Celebrity Big Brother 3 — A Weird Season Continues

by Lisa Marie Bowman on February 14, 2022

So, let’s get this straight.

Carson was on the block due to Meisha and basically, he would have been evicted if not for the fact that Shanna won the POV and then, at great potential risk to her own game, she used the veto to save him. Make no mistake about it. If Shanna hadn’t used the veto, Carson would have been the one who was voted out on Friday and Chris Kirkpatrick would still be in the house.

So, of course, when Carson won the HoH contest, it seemed obvious that he would go after Meisha. It seemed like the obvious move would be to nominate Meisha and Toddrick but Carson previously promised that he wouldn’t nominate Toddrick and he decided to keep his word. He decided that he would instead nominate Meisha and Todd Bridges.

And, make no mistake about it — that’s what Carson eventually did. At the nomination ceremony, Caron nomianted Meisha and Todd for eviction. BUT — it’s all juts a part of a grand scheme to backdoor Shanna!

What a weird season! As we saw on tonight’s episode, all it took for Carson and Cynthia to suddenly distrust Shanna was for Toddrick to tell them that Shanna was actually working against them. Toddrick, for the most part, was flat-out lying but Carson and Cynthia both took him at his word, for some reason. When they confronted Shanna, Shanna lost her temper and I don’t think anyone can blame her for that. But now Carson and Cynthia disturst her even more than they did before and, as a result, Shanna is Carson’s actual target.

It’s a weird, weird season. Meisha and Toddrick are both very good at this game. In fact, they’re the only two who are really playing, which is one reason why they’ve managed to totally dominate the House. If any of the celebs are serious about winning this season, they’re going to have to do something about Meisha and Toddrick. Instead, they’re plotting to backdoor Shanna.

Meanwhile, Toddrick and Meisha have already agreed that, should either one of them win the next HoH comp, their first target will be Carson.

The veto is tomorrow. Hopefully, Shanna will win it or else this season is as good as over as far as anyone other than Meisha or Toddrick winning.

Catmama Kelley February 14, 2022 at 9:53 am

The stupidity of Cynthia and Carson makes you wonder how they have come in life as far as they have. Just give Todtick the money, I’m sure he’ll figure. Out a way to manipulate meisha into giving it to him anyway.

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David February 14, 2022 at 10:55 am

Wow…I agree with Catmama. How can Carson and Cynthia be that stupid. Have they forgotten that it is a game of lying and cheating.

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Linda Michel Watkins February 14, 2022 at 5:46 pm

Typical Cynthia temper, like on Real Housewives, if you think anyone does you wrong, they are dead to you. How about listening to Shanna and realizing who has the most to lose? And what was with them welcoming Toddrick back into their alliance? Can’t they see he is a snake? Why forgive him and not Shanna?

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david February 14, 2022 at 5:30 pm

I agree totally with Catmama. Do they not realize that BB is a game of lying and deceit.

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