Big Brother 16 — I Am Reluctantly Opening Up The Diary Room

by Lisa Marie Bowman on September 3, 2014

Hi, y’all.

Well, I have to say that I have never been less enthused about opening the diary room than I am right now.  On Thursday night, either Nicole or Victoria will be sent to the jury house.  Yet another woman will be sent to the jury and Frankie the misogynist will be one step closer to reaching the final two.

I will be watching Thursday’s show very carefully.  During Wednesday’s show, no mention was made of Frankie’s comments about Victoria.  I understand that they probably can’t show all of what he said and did on prime time TV without violating some sort of FEC regulation but the fact of the matter is that something needs to be said.  I noticed that during Wednesday’s show, Frankie was no longer being given the total hero edit.  The show seems to be finally willing to admit that Frankie is a narcissistic blowhard but that’s really only scratching the surface as to why Frankie Grande is now the least popular person in the house.

To be honest, at this point, I’m starting to hope that Victoria will win, just to tick everyone off.

ANYWAY — let’s open up the diary room and cast our votes evict.  You can either vote over on the right side of the page or you can vote in the comments section below or you can do both.  Do you vote to evict–




You’ll notice that I didn’t say anything negative about Nicole or Victoria and that’s because I don’t think either one of them deserves to be nominated or to go home.  And, quite frankly, I don’t like the way that the show has treated either one of them.  Victoria has only been featured to score easy laughs and, for all the time that is spent showing other HGs disparaging her in the Diary Room, it’s rare that Victoria is ever allowed to be heard.  Meanwhile, Nicole should have been given immunity after she came back into the house.  She wasn’t and, as a result, she’s had to spend two weeks being bullied nonstop by the likes of Frankie, Caleb, and Cody?

So, who do you vote for?

Me, I vote to evict Nicole and I do it for only one reason.  I want Victoria to have the last laugh on Frankie by staying in the house longer than he does.

Tomorrow is also going to be a double eviction night.  It appears that Nicole will be evicted first.  As for the second eviction — well, we’ll see.  Myself, I’m hoping that Frankie will be following Nicole out that door.  And when Frankie steps outside of the Big Brother House, Julie better have some real questions waiting for him.

Lisa Marie


Star Singleton September 3, 2014 at 10:56 pm

It is truly sad that nothing is being served by letting Frankie continue without repercussions ~ and I hope when he goes Julie gives him some hard questions to answer ~ that would be funny if Victoria was in the final 2 …

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Jeanne September 3, 2014 at 10:58 pm

Nothing positive to say tonight. Waiting to see what Julie or CBS says tomorrow night.

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Jeanne September 3, 2014 at 11:03 pm

Sorry, I forgot to vote. I reluctantly vote to evict Victoria.

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Janice September 3, 2014 at 11:04 pm

I refuse to vote. Neither one of them deserve to leave. I’m writing in Frankie or Derrick to leave. Derrick thinks he’s so smart. It’s not hard to be smart when you’re up against the likes of Caleb, Cody, Christine and Frankie. I’d like to see how good his cop training is against Dan or Evil Dick. Actually, up against any of the former players. How lucky was he to be grouped with these guys.

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Jolee September 3, 2014 at 11:08 pm

I have a real hard time with voting for either Nicole or Veronica. I really hate that Caleb chickened out by not putting up Frankie. I have been feeling really sad about the whole Frankie situation. While I am appalled at his actions, I, as a Christian woman have to try and look into the heart of a person. What made Frankie into the person he is today? God only knows and He loves Frankie just as much as He loves all of us. So, I have decided to pray for Frankie and let God handle the rest! I am eagerly waiting for tomorrow’s show. Maybe we will get some answers and some resolution to all of this. Good night sweet BBBloggers! Tomorrow is another day! 🙂

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jeanne4488 September 3, 2014 at 11:30 pm

Frankie is still being (just an ever so slightly cleaned up version of ..) Frankie. Still trying to impress the other houseguests and be the center of attention. but he’s toned it down a bit and also noticing how extra NICE he’s suddenly being to Victoria. Poor Vic hasn’t got a clue and I don’t think it’s fair that she doesn’t know. It’s a sickening situation. Not hating on anybody but just firmly believe Frankie needs to go. and not by eviction of the other houseguests but by eviction of CBS. He deserves to be called out and embarrassed over things he’s said in the house. MANY things. (not just the Victoria thing) apparently they don’t care about keeping their viewers happy.

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Rhonda P September 3, 2014 at 11:32 pm

I sadly vote to evict Nicole, but still hoping they will send Frankie packing and not to the jury but out the door. Really would like to see Victoria go to the end and win the whole thing. Would show Derrick and the others that they were too stupid to keep her because she can’t win anything. (Jordan did not win any comps until the end and still won) so I believe that several of the house guests will vote for Victoria to win it all. Would laugh so hard if that really happened.

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Joni From the Block ( as in Brooklyn) September 3, 2014 at 11:34 pm

I very reluctantly vote to evict Nicole. I would love to see Victoria stay longer than Frankie. Under no circumstance do I want Frankie in the final 4 even. He really needs to go NOW!! I have had enough of his narcissistic arrogance and the nightly cockney accent is
on my very LAST NERVE!! Thanks for the updates as always Lisa Marie!! You Rock!

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Linda Brown September 3, 2014 at 11:35 pm

I wish Caleb had back doored Frankie so I could vote for Frankie. Right now I’m so disgusted with the whole show…CBS sucks. I vote to evict Nicole.

On another note…what a pig sty the whole house is in. No one has ever made a bed or cleaned up after themselves. A very disappointing season.

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Bob September 3, 2014 at 11:39 pm

I think we have to look at the truth in the situation with Frankie does not have real high morals and my guess is that alcohol was involved in the situation.I think CBS can be blamed for allowing alcohol but that’s it.let’s not throw all the guests under the bus.

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Tricia September 3, 2014 at 11:51 pm

Hi, could someone please tell me what Frankie said about Victoria? Thank you!!

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SharonB September 3, 2014 at 11:53 pm

Another great update LM! I really enjoyed watching the Veto competition tonight. I tried to play along but I wouldn’t have won that one either! LOL

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Latreice September 4, 2014 at 12:03 am

I vote to evict Nicole. Unfortunately for her, she should not have let Derrick know that she is on to what a good player he is. Comparing him to Dan (which was a great compliment) was a HORRIBLE move in the game. She should have kept that to herself. Ugh.

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Rita September 4, 2014 at 12:06 am

CBS should remove Frankie from the game. His kind of behavior is not acceptable and by not doing something about what he said and did, CBS is condoning his actions. It is their turn to step up to the plate and do what is right.

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tendr September 4, 2014 at 12:06 am

not voting………….every single person i’ve liked gets booted. without v and n it’s just who do i dislike the least. i don’t wanna play no more. . . taking my toys and going home.

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Thear 10 September 4, 2014 at 12:10 am

This is my 1st post. But I love reading your post.
My hope and prayer is tomorrow that Frankie is called to the diary room before Julie comes on. Then Julie comes on and explains that he has been removed from the game and apologizes to Victoria . And then everyone plays for the next hoh .

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Jolee September 4, 2014 at 12:13 am

tendr, lol … me too!

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Kelly September 4, 2014 at 12:42 am

I vote to evict Victoria…. Only because I think Nicole has a better chance at any comps… Physical/mental etc….
If all that was said about Frankie’s mouth being so vial… I think it should just jump to the “automatic eviction based on human decency” power…. Sadly we need to get that implemented!!!

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Jeannette September 4, 2014 at 12:44 am

Poor Nicole open her mouth trying say something nice to Derrick did not help . She tries so hard just did not work out. I am sure they will vote her out , I hoping for Derrick to go just because winning on a social game sucks. He is a good player but a puppet master needs to go. I like to see Victoria win HOH and get rid off Derrick .

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Janice September 4, 2014 at 12:49 am

Tricia, here is the youtube video site:

Latreice, Nicole wasn’t targeted because of what she said to Derrick. There was nothing for Nicole to say that would help or hurt her at this point. If Christine didn’t win POV, Nicole would be safe. Since Christine took herself off the block, there is no way they will send Victoria or any of the boys home now. Nobody wanted to listen to Joey, Nicole or Donnie and they were right on.

To put it mildly, this year sucks big time.

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 4, 2014 at 1:00 am

I see that a lot of y’all are feeling the same way I do about choosing to vote for either Victoria or Nicole. Seasons like this kinda make me wish that they’d do the U.S. Big Brother like they do in Europe and let the viewers vote on who to kick out of the house (or, at the very least, who should win the money at the end). Then again, they did that during the first season and I don’t remember much about season 1 but I do remember that it was pretty boring.

Latreice — As soon as Nicole compared Derrick to Dan, I was on twitter going, “She should have compared him to Frank Eudy from BB14 because than nobody would think that Derrick was a smart player.” It is a big compliment though and I can see why Derrick might get paranoid about it because Derrick’s whole strategy is to convince everyone that he’s not like Dan. Nicole’s fate was pretty much sealed before she made that comparison but, at the same time, it definitely did not do her any good.

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Bob September 4, 2014 at 1:00 am

because all of Frankie followers on social media he expects to win favorite player,,my pic is Donniehe truly has played a beautiful gameI love his heartand seems to have very high morals.

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Tricia September 4, 2014 at 1:01 am

Thank you Janice! Frankie is disgusting :((

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Susan Graham September 4, 2014 at 1:22 am

I would like to see both couches simultaneously burst into flames leaving Nicole and Victoria as the final two. Since the detonators were already detonated, they could bring the jury over and vote on a winner. Award Donny America’s favorite player, and then sing Cumbaya.

I would feel bad for about five minutes and then move on to Survivor. I’m not bitter or anything.

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Starfish September 4, 2014 at 1:23 am

LM, I agree with you completely! I agree about voting Nicole out. She’s miserable anyway and doesn’t need to be tortured any longer.

I would like to see Frankie gone with the second eviction. He’s so much worse than Derrick or any of the other HGs for that matter. Derrick actually played the game! So far, he’s done it without hurting or being mean to anyone. You can’t play this whole game without a little dirt on your hands unless you’re Jordan of course. 🙂 Dan was terribly mean and ED was mean and obnoxious. However, we consider them to be a couple of the great players because they actually played the game!

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Karla September 4, 2014 at 1:24 am

Bye Victoria sorry

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Janice September 4, 2014 at 1:40 am

@starfis don’t forget derilicks part in the ugly Frankie disgusting talk. Mr. Derilick went on about wearing goggles and zinging. He gives cops a bad name.

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Sir Rock September 4, 2014 at 1:41 am

I believe Production is trying to pull a fast one yet again. Caleb and the boys were gung ho to backdoor Frankie. According to multiple blogs, Caleb went to the DR and when he came out, he had “changed his mind” and was back to voting out Nicole. Many people online believe Production changed his mind so they could KEEP Frankie.

Then on tonight’s show, we’re show Nicole comparing Derrick to Dan. After that, Derrick is shown in the DR and going to the HOH convincing the guys to switch it back to Nicole. They agree. Back to the DR and Derrick is semi-gloating about his “move” to save his game.

I fully believe this was all a fantastic edit job by Production to save Frankie and also hide their involvement in the whole thing. I don’t have the LF’s but I read a lot of Twitter, Jokers, and other blogs/groups. There are MANY who say this is what happened. I can believe it.

Anyone else find it ironic that Frankie ran to the POV bag to check and see if his name was in it….as if production was keeping him out of playing the Veto? Seems like they’re bending over backwards for him. He may have bit the hand that feeds him, between the up roar his comments are getting online and his acting out about the Veto. Could prove interesting down the road.

Here’s a small example, it isn’t much but it kinda made me chuckle to myself when I read it. I know they ended Have Not’s early and let the HG’s pick a special meal that wasn’t crazy expensive like steak and lobster. I read it was narrowed down to Chinese food or In and Out Burger. Frankie apparently said something to the effect of “In and Out tastes like cardboard, yuck I don’t like it”. I’m not sure if production made the final decision on the food choice, but it was In and Out. (Personally I think the HG’s should have let Nicole pick since she’s a goner and has been on slop for 2 weeks, but whatever) It’s little things like that, that lead me to think Frankie and his comments/actions are finally working against him a little. Then again, who knows? Either way….Frankie’s a spoiled, entitled, dip shit that needs a wake up call. Hopefully, he gets it from Julie, like Aaryn got last season.

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Starfish September 4, 2014 at 1:52 am

Janice, it’s apparent, and you’ve been quite blunt, that you don’t like cops at all and Derrick in particular. Yes, of course I saw that he laughed and went along and shame on him and anyone else who didn’t bitch slap Frankie for his egregious behavior. Still, Derrick is playing the game like it should be played and that’s all I meant by that.

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Starfish September 4, 2014 at 1:53 am

Thought you guys might want to see this with Julie on David Letterman. I hope it works.

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tendr September 4, 2014 at 2:08 am

too bad we can’t see some hidden camera views from behind the glass…………i just deleted all i said….it was really stupid but still i can imagine this game is pretty much controlled from behind the curtain. no fun. I don’t even like it on Survivor when you know Jeff knows what’s going on between players and he always seems to put fuel on a tiny fire to start players fighting….when i want him to shut up. just let gamers play and do their own thinking. i’m at the point i wish tomorrow was the last night of bb. I still say put in forty plus yr old single ppl…just for an experiment….it could NOT be worse than it is now.

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Star September 4, 2014 at 2:46 am

Playing catch up once again as company is finally gone!! But after getting halfway thru yesterday’s posts, I had to quit reading and had nothing whatsoever to say. I am SO sick of talking about Frankie!!! He is an egotistical,maniacal, misogynistic ,two-faced pig and he’s not about to change while he is on BB! Nor is CBS going to kick him off the show OR talk about his nasty traits or actions on a family rated show!!! He is ratings GOLD for them and I am sure that they aren’t ever going to address it,no matter what WE say! He is totally degenerate and deplorable but he’s not the first or last to be so on Big Brother. I’m tired of beating this paticular dead horse. Just saying.

I love Nicole. I think she is sweet, smart and funny and playing a decent game, considering she is mostly alone. But……she was evicted once. HGS that come back get no love and usually go out on the next eviction! So she is basically a lame duck! I too would LOVE to see Vic win it! I think that would be hysterical,seeing the guys faces as she took it all!!! And she does have a better chance to slide by as she is no threat to anyone and is still somewhat under Derrick’s wing. She had a MUCH better chance of making it to the end or at least of getting further than does Nicole at this point.
SO…..for that reason, I sadly vote to evict my fellow Micigander, Nicole!! :'(

WHO BTW, was totally wasted tonight on BBAD!!! She finally lether hair down and had some fun! It was a new side of her and all the others liked *Drunk Nicole*…lol too bad she couldn’t have shown that side sooner and sober!! It would have helped her social game by ALOT!!!

Frankie didn’t like Drunk Nicole tho as she was stealing his thunder!!! Nobody was paying attention to widdle Fwankie so he made some loops with play-doh and said it was the female genitalia!!! THEN he put a water bottle in is mouth and basically SUCKED it all the way down his throat!!!! Of course he got the wanted attention then but he had to be so VILE and /or loud /obnoxious to do it, it’s really sad. And disgusting!! 😛

I really hope whoever goes out first tonight is followed quickly by Frankie!! And if the other HG know anything about playing this game, he will be!!!!

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erie-angel September 4, 2014 at 3:10 am

Star, I agree with you, so tired of talking about Frankie. I will say this though, I was surprised to find out he is 31 years old. He looks and acts like a frat boy. Yeah, I don’t often take the time to read HG bios.

My son, who doesn’t actually watch the show, but hears it on and hears me complaining about it all the time, asked once again last night how they keep finding these odd gay men. he says most gay men aren’t obnoxious and “flaming queers” like Frankie and other past gay HG; he should know, my son is gay.

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Aggie R September 4, 2014 at 3:42 am

Good write up Lisa, I would rather see Victoria go, I think she’s got too much of a crush on Derrick. Poor girl, I feel sorry for her when she sees all the negative stuff after the show, nobody ever really gave her a chance she was just a joke to them. too bad about Nicole going i would have liked to see her hang in, now i have nobody to root for. Lisa, maybe your right it might be fun if Victoria had the last laugh. The double eviction should be good

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RMM September 4, 2014 at 4:47 am

I (sadly) have to vote to evict Vic! I would love to see Nicole get the last laugh on those boys…… I also hope to evict Frankie for the 2nd one going and if not….Mr. Ego Caleb! I would love to see Christina go somewhere, her strategy to just cling to the boys was dumb! All she did was bring gossip to them so they could make decisions.

Love the posts! I don’t even watch LF or after dark (too boring) – I enjoy this blog much better. All of the takes on what is happening is very fun to read. Thanks All 🙂

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16seasonBBfN September 4, 2014 at 6:29 am

I will no longer pay attention to this one sided ridiculous , bused , intolerance . You all seem to think you know what production dies. You are all more paranoid than anyone in the house! Frankie will not win, Derrick will but he us not a lit if whAt you haters are saying. Get over your hate , it’s a f ing game. Frankie us still the only guy in the house who has won more than the rest! Folks that’s why it’s called a GAME!! Get over your Monday-morning quarterback ing. Everyone in the house with the exception of Derrick had said and done very questionable things. Stop bashing one person just because most of you are intolerant

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16seasonBBfN September 4, 2014 at 6:30 am

Dark in here sorry many typos

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cathy September 4, 2014 at 6:31 am

Love all the comments. I hate the fact that Nicole just can’t keep her mouth shut. And even with that being said I do think production is pulling a fast one.

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16seasonBBfN September 4, 2014 at 6:33 am

DArk in here sorry so many typos but the sentiment is the same

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16seasonBBfN September 4, 2014 at 6:37 am

Wow I will make sure to make it known that this page is hypocritical since MY OPUNION is not being permitted just as you all claim bias on BB. PAthetic

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Malcolm September 4, 2014 at 7:23 am

Thank you Lisa! Your right on the money. I think they should take Frankie out of the house and make him apologies to Vic right on live TV! Vic’s family must be soo pissed at Frankie ‘s comments and also that no one said anything at the time!!

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Annie September 4, 2014 at 7:35 am

Hey Everyone….looking forward to tonight’s live show and double eviction!!! At this point, they’re going to have to start eating their own. I hope the second evict is either Frankie or Christine!!

As far as the first eviction, I have to admit that Nicole did an oopsie when she started complimenting Derrick and comparing him to Dan. This has Derrick kinda paranoid and for good reason. Did you notice that Derrick said he has a photographic memory??? I have a feeling he’s going to step up and show the house who’s boss!! (When it’s time to and not a moment sooner, he’s really smart…he gets other Hgs to think that THEY have come up with a strategy when it’s been Derricks opinion to begin with!!! LOL)

Well, I’ll have my wine ready with a corkscrew near by so at least I can watch the double eviction in a good mood! LOL!! Hope others will join. I love all my BB Bloggers!! Y’all have a great day and I’ll be here tonight and will try to share. @ Star…I missed your comments…but hope visiting with family was really enjoyable!!! Time flies and we need to stay close to those we love!! L8TR y’all!!

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Sylvie September 4, 2014 at 7:36 am

julie on david Letterman

I didn’t expect him asking her anything about Frankie at all. as I said before she’s the bosse’s wife and so the interview would have to be blend and promoting the show. No surprise

I vote to evict VIC but I know Nic is going.

No comment on the rest, it’s just so bad. Don’t care anymore
Just in case someone reads complaints at CBS here’s the link again.

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Janice September 4, 2014 at 7:54 am

@starfish – you are totally off to say I don’t like cops. I feel he has an unfair advantage with his training in the BB house especially with the likes of the sheep in the house and his part in the vile, degrading “rape” talk showed a side of him I definitely do not like. No I am not a Derrick fan. If I were his wife or mother I would be shocked, ashamed and embarrassed the way he laughed and added to the “rape” segment. Maybe I’m too sensitive and feel more offended than you knowing what that that physical violation does and the fact that his physical gestures along with his laughing about such a violent act was appalling. I find nothing about encouraging laughing, joking and acting out about a violent act acceptable from anybody, especially a cop.

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Brigitte F September 4, 2014 at 8:08 am

I vote to evict Victoria. She is the worst at competitions and really adds nothing to the show or house dynamics. Having said that we all know Nicole will be sent packing again. Why oh why did Nicole tell Derrick he was the next Dan Geisling. That sealed her fate. His eyes were bugging out and I was cringing.

Lastly it was really annoying how the entire show lead you to believe a big move was going to be made by back dooring Frankie. Then — of course the expected happens and no big moves are made. BORING!

Have a great day y’all!!!

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Keith September 4, 2014 at 8:10 am

Bye Victoria.

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Randall September 4, 2014 at 8:20 am

Just want to make a quick comment as I have been affected by this Frankie action a little bit more than probably a lot being molested at a really young age for several years after I lost my Dad when I was 9. I just found out this last year that my 47 year old nephew was also sexually molested by the same man in my neighborhood but both of us had never told anyone as many males do not because of embarrassment of being a man. It happens to both and literally makes my blood boil. I would have been kicked out when that was said by Frankie and that would have been just fine. Because when they started talking about the blood part with Victoria, it just brought up memories of when my Daughter at age 15 came home early from supposedly spending the night with a friend and went to the bathroom immediately and called Mom to come in there. Then I could here them talking about what happened and found out from Monica, my daughter that she had been held down and raped by 4 guys of different color with them taking turns making her bleed of course and she didn’t know why and was scared. Of course my wife called 911 and they sent out Sheriff and sent us to Hospital for rape kit to be done. Long story shorter only 2 of the 4 were charged and got 15 years but having to relive and go to court just brings back all the shit that we had to go through. And at that time I had a much different attitude about mixed relationships than I have today. Then I wasn’t for it! My daughter taught me that as long as the person treats you right with respect is what matters and today I have 3 beautiful Grandkids by her with a Hispanic Husband and they are happy. But she always remembers that night when she said no and she could take care of herself one on one with anyone person.
Now for one other subject that hasn’t been talked about and maybe I’m reading more into than I should, but did anyone think Frankie was imitating Frankie’s Brother that has no Arms when he was playing badminton with Caleb last night on BBAD? Holding it with his neck and trying to swing it! I thought that was very dis-tasteful on his part. Please let me know if anyone else saw that. And I appreciate everyones post more than watching the show. I just watch hoping for one of the hatefuls to go home dejected. Priceless!

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Adam September 4, 2014 at 8:31 am

Enough about Frankie’s comment. He made a bad joke. Get over it. You’ve never said anything in bad taste which you would regret under other circumstances?

Why do people love to be offended so much? Get your pitchforks out: the thought police are here! The guy didn’t hurt her physically; hell, he didn’t even hurt her feelings as she wasn’t there to hear it. Really – it’s OK. He’s a coward and you don’t have to like him, but the lynch mob BS has got to stop.

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Chelle September 4, 2014 at 8:50 am

I vote to evict production!!! Because their influence has ruined the BB experience! At this point if you are going to make it a ‘soap opera’ type series, at least get real actors…

I feel bad for Nicole, they always pick ONE to just poop all over and bully! And with all the girls being picked off, and Frankie’s ‘rape’ statement, I would not want MY daughter in that house alone with those idiots who seem to have no moral compass between them..

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Debs September 4, 2014 at 9:23 am

I think we should all “flood” CBS with emails stating how disappointed we are that they allowed someone like Frankie/Skankie to remain in the house after talking about Victoria like he did. Or would that even make a difference? I have a daughter and believe me, if someone had said something like that about her, I would have already contacted Gloria Allred!

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pam September 4, 2014 at 9:43 am

i vote to evict nicole

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Courtney September 4, 2014 at 9:43 am

I vote to evict Victoria. While I feel badly for her experience in this house, I don’t believe that gives her the right to win on sympathy. She will be better off under the watchful eyes of Jocosta & Hayden.

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erie_angel September 4, 2014 at 9:45 am

Randell, so sorry about what happened to you and to your daughter. My son was sexually abused as a child as well, he never told anybody; to this day he says he can’t remember it. We only know about it due to rectal tearing found during an examine when he was hospitalized for another matter. The doctor, a urologist who is also an expert on sexual abuse matters, said there was no way the type of tearing she’d found could have happened in any other way but forced sodomy.

As for Frankie and the way he was holding the badminton racket: I don’t have the LFs nor did I watch BBAD as I am done watching this train wreck. That being said, Frankie is just an immature arse who will do anything for attention. He thinks he’s so clever and funny it is sickening. I’m not sure he was consciously imitating Donny’s brother (it is Donny’s who doesn’t have arms, not Frankie’s) but that stunt can easily be interpreted as a comment of how he views all disabled people. He needs to just go away, never to be heard from again.

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Terry Brown September 4, 2014 at 9:53 am

Tonight is going to be so disappointing – the only one I want gone is Frankie – gone from the show and everything else. I will probably not watch the show tonight – I have a feeling Nicole will go and then for the second eviction, it will be either Christine or Victoria. I am so glad Survivor is coming back – I know it won’t disappoint. I would love it if America could vote instead of the HG. Felt like I have wasted a summer with this season!

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Courtney September 4, 2014 at 9:56 am

Randall – I ‘m so sorry that you & your family had to suffer those atrocities! Survived, I should say.

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roger h September 4, 2014 at 10:15 am

why does anyone think CBS would evict Frankie?
they did not evict EVIL dick for his actions
and he won the game
and still getting paid for being a complete a-hole
while he was on BB

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mama margie September 4, 2014 at 10:21 am

Lisa Marie, as always great job. I have been AWOL awhile. I too recall when the blogs used to hit the 200-400 comment mark.
Maybe due to such a predicable game, boring houseguests, but to be honest BB is not what it used to be, maybe I miss my friend mike (rest in peace) who used to co write stuff from the grapevine, maybe I am leery to respond to some comments as it seems they seem to turn into a pissing contest among us bloggers. Perhaps it upsets me when some, bloggers refer to houseguests as lets just say simple minded and made fun of because they come from a certain state, oh hell, yes it is Donny I am referring to, he played the game deep and quiet. I guess still water runs deep. we all have our favs and all for different reason which is how it should be. Blogs were meant to be fun and entertaining. I do miss the old days, I wish all of you could have been part of those golden days, then maybe you could have seen the difference. So I have the choice of either join the pissing contest or just stay away, so I just read and move on. I guess some of the old timers (vets, lol) sorry can not teach an old dog new tricks, maybe feel the same as it is not as it used to be, who knows if the game was not so predicable or the hgs less boring it might have been different. Lisa Marie just know that I do appesch your updates and u r doing a damn fine job, it is not you at all. In conclusion as much as I whine and complain I will see this season to the bitter end. and more then likely will be back next year to yet again hope for a better season, I have come to the fact I am addicted to big brother,
love to all my vets and newbies. Hope the season ends as each of you wish it too
now m m gong to leave, as nobody has time for 2 MMs
just wanted to share this:

Many fans have called for a Pandora’s Box, a Diamond Power of Veto, a Coup d’Etat, or some other sort of power designed to rescue Nicole from certain elimination. But why do something so outright when they can ask viewers who they want to keep: Nicole or Victoria? Hmm, I wonder.

If there is a Team America vote this week, and I do believe there will be, or at least I don’t think Team America is over just yet, then this seems highly probable for what viewers get to choose. While I know there are a lot of fans that would be thrilled for Nicole to stay, here’s my issue: it’s going to seriously rock Derrick’s game at the cost of giving Nicole a THIRD life in the house.

All season Derrick has carefully cultivated his wallflower, Victoria. He’s made sure she had water, sunlight, and just enough attention to keep it alive and well protected in the house. Yesterday he was still at it convincing his allies that a vote against Victoria would be a waste in the case of a Double Eviction. She’s his ticket to a landslide F2 and Derrick is counting on it.

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DonnaP September 4, 2014 at 10:52 am

I voooote for Nicole to leave the Big Brother hoooouse.
The dingus even apologised to Derrick for questioning his game.
Buh Bye I don’t have to hear your annoying vooooice in the DR.

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Tammera September 4, 2014 at 10:57 am

Randall and Erie Angle I am truly sorry for what happen to your children (and to you Randall). I cant think of anything more horrible.
With that said I vote to evict Frankie. I don’t like the other choices so I made my own nominee.

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Jolee September 4, 2014 at 11:06 am

Adam, really??

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 4, 2014 at 11:08 am

Hey, 16SeasonBFN — before you start making accusations, everyone’s comment goes to moderation the first time that they comment. And until I or another site admin get a chance to approve that first comment, every comment they make after that will go into moderation. Now that your first comment had been approved, all of your comments should post automatically. I was asleep last night so that’s why it took a while for your comments to get approved. WE DO NOT CENSOR ON THIS SITE! All of your comments have been posted, regardless of whether I or anyone else agreed with them or not. You need to watch who you call a hypocrite.

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Jolee September 4, 2014 at 11:09 am

16SeasonBFN, meet Adam! You could be BFF!!#

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Jeanne September 4, 2014 at 11:18 am

Adam – 16seasonBBfN – Are you two serious. I can’t believe any moral person would condon that behavior. Maybe you two can start a demented boy’s club. Thank God your opinions are not the majority.

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swt September 4, 2014 at 11:49 am

BBL, all the caps I just want to be clear to CBS production on this BB16 it sucks !!!!

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16seasonBBfN September 4, 2014 at 11:55 am

HEY! LM and followers… Ever had too much to drink? Ever said something you wish you could take back? Judge much!?!? Are you serious? I would live to see 24/7 camera’s on all of you and let’s see how ” moral” you are at every wAking second of your life. I do NOT condone what Frankie said ,( I cone from a Long line of law enforcement and military) I just know what happens when alcohol gets introduced. So. My dears don’t judge , leave that up to God, He is the only one who gets that right. Taking the high road and leaving the rest for you all to judge (as we all know you will) if I offended, that’s on me and I can take it. I’m a big girl . I also put my pants on one day at a time as everyone else does. I’ll find other BB pages to follow. This is one of hundred and the most intolerant for so called BB GAME dans. I won’t let the door hit me on the way out.

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Janice September 4, 2014 at 11:57 am

Jeanne and Jolie, I am with you all the way.

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Janice September 4, 2014 at 12:03 pm

16seasonBBfN you need to get your facts right. There was no alcohol in these creeps at the time of the disgusting, vile fun time they seemed to be having. We have all said things we regretted but I personally never thought about or talked about a violent crime. You come from a long line of law enforcement???? Are you in law enforcement? I hope not.

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DonnaP September 4, 2014 at 12:04 pm

I might not agree with some of your comments but you make it interesting instead of the constant same opinion of one HG all the time. So I wish you and Adam stay to make it more interesting.

If we all agree it would be so boring.

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Starfish September 4, 2014 at 12:05 pm

Thanks for clearing that up LM. 😆

This year has been a bust but since this is a show we love, it’s done it’s job for the last two years creating a show we love to hate. Yes, it is a game but this game got uncivilized and reprehensible with not only what Frankie said, but his actions spoke louder than any words could. But I agree with Star and MM, so sick of him and talking about him already. He’s taken over the show and has made damn sure he’s the one we talk about.

I feel sorry for Vic as she’s had a bad rap all year. She’s simply young and innocent. Would have loved to see Nic with a couple cocktails in her. The Detonators need to get rid of Frankie and I hope he’s gone on Thursday. Derrick will probably win but as MM said, that could change up in a heartbeat. I actually feel he’s played the best strategic game. I hope his wife is taking note of his strategic skills. ha ha She probably knows him really well and doesn’t let him get away with any of that.

In the paper this morning is a review on a new show called “Utopia” on Fox that puts 15 people in an isolated area , etc. etc. you get the drift. Anyway, he’s saying to give it a try. Then he says: “Of course, in today’s reality-steeped world, it’s entirely possible that the cast will be nothing but preening wannabe actors like the contestants on ‘Big Brother,’ and we’ll die of boredom before the end of episode one.”

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Sylvie September 4, 2014 at 12:10 pm

Well then , seems like our dear Lisa Marie is not allowed to sleep or angry bloggers will take it personally. That’s a shame!

I love this Blog and hate this season !

If you are angry that we don’t support talk of sexual assault please seek counseling especially if you blame it on drunk people. Cause being drunk makes it excusable.

Somehow I lost the reasoning behind this one 🙁

Anyways , Evil Dick reference on this page. He was no angel, but didn’t cross this line.

Anyways, I want VIC poor thing gone!

Have a great day friends

@LM thanks, always

If you are ANGRY vent on this page

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 4, 2014 at 12:11 pm

Hey, 16SeasonBFN — You have every right to your opinion and you will always be more than welcome to post it. But come on — don’t judge? What exactly do you think this show is for? Lol. Big Brother is totally about judging. People watch the show, they judge the behavior, and then they talk about it and, occasionally, somebody gets upset because someone they like is no longer liked by everyone else and then they start going, “Don’t judge! Don’t judge!”

And, by the way, you still owe me an apology for calling me a hypocrite. I mean, seriously — after making that accusation, who are you to get on a high horse about judging?

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C'est Moi ici September 4, 2014 at 12:12 pm

Some things never seem to change except possibly the introduction of some new alliances for better or worse.

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Jolee September 4, 2014 at 12:14 pm

Joyce, I am sure they were referring to the twins in Amazing Race. I was just being funny!! We have often been referred to as “the twinnies” or “the twins!” 🙂 🙂

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16seasonBBfN September 4, 2014 at 12:15 pm

Time to remind myself that we live in The United States of the Offended. Bad taste. Poor judgement on Frankie’s part… ABSOLUTELY!!!!! Either way You are ALL still talking about Frankie…… His mission accomplished . Derrick will win, he has played the best game next to Dan Geisling. More than likely unless Frankie wins HOH or POV he will leave 2nd tonight right after Nicole.

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Jani September 4, 2014 at 12:18 pm

What a horrible season of BB,, allowing Frankie to stay in the house after his remark. anyone else would have been sent home for it, but because of who his sister is he gets away with it. BB better do something or they will lose fans.

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Sylvie September 4, 2014 at 12:20 pm


You said you wouldn’t let the door hit

Don’t forget

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 4, 2014 at 12:20 pm

16seasonBBfN — I agree with you, Derrick will win. He’s played the best game. I do agree that Frankie’s main goal is to keep people talking about him but he probably didn’t want people to be talking about how much they hate him. Lol.

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Jolee September 4, 2014 at 12:32 pm

Bye season, we will miss your comments, but not your disrespecting the bloggers here. We all have differing opinion, but that is okay! The age range here is anywhere between teenagers and up to senior citizens like me! 🙂 So we approach situation from a different perspective, which everyone here are okay with! Most of the time! You should have been here when we we discussing making homemade jam! We got a few criticisms, but not many!

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Janice September 4, 2014 at 12:32 pm

LM, I know it’s not the apology you deserve, but I apologize for anyone who thinks violence is acceptable and can make excuses for it.

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 4, 2014 at 12:33 pm

Well said, Janice.

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Anne Ravenwood September 4, 2014 at 12:33 pm

Frankie has to go. He is vile……..annoying. I don’t even want to watch him anymore……he is also over the top when MC-ing the comps…….give me a break……and he runs to the person that wins, every time, and kisses their butt. He is disgusting! Nicole is being treated so poorly, bullied, made fun of right in front of her – pathetic…….Caleb has NO balls……..he is Frankie’s little b****. Can’t stand Christine either……….I vote for Derrick and Cody to make it to the end……..these other people disgust me. This show was a train wreck…… season, they need to force the house guests to get up at 10a.m. every day and let them not be allowed to go to sleep until 10p.m. What a boring season……..

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hpr56 September 4, 2014 at 12:34 pm

16SeasonBFN and Adam: You are entitled to your opinions. And when you voice them, it’s open to criticism from those who don’t think the same as you do. I am offended at how you attack the other bloggers on here. Myself included. None of us has 100% agreed with each other through the whole season but we don’t attack as you two have done. I honestly wonder if you are the same person with two accounts. Oh well. The conversation that Frankie had along with the gestures was the act of a pig. If the two of you choose another blog to post in, then have a nice trip. LM writes up the happenings and gives her opinion. She does not insist we agree but she is allowed her own opinion too.

I vote to evict Victoria. The reason is that she is so sure of herself yet has done nothing to be there except for smile and bat her eyelashes at Derrick. Nicole just happened to try to make a move and they stabbed her in the back but that’s the game. She could at least give them a little competition. Vic can’t. I honestly think that Nicole’s comment to Derrick was meant to schmooze him and try to get his support. Not sure she really believes all that and Derrick, in my opinion, took it way too seriously and actually acted paranoid. He may have just shot himself in the foot with this whole challenge he threw and his lack of support to keep Nicole. Caleb is a fool. He thinks Frankie will have his back. I don’t. I thought Caleb’s comment about whoever sat in the chair was safe because everyone knows Nicole is the one leaving was tacky to say the least. I would like to see her stay, if for no other reason, than to make him look stupid.

Nothing would make me happier than to see Frankie go out the door tonight but I doubt it will happen. I can dream!

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BBIGBBOB September 4, 2014 at 12:35 pm

Frankie would have loved to be backdoored if one of them hasnt already have. It’s clear that none of the men have any “kahoontas” to put a threat up. Nicole is probably already out and little “miss nose and ears” needs to go next. To bad, Nicole had more balls than any of the men.

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Tammera September 4, 2014 at 12:40 pm

People need to calm down about the moderation. I was moderated too with my post. So what?! Every body did, get over your self.

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Jolee September 4, 2014 at 12:40 pm

Lisa Marie, I respect you so much! Thank you! 🙂

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macy September 4, 2014 at 12:55 pm

OH GOSH – havent been on the computer since yesterday morning – my hope is that all you bbblogger friends dont let frank ruin this entertainment program for you. this yr will be over before we know it and in a couple of months we will be wishing for more big brother!

we get to wait with anticipation for a whole new cast for next summer!

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Jeanne September 4, 2014 at 12:56 pm

Lisa Marie – Just want you to know that my Sissy jolee and I appreciate all that goes into keeping this blog going. We thank you. God bless you precious. {{{HUGS}}}

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Jeanne September 4, 2014 at 12:57 pm

YES YES YES. Macy. Lest we forget I will save this.

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Tuna September 4, 2014 at 12:59 pm

I refuse to vote. I just can’t. After last night’s show, I’m not going to watch for awhile.

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 4, 2014 at 1:00 pm

Thank you, Jeanne and Jolee.

Macy — I still enjoy Big Brother, even if I’m currently being pretty critical of both the producers and the houseguests. 🙂 (To be honest, being critical is half the fun.) But, yes, I probably will be a little bit happier once Frankie is no longer in the house. Lol. 🙂

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Sylvie September 4, 2014 at 1:15 pm


Thanks for being so clever, understanding and critical.

You do it with taste and intelligence, and i enjoy your writing style

In my perfect world , they would end the season this week and draw skittles to decide who last 2 are since i don’t care anymore.

I do care about this blog and and the people here.

Be well my friends all of you, even the ones who judge us LOL

Must work now 🙂 since BB doesn’t pay me to seat around all summer and do nothing at all

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Adam September 4, 2014 at 1:30 pm

@hpr56 & @ Jeanne , I didn’t attack any bloggers on here so don’t lump me in with anyone else. This is the FIRST time I’m posting here. I like the updates, but I’m just not into posting on ‘net BBs on the reg.

Meanwhile, I got attacked for voicing my opinion! Start a “demented boy’s club”. Really? How tolerant! I doubt that’s the kind of “tolerance” LM wants bred here. This is akin to the “mean girls” last year. I didn’t go along with the group-think bashing of a gay man and now I’m on the hot seat for it? Interesting. I’m just tired of seeing the negativity. I guess that makes me a jerk??

My point (again): I said you don’t have to like the guy, but calling for his head every day is ridiculous. Say “Frankie is on ignore ‘cuz I’m done with him.” Cool. Got it. You’re still angry. Going into paragraphs as to why he’s STILL this or that is senseless. We got it. We read the blog.

Frankie doesn’t like Victoria and he’s saying mean stuff about her in an effort to vent frustration while at the same time trying to make other people laugh. Bad taste? Absolutely. But that was his intention. Homeboy fancies himself an entertainer, does he not? When Frankie starts planning to carry out these atrocities let me know – otherwise, he’s trying to get a rise out of the people in the house out of sheer boredom. Does anyone refute that? If so, on what grounds?

Louis CK has said all kinds of twisted stuff. Does that mean he’s a monster too? No, he’s a genius ‘cuz he’s good at it, but Frankie is an evil gay guy who wants to see women raped. Do you seriously believe that?

Now, having said all that, I’m done w/ the guy too. I hope he’s sent packing tonight and my boy Derek wins.

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hpr56 September 4, 2014 at 1:32 pm

Oh, I guarantee you I will keep watching and I will watch next year and the next and as long as it is on. If we don’t like someone or what is going on, this is where we say it. The TV won’t listen and frankly doesn’t care what we say.

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Ralph September 4, 2014 at 1:36 pm

When Nicole compared Derrick to Dan…that was the most stupid thing she could have done. She was golden. Derrick had successfully convinced everyone that Frankie was the bigger threat…and then, it seemed like, through the edit, minutes, Derrick played ‘Devil’s advocate’ again, to switch the heat back on Nicole, who Derrick seems to like more than the rest of the house…secretly.
I have to say, she described him perfectly…and that had him scared so much, he knew he had to get her ability to say something wrong, out of the way. She should have known better…but it also seems she really believed she was going home, no matter what, and had made peace with that fact.

As far as Frankie, or if say there is a ‘twist’ that leaves BOTH girls safe in this eviction. IF BB is listening, they know how we feel. And at least some of those watching, will instead find something more entertaining, if something big doesn’t happen.

As far as Derrick contributing to the talk on Victoria, I wonder if we’re seeing everything. I know Derrick is real good at hiding what he really feels. He has said he’s been undercover as a cop, so he ‘plays’ to the crowd…but I wonder if the DR will reveal what he really thinks. He has shown that in the past.

I have a feeling this live broadcast is going to address all of what we speculate and see only half the picture on. I condemn the words, and there has to be a restitution. and the fans watching, whether we like it or not, or BB likes it or not, are a part of that.

I also wonder if other things will be played back that Frankie said about Jacasta, Donny and even ‘Team America’…That is important too.

Wouldn’t it be a ‘shocker’ if Just as Julie goes live, Frankie is called to the DR…and Julie lets them know ALL what was said. Want to talk about two girls, Nicole and Victoria having a dander to form a team that wins HOH, and puts all the house-guests sweating bullets? Then Julie reveals Frankie has been asked to leave, will not be in jury and neither girl is going home? That would be the ‘shocker’ I think we all would get behind.

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hpr56 September 4, 2014 at 1:43 pm

@Adam, this is the last time I am going to refer to you. Actually, I do consider it an attack when you call us a lynch mob. When you tell us that we have to get over it. Making comments about getting our pitchforks out. Wow, no attack there. Those were not just mean things that Frankie said. He encouraged other houseguests to “take both her virginities”. That is disgusting whether you think so or not. His gestures were over the top. If a woman is drunk and is a virgin and intends to stay that way, encouraging someone to take advantage of her is encouraging them to “rape” her in the sense that she is not in the mind to be able to consent. Do you understand that? He was encouraging someone to “rape” her. I did NOT attack you for your opinion. I criticized your attack on us. I did NOT say anything about a demented boys club so maybe you should rework your comment to address us for what each of us said.

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Adam September 4, 2014 at 1:46 pm

I will do no such thing. You think I’m going to do more work for you? Get over yourself.

I’m out.

“See ya never”

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Jeanne September 4, 2014 at 1:47 pm

Adam. I was not addressing the verbal part of the incident, although it can be as hurtful as physical. It was the hand gestures he was doing. That was sexual abuse. Now don’t tell me that was acceptable in any situation. And that’s not BS.

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 4, 2014 at 1:50 pm

Adam — Obviously, I disagreed with you but I don’t think you’re a jerk.

I think Frankie dislikes women. That’s my opinion based on what he’s said in the house. I also don’t think that he’s the only guy in the house who dislikes women. I think Caleb has some issues with women, as well and I felt that Devin did too. Speaking for myself, I do not think it’s because Frankie’s gay and I’m not going to say that Frankie is evil. True, I don’t like Frankie but evil is such a damning accusation that I wouldn’t ever use it to describe someone appearing on a reality TV show.

I happen to like Louis C.K. When I went to see the Purge, they showed a clip before the film of Louis talking about what the world would be like if murder was legal and it was hilarious. (To paraphrase: “You’d look down on people who don’t murder. You’d say, ‘That guy’s never killed anyone? What’s wrong with him…'”)

I would like to see Frankie explain his comments. It could be that you’re right and he was just saying it to be outrageous. Or it could be that I’m right and he just doesn’t like women in general. I don’t think it does anyone (and that includes Frankie) any good for CBS to ignore the comments or to not acknowledge that they were said.

And finally, I hope Derrick wins too. 🙂

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C'est Moi ici September 4, 2014 at 1:55 pm

Frankie is a flaming egomaniac gay queen with little or no respect for women, any women. He probably only tolerates his own sister because cowering in her shadow is as close to fame and fortune as his sorry ass will ever get. His 15 minute/90 day/BB16 season or whatever performance will soon be over along with the lights and cameras.

As with everything Frankie does to draw full attention to himself, his victimizing Victoria – even though not in her presence – with his rude and crude comments were just another futile attempt of his to keep all cameras focused on him. It worked. But wait! Incite to riot is a crime – even in California… So what is “Incite to Gang Bang Rape” defined as in the California Criminal Code? Frankie in stripes? Probably not a good match for his powdered, lip glossed persona.

I vote to release Nicole from the CBS “ratings are everything” mad house while her sanity is still intact.

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Jolee September 4, 2014 at 1:57 pm

Adam, while I respect your views, I have to disagree with you about Frankie’s comments. I really do believe he meant every word he said IMHO!! And,who is Louis CK?? Keep on blogging. Your opinion is your right. You don’t have to agree with us, and we don’t have to agree with you! God bless America, the land of the free and the brave! My husband was a tough Marine, but he was kind and respectful. Enough said! 🙂

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Adam September 4, 2014 at 2:01 pm

Oh, I think you’re absolutely right. Caleb is very possessive of women which I think is a function of large ego which needs constant feeding. Caleb’s also short – probably some “little man syndrome” going on too. Derek knows this and is using it to his advantage beautifully. Devin certainly has issues as well. He is medicating if I’m not mistaken – enough said on that front since he has actual professional help.

If you like Louis CK, take a look at the bit he does on Cinnabun. He lets the other F word fly left and right. And the opening bit of that special did as well. Do you think there’s any real hate in his heart? It’s entertainment. But, of course, not everyone will be entertained. That’s fine. I don’t like opera, but I never said it shouldn’t exist. I just don’t listen. I suggest some here do the same w/ certain houseguests.

I can’t believe he isn’t more cautious after what went on last season. I’d be walking on eggshells.

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 4, 2014 at 2:04 pm

All this drama today (on the blog and off) is getting me worked up. That does not mean that anyone here is doing anything wrong. It just means that I’m in one of those moods. Lol. So, I’m going to step away for a little and calm down. I’ll still be checking my e-mail to approve any comments that might end up in moderation but otherwise, I’ll see everyone tonight when I recap the double eviction.

So have fun and please know that I appreciate every single person who comments on this blog — even the people who totally disagree with me. 🙂

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Terry Brown September 4, 2014 at 2:13 pm

I forgot to mention I voted out Victoria because she is the true definition of a floater, but I believe it will be Nicole who the HGs get rid of, again. I can only hope with the second eviction, it will be Frankie. I will have my hubby watch it first and only if there is a real twist at the end, will I watch it, otherwise I just have better things to do. The worst season of Big Brother – ever!

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hpr56 September 4, 2014 at 2:20 pm

I agree Terry. I honestly think Derrick has played the best game. He has used the others to do his bidding and they don’t even realize it.

Victoria is a true floater but it would also be funny if she made it to the final 2 with Derrick and beat him. Not what I would like to see but it would be Karma.

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Darlene September 4, 2014 at 2:33 pm

Lisa Marie, I have been reading the posts daily. You have done a masterful job keeping us informed. Thank you. I enjoy the differing opinions. When a criminal act is being discussed and then acted out I think it needs to be brought into public opinion. I hope Frankie is escorted out tonight.

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Debs September 4, 2014 at 2:57 pm

I don’t know why but I am anxiously looking forward to Big Brother tonight, just hoping Frankie gets the boot. I know it probably won’t happen but a girl can hope! Thanks Lisa Marie for doing such a great job with this post. I look forward to reading it everyday!

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C'est Moi ici September 4, 2014 at 3:08 pm

Donny and Nicole are living proof that, at the very least, two BB house guests did realize that Derrick used the others to do his bidding and that he was playing the best game. Derrick, in response to his puppet master status being figured out by Donny first and then by Nicole, immediately directed his gray matter challenged drones to eliminate those two who knew too much, ASAP!

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C'est Moi ici September 4, 2014 at 3:15 pm

The big question to be answered in tonight’s double eviction is who will be the second house guest to be sent to the jury.

And only Derrick will be answering that question, as usual!

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Courtney September 4, 2014 at 3:33 pm

That’s it!! (Throwing down gloves) Ok now I truly am offended!!! I like opera!!!
Haha j/k …
Thought it was time for a chuckle!

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hpr56 September 4, 2014 at 3:37 pm

Well, fine then Courtney!!!!!!!!

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bobovnvet September 4, 2014 at 3:49 pm

Thank you Lisa! I am up to date now….I Vote to evict Victoria ! I hope Nicole can stay & make the HOH her home Then get out one of her tormentors ! I am not going to comment about the little asshole Frankie…I did it once & once is more then enough of my time then I can spare! A big thanks for most of your comments some I just flew by 😆 Hi to my good Friend (vets) & to all ♥ Hope the DE gets out the right person tonight! See you soon…
……………… :mrgreen:
Kind of sad news…Joan Rivers passed away today 🙁

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Janice September 4, 2014 at 3:50 pm

I think there is a big difference between a stand up comic entertaining from a script and this. Louis CK is a comedian and Frankie is an ……..idiot???? Obviously a big difference of opinions here on that.

Derrick may have the best game in the house but that isn’t saying much. Nobody else has game.

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bobovnvet September 4, 2014 at 3:50 pm

Courtney …………………….. 😆

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hpr56 September 4, 2014 at 3:50 pm

Now seriously – since I truly was kidding with you Courtney.

I actually am not 100% convinced what to expect tonight. Whatever it is, it will hopefully be a little different than the usual ” everyone is a robot.”

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C'est Moi ici September 4, 2014 at 3:50 pm

@Courtney – Avete una opera preferita?

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C'est Moi ici September 4, 2014 at 3:52 pm

Joan Rivers is dead! No Joke!

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Randall September 4, 2014 at 3:56 pm

@hpr56 I completely agree with every aspect of your analysist of what went down with Derrick and Nicole and with the Caleb disrespecting someone that is already down in the dumps is poor sportsmanship if this is a GAME. unclassy from someone claiming to be from Texas. Derrick is getting way paranoid right now, nervous as can be. Wanting to study with the others that don’t want to share their knowledge really. And as nice and sweet as I’m sure Victoria is and always will be this game probably wasn’t for her just from a competition standpoint, but would be best for her to go now for Derricks game and he would have a stronger allie in Nicole that would work with him till the end for at least chance for $50,000. Victoria puts a big TARGET on Derrick because ‘Our Gang’ knows where her vote lies and it’s not on any of them. Countdown begins T-minus 4:00. I sadly vote to evict the Elegant Victoria! Go enjoy the 6 million $ house! Donny, Hayden, Jocasta, and your friend Zach!

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bobovnvet September 4, 2014 at 3:58 pm

C’est Moi ici Yes this afternoon! 🙁

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Jolee September 4, 2014 at 4:01 pm

swt, let it all out!!! 🙂 I know you must feel better! I feel better just reading your blog!! 🙂

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Courtney September 4, 2014 at 4:02 pm

😉 I knew hpr

Haha C’est…I’m gonna say “yes” (thinking I could have a 50/50 shot at correct answer)
unless you asked me ” how is the weather?”, then the answer is “fine, thanks” or…
“Do you have a favorite opera?”, then the answer is “the one Bugs Bunny conducted”

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bobovnvet September 4, 2014 at 4:04 pm

@ Courtney That made me smile….thank you I love Bugs B. 😆

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Randall September 4, 2014 at 4:10 pm

@LISA MARIE. YOU ARE SO APPRECIATED BY ALL THE HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF BLOGGERS ON HERE. oopps ! What you do takes a lot of dedication and time away from your other Family and we all Thank You. We know it’s not easy especially when you occasionally run into situations that are not norm but that’s fine, just know you have a ton if support here but I believe I’d keep my PieHole shut when dealing with you or my Two Jam Making 81 yr.Young Beautiful Lady’s! I keep the Jam text to remind me of the old days of canning in the pressure cooker! And Lisa Marie, I’m trying to get my 2nd cousin to go to the Finale for me to Boo Frankie and guess what her name is? Lisa Marie also that lives in LA!

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Courtney September 4, 2014 at 4:16 pm

Bob – “I bet you say that to all the wabbits.” Bugs Bunny 😉

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Starfish September 4, 2014 at 4:18 pm

Let me jump on the Lisa Maria appreciation band wagon!!! Ditto, every single nice thing you all said. Plus, diplomacy is a devine gift and you got it girl! You know the ol’d vinegar honey thing is true. 🙂

Looking forward to the show tonight with anticipation that you know who goes home right after Nic or Vic. Unfortunately it will probably be Nic. Too bad she couldn’t have teamed up with Derrick but I feel he wasn’t 100% positive he could win against her in the F2. I hope he wins because he deserves it but one thing is for sure – nothing is for sure.

Thanks Courtney for the Bugs Bunny Opera. Loved it and, like Bob, it made me smile. 🙂

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C'est Moi ici September 4, 2014 at 4:19 pm

@Courtney – Translated it was the “or”, so may I assume that your favorite opera was, in fact, the one Bugs Bunny conducted? Was that at La Scala? 🙂

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Jolee September 4, 2014 at 4:31 pm

Randall, this 81 year old lady thinks you are a sweetheart! I hope you can go to the finale and boo Frankie! Wish I could be there to help you! Hopefully tonight will see Frankie out the door! 🙂

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Craig Long September 4, 2014 at 4:31 pm

C’est Moi ici – I was wondering about your comment Re: Joan Rivers. Personally I think the “No Joke” part was a bit over the top. Yes she did just pass away this from CNN – (CNN) — Comedian Joan Rivers died in a New York hospital Thursday afternoon, a week after suffering cardiac arrest during a medical procedure, her daughter said.
“She passed peacefully at 1:17 p.m. surrounded by family and close friends,” Melissa Rivers said in a written statement.

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hpr56 September 4, 2014 at 4:32 pm

SF, I too, have a lot of respect for List Marie and I apologize if I was part of her stress. I have always enjoyed this blog and am grateful that she is here to keep us up to date and to recap for us.

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Courtney September 4, 2014 at 4:37 pm

C’est – Most likely La Scala, we all know how Bugs liked to travel abroad!! (Just guessing)

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C'est Moi ici September 4, 2014 at 4:43 pm

@Craig Long – Actually I was responding to Joan Rivers death announcement as I suspected she would have. No Joke! 🙂

FYI Nobody was ever more over the top than Joan Rivers so were you making a comparison? I hope not!

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Craig Long September 4, 2014 at 4:45 pm

I forgot all of the comments I was going to make as soon as I read C’est Moi ici’s comment, however disrespectful, about Joan Rivers.

Thank you so much Lisa for putting up with ALL of us who read and/or comment on this terrific blog. I’m going to go outside and live a little, while I can (my years are numbered).

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tendr September 4, 2014 at 4:47 pm

16seasonBBfN -we read what you said. not that it made much sense to me but i read it.
Adam….if i ever talk like frankie did i hope someone punches me out.
Randall..i’m really sorry about what happened to you and your daughter. til now i’ve not said anything but a lot of us, i bet, including me have some bad sexual experience either personally or in our family or someone we know…it sucks and so yep, we have the right to fight against
@adam i have a feeling you don’t have a daughter ……….or any children. if you do, i feel sorry for them. bb should be fun and safe…….apparently it isn’t. nor has it made the blog fun as it used to. so anyone who wants to defend frankie…….to me… are just a TROLL.

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SharonB September 4, 2014 at 4:48 pm

I’m voting that Christina is the second one to leave……

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Craig Long September 4, 2014 at 4:53 pm

C’est – Sorry I didn’t catch your subtle humor. That was the first I heard and my initial thought was you were replying to a comment I missed somewhere on this blog. a quick Google got me up to speed.

(on the way out the door)

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tendr September 4, 2014 at 5:00 pm

16seasonBBfN : i’m so curious about how old you are. sure, yrs ago i used to mess around and get drunk but no………i never said such horrible things. I most likely cried or puked or laughed at stupid things like my friends ugly clock….that’s about as mean as i’ve gotten drunk. i am not a drinker now at all….but the last time i drank i think i got up and danced…there’s no excuse unless he had a gun pointed at his head with production giving him a script to say such horrible things….and for the other’s laughing. btw, you and adam are prob the same…….person

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C'est Moi ici September 4, 2014 at 5:06 pm

@Craig Long – Joan Rivers made a career out of being disrespectful of everything and everyone. Her schtick. Much like the disrespectful comment you sent flying in my direction.

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tendr September 4, 2014 at 5:08 pm

16seasonBBfN btw, you say God is the only one who has the right to judge? I don’t know why ppl mess that part of the Bible up………..and you’re in here judging our opinion of a very disgusting person and actually a bunch of disgusting ppl.

nic, i think your voice is cute.
vic, i think you deserve something for all you’ve been through.
derrick will prob win this game but not out of doing anything brilliant. look at the dummies who follow him. and vic is so naive, i just hurt for her.
donnie should have won.
i never liked evil dick or anyone who acts like him………… I GUESS when a drunk driver gets a ticket for diving drunk he can just say “i didn’t hurt anyone” to the officer……this blog is stressful…….

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C'est Moi ici September 4, 2014 at 5:09 pm

@Craig Long – Winning BB16, $500K… Misunderstandings in blog time, Priceless!

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Janice September 4, 2014 at 5:18 pm

@tendr – I am so glad that finally somebody other than me thinks the same way about Derrick.

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bobovnvet September 4, 2014 at 6:02 pm

Can’t understand how you view the death of such a funny lady like JR ! 😕

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Sylvie September 4, 2014 at 6:05 pm

Not crazy about Derrick myself. e’s just covert.

Not fun too watch and makes me wonder if he’s fake in real life since he’s so good at it

Wishing on a Franksty EJECTION, doubt it will happen.

And the rule about not giving immunity is really illogical, Nic was sent out why would they keep her ???

So over those 2 bloggers who insult us and judge us but can’t see that its wrong to talk about rape and for the others to laugh. Sober or drunk, I cringe and feel for the victims of sexual assault (which is what Frankie was enjoying discussing ) and wonder how they watched that footage.

Wrong is wrong !

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Jolee September 4, 2014 at 6:07 pm

tendr, just breath!! It’s going to be okay! I believe God is in charge of everything and I am okay with that! Have a blessed evening! God’s in His Heaven and all is good! 🙂

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bobovnvet September 4, 2014 at 6:09 pm

C’est Moi ici I was trying to be cool 😎 But you…………………. I am not going to go down to your level! …………………. …………………………… :mrgreen:

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bobovnvet September 4, 2014 at 6:17 pm

Getting ready to watch the show……….. See you all soon my friends! :mrgreen:

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Terry Brown September 4, 2014 at 6:17 pm

A super shout out to Lisa Marie – thanks for keeping us all in the mix of things! I look forward every day to reading your posts – you are appreciated!

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macy September 4, 2014 at 6:19 pm

POP A TOP again………………………..

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bobovnvet September 4, 2014 at 6:22 pm

Time for a cocktail!!!!! 🙂 See you soon 😆 :mrgreen:

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Sir Rock September 4, 2014 at 6:23 pm

@Adam – read your comments and I’m on your side, buddy. When I’m with my friends, we say some crazy/outlandish things just to make each other laugh. Is it a true representation of how we are as people? Not even close. I also agree some of the HG’s seem to have forgotten what happened last season. Lastly, Louis CK is a genius. Saw him live twice, have watched all his specials multiple times, and never miss his show on FX.

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Starfish September 4, 2014 at 6:43 pm

Just thinking that everyone has an opinion and we are free to express it here. If you comment on someone’s opinion that you don’t like and they respond, then you respond, then they respond, it’s pointless. Plus everyone responding to a post we don’t like becomes irrelevant – of course IMHO. If respond to someone whose opinion differs from mine and when they respond back with their same stuff or if they haven’t read my comment correctly, which is the case more often than not because they are in such a hurry to respond, I don’t comment back. It’s pointless no matter which side of the fence you are on. If you try to teach a pig to sing, it’s a waste of your time and it just annoys the pig.

I don’t understand those of us who keep the subject alive with someone who isn’t like minded with most of us. They like to keep it going and going and going and going. Ugh OK, done with my rant for the day.

I hope Nic leaves and Derrick has played the best game IMHO and it doesn’t matter one lick whether the others were smart or dumb, he would have found a way. I’m sure his wife knows him well enough and doesn’t let him get away with that with her. They probably laugh about it.

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 4, 2014 at 7:00 pm

Hi, everyone! I just wanted to say thank you for all the kinda comments! Y’all are the best!

There’s apparently a big golden button in the house. I was just looking at some pics of it on twitter. Could it be a reset button? Could be it be Pandora’s Box? A lot of people are hoping that, by pushing it, it’ll somehow allow Nicole to stay in the house or allow Donny and/or Zach to return. I think that’s wishful thinking but still — at least it’s something new!

Hpr56 — No apology necessary, I was just stressed in general earlier today, dealing with stuff both online and off. 🙂

Randall — I hope your cousin Lisa Marie makes it to the finale! 🙂 Tell her to boo a few times for me. 🙂

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Jolee September 4, 2014 at 7:05 pm

Starfish, very wise! It is really hard sometimes not to respond to a ridiculous comment, but I try to make my comments short and to the point. I very rarely say anything else after I have stated my opinion. There have been so many times someone has been rude to one of our bloggers and I have wanted to step in and defend my fellow blogger, but I choose not to because it would just add fuel to the flame. I think I have quoted a saying of my mother’s before,but it’s worth repeating: “It is better to remain silent and thot a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!” I had a very wise mother! I am eager for tonight’s show. There has to be a shake up in the house! Please!!! 🙂

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Alyia September 4, 2014 at 7:07 pm

I’m probably to late for my comments but want Nicole to go home to jury. I love her but she played the game to late. Double Eviction please get Frankie out of the house can’t stand him from the beginning and his voices grates on my nerves. I watch the Feeds and have enjoyed them this season you can go back and check the crap that Frankie does.
Christen needs to go also enough of her molesting Cody. Julie should say something or not a word on live TV to Frankie unless she is going to call him out!!!!!!
Just my opinion

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macy September 4, 2014 at 7:09 pm

JO ur moms old saying is how i roll – ha ha

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hpr56 September 4, 2014 at 7:10 pm

There is a large gold button under glass that is a twist tonight along with the double eviction.

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BBBlogger September 4, 2014 at 7:11 pm

I am happy I have been able to give you all a place to FREELY EXPRESS your opinion. Please remember that people read this blog and the people posting are real and have feelings.


I am voting for Victoria to be evicted first tonight! Hope Nicole can stick around a little longer…but doubtful!

Peace, BBBlogger

PS: I am thankful for all of our new posters and our regulars who keep coming back year after year! I honestly love you all!

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 4, 2014 at 7:14 pm

Hpr56 — My fear is that they’ll push the golden button and Jesse the Bodybuilder will suddenly show up in the house.

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macy September 4, 2014 at 7:21 pm


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hpr56 September 4, 2014 at 7:24 pm

Oh noooo. I just know that Julie showed it and said it is not just a double eviction but also a twist and showed that. People were tweeting what they hope it is.

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 4, 2014 at 7:30 pm

I have to say that I am genuinely curious about what that button is. Lol. And suddenly, I’m in a good mood and actually feeling kinda enthused about watching tonight’s episode. It’s kinda late in the season to suddenly introduce a new twist so I wonder if this was something that they had planned out or if it’s something where somebody in production, “Uh-oh, we better do something to make this interesting before everyone stops watching…”

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Courtney September 4, 2014 at 7:31 pm

Jessie is Allison Grodners’s boy toy…allegedly

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 4, 2014 at 7:32 pm

That would explain a lot, Courtney! Lol. Because he sure did get invited to the show a lot…

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macy September 4, 2014 at 7:34 pm


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Star September 4, 2014 at 7:35 pm

Seems like I am forever catching up lately!! Don’t like being out of the loop!!lol
I read earlier today and didn’t have time to respond and when I came back on jsut now I thought I had started where I left off but apparently NOT! There seems to be alot of dissention among the ranks, over and above the two from earlier.
I can’t remember the # now, but Mama Margie posted my exact sentiments this morning. For the 1st time in my blog life, I either don’t care about alot of the crap being talked about here or am actually afraid to voice my views as I don’t want or need the backlash! I have loved this blog because of the people. Others have nasty, quick-tempered, immature or downright mean bloggers and that has never been the case here. Or if we did get a troll, we either sent them packing or they got to like the atmosphere here and and actually changed their spots and becamse one of us!! It’s very frustrating to me, being a Vet, to see BB crumbling before my eyes without having our blog following suit!!! are certainly in no way to blame for any of this!! In fact, you are the one highlight of this blog IE your well-written posts and spot on calling put of bloggers when necesary! Thanks God for you!!! 🙂

@SF….completely agree with your last post too(149)! But I get tired of either turning the other cheek or trying to change the subject and move forward!!
I have never said a word against this blog before and am not going to quit..I won’t be forced out of my HOME because of idiotic behavior…..but I just needed to voice my frustration!!!! Rant

So thrilled to hear there might be an upset in store for us tonight!!! I hope it saves Nicole in SOME way and gets rid of Frankie !! But I’d take anything to break the predictability at this point!!!!

And RIP Joan Rivers. In my youth, when I talked before I thought, I was often compared to her! I’ve mellowed since but probably shouldn’t have as she never did!!! She had a wonderful, full life and made countless people laugh!!! She didn’t care what otehrs thought of her. She was just herself. Right up to the end!!!! ♥

Catch ya after the show!!!!!

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Jolee September 4, 2014 at 7:43 pm

Thank’s BB Blogger we love you too! I have missed you! 🙂 Trying to keep it civil here. Eager for something BIG really BIG to happen tonight. Maybe the golden button will release a trap door that will remove Frankie from the house and send him home!! Dreams do come true! 🙂

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Courtney September 4, 2014 at 7:48 pm

I just read another BB announcement that the have not room was sealed off and rebuilt. Remember Julie said it was the end of have nots this week. Interesting!!!

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deb September 4, 2014 at 7:49 pm

Having Jesse being the “prize” from the golden button would just add salt to the wound of the viewers. Just Say No To Jesse!!!

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SharonB September 4, 2014 at 7:51 pm

Ariana Grande can’t pop into the house tonight as she is in Seattle singing the national anthem at the GB/Seattle football game…..or it was a look-a-like

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 4, 2014 at 7:53 pm

What if by pushing the button, they bring all of the jurors back into the house? And maybe they’re all going to sleep in the old Have-Not room. But anyway, the jurors would be able to see what was happening inside the house and that would be a way for BB to get Zach and Donny back in the game.

I know Nicole would push the button because she’s desperate but I doubt she’ll get a chance. I bet they do something where it’s like only the people casting votes for eviction can push the button and you know what a bunch of cowards those people are.

But who knows! I’m just looking forward to seeing what happens. 🙂

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Starfish September 4, 2014 at 7:53 pm

Star, are you agreeing with my post? I don’t think we need to turn the other cheek either but we know when it’s a troll and when it isn’t. It’s just that some people like to keep the argument going. IMO I speak my piece and let it go after that, like you.

So did that mean you are not going to quit not saying a word against this blog? You are hilarious. 😆

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 4, 2014 at 7:55 pm

Sharon — Thank God. I was kinda worried that pushing the button would cause Ariana to enter the house and like give a mini-concert in the back yard or something.

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Starfish September 4, 2014 at 7:57 pm

Thanks Jolee, I appreciate your comment. I agree, it’s very difficult not to respond to a ridiculous comment or jump in to protect a fellow blogger. It is just easier not to do so but there are times when we just have to. 😯 Sometimes, it becomes overwhelmingly one big fight and it’s ridiculous so mostly it’s better to ignore. Your Mama was smart and I know that saying well from a very respected teacher in high school

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Jeanne September 4, 2014 at 7:58 pm

Just got up from a nap and found 53 BB e-mail’s. Whew! I love all of you. I saw Joan Rivers in Las Vegas. She was not only very funny ( laughed till my stomach hurt ) She was very endearing. She talked and had fun with her audience. See you after the show. {{{HUGS}}}

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Randall September 4, 2014 at 8:00 pm

I turn it NBC to watch 30 minutes of Thursday Noght Football to try to Relax before the Real Game begins and what do I get? Another Grande’ ! Arianna singing ‘The Star Spangle Banner ‘ for the Beginning of Football season! WoW, now I see where Frankie learned about make-up. Wasn’t that great either. Time for pork roast and blackberry wine! Gametime!

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Tammera September 4, 2014 at 8:01 pm

Tendr, I misread your post 135. When I read this line “my friends ugly clock” I totally thought you said something else.

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hpr56 September 4, 2014 at 8:07 pm

Ok. So before the show starts, if this whole button thing turns out to be a disappointment, remember I’m just the messenger of what I saw. Don’t shoot the messenger. LOL

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Mary Price September 4, 2014 at 8:18 pm

I vote to evict Victoria. 1. she has done nothing but float by all summer. 2. She is not smart enough to see whats going on right in front of her face.

I have watched & watched & watched again. Julie CLEARLY said that the returning house guest COULD not be put up the first week back. I am sick and tired of Grodner changing things to go the way she wants them too.

Just because she is so in love with Frankie NO ONE can get rid of him. I see him winning HOH and evicting someone not as horrible and nasty he is just to be in ass.
And the fact the CBS has said nothing shows me they don’t care what the viewers want.
They know people will still watch and pay for the live feeds. That is why I decided weeks ago to only read the blog.

After Julie saying the returning HG had a week of safety and it did not happen I gave up.
CBS was all over it last year over the racist remarks but at this point I think Frankie could murder a HG and not get kicked out.
And the fact his family has said NOTHING shows me just how low and nasty and vile they are. His idiot of a sister gets her phone hacked and nude pictures released and she is so stupid she says they are fake. She is just as bad as Frankie and possibly more stupid.

And as for the rest of the bunch they cant be bright either not seeing they are playing Derricks game.

Since Nicole will leave tonight first no one in that house is worth rooting for.

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Rich September 4, 2014 at 8:31 pm

Why do I feel that this next twist will depend on who the second eviction is? In other words I think they have more than one set up.

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Grandma Kathy September 4, 2014 at 8:51 pm


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Lisa Marie Bowman September 4, 2014 at 8:55 pm

Oh my God. The audience is certainly not shy tonight. Lol. I don’t want to spoil it for you west coasters but…wow…

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Randall September 4, 2014 at 8:57 pm

Wow ! If that is what Krusty the Clown gets can’t wait till Frankenstein goes!

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Randall September 4, 2014 at 9:04 pm

Where is that messenger? Push the Button! It’s going to drive them NUTTY! It will be pushed! Christine now on a make-up tour with TIM! Christine locked on Jury house Tim found on road with all the roadies. Can’t be found , not answering his phone, Christine pissed, pacing the floor. What did I do to deserve this?

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SharonB September 4, 2014 at 9:05 pm

Spoil me, Lisa Marie, spoil me……

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SharonB September 4, 2014 at 9:05 pm

I’m stuck waiting football with the husband……..

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starfish September 4, 2014 at 9:07 pm

Spoil it for us Lisa. Love my spoilers.

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SharonB September 4, 2014 at 9:07 pm

* watching * not waiting….ugh

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mattmac September 4, 2014 at 9:10 pm

Seattle Vs GB?

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macy September 4, 2014 at 9:10 pm

that veto was for frank

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Shayne September 4, 2014 at 9:10 pm

How boring and predictable can this get? No surprises at all. Didn’t like the way the audience was laughing at Frankenass’s stupid gestures and what-not. Can’t believe anyone can find anything funny or endearing about him. And of course no comment from Julie about his offensive disgusting remarks. As has been said before it sure seems like he is a production fave. Somehow I think the gold button will be used to help him if production thinks he is any danger next week.

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 4, 2014 at 9:15 pm

Okay — 2nd person voted out was Christine. (I think Derrick wanted to backdoor Frankie but then Frankie won the veto.) Christine was shocked, did not hug anyone on the way out, and then as soon as she left the house, the entire audience started to boo. And then we cut back to inside the house for a really long time and I’m assuming that the audience was told to shut up and a few people were probably kicked out. When we finally got back to Julie and Christine, they talked for a few minutes. Christine said that she just liked Cody, didn’t mention much about Tim, seemed to be in a state of shock. After Julie ended the interview, there was some applause for Christine but mostly, there were just more boos.

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Randall September 4, 2014 at 9:15 pm

Where did everyone go? Y’all fighting over Christine’s grey sweats and flannels! Don’t you know she wasn’t expecting this. She got boooooooooooooood ! Can’t remember one like that but then again my memory is subject to run away from me at times. It did finally put a smile on my mug though.:)-

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Nonna September 4, 2014 at 9:20 pm


it’s a REWIND button. If anyone hits it the players on the block come off and they start fresh. Be curious to see who is the one that hits it. Caleb is speculating that it’s a dollar amount they could each win if they hit it. Christine face said it all. She looked like a deer in headlights when the audience was booing!

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Keith September 4, 2014 at 9:22 pm

Who was voted out tonight and what is the big spoiler? Spoilers is what makes this blog fun!

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Starfish September 4, 2014 at 9:24 pm

Thanks LM, that’s at least a little something. The audience is usually told no booing allowed. Too bad Frankie won POV though.

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Courtney September 4, 2014 at 9:26 pm

Did you all notice how nervous Cody got after hearing the crowd boo for Christine. Derrick & Frankie were consoling him at the end & assuring him that he did nothing wrong.

Macy – I agree, Frankie even said that he was obsessed with mazes when he was young.

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SharonB September 4, 2014 at 9:30 pm

Thank you LM! Now, I can’t wait to see it for myself tonight! I’m glad Christine was showed the door but really wished it would have been Frankie!

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Starfish September 4, 2014 at 9:32 pm

So, from what was said with Macy and Courtney, can I safely assume that the veto comp was a maze which just happens to be a favorite childhood thing of Frankie’s?? 😕

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Nonna September 4, 2014 at 9:33 pm

@ Lisa – thanks as always for your informative posts and humor to go along with them.
@ Starfish -love, love love the spoilers. Saves a lot of unwanted watching and allows me time to fast forward when I DVR the show like I did tonight.
@ Keith I agree I love the spoilers on the blog.


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Joyce September 4, 2014 at 9:40 pm

Thank goodness Christine is gone. She was greeted with Boos when she walked out. She was stunned…..when she was evicted AND when she heard the Boos.

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tendr September 4, 2014 at 9:41 pm

@Tammera………..LOL you just gave me my first out loud laugh for the whole day/evening i’m very visual so you can imagine……

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Courtney September 4, 2014 at 9:43 pm

Starfish – yep, a maze comp which coincidentally, Frankie mentioned in the past about his childhood obsession with mazes. Now, surely this is all happenstance (wink wink) right, Alison? Haha

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Randall September 4, 2014 at 10:08 pm

If you guys on West Coast get a chance watch a few minutes of The Special Tonight on CNN ‘The Kristen Beck Story’ served 14 missions then decided he felt he was transgender and member of Seal Team One! One that you can be Proud of that doesn’t make a mockery of it!

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Joyce September 4, 2014 at 10:18 pm

I’m not receiving blog emails. I have checked the box under the submit button like I’ve been doing but still not receiving the emails

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SharonB September 4, 2014 at 10:20 pm

Thanks Randall, I’ll look for it…..

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starfish September 4, 2014 at 10:33 pm

Thanks Randall.

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Star September 4, 2014 at 11:01 pm

@SF..what happened to your *S*??LOL It shrunk!!! 😉
And I was agreeing with you before…..but I hadn’t eaten all day and upon rereading what I wrote, I can see the confusion….lol
The look on Christine’s face as she was trying to keepit together tonight talking to julie was priceless. She was jsut trying not to lose her shit and break out in tears Or run back into the house and gun all the guys down!!lol You could hear her thoughts going…*How could Cody vote me out?? I thought he loved me??* And *Oh shit..I didn’t win any money AND had an onscreen affair!! How the hell am I going to ‘splain THIS one to Tim??*LOL

Hated that Frankie won POV! No one was even CLOSE really. I didn’t know he liked mazes! Hmmm..what a coinkydink…..NOT!!! lol
And we need some fashion police up in this house!! Short shorts, rolled up dress shirt, tie and orange hightops??? REALLY Frankie??? 😛
Not sure I get the point of the Rewind button. There are only a handful of HGS left….how much can you change it up???? Seems like too little too late, unless I am missing something. Better than Jessie coming back for SURE but not quite the shake up I was hoping for!!!

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Annie September 4, 2014 at 11:21 pm

Hey Everyone!!!

Did you hear Julie saying that Jeff and Jordan have a “special” announcement to make on Sunday??? I hope they are getting married!!! Now THAT would be a real treat and let us know that love endures and all is not lost. We get all caught up with the drama in the house and sometimes forget that life goes on outside of the house!! LOL

Thanks LM for guiding us through this difficult day of posting. Some people just seem to forget that this is a GAME!! But there is no excuse for Frankie’s comments and animations. I pray SOMEONE can get him out SOON!!! He doesn’t deserve to be there and the connection with his sister gives him an unfair advantage!! It’s like CBS knows which side of their bread is buttered and will not do anything about his obnoxious behaviour….that is sooo sad!!

But I still LOVE Big Brother and I especially love all the bloggers and their opinions!! Let’s all chill and just enjoy the rest of the season and remember…….”Expect the Unexpected!!” LOL

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SharonB September 5, 2014 at 12:05 am

Do they people in the house know what the button is for?

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Ralph September 5, 2014 at 12:36 am

All the house sees is a button with a clear cover they have to take off in order to push. No, “Woops I slipped!” and hitting the button by accident.
Gotta say I like the fact ONE of those I wanted out is now gone…and if Frankie doesn’t win the next HOH, I like the fact there is a button…but it actually works for him, more than against him, because Caleb, Cody, Derrick and even Victoria all want him gone. His chances are better it will help him…and then we will all be saying, “Dang it! Why did someone think of that stupid button” Just sayin.

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Ralph September 5, 2014 at 12:38 am

Sorry, meant to say if Frankie does when, there is a button to reset.

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Ralph September 5, 2014 at 12:38 am

Sorry, meant to say if Frankie does win, there is a button to reset.

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Ralph September 5, 2014 at 12:39 am

Alright that tells me it’s time for bed…later.

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Bob September 5, 2014 at 2:46 am

looks like Frankie’s the next HOHand Frank he’s the one who got them to push the button and Frankie won’t be able to play in the next HOHso to me it looks like he might be going home about time

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