Big Brother 15 — I Am Flabbergasted

by Lisa Marie Bowman on July 15, 2013

Hi, everyone!

It’s Monday and you know what the means!  That’s right — I am once again just flabbergasted at how busy I am.  That means that this is going to be another one of my short updates but I wanted to make sure that everyone had a new post to comment under.

Did everyone get to see the show last night?  Here’s just a few thoughts that I had about it:

1) I’ve been pretty critical of CBS and Alison Gordner in the past but I applaud them for showing both the fight over the bed and for not editing out Aaryn and Gina Marie’s behavior.  I also applaud them for showing the conversation between Howard and Candice afterward.  It wasn’t easy to watch but it was necessary because it showed us that, despite what some claim, words and attitudes actually can and do hurt other people.

2) I do, however, wish that we had gotten to see Judd offering to give up his bed so that Candice and Howard wouldn’t have to sleep in the Have Not room.  Regardless of what you think of him as a player, Judd is shaping up to be one of the most decent people in the house but, unfortunately, you probably wouldn’t know that unless you have the live feeds.

3) How about Gina Marie screaming after Nick got evicted?  We all already knew she got emotional and cried that night (and some of us even felt sorry for her) but it was hard not to be amused by the sight of GM screaming, “I’M FROM NEW YORK AND IT’S ON!”  What made it all the more amusing was the fact that, as we watched her shout, we already knew that GM wasn’t going to win HoH.  In fact, she wasn’t even going to come close.  That’s one reason why it’s not a good idea to play Big Brother emotionally.  (It’s true that being emotional worked for Rachel but she’s pretty much the exception to the rule.)

4) Could you believe that weakass apology that Aaryn tried to give Candice while they were both “comforting” Gina Marie?

5) One unfortunate result of having to devote so much of last night’s episode to Aaryn is that we didn’t get to see Helen’s HoH room or get to hear her read the letter from her husband.

6) During the first week, I thought McCrae was going to win it all but, after the past two weeks, I think I overestimated him.  The last straw was last night when he said that he was choosing Amanda over his alliance.  Any true fan of Big Brother knows that choosing personal loyalty over an alliance is a pretty good way to insure that you’ll eventually head out the door.

7) As far as the Have/Have Not competition was concerned, I loved watching Howard attempting to throw the comp and I’ll admit that here at the Bowman house, we made a few not-so-nice comments about the sight of Aaryn covered in milk.  (“I bet that’s not a new look for her,” was one of them.)

8) I wonder if McCrae realizes that he lost to someone who was specifically trying to throw the competition?

9) Finally, as anyone who has watched the live feeds can tell you, Andy is one of the most active of the HGs.  As was discussed in the comments section of yesterday’s post, it’s literally impossible for two people to have a conversation without Andy suddenly popping up and trying to influence people.  To me, this makes Andy one of the most interesting of the HGs.  He’s the Iago to everyone else’s Othello.  However, if you solely watched the CBS show, you would be justified in wondering what Andy does all day.  That’s another reason why I hope that Aaryn is out of the house soon.  There are a lot of interesting HGs (like Andy and Judd) who aren’t getting the attention they deserve because (for obvious reasons), the show is dominated by Aaryn’s hateful personality.

As I watched last night’s episode, it occurred to me that being an editor on Big Brother can not be an easy job.  Every year, you have to take hours of footage and try to shape it all into a storyline.  That’s why people who only watch Big Brother on CBS often come away with a totally different impression of the HGs than people who watch BBAD and the live feeds.  

That’s also why so many BB villains have complained that they got a bad edit.  For Big Brother to work as a show, there have to villains for the audience to hiss and there have to be heroes for the audience to root for and, often times, those villains and heroes are created in the editing room.

What makes this season of Big Brother so interesting (and often frustrating) is that the editors didn’t have to create a villain for this season.  As anyone who has watched the live feeds can tell you, Aaryn really is just as bad in real life as she is on the show.

Still, you do have to think that the show’s producers are hoping to get Aaryn out of there before the finale.  Can you imagine the reaction if someone like Aaryn somehow won?  (Even if she ended up coming in second, she’d still walk out of the house with $250,000.)  There’s been a lot of talk of the producers influencing Elissa not to put up Howard this week and, from last night’s show, it’s easy to see why.  

As a TV show, Big Brother is ultimately about taking real life and shaping it into a story.  And, as any storyteller can tell you, a villain like Aaryn has to be defeated or else nobody’s ever going to want to hear the story (or, in this case, watch another season of Big Brother) again.  For that reason, I’m sure that the producers are hoping to see Aaryn voted out of the house sooner rather than later.

However, it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen this week!  Jeremy has still been trying to win people over by arguing that there are bigger threats (like Spencer and Howard) in the house but it still looks like Kaitlin is going to use the veto on herself, and then Helen is going to end up putting Jeremy on the block.  

And then, it appears that it’ll be time to say “Buh bye, Ringworm Boy.”

Stay supple,

Lisa Marie



Snakebit Sal July 15, 2013 at 11:29 am

I missed it, I have directv and it rained for the whole hour the dang show was on, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

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Starfish July 15, 2013 at 11:39 am

Got half way through this short post. 🙂 now gotta run. Bbl8r

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Betty July 15, 2013 at 11:54 am

Good write up Lisa Marie. Aaryn’s apology to Candice was not genuine, insincere and totally lacked compassion. She has been a mean girl for so long I believe she actually does not know how she comes across to people and has no idea how hurtful her words are. She will blame CBS and say they twisted her words on the show and then she will go on living in her own little world. Quite frankly I don’t believe she will learn anything from this experience, which is sad. She may be beautiful, but inside she is empty and has no soul. If she was my daughter I would be knocking down the door to the Big Brother House and dragging her out by her hair! (Preferably doing so on the Live Show!!)

@Sal, sorry you missed the show last night. Hope you watch it on the Internet!

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kaleki00 July 15, 2013 at 12:15 pm

The one thing I get from this BB reality show is that that house must make you crazyyyyyy since there are a lot of them on the show this season.

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Robboss July 15, 2013 at 12:18 pm

I missed something! Why is David up for eviction on the Blog Pole above?

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hpr56 July 15, 2013 at 12:20 pm

I agree with everyone about Aaryn’s apology but if you didn’t know her or how she has been, she did a fair acting job. Her voice had a sincere tone especially coming from such a witch. Betty, I agree with you. She is the epitome of mean girl. I think she honestly believes everybody else is wrong. I think she honestly does not believe she said anything wrong at all. That is a sad commentary on how she was raised. I don’t know if it is how she was raised at home or how she was raised by peers.

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ted July 15, 2013 at 12:34 pm

Don’t worry, Betty… Snake won’t miss any BB. I think his suggestion a few days ago, of getting 16 people off the street and locking them in the house would be great… on Survivor too. That’s the way it was, kinda, at the start of these shows. Now they are so overproduced and manipulated with casting it ruins the original concept. No longer an experiment in human behavior, kinda. If I were casting I would put… well, I’d better not say… but you would be in there, Betty for sure.

Thanks for the rundown, Lisa… stuck in the woods, you are my only hope. I think you write well, with a special insight that provides a springboard to conversation.

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ted July 15, 2013 at 12:35 pm

Oh, btw… when I read this…“I’M FROM NEW YORK AND IT’S ON!” I immediately thought Lisa meant Mama Margie.

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lori July 15, 2013 at 12:42 pm

Betty I agree with you too and I would love to slap the piss out of her also, What she is doing is verbal abuse and CBS should let her go, that is just as bad as hitting someone and they have kicked people off for that. Hopefully Helen will back door Jeremy so he will go home.

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Mama Margie July 15, 2013 at 12:43 pm

@ ted # 8
Ya talkin to me????
U want I should call in cousin vinny????
U wanna swim with the fishes mr?????????????????

tedster we sure miss your wit and wisdom here wish u spent more time on the blog,cause I know u r kidding if not wellllllllllllllll, I will make u an offer u can’t refuse. I have learned the more u tease some one the more u like them, like me if someone is not your cup of tea they r in invisible mode at least that is how I see u my friend, hugs and behave we do not want to come and bail u out, wait I am sure Betty will be more then happy to do it and u can repay her by walking Maggie
ciao till later
LM great post u rock
Just one more comment I hope they show elissa and Helen when they did the Jedrsey Shore show a la bb style, I was rofl now that was funny and the entire house was one big happy family for a few mins
ok now I’m gone

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Mattmac July 15, 2013 at 12:46 pm

I dont agree with Aayrin at all.She is a witch but what about Kaitlin,GinaMarie and Spencer. They seem to get a free pass because Aayrin is a b*tch. All 4 of them are bigots. BTW, I hope Howard wins.

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Diane July 15, 2013 at 12:50 pm

Typed it and then 60 mins ran over and I missed the comp. and everything else.

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Betty July 15, 2013 at 12:50 pm

Ted I would not be a good HG! My diary-room chats would be censored, as I would always be criticizing and telling off production, thus being eliminated from the show. Now you, on the other hand, would be a great contestant and probably end up in the final two. Who knows you might even win! You are a ‘smooth operator’! I think the lyrics to that song were somehow based on your life! 😆

Hope you are having fun. I want to see a Tedbook’s Daily Picture of what is really going on it that tent! Oh wait, maybe not, as it might make me blush! 😳

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Diane July 15, 2013 at 12:51 pm

Taped LOL tired i guess

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Betty July 15, 2013 at 1:00 pm

@MM, do you want the honors to slap Ted or should I do it for you? (although his comment was funny).

I loved the way Amanda stood up to the mean girls. I really hope she makes it to the final two.

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Snakebit Sal July 15, 2013 at 1:14 pm

@Robboss: The poll hasn’t been updated because BBBlogger has been slipping in is duties!

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Diane July 15, 2013 at 1:15 pm

I’m from New York and Gina Marie my talk the talk but she don’t walk the walk. She would get her butt kicked. LOL

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Snakebit Sal July 15, 2013 at 1:20 pm

A must read:

Andy Denharts column on the show last night –

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Star July 15, 2013 at 1:20 pm

The POV has been used!!!!!

JEREMY is on the block!!!!!

Gee….didn’t see THAT coming….. 😆

Great blog Lisa Maire!! Loved your line of how BB editors have to shape the show into a story!! tht is why they push and nudge in the DR. Can you imagine if all thos HGs had no *adult supervision*?? It would be like watching a train wreck for 3 months!!lol

Gotta run but I’ll be back to comment more later.

HI to all who stop by and have a wonderful Monday!!!


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Holly July 15, 2013 at 1:25 pm

Come back Ted!!! We miss you!! Hi MM! I only saw a little of the jersey hair and none of Helen’s 🙁
What is up with the baby outfit, completely missed that one.
Really Jeremy, do you think anybody believes you………….

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Star July 15, 2013 at 1:32 pm

So I lied..I’m back!!lol
Oh..Hey Holly!!! Good to see ya!!

Anyway, you guys HAVE to watch tthe talk today!!!!
It’s on CBS. 2:00 EST…or I think yiu can get it later on

They just did a whole segment on BB…AGAIN!!!! I cannot beleive how much publicity this show is garnering this year!!! And not jsut because of Julie. It was someone from a talk magazine or something tht ws on as a guest! It was all about the part of the show showing Aryan last nite flipping Candace’s bed and the insuing fight. A must see!!!! I can’t beleive the reatings are dropping!! I know ther racial stuff is distasteful and wrong, but that is something people, and even the HGs can learn from. Plus the drama factor is OFF the HOOK! I’m loving it!!

Anyway, go check it out…just a heads up!!

L8R!!! 😉

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Jani July 15, 2013 at 1:41 pm

Not only is Aaryn evil but so is Elissa, she is just like her sister. a bitchie gal. her grin tells it all. But watch BB is going to have her win.

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holly July 15, 2013 at 1:57 pm

Hey Star! If anyone sees the talk can you plz post a link??? Gotta see but at work!
Thx! Later
@Jani, disagree on Elissa, I think we have to wait and see since now she is finally not under attack from the whole house!

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Sondra July 15, 2013 at 2:02 pm

I like many of you loved to watch big brother. After seeing the houseguests for this season I am completely turned off.

We live in a world that we should try to make better. We should go out of our way to be kinder and less judgmental of people. True BB is a game but did you ever consider the game can be played and we are still acting like good human beings. I know all this drama makes for a good show, but what does it say for society and how we treat each another and how we should really care about human beings feelings.. (Money is a strange thing) Aaryn is dispicable. A spoiled brat with an ego that has no regard for anyone. Kaitlin and Jeremy remind me of bullies that hurt people and think they are cool.

I think I read that Aaryn’s modeling agency dropped her. Good, at least they realize she’s full of such ugliness. These people also forget they are now in the limelight. They will be held accountable for their awful behavior. What adult flips someone’s bed and thinks it’s funny. I just don’t get it!

I know there are those of you who may not agree with me. That’s why we live in a free society.

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susan July 15, 2013 at 2:18 pm

Great blog, Lisa Marie! Really good and interesting and you don’t leave anything out. I dvr’d last night’s show so haven’t seen it yet. I’m very glad to see rwb is on the block now. Time to boot these hateful troublemakers out and let the games begin anew. Thanks again.
p.s. I made the mistake of checking the box where I would see additional comments on the blog. Have ‘undone’ it and won’t be doing that again. Yikes! My email box was overflowing. Always enjoy all the comments though so it’s all good.

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Diane July 15, 2013 at 2:26 pm

Very disappointed in Macrae! Thought he would be a better physical competitor! Wanted soooo bad to see Aaryn, Gina Marie and Kaitlin as have nots.

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lanaj July 15, 2013 at 2:34 pm

Does anyone else think Aaryn might be Daniele Donato’s sister?? She looks, talks and acts like Dani and even said “Shock-ERR” the other night just like Dani always did! Anyone agree??

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Snakebit Sal July 15, 2013 at 2:39 pm

@Susan: I hope you delayed the start of your DVR, golf ran over and BB started 15 – 20 minutes late

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RMM July 15, 2013 at 2:47 pm

Mama Margie….. You Crack Me Up! (LOL)

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Bobo July 15, 2013 at 3:00 pm

Great job Lisa! :lol; Short?
Hi all Hot here in NJ..Was swimming all morning & I am just catching up with all your comments! great stuff… See you later, by for now……. :mrgreen:

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Bobo July 15, 2013 at 3:07 pm


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Princess July 15, 2013 at 3:13 pm

This is a repost from rather late last night. Since it was good news I decided to share it again:

We know Aaryn has been dropped by her modeling agency Zephyr Talent but there is more waiting for here when she gets out of the house:

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Keith July 15, 2013 at 3:14 pm

lanaj, Dani is nothing like Aryan, they don’t look similar at all. Dani is a strong player but she isn’t an evil witch. If anything she’s mocking Dani with Shock-err.

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lanaj July 15, 2013 at 3:40 pm

Sorry Keith! I wasn’t saying Dani was an “evil witch”. I just think that the two girls remind me of each other and thought that since Rachels sister is on BB then maybe they have others there that might be related…
They do look similar to me and I think Aaryn talks like Dani, but it’s ok if you don’t think so…

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hpr56 July 15, 2013 at 3:44 pm

Mama Margie, you really make me laugh. Have never really seen you but I get an image anyway.

As far as Elissa, I have been watching her carefully. She is so interested in how she looks that she can’t do anything else. Last night, in her little pinkie dress that was designed for a 9 year old, she kept looking at herself in the mirror and smoothing her dress. I am so disgusted with her. Like I said the other day, she is not playing the game. She rides on Rachel’s coat tails and has no real game play herself.

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Mama Margie July 15, 2013 at 4:00 pm

@rmmj & hpr56
txs I am glad I can put some sunshine in the life of some. Life is short and I have no time nor patience to waste it, like tedster I say what I mean and mean what I say,
HPR56 I just changed my avatar from pic of my granddaughjter becca, grandson nick and becca bff it is now a pic of me and my main man
pic kind of small but u will get an idea
txs for the kind words guys I appesch

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Snakebit Sal July 15, 2013 at 4:02 pm

Wind Tunnel; def: Elissa and Rachel standing side by side!

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jay Kauffman July 15, 2013 at 4:15 pm

I’m not sure Andy would really be Iago to everyone’s Otello – that would only be true if what he was doing was for evil ends and I don’t see that with Andy. Love your postings!!!!!!!!

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Mama Margie July 15, 2013 at 4:15 pm

is it my eyes or perhaps my tv set that has gone amuck or have some of the hgs gotten a little wide??? saw Jessie last nite and she looks like she is on her way to be a line backer for a mini little league football team. Now let me get into what I see with Amanda, OMG she had on a little patch of bit more then dental floss on her
vjayjay she also has gotten wide, I guess it is from all the eating that they do.
then I saw Helen and she had a little pouch on her, guess it is catching up with them
in the good news dept I notice that aaryn nation has finally changed her blouse, for those of u that are interested or even care it is like lavender to instead of her usual blue, seems to me same style, same off the shoulder, yawn boring…………
and what was up with RWB playing baby huey, what was that about???? guess he finally verified it he IS a fool. I kind of feel sorry for the parents of some of these people, I can almost see some of them going home to a for sale house in the front yard and a sign from the FBI in the front window, this family is now in the protection program and they will NOT want to be found.
ciao to all my darlings
till later
I’m gone

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Starfish July 15, 2013 at 4:21 pm

@Sal That’s funny but unfortunately true. Thanks for the link about the show up top.

Lisa Marie, great post and not short but very informative. I love your creative verbiage. 😉 Maybe Maggie Wrong (or whatever her name is) will come back. 😈

Star, so happy RWB is on the block and thanks for giving us the info. You never know with BB as JT always says.

lanag, I too see the resemblance in the mouth area of Aaryn to Danielle but thank heavens they probably aren’t related. There’s no other resemblance but some others have stated the same thing about her mouth.

MM 😆 You keep us all laughing. Love you new pic. Cuties that guys are.

Loved poor Howard trying to lose. Has he told McCrae what he was trying to do? I couldn’t believe how weat McC was. Too bad too.

It was heart wrenching watching Howard console Candice. I hate to think what I would have done in her place. GM getting in her face like that is embarrassing to New Yorkers – right MM? As for Aaryn’s apology, she did a good job acting LM, that’s true but she didn’t mean a word of it. She started to say something to GM (still wailing away) after Candice left but it went to commercial. Anyone have what she said? Probably, something nasty again.

Ted, hope you’re having a great time and love when you “fly by”. Your wit is always appreciated but you can’t put Betty in as a HG, we need her here.

Hey Holly good to see ya and Princess thanks for the link again. It never gets old to see Aaryn have to pay the price for her awful self!

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Starfish July 15, 2013 at 5:14 pm

Oh Star, I’ll try to watch The Talk on like I did last time. Saw your post too late to watch it here. Thanks for that!

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Kevin11 July 15, 2013 at 5:39 pm

@Snakebit Sal: Here’s a link to the show:
left it last night but it was at the same minute your head was hitting the pillow.

Have to finish and file my story today, feeling dehydrated and have to help a friend with his radio show so can’t really watch or comment much today. had to turn Feeds off last night as Helen was so irritating. I have turned on her and the ‘Mom’s Alliance’ or whatever they call themselves. Like always, getting sick of most of these turds and waiting for them to turn on each other. Might not even turn the Feeds on it’s become so goofy this week. Actually hoping Helen doesn’t win now. Heard there’s a new alliance of five, but need top get stuff done around here and concerned watching so much has made me fatter and sick. Who knows. Seems like Week 8. Later all.

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Kevin11 July 15, 2013 at 5:39 pm

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Justaguy (JT) July 15, 2013 at 6:10 pm

Good recap of the show Lisa. One minor thing though, 2nd place is only $50,000… not $250,000 …either way, I agree.. I hope Aaryn gets no where near either! 😆

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Justaguy (JT) July 15, 2013 at 6:11 pm

Doubles anyone? I put together this graphic yesterday to better illustrate who is working with who in pairs in the house.
Click below & enjoy! 😉
BB House Duos

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Justaguy (JT) July 15, 2013 at 6:27 pm

Let’s play guess who said it….
This is I quote I heard while watching the feeds over the weekend (Fri night?). I listened to it a few times to make sure I got it right. See if you can guess which HG said it…. then click the link below for the answer.

“Things that you do in life, they catch up to you one day, it might not be in the Big Brother house, but some day, the things that you do… they’ll come back… it’s true, that’s how life works.
The energy that you put out, like on a regular basis, eventually returns.”


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Starfish July 15, 2013 at 7:06 pm

K11, feels like week 8 to me too

JT, I had no doubt it was Aaryn who said that. She just doesn’t listen to herself which is why she’s not a racist. Bleh I couldn’t bet BBHouse Duos to work for me.

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Mary Price July 15, 2013 at 7:10 pm

I have to say first and foremost I can not stand Elissa not just for the way she is but I can not stand Rachel either they are like twins. BUT I hope the “mean girls” go before jury. I hate to see them decide anything and as for their jobs in the real world my guess is they will lose them do to their actions in the house (atleast I hope) I know if I were their boss and seen their actions I would not want them representing my company.

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Nelle July 15, 2013 at 8:13 pm

How is second place 250,000? I thought it was 50,000

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Tuna July 15, 2013 at 8:26 pm

I agree with Sondra. Not sure I want to watch anymore either.

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Starfish July 15, 2013 at 8:37 pm

2nd place is $50,000 as JT stated #44 above.

JT, that blew right by me. CBS giving away a quarter million dollars – NOT. 🙂

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Janice July 15, 2013 at 8:50 pm

I was shocked it was aaryn that said that. Boy is she in for a reality check when karma comes her way.

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Justaguy (JT) July 15, 2013 at 9:12 pm

Janice, My jaw was dragging when I listened to her say that….. and the irony of it was amazing.

The things Aaryn said & did DID NOT catch up to her on the outside…. and maybe never would have.
The things she said & did caught up with her in the BB house (and now outside too)… just the opposite of what she was saying.

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Nelle July 15, 2013 at 9:19 pm

Thanks Starfish, sorry I did not see #44. Thanks again to all for the updates,questions and answers I have had medical issues this year and have not been able to get to the internet everyday to catch up on BB, and BBAD is horrible with the editing I can hardly hear what they are saying with all the bleeping and it makes my day to know that I am not mentality insane that there is others in the world like me who are addicted to this nonsense as bad as I am.

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Starfish July 15, 2013 at 9:32 pm

You’re welcome Nelle. I think being addicted to this nonsense qualifies us for insanity. 😉

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aggie27 July 15, 2013 at 9:36 pm

@ Lisa Great Job as usual.

So Far Helen is my Fave Player, I hope she makes it to the end. I also like McCrae and Amanda, Elissa, Howard. The others not so much. I think Amanda is good for McCrae, she’s a smart woman and will be loyal. I also liked the way she called out the other side of the house for there actions. I hope she can hang in she will be a big target.

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aggie27 July 15, 2013 at 9:40 pm

@ JT

WOW, I thought Amanda said that, Unreal

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sylvie July 15, 2013 at 9:45 pm

I missed it going to watch now
So sad these morons ruined a show I enjoyed , they may regret humping, whinning, misbehaving, being racist , homophobes and bla bla bla

Good luck to all of them from DOOMED season 15

Shame on CBS for not addressing the cheating or the homophobes

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Mary Dianna July 15, 2013 at 9:57 pm

Hi, First, I love this blog and the ppl who share their thoughts. Many thanks to you LisaMarie for your insight and word smithing.

Aside from the obvious deadbeats, I simply don’t know who to root for in this game. Not sure of Helen or Andy anymore – no reason, just a little cold. Still like Candace and Amanda but not sure how far they will get. The alliances are all weak and subject to change at a moments notice. Still wanted CBS to take a stand against the abusive remarks – hope none of those people make it far in the game. It seems that this cast lacks dimension for a really good game.

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Nelle July 15, 2013 at 9:59 pm

Mama Margie, I got a side view of Jessie the other day and my first thought was BB let people go on there when there pregnant?

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LisaMarieBowman July 15, 2013 at 10:29 pm

It’s a lot easier to find people to dislike on this season of Big Brother than to find people to root for. Judd is starting to grow on me but that’s because I’ve got some country in my family and Judd reminds me of a few of my cousins. (I’ve never had a hard time understanding what he’s saying. Lol.)

Just got back from my class. I guess I’ll check in and see what’s happening in the house in a little bit here but, for right now, I’m getting caught up on the Bachelorette. (I’ve been watching the Bachelor and the Bachelorette like forever and I usually defend them but I do have to admit that I hate how everyone on that show always starts out so interesting and quirky but then, by the time they get to the hometown dates, the only people left are the boring, conventional ones.)

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bbigbbob July 15, 2013 at 11:42 pm

I like this year much better than last year. Last year was a bunch of cry babies.

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holly July 16, 2013 at 12:02 am

@JT, irritated that she wasn’t my first guess!

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holly July 16, 2013 at 12:04 am

@MM, was totally talking to the hubby about how wide they are getting! Some seasons seem worse than others!
@ Aggie, Helen’s my fave so far too!
Night all

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aggie27 July 16, 2013 at 12:22 am

@ Holly

Helen is a smart woman and easy to be around, it goes to show you how delusional Aaryn is. Goodnight

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HoH8 July 16, 2013 at 1:01 am

here’a a couple of Links… 🙂

this is Epi 3 of the “Wil Saga Show”…he is so funny……

and this a segment(2 min) of The Talk with the ladies discussing BB…..

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Bobo July 16, 2013 at 1:20 am

Goodnight……………. 🙂

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Madisonchris July 16, 2013 at 1:34 am

@Lisa Marie, I actually got the BLOG today! I have been getting it from you directly! So…I think it might be fixed!

I think Helen speaks too much for her own good.

I actually want Candice to win!! She seems tone genuine and honest, a caring person so NO she won’t win. But, she is my favorite !

XOXO to you all

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Craig Long July 16, 2013 at 3:45 am

I have not read all the comments above, but feel compelled to say that, IMHO, the Big Brother broadcasts are not reality TV, nor are they a social experiment. They represent a summer long competition for a quarter million dollars. As with any production, whether it be building computers, manufacturing steel, building refrigerators, etc. raw materials are transformed into a marketable product. the raw materials in the Big Brother shows are the housguests. In order to mold this material into a marketable product BB uses a big incentive that will in some cases alter a players personality, and accentuate it in others. The producers then take this material and manipulate it to make it into a TV show that people will watch and hopefully profit both CBS and the shows sponsor’s. I’m certain that CBS and the sponsors are secretly jumping with joy that such a big controversy has sprung out of this latest batch of raw material.

Having said all that, I do not condone the personal and mean spirited racial tone that this season has taken and believe those hurtful elements be discarded and replaced with better material. Alas, CBS is watching the bottom line and I’m sure they don’t want to throw away their cash cow(s).

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Craig Long July 16, 2013 at 3:49 am

Please forgive the punctuation errors. I went through a couple of drafts while watching BBAD and lost my focus.

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Craig Long July 16, 2013 at 3:53 am

From what I’ve been able to see, Helen is making good use of her political skills. Go Helen

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Craig Long July 16, 2013 at 5:01 am

I’m going to take issue with my own comment. I said it was a competition. It is not. The prize money is just a tool used to stir the pot. The prize money will show up on their profit and loss statement as a cost of doing business. This is only a TV show, no less, no more. Likewise, the live feeds are another item in their toolbox used to generate awareness and interest in their product. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were a line item in their advertising budget. If I may borrow from Despicable Me, we are but happy minions in their scheme.

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sylvie July 16, 2013 at 8:02 am

Jessie is just gaining weight in the BB house it happens every season. Don’t think she pregnant. Probably bored

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sylvie July 16, 2013 at 8:12 am

@Mary Dianna,

Include sweet Candace in the not so nice remarks she said Andy was there for the “Queer votes” so she needs awareness too.

Although the racists went above and beyond anything I have ever witnessed or herd with heir abusive comments, rude awakening coming soon.

Still trying to figure out who I like this season.

I do enjoy the Germy By’s defeated induced fake sweetness, he’s not fooling anyone. But working hard at it

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Starfish July 16, 2013 at 11:27 am

@Aggie, I like Helen too but hope she doesn’t get to confident and lose focus. Also like Candice & Howard but mostly this year it’s who I don’t like. Don’t truly have a favorite yet.

@HoH8, thanks for the links. So nice of you.

@Lisa Marie, I’m loving the bachelorette. Don’t usually watch it but for some reason felt for Des. I feel sorry for Zaq.

@Holly, yep they all get wider during the season. R you sure you have it on HD? 🙂

@Craig Long, thanks for your insight.

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Starfish July 16, 2013 at 11:28 am

******N E W P O S T U P *****

See below link (The Debatable Charm of Ringworm Boy)

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Madisonchris July 16, 2013 at 6:23 pm

@Craig Long, just a thought…we know that and it appears you don’t care for this season so maybe you should not watch it? Just a thought……

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asian beauty July 17, 2013 at 5:49 pm

May I simply say what a comfort to uncover a person that genuinely knows what they are talking about online.
You definitely realize how to bring an issue to light and make it important.
More people should look at this and understand this side of your story.
I was surprised you’re not more popular because you certainly have the gift.

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