…and Monday is the day when I’m running all over the place, trying to catch my breath. Monday’s are the days when I usually have about 15 minutes to write up the update and get it posted before I have to run off somewhere.
So, excuse the shortness of this Monday update. But I know that our wonderful commenters will more than make up for it. 🙂
Anyway, they had the veto ceremony yesterday and, just as we all expected, Stephen took himself off the block and James replaced him with Jace. And, as of right now, its look like Jace is out the door. And can you blame the house for wanting him gone? Jace is just obnoxious. I have yet to see him eat but I’d be surprised if he closes his mouth when he chews. There’s some people who you just spend a minute watching and you know that he probably eats with his mouth open. And Jace is one of those guys.
However, with Jace going home, it starting to look like Audrey might be the target next week. Over the past few days, Audrey has been making alliances with everyone and essentially trying to be the house mastermind. And she had some initial success but, just as many of us predicted, she tried too much too soon. Houseguests have started to compare notes and are realizing just how many deals Audrey has.
Apparently, James was planning on singing a song about Jace when he nominated him. (That’s how annoying Jace is. People want to humiliate him while nominating him.) However, at the last minute, James decided not to. However, Jace somehow knows about the song and was even heard singing it.
So, James know that somebody in his alliance cannot be trusted to keep secrets and he suspects that it could very well be Audrey.
So, will Audrey be targeted next week? And, if she is, will Alison Grodner actually allow her to be voted out of the house?
We’ll find out!
Lisa Marie
Oh I got dizzy reading all that’s going on…. I’m ready for Audrey to go home but if she doesn’t I’m going to believe the only reason she’d stay would be because BB didn’t let it happen.
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I seriously doubt that Alison will let Audrey be ousted. I could be wrong but……………. Kind of like Frankie and a few others in the past.
Can’t say that I will miss Jace either.
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Austin is who told Jace about song but asked him not to say anything and we know how that goes in BB house!
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I wish they would just let the house guests play the game with out manipulation from production.. That’s how the game used to be played and why it became the summer sensation that we made it.
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Allison needs Audrey so The show cab be relevant
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But wont miss get id she goes
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Do you really think they would allow Audrey to be voted out? LOL
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I haven’t had a chance to watch any of the episodes yet, so what makes this Audrey girl special?
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ABC, just let it go!!! Let things happen unrehearsed without minipulation, please!!!
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P.s. Time as n CBS!!!! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If, Jace and Audry go, as planned, I will have faith that C B S will let the game be played without interference! 🙂
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PPSS …. my spell check has deserted me! I mean CBS!!!! 🙂
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Vanessa is not one of the best poker players in the world as she proclaimed. She also stated she has over 4.5 million in poker tournament winnings which is outright lie. You can verify at hendonmob.com and see she emblems he’d by over 25%. She use to be engaged to this really nice guy named chad brown who succumbed to cancer about year ago. Looks like Vanessa switched gender sexual preference since chads passing. I played with her several times and trust while a good poker player her one of best in world proclamation is way overboard. She is not in top 1000 or so in world in poker winnings. I always thought of her as androgynous and now I am even more so of this thought.
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Kieth, have you not seen ads or hype about the show at all? I don’t think if you were watching the show you would even know why CBS might want to keep Audrey on the show. But the pre-show advertisements were very plain to see. She is like their star this year.
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I agree Jace has to go he is driving me crazy with the Bro stuff. As far as Audrey going, I can’t imagine CBS letting the first Transgender get voted out so early.
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Hey All,
I am already over Audrey. She is over playing the game and if CBS allows it she will skewer herself. I also think Da’Vonne has her number and everyone else is starting to see it, also.
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Da’Vonne is just as annoying as Jace. would be happy to see her go next. but we know that won’t happen either.
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if transgender wants fit in and be accepted why the hale (get it) keep talking about it. Everybody now knows about it………..MOVE ON!!
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Herb, BB has become a freak show!
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Carolyn, I watch very little t.v. and I don’t pay attention to ads when I do watch. I’ll be catching up this week since last week was hectic for me. I also don’t scour the web for tabloid talk.
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MOVE ON? whoa someone’s bossy…i don’t do bossy.
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Jeanne04 I agree with you DaVonne is as annoying as Jace. I don’t have the live feed so I have to wait until the show airs and enjoy reading all the feedback. I also like the Spoilers. Have a Great Day All!
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Nancy, you can search for BBAD 17 on YouTube. They show the previous night’s episode, but it allows you to get a more personal look at the HG’s.
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Lisa – we have seen Jace eat and its alot like when Brendan use to eat a carton of eags – yuk – he eats massive amounts of food. So I guess we know who has been cracking eggs and leaving the shells in the carton!
Audry is so much like Amanda – just not as bad as bandaid sleezey – he he he!
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If the HGs has BB saavy they’d break up the “Amazing” Jackie/Jeff partnership by evicting Jackie. The anointed annoying ones always make the show like the bro bromance dudes in the house. Oddly I think our trans friend is bossy, overbearing, and bullyish. Its sad Jace is so self-unaware and no one likes him enough to advise him. The live feed dynamics are very entertaining so far. So far I like Steve and James the most, but they’re not mean and coniving enough to go all the way.
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Thanks Jolee, I will, I appreciate the info. I though I heard you can watch POPTV and see live feeds but I have not been able to find it. Of course I am not the best on computers. LOL
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Nancy, I tried to see if POP TV would show BBAD, but they just showed the stations that carried it depending on your cable provider. I have AT&T, which doesn’t provide POP TV. So I just searched for BBAD on YouTube, and there it was. 🙂 They have the show from the previous day. So far, it has been underwhelming. It may get better as the number of houseguests are reduced! Good luck. I hope you find it.
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New post!
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Big bob. Concur. Use to love the show only to just like it now
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Big bob. Concur. Use to love the show only to just like it now.
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