Hi, everyone!
Well, since the house is kind of a snooze right now, I thought I would take a few minutes to address something that I get asked about often. Like a lot of Big Brother viewers, I really like Johnny Mac. And I occasionally get asked just why I like him so much.
Because, let’s be honest. John is not a very good player. He makes dumb alliances. He trusts the wrong people. Even though he is one of the few people to really understand just how dangerous Vanessa truly is, he’s never pushed hard enough to get her out of the house. He regularly throws competitions, even when he knows that he’s in trouble.
So, why do I like Johnny Mac and why do I dread the thought of him being evicted on Thursday?
Any other season, I probably wouldn’t be as worked up over John. Any other season, I would probably just say, “Well, John should have played a better game…” But this is not like any other season.
Instead, this is season 17 and it features one of the worst casts in Big Brother history. We’ve had bad casts in the past. Personally, I think that the Season 15 cast was a hundred time worse than our current cast. I wasn’t a huge fan of the Season 16 cast as well. But, still, there is just something so uninspiring about the Season 17 cast. For the most part, they are a collection of creepy weirdos and dull-witted narcissists and they’re amazingly uninteresting to watch. The Big Brother editors have been working overtime to try to make the cast look interesting on the CBS show but those of us who have seen the live feeds know better.
And that’s where Johnny Mac comes in. He’s not a good player but he is, at least, interesting to watch. I know that a lot of people are going to disagree with me on this but at least he has the potential to be unpredictable. At least his diary room comments are occasionally amusing. At least Johnny Mac turned out to be totally different from what most of us were expecting him to be. When I saw John describes as being a “superstar dentist,” I assumed that he was going to be a Will Kirby wannabe. I was prepared to dislike him. Instead, he turned out to be goofy and fun.
This is a season that could use a little more goofy and fun.
Want to know why it upsets me that John is on the verge of being voted out? Let’s imagine the house without John in it.
First off, you’ve got Austin wandering around without his shirt on and talking about how Liz is his girlfriend and no one gets to talk to her unless he’s standing somewhere nearby.
And then you have Liz, tossing her hair and talking about how hot she is.
And then you have Julia, tossing her hair and talking about how hot she is.
And then you have Steve, walking in circles and talking to himself.
And then you have Vanessa, talking a million miles a minute and randomly crying. (I’ll admit that I sometimes do the same thing but it’s not the only thing I do.)
And then you have Meg, sleeping all day and laughing about how she’s incapable of doing anything.
And finally, there’s James, hiding in closets and scaring people.
So, with the exception of James, there’s nobody around to keep things amusing. Instead, you’ve got a collection of humorless simpletons, all talking about how famous they’re going to be once the show is over.
Seriously, Big Brother dropped the ball when it came to casting this season. And, if John is voted out on Thursday and doesn’t come back, it will finally be obvious just how much they dropped the ball.
So, let’s hope that Vanessa either decides that she can’t trust Steve (and she’s pretty mad at him right now) or that Austin and the twins decide that Steve is the bigger target (but that won’t happen because Austin and the twins really hate John and, hilariously, seem to think that the rest of America agrees with them).
Or, if John is voted out, let’s hope he gets right back in.
Otherwise, it’s going to be a long month until the finale!
Lisa Marie
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To quote Vanessa, scary I know, 1,000 percent
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only thing I can say about john is very strange
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------steve needs to go home and be with mommie
Vanessa needs to just leave and hope I never see her again
meg needs to go back to ny and ask if you want fries with that!
the turds sorry I meant twins need to be ring girls for the creepy
lou albano ( rest in peace lou )
james needs to keep hiding until he wins
and hope no one comes back in
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Agree. JM is the only one who makes me laugh.
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I agree! I love his goofiness! If he does get evicted, and gets tired of being a dentist, he’ll have no problem getting voice-over work!!!!
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I agree 100% Thank you Lisa. I will be back……
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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Perfect way to put it all in perspective LM. I totally agree with you.
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His voice hurts my brain
He’s a scary dentist w grey teeth I wouldn’t go to him
Not excited but anyone
But live this blog
Thanks @LM
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I don’t watch the BB after Dark stuff or whatever it is called. Apparently, based on this blog contestants actually think they are going to be famous. Ridiculous. I can’t think of one ex-BB contestant that is remotely famous except to BB fans. Over the years on all reality shows the only person that became remotely famous is Rob from Survivor and that’s being generous. I guess you can throw that Richard guy in the mix too but for the wrong reasons and that is tax evasion and jail. Getting back to Rob like Vanessa he does play tournament poker and I have played with him several times and most recently in New Orleans in May. Very nice guy and his head is nowhere BIG due to his “celebrity” status.
Concerning John I totally concur losing him will be big drop off in interest in watching BB. But like all of you I am in it to the end when Vanessa is in final 2 with Steve. Prognosticated this in week 3 and sticking with it even though Steve the weirdest of the weird is in peril this week.
The post about Voice Over work I assume that is a joke….he does not have a good voice for voice overs.
And to the twins that think they are as hot as a junkie’s spoon wake the F up. Granted you are attractive but there are many of women that make both of you look like boys.
The End.
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Sorry guys I would rather they bring two people back chelli and Jackie, I do not see why they cannot bring back 2 players ,that way they could have more double eviction.
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Poor John who hates all religions equally, as he stated in the backyard this afternoon around 1:10 pm Big Brother time, was schooled in Mormon doctrine by, you guessed it, Steve the Cornell student and authority in all things.
Well, as a former Mormon missionary and BYU undergrad, I can testify to the fact that not one single fact, according to Steve, regarding Mormon doctrine was even close to an accurate recitation of Mormon doctrine. Though I am no longer an active member of the Mormon Church, I can still spot a religious “scholar” spouting false Mormon doctrine rather quickly, and in Steve’s case he began by stating that “Blacks” could not be Mormons until the 1970’s. Wrong Steve! Black men and women have been members of the Mormon Church since the latter 1800’s. What actually transpired in the 1970’s, Steve, was that Black Males could finally be members of the Priesthood, something no women, white or black have ever participated in.
It got better when Steve declared that Mormon Theology places the Garden of Eden in Missouri. Missouri does fit into Mormon doctrine, but in an entire different time and place.
No wonder Steve is in a constant state of confusion. His brain is locked into misinformation overload.
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Lisa I love your way with words. I can’t imagine how much more boring this season could get. I guess we’ll find out if John Mac leaves. There will be more time with O T blogging, I betcha. Mail
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This silly blog turned my smile into Mail???
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Cest…I was by chance in Kansas City this weekend for a poker tournament and on way back to airport there was this big building in the middle of nowhere you could see from the expressway. I inquired with the cab driver what it was and lo and behold it was a Mormon church and I think the one you mentioned in your post. Big place. He told me if you are not Mormon you cannot even step into the church. Is that customary with the Mormon church? I am Catholic and I know non Catholics are welcome in anytime. Just curious..thanks
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This is the first season that I have not liked BB… Seen them all, barely have missed an episode. I may stop watching.
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A good assessment on JM, Lisa. I agree. But I have to admit some of James’ antics make
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------me laugh out loud. When he announced loudly to the girls (during the chocolate fight)
he was out of candy, and the three airheads opened the door to be bombarded with candy
by the fistfuls, I laughed until I cried. He knows the stupidity of the females and makes them easy prey for his practical jokes. Some are far funnier than others. Some nights it
was only trying to figure out what James would pull next that kept my interest for even
a short time. But it is JM I will be missing the most, because I think he’s played with honor
and humor. He was kind to all in the house and never said anything bad about the other
HGs except for Vanessa. He can go back to practicing dentistry with his head held high. For
the rest of them……not so much.
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I like Johnny Mac I think he can be a better player and he is funny ,honest . They need to see Austin gone like he said he only there to get recognized so he does not even need to win the money. Liz not even a good player.
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John will be voted out on Thursday. However, I will vote for him to win the Most Favorite Houseguest for $25,000.00
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You really got every houseguest perfectly..Morans…the twins make me sick with how pretty they think thet are…Austin is soo Creepy…and stupid as can be..I cannot even look or listen to Van..i fast forward her every time…the rest of the hse is so boring i have nothing to say about them
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I love Johnny Mac & can’t stand Austin, Twins or Vanessa. I even live in Las Vegas & am a poker player & I still can’t stand Vanessa when it comes to Big Brother. I always get the live feeds but there is no reason to get them this year.
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Lisa I agree with you 100% this is the first year that I read your Blog and don’t care if I watch the show. I am sick of Austin and the twins an now that Johnny Mac will be going I really have no desire to watch the show. I wonder how many fans feel the way I do. All I can say is B O R I N G.
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I love Johnny Mac. Austin is soooooooo creepy- and why is he wrapping his hair in toilet paper now and doing nothing as HOH. Hes such a very large wuss.
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Ugh…..I hope creepy Austin gets booted soon. He is a disgusting creature……could not say “man”, lol. Worst season ever!!!!!
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I’d like to say that I would like John to return, but he still wouldn’t be a player and that’s what this game needs right now. It’s better for someone (anyone) to get back in and stir up this mess of a boring season!!
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Love John also Lisa. I think when he s in a room with the 3 dumbest people who have ever been on BB he s in total SHOCK that there R people like them in this world and.his brain shuts down. Any way Im so sick of the twins and Austin. Thanks Lisa
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I happen to love Johnny Mac and he has been really entertaining. Not sure if you guys know, but he is an incredibly talented guitarist. I mean, REALLY good. I also play and after seeing some of the things he can do, I wanted to break my fingers. Check his stuff out on YouTube.
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Your KC cabbie knows as much about the Mormons as Steve apparently. The big building you observed in the middle of nowhere is the Kansas City Mormon Temple, not a Mormon church building into which anybody can enter. Mormon Temples which are located throughout the world are for Mormon Church members in good standing with Temple recommends ONLY. There is always an “open house” for everybody prior to a Mormon Temple being dedicated for its intended purposes.
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Does CBS really care how real people feel about their show? It’s been incredibly boring this season…no one stands out like Rachel, Jeff and Jordan, Dr. will and his sidekick and many whose names I can’t remember but who evoke emotion when I picture their faces…? These People I won’t remember, Idc who wins. Yet I watch….sort of….
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Please get those obnoxious twins with hairy bear Austin. They are seriously on the wrong show. After dark is the worst ever
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This is worse season we need a big play or going to lose viewer like myself that watches all including afterdark but so tired of Austin and the twins and the other thing.
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Hey all! I lost a blog on the last page. It wouldn’t post no matter what I did. So I emailed Lisa and she came to my rescue, finding it caught up in the system and resent it. I wrote it around 2:00PM but it was a few hours later that it got posted. It contained some shout outs and to a few people and general chat about the blog and the LFS…which weren’t much as it was still morning there! But I would appreciate it if you could go back and check it out! Especially AuntiPat, swt and sherry. SO frustrating!!! lol
I have been gone all day as usual, and am trying to catch up while I make dinner! So I am going to go back and read and will respond later.
Thanks Lisa for taking care of things for me!! And for the new post which I heartily agree with!!! 🙂
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Thx fest. Was just curious
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How is it possible that everyone (except Austwins) doesn’t realize that they need to take out Liz and break up the twins???? That is so basic.
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Agreed bunch of idiots
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@LisaMarie…I totally agree with you about JohnnieMac and am so upset abou his leaving that I had to turn the feeds off earlier when Vanessa, Austin and Liz were plotting against him. In his uninformed BB way he approached Vanessa this afternoon with a plan to vote Steve out and he and Vanessa team up and get one of the Austwins out if he wins HOH. It appeared as if she was thinking about this (you could see the wheels spinning) and after thinking about it went straight to Austin and Liz and told them everything. Doesn’t Vanessa realized that she has to make a move…that she is fourth on the list in that group!!! Now they plan to set him up by Van telling him she is on board if he can get Meg and James. This is just a test for Meg and James to see if they will tell Austwins and she has no plan to work with him. I thought she was smart. She needs to break away from the three is she has any chance…and she is calling JM crazy????
It will be interesting to see what will happen if Jackie comes back and teams with James and Meg, wins HOH and puts their ass on the block so one of them go home. I really can’t bear to watch the whining twins, the shirtless, nasty Austin. With Meg sleeping ALL THE EVERLOVING TIME , James playing childish pranks and Vanessa plotting and/or crying all the time it will be extremely boring if JM goes home. Boo hoo!
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New Orleans, born and raised Love it, I agree with everything here ! great blog 🙂
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Lisa Marie….this blog had me ROTFLMAO!! LOL!! You are so articulate with your analysis! My face checks hurt from laughing!!! I really needed that! So thanks so much. You made my day!!
Star….I’m going go look for that “lost blog” because I know I’ll love it! I love all your comments (especially the ones in the middle of the night! Hilarious..and very insightful! Thank you so much…the spoilers are the greatest!! Please keep them coming and know that you are appreciated!!
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C’est….you got to check out “Hell on Wheels”. FANTASTIC!! I just discovered this year. Watched all 4 seasons on Netflix. Fifth Season on AMC now. Check it out. You will understand why I mentioned it. The story: building a railroad out west, Indians, Mormons, Brigham Young, Calvary, Whores, former Blacks slaves, Chinese.
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@Tendr…..very funny. When I tell my sister or friends I love Big Brother they also roll their she’s at me. They just don’t get it! I have been a fan since season 2 and only have one friend that I can talk about BB with. I don’t get how anyone can be a “super fan” without watching the feeds and blogging. That’s where it’s all at!!!
@LisaMarie. I m so glad I found this site! Thanks Lisa Marie. In the past I have been on the site BBDishBlogspot for years be she decided not to do the blog this year after 16 seasons. I miss all my friends there and was so happy to find another spot like this. It’s just not BB unless you can share it with other like minded individuals and I would love to be accepted here on this blog. I would also like to give you a monitory gift if you will tell me how.
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@C’est Moi I was brought up mormon and live in Provo, Utah, where the majority of people are mormon. While Steve did muddle up the Missouri issue and the black inclusion he was pretty much on point about the rest of the stuff, except the 3 wives business at the foundation of the church. He did clarify that the fundamentalist are the ones that continue on with polygamy and not the official mormon church, which a lot of people still think is mainstream mormon doctrine.
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@Lisa Marie …..never mind I found the donate button on the home page and sent you a gift. Thanks for everything!
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Most of the time I don’t mind JohnnyMac’s voice. I can’t stand the winy voices of the twins, yuk! I wish Vanessa would just drop off the edge of the ………….show. I can see how she plays games in real life to get her way, sickening.
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I’ve watched all 4 seasons and 5th now on AMC. Most people unfamiliar with Mormon history are not aware that the original Mormon State of Deseret embraced most of the West.
Too bad Brigham Young’s Avenging Angel, Porter Rockwell, is not still around to dispose of Austwins wild west style.
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Insipid. This cast, this season, BBAD. These houseguests are insipid and there’s no need to expect the unexpected. It will be just as insipid as the last show.
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My first roommate at BYU, James Wylie McCloud, passed away in 2013. He was not a Mormon back then, introduced me to my first booze, Crown Royal and Coke, and eventually married Susan Evans the daughter of Richard L Evans, The Voice of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Prior to his death he was Membership Director of the Utah Valley Chamber of Commerce. Susan Evans McCloud has written many Mormon Hymns over the years.
Exactly what portion of Steve’s primer on Mormon theology did you find to be remotely accurate?
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Hi Star! I will go back and check your blog! Not much happening on “Hump Day!” My new title for Tuesday! Got a lot done today around the house!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am clueless as to what is going on in the BB house, and surprisingly I don’t care! 🙂
Gotta go fluff up my clothes and put them away! Yay, I have clean PJ’s! 😉
It’s pretty sad when you are reduced to discussing laundry! That’s the affect BB 17 has on me!
Will be checking back ……
Later! 😎
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ok. can’t take anymore! I’ve absolutely had it! Tuned in to the feeds and like everytime I do, the first thing i hear is one of the whiny twins saying “Jaaaaaaamesssss-uh” or “Steeeeevee-uh” . and obviously like the soundof their own irritating voices because they keep repeating it over and over and seem to think it’s amusing. And then there’s Austin with his ego thinking he’s the star of the s how and is going to be super famous after this. (GAG)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------well I just wrote to CBS and shared my thoughts! and I think more people should do the same. They need to shake it up somehow because if those 3 or Vanessa get the power again this week I won’t be able to take it anymore. Here’ a link to a page where you can let them know how you feel.http://www.cbssc.com/contact-confirmation.htm
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Neanderthal and the whiny twins need to go! I dont know how but SOMEhow ..
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@C’est Moi Who the hell is James Wylie McCloud and what does he have to do with it. I guess I’ll counter with, Mack Wilberg, the conductor of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is a very close family friend, but who cares. What I was talking about is when Steve was talking about the 3 levels of heaven and what happens in the next life in mormon doctrine. I am no longer a mormon and maybe those doctrines are no longer espoused. The remark about Porter Rockwell is kind of weird? No one is going to understand that analogy and don’t care. I understand you are trying to clear up some misconceptions about the church, but I bet no one really cares all that much about it.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Love that word
“Insipid” describes it all
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Thank you, Margie!
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Thank you everyone for the wonderful comments! 🙂
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Jeanne4488, I like your avatar! It’s nice to see how people look! You look like a friend of mine …. sweet smile and lovely hair. I guess I should put my face here, but my dog is cuter! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I just read some spoilers and it’s the same boring people, saying the same boring things. I’m off to bed to read for awhile .. Will be checking in ….
Later! 😎
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Jeanne4488, Thank you for the CBS link. I just wrote to them! Hope it helps.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Back to my book …… 😉
Later! 😎
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@bbigbob, i watch Hell on Wheels….look at this link…this is the same guy ‘Chris’ who plays the swede..also in one of my favorite all time shows. He said in ‘Hell on Wheels, he’s talking like his father really talks…..http://cliqueclack.com/tv/2008/12/06/stargate-atlantis-todd-is-back-and-he-brought-zombies/
miss this show with wraiths
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he’s todd
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uh, I’m Southern Baptist lol….anyone can come in
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@Annie…..I’m afraid you might be disappointed at the lost Blog! It was not about BB but about some kind of serious off-topic things that we were talking about in the afternoon. I’m afraid I haven’t been reporting much game today as I have been too busy to pay attention and let’s face it…it’s pretty boring in there during he day! By the time they get up it’s 3 04:00 here !!lol It’s good to see you tho. Always love your vibes! It’s very upbeat!! 😉
@Margie…you mentioned you used to be on BBDish!? I LOVED their site!!! The DishChicks!!!lol Before I ever got LFS or had BBAD, I used their site to keep me updated and for news of comp results. I loved when they did the overnight report. That’s where all the good stuff was! I never blogged there for 2 reasons. One, I was here already and it felt disloyal. And two, I always had trouble finding a way IN!!! I did a couple times and you guys did look very similar to our blog. A couple of times BBBlogger thought he might not do this anymore and I thought of going over to the Dish and wondered how people would accept me. SO I know how you feel. I was so blown away and disappointed when she quit this year. I thought her reason was a little weird and abrupt tho. She had been blogging about the start of the show and getting the LFS already. After years of relationships with you guys if she was going to do that, you would think she would have announced it earlier and with a bit more of a sad, nostalgic, apologetic feel. I dunno. I was shocked and a little miffed actually. So anyway, I feel like we are really Family now!!!lol I think she said she was there 10 years. How long were you? I asked Lisa if she knew the blog at the beginning of the season but she didn’t. I was trying to get her take on WHY a blogger would just quit like that. So…Welcome Sista’!!!!! 😉
@Princess…Insipid. Perfect. Only you could find the one word post!lol
Meanwhile on BBAD…………
-Vanessa found an ant on her pizza and almost ate it!
-The boys found another one on the floor with some food and were trying to take it away. You know it’s getting late in the season when the guys start playing with bugs!!!
-James crushing hard on Meg. Watching her apply make-up and handing her her lipstick, etc. Meg said to someone…there is zero chance of James and I having a relationship!! She needs to be telling HIM that!!!lol I wonder if he isn’t her type or she doesn’t want to because of game. I think A. lol
-Van and Austin in BR talking about JM. He told Van he would throw a comp to them. I can’t believe he is STILL doing that!! This is why that side of the house has been in power all season!! I got to hand it to him for trying to stay in the game but his tactics seem so demeaning. Almost subservient. It’s like he doesn’t have an aggressive bone in his body! Austin thinking about this now as a possibility. Keeping JM. But the girls have decided that *even if he gave us a million dollars* they wouldn’t vote for him. Even if the others do. SOooooo….this has the potential to get a little exciting, but Aus will prolly pillow-talk Liz into doing his bidding! And the unanimous vote remains.
-The DR called AUS in and told him that they couldn’t throw chocolates anymore! they were all upset. Meg thought they should ask for marshmellows. Desperate boredom setting in!! We know the feeling…lol
-They made up a new game. Slinging the girl’s headbands into trays on the floor. I forget the name Meg made up now but it didn’t last very long anyway…thank God!!lol
-Julia says *it’s EVERYTHING!!* all the time and now she has everyone saying it!! ANNOYING!!!!!! lol
More exciting news later…if there IS any!!! 😉
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Star: Good update and most appreciated, especially since I can’t get BBAD any more.
Did get your other post and am anxious to get your e-mail to keep in touch after the
show. We do have so much in common.
Jeanne4488: Wrote a post to CBS by your address. Never done that before, but this year
has been such a disaster….I had to do something. Don’t know if anyone at CBS really
cares about us fans any more, but it’s worth a shot.
I agree with your assessment about JM, Star. His game play is not up to par, but he is the
only one left who is likeable. Someone mentioned wishing they could bring back two players. Great idea! That would shake the game up and maybe produce a way for the
irritating and disgusting, four, house royalty to start losing their numbers. That would be
a twist that might actually work. Double evictions and all!!
After this season, I’m convinced each HG for the coming season should have to attend
a seminar on how to play the game before being considered for acceptance and pass a
mental evaluation!! I can only hope there will be another season, and things will improve.
Have a good night, fellow night owls.
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@sherry…I am glad you reminded me! I KNEW there was something else I was supposed to do…lol I’ll send email right after this!!! 😉
JM asked the twins for a talk so they went up to HOH. Aus in BY talking to James about who to evict. JM is mking promises, but he doesn’t quite trust him. He says it’s tempting, but he says he could judt be lying too and then once he stays, goes against what he promise. He said he would rather see JM at the end than Steve. James says Really?? All JM does is sleep all day!!! Aus says that’s true. I am very ambivalnet about him. I don’t hate him, he’sok. But I don’t personally find him all that funny or a big addition to the entertainment value of the show. AND on top of that, he has basically turned into a floater. And I am the kind that likes a person who really played the game. Hard. And I don’t see him being a Dan, who’s strategy was laying low for most of the game and then bringing it! I think he has been a pawn who threw comps for the Austwins side all game and he has been kept because he IS no threat! He was a recruit and not even really familiar with BB. I don’t really appreciate those types or CBS for even putting them in there. Not that I love Steve either. He’s been an Andy Rat….just not as good. It’s kind of a toss up for me who goes. 50/50.
I don’t think the HGS realize how the person coming back works. I think they think they just walk in the door. Last year, when the evicted person from this week went out, after talking to Julie, they got a chance to play against the 4 that came back. Whoever won the comp got to stay. Which means, either JM or Steve could go right back in the house!! So hey better be careful how they handle this week!!!
I like he idea of the 2 HGS coming back in, just to shake things up and even it out. I also think he seminar is a great idea! The 2 weeks sequester watching old BB seasons doesn’t seem to be doing it…lol I’d love it if they only took people who applied and wanted to be there!!!!
I’m out too. Nite all!
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Just got caught up reading everything but now I’m too tired to blog. Maybe I’ll hit it first thing in the morning, errr afternoon before Lisa’s next post.
2:42PM BBT: Steve just dropped his mic in the toilet, he says it was freshly flushed but he has to wear the one that Austin just turned in that has sweat all over it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------double/triple eeeewwwwwwwwww
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I agreed with everything you said about the cast as being the worst cast in big brother history. This is taking to much of my time for nothing. Well off to the cable channel durning this time next year. BB17 has changed my mind on that show(AUSTIN AND THE TWIN. I can take Vanessa but them( Three STooges) no way. John is a little goofy but real. He see’s what going on . Only if he would have won HOH or Veto and used it instead of listen to Steve, the game would be difference and we the fans would have a differnet outlook on BB17, again thanks Lisa and you keep it real. enjoyed
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Thanks for the link Jeanne4488! Here’s what I sent them:
This season of Big Brother (17) stinks!! I feel as if CBS does not care what their viewers want or like. I don’t know who is in charge of casting but I really feel that players for Big Brother should be chosen from people that KNOW THE SHOW and WANT TO PLAY!!! I know a lot of fans who feel the same!!! I’ve watched Big Brother from the first season and I am VERY FRUSTRATED with how bad it has gotten!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!
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BB17 has been a CULT of HGs all following Vanessa to their collective doom. Please pass the Koolaid…
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I, too, love Johnny Mac – there are just not enough people who embrace their goofy – as opposed to Steve who talks and answers himself – that’s too far out there
As for the Mormon discussion, there is the potential that thousands of people are watching Steve and listening while he gives tons of bad informations dressed up as facts about the Mormon Religion – I would also feel compelled to correct the information, especially if I had belonged to a religion where it’s members were murdered, and still are persecuted today! It’s what we call a “teachable moment”. @C”est Moi teach!
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Auntipat, I also wrote CBS a letter similar to yours. If everyone would write, I think it would make an impact. We can only hope. Have a good day everyone!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See you later!! 😎
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Well it seems like nobody in the house knows there a$$ from a hole in the ground.
@Star I can’t believe that Austin said he only likes people who play the game hard. Look in the mirror bubby you are a BAD game player so evict yourself it that’s the case.
My husband and I both watch BB he even said that Austin needs to grow a pair…it you knew my husband you be laughing out loud. Great post LM and everyone. So happy I start to blog this year.
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Me too Fannie B 😉
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Funny Kevin!
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Fannie B: What did you mean by “nobody in the house seems to know there’s a$$ from a hole in the ground”? (#67)
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Jolee and Auntipat: I, too, sent a critical assessment of this year’s show at the address
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------given. I’ve never done that before, but this year was so blatantly bad, I had to try something.
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@Susan G
Between 1:08 and 1:14 Big Brother time on Tuesday Steve provided JMac with a wealth of misinformation about the Mormon Church claiming it was all true or he would not say it on the live feed for all to witness. Actually what Steve stated as fact, beyond the reason for the westward move to the Salt Lake Valley included much of what the hecklers repeat over and over again outside of the Mormon Church Conference Center in Salt Lake City twice a year during the General Conference.
I mentioned James McCloud since you said you live in Provo and he was well known in Provo so I thought you might have known him particularly if you are a member of the Utah Valley Chamber of Commerce. Apparently you didn’t.
Steve didn’t say anything about 3 levels of Heaven or of the afterlife in his statements to JMac, just different levels which could apply to many other world religions. True, there are 3 levels of Heaven in Mormon Doctrine, but different does not equate to 3.
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C’est Moi: I am a catholic and know the frustration of ill-informed people talking as if they
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------really know the truth about a religion, when they in actuality know nothing about it.
What Steve did is against the rules, I would think, if they can’t mention any name label
company or sing due to copyright laws. If not, then I think CBS needs to know how wrong
and offensive Steve’s remarks were, esp. since he is spouting they are true. Go to Jeanne4488’s #48 post. It will give you an address (e-mail) to send to CBS to express your
opinion and feelings about Steve’s tutorial that was wrong on almost every point, if I read
your post correctly.
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@Star…I am so glad you know about BBDish. I absolutely loved that blog and the people who were regulars and newbies. Everyone was welcome there so you should have joined in. I was there the entire time that she had the blog and truthfully didn’t have to go anywhere else to check updates because Carolyn was so good at posting and rarely missed anything. I think she just burned out because she hardly ever slept during the season. She is fabulous and I hope she comes back next year. Truthfully she picked the perfect year to skip. This season sucks and believe me I don’t say that lightly because I LOVE Big Brother. The only one I can stand watching right now is JMac and if he leaves it will be really hard to watch because Austin, the twins and Vanessa make me want to vomit. If they are the only thing on the feeds I turn it off. But then you have Meg who sleeps ALL the time and James with his horny one track mind. I don’t mind Steve so much if he would just quit apologizing so much to Austwins and Vanessa. He has a right to play his game just as much as they do. They have HOHitis bad and I would love it if JMac stayed and teamed with whoever comes back and puts their butts up and see how they like it.
I’m really happy I found this site. I like it much better than any of the other sites out there now. I don’t know why everyone is so crazy about Jokers! I don’t get it. Their site isn’t very good IMHO.
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You read it correctly. Steve is like so many Ivy League collegians, he thinks he knows everything, but is actually an authority on nothing.
I turned down an academic scholarship to Yale and accepted a full boat athletic scholarship to BYU not just because of the “for athletes only” menu daily, but because the patent law firm I knew I eventually wanted to join after law school refused to ever hire any Ivy League grads primarily because of the know it all, I deserve to be an instant partner attitude so common among their ranks.
I live in Mobile, AL, now, because any answer short of “yes dear” to live close to her family failed dismally. I do miss the Utah mountains I had hoped to retire to and always will, particularly on the hot and humid summer days in the deep south.
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BIGBOB – we found HELL ON WHEELS accidently when we were at the great wolf lodge this summer in our pavilion – my husband is hooked – and its the last season!
I too, for the first time have to complain about this season. i usually just read how people say they arent going to watch anymore etc etc etc – but ..i dont know if its the twins or vanessa that rub me the wrong way – but i have to fast forward when they havve air time.
This year I havent watched hardly any of the feeds (my family loves this) I usually watch it on friday to see whos up etc.
enough complaining….
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C’est Moi: A smart man (esp. one living in the south) has to know how to answer.”Yes, dear.” LOL
I live in Fayetteville, AR and high humidity has nearly immobilized people this year. High
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------humidity is not something you get used to facing each summer, you just endure. But the
rest of the year is wonderful. There are lots of mountains in Arkansas and many lakes and
beautiful countrysides. It makes up for the hard summers. I moved to AR from Kansas
City, KS, which is mostly flat. The mountains were a beautiful sight to behold. The only
problem is I get car sick when driving up and down curvy mountains. There’s a flip side
to everything in life.
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Another trait my wife has, in addition to expecting my “yes, dear” response to most everything she says, is her adopting the Russian laws regarding property rights, namely, what is hers is hers and what is mine is hers too, no exceptions.
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C’est Moi: Don’t all women go by Russian law?
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OMG!!!!! Vanessa has a new hat on! or this one just turned another color from her hair dye!
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Frustrated is not strong enough a word to describe how I feel about Austin and the twins.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He must live in La-La Land all of the time to make such a mess of his life outside the house
and making even bigger messes by opening his mouth when he should shut it…inside the BB house. (Please forgive me for times when a word gets isolated from the other part of my
sentence when posting. I haven’t figured out yet what I’m doing wrong to cause this.)
JM is really going to turn his world upside down when it’s announced he’s won America’s
favorite player and gets the $25 grand.
It is so apparent that even a normal IQ was not a qualification for this season’s show. I
haven’t been able to figure out just what the qualifications were. Knowing how to play
the game wasn’t one. Being mentally stable wasn’t one. Needing less than 10 hours sleep
wasn’t one of them. Having a pleasant speaking voice wasn’t one. Measuring at least 50%
on the entertainment scale for t.v. viewing wasn’t one. Nope. Can’t figure out how this crew
qualified or was even given a second look for a possible houseguest status in the BB house.
Unless……they were the only ones who showed up????
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Margie: You are hilarious!
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With or without accepted Russian property law, I’m 72 and my southern belle is 52 so I figure she is going to get everything after all is said and done anyway so no sense in objecting.
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I know this is a stupid question but how do you post your photo on your comment?
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Austin was probably cast for Big Brother 17 because he has a master’s degree in medieval history from Cal State Northridge and, therefore, would certainly know how to properly treat a slovenly wench.
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C’est Moi: You’re a lucky man with just the right intelligence to stay safe and have a
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------happy life!
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Margie, there is a link on the right of the blog page under “reality TV links” that will show you how to create your own avitar for use on this blog.
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You would think anyone stupid enough to get a master’s degree in medievil history would
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------have sent up some red flags, but not with this season’s casting producers. Somewhere I read he quit school in the eighth grade and then later got a college degree???
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@C’est Moi…Thanks I will see if I can accomplish this! I’m about 75% computer literate but that 25% sometimes gets me.
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I am a particularly lucky guy, particularly as one raised as a Mormon whose heritage once included polygamy, to learn early on that ONE woman is quite enough!
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I just accidentally took my dog’s fish oil pill. Wondered why that sucker was huge.
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@tendr….hilarious! Hope you don’t start barking and sniffing dog’s butts
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tendr: You and I both need a keeper! I’ve been doing things like that for two weeks as
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’ve tried to move. My brain cells are definitely on vacation!
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All the complaints and we still watch! Of course we do!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you Lisa for making the watching bearable!
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Sherry, Margie LOL…i honestly didn’t expect anyone to notice that I said that..now it’s making me laugh. Belching so far is the only symptom. Woof
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tendr: I read all the posts, esp. yours. Take a Prilosec and stay away from the dog food
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------until it wears off!
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Oh my dogs fish oil caps are more expensive than mine and pure so i’ll be ok. I just can’t believe I got it down since I usually have trouble swallowing pills but I had just woke up. I have to break them open and only give him a third of it..he’s only 20lbs…which is huge for a Chihuahua….. he was little when I got him… so now I know why he was so cheap. But I love the chubby fart.
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@tendr – for National Dog Day (today) I posted my dogs pictures on FB and bought them extra treats – I have to give it to you – you went all the way in eating their meds – I have chihuahuas, too, but I won’t be eating their food to show my love – they should have a dog in the bb house – it could be in an alliance and not tell anyone
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New post!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tendr: woof, woof !! 🙂
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Margie Sherry Tendr – Too funny…
Nobody can decide who they want to evict so they are considering doing Rock/Paper/Scissors themselves or having JMac and Steve do it!!! Can you believe that??? And would BB let them??? Seems like that would be a violation of the rules.
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I have finally decided based on his fake knowledge of other peoples religions I would like Steve thrown out of the house by his fake Ivy League, pseudo intellectual ass –
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I didn’t think I was going to get through the verbal claptrap of his blog. He never stops
trying to impress people who will never be impressed. As I’ve said before, he lives in La-La
Land. But the sentence that nearly blew me away was his line to Liz’s family. I don’t think
they will be waiting on the porch stoop with open arms, if they ever meet him.
I know that wrestling is a sport that is based on illusion and misconceptions, but the Judas
thing for him is a little over the top. It’s like he thinks and acts as two people or split per-
sonalities. Only with his personality idiosyncracy, he knows what both egos are doing at all
times. I believe Judas is the scape goat for his more audacious acts, and he thinks this will
cover his actions. Afraid not. Everything with him is superficial. Will the real Austin step
I believe LIz and Austin are a perfect match. They keep two other people from being miser-able.
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