It’s an odd situation. Everyone in the house is paranoid about Audrey. Nobody trusts her. She freaked everyone out by playing the game way too hard during the first week, forming a gigantic alliance and saying stuff like, “Come with me or you’ll be voted out of the house.” Over the past three weeks, Audrey has done and said things that, in any previous season, would have gotten her voted out of the house.
It’s not surprising that everyone in the house says that they want Audrey to be nominated so she can be voted out. But, it appears that no one wants to be the person who actually nominates her. I think the houseguests are convinced that, on the CBS show, Audrey is being portrayed as this season’s hero and they’re concerned that whoever puts her up for nomination will be hated by the viewers. (The majority of the houseguests are convinced that someone has been selected to be America’s Player. At first, a lot of them thought it was Steve but now they think it’s Audrey. What they don’t realize is that Audrey comes across as being just as flaky on the CBS show as she does on the Live Feeds.) Hence, someone like Austin — who has said that his main concern is promoting his career — is not going to be want to be known as the guy who backdoored Audrey.
So, once again, this week finds almost the entire house saying that they want to backdoor Audrey and the HoH deciding to go after someone else. That’s not really a complaint, though. Vanessa has apparently decided that she wants to backdoor Jeff and that’s fine with me. Audrey may be a flake who is obviously the producer’s favorite but Jeff is a disgusting pig. I’d much rather see Jeff voted out than Audrey.
Vanessa is a bit of a wildcard, seeing as how she seems to always be going back and forth between being excessively emotional or excessively robotic. (No wonder a lot of people think Vanessa must have a twin in the house.) However, as HoH, she has at least shown that she’s capable of thinking strategically.
Originally, her target was James. She nominated John and James. John, once again, threw the battle of the block. However, John then proceeded to win the power of veto. Naturally, he’s going to use it on himself and Vanessa is going to have to nominate someone in his place.
At first, it looked like she was just going to put up another pawn (like Shelli did with Meg). But, instead, Vanessa has now decided to nominate Jeff and to get him out of there. And that’s a smart move on her part because it will split up Jeff and Jackie and take a power couple out of the game.
(That said, I think that Shelli and Clay are a far more dangerous couple than Jeff and Jackie could ever be.)
Vanessa, however, has been told by everyone that Audrey should be her target. So, last night, Audrey and Austin spent a lot of time trying to make Jeff into the house pariah. Vanessa even confronted Jeff and publicly accused him of being a liar.
Of course, to a certain extent, it’s not really necessary. All Vanessa has to do is nominate Jeff and let it be know that he’s the target and the other houseguests will vote him out. This is definitely a “do-whatever-the-HOH-says” group of houseguests. That Vanessa spent so much time scheming ways to “justify” nominating Jeff suggets that she’s thinking strategically but that she still doesn’t really understand how the houseguests think.
As of right now, it looks like Jeff will be nominated at the POV ceremony and that he will be the target. That could always change, though. Vanessa really doesn’t like James and it’s easy to imagine her suddenly changing her mind. But if she doesn’t, Jeff will probably be going home.
And the only person who will really be upset about that will probably be Jackie. But, to be honest, having Jeff out of the housse would probably help Jackie’s game. Jackie seems like the type who — because nobody takes her seriously — could easily fly under the radar until the very final few weeks of the game.
After all, it worked for Victoria last season!
Anyway, that’s it for now! The Veto Ceremony will be on Monday and we’ll see what happens!
Lisa Marie
Vanessa talks in way to many circles. Sometimes I’m like OK shut up already. This season of people in not to fond of any of them.
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I really want Jeff to go!!
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Vanessa is playing way to hard and confronting James and Jeff is not a good thing. Day tried that with Audrey and it sent her home. One of the guys will be left in the house to go after her. Audrey will slide along and may win this and she deserves it as the rest are fools for letting her stay.
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While informative blog I feel a bit far fetched HG are concerned with CBS portraying Aurdrey as hero. The antithesis has been portrayed and while HG aren’t privileged to this unless I’m missing something there has been zero hint Aurdrey is hero worthy in any sense. If professing you are transgender is hero worthy that’s the equivalent of dr. Seuss being a marvel to medicine. Look up the definition of hero and in today’s more than ever acceptance society I see Audrey’s gender divulgence nothing more than sexual orientation expansion on BB . Just my opinion and no biggie. Well written blog nonetheless.
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Making me a place. See you after the show. {{{HUGS}}}
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Audrey needs to go.. she is a threat. will these people wake up and see that. Probably not!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jeff is not a problem when will they see that? These people in the BB House are not to bright.
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I would like to see Jeff go, if for no more reason than I won’t have to listen to his
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------constant chatter and voice any more. The next HOH needs to definitely get
Audrey out, but I don’t know who has the nerve and intelligence to do it. So
many of the players are playing too hard and travelling too many times to
Never-Never Land with conspiracy therories and trying to out guess every
twist. Maybe some Xanex should be handed out to the HGs.????
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Everyone lies in BB. It’s part of the game. I want Jeff out. If Audrey wins then I’ll know for sure it’s fixed and I won’t watch again.
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Thanks LM
My opinion on Audrey – is that she is being used by shelli – seems shelli has the ear of almost everyone in the house and she is easily flattered. Audrey has been laying low just like the prom queen has told her to do.
On Jeff – I want that guy to go.
On Venessa – I would love for her lips to have a slow down switch!
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Vanessa changes her mind too often and her emotions too.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You are right Lisa.. Jeff is a pig. I hope he goes!
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I really like what Jason said: Vanessa is a lesbian so she doesn’t want to nominate Audrey. I have no problem sending her home, this isn’t gay pride!
Jason has his moments!
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Hi everyone
I really wish the unexpected would come from us the viewers , by allowing us to vote
I’ve had it with the type casting and mellow houseguest a behaving in hopes of being famous
It’s not good TV !
How many times or seasons have we seen the HGs just spend the summer in the house and just hang out ?
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I hope Derrick and Cody had nothing to do with choosing these HG, they suck everyone one of them. No one knows what they are doing I cant even keep up with all the alliances.
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Jeff needs to GO!!! What a pig!!!
And just a quick side note about last nite altho I know we have a new blog. I told you guys about the toga party last night. Well, as BBAD was starting, everyone was WET and I heard something about everyone being in the 2 showers, but I couldn’t figure it out! I just read that Gronk’s Takeover, which seems pointless and dumb,was in 5 stages. I guess they all constitute *partying*. Really?? Only a frat boy would appreciate any of this! But then, he IS a FB player, so…
1. All HGS had to get in the 2 showers.(beginning of BBAD)
2. they all had to dress for a Toga Party
3. a t2:46BBT, they had to have a Limbo party in the BY.
4. @7:21 am they had to have a hot tub party
5. @11:20 AM they were told to do a Conga line in the BY. It ;looked more like the night of the walking dead as they were SO tired by now!!!
So far the Takeovers and Twists are falling flat, if you ask me!! It’s like adding extra calories to bad food trying to make it taste better! It’s still bad food and now you have indigestion!! lol
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I’ve about had enough of the gay thing! It’s all a show.
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Thank you for this wonderful blog. I’m believing what Da said was true and Audrey’s staying because of her sexuality, not her game skills or total lack thereof. I’m done watching this show and wish you all the very best! It does seem orchestrated by production and these people are so boring. Now it’s just a waste of precious time. Maybe it will go back to the good ol days. I wish I was a viewer then.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Take care all!!!
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I really dislike Shelli. Wish she was on the block. Hope Jeff goes. Did anyone notice all the ” dancers’ in the foam had glasses to protect their eyes, but not the houseguests? That foam can scratch corneas, I’ve read that. So why would production not give them goggles? Shelli’s whole jaw and teeth are too big for her face, and she makes me sick with her fakeness. Vanessa doesnt have alot of social skills., it seems. Meg annoys the hell out of me, she acts like she is entitled to stay because after all, she’s so darn cute! Ugh!! They better watch out for good ole Johnny..he seems to be playing smart
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Jadeangel, I hope you don’t leave this blog. Maybe the “takeover” twist will shake things up a bit. I can’t remember the star’s name this week. I think he’s a football player??? We haven’t heard what his twist is yet. Please hang in there with us for awhile. 🙂
Star, I always enjoy your comments and agree with you. I want Jeff to go!! Please!!!
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It’s hard but I’m hanging in there. It can’t get worse so it’s got to get better. Right? I’ve been a fan too long to give up on it yet. Cant even check the favorite players box. Don’t have one. Now I could really do a job on who I don’t like. I am an optimist so looking for that great turnaround.. Nite nite everyone. Sleep with the angels. {{{HUGS}}}
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Thanks Lisa for an informative update! Great as always!!
I love this blog because I can get info on the HGs before the general public! It’s like being a fly on the wall because I don’t get live feeds! And I appreciate the bloggers opinions and insights and I find it interesting to see how things work out….from a psychological point of view.
I think some people need to step back a few paces and realize this is a GAME!! What we want or think doesn’t matter to the houseguests because they are all there for the money!! And we keep watching because we’re curious of what they will do or say next!!
That said, I think Jeff is a supreme jerk and needs to go ASAP!! He is so far up everybody’s butt it’s unreal!! I think Jackies game will be better without him in the house. And I think Jason is just floating by like a little spider……a black widow spider!! LOL!! Audrey is floating too!! I would get her out ASAP!! Just my opinion! LOL!!
Watching BBAD now…and Star, I love your SPOILER ALERTS…..keep them coming Sweetie!!
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Glad to know that 99% of my thoughts and feelings are validated by most of your comments. I’d like to walk away but it’s like a train wreck…I have to keep watching!!
Jason reminds me of the Bowery Boys and yeah, Pee Wee too. I do find it interesting that this twin twist is playing out so very different that the first one of many years ago.
Tonight, just as BBAD was signing off at 11:00 p.m., Van announced they were being instructed to play Truth or Dare…should break up the boredom.
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@Jolee…..Gronk’s Takeover waas what I was describing in my post…#14! He started with last week saying No Have Nots! Then Sa night they all had to do what hetold them all night and overnight, which is what I was explaining. It’s a dumb Takeover. It’s all about PartyingI guess. He’s got a few more days so probably more to come too. Oh Boy!!lol
@Annie..good to cya again, gilr!! 😉 I agree 100%. People get so worked up about BB. there is nothing you can do to change it and as long as it’s getting viewers, CBS isn’t going to change it!! And you can’t know what it’s like in that house unless you have been inside it. Which is why WE , on the outside, love to watch and gossip and B*tch about it. It’s what we DO. It’s like our summer job!! Being BB Voyeurs!! lol
Jeff has become a supreme jerk! As for floaters, got them every year. It’s early yet tho. I remember thinking Dan was a floater in his season too. He didn’t step up until like the final 6!! Plenty of time yet for surprising developments!!! So hang in there people and remember…this is supposed to be FUN!!!! 😉
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Funny how Vanessa and Austin wanted James out, and the whole TMZ thing aired about Jeff, and now Jeff is their target! Do we still believe that Big Brother isn’t calling the shots and the house guests are just going through the motions! The show use to be so much fun to watch, but now its clear that its all set up in certain ones favor and the whole doing what the HOUSE wants I don’t know when that started to be but I preferred the old everyone has their own mind and GAME and voted based on their self!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Just my lil 2 sense)
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I agree that Jeff should go. I think that Shelli should be the next one out she seems to think she is in control of the house. Clay is nice to look at but he needs to be on the short list as well. Lisa as always enjoy your blog and I am have fun commenting I don’t know why I waited so long!! BB is a little boring this year but it has only just start I have high hopes for the future.
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Star, I totally agree with you. And this is a show for entertainment. I get frustrated sometimes with some of the stuff that goes on but I would die of curiosity if I didn’t watch. How’s that for crazy? I will watch and I will hope that something really cool and exciting happens. You never know, it might!
And thanks for all the information and updates, Lisa. Thanks to others too for your insight and your takes on what is going on. I really enjoy it all.
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Love the comments on this blog! What about Steve? I watched Live Access night before last where he and Vanessa, alone in HOH, were going over ways for him to lie about their relationship. Vanessa and Steve collaborating? Really was funny to think about it. Steve was being all important. But is he really? I know he wants to be, but can’t help thinking that Vanessa is the one who is being all important.
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Thank you Star! I was wondering who Gronk was! LOL!! I agree with you that it is good seeing some of the people who have been missed! Hi Annie, hpr56 and Frannie B. I really enjoy your comments. This is a great blog site …. the best! 🙂 For awhile I was able to get BBAD on YouTube from the previous night, but they no longer offer them. I was enjoying it. Our cable provider, AT&T doesn’t provide POP TV. 🙁 So, I depend on this blog to give me all of the “spoilers” and the happenings at night! 🙂 Thank all of you! Have a great week everyone. Thank you again Lisa for giving such great reports
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Jolee, you’re so right! I really enjoy reading this blog moreso than watching BB at this point but you’re right- maybe there will be some fascinating twists . I would miss reading and commenting..:) Thank you! The psychology of this show is fascinating and it’s like someone else posted – a train wreck that you can’t help but keep watching …and Lisa keeps things fascinating
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*************************SPOILER ALERT************************************
Jeff is the renom!!!!!! Yeah Vanessa! Glad she had the guts not to back down!! Jeff’s head is spinning and he is trying to talk to whoever will listen. He was talking to Jackie now that he NEEDS her!! And now he is going over everything with Austin, who he still thinks is on his side!!! Better pack your bags dude!! And expect some BOOS on the other side!!!!lol
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Hi hpr!!!!!! We will always be die-hards, for good or I couldn’t NOT watch if you paid me!! 😉
@Jolee… need to switch to Charter!!lol We have AT&T phone and computer but I didn’t like their TV lineup so we didn’t get the whole package! Get the LFS! they’re only like $5/mo and you get a week free. Then you can watch anytime you want!! 😉
I like this blog too. I wasn’t going to even blog this year because of all the infighting. But I’m addicted, what can i say?? This is my summer home with my summer friends. 😉
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Thank you Star!==I wrote to POP TV today and asked them why they stopped showing the previous day’s BBAD. I don’t know if they will answer my e-mail. We will see. I don’t understand why they started showing the show for the first two weeks and then just stopped! I also wanted to say how much I have enjoyed this blog this year. There has been little if any infighting! Nice! 🙂 Thank you Star for explaining Gront to me. I think I missed your explanation. I got it in my e-mail today! 🙂 Have fun everyone! Talk later!!
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See ya jeffery
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Morning! 🙂
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Junksies, you’re right ON:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Jason reminds me of the Bowery Boys”
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