Big Brother 16 — Boos For A Clown

by Lisa Marie Bowman on September 4, 2014

Hi, y’all!

Well, here’s what happened during tonight’s double eviction.  Now, if you haven’t seen the show yet and you’re still planning to watch it and you don’t want to have to deal with any spoilers, then stop reading right now.  Because I’m about to tell you exactly who got voted out and what happened when that person left the house.

Okay, everyone ready?

Here we go!

We started the show out with the vote.  Nicole and Victoria both gave their pre-vote speeches.  I liked Nicole’s speech, especially when she told everyone to start playing Big Brother.  The audience liked it too.  But, good speech aside, it went exactly how we were all probably expecting it to be.  Everyone voted to evict Nicole.

Nicole left the house.  The audience cheered for her.  That was the last time that the audience would cheer for anyone for the rest of the night.

The HoH competition was weird but, just judging from what the HGs said afterwards, it doesn’t appear that anyone was intentionally trying to throw it.  It was one of those comps where the houseguests were asked a question and then they had to answer either true or false.  For the first question — which was about what Donny’s girlfriend wrote to him in her note when he won HoH, everyone but Derrick got the answer wrong.  As I said, it was strange but then it occurred to me that, out of all the players competing, Derrick was probably the only one smart enough to actually pay attention to what anyone else ever says in the house.

Derrick nominated Christine and Victoria for eviction.  Christine was his target (though Christine did not realize that).  Derrick assured Victoria that if Christine won the veto then Frankie would be nominated.

For the veto comp, they had to guide a ball through three separate mazes.  As a lot of y’all have pointed in the comments under the previous post, Frankie has said many times that he’s great at mazes and that he loves them.  And — surprise! — Frankie easily won the veto.

When we got back from the commercial break, we saw Derrick very smoothly manipulating Frankie into not using the veto.  Christine and Victoria both gave their speeches.  Victoria said, “I already said that a few minutes ago,” and the audience laughed.  Christine said, “I love you, Tim” and the audience groaned.

The houseguests voted.  Christine was evicted.  And wow, Christine looked mad.  It was obvious that it took her totally by surprise and she walked out of the house without stopping to hug anyone.  As soon as Christine stepped out of the house, she was greeted by a chorus of boos.

The camera automatically switched back to inside the house and it actually stayed there fore quite some time.  I’m assuming that production spent that time trying to silence the audience and probably asking a few people to leave.  When they finally did get back to Julie and Christine, Christine looked extremely shaken.

Julie and Christine talked for a few minutes.  Julie asked her a little about Cody but didn’t go into any depth about it.  Tim was not mentioned.  It was kind of obvious that neither Julie nor Christine really knew what to say.

After all that, we found out about what that big Golden Button is all about.  Apparently, if any of the houseguests press it over the course of the next week, the entire week will be reset.  The nominated HGs will come off the block, the HoH will be dethroned, and they’ll start all over again.

And that sounds like it could be interesting but I doubt anyone will press the button.  As the show ended tonight, we saw Frankie and Derrick telling Cody, Caleb, and Victoria why they should not press the button.  

Anyway, they should be competing for HoH later tonight.  Derrick can’t compete and Frankie has said that he’s planning on throwing the competition so — unless Frankie changes his mind — it’ll come down to Cody, Caleb, or Victoria.  (Okay, it probably won’t be Victoria….)

Also, the houseguests heard the audience booing Christine.  It really freaked out Cody, probably because he knows that a lot of the boos had to do with her relationship with him.  Frankie, meanwhile, is under the impression that his fans were booing Christine because they knew that Christine had said something negative about him.  Frankie has also said that he was surprised that he couldn’t hear the audience cheer when he won the veto.

Jeff and Jordan will be visiting the house this weekend and will apparently have a big announcement.  (Wedding bells?  Who knows?)  So, we’ll get to see that on Sunday!

And that’s it for now!

Love ya,

Lisa Marie

Jeanne September 4, 2014 at 11:18 pm

I am so angry with tonight’s show, a maze, really. Hummm. Night all you bloggers. God bless you. {{{HUGS}}}

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Sir Rock September 4, 2014 at 11:20 pm

Can anyone remember a time in BB history when a magical button appeared and nobody actually pushed it? Me neither. The button will be pushed. Mark my words. The curiosity (and production prodding them in the DR) will be too much for them, IMO.

I gotta say, if I was in the house….I’d push that bad boy. Ya never know what could happen. Although, the rooms walls have the word GAME written upside down and backwards. That’s a pretty good hint, but lets see if they figure it out.

Anyone else catch Frankie saying he knew the HOH answer and that’s why he answered true….which was the incorrect answer. HAHA! I will say this, that dude can win a comp when it comes down to it.

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Jolee September 4, 2014 at 11:26 pm

Good report Lisa. I have to say, I got a little sick to my stomach when Frankie won POV. I shouldn’t be surprised,because if CBS kept Frankie in the house after all he did and said, it is obvious to all intelligent people that this game is rigged!! I didn’t remember the fact that Frankie was good at mazes! That just solidifies my statement. Thank you Lisa for your good reporting. I always admire how you handle each situation here on the blog. You are a treasure. I am off to bed! Talk to you All tomorrow. God bless! 🙂

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SharonB September 5, 2014 at 12:06 am

Do the people in the house know what the button does?

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Starfish September 5, 2014 at 12:20 am

Does that mean they can’t push the button until after HOH is won? Can they push it now? If so, what gets reset? Doesn’t make sense to me yet. Seems dumb to me but I agree sith Sir Rock, at least I hope he’s right, that someone does push the button. Who knows what the heck will happen.

There was one guy in the audience who was really booing very loud and multiple times. Christine was in shock and poor Cody feeling badly.

I hope Frankie does throw the HOH comp and they nominate him and put him OUT so we can see the audience boo him. He’ll have that wide eyed, wide mouth smiley look on his face but he’ll be devastated for sure. Can’t wait for that moment. He just can’t make it to final two and I don’t do this very often, but please God no. I know God doesn’t give one hoot about our BB game but thought I’d throw that in anyway. 😯 😆 😀

Star, I have no idea why I had a lower case “s” in my last post. I didn’t even notice it. My name shows a capital right now so we’ll see what shows up.

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Sylvie September 5, 2014 at 12:20 am

On BBAD Derrick was talking to the cameras, and mentioning Hammsters, tweeter ,….

So he knows his fan base ? How does that work?

A little annoying his monologue

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Annie September 5, 2014 at 12:21 am

@SharonB……I don’t think they have a clue of what will happen but like Sir Rock said…..someone will push it!! They won’t be able to curb their curiosity !! LOL

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Starfish September 5, 2014 at 12:22 am

OH, LM thanks for the great perfectly stated update and love the “Boos for a Clown” – Perfect!

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Sylvie September 5, 2014 at 12:26 am


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SharonB September 5, 2014 at 12:28 am

LOL, Sir Rock your right!!! They just pushed the button!

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Annie September 5, 2014 at 12:29 am

OMG…..They are now discussing pushing the button and apparently Frankie won the HOH so I can’t wait until they do push it and it messes up Frankies game!!! HE’S the one saying they NEED to push it or America will be disappointed!! LOL…..this is getting GOOD !!

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Sylvie September 5, 2014 at 12:30 am

Pushed already

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Star September 5, 2014 at 12:31 am

@SharonB..I don’t think the HS do know. That is the whole point. Can they resist the irresistable when they are desperate and bored??lol

@SIr Rock..I dd hear Frankie sayinghe KNEW the answwer was kisses!!!! this guy just can’t face EVER being WRONG!!! I did know it was kisses too but when onky Derrick rang in FALSE I thought I was wrong and the res were right and Der was trying to THROW it!!lol

OMG!!! Frankie won HOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sylvie September 5, 2014 at 12:32 am

I love seeing Derrick paranoid

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kimjmj September 5, 2014 at 12:39 am

Hey Bloggade, finally a night worth watching and blogging about!

My night started great, Hawks sent the Packers packing and looked just as good as they did in the Super bowl. 😀 Surprise for me, none other than Miss Arianna Grande sang the anthem. Had my 9yr old watch it with me, when she finished I said she did good but I hope her brother gets evicted tonight. My DD turned to me and asked “is that because he’s a d@(ch?” After I picked my jaw off the floor I grilled her about how inappropriate that word is and to never utter it again, but yes, he is. 🙂

Ugh, Frankie won HOH… Push the dang button!!! Thank you, Frankie insisted it be pushed and they did… pulling for Victoria twin the HOH rewind!!


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Rhonda P September 5, 2014 at 12:41 am

That is funny, cuz Frankie was telling Caleb not to push it. So if Frankie won hoh, he is not going to be happy that he pushed the button or told who ever to push the button. Will have to wait until Wednesday to see his reaction. It would be so cool if he did not win hoh and got put up and did not win veto so they can vote him out on Wednesday. Dreaming again.

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Starfish September 5, 2014 at 1:01 am

WooHoo, Frankie doesn’t know he just put himself in jeopardy and I hope he just faints when he finds out he loses his HOH. The guys know they have to get him out. I wonder if he can play for the next HOH.

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SG September 5, 2014 at 1:03 am

This is the time that they NEED to get Frankie out! He should have been gone already!!!!

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Sylvie September 5, 2014 at 1:06 am


I am hinting he won’t be able to play , but not clear

Frankie won POV and HOH ?

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Star September 5, 2014 at 1:08 am

@kimjmj….you are too funny!!!lol Love how you corrected your daughter and then told her the truth!! It’s like ..ok..from here OUT, don’t use that word again…..GO!lol

SF……..I HOPE not!! Him not being elligible will be he only good thing about his winnning the HOH to begin with!!!! He acually didn’t win after all….but it’s a WIN/WIN for US!!! 😉

Apparently when they ..or VIc….pushed the button it said…..*It only takes one*. MUAH!!! At last! A little mystery!!!!

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kimjmj September 5, 2014 at 1:12 am

Laughing my butt off and Frankie telling the boys “don’t worry about the button, I’m HOH, I’ll keep you safe.” ROTFLMO!! If it’s a true rewind, I hope it’s the same comps replayed. They all love to compare notes on how it could have been done better, plus sounds like Cody and Caleb were pretty close. The only one not out for Frankie is Frankie… 😉

And they thought Christine got booed.. 😛


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Star September 5, 2014 at 1:14 am

@LM..meant to comment on your blog too. Always great info, well written and just enough personal opinion to make it juicy…lol I learn something I didn’t know or notice every time!! 🙂

@Sylvie……yes…Frankie won BOTH!!!! We al keep saying they SHOULD get him out and we don’t want him in the F2. BUT…what if he really IS just that good???!!! And what if they just can’t get rid of a sticky buger??LOL Derrick was just telling Caleb that Frankie wasn’t a better athlete, but when he needed to win, he just has this laser focus!!! And they both looked a little bit scared!!! 😉

These guys wae So off! They think the button was for a luxury comp or something. But they aren’t thinking it’s anything BAD!!! Poor clueless HGS….lol

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jeanne4488 September 5, 2014 at 1:16 am

the way this is going Frankie WILL end up in final 2 .. and shouldn’t even continue to be on the show! sickens me. I keep waiting for SOMETHING to happen that knocks him down a peg but it never happens. He is just agonizingly arrogant and full of himself and what a riot he thought Christine was being booed for saying something back about HIM (of course) surprise surprise. what a WEIRDO!

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Sir Rock September 5, 2014 at 1:20 am

Well that sure didn’t take long for the HG’s to push the button. LOL!!! OK, so now its time to figure out what the hell the rewind entails exactly. It was left pretty vague…purposely I think. (production conspiracy guy, here 😀 )

The week plays out, Frankie is HOH, nominates 2 people, blood on his hands, then they play Veto, hopefully a Nom will win so Frankie puts up another person…MORE blood on his hands. Then he gets cocky and they start shit talking….and BOOM! Wed hits and the whole week is a wash. So Frankie could potentially piss off three people and get none of them out of the house. (My dream scenario)

My only concern is this. Derrick was the HOH before the comp and sat out. If the week is a rewind, I’m assuming they will start from then. Meaning Derrick sits out again and they play a Fast Forward week on Wed, live.

My other thought is they weren’t able to push the button till after the new HOH was crowned. Does that mean Frankie was HOH at the time and HE is the one who would have to sit out the new comp? I vaguely remember Julie saying you could go from being HOH to out of the house. I could be wrong on that, though.

Worst case scenario – Derrick is the one who sits, Frankie’s week is washed out, they play a new comp and Frankie somehow WINS AGAIN. Puts up the same noms and the button didn’t mean a thing. That said (production conspiracy theory warning), they left it vague so they could choose if they wanted to rewind it so they could choose if Derrick or Frankie would sit out.


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kimjmj September 5, 2014 at 1:20 am

😉 @Star, sometimes you just gotta tell the truth.

The HGs are not aware the live show is moving to Wednesday, so they are dismissing that it could be more than a comp. Caleb has already made known his intentions to go for any cash rewards… that just screams “NOM ME!”


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SharonB September 5, 2014 at 1:41 am

Sir Rock, I think your dream scenario is correct. At least, that’s how I took it when Julie was describing it. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it plays out that way and Frankie is voted out of the house!

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bobovnvet September 5, 2014 at 2:03 am

Thanks Lisa, Great write up! Well well they booed Cristine !! 😆 So sad & kind of happy! 🙂 The look on her face……………… very cool, she did not see that coming !
Now Frankie is hanging out with Victoria & telling her how good he is & all BS…. 😯
Got to get off this computer……… Goodnight all!

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Princess September 5, 2014 at 2:17 am

The most humous thing about the Jeers for a Clown is that Christine simply has no idea that most of America, including her parents, Cody’s mother, her husband, Tim, and her beloved pastors believe she has acted inappropriatly as a married woman on national television and live feeds. And that at least one or more shows were showing the more OG rated context of their relationship. Lucy, you got some ‘splainin’ to do!

I think the reset button is for the new HOH, meaning Frankie. Yippee fricken skippee! I still believe Derrick made a terrible mistake in talking the boys out of the idea to back door Frankie. Nicole had proven she was trustworthy, would never have blown Derrick’s game, and Frankie has proven to be incredibly difficult to evict. He’s hyper-paranoid and his DR session shows that his trust in Derrick is fading. If they don’t get Frankie out during the reset, he may go to the end. With Caleb. And that would just make me retch.

Now let’s see what auto-correct has destroyed this time!

RIP Joan Rivers. You will be greatly missed.

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Princess September 5, 2014 at 2:19 am

The most humous thing about the Jeers for a Clown is that Christine simply has no idea that most of America, including her parents, Cody’s mother, her husband, Tim, and her beloved pastors believe she has acted inappropriatly as a married woman on national television and live feeds. And that at least one or more shows were showing the more OG rated context of their relationship. Lucy, you got some ‘splainin’ to do!

I think the reset button is for the new HOH, meaning Frankie. Yippee fricken skippee! I still believe Derrick made a terrible mistake in talking the boys out of the idea to back door Frankie. Nicole had proven she was trustworthy, would never have blown Derrick’s game, and Frankie has proven to be incredibly difficult to evict. He’s hyper-paranoid and his DR session shows that his trust in Derrick is fading. If they don’t get Frankie out during the reset, he may go to the end. With Caleb. And that would just make me retch.

RIP Joan Rivers. You will be greatly missed.

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Princess September 5, 2014 at 2:21 am

OG = PG. Damn auto-correct again.

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Aggie R September 5, 2014 at 2:26 am

I hope the button does dethrone Frankie, that would be great and he would have a hissy fit, it should be an interesting week.

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Craig Long September 5, 2014 at 2:30 am

The way I saw it, Julie made it very clear that the “game” immediatly stops. No mention I heard of when the reset happens. I suspect (and hope) that the function of the button (if pushed) is not revealed to the HG until the next live show next Wednesday, and that’s when the reset is done.

In other words, all the scheming, game play, noms, and comps from when the button was pushed ’till the next live show will be just a waste of time for the HG. But fun for us? I don’t know.
This is pure conjecture on my part, If your knowledge/thinking varies, please share.

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Craig Long September 5, 2014 at 2:37 am

I also got the impression that anyone could hit the button.

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 5, 2014 at 2:48 am

Here’s how I interpreted the reset button (and, needless to say, the way Julie explained it was pretty vague)
The button has been pushed but the HGs won’t find out what that truly means into the live show on Wednesday.
So, Frankie is going to make his nominations. The veto is going to be played for. Frankie is going to make a replacement nominee if he has to, it will all be typical Big Brother except it won’t really mean anything.
Because on Wednesday, right before the live voting begins, Julie will tell them that the reset button has been pushed and they have to do the week all over again in one night. So, by that, the HGs will have to compete for HoH, make noms, plays for the veto, and all that in just one night (just like the do during the Double Eviction, basically).
I don’t think anybody will be safe or anything like that. The nominees could come down on Wednesday night and then get renominated just a few minutes later. (And, given the way this season’s been going, I could very easily see that happening.)
What’s confusing to me is whether or not Frankie will be allowed to compete for HoH on Wednesday night. The outgoing HoH is not allowed to compete and, even with the nominees coming down, Frankie would still be the outgoing HoH. So, it doesn’t seem like Frankie should be allowed to compete. However, I imagine that he will be,
I kinda wish they had brought this twist into the game a bit earlier, when it could have actually done some good. Bringing it in this late just makes it seem like a transparent ploy to either get rid of someone or to protect someone.

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MAYELA September 5, 2014 at 2:50 am

Im very very happy that Squid is OUT! I HOPE Queen Frankie is next..he’s sooooo annoying! My gsy friends can’t even handle hos queen moves! But I have a FEELING thst Caleb will hit the button…he probably thinks its money! Thank you Lisa for the updates!

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tendr September 5, 2014 at 3:18 am

so when do we see the next show? i’m so confused about the timing with the game and button thing.

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Craig Long September 5, 2014 at 4:24 am

Thanks LM, that’s the way I saw it as well. Now, it seems that Frankie won the HOH that was apparently played after the show, as well as the one shown *on* the show. Next question: Who pushed the button, and when it pushed? I tuned into BBAD about a half hour in and they were showing HG interviews. Tuned away for an hour or so to return to the “live” action again. More interesting stuff on the Discovery Channal so tuned back to that. All the while I had the LF (on the west coast ahead of BBAD by about 3 hours) on and heard Frankie make the usual “who wants to see my HOH room?” (yawn).
Back to Dicovery once I finish this comment.

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joanie September 5, 2014 at 5:26 am

I too was thrilled Christine was booed…I hope Derrick will be also…the way he has used Vic and keeping her sooo close to him…he is no different than Christine.. js

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Joyce September 5, 2014 at 5:43 am

Disgusted with Frankie

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Annie September 5, 2014 at 5:51 am

@Craig……They ALL pushed it at the same time!!! LOL. But I don’t know whose hand was actually ON the button…..I don’t know if that makes a difference or not.

About the HOH…..I’m not sure. I know that Caleb was the HOH for the week. He nominated Nicole and Christine. Christine won POV and took herself off the block. Caleb then put Victoria on the block and Nicole was voted out.

Then during the live show, Derrick won the HOH and put up Christine and Victoria (assuring Victoria safety by telling her that if Christine won the POV, he would replace her with Frankie and Frankie would go home.) Well, Frankie won the POV and kept the noms the same and Christine was blindsided!! And she was booed outside big time!!

After that, they played another HOH comp(off camera) and low and behold Frankie won it.
So Frankie is the current HOH but what he doesn’t know is that all this week won’t count because they ALL pushed the button and Julie said if any one pushed it….the game will be “reset” and all this week will not count.

I assume next Wednesday they will have to play ALL the comps in one night. Not sure what all this entails, but it definitely change things up!!! Finally, something to look forward to!! LOL!!! Hope this helps (but I could be wrong…I hope not though! LOL)

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franniep2 September 5, 2014 at 6:12 am

The way I understood Julie was ‘IF’ the button was pushed, the whole week will be as though it never happened. Therefore, Frankie will come down and the comp for HOH will be played as it did before, with only Derrick sitting out. It is meant to be played as though the week ‘NEVER’ happened. That would be a true rewind!

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Keith September 5, 2014 at 6:45 am

I agree with Frannie, that with the week being reset Frankie will get to compete for the HOH, but Derrick will not.

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Joyce September 5, 2014 at 8:03 am

It would be great if Vic won and sent her nemesis Frankie home.

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Watchdog September 5, 2014 at 8:19 am

I totally agree with Jolee, I think this whole season has been rigged and is really the Frankie show. I just wonder who he is related to? If things dont improve when the next season starts and they get some people who do not blindly follow one person throughout the whole game, I am done with BB. We talk about it at work and alot of us are sick of the way things are set up for Frankie to succeed. I mean really a maze challenge? Custom picked for the little pink freak. All I can say is I am not a big fan of Derrick’s but since I am on the outside I know he is an undercover cop. Let’s get real, cops are TRAINED to take you down the path. They promise this and that to get you to cooperate with them and them WHAM they put the stink on you. He has promised everyone in the house that its final two baby….by my count, there is no way that this bunch calculates to two without somemore getting as mad as Christine. I am so glad they booed her, I was doing it at home in my own living room.

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polly September 5, 2014 at 8:45 am

If Frankie were a smart man (hah!), he would gather his alliance and ask them what they want, and then do it. Don’t make some huge “game changing” move, when that button could be anything at all. No need to show your hand, or your pecking order unless forced.

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Starfish September 5, 2014 at 11:03 am

I agree with Frannie. If it’s a real reset, the game starts over from the end of Derrick’s HOH. He does not play in the HOH and the whole week starts again. Too bad we don’t know what the HOH comp was that Frankie won because, again, if it’s a true reset, they’ll play the same game giving him another chance to win and we’ll be right back to where we began last night. Ugh PHttttttt

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C'est Moi ici September 5, 2014 at 11:09 am

Not My Circus!

Not My Monkey!

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Starfish September 5, 2014 at 11:20 am

C’est, I said the exact same thing a couple blogs ago. 😆

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C'est Moi ici September 5, 2014 at 11:48 am

You posted those two lines immediately after one of my posts. It didn’t make any sense to me than and still doesn’t. Care to explain what it does mean?

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C'est Moi ici September 5, 2014 at 11:49 am

ouch! then not THAN. I hate that

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Holly September 5, 2014 at 11:56 am

Not surprised they pushed the button! I hate Frankie’s facial expressions and can only imagine how annoying they will be when he finds out he’s not HOH!!

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Mark September 5, 2014 at 12:10 pm

Strategy, strategy strategy baby brother vs big brother, oh why didnt Christine tell Frankie to save her and then they could go to the final 2. Derrick would have to nom 1 of his buddies, he (Caleb)would get voted out by Christine & Frankie. Then Derrick cant play HOH this week and we all know Victoria cant win anything. Christine or Frankie could then nominate Cody and Derrick. If 1 wins the veto, Victoria goes up and the vote would be 1-1 and HOH would be tiebreaker. Christine needed to think ahead esp if Frankie won and told him those other 3 guys WERE NOT taking him to the final and make a big move…..I think Frankie might have as he loves drama. Now it looks like Derrick and either Cody or Caleb will go to final 2. What a boring BB this has become. No one has any B***S… I would at least like to see Frankie go next and boy it looked like Christine may have even been crying as she might have realized the reality of her actions in the BB house, why else would the crowd boo her? LOL

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macy September 5, 2014 at 12:29 pm

liked that chris got booed – but i couldnt help but think tim was sad but deepp down glad about it.

everyone notice – no goodbye msgs for nicole and obviously none for chris

maybe the reset brings them back????

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Sylvie September 5, 2014 at 12:33 pm

I agree with Lisa Marie

This twist came too late in the season and I am suspicious of it.

Saving or getting rid of someone?

At this point i want the PAWN Victoria to win something just to scare the others off.

Derrick and Frankie are getting paranoid, Caleb just wants to take his hostage Amber on a cruise and Cody was a little scared when he her the Clown Crustine beeing booed.
I think he knew why and stayed quiet.
Derrick was really being mean when he told VICKIE she was the last girl (true) like a Janelle??????? Not at all and Derrick knows that clearly , OUCH when Victoria watches this 🙁

This twist is purposely unclear i am convinced so they can manipulate either way they which

Frankie couldn’t wait to push it and Caleb just wanted to take the money and run off w Amber. Derrick couldn’t reason with them but that is the way it is on BB16

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Sylvie September 5, 2014 at 1:06 pm

Crustine’s moment

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Sylvie September 5, 2014 at 1:07 pm

I hope it’s Ok that I posted video

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Courtney September 5, 2014 at 2:14 pm

Totally agree that the twist is vague in order to allow Production to play out potential scenarios. I noticed that at the end of the POV, Frankie lingered to check out the equipment. I was wondering if he felt Production was sabotaging him. Didn’t he question something else, or am I just over analyzing? Haha probably! But imagine his outrage if /when he loses his HOH. You may have your retribution over Frankie sooner than you thought!

Also, as much as I appreciate Derrick’s deft manipulation over the HGs, how is he possibly going to explain keeping Victoria over his alliance this next week. Will he try to talk Frankie into putting up Cody & Caleb? And wouldn’t you be on to him at this point? Especially with the twist, he could find himself on the block Wednesday.

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macy September 5, 2014 at 2:47 pm

i can see it now – joan rivers and robin williams playing a game of gin rummy…………

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Starfish September 5, 2014 at 3:35 pm

C’est, it had nothing to do with you or your post whatsoever, good grief! I was referring to the BB HGs and what was going on in the house at the time. So you thought you would pay me back by responding in kind and you didn’t have any idea what I was talking about? SMH

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Starfish September 5, 2014 at 3:40 pm

So much speculation finally! Go back a few days and imagine Nic in the DR telling them how she thinks Derrick is a lot like Dan – bingo – they tell her she should tell him that knowing full well it would encourage him to change his strategy and flip the house to get Nic out instead of Frankie. That’s my conspiracy theory for the day. I don’t put anything past them anymore. 😯

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Courtney September 5, 2014 at 4:38 pm

Starfish, meet Sir Rock!! Haha oh wait, I’m a conspiracy theorist too – I was walking home one night and a guy hammering on a roof called me a paranoid little weirdo. In morse code

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hpr56 September 5, 2014 at 5:13 pm

Twist and not twist. I think if it wasn’t a set up that we would have all the info on what it means. I guess i am paranoid too.

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Sylvie September 5, 2014 at 5:14 pm

From Crustine Interview

You were very cuddly with Cody in the house. Are you concerned with how your husband might feel watching that all happen?
Me and my husband have a very secure relationship. It was all innocent, Cody and I were just friends.

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jeanne4488 September 5, 2014 at 5:16 pm

All I know is it’s getting scary .. and looking like Frankie and Caleb might make it to final 2.
(I can’t think of a worse outcome)

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Craig Long September 5, 2014 at 5:24 pm

Ok. I stand by my speculation that the rewind will be from the moment the key was pushed, whatever the status was at the time. My question would be what was the status at the time the key was pushed? Was Frankie already HOH? I hope not!

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tendr September 5, 2014 at 5:26 pm

@C’est Moi ici……….it means “not my problem” i hope you weren’t meaning it at anyone here…i never took it that way but aimed at the players when starfish said it..and i’m still confused……………do you all think derlick’s photo showed that he’s a cop? i know the article said surely his family wouldn’t send that but maybe they could have accidentally? i still think the game is aimed ‘for ew, frankie’ at this point i’d have a good laugh if vic won it.

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Princess September 5, 2014 at 5:31 pm

I do recall it was a similar scenario, with moms being taken off the block, that caused the now infamous Chima implosion and her subsequent eviction.

Ah, a girl can dream…

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Craig Long September 5, 2014 at 5:34 pm

Sorry, I meant button! keys are turned (well nowadays that includes inserted, swiped or scanned) and buttons are pushed (they are also buttoned, but let’s not be picky).

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Courtney September 5, 2014 at 5:34 pm

I think so Craig. If you follow sequence on BBAD. But I see this as a good thing for those who want Frankie out, right? He would have to win a 3rd competition in a row. Odds are against him…

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macy September 5, 2014 at 5:35 pm

frank is so full of himself he thinks he would get more jury votes than caleb

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Ralph September 5, 2014 at 5:52 pm

I think, the really interesting aspect is, they don’t know who they are putting up, id gonna have a chance to flip the script now.
Frankie has made the comment he knows Derrick is lying to him. He also knows that Cody is gunning for him. He also knows that Caleb has given info that Cody and Derrick didn’t want known, and Frankie let them know, by that Caleb is more in line with Frankie.
…And then there is Victoria…
Who do you think that Frankie will put up?
I personally believe, since there still is a ‘Team America’ task that Derrick and Frankie, so Frankie, still wanting money and the celeb value of ‘Team America’ (throw the glitter now!) to continue, will hold off and nominate Cody and Victoria, with a backdoor ability of Caleb, since Derrick and Cody are pretty pissed with Caleb.

…But then, why does that even matter at all, except for Frankie to show who he after, when it’s all gonna be scraped? Because BBAD is gonna be even more boring, for almost a week…unless BB does something to spice BBAD to be interesting, including the fact they have ignored addressing Frankies, and others actions. I wonder if this was reversed if it would.

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roger September 5, 2014 at 5:56 pm

Looks like they are setting the game up for Frankie to win. He should have been gone when he stated the guys should rape Victoria .He showed his talent by swallowing the bottle on after dark the other night.

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Mary Price September 5, 2014 at 6:05 pm

I was HAPPY to see Chrustine go. Would have been GREAT to see Nasty Frankie leave too. But oh well too late now. IDIOTS he should have been gone week 1.
1 I do not believe at all that Frankie would throw the HOH.
2 If he did he WOULD hit the reset button. (I think we all know that) to save his ass.

He is such an idiot to think that they booed her over comments about him.
I hope like all hell when he gets out he reads this and other blogs to KNOW what we all think of him.
I hope Chrustine will too PLUS if her husband has a brain cell in his head (I don’t think he does) he would divorce her.
I seen her mom say she was disappointed in her being married and Christian she should not have been all over Cody. I hope her mom lets her know. BUT I doubt she would care about how she is looked at.
And as for Americas Player ONLY Donny or Nicole should get that. NO ONE ELSE DESERVES that money.
As for Team America I hope it over and Frankie is told its his fault over his comments about Donny & America.

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moe September 5, 2014 at 6:06 pm

I am glad to see that people don’t think the same behavior we saw with Christine is OK when Frankie indulges in it. I figured with Ariana Grande’s fan base, people would think he was just being so cute and darling. I figured they would think it was just fine when he didn’t respect anyone’s boundaries. He didn’t seem to even have a clue they had them. I hated how this week he cried out how he misses his lover. I would never be that disrespectful of any relationship that I expected to survive once I got out of that house. I think he makes gays look bad by his extreme stereotypical behavior. I never met a gay person THAT narcissistic. Don’t get me wrong, BB is a very attractive show for narcissists to apply to. If he had been straight and crawled all over the girls like he did the guys, he’d have looked a lot worse than Christine. Did any of the house guests get through this season without him grabbing and touching some body part he shouldn’t have? Maybe Jacosta. She would have gone ballistic if he tried his mojo on her! Did Donny escape his radar? After a while it seemed like he didn’t care who he cuddled up to and neither did anyone else. Ugh Go home skankie frankie.

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Sylvie September 5, 2014 at 6:07 pm

Frankie had key around his neck and his hand was at bottom

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Craig Long September 5, 2014 at 6:38 pm

@C’est Moi ici – Unless a comment is addressed to you personally, don’t take them personally. Remember, while you are writing comments, others may be writing them as well.
The order in which they appear depends mostly on when the submit button is pushed. The longer you are composing a comment, the more comments can slip by without your knowing. Please don’t assume that a comment that appears directly after your’s is directed at you. OK, I’ll shut up for now (unless someone slipped in a comment as I’m typing this to which I just have to respond).

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bobovnvet September 5, 2014 at 6:49 pm

So Funny 😆 Thanks for the comments everyone! …………………………………. :mrgreen:

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macy September 5, 2014 at 6:55 pm


jeff proposed to jordon gonna show it sunday

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bobovnvet September 5, 2014 at 6:58 pm

Very 😎 Cool !

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Starfish September 5, 2014 at 7:06 pm

I don’t understand how Frankie could think the booing for Christine was because of something she said about him. The booing started the minute she opened the door and she didn’t have any time to say anything. He had to realize that and nobody said anything, they just took what he said as fact or did they realize the truth of it but didn’t want to say anything? 😉

Thanks Craig, exactly! I was only trying to be funny because the HGs are like a bunch of monkeys scurrying around.

It’s funny you said that because I started this after your post #76 and had a phone call so we’ll see what number I’m at when I post it. 😆

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Starfish September 5, 2014 at 7:06 pm

Thanks Macy, that’s great news! So happy for them. Ahhhh young love!

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bobovnvet September 5, 2014 at 7:12 pm

Hey Starfish! ……………………….. :mrgreen:

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bobovnvet September 5, 2014 at 7:13 pm

I almost used your real name John 😆 ……………….. 🙂

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Sylvie September 5, 2014 at 7:19 pm


They think she said something while she was in the house not to Julie

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bobovnvet September 5, 2014 at 7:23 pm

Starfish ♥ 😆

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bobovnvet September 5, 2014 at 7:30 pm

Well…………….. Goodnight all time for some TV……. see ya around…….. :mrgreen:

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Princess September 5, 2014 at 7:30 pm

@starfish, Frankie is incapable of thinking that any action doesn’t revolve around him. Therefore, Christine must have been booed for talking negatively about the famous media mogul, who is dearly loved by all America. (Gag!)

When Jeff was in the house he said it was never so disgusting in his season and when he walked in it stank. lol!

I’ve been wondering for most of this season if the mega-conglomerate that owns CBS also owns Ariana Grande’s TV shows and recording contract. I don’t believe I’m alone in believing this summer of BB has been just one horrifically long Grande commercial with a few breaks to pretend other people matter.

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Starfish September 5, 2014 at 7:35 pm

Princess, good one. At this point, I would believe anything about CBS including one long 90 day Grande commercial. It’s just too coincidental. Well, I’m pretty sure it backfired on them because they certainly haven’t turned out Frankie as anything but one big flaming no-talent, disgusting phoney.

Good for Jeff, say it like it is. Filth. ick

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Starfish September 5, 2014 at 7:37 pm

Hey Bob, I hope you’re doing well tonight. Tell John I said hello. LOL

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Alyia September 5, 2014 at 8:27 pm

I wasn’t surprised that Frankie didn’t throw the HOH com or the POV he wants all the limelight to be on him.

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Sylvie September 5, 2014 at 8:49 pm

So people on Tweeter are talking about Jordan and Jeff getting married on TV

I could stomach better the Frankie and the gang

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Sylvie September 5, 2014 at 8:50 pm

Better than oops

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Courtney September 5, 2014 at 8:56 pm

Doug Morris, the CEO of UMG, the largest music co. in world, which happens to represent Ariana Grande, is also on the board of CBS. While I drove today, I counted 5 Ariana songs played in a 30 minute period. With a potential earning capacity of $40 mil/yr., she may be much bigger than Big Brother if $ is motivator! Gives pause to wonder…

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junksies September 5, 2014 at 8:56 pm

So crusty Chrustine got her cumupins!!! Good, she deserved to be crushed!!! HA HA HA! I took pleasure in seeing her walk out the door to only a couple of claps and lots of booing. She was stunned and shocked and the entire scene was deliciously dramatic, the tension was palpable. Great TV and just what BB should be.

Star…you are a hoot. You give me belly laughs!

Like I said before, the house is a pig pen. Thanks, Jeff.

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junksies September 5, 2014 at 8:58 pm

oops…comupins. And Cody, you are next.

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Craig Long September 5, 2014 at 9:26 pm

Starfish – 4 posts went though while you were on the phone. Another 15 or so posts (er.. technically, comments) were submitted between then and now. LM and BBBLogger are the only ones who can post. Whole different thing. Any thoughts what’s happening now (7:00PM pacific). Jeff is on with Donnie right now. Er….Scratch that, Live feeds are on now and it looks like everyone is cleaning. I type so slow and go through so many revisions that the simplest of comments can take me a half hour . I so envy those of you that can just let your thoughts just flow from your fingertips to the keyboard. Yes, off topic I know, but right now the topic has been commented enough.

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tendr September 5, 2014 at 9:41 pm

funny, i was wondering the other day if Jeff and Jordan were EVER going to get married. I hope she said yes lol…….to me they are the cutest ever.

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Sylvie September 5, 2014 at 9:50 pm

The proposal

Not Crustine’s

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 5, 2014 at 9:56 pm

I like the cat in your profile pic, Craig! My sister and I live with a black cat, too. His name is Doc. 🙂

Oh, and there’s a new post up!

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erie_angel September 5, 2014 at 10:00 pm

It’s about time Jeff proposed; hope Jordan said yes. She probably did, CBS and BB wouldn’t make such a big deal of it by bringing them back in the house for that announcement if her answer was “NO”. It looks like Jeff had proposed before and that they decided to redo the proposal on TV for their fans. Nice going. I wonder if CBS will host and televise the wedding like they did for the couple who met on Survivor–Boston Rob I think it was but I can’t remember his wive’s name.

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Holly September 6, 2014 at 7:32 pm

Ambuh or Amber if ur not from Boston!

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