Hey out there, y’all:
In case you missed the show last night, Howard was voted out of the house on a 7-1 vote. Spencer voted for Candice, everyone else voted for Howard.
And let’s say this for Howard — he may not have been a great player and, in the house, he often seemed to struggle to make himself understood but once he was outside and talking to Julie, Howard was a class act. He didn’t come across as being overly cocky like Jeremy or petulant like Kaitlin. He came across like the Howard who we all met during the first week.
But, to be honest, we all knew that Howard was going home. It wasn’t a surprise to see him voted out.
What was a surprise was to see Gina Marie totally kick some serious ass during the HoH competition. As predicted, it was an endurance competition. The houseguests had to run on a spinning barrel while holding onto a rope.
Helen, Candice, and Spencer were the first three HGs to fall off their barrels. As a result, they each won a prize: Helen got a BBQ (and I’m hearing that she invited Aaryn to attend it with her), Candice won money, and Spencer won a bullhorn that he has to use whenever he speaks up until the nominations are announced.
Eventually, the final three left on their barrels were Nick’s Goomah, Gina Marie, Amanda’s puppy dog McCrae, and dark horse Jessie. At first I was cheering for Jessie but when she finally fell off the barrel, I found myself in the odd position of cheering for Gina Marie.
McCrae attempted to convince GM to fall off by telling her that she didn’t want to get blood on her hands. Silly, McCrae. Doesn’t he realize that GM is being the guided the holy spirit of Nick?
McCrae then said that if GM jumped off the barrel, he would allow her to name both nominees. Amanda’s eyes nearly popped out of her head at that one.
Finally, McCrae fell and Gina Marie became the new Head of Household!
(However, GM did agree to allow McCrae and Amanda to spend a night in the HoH room so that they could celebrate their “Big Brother engagement.” Bleh. Gag me.)
Anyway, GM’s plan seems to be to nominate Candice and Jessie for eviction. Amanda, of course, is convinces that Judd has to go up next. For the thousandth time, McCrae had to warn Amanda to tone it down.
As usual, Amanda responded by getting into a fight with Jessie and Candice.
Finally, America is still BBMVP and no, the Houseguest still do not know that America is doing the nominated. (Though Howard’s reaction when he found out was priceless.) I went on twitter after GM won HoH and it looks like a lot of people are excited about nominating Amanda for a second time. (The Brenchel Army is as obsessed with getting her out as Amanda was obsessed with getting out Howard.)
However, assuming that GM does nominate Candice and Jessie, this will be the first week that Aaryn will also be eligible to be nominated for America. So, I wouldn’t be too quick to assume that Amanda’s going to be the third nominee.
We’ll find out on Saturday. For now, however, the long week of Gina Marie has just begun.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
Mornin all… sure seems to be Candice as the target this week. Another wasted HOH IMO.
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From last post. Why is aMANda allowed to display violence without repercussions?
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Re-post from this morning’s old Blog:
RMM 08.02.13 at 9:30 am
@tedstrutz – Well when Amanda started to tell her “naturally it went to the fish tank view so we couldn’t hear” but then it was repeated shortly later. Amanda was attacking Candice about her wanting to flip and Candice was being honest and said that Amanda would do the same if she was fighting for her partner…. Amanda blew up and said something like “Your F-ing Howard whispered in my hear that he wants to F me and it freaked me out and I spent an hour in DR because I didn’t know what to do” – Poor Candice who was already crying and very emotional just got the shock of her life that her Howie (who I think she loves) was saying that to another girl!
After Amanda stormed off with a Grin, Andy kind of confirmed that he didn’t hear what was said but thought that their body motions showed something was going on between Howie and Amanda.
Perhaps somebody in our group here can offer the feeds when Howard did that. I never saw it, just heard in these blogs and some of the HG’s talking about it.
It just was sad, like kicking a puppy when it’s down – as a human and a female, I imagined how I would feel if all that was happening and I can say I would have most likely just laid down in the fetal position and cried, and cried, and cried! It’s a lot to take in and now Candice has only that to think of while bull-penned in that house with those nasty floaters and bullies!
I’m still hoping for Judd to win. Given last night’s show with his family and watching him, I think he is what we see. Besides, I’m not liking anybody else in there and their behavior so he’s left from the pickens.
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Dubs Doll — Several seasons ago (I believe it was the season that Jun won), a houseguest was expelled from the house for getting mad and overturning some furniture. As far as I know, the rule have not changed so that’s why I think that Amanda should be expelled for hitting Spencer with that plate and Aaryn should have been expelled for turning over Candice’s bed. It’s also why Evel Dick should have been expelled during his season.
But, the BB producers always seem to be willing to make an exception for certain players…
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@JT – thank you for the feeds
I can’t help but wonder if that was Howard’s last effort to get Amanda to help keep him there….. Just from the short time we have known him, it sure doesn’t seem like that is something he would do or the kind of person he is. I’m sure he knows Amanda is a “dirty” person and he figured she would find it flattering…. geez I just don’t know. What I do know is she is making a HUGE deal about it for everyone to feel bad for her as if “she” is a victim….. Oh Please! 🙁
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Helen did invite Aaryn to the BBQ.. along with Elissa. She also invited GM (kiss ass much?)… but GM decided to let whoever does the best GM impression go in her place. (I’m guessing that will be Demanda)
Jessie was pissed that Aaryn was invited.. and that is what basically built to the whole blow out last night. Remember when I wrote Helen & Elissa would make Jessie jealous of Aaryn.. so that she would vote Aaryn out? Well they didn’t even have to do much really, Jessie is always jealous of anyone that gets attention. Instead of Jessie voting out Aaryn.. it could be the other way around if the Candice plan falls through.
I did put my votes in for Amanda. But looking at the votes, I think she would be safe again. 7 votes this time… they would be
Hard for me to even find a couple votes to evict Amanda. The people that would make the big move and evict Amanda will be on the nom couch beside her. Even if one of the 2 noms wins veto.. Spencer goes up. So still no votes gained.
GM & Aaryn are playing themselves into a corner. Really gonna suck for those 2 when they finally wake up and see they are outnumbered 7 to 2.
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@LisaMarie – Well this might be the “ONLY” time I’m happy to hear the brenchel army is doing something smart…. although I haven’t forgotten Aaryn and her actions and sooooo don’t want her to get to the jury and get ANY money…. but I have a bad feeling she will make it to at least that far 🙁
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We thought GM was annoying on the camera time she got before……. Get Your Pencils Ready BB Fans…… My earlier recommendation (old blog) is to pierce both ears twice until her voice is drowned out and/or you can take a more simple route and switch cameras…. but good luck, you can hear her a mile away in the background no matter what camera you are on. I wish you all luck this week and hope your ears survive what is yet to come!. (P.S. #2 Pencils work well)…………. uuuuuggghhhh such an annoying voice and words (or lack of) LOL 🙂
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Sorry RMM I want Aaryn to make it to the Jury Room as it would be great to have BB plan to have her evicted before then fail. That is why they are having America vote for the 3 person. Most likely it will change once the house guest go to the jury house.
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I really wish I could be happy or upset! I am neither one!
This season is leaving a bad taste in my mouth!
Aaryn, GinaMarie, Spencer..and Amanda….”racist”
Helen….”gets on my last nerve”
Andy…”I like him, but ne needs to step it up” BORING!
Judd…I just don’t care!
Jessie….”the prettiest in the house, LOL”
Candace…”she’s ok, but I am not thrilled with her game”
Elissa “I don’t like the way she talks to Amanda, about her body” I don’t like her!
McCrae He is my favorite………”but not the brightest”
I really just don’t care………but I still watch!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But sleep is better than BB after dark! I just go to bed! I don’t care what they are doing!
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@Big D 🙂
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Lisa Marie
Thanks. I hate that the show favors anyone. So wish all votes went to the viewers.
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Thanks LM for the new post and great update.
@JT, you kept everything up to date last night. THANK YOU!! You are the best. I can’t figure out what CBS is doing for Amanda.
Jane you were up really early this morning too.
OK, to the gym.
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Ok… I watched the end of the HOH comp again… and saw “plate-gate”. (Didn’t see it the first time)
The plates they were using were the ones for stunts.. very easy to break. Spencer asked someone to break it over his head. He handed the plate to Amanda and she said “I don’t want to hurt you”. He said “do it”…. so she did and they laughed & hugged after in good fun.
Let’s put this one to bed… it was nothing IMO. I’ve seen tougher pillow fights on BB.
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There’s no way Howie said that to Amanda! She is a very cruel person to invent this happening then act like the victim! I missed last night and by the looks of it, I didn’t miss much. So disappointed with this season!!
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Starfish, I don’t sleep Thursday nights 😆
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I would rather see Aryan nation & Gm win the game than Helen, Manda, McWhipped, & Andy.
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Seems the HG goal is to get into the Jury (House). None are playing toward the real goal of winning BB!
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@prh – I think you are correct, I guess they figure it is “some” money and they want a vote on who actually wins. … but I’m leaning towards $$$$$
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Thanks all for the updates !!! Love the entertainment!!! Lisa great job, much apprec!
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@starfish Somebody had to stay up and keep JT company. Don’t want sucky sent to the looney bin for quacking to himself.
@DonnaP I’d rather see Judd win. None of those other dirty rotten scoundrels deserve a thing.
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*ducky* not sucky hahahaha
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I don’t understand why everyone dislikes Amanda, she is the only one playing the game and you people act like its a problem for u!!! She is doing a really good job! The others aren’t playing that’s why they are letting her run the show! I don’t see the problem with her! She’s funny and she sticks up for the people that are being mean to the others!!! I really like her a lot! Don’t hate the players hate the game!!! I hope she wins!!! Seems like you guys are all following the leader too!!!
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As Lisa said, the noms today will be Candice & Jessie. Spencer will be the replacement if needed.
Last night (this morning?), Amanda & McCrae were chatting in HOH room (given to them by GM). Amanda was upset about all the arguments she was in (3 of them.. one HUGE). McCrae was upset and told her it did no good… Amanda was upset that he didn’t feel stronger about things Jessie said. McCrae explained that BB isn’t the real world… gotta pick your battles carefully.
Also, Amanda doesn’t really want Candice to be the target. She wants it to be Jessie or even Spencer. McCrae said No! McCrae explained that she always tells everyone not to be selfish and to do what’s best for the house… and Amanda said “That’s just what I tell other people” 😆 ..and she also asked “why?”
McCrae explained that GM & Aaryn helped them last week so now they would return the favor and vote the way GM & Aaryn wants. Amanda reluctantly accepted… but I think she still has other ideas. 😆

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------signed, SUCKY
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@Donna – McWhipped, LOVE IT!
Say what you will about Spencer, but I feel like he has a good handle on what’s going on in the house and I cheered when he told Amanda where to go last night. BRAVo, sir!
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In case anyone missed the video Jane posted yesterday..
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I agree on all counts. You nailed it!
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Thank u PK
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Now all we need are youtube “exposes” on all of the other house guests for comparison. Seems reasonable…
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I give Amanda all the credit in the world for playing the game. The fact of the matter is that if she was in the house with real players, she would have been voted out at a long time ago. However, she got lucky enough that this season, she’s surrounded by weak players and, therefore, she’s strong by default.
I just find Amanda to be annoying as a human being and, whenever she’s in the Diary Room showing off her famous wit, it’s like listening to nails on a chalkboard. If she makes it to the final two, Amanda may very well deserve to win but I’ll still be happy to not have to ever have to listen to her again.
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@Debbie – I believe we all have our own opinions and HG likes…… I’m not sure you have been watching all the live feeds to see who Amanda really is. Defending someone doesn’t mean you get to be a bigger bully too.
It’s okay you like that kind of behavior, we all have our favorites. This site allows us to express them “in a friendly manner” and try not to insult each other’s opinions.
And quite frankly, she is older and should have more class than to do sexual acts while on live feeds with Pizza Boy knowing her family and us are all watching. She clearly has no morals in my opinion but again it is not yours and that is okay. She has stated before “America Loves Me” and for some reason she thinks she is entertaining us with her D rated porn show. Sorry I had to put that in because it really bugged me.
But as said, it is okay to like who you want and I’m sure everyone here would like to feel comfortable putting there thoughts without attacks from our fellow Bloggers. Perhaps there is a “meaner” blogging site that you would feel better at…. 🙂
I like this one because everyone is friendly and all understand it is a game and we all have our thoughts…… this Blog has been my one and only for a very long time I just only started commenting this season.
Now play nice! Please 🙂
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I agree, a youtube video for all would be good. Aaryn is taking all the heat on the CBS shows (she deserves her share for sure) while others skate free… Amanda & Spencer for example.
Even dear Helen had a bad moment 2 weeks ago. She was talking about possible rain and did the hand to mouth “woo woo woo” chant which some Native Americans would be offended by.
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@Debbie – sorry I re-read my blog to your response and realized it sounded harsh… all in fun of course…. just multi tasking and typing fast. 🙂
But still hate Amanda (LOL)
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I get the impression that many on this blog have had little, if any, experience with determined, ambitious and in-it-to-win-it-women, many Jewish women being some of the best at it.
If anybody even attempted to cross Martha Stewart in any way whatsoever her response to their actions would make Amanda’s behavior in the house seem timid by comparison.
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Has anybody in the house said anything against the Irish? Because if they have, I want them gone NOW! 🙂
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@LisaMarie – LOL 🙂
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RMM, I’m not sure why your saying that what I said was mean? I was saying my opinion and it wasn’t directed towards anyone like yours was to me! But like u say we all have our opinions and you know what they say about opinions!!!
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I only compliment Jewish women, particularly the very ambitious ones I grew up with and am still associated with.
Nobody in here seems to like Elissa and she is a Reilly and that ain’t German.
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Welcome to the blog. “It is what it is!” I know only too well.
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Sorry Ted…
I like Germans too, Norwegians are my favorites though.
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@Debbie – Yes I do know what they say about opinions 🙂
I was more responding to : “Seems like you guys are all following the leader too!!!” comment (insult). I believe we are pretty good at our guesses and personal likes on this blog. Some of us like the drama and bully stuff and some of us like the underdog and some like anybody in between. I personally am more sensitive towards the one’s being picked on and don’t like the attacks, but that is just me. We all have our own reasons for why we watch the show.
But I’m not following any leader and I understand the game has to get crazy for people to make it interesting, but perhaps without the schoolyard bull____ (bullying) that takes place. I tend to lean towards the “nice person” winning but it’s not always possible and that’s okay. I imagine anybody that has been seriously bullied in school or otherwise on this blog, probably gets that weird feeling in their stomach as they are watching it play out on tv because it brings back a few memories, sure does for me so I guess that is why I’m so passionate about Amanda and her nastiness.
But I respect that you like her, but I’m not playing her game – just voicing my opinion. It is all good 🙂
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Woo, It looks like I need a time out….. and less coffee. I think I’m so worked up about Aaryn and Amanda still in the house, it is so frustrating I can’t personally kick them out 🙂
All calm now, sorry my fellow bloggers
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What one might categorize as “school yard bullying” in a game where there is only one big prize for 500K, it might also be categorized by others as taking total control of the game and everyone in it anyway you can to get to the end and so far it is working quite well for Amanda. Just another opinion, of course.
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The downside of my above opinion is that she has to remember that there will be two, not just one, in the house at the end for the jury to vote for to be the big winner. It is then that her strategy may backfire and yield her a sorry second to whomever she is sitting next to at the end no matter who it is.
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@PK – I know….. but I hope her hiney is not sitting anywhere near that seat in the end or Aaryn’s for that matter. Either way it’s okay to be strategic but the agressive mean stuff is uncalled for…my opinion only of course.
LOL – my hubby told me I can’t save the world and protect all the bullied victims (underdogs), but I get cudos for trying…. LOL 🙂
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Geez, even my spelling has gone on vacation…..
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Now if the final two turns out to be Amanda and McCrae, she can’t lose. What’s hers will always be hers and anything that may become his is hers too.
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Lol!!! PK I like you a lot! What do you think RMM?
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In my high school days – late 50’s – the male bullies were the ignorant thugs (didn’t know first hand who the female bullies were) and certain athletes, including me, put them in their place – usually face first into the nearest wall – for their unacceptable treatment of whomever they chose to bully for whatever reason. Now nobody stands up for the “outcasts” particularly anybody in any way associated with the school system so all hell breaks loose when those who are bullied have had all they can take. I preferred our way of getting involved – something unheard of today.
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@PK – Oh Geez that’s right…… that’s fine, I’ll just have to do lots of finger crossing and hoping that she doesn’t make it – but as it has been said time and time again, that group won’t pick up on the fact that they better act fast or it’s all over Johnny!
If she wins, I’ll do my usual (I hate who won face), turn the TV off and swear that I’m done with BB and not to watch the next season, “and I really mean it this time” comment….. as my family laughs at me….. only to get my first of the season BBBlogger e-mail fron LisaMarie and see all my fellow Blogger Fans all excited about the new season…. and…….. then I’m back in. It’s a sick cycle I know (LOL).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------….. but if those two win, “I really mean it this time, no more BB for me!” ….. or at least I’ll try to stay away. LOL, LOL, LOL
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RMM may soon learn as I did that always expect the unexpected in here. One poster has advised others to avoid reading anything I write. Her “alliance” basically followed with similar sentiments. But the real insult was when one poster accused me, possibly the only white liberal democrat in Alabama of being a racist because I did not interpret something Amanda dad about Howard the way she did. She knew that because I have many black friends here in Alabama and that is what every racist says. Anyway, welcome to the blog.
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@Debbie & PK – Yep he’s a funny one 🙂
I was born in 65 and grew up with a different kind of bullying but the girls were only then starting to become more aggressive, more so in High School as I graduated in early 80’s. Calling someone a name is nothing and expected by kids, but in the teen years (late 70’s early 80’s) it seemed is was more girls starting to physically bully people, kind of like Aaryn throwing other people’s things or turning over a bed to show she’s tough and means business – or in a serious verbal manner.
I get it, it’s 2013 and we have to worry about our little munchkins and the new kind of bullying in schools. I guess I just wanted Aaryn and Amanda to express their unhappiness without truly hurting someone, especially because it is a game and no matter how much the award is. But I get it.
Did you both see how Cold Amanda was to Candace when she blurted out what “she claims” Howard said to her? Oh I felt so sad for Candace because of the smirk on her face as she walked away with a “victory stab” that was uncalled for 🙁 I know Amanda said she was trying to protect Candace, but if that was so why kick her when she was already down?
I know, just a game girl, just a game………… LOL I think meditation of some kind might be good for me to look into, at least until this season is over (ha ha ha). And NO I’m not taking lessons from watching Elissa! 🙂
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what Amanda “said” never was a good typist.
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@PK – nothing new to learn, been reading these posts for many seasons. I know.
Just expressing my frustrations a little more today that’s all. 🙂 Usually (even if I’m personally insulted) I stay back and just read and don’t respond, but today I guess I just felt better typing it out.
No worries, all is fine 🙂
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Wouldn’t it be nice if nice always came in first, but the truth is, nice generally finishes last. Ian from BB 14 was the exception that comes along very rarely. I liked him, I really did.
Did Donald Trump and Martha Stewart become billionaires by being nice? Gotta love Bill Gates, though. He is nice!
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Amanda may be loud, she may be forceful but if any of the people referring to her as “a bully” had grown up in my home, with my mother, you’d be laughing and swatting at her like an annoying mosquito. My mother would have scared Martha Stewart!
It’s a style. I said that yesterday. I’m pretty sure she’s very successful professionally. Personally, I want to see Aaryn go Bleh!
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There really was a certain degree of validity to Debbie’s comment about “follow the leader,” intended or otherwise. People do like acceptance and t0 be part of a cadre and there is nothing wrong with that.
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I missed her saying that to Candice! I have live feeds but I don’t see all that happens! I didn’t mean as an insult I meant it because everyone on here seems to hate Amamda and I don’t get it because its a game and I think she is playing the game more then anyone else!!(besides Helen)! She does have a strong personality and that will keep here from winning but I still think she’s playing the game more then anyone else. This is only the 2nd time I have spoke out and was surprised at the reaction to my post! This is my last one since I am being bullied too. Lol! Hope you all have a nice day !!
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@PK – AWE Ian…. that was probably the first time I was so excited someone I liked WON! Just ready for another 🙂
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Hate was once a very strong word used sparingly when the occasion demanded. Now it is just another semi-meaningless verb which usually means the opposite of like whatever that means now. Get back here, now. PLEASE!
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@Debbie, mmmmm can’t tell if you are joking or not, but never bullying on this end just expressing frustrations about the bully’s in the house and having conversation with PK about our take on bullying. No worries though, just was wondering if you all had seen that strike from Amanda to Candace and believe me I know Candace can dig up some serious drama, but it should be on even grounds, not when she is already down because Howie left. But I was just wondering if you had seen it yet.
I never bully anybody, will always stand up for the person being bullied – can’t help it. Hope you stay and have fun with the bloggers, they really have some interesting and funny takes on the show.
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Howard on with Jeff right now – earlier this week as Howard needs to catch a plane per Jeff
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I would love to see Amanda and McCrea go up on the block side by side and break up the gruesome two some. Watching them up each others ass is sickening. I have been with my husband 13 years and we fell in love quick (like love at first sight) but lets be honest I think if those two were in the real world and not in the house I don’t think it would be the way it is. I do not see them making outside in the real world. I would love to see them both up on the block to see how that would turn everything up side down. Wish America could put up three and let the houseguests KNOW America did it. And we don’t love Amanda. IMO No one loves Amanda the way she loves herself. JMO
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Wow PK – you do your homework (LOL) 🙂 or you are filled with many of Life’s Lessons Learned – either way you are enjoyable to listen to 🙂
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@MaryPrice – I’m with you!
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I’m glad cvs can’t air all the ‘f’ bombs. I wouldn’t be watching. I watcged a luttke of Amanda’s you tube and turned it off. Listening to f this and f that is ugly and not what I want to hear. It’s time to break up the ladt showmance. I’m not sure egst order but Spencer, Aaryn and Amanda need to go but then we’re left with …….not a lot.
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I meant cbs not cvs
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I was joking!!!
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Now would be the time to shake it up. GM needs to put up MC and HE, that’s two possibly three from that group that couldn’t vote. AM will more than likely get America’s vote again (10 votes from me). If MC gets POV put up AM, if HE gets POV put up EL.
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No doubt, Amanda hit Candice hard when she was down. Typically a cruel but effective means, though, of keeping someone down for the count which is pretty much where Candice is at this point of the game.
Candice’s tell all, expose all, house meeting was the equivalent to hari kari in the Big Brother House. Bye Candice.
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@Debbie – LOL 🙂
@PK – Yeppers
@Rich – True, and Amanda got my 10 last night and I called my oldest daughter and begged her to vote 10 for Amanda as well….. too funny (LOL) (she likes the show too but sometimes in a different direction than myself so I bribed her with yummy foods tomorrow – it worked!)…. nice family fun!
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I see Amanda and McCrae as a Two Musketeers, all for one, one for all, until the final curtain. After that, the ring comes off, and McCrae goes his way and Amanda goes hers. Speaking from experience, my advice to McCrae would be to get out as soon as you can ’cause there really could be something “worse” than delivering pizza’s in your near future.
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Amanda is playing a hard game not to have won anything in this season. I almost don’t care who wins. This year their are no real players to cheer on to victory. Spencer is a real joke along with Pizza Boy, Andy, and Judd. The casting for this year is awkward at best. Candice, GM, Jessie, and Aaryon appear to be borderline personalities that will self-destruct. However, it is interesting to she the undercurrents of hate in each play. We need more dramatic play and change…
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Jessie and Candace as the nominees seems like a wasted HOH to me. It is time to start going after some of the heavy hitters in that house–Helen, Ellissa (did I spell that right?), Judd, Amanda (she’s the one in control), McCrae (who wouldn’t know what to do without Amanda leading him by the nose) and Andy.
I agree, I don’t like Spencer or Aaryn because of their racism, but Amanda has been just as bad.
I don’t really want any of them to win this the money year. None of them, with the possible exception of Howard and Judd, even seem worthy of winning. And I doubt that on Finale Night, I’ll come to my sense and say “yeah, OK, he (she) deserves the win. He/she played a really smart game.”
Some have said that Amanda is playing Evil Dick’s game of bullying people. One thing, though, I don’t remember ED ever lying about another HG in such a serious manner. I don’t believe for a minute Amanda’s claim that Howard whispered in her ear that he wants to have sex with her. I think she made it up…a great story to use to get under Candace’s skin. I don’t have the LFs, but from what I’ve read, she took too much delight in informing Candace about it for that story to be true and bothersome to her. That is not good sportsmanship.
Amanda has proven herself not only a racist with comments about Puerto Rican showers; a bully telling everybody else what to do and whom to vote for–or else; and now a dispicable humanbeing with her dispicable lie which puts another person’s morality and integrity into question.
If Amanda is production’s favored HG and the fix is in for her to win, I’ll be done with BB forever…And I’ll promptly forget that vow by the time the season premiers next season.
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Tell me Dr. What’s the cure? At this point, even a misguided drone landing in the Big Brother rec area wouldn’t “light a fire” i=under this crew.
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hey yall,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This coming week is a double eviction
I think Amanda is a Bully, mean backstabbing she should have been sent home after she was warned by production 3 times, Amanda is good at reading people but she’s too aggressive IMO ~ Aaron should have been sent home for flipping Candices bed IMO ~ Helen thinks she is running the house IMO ~ but I would like Judd and Jesse to win the game IMO 🙂
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I too would like to see Amanda go but want Aaryn out first so she doesn’t make jury. It may be too late already. The video that was shared yesterday on Amanda and her own slurs and then switch to DR and say how horrible Aaryn is. I think the racist and bullying has gone to far and now everyone is claiming it…even the bloggers. lol Every time there is a second alliance started, which is what needs to happen, the others find out about it and put a squash to it. The common factor every time is Judd. I think he’s a lot smarter than people give him credit for but right now I see him as number 4 in the alliance so it might be beneficial to his game “to” start another alliance. Him, Spencer, GM, Aaryn, Jessie, and Candace. Against Helen, Elissa, McCrae, Amanda, and Andy. Count! Helen surprises me with the s..t disturbing. I never knew she was stirring the pot so much. Amanda does bully, but Helen does too in her own way.
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Attack with intelligence, strength and speed should have been Howard’s game plan, just as he learned in his career as a defensive cornerback at Southern Mississippi. Instead, he chose another game plan that was doomed from the beginning. Imagine how he would have fared in the game had he come out as the real powerhouse he can be and won the first HOH without breaking a sweat to let it be known then and there that he was in charge, not just somebody who, if he ever decided to get in the game might be a threat. His first HOH win would have had everybody on his team from the get go rather than foolishly investing in the Moving Company that would eventually move him out of the house. Play to win, just like he used to on the playing field was his best and only smart strategy. He really could’a been a champion!
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I like Amanda, she is a strong woman and smart player, playing McCrae first and leading other players. It’s a game. Spencer should go with Candice following. GM and Aaryn are not real players and will be discarded along the way.
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I agree with you swt.
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If know one as posted plate-gate yet, it happened about or minutes after the HOH comp ……. she walks over to Spence and breaks it over his head!
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Big Brother 15 Fight Night Round 2 – Amanda Takes On The House
Posted: 02 Aug 2013 10:18 AM PDT
Perhaps emboldened by her zero-vote time on the block, Amanda was in fine form last night and took on both Jessie and Candice in a no-holds barred battle on the Live Feeds. If thought just the HoH endurance comp was called “Bull In A China Shop” then wait until you get a load of Amanda’s tour de force. We’ve got the details here, but this should be seen so sign-up for the Live Feeds and enjoy the fun.
Flashback to 12:29AM BBT to find Amanda and Jessie arguing. As background, Jessie is upset because she didn’t get invited to Helen’s BBQ. Amanda starts in on Jessie saying Helen didn’t want to invite her because Jessie tried to flip the house on Helen and get Amanda voted out. (Well, not really. She was approached by Howard and then took the plan to Andy and agreed not to try and flip.)
click thumbnails to see full-size images
Here’s Amanda’s MO. Instead of making it a move against just her, Amanda says things like “you tried to make a move against Helen, Elissa, Judd, etc., etc.” When really the issue is Amanda was in danger of getting evicted. This way she can make it a broad based “attack” and then get those other HGs to think she’s trying to protect them. She’s not. She’s trying to cover her own ass and that’s totally fine, but it’s easy to see through her method. She does this a lot.
“Why don’t you go cry in the f***ing corner. Have a little s**t fit under your sheets. Byyyyee!” Amanda calls to Jessie as she marches out of the living room.
Back in the kitchen Amanda tells Helen she just got in a fight with Jessie because of Helen. Then Amanda says Jessie was trying to make [insert every HG name she could think of] a target. See what I mean?
At 12:33AM BBT Amanda starts fighting with Candice. Candice says she cared about Howard and that’s why she wanted him to stay. Amanda starts off by saying keeping Howard would have “flipped the house on Helen, Elissa, & McCrae.” Wait, there it is again. It’s not against Amanda, it’s against everyone but her so she appears to be the selfless warrior fighting against injustice to protect the other HGs.
Amanda keeps digging in to Candice for wanting to keep her friend as if that’s a terrible move for Candice. Then Amanda drops the mysterious comment that she claims Howard made to her. Fish cut in. Production is continuing to block Amanda from retelling that story which makes me question the accuracy of her claims. Something seems to have happened with that, we just don’t have any details other than what Amanda retells.
click thumbnails to see full-size images
Next Amanda says it’s okay for her to fight to protect McCrae, but not for Candice to fight to protect Howard. Um, okay. This fight gets bigger and bigger, but it’s not the biggest of the night.
Jump to 1:55AM BBT for the Amanda vs Jessie battle. We see Fish, but we hear the fight. Amanda gets really nasty at Jessie as this one builds up.
It starts with Amanda saying she’s mad at Jessie for coming up with a scheme to get Amanda out of the house. Jessie says they’re ganging up on her. Amanda starts yelling “Don’t play the victim! America, please make a shirt for Jessie, ‘I Am A Victim’ with Jessie’s f***ing face underneath it.”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Then Amanda yells at Jessie about bully claims. Gee, this sounds familiar. “Oh it’s so easy for you to say ‘bully!’ Im a bully. I bully you. I’m pissed because you tried to flip the house on me. Twice! So go f**k yourself, Jessie! That’s not me being a bully, that’s me defending myself. Goooo f**k yourself!”
Next Amanda goes after Jessie for thinking McCrae is attractive. She starts yelling about this and that with Jessie and the guys in the house. Jessie digs back that Amanda had a boyfriend when she came in to the house and told them she was in love with her back-home boyfriend and that they were soulmates, yet here she is now with McCrae.
Amanda yells at Jessie, “close your f***ing legs, you slut.” (Jessie has not hooked up with anyone in the house.) Jessie cuts back with pointing out Amanda is sitting outside in her underwear. “Nightwear,” says Amanda. “Underwear,” counters Jessie.
It goes on and on, but Jessie makes a good point. Amanda says no one is supporting Jessie and Jessie says no one stands up to her “because they’re afraid you’re going to do this s**t to them.” Jessie tells Amanda she’s not afraid of her. Amanda says she should be because she’s going home this week.
Back inside Elissa says “I’m glad I missed that.” Andy adds “that was intense.” Yes, yes it was. Amanda is on a roll with her fights this week and if she goes up on the block as the MVP nominee it will only get better. Currently she holds a healthy lead in our MVP poll. On Saturday we will learn who gets that coveted 3rd spot on the couch.
What do you think of Amanda’s tactics? Are they too aggressive or is she making the right moves in trying to shut down any potential uprisings against her?
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Your account of last night’s drama just needs casting and dialog to be a hit soap in the CBS fall daytime schedule. Just what Rebecca needs, lol, another one of them!
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@SS – WOW I didn’t know about the 3rd fight…. see what I mean? Amanda is NASTY TO THE CORE!!!!!
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Thank you all for all the updates! Wow what a night & Morning! Still can’t take Amanda, she just rubs me the wrong way. Being a guy who was born in the 40’s grew up shining shoes in NYC & going in the Army in 1966, having some great kids & grand kids, I just can’t deal with how they act in this show ! I did like A at first because I think she is playing the game better then most , so I don’t like what she has to says at times, I think the casting on this season really has no one with any guts! Good stuff :PK: and you all thank you all for your input…See you soon……
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@Snake – I do think Amanda was putting on a show with Jessie to make people believe that she is defending her side of the house, but as usual, she went too far. Entertaining to me, but that’s all. I hope Jessie does go home, as I am sure on tonight’s BBAD all we will see is Jessie whining to everyone about Amanda and what I mean by this, she will corner each HG and go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on (getting tired of reading this yet?) and on and on and on, etc! That is Jessie in a nutshell!! If someone simply glances at her the wrong way or whispers something to another HG she goes into orbit! She has no business being on Big Brother, as the girl is too insecure!
@Ted – Would you rather me piss and moan about you, rather than Helen? 😆
Again to Snake – Thanks so much for your #82 post!!
@PK – Give my best to Rebecca.
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Okay ! I have posted a few times & it went into the air some place?? Thank you all for the updates, short & sweet this time… Good stuff PK & all…
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Everything Betty Said! 😆
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Going too far, above or below the sheets, is apparently not in Amanda’s game plan. Hell has no fury like a woman who can scorn non stop…
Rebecca says hi… 🙂
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Youtube about Spencer
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if howard had acted like amanda you howard haters would have thrown a fit. he didn’t have a chance to play the game while just trying to pray away his temper…as he said in life he could walk away but in the house, he couldn’t. the BB house isn’t a place for ‘class’ sadly.
amanda is a b. the things she says aren’t necessary to win a game.
anyway….bb is no longer fun to even have hope it’ll be worth my time. it shows ‘be ugly..name calling…nasty…and you’ll win.
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Is anyone else having a problem with the feeds? Can not get them, then says sign in I do still nothing, I tried thru my cbs acct, facebook nothing grrrr
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@Tendr – I had no problem with Howard. I liked him. His only downfall, in my opinion, was from the beginning of the game he was a loner, only talking to Spencer. He did not socialize much. Every time I saw him he was sitting by himself or talking to Spencer, until Candice joined in. Someone being that mysterious in the Big Brother House will put a big target on their back. Howard has only himself to blame for not trying to make friends in the house.
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@PK re: your comment at 1:11
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why the hell are you still talking about me? And yes I know your referring to me as that “one poster” because I did call you and do think your a racist arrogant SOB no matter how many black friends you can count on your toes. However, I said my piece you said your piece and I’ve now ignored you. So mind your own business, your just a creep who gets off on blabbing and either smooching up too people or being a complete dickwad. Everybody whose been on the blog for any length of time had met your Split personalities. So why the hell are you trying to blame me for nobody talking to your senile ass?!! For your information most people can’t stand you but put up with you because it’s easier than fighting with you. If you go back a few years through this blog and survivor anytime anyone gets into it with you all the old school bloggers step up and say just ignore you and it will stop. That is what has been happening on this blog for years. So don’t blame me for your comments being disregarded. Everyone here has their own mind and can talk to whoever the eff they want too. So STFU while I ignore your crazy ass. Big words and History lessons don’t fix crazy. Ya dumb motherf**r! And if your new on this blog just ignore when seasoned bloggers fight. There’s history that you don’t understand. This is a good fun loving blog when people let sh** go.
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Jane You talking about #51?? …………
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Look above to see why this is not always a civil place to hang your hat. Prejudice spews from one who should know better but rants on none the less for whatever her motive. I live in Mobile, Alabama, and I am proud of where I live and all of my neighbors of all colors and faiths. It’s a long way from Long Beach, California and very different, in deed.
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What the hell are you talking about…….. 😕
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Hey Bobo no worries I said what I had to say. It’s over and it’s not re: you. Hope your having a good day! I just got home from thrift shopping and tripped over the usual b.s. passive aggressive posts. But I did find a great new red couch for my new apt! I’m stoked!
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OOO # #85 came up………….
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Nobody should be labeled a “racist” who has been a life-long liberal democrat, civil rights activist, and Obama supporter from the get go where it is not the norm just because Jane can say whatever she wants to say whenever she wants to say it. To a point, that’s fine, racial slandering is not! Never will be regardless the race or the doer.
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Debbie ignore that. I’m o goodly NOT the one trying to rally the troops. Your not even in this argument. It’s long history, and I have no issues with anyone else here.
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Jane Good for you my friend! Sorry to butt in on any of the BS 😆 I am going down to my Man Cave to watch some of my TV shows to catch up on, from this week, I think I will make dinner for my wife tonight…Order some C food take out…
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@Debbie re: my last post sorry typo *I’m obviously not the one trying to rally the troops*
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It’s okay Bobo it is BS I have been minding my own business lol!
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Obama Supporter !!! So sad 🙁 😆 Don’t want to get into that as a Combat wounded Veteran I have some different views on liberals ❗ So Time for me to go….
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Let me see now: ….. I don’t hate Amanda. I hate the fact that she uses such derogatory language. This may be a reality game but there’s no need for such abusive language. Being that demeaning to a person in a reality game still is abusive on a really personnel level. You can have a fight without the abuse!
McCray – Has no game. He’s just a big ass smoocher!
Andy – Wimpy and a tell all. As long as he knows what is said, he’ll share it with everyone and blow any chance of a flip in the game. BE WARNED!!! Don’t talk around Andy.
Spencer – He’s the biggest bigot in the game! I believe he would have said to Amanda what Howard was accused of!
Judd – He just doesn’t seem to care. He’s hiding in the bushes waiting like Snake to strike!!
Helen – Thinks she is in control of the house, Helen better watch out for Amanda!
Gina Marie – How did you get out of high school with that vocabulary? Watcha gonna do gurl? Even spell check doesn’t like how you talk!
Jessie – Why did you ever want to play this game. All someone has to do is fart and you go off whining.
Candace – Your totally out of your element girl. This is no Beauty Pageant!!
Elissa – My, my, my, if not for your sisters alliance outside the house, you would be long gone!!
Aaryn – Your hot start of abusive, racist comments are going to give you a rude wake up when you leave the game. Instant Karma’s gonna getcha!
This game is so one-sided, Amanda just needs to hang ten on the hammock and have McCray deliver here threats on who to vote for or else. Game over, no one, and this is a promise, no one has the kahoonas to oust Amanda!
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Lol BoBo! Politics & Religion should be kept to oneself!
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@snakebit how come these guys haven’t figured out to shut up around Andy???
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Ok, Jane, good for you now that’s off your chest! The newbies don’t need to understand what’s happened over the last 10 or so years between those of us who have been here. That’s why it was said not to respond to said person by more than one person over the years. No one ever said not to read the posts. Many of you will notice that many do not respond to said person. Just because one is a liberal democrat who voted for Obama doesn’t mean one is not a racist. Not saying one is or isn’t a racist but that argument doesn’t pass the smell test.
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OK, lets smooth out the bump in the road and Talk BB. I like the two of you and we all (the regs here) have heard it all. Be nice and share the beach ball!
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Smell Test ! :lol:………….
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Right on SS……….
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Lol @SS you have the beach ball I’m waiting for you to pass it with an answer to my Andy question 🙂
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Debbie, RMM and anybody else considering commenting on this blog
Read post#95 and several thereafter and the ones that will surely follow so as not to be on the receiving end of the “bullying” and you’ll understand how it “works” in here. Shouldn’t be, but is, despite Lisa Marie joining the blog with excellent comments and her opinions I, for one, welcome each day.
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@starfish 😉
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Andy for some reason wants to hang with the popular clique! Whether he feels more comfortable or being a floater and passing info keeps him out of the line of fire for now!
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PK, that’s enough pal. You two need a chat program to quarrel.
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I’m over it. Like I said its history. Not just one page. So I won’t respond, respect the Blog so lets talk BB…
@SS I think the cast is too busy making up lies that they are missing when Andy spreads their “strategy” if you can call it that.
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Spencer Judd and Candace seem to be figuring everything out. I like when he told Amanda that just because somebody doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean it’s bullying. I think Judd said the same thing. I wish they would just stop talking and implement their thoughts into game play!
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“The Outcasts” as Amanda calls them, need to convince Gina Marie, Aaryn and Jessie to help get Amanda out when it’s revealed the Amanda is the MVP nominee again, without telling “ANDY”.
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Also, don’t tell Elissa, “loose lips sink ships!”
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And just because you make another smart racial remark in support of your crew mate does not eliminate you as possibly being a racist. Could be for all anyone in here other than you knows for sure. I’m not one and that is all that matters to me despite the Jane rants. You speak for yourself, only.
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@SS I totally agree!!! If they would stop telling Andy stuff that could actually work!! McRae is on feeds telling Amanda he wants Judd back in alliance. He’s realizing ing they need him. Amanda says “NO Way!!•
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Sal… Play nice in here is hard to come by. This “selective” bashing me just because some of the posters can is really getting old. I stand by my posts, all of them, now and for the past however many years. They are my opinions, life experiences and are not posted her for ridicule or gang assault from anybody at anytime.
I don’t even use foul language on the blog, something that lately seems to be out of control by some.
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@Sal, wow thanks for the play by play on the huge dust up between the other mean girl. 😆 That was great stuff. Your descriptions of each of the HGs was spot on. Loved it!
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@Starfish did you see the Amanda/Jesse fight Transcribed? Has anyone posted it?
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Found on another site Amanda/Jesse fight
J: You’re a f’n bully. Just because she has big tits doesn’t mean she is less of a bully.
J: You’re so nice, Amanda. You have such a loving kind heard
A; wait wait wait, Nice. The only reason Im angry w/you Jessie is because you came up with a cockamamie plan and you schemed to get me out of the house
H: Why are you mad a me?
J: SO now you are gonna gang up on me, both of you
A: No this is all you, don’t play the VICTIM, Jessie. You’re f’n card. I’m gonna make you a f’n shirt. “America, please make a shirt for Jessie, I am a victim” w/Jessies f’n face underneath it
Its easy for you to say bully. Im a bully? No, Im pissed cause you tried to flip the house on me, twice. So go f’ yourself Jessie. Thats not me being a bully, its me defending myself. Go f’ yourself
oh and guess what, Jessie…you think that Mccrae is the sexiest guy in the house and that you check him out all the time
J: obviously your insecurities speak for themselves, Amanda
A: Oh I’m so f’n insecure, I’m so insecure
J: Yeah, you really are
A: Go hit on somebody else’ guy. Oh and all the woman out there, please be aware that this woman likes to snatch up your husband. HIDE YOUR HUSBANDS, HIDE YOUR BOYFRIENDS BECAUSE THIS BITCH WILL F’N TRY TO STEAL It
J: Right, I’m a man stealer
Mc: (not sure what he says)
A: Well you are standing behind her, stand in front of her so she can check you out
J: Why are you bringing this up now, Helen
H: Because I didnt knwo you were mad at me until I walked out of DR and someone said she’s mad at you because you didn’t invite her to the BBQ
J: All right, that doesn’t surprise me that everybody has my name in their mouth
A: Whats not in your mouth, JEssie
H: I wasnt’ mad at you, Jessie until…
J: You’re one to talk, Amanda
A: I am
J: Like, seriously, you had a boyfriend when you came in here and you’ve been sleeping w/Mccrae
A: I had a boyfriend for two months, I told you I was only dating him for two months
J: YOu said you were in love with him and you all were soul mates when you met
A: So let me go after every girls, guy. Close your f’n legs, you slut!
J: I’m not siting out here in my f’n underwear, Amanda
A: Its nightwear
J: You’re in your underwear
A: Im sure that offends you very much, please. Thank God you didn’t come here with a f’n boyfriend
J: And you did, which is hilarious, thats why you are sitting here telling this to me
A: Its so funny, guess who you are laughing with? No one.
J: I don’t give a f’
A: because everybody thinks that you are a man f’n stealer
J: Everyone thinks that you are a f’n bitch. Thats why they are to afraid to stand up to you because they are afraid you will do this shlt to them
A: Everyones afraid, is everyone afraid?
J: Everybody at some point or other, have said that they want to get you out because you are in an alliance w/Helen
A: oh and you’re an angel. Yeah, me and Helen are in our own alliance. Me and Helen
J: Yeah, you are
A: Bye, Jessie
J: Ok. I’m not afraid of you, Amanda
A; you should be, Jessie
J: I’m not, I’m not
A: thats why you are f’n going home this week
J: Alright, so everybody agrees with that because Amanda said it?
A: You dug your won f’n grave, don’t blame it on me
J: Why, with you?
J: So (something) the whole house?
They cut to another feed now, then someone opens the door in the kitchen and you can hear bits of what is being said
J: the only reason I would ever want to go home is because I cannot stand the fact that (inaudible)
A: Fine, go home
Helen comes inside and keeps repeating that she’s been nothing but nice to her, nothing but nice to her and goes up to the HOH room
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I actually agree with Jessie — I do think Amanda is very insecure.
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headed home, will be back later
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@LM me too!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@SS bye! Have a good day!
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Snakebit Sal
PK, that’s enough pal. You two need a chat program to quarrel.
I don’t quarrel. I argue my case as I’ve been doing since before many in here were born, and under no circumstances have I tolerated unwarranted racial slurs from anybody in here or anywhere else.
Sorry Sal, nobody bullies me or assaults my good character without my immediate response to their malicious comments.
I keep hearing about all of the past posts I’ve made that offended so many so often. Produce any one of them for all to see on here or find somebody else to “target for eviction.” That works for me…
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Wow! Thanks for the update on the fight. That’s hilarious. I happen to agree with Jessie on some points, I think Amanda is somewhat insecure, that’s why she feels the need to be in control all the time. Everybody is afraid of her and what she will do if they go against her. And she is the slut of the house this year.
OK. I guess I mostly agree with Jessie. Lol
Why is Judd on the outs with the alliance? And why doesn’t Amanda want him back in? Will Judd being on the outs work to get Amanda evicted this week after she becomes the MVP nom?
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@becky your welcome
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Re: Judd the house is paranoid about MVP. The HOH clique all thinks Judd was MVP so they are targeting him
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@Becky… Judd was considering flipping to the other side until it was clear that they did not have the numbers to succeed. Jesse and GM ware considering the flip as well.
Not with Amanda immediately equals you’re against Amanda and time to go.
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LF: Noms going on!
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This has got to stop and it was stopped and everyone was minding their own business before a reference (post #51) was made to a previous dust up and made reference to past posts, etc. This is how it starts over and over again knowing full well there would be responses. Debbie and RMM were handling their little tiny misunderstanding all by themselves without comment from anyone. They were doing just fine. Post #111 is not a racial remark.
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Yes LM, I too think Amanda is insecure. Bullies usually are and I used to coach my kids about how to deal with such behavior as they had some of that going on in their school.
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@Sal, I agree Amanda’s language is abusive and way over the top to purposely hurt. She goes for the jugglar for sure. Helen is just as bad only in a different way. She doesn’t go straight at a person, she goes behind their back. She said early she was going to keep her friends close but her enemies closest. I’m no so sure Helen has kept the same enemies.
Oh, and, like Jane, I’m over it too and I’m sure you’ll all be happy about that. 😆
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There are many kinds of bullies. Including passive aggressive ones that stir sh** then play victim. Nobody on this blog cares about all the drama and I do apologize to the Blog for feeding into it. So yes, let’s move on and go back to the game and not include others. Because this rallying the troops and pulling in names of people that have nothing to do with is childish and hypocritical. And I’m to old for this crap.
I apologize blog members and will go back to not reacting. Peace & Love.
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@starfish isn’t Helen a Political consultant or something along those lines? When does she use those skills for the game. Because her I wasn’t cool in Hugh School so now I’m in a Clique thing is boring.
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I apologize blog members and will go back to not reacting. Peace & Love.
That’s all you would have had to do after calling me a racist based totally on my disagreeing with comments Amanda made about Howard I felt you over generalized. That’s all. You didn’t though. Still haven’t. Your call…
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Helen is using back door lies to promote herself. She also keeps changing her alliances to suit her needs
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World Peace …yeah! :- )
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@Jane, yes Helen is a Political Consultant but she sure isn’t using it. They are caught up in this game and aren’t actually looking at what’s going on.
Someone needs to stop and actually see the game. I think the pig Spencer has it right to shake up the house but he can’t get any traction especially with Andy running around giving up the deals. I can’t believe they haven’t figured that sneaky mouse out yet. He’s in every crawl space it seems with his nodding head to everything and then he explodes to the next group to spill the beans.
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Let me be clear: I apologized to the bloggers, that’s it and that’s all and am trying to ignore… That’s my peace treaty. Lets go to our perspective corners and agree not to talk to each other, period. I can agree to disagree.
@SS lol! Yes World Peace, now lets move onto so ing Hunger 😉
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Howdy….(said in my quiet voice) 🙂
I seen this posted from another site…
This is no longer Big Brother as it was intended to be. It has morphed into something that I have no idea what it is. I just know it is no longer Big Brother.
I heard through reliable source yesterday, sources within BB production, that Grodner will not be offered the opportunity to return next season.
I am sure I am not alone in lamenting the loss of Big Brother. I am also sure we are enduring but not liking its’ replacement with the abortion we are being shown.
As far as I am concerned, Big Brother Canada is the Big Brother to watch. It was so much better than the crap we are now enduring.
(JT will be so upset….it will be like a 5 year old being told there is no Santa)
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@Fp2 does that mean there is no groedner or no BB too?
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@Jane…it sounds like no BB too. That is all that he wrote. I will see if I can find anything else.
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@Fp2 Thanks!!
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fran txs for update
jane it is what it is, so just relax, think of how u r going to decorate around your new couch, u know we love and respect you, those of us who have been regulars know this old tune, so we know where u r coming from
do not sweat the small stuff, u have too much on your plate to get crazy over this silly nonsense.
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I would love no Grodner but no BB? Frannie, yes, see what you can find out. Whoever said that is right; this is no longer the BB we learned to love and hate.
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@MM: say it the way I learned it in the Navy “don’t sweat the small shit” d one more military expression – BB this year is “fubar”!
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I think CBS is tired of taking all the shit storms Grodner has produced. Ratings might have been good but you can only take so much BS before it gets old!
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feeds still on trivia
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@mm @Starfish @SS thanks!
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Okay, I am an hour ahead of this Blog, So it’s 8:35 Pm In NJ, Time for me to watch some TV See you all later, Play nice :lol:……….
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😥 I’m having an emoticon break down
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What’s up Bill ? 😕
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@SS no breakdowns allowed! Your the voice of reason in the BB Blog DR!
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just playing BB
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Jane That a girl, talk to Bill I am going to go for now, just could not leave my friend in an evil mood :lol:……..
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@Jane …. do you still have a blog?
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jessie and candice are on the block!
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ty Franniep2
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yw Dubs Doll
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what a laugh …… GM is coaching Jessie on how to act around Candace
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Feeds are back! I may stick around a while………..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks Frannie ♥
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….and yet another chart
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Hey Bob…wazzup!
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Not much Honey & You?
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@bobo luv ya!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@SS no I closed my blog when I started my Nonprofit. I had a lot of personal stuff on there.
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Same o same o 😉
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@SS I do have an email though if you ever want to council me 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We are friends on FB too right?
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lol @ sal, my bro was in the navy so guess I got sayings from him
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------love your expressions
no b b said it ain’t so poor jt will be crushed lol
anyone seen 11???? do I have to put his avatar on the side of a milk carton
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Lol @ Jane…you have that many friends on fb that you don’t remember ol Sal?
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I believe so ….. hard to keep track, most of my friends are steeler fans
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Ok, so I’ve given up hope that the outcast will ever get it together and stop eating their own, so with the exception of some good temper tantrums the next week or so should be pretty blah gameplay.
How do they (GM, Candice, Spencer,Jessie) not get that Andy is in deep with TPTB (the powers that be)??? Not like they are going to do anything radical, but I chuckle whenever they count Andy as on the outside… None are so blind as those who will not see.. 😉
So now I just want it to get down to TPTB going after each other… they are so setting themselves up for a bitter jury….
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For K11
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Well hell….that didn’t work!
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I was lol at gm she was holding court today, one at a time in the hoh as she called them, she was all dressed up and full make up with the killer spike heels (she did look good) then the interview went on she was like a hostess on a talk show and at the end she asked them to take a parting gift from her gift basket
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------u guys have to see it was hysterical
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@Jane: A tiger doesn’t lose any sleep over the opinion of sheep
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O Frannie You know whats up! I cooked tonight! Right. I ordered some Szechuan Chinese Delivery 🙂 My wife loves when I cook………
😆 😆
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------♥ u2 Jane
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frannie the link did not work for me 🙁
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Hi Margie ♥
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Sorry MM…it doesn’t work like A.L.
Bob, you cook like I do. Why cook when it’s much easier to eat out. My cook left when she got married and moved to Canada. (I miss my daughter!)
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Margie, it was a milk carton with an empty space for K11’s picture.
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I know what you mean ♥♥♥♥ Fan!
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@mm hahahahahahahahahaha
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@SS I know right!! I gotta take my own advice lol!
@FP2 yeah too many people on my FB page. All the Autism moms started requesting me and who can say no to that! Oh! Amanda … In her eyes the R Word is a beautiful word in the English language.
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What a waste and how boring to put up Candace and Jessie. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb! Did I say Dumb? I meant DUMB, DUMB, DUMB!!!
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Going shopping, be back later! 😉
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hi bob
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------txs for info fran thought I messed up
bob my hubby tell people when they ask if I can cook Italian he says my wife makes reservations best lol he is a smart ass bu am going to keep him
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My Problem MM is Linda is such a great Italian cook That I have to cut back because I will eat everything…. & I do 😆
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Got you MM! After 47 years she is keeping me too! 🙂
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Nice fight you guys! Now lets end it. No more baiting each other. It has become a broken record, and one I’m sure everyone here is tired of listening to… yourselves included.
Snake is right… Let’s talk about Big Brother… and that does not include emoticons… I’m sure Mr. 🙂 will be on soon with a big list of codes to help you out.
Speaking of 🙂 … I believe in giving credit where credit is due… ‘plate-gate’ … very clever.
Thanks RMM for the rundown I asked for.
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YOOOO Ted I’m working on a new Freelance Caricature for some big $$$ could not turn this one down 🙂 …………
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Hey I’m Retired… 😆
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Copy and paste Fp2’s link and it works. Good one Frannie!
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Got to go! The body is hurting sitting here at this computer, going to watch the boob tube …see you later all…………
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Try this one…I tested it elsewhere and it worked.
For K11
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Night Bob, see ya back here in about 5 minutes. 😆
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I asked about K11 awhile ago but it seems no one has heard from him lately. JT said he was going to email him so I’ll wait to see if he gets a response.
Hey Ted, it is, over and has been for several posts now. 😉
JT said Spencer asked her to hit him over the head with the plate as it was a prop plate and broke easily. She was hesitant but he said do it and she did. I guess it didn’t hurt.
@Sal, that’s for sure. BB is fubar for sure. Love your sheep comment. I’m a Steelers Fan and your FB friend too! A voice of reason is important on the blog I wish we had one in the house. Jessie and Candice wow as Janice said DUMB DUMB DUMB. The last 7 HGs left will make interesting BB I hope. Maybe they’ll all decide that DeManda wins and lay down for her. Not Do you think McCrae will just let her win? I sure hope not. Helen won’t either so we’ll see.
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I tode you Bob!
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Still trying to get up…………. 😕
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Bob, I can come there with the cherry picker, maybe that would help.
L8R all… 🙂
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@Bobo, I hope you get up soon. Today seemed like a good day, yes??
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The devil made me do this….
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@Frannie 😆 Perfect!
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Oh Dear…i started this Blog at 212 comments…been reading for hours now…wow… i lost count on how many FIGHTS i had to read through…oh well, it seems things have calmed down now….i feel better….lets be Happy, lol… 🙂
ok, here’s Jeff’s interview with Howard….really loved Howie, he left with CLASS, more Class then all the HG’s combined… 🙂
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txs hoh8 I was looking for this, when I could not find I came here to ask if anyone had the link and there it was, woo hoo txs I did enjoy, nice guy he did not deserve to go but he was a threat to demada and she made it her mission and sadly she won. speaking of demanda judd says u r a man well he may be close she is built with big frame, had he boobs plumped up and after all the final clue is her name
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a MAN duh
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for those interested…Zap2it site Interviewed Howard today and asked him bout the Mystery of the Famous “Whisper”….here’s what Howie said…. 🙂
[We now ask Howard about an incident between him and Amanda a couple days ago, where he whispered something to her in the kitchen and she laughed and said, “Thank you” and that was ALL we saw of it on the live feeds. She later started saying she felt threatened and she made production check the tapes. She also told the house that Howard said outside the house he would “f*** the s*** out of” her. But we had NO verification of this and did not write about it. From what we could see, production did not chastise or (obviously) boot Howard, so we waited until we could speak with him about it.]
There was some controversy on the live feeds this week over a comment you whispered to Amanda in the kitchen. She got pretty riled up about it, talking about feeling threatened and having production check the tapes. Can you tell us what happened? What did you say to her?
“I mean, basically it was nothing. This was after the big thing outside where Candice confronted Spencer. At this point, I’m just carefree in the game. … I just saw an opportunity to joke with her .. I walked up and I said, ‘I love you’ and she said, ‘What, no you don’t?’ and I said, ‘No, I love you.’ With her being brash and she’s never been one to be shy about her sexuality, in a joking manner, I whispered, ‘I really do love you and outside this house you’d be so hot to me and we could hang out’ and that was it. That’s a joke I felt I could joke with her about because her, Candice and maybe GinaMarie, they’re really open about their sexuality and that was basically it. She made more of it because she never really could figure me out because she couldn’t control me. I guess she took it as a game ploy … I mean, that’s basically what it was. I wouldn’t harass anybody.”
Amanda is telling the house you said you want to “f*** the s*** out of her.”
“No. No. It wasn’t anything to that degree. Basically, I said we could hang out, you’re so hot. She had always joked with me in that fashion, even in public around other houseguests. … It was said in a joking manner. If she took it as [threatening], I will apologize over and over because I definitely didn’t mean it in an offensive manner.”
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MM…ur so funny….i been waiting for years to see a “She-Male” in the BB House and when i first saw DeManda…i said….this could be it, lol….. 🙂
ur welcome…i always post Jeff’s vid every week….Howie spoke so well… 🙂
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Thx, Jane and PK. You’re right. “not being with Amanda means being against her”. That witch needs an attitude adjustment.
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when I click on the interview with howard it says ‘error occurred’ then I tried tying it in snd it said video not found. I also searched youtube for jeff schroeder exit interviw with howard and nothing shows. help.
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Q: What’s the downside of not sleeping Thursday nights?
A: Sleeping away a beautiful Friday
HoH8, Thanks for the Howard – Jeff interview. I really enjoyed that one much more than I thought I would. Too funny that Howard pulled his grasshopper vs ants speech from the movie.
Janice, if the links aren’t working for you. Search “Big Brother – Live Chat: Howard” at youtube.
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I hadn’t watched the first episode of Live Chat (Nick) ..so I took a look while on youtube.
I made it through the first 3 minutes. 😆 Nick was pretty laid back in the game, but he is way too hyper for me in interviews. I didn’t like his preseason interview either. Maybe if I ever start drinking coffee… I’ll drink 6 cups and try watching again.
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@JT Thank you again fir directing me. Howard was all class. Too bad he was wrong about Gina Marie.
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Just wanted to check in. Haven’t been on the LF’s much today. Seems the show has hit a bit of a slow patch.
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I’m here, no milk cartons necessary.
Just not much to talk about. Enjoyed the LF after the show last night but really a boring week. Am still watching BBUK and have seen two episodes of BB Australia…much more entertaining than Grodner’s Child.
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Kevin….happy to see ur still ALIVE nad Kicking…we all been missing ya… 🙂
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Hey Kev, happy to hear you’re baaaaack! 🙂 You’re right, not much to talk about. Can’t believe who GM nominated but not surprised at their lack of understanding what’s going to happen to them. 😆
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the Feeds are weird…some nites they have Nada and the next nite, its full of excitement…like just now, they gave a Great Show for the 3rd spot for the BBQ Party… all the HG’s trying to act like GM…So Funny…. 🙂
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McCrae won the GM show…but he gave it to the runner-up Jessie…..so its Elissa, Aaryn and Jessie going to the BBQ Party with Helen….i havent heard when its the Party, prolly on Sun cause tomorrow is the POV…. 🙂
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If Amanda is MVP this week, it’s going to be bad for Judd because she’ll try to convince the house that he’s the MVP like she did before but since the noms are already in place, she can’t do squat right now. I wish Julie would have told them that we are MVP but no dice on that. Oh well….
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@SF…yeah, ur right….the MVP Nom will be safe this week cause of the numbers…. but Judd is still on DeManda’s radar…and she will continue to go after him till she gets him…and u know she always gets her man, lol…. 🙂
i cant wait till Thurs to see the DE…those are always Fun to watch, hopefully that Demanda will be one of them…. 🙂
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Thanks for the updates!…………..
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I was surprised to see this about Amanda on the AOL boards from the HuffPost on 8/1. They are putting it out there about her. The vid has been posted a couple times but if you haven’t seen it, here it is again with comments from HuffPost.
Click here: ‘Big Brother’s’ Amanda Zuckerman Makes Racist Comments About Asian And African American House Guests (VIDEO)
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Well, that didn’t work, let me try this: YOu might have to copy & paste.
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@Hoh8, I like double eliminations too. Can’t wait. Unfortunately, there’s no way to guess what will happen. If Jessie goes out and Candice wins HOH that would put a crimp in the “plan”. Candice would prolly put up Aaryn and Amanda. Now let the games begin. We can dream, can’t we?
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@SF….hey u got the Link correct, ur learning girl, lol….. 🙂
oh yeah, the only thing we have left is “Dreaming”…..that would be Great if after Jessie leaves…Candice gets HOH and in that quick 2nd eviction, they somehow get Demanda OUT…that would be a Dream come True, lol….lets say some extra prayers, lol… 🙂
btw, i think that Jessie might be the one leaving cause andy, helen, demanda, mccrae were talking today bout evicting jessie instead of candice…so lets see…cause u know the Power of the DeManda, right… 🙂
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Aaryn to GM (talking about how Amanda wants Jessie out instead of Candice)
“If people keep doing what Amanda wants, we are f#cked”
Ummm… ya think? If you 2 had though of that 8 days ago, you could have done something other than waste your back to back HOH’s on Howard & Candice. Now any possible strength you have against Amanda & McCrae are either on the block or at home watching.
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It’s weird that people seem to have forgotten what a racist wench Aaryn was and not be as gung ho to vote for her for MVP nomination. At least Amanda seems nice and funny. I’d much rather watch her for the rest of the summer than Aaryn!
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Pretty sure the 3rd nomination will be Amanda. We will find out later today who won the veto competition. I hope it will be Spencer and he doesn’t use it. Hopefully the HG’s accept that America is the MVP and decide to take our hint and finally vote that poisonous Demanda out of the house. With that scenario, Candice will become the HOH and quickly put up Aaryn and GM, with Aaryn being sent out the BB house. Wow! So many hg’s that I don’t like, it’s hard to pick who should go when….Even though Spencer is disgusting, he is needed for the votes.
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Aa & Gm in HOH room last night and Aa says: Am sure eats quite a bit of pork for being Jewish and all. Gm says: Yeah I know. And there is pork in pizza sausage if you know what I’m talk-in about. Aa says: Now Am wants to have a circumcision ceremony tomorrow. Might as well, she’s already castrated him. Aa says: If Am is a tranny Mc would have noticed by now don’t you think? Gm says: Maybe Mc is into that, not all people are normal like we are. I mean just look at Mc, that’s not normal.
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This is why i wanted live feeds. ty
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I LOVE LM blog and all responses but I hate this season of BB these people are nasty. Thank you bloggers for making this season of BB one I can get thru.
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@ Rich, thx for that convo. It’s priceless.
Amanda a tranny. Haha And she thinks America loves her so much!!
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@Rich, yes, that convo was priceless. Thank you!
@Fp2, this year is like no other for sure. I agree that we don’t like so many of them that we can’t decide who should go home next. Justashame
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Did you find anything more on Grodner leaving? I hope they don’t cancel BB because of her. Just fire her a$$ and get someone who can bring back the show it was meant to be. Fair!
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Frannie, I agree. A lot of unofficial polls show Amanda as the clear leader to go up. With Aaryn in 2nd.
This is a week that it truly doesn’t matter if Amanda goes up. The votes just aren’t there to get her out unless something MAJOR happens. All it will do is hurt Judd’s game even more. Many think Judd may have put her up last week.. but aren’t sure. This will remove all doubts in their minds.
Judd is obviously MVP. He has the popular bear shirt to prove it.
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It’s amazing how many of these fools think Amanda is helping them ….. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha . What evil lurks in this house? “The Shadow knows.”
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(JT) You can catch a STD from that shirt!
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New post up!
Sorry, it’s really short but I wanted to give us all a new post just to make it easier to keep up with all the comments. 🙂
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HOH8 -thanks for all the insights u bring us! WHERE DID U LEARN HOW TO GET ALL THIS INFO? crystal ball? bb producer spy? fly on the wall? just genious……..ha ha ha
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Thank you so much…macy…im just a Hard Core BB Fan…i stay home 5 days a week all day on the Live Feeds and i read like 10 other BB sites that give us important info on whats goes on with BB…the other 2 days i go out for a few hrs just to run errands…..Im happy u enjoy what i Post…i will try to continue but i can only come on late at nite cause im always busy in other sites finding all the Cool stuff to bring over here to share with y’all….this group here on BBBlog are so Wonderful… 🙂
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