is making you all look jealous, resentful and dumb!

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Ted July 26, 2011 at 6:08 pm

Could not have said it better myself, Jennifer! Rachel has as much right to be there as any other house guest, and is ‘playing the game’, which seems so sacred to many here, harder than most.

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mike stover July 26, 2011 at 6:42 pm

I love BB for better or boring I will still watch Its the same every year we hate some and like some but thats what makes it fun if we didnt have it to watch all we would have is reruns and BB is better than reruns .last week we wanted Dom to stay and now people want him gone, the same with Dani, so if we didnt have BB we wouldnt be on here and that would be realy boring so lets keep watching and hoping for something to happen it will, there will be something to keep us going. as for me I have nothing better to do(maybe count chicken) so hang in there my friends.

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starfish July 26, 2011 at 6:53 pm

Thanks mike, great advice. Jennifer, we can love to hate R and that is part of the game! If she wins, so be it but we don’t have to be happy about it. As for looking “jealous, resentful and dumb”. if you spot it, you got it. Not nice.

Ted, no one ever said she doesn’t have a right to be there. Afterall, they were voted in. However, again, we love to hate them and have every right to whine, bitch, complain and in general, not like the people they are, period! 🙂

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liplocklala July 26, 2011 at 7:08 pm

I read this blog all the time, never post. But Jennifer, really? Jealous, resentful, and dumb? all because we can’t stand Rachel. She may play the game and do well in comps, can’t take it away from the girl. However, she portrays herself as a horrible person. She prob. would say it is “editing” but its awfully amazing she has been “edited” exactly the same for 2 yrs…? You give the ammo to BB to edit so I tend to think she is that awful of a person. She is petty, catty, immature, whiney, rude, hateful, & all around kinda skanky. That has nothing to do w/ her game…

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liplocklala July 26, 2011 at 7:12 pm

O & 1 more thing, at the end of the day BB is a popularity contest. From the HG’s to the fans, you do decide about a person other than their game

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Jennifer July 26, 2011 at 7:51 pm

Guess I hit a nerve in a couple of people! I love it!! Thank you Ted for being the only person with balls! @ starfish and liplocklala if you hate her why are you still watching? Sounds like you are the ones whiny and catty. Lmao…..

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DonnaP July 26, 2011 at 8:12 pm

Jennifer, the catty one for sure is you. You kinda remind me of the red headed beaked nosed houseguest.I suggest you get go to all the BB blogs and defend your girl cuz this one is very nice compare to others. Get to stepping girl with them balls you bragging about.

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Jennifer July 26, 2011 at 8:43 pm

Wow Donna can you read I never said I have balls. If you need to physically assault Rachel you better be prettier, let’s see a pic of you instead of that bunny which is probably there because it’s cuter than you

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Ted July 26, 2011 at 8:55 pm

Whoa… this escalating in the wrong direction… It’s okay to not like a house guest, to make fun of them and gossip about them, however, I think some of the names Rachel is called are out of place on this blog. I love to make snarky comments, but not out out of pure hatred, and that’s what makes me sad to see. Let’s keep our name calling toward the house guests, and keep it fair.

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Ted July 26, 2011 at 9:17 pm

I may have to bring Phillip in to mediate this crisis… his experience in this arena would be invaluable.

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starfish July 26, 2011 at 9:19 pm

Thanks Ted, we don’t need the “comments” “out of pure hatred”. If one loves hitting a nerve here on this board, then it’s not the way we operate. We have fun with each other and pick on each other but it’s all in fun, not malicious and nasty. I agree Ted, it is sad. Then to “love it”, that’s a sad person indeed.

I watch it because it’s fun and especially fun to communicate with all the bloggers on this board (for many years now) and it’s our choice to have fun loving or hating any one particular guest!!! We don’t “love it” to torment each other. “whiny & catty”, like I said before — you spot it, you got it. Still, not nice.

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starfish July 26, 2011 at 9:20 pm

Ted, no crisis here but bring Phillip on anyway. lol

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Ted July 26, 2011 at 9:23 pm

Yes, Starfish, I love “whiny & catty”… and especially ‘snarky”! AND… the next time I pick on someone… remind me not to pick on a former editor…

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Ted July 26, 2011 at 9:26 pm

Yeah, where’s he been?

If you have live feeds… check out Lawon’s outfit!!! And I think Production should tell Daniele that if she does not stop whispering, they will boot her out of the house… but she is awfully cute doing it. She and Kaila are whispering in one of the bedrooms… Kaila keeps screwing with her mike making a lot of noise. Very annoying, as I would love to hear that animated conversation.

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DOUBLE M July 26, 2011 at 9:28 pm

lol at the above blogs regarding R&B
It is like Johnny and the parade,
EVERYONE is out of step but Johnny
(in this case Johnny being R&B)
Can we all (the rest of the parade) be wrong and out of step
Must be something to it why the majority of us see her as we do and others so not, we can all give our opinions God Bless America
But for me, the sooner she goes the happier I will be just MHO

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starfish July 26, 2011 at 9:28 pm

Yes, Ted, you do love the “whiny & catty” and that’s terrific because it’s so much fun to have fun and be funny and not chatty but informative. Now “snarky” is another dimension. This is more fun than I’ve had in awhile. Sure got my attention. 😀 ROTFLOL

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starfish July 26, 2011 at 9:31 pm

MM, love your opinion. Exactly the way I feel. Woot woot

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DOUBLE M July 26, 2011 at 9:33 pm

starfish thanks but i say we need more of mike’s one liners and we can never have enough of teds words of wisdom lol don’t u agree they sure can lighten up any chat.

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starfish July 26, 2011 at 9:35 pm

Yes, they light up this board and give us more to “chat” about. Be careful though, Ted doesn’t like to be called “chatty”. LOL

Hey Mike, where are you when we need you???

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jennifer July 26, 2011 at 10:44 pm

as Kalia said, “Don’t write a check with your mouth that your ass can’t cash!”

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franniep2 July 26, 2011 at 10:50 pm

Jennifer, give it a rest. We are a fun group of people that have been together for a number of years commenting about Big Brother. What happened? Did you get evicted from another blog site and now you need a new place to cause trouble? Well, let me be the first to say, “I VOTE TO EVICT JENNIFER!”

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Jennifer July 26, 2011 at 10:56 pm

I have also been on here for 3 years, and I am also having fun if you have a problem maybe you should go

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Jennifer July 26, 2011 at 10:59 pm

So let me make sure I am hearing you right if I don’t agree with you or I have a different sense of humor, you think you have the right to tell me what to do?

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aggie27 July 26, 2011 at 11:04 pm

JENNIFER, If your a fan of rachel That’s fine, your opinion, but the majority of people here can’t stand her. so you are pretty much out numbered here. 🙄

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justlookin July 26, 2011 at 11:05 pm

Wow! You know the reason I like this blog? Because I can love ED. And hate people like Rachoe. All the while I can blog with Ted who does like Rachoe without insulting him. This is a game we love to watch. Even with the people we love to hate playing….

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aggie27 July 26, 2011 at 11:06 pm

JENNIFER, Please try to get along with people here 😆

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aggie27 July 26, 2011 at 11:07 pm

AGREE Justlookin

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mike stover July 26, 2011 at 11:16 pm

Boy its getting wild in here, theres more happing here than on BB. I love R&B and dislike them all at the same time. so can we all agree to disagree and have fun on here. this is more fun than than watching LFs or chasing a greesed pig.

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justlookin July 26, 2011 at 11:20 pm

Some people just like conflict.

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Jennifer July 26, 2011 at 11:24 pm

Being out numbered doesn’t really matter to me. I just don’t like people saying she is things like “skanky” that is hateful and pathetic. I’m pretty sure the people posting that aren’t saints. I’m not trying to argue, I enjoy the blog also. But I’m not going to side with the majority to be liked. Looks like your stuck with a Brenchel fan. I hope they win and have a great life together!

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Ted July 26, 2011 at 11:27 pm

Agness & Frances… stop ganging up on my friends or I will send you to your rooms…

Well said Mike… since when have you been chased by a ‘greased pig’? I thought you were supposed to chase them.

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mike stover July 26, 2011 at 11:30 pm

not razorbacks, they are mean

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Jennifer July 26, 2011 at 11:35 pm

Mike and Ted: two stand up guys 🙂

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justlookin July 26, 2011 at 11:37 pm

Aggie did you see that thing that walked like a duck and quacked like a duck. In my opinion it was a duck!

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Jennifer July 26, 2011 at 11:38 pm

Hey you two need to friend me on Facebook

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aggie27 July 26, 2011 at 11:55 pm

Jennifer, I like Ted and Mike, They are both friends Of Fran and I, I’m sure your not the only Brenchel Fan, their have been others on here.

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aggie27 July 27, 2011 at 12:00 am

Justlookin, yes I have heard that expression and normally it’s true

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justlookin July 27, 2011 at 12:05 am

At least there is a lil game talk happening tonight on bbad….

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aggie27 July 27, 2011 at 12:14 am

Yeah they had some good stuff, late last night, notice Dani isn’t around her side is totally against her now

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justlookin July 27, 2011 at 12:16 am

I was so mad that it started as bbad was ending! You’ll have to update me.

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justlookin July 27, 2011 at 12:34 am

Rotflmao I loved porsha’s “most likely”

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starfish July 27, 2011 at 1:26 am

Ted, your “friend” who professes to not like people using “skanky that is hateful and pathetic” seems to be okay to be the very first person on here who is calling your long time better friends “jealous, resentful and dumb”. I would suggest we no longer respond to that “good” friend.

Justlookin your # 141 says it exactly as it should be. We don’t call each other hurtful, insulting names just the HGs which is acceptable here. Aggie, your #142 would be nice, thank you.

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starfish July 27, 2011 at 1:27 am

That’s my last comment on that. I hear a loud roar of thank yous. LOL

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justlookin July 27, 2011 at 2:19 am

😉 I was thinking the same thing starfish. It’s a waste of time to acknowledge the insults. Some people just like conflict.
Lots of scrambling and game talk at the end of bbad tonight…. Will it work out for Dom? Hmmm. And wth “good tv”?!?! To not vote how you really want! A very good example of why I don’t like Rachoe! I don’t like fake people! Stand up for what you believe

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Star July 27, 2011 at 3:30 am

Whoa!!! WTH!! Is this BBBlogger’s blog??I feel like I’m at the wrong address. Go away for 24 hours and all HECK breaks loose!!lol

We don’t care who you like or dislike around here. Its the US of A ONLINE and you have the freedom to speak your opinions and we have the freeedom to disagree with you. But the DRAMA is focused on the show…Big Brother…’member that??? Never aimed at each other. Or hardly ever. And that never ends well so….we avoid it!!lol
So let’s play nice kids, shall we??? 🙂

Justlookin…you asked what was going on after BBAD. Dom is trying to rally votes with the newbies to keep him. He only has 3 solid right now that I see altho he seems to think it’s 4 and he only needs one. I never get why the nominees always wait until one day before they are to be evicted to get off their asses and start campainging!! Looked like he had Kahlia convinced cuz she went out to the patio to Porsche and Buck(MAN her voice is deep, isn’t it???LOL)and started to pitch Dom to them. Porsche could be easily swayed. but Buck is a differnt matter. She was being really snarly tonight. Never saw her like this before! She is solidly against Dom from what I am hearing so Kahlia should have quit while she was ahead. But both P and K (not PK!)are so weak and Buck is so well…..masculine….that she had them trembling and agreeing with her and had K almost whining saying she didn’t know WHICH group to really trust!!! OMG…she went out there to get them to keep Dom and ends up sniveling that she doesn’t know what to DO!! WAH!! UGH! She is so useless and talks ON and ON and no one listens!!!! She was telling a DRUNK story tonight and one by one, the other HGs, except Lawon, cuz he was right next to her and her partner, all left…yawning!!! lol

I hope Dom can swing this cuz I really want him to stay . And if they could, and Dani stuck with them, they would have the numbers against the vets. But the newbies, with the exception of Dom and Buck, are so weak minded that I’m not sure they have it in them!!! I am really tired of eveyone on this season with the exception of the vets and Dom….everyone else is a boring floater with no game and no personality!!! Enzo was a terrible player but at least he was hysterical!!! We got NUTHIN’ this year!! But… won’t be the 1st or last year we say that and here we still

The vets have been upstairs planning for the comps. And again , Jeff is getting his dander all up about Dani and almost being BDed. They seem solid, so are a force to be reckoned with. They still don’t trust Dani at all so I don’t see why she doesn’t jump ship and try to lead the newbies into a revolution. No matter what she says, she IS doing the same thing this year as she did in S8. She may not be sucking face with him, but she is still haveing a mini showmance with Dom and leaning on the vets like she did on ED. BREAK OUT and prove yourself, girl!! It’s round 2..PLAY this damn game!!! As soon as she is free of the Key, you KNOW the vets are going after you!! DUH!!! make a move and turn the house around. Not just for yourself but for US..PLEASE!! We NEED the drama!!!!lol

Kudos to all above for sticking together and being the voices of reason. As always, we are the Blogade family and will always circle the wagons when attacked!! WE ROCK!!!lol

Peace out…unless someyhing HOT comes up on the LFs before I pass out…lol
Star aka Stra AKA SGH AKA Dorothy
(I can do that sh*t too, MM!!)LOL

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franniep2 July 27, 2011 at 5:15 am

Star aka Stra, I hope Dani does wake up and start playing this game. I want so bad for her to win the HOH and put B & R on the block. Then hopefully someone other than one of the vets can win the POV and send Rachel packing. That could happen ‘IF’ production lets them all play the game and not have a comp geared for them as they so often do. Stay out of it please….They like them there for the drama, I’m sure.

Oh, and by the way…..I ain’t goin’ nowhere. A BIG shout out to all my blogade ‘friends’ here.

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DonnaP July 27, 2011 at 5:19 am

Nice to know who your “friends” are up in here. Thanks guys for standing up for your opinions. Last I’m going to say about that. Done. Hope the DR sessions tonight will reveal how these newbies really feel cus they can’t be so stupid.

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DonnaP July 27, 2011 at 5:21 am

Hey Frannie.

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aggie27 July 27, 2011 at 7:28 am

Say It loud, Say it Proud, Good for you Miss Fran. 😆

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aggie27 July 27, 2011 at 7:30 am

The way dani is carrying on, I don’t think she will last, with Dom gone she really doesn’t have anyone else that can do much to help her. She is Toast with her former alliance. she did it to herself, she needs to STFU

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 7:39 am

Who the heck is Jennifer? And why do you guys care what she thinks? Every year we get some jump in’s talking personal smack instead of game smack. pffft totally irrelevant. Ted stop playing devils advocate and stand up for whats right or stand for nothing. Because the attacks were personal to people on the blog not folks on the show. When you expose your life on a Reality TV show and have sex on camera, back up your bitchyness with tears & rants, leave sex stains on sheets for all to view, show your crotch, and give head in bathrooms I think you kind of open yourself up to be called names like Skanky or Ho. I think people have actually been nice.. I can think of much worse names.

I think everyone on this blog, Jennifer included, is way to big of a BB fan to go with the majority its more like what JT says… if it walks like a duck… well you know the rest.

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 7:42 am

Ted I meant that in reference to your ganging up on friends comment. I still like you though.. kind of…. hahahaha!

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 7:54 am

Blogfia… *giggle*

Good Morning Aggie!! Can you believe Dani’s whimpyness… I thought and think she still may walk out of the house with Dom with those crocodile tears.

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 7:55 am

DonnaP how the heck are ya???

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marie July 27, 2011 at 8:02 am

oh jen no one like tht skanky ugle bitchy acne looking rach deal with it . she gets more nasty looking every day

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 8:10 am

good morning Marie!

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 8:39 am

Buck is getting herself caught up… glad people are on the her. I liked her in the beginning but now its a big ol’ Porsche kiss butt bore. Besides, I always think its amusing when parents go on Reality TV shows and try to gain sympathy with the “My baby”, “I miss my kids”, waaaaah wah wah… c’mon now for one what freaking mom has the luxury to leave her family for 3 months??? Yeah I said luxury… shoot 3 months no kids… if i didn’t have a s/n kid i’d sit in Big Brother House all day and dare somebody to evict me. I would be pullling people out the door with me when BB open’s the eviction door. You would see my claw marks down the hall way while I tried to hang on to anything standing not to be drawn back into Schools out Summertime!! I would just walk up to the HOH room and pick up Roach and tumble her down the stairs. Which I prob wouldn’t have to do since I would be HOH everytime because I don’t sleep after sex juice stains. That would be incentive enough.

I would however ask to bring my 13yr old with so the houseguests would have a reason to bitch and moan… then they would know what real moodiness and whining looks like!

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Jennifer July 27, 2011 at 9:16 am

@ Jane I think that would be funny and my 14 year old should go too! She would drive everyone crazy until they want to be evicted! I’m thinking Danieles game play is on hold because she has a crush on Dom….. Not good. Thank you guys for the emails by the way, you all are very sweet, enough said you know who you are 🙂 looking forward to tonight’s show! Hope J&J win the next HOH!!

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Jennifer July 27, 2011 at 9:24 am

Oh ! Almost forgot @ Ted I read your blog, and it confirmed what a great guy you are! Thank you

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bigbubbabronson July 27, 2011 at 9:34 am

Well said Jane! I left another blog over 4 seasons ago because the moderator allowed personal attacks on other bloggers and total chaos. That’s when I found you all!
Everyone is allowed to like who they like, hate who they hate, on the BB game. It is part of it all people. NO one cares who your fav. is or isn’t at the end of the day. It is a game and we all like to blog about it, I don’t take it personal if someone hates on a HG that I like. Good Grief.
Ted, you are totally a devil’s advocate, I don’t recall who said it but they called it! That is why we all love you though, you stir the pot just right and aren’t offensive 🙂

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bigbubbabronson July 27, 2011 at 9:37 am

I hear ya Jane, I have a 12, 13 and 14 yr old at my house. Now that is interesting to say the least. BB HG’s got nothing on my house, lol!

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Jennifer July 27, 2011 at 9:42 am

Stop attacking Ted this blog is about BB13 right? Let’s talk more about the show and move on already.

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marie July 27, 2011 at 9:45 am

@ jen im with you i hope j&j win hoh this week

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marie July 27, 2011 at 9:49 am

good morning to u Jane like your comment

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Jennifer July 27, 2011 at 9:50 am

They are so cute and Jordan is one of the sweetest souls.

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Jennifer July 27, 2011 at 9:55 am

@ big bubba obviously they don’t feel as though there was any attacking going on. Then you call Ted a name! It’s time to stop and move on. This subject was so last night. Ugh enough already!

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justlookin July 27, 2011 at 10:26 am

Lol scratch marks on the wall! “no! I have kids! Don’t make me go!” Lmao!

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DonnaP July 27, 2011 at 10:35 am

Hello to you too Jane.
So fed up of Brendon’s better than thee attitude.
He is already planning to the next HOH even tho it did not happen yet. Its going to be soo sweet to see them sweat if Dani or a newbie(not) win HOH.

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 10:38 am

Jennifer we just give Ted a hard time cuz he likes it. I even asked him on FB if he’s still friends with “Jennifer”… its all in good fun. Definitely lets throw the teens in!

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 10:47 am

Thanks Marie! Good Morning everyone!!! LOL justlookin… omg DonnaP he is so arrogant!

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Ted July 27, 2011 at 11:14 am

Jane are you talking about me again…

Jennifer… I happen to like that name…

Got to go to work… see you kids later… can’t wait for tonight… watching Downton Abbey again, then BB… how’s that for a combo?

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Jennifer July 27, 2011 at 11:31 am

Thanks Ted i need your help with the profile pic

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starfish July 27, 2011 at 12:26 pm

Good morning all!! In for just a second.

Can’t wait to watch tonight. Thanks for the LF & BBAD updates. I too would like to see Dani step up and make a play but not for Dom. From what you all are saying, she’s stepping all over her own toes. I wanted her to do well.

Ted, you’re lucky you’re working. Congrats on that one for sure!

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PK July 27, 2011 at 1:02 pm

Strange Web issues when attempting to access

In Internet Explorer 8.0 connected via Mediacom Broadband, I get this message: Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

In Firefox 5.0, I get this message: 404 – Page Not Found Error

In AOL 9.6, I get this message: The web address you entered could not be found

Finally I can now get on the site using AOL 9.1.

I e-mailed Bill aka BBBlogger and he is adressing a possible problem with his server.

Now back to the regularly scheduled program…

How can 4 people be so stupid? Shelly, Porsche, Lawon and Kalia have one shot at breaking up the J&J + Brenchel alliance to have any chance of winning the big money. They need to follow Dani NOW and vote out Adam the “yes man to everybody” with a 5 to 4 vote to keep Dom and finally have a chance to take control of the house.

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PK July 27, 2011 at 1:25 pm

I vote to bring Cassi back. PLEASE!
Don’t open the link below, Ted, unless you have your nitro pills close by and your cell phone on 911 auto dial …

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 2:15 pm

Hey Big Bubba!! I didn’t see your comment early.. my eyes were hovering over Jennifer and Ted… NO ONE COMES BETWEEN ME AND MY BFF!! LOL!

Good afternoon Jennifer, Pk, Ted, Big Bubba, Starfish, and everyone that posted this morning! I kinda like the spice… isn’t it Mike that said this is way better than the BB house… lol!

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justlookin July 27, 2011 at 2:20 pm

Lol @ PK! I wonder what they will do with the sequestered HG’s what if the brought them all back and the game I evicted against the remaining HG’s . Idk I don’t think there will be any real big or good twists….

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PK July 27, 2011 at 2:25 pm

my eyes were hovering over Jennifer and Ted… NO ONE COMES BETWEEN ME AND MY BFF!! LOL!

Sorry Ted, her last name is not Garner so dream on… and on… and on.

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Star July 27, 2011 at 3:37 pm

@PK..welcome back!! And I totally agree about evicting Adam if the newbies want to get anywhere in this game!!! I hope they can pull it off!!!

@Fran….good to know who our friends are and NONE of us are going matter how bad Racho gets on our

@Jane….OMG!! I had tears in my eyes!!lol TOO funny, Miss Jane!! Now if you just had better taste in BFF’s……… 😆

@Jennifer….drama’s over, right?? So welcome to the blog!! See..we can be nice!!! 😉
Hey to everyone else that was on earlier and can’t wait for the show Thurs!!! Fingers & toes crossed for DOM!!!!

Peace OUT!

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Star July 27, 2011 at 3:52 pm

OMG!!! Anybody with LFs ,sparke ’em up!!! HUGE HIUGE BBHouse fight going on between the vets and Dani and DOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 4:01 pm

omg thanks! damn gotta give you my text # off to LF rewind

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 4:03 pm

omg everyones fighting its good!!

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 4:17 pm

Oh blah blah blah here goes Buck.. I’m a mother, a married woman.. I can’t play that game (to Dom)…

jeez stfu already Buck… who cares about your sympathy votes… now she says she is playing with dignity<—-LIES!!! YOUR A MOMMY LIAR!

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 4:18 pm

More LF: Buck is now a Counselor ewwwwwwwwwww get off your pedastal!

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 4:28 pm

Stra… can you give me a time on the LF with Dom Dani fighting. LF time is so off, ugh! But I caught the rest of the action… good stuff yo!

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PK July 27, 2011 at 4:28 pm

Dani needs to shout to the rooftops, “Shelly and Kalia betrayed the newbie alliance at the first eviction voting out Keith. Kalia has come back to allign with the newbies but Shelly will continue to be the vets cleaning girl and source of everything the newbies are doing and saying until they no longer need the two faces of Shelly.”

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 4:29 pm

LF: Oprah crying, Jordo smoothing things over and throwing Dani under the bus where Dani now appropriately lives.

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 4:32 pm

She did PK!! I am watching LF right now and Dani/Dom planned the whole thing out.. kinda freaking brilliant.. THEY ARE PLAYING THE GAME! IT WAS A SETUP!!

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Star July 27, 2011 at 4:32 pm BUck kinda killed the buzz really!! She guilted everyone into calming down and behaving themselves by being this matronly voice of reason!! Killed some really good drama for us!!! Never saw a whole house being so mad at eveyone all at once and out in the open!!! People were clawing at each other!! Abour rachel wanting to win to pay for her wedding, about Jeff feeling eveyone was after him, esp, dani who he was totally gunning for!! Every country was heard from…EXCEPT Adam!! Did you noctice that?? I totally disrespect him for trying to hide like that becaus he is on ther block. He never said squat!! I hope he goes tomorrow but after Dom being so vocal agaisnt the vets, I don’t see it happening!!! HOUR that lasted..and is still going on in broken off factions. keep watching!!! WOOH!!!

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justlookin July 27, 2011 at 4:41 pm

Nice! I hope we get some highlights on thursday!

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 4:41 pm

Actually I think Adam was smart for being silent and watching the drama since he was on the block. That fool was taking mental notes hahaha! Oh please tell Kahlia to pull down her dress in between tears… that is not a purdy shot. What time did it all start on LF’s? I missed the first part!! Star this is good shyt! hahahahaha!

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PK July 27, 2011 at 4:43 pm

The newbies need to Throw Mamma (Buck aka Shelly) from the Train sooner than later. Forget the under the bus nonsense.

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justlookin July 27, 2011 at 4:45 pm

I agree PK!

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Star July 27, 2011 at 4:49 pm startee at about 1:30 BBT. was on the phone..sorry for lag.

@PK…Right on!!!!

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 4:51 pm

k brb gonna watch it from the beginning while I read transcripts of whats going on now lol!

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Star July 27, 2011 at 4:53 pm

OMFG!! Kalia is up in the HOH apologizing to everyone..esp Jeff!! GAG me!! Appropro cuz she is SUCH a valley girl! I am so sick of hte sound of her voice!!!!!! Anyone got some cotton I xan stuff in my bleeding ears???LOL
Trying to backtraxk now and appease Jeff..I don’t think he’s buying it. even her tears!! But she’s talking about Jordo too and Jeff is protective as Hell of her!!! Talk about BB afternoon delight!!!lol

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Star July 27, 2011 at 4:54 pm

@jane..transcripts?? Where do we get those???

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 4:57 pm

yeah stra this is good shyt.. it’s the most excitment this season!! i bet that woke the producers and staff up! oprah needs to shut up and go kick it in the have not room with the schemers hahaha… so what they threw her under the bus.. if I was her i’d go in there and say “good job y’all.. what’s our next move” … throw them the hell off and make it look like i was in on it all along and started the ruckus to help Dom… dumb chick. LMFAO!

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 5:00 pm

Stra I will inbox you the info because if I remember correctly BBB doesn’t want that on the blog. BRB.

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starfish July 27, 2011 at 5:01 pm

Great stuff! Thanks for the updates. Justlookin, I too hope they give us highlights. If they can show an entire block of time to Brenda & Roach crying on each other, they can show this. Fingers crossed. 🙂

Welcome back PK. Glad you found a way in. I agree, it would be great to see Dom stay in the house but from what I’m reading above, things aren’t looking too good for him. Mama Buck seems to be getting on everyone’s last nerve.

@Jane, rotflol. BFFs OMG so funny. Did you say Dom & Dani set up the fight? You mean they are really playing the game?? Just curious as to which one of them is the leader between the two since you have LFs and see so much more while you’re hovering. 😀

@ Star, thanks for keeping us in the loop. 😎

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starfish July 27, 2011 at 5:05 pm

Transcripts ❓ Where?

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 5:05 pm

Starfish…. it was hot up in the kitchen.. lots of drama cooking up. I didn’t realize D/D orchastrated it until they went in HN room after and were giggling and patting each other on the back. Then Lawon joined them and they all ROFL!

Star.. check your inbox… idr if BBB said that or not so I am not quoting him but since its a spoiler site I don’t think they want it posted on here so I inboxed it to you. It’s what I read on my cell when the kids are awake lol!

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PK July 27, 2011 at 5:08 pm

Just as soon as it looks like the newbies are finally taking a stand against the bully vets, Kalia runs up to Jeff to apologize and starts kissing his ass – not on the right cheek, not on the left cheek, but right in the groove. Watching most of the newbies play the game is like watching the French army in combat.

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starfish July 27, 2011 at 5:08 pm

@bigbubba – 12, 13 & a 14 year. My dear, you’re fun is just beginning. Been there done that. Just try to let them know how much you respect their opinions. I said “try”. 😉

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 5:10 pm

12,13, & 14… awww heck naw…. respect your right to a big ole Valium!! I bow to you!! My kids are all spread out.

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starfish July 27, 2011 at 5:11 pm

@Star, send me what Jane sent you please. 🙂

@PK – Hilarious

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 5:14 pm

Starfish I can send it to you are you on FB? Add and Inbox me:

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PK July 27, 2011 at 5:14 pm

Starfish, send me what Jane sent to Star and that Star then sent to you. 🙂

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 5:15 pm

LF: Brench talking about everyone has a chance all they have to do is win HOH… here we go again… how great they are blahzy blahzy… but they have a point… its just the arrogance, ew.

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 5:17 pm

now Porsche is doing the long pink skirt… 2nd or 3rd day? Ted should be happy to see the booty jiggle. Me however… *adjusting my spanx*…

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 5:18 pm

LF: Brendon gets up to leave… Roach: I will just be an idiot and stay in the purple room since the whole entire house hates me *violin’s playing*

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starfish July 27, 2011 at 5:22 pm

@Jane, done.

@PK, I have no idea how to send anything to you. Just let me know.

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 5:23 pm

k gonna check now… omg i don’t know which LF to watch… Porsche & Dani talking really fast and secretly or Buck, Roach, and Jordo talking about fiasco in Purple room… decisions decisions

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Ted July 27, 2011 at 5:24 pm

PK… didn’t you get the hint when you couldn’t access BBB??? I don’t know how you found your way back in… I will have to talk to Bill about that.

Thanks for the photo… would love to see Cassie strut back in like that… My Rachel’s eyes would pop out and hit the floor and turn green!

Miss T… why is there nothing in my in-box??? Thanks to ☆ and Miss T for the heads-up on the fight…

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Ted July 27, 2011 at 5:25 pm

@ PK… you haven’t seen this Jennifer, have you?

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PK July 27, 2011 at 5:28 pm


I’m on Facebook…

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 5:28 pm


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mike stover July 27, 2011 at 5:31 pm

This is more fun than swimming in snapping turtle cheek, keep the updates a comming

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 5:33 pm

Okay Mike!! Lemme check it out BRB!

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PK July 27, 2011 at 5:34 pm

@ PK… you haven’t seen this Jennifer, have you?

I haven’t. What I want to know Ted is has she only seen you in your Glamour Shots?

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 5:38 pm

LF: Shelly in DR telling Jordo/Jeff/Brendon the whole plan. Also throwing Porsche under the bus saying she’s talking to Dani. (It’s obvious she wants Porsche’s spot). She asks them if she continues to feed them all info will they take her to F5. They agree and are sincere. She is telling them that they all think they can take them out one by one and Porsche is in it. Even telling them Dani’s speech to Jeff/Brendon on their way out.

Porshce downstairs seems excited Dani is talking to her… now she’s star struck like she is with Roach. She says she’s glad pple are finally talking game and genuinely seems to want in on it. Dani is acting like a gleeful puppetmaster. They all underestimate Bucks loyalty.

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 5:39 pm

Porsche left the clan and went upstairs to HOH and is still remaining loyal to the 4some. But has definitely been demoted a spot.

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 5:40 pm

LF: Dom talking to Jeff about pool. Jeff eating and giving ice cold shoulder… then sarcastically says “SO WHAT DOM NO LAST DITCH EFFORT”

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PK July 27, 2011 at 5:45 pm

Shelly gets Jordan alone in the kitchen and tells her that Dominic and Daniele are trying to flip the house and get Shelly and Porsche to flip. Shelly wants, and gets Jordan’s promise that she’s in the final four, and that at some point Jeff and Jordan will put up Brendon and Rachel. Jordan promises that they don’t have a final four deal with Brenchel. Jordan says, “Oh yeah, for sure.” Shelly: “Just to be clear, it’s final four, not final five.”

Just to be clear Shelly, you are dumber than a pile of rocks if you really believe Jordan. Keep in mind Shelly, you are not the only person in the game telling lies at will to advance in the game.

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Star July 27, 2011 at 5:47 pm the email, thanks.

Hey starfish..some fun ,eh??LOL

Earlier, right after, J&J talking…Jordo says Adam was hiding over there. Jeff says he directed a comment at him cuz he wasn’t going to let him get away with that!!lol So much going on but I wasn’t able to type and can’t rememver it all now! I wonder how much of this is going to make it to TV???

I have to go out for a lil bit so keep the updates coming Jane!!! Wish I could take my puter w/me!!!lol Cuz I think this whole day into tomorrow’s comp is going to be on FIRE!!! This sh*t ain’t dying out anytime soon!!
OH..Dani went and apologized to Jeff…..chicken!! And admitted it was personal!! I take back everything I ever said about dani being a smart player!! Bad move, babe!!!! Better reacxh around and try to get that target sign off your back!!!hehehhe


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PK July 27, 2011 at 5:53 pm

Thanks Starfish… 🙂

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starfish July 27, 2011 at 5:57 pm

My pleasure PK.


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Ted July 27, 2011 at 6:00 pm

Unlike some, PK, all my shots are glamour shots!

Beware starfish… remember, some people, emulating BB, want to get you on facebook only to use you, and will de-friend you in a heartbeat when done…

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PK July 27, 2011 at 6:13 pm


I had to de-friend Ted when he began stalking me, most recently on

Otherwise he is probably harmless…

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 6:23 pm

hey PK what about me… you left me high and dry over pie!! LOL!

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bigbubbabronson July 27, 2011 at 6:33 pm

LOL Starfish & Jane! All boys too, never a dull moment. Well, I hope the fight makes it to TV, sounds like the most interesting thing this season. I like Jeff, luv him, my fav. but lately, his ego is getting to me. It will get him too if doesn’t watch out. I guess he forgets in his season when he was on the outsiders list and the dominating group fell…hmmmmm

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justlookin July 27, 2011 at 6:51 pm

Man would this blog be one Hell of an ad for live feeds! Lol! Thankyou all for the updates! It Sux being poor lol

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PK July 27, 2011 at 6:59 pm

Jane… I had a bad day way back when and cleaned out my myspace and then realized that I have no clue how to re-friend the un-friended…

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 7:36 pm

awwwww PK your still my bud! OMG did I just hear right???? Russells nephew is going on Survivor Ted?? Tell me all about it!

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 7:40 pm

big bubba you noticed Jeff’s ego too? He is like a less passive aggressive Brendon.

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justlookin July 27, 2011 at 8:03 pm

Mouisterizer?!? Get that college shirt off!! They’re horrified that you are representing them!!!

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DonnaP July 27, 2011 at 8:08 pm

I wonder what this new twist is. I hope it really change the game.

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Jane July 27, 2011 at 8:55 pm

Stra check your FB inbox… i replied to you 🙂

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DOUBLE M July 27, 2011 at 9:23 pm

i read in the newest tv guide allison answered some questions here is just a bit:



well guys that is it in a nutshell, a bit more but same old same old,looking forwatd to tonite i see dom is really trying hard to win the newbies over but i doubt it will work, i can bet kalia has already told the vets what is going on, too bad he would have been so good for the game
double m, M2

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aggie27 July 27, 2011 at 9:23 pm

Hi Jane, Glad Dom is going he is opening his mouth way too much, and if the Vets get their way Dani is next, she did it too herself, she should have stuck with her group. 🙄

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Justaguy (JT) July 27, 2011 at 10:58 pm

Ughhhhh.. I hate being so damn far behind!! 👿 I feel like I am still trying to figure out if Marcellas will use the veto to save himself! 😆

I just watched the backyard fight between Kalia and Brendon from early this afternoon…. LOL.. pretty funny stuff. I guess that was just an appetizer for the rest of the day though… now I better go check out some of the main course.. before it’s bedtime and I fall another 10 arguments behind while I’m sleeping.

Thanks to all for the updates. (Stra, Jane, MM, PK) I don’t have the time to keep up this year, so I’m glad y’all are keeping me posted.

Jane… thanks for comment #173.. truly a thing of beauty!! LMFAO 😆

Before I go back to the feeds.. I couldn’t care less who likes what HGs here. Variety… spice… life… yadda yadda yadda. I like Jeff & Jordan.. others don’t… BFD!! Makes no difference to me. I’m not a R&B fan (the duo.. not the music!).. if people like them, why the hell would I care?
Your opinionis never right (or wrong), but your opinion is always right for you.

L8R… hope I can catch up over the weekend.

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starfish July 27, 2011 at 11:09 pm

Yep Aggie, looks like Dom and then Danielle. Good show tonight.

@JT, I know how hard it is to keep up when you can’t get on the blog or watch BBAD and LFs. I can’t do either right now. It’s great so many keep us in the loop. I couldn’t care less either about who likes which HGs and it’s great to love to hate the HGs and we all have a great time doing that without being hateful to each other. The issue wasn’t our opinions of the HGs but the namecalling of bloggers on this blog. That was the issue and now it’s over I hope.

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starfish July 27, 2011 at 11:11 pm

@MM, do you think Allison meant ED would NEVER be back or he wouldn’t be back this year? Thanks for the info.

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double m July 27, 2011 at 11:26 pm

starfish, i think she meant backthis year as soon as i rec’;d the new issue of tv i scanned for bb news and there it was
hope u see this as the new page is up
nite and let’s hope this season gets better
double m m2

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Holly July 28, 2011 at 8:49 am

it’s just plain hard to keep up with you guys, live feeds or not! What a rowdy group and I love doing my fly bys and reading it all.
Whats up with this Jennifer? There is one every year!

Teddy boy, don’t take hottie Mchottie Jeff’s lines and I’m certainly NOT buzzing!!
I still vote to evict Rachoe but guess we will settle for Dom first!

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Jennifer July 28, 2011 at 10:03 am

I am starting to feel since I know the ability and strength (mentally and physically) of 5 houseguests that this season is kind of predictable. Dom
Gone tonite, brendon or J&J will
Win HOH, maybe Dani but I doubt it. They will pick off all the newbies one at a time. Final four Rachel, Brendon, Jeff and Jordan. Final two R&B and it doesn’t matter after that. A gorgeous wedding, a new house, and they live happily ever after!

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hatnbb July 31, 2011 at 9:26 am

Worst Big Brother ever! I am sick of Rachel! She is not the epitome of a Las Vegas woman! The concept of bringing all the veterans back was a horrible idea, or maybe just one, not the couple. I wouldn’t mind Brenden, without Rachel, Jeff (I love J&J, but she already won), without Jordan, and Danielle, without Dick (same reason, he already won). I will struggle through the season, but my one guilty, summer pleasure isn’t pleasant this year!

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sandy4123 July 31, 2011 at 8:21 pm

Rachel and brandon are the whiniest 4 year olds. Get rid of the babies

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bigsistaffy August 3, 2011 at 10:04 pm

I can not stand Brandon and Rachel…….it;s a freakin soap opera. if I see Rachel fake cry one more time I will scream!!!

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hubert samm August 5, 2011 at 7:41 am

Good Riddins… Brendon is gone… I use to respect him, but since he’s hooked up with Rachel, it’s just way to sick to watch… I need an URP bag whenever I see the two of them together.. Rachel will RUIN Brendon’s life if they do get married. Nothing can be done about Rachel’s life, it’s already in the sewer! BRENDON… WAKE UP!!! REALIZE what’s happening to you… GET OUT while you can, RUN away from the B#$CH AS FAST and AS FAR AS YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Elisa August 26, 2011 at 2:57 pm

OMG what just happened….Shelly; if you had been playing the same game for the entire time I could respect you, but damn women, you are now on my most hated list along with Kalia, Pink wearin’ filthy trash, and red headed dog…..what the hell greed; is ugly on enveryone, i am through with Big Brother….I just wish that Jordan would toughen up and start causing all kinds of sh?? in the house, now that would be a fun show!

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