Ringworm Boy — a.k.a. Jeremy — is a strange one, isn’t he?
Ever since Nick was evicted and Helen won Head of Household, he has been going out of his way to be nice to everyone. That’s not shocking in itself. That’s what you do when you don’t have any power. You suck up to the people who do.
What’s amazing about Ringworm Boy is that he’s so good at it! Ever since he started his charm offensive, HGs have been talking about how he’s actually a nice guy and how they regret the fact that they’re going to have to get him out of the house. Seriously, he’s gone from being the most hated man in the house to suddenly, being the new Nick.
However, much as Nick was sent walking despite being personally popular, it looks like the same thing is about to happen to Ringworm Boy. Yesterday, Kaitlin used the power of veto on herself and, as she was planning to do from the beginning, Helen nominated Jeremy in her place. I have to admit that I’m no longer as big of a Helen fan as I was when she first won HoH but she deserves all the credit in the world for actually sticking to her plan.
It seems like Jeremy’s only hope is that he can either convince everyone that Spencer is a bigger threat or that Aaryn ends up saying or doing something so obnoxious, stupid, and hateful that everyone will decide that they simply cannot spend another week or two with her in the house.
Fortunately for Jeremy, there’s always a good chance that Aaryn will do just that.
Still, I’m pretty sure that come Thursday, Ringworm Boy will walk out the house wondering how things would haven gone if he had simply started pretending to be nice 3 weeks ago.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
@Lisa Marie
Well said agree 100%
I feel tge same way about RWB and Helen trying to be friends w everyone and wanting them to feel comfy in the HOH room what up w Dat ?
Hummmm who do I like this season ?
I gave no idea ?
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I have no idea not gave …
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Ringworm boy can be charming when he wants to be but I think it is too little too
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------late…at least I hope so
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Jeremy is gone…effective Thursday at 7:28 central time 5:28 Pacific time…if he hustle’s he can make the 7:45 back home to Obnoxsville…thanks for poarticipating in this yrs show big guy…WE WON’T MISS YOU…if my math is correct that’s 3 guys out the door in the first 3 weeks…HELLO…I MEAN HELLO…does anyone see something happening here…can we start working on some of the dead weight women…floatersville it’s time to welcome some of your finest ladies…take your pick…
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Right on Lisa! 🙂
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Well said, Lisa! RWB is gone. Was afraid that Kaitlin would view the showmance more importantly than the game. Think she realized that she was just another notch on RWB’s belt. I believe now that Amanda & McCrae are playing the best game, and would be very happy to see either win the MVP, before it stops!
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Thanks Lisa Marie, great update. RWB has had an epiphany it seems. Maybe he truly is a really nice guy but got in the wrong (cool kids) clique and he thought that’s how the game should be played. You could say that but I don’t think so. He showed his colors early and I hope he goes. He’ll realize his mistake soon enough.
I do wish Aaryn would go first tho so (as many of you have said before) that we can see more of the other player’s game play. I too like how Amanda stuck to her guns and hope she and McCrae continue to play well. My heart still goes out to Candice’s parents. I don’t know if I could watch them torment my daughter without raising holly hell all over the place including CBS front door!
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It has been enjoyable watching the “new” Jeremy & the “new” Aaryn but sadly I’m quite fed up with Helen the mouth. Give us a break girl and stop repeating yourself. The nail party was a new idea & surprisingly 7 out of 8 attended (even though some really did not want to be there). It was good to hear McCrae tell Amanda he wished she would have joined the girls.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m having a hard time watching Amanda cuddle & caress McCrae’s face. I see a slightly older, obviously more mature, definitely more intelligent woman and “country bumpkin” type fella hanging all over each other. Seeing him in the same clothes day & night, such a lack of any sort of motivation, I have to question what he would do if Amanda was out of the picture. He drags his feet, hangs his head between those drooping shoulders and follows Amanda like a puppy. Amanda! what are you thinking?
On a lighter side, love seeing Judd open up and come out of his shell. So fun watching him participate in the pranks last night.
Little Jessie needs a diversion from food, perhaps BB could give the HGs a scale as they in other years.
Which word is spoken more often: f-bomb or like?
Everyone enjoy a great day & stay cool.
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This MVP twist has to end because it is stupid. It’s making this season boring and predictable. First time in BB history where the HOH means nothing. Total BS
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Well Said Lisa! Besides RWB being a HUGE bully and over confident – I don’t know if I can stand another weak of him and Kaitlin smacking lips, grabbing butts, and all that crap they do as if they are alone on an island! Honestly either one has to go! I don’t think Kaitlin’s playing anymore and just using this as if she is on a “meet your new date” show, or “match.com” reality tv show. She is always climbing on him no matter what he is doing. She must have been very desperate for a boyfriend.
Okay done with that (LOL) – I too am a bit taken back by Helen. I was a big fan of her before HOH but these live feeds have shown her power going to her head and she must have seen many BB episodes to know you can’t come out of the gate like that. I think McCrae did it well when he was first HOH – he didn’t act all high and mighty and didn’t threaten the HG’s that they would go up if they can’t be trusted. I think Elissa too is starting to see her differently.
I guess people do change in that house when you go from no power to a lot of power. If those HG’s are smart, they would get rid of Jeremy, Kaitlin and Aaryn. Aaryn more so because I don’t believe she deserves money if she goes to the Jury house and also I’m dying to see her reaction when she finds out what all of America Thinks….. especially when she finds out Julie was personally insulted! I’m getting popcorn for that one!!!!
Thanks to all of you keeping us up to date when we can’t watch the live feeds due to our schedules. I look forward to logging on to see what you all have to say and updates so I don’t have to scroll through old feeds. 🙂
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@Mike Mort DR, I hope they start working on the 3 witches too. Maybe keep one for entertainment value. 😆 Alone they would surely lose some of their nastiness. It’s a mob mentality right now. They have security in their numbers to be nastier and meaner. Lose one and it will be interesting. Lose two and it could get boring but maybe we’ll see some real game play among those who know the game and came to play BB.
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Lisa Marie I agree with you about Jeremy turning himself around and now being nice to the HG’s, but I am sure if somehow he regained power we all would see the nasty side of him again. He is a good actor!! 😆
I like Helen, but she is spreading herself too thin by trying to be friends with everyone. It is okay to be nice to the other HG’s, but I am tired of seeing her gushy chats with them. She is putting a big target on her back and no one will want to take her to the end. She better be careful about an all girl alliance, as the guys in the house will soon catch on. If McCrae and Amanda can manage to lie low for awhile, I think they have a good chance of making it to the end, especially if they can pick up votes from Andy and Judd – Spencer too, if he is still around.
Can’t wait to see Jeremy walk out that door on Thursday!
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Amen Starfish 🙂
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@Sherry, thank you for the blow by blow. You gave a perfect picture for those of us not watching live feeds as RMM said above.
RMM, I’m sorry to hear about Helen. Others have expressed that same sentiment about her HOH going to her head. I hope she settles down and remembers how this game is played since she is a super fan of BB.
A huge thank you to everyone who updates us on the LF antics. It’s great!
@Lisa Marie, love your take on everything! We love you girl!
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Yah Starfish, Helen is almost, slightly, nearly (LOL)…. a kind/sweet/polite bully? Weird right? I don’t know how to explain it – I just know she may be hurting her game – Thursday is coming fast and she won’t be HOH come Friday.
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Once RWB is gone, and I’m fairly certain he is going this week, his ladies will turn on each other. Aaryn and Kaitlyn have no game beyond taunting people, and will be in the house only as long as the others can stand them, which won’t be long.
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I hope so Tuna….. time for Aaryn, Kaitlin, AND Ginamarie to GO!
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Mornin Betty!
Betty & RMM: Sounds like Helen is getting on everyone’s nerves a bit right now. I’m hearing that she’s a sophisticated bully. In real life she’s a ‘political consultant’ so she, like politicians, knows how to snare you into believing what they tell you and before you know it, your screwed! 😆 I don’t think she’s that malicious tho. She’s got to find the sweet spot for herself in this game. I like her right now. I’ll record BBAD to watch a couple nights. It’s just so difficult to keep up with all the bleeping. I don’t know how some of you do it. I go crazier than I am after 5 minutes.
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I don’t have the live feeds, and since I changed cable providers last week, I no longer have TVGN. So, what is Helen doing that people aren’t liking her so much anymore?
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That’s it Starfish…. A sophisticated bully! I’m not a fan of the BBAD because of just what you said….they curse so much that there is more bleeping than anything. The live feeds are where you are going to find her in action.
I know she has a big heart but she also “means business” and seems to have no problems telling people now that she is HOH. She is testing folks to see if they are with her or against her and she kind of gives them possible consequences if they choose the wrong team…that would be anybody else except Team Helen.
I don’t know, guess I’ll have to see how this all plays out. I could be way off the mark but that is the feelings I get when I see her approach the HG’s.
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Hi Starfish!
I know BBAD is hard to watch, but I suggest you do so anyway for a couple of nights. Helen is acting like a nursery school teacher kindly reprimanding her students. “Let’s just all get along and eliminate the drama in the house”. Who is she kidding?? This is Big Brother. If she continues this goody, goody attitude I will no longer root for her. Hopefully this will change once there is a new HOH.
Have a great day! Kisses and hugs for Gus!!
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p.s. @RMM – You are right, Helen is a sophisticated bully!! Nicely worded!! 😆
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Thanks for the catchup, everyone. I’m curious… how did Jeremy get the nickname ‘Ringworm Boy’… and what brilliant BBB mind bestowed it??? Origin please.
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Hi Ted,
Jeremy had some type of insect bite or maybe it was something else, which took the shape of a red ring. There was talk that he might have ringworm, which obviously is wasn’t true, as ringworm is highly contagious, as he would have been eliminated from the show and the entire house would have had to be treated. I think our writer, Lisa Marie, called him Ringworm first (not sure, if could have been JT or Kevin11, I don’t want to offend anyone). Then his name was shortened to RWB – Ringworm Boy.
How are things going in the back woods! Anything interesting to chase?
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I will be glad to see Jeremy go, I can wait another week til Aaryn leaves.
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Hi Ted, Jermy got a spider bite (confirmed by the doctor) and was pissing and moaning about it in the cockpit room. Asking over and over if it looked loke Ringworm, because that’s what he thought it was Amanda looked at it and with her professional medical experience agreed with Jermy that it was indeed Ringworm.
Hence RWB. There are multiple details but that is the core. It was a spider bite and I guess he had never seen one. The name seemed to suit him so it stuck.
As far as “nice” Jeremy goes, as soon as Helen won HoH he stated, in the kitchen, I believe, that he was a communications major and hadn’t been using his knowledge. That’s why we see “nice” Jermy. He is now using his knowledge and what he has been taught. Too little, too late? We will see on Thursday.
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Romeo & Juliet updated a la 2013:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The timeless tale of tragic love. Lovers meet under unusual circumstances only to be torn apart by a hopped up motormouth. Their time running out like sands through the hourglass brings them all the more close together. Legs intertwined, ringworm spreading, kisses stolen poolside, storage room, bedroom etc etc etc, that familiar burn when you pee… and maybe a little bit of blood showing .Ah, romance! And as with all great ( and in this case silly) romantic stories, our hero must either die like Jack did in Titanic or be sent home in shame with only a rash to remind him of all he has lost.
At the POV Ceremony. POV winner, Juliet (Kaitlin), has decided to use the POV on herself which, unfortunately, means her infested boytoy RWB aka Romeo (Jeremy) is now on the block. This was HOH Helen’s diabolical plan this whole time – to backdoor RWB. After the ceremony we find the two lovers in a warm embrace. Juliet has plastered blood red kisses on his face – See that Jessie? He’s hers, not yours! and don’t you forget it- as the two coo and sigh. RWB – Romeo tells her that this is the end of his Big Brother season… THIS season. But not to worry he will be waiting at the door when she wins the big first prize and he will even help her spend it. which he has told her a few times well, maybe minus the helping her spend it part that is my view of his message. Juliet gazes up at Romeo
and says, “You’ll try out again next season!” Romeo shakes his big ego filled head, “If they want me, they’ll call me and ask me.” Errr Romeo I would not hold my breath for too long.
Here’s the thing, Romeo is a bully and one not very nice person (normally, but can turn into a nice person when he is not in power as we have been seeing these past few day) . We all know this ,and if by some strange miracle he does stay, I shall have to call the next installment about him to read DR JEKYL AND MR HYDE
Like my grandmother used to say “to have loved and lost is better then not being loved at all”, I however want to change that around a bit to
Tis better to have not loved and go home without ringworms
ciao to all my darlings
I am gone
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The show has become more dramatic and confrontational than past programs. The diversity of cast members has caused major conflicts that adds to the drama. Jeremy and Ayron need to remain in the house to stop the show for becoming boring. Helen can over-talk at times and can become a good target. Amanda is an excellent player. Andy can also keep information flowing. Katlin will fall apart when Jeremy leaves. The other cast members are somewhat weak. Candice must win competitions to remain in the game as do the other house guest. Howard will self-destruct and Spencer mat join him as well. The race card among the other cards is in poor taste, yet it starts fires that are difficult to put out. Judd may win because he is hard to understand. He will always come under the radar and may win the key contest in the future. Great Blog this year….
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Lots of old Hippy Chicks, Betty… but, I’ll be careful for when we finally meet. Thanks for the info… must have been LM, as it’s far to clever for 11 or 🙂 .
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***Correction**** Starfish you were the one that came up with ‘Sophisticated Bully”, my mistake. 😳 Very clever!!
Ted I know my way around the woods, so be careful my friend, you might find a big surprise in your tent! 😆 Hope you are having a good time!
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OMG, I’m just now listening to last night’s BBAD and there is Kaitlin and Jeremy telling Helen that they both had Ring Worm and they aren’t joking…. and suggested she might have it because her neck has been itching for 3 days
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Did anyone else have a hard time watching Jessie on BBAD last night or on the live feeds! I don’t know how long she whined after BBAD, but it was enough for me. She really has problems. She needs to get out of that house and onto a psychiatrist’s couch!
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Oh I mean I think they said Jeremy and Amanda
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So agree with the comments about Helen! Seriously you are HOH not a camp counselor! I expect them all to start singing kumbaya soon. Get over yourself, this is BIG BROTHER, they are NOT your friends! I was rooting for Helen but if she doesn’t quit acting like sister mary sunshine in a game for a half mil, she can go too!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@MM, so funny and true!
@Sherry, little Jessie isn’t so little anymore! I think it is more apparent since she is a shorty! I’m a short girl too and 5lbs looks like 20!!! Stinks to be short but put the ice-cream spoon DOWN STAT!!!!
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Mama Margie, you are soooo funny! That was enjoyable to read!
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Mama Margie – loved your post. Helen, who I really like, I’m afraid is turning this season into Friends. No, Helen, it BB – and without drama there is no show.
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This has bugged me most years:
When are they going to learn the proper way to set up the chess board?? The right hand corner should have a white/light colored square by each of the two players. The white queen starts the game on a light colored square and the black queen starts the game on a dark colored square.
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I did Betty, but I love my DVR and the “forward” button. She kept repeating her issue with Kaitlin laughing at her to every crazy HG that would listen…. I was done with that and I am now passing when I see her….. she is such a child. I’m betting she was a spoiled child as well.
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@RMM – Good thing you used the FF. Jessie just went on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on…. almost more annoying than this post!!
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LOL so true!!
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I don’t not agree with most of you Aaryn needs to go this week and then Elissa and Helen I can not stand any of them. If you people knew Elissa and those in the house like me she would be gone.
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Jani I’m with you….. I have NEVER liked Elissa or her Sister. I swore I wouldn’t ever watch another BB if they brought that (Rachel) Reality TV Hog back I wouldn’t watch it. They both are ditsy and just whine and cry through every conversation. I completely disagreed that Rachel should have won at all.
Sorry, I know some are fans of them….. they just get my last nerve.
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I so agree with all of you about Helen. She has become like a know-it-all that has the answer to everyone’s problems. She keeps saying the mother-side of her comes out. I like Elissa’s approach of not letting Aaryn and Jeremy fool her into believing they’ve changed. Aaryn said she’s learned her lesson…only until someone else is in power. I really like Judd, he’s himself and seems to be a very nice guy. This should, in my opinion, be the order of exit from the house. Jeremy, Aaryn, Katlin, GM, Howard, Candice, Elissa, Helen, Spencer, McCrae, Amanda, Judd.
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Nancy, like your line up!
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Helen is a sucker….. all the bad kids are pretending to be nice and squeezing information out of her, especially Aaryn trying to find out if Spencer and Howard are still on her radar to evict. She’s falling for it.
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Thanks everyone for the great updates. I will be happy to see Jeremy go, no second chances for him.
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Please don’t buy into his nice boy act!!! He’s only acting this way because he’s trying to save himself from eviction. If he, Kaitlin, GM or Aryan win HOH, he’ll be right back to his obnoxious old self.
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Elissa reminds me of the lollypop kids on the wizard of oz!
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@mm: Funny stuff.
@Ted: I have sent $11 via Western Union to my boy Bigfoot to track you down in the woods, bite your ankles, steal your s’mores and scream “Floaters get a life vest!” at you. He came extremely cheap for a Gigantopithecus.
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OMG…Helen is becoming so seriously annoying! She is single handedly turning this game into an incredibly boring one. Who appointed her this ridiculous role? She wants everyone to have a turn at everything…life in the BBH should be all peaches and roses? OMG!
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Hey all!! You know what the problem with this blog is?? We are all rabid fans who think along the same lines and pretty much agree on everything!! Makes for a great vibe, but I am having troulbe finding something new to input!!lol
Loves LM’s post as usual.
@Shery..loved your take on mcManda’s relationship. I think it fills a need in the house for an ally and for comfort and I am SURE McCrae is in *This can’t be happening to me* Heaven!! But seriously…..I think Amanda has a much more professional life outside of BB. Her last guy she was dating was a lawyer for heaven’s sakes!!! I feel bad for MC but I think he is in for a rude awakening once ther showis over! But….opposites often attract, so….expect the unexpected!!
@RMM..you summed Helen up to a TEE!! Who says you have to be aggressive to be bossy??LOL She is soon to lose power tho and will have to go bavk to just being one of the herd! I just hate it when anyone on teh show plays the MOTHER card..for any reason!! YOU came to play! Not your kids. And you get no more a special dispensation for reproduving than Aryan gets for being a racist!! 😉
@SF…..I’m with you. I don’t dislike Helen….yet. But I don;t have a favorite this year either. Maye after F5. I have been having trouble wtchng BBAD. It’s SO annoying with all the bleeping! And we were having cable probs last nite , making it worse, so I didn’t really watch them. I miss the 3 hours cuz I could basically skip the 1st 2 and watvh the 3rd, which was always jucier! I like my talk and news shows at nite too, being a nite owl,so even if I watch I end up recording it. Almost not worth it!!!!
Ok..I have found a cute pic of Ellisa and Rachel as kids but I have never tried to post a link before so..here goes……
Well….looks like you will have to C&P it into your browser. If someone would like to educate me on how to get links in here that are clickable, I’d APREESH!! 😉
Been watching the LFS for awhile. Most HGS still sleeping!!!! And everyone IS talking about ringworm! Several think they have it, are itching and waiting to talk to the DR, and Elissa said they should BOIL all the sheets and blankets! Somehow the memo that it’s only a spider bite didn’t get circulated to theHGS!!lol
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Hey..Yeah! My link does look like it worked!!!! Hot doggies!!lol Let me know if you guys actually can see it or not!!
BTW..Helen is the one with a skin rach she wants production/medical to look at. Not sure if it’s RW or sun poisining or wahtever. She won’t go out in the sun until she knows. House making you paranoid much , Helen??? lol She seems the type to be a bit of a hypochondriac to me anyway!! 😉
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Helen reminds me of my elementary school teachers …… ok class, raise your hand if you didn’t do you homework! OK, you people will stay after school and do your homework!!
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from Google:
1. A person who is professionally involved in politics.
2. A person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement.”
IMHO Helen is just doing her job. Of course others (everyone?) in the house also fit the second definition, but I’m hoping Helen’s experience outside the house will prevail.
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Hi everyone, a little water logged today! Very Hot in the Jersey shore.. Thanks fore all the up dates, don’t have anything to add , just like what you all have to say 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See you later…………………….
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I heard someone was asked to leave the show, does anyone know anything about that.
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Like Star said, you guys have said it all. I’m just posting to mark my spot for when you all get really busy. 😛 Awwww the Reilly sisters look so cute. I remember playing with makeup. Now, it’s just a pain to even bother with. I like my news & talk shows too so I’ll record BBAD and give it a second try as Betty suggests.
@MM, you are absolutely hilarious, not to mention creative. Romeo & Juliet. 😆 I didn’t get that gene.
Sorry to hear Helen thinks she’s a school teacher rounding up her second graders. That’s how it’s being described on here IMO. I’m really disappointed. And what’s with the focus on skin rashes this year? Yeck
RMM, hopefully she’ll get it and not fall for their deception. Geez, I hope she’s not that gullible!
@Bobo, take care my dear!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Betty, thank you that was sweet of you and hugs n kisses to Maggie!
@Sal, lollypop kids, perfect! She almost sounds like them.
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Does anyone else have a problem with Judd’s speech? I only understand every 2nd or 3rd sentence out of his mouth. It’s not only his accent, he is a world-class mumbler. There are speech therapists (2) in the house. He should take advantage of his good luck.
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Starfish You too & thank you my dear ♥
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@Craig Long, I hope so too. Not lookin good right now from the posts tho.
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Hey JT & Kevin I still am hoked on the feeds 😆
PS: Some one asked me why I use the green smiley face…. All I can say is Army Training… Boom Boom shack a Lacquer , spelled that wrong :lol:…. Later…
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From Stripes ….. 🙂
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@Bobo: There’s no turning back now brother… 😉
Big Brother Group @BigBroGroup
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CORRECTION: New alliance: “The Knockouts” – The hottest alliance ever! Helen, Andy, Elissa, Amanda, McCrae AND JUDD! #bb15
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Hello all!!! Did anyone notice the ad just under the Big Brother Blog at the top of this page??? Pretty funny. The advertisers don’t know about RWB.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you, Star for the kind words about my grammar and style of writing. I try. Now I have a lot to live up to.
Since all I have is the television and your comments to fill me in….I feel like the obscene people and those involved in the drama are getting all the air time so I don’t really know anything much about Andy and Judd. I did hear that Judd offered his bed to Howard and Candace after Kaitlin told them that no one had their own bed in the house…after they oh so rudely “squatted” in that room. I thought that was really nice of him but it wasn’t aired on the program.
And yes, I don’t believe for a second that Jeremy is a good guy. All you have to do is remember how he talks in the DR.
Thanks again for all of your comments!
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All I can say is I hate RWB he showed his true colors from day one. He has made me ashamed to be half Cherokee. I can not stand Elissa because is just like her sister (annoying). Aaryn is just a b***h. A very hateful one at that. And Gina Marie and Kaitlin are no different then Aaryn. As for the rest I can not pick one from another.
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First of all Kevin.. 😆 So… Kevin or JT I saw this clip on Joker’s…

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Julie Chen was a guest on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. July 15, 2013. Julie takes a few minutes of the interview to discuss this season 15 of Big Brother.
Julie tells Craig Ferguson that “This year on Big Brother race has become a issue and it has got very ugly”. She goes on to say “It was uncomfortable for her to watch last night”.
(Julie is referring to the CBS broadcast that aired Sunday July 14th, 2013 when Aaryn Gries flipped the bed of Candace Stewart and the events that followed after).
Read more: http://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Board=bbnewsandrumors&Number=19774355#ixzz2ZFsdloOj
Not sure how to share it with anyone… Craig is so funny 😆 Was this enough?
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Bob, I got the Stripes reference the first time…. that’s the fact, Jack. 😆
I still like Helen ok, but maybe that’s more by default than her game play. It does get annoying watching her form her alliance of 13.
And I have never seen this in the history of BB where an HOH nominates someone… then that someone wins veto…… and the HOH offers them protection for the rest of the game if they use the veto to save themselves!? HUH? Isn’t that supposed to work the other way around?
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😕 ????? Hey it came out 🙂
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JT 😆
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I knew you would ❗
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And LOL @ Holly ……….”Sister Mary Sunshine”.. too funny 😆
here Holly, this pic was taken in the photo booth shortly after Helen won HOH. 😉
Click this pic of Helen
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Got to go….going to watch TV …Everything I missed last night, I may be a day late but I am current ……. 😆
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Hey… If any of you BBNutcases lives in Vegas… Please track down 11and get him out of the sun. Thank you.
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I love this blog….I read it first thing when I get up in the morning and then wait until around 9:00pm for the latest news updates. You guys are a great source of info and laughter….love it and thanks for all your hard work watching and updating us on what is happening on the BBAD LF. Peace everyone
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Vote @Ted in 2016.
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@SF..glad you liked the pic! I loved playing dress up,,,but usually the only make-up we got was lipstick! No wonder rachel and Elissa are such beauty queens..they started early!!!lol Glad you like the other late nite shows too. I’m just not willing to give them up to watch people kvetch and play chess!! 😛
@Maxie..you are welcome! Always happy to have another like mind in the gruop! NO pressue!! lol Altho, how do you just watch the show?? It is So edited! Can you at least get BBAD?? It’s free now and you can always tivo it if you work!! Then you will really get a sense of the HGs. AND their bad grammer..lol For example..this isn’t grammer, but on LFs this afternoon, Candace said…*You catch more BEES with honey…* instead of flies!! Another pet peeveo f mine. People..especially younger…..have NO idea how cliche’s really go and always mix them up. I went to a Catholic school. Nuns weren’t big on math or science but they sure pounded langueage into your head! If something is wrong, my ears actually hurt!!lol
@kenjake….too funny and totally agree!!! 😆
@Bobo…..you have to be the busiest blogger of the day!!!lol Thanks for the link! Can’t beleive how much nat’l publicity BB is getting this year! But on the other hand, the ratings are down. Go figure!!!
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Kev11….Boogie was always a shady character. His nose goes where the money is! I wonder if he and Dr. Will are still friends?? IMO…he should hook up with ED. Birds of a feather…lol
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@ Starfish I’m a Bachelorette Fan also, I was real surprised Zack went, I felt bad for him, seems he’s not very lucky in that department. I guess my first choice is Brooks, I hope she ends up with him
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Aggie …..Bachelorette? …what’s that? 😯
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Aggie… 😯 🙄
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I watched the Bachelorette last night too! Chris’s father was so creepy.
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@Aggie, I sent you an email.
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Lisa, ….not that I would know of course.. but I heard… 😕
Chris’ father was a bit creepy. Des must have felt sooo AWKWARD laying on the table getting a massage from him!
Then WTF was that “nose adjustment” he did on Chris? Did
we.. umm…. people really need to see that? 😮Or so they said around the “water cooler” today. But I wouldn’t know. 😉
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I watched Bachelorette too. I’m with you LM….if my dad stuck anything up my nose on national, I would have crawled in a hole somewhere. I am hoping for Brooks… 🙂
Can’t wait for Thursday night to see Germy (Jeremy) walk out the BB house.
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JT….fess up bro! 😆
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The best guy went home last night on the bachelorette. I thought Zac and his family were terrific.
Helen and Amanda are my favorites. I think she knows how to play people. Shes nice to everyone even her enemies. As polished as Helen is Amanda can be quite gruff but she’s nice, straight forward and has a good heart.
I don’t get the LF so I miss a lot and only see what cbs wants me to see plus all your comments (which I always look forward to).
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Watching BBAD is really boring. Almost every word is bleeped out. These people have some trashy mouths. Watching only makes you more confused. They bleep out almost all conversations.
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@Janice – Amanda is my kind of person. If she has something to say to you, she will tell you straight to your face, not like others that run and back-stab you by talking behind your back! That girl has class! I really hope she wins.
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@Betty: I really dig Amanda too and am pulling for either her or McCrae to win.
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Well since we mentioned Bachelorette, I think Chris’ was giving Des a chiropractic adjustment, not really a massage. Did you hear her bones crack? Yes, awkward but she seemed to be ok with it. As for the nose thing, yes that was weird but that’s also part of his profession. They didn’t have to show that at all. They could have used that time to let us see Des coming back into the hotel after letting Zaq go.
As for Brooks, I don’t think he’s got the long term bug in him yet. Yes, he said I love you after much adulation and encouragement from his family but I’m not buying it. I don’t think he’s that into her but I think he really, really wants to be. A humongous difference. IMHO
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@Betty & K11, me too, from what everyone is saying, it looks like Amanda has taken the lead with McCrae on her heels. I’m still not committing to a favorite because I just don’t have one. It’s like watching a tennis match with multiple players on each side.
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@Kevin – I hope either one of them win too, although I do feel sorry for McCrae, as I don’t see a romance between him and Amanda outside the house. She is playing a good game. I just hope she doesn’t overplay her hand.
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@Kevin11, are you getting any sleep or are you addicted to the live feeds? 😆
@Starfish, by the end of the season I may well change my mind! One never knows!
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omg plese tell me that Helen and elissa r not falling for rwb bullshit he is talking up a good game and I think camp director Helen is falling for this she just told him if we do keep u we own you or something like that she is totally nuts, if these two numb nuts fall for his jim jones juice what they get they deserve, aryn nation said earlier she is pulling to keep rwb and they once again will have the power and the other side watch out, I can not wait for andy and Amanda to hear this latest event
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------going to be interesting
what do u guys think???
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MM, They are just humoring him…. to keep the drama down… and to see what other info they can get from him.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But he will be voted out by at least 8-2 on Thursday. Bank on it.
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@Betty: Yeah (getting sleep), I only watch when it seems like it’s getting interesting from seeing stuff on Twitter (Like now, Jeremy bargaining with Helen/Elissa in HoH room.) and am writing and realized watching too much was affecting my health, sleep and weight (probably gained three pounds first nine days of feeds). Also helping friend with radio show and my soccer team (Chelsea) begins preseason tomorrow in Asia so I probably spend maybe 2-3 hours with Feeds on (and most times just listen) a day now. I quickly learned how and when to watch but after seeing last Thursday, am glad I popped the $$$$. Also watch BBUK an hour each day.
@Starfish: Why we love this show so much. Although he has no shot, I’m admiring Jeremy for fighting and actually like him more than the Mom Squad. I remember how Ian crept up on us all last year here. Ian and Amanda back-to-back would be cool. Also, this MVP “twist ” proves the show needs to do something stupid to us viewers annually. Will report back here tomorrow, soldiers.
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I hope u guys r right he seems to be making a good speech, Helen acts like she is the camp director and makes all the decisions she is out going hoh I just want to slap her upside the head, he will throw him own mother under the bus if it helps him he can say anything he wants to now
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------again with a saying my grand mother used to say
believe nothing of what you hear
and half of what you see
oy vey wait till Amanda hears this one lmao 🙂
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Daniel @danieldepe
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Helen is protecting everyone. Maybe she will ask Jeremy to protect Allison Grodner, Julie Chen, and America. #BB15
Retweeted by Tart with a Heart
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@Betty @K11
I like Amanda and McCrae also, don’t know if she can hang in, she’s a strong person, I’m sure she will be targeted. I think those two will stay loyal also. I also really like Helen, smart lady with a good head on her shoulders. Hopefully good people in the end.
Really turned off by Spencer seeing him on the feeds last night, I won’t mention his comment, pretty disgusting, hopefully someone sends him out. Howard has alot of class, but i was disappointed about the Elissa Vote, Sorry to see Nick Go though I liked him. At least we have some to root for out of this pretty pathetic bunch.
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for all the Britney Fans….she had her baby on Sat…a baby girl named Tilly Elizabeth weighed 8lbs 3oz……yes u heard that right…tiny Brit gave birth to a 8lb baby, lol….
here was Britney’s Tweet today….
@britney_haynes My life changed on July 13th and will never be the same! My sweet little girl is happy, healthy, and amazing. Tilly Elizabeth;
and speaking of Tweets, today was Tweet Day…here were Helen’s HOH Tweets of the day…..
@BigBrotherHOH 2m
Brittany – If you have a girl, Helen is a great name! If you have a boy, don’t name it Jeremy. #bb15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 3m
You can’t just win BB by winning competitions; You also need a winning personality. That is the downfall in Jeremy’s game. #bb15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 3m
Moms Are Always Right: Treat people with respect – it goes a long way. #bb15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 4m
Shout out to my wonderful husband who is HOH for our family – I love you every minute of the day. #bb15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 5m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Love and miss my little boys, Henry and Charlie – I know both of you will be very good while I am gone – especially at church! #bb15
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Has anybody heard anything further about the HG that was asked to leave? Bi don’t remember who posted that rumor.
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Anybody want to guess who just popped into the HOH room during the discussion? 😆
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Janice, I haven’t heard about anyone leaving…
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WoW. These HG are dumb.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@ sherry, I’m voting for like. I wAs watching Jessie and Aaryn, Jessie couldn’t get a sentence out. Like I was like think like, but jermey like said . Oh like ya like… OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!
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JT-Karen in NY posted that st 4:50 today.
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Star….I would love to see the live feeds but I know me and I wouldn’t get anything else done. You are all keeping me abreast of the important goings on. Would like a running commentary but know that isn’t feasible. Loved Candace saying the bees/honey thing. Thanks for sharing. And as for their grammar….one of my pet peeves that I hear on some of these reality shows is when they are talking about themselves and another person and they say…. Johnny (mythical person) and I’s “journey” blah, blah, blah. These young folks today….ahhh!….. after all speaking correctly isn’t rocket surgery!!
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Okay all caught up Thanks everyone 🙂 AggieI felt bad about Zack 🙁
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See you all soon………………………………..
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@ Bob It’s a shame, I guess Zack On The Bachelorette Thought he was the one, It seems he’s not real lucky in that department, Maybe we will see him on Bachelor Pad.
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@ JT
Thought you could sneak in ANDY again I see, I knew when i clicked on that pic, that’s who it would be LMAO.
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Is this a slow night or did everyone go to bed early 😆
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Ash @ashes2ashes13
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Drunk Helen is lying to Andy and now McCrae. She DID out her alliance earlier. She is sayng she didn’t. #BB15
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It’s a slow night aggie. But then again, most nites are anymore. We seem to have a mostly early group here as I end up chattering alone down here after BBAD…lol
Speaking of which…did anyone have any problems getting BBAD tonite? My cable company wasn;t showing it at all. It kept saying it would be on in a minute but it never did come on. I have Charter..not sure if it’s outside of Mich or not. I am going to have to call them tomorrow and find out what the deal is. I am wondering is they discovered that BB was on there at nite now and they are going to make it a pay station or something!!
I did watch the LFS a bit. Kait was whining cuz Jermy was ignoring her.(I don’t think u have to worry about what clothes he is wearing when he meets your folks,hun…lol I knew this was never a romance on HIS side. He was using her for votes and other amenities and altho he said it wad ok, is getting his revenge for her using the POV while at the sdme time sucking up to Helen! There was a boring game of volleyball, of which Helen seemed captain and Judd was in the dark whispering to Amanda, who is a recluse lately, but as usual, I really couldn’t understand him. Something about Howie. Who is Judd with anywaqy?? Seems like he has an alliance with everyone all of a sudden!!
@Maxie……..I don’t watch the feeds that much. Like Kev11 I tend to have it on and listen when I can. I am already way more adicted to BB than the average person, so I try to keep a lid on it..lol As for grammer…it is non-existent!! I have heard that too…the example you gave. Too many to mention but if I hear anything really irritating, i will be sure to let you know!!!lol
And I don’t watch Bachlorette. Only have one year. It seems so fake. And no one ever stays together. I don’t get the attraction. Guess I’m outta the loop!! And here!!! 😉
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Helen…drunk???? Guess I better get the LFS back on!!! How did she OUT her alliance??? And who are they exactly?? Elissa, Andy, McManda and her?????
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HGS are really bored. Talking about having a talk show like the Talk!(Little do they know how often they have been on it!!!) Of course,Helen is being Julie and setting it all up! They are going to sit in the LR< with coffee cups, talk about topics like the MC or slop, then interview HGS. Someone did this onve before. Wasn;t it Brit and the Brigade??? Only they did a late nite show up in HOH. This house is good for people's imagination at least! Shows whawt we can do without puters and cell phones!!!! 😉
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Aggie still up 4:45 AM, just did your Quiz! Goodnight ♥
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Helen’s pretty predictable and boring tweets from the HoH:
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH
Brittany – If you have a girl, Helen is a great name! If you have a boy, don’t name it Jeremy. #bb15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 7h
You can’t just win BB by winning competitions; You also need a winning personality. That is the downfall in Jeremy’s game. #bb15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH
Moms Are Always Right: Treat people with respect – it goes a long way. #bb15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 7h
Shout out to my wonderful husband who is HOH for our family – I love you every minute of the day. #bb15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 7h
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Love and miss my little boys, Henry and Charlie – I know both of you will be very good while I am gone – especially at church! #bb15
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up early and read the comments!!! just had to say to mama m….jim’s joy juice!!!! funeeeee!
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sorry, bad mistake…no joy there. i meant to type jim jones’ juice. i make a homeopathic remedy and i call it joy juice so hence the error on my part. i’m rambling….
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OK. ..here i am again. didn’t anyone but me think the ad for ringworm medicine on the top of the page was a bit funny???
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Sal, I just have to say that I love how you are describing the houseguests. So on target.
I wasn’t able to get on much yesterday and the blog really filled up. I just want to say that I want Aaryn out before Jury House. The little witch deserves to receive money by going to the Jury House. I wonder what Julie will have to say to her when she interviews her and also how the guests will react when she comes out that door. I would guess they are probably told not to have any negative “boos”. She may be one that we see the other guests saying “good riddance” to.
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hpr56 I hope thy let them Boo her! ………………
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I think it should be absolute silence. More unnerving than any other responce.
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Is this going to be a boring big brother since it seems all the interesting people are being evited? first David and then Nick ~ might be an all womens final five after all….
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Still not willing to back anyone yet, however a little swayed by Amanda and Judd as they seem to be s straight shooters with some game. While I did like Helen and Andy NOT NOW. It seems that people who never had any power in their lives a little goes a long way and can’t stand how every time anyone is talking up pops the puppet howdy doody. Love the show and this blog, many thanks to all who make it happen.
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MM, Loved the Jim Jones joy juice. So funny! YOu should go on the road.
Well, I took Betty’s advice and started to watch BBAD last night and *yawn* what a boring night. To be honest I only started watching where Jeremy was telling Kaitlin that he was telling Helen what she wanted to hear but would stick to it and how his poor arms hurt because he over did his arms and was too lazy to work his abs. *yawn yawn* Then, they all go to the jacuzzi and talked about their airline flight in and more boring stuff. The most interesting thing to me was Aaryn was in the kitchen doing the dishes with her hair hanging down wet like she just washed it. Did she get KP duty? While I was watching, she never came out. Oh and I know Helen asked for liquor so maybe things got more interesting after I quit watching.
Didn’t someone, forgive me I can’t remember who said what most of the time, say they have an alliance called the Knockouts or something like that? Helen, Elissa, McC, Amanda, Judd, Ubiquitous Andy. Did I make it up or perhaps dream it? Anyone confirm this alliance?
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Good grief, I meant Jeremy would NOT stick to his agreement with Helen.
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@Maxie, I saw the ringworm ad and it is funny but I think it’s linked somehow to cookies or when one looks up something in google. I noticed a Joe Malone ad on top of the previous blog and I was looking up Joe Malone candles the other days and voila! there was an ad. So, it must somehow connect and maybe somebody looked up ringworm remedies. I have no idea. I thought it somehow connected to us individually because I didn’t think anyone else was looking up Joe Malone candles. One of our techies can explain this I’m sure.
As for Joe Malone candles, forget it. The cheapest one is $65 and the most expensive is $445. Who would spend over $400 for a candle? I don’t think I would even if I could?
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@Mary Diana, that’s great. You said, “It seems that people who never had any power in their lives a little goes a long way and can’t stand how every time anyone is talking up pops the puppet howdy doody.”
That happens so often in BB, it’s disheartening to me when I really like someone and they turn into a king or queen of the house. You’d think that these supposed Super BB Fans, would remember what they watched and try to keep their heads. But nooooo, not on BB. 😆 Gotta love this show.
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Gotta run since I’m talking to myself anyway. 🙂 Walk dog, go to gym, bbl84. ciao
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