Big Brother 17 — About Last Night

by Lisa Marie Bowman on September 4, 2015

Hi everyone.

It’s hard for me to write about last night.  It was hard for me to watch it and, even now that I’ve gotten some sleep, it’s still difficult for me to think about.

Last night, as a result of a double eviction that saw Meg and James go home, I know that hundreds of people — some of whom are very close to me — canceled their live feeds and declared that they would never watch Big Brother again.  Even past Big Brother contestants — everyone from Dan Gheesling to Evel Dick to Jun Song to … well, everyone — popped up on twitter and let everyone know that they hate this season and they hate Austin and the twins.

(Most of them don’t like Vanessa either but it’s Austin and the twins who especially seem to set people off.  I know they set me off.)

I have to admit that, in the past, Jun was one of my least favorite winners but, this season, I find myself agreeing with her more and more.  She pointed out, on twitter, that the competitions seem to be incredibly dumbed down this season and, quite frankly, I think she’s right.  Jun thinks that the competitions were simplified because everyone knows that the HGs (especially, in Jun’s opinion, the twins) are too stupid to follow any complicated rules.

And last night, both Liz and Julia looked pretty confused whenever Julie explained anything to them.  But then again, Liz and Julia always look confused.


Okay, here’s what happened.  Steve and Johnny Mac spent a lot of time talking about how now was the time to flip the house but, when it actually came time to do so, they voted with the majority and Meg was sent to jury.  Then Liz won HoH and nominated James and John.  And then Julia won the veto.  (James didn’t even try to compete for the veto — Meg’s eviction obviously really hit him hard.)  James gave a heartfelt pre-eviction speech.  John said something stupid and laughed.  James was voted out.

The most disgusting part of last night’s episode?  After James left, Austin ran over and threw his arms around Liz.  (Liz had a look of horror and disgust on her face.)  And then he refused to let her go.

At that moment, I wanted to just say, “Forget this season!  I’m outta here!”  I mean, seriously — why should I spend another month watching a bunch of people who I absolutely hate?  (I do still like John but I’m not as big a fan as I used to be.)  With James and Meg gone, let’s recap who is left:

Vanessa.  Professional poker player who has no idea how to apply makeup and who always appears to be on the verge of having a panic attack.

Steve.  Weirdo who spends all of his time talking to himself and begging his mom to tell him what to do.  Sorry, Steve — cowardly mamma’s boys are not really a turn-on.

Austin.  Big.  Muscular.  Pretentious.  Clingy.  Smelly.

Liz.  Idiot.

Julia.  Idiot.

Johnny Mac. I still like Johnny Mac but I’m over him being silly and then not doing anything.

I was prepared to abandon all of them but I didn’t.  Why?  First off, I made a commitment to this site and I honor my commitments.  Secondly, after two months of this, I do feel like I need some sort of closure, even if it means someone who I hate ends up winning the game.  Third, there’s a certain appeal to watching terrible people turn against each other.

Anyway, here’s a glimmer of hope for everyone:

Steve is the new HoH!  And yes, I can’t stand Steve but I’d rather he be HoH than Austin, Julia, or Vanessa.  Steve is apparently planning on nominating Austin and Liz for eviction.

And if he does … well, no, I’ll still dislike him.  But I will be happy to finally see Austin and Liz have to fight for their place in the house!

Lisa Marie

P.S. One thing to worry about.  Steve had a crush on Julia.  If Austin or Liz wins veto, would he be willing to do the smart thing and nominate Julia?  Or would he resort to backdooring John?


Jeanne September 4, 2015 at 10:27 am

Thank you Lisa, I know with whats going on in your life it must be hard to keep this commitment. I appreciate you. I will continue to support this because of the faithful bloggers.

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Jani September 4, 2015 at 10:36 am

Would be great if Steve does nominate Austin and Liz, and if one of them gets veto then backdoor Vanessa.

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sherry September 4, 2015 at 10:40 am

As per usual, Steve’s noms are what Vanessa has told him to do. She talked to Julia and
asked her to go talk to Steve about the noms. Vanessa must think Julia has more sway
with him than she does. Either way, it’s been so clear from the beginning that Steve
responds to women better than men. He listens to them more attentively than to males.
He can’t stand to disappoint them. I feel sorry for whomever Steve might marry having
to compete with his mother.

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Rose Mary Jones September 4, 2015 at 10:41 am

Thank you for the report BUt as I hve said I am not watching this mess any more. You did a great job. I will not let Steve winning the HOH for nothing, the show is BAD and not worth watching, maybe next year the Producers will look better at bring cast in that have common sense. The Twin and Austin last night was the last night I wanted to watch them. Vanessa I just cant’t seem to watch her either and that voice. When someone wins she scoops down on there like I need for you to make this decision because it best for OUR games, Really. Thank lisa I am out of here. I will read Your Blog.

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sherry September 4, 2015 at 10:44 am

Junksies: Did you get my last post?

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S September 4, 2015 at 10:46 am

These people are so disgusting. I can’t imagine what Liz’s parents must think of her and her behaviour with Austin and all the world watching it. I would be so embarrassed if she was my daughter. I’m beginning to think Vanessa is bipolar and Steve has something wrong with him having no social skills at all.

Austin is so gross walking around the kitchen eating and cooking with no shirt. The twins are so nasty and mean. And, I’d never use John as my dentist. CBS did a terrible job picking this crew. I also quit watching and just read your blogs. Hope next year is better or maybe it’s time to discontinue this show. No one deserves to win.

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jolee September 4, 2015 at 10:53 am

Ohhhhhh! Tell me last night was just a nightmare and it really didn’t happen!! I was so upset I actually got a tummy ache! Things couldn’t have been worse!
Now that Steve is HOH, I really hope he will man up and do a little damage to the terrible trio! If he has the tiniest amount of brain cells left, he has got to know he can’t trust anyone in that house! If he could put up Liz and Austin, and then win the veto, leaving the nominations the same, we could at least get rid of one of them. There is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel! All is not lost, yet!!
Thank you Lisa for hanging in there for us! 🙂
Gotta busy day today. See you all …
Later! 😎

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Fannie B September 4, 2015 at 10:55 am

Well I was screaming at the TV last night and I never do that……GRRRRR I will finish watching the season and pray that next year it will be better couldn’t be any worse that’s for sure. I don’t even care who wins at this point hopefully James will win America’s player. Maybe the HG will watch the whole season after its over and see how stupid they were but I am not counting on that. They all deserve what they get now. I thought that James was really sweet last night and was great with Julie.

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Yvonne September 4, 2015 at 10:57 am

I already canceled my feeds. I’ll read this blog because I’ve read and lurked for years and I support Lisa’s hard work. I’ll probably watch Thursday nights in hope the ones I like least of all will go home.
Thank you Lisa and BBBlogger for giving us this wonderful blog.

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Cindy September 4, 2015 at 11:08 am

Thanks for all the updates … But I am so disgusted with BB and those
Airhead twins & and judas what kind of a human is that or is it . Sry but I
Am so disgusted. But then I am thinking about it and BBQ has never had twins win before so my guess is that’s what’s going to happen …..let’s hope I am thinking so wrong

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C'est Moi September 4, 2015 at 11:11 am

Lisa… Who knows which person Steve would put on the block should Austin or Liz win POV or otherwise be taken off the block by Julia winning POV and saving Liz, but one thing is for certain, before Steve stops his persistent swinging back and forth like a pendulum and finally does decide, he will be a good little boy and reach out for assuring “mother may I” approval.

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Cindy September 4, 2015 at 11:12 am

Omg just read my comment I am so p’d off that I can’t
even spell correctly I think those airhead twins are getting
to me lol I better stop watching … Just sayin

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MaryB September 4, 2015 at 11:14 am

IMO, Steve and JMac are done for if they don’t win everything! If Steve puts Aus/Liz up and one of them wins veto, I’m afraid he will renom JMac, JMac will be gone, then the other 4 will work to get rid of Steve!

Half the ppl in my chat rooms cancelled their feeds last nite because we’ve all been so disgusted trying to watch feeds this season.

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Debbie September 4, 2015 at 11:15 am

I hope that next year if we have the same stuff going on that someone fly’s a drone into the backyard with a speakerphone and tells these houseguest how we really feel about them, I remember the good ol days when people flew banner planes with messages on them, it would be fun for us and production would go crazy!

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Herbie September 4, 2015 at 11:23 am

Julie asked the dumbest post eviction questions Last night. James why did you not fight during pre eviction vote speech? Or something like that. Wish he would have responded…so I could expedite the inevitable so I could answer stupid questions like u just asked. I’m nay the dumbest of dumb would have thought I had chance of staying in house. Next stupid question please.

James response to Julie’s post show romance question about meg was perfect. She hoped he had different response knowing meg had no love interest in him thus somewhat humiliating himself. But his honesty and common sense prevailed again.

James u will be Americas choice

Lastly people praying for better cast next year is rather odd thing to pray for. Better things to pray about.

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Marcia butler September 4, 2015 at 11:24 am

This is the worst season ever. I don’t even watch anymore, just wait for your recaps, and thank you for doing them. How much longer until this is over???

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Mike Kubanek September 4, 2015 at 11:28 am

Lisa Marie, You are a bright star in my life, your devotion to this blog and your most interesting comments mean so much to me when I see your e-mails. I know this season is a disappointment, there have been great seasons, and very poor seasons, but through all of this your blog has stood the test of the good and bad. All I can do is thank you for your commitment to Big Brother. Mike

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Kim September 4, 2015 at 11:29 am

I’ve been lurking on your blog for years but never posted, for the last 3 seasons I haven’t been able to watch the whole thing and relied on you to keep me up to date but I have to say this season is the absolute worst ever! I stopped watching 2 weeks ago when I just couldn’t take it anymore and I have a feeling next season won’t even make it on my watch list 🙁 Lisa, I can imagine how hard it must be to watch and I just wanted to let you know that I do appreciate your commitment.

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nancy September 4, 2015 at 11:32 am

I’m so disappointed in JMAC, I really thought he was well educated…what is wrong with him, he could have made some serious moves if he would have made HOH but he gives it up to Vanessa! I miss the day when the hg would fight well into the night to win, these people fall after 10 minutes……LOSERS!!!! I’m not giving up anymore of my evenings watching them, I don’t care who wins….I’m seriously sick of looking at Austin, he’s freaky looking and he gives me the creeps. I cancelled the feeds at 10:05 ET, not wasting any more money or time of this season.

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Patty September 4, 2015 at 11:33 am

I have to agree with you totally LM – this is a true waste of a season. When the opportunity came last night for Steve, James and JMac to vote out Julia and they didn’t do it, I knew that I no longer wanted JMac to win. Too many spineless players, do they even realize that they are just being sheep lead to the slaughter?! I would probably like seeing the guests in the jury house over whats going on in the BB house. Ugh – worst – season – EVER!!!

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Donnette September 4, 2015 at 11:34 am

My stupid cable company decided to change the channel BB would be aired on last night as I was watching football casually thinking it was being recorded. Dumb cable company! I managed to find it this morning , ugh! Thanks for the blog LM and happy to hear even the old contestants agree with most of us fans. I too am canceling Live Feeds as I just can’t stand to listen to Vanessa rattle on and watch Baby Boy Stevie nod his head in agreement with any thing she says. No one I care to hear or see a moment longer, I’ve wasted enough time on this cast of clowns this summer. Hope the evicted people are enjoying their vacation and wish we could watch them instead. The light at the end of the tunnel is looking pretty dim. Have a great day y’all!

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Judy September 4, 2015 at 11:34 am

I’m so over this season as well. I hope the producers are paying close attention to what a train wreck this season has been.
I couldn’t care less who wins now.
I’ll follow this blog but I’m glad I don’t have to watch the show any longer.

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jolee September 4, 2015 at 11:41 am


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Jeanne September 4, 2015 at 11:44 am

Patty, I was thinking the same thing. Lets switch and enjoy a few night’s in the Jury house. I have NO!!! Interest in this loser group anymore. I will continue to support this blog because I respect Lisa and the other bloggers.

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Keith September 4, 2015 at 11:49 am

Wow, I’m glad I never bothered to watch the show this year! I boycotted until the PC pick was voted out but, then I had read so much about the idiots that were left I never turned it on and just kept up with this blog. I guess there’s always next season.

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Beverly September 4, 2015 at 11:49 am

This is the worst BB I have ever seen. So disgusted, I think it is fixed. People couldn’t be that stupid.

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KustardPie September 4, 2015 at 11:50 am

OMG I am so disgusted by last nights episode. I thought that maybe when Steve said to the camera that he could hear his mother screaming at him to vote out Julia that maybe Meg had a chance. But apparently Vanessa has more pull over him than his mother. For Steve to be such a “super fan” it looks like he has never seen the show. Does he not remember all the HG’s that have stayed true to someone throughout the season, only to find a knife in their back on their way out the door as soon as their usefulness to that person is done? If these people have any hope for someone other than Liz/Julia and Austin being in the final 2 then Steve better man up and nominate Liz and Austin, the Veto not be used and they vote out Liz. That way TWO duos are broken up, the Liz/Austin duo and the Liz/Julia duo. Voting out Austin or Julia would only break up one duo. I sincerely hope that the HG’s have an epiphany this week and actually play the game for themselves.

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Elizabeth September 4, 2015 at 11:53 am

I have never, ever turned off an episode of Big Brother … but I did last night. Once the first HOH was down to Liz & Julia, I couldn’t take it anymore & switched off the TV.

My days of reading the day-to-day recaps of the live feeds are now over. I may cruise past the CBS show, but that’s probably the limit of my interest in the remaining houseguests. As Lisa very rightly pointed out, there is a certain satisfaction in watching these awful people turn on each other. But ultimately, I’m over it.

One of the best parts about Big Brother is that usually, the worst people in the house – the bullies, the jerks, the mean girls who really have very little about them that’s redeeming (Amanda & Arryn are 2 recent examples that come to mind) – are eventually revealed for what they really are and voted out. Not always, but a lot of the time. For whatever reason, none of the houseguests this season, even James who was so brave & unapologetic about his big Clelli move, were willing to take on Austwins.

I’m usually a fan of the underdog/nice guy. But I’m willing to cheer for someone who at least manipulates without having to resort to meanness or cruelty. I’m even kind of getting on board with Vanessa despite the fact that her hypocrisy, emotional hysteria, and smartest-person-you’ve-ever-met act are all truly grating. (Also, newsflash to Vanessa: talking so fast that you’re unclear and being unable to make a cogent point don’t make you intelligent; you’re just confusing a group of people who are extremely easy to confuse! Trust me, you would not have made it out of law school had you ‘chosen’ to stay.)

But I absolutely cannot watch Austwins. All 3 are boring, vapid, self-obsessed idiots. There is no way I can send to watch their endless self-congratulatory drivel. How is it that the twins, especially Julia, always look like they’re taking a selfie although they don’t even have a camera/phone?? They always have that hyper-self-aware face, this constant consciousness of everyone looking at them because they’re just so gosh-darn pretty (which they’re not, ps). I’m not sure if it’s generational or what, but honestly, I can’t stand their constant self-awareness. At least Austin, in his defense and god knows he needs one, is trying to parlay this into some sort of ‘celebrity’ such as it is.

Even if Steve does nominate them and one of the 3 gets sent home, I’m just not interested anymore. The villains already won, and I couldn’t care less.

Thanks for sticking it out to report back, Lisa. I truly appreciate the recap and your perseverance on our behalf.

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Mary September 4, 2015 at 12:00 pm

I like the twins–cannot stand Vanessa or Austin and would LOVE to see them up against each other—especially Vanessa! I would like to see John and the twins as final 3

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Bruce September 4, 2015 at 12:01 pm

I think you nailed the emotions most people are feeling about this year. I’m only hoping Austin and the twins will be booed when the walk out of the house, unless Steve, John, and Van somehow screw up this week..which is very possible,, probably likely……Keep up the great work and thank you.


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Mical September 4, 2015 at 12:17 pm

I am not happy about this summer either. I keep hoping that the house will get a clue and evict Vanessa, Austin and the Twinkies, but now the best possible is not good enough for me to keep watching. There is no one that I want or care about winning. I have always been a super fan so this is a shame, I look forward to BB every summer and this is the worst offender season ever. Thanks for your hard work LM.

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Chuck September 4, 2015 at 12:20 pm

As our last night I will have a lot more time for other TV watching. Big Brother has run me off. Thanks BB.

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Mical September 4, 2015 at 12:26 pm

Right on Bruce, I hope that the audience booes them so that they know they are not America’s favorite players!!!

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Cheryl September 4, 2015 at 12:35 pm

I agree with all of your comments about this season – such a waste of a season this has been. At this point I would like to see JM win.
Keith (number 25) – you sound racist.

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swt September 4, 2015 at 12:38 pm

yep, last night made me gag too !! i hate them all ~ Steve needs to grow a pain, he is one sorry dude ~ the guys James, John, Steve ~ what the hell, they had the votes to turn the house ~ where did AG get this scum bunch, she got the hanging around the sewer pipe ~ THEY ALL STINK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@ Lisa Marie, Thank You, i know it’s hard. I am gonna watch Thurs only it’s not worth watching, BUT LISA, you ROCK & i THANK YOU for a Wonderful Blog,

@ everyone who comes here and we can play the game in our heads, we would play a perfect game, maybe the crue might ask us to play in BB. It might make a good online game haha, we might think about it, just for a minute, ok minute is up lol
later yall,

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Dido18 September 4, 2015 at 12:40 pm

Have you noticed that BB has only shown the family segments for James and John? I am hoping it’s because their families are so embarrassed with these people, they refused to be shown! Watching this year has been like having a tooth ache. You know it will hurt but you have to keep touching it. Wish it was over and they all lost. Waste of time and money this season. Bad job Big Brother!

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Junksies September 4, 2015 at 1:07 pm

@Lisa – What a coincidence about the subject of this year’s dumbed-down comps…I posed that question to everybody last night on the previous post. It’s obvious that BB had to rework and retool this season to fit the airheads who wouldn’t have been able to follow any twists. What a let down of yet another season. But you are our bright spot and our committed leader and we all appreciate the great job you do day after day. Thank you!! And as much as I dislike the remaining players I will keep watching for the satisfaction of seeing their butts walk out the door!!

@Debbie – Earlier this year I was thinking about drones flying over the back yard and wondering what BB would do to prevent that from happening. If handled correctly it could really throw a monkey wrench in and ruin an entire season!!

@sherry – Yup, read your post, in fact, both of them!! lol! Having circulation issues my ankles do that same thing if I don’t get enough rest.

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bobovnvet September 4, 2015 at 1:47 pm

Thank you so much Lisa! I am happy that you have honored your commitment! Not to many young people would do that ♡♡♡ Thank you for your write up! Everyone is right this has been the worst season of BB, but I hang in because I am a fan from my first post many years ago, I am a Vet of this Blog & a big Fan of yours ♥ So lets hope that Steve grows a pair & breaks the twins up, I don’t pray for TV shows but I do for all my friends who are having health problems………… Thanks for all your comments see you soon…… ………… :mrgreen:

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sherry September 4, 2015 at 1:47 pm

Thank you LM for your dedication and hard work to keep us posted. You have the
best BB blog out there.

I, too, liked the idea of more time spent letting us see into the jury house and less
on the BB house occupants.

I believe it was last season, well the season that Christine was on, that she was booed.
CBS stepped in and started filling the audience with those connected to the show, so
as to make sure that wouldn’t happen again. EXCUSE ME! If we aren’t allowed to show
our real feelings about the way the participants acted in the house, then why should any-
one watch the show? The honesty has completely disappeared on BB. They control
every little last thing they can to make the show be viewed from their slant on things.
Those who only get to view the local shows are never even close to knowing the true
personalities of the HGs. Editing has become a joke and dishonest to the hilt. I can only
hope the audience is not preselected, and they are allowed to express their discontent
with the HGs this year by booing the bad behavior.

If the HGs have ever seen BB before entering the house, they know the fans are not going
to be kind or accepting of bad behavior. To think you are loved, when you’ve acted
like a heathen or tramp is ludicrous. Good luck with reality, when you go home, Austwins.

I just have to ask before I end this, has anyone else noticed how phony Liz is when she
thinks the cameras are on her, especially in the DR? I think she has practiced those
coquettish looks and mannerisms many times in the mirror. Also, it seemed to me we
had less DR sessions than in previous seasons.

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sherry September 4, 2015 at 1:50 pm

tendr and Star: Hope you are feeling better today. Many of us are thinking of you and
praying for your healing to be as rapid as possible.

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april September 4, 2015 at 1:55 pm

Funny–last night after the show (Eastern time) the feeds had 2 cameras on Vanessa, cramming for upcoming HoH comp. The other 2 cameras were on Austin & Liz making out on the bed. As Gump would say–Stupid is as stupid does.

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jolee September 4, 2015 at 2:29 pm

I wish I could think of a good joke to lighten things up! 🙂 I am proud to be a part of this blog. Your loyalty to this blog and to Lisa, speaks volumes!

I also am keeping all of you who are having health problems in my prayers. Jeanne got a good report from her doctor and her X-Ray. We are very thankful. Have a good evening everyone! I will be back ……
Later!! 😎

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Linda Brown September 4, 2015 at 2:46 pm

Just looking at the tv screen and seeing Austin is something turns my stomach. He is disgusting beyond compare! Hate that chin ponytail…..hate all that hair…….just hate his looks period!!!!!!! Twins….narcistic beyond words……ugh. Vanessa……sheesh!!!!! Hope Steve does the right thing and puts up any of them. Right now I hate the show too. I bet lots of viewers feel the same way.

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P September 4, 2015 at 2:47 pm

I”ve CANCELLED my feeds. I’m pissed. Just can’t stand it anymore. Agree with what everyone is saying. I also let CBS know what morons they are. I hope everyone else does the same. They really need to know what an abomination this show has become. Lisa you have done an incredible job this year. Thanks for all of the hard work, made all the harder by these so called HG’s. They really are just a bunch of knuckleheads. I’m still hoping for a good season next year. That could be asking a lot.

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bobovnvet September 4, 2015 at 2:55 pm

Keeping my place :mrgreen:

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Rich Randon September 4, 2015 at 3:05 pm

Maybe Steve has been playing stupid the whole time. We can only hope. I can see the nomination ceremony now. “I have nominated you Austin and you Liz because my mom told me to.

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Star September 4, 2015 at 3:06 pm

@Lisa….you truly deserve a medal of honor for going above and beyond the call of duty this year!!!!! In fact, we all deserve one for bravery for watching this show when we know it could make us blind or stunt our intelligence!!! 😉 I just LMFAO reading your blog….especially the descriptions!!! I also was a little amazed at Dan , ED and Jun’s comment s and reactions! Hey, they played the game. And WON! So they know waht it’s like in there and how hard it is and STILL don’t excuse or forgive them their ickyness!! Somehow they justify what we are feeling too!

@Dido…your tooth analogy was perfect!!! Loved it!! lol

@sherry and Bobo…..thanks for the prayers and thoughts my friends Unfortunately, I am not feeling much better. This is the weirdest thing I have ever had! I can;t even keep food down, so I am afraid to eat and it seems to be going on FOREVER! I am just tired of feeling bad. I may have to go back to the Dr soon if it doesn’t start to clear up. And to make it worse, my BIL(brother-in-law)is here all week, so extra work. He is handicapped and his folks took a week off, so we have a houseguest. I am afraid I am not being a very good hostess. And sorry for going O/T to everyone. I NEVER do this this often….especially about myself!!! But I feel so crappy that any words of comfort or advice are selfishly appreciated!! (This is why I can’t quit BB. Love the blog too much!!) 😉

WOW…..I can’t believe the venomous things the twins are saying about Steve right now! He’s a nerd and sleeps wit his F**king teddy bear!
Liz re Steve: “Why don’t you go upstairs and stay there, you dumb sh*t!” –
Julia says he just lost 3 jury votes and if Liz goes, she is going after him.
they still think Meg stole some stupid robot and Julia is screaming..I HATE HER!
I have seen HGs turn on each other at the end. It always happens. But it is usually more strategic gameplay and not so personal. Well, these chicks are SO ignorant they don’t THINK like that..or at all! And ignorance usually makes people look and sound as stupid as they are! I also think they are spoiled and used to getting their own way because of their twin cuteness. So that they aren;t running the show is making them irrate and they are throwing 5 year old tantrums!!!!!! They make me SICK and it’s NOT just because I already am!!lol

Van’s whole plan the entire game is finally coming to fruition. She aligned herself with the Austwins for the numbers and because they were easily manipulated and she had Steve on the side to go to F2 with her. As much as she disgusts me on a personal level, you gotta give her props for having a strategy and following thru. She is the ONLY one that has done this this year. I loved ED, but alot of fans didn’t. Or jury members. But he still won. If this were a normal season, that would prolly happen again. And she deserves it really. But with this bunch of dumb asses, it’s all going to come down to who in the F2 they don;t like because they sent them home or some other slight they received at their hand.
I think CBS owes us all a public letter of apology after this season ends!!!!

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Jeanne September 4, 2015 at 3:43 pm

Nothing to add just keeping my place

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Dorothy September 4, 2015 at 4:02 pm

Thank you LM for all your suffering of having to watch theses live feeds scary
have watched since first BB and now find out they got this group out of mental
hospital I keep up by reading you. Steve just walks around talking to the people
in his head – Vanessa has continuous water works and eye makeup all over fave –
Johnny Mac ‘s voice grates like nails on blackboard – not enough room to describe
Austin & Twins – Do hope they fire the whole production team and start with new
next season or it will probably be the end of BB did they really run out of constants
to choose from. Again Thank You your blog and responces more interesting than show

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tendr September 4, 2015 at 4:28 pm

Lisa, I read you, agree too. Ppl I did like are now gone or are now gross ‘acting ‘ more than anything else. You know Steve’s not going to do anything smart… cuz Vanessafromhell will yell at him. I think the guys left their balls outside the door and Van wears them… baggy pants. I don’t like Van at all but I also don’t want the twins or Austin to win. So that leaves the wimpy noodle and loudly speaking Weiner left. Van isn’t a good game player..she’s just in a game with two players and the rest 5yr olds..the fish could win against them. I keep thinking maybe this would be a good time for the zombies to show up….i’m read for Survivor to start. Hugs Lisa for wasting time on BB this year.
@Star….did you ever get x-rayed? You need lots of water, hot chicken home made soup and sleep. Yes I know this is OT..but maybe yeast is in your chest…. it happens. Especially if you take antibiotics. Diflucan will kill it. Ok sorry but I care. SIGH….. ok I’m done.

My mouth is a little better but feels raw. Thank you Sherry.

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diane September 4, 2015 at 4:32 pm

I am not watching anymore. There is no excitement left and I think putting twins in is kind of giving someone an unfair advantage. I don’t really care who wins anymore. I’ll wait until next June to watch Big Brother again.

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Margie September 4, 2015 at 4:43 pm

I left to run some errands, come back and turn the feeds on and the awful twins are STILL talking about how much they hate Steve for having the nerve to put them on the block. They were talking about the same thing 4 hours ago!! ! They have decided they hate him and are not going to even be in the same room with him anymore. Do they really think everyone should let the three of them just slide. Now they are hating on Vanessa and Johnnie. What entitled little bitches!!

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tendr September 4, 2015 at 5:00 pm

@Sherry will you email me?…just put your name in subject.
Oh and meant to say HI to SWT .

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jolee September 4, 2015 at 5:20 pm

@Star, sorry you are feeling bad. When we couldn’t eat, my mom would fix us toast, buttered, piece up in a bowl and pour warm milk over it! It’s an old remedy, but it worked for us. It’s very soothing!
Back to BB ….. I don’t remember ever hearing such bad reports on the show! I have never heard of people cancelling the live feeds, but they are doing it by the dozens! It’s all over Facebook, and I’m sure Twitter as well. CBS you better pay attention! The viewers are speaking loud and clear! I wonder if they have spies from CBS reading our blogs?
Have a great long weekend everyone. I will be checking in ….
Later!! 😎

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Keith September 4, 2015 at 5:32 pm

Cheryl you make yourself sound like an idiot. I suggest you keep your yap shut unless you know what the hell your talking about!

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bobovnvet September 4, 2015 at 5:58 pm

Hey Marge…. I was happy to help you out! I also get free feeds on another web site ….but not sure I should give it here…don’t want to upset Bill…….. …. :mrgreen:

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junksies September 4, 2015 at 6:02 pm

@Jolee. At our house we called it hot milk toast!!! Good remedy except for me it didn’t help for sinus…the dariy made sinus worse.

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junksies September 4, 2015 at 6:05 pm

Forgot…my mom sprinkled a little sugar on it…

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sherry September 4, 2015 at 6:09 pm

Amen, Margie.

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sherry September 4, 2015 at 6:16 pm

tendr: Yes. Have sent you an e-mail with my address.

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pat September 4, 2015 at 6:18 pm

Well this is my last writing for this season I have read every statement and I agree with 99%of them.
BB better come up with decient people to play next year or I will not be watching again
I have watched for 17 seasons and this was the worst one ever all the fun kids where sent home way to early and the ones James and Meg Jason should have still been in the house also Day
As for Van Austin the twins all has been said in the above writings .
Also I lost all respect for Steve and Johnny Mac they could not make a decision for them selves if their life depended on it .Making a move with out Van telling them what to do!!!!
So sad that this was a bummer season come on BB get us some all stars or bring back the likes of Jason, James Meg and the really nice placers from past BB’s okay, then I may watch next season. Paying for the live feeds is okay as long as the prices stay the same.
Thank you Liza Marie for you sending and writing about BB17 really enjoyed reading your blog. Pat

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Jeanne September 4, 2015 at 6:18 pm

My Dad was a chef, he called Milk toast Grave yard stew. People would come in with a hang over and order. I also worked in a restaurant in the 60s where we called our orders into the kitchen, we always called it grave yard stew. Oh what memories.

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Mary September 4, 2015 at 6:19 pm

When will Vanessa and Austin be evicted???? Not soon enough!!!

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Pauletta September 4, 2015 at 6:33 pm

Turned the TV off a few weeks ago, cannot not stand the twins, Austin, Venessa, or Steve. Just read your blog. HATE THIS YEAR.

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Star September 4, 2015 at 7:28 pm

*********SPOILER ALERT************

Liz and Austin are on the block!!!!!! WooHoo!!!

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JoanD September 4, 2015 at 7:31 pm

Two things I read on Joker’s at around 5:00: “Liz currently crying her eyes out…Live Feeders everywhere celebrate”. HaHa Liz, between sobs to Austin: “Yesterday I was on top of the world, now I’m a cockroach.”

Welcome to the real world of Big Brother, Liz.

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swt September 4, 2015 at 7:53 pm

@Lisa Marie,, you know we all LOVE you !!! Thank you so much ~ we all need to vent and wish and have hope, and we love when someone agrees with each other~ YOU ROCK LISA ~ this year has been hard on everyone, especially on you, because you open the start of the new updates, thanks again

@tendr, how are you? did your precidure go ok? did you get the gas? i will say a prayer for you. hope you feel better soon.

@Star sorry to hear you are sick, you have to get better, you know we can’t live without your post ~ thanks for the latest update LIZ and AUSTIN on the block ~~~~~~~~~~ that needed to happen !!

@bobo you are right ~ i just spelled it wrong about Steve growing a pair lol my good ole friend,

@ sherry hey


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Robert September 4, 2015 at 8:07 pm

Austin and liz are next to go. Have a feeling Julia is going to be staying a while. if not till the very end she’s the perfect one to take to the final she’s basically won little and has no close friends in the house and the jury except for Steve. If I wanted to win and was Vanessa I would not want to take Johnny Mac or Steve.

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Sandy September 4, 2015 at 8:07 pm

What an awful season this has been. My son got the feeds in the beginning but never watched them. Neither did I!
This group is the filthiest, dumbest that I’ve seen. I can not watch another minute of it. And if the same thing happens next year I’ll do the same thing only sooner!
Does CBS know how disgusted everyone is? There is not one person I would ever care to see. Austin think he is famous? What a joke that is.

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swt September 4, 2015 at 9:31 pm

@yep Christine was last season, she’s the one who liked to stay in her home naked !!
she’s also the one who hung out with the guy’s ~ she liked Cody ~ also she was the married one ~ she was gross..

@Kim welcome to the best blog…

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bbigbbob September 4, 2015 at 11:01 pm

Jani—-good thought, but that group cant think that way. AND>>>……>>>>>…………LISA MARIE, at the start of the season I was called on the carpet for name calling. Quote: we’re not going to have any of that! I stuck my tail between my legs and agreed. Weeks later LISA MARIE went on a name calling crazy rage! Now LISA MARIE I understand. I went on the name calling crazy rage as well but it was just a little early. A name is a name. .Jason, well he is a sissy. Audrey is a man that wants to be a woman, if he has or had a penis, he’s till a man. Sissy. James, he’s a true man. Vanessa is a dufus! Steve is a turtle afraid to stick his head out in the word. MEG and SHELLI, wow, true women. HOT. LIZ and SISTER they both are bimbos. AUSTIN is CHEWBAKKA, JACE was a wanna be man. CLAY and JEFF this is a good specimen of a man. Open your eyes Jason and Steve. JOhN the dentist, well….he has to be ADD. BECKY AND JACKIE, REAL WOMEN. JACKIE, YOU WORE THAT ARMOR SUIT WELL! and da’vonne, she just want to be something or be somebody. Sorry, no success.

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sherry September 4, 2015 at 11:10 pm

swt: Hope today was one of your better days. Thinking of you.

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bbigbbob September 4, 2015 at 11:10 pm


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bbigbbob September 4, 2015 at 11:11 pm


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bbigbbob September 4, 2015 at 11:13 pm


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sherry September 4, 2015 at 11:13 pm

tendr: Did you get my e-mail with my e-mail address?

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bbigbbob September 4, 2015 at 11:15 pm


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Jeanne September 4, 2015 at 11:57 pm

I think she calls them the way she sees them. I agree 100%

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jolee September 5, 2015 at 12:00 am

Lisa has the guts to say what we are all thinking! Well said Lisa!! If anyone has the right to express their opinion it’s you! Keep up the good work. You are the best! 🙂
Later!! 😎

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jolee September 5, 2015 at 12:05 am

P.S. I believe when Lisa said “No name calling” she was referring to the bloggers, not the BB HG’s.

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Sylvie September 5, 2015 at 1:07 am

Lisa Marie
You are the best !
You are still the best writer under the most boring and uneventful season ever

Watching Johnny eat w his fork upside side was just weird

And Austin grabbing food of his plate with his left hand and put a mouthful in was disturbing

Vanessa is losing it

Steve I feel sorry for

The twins no comment !

Is it over soon ????

Austin is so disgusting wrestling in bed w his twin ,yuck !!!!

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Merlie September 5, 2015 at 2:24 am

Junksies….it’s called “milk toast” and is better with brown sugar. I still crave it occasionally.

To all of you, I have LOVED your comments and insights but am so over the idiots CBS
has chosen this year.

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tendr September 5, 2015 at 4:21 am

@Sherry, four a.m. and i’m just getting back in here. will email you later today or early evening. just didn’t want to keep going off topic in here so much.
swt…my mouth is sore. i got the worst shot from this girl…never felt one bounce pain around my entire right side of my face before. face is sore so now i have to do stuff at home and let healing before i go back in four weeks. this things is going to take way too long.

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Junksies September 5, 2015 at 4:38 am

Hey tendr…glad to see you and wish you didn’t feel so bad 🙁 been missing you!!

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Sylvie September 5, 2015 at 7:35 am

I’m thinking Janes as America’s Favoritr
At least he had the guts to stand up to Vanessa

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Sylvie September 5, 2015 at 7:36 am

My French spellcheck came back

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jolee September 5, 2015 at 10:04 am

@tendr, you are in my thoughts and prayers!
Take care of yourself. 🙂

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 5, 2015 at 11:36 am

BBigBBob — I’m going to clarify this for the last time. BBBlogger and I are two separate people. I said nothing to you about name calling. If you have a complaint with what he said to you, take it up with him. I have always tried to be respectful towards you, except for that time that you called me a whore on the Survivor site. Remember that fun little incident? But you know what? I realized that I had lost my temper as well and I apologized for making it a personal thing and I moved on and as far as I’m concerned, you are more than welcome on this site and any other than I write for.

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macy September 5, 2015 at 12:16 pm


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P September 5, 2015 at 1:30 pm

BBigBBob Stop it. Get over it or go somewhere else.

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bobovnvet September 5, 2015 at 6:48 pm

Some shit was going on today! I guess I missed some of it! Lisa THANK YOU mu dear♥ Love how you tell like it is & don’t let any comments get to you! You are much bigger than that …. A big fan of yours…….. From a real Vet ………….. :mrgreen:

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Audrey September 7, 2015 at 12:58 pm

I don’t care for anyone who is left in the house. Steve and John are weak players. I don’t like the rest of the houseguests. At least James did a big move by nominating Clay and Shelli. I will vote for James to win America’s Favorite Player. Besides, James was fun as well. I was not surprised that Meg and James were evicted on the same night.

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sherry September 7, 2015 at 1:06 pm

We all keep talking about getting to vote for America’s Favorite Player. Has it been
established for sure there is going to be one? They’ve changed things so much this
season and haven’t let us vote on anything….just saying. I sure hope we get to vote
on AFP. It is a big part of the game.

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