Big Brother 17: Get Ready to Yawn

by Lisa Marie Bowman on July 11, 2015

Every season, we complain about how predictable and boring Big Brother can sometimes be.  At this point, we always know that someone’s going to be backdoored.  We always know that someone’s going to be asked to throw a competition.  We know that someone is going to be a pawn.  And we know that nearly every week, whoever the HoH is targeting is going to be voted out.  For all the constant talk of alliances and strategies, it pretty much always comes down to who is lucky enough to win the HoH competition.

And we, as viewers, get bored with that.  We want something unexpected to happen.  We want the houseguests to create drama or do something surprising.  We want super close votes and shocking results.  We hate it when things go as planned.

But, of course, the people living inside the house have exactly the opposite desire.  They love it when things go as planned.  They love not having to create drama.  They love voting the same way as everyone else because that allows them to get closer to winning the game.  As long as everything is boring and predictable, they don’t have to worry about anything.

And really, that’s why we, as viewers, get so frustrated.  It all just gets so predictable.  For all of the constant “twists” that have been trotted out over the past few seasons, none of them have really succeeded in shaking up the inherent complacency of the house.  Even last week’s much ballyhooed Last Laugh twist only resulted in Da’Vonne getting 7 votes cast against her, instead of 10.  

I’m thinking about the predictability of Big Brother precisely because something predictable happened last night.  After the nominations, they held the Battle of the Block.  Remember when the Battle of the Block was supposed to be game changer?  Yeah, not so much.  John, once again, threw the Battle of the Block.  So, now, he and James are the nominees and Vanessa is the head of household.

Depending on who wins the veto competition, the plan is to either backdoor Jeff or evict James.

It looks like it’s going to be another yawn-filled week in the Big Brother House.

Lisa Marie

DewyRose July 11, 2015 at 12:11 pm

Really can’t add to what you said Lisa Marie…boring predictability and because of that I thought I’d post a blast from the past…now letls all get Riled…lol

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Sylvie July 11, 2015 at 1:10 pm

So boring indeed
Didn’t watch the last one

Saw Jeff and Jordan in Couple Therapy

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everyseasonwatcher July 11, 2015 at 1:11 pm

If Big Brother was played where America voted again it would be a whole lot better. You wanna see someone’s true colors… I don’t mean America’s Player.. I mean America votes to evict.. problem was CBS couldn’t control the game.. I miss the original Big Brother.

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Cindi Kelley July 11, 2015 at 1:13 pm

Is it just me or is this not the most boring group of Houseguests ever? I think I’m just spoiled because last season’s Houseguests were so entertaining. I may not be able to finish watching this season and I have not missed a season in at least 10 years, I look forward to this summer guilty pleasure all winter long! I think this years biggest casting mistake was not having at least one older Houseguest like Donny last season, this group does not play the game they just play stupid games with each other and it gets boring!!!!!!

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Mayela July 11, 2015 at 1:34 pm

They need to break up Clay and Shelli!! Someone PLEASE stir the pot!!!!Thank you Lisa Mari.

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Sylvie July 11, 2015 at 1:45 pm

It’s been boring for a few seasons but yes I love this blog
Thanks Lisa Marie

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sherry July 11, 2015 at 1:49 pm

I’m truly hoping it is Jeff that leaves. I can’t take much more of his constant
blathering and gross antics and talk about the females in the house. It’s a shame
he isn’t have the Don Juan he thinks he is.

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Janice July 11, 2015 at 1:58 pm

Sherry, I agree with you. I don’t see as much since I don’t have LF but I do not like Jeff. I can give a list of who I want to see go but I don’t have one for who should be the final 5, 4, 3, 2 or win. Usually, I like somebody but this season there is only the ones I don’t like. I don’t even have a soft spot for anybody this season. Well, maybe a little for Steve. He seems so alone and out of place. His social skills are buried way too deep.

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Ginny July 11, 2015 at 2:54 pm

Go home Jeff..I hope!

TMZ showed what he did in bed next to Julia!
Imagine being remembered for that!

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Janice July 11, 2015 at 3:02 pm

If they use their brains they will take James out. he is a stronger player. Besides Jeff is not a threat to them yet. If they need to backdoor someone then make it Audrey can not trust her.

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Randy July 11, 2015 at 3:11 pm

Well I’m convinced, listening to Trump is a lot like listening to this group of BB 17 cast! He has me spinning in circles just like the house does! I believe the only thing unfortunately that’s going to liven the house up at all is more alcoholic beverages with a warning that if anyone gets out of control, there will not be any warning, they will be evicted. This will be the end of our show with rating plummeting if something doesn’t change. We have maybe one romance brewing and then there’s Austin trying a little. And Steve, I think his mind is going to fast to remember what he said last to whom. James, I thought I would like but after hearing the condescending way he speaks of the opposite sex is a turnoff from rooting for him. At this point, Vanessa & Becky but it seems Becky is with the weaker side of house at this time. Clay will last awhile unless backdoored. I’m sure not impressed with PeeWee Herman’s vulgarity every time he opens his mouth. I know he brings somewhat of a Frankie side to the show but I’m just not used to hearing anyone talk like that around females without retribution, even if it’s something harmless.

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Randy July 11, 2015 at 3:17 pm

Ginny, can you elaborate on what Jeff did or have I missed it in earlier post before today. I know I didn’t care for either one of them on AR. But was willing to give everyone equal chance. Sorry can’t say the same for Nick on Bachelorette, I can’t stand that snake. Or her either for that matter.

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jolee July 11, 2015 at 3:39 pm

Randy, if you will go to the “previous post” listed at the bottom of this page, Lisa tells us what happened with Jeff. Thank you Lisa, you always tell it like it is! And I almost always agree with you. See you all later! Good posts!:)

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Randy July 11, 2015 at 3:58 pm

Thank You Jolee, I will. There is so much to watch now that new seasons of several shows have started and then the 2 or 3 hours every night plus yard work! Good to see your name again though! Talk to ya’ll tonight!

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Janice D July 11, 2015 at 4:12 pm

This is a test to see my name shows up with last name initial. There are 2 Janice.

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applepie62 July 11, 2015 at 5:37 pm

I’ve been bored with BB a few years now. In the past, however, with the help of the DVR, I never missed an episode. So far this year I’ve missed 4 episodes and don’t feel left out of anything for not even bothering. I will, however, be eternally grateful when I get an income again and can afford my satellite and DVR services.

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Astra Kelly July 11, 2015 at 6:05 pm

I think if they go back to casting regular people, not “Types”….As in: ” The gay guy” ” The gay girl”..” The surfer dude” ” The brainless Barbie doll girls” ” The stupid jock” get the idea. JUST CAST REGULAR PEOPLE!! That was what made the show the hit it was in days gone by. In my opinion.

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Herb July 11, 2015 at 6:51 pm

Astra. Agree. The demographics and sexual preferences are always the same with only the names changing. Token gay. Token black. Token hot girl. Token hot guy. Token brainiac. Token country boy. Token nerd. Token regular types. Token goofball. Token muscle main some may construe as meathead.

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Astra Kelly July 11, 2015 at 7:27 pm

Yes, Herb..and it gets so boring. Why dont they get differnt producers? Ger rid of Allison Grodner. Do they, I wonder, ever watch other countries Big Brothers that are successful? * sigh*

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lorraine ginnane July 11, 2015 at 7:32 pm

well written Lisa I agree with you. It is a boring season so far and something big needs to happen in the house to shake things up.
I long for the days of Dan and Janelle and Dr will playing the game. If something does not change BB will lose their Fans and rating. The twists so far have ben pretty lame. I wish they would just let them play the game and I miss Donny this season. so far I have no one to root for.

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Jeanne July 11, 2015 at 7:43 pm

I have to agree with all of you. My favorite Summer addiction is a very big disappointment this season. If they want to see this show go forward,they have to make some drastic changes. Sometimes the best way is to go back to square one and start all over again. That would mean going back 17 years. Jeff is ewwwww. He has to go. I bet his grandma’s very proud. See you all later. {{{HUGS}}}

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Star July 11, 2015 at 7:44 pm

**************************SPOILER ALERT**************************************

John won POV!!!!!!!!

What is it with this guy!!!!!

Been out of town all day,so not even sure who the other players were. And behind on reading. BBL to catch up!! 😉

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Bittums July 11, 2015 at 8:22 pm

I don’t know why the don’t “borrow” some tricks from the UK BB. I love their show. The show makes them do different tasks every day, the whole group either fails or wins luxury rations for the week, they nominate each other (sometimes face to face) and must state their reasons why. They make them do activities like anonymously write down who’s most selfish, fake, greedy and then read them out loud and the person who wrote has to say it. They’ll have audience votes and then make them guess who the audience voted for. Really the show messes with housemates more than the housemates lying and messing with each other. They are not allowed to talk about nominations, so theire really are no alliances. They totally “punish” the whole house when someone breaks a rule. They show video clips to the whole house of some of the mean things hg’s say in the diary room. I think that would be the biggest twist ever – have these hg’s come in with their alliance, backstabbing mentality just to find out it’s an individual game.

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jadeangel816 July 11, 2015 at 9:21 pm

I just started watching BB last year and would love to catch past shows. I wasn’t impressed last year and hesitated to watch this season. James seems to be their target now- why not Audrey? Her lies have been confronted and confirmed yet she’s still in the game. I know that fibbing is part of playing but this is ridiculous! And for those players familiar with the twin twist, why aren’t they gunning for Liz to prevent her twin from entering the game? I love your blog and enjoy everyone’s comments!

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jolee July 11, 2015 at 10:36 pm

Bittums, I like that concept! CBS could take some lessons. I’m sort of glad John won the veto again. I don’t want him going home yet. My number one pick to go out that door is Jeff! His actions in the house and his loud mouth are annoying, to say the least. The house will be better off without him. I heard that TMZ showed his shenanigans on their show. That’s something he will have to live with after he leaves the house! I don’t even want to see his face again! His appearance brings back the EWWWWWW factor! Please send him home!!!

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bbigbbob July 11, 2015 at 10:40 pm

Astra, I agree! Well written.

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jadeangel816 July 11, 2015 at 10:53 pm

Bittums, how would I find BBUK?

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jadeangel816 July 11, 2015 at 10:59 pm

Jollee, TMZ did show the video but then showed another
One retracting their original statement. I’m not thrilled with Jeff or Jackie. He’s obnoxious and she’s boring. He’s just downright “creepy”.. John is turning out to be the comp beast. He’s eccentric but I like him. Have an awesome Sunday everyone!

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jadeangel816 July 11, 2015 at 11:00 pm

Sorry, Jolee- I misspelled your name

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Bittums July 11, 2015 at 11:20 pm

Hi Jadeangel. BBUK is on You Tube. This week coming up is the last week finale. You can search for Big Brother UK Timebomb. Since they have them do tasks and activities every day they actually show a one hour recap every night (like what we get on Sun & Wed). It started back in May, so all the episodes are on there. They also do a celebrity BB every Aug and Jan. Gary Busey won last season. Haha. But I like the regular one best.

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Drika July 12, 2015 at 12:43 am

I agree, this is so predictable. The season of the racists, I said I wouldn’t watch anymore, but I have continued because I have watched this show since season one. That being said, my loyalty is starting to dwindle. I am no longer racing home to see the show, or stalking Twitter incessantly to get deets, and I didn’t buy live feeds. CBS needs to give us a reason to tune in. And try making the cast more diverse than just the token black person, gay person, Asian person etc….surely out of 16-18 people there should be more than over 3 people of different races. stop with all the “twists” and put some people in who really want to play the game and not be pulled around like little puppies!

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Star July 12, 2015 at 4:25 am

Well, it seems after tonight,we may all get our wish!! It looks like Jeff is the target this week!! BBAD was actually good tonight and since it was only 2 hours, I sparked up the LFS afterwards. First actual good game night of the season. SHOCK!! 😯
Lots going on focusing on Van, Austin and Julia(who switched with Liz today)all trying to get a good story going as for why Vanessa is going to use Jeff as the renom. What the plan was was to get people all gossiping about things he had done..for real, not lying…and get him to be the house’s most hated. Audrey 2.0, as Van kept saying. But there was alot of stratigizing tonight,which I hadn’t seen before.

Also, they didn’t show it all, but at the end of BBAD, people were yelling and I thought they had gotten booze!! It was that Gronk guy and he told them all to go get sheets,etc because they were going to have a Toga party!!!! Pretty stupid and didn’t last long at all. Once they all looked like idiots, it was over! Odd thing was. I got a notice on an app that they had gotten a real booze delivery, but no one went to get it and none of them were drinking,so maybe BB didn’t tell them??? This has got to e one of the driest BB’s I have ever seen!!lol

But apparently, BB DID give them alcohol yesterday before the comp!!! The gave them champagne,which is usually reserved for the 1st nite or special dinners. So they were all drunk while playing the BOTB! I wondered why, at like 8 or 9PM BBT Fri nite, half the house was in bed asleep!!! I’m not sure if it’s the HGS that are off this yer. I think maybe it’s the BB Production!!

Oh..also, Austin and a few others (Clay, Shelli, Aud,Steve, I think) and decided that J&J were a RL couple!!! That it’s another twist and maybe they have to win together and it gives them a chance to win the million dollars they didn’t get in TAR. Ummm….No. lol They think everything in the house is a twist, that there must be an America’s Player and cannot stop making allinces and giving them names!!!! I think possibly all the HGS have OCD!!!lol

It was a rather busy, interesting night, much to my surprise. Maybe it’s just the beginning of the REAL gameplay!!! *fingers crossed*

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Astra Kelly July 12, 2015 at 7:30 am

@ Star, I hope Jeff is voted out if they think He and Jackie are a “real couple”. Is Jackie boring? does any houseguest like her? They never show even her diary room stuff on the TV show. I miss the old BB…. when they were real people and no one had their teeth bleached so white it almost blinds you and they did not have any agenda but playing the game.

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jolee July 12, 2015 at 11:17 am

That’s okay Jadeangel, My full name is Joanne Lee May, but I usually go by Jo. I used Jolee because my husband used to call me Joleebabe! I thought it more appropriate to drop the ‘babe.” 🙂 I looked up the TMZ video on Jeff and Julia, but couldn’t stand to watch it! It still looked creepy! I know tonight’s show will be boring, as usual, but we do have next Thursday to look forward and there is still hope that creepy Jeff will be leaving the house! See you later bloggers! I really look forward to your comments. Great blog Star! 🙂

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Star July 12, 2015 at 7:06 pm

@astra..totally agree!

@Jolee……..thanks! I just try to report the news!! 😉

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blahhh. July 13, 2015 at 3:42 am

My first time posting anything ever. I agree with all of you! It has become boring and predictable. U.ks sounds good. I’m sick of the battle of the block, just another way production to run things. This is supposed to be reality! They pick people who don’t even try out. They pick people who don’t know anything about the damn game. Granted it was nice seeing certain players again, but why not have a new cast every year and have the old house guests host. This is supposed to be a game show! Not to be a fuc*king reality star. I’m also pissed w. People jumping shows!!! But here I still watch, and contribute to this crap. Reality t.v. can just die, it simply isn’t reality. I think I might just watch weekly game shows. Rant. Sorry. I just would like thing they used to be.

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blahhh. July 13, 2015 at 3:59 am

Sorry, for my mispellings. With all the real big bother fans, we should just start a go fund me account and do it our damn selfs and do a random draw, might not be as cool as cbs, but someone would pick it up. Expecially if it was something internationally.

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