Tonight’s the night!
Who will be voted out of the Big Brother House?
Will it be Howard, the youth counselor who gives incoherent speeches and spends a lot of time praying?
Will it be Candice, who has been labeled inside the house as being a troublemaker despite the fact that she really hasn’t made any trouble just yet?
Or will it be Amanda, who appears to be this season’s Love-Her-Or-Hate-Her houseguest?
Of course, we all know that Howard’s going tonight. I like Howard but I can’t pretend that he’s played a particularly good game. To be honest, he really hasn’t played any game at all. He’s prayed a lot. As we saw last night, he’s given a few incoherent speeches where he, more or less, asked to be voted out. As we discussed in the comments of the previous post, he’s been accused of sexual harassment by Amanda.
Amanda is obviously the bigger threat but the houseguests decided long ago that they were going to vote out Howard as soon as they possibly could and that appears to be what they’re going to do.
Two things to watch for tonight:
First off, I’ve heard rumors that Julie is going to reveal tonight that America has been the MVP for the past two weeks. If that does happen, I can’t wait to see how Elissa and Amanda react. If Julie does reveal the truth, that’ll potentially be very good news for Judd since Amanda and Helen seem to be convinced that Judd won MVP and is some sort of secret mastermind.
Secondly, the HoH competition is going to be endurance-based. That would seem to favor the smaller houseguests.
As for me, I vote to evict Amanda!
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
It is difficult to watch BBAD because of all the silence bleeps, but I still watch it for I don’t have the LF’s. Last night was the Mother Teresa Show! Helen was so absurdly gushy to Jesse and Judd, which took up over half the show. The minute she learned that Candice was talking against her, she raced upstairs to her alliance to back peddle. She is not verbal, like Amanda, but I think she is a MANIPULATING BULLY’. I would like to see Candice win HOH and put Helen and Elissa on the block and see one of them walk out the door (preferably Helen)! I just can’t stand to watch her anymore.
Just posted this on the previous page, but then saw there was a new post up!
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Reposted what I put on other blog few minutes ago…. I found this while searching the Web – Julie Chen and Hubby interviewed and their comments on BB15 and Julie having a plan of what to say to Aaryn if she is evicted……..
By Dave Walker, | The Times-Picayune
Email the author | Follow on Twitter
on July 30, 2013 at 9:07 PM, updated July 31, 2013 at 11:05 AM
HOLLYWOOD – Early Monday (July 29), Julie Chen’s husband decried the sad people skills displayed by some of this summer’s “Big Brother” cast. The setting was the Summer TV Tour. The husband was Leslie Moonves, president and CEO of CBS Corp.
One of the first questions directed at Moonves during his ballroom Q&A session was about “Big Brother,” on which some cast members have been captured on screen making casual homophobic, misogynist and racist remarks, sparking an online firestorm and prompting the network to air a warning to viewers before episodes.
“I find some of the behavior absolutely appalling, personally,” Moonves said. “What you see there, I think, unfortunately is reflective of how certain people feel in America. It’s what our show is. I think we’ve handled it properly. Obviously, a lot of it makes us uncomfortable. I’ve watched every episode of the show. Obviously, my wife would kill me if I didn’t.”
Later Monday, Chen – host of both “Big Brother” and “The Talk” – described her preparations for the inevitable exit interview for one of the offending “Big Brother” boorishness perpetrators, Aaryn Gries of San Angelo, Texas.
“The key thing is not to eviscerate Aaryn,” Chen said. “You’ve got to make her comfortable enough where she can give you honest answers. It’s not going to be a crucifixion. I have to be fair. It wouldn’t be appropriate. She’s a young girl; she’s only 22. I’m sure her brain and her self-esteem are still developing. I think a lot of her ugly comments come from a place of insecurity and immaturity. The hope is not to completely strip her of any self-esteem but to open her mind to why it was so wrong and so bad, what she did, without browbeating her.
“I will have a guideline in my head as to how I hope it will go, but on live television you have to go with your gut. If it’s going quickly south, you want to keep her talking. You don’t want to beat her over the head with something that will just get one-word answers. No one benefits from that.”
Candice Stewart, a former Saintsation and Miss Louisiana USA, has been the unfortunate target of some of the ill will bouncing around the fake “Big Brother” house. I asked Chen to score her game so far. In a pre-premiere episode, Stewart had said she’s a student of “Big Brother” strategy, and that she intended to keep a low profile for as long as possible.
“I think Candice’s problem is that she was put in a situation she’s never had to deal with,” Chen said. “Here’s a woman who is very beautiful. She’s smart, she’s competitive, having been on the pageant circuit. It was difficult for her to not be the most popular person, probably for the first time in her life. She’s probably been the popular girl, the prettiest girl, the girl that gets the most attention, and suddenly she was a little bit of an outcast.
“I imagine when she exits the house, she’s probably going to say, ‘Wow, what an eye-opening experience, and what a learning experience that was for me.’ I imagine it’s very humbling and a little humiliating to be treated that way by younger people, (who) are coming across really bratty and really sheltered and very ignorant.”
Given those setbacks, could Stewart still win?
“The savvy she has shown in the house is she’s a thinker,” Chen said. “She has figured things out. She’s been more of an observer than a player. If she continues to observe and figure out who’s in what crew and what’s going on behind closed doors, that will take her far. But sooner or later, she’s going to have to be able to win in a competition that is either very physical or memory-based, and you have to think quickly on your feet. It remains to be seen if she can do that.”
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Well Said LisaMarie! I so hope Julie does reveal we have been the MVP because hopefully both Amanda AND Elissa will get off of their “America Loves Me” soap box and realize how we perceive them if we wanted them out. Those facial expressions will be priceless!
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I should just wait ntil 9:30am CA time before I post anything because sometimes a new post comes up about that time. Now I’ll go back and read.
Thanks for the new post LM, I think. 🙂
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LisaMarie, I noticed that I didn’t get an e-mail from you about the new Blog for today like I usually do and I was thinking that perhaps some folks don’t know about it unless they log onto the last one. I knew because I was on the last one and saw your post.
Just passing it along
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@Jane, from the previous page. I do agree that my descriptions of the two A’s could be reversed but they still apply. I wasn’t trying to give either one a pass. They are both racist in their own way but still racist. Amanda is only 4 years older than Aaryn but has more street sense and more experience in several areas I would bet.
@LM, that would be great if they announce America is MVP. Oh Amanda’s face would be priceless.
@RMM, thanks for the post. As for Julie, she’ll be compassionate when she interviews Aaryn but sounds like she’ll let her know as nicely as one can, that what Aaryn says to and about people is hurtful and wrong. She says Candice isn’t used to being in this kind of situation, well none of them have but Candice probably isn’t used to having racial & degrading slurs slung so viciously at her. I would have reacted much differently than Candice or Howard have.
I agree LM, Howard has done practically nothing to deserve to be evicted but his charge at the beginning to get Amanda out and McCraw away from her so the MC wouldn’t falter, blew his game. McCrae wanted Amanda more than MC. A dumb move in my opinion at the time but now it’s helping him because he’s hiding behind her skirts. I like the fact that Spencer isn’t buying any of McC’s BS.
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@RMM, it just popped up in my email so it takes a bit of time to post for us.
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txs rmm good stuff, we can never have too much info re bb
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hey hey ms betty u r #1 woo hoo I so agree with re HELLen and her mother superior and camp director ways, she is a lot like demanda but in a different way also I hate when the hgs do not have a mind of their own, like sheep to slaughter or Hellen or demanda is the pied piper and all the rats follow. so sad! I would love to see a follow up show as in WHERE R THE NOW AND WHAT DO THEY HAVE TO SAY NOW THAT THEY HAVE READ THE BLOGS AND SEEN THE TAPES, now that would be interesting.
@+fish in reference to the toucan remark that was a bit of trivia as nothing much going on re bb, for once harry was not involved 🙂 I should have said harry who???
LM love the new update txs and I appesch, also great how u put up new blog if that does not get our attention to new page nothing will lol
I vote to evict DEmanda the bully
ciao till later
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@LisaMarie – just got the email 🙂
@Starfish – I agree Julie will be nice, but she is pretty good at maybe getting in a stab or two as kindly as she can…. Or So I Hope! But first we have to get her out of that house! As for Candice I’m not sure I agree with the “victim” role as far as her not being in this kind of atmosphere….. I mean she is almost or is 30 right? Or did I get my ages mixed up? She didn’t just come right out of high school – I’m not talking about the racist stuff (that is definitely a victim circumstance) – I’m talking about being in a social atmosphere and dealing with all kinds of folks and walking in that house knowing it is a game and expecting lies, clicks, and many surprises.
Something about this season’s girls falling in love or hooking up with a guy – all it did was make them forget why they are really there and to play the darn game! All they care about is protecting that Man of the hour and not realizing that the men most likely would not do it for them! Pretty much if you got rid of the showmance you might have a good game, but too many hormones in that house just can’t control themselves……. Last I looked, it wasn’t Mating Season! (LOL)
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@MM, I was just being funny about the Toucan’s beak being as long as his body. That’s a pretty big beak. 😆
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@ MamaMargie – LOL I would LOVE that “where are they now” and to hear their feed back on how America really felt about them…… OMG I’d make a neighborhood of popcorn for that !!!! Are you listening CBS? We want this new show!
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Regarding Betty’s “all those bleeps” comment: If people in the whole world would stop SWEARING, we wouldn’t need BLEEPS !!!!!
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i VOTE to evict AMANDA
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Does anyone know a website I can watch BB tonite. Our satellite provider “DISH NETWORK” dropped CBS!..
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Hoping for a sudden burst of ‘brains’ and they actually evict Amanda, as she is a total bully with the most ridiculous showmance partner of BB history! Wish they could both leave!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I vote to evict Amanda! (McRanda)
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@Mama Margie – Well at least we agree on Helen! Frankly I think she is just as bad as Amanda, but I still like Amanda and the way she is playing this game. Evil Dick lives!!! I would love to see Helen not make it to jury! 😆
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After Howard leaves the Big Brother House tonight, he can add his “new look” Big Brother images to his modelmayhem portfolio.
FYI Jesse, Howard is not poor and desperately in need of the prize money.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------More FYI Jesse, All Jews are not wealthy.
Final FYI for Jesse. Did you remember to write down the directions to get back to your cave after you are evicted?
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I’m with you Betty.
Amanda is bad to the bone – no pun intended – but playing to win any which way she can.
Helen is bad but boring – terrible combination on reality TV – and won’t be missed.
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@Lisa Marie…
I, too, hope America’s vote for MVP aka for the past two weeks as third nominee is revealed tonight to the house guests and then filed away in the never again drawer.
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sorry bbigbbob can’t help u, but I did find the below info not sure who it effects:
Raycom-owned CBS affiliates go dark on Dish Network
08/01/13 10:12 AM
The following stations are off Dish Network due to a retransmission dispute with Raycom Media:
KGMB Honolulu, HI
KOLD Tucson, AZ
KSLA Shreveport, LA
WAFB Baton Rouge, LA
WLOX-DT2 Biloxi, MS
KFVS Cape Girardeau, MO
WTOL Toledo, OH
WOIO Cleveland, OH
WTOC Savannah, GA
WBTV Charlotte, NC
WCSC Charleston, SC
Read more:
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Just in case the Amanda lovers missed my link from yesterday:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I Rest My Case!!! Amanda Zuckerman: Social Justice Warrior via @youtube
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Actually CBS CEO Leslie Moonves said the company will ultimately drop its flagship network from Dish Network unless the satellite operator discontinues its Auto Hop ad-skipping device.
If Dish Network doesn’t dump its Auto Hop ad-skipping device you may have no commercial programming to view before long. Ads pay for progtamming. No ads, no programs… Makes sense to me, but apparently not to the Dish Network.
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@jane, worth repeating
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------txs for re posting
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@mm your welcome I agree!
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If they are going to tell the HG’s tonight the MVP has been America for the last two weeks, maybe CBS is planning to discontinue the MVP. I sure hope so. This is Big Brother and all decisions should be made by the HG’s. Just my opinion.
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Jane I saw the link – uuuuggghhh Amanda!
Hi Betty, I kind of like that we get a say because it puts more panic in the house if they know it was our vote and perhaps gives some HG’s tips – I don’t know but I thought it would make the game more interesting and fun for us of too 🙂 since we see more going on in the house than they do. It has to be better than watching this boring house repeat each other over and over and over (LOL) 🙂
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@ Betty – then we can feel like we are “REALLY” a part of the game too! Just thinking 🙂
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Howard got caught lying. He failed to win anything, in addition, his show-mance did not win either. The person who should go home is Gina Marie. I like that Amanda plays the game hard without winning. Candice over-played her hand with the house-meeting. Helen is trying to run the house on a non-dramatic basis. This will lead to poor ratings and could kill the program. Regrettably, race and gender issues are far too often. Howard may have learned too slow to play the game….
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i vote to evict Amanda ~ loved the look on her face last night ~
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I asked before but did not get an answer. Did or did not the show say there would be 3 people on the eviction couch all season?
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I vote to evict AMANDA. Jane, thanks for the link. I knew some of what Amanda has said and done but she really disgusts me right now.
Dubs Doll, I thought they had said it would be all season but I could have just assumed it.
I don’t know if I’m ready for the guests to know about the MVP yet. I kind of like watching the paranoia.
I know Howard is going home but I don’t think he is the right choice, IMO.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would love to see Helen go soon. She is so freaking annoying. GEEZ
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Thanks for all the comments my friends! Jane I watched your clip of Amanda 👿 After seeing all the things she said, I now really want to see her GO!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for the insight of a bad person!………………..
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Your welcome @hpr56 and RMM
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Graeme Edge’s “Late Lament” from the Moody Blues “Days of Future Past” begins and ends with an excellent poetic description of to goings on in Big Brother 15 as I see it.
Breathe deep the gathering gloom
Watch lights fade from every room
Bedsitter people look back and lament
Another day’s useless energy spent
Cold hearted orb that rules the night
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Removes the colours from our sight
Red is grey and yellow, white
But we decide which is right
And which is an illusion
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@Betty, I was thinking the same thing that they would eliminate the MVP after revealing that it was America voting the last two weeks. But, also, wouldn’t it be fun to continue voting and watch the HGs try to be nice to the camera especially since we put up Amanda. That would be really funny but only for another week or two tops!
Yes, Helen has surprised me at how ruthless she can be. Just because someone came to her doesn’t mean they are threatening her and the others in her little brownie troop. Yes, I would say she’s equally vicious on different in approach. Maybe this way is worse but it could win her the game.
No favorites at all this year, they keep morphing into each other and I can’t keep track. I do know who I don’t like at all and Spencer is one for sure – pig that he is.
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On TVGN or channel 117 on Dish, BB15 shows are shown on Friday evening. All three shows of the week are shown before BBAD starts at 11:00 EST. They are a little late but they come in handy if you miss one or now since CBS is not on Dish…
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@ hpr56
Thanks. I thought that is what Julie said right before she told the House Guest about the M V P. It would explain the longer season and extra people.
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Starfish – wouldn’t that be neat??? The HG’s making nice to the camera – perhaps we would see less meanies in there. I liked being a part of who the 3rd person is because we sit in front of the TV watching who is put up going “No, No, No dummy, not him/her, you should have put up……” LOL
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🙂 …………….
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Hey Bobo
@RMM, yes that would be fun and interesting to see the personality changes right before our eyes.
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I vote to evict Howard! He’s dead weight and does nothing to move the game along. At least Amanda is playing.
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@Starfish – I think the MVP might go on until jury or Aaryn is out of the house. Hopefully she will be nominated this week.
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Howard’s all-male alliance faltered before the moving company could change its name to no men with no truck. His lingering allegiance with Spencer, the neo-nazi, after the MC demise was mistake number two and hard to wrap my head around, and finally he comforts Candice with too much comforting and creates a powerless last- ditch- effort-mance that pretty much resulted in the strike three and you’re out analogy for him, with or without his eleventh hour testimonial that flew over everyone’s heads including mine.
Guess the next time I’ll be seeing him not on TV will be in the stands at a Golden Eagles football game this fall just up the road from me. He’ll be there… All of Hattiesburg and surrounding areas will be there too, as usual.
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I vote to evict DEMANDA
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I vote to evict Amanda….(and Harry) 😉
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Hi Starfish! Okay Frannie, who is Harry? ………….. ;mrgreen:
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I vote to evict Howard
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On July 31st the cast of Big Brother 15 did the Harlem Shake.
I thought this was hilarious! 🙂
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Bob…you don’t know Harry?
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NO Fran!
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@Bob….ask MM
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Tell me in AL………… ???? 😕
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Bob…I sent you an email.
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Frannie Okay, but 😆 the H. Shake Was funny! ………….
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Thanks Bob….I love it! There was another one too, but this had it all.
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You little tease, you say nothing!!!!! 😆 ………..
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😆 That’s what Harry says!
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Okay I’m going down to my cave to watch some TV….See you all later, bye for now………….
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Frannie, The Harlem Shake is funny but it kinda looks like my little son when he had a diaper full of poop. 😯
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OUT of BB i do believe Howard would have had things to say and maybe ‘do’ that would get him kicked out of BB….with all the crap said to him and Candice, if i were in their shoes i’d be spending too much time trying to deal with aarynation and the other’s in some way and it takes away from real game playing. I don’t feel howard did anything wrong and in fact he’s been unbelievably cool and calm….i would have cut out a KKK image out of aaryn’s bedsheet and wrote her name on it and prob made amanda and spencers and well heck…all the racist’s bed into pbj sammy’s…i’d be a crazed angry woman….and it’d be my aim prob more than the game. a punch to the nose would be worth a kick off the show and a week in jail……………….back to howard..and candice…let her cry. i bet most of us would. i couldn’t stand living with that many ppl…let alone sharing a bathroom…listening to crap. when is howard to play the game and yes he lied…everyone in there lied………….i hope next time an adult picks the players.
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ok, i wrote a bunch of stuff and it didn’t take….oh well.
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Well, I guess I will see how it turns out tonight. Almost hate to watch it sometimes but I have to say that I’m addicted. I’m just not happy with who is left. Actually, I never really liked the original bunch before anyone left. I don’t think it is horribly boring but my family thinks I’m crazy because I keep yelling at the TV for someone to get their heads out and none of them ever listen. Oh well. Have a good night folks and I’ll check in tomorrow.
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@tendr, I probably would have helped with pbj sammy’s. 😆
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The show should be good looks like endurance
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Sal, I didn’t hear you….what did you say? 😆
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I get home to find feeds have been trivia for 6 hrs or so?
Still think Howard will leave 7-1
Helen, McCrae, & Andy are my 3 picks to win HOH….. Elissa could do well also.
I hate the MVP twist. We should have no say who goes home. But since they started this shit in the first place, I want one more week to vote against Demanda!
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Please let it be Amanda! Howard just voiced my thought, lets change this game!
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for BBigBBob and those w/o CBS tonite
go here to Watch LIVE…. 🙂
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Ok, did anyone else not notice Aryn’s hair!?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If that is not a fundamentalist Polyigamist hairstyle straight out of Big Love and Sister Wives, I don’t know what is!
Could our hatred spewing Aryn be a plural loving child?
Speaks volumes towards her ignorance and verbal spewing…
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HOWARD GOES OUT WITH CLASS… and the loudest Applause thus far !!
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Howard did go out with total class… and he looked at Julie 7 the camera. 🙂
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Feeds are back… all still up there
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I am being moderated I guess? Oh well… I tried
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Tub of shit Spencer is breathing very heavy, hopefully he will fall
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I’ve been moderated 🙂
all still up
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this is a new type of Endurance…havent seen this one before…its all bout Balance and it seems they are getting tired..out of breath…Judd already axed, i mean asked, lol… for water and Aaryn said she is not allowed to give them water…..
who do u think will go for the 5K?????
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Waiting..waiting, Helen walking side ways…Fall Nasty Amanda! Fall!
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I would love to knock Amanda’s feet out from under her. Fall Biatch!
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McCrae just said he didn’t want to be oneof the 1st 3 to fall off but he really wants/needs the money. ALl look pretty chill. Helen breathing really hard for a jogger. Spencer looks like he’s struggling a bit. Judd jsut said he is ready for some booze!! lol
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Wasn’t this the final 3 comp (part 1) from BB11?…. between Jordan, Natalie, & Kevin?
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This could go on for a very long time….did I mention I want Amanda to fall?
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@Aggie….I’m sure they are all out of breath. Spencer might just have his mike closer to his mouth.
FALL Amanda!
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Yeah JT, that was the comp with Jordan
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JT.. I wouldn’t
have thought of that but I can kind of see Jordo doing it in my mind so ….maybe……
Have they doneit since tho??? Funny they held back as they use alot of the stuff over and over……..
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Nope Spencer is a fatass out of shape
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Elissa looked horrible at 1st!! Surprised me I thot she was in good shape. Ditto Helen. She is struggling!!!
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The one with Jordan was higher up…. after Jordan fell… Nat & Kev made a deal.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Then Jordo kicked their asses! 😆
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Star, that surprised me too… Elissa does all the yoga.. but maybe isn’t that coordinated?
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GO Jordo!!! We TODE her she could do She was full of surprises!!!
2nd rest period.
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I hated Howard going out…He did it with class though. Maybe he will win the 25K at the end of the show for favorite player. I would love to see Candice win HOH and try to flip the house. There will be a lot of house guest scrambling if she did win. I am waiting to see who wins HOH before voting MVP.
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😆 @ Aggie….
IDK if they’ve done this comp since BB11… that is where I remember it most from.
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I didn’t think those 2 would do well
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Spencer and Candace down
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Damn…Spencer and Candice down!
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Ya..Yoga is SLOW and methodic. Not fast and
They are going backwards now!!!!
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Amanda out
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Think Helen too”…. Yeah Amanda down!!!
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I’m surprised Helen is down, she should have been good here
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Make them all chew gum too!!! 😆
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S& C are down??I am watching on my iPhone. DIdn’t even see that!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Looks like I am switching over to the puter. Thansk guys!!
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now they are dropping like flies
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Now jump Amanda’s boy toy….. Can’t like him get HOH…
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Elissa down woo hoo
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I thought Helen would do good too… she runs and exercises like a nut every morning
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RMM… agree! Pizza boy needs to fall!
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Yep the power bullies can’t walk backwards…interesting
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Andy and Judd down
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McCrae, GM, & who else is left?
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Jessie is still up there I think
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OMG !! AllI keep getting is trivia! I haven;t seen one person fall!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My LFS have sucked this year!!!!
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I think jsut MC and GM…all I can see.
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Star… I think only 3 left. They do cut to trivia a lot 👿
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McCrae, GM, and Jessie are the only ones left.
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I think Jessie is up there from comments… can’t see her though.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Get the cameras on competitors Skippy!
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Come on Jesse maybe our only hope for getting out powers. I know she’s a woos but maybe just maybe she can use her own brain!
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MC said he is from the land of Lumberjacks!! lol IS that what u do on the weekends JT?? 😉
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Trivia again 🙄
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Sadly she’s all we got now. We know what GM and Pizza Boy will do…. Ask Amanda and Helen what they want
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😆 @ Star …I trim the shrubs around my house… that’s about it
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Yup RMM..Jessie would be a nice change of pace for HOH…….. now if we could only SEE WTH was going on!!!!
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im sorry JT but Pizza Boy is under orders from DeManda to WIN…so he cant Fall…
all the ones that dont need HOH…Fell on purpose cause they dont need it…. i havent seen a good Endurance in YEARS…..the Best one was BB8 with ED and Zach…..
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RMM, GM may stir this BB pot
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JT..maybe u need to start *branching out*…. 😆
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Good point HoH8
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pizza boy must win… Demanda said so!!
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AYFKM? Come on man, we pay to watch this shit, not effin trivia! 👿
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Odd..b4 is Amanda was telling PB NOT to win!!!
Who were the 1st 3 again?? Did they open the boxes yet??
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star, I do need some serious branching…. I let BB eat up all the great months of the year! 🙄
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Fran..they think we like the muzac…… 😉
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JT, RM…. Yep
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Uuuuggghhh who’s asleep at the cameras. Geez take our money but don’t let us watch live feeds
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IDK about the boxes?
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Ok..all trivia and JUST MC????
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Sid anybody open any boxes? GM nasty belches. She’s gross
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Why no cam on Jess? 👿 👿
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GM is still up. Haven;t seen Jessie
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Sorry typing fast Did anybody
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maybe she’s down??
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I would have thought this would have gone longer with way more people still up there…. what a bunch of wienies this year.
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If McCrae wins, expect another cheating controversy.
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Maybe she is down… hard to tell with horseshit cameramen and TRIVIA
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Echo the wienies comment!!! Lol A BAD year….BLEH!
Why cheating controversy????
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Jessie’s still up, people can be heard telling her “good job.”
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the reason for the TRIVIA is cause Production is talking to the HG’s…….i wonder who got the 5K?……spencer, Candice & demanda were the first 3 to drop…..
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Jessie is still up
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Just spotted jessie…so then there were 3………..
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Yep Jessie still up just can’t see her…they are talking to her and cheering her on
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Still the 3 left
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HoH8..thanks for the info!!!!!!
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@ LM….How can we debate any cheating controversy when they won’t even let us see the comp? Maybe that is their intentions.
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2 cameras on Helen & Aaryn….. really?
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GM making deal with Pizza junkie? Or just making sure she’s good?
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If Amanda won any $$ she and MC could have a nice wedding…lol
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Eeeeek… now my feeds keep re-loading 🙄
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JT…I know right? Idiots running camera
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LMB… we gonna need a new page after this 😆
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LOL, it’s updates for those who can’t see feeds. Lol
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JT..I know! there were like 81 commnet when I got It’s all our classic one liners… 😉
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I am surprised by Jessie.. I though she’d be out sooner than others for sure.
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Lol, GM just offered to let McCrae and Amanda spend a night in the HoH room if McCrae drops out of the competition.
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We are updating a hell of a lot faster than Jokers could 😛
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This may make it to BBAD!!!!!! Would restore my faith in the HGS this year…lol
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Rest time.. maybe re-start will throw someone
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does it really matter who wins? Nasty aMANda will run the house!
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they need to make it tougher, put a hose on them or something
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here’s another comment to add to the mess! 😆
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Omg, guess Elissa found new BFF with Amanda…has her head on her shoulder… Really?!?
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Jessie seems to be struggling
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Jess is down
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Jessie down
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Jessie DOWN
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Just Mc & GM left
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Go GM I guess?
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GM tryng to deal with MC. He’s hanging tuff tho.
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Never thought I would say this all season…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GO GM!!!!
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LOL..I’m with you JT!!!!!!
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Now we see GM trying to negotiate with pizza boy…begging. I mean he did get it once already if I really cared about the Long Island Cryer….but I don’t. Lol
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From what I’m reading on twitter, it looks like Amanda is a front runner to be the 3rd nominee again. If McCrae wins HoH, that means he won’t be able to vote for keep her in the house.
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At this point…..WGAGHF?
Figure that one out JT. 😆
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Throw pepperoni at McCrae!!
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Sorry LM…that wasn’t directed to you.
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Ohhhh… good point LMB. But also 2 people who may vote against her would also be on the block…. so IDK?
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the 3 Boxes were opened…..Spencer won a Megaphone, the one he is using now….Helen got a BB Card with lots of text on it…..and it seems that candice has won the 5K…..
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Wow some good news LisaMarie…Thank you
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Did Julie tell the house that America is voting?
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If MC has figured this out, will he drop???? I dom’t think so.
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUSt Howie
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Starfish Nope, the HGs still don’t know.
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No *fish, she didn’t
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JT you crack me up…..
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rest period. Both congratsing each other
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Thanks all. I’m disappointed about that.
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I wish she would have tode them… Judd may be in danger otherwise.
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ooooo…i cant wait to see GM and Nick in the HOH bed together every nite, lol…..
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Yo Yo Yo… Pizza boy’s gots ta go!!!
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@JT tode 😆
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Everybody cheering the 2 of them on, Helen saying a BBQ to the winner. (Part of her prize from the box she picked.) NT
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7:50 PM McCrae tells production to let everyone back inside, presumably so he and GM can negotiate a deal in private NT
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Helen won a BBQ Party with 3 other HG’s….and yes Candice has won the 5K…….
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HoH8… that hat will be in Clownie’s spot in HOH room 😆
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Thanks for the info HoH8 🙂
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Who in our fan base called it earlier when they said this comp winner will be a short person….they were on it…. Good call
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Good info Star… hope GM gets a deal and stabs them in the back!
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Even though she hasn’t won yet, she’s lasted a long time and pizza boy wearing down fast
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Both saying the pther would be safe….no one giving up…..
I wish someone would!!! This is getting stressfuladn boring at the same time!!lol
GM jsut admittd she does better physically than mentally. What does she thing MC is?? A Neurosurgeon??lol
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GM & McC still standing
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RMM… I picked a girl or small guy yesterday. I thought McCrae would do well… but also picked Helen, Elissa, & Andy as my 4 to beat.
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I never thought I would say this either and I’m not even watching it but GO GM!!
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GM maybe able to outtalk MC….but he would have the wrath of Demanda if he drops!!! HORRORS!!lol
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So now Amanda WANTS her boy-toy to win? Is demanding it even? I hope he falls. Just because she’s demanded that he lose every comp before now and is now demanding that he win this one.
And I’m voting for Amanda to be the MVP nominee again.
America doesn’t love you, McManda,
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GM wins
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psych! 😆
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MC fell
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They’re negotiating now. It’s a strange season when you find yourself rooting for Gina Marie.
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Glad GM didn’t make a deal…. F McManda
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YO YO YO….. what up!!?
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Now Amanda needs to be MVP nom
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GM …don’t be yet another damn puppet!!
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My puter froze and said I was posting too fast!! GRRRRRR!!!
Wheres new blog?? I’m LOSt…lol
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Amanda just broke a dish over Spencers head
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No sauce for Pizza Boy tonight! 😆
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I sure hope she turns the house upside down! Even though she’s not the sweetest cherry on the tree.
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I think GM will still be very influenced by Aaryn……..and Nick’s hat….lol
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Not sure GM has the —ls to get that Amanda out….my guess is she doesn’t, she’s wearing her floating vest
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Wow a whole Hour of Enduance…i miss the good ole days…….
GM’s job this week is to convince the HG’s to vote out DeManda after “WE” put her Up again…..
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They should kick her out for that but ED poured a drink so guess not.
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JT…EWWWWWWW….seriously!!! 😛 lol
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SF..kick who out for what??????
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Amanda and her boobs are eye-balling GM already working a plan
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@Star, I just got that JT. 😆 Just put them in a corner in the airport.
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Just voted my 10 times for Amanda….
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Kick out Amanda for breaking a dish over Spencer’s head.
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GM is trying so hard to be liked already! You WON babae!! No need!!lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Saying she would stay a HN until midnite…give them all her food….open door policy…….lil TOO modest here……
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Sorry Star & Starfish… I couldn’t help myself 😳
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Breaking a dish over somebody’s head–Spencer could have gotten hurt. Seriously, Amanda needs to go. She’s out of control.
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Ohhh…ok SF.,..I saw that. DIdn’t put it together… 😉
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Frannie… thanks for the reminder. i think GM may out up Candice (waste of a nom IMO). I’ll see who she is leaning towards then vote I guess.
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Me too Frannie….Amanda needs to go!
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GM offering the HOH room as a Wedding nite Suite..UGH!!! lol
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Amanda so excited jumping up and down, soooo confident!
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I hope GM doesn’t just put up Spencer & Candice… that would be boring… status quo.
I want Spencer out… but mix this thing up already!!
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Ok, time to vote on every email address I have.
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Pizza boy needs a sandwich, shirt off
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JT…my idea exactly. I voted too soon last week and wasted it. SAme with the week we all voted Aaryn. Be nicee if our MVP actually cointed once!!!
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10 votes for demanda, lol actually wanted GM to win over CraCra – what a year when that happens! Can’t believe this BB year. Howie has style.
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All these phony idiots celebrating that GM won. GTFOH (for Aggie & Frannie) 😆
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Well, at least PB didn’t get it. And maybe GM will surprise us all and get some revenge for Nick’s eviction? We can hope.
This house needs a shake up badly. Its all so predictable, I didn’t even want to watch tonight. My son called and asked me to pick him up right when the show was coming on; I DVR’d it but only watched Howard’s exit interview afterward. There was no reason to watch who voted for him to be evicted–I already knew. Now I would have gone back to watch the vote if Howard had stayed…
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GM could easily get Aaryn, Spencer, Candice…and maybe Judd or Jessie to VOTE OUT DeManda…..right……she just needs 4 votes this week….Oh WAIT…next week is DOUBLE EVICTION…..Oh Yeah….Demanda will be Going…….
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Helen kissing butt already..saying GM had the best sportsmanship and Look waht you did…blah blah blah……. DO you hear sucking sounds??LOL
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Star, i am doubtful… but hoping GM is true to her no BS self.. and puts up McManda.. but I have to wait and see.. she may do another “Aaryn”
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Raycom with CBS local affiliate WBTV blocked access for Dish Network customers today. Didn’t get to see BB tonite. That makes me unhappy.
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JT you said it!
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Becky, agree 100%
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HOH8..forgots about that!!!!!!! The plot
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who will be going with????? Candice???
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Helen taking credit for Amanda’s zero votes
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bbigbob, why would they do that? I’d be pissed too!
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Feeds froze up at the worst time, it looked like Gina won, but now i know she did, I really thought McCrae had this I was surprised
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thots exactly!!
Did you guys hear that Time Warner dropped CBS tonite???? WTF is going ON with them this year???? When they bought TVGN I thought they were stronger than ever!!
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HoH8, I hope so!! But they could have gotten Amanda out this week too with 4 votes from GM, Judd, Spencer, & Jessie… and Aaryn breaking tie.
maybe they will with BIG SCARY HOWARD 🙄 gone now.
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Spencer, for sure. He’s got Amanda’s number. Candice and Aaryn maybe. They’re both afraid of what Amanda’s posse would do to them if they voted her out. Jessie–I’m not sure that girl knows how to think for herself. And I haven’t figured out where J-U-double-D’s head is as of yet. Judd seems to be loyal to McCrae, but is he really?
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Aggie… I think GM surprised us all… did me anyway.
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bbigbob…something is awry with CBS!! I think u can watch the show on
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JT, it’s all about money.
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bbigbob… did you see the show on one of the links at least?
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Spencer, you can put the f’n bullhorn down now! 🙄
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bbigbbob…..i sent u a LINK to watch the tv show Live…didnt u see it?….
i will post a Link when the show gets released later so u can see it, ok….just keep checking the comments tonite…..
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The audience loved Howard. He got a bad rap in there for sure!!! Helen hated him czu he lied……Really??? Name of game. Amanda was just afraid of him…strengh and popularity-wise.
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Someone posted on here the web site to watch it.
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Amanda challenges MVP person to do it again knowing she got zero votes
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Sooo cool if she goes up!
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RMM, I will take Amanda’s challenge 10 times! 😆 .. as soon as I’m 100% sure GM wont put her up
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Spencer has to use the megaphone everytime he speaks, LOL…per the DR…….
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Well,I’m out for now guys. Fun being voyeurists with y’all as Maybe back for BBAD.
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140 new emails from BB Blog 😆
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Luckily they are all grouped into one!
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Oh… ok.. Thanks HoH8. I thought Spencer was just being a dumb ass…. not a big leap there!
L8r all….. was fun. I’ll vote later or tomorrow.
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yeah, he has to use it till the Nom Cerm tomorrow…..u have till 9pm EST to vote…..
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HoH8: Thank you so much but I missed your post. IF this bunch don’t have a settlement I’ll use this link later.
Dubs Doll: Thanks for looking out for others.
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bbigbbob…i hope ur still around or see this but here is where to go right now and watch the BB tv show commercial free…..
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Oh No…remember this?…i think Elissa might be in trouble, lol…. 🙂
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GM & Aaryn both really hate Candice and wanted her out today. I’m afraid one nom will be wasted on her. oyyy.
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I’ll put up a new post as soon as this one hits 500 comments…heh heh heh…
No, actually, it’ll probably be early tomorrow morning. 🙂
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292 😛 😆
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for those who Lost CBS tonite…….I assume you realize CBS is an over-the-air broadcast channel. You could simply switch to antenna input and watch tv old school!… 🙂
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🙄 I honestly think GM’s noms will be Spencer & Candice… and the same old boring beat goes on.
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hey dont worry too much JT, cause next week we have a DE…so maybe demanda will go 2nd…lets just pray a little bit….and VOTE alot, lol…. 🙂
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Great Blow By Blow! 🙂 Thanks everyone………..
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What we have….
A group of 7 sitting pretty week after week (Amanda, McCrea, Helen, Elissa, Andy, … & Judd & Jessie to a lesser degree)
Another group of 5…… now 4.. picking off each other to help the 7. Aaryn gets Howard out… now GM may get Candice or Spencer out… then Candice could get Aaryn out…. or whatever. The 5 of them (now 4 – Howard) seem to be ok with letting 7 sit back while they do the work on each other.
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The 3 targets for GM (& Aaryn) seem to be Candice 1st.. then Spencer or Jessie if need be.
Good idea…. target 3 people that would help you turn the game around 🙄
Why do I watch these idiots? …..oh yeah… I’m addicted.. forgot for a sec.
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To take a quote from Lisa from the previous page…
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Candice is in hot seat, GM, Andy & Aaryn talking about putting Jessie & Candice up
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Trying to keep up! My Mac went crazy on me I had to restart everything! 🙁
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m back………….
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Amanda wanted to go push Judd as a nom on GM…. and say he was MVP and put up GM as replacement for Elissa.
McCrae told her to cool it…. that pushing their agenda that hard would make them look shady.
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JT – Pizza boy won’t be able to hold her back, he crumbles just like the rest of them!
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Please get Amanda and Helen, they made me sick. I hope GM plays her game not letting the Bitches tell her what to do. I don’t like Spencer or Andy, but I want Amanda and Helen to go now, they think they are the queens of BB. Aaryn is also a bad person. Some how I wish Candice could win it all. Those crazy Hg voted out Howard, saying I’ m so sorry Howard. Crazy, they are silly idoits.
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zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz time
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Amanda, is the only one who has balls in this game, these people are scared shitless of making moves so they will push her to the finish line. Gutless wonders.
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Maybe someone can explain next weeks double eviction to me. If we vote and the first person with the highest percentage is used in the first eviction will they then use the person who came in second for the second eviction as the third person? Ok hope this makes sense to one of you out there and you can explain it to me. Thanks and
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Aggie… gutless plus they can’t see the big picture.
GM will put up Candice & Spencer…. and Jessie as possible re-nom. GM just doesn’t like Candice… and Spencer voted out Nick. So the weak get weaker.
GM needs to look beyond her fake eyelashes.
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Good question. didn’t think about that. They wont have time to count our votes, so, maybe your right,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Love the name.
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Nonna, good question. I would bet they will end the MVP thing after the first eviction Thursday. Justa guess.
They have to end it at some point…. can’t have 3 noms all season
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I don’t dislike Candice either, she speaks her mind, I like that, is not afraid to do something a shame she didn’t get HOH, even though I Like Amanda, I would like to see her get it. If Gina gets Spencer out it’s ok with me, I really hope it isn’t Candice
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Aggie, I agree that Spencer needs to go… hate him. I just hate seeing all the people on the “outs” pick off each other. That is boring to me.
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At least Amanda is supportive of McCrae for not winning. he’s a bit upset at himself… she say it’s ok.. he did good.
Remember when Rachel was so pissy at Brendon for falling off the paint can comp? She wouldn’t even talk to him. 😆
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Hopefully she will change her mind about Candice and Focus on Spencer, I really wish she would think for herself and not let others tell her what to do. so glad Spence didn’t get 5000 either, Shitbag lost his Job he will need it.
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Spencer has to use megaphone until after noms tomorrow. That will make it real tough for him to scheme to stay off the block…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------did anyone else hear me?
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Aggie, if GM does get Spencer out… then she is doing exactly what they all want.. not thinking for herself (even though she doesn’t really know it)
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Yep people dislike Amanda, but she really does care about McCrae and supportive, Rachel was as much as a Bitch as Brendon, In fact the man was her BITCH, she lead him around by the nose constantly. and then you wonder why he felt emasculated at times.
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I forgot about Jessie she seem to be staying out of everyone way. They aren’t but a few HG i like. i hope things get better for Candice, she has had a rough time. These people in the house are crazy. They is nobody worth winning the money. this is the worst BB i have ever watched. Candice and Jessie are the only ones I like. You let Howard Go! Crazy,Crazy. I don’t know that I want to watch anymore.
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bout the MVP vote….it was assumed that it will END when the Jury starts…and since next week is a DE….then the Jury will start after these 2 HG’s leave with no more MVP……as for next DE, they will prolly go with the next highest vote on the 2nd eviction….which could mean almost anyone at that point with a possible many re-noms, lol…. 🙂
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OMG! Dumb GM trying to be cool and told Spencer she is giving her first HOH nite in the room to Pizza Boy and his girl in heat Amanda! She wants to let them have room to theirselves.
This proves she is kissing their butts and won’t put them up. Good thing I voted for meanie Amanda to go up!
Uuuugggghhhh GM!
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RMM, very frustrating. GM says she will do what’s best for herself… but GM is one of the 4 out of the group… so getting rid of another outcast seems foolish.
I suppose I can go vote now… no way will she put up Amanda.
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HoH8… IDK how they will do it. It makes most sense to end it after the first eviction Thursday to me.. but not much makes sense this season.
If Amanda is MVP nom… and is still there after first eviction.. they why go down the list? Just put her back up… if she was #1.. she would still be #1 the 2nd time.
that’s why it doesn’t make sense to go down the list. who knows.
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Now GM is back to Candice & Jessie as noms.
And Aaryn will tell Spencer she (Aaryn) kept him off the block…. to gain favor just in case.
But Spencer will still be the re-nom if needed.
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BB11 log rolling comp for final HOH (no need to watch it all) 😆
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@ JT
Of course i had to watch, that was a fun one, thanks
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thanks JT….i couldnt remember that Log thing BB11…..that was 4 yrs ago, i cant even remember what happened last month, lol…. 🙂
but that Log Comp was Worst then this one…with all that cold water…i remembered it as soon as i saw it….poor Jordy, she suffered in that comp…. 🙁
yeah, i think we better be ready to NOT Like the winner of this season….i had 6 straight years of Liking the winners then last yr i broke that streak cause i hated Ian so now i will have 2 straight yrs not liking the winner…oh well… 🙁
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Thanks JT, I’ll watch that tomorrow.
Thank you so much for the play by plays tonight. It was like I was watching it.
Nite all!
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Thanks to everyone!! 🙂
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Goodnight All……………..
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HoH8… the 6 seasons you are talking about (8-13). I either liked the winner…. or grew to like the winner ok by season’s end, But the one that I am still pissed off about is Adam – BB9. No way should that fool have won.. or even been close. 😮
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Who wants to
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------come up and kiss my ass all night and act like you’re my new best friend?see my HOH room? 😉Support our blog by signing up for the BB22 Live Feeds via CBS All Access
@JT…yeah, i Loved BB9…one of my Best BB’s…but Adam was lucky, he got hooked up with the right HG’s and went to the end with Ryan…..BB9 had its share of dumb HG’s just liike our BB15…so that’s why i know the winner will be someone that did nothing… or someone that did too much of what i didnt like, like demanda or helen…. 🙁
but at least i know a Woman will win BB15 which i will like, lol… 🙂
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Fight between Amanda & Jessie now
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Jessie is whining because Helen invited Aaryn for the BBQ… and not Jessie.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda called her out for waking Andy last night and trying one last time to flip the house.
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Now Amanda is fighting with Candi (verbal only) 😆
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i have a feeling ur going to Love the rest of this season JT…with almost all girls left…we going to have Plenty of Cat Fights, lol…. 🙂
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HoH8…. I’m one of very few who has enjoyed this season since the beginning.. of course I’ll enjoy the rest 🙂
I don’t like all the comments.. but there has been some good drama.
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Amanda & Jessie have been having a HUGE BLOWOUT in the b/y for over a half hour now! 😯
But I only heard a little because the feeds kept cutting away to fish…. and when they come back.. no cams on the b/y.
Never even saw a single second of it actually.. just heard it while the camera was in the kitchen (it was really loud). Still ongoing, but all 4 cams are on HOH room (Helen, Elissa/Candice)
Damn feeds 👿
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Amanda & Jessie still arguing in the b/y.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But we get 4 camera coverage of Helen & Candice trading potato salad recipes. 🙄
Damn they are quick with the dump button this year.. or to cut away to another romm where nothing is happening.
I’d go to sleep now, but I’m too pissed off! 👿 (I even wrote them in the help department) 😆
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Why are t they showing it!!!!
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IDK Jane… but not happy camper here at all! 😆 That’s the stuff that makes feeds worth while. Maybe they are trying to spare Amanda…. Amanda got pretty nasty and loud.
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There might just be something to the Amanda set up to win rumor after all. They did make the devil seem cotton candy sweet on the show.
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Helen: What are they fighting about Andy?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Andy: Just about Jessie flip flopping… but Amanda is being a bully.
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Jane…. LOVE the youtube video you posted… that is the kind of shit I’ve been trying to say about Amanda all season… glad there is a video to back it all up!
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Surprise surprise!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who told Candice about the Howard/Amanda explicit comments?
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@JT right!!! Great tell all video!
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Amanda told Candice about that…. that was when she was fighting with Candice…. after the first fight with Jessie… before the b/y fight with Jessie (fight 3) 😆
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I totally missed Anaconda/Candice fight! What happened?
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Now Candice is in the fight….. I don’t see it of course, just Aaryn talking about it in HOH room (with all 4 f’n cameras!) 👿
This would be one of the best BB fights ever… if we could see it with what we paid for.
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I think it’s total bullshit! Shame on CBS for not showing it!! There gonna lie and say “Technical Problems”
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Jane… Flashback to 12:30am to see Amanda vs Jessie part 1….. then that leads directly into Amanda vs Candice
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I didn’t get feeds this year because everyone was complaining about them. I’ve just relied on Jokers. I woke up from a bad dream and checked jokers and found out about fight they aren’t showing!
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Ok… then read around 12:30 on Jokers.. if you haven’t already 🙂
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Lol ok!
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McCrae & Amanda now pissed at each other…. again! This happens every time Amanda goes too far (often).
McCrae is telling her she was dumb to do all that stuff. Telling her that he is tired of having this conversation every day (about Amanda making their target even bigger by getting into fights or pushing people)
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Thursday nights into Friday mornings… I don’t sleep til the hamsters sleep.
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Hahaha! No sleep for you! I can’t figure out how to get to 12:30 on Jokers. I don’t see a feed archive option.
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Jane… on the main page right under the descriptions of what is happening… click on “Quick View” That will pop out a whole new page full of updates… then you can click to go to 2nd page and so on..
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GM to Pizza Boy – “Jessie flips, she goes after all the guys, she’s a rat!, I just don’t like the way she is”……. they are up late talking……………..yep she wants Candace out and thinks Jessie was a good(bad) egg to put up, but she is also going down the punch list as to why she doesn’t like Spencer…..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I can only listen to her in small dosages, her voice and lack of “proper” vocabulary is so frustrating….. I need another cup of coffee………..uh who am I kidding, I am switching cameras but if anyone wants to go watch (it is interesting) its this morning, 4:00 a.m. (CA time) and camera 2. Have your pencil ready to pierce in your ears if her voice gets too much!
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Kick out Spencer for hitting his head up against an oncoming dish….
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LOL – I have been saying Long Island and I just realized GM said Staten Island…. Oh well same area!
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I went back to watch the feeds from Amanda and Candice fight and although I am not a fan of Candice, I thought it was COLD that Amanda blurted out what Howard said to her “sexually” – my heart broke. She is already trying to recover from him being voted out and Amanda just stabbed her with that info to add to it…. and Amanda was COLD when she said it and stormed off as if “scored 1 for Amanda” attitude.
Please get that Nasty Bully out of the house!!!!!!
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Delighted that Gina Marie is HOH!!! That should be good for Amanda’s game.
Glad to see that Harry is still here.
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RMM… Have your pencil ready to pierce in your ears if her voice gets too much!… I love that comment!!! Say, what exactly did Amanda say to Candace?
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Well, another week of hearing Betty piss and moan about Helen.
Nice to see The Silver Fox up and about… Who are the Golden Eagles? I thought Howard made a class exit.
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Howard lives in Hattiesburg, MS, just up the road from Mobile. He played football for Southern Mississippi University Golden Eagles in Hattiesburg as a defensive cornerback.
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@tedstrutz – Well when Amanda started to tell her “naturally it went to the fish tank view so we couldn’t hear” but then it was repeated shortly later. Amanda was attacking Candice about her wanting to flip and Candice was being honest and said that Amanda would do the same if she was fighting for her partner…. Amanda blew up and said something like “Your F-ing Howard whispered in my hear that he wants to F me and it freaked me out and I spent an hour in DR because I didn’t know what to do” – Poor Candice who was already crying and very emotional just got the shock of her life that her Howie (who I think she loves) was saying that to another girl!
After Amanda stormed off with a Grin, Andy kind of confirmed that he didn’t hear what was said but thought that their body motions showed something was going on between Howie and Amanda.
Perhaps somebody in our group here can offer the feeds when Howard did that. I never saw it, just heard in these blogs and some of the HG’s talking about it.
It just was sad, like kicking a puppy when it’s down – as a human and a female, I imagined how I would feel if all that was happening and I can say I would have most likely just laid down in the fetal position and cried, and cried, and cried! It’s a lot to take in and now Candice has only that to think of while bull-penned in that house with those nasty floaters and bullies!
I’m still hoping for Judd to win. Given last night’s show with his family and watching him, I think he is what we see. Besides, I’m not liking anybody else in there and their behavior so he’s left from the pickens. 🙂
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July 30th
5:10pm (or start at 5:09 and watch)
Camera 3
You only see it for a few secs.. they just changed cameras from b/y. You do hear Amanda laugh a little… and say something like “Oh.. thank you”
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If aMANda threw a plate, and it hit someone, Rules state no physical violence will be tolerated. Why is she still there. That is total disregard for someone’s safety. The show can be sued. Did anyone see it? Will she be able to say it slipped?
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***then switch to camera 1 after the shot returns to b/y… then you hear Amanda tell Judd & Andy what happened.
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New post!
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wish i could get live feeds. I miss so much. Thanks for the updates from those who post.
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Dubs Doll, I did not see plate-gate. If someone knows the time.. I can look for it (or watch the whole thing over I guess?.. rather not though)
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Thanks Justa
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