Hi y’all:
First off, sorry for the late update. I know that most of y’all probably already know what I’m about to report but I wanted to give everyone a new post before tonight’s show.
So, here’s the situation in the house:
Frankie “I am NOT a millionaire except that I am” Grande is currently the head of household.
Following Donny’s upset victory at the Battle of the Block, the two nominees are cute guy Cody and Beast Mode Jackass (a.k.a. Caleb). However, yesterday, they had the POV competition. Zingbot came by to host and apparently, he brought Kathy Griffin with him. I imagine that all the houseguests will pretend to be as excited about seeing Kathy as Caleb, Frankie, and Christine pretended that they were about meeting Jerry Jones. Personally, I think Kathy Griffin’s gotten kinda boring and overexposed but then again, that’s the same way I feel about Zingbot…
The Zingbot zings:
He told Derrick that he was ugly.
He told Donny that his social game sucked.
He told Christine that her husband is probably going to leave her.
He told Victoria that nobody remembered she was in the house.
He told Zach that he was a loser because he’s unemployed.
He told Caleb that he was wearing too much makeup.
And then he told Frankie that … Frankie has a good tan despite always standing in the shadow of his sister?
So, apparently, Zingbot is only there to zing the houseguests who are not production favorites. Calling Derrick ugly is a 100 times worse than reminding Frankie that he has a famous sister. It sounds like Zingbot’s routine was essentially: “He sucks, she sucks, and Frankie, I love your sister.”
ANYWAY! They fought for the POV and guess who won?
That’s right — Frankie has now won his third competition in a row. He has the power of veto and the question is: What will Frankie do with it? Originally, the plan seemed to be to take Caleb off the block and then backdoor Victoria.
(Because, after all, Victoria’s a girl and all the boys in the Big Brother house seem like the type who would all hang out in a tree house with a big “NO GIRLS ALLOWED” sign posted over the front door.)
However, Derrick wants to keep Victoria in the game, for much the same reason that Dan Gheesling kept Danielle in the game during Big Brother 14. Derrick knows that Victoria is a loyal vote and he also knows that if he does find himself in a final two situation with her, he’ll easily win.
So, Derrick has been in Frankie’s ear and he’s been doing his little manipulation routine and, believe it or not, Frankie now appears to be on the verge of backdooring Zach!
(It’s funny that so many people are talking about how much they love Zankie but really, it appears to be pretty much a one-sided relationship. Zach is essentially dependent on Frankie’ and constantly trying to win his approval while Frankie spends all of him time scheming to get Zach voted out of the house.)
So, do you think it will really happen? Will Frankie now backdoor his most loyal supporter in the house?
We’ll find out tomorrow at the veto ceremony!
Lisa Marie
Number one
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Thanks for your write up Lisa! See you later……… ……..
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Know I am really up to date 😆
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I’ve grown to like Zach. Yeah. he’s a little harsh and overbearing at times but he’s got a soft side too. Frankie is just a pompous self absorbed shmuck. Did anyone notice while they were telling stories last night how Frankie wandered off whenever someone else was speaking & looked annoyed.? He wants it to always be about HIM.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And will Cody and Christine have managed to talk Production into leaving out their little Zing about them? and what was said to Cody? I think it should be aired. too bad for her. she knows she’s on national tv and everyone could see what she was doing anyway. Gags me how they all think they are going to come out of this like big celebrities. Their 15 min. of fame will be over when the show ends.. maybe they’ll get some attention in their home towns at first but then people will get sick of it.
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Nice write up LM. I am starting to really hate this season, as my expectations all seem to have crumbled, especially now that Zach will probably be the one leaving on Thursday. I was so hoping to see an alliance with Donny, Zach and the returning player from the jury house. Then we would have been in for a ton of excitement. CBS might as well give the check to Frankie and start showing reruns of the Dr. Will season for entertainment!! What a disappointing and predictable season it has been this year!
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YUCK!!!!! I’m sorry….not looking forward to seeing Kathy Griffin at all!!!!!!Is that the best they could do?
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Boo! I hope Zach doesn’t go. First Nicole then Zach and all that’s left is crap except for Donny who will without a doubt be gone next week. Snooze fest. I hope Nicole comes back or this season is toast 🙁
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Here we go again! Thank you Lisa!! 🙂
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Oh no new post. Caught me making Peach jam. Be back later.{{{HUGS}}}
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Thanks for the write up, LM. (I don’t say that often enough)
Ugh!! I’ve been over Frankie for weeks now.
Even though is only a minor celebrity, he should have been on a “celebrity BB”. In fact, I don’t understand why we haven’t had one in the US yet; GB has had Celebrity BB several times.
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I guess the HG don’t consider Christine a girl! She certainly doesn’t belong there. Why doesn’t Derrick suggest putting her up if he wants to save Victoria?
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Dee, Kathy Griffin gives me the creeps ~ you never know what is coming out of her mouth. She has no internal censor! Not looking forward to Her appearance. There is a golf game tonight in our area. I recorded two of the shoes that follow BB just in case. Last week it ran really late.
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I really don’t like Kathy Griffin. I think she’s rude, crude and uncouth. I do think that her and Zingbot are a match made in heaven. Going to DVR it and fast forward through their segment. Well back to my Peach jam. {{{HUGS}}}
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Hey all, Lisa Marie did I miss the zing for Cody? I want Zack to stay and Cody to go! :(. :). I agree the house is really boring and predictable. I don’t care who wins anymore. Last year I was watching live feeds and this yr I’m not even watching much after dark. I mainly just read all the post here just to see what’s going on. This is better then any of the shows ! Thanks everyone for all your insight into to goings on.
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FYI: There is a golf tournament again tonight in our area. Last week it went way late. I am going to DVR the two shows following BB just in case! Talk to you all after the show ~ unless I have some earth shattering news in the meantime! Bye! 🙂
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These posts are the most exciting thing about BB. Thanks to all and especially LM
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Why do people in the house not catching on to Derrick. Does not make sense why Frankie would put up someone in his alliance when there is still some in the house that is not in the alliance that can be put up. Are all the house guests just plain not very bright or what.
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LM, great update as always. We do appreciate all your efforts that make this blog great! I agree with you, Dee & Jeanne about Kathy Griffin. Geez, are they trying to restart her career or what? They could have done better but they didn’t.
I’m so over Zingbot, he’s old news and tired just like his guest. I do remember Nic saying she was looking forward to Zingbot and she was disappointed she would miss him. So he has one fan. 🙂
Rhonda, the house isn’t “catching on” to Derrick because they don’t perceive him as a threat. He’s everyone’s buddy, dad or BFF so what’s to catch on to. He’s playing it very well but maybe, just maybe, someone will realize he’s winning. I like him and he is playing the game, albeit a boring game.
Yes, let’s all say it again, thie blog is the only reason to follow BB this year!!! WooHoo
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks all you blogadeers, Vets and a special shout out to Bob!
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D ido christine cant be out up donny saved her when he alone won bob. Oh how I hope that donny wins hoh and puts up derrick and frankie and they sont win pic. And then double eviction donny wins pov and another of the egg heads have to go home. Oh well one can dream.
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thx LM
been gone so just getting caught up – yea about frank getting bored with the stories – ESPECIALLY when caleb was talking – he makes me a bit ill – ha!
cody was sulking all day until they told him zach was the target – then he perked right up – so much for loyalty outa that guy
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If frànkle was smart he would back door derick.frankie is all about droma.he already showed he does not care about the liance and he is smart to know this might be his only chance to get rid of hem.
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Derrick is ugly if you look at his big nostrils. I think zingbot was right on.
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One of the good things about BB16 is this blog – thanks Lisa Marie and all the wonderful bloggers. Just when I thought the game was going to get interesting up pops Derrick and talks Frankie into BDing Zack. Zack kind of grew on me the past few weeks and I was hopeful that when either Hayden or Nicole came back they could form an alliance with Donny. Guess production had other plans! Big Brother was one of my favs during the summer months, now I can get the action by reading this blog and watching Thursday while reading a book or almost anything else until the final vote. It really was not designed to be so predictable – was it? Cheers to all and again thanks for the updates and insights.
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hey yall
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------get Derrick out ~ get Derrick out ~ make him squirm and feel what it feel like other HG sitting on pins and needles, PACK his bag and get the hell voted out. I hate Derrick he’s the guy with no blood on his hands and just like a cop a big time MOUTH. these HG do everything he say’s they can Back door Thursday !!!
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Hey Starfish!!!! how you doing honey?
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Hi wingnut. Glad to see you back on here! I promise I won’t give out any recipes tonight. 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Looking forward to tonight’s show, although we pretty much know what’s going to happen. It will be interesting to see how they edit and twist the facts!
Golf game is over, so BB should be starting on time here in the South! (or North Carolina).
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Found thus little gem
ZombieLinda wrote:
*plane flies overhead*
Victoria: “Maybe that’s my mom. She’s flying to Maryland for my sister’s birthday.”
Derrick: “Your mom lives in LA?”
Victoria: “No, she lives in Florida.”
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Hi all
Big Brother 16
The Zingbot zings:
He told Derrick that he was ugly. Yep
He told Donny that his social game sucked.
He told Christine that her husband is probably going to leave her.
He told Victoria that nobody remembered she was in the house.
He told Zach that he was a loser because he’s unemployed.
He told Caleb that he was wearing too much makeup.
And then he told Frankie that … Frankie has a good tan despite always standing in the shadow of his sister?
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Tic 16 ~ the handwriting is on the wall! Frankie was especially hand picked because of his flamboyant lifestyle and to drive us crazy!!!!! I am over this whole production slanting the show towards their favorites. Please give us a break! Send Frankie to the jury house ~ I am sure when it comes time to vote, he will vote for himself! What other choice would he have???. He loves himself too much to vote for anyone else!! 🙂
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Show Time………… ……………………………………………….
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LM – There’s never a doubt your write-up is going to be golden. You are the heartbeat of this blog!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cathy – I have the same dream!
Ok, I like Kathy Griffin. Give me a virtual stoning if you must. A lot of celebrities and/or ordinary people I initially do not like at all, I immediately become fond of when I hear they have rescue animals. I can be bought with even something so simple.
Macy – maybe Cody came down with what Jocasta had every time she was on the block. : )
Bobo – Glad to see you’re up and around!
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Thanks two ♥…… Okay everybody tell me how bad Donny is again?
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two I have not been down , still up & going strong! Sometimes everyone has some bad days & good days….. Thanks for your concern my friend ♥ …..
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Bob, you look good!!! 🙂 I, however, don’t look so good! I have poison ivy all over my face! OUCH!!!! 🙁 I don’t know how I got it unless my precious dog Lexie kissed me in the face! She loves me so much it hurts me!! 🙂 We are about to watch BB now. We DVR’d it so we can skip commercials. 🙂
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Jolee :lol:…………… So sorry darling…. same thing happened to me with my cat!
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Thanks…I’ll be 67 on the 23rd. 😆
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do any of u know when the time was that the items got stolen?
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Time for some TV………See you all soon………
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Wow! Watching Christine hand off bones to the boys in that botb….she is a snake. That is more than just throwing the competition.
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I like Kathy Griffin. She is getting a bit played out, but I watch every comedy special she does. I put her in the same category as Don Rickles. She’s not a legend like him, but she’s a hate comic. Blasting people, making fun of them, telling stories of stuff she’s seen behind the scenes….I dig it! I’m a HUGE stand up comedy fan. I’ve come to learn that comedy is completely subjective. One person may love a joke as where another is completely offended. I don’t get offended by anything a comic says because they’re a comic. They’re there to evoke a reaction. Anyway, just wanted to weigh in on it.
Did anyone else notice when they did the nomination ceremony and were kinda mocking the whole random draw thing, and Donny was left out of that. Donny looked like he was SEETHING after Frankie made his noms. I mean, he was shaking and his eye were squinty. Normally I would just assume that good ol’ loveable Donny was gonna cry cuz he feelings were hurt. Not the case this time, he KNOWS they’re all working against him (why it took him this long, I have know idea) and he was PISSED! This is legitimately the only time I’m glad he won. He was doomed, Christine was handing bones to the other team and he still pulled it out. Oh yeah, and how many wrong bones could Cody, Caleb and Christine find??? I mean, did Donny even find one wrong one? I suppose it was luck, but man….I’m so cynical I wonder if he got tipped off about where to find some bones? Probably not, but Donny seriously has a horse shoe up his ass. Also, it was nice to see the show address Christine and her flirting ways. Its been everywhere online and the feeds, so to ignore it would have been ridiculous.
I can’t believe I’m gonna say this either, but I kinda like Zack now. They really know how to edit the show to tug at your emotions. They make him look so wild and hateable for a few weeks and then he’s the victim and likeable. Backdooring him would be way smarter than getting rid of Victoria, but these cowards probably won’t do it.
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Thanks Lisa, it wouldn’t bother me at all if Zach went home, but really if they have Caleb on the block why not get rid of him, one less threat.
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I thought it was cool how Donny beat out the young guns. and he was smart enough to realize Christine wasn’t even trying so he pretty much knew he had to do it, so WTG Donny
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OMG 😳 I totally blew that about Kathy Griffith and somehow mistook that name for Kathy Lee Gifford. So I really screwed that up big time. Sooo, I do like Kathy Griffith even though she’s raunchy and raw sometimes but she’s hilarious. Sir Rock, it was your post that got me straightened out when you talked about her being a comedian that’s when I had my aha moment.
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Anyone watching the live feeds? Seems like there is finally some drama in the house with everyone blaming Zach for the missing items. Of course, I’m sure it will be over by the time BBAD comes on. Despite everything, I still like Zach and would prefer Cody or Beast Mode Bunny Slippers to go this week.
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Starfish – HAHAHAHA!!! That’s awesome! You know you wanna drink some wine with Kathy Lee and Hoda. 🙂
OK, I just saw this on facebook, posted about 11 hrs ago so not sure if anyone posted or saw it. Zack and Victoria are in the kitchen talking and she asked him if he was bisexual. Zack said he’s made out with guys before. Here’s a Vine of the brief convo. Look out Frankie, here some Zack!
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Sylvie…The airplane cracked me up!!
It’s showtime!!
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I want Donny to do very well hes not back stabing any one
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Ugh!! I dislike Christine more than ever and I never did like at all. It is one thing to throw a comp., quite another to try to assist the opposing team in winning. So glad for Donny.
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So sick of team A
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Hi ev1 Hope y’all are doing better than me…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Forgive me but I just need to vent and what better place than here!
I am just appalled at how production gets involved …Caleb was in HOH room talking about things Sarah (production) told him…I couldn’t hear it good but he definitely wasn’t told not to talk about his diary sessions or production. Now that hes so far up Frankies so called “famous” buttocks no repercussions for what he does or says. Can anyone say favorite! I can’t stand Caleb aka Beastmode cowpie. This whole TA mission sucks just a way to give them an excuse for backdooring Zach and giving more money to their chosen few!
Thanks for letting me vent 🙂
Angel Hugs & Blessings to all
Have a g’nite
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People this season seem to be so stupid. They are not getting rid of threats instead taking out people like Nicole & Hayden. And NOT ONE of them have figured out this season is the season of “Derrick & Frankie” Derrick is running everyones HOH and game. Frankie is too into himself to think of anyone BUT himself. If he makes it to the end and wins it because these people are so stupid to believe the money is going to build schools in Africa. I DO NOT believe one single word that comes from his mouth. Only 1 time this year has the Veto not been used and all but Hayden was whatever to 0 vote this is boring. It would be GREAT if production did not COMPLETELY run all of it. Derrick is getting away with everything (running everyones HOH & telling everyone who to vote for) its a horrible mess.
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I hope she didn’t think her mom flew to tge west coast land on tge east coast from Florida as a starting point !
Victoria kills ,me no education ?
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I don’t hate Christine ~ I am opposed to hating anyone! But, let’s say I dislike her intensely! Throwing the comp is one thing, but helping the other team try to win is beyond evil! I want to see her backside as she walks out of the BB house! And the sooner, the better!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now, about Kathy Griffin! She is no Don Rickles! I know I am in the minority, but I can’t even watch her. She’s not only insulting, but she is downright nasty. I believe that sarcasm is the lowest form of humor. Well,I got that off my chest! 🙂 I am the type of person who prefers to build people up, not tear them down. I know there is a place for comedy. I liked the old comedians like Bob Hope, Rich Little, Jeff Foxworthy, Chris Rock, all of the comedians on The Carol Burnette Show, Harvey Corman and Tim Conway. They had us laughing so hard it hurt! I know, I am definitely showing my age! In other words,the above comedians were funny without being insulting. Well, that’s my view ~ tell us yours. I guess I had better go to bed before I get in trouble! 🙂 I love all of you wonderful bloggers. Nite!!
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Zach shoots himself in the foot with a Qball and now TA challenge is being blamed solely on him. I feel bad for him and hope he can wiggle out of it. I hope he blows up against the house.
It’s about time that BB shows crusty and cody for who they are. It may be just a game but how people play the game does reveal their true character no matter what they say.
Donnie is the best player IMHO and so underestimated. Look how far he has gotten all by himself. And he’s got everybody’s number. I love that.
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Jolee! Wakey, wakey! There’s a little voice in the back of the room saying she never ever liked Don Rickles or a hundred other comics. What I have learned is to NOT watch the ones I do like on HBO. I got into about 10 min. of Drew Carey’s stand-up special and only 5 min. of Chris Rock’s. I had to tune out because of the language. I’m no prude, but what’s funny about dropping the f bomb after every other word? Too distracting. And I was laughing my head off at both of them. The only special I got all the way through without any cursing was Ellen DeGeneres. Everyone has their own brand of humor to like, I guess. Jack Benny, SNL, Modern Family, Jerry Seinfeld, I give big thumbs up. I don’t even remember laughing at anything Kathy Griffin or Joan Rivers said. I just thought they made some clever comments. All in all, it would be nice if one of the houseguests were comedic. More entertaining for us. How about BB Comics’ Edition? My post has so little to do with BB, I’m wondering if I should just delete or post and run…………………
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two, lol … cross off Chris Rock! I definitely do not like him. Jeanne and I were trying to think of some more modern comedians and we mistook Chris Rock for …I can’t remember! 🙂 It must be my age! 🙂 I think instead of wakey, wakey, I will go to bedie, bedie!! I really enjoyed your response to my rambling. I too hate any kind of cursing! Another generational thing. I agree about having a comedian in the BB house. Anything would be an improvement! Nite dear two! Talk to you tomorrow. This lady is off to bed! <3
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Lisa Marie….first time I am writing this year…its almost 2am Monday. T/Y for the amazing job that You do so well. Truthfully I am now upset about Zack going home. He litterally grew on Me as a person and I Love his Heart. Somebody put a firecracker under Donny’s Butt and get these people OUT!!! Crustine for One. I lOVE BB AND i’M HOPING AN PRAYING FOR A GREAT ENDING…..Zack, Donny, or Nicole if She’s voted back in…
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To add to the comedic comments. I don’t care for the ef word every other word because it doesn’t mean that you are funny but that your vocabulary is lacking big time. Robin Williams was hilarious and Kathy Griffin can be hilarious especially when she is with Anderson Cooper on New Year’s Eve. However, she even gets on my nerves and goes too far. Some of them find humor in demeaning others or criticizing racial groups but true humor is in the eyes of the beholder. I have to agree with both two and Jolee regarding your comments even though you each have different takes. I like all the comedians you both like.
I was not surprised at all that Christine tried to help Zach and Caleb. That’s who she is and I don’t say I hate anyone but I know she and I would never be friends. Poor Zach if he’s getting blamed. He’s the only comedic relief in the house. Frankie is obnoxious and on my last nerve. I don’t have a favorite but Donny sure has proved himself and has saved himself, all by himself, on several occasions now. I have to give him props for that. Can’t wait to see who comes back in the house. If Zach goes this week, that means it will probably be one of the 3 and I can’t see Jacosta winning anything. But watch, she’ll probably win this one and make us all scream at the TV. LOL nite all
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I don’t care for Kathy Griffin, either. I prefer people who can be funny without putting others down. And a really good joke is all about timing, good jokes are not making yourself look cleaver at the expense of others. To me those people are little more than bullies. All of this makes Zingbot very unfunny; as all that experience does is point out everybody’s flaws–except Frankie’s this year I guess. There is always zingbot is partial to. But there could have been so much said about Frankie without bringing his sister into it.
Ok, I’m tired. Another day spent at Celebrate Erie. More concerts, mostly by local bands. Tonight’s headliner was Sawyer Brown. It was great. I spent some time looking at some of footage at on CAT channel 2’s facebook page. My son’s close ups were awesome. He isn’t the only cameraman for CAT, but he is the only one who uses a shoulder cam, so he can really get some good ones. Last night Cheap Trick actually tried to get up on the stage for better close ups. I can’t wait until CAT replays the concerts–I’ll be in front of my TV for those.
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Like him or not, Derrick does deserve to win. He is the only one playing HIS game and getting all others to sabotage their own game! Frankie thinks he is playing his own game, yet always does as Derrick says.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Donnie may not have much of a social game, in many eyes, however, he is pl as ying HIS OWN game. Not Derrick’s. On anitjer note, in my opinion, Donnie has an awesome social game. Everyone loves Donnie. He didn’t form any alliances, but he also hasn’t made any enemies. Go Donnie!
No comment regarding Derrick’s other robots – Cody, Caleb, Christine as nd Victoria.
Zack is Zack and even he is at least willing ti play his own game.
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Hi vets & other newbies !
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lisa M., apprecsh your daily synopses ! Tonight, I missed BBAD. Was on a long-distance call. If anyone else watched BBAD tonight, would you please post an update if I missed anything important ? The last 5 minutes looked like something was going with Cody, Christine, & Caleb laying on the floor outside the HOH room, however, I have no idea what. Please tell me Donny is NOT being evicted this week !! If he is, then Derrick or Frankie have won & there’s no reason to keep watching. Thank you in advance ! 🙁 🙁 P.S. I can’t stand Kathy Griffin either !!!!
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J Renee’ Freakin Frankie won POV and is backdooring Zack. They told Zack last night that he is taking doen Cody and putting him up to backdoor him and he is doing it because the whole house wants it.
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Lisa love your blog!!!! It is so the Frankie show, I’m so sick and tired of looking at and hearing all his flamboyant antics!! Production needs to stop manipulating how this show goes, it is so obvious that BB is scripted. Something that ha bothering me for years now is how during elimination night when the HG’ go in to vote they meet each other in the hallway and tell each other who they voted for…..come on BB lets not be so obvious!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I love how Derrick is manipulating everyone and all of them are so stupid they don’t even realize it. He really does deserve to win because he is the only one really playing the game. If Frankie wins or comes in 2nd it will not be fair, he doesn’t deserve any of the money. Donny deserves 2nd place or for sure Americas favorite.
Christine needs to fade into oblivion, can’t stand her cackling!!
Again thanks Lisa for all you do, your the bomb!!!
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heard on twitter that they may enforce a renom rule preventing Frankie from nominating Zack because he told him before the ceremony — could this possibly happen … wishing it was so and then either of the C’s could go – hope it would be Cody so that Hayden or Nichole would win and get back into the house.
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Jolee – add to that my fav – Red Skelton , a ‘gentle’man with a fantastic sense of humor.
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Wouldn’t it be great if Zach or Hayden came back in and partners with Donny and swept the floaters right out the door and it came down to 2 of the demon spawn? It would be a great finale if it came down between derrick and Donny!
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Frankie better wake up and smell the roses!! Zach would have targeted Caleb and Christine before going after him. Doesn’t he see Derrick has Victoria and Cody in his back pocket, while he only has Caleb and Zach. Why doesn’t he realize Christine is not on Team Frankie? It is so obvious, with her head being so far up Cody’s ass. Hey WAKE UP FRANKIE – Christine is not on your side!!! Oh well, easy to talk from my armchair!
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erie-angel, your Celebrate Erie sounds like great fun. I was born in Aliquippa but left there when I was twelve. I remember going to a camp on Lake Erie and swimming and running from mosquitos. 🙂 Fun days. Congrats to your son. Sounds like he loves his job and so does his mama. hee
Betty, sadly, I’m not sure there will be much waking up going on in the BB house. The crayon writing is pretty much on the wall. We’ve been asking all season for someone to wake up and at least look around to see what’s happening, but nope, they just keep on doing their thang.
Donny may see it and he tells us what he sees but why on earth doesn’t he do something about it? Also, when Derrick was giving him the BS line as to why he was going on the block and Donny noticed Derrick saying “we” and “they”, why in God’s name didn’t he ask Derrick who the hell is we and they? He should have at least asked to find out what they would say. But no, he just complains in the DR. If he’s doing anything, BB isn’t showing it to us but I doubt it. So sad, so sad. What good is it to know something and not do anything about it? Gosh, he frustrates me to no end. He’s winning comps but not playing the game if that makes any sense at all. 😛
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I just noticed quite a few tweets about a possible upset regarding renoms rule – HG not to be told they are going up and out … could be reason to celebrate yet!
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Dianna I hope they do something about that. I don’t know how things got so twisted in the BB house. The HOH used to make their own decisions about who to nominate and who to backdoor, if needed. They made the rules for the week! Now it’s like a big sorority brother’s house with the president of the sorority (Derrick) making all the rules. It is absolutely ridiculous and no fun to watch because there are no surprises anymore. Bring back the old BB please?????
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@Starfish, I agree, Donny is frustrating. I’m not sure he really knows how to play the game.
Well, I’m over the moon today. I was just offered a job a Macy’s. I told the interviewer how much I love the store and the company even though I can hardly afford to shop there. He said the employee discounts are great LOL
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Hey Starfish!!!
I’m from Beaver Falls!
This game is a waste if it’s an all boy finish!
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erie! Congratulations to you!! The last few days have been great for you and your son. I think it’s time for a cupcake in celebration. We are all really happy for you…and want to use your discount at Macy’s too! : )
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just thinking – watching the houseguests eat cupcakes would be more entertaining than anything else this season so far.
Starfish – Your comment about the crayon writing on the wall is just the kind of humor I love. So clever. Also I wanted to mention that Jay Leno is about my favorite comic, and I was sorry to see him leave the Tonight Show – both times.
erie – do you remember Love Canal? Awful.
Good morning, Jolee, and everyone else who considers this time of day morning. : )
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two, you are soooooo cute! I will confess that Jeanne and I had our breakfast at 1:30 p.m. Or, should I say brunch?? Crisp sourdough toast with juicy sliced peaches! Do I make you hungry?? 🙂 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------erie, congratulations! Let us know how it turns out!
Back to Chopped and Cutthroat Kitchen! 🙂
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Why do I have a strong feeling that BB is using the network and BB16 to promote their artists
Like Ariana and Kathy Griffin?
It’s really annoying how they all know who’s going up and it’s all predictable like a sentence
Evil Dick was fun to watch because he had a personality even if he made it hard for the HGS
but at least they didn’t spend hours napping and staring at walls
Crustine has gotten on my last nerve!
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I’m pretty sure all the bones Christine handed of to COleb had Xs on them and were no good. Donny was all over that dark room and CAdy looked like turtles humping a Futbol
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@Dianna…I am glad somone else noticed this too..especially since tht someone else is not only you but BB!!! We all talk about how far away from the original show this has gotten!! And one of the FIRM rules was always that you could NOT warn the HGs that they were going up on the block which one was going home or getting backdoored!!! Now WHY they chose now to enforce thisis beyond me. Prolly because they made such a big deal of telling Zach and then stayed aup all night monitoring him so he didn’t steal anymore clothes. Or ANY clothes, since he didn’t do it to begin with!!!lol
It’s not really just a rule, it’s common sense AND made the game more exciting, NOT to tell anyone who is going up!! Ever heard of the element of surprise working FOR you in HOH??? DUH!!! They pretty much have told everyone all season if they were going home and I kept shouting at the screen…*STOP THAT!! * lol they were so worried about telling Zach he was going home. easy- peasy soltion to that would have been to let him know later…like Thurs night!! I think the problem is that these kids are too dumb and young to separate friendship from game. I can’t beleive I am using Caleb as the voice of reason, but he was talking to Zach last nite and telling him it didn’t matter what he did he was going home. But reminding him it’s just a game and he wants to hang out with him after the show. etc. It really did make sense and made Zach feel better. If you separate Caleb from Beast Mode…kind of like a conjoin twin operation…he might be a decent guy with half a brain!!lol
@erie….Hey…congrats!!!! I will be helping pay your salary as I LOVE Macy’s and shop there WAY too much…lol Jelly of your discount too!!! Dumb Question..are you in erie Pa, judging by your name??? Is it a big Macys?? I’m in Kalamazoo, Mi and ours is pretty small by most standards. We actually drive an hour away to Grand Rapids alot as their store is twice as big as ours!! What department will you be in?? Whatever it is I am sure you will do well! If you don’t spend everything you make in the store!! If I worked there, I may as well just sign my check adn hand it back over to them!! 😉
@two….it’s late morning for me. Just finished up some coffee. Waiting for the A/C guy to get here. I thought you were up at the crack of dawn actually…lol
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LFs just came back. Veto meeting over. Frankie used POV on Caleb and put Zach up.
Frankie really playing up being upset about BDing Zach. Shaking all over. Exersizing his acting chops a bit for when he gets out and getd hisown TV show or Broadway play!!
Zach tried appealing to his logical side, as Betty stated earlier. He kept saying he did nothing but help Frankie’s game. Frankie doesn;t see it that way. Says he thins Z has iireparably damaged it. Well, Zach was one of the last HGs I even liked, so Frankie did alot of damage to alot of viewers, that’s for sure!!
The longer it goes on the more I am sick of this season. I’m jsut sayin’.
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glad he is going to jury – but have a feelin he will be back soon – just like brendon, jeff and jesse got to – the bigger the target…….the better t.v.
TA challenge was no biggee for donnie – he went to bed at almost his regular time and up at 6 as usual
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Star, thanks for the update. It would be great to see Zach come back and win the next HOH. I just hope he would be smart enough to nominate Derrick and Frankie! If Derrick goes, Cody and Victoria would lose their protection (numbers) and would scramble to make a new alliance. It certainly would crush any plans for them making it to the final 2. Christine might fair well, as I don’t think Frankie has caught on to her double dealing yet (not sure). Hopefully Donny would talk to Zach and expose Derrick as being the real puppet master. I can’t remember a more predictable BB and if something doesn’t happen soon to shake up the house I will probably only watch Thursdays shows or maybe give up watching BB entirely, as I can get all the info I need on this blog!
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Star – heehee I’m more the crack of noon type! Thanks for the info about Frankie using the POV. The happiest moment of this season for me will be seeing Frankie leave the house. I wonder if Arianna will be in the audience to comfort him. Probably not since I’m sure she would charge a huge appearance fee. I care about who wins this year less than that Frankie doesn’t.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jolee – I think you’re a cutie too!!! Do you think you and Jeanne and I were triplets separated by mother, father, and a few years? : ) As far as making me hungry, you had me at crisp!
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two, you are awesome. We love your comments. As boring as this season has been. This blog is better than ever. I am also a up at the crack of noon kinda girl. So its nap time for Grandma. Check back later. {{{HUGS}}}
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two, hi sissy!! 🙂 Your post made me laugh! I would be happy to make you an honorary sister! By the way, for our late lunch we had crispy chicken croquets with delicious homegrown tomatoes and corn on the cob! 🙂 Hungry?? You have a standing invitation for dinner anytime! After all, you are Family!! 🙂 <3
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Hi everyone…have not read previous several days comments but did read todays/
Donny went to bed early so he could relieve Derrick on the Neighborhood watch” as seen near the end of BBAD Sun nite…shifts were all set up and agreed to in case Zach was not the thief.
Caleb and Christine were sneaking outside HOH to listen to Derrick and Donny who were talking about Team America and the money they were winning…thank goodness C and C could not hear what they were saying.
I am against almost all of you still…I said weeks ago that Christine was a snake and I think Donny is playing a super game by watching and listening and being friendly. Derrick will win but Donny should get 2nd…storm coming…have a good evening.
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Finch, Red Skelton was one of my favorite also. 🙂
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Now I am not sure who I want to come back, Nicole or Zack. I guess i would be thrilled for it to be anyone but Jocasta.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think Nicole would have a better chance THIS TIME to get a better alliance, especially when it is time for the detonators to turn on each other.
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two, aka sis! 🙂 I’m sure you have heard the old saying: “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man/woman healthy wealthy and wise!” I believe that: “Late to bed, late to rise means you’re retired??” 🙂 I have never been an early to bed girl, even when I worked! Life is too much fun to sleep it away! 🙂 IMHO
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two, so happy you appreciate the crayon writing. I thought it appropriate considering.
Sal, we were neighbors. Lots of great athletes came out of that area. Still like the Steelers because my dad and I used to watch the games all the time. 🙂 I agree about the all boy finish. Kinda like an all boy band of devils. 🙂
Star, great info, thanks. Poor Frankie “shaking all over” and “exercising his acting chops” good stuff and unfortunately too true. I don’t know why they are allowed to tell whose going up this season. Seems counter-productive and makes the show really boring. We want son action.
Betty, yep this is where to find the BB info that’s for sure. I think I would prefer Nic to come bach rather than Zach but whoever comes back, has to be willing to fight to stay in the game and hopefully win HOH. Then, maybe, just maybe, we’ll see the game begin and a few people scramble.
PatRose, hope your electricity doesn’t go out. No doubt that Christine is a snake but I would like to see Donny talk strategy with someone and plan since he seems to see what’s going on.
Congrats and Good Luck Erie at Macy’s. Great store.
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@aggie 40 & 41 Totally agree….go donny. have lots to say but best NOT.
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i’m not calling derrick ugly cuz his nostrils are big……… BUT i do not like derrick (as we know him in this game) nor zack nor caleb nor chris………….so i want donny to stay. about victoria, i have really nothing to say….uh, i like her pants she wore last show lol…………..i don’t like zing bot so that’s when i most likely will turn the volume down or just mute. also, i believe zach would hang on and love (not really the word i want to use) anyone getting the attention franky gets…male or female. i think it’s his way of using ppl to get them on his side. oh, franky can go home also………bring Nic back.
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guess i did say some ‘stuff’ after all but actually not all i wanted to. have a sick dog so i’m worn the &^%$ out.
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@Jolee….i tend to zip around with my reading..then write and go back and read more…I loved the carol burnett show and it always made me laugh til i cried and i loved “golden girls” also and a couple of my nieces watch it on re-runs. i got to see “red” in person years ago. tim conway is probably one of my favs and i do like dana carvy (sp name?) i like rosanne barr when she first started but after she gave in to the string of filthy jokes it wasn’t funny. my husband saw bill cosby a couple yrs ago on stage and we both like him…anyway…sorry for running on ……..:)
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i do like c.l.g.
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thought it was gonna be a wild day in the house but frankie talked zach off the ledge
zach spent about 20 minutes looking at ‘the house rules’ book – guess to see what he could get away with
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------boring boring boring –
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Hi all my USA friends 1st blog for a good while I’ve been to caught up in our BBUK which ended on Friday it was a great season by the way loads of twists & turns, anyway especially erie-angel celeb BBUK has started tonight we have 4 Americans in the house Gary Bussey ( don’t know about spelling ), Leslie Jordan, ( adorable ) Frenchie ( bonkers ) & Stephanie Pratt.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On the Brit side Audley Harrison ( boxer ) ” Kellie ” a transgender boxing promoter who’s just come out so should be VERY interesting & a bleeding good laugh
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Jolee and Jeanne – I am so proud and happy to be the newest member of your family!!!! As they say, there’s the family you were born into (which I love very much), and the family you create as you live. Also the family of God, but that’s everyone anyway. : ) Jolee, there you go getting crispy on me again! : ) I had cheese and saltines for breakfast and Bumble Bee tuna salad Lunch On The Go for my mid-day meal. I can see everyone on the blog getting teary-eyed with pity for me. It’s OK. I can do pity. : )
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope Nic comes back in because she and Derrick are the only ones who have even attempted to play BB. If Zack or Haden come back, I don’t think they’d know how to play the game even now…unless Nic told H how. If Jocasta comes back, I’ll eat a bowtie.
As for Derrick’s nostrils, way, way back Star mentioned ‘nosegate’. : ) Why is being nice, like breaking up, so hard to do???? : ) I feel ya tendr!
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Just occurred to me. Donny reminds me of Forrest Gump! I can hear him saying “Life is like a box of chocolates….” and then everything just falls in his lap.
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Christine is proof positive that severe cases of ugly – like hers – can penetrate all the way to the bones.
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On comedians – The team of Harvey Korman and Tim Conway left me needing oxegen after watching them on the Carol Burnett Show. Korman was the perfect straight man for Conway’s antics. The best parts were when Korman would try to keep a straight face, while Conway went off script. I was literally rolling on the floor laughing with tears streaming down my cheeks and trying to catch a breath. No one better at improv until Robin Williams came along. I first saw him while I was having a haircut. Someone put a tape of one of his San Francisco performances in the VCR and had the whole shop in stitches. I so wanted that tape! I think I finally decided to switch to cable when I heard he was going to be on HBO. R.I.P Robin…..:-(
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Things I can’t figure out.
Why does everyone think Donny is a snake in the grass? He’s done everything basically alone without an alliance and has been truthful.
Why does Cody dislike floaters? If he would look in the mirror, he would see one of the biggest floaters in the game. He has done nothing. Even Victoria has done more than him.
Why hasn’t anyone (other than Donny) figured out that Derrick is controlling the entire house?
Why is Zach is own biggest enemy?
Why hasn’t someone slapped Frankie up side the head for being so annoying?
Why does Christine not see the potential harm she is doing to her own marriage by messing around with Cody?
Once Zach and Donny are gone, I’m probably gone too.
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tendr, so sorry your dog is sick. It’s sad because they can’t tell us where they hurt. God bless you and your doggie! \õ/
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tendr, you like the same comedians as me. They do brighten our day. I loved Dana Garvey when he did impersonation. Carol Burnett Show had my favorites. I loved it when she was on the Garry Moore Show. Do you remember when Carol and Garry were sitting in the back of a couch and they laughed so hard they both fell behind the couch? Tim Conway could make me laugh until I was sick! The skit they did when Tim Conway got stuck with novicane (sp ?) while trying to use it on Harvey Corman? Funny stuff! 🙂
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two,(sis) I like the way you think! We’re all a part of the BB Family!! la, la, la, 🙂
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Pat Rose-Where in NC do you live. Our storm lasted over 1/2 hour. Our poor dog’s were so afraid. Two- Welcome to our very large family. I love to cook and try new things in the kitchen. tendr- I think 2nd to Red Skelton, Tim and Harvey are my favorites. I also liked Abbott and Costello in “Who’s On First” baseball routine. We had an amateur show at our church, my girl friend and I did that routine. It was so hard, but we had so much fun and lots of laughs. As for BB, BIG. disappointment this season.
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Hey all, sorry I didn’t come back earlier. I had drive my son to the doctor, the cat attacked him. Got him good too. I’m sad to say, I think it is time to put the old boy down–the cat not my son. LOL
To answer some of the questions I got: Yep, Erie, PA. I live just a few blocks from the public dock, but miles from the nearest public beaches. If anybody is ever in the Great Lakes region, Presque Isle State Park should be a national treasure. At Macy’s I’ll be a member of the support team. Of course, I have to wait for my background to come back before I can start. They said that could take about a week. I have no worries, in my last job I had to have an FBI fingerprint analysis, state criminal background check and child abuse check. And yeah, signing my entire check back over to Macy’s is a fear I have. I think I’ll have to work 2 jobs just to support my new Macy’s habit and pay all my bills. Actually, I have an accountant who pays my bills and gives me an “allowance”. A few years ago I had some serious financial problems during a manic episode (I have bipolar disorder) and not handling my own finances seemed the logical way to go.
I also realized today that I will need a new wardrobe. Macy’s is a different type of job than the last one. When I worked social services it was common to go to work in jeans and plain tee shirts. Sneakers were my common shoe. Macy’s will require a more professional look. So as soon as the background check comes back, it will be time to do some serious shopping.
Oh and the store medium-sized I guess. I haven’t been in other Macy’s stores except ours so I don’t really have a frame of reference. I did buy my dress for my daughter’s wedding and her step-daughter’s flower girl dress at Macy’s. Pretty much the only items I’ve ever purchased there.
Jeanne, I LOVE “Who’s on first”!! One of the funniest routines ever imagined. I was never a big Abbott and Costello fan but “Who’s on first” is wonderful.
As for BB, hope it is true that this is Grodner’s last season, though that rumor was floated last year as well. She really needs to go and new blood brought in to change the game, or bring it back to it’s roots.
I see Derrick as trying to play a Dr. Will-inspired game. Remember season 2 Dr. Will came in and on the very first day he told everybody that he was going to lie to them, warned them not to trust him. Every time somebody believed what he told him (which was usually a lie) I was like “Idiot! Don’t you remember what he said the first night?” None of them learned though and he walked away with the win. Unless the few that are left wake up and smell coffee, Derrick, too, will walk away half a million dollars richer.
And why doesn’t Donny speak up? He sees what is going on but plays along hoping it to advance into the F2 spot? And what is this hatred for ‘floaters’? Some of these people seem to think a floater is anybody not in their alliance. A floater is somebody who advances through the game without really doing anything. That makes Cody, not Vic or Donny the ultimate floater. He hasn’t won anything, hasn’t made any moves, hasn’t convinced anybody to do anything. He just goes along with whatever his alliance wants. At least Donny and to a lesser degree, Victoria, have tried to play the game even though their games suck.
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Not a surprise Frankie would put up Zach, he’s too scared not to, these people, very few thought for themselves this season. Bleh 😯
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@ Tendr
We can say what we want here, don’t hold back, I certainly do, If someone doesn’t like it, they will get over it. I really hope Donny can hang in, I like him. Zach I don’t mind going, him and his hand clapping is annoying. HMMMM, I wonder what will happen if Frankie ends up on Jury with zach? Maybe Romance will happen 😯
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I would like to put out there my fav comic from the past – Red Skelton. I had the previlege of meeting him once – he was as funny off the stage as on. One thing I was impressed was he paid for a sign language interpreter himself – something about all the mime he did and had a large number of deaf fans.
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New page up….
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