Hey, y’all!
Well, it’s Thursday and you know what that means!
The Diary Room is now open!
Cast your vote to evict now!
Will you vote for…
AMBER, the last strong girl in the house
SOBBING JOCASTA, the overdramatic bowtie enthusiast?
Cast your vote now and we’ll see if the house agrees with you tonight!
Lisa Marie
I vote to evict Amber. Let’s shake up this house:)
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Thank you Lisa! I definitely vote to eliminate Jocasta. I was want Amber to step up her game, put her high heels on and organize all of those lazy girls to step up their game if they want a chance to win! It’s very frustrating to watch the boys making all of the decisions in the house. I want two girls to win HOH and have them each put up two guys! Am I dreaming?? Maybe we will have a miracle tonight! π
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I vote to evict Jocasta. I think if Amber stays there might still be a chance that she teams up with Donny, Hayden, Nicole anyone other than Caleb, Derrick and Frankie. All three of these guys are poison. Zach is an attention seeker and he is just another puppet for Frankie.
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I vote to evict Jacostie
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I vote for Derrick and Frankie to convince Donny to go along with the TA task and vote out Jacosta. Then, for Christine and Nicole to go thru with there “hinky vote” plan and vote out Jacosta. And then for Caleb to decide he can’t vote out Amber and vote out Jacosta. Thus, in a 5-4 vote, Jacosta is out, Amber stays, rally’s the troops and actually goes for the take-down of Caleb. Hey, a girl can dream! π
FYI, no wonder Donny wants to bail on the TA task… Only he and Derrick are voting this week, and to throw out two hinky votes he and Derrick both would have to out Jacosta. Donny just ain’t going to do that, period. It’s a shame, because Derrick and Frankie really are safe-guarding Donny for TA and now really having doubts.
Oh, how the HG are convinced it’s double eviction night.. Yeah, not gor at least another week my friends. I’d love to see a Hayden/Donny HOH reign just to spice it all up.
FYI, great recap and interview with Zach’s parents. If your a Zach fan, you’ll love him even more. If not, you may gain a new perspective. Apparently mom has been a fan since season one! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAUryYYLBwY
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Bye bye Jocasta
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Hmmm. I vote to evict Amber.
I’d really like to see Caleb start playing this game again. He needs to remember why he went there in the first place.
I have to say though that Derrick is my absolute fav followed by Cody and Frankie.
Thanks for the updates Lisa!
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I’m not a big Amber fan, don’t like the way she is using Caleb and Cody but she is a stronger player than Jacosta so in true BB DRfashion, “I sadly vote to evict Jacosta”
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Jacosta only if Amber picks up her game.
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Crap I just put a post on the other page. I vote out Jocasta, Amber should stay.
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I vote to evict Amber!!
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i had said Amber but changed my mind. Jocasta for now. yeah would be nice to see Amber rally the lessers in the house and overcome the big guys. she is strong and well intentioned. caleb need to go too.
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I vote to evict Jocasta. Is she even playing this game. All I ever see is crying and praying.
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I vote to evict Jocasta. It probably isn’t going to happen though.
Hi y’all!! Have a great Thursday!
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Time to get rid of Jacosta. She is useless. This BB16 has been boring season with the guys controlling the house. We need some drama. Keeping Amber would be step 1. Reminds me of when Elissa was HOH and shook up the house with her nominations. Maybe Amber can do the same.
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I’m voting to remove Jocasta. I’m also voting for any twist that will put some life in this show. The feeds and After Dark are just too boring to watch.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you LM and all the the bloggers for making this impossible show into an interesting blog.
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Double ? Both flirting Amber and Sobbing J
Oh wait it’s not a double ? Ok
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I am one of the odd ones here. I vote to evict Amber. Honestly, I’m tired of her silly games she plays. She talks about how people need to realize how many of them she has “saved.” Really? How? Maybe I missed some of it. Jocasta deserves to be gone but I think if the numerous alliances look at Amber, she is more of a threat than Jocasta ever could be. Jocasta can’t do anything for her game. I don’t like Jocasta and her “illnesses” and praying to Jesus in the game so if she goes, that will be okay with me too.
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I like amber and those girls in this season are pathetic!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They once again r letting the guys run the house.
Jacosta is useless and I cant stand her blubbering.
Amber needs to stay and win HOH with Christine and they both need to nominate two boys each so a guy goes home for sure
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Though it would be fun to not have Amber out and not “using” the guys, I vote to evict Jocasta. I agree with others that she is worthless and is not playing the game. Victoria needs to go next.
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I vote to evict Jocasta, she is too busy crying and just needs to go. I hope that the others can win hoh and put up four of the guys so that at least one of them will go home, I don’t want Donny or Haydon to go up, 4 of the others would be so cool and would shake up the house and show the guys they are not so safe in the house. I think maybe Caleb, Frankie, Derrick, and Cody, that would really shake things up.
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Jocasta, if only to foil Derrick’s master plan.
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I’m really fine with either one of them going home – neither of them are playing the game. I hate seeing weak females who allow men to run the game!
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I vote to evict Jocasta
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------if only to throw a monkey wrench in the guys plans, amber is stronger then jocasta, maybe and that is a slight maybe there r enough to band with Donny, amber, hayden, Victoria. Set those guys on their ear. they r so smug they have it all planned
ZING if amber stays, Donnie already has derrick and frankies number, he is on to them, and the guys r starting to not only want Donny up but hayden is on the drawing board also , I want caleb to get with the geek squad and shake those guys up. once amber is back maybe she can talk with caleb and Donny to take down the tyrants. this happens every year, the girls sit and wait to be picked off, oy
txs lisa marie and now I am off to officially vote
great blogs guys,
ciao and big shout out to all my vets
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AMBER, all she has done was use people. She thinks she is all that, HUH. She isnt even pretty.
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I vote to eliminate Jacosta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I vote to evict Jokasta lol. Hi everyone sorry haven’t posted been recovering from major surgery
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Well Lisa Marie, although bow-tie gal drives me nuts at times, Amber drives me crazier how she started off being flirty from day one and continues to do so….not so much with Caleb, but Cody. But seriously, Caleb is a “mug-shot” away from possibly being too aggressive with her as we all know he thinks she is his property and she needs to be punished…. so more so for her safety (so she doesn’t end up in the jury house with psycho-mode-cowboy), I VOTE TO EVICT AMBER! BB likes this kind of drama, but this guy is soooooooo creepy!!!!! I wouldn’t doubt it if he has a few restraints out on him back home – “Hey Caleb No Means No!”….. he didn’t just create this character when he came to BB.
Okay, I’m done complaining…… just hate watching him hover, stare, and sneak around to get near her…….did I mention Creepy?????
Thanks all for the updates!!! Love them!
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I also agree about the ladies in this house not playing any kind of game. They figure by running information back and forth to the guys it secures them a spot. They aren’t the brightest chips in the bag….. From day one they should have stayed clear from the boys and solidified an “All Girls” game…. but as you can see by the LF’s that most of them spend a whole lot of time cuddling with Cody and Hayden, holding hands, hugging, etc…. uuuuggghhhh and they are all sharing the guys! What?!? Geez it’s not high school for goodness sake! Ummmmm is it just me or is everyone sick of watching Frankie and Zach make out…. not much mention from the rest of the house guests…. but none of it looks normal!
No I haven’t been able to read everybody’s blogs and I’m not sure if you all touched on this or not, but I had a few moments to put my thoughts in.
Love this Blog and Love our Blog Family!
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I definitely vote to evict Jocasta. I think she gives Christianity a bad name. If not for this blog it would be a VERY boring summer. I especially appreciate those that are so good at giving us a play by play description of what’s happening in the house. Looking forward to tonight. I just hope its not as disappointing as it’s been all season. Like many of you, I have been a fan since BB1 and will continue being one. Next season has to be better. It couldn’t get worse. Well I’ve gotten that off my chest. lol. Will check in again after the show. God bless. {{{HUGS}}}
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Vote out Amber !!! She is playing both Caleb and Cody which is 2 extra votes in her pocket for later on. Jocasta can be voted out anytime. The strong guys need Caleb to get his head out of Ambers butt and start playing this game with them.
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I would happily vote to evict Jocasta. She just doesn’t have a game.
I find it interesting that Amber is being accused of using the guys when Caleb is stalking her, there was only mutual light flirtation between she and Cody (and Cody was complaining that Caleb was giving him the death-stare, we all watched Caleb stalking both of them through the house if they so much as dared eat together in the kitchen) and she has never flirted with Derrick, Hayden, Zack, Frankie (duh!), Donny or Devin. Caleb’s actions have been completely inappropriate and Hayden is blatantly flirting with both Victoria and Nicole. If we are going to apply that reasoning, Hayden should be voted out for ‘using’ the girls in the house.
As far as America’s Team, I’m thrilled with both choices. It’s bound to mess up somebody’s game, shift some of the power and perhaps even shake up a completely boring game. I can’t imagine that they would have to pull it off by tonight’s voting since all the last assignments unfolded over a week of the TV show but this may be production’s last ditch effort to save Amber. Hopefully messing up Caleb’s plan to make an unintelligible, embarrassing speech tonight, as he plans. I’m pretty sure Julie won’t be directing any questions to Caleb tonight. Please!
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i vote to evict amber – dont see caleb leaving anytime in the near future – would b interesting to see if he could put two sentences together without ambers name in it – if she leaves – he will prob still go on and on about her until he has another showmance target – which would be nicole.
just sayin…..
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Jocasta must GO! & I don’t think that Amber has been flirting with all the guys… I feel the same as Princess π I could not have said it any better thank you! ……
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Well, ‘At the end of the day’ π I hope Amber has gone home and Caleb has started loosing his little mind, and lord help that house if that man (Caleb) wins HoH this week!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Thanks so much for all your updates, love them)
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I agree with Susan, vote out cry baby Jocasta!
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I vote to evict Amber – but only for one reason – to watch Caleb go off the rails. Otherwise Jocasta deserves to go home. She cannot pray her way through this game.
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I vote to evict Jacosta..AGAIN!!!! Maybe one of these times it will actually stick!!!
I think Amber has had a bum deal and it has hampered her game. I think she at least deserves to be in jury.
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Hey Star your right! β₯ …………..
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I vote to evict AMBER the back stabber and snob.
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I’m hoping if Amber goes then Caleb will turn on his own boys. I still want Jocasta and Victoria gone too though. I can’t imagine why they chose such weak little girls to play this time. I don’t find this season as boring as some of you do but I also don’t have AD and LF so I’m pretty sure that makes a difference. It’s one thing to watch the edited version on regular nights and another to wait for things to happen with the other sources. I still would rather have this year than the last couple. They need to get some people with real personality on there.
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@hpr56 – I agree if Amber goes Caleb may finally start playing and go after the boys.
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Amber must go!
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I vote to evict Amber.
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Frankie and Zach was sweethearts
At least that’s the way the story goes
Frankie bought everything for Johnny
From his baseball caps to his neon clothes
Aw, Zach was a man alright
Oh, but he was doing Frankie wrong
Just to show you what can happen
A friend came running to Frankie
She said you know I wouldn’t tell you no lie
I saw your man ridin’ in his hammock
With a guy named Cody the country guy
Oh, if he was your man honey
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Let me tell you he was doing you wrong
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Frankie and Zach was sweethearts
At least thatβs the way the story goes
Frankie bought everything for Zach
From his baseball caps to his neon clothes
Aw, Zach was a man alright
Oh, but he was doing Frankie wrong
Just to show you what can happen
A friend came running to Frankie
She said you know I wouldnβt tell you no lie
I saw your man ridinβ in his hammock
With a guy named Cody the country guy
Oh, if he was your man honey
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Let me tell you he was doing you wrong
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I vote for Amber to go….no Jocasta…..no Amber….no Jocasta – can’t make up my mind. Watched the video interview with Zack’s parents. You’re right! I do like him more….
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LOL Rich!! π
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I still don’t know what Amber did that she’s picked on so much. I would rather see Jocasta go. But Zac,h in his insane mind, is listening to the BS and all of a sudden Amber is his target. OMG get a life Zach, you are a like a 13 year old who’s trying to be a grown up. Can’t stand him and his over-the-top fake personality. Phfttttttttt
I do realize that Derrick and Frankie are the true puppet masters and it’s probably too late for the rest of the house. They’ll have to get on that horse while galloping to do anythng now. But, their personalities don’t lend them to any kind of strong play. Bleh
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I heard there was an interview with Zach’s parents. Did anyone see it or know where it might be?
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I sure hope Jocasta leaves
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Starfish, I couldn’t have said it better!! With you 100% I just hope tonight’s show will have some kind of a twist that will shake things up!!! π
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Janice, go to comment 5, the link is there
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Jocasta must go…and take all those stupid bow ties with you. She’s just an anchor in ever BotB comp and a perpetual pawn on the block. As far as Amber goes, I really don’t see her being this big flirt or whatever. Granted, she did say she “saved” people in the DR. That was kinda shitty of her, but I KNOW FOR A FACT that production asks you questions over and over to almost get you to say the answers they want. You can’t always trust what you hear in the DR folks. Production has coached many former HG’s as to what to say in there….FYI. Youtube has countless videos about it.
Here’s what I know of Amber from the show. She is being stalked by Beast Mode Clown-boy (I came up with that last night and I really like it!!!). She always seems to be doing the dishes and cleaning for everyone. Last night, she was the first person to hop out of bed in the HOH room to go console Derrick, the rest followed her. She offered to make someone a breakfast sandwich when she was making one for herself. A few weeks ago, when she left the HOH room she asked if anyone needed anything and when she left, they all said how sweet she is. Literally people, this is all I know about her. These seem like small things I suppose, but its shows me she’s pretty positive, generally nice, has compassion. I know she’s not a saint or anything, but she has really gotten the shaft and I totally blame Beast Mode Clown-boy for all of it.
@kimjmj – I’m with you 100% on everything you said. It could actually work too. I have very little faith in the sheeple of the BB house so I’m sure Amber is gone, but this really could be the most pivotal vote thus far.
@Princess – I agree with you too! I cant believe my cynical mind didn’t even think of the TA task was production trying to save Amber. You’re BRILLIANT! They said on the show last night they only had “a few hours” to vote so TA could have time to get a plan together for tonight’s vote.
@Star & bobovnvet – seems like we are on the same page. Amber is totally getting the shaft!
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Thank you Mama.
I’m watching it now. His parents are great! They’re as nuts as Zach. I’m enjoying them.
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Thanks, Bob.
Stra, agree!
I’m not sure why the victim of Caleb’s weird fascination should be punished for it by being voted out. It makes more sense to me to get rid of Caleb, who has stalked Amber for 40 plus days. Why blame the victim? Caleb is still at it. He’s wrapping a pickle in a banana as an analogy of his one-sided relationship with Amber and packing it in her suitcase, he’s insisting they are going on a date (to anyone who gets stuck listening) when they are out of the house, and he’s stolen her bunny slippers and packed them at the bottom of his luggage. Additionally, he’s trying to wear that ridiculous crown to the live show because he’s the king of the house and wants to make a speech to Amber about how he could have saved her. All this in less than 18 hours. All about Amber. He should leave so she can play. I hope they do bring her back so she has a chance to play without Caleb’s deranged obsession with her. The upside of this is that the boys are starting to see how really delusional he is and want him gone. Beast-mode ass clown.
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I vote to evict Jocasta. God Bless her…
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Definitely HE HAS TO GO Princess! He is frightful and a ticking bomb! Hope he doesn’t find out where she lives! He really is a S-I-C-K-O!!! Thanks for the info on what he is up to now.
Not sure why he feels “entitled” to anything!!!! I bet any of his ex’s (if they are still alive…. okay bad joke-but funny) would have a lot to say about him and he is probably extremely controlling and doesn’t handle break-ups well….. ya think? π
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I don’t see her as a huge victim but that is just my own opinion and my take on it. I don’t like Caleb and I also think he is psycho and he needs to back off and leave too. But I just don’t think she is truly a victim. I have seen her at the beginning play up to him when she needed him. Again, everyone (including me) is entitled to their opinion. And Sir Rock, I didn’t just hear her make that comment about how she has helped others and how much she has done from her DR visits. She has said it to other house guests. That being said, I am curious how she would do without Caleb AND Cody there. I just haven’t seen her do much of anything except join an alliance that turned on her. Regardless of what happens tonight, I doubt that Caleb is going to last much longer. Hopefully, no longer. As in next week. I would bet that even production is tired of his beast and especially his Beast Mode Cowboy. As often as we hear it, I would bet that they hear it a lot more. I don’t think it is just for the camera. I think he really believes he is all that. RMM, I would bet he is very controlling in real life too.
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I vote to evict Jocosta. I am so tired of her “getting sick” when she gets on the block. I wish it was a double eviction I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see “Princess” Victoria to go.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She is on my last nerve. She is so STUPID. REALLY just slap the “cake) together not paying attention to the fact they have to stand on it. I have NEVER in my 42 years of life (43 next week) seen anyone so stupid. My gosh how does she survive in the real world. NO COMMON sense at all. It is a shame she cant go too. Hayden should not have used to veto and left them both on the block. So we could at least get one of the two most annoying house guests out. To me they are as annoying as Janelle & Brittany.
Have a good night you all.
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Caleb is a “legend in his own mind”. I don’t know why he thinks he’s king of the house or why he thinks that poor Amber has any feeling for him whatsoever. He’s dilusional and bordering on dangerous. Notice the eyes. There’s something wrong in there. I agree that the guys seem to be onto him but they say that they “need” him right now so they are catering to him to Amber’s detriment. She would be a better team player IMO.
I too would love to see some sort of shake up tonight but, since we know most everything, we just enjoy the show. Where’s meow meow when we need him? β‘
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@Starfish: He’s the kind kind of like he’s the beast – right? And your description of him is so true. I haven’t heard that phrase for a while. But it fits. I don’t understand what anyone could need him for. To get the girls out maybe? I kind of wonder how far he will be allowed to go before he gets “kicked out” and not by the other house guests. If Amber goes tonight then I wonder if he would actually go ballistic and become violent.
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Actually, that was supposed to say “He’s the KING kind of like he’s the beast” Sorry. Got ahead of myself.
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Thanks, Sir Rock. I didn’t see your post earlier. I must have been typing and proofing. Beat mode clown-boy and beast mode ass clown. You and I are definitely on the same page about Caleb and Amber.
So far the HGs haven’t had an important discussion and they are almost out of time. Christine and Nicole have stated to each other repeatedly they would rather send Jocasta home. They are finally noticing that only women are being put up and evicted. Derrick and Donny need to vote for Amber to fulfill the AT challenge, as it presently appears. Caleb could easily be persuaded to throw a random vote to Amber. That would leave Frankie, with pressure from production, to break the tie in Amber’s favor.
A girl has got to have her dreams! With the right manipulation from BB, Amber could stay. She’s far more popular than Jocasta.
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I said earlier that Victoria & Jocosta were as annoying as Janelle & Brittany. I take that back they as annoying as OR MORE Annoying that Rachel & her sister Elyssa.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IF there is another Big Brother All Stars I hope Jocosta – Victoria – Elyssa & Rachel are NO WHERE to be found on the show OR I will NOT watch it. And I will NOT read about it. Those 4 are the MOST ANNOYING WOMEN I have ever seen on TV in my life. I think Donny & Derrick should vote for Jocosta to be evicted and then Frankie should MAN UP and he and Derrick start the fight. If they do TA mission and Christine & Nicole vote for Amber and Calem “Beast mode not cowboy” then Amber would stay hopefully WIN & STAY HOH and another woman win so they can start getting out some of the men like Caleb and Zach it would make for better viewing.. I want either Derrick & Donny at the end OR Cody & Donny in the final 2. that would be my pic in a perfect world OR a better thing Nicole & Donny at the end. But if Nicole & Donny don’t start playing the game soon they will both be gone really fast. Something needs to be done soon these men are dumping the girls fast. Which if it is all men and like Frankie and Zack Derrick & Cody it is going to get BORING.
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Okay so I did not read all the comments….but just had some really great Pizza! So thanks for all the feedback , I hope I’ll be back after the show tonight!…………. Bye for now……………… : mrgreen:
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@ hpr56 – You’re right. Amber did say she “saved” people when she was in campaign mode, I think….right? Not sure where she gets that idea. Maybe when the first alliance was formed? No clue.
I’m really not on the Amber bandwagon for her as a player. I just think she either got the shaft with Caleb or maybe she shafted herself with that first alliance. Either way, Jocasta sucks beyond words as a BB player. Throw in her “speaking in tongues” seizures, her conveniently being sick all the time, and those ridiculous bow ties….I’ve never liked her at all. Same for Victoria. Jocasta and Victoria are about as worthless as the “G” in lasagna. π I know there’s some stragic merit in dragging a complete loser along for a while, but man…when you have two of them you can get rid of one easily.
Maybe I’m looking at it wrong. Maybe with the BotB this season, its good to keep Jocasta and Victoria. They’ll never win a comp, ever. If you have 2 HOH’s that work together, they can always nominate those two bums together, use the Veto to backdoor their target, and move on to the next week. IF the Veto isn’t used, than who cares if either one of them goes. Maybe THAT’S part of the reason they’re still there? Maybe? Hopefully? If not, I’m completely lost.
OHHHH….did anyone catch Victoria saying she was gonna be gunning hard for the Veto and that she “won it before”. Ummm….yeah, sure kid. You “won” the Veto. OR MAYBE you just lucked out that Caleb is a greedy moron who felt safe and you just ended up with the Veto because he decided NOT to take if from you. A win’s a win I suppose, but to be bragging it up in the DR that you WON….just stop, please. Kinda how Jocasta WON the BotB chess game, that she was eliminated from almost instantly. Yup, a couple of BIG winners right there folks.
OK, hateful HG’s rant OVER. Carry on.
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SIR ROCK equals –‘beast mode blogger’ – he he he
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I vote to evict amber. Her social game wasn’t on. Should have rode the cowboy storm in a dignified way. They all have to go and if I was there i’d pick amber due to the threat factor. My opinion. We shall see.
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I vote out the Church Lady , Please & Please.
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Hahaha….good one macy!
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Jacosta should go home and take her meds!!!!!!!!!!
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Thanks Lisa ! You do a great job with keeping everyone informed!
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@Sir Rock : I caught Victoria saying she had won POV and thought I had forgotten it. Then going back I realized what you said. She’s delusional too. As a matter of fact being delusional seems to be an epidemic on the show.
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Bob, the pizza sounds good. We had pizza rolls from Hungry Howies! Better than pizza, in my opinion! They are baked rolls with pepperoni and mozzarella cheese rolled inside the best bread roll! Yum!! π
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@Princess and Sir Rock……GMTA!!! What can I say?? lol Helen Keller could see that Caleb is a frigin stalker wife-beater(potentially)delusional bi-polar NUTCASE!!!!!! It bores and scares me everytime he opens his mouth, even just around the guys when they are hanging, and only AMBER comes out! Well, here’s an AMBER ALERT!!!! RUN Amber RUN!!! If you Do get evicted,use it to put as many miles between you and BMC as you possibly can!!! I think it SUCKS that he F*cked up your game, but $500,000 isn’t worth your life! I seriously worry about his mental state of health and wish others would have figureD this out and evicted him by now. Like Devin. They shouldhave gone side by side but the boys were too busy picking off the girls. SHAME on you, DetoNators. I thought an allaince was supposed to take care of its own??? Well, Caleb is obviousl;y sick and needs OUTSIDE help to be taken care of!! He is just so ICKY!!lol
I didn’t knOw about the bunny slippers, Princess. More ICK factor! But I have stated and still totally agree about Jacosta and her constant bow-tie weAring, sick-faking, seriously BAD PREACHING(judging by the wake she tried to officiate at)self. Have been. SO over her. Last year’s HGS may have been bawdy and rude, but I’ll take that over crazy and boring anyday!!! I feel like I need to take a shower everytime I watch the LFS!!!lol
Shout out to Bobo
and SF, MM and all the Vets!! I’m sure i’m missing peeps but busy day and almost time for BB, so I’ll catch up with y’all later!!
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I agree Hpr56 π I also don’t think she’s the full victim but like you said we all have our own take on this. I’ve seen her do many things in the house that makes me question if she was planning on trying to win by getting the boys all blushy around her. I have to give her credit for trying to align herself with an all girl team, but she was too late on that. Her demise began with Devin. I really thought the girls should have decided within 5 minutes of getting in the house to take control and stay loyal to each other. But with Christine around, there would have been NO WAY! Clearly she is loyal to the boys.
If Amber felt violated by Psycho, she really should have told the BB Diary room….. but I wonder if she knows EVERYTHING this wacko is doing because we see a lot she doesn’t. Well tonight will definitely be interesting π
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WTF ????!!! I have never seen this happen inthe history of BB!!! We go off air on Thurs with NO Hohs??? Obviously LFers will know if/when they actually have an HOH but….are they going to continue it now or what? I have the LFS on but it’s rerun stuff with Britany. This is so weird. Will keep in touch if I hear anything.
BTW..I thot Amber left with style and grace. But she obviously wasn’t playing the best game as she thot DONNY was running the HOUSE???!! π I’m speechless. SO not normal.lol
Backto LFS and total c onfusion!!!!
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Star…they did this another time this season too. We had to watch old stuff for about 30 minutes, and when it did come on….the comp was over. Why have they decided not to let us watch? This sucks!!
I agree with you about Amber thinking Donny is running the house. What is that poor girl on?
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Sounds like Donny got HOH
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Nicole and Donny if I heard right woo hoo go Donny go
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Donny and Nicole!! YEA!!!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Twitter says Nichole and Donny are HOH’s …I hope so
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Another unanimous vote. Poor Amber I wish you could have stayed longer, at least you wanted to shake things up.
Also I hope a lot of you watched the Quest debut tonight. I think it has potential to be one of the best reality games ever! I love fantasy movies and books and I can see this turning into a new adventure each season if it’s picked up for another year. Next year it could be set in the future or something, so many possibilities it’s endless.
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OK…I was just coming back to give the second hoh.
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Nicole and Donny won HOH!!!!
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Oh, good. I was hoping for Nicole and Hayden. I’m so ready to see Jocasta go home. She gets on my nerves. Victoria, too.
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I don’t think Donny will do anything, but I’m hoping I’m wrong.
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Ugh!! I never thought I’d see the day when a question/answer comp took so long.
Hope Donny wins it.
I’m not sure how I feel about the America’s Team and them deciding not to go for the money, it would have been so easy. But against Donny’s ethics, I guess. Doesn’t he know, there is very little room in the BB house for ethics? Actually, I had a feeling something might interview with a seemingly easy task like vote against the house…that’s why I had voted for the other challenge, it would have been harder but it would have made Donny and Derrick the HOHS.
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Zach tells camera that he threw the comp.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Donny and Nic saying they know people are throwing comps and they want them OUT!
Don also says that Der, Cody and Franie have never been up and it’s time they found out how it feels.
They both agree to work with Hayden.
Nicole says she doesn’t like Frankie’s lying and he may go up
Donny thinking about putting Chris up.
Jo crying all over Der. UGH! You shouldn’t even still BE here missy!!!
I think we are about to see a week of turning hte house upside down. The reign of he Detonators may be at an end!!!!
I’m stoked!!!!LEt the games begin…lol
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Ha Zach just told Nic that she could put him up! No hard feelings. Wonder if she will.
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I’ve never seen a Q & A HOH comp go past the show time. Only endurance games, usually. That was pretty odd. Those guys must have studied the hell out of those videos.
I honestly like Amber more after hearing her interview. I agree….”Donny running the house” was kinda out there, but she comes off as very sweet, at least to me. I was sad to see her go. I think Christine is the one REALLY to blame for Amber going bye bye. They both spoke in confidence, as what Amber thought was to an alliance member, only to have Christine stab her in the back with the Detonators. Amber respected the game play so that was pretty big of her.
Frankie and Zach are pretty similar. Trying to pull any nugget of info out of someone so they can use it against another…..well, Caleb. haha! They’re pretty good at it, too. Caleb isn’t the sharped knife in the drawer so I figure he may be easily played. But he did do well in that memory HOH comp. Maybe he’s not a complete moron, just emotionally stunted, and that clouds his judgement.
Well, if what you guys say is correct, Donny and Nicole are HOH. That should be interesting. I sense a bunch of Detonators up on the block. Donny probably won’t put up Frankie or Derrick due to the TA thing. This may be the first week of an actual BotB fight to the death! GOOD GOOD GOOD!
I thought it was a good call by Donny to NOT do the TA challenge. He was very right. If he even halfheartedly “called out” someone for voting against the grain, he would have looked super suspicious. Wise move. Screw the $5k. Save your game.
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Star I agree with you…Amber did leave with Style and Class and kept her cool so I have to give her high five. I’m almost betting her family is happy she is far away from Psycho-Mode-Cowboy…. I know I would be. Great job all with the extra info on who is HOH, we always get great info from you guys π
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Sounds like Nic may be pulling out a Dan!! She says She lives for thi game. She LOVES this game and she’s ready to make moves!!!! Us Michiganders may start out slow and cautious but that IS what wins the race eventually!!lol
Frannie..just saw your comment #82. Didn’t remember that happening but I’m sure it did . They don’t giv the HGS enough credit mentally and assume that the Q$A’s ill be over quickly!!!
I am looking forward to this week. But I also hope that by this time next week, the double HOH and TA are GONE!!!! I am way over them and just want to swe the HGS devour eeach other and play the game. With no frills or embelishments. Straight up BB.
Chris starting this whole…HAs anyone in this house been kissed yet?? ASnd Nic squirming. Chris knows Hayden and Nic kissed..it was on TV and they saw it!! DUH! Nic very uncomfortable and in her best nasal twang says…I’m here to play BB..not KISS people!!!lol Let the haters hate,baby!! You’re HOH AND scored a kiss from Hayden!!! π
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RMM…Amber going home to her family is the only good thing about her leaving. I bet she gets alot of extra atrention and protection from them when she gets home!! π
Cody and Der thinking Nic will put Zach up. He told her he knew she wold right after she won. I wouldn’t second guess her right now. I think her head is swimming and whatever she does, it will be well thought out.
Ok..taking a little time out…unless their is any breaking news, which I doubt until BBAD. Nic said she was tired and wanted to take a nap. Translation: I VANT to be ALONE!!!!lol
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Hey it’s also double eviction week, so this could be an interesting couple of days. FINALLY!!
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Yay!! For Donny and Nicole.
Glad the detonators aren’t in control this week, though I’m sure they will try to control the nominations–it appears Zach didn’t even waste any time, telling Nic to go ahead and put him up.
Maybe we won’t be certain who is going home until they vote in a week. One can hope.
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i liked amber and i thought she was very pretty. wish she could have stayed. she managed to ignore times when she could have mouthed off….class. and i wish someone had the stones to get zach or zack, whateva….i’m so tired of him. i’d be hiding his stuff and doing things to drive him crazy if i was in there. he needs to be knocked down a peg…he bugs me more than even caleb and i’m tired of frankie….wish they could skip out the door together and maybe give each other backrubs while julie yakked at them…
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I’m glad for Nicole and donny, I hope Donny ends up sole HOH.
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Hey Bloggade!
What a class exit by Amber. Poor thing was in a tough situation all around. Caleb’s obsession was ridiculous and she was a complete newb. She seriously thinks Donny was running the house??? I have to think she misspoke, she had to be smarter than that, right??? The best thing for Amber is not to be stuck in jury with Caleb, and I see good things in her future. I like to look at people on these shows and point out possitive and negative charactoristics to my daughter. I’d be very proud if she had Ambers poise and self-containment at 24. Unfortunately my daughter is more like Zach in personallity, but a mom can dream!! π
Donny and Nicole… This will be good. Both will want to remain HOH, but both have heavy hitter targets. He hasn’t said for sure yet, but my gut says Donny’s target is Caleb. It might be Frankie if it wasn’t for TA. Nicole is out for Frankie. Both would be fine with Victoria going and since it’s a good chance whomever is paired with her will wind up losing this weeks “egg crack” will actually mean something. Derrick knows Nicole is out for Frankie but so far isn’t letting on. Way to go. Sure TA is fun, but for me they jumped the shark this week trying to mess up game play. π
Zach is volunteering to go up for Nicole. He’s told her it’s ok, it’s payback, and he won’t have hard feelings. He then tells Donny he told Nicole to put him up so he could fight for the win leaving Donny as HOH. Nicole, on the other hand doens’t want to stay HOH so she can compete in next weeks DE. My guess is Donny will put up Victoria and Christine with a plan to stay HOH and backdoor Caleb. Nicole will put up Zach and Jocosta with a plan to loose and if it comes to it backdoor Frankie.
Only people that I’d say are safe are Hayden and Cody, with Derrick a most likely safe as well.
Going to be an interesting 48h!! π
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Good show tonight and Amber definitely was a class act with Julie. Zach has no class at all and I can’t stand him even more than Jocasta, well sort of. You guys have said it all and I agree with most of your scenarios but would like to see them put up 4 from the Detonators but Donny probably won’t put up Frankie or Derrick so that’s a bust.
It will be interesting to see if Donny has any real game at all. So far I haven’t sesen it but maybe he was hoping for this opportunity. Nicole too since they are both super fans. This should be a good week probably the first good week of the season.
It’s interesting the differing opinions of Donny refusing America’s choice. For me, I would like to have seen him do it just to see if he had any game but as someone above said, he probably wouldn’t have been able to pull it off. They would have seen right through him.
Enjoy BBAD tonight. Looking forward to your updates and comments in the morning.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shout out to all the Vets.
Nite all.
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What’s so hard. There are 4 detonators plus Caleb, Nicole puts up 2 of them, Donny puts up 2 Someone wins Bob they come off block if one of the remaining 2 wins pov put up the fifth person . T hey are now down to four and Donny, Nicole, Vic, Jacosta and Hayden have the numbers except for Christine.
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Would love to see Frankie go next!!!
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Hey y’all…..I don’t get live feeds. Does anyone know when noms are taking place?? Hunting for any juicy bits. Hehehe.
I don’t know what I’d do without all of you…thanks so much.
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ANNIE noms will be today – yay
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macy is that you without all the numbers? I guess I haven’t been paying attention. π
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SF – yea its me – CRAIG LONG showed me how to get rid of those ding dang numbers!
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I’m tired of all the unanimous votes (this season and past). Last night would have been perfect for Nicole to vote out Jocasta. All the guys would have gone into a tizzy trying to figure out the traitor. Deny, deny, deny. CBS could have put together a better cast by filling the house with all homeless people.
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Looks like they’re about to do the noms…..
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Spoiler Alert
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Donny nominating: Caleb & Victoria
Nicole nominating: Zack & Jocasta
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txs nonna,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------makes sense to me, hope zack and jo win it, makes Donny hoh for the week, and out goes caleb, as I doubt Donny will bd Frankie.
hope I got that right, and please please let these sheep think for themselves and not a landslide vote, I just wish he would bd Christine
we will see, should be interesting
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macy: Happy the name change worked for you:-)
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I’m not positive but I think Zach may throw it. Minutes after HOH comp Frankie was plotting to knock Donny out of HOH. He wanted Nichole up so they could manipulate her. I would love for Donny to remain and BD Christine. I wouldn’t mind seeing Frankie being BD’d . I’m glad things were shaken up a bit regardless.
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KERI – cheers!
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