Howdy, y’all:
So, it’s another Monday and you know what that means. That’s right, it’s time for another one of my extremely short Monday updates. Sorry, everyone — Monday is my crazy day so my Monday updates are always the most rushed.
However, I think I’m in luck this Monday because, as crazy as the day is outside of the house, nothing unexpected is happening inside the house.
They had the POV ceremony today and Spencer took himself off the block. Because Aaryn is scared of going against “the house,” (which is another way of saying that she’s allowing Amanda to run her game), Aaryn nominated Candice as his replacement.
Spencer is apparently talking about trying to flip the house and get either Candice or Amanda evicted this week but honestly, I have yet to see any sort of indication that Spencer’s going to be successful. Howard told Candice that he’s not going down without a fight but again, I haven’t seen him trying to do anything to change anyone’s votes. I swear to God, these houseguests are so passive! Nobody seems to have any strategy beyond voting with the majority.
Seriously, the strategic move was so obvious! If Aaryn had nominated McCrae then that would have pretty much guaranteed that Amanda would have left the house. Howard, Spencer, and Candice would have then been in debt to Aaryn and Aaryn and Gina Marie would have gone from being the girls with no allies in the house to being the girls at the center of the house’s strongest alliance.
Instead, Aaryn nominated Candice, which guarantees that Howard is going to go home and that Amanda — who has no loyalty whatsoever to Aaryn — will stay. With Howard going, that’ll give both Spencer and Candice even more motivation to target Aaryn.
This is so frustrating! I wish there was someone in the house who had the courage to just slap everyone in the face and say, “WAKE UP!”
I really should have tried out for this season.
Anyway, I hope that something unexpected happens between today and Thursday night but, as of right now, it looks like Howard will be leaving.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
Great Article by Ragan:
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Thanks LM for the post!
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From the other page! Thank you LISA!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I had to reread everything! 🙄 My mind could keep everything in it! So far, thanks for all the updates ❗ So today all I have seen is everyone hanging around at the pool or smoking Not very much game talk, I mean not very good Game talk 😆 Hope everyone is doing well here ! That comment from M. Longass wae so dumb! I think JT Has it right, a hit & run jerk off…….. You are a great group & I for one am happy to be a part of this Blog 🙂 Going to go and watch some of my shows that I have recorded! Hope to chat with you all later, bye for now……………….
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Again from the other page……..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here she goes again! Amanda was just jumping on the pizza boy & Pops in Judd 😆
I think she is just a horny girl & wanted a boy toy for the summer! Maybe that’s how she tips her delivery boys in FL……………..
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The last thing form the other page #105………….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Starfish That was not a wolf It was a pencil drawing I did years ago of my Huskies Named Namu She live for 17 years our family pet! I hit the wrong photo did not put it up for any reason & did not come back to correct that! I had to catch with everyone’s posts this afternoon! I got some company staying over so did not want to be rude & come on the computer! Got to run Pool is waiting, see you all soon. Thanks for the updates……………………………
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My Wordpress shows my Blogfia Avatar but it doesn’t show here :'(
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And so it goes for Monday.
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Jane That’s a phenomenal article!! Your link in post #1 is one that everyone should read and I couldn’t agree more with his scenario and explanation of the BB house. Loved it and thank you!!
Bobo yes, I saw your post on the previous page and you must be quite an artist. My parents had a huskie named Kimo and a Samoyed named Sabe. Is drawing one of your hobbies besides swimming?
LMthanks for the new post. It’s too bad we have a bunch of followers in the house.
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@Jane – Excellent article, thank you for posting!
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😆 Starfish No my dear, that is my profession I have been an Artiest since I was a kid, I was in a combat art group in the 60’s worked for Peter Max in the early 70’s And moved to NJ to become the Art director/ Illustrator for AT&T… Had to retire in 99 after 31 years with the Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations system for health reasons. I still do some freelance work when I want too! I hope you liked my little drawing, that was a quick one a long time ago 🙂
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Lisa Marie
I see Spencer as the potential “flaw” in your post Amanda eviction scenario. Every house guest suspects that they are being fed lies as a part of the game with one exception – anything coming from Spencer they know it is a lie 99% of the time. Additionally, at this point, long past the all male MC fiasco, any workable alliance needs girl power and I’m sure that the one thing all of the women in the house do have in common regarding Spencer is the word “yuk!” to describe him even if unsaid.
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This season has been the worst ever and hearing all I have about the pre-selected winner Amanda, I can say this will, with out a doubt, be the last season I ever watch and will tell family and friends to give it up too. I say to Big Brother a Big F-U.
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Here my suggest CBS make a great twist ask Amanda if she can guess who MVP then she stays if she wrong then she has been voted by MVP America vote That is the new twist this week. The America voted you out. Then houseguest vote out another person. There are too many houseguest anyway. Then use the twist for one more week America MVP votes off houseguests just for a week come on CBS biggest Twist of the century.
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The patent and trademark law firm I was associated with represented Bell Labs for many years. We drafted, prosecuted and litigated patent applications for them that often will not seen in the real world marketplace for many years to come. The scientists there were always looking far into the future with their research. Great company, indeed.
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I wish Aaryn had made a move against “the 7”, but it was already too late to do that today. The move needed to be made at original noms. Putting up McCrae now would’ve still sent Howard home this week. Sure, some want Amanda out, but they want Howard out even more at this point.
The votes would have been, (with 0 votes against McCrae)
To Evict Amanda: Spencer, Candice, Gina Marie – 3
To Evict Howard: Helen, Elissa, Judd, Jessie, Andy – 5
If Aaryn went against their group with a move like that earlier today, they would all rally back together and get rid of Aaryn’s new ally (Howard). They want Howard out as it is, but would want him out even more if they saw he had an alliance of 5. Even Helen would run back to Amanda then.
Any “big move” by Aaryn needed to be made last Friday… not today. Too late.
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Yes it still is! PK………..
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Right JT! Hi ! How you doing today my friend ?
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Good article Jane. Glad to see Ragan sees what I’ve been saying all season about Amanda. And I agree, GM & Spencer need to be called to the carpet for what they’ve said too.
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Doing good Bob, …always feel better with Monday in my rear view mirror. 🙂 You should put some of your art in Aggieland.
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JT thank God you keep me sane this season by putting everything into a logical, understandable form. Aaryn had to make her move on Friday but there was no way she was doing anything other than what she agreed to. Why did Helen pick Spencer and Howard anyway? Still lost on that one. I would have loved to see her put up McC. Maybe he would begin to actually play the game instead of playing footsie. Those two are annoying as hell. I’m really sick of his face with his smirky smile. Justsayin 🙂
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Trading palaces 😆 Doing good ❗ I did put a thing or two in AL but don’t have many C- Prints to scan Just keep that kind of thing in other forums……… ;mrgreen:
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😳 ………
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Bobo I had no idea. Very impressive, I don’t have that creative gene. That was a great sketch. I agree with JT, let’s see more art on Aggieland.
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Going to go catch up on my shows….. I hope to see you all later, bye for now…turning off the FEEDS 😯
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OMG! just watched after dark. Almost the whole 2 hours were Candice crying and moping in her room feeling sorry for herself . I liked Candice but she is getting on my nerves.
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @bigbspoilers
Elissa asks Aaryn “Is there anyway that Howard could have the Comb d’pa? #BB15
Spicy @spicypants 12m
Big Brother & the Race Card Paradox: via @RaganFox #BB15
There’s a huge disconnect between what actually goes on in the House (and the Live Feeds) and what CBS shows on its prime-time shows. And this season has hit a real slow patch; one of the most boring lulls in BB history. No solid alliances, too many showmances, not much strategy. I can see why some have gotten fed up with BB. The only exciting thing that could happen this week is a surprise Amanda eviction and I can’t see that happening, nor whom would lead the charge.
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Starfish, It really wasn’t Helen that picked Howard & Spencer. That was Amanda. After Aaryn won HOH, Helen was panicking and throwing Elissa’s name out there. Amanda was just sitting back waiting for her time with Aaryn.
Amanda even told the others who were panicking, “Don’t worry, Howard & Spencer will go up”…… she said that before she had even spoken with Aaryn.
Aaryn will be a divider in the group of 8. Amanda wants to take her much further than Helen does. Helen wants Aaryn out before jury…. Amanda wants Aaryn in final 4.
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Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Huh? 🙄
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I know JT, it does that once in awhile. It’s gremlins or some such creature invading our blog!
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It bit me too.
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Oh… another thing to watch for and be aware of…
Helen & Elissa plan on getting “closer” to Aaryn. THIS IS ALL AN ACT! Keep that in mind when you see Helen & Aaryn playing chess (right now)… or the 3 of them doing yoga.. or hot tubbin’ it up.
Why are they pretending to like Aaryn? To make Jessie jealous of Aaryn. Helen & Elissa want Aaryn out BEFORE jury. They need numbers against Amanda to do that. Jessie is ok with Aaryn again… so Helen & Elissa will make her jealous.. and thereby gain a vote against Aaryn.
We’ll see how that works out for them.
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Comment #26 has been moderated… that was QUICK! Thanks Lisa! 🙂
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Wow JT, is Jessie that easily manipulated. Did they ever figure out it was Jessie who told the secret about Howard and Spencer going up?
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Big Brother Updates @BB_Updates
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Helen is telling Aaryn that it really bothered her that Jessie leaked their deal to Candice last week. #BB15
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If you need to shave a couple of IQ points off before dinner, justlistento Elissa and Judd talking in the backyard.
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I wonder what kind of backlash CBS or big brother is going to get from the racist white flake instigating the voting out of the only black man or black woman? Does anyone think there is hope for production to step in?
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Carrie in the house
My best guess is that if BB production was not going to kick Aaryn, GM, Spencer and Amanda out of the house for racial and homophobic slurs, they likely will not take any action to keep Howard and/or Candice in the house.
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Aaryn and Amanda have both shown racial tendencies with their talk. It doesn’t make either of them look good to be targeting the only black man in the house this week. Sadly, Aaryn will get most of the blame, as CBS has so far given the Amanda witch a stellar edit. I pray for a a last minute flip in the house. At this point, I wouldn’t even care if DR has a heavy hand in getting Amanda out–just keep Howard in. And let the game resume a natural flow from there.
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Hey Blogaders! I wrote earlier today and just got home. I See that I wrote on the old blog just before this one opened. I just can’t seem to keep up this summer!!!
SO…..i will be back to read and respond in awhile but dinner is ready is my blog from previous page.
Justa popping in to see what’s going on and say hey! Took a weekend break as nothing earthshaking was going on.
I hate to say I totally agree withTigz(97) about about Candice last nite on BBAD. She is SO manipulative in a passive-aggressive way!!! And she repeats herself over and over….OY VEY!!! lol She kept to herslef all last nite in the HN room and had everyone coming in to check on her. She would blow them off cheerfully with an *I’m fine* but then when Amanda came in to talk to her , her anger and emotions and tears came out! Soon she was holding court with Helen and Elissa too and everytime one would come in, she would repeat what we she had said to Amanda! She hates Aaryan, she is campainging for Howie but not really herself and had to tell everyone how it felt to be racially profiled and what it would feel like if a Jewish or Asian personhad been targeted and ther were other Jewish or Asian people in the house and they helped them, how that Asian or Jewish person would feel……blahblahblah…ya..we GET it Candy!!! And all the girls were telling her she can’t play so emotionally and that she is NOT going home this week!!! But her aloof, *I’m Fine* facade was blown and were left with Miss Whimpers. It got really nauceating!
Today, I guess Spencer, who thinks he is running the OTHER side of the house, and thinks that he has an alliance with Howie, Judd and Andy, is hatching a plan to backdoor Amanda. Little does he know that there are 2 spies in his group, and they are telling the rest of the house about it and to just play along so they don’t get suspicious. And Howard will still go home.
I know this will make me unpopular, but given the way she is playing now, I think Aaryn is playing the smartest game. Whether her initial self was really her or she jsut got in with the mean kids and got swept away, I like her gamplay now. I never liked Dr, Will’s game and he won! Plenty of people hated ED, but he didn’t give a…lol I think Aaryn is like that. She is smart and strong and knows the game. If that wins it for her, cudos!! We don’t have to be BFFs for me to respect that!
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Great article ,
I was always taught that if a wrong was being done to some one you need to step up and try to correct the situation. Or at least squash it as Helen would say. Cbs seems to be as big a bigot as the house guests for not stepping up in the very beginning and putting a stop to all of the bigotry.
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I will be very surprised if prod lets spencer go. after all that has been going on this year all 3 are minority how did prod let that happen. I wantttttttttt so bad for demanda to go, she is so annoying, I had the live feeds on before and of course they were in bed she was kissing and sucking his neck, and the expression on his face was priceless, I could not figure out if he was bored to tears or he was in the dentist chair and waiting for the drilling to be over, What a waste of cast this year there r millions out there who want to be on bb and for some reason these numb nuts got picked, I often wondered just what the cast crew look for
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ciao till later
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Just 2 things…. does anyone know what Amanda has against Howard? I mean is there any reason???and don’t say because he’s a strong competitor (that looks funny…don’t think it’s spelled right), anyway, because he ISN’T. And next…I think the only reason Aaryn is playing nice is that she got a good talking to by BB. Then she must have realized it was hurting her game. I still think the real Aaryn is the one we saw before. All right, there are more than 2….Amanda gets way too much air time. She’s getting on my nerves. I see what everyone says about Candace and her voice, but I have to say Jesse’s bothers me too. GM is like a comicbook character and sort of brings some comedy into the mix. For example and I quote (well close to quote) a few weeks back, she said, “I like that anology.” Love her made up words and her fractured vocabulary. Also, wonder what Howard’s youth group thought of the bondage scene with him holding Mic ( the boy toy) for Amada on his birthday. Did everyone go to bed already?
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I keep forgetting, I’m an hour later here in sunny Florida.
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It seems that K11’s moderated post is now 26 and JT’s is 27. They must have hit enter at exactly the same second. That’s the best I can do with that. Me, with all the technological experience that I have. 😆
Thanks JT for clarifying the Spencer/Howard noms. Since it’s Amanda I guess there’s no rationale behind any of it.
K11, thanks for letting me know that Helen knows about Jessie. 😯
@MM, you are hilarious. McC bored to tears or sitting in a dentist chair. It’s probably both because he just doesn’t look into this showmance to me. He even said I love you with about as much feeling as I would have petting a frog. He’s proud of making $136 every two weeks.
I think next year CBS should choose randomly from the production crew including casting directors and their assistants to be on BB. We might actually see a game. They could put Grodner in and she would be voted out first or made to stay a couple weeks and be ridiculed about her hair, her big feet or whatever just so she knows what it feels like. She would want their heads for picking on her. What a doppy year this is.
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The “Amanda is guaranteed to win rumor” is looking really good if these HG’s don’t get her right now! She is playing the role of the Pied Piper and all the little rats are following her to there drowning!
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Sal, I certainly hope not. Ugh It’s difficult to believe they could rig the game for a particular winner.
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Rigging always seems to be exposed (64 thousand dollar question scandal) but production suggestions and recommendations to encourage house guests to do this or that to achieve certain possible results is simply enhancing entertainment value and possible higher ratings CBS style.
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I just wanted to say about the Moderation here in this Blog…..
it seems when u post more then 2 LINKS…u will be put into Moderation and depending weather Lisamarie had gone to bed or not, u have to wait…..
so i try to Post only 1 Link at a time to be safe but sometimes i get a Moderation even with only 1 Link posted… i think when Lisamarie goes to bed, she turns it on so if a Link gets posted it will be put into Moderation…..
so IDK, i might be talking out of my ass but thats how i think this whole Moderation works…..all is Good, lol… 🙂
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Maxie, Amanda does actually have grounds for wanting Howard out. I want Amanda out.. and Howard to stay a bit longer, but Howard is out to get Amanda. She knows that. And she has known that for a long time.
Remember, McCrae was in the MC. The MC wanted to get Amanda out because they saw he was drifting away with Amanda.
Even though the MC is ancient history now, the bad blood from it still carries over to now. Amanda wants Howard out. Howard wants Amanda out. Amanda also wants Spencer out (I want Spencer out as well!)
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HoH8, you are correct about links. The more links in a post, the more likely it is to end up in moderation.
But not always. Some comments just randomly end up there. My comment #27 went into moderation…. no links at all.
It’s always been a bit touchy here… some comments just disappear all together… some come back and appear much later.
I had one yesterday where only the first line and last line of my comment showed up…. all the middle was gone (no links). That was really weird because I’ve never seen that happen before.
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Thanks for the explanation, JT. I guess that makes sense. So why isn’t she as passionate to get Spencer out? He was in the MC and he’s horrible and then some. Do the women in the house not know what a pig he is? Surprising Howard can stand being around that kind of talk.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Loved Ragan’s article. Love all the updates. Always appreciative of being able to know what’s going on in the house.
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Maxie, Amanda is VERY PASSIONATE about getting Spencer out. But seems more threatened by Howard (because he has Candice?.. and has had Elissa & Helen’s ear at times with his religion?). She has already started working on Spencer. You’ll see her latest obsession as soon as Howard walks out the door on Thursday.
I don’t fault her for going after people that are going after her. If Howard or Spencer had won HOH… Amanda & McCrae would have been nominated straight up. That is a fact. I just don’t like Amanda because she’s so damn pushy with everyone… but it is also their fault for letting her run their HOH. I also don’t like that she points fingers at everyone else as being liars and bad people.. and she is no better than any of them. And she could even give dirty Spencer a run for the gutter.
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Individual blog sites have different settings for moderation. From no moderation to complete moderation. It’s all up to the owner of the blog who is BBBlogger for this site. Lisa Marie is only a poster, she has no ability to moderate without BBBloggers ok to do so!
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Sal, Lisa does have the ok to moderate here right? Didn’t you moderate too when you were posting here?
I can moderate in Aggieland (I appointed myself) 😆
But even with all that… comments just get messed up sometimes… like my partial comment yesterday. oh well.
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AH JT…. you are so wise! You are absolutely right on all counts on your response to my post. I just know Amanda really bugs me too. I hate to think these people are a cross section of what people are really like in real life. Can’t really say I like any of them. I would love to see some mature people playing this game. BB quit going for boobs, hookups, and narcissists when you get people for next season. Please, please!! ( I guess some people like the boobs, but too much is too much, ya know, Amanda?)
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I believe I could moderate but don’t think I could change the settings.
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Now Helen, Amanda, & Andy are talking. They think Judd may have been MVP… not good news for Judd. Judd was in the best possible position just last week… now many are questioning his loyalty to the group of 8.
They also think Judd made up the alliance with Himself, Spencer, Howard, GM, & Kaitlin (he didn’t make that up).
The chart that HoH8 puts up here each week (thanks!) says it all…. Judd’s pic appeared in 5 different alliances. Keeping your enemies close is good to a point.. until your friends think you are also an enemy.
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I had put the vote to evict Howard at 8-0. Right now it stands at 7-1 because Andy & Judd have been playing along with Spencer that the vote is flipping (it isn’t). That would leave Spencer hung out to dry as the only vote to evict Amanda.
I’m guessing as much as these people talk… it will be figured out by Thursday what’s up and Spencer will be back to voting with “the house”. Even Amanda doesn’t want to take the chance of Spencer being the only vote against her. She wanted Spencer to be the odd man out last week, but not this week with herself on the block. She may even tell Spencer herself that Howard is leaving just to secure his vote. We’ll see.
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thanks JT…here’s the latest update to the Chart….yup, Judd is still there 5 times and Andy is there 4 times…. 🙂
Sal…yeah when i said Lisamarie…i meant the writer of the Blog or the owner who is BBBlogger….but when he is around?…Never….so i figured he gave Lisamarie some power to control things here in the Blog…and plus BBBlogger hasnt even considered fixing the HG Picture on Top which JT created for us to fix it with the red X’s and tell us who is HOH, POV, MVP for the week on the Pic……
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Hi Guys, I really hoped that Howard wouldn’t be going, it’s a shame it looks like he will, so too bad about that
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Hi Aggie, yep, as crazy as BB is.. looks like Howard is on the way out for sure.
HoH8… just in time with the chart! 😆 Ol’ Judd is spreading himself too thin.
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HoH8… here’s my updated HG pic. Wish I could put it on here directly… oh well.
Updated HG pic
Nite all
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It’s way past my work week bed time.. but one last thing……
Houseguests, please think of a new name for the food you make from slop.
“Slop Balls” just sounds wrong somehow.. and nasty. 😮
Refrain from using that term from now on unless you’re talking about Spencer.
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I hate this BB15 nobody makes noise ~ no fight in the and they are all scared to make the big moves and get blood on their hands ~ this group of young people are dull ~ remember Evil Dick got a pot and spoon and went to all the rooms hitting it to make noise and wake everybody up ~ come on that season was better ~ much better. I hate to say this but I rather Rachell playing than her sister, Rachell used to raise 9 kinds of hell in that house and she faught hard. ding dongs this year and so very boring.
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Thank you for all the comments! Nite JT, just a quick look to see you all! Back to some TV, later all………………
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D. @WytchyD
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Both sides of the Howard/Amanda vote think they have GM’s vote. #bb15
Retweeted by Clio the Leo
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Thanks JT….i know u keep it Updated on FaceBook…but im not on FB so i cant see it, i just wish that BBBlogger would step up and get more involved in his site…now with BBBloggerGal gone also…but at least she had a excuse…..
so i hope that LisaMarie sticks around cause she’s doing a FANTASTIC job and really writing some Awesome Blogs….and Yes Lisa if u was in the House right now, i know u would be putting something together to get DeManda OUT of There, lol… 🙂
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@ JT Howdy, you are usually right about these things and would of course get a quick moderation because you are so great on here.
@ Jane I saw the Ragan article, the man always had a way with words, it would be hard winning a war of words with him. I remember in his season with Rachel how he pretty much left her speechless and made her look like a complete fool. Way to go Ragan!!! I hope we see him again sometime.
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Here’a real Cool Video(5min) from 2000 BB1 having Fun…Ahhh, Memories… 🙂
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Hey, who likes Judd’s Bear shirt?…that shirt is making BB history and it’s ALL over the Place…..check it out, LOL… 🙂
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LOL @GM and Aaryon hoping the cast gets a two page spread in People mag, sounds like they may have had a photo shoot at some point… yeah girls, there’s a good chance of that happening, but not for the reasons you think…
Still holding on to the slim hope a few of these hgs wake up and think for themselves. Why are you playing for jury??? And saying someone has to go because they are targeting you… THEY ARE ALL TARGETING YOU!!
Last I checked about the only rule production doesn’t tinker with is there is only one winner…
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hamsterwatch @hamsterwatch
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------they’re talking about former hamsters including James Rhine – wouldn’t they be surprised to know he’s been hanging out with Kaitlin #bb15
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hamsterwatch @hamsterwatch
a new episode has been posted for Big Brother 15: The Saga by @WilHeuser … #bb15
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Glad y’all liked the article. I love Ragans Blog. Absolutely loved his post “The best gay friend You never had”… Or something like that can remember exact phrase.
This is why I wanted Aaryn out early! I knew she would start becoming like able. I actually respect her game now and I want so bad to dislike her. I still think she should’nt vote Howard on a split (which won’t happen he’s probably gonna get majority of votes) because she’s already fulfilled her part of the deal with the noms and needs to play her game now. How did Aryn get likeable and Candice get annoying? Grrrrrrrr!!!!
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I know the answer….Production!!
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HOWDY?!?!? Really, Agnes… Howdy?… are you trying to channel your inner Texan like LMB & JT??? Stick with the Chicago accent, baby!
Speaking of 🙂 , there’s a reason he and 11 are being moderated?… In her ongoing effort to improve BBBlog, LMB is hoping to eliminate some of the mindless prattle that has on occasion infected this site. In fact, hopefully, she may be secretly editing… evidence: the lack of multiple 🙂 ‘s in The Blatherer’s comments lately.
Speaking of Site Maitenence… HoH8 is right… WHERE ARE THE RED X’S??? The Blogger only makes an appearance for rhe first post to beg everyone to buy live feeds, and the last one to thank everyone for buying them. Snake could probably do the X’S . Or let me… in fact I would love to be the moderator.
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Speaking of LMB I finally get what this suppleness is all about… ELISSA!… Doing Yoga in the House… She’s pretty Supple.
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Hi, everyone —
I’ll have a new post up later today. I’m going to give the Houseguests a few hours to hopefully do something worth reporting on because, otherwise, the entire post will just be: “Nothing much happening.” But I like to try to give y’all a new post at least once a day, if just because I think that makes it easier for everyone to keep up with all of the comments.
Ted — “Stay supple” actually started out as something that me and my dance friends used to say to each other. It’s fun to say and I defy anyone to be sad after hearing it. 😉
This is what I’ve been able to figure out as far as the moderation is concerned:
1) Y’all are corect that if the post does have a lot of links in it, the post will often times be held up for moderation. Sometimes, our spam blocker will accidentally send it to the spam folder, where it can be hard to find. However, whenever I log onto the site, I check both the pending folder and the spam folder and I try to rescure everyone’s comments.
2) Comments are often held for moderation if the person has never made a comment on the site before or if they’re using a different IP address than usual. For instance, when Maggie Long posted her first comment attacking me, I could have just deleted it from the pending file but since I believe in freedom of expression and all that, I went ahead and approved it.
3) And yes, sometimes comments are just randomly held up and I’m not sure why. I think that sometimes, if two people attempt to comment at the same time, one of the comments will be held up. But sometimes, I know that it’s just a random thing. I’m sorry about that and I’ll always try to get things out of moderation as quickly as I can.
4) Since I’m just an author on this page and not an editor or an administrator, I can only moderate comments that are left on the posts that I write. So, if you comment on a post writen by BBBlogger or any other contributor here at the site and your comment is being held for moderation, I can’t go in and approve the comment. However, if you comment on this post or any of my other posts and the comment is held up for moderation then I can approve it. Sorry, I wish i could be of more help where that’s concerned.
5) Because of his dayjob, BBBlogger spends a lot of time “on the road,” which is why he doesn’t get to check in as much as I know he wants to. I actually signed up to start contributing to this blog last season but then I saw that Bloggergal pretty much had things under control. But then, when I heard that BBBlogger needed some help for this season, I jumped right it in and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. 🙂
6) I am going to be on vacation during the last week of August and the first week of September. I should, however, be able to still post updates and stuff.
Stay supple — Lisa Marie
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You are a Supple Saint, LM!
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p. s. I was kidding about Ms. Yoga…
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This has been the worst BB season by far. I think the rumor that Amanda is set up to win is true. I did not want to believe it but everything happening points to it. The house guests are by far the weakest ever. The house has the IQ of a grapefruit! I don’t even watch the show anymore. I just tune into the After Dark program. The edited show is so far from the actual happenings in the house it is hard to watch. CBS has taken a good show and turned it into a total disaster! There is no one in the house playing a game that deserves to win. But then Amanda is probably already planning a shopping spree! CBS wake up! You are losing viewers. By the time the house has 5 guests left no one will be watching! At this point I don’t think the viewers care who wins the money! Bring back Evil Dick and biggie! Love them or hate them the show was “real”!
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Ooops Boggie!
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Amen Jim!
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New post up!
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@Lisa Marie , staying supple .Thanks for all you do
Marie Long is a big long lier she said she hated us LOL and would never come back, but as a good long lier she did.
About the HGs just sick of them, can we just move on to BB16 right away ?
What happened ? I enjoy our little Blog more than the not so carefully selected HGs
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Well, not much to say that you haven’t covered.
LM Thank you for the information. Makes sense to me. 🙂 I like “Stay Supple!”
Ted Howdy is a very supple word.
K11 Love the Wil links. He’s great! And the tweets are perfect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HoH8Now all we have to do is find out where we can buy one of those bear shirts. They are cute.
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Well crap! A NEW POST so I’ll have to wait a bit for it to hit my email. I found out that if I use the link at the bottom and hit the box to receive emails before I get the new blog email, I never get the new blog email but I do receive the posts. Does that make sense?
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