Big Brother 17 — It’s Time For The Manic Monday Update

by Lisa Marie Bowman on August 24, 2015

Hi, everyone!

So, here’s what’s happening on this Monday.  Because Monday is always crazy and manic for me, I’m going to keep this update brief and then turn it over to our wonderful commenters!

So, they had the POV ceremony today and guess what?  Even though she, as usual, spent a lot of time obsessing on whether or not she should use the veto and try to get either James and Meg backdoored, Vanessa decided not to use the veto.

So, Steve and Johnny Mac are still on the block.

Yesterday, it looked like Steve was the target but apparently, the focus has shifted back over onto John.  So, it looks like John is going to be evicted and, unless he wins the right to re-enter the game, I get the feeling that a lot of viewers are going to leave with him.

And, for those of you who were wondering about Austin’s girlfriend, Jen — she has officially reacted!  Apparently, they were having troubles even before Austin entered the house but he promised her that he would remain “loyal” to her during the entire three months.  He wrote her a long letter — which has now been posted on Facebook — in which he explained that the only reason he was doing Big Brother was too make business contacts so that he could then have the money to allow him to live a “travel-filled and adventurous life” with her.

Well, his Jen has been watching the live feeds.  She has officially declared herself to now be single.  She also gathered up all of his stuff and apparently tossed out all of his stuff.

Meanwhile, in the house, Austin has asked Liz to be his girlfriend.  Liz asked Austin about Jen.  Austin lied and said that he broke up with her before moving into the house.

So, of course, Liz said yes.  And Austin says that, as soon as this season is over, he’s moving to Los Angeles so he can be with Liz.


Lisa Marie

O Donna August 24, 2015 at 3:36 pm

Best BB Homance ever. Gross

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sherry August 24, 2015 at 4:02 pm

I’ve been without a computer for a couple of days and t.v. for a couple. I have lost the
Pop channel by switching to AT&T’s U-verse. Am not happy about that, but am hoping
to keep up with BBAD through my fellow bloggers. Star-keep me in the know, please!!!

I just knew they’d get back to getting rid of JM, instead of Steve. Austin has switched de-
cisions every few minutes…depending upon whom he last talked with about game. Once
again Van has twisted and molded the decisions for this week based upon her own game
and her own lies. Please, won’t someone step up and have the courage to get rid of the
“wicked Witch of the West”!!!

I have to give her credit for playing the game, but she’s playing with spineless morons that don’t seem to understand how the game is played. You NEVER give up a comp by purposely losing. Was Shelli not a strong enough example of this????

And although I’ve admited that Van seems to be the only one who’s playing the game with
any expertise, gaming is her occupation, and she’s not a likeable person to many.

I fear Lisa is right about people leaving with JM, but will wait to see if he can win the comp
to re-enter the house. They once again made a bad decision in cho0sing JM over Steve. Steve is the bigger threat. And Van is the biggest threat of all. If they consider him to be an ally and would pose a bigger threat if evicted and got to come back into the game again…. they need to think again! He would probably still be with the same people and stay Van’s pet. The fear that one of the others in jury might come back and upset their apple cart is much more of a threat. If Jackie comes back, the power of the Austwins and Van could be gone. By voting JM out, he might be more determined than ever to go after one of the four who lied to get him evicted. The only one in jury who might come back to join the four is Shelli, who saw them vote out Clay and then herself. But she has proven to be too trusting of this group, esp.

I see James as sitting back and waiting for his chance to break up the powerhouse of three-four votes. But time is running out for him. He’d better get with the game and start winning again. Besides, he may get another member to add to their side, get the power be-hind another HOH win, and see through the removal of one of the four.

Lisa, I had to laugh over Austin’s letter and belief BB would help his wrestling career,
thus providing him with the means to travel. He’ll be lucky to have a career of any kind
after his behavior in the BB house. It never ceases to amaze me how HGs come in be-
lieving they’re going to be famous and rich after BB is over.

Looking forward to reading your posts!! Sorry this one was even longer than usual.
Being without internet and t.v. trapped my thoughts and words inside my brain for too

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Patty August 24, 2015 at 4:15 pm

As the saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, well one woman’s trash is another woman’s trash……! Wonder how long this romance will last without the cameras?!

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Margie August 24, 2015 at 4:22 pm

Sitting here listening to the twins talk to each other is hilarious! Neither one of them have a clue and the reasons they state for getting rid of people is ridiculous. They want to get rid of JohnnyMac because he screams in the diary room and they think this is suspicious. Also, Steve and JM have the nerve to have an alliance. How many alliances do Austwins have???? They even have one with Steve and JM!

I hope and pray Jackie (I can’t believe I’m saying this because I don’t like her) comes back in and targets Austwins. I can even stand Vanessa more then these three and that’s saying a lot.

They were just talking about JM having a lot of nerve coming up to the HOH. Idiots!! How dare he do that. lol

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jolee August 24, 2015 at 4:22 pm

Lisa and sherry, wow! Great blogging you two!
sherry, I also have AT&T. I was very disappointed when I found out they didn’t have the TVGuide Channel ( now POP). I was even more frustrated that they didn’t have the Hallmark Channel … my favorite! They just recently added the Hallmark Channel. Thank goodness!
I found out that you can get reruns of BBAD on YouTube. I have been watching a few of them, but they are mostly boring. I am glad you got back your computer and tv.
Now, about BB. …. I wonder how Austin found out his girlfriend dumped him and his clothes? I think Austin and Liz deserve each other. They gross me out!
I guess we will have to wait until Thursday to know for sure who is going home! I sure hope it’s not Johnny boy! He’s the only one I am rooting for. My second choice would be James!
Keep on blogging. I enjoy reading them.
I miss my Star! She comes on when it’s almost my bedtime. Have a great week!
Later! 😎

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swt August 24, 2015 at 4:48 pm

hey Star ~ bobo ~ Lisa Marie ~ the twins from NC ~ BB ~and to all i’ve missed ~ Welcome to the new people, i see a few. This is the best BB blog.

Vanessa is the only one playing the game, at least that’s something she knows exactly what she’s doing, Meg wants to play but she doesn’t really have any alliances’s to cya ~ Meg, James, JM, Steve, Vanessa ~ they need to bring the house down, first of all, break the twins up, get Liz out. jmo, and go from there and pluck them out.
c’yall later

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swt August 24, 2015 at 4:50 pm

get Liz or Austin out first, i would get Liz out first, jmo

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Junksies August 24, 2015 at 5:07 pm

@Lisa – Thanks for the good stuff about Austin’s girlfriend Jen!!! I’m not a part of Facebook, still the only one on the planet resisting that can of worms!!! Forgive me, but I believe it’s the other way around…Liz would move to Los Angeles. Just last night the twins were talking and Julia warned Liz that she can’t just move in with Austin…that she would have to have a job first. Austin joins the convo later and says that if he moved to Florida it would not be to Miami but rather Orlando. Julia says; “you mean Whorelando?”

This is one time that I wish I could jump on Facebook to check out the Jen story. Good for her!! Austin thinks he is going to gain new business contacts because of all of this?? HA!! Maybe prior to the showmance but not after…NOT NOW…especially since Jen outed him. He lacks honesty and honor and integrity among other virtues and who would want to hire him now? If I was a reputable employer I would never hire him!!!

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hpr56 August 24, 2015 at 5:12 pm

I will be upset if JM is voted out but it sounds pretty sure it will happen. Vanessa has been outed so many times and they continue to keep her. Just goes to show you how stupid they are.

I know everyone keeps saying that this is the most boring year ever but honestly I remember saying that a few different times over the past few years. I’m not enjoying this much but I don’t think it’s the worst – at least to me personally.

I agree with what was said in the past that they need to go back to the old game play. They had luxury and special treatment comps and they had to compete to not be have nots. I don’t know how the live feeds are but I can tell you that watching the show on regular TV does not show a whole lot of work on the part of the house guests.

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Junksies August 24, 2015 at 5:29 pm

@Maxie – #50 previous post…Thank you and glad to be on the same wavelength!! No Florida, just several visits for vacation and family.

@Lisa – you are correct about viewers leaving along with JMac. If it continues on to the point where it is only Austin and the twins I will tune out and only get updates from this blog. I just cannot stomach the 3 of them!!! I hope that Steve slips up in someway and JMac stays…not because I like his overall play so much but because he’s gunning for Vanessa.

Guess I’m sittin’ on exile island….this may not be the most exciting season of BB but I am not bored in the least! This blog keeps it exciting for me!!

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Patty August 24, 2015 at 5:30 pm

Will the jury house guest come back this week after the eviction or is that next week?

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Cyndee August 24, 2015 at 5:30 pm

Hmm……I agree Vanessa is playing the game and she is playing like a fox albeit a spoiled brat fox!
Austin actually voices some very good scenarios and then ‘poof’ they deflate like a balloon. Liz and Julia don’t influence him as much as Vanessa. The twins mull over something Vanessa has said and voila… is their idea…… it is ultimately Vanessa’s game being played. I think I would actually respect her game play more if she didn’t cry and pout like a spoiled child. When someone says something around her you can just SEE her brain figuring out how this is/will affect her game. Lol, for those who are of a certain age she reminds me of an old time children’s show Tom Terrific. He also put on his “thinking cap” but I’m sure hers stinks by now. As much as I used to like JM, he almost deserves to leave because of all the comps he’s thrown. Guess I’m done. Take care all

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Junksies August 24, 2015 at 5:32 pm

@Sherry – I was wondering where you were…glad you are back!

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sherry August 24, 2015 at 5:32 pm

jolee: Missed you these past few days. Love your posts, too, and am glad to know about
You Tube reruns of BBAD. They were mostly boring until I couldn’t get them.

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sherry August 24, 2015 at 5:36 pm

Junksies: I, too, do not do Facebook. You have at least one fellow outsider!

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sherry August 24, 2015 at 5:43 pm

Thanks, Junksies. I’ve learned that for those who don’t do BB or the blogs about it, they think I’m crazy. They can’t understand how lost I’ve felt without my daily dose of Lisa’s
blog, and they have no idea how great this blog is! It’s great to be back!

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Junksies August 24, 2015 at 5:46 pm

@Cyndee – I’ll agree that Vanessa is playing the game hard and had to laugh when you said you can SEE her brain figuring. I’ve seen those same wheels turning round and round quickly calculating and then conjuring her next response. She is good but then again look at the material she has to work with…a bunch of dummies!! She loves making deals and I wish that she could have been turned loose on the Iranian deal because we would actually HAVE A DEAL!!! LOL!

And the twins truly are THE stupidest ever to play the game of BB. I could go on and on about those two pathetic little creatures but I won’t. 🙂

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macy August 24, 2015 at 5:53 pm

JUNKSIES – ha – i dont do facebook either – my 15 yr old does and shares if she thinks i would be interested.

these people are going to let vanessa skate her way for the win – but i remember thinking that about amanda too……..

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Cyndee August 24, 2015 at 6:26 pm

Oh Junksies how I agree with you on the Iranian deal. The twins? I think when that egg divided the one br ain was split and that half brain is malfunctioning.

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Robert August 24, 2015 at 6:45 pm

What really change the game this week was Julia informing Vanessa that she was going on the block and needed to talk to Austin. Vanessa has a loyal player, in Julia.

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Robert August 24, 2015 at 6:49 pm

I’m sure that big brother is working right now on a comp that will bring Johnny Mac back into the game. they seem to like all of his yelling in the HR room. I just hope the comp isn’t too lame.

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Sylvie August 24, 2015 at 6:50 pm

@LM you are the best !!!
Can’t wait to find the letter from
Jen on FB
So Austin lies to his women ???

He wanted to travel? And a hatch ?
Ok at least he has aspirations

LiZ maybe disappointed when she finds out and looks like he won’t win so no Liz and no yatch in the end

Going to look for Jen’s letter and maybe a pictures of his stuff dumped on her porch lol

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Sylvie August 24, 2015 at 6:51 pm

Travel and s yatch

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junksies August 24, 2015 at 6:51 pm

@Cyndee – LOL!!! Good one!!

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junksies August 24, 2015 at 6:57 pm

Sylvie…can you paste the letter here? I’ve switched to cell phone and can’t search it out right now. Pretty please???

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Sylvie August 24, 2015 at 7:11 pm

Am I allowed ? To post ?
I’ll do but don’t want to get @LM in trouble

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Sylvie August 24, 2015 at 7:17 pm


Go here

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Astra Kelly August 24, 2015 at 7:22 pm

Cant wait for Thursday to see who is evicted and who comes back in. Shout out to all the Oh So Perfect People on here who love to sit on their judgement seats about the ethics of the houseguests, and their worth as human beings. Love to see it! Keep in up! You all are an inspiration, because I know ya’ll are perfect yourselves!

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Star August 24, 2015 at 7:38 pm

@Lisa……where on FB do we look for said letter?? We don’t hve Jen’s full name. Or was it under some BB post???

@sherry!!!…good to cya!! And you are right. People do NOT understand our BB addiction. And there is no way to explain it! It’s kind of like that with my decorating. I prefer country/prim and and eclectic mix of other country styles, which is very busy but not messy and before I went on FB I felt sort of alone. PLENTY of groups there that LOVE this style and now I feel NORMAL again..and included!!lol Same here. We are your kindred spirits. Think of this as BBA….BBAnonymous!!! 😉

@Margie..I was watching LFS at the same time you were. the twins did make a point about JM. they did talk about his screaming in teh DR but the point was that he barely talks around the house! He is like an awkward teenagers socially and NOT like his DR entries at all!! Andthey say he sleeps all day! I realize that is because he feels ostrasized, but whose fault is that???

LAst night on BBAD was the 1st of interest to me. Everyone was doing game talk! It’s about freakin’ time!!!!lol van getting into Meg and James head t see where they are. They both gave the dame answers so that was good. Liz and Aus had a date nite in the HOH room tho. ANd Aus asked her to be his GF. Officially. And she said YES!! *batts eyelashes* Troubleis he lied to her about Je. he aid today while lifting weights and talking to JM that he wanted her tied up so the other Ex HGS at wrap party didn’t hit on her! MEN!! lol The thing is that in that house it’s like a microcosm of lie and once you get out and smell the real air, it all falls apart. Right now the stupidest thing Liz could do would be to move to LA!!!! Hopefully, she will realize that after a nite at a club , drinking Partron and fliritng her butt off!!lol

Ok..long post and I need to go make dinner!!!!!

Peace, love, light and L8R!!♥♥

This won’t be popular here, but I was never crazy about JM. I thought he was weird as shit the 1st few shows. And I could see all along what the twins were saying. For a man with a good career, her really has no personality. He was up in HOH talking to Aus last night and he really didn’t have anything to say to him!! Hmmed and hawed and did his goofy laugh. He can’t even use his imagination to lie or offer them something!! Even if he’s been a weasel and is a little awkward himself, I think Steve has played a better game and has done alot of aligning to keep himself safe. I know JM is going Thurs and I really consider it NO loss whatsoever!!

@Jolee……Hey hun!!! I try to get OL earlier but it just doesn’t work. I read this blog when there was only one post today but I just didn’t have time to reply!! Since the beginning I was usually on late at night. I am on earlier on Sat and Sun but I do what I can do!!! Nice to be missed tho!! ♥

JM gave a very weird speech at the Veto meeting today. He wanted Van to take him down but I guess knew she wouldn’t. So he said something about her doing so would be like a gazelle and a lion hanging out! Very weird. And HGS are usually young and run in packs and don’t like DIFFERENT. So , the speech hit a wrong note in everyone.
THEN, I guess this afternoon, he was PO’d and outside he outted the Scamper front of everyone!! SOOoooooooo…if he is going home, and he is, it is his own fault and more at his own hand than anyone elses.

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Star August 24, 2015 at 7:43 pm

WARNING!!! Strange shit just happened above!!!! The paragraph that starts out..This may not be popular……should have been under the Margie shout out. Somehow when sent it split my post in half and stuck the top at the bottom!!!! Never had that happen before!!!!! So before you read this disclaimer, I prolly sound like an idiot!!lol

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Sylvie August 24, 2015 at 7:47 pm


Letter is on link I posted above

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junksies August 24, 2015 at 8:27 pm

@Silvie…thanks for the link.

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Sylvie August 24, 2015 at 8:32 pm

There’s a pic of his girlfriend and looks likes he works at a gym too

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junksies August 24, 2015 at 8:48 pm

@Star – Oh yeah Austin said on several occasions that jmak and/or Steve has to help him to keep the guys from hitting on Liz at the wrap party. Remember how jealous of Jeff he was? He was nearly seething when she was in bed with jeff. He will keep her a prisoner.

No wonder he latched onto Liz…someone here said that he probably doesn’t have hot girls interested in him. May be correct cause that pic of Jen well…speaks for itself. Sorry… She did herself a favor in dumping him.

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Jeanne August 24, 2015 at 8:49 pm

Sorry I haven’t been here as often as I should. I think my sister jolee told you that my husband passed away. I do want to support this blog, it’s the best. Give me a few more days. {{{HUGS}}

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junksies August 24, 2015 at 8:52 pm

I’m typing and viewing on my cell so I can’t see pic that well. Her hair looks like a rainbow?

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Sylvie August 24, 2015 at 9:21 pm

@Jeanne sorry to hear about your husband
We miss you

She’s wearing a rainbow headband so no don’t get your eyes checked

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E August 24, 2015 at 9:25 pm

@Sylvie Thanks for the link to the “Letter”. Doesn’t surprise me in the least. I couldn’t stand him from day one along with Jace and the twins are just too much, I can’t the “whiiiiinnnnggggg-aaaaaaa” as they would say it.
I don’t do Facebook either. I really thought I was the only one in the universe who didn’t, glad to find out there are others out there besides me

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Dough August 24, 2015 at 9:29 pm

I am so very sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my prayers.

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Keith August 24, 2015 at 10:12 pm

Does Austin really believe he can buy a yacht with BB winnings? Doesn’t he know the tax man will get about 40% of the loot? He wouldn’t even have enough for a down payment with his take.


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Astra Kelly August 24, 2015 at 10:33 pm

@ Jeanne, very sorry to hear of your loss. Sending love your way..and prayers for you.

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swt August 24, 2015 at 11:16 pm

@ Jeanne so sorry 🙁 can’t imagine the pain you feel
@all of you hi, glad to be back, i’ve been sick, thanks for the updates.

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jolee August 25, 2015 at 12:08 am

I want to thank all of you for your kind comments to Jeanne. 🙂
Star, nice to see you back where you belong!! 🙂
Astra, I was thinking about what you said in comment #28. I have been struggling with demonizing some of the HG;s, because I am a very positive person, who doesn’t have any enemies, that I know of. 🙂 I am a “glass half full” person. So why do I feel comfortable about the comments I make about the HG’s, especially Austin? I figured out that I think of Big Brother as a “sitcom” not a house of people who you have personal contact with. They are players on a stage. If I go to a movie, I boo the bad guys and cheer on the good guys. Does that make sense? I would never say anything rude to anyone who I have contact with. Anyway, I never, ever feel superior to anyone. I am human, I make mistakes ( I could write a book!) 🙂
I hope this all makes sense! I am so blessed to be a part of this blog. As I have said before, this blog is the best part of Big Brother.
Astra, I also want to thank you for the sweet words to my sissy. She’s in bed now, but I know she will appreciate all of your comments.
Well, I have had a busy day. I hope you all have a nice evening. I may check back later (Star) 🙂
Later!! 😎

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Grandma Kathy August 25, 2015 at 12:31 am

Jeanne …. love & prayers coming your way. So very sorry for your loss.
Puts life in the eternal perspective, doesn’t it? God bless.

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Junksies August 25, 2015 at 1:45 am

Jeanne – My heart goes out to you and all your family. You’ll be in my prayers.

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Annie August 25, 2015 at 2:16 am

Jeanne…I’m so sorry for your loss….you know he’s in Heaven saving you a place! I am praying for you and Sissy. May the Lord Jesus comfort your soul! XOXO

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tendr August 25, 2015 at 2:30 am

Jeanne, I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope this doesn’t make you get sicker. Times like this I never know the right thing to say. It just makes me hurt for you. hugs,v

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Susan G August 25, 2015 at 2:51 am

Prayers, blessings, and love to you, Jeanne. I’m very sorry to hear of your loss.

I wish we were watching the jury house instead of the BB house. I don’t expect people to be classy, but yikes this group is a little too ….. uh …. gross? Can someone please give Austin. A shirt to wear, teach the twins to chew with their mouths closed? I’m not trying to be mean. I’m just saying some manners would be appreciated. They know they’re on TV, it’s not candid camera.

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sherry August 25, 2015 at 2:57 am

Star: Good post. Very interesting info on JM. Not being able to see BBAD and being in
total black out for a couple of days has left me a little outside the loop for information.
Love your decorating style! Thanks.

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sherry August 25, 2015 at 3:08 am

Jeanne: So sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. Honey, it will take more than
a few days to get back into the swing of things. For quite a while you will have trouble
focusing and being interested in anything for longer than a few minutes. I lost my husband
fifteen years ago, and it seems like forever in some ways and only yesterday in others. There
is one thing I have learned: The saying “Time heals all wounds” is a fallacy. The wound
never totally heals. It only becomes less painful by the covering of scar tissue. You will
mourn the loss of your husband until the day you meet again, but time will allow you the
space to find out how best to deal with the loss and pain. There is no right or wrong way
to grieve or time limitations. It’s personalized and unique for every loss and every circumstance of that loss.
I will put you in my prayers and am always available should you want to just talk. Jolee has
my e-mail address and if she’s lost it, let me know and I will send it to you. God bless you.

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Junksies August 25, 2015 at 3:25 am

@Sherry – How sweet you are and so full of wisdom and comforting words.

I lost my mother 3 years ago and the following is written in one of my journals:

Losing Mom is something I will never get over. It’s like a part of me died and yet I go on but I never really get back to the old me. Something is always missing…

Tonight it seems almost irreverent to blog about BB. Till tomorrow…

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Jeanne August 25, 2015 at 3:44 am

Look at all the precious people on this blog. I can’t believe the outpouring of love and prayers for me. God bless you all. Going to try and get some sleep. {{{HUGS}}}

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sherry August 25, 2015 at 3:53 am

Junksies: I love the quote and will keep a copy handy. Thank you for sharing that.
I think the silver lining to the cloud of darkness that feels like it will swallow us when we lose someone we love is the ability and deep desire to reach out and share with others (who are travelling down a road we’ve already travelled)….not to give advice, but to let them know they are not alone. Supportive love is the best medicine for an ailing heart. The love that has poured out on this blog for Jeanne is a prime example of how much she’s loved
and how much people on this blog care about one another. Thank you all for allowing me
to be a part of this great blog.

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Star August 25, 2015 at 5:38 am

@Sylvie….thanks for the link and the heads UP!! lol I didn’t see your post or Astra’s as I posted mine and left. Austin is a shallow, money grubbing two-timer and if Liz is smart, she will drop him like the Judas he is after the show!!!(once a cheater…….)

@Jeanne…when I gave my condolences to Jolee and your family the other day, I had no idea it was your husband!!! 🙁 I am so sorry or your terrible loss! I wish I had the words to comfort you but , as I know too well, there aren’t any. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. May your angels be around you at this difficult time to hold and comfort you. Sending love and hugs!!! xoxo ♥♥

@sherry….I am always glad to know that you have read my posts! 😉 Your words to Jeanne were so moving and I took solace from them too. Although I thankfully still have my husband, I have lost almost all of the rest of my family. The last and hardest to take was my Mother 2 years go. We were very close… feelings and proximity as she lived but 2 minutes from me. She was not just my Mom but my best friend,the heart and soul of what I consider home and family. Your words really touched me and I am glad we met on this blog . If you don’t mind, I too will contact Jolee on FB and ask her for your email. I would like to remain in touch when our summer addiction is over!

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Star August 25, 2015 at 5:52 am

swt….sorry to hear you are sick. Hope it’s nothing serious!! I am going to go to the Dr myself this week. I think I have a sinus infection and possibly bronchitis. Allergies and change of seasons. Good times!! lol

Dumb potbowling again tonight!!!! But at the beginning, they were talking a little game. Seems Van is upset now with Steve, altho I don’t know WHY, and telling Austin not to trust him!! Geez she is always mad at somebody!!! And it changes on a dime!!

JM trying to save himself told her if she kept him, he would be her *number one*. then he said….better the devil I know!!lol He said if she didn’t want that, then just send him out because he had no one else to work with. She seems to be considering it and seeing as how she is mad at Steve, maybe he is the new target!

Also, JAMES……UUUHHHHH flirting with both Julia and Meg. I think he is the most popular guy in the house! If he can keep from being evicted, he could have a shot at winning this. Everyone would vote for him!!

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Courtney August 25, 2015 at 6:25 am

@Jeanne …I am so very sorry for your loss. It is so beautiful to see how people care here on this blog. I wish you peace, love and strength. God bless!

@Swt…welcome back! I hope you are feeling better.

@Sherry…such beautiful words. I know they were for Jeanne but I think we all took something away from then as well.

@Star…get well soon!!

@the Big Brother cast…we need some distractions, liven it up people!!!

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Pauletta August 25, 2015 at 6:42 am

I have quit watching the show, just read the blogs . it makes sick just to look at Liz and Austin.

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Rose Mary Jones August 25, 2015 at 6:55 am

jen johnson fb page picture is beautiful , yes he(Austin) has issues and I would take jen over the evil twin anyday and I am not gay. The man elevator wil lnot go to the top floor. I hope Jm coming back and get Vanessa. Van does have a game but her game stinks for me. she crys to much. Jen if you need help getting rid of Austin clothes, i think you can email some of theblogger and me. Sorry Jen you made the right choice to get rude of AUSTIN

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Fannie B August 25, 2015 at 8:46 am

Jeanne so sorry for your lose please except my deepest sympathy for you and your family. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers. It is heart warming to see the blog family posting for a sad friend.

Cyndee I so remember Tom Terrific he was on Captian Kangaroo.

I hope it is Steve that goes on Thursday but time will tell.

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Auntipat August 25, 2015 at 9:10 am

Hello Everyone.

As I’ve said before, I’m a long time reader on this blog but seldom post; maybe once or twice a season. Because of that I have not replied to the few posts which have been directed at me. I don’t want to appear to be rude so I’m going to try to reply to a couple:

First, I want to pay my condolences to Jeanne. I am so very sorry for your loss of your husband. Gentle hugs to you, my blogger friend.

@ Star, I believe it was you that said you are in Redford, MI? It is a VERY small world. I really enjoy reading your posts. Not sure if you are one of the people that apologizes for the length of their posts but as long as you can write, the longer the better. I would not know what’s going on in the house if it weren’t for people like you! That includes you too, Junksies! And of course, our girl Lisa Marie!

I also thought I saw a post from Deb who also lives in Redford, MI. Nice to see some of my neighbors on this blog! *smile*

As for the Austin/Liz thing, I went to the link that shows the letter he supposedly wrote to his girlfriend Jen. I Facebook googled Austin, found Jen’s sister Meghan, and then Jen. Here is her Facebook Link:

I think she is very pretty and not slutty looking like some people we know? I really started out liking Liz and Julia, but after hearing things, not so much anymore. Austin is an idiot with his ‘Judas’ alter ego, and even without it. And I cannot BELIEVE Vanessa! You see, I have not watched a BB show in several weeks. I have about 10 shows recorded that I have not watched. After reading this blog, there’s no need to waste my time watching them. Someone mentioned that this season is not as boring as some previous ones and I have to agree with that. But it is weird because I usually watch every episode and this is the first time EVER that I haven’t. So something is just OFF about this season.

I just wish they would pick people that want to play the game and stop recruiting people that don’t know anything about it. What’s wrong with going with some older folks? I just don’t get it. I do believe in the saying ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’. But this is the OPPOSITE of that. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, FIX IT CBS!!!

Have a great day all!


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Sylvie August 25, 2015 at 9:23 am

Oh the girlfriend’s FB it says she’s from Simi Valley , Ca and Lives in the U.S. virgin Islands ????

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Auntipat August 25, 2015 at 9:36 am

Yes. And there’s a photo of her and Austin in her photo section.

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sherry August 25, 2015 at 10:47 am

Courtney and Star: I am touched that others besides Jeanne might have found some
comfort in my heartfelt words to Jeanne. One can never have enough friends or
support when you are suffering from a pain of loss that brings you to your knees. There is
no way to explain to another about that kind of pain, until they take a similar journey. Every death of a loved one is important and different for a multitude of reasons and cir-
cumstances. That’s why no one can measure the depth of pain the one left behind actually feels. No one can judge how hard a person is grieving by his or her own method of coping.
Sharing our stories of personal losses helps not only the one who is suffering, but our-
selves,as well. For the one sharing a similar story, the memory of that precious one,who will
remain in your heart forever, is resurrected for a brief few moments.

My mother was 46 when I lost her; my father 56; I lost seven close relatives in one year;
I lost my in-laws during a five year span of the other deaths; I was a caregiver to many of
those whom I lost; I lost my uncle (mother’s brother) 6 weeks before mother (he lay in
a coma for 16 years before dying), and my grandmother two months to the day after mother.This ought to make one pretty good at handling grief and knowing how to go forward from the loss of a loved one, right? Wrong. Each was unique and affected me

Then I lost my husband. It was like losing a multitude of people in one moment of time. I lost my husband, my best friend, my anchor, my soundboard, my key motivator for laughing and waking up each morning, the father of my children, the grandfather of our precious grands, and my partner in climbing every mountain of difficulty that comes along during the journey of life and then quietly celebrating those victories at the top. Each victorious climb only emphasized there was no mountain too high, nor too difficult to climb….as long as we had each other. I had no idea there was a mountain in my future that would nearly defeat me; a climb I would have to make all alone.

Overnight my world changed forever in ways I was totally unprepared for handling. I realized that learning to cope with the loss of a loved one forces you to choose between
becoming a permanent victim or challenging yourself to become a survivor. No matter how hard life can become for anyone, there is always someone who has it worse, someone who has suffered a loss you’ve been spared. I haven’t known yet the loss of a child, grandchild, or sibling. And even with those who have also lost their spouse….I can never know what they are going through. No one can feel the pain in another’s heart or instantly know and understand the complete and personal history between two people. You may empathize, but never know and completely understand another’s suffering.

Life is full of curve balls. Some you’ll manage to dodge, some will knock you out. But with
friends like all of you on this blog, you’ll always be able to get back up and carry on during
those times you weren’t able to dodge. Thank you, Lisa Marie.

Star: I would love to keep in contact with you after this season of BB is over. You have be-
come a very important part of my day. I wish there was just a simple blog that could keep
each of us connected throughout the year when BB is not running. I so love getting to know more about the bloggers on this site. has been my e-mail address for a long time, but since U-verse became my cable and internet service, I am told
it will change. He (the guy who installed the new equipment) told me it would change to, but I’m still getting e-mails directed to the old one. I stay confused about mechanical and equipment changes.

May today be filled with blessings for all on this blog.

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Jeanne August 25, 2015 at 11:52 am

*Sherry: I love your tender heart. Thank you so much. I lost my daughter Jeannette 25 years ago. I miss her everyday. I miss my parents, but they both died of old age peacefully asleep in their bed. Sorry for going so off topic, but it seems appropriate at this time. {{{HUGS}}}

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swt August 25, 2015 at 12:11 pm

thanks to all of y’all who wish me well, with my illness. The Dr’s has found out what i have, it interstitel lung disease, means my lungs are getting hard, kind of like leather, ~ they say i have 2 years left ~ but i don’t believe them, i believe in a higher power ~ i take it with a grain of salt.

so thanks again, i know our blog is the best ever, we have kind people in hear, but sometimes, sombody slips in the back door, and they mouth off, ha ha they usually will stay a bit then they leave. i think it’s funny.

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swt August 25, 2015 at 12:14 pm

can’t get it from smoking, i don’t smoke but everyone in my family does, i was a 3month old premmie, thats when they didn’t have the babies lung shot. my lungs are little. i wear oxygen most of the time, i do hate it.
ok enough on me thanks again

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Margie August 25, 2015 at 12:14 pm

@swt….so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I wish you the best. You have a great attitude.

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sherry August 25, 2015 at 12:17 pm

Jeanne: Never apologize for going off topic. This is the most caring blog site I’ve
ever encountered. People care more about the individuals who blog here and the
need for support that come to any of us at any given time. The BB part is fun and
the blog a connection that helps us get through the season. But this particular blog
serves a multitude of purposes besides game talk. That is the main reason I love it
so much. There is no criticism of others opinions or beliefs. Everyone feels free to
say what they need to say without judgment.
Know you are loved!

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jolee August 25, 2015 at 12:19 pm

Wow! I am amazed at the wonderful outpouring of love and sympathy for my sissy! Being a part of this blog has been such a blessing.
Sherry, you are awesome! You know just the right thing to say to someone who is grieving. Based on what you have experienced in your life makes you empathize with others who are going through it. When I lost my husband in 2003, I was so comforted by my church family. I had a peace that only comes from God. I found that as other women lost their husbands, I could really help them the way I was helped. And, of course, I had my sissy right by my side! 🙂
I hope Lisa and BBBlogger will understand our going off topic for a while! This blog this season has been unique to say the least. Close friendships have been made! Too bad the Big Brother house is so boring. We would be doing a lot more blogging about the adventures in the BB house.
Have a good day everyone.
Later! 😎

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Jeanne August 25, 2015 at 12:23 pm


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jolee August 25, 2015 at 12:25 pm

swt, just read your blog. I love your attitude! I have found that a positive attitude is very healing. God bless you. You are in my prayers.


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sherry August 25, 2015 at 12:27 pm

swt: I hope you don’t take this the wrong way. My husband had the same thing. It is not
a trivial or laughing matter. May I suggest you get a great pulmonologist and set up a
time to go to Denver, Colorado where the best Lung diagnosticians and treatment center
are located? It’s called National Jewish Hospital. If we had gotten there sooner, my husband would have made it. They also work in conjunction with Barnes Jewish in St. Louis. Both are excellent facilities. Go to the best when you have a serious illness is the lesson we learned too late. I am only telling you this, because I want you to have the best chances of beating this thing that only gets worse. We all care about you and want you to have complete healing. Needless to say, you will be in our prayers, as well.

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sherry August 25, 2015 at 12:38 pm

Jolee: Jeanne is very lucky to have you by her side.

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Star August 25, 2015 at 2:05 pm

We lost a lot of Vets this year because they didn’t like all the chatter and O/T talks. This is a BB blog but when times are slow, like every Mon-Thurs, we wander! 😉 And I can’t imagine they would find this year’s chat offensive. Most blogs are just places for people to spew their opinions and they really don’t care what others say or for trolls to waster others time!! Somehow we have com together and despite our BB opinions, become friends, in the real sense of the word. In fact, I think I have more true friends here than I do in RL! (that sounded kinda pathetic…lol) Now if BB could just give us as much to talk about as we find for ourselves, I would be a happy camper!!! lol

@swt…..I agree with all about your optimism,! But please heed sherry’s advice and get thee to the best specialists!! Love and hugs in your journey!! ♥

@AuntiPat……I am from Mich but not Redford. I am in Kalamazoo. Still pretty close tho! And thanks for the ringing endorsement and permission to ramble on, but I am a talker and love BB and writing so, I couldn’t help it if I tried!!lol
thanks also for teh FB page. It says she has moved to Studio City, Ca. She is really cute! Pics of Austin with ehr and a wrestling buddy! YUCK!!! She is better off!!! 😉

@sherry… you just had me in tears!!! I lost all my family in a similar way, even my only sister. You never know what others have been through from the outside. I did take your old email and will send mine to you. Let me know if it changes.

Not much going on in the house. People just getting up. Austin is blogging and it’s picture day. I never know where to find those blogs. Does anyone know?? this one I gotta see!!lol

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Margie August 25, 2015 at 2:12 pm

Does Meg ever get out of Bed???? I’m not sure I would recognize her upright and walking. lol

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sherry August 25, 2015 at 2:21 pm

Margie: I know what you mean about Meg. However, this has really been a strange group.
Audrey stayed in bed so much of the time; even Vanessa stays in bed a great deal of the
time….when she isn’t scampering around spreading her game play lies. Then there’s Jason
who can’t sit still for more than a few minutes, and Austin who can’t quit doing cartwheels
and somersaults, unless he’s pacing. I think one reason JM has been so popular is that he
is usually awake and observing. He can sit still and be quiet. His unflattering way of laughing has been a drawback and needs to grow on you, but he doesn’t talk constantly
and cry the rest of the time. I still can’t figure out why he is so loud in the DR sessions. You’d think BB would tell him he needs to talk more quietly. Strange group!

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jolee August 25, 2015 at 3:11 pm

sherry, thank you! We take care of each other. 🙂
Today is kind of like the “hump day” of Big Brother! 🙂
Not much going on that I can add since I don’t have BBAD or the Live Feeds!
I’m catching up on Facebook and art projects on my Kindle! I will be back!
Later! 😎

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Margie August 25, 2015 at 3:21 pm

@Sherry…In every season it seems we have someone who shouts in the DR. lol Maybe because the room is so small and they get real excited they can’t realize how loud they are. I think it’s kinda endearing. I like JohnnyMac, I didn’t at first. I think because he is kinda quirky and you never know what he is going to say! Everyone in the house gets so offended by his speeches and try to read some hidden message into what he says but he’s just trying to be amusing and they don’t get it. Like at the eviction last week. They all got so pissed off at him and it was really just a cute little speech. I heard the twins talking about how mad they were that he made that speech and I couldn’t stop laughing! What idiots. You are right he and Steve are pretty much the only people awake most of the time.

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Sylvie August 25, 2015 at 3:23 pm

Sorry for going back to this boring group

But do you think it would almost be better if they drew random names from all the applications they receive?
I believe it would randomly work out

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sherry August 25, 2015 at 3:28 pm

Margie: I so agree with you about JM!!

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sherry August 25, 2015 at 3:29 pm

Sylvie: How funny!! It couldn’t be worse…could it????

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april August 25, 2015 at 3:47 pm

just google big brother Austin girlfriend, then click over to see the letter.

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Margie August 25, 2015 at 3:51 pm

OMG Meg is out of bed and playing pool. It’s a miracle!

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Courtney August 25, 2015 at 4:29 pm

Since its BB hump day as Jolee so cutely coined it, I was wondering a few things. Who cuts their hair? I see Steve is sporting a new look. And while they have scissors in the house, why couldn’t somebody snip off that lil beard ponytail. ✂️??oppsie sorry Austin, my bad!

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tendr August 25, 2015 at 5:13 pm

Vanessa is evil. I wish every time she started in on anyone, they’d all agree to yell ‘shut up’ I hate her bullying Steve. I like Jmac and he needs Becky. Austin quit school in the 8th grade..his parents let him. Though he says he now has a degree in Medieval ‘whatever’ history… what do you do with that? Why doesn’t he stand up to Van? She has the balls in the house and i’d have her duct taped from head to toe. When I tell ppl here I watch BB, they roll their eyes.

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jolee August 25, 2015 at 5:41 pm

I will see all of you in the new post! 🙂
Later! 😎

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sherry August 25, 2015 at 6:56 pm

Star: So sorry I brought back memories that brought you to tears. Every day I find something else we have in common. Will be looking forward to getting your e-mail address. Thanks.

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swt August 25, 2015 at 9:55 pm

awe yall ae so loving and caring ^5’s

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Ginny August 25, 2015 at 10:49 pm

Has anyone ever watched professional wrestling. It’s theatrical and that’s where Austin used his alter ego. It works.He is quite handsome without the beard. His sister and brother follow with strange hobbies though his brother is scrawny and smaller.

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