Hi, y’all:
I wish I had more to report today but, unfortunately, it still looks like Amanda is going to survive for at least another week and Howard is going to be sent out of the house on Thursday night.
However, for Howard, there is a slight sliver of hope on the horizon. Unfortunately, that hope depends on the sheep in the house actually starting to play the game and, if Howard is saved, it’ll be due to the efforts of the most loathsome guy in the house.
Spencer, perhaps realizing that he’s going to Amanda’s target after Howard, has been working overtime to try to convince the other houseguests to vote Amanda out of the house.
When last I checked, it appeared that he had nearly convinced Gina Marie to vote out Amanda. While the rest of the houseguests have been content to just laugh about Gina Marie obsession with Nick, Spencer used it to his advantage by reminding her that Amanda wanted Nick out.
Spencer has also been trying to convince Judd and Andy to flip. I think he’s making a huge mistake with Andy but Judd seems to at least be open to the idea. If Judd decides to flip on Amanda, then he could potentially bring Jessie with him.
If Judd, Jessie, Gina Marie, and Spencer all vote for Amanda, then that would lead to Howard still getting voted out by one vote. So, Spencer needs to convince one more houseguest to flip and, again, I doubt he’s going to be able to convince Andy to abandon Amanda.
Spencer’s best bet would probably be to work on Helen. Again, I doubt whether or not Helen would flip but if she did, she’d probably be able to bring along Elissa.
Spencer’s problem is that, even though almost everyone would be — in theory — willing to get rid of Amanda, nobody has the courage to make a big move and be the deciding vote. Instead, everyone just wants to play it safe and go along with the majority.
Amanda, meanwhile, is now convinced that Judd is the MVP and that he’s the one who put her up. Hopefully, she’ll let her paranoia get the better of her and give Judd and Jessie an excuse to flip on her.
Also, last night, Amanda joked that she hoped that Candice would trip, land on Amanda’s tweezers, and lose an eyeball as a result. She then laughed and said that she’s already been warned 3 times by the producers not to make comments about physically harming the other houseguests.
Assuming that Howard goes this week, it’ll be interesting to see if Amanda keeps getting the hero edit. Whether the game is rigged or not, it’s obvious that Amanda is a producer’s favorite. Now that America has let it be known that she’s not America’s favorite, I wonder if the show’s producers and editors will finally start to turn on her as well.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
Thanks for everything Lisa Marie 🙂
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I just got finished leaving a post on the previous blog and I hit enter and there’s supple Lisa Marie’s post telling me there’s a new post up.
Ok, I’ll go up and read. Thanks LM for your work for us. It’s appreciated, honest it is!! :))
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Manda is not going anywhere this week because she is has her tools to get info and bring it back to her.
After Howie, the next target for Manda & Helen to smear will be Judd. I think Judd will not just sit and take it like Howie did, he will fight the 2 head bitches.
Oh how I hate that little rodent Andy.
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hi all,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I did a bit of research when that item popped up about bb being fixed and demanda was going to win. I went on line and checked out demanda she was born in long island new York and now lives in Fla. there was quite a bit about her, nothing concrete to tie her to gruesome (grodner)
my next mission was to check out gruesome, lo and behold I could not find anything really about her, I was unable to find a bio, no stats etc, now I am not the sharpest tool in the box when it comes to the internet (I just took quickie course from jt in smilies and still can only do happy and sad faces) so where was I, oh yes bio on gruesome, I know some of u r just as curious as I am and may do a bit of detective work of your own
txs LM great post we r sure lucky to have u
ciao with hugs
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@Mama Margie
demanda and gruesome? LOL Love it!!!
I wish Spencer and Howie luck with flipping the house this week. Sadly, I know that isn’t going to happen. Last night, on BBAD, McCrea told Andy (I think it was?) that “demanda” has to go at some point, but not before jury. Even McCrea isn’t totally dedicated to that witch in the same way she claims to be to be dedicated to him. I wonder how she will feel when she finds out about that!!
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@MM, “grueson Grodner”. You certainly have a way with nailing people’s personalities. 😆
@Becky – good go know about McCrea willing to vote Amanda out. It appears he’s just using her as a shield in this BB battle.
I too would hope they flip the house. It’s the smart move. I know Betty, you want Amanda to stay but I think her personality is overbearing in this house of wimps.
Plus she’s just as bad as they are with her mouth. Imagine saying the thing about poking out Candice’s eye when she falls on what was it, tweezers? Then admitting that production has warned her THREE times about saying anything about harming someone physically. Something terribly wrong in that.
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becky & * fish, txs for enjoying my names for these lunatics I appesch
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------this is not the bb house it is the 2013 version of ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOOS NEST
just think about it so similar it is scary, nurse ratchet is none other then camp director HELLen (what do u guys think about this name ) 🙂
paranoia is the norm in that house.
when I think about it every year we complain (at least I do) about the hgs and their antics, but this year is over the top. I said it before and will say it again I really and truly believe they put an application on craigs list and titled it SO U WANNA BE A STAR submit app to gruesome groder. How else can one explain this merry band of misfits except they came from craigs list?
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Thanks LM. Love the Blog!
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Don’t know for sure, but, think that this ole lady was one of the first if not the first that set off the alarm about the REAL BULLY in the BB15 House!! Too bad that she was not obvious enough to more of the HG and was one of the first GONE from the game! McBaby has known how dangerous she is for a long time now and spends a lot of time placating her and trying to get her to stay calm..all for naught I might add. I hope McBaby’s Family is gearing up to get him into rehab! His Bully Baby Addiction is frightening. (Could be Grodner has same Addiction)! The way things are going, Helen needs to remember that she is PLAYING the BB Game, not WATCHING it! This game is NOT sweetness and light and if she wants to win…she needs to wake up from the coma she seems to be in and take a good hard look at what she thinks she is going to win by playing House Mother. She cannot win from the Jury House…..of course, the way she is playing makes me wonder if she didn’t just want to be able to say she was once ON BB… There is a fine line between Helen and Amanda…I hope those REAL BB players stand up and show themselves SOON!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry Guys and Gals, just had to get this off my chest. It has been rather frustrating watching possibly good players get so far off track by not thinking for themselves. This time has been so bad..I keep telling myself, “Easy now, it AIN’T Thursday yet”!
So Far Still Watching…..Thanks for all your great updates LM, and to everyone else…Have a great Tuesday! Maggie B
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Thanks to *fish for the following:
Allison Grodner AKA Gruessome
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Allison Grodner is an award-winning director, producer and writer, who has worked in documentary and reality-based programming for the past fifteen years. She is best known for her work on the American version of the reality TV show Big Brother.[1] She is an executive producer of Big Brother and Big Brother: After Dark. Grodner is also executive producer of She’s Got the Look on TV LAND[2] and of the CW reality series Plain Jane.[3]
Grodner won Emmy Awards in 1999 and 2001 for Outstanding Children’s Program for The Teen Files, shared with Arnold Shapiro.[
And that is it ladies and gentlemen not much on her personal life, I am starting to think she was beamed down from space like in a pod, or is in the witness protection program she does not leave a trail, well as far as I can tell,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and she won an emmy award for outstanding childrens programs for teen files
OMG hope she does not have any plans on doing more of these types of programs and using 2013 cast of hgs, yuk
I am thinking jt and 11 will delve into the mystery of gruesome if they can’t find it well then it is not there to be found
ciao till later
txs *fish for finding the above
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good goings on feed spencer finally had it and just told demanda off woo hoo
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HELLen ran not walked but ran and woke up McCray he looks like he is sleep walking
so spencer finally has some back bone
have to say if shit were electricity demanda would be a power house
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I enjoy reading this blog…….its witty and funny!
I wish I could be into BB more this season!
I find it so boring this is the only season where I am not obsessed!
I used to live and breath BB ………but now…not so much!
I am watching every show still, but hardly ever watch BB after Dark…”I find sleep more appealing! I hope something turns this around! Why can’t CBS think of a twist that will actually make BB interesting?
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Here’s a full list of Allison Grodner’s credits:
I’ve seen a few of the other shows that she’s been involved with and I think my HS sociology teacher may have shown us an old episode of the Teen Files about teenage drinking but Big Brother is pretty much her most recognizable credit.
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Lots of good information on this season!
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THANKS LISA – have the feeds and havent been able to watch 13 yr old plus summer equals no bendi (me) time THANK U THANK U THANK U!!!
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txs LM interesting info, she sure has been around, and again I noticed no personal info when I looked under personal details the only item u can click on is contact info the others u can not open link so yes lots on professional life but nothing on her personal life
((Personal Details))
other works
publicity listings
official sites
((contact info))
txs starfish and LM for all the info u rock
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Amanda info!
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Interview with Amanda’s father. What a joke!
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MM & Lisa Marie…thanks for all the info on Gruesome Grodner! Tehre was one comment after the link you sent, LM, that said*She’s a beast*!! Well put..lol I hadn’t heard of or seen any of her other work. Big surprise!!
Howard was doing some heavy campaigning with GM last nite! That was kind of a shock as I don’t think I have seen either of them talk to each other much before. She seemed to be agreeing with him and he was tellinmg her she had more *balls* than any of the guys in the house, but people stroke each other and agree on here all the time and then do the opposite. I actually heard him telling Candice he wanted to self-evict because he couldn’t take this anymore and she has done nothing but lay in bed and cry for the last few days. All the HGs said yesterday was the most boring day so far even WITH 5 hour naps!!! so..WHY do we buy the LFs again??LOL You definitly don’t want to ever bother watvhing during the day unless a comp is going on. They sleep or lay in the sun and you hear crickets!!
I don’t seem to have the hate going on for Amanda like everyone else does. I don’t like or hate anyone this year. I am jsut sitting back and watching it unfold. There certainly have been years where I couldn’t STAND one or more people to the point of distraction. But this year was just so lame from the get go, I kinda don’t want to bother gettng all emotionally involved!!! It feels like going to a football game and not caring about either team.
You may all already know this but I keep getting ages and where hgs are from mixed up, so I compiled a list.
Aaryn….22 From San Antonio…but lives in San Marcos,TX
Amanda..28 From Long Island….Lives in Florida
Candice….29..From New Orleans…Lives in TX
Spencer…31… Ark
That’s all folks!!!! I need a Porky Pig smiley here..lol
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Oh….I heard Aaryn telling GM about some of the HGS claim to fame before BB.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candice was Miss Teen New Orleans and either Miss AMerica or Miss Louisiana.
I guess Howrd was a Pro athlete. GM does pagents but also was on some talk show announcing her engagement a few years ago. Was on Youtube but she took it down cuz they broke up. It seems BB does end to pick people who have been in the business somehow already. Alot of their HGs were past models. I think her point was it wasn’t fair and they didn’t NEED the money or the fame. Maybe there’s never actually been any REGULAR people on BB!!! Or at least not since they started BBAD. Prolly feel they need more HAMS used to playing TO the CAMS!!lol
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>b>Sal Are you kidding me?? Does Amanda’s father even know his daughter at all? The person he was talking about isn’t the person we see. She’s ambitious per her bio and I give her props for that and good for her. But her nasty mouth hasn’t been dripping with honey. She’s dished it out just as much as the rest of them. I don’t think the jewish remarks from Spencer bothered her nearly as much, if at all, as the comments Elissa made about her one piece. That really got to her. She’s no innocent by any means and her father lives in Disneyland for sure.
I don’t hate her but like Star, I don’t love or hate anyone this year. But as the game goes, if they were smart, they would evict Amanda as she’s the strongest of the 3 nominees.
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Im just watching after dark now – I cant believe that gm and aaryn cant wait to read about themselves in People magazine and Aaryn hopes she isnt portrayed as a meanie or bad person – lol ( quite the conversation on the hammock) They have no idea what awaits them when they walk out the door – despicable human beings. Still cant figure out why amanda Hates Howard so much and has from the beginning – UGH – give me evel dick any day over these idiots
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@NotMikeBoogie : Who died and made Amanda boss of the BB house?!? #bb15
BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak 5m
Helen telling Candice about the Spencer/Amanda fight. Helen says Spencer said he wants Candice out and work with Amanda. #BB15
BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak 34m
Amanda in lounge with Andy and Helen. Amanda says Spencer bullied him and that Judd is trying to flip the house on her. #BB15
BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak 1h
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda/Spencer got into a fight. Amanda told him she knows what he’s doing (trying to get her out) and it won’t work. #BB15
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Sal, I echo stra r u kidding me? is this her real dad or one they hired to play her dad from craigs list. how can parents be so blind, if I recall she is just as bad as the rest of them with the racial and homo slurs, is she not the one who coined the phrase Kermit the fag regarding andy? I think she is also the one who loves to sprout retard, which I really take offense to as my grandson has down syndrome.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sal, that was like reading a Hollywood script, completely made up
oh well what can I say except HOGWASH
txs sal for sharing
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She also called him Faggoty Ann
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At one point Helen and Candace were talking and Helen said it was going to be hard to get Amanda out if they ever could. Well here’s her chance. Why isn’t she taking it? I would love to see her and McC’s face when Julie announced it. Aaryn is coming across as a good girl now and it makes my stomach turn. Helen is so easy to influence that per the conversation with GM last night in the hammock, I think she’s falling for Aaryn’s act. GM totally lied and told Helen that Aaryn didn’t say the things she did to Candace, and again Helen seemed to buy the story. Hopefully Helen is smarter than that. Even tho’ I want the house to be flipped upside down and Amanda voted out, it will be nice to have Howard gone so maybe we don’t have to listen to his and Candace’s conversations again and the term “it is what it is” being used a million times. Every year we complain about the HGs being stupid, floaters, bullies, and whatever. Every year we complain about production getting involved when they shouldn’t. And I don’t know about everyone else, but every year I’m right back in front of the TV watching every min. of it. I think I need to go to a support group for BB addiction. Hello my name is Nancy and I’m addicted to back stabbing, lying, bigot remarks, stupidity, floaters, and secret alliances.
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CHILL TOWN! Come back!!!!
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@ nancy, good post I was rofl, could not have said it better
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I too want demanda out asap
and mother Teresa (HELLen) best stop being the camp director she is almost as bossy as demanda not quite but close, when is bb going to have hgs that think for their OWN game and not for the herd???
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Nancy Hello my name is Bob-O……………….
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LOL MM & Nancy – ditto
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Hey Bob O my friend. How ya doing?………
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StarfishI am doing Okay & how are you my Dear♥ ……….
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Bobo I have no complaints. Not one, well maybe BB. But that’s entertainment complaining. 😆
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See you all later my friends, bye for now…………………
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I still like Amanda, even though i might be the minority here, at least she’s playing the game and has more balls than some of the guys here, she’s interesting and not boring to watch so I hope she can hang in. I don’t like her Obsession with Howard though, too bad it looks like he will be going.
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Aggie, I like that Amanda is playing the game. She has good strategy and lies like no tomorrow to push others to do her dirty work. All part of the game IMO.
I just don’t like Amanda is all.
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@ JT OK, that’s fine, but she makes it interesting though
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Les Moonves, CEO of CBS has pretty much admitted that Big Brother is a social experiment and while what is happening inside the BB house is disgusting it isn’t boring, and is good for ratings.
Think about it my friends, Imus got fired for using the phrase, “Nappy Haired.” Paula Dean has gotten tarred and feathered for saying the n word 30 years ago. There are other instances of immediate reaction to racism and sexism, but here is the head man of CBS who says he and his wife are disgusted by it but does nothing about it because it is a reality TV show and social experiment. The one thing most fans have not figured out is, who the guinea Pigs are….. ahhh haaaa I am smelling the coffee…. WE ARE THE GUINEA PIGS!
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Frannie… Ever since the first television broadcast targeted our TV sets, WE have been THE GUINEA PIGS!
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Andy: why don’t they get rid of Andy the Candy. I thought he was a professor. He acts like a little girl.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aaryn: they had a chance to get rid of her but they ALL voted for Katilin. So, they deserve what they get……….WIN AARYN!!!!
Pizza man: a pathetic example for a man.
Amanda: one word………………..HOT!
Elissa: started out liking her, that changed. Now she has the “I’m better that you are” attitude. I hope she gets put out soon.
Helen: she’s a smart one.
Ginamarie: Yo!
Candice: She still hasn’t found what she is looking for.
Jessie: Beautiful skin
Judd: He has no idea what he’s doing.
Spencer: Sneaky
Howard: Good guy or Bad guy. I cant figure him out.
NO DOUBT< AAryn–should win. Love her or hate her…she's fooled them all.
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SF….from the last page…yes, the Bear shirt is being sold on Amazon and Ebay…when i find the Link, i will post it, ok… 🙂
mama margie…i posted a Link where it showed that DeManda had worked on CBS as a executive producer…i posted it after that story BB being rigged came out and showed that she knew grodner… 🙂
Lisamarie….first let me thank u for this Great Blog u wrote today, cause it was all about the hatred towards the Evil DeManda…I Love It !!!!!…and 2nd thank u for clearing up the confusion bout the Moderation in the last page…and didnt u know that we BB Peeps are NOT allowed to take vacation during BB especially if ur Blogging bout it, lol…just kidding…relax and enjoy urself… 🙂
and this is for everyone….Hate her or Like her…DeManda has gotten to be Too Much lately….today she happens to say to Andy that she thinks that Elissa talks like she was Autistic….WHAT ????….what kind of person makes Fun of people with Autism?… My God, i cant wait till she is OUT of the house for Good…. 👿
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hoh8 mucho txs will find it
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and I keep going back and forth who I hate more and so far they each have a turn well except for juDDD and andy.
with demanda nothing will surprise me she is scary to say the least mcc best watch himself.
I really do not like the slurs these people throw with no thought to the feelings of others in my case I have said this before and will say it again retard and autism names are hurtful especially to me my grandson Nicholas has ds, I think he is far more mature acting then some of these so called “normal”people in the bb house this year.
well I know u all have heard this before so will not go into it any more, what can I say other then the best part of some of these house guests ran down their daddy’s leg, sorry to be so blunt but it is true.
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Hoh8, thank u, that would b great.
MM, you always crack me up. I wonder what is normal. Could it possibly be BB fans who religiously make themselves crazy every year watching a show that makes us crazier?
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CBS CEO Moonves on Big Brother: “it’s what our show is”
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Big Brother rewards people whose ideas and behavior CBS doesn’t “condone”
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Interesting info on The Bachelorette in the first link. Thanks for putting it up Sal.
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Moonves…. 🙄
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Is the house turning? Are there those who don’t think Amanda and Helen hung the moon?
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I found GM’s Past BB relative!
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10:33 PM Aaryn, GM and Jessie are discussing not voting out Howard after all NT
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Looks like Candice might be in some trouble but it’s too early to say for sure.
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11:24 PM Aaryn and GM talking about what a trashy POS scumbag Candace is. GM says “I don’t even know how she was raised. Aaryn replies: She wasn’t raised, she was adopted! She didn’t have a normal family!
Lots of conversation about what a horrible person she is. Can’t believe she won Miss twice!
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@Sal, All that can be said about those girls (pigs like Spencer) is they are the trashy ones. I read Candice’s bio and the video of her meeting her biological mom for the first time. She had a very good normal upbringing and now she’s in contact with her biological mom. She’s a good kid and these girls are horrible and bullies. I find it amazing how Howard and Candice have stayed classy through all this and not called those racist girls a few names I could think of that are actually true. White trash comes to mind.
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Starfish You said it! ……………….
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Uh-oh, Aaryon broke out the m&m’s with GM and Jessie, breaking down the twosomes, the totem pole, possible vote outcomes.. could it be these girls have some game in them?
Now Candice is telling Helen and Elisa that she knows it’s going to go 4-4 with Aaryon being the tiebreaker… Helen wants to know she got that info, Candice tells her she just knows by the way people are behaving…. yes Helen, some people are able to observe and get a clue about what’s happening around them without having to talk it to death.
Nothing against Candice, but I do hope she goes instead of Howard, I think he has it more in him to give the powers that be a run for their money…
I always root for the underdog, it’s sad so many of my initial favs are running the show right now I’m finding I want Aaryon to make a cool power move against them!
Did I really just say that??? Lord help me!!
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kimjmj 😆
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Good Morning All…………………
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Checking some over night stuff and watching some feeds while I type.
1st. Howard is still going home as of now. Spencer might throw his vote at Candice to make it 7-1-0
All the plotting was pretty much squashed.. even the deal where GM/Jess/Aaryn were counting M&Ms.
BUT…. Amanda is like a pitbull with a bone. Good at strategy but not at laying low. Amanda is currently interrogating Aaryn, GM, & Jessie in HOH… with Andy, McCrae, & Judd also present. She is pushing so damn hard to get to the bottom of what should be a non-issue by now… that maybe GM/Jess/Aaryn will get sick of it and try to flip again… but for real next time.
Amanda’s goal is not calling out the 3 girls.. Amanda’s goal is to get one of them to throw Judd under the bus.. because Judd is Amanda’s latest target and she’s digging for ammunition. She’s already pinned MVP on him. Judd’s days are numbered.
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See you later JT I am going back to bed………..
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L8r Bob… wish I could too!
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@ JT I saw some of the Amanda pow Wow this morning, good stuff, too bad about Howard.
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Someone with LF tell me what Judd did that turned everyone against him. Please. Also did anyone see the fight between Candice and Spenser? What did Howard do during the fight that ticked Spencer off at him? It seems to me that Candice has changed since the beginning. She’s paranoid all the time and a little self absorbed. Someone needs to make a move pretty soon or it will be too late to get some of them out. I can’t believe everyone is scared to make a move.
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Nancy — Judd hasn’t done anything. Paranoid Amanda has got everyone convinced that he was this week’s MVP.
New post —
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why the heck do you all want amanda out so badly? she’s playing the game. isn’t that what you want?
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