Imagine this scenario:
It’s the finale of Big Brother 15. After a long, controversial season, we’re down to the final two. Howard sits in one chair. Judd sits in the other. The nine members of the jury have asked their question. They’ve inserted their keys. Julie is counting the votes.
One person votes for Judd.
Another votes for Howard.
And so on.
Finally, with one key remaining to be pulled, the vote is tied at 4-4.
As Julie reaches for the final key, she says, “It all comes down to Aaryn’s vote…”
I’m sure that’s a vision that keeps Alison Grodner up at night. At this point, with Big Brother just two weeks away from reaching the point where the houseguests will head straight to the jury house, Grodner and CBS have to be worried about the fact that, along with letting someone like Aaryn into the house, they are now facing the possibility that Aaryn could help determine who will win $500,000.
It’s been pretty obvious that the producers of Big Brother wants Aaryn out of the house and they want her gone sooner rather than later. Whether it was encouraging Elissa not to nominate Howard or totally changing the MVP twist to make sure that Aaryn would be nominated this week, everything seems to be designed to get Aaryn out of the game.
Up until yesterday, it looked like Aaryn would be the one voted out. Her entire alliance is nominated for eviction, Aaryn is universally disliked by everyone in the house, and I, for one, was convinced that Aaryn would be voted out unanimously.
However, something totally unexpected has happened. The houseguests are actually thinking strategically. They’re realizing that, as much as they hate Aaryn, she’s not really a threat. She’s alienated nearly everyone in the house, she’s not all that good at challenges, and she would probably be the easiest person to beat in the finale. (The only way Aaryn could win the game would be if she was in the final two with Gina Marie. Incidentally, if that happened, I imagine Alison Grodner would have a nervous breakdown.)
On top of that, Aaryn has finally stopped being petulant long enough to actually play the game. She has promised to throw the next two HoH competitions. She’s promised to vote the way that Helen and Elissa want her to vote.
Meanwhile, Judd (who is a lot smarter than anyone is giving him credit for) has figured out that Kaitlin is the bigger threat in the house and he wants her out. Jessie, Howard, Andy and Spencer will probably vote however Judd wants them to. Helen wants her out and Elissa, who is still pretty paranoid after getting nominated earlier this week, will probably follow Helen. Amanda’s main obsession remains Howard but, since she can’t get rid of him this week, she has also quite rightly deduced that Kaitlin is a bigger threat. Since McCrae no longer has a mind of his own, he’ll also vote however Amanda tells him. Candice would certainly prefer to get rid of Aaryn but I get the feeling that she’ll end up voting however Howard votes.
So, Kailtin will walk and Aaryn and Gina Marie will get another week in the house and will be one week closer to making it to the jury.
And, quite frankly, it’s starting to look like both of them are going to make it to the jury house. Amanda is obsessed with getting rid of Howard and, with each passing day, it seems like the rest of the house is getting more and more irritated with Amanda. Along with being overbearing, her showmance with McCrae has put a huge target on her back.
As much as we, the viewers, would love to see both Aaryn and Gina Marie voted out of the house, Big Brother is a game of strategy and it’s looking like the houseguests are finally starting to realize that. Strategically, it makes total sense to keep weak players like Aaryn and Gina Marie.
If my math is correct (and please let me know if it isn’t because I specifically majored in Art History in college so that I could get out of having to worry about fulfilling the math requirement), we’ve got two more evictions to go before the jury starts to form. I imagine that the show’s producers would love to get Aaryn and Gina Marie out before jury.
(Spencer has been worse than Gina Marie and just as bad as Aaryn but the majority of the publicity about prejudice in the house has focused on Aaryn and Gina Marie. For whatever reason, Spencer has been getting such a good edit on the CBS show that it’s literally like watching an entirely different human being whenever he shows up on After Dark or on the Live Feeds.)
However, the way things are playing out right now, it looks like one or both of those houseguests will make it to jury house.
And so, Grodner’s nightmare continues.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
It sounds very fishy to me that Howard is being called into the DR so much. Hopefully this season will not be fixed by CBS because of all the racism that has gone on in the house. Let the best player win!
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don’t feel sorry for Allison Grodner…she is an executive producer for a semi successful show on one of the major networks…assuming making very good money…her nightmare is what makes people wacth your show…DEAL WITH IT…
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Wow. There are so many scenarios. Not getting the live feeds or after dark, I had no idea Howard was getting called to the diary room a lot. I really do appreciate you guys giving me the info.
Mike I agree about Allison, however, if she falls because of a little racist twit, then that is a really big drop.
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If Aaryn makes it to the jury house, it will be good they don’t show what goes on while they’re in there!
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Does anyone keep track of how many times the HG’s go to the DR?
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Big Brother Dish @BigBrotherDish
JUDD makes BB History, becoming the 1st HoH to willingly shower downstairs during his HoH reign. #BB15
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@Sal – I am not sure, but it seems the favorites of production spend more time there. Andy is really upset, as he has not been called in that often.
Fixing BB because of racism will not solve any problems, it will just make them worse.
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It does sound like everyone’s going to vote Kaitlin. I’m confused tho’ because they said Spencer and Howard would vote Kaitlin out. Isn’t she in an alliance with them and Candace, GM, and Jesse? So why would they vote out one of their own?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don’t underestimate production. If they truly want Aaryn out, they have a couple days to do their magic.
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I doubt think Grodner actually wants Aaryn out of the house and off the show. As bad as things are, that young lady (and I use the term lightly) has been good ratings. There is no such thing as bad press and BB has been getting a lot of press this season. Aaryn is largely responsible for that much.
I’ve said it before, I dislike Aaryn for her overall attitude, not only her racist comments. However, considering her age, lack of maturity and sophistication, I’m willing to overlook it to some extent. I hope she uses this experience to grow up. There are people, people like Amanda, who are beginning to get on my last nerve.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As far as I’m concerned, I’d love to see Amanda leave in the next 2 weeks. She can follow Kaitlin and GM and maybe Spencer (or he can go right after Amanda).
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Hey LM, thanks for the update. I hope Grodner is having nightmares. I’m hoping she’s in damage control mode to the point of pulling her hair out. They must do something about casting. I wish production would stay out of it but I agree they are probably trying to figure out getting Aaryn and GM out b4 jury as you stated.
@Sal, let’s ask Betty. Betty do you know on average who’s called in the DR how many times?
@K11 & LM, I also agree Judd is prolly not as dumb as he appears to us. He just moves slowly and methodically, I hope. He’s just one of the group. The fact that he didn’t care one wit about his room being utilized while in sequester, says a lot about his laid back self.
I still want Aaryn to go and GM next but since the HGs all seem to be playing now, those two and prolly Spencer too will be in Jury. Hopefully one right after the other. Why does Howard think he’s there to protect anyone? What’s up with that?
I watched about 45 mins of BBAD last night and GM was in the HOH playing nice and saying she loved everyone and would never put them up. I didn’t hear the bleeping instead just muted last night anyway. Helen was agreeing and lots of love going on in there with Elissa Andy and I’m not sure who else. Then Elissa and Helen in the room with the food whispering and I finally fell asleep. They should be forbidden to whisper and to put there hands over their mouths!
Then I have to go back and read the remaining posts from the previous blog.
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If it were me, amanda would be on the chocking block – gm to me is entertaining – amanda is just brash and loud – not my cupa tea
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Nancy Helen took a punishment in Saturday’s veto competition. She had to go to bed at 8pm for 2 nights. She wore a mask/blindfold…. and she could not talk to anyone between 8pm & 5am ….she could get up to go to the bathroom.. but that’s it.
Production has been calling Howard to the DR a lot (from other HGs comment.. IDK how many times). This is not helping Howard at all!! In fact, it is doing the exact opposite.
Amanda saw Howard getting called to the DR so much as her opportunity to convince a lot of HGs that he is the MVP.. and putting an even bigger target on him.
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My 2 cents or Euros
I think production doesn’t mind Aryn anymore since she us being nicer
She did promote BB15 thru her shocking racist behavior so I think now they don’t worry about her ad much
They may keep her a while longer and tfe other HGs are forgetting the recent past quickly conveniently
They change their minds so often I can’t stand it
They flip flop constantly their strategies are ever changing
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@MM, kudos to you on your last post. I agree with Sal, a mini novelette. Loved every single word. So entertaining and wonderfully informative. Thank You!
@JT, that’s smart of Amanda to put that on Howard that he might be MVP cux he’s called into DR often. She’s smart but also a smarty pants and gets her panties in a wad too often. Why is he called in so much anyway?
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I really don’t like Amanda either. She is so domineering and arrogant. That is ticks me off. I still hope Aaryn goes this week. I know people don’t like Kaitlyn and she can be a threat but I have just seen so many times that people who really don’t belong there win the whole thing. GM is really dumb and I’m not sure how she got there in the first place. At least with Aaryn, there may not have been any questions that would let people know what she was really like. I don’t know because I’ve never seen the questions.
It seems to me like Helen and Elissa are the chosen ones. If one of them doesn’t go in the next couple of weeks, it will reinforce my belief that it is soooooo fixed by production.
I honestly don’t believe GM, Aaryn or Spencer belong in the Jury House. They make more money if they make it that far and I don’t think they deserve it. As far as Aaryn’s age and her maturity level and lack of sophistication, that seems like an excuse she has fallen back on most of her life. She probably thinks since she is pretty and a model she can do and say anything she wants and get away with it. That’s the typical entitlement attitude. And I don’t mean financial entitlement like assistance, I mean she probably thinks she is entitled to say and do what she wants. She appears to me to be a spoiled brat.
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I seen this on a fb site. I’m not sure if anyone has seen this, but I thought it was interesting to say the least. Who knows how true it is, but I guess we will find out on finale night. I hope it’s not for real…. 🙁 :Roll:
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😳 I forgot to put up the link. 😆
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Starfish, just finally got through reading some of the posts again. Amanda will use anything she can against Howard. I don’t see why she hates him quite so much. Seems weird to me. Maybe Production is deliberately calling Howard in to have the other houseguests question what is going on. I truly love everything you guys write. I don’t think it is ever too much. I watch the shows every week but die for information until I read what you guys post. It’s helpful to get others’ takes on what is going on too.
Thanks again folks. I truly appreciate you.
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Wow Frannie, eye opening. I will definitely be watching. Thanks for the link.
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@ hpr56….I just hope it’s not right, and whoever put that up was just being a PITA!
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Omg Frannie, I guess now days, everything is rigged one way or another.
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IDK Frannie…. I do hope (think) it was someone just being a PITA. And with all the rumors that were out there before this season started, there is definitely no shortage of PITAs.
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Frannie — It wouldn’t surprise me if what the poster said is true. There are time when I feel like the CBS show should be retitled “The Amanda Show.”
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I agree LM…kinda makes us feel like we are watching a movie (comedy/drama) and already know the ending.
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@Frannie..thanks for the inside info!!! I guess we can all go back to our lives
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Sounds crazy enough to be true
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@fp2 – Wow, that sure sounded like sour grapes but, on the other hand (Fiddler on the Roof reference) it could be true because we’ve seen too many things that point to a fix or at least manipulation and what appears to be leading them in the DR room. Allt of that. OK, I give up, what is PITA?
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@hpr, I just comment on what I see on the show and what these great people who watch LFs and BBAD post for us. I thank them too. I don’t have LFs and rarely watch BBAD but I love to post and I’m a BB addict since BB 1. I used to watch LFs and run between other blogs and BB places but not so much anymore. I’m very happy with our crew who are fantabulous and I’m so thankful for them!
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PITA = Pain In The Ass
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Of course it is JT. 😳
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OYYYY Fran, I hope that’s not the case, It seems like Amanda will be a big target, we have seen in the past, how things sway in a certain persons favor, so we shall see.
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I know if BB is fixed to that extent, but I think production can manipulate people into the final three (or two). Hopefully the juror’s votes are real, but who really knows??
JT and Kevin11 – Are you still seeing little green men?
I think you might be seeing visions of Jessie at your window…green with envy that Kaitlin moved in on her man!! 😆
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If Aaryn doesn’t go this week, I may stop watching. Just can’t stand her.
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“I DON’T know – sorry!
Hi Aggie. I would not mine if Amanda made it a little further in the game, but I don’t think she will win.
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Hi Betty,
I don’t know she is a strong player. so who knows we shall see
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SF & Stra….u guys want to change my name in order to be christened in the family, lol….its only 4 letters but i guess u can call me “H8″….but i have one question for u Stra, will u be able to spell it correctly,…im sure one day u will call 8H, lol… 🙂
frannie….u beat me again…i go to lots of bb sites before coming here every day looking for cool stuff to show y’all and i saw that Post u posted and its not the first time u have beat me, lol….i come here late all the time… 🙂
JT….PITA = Pain in the Ass….i was wondering but i was afraid to ask cause i didnt want to look dumb, lol… 🙂
K11…as soon i turned the Feeds on today, i saw that J-U-DD was taking a shower downstairs and i thought that Amanda didnt let him take a shower in her HOH room and sent him downstairs, lol…thanks for the pic…. 🙂
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Sorry HoH8….I don’t come here very often, but I feel like I have to bring something every once in a while. 🙂
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@HoH8, if you can even find my post about that, I said we could use Ho, but that wasn’t good because it has a double meaning 😀 or we could use H8 which was worse because it means Hate so we’ll stick with HoH8. That’s close enough to what I said and no I don’t like H8 at all.
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LOL, glad it wasn’t only me having trouble typing HoH8 …it’s only 4 characters.. but upper case mixed with lower case and a number… seems to be more than my primitive typing skills can handle! 😆
I had thought about going with “H8” a long time ago… but yes. H8 = Hate.. no good.
Maybe I’ll just use HOH8.. all caps. It is easier. 😀
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Pita………….made me think of bread…………yes, i’m dieting and it’s a PITA.
if amanda wins…..then we know not to ever watch again.
who cares if howard gets called in the dr? it’s not his fault. maybe he’s in there punching a punching bag? i would be…..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------go howard…………yes, i like him. not impressed with anyone else….well, i kinda like judd………….hi FRANNIE , haven’t heard from you in awhile. tomorrow is mine and J’s anniversary…..14yrs. but we aren’t doing anything special…..sigh…OK i’m off the subject of BB.
i know i just want the three girls and spencer to go home…..THEN i’ll find BB more interesting.
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Happy Anniversary to you and J….I’ll be sure to send both of you a message on fb. I really thought you two were married longer than that.
I like Howard too….Go Howard!
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Gosh, i never realized it was so hard to type my name….im sorry….i been using it for 8 yrs now and in the beginning i had quite a few fights with some calling me Ho…so yeah, SF, that is no good….and now, i realized that H8 spells HATE…so i guess that’s out also…
i think we can go with JT and use all CAPS with HOH8…its faster to type, also…. so i christened myself “HOH8” to the BBBlog family…Thank You… 🙂
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HoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoH …….HoH8 is the nickname
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@sal 😆
HoH8 – I don’t have any trouble typing your name!
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@Frannie – I used to like Howard until recently. I think he is being very manipulative with Candice, but I guess that is all in the game. I don’t like him when he swears on the Bible. He will never take her to the end. Spencer is his buddy and if he can manage things, he will take him to the end!
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Frannie, is it safe to put in a credit card on the sit you pisted. I am so leary of giving out credit card info. I usually buy a visa card with minimun funds for these kind of things.
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@Betty, I’ve been hearing many say how Howard has been manipulative and condescending to Candice. That girl has been traumatized by the 3 witches or something because she came into the game with game on her mind. Now it seems she’s kind of buying into Howards “I’m here to protect you” BS. No more showmances please.
They should get rid of Spencer since he’s having a showmance with himself. ewww
I started something with HoH8 and it’s been great fun! 😆 Sal, you crack me up and you are the “One Liner King”.
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@Janice…that is totally up to you, but I work at a bank, and I know there is way to much credit/debit card fraud going on. In the last 4 months, I have had fraud on two different debit cards. Sure, you aren’t responsible for those charges, but it takes a little while to get that money refunded back to your account. It’s more of a PITA than anything. Your idea of a loaded Visa gift card would be perfect for sites you’re not sure of.
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Wow! Thanks for that link to the FB post. I’ve thought for years that Grodner and production had too heavy a hand in the outcome in BB; ever since Will won All-Stars. But it really hit me during Evil Dick’s season. He was popular with the audience but put on the block a lot and every single time the HGs decided he wasn’t the big threat or the bully the HOH thought him to be. As much as I hated the guy and much as I prayed it wouldn’t happen, I had Dick pegged as the winner when he failed to win POV (or was he a replacement nominee, I can’t remember) and the night before eviction he was going to voted out, but when the vote came, the entire house had flipped in his favor. That doesn’t happen often.
At the time, and since, I’ve been talked out of believing the game is rigged for a particular HG. I’ve been told it would be against the law–I’m not so sure because technically BB isn’t a game show. I’ve also been told that it doesn’t matter, its good, cheap, summer entertainment. Cheap is right, especially if it is rigged and all these hopeful people are applying for the show year after year with dreams of winning and never having any real chance. That just makes me steam.
Speaking of Evil Dick and his bullying ways…why is it that guys in the house, especially guys who seem to be liked by the viewers, get a pass on such behavior but the girls are called names and hated. Same thing happens with bullying guys who don’t connect with the viewers–example, RWB?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Personally, I never liked Evil Dick’s game. I didn’t like RWB and I am beginning to dislike Amanda as she has been treating her fellow HGs much the way RWB had.
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@Janice, great idea using a prepaid card.
@tendr – HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Fourteen years!! Good for you guys.
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Amanda wins BB#15
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Sal….ur so Funny, lol… 🙂
Betty….im glad someone doesnt have trouble typing my name, TY… 🙂
janice….why do u need to use a credit card on the site… thats a free BB site, i been posting there for yrs now and have never heard of them asking for money… 🙂
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I think until someone is allowed to monitor the Diary Room sessions that this game shouldn’t be considered a Reality Show. More like a docu-drama!
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HoH8 – They say they won’t charge you anything but ask for a credit card. That’s one if the reasons why I questioned it. Frannie posted the link which is where I went to.
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janice…i went to the Link that frannie posted and that takes u to the Live Feeds Updates of the site….u mean they asked for a credit card for u to register or post a comment?…i dont understand…. what were u trying to do?…. 🙂
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HoH Blog: Judd
Posted on Jul 18, 2013 10:20am
Wow I am finally in the Big Brother house, this has been a dream of mine since I was 13 so it is still surreal! This has been a crazy week being HOH because we still have so many people in the house and their are so many real and fake alliances that it is hard to keep track with all of them. We do have a great group of houseguests and we have a blast together. Being a long time fan of the show I thought the game would be so much easier than what it is. When you are actually in the game it feels totally different than when you watch it on television. My strategy coming in to the game was to rely on social strategy but I have learned after a couple of weeks that you have to win if you can because every week is important and blindsides and backdooring is very popular this season. The guys are getting picked off one by one and that is a little bit scary to me but it is necessary at this point due to the worse alliance ever “the moving company”. Still it is getting old having to hear the woman talk about woman stuff all of the time haha! It is almost impossible to know who to trust in this game and if you really start trusting anyone in this house then you are doing something wrong. At this point in the game I am going to stay loyal to the “knockouts” (McCrae, Amanda, Helen, Elissa, and Andy) but I also have a couple other people in the game that I am willing to work with so I will just have to find out what is best for my game in the long run and stick tight to it.
I nominated Kaitlin and Aaryn for eviction this week and by doing that I was hoping to not ruffle any feathers. I still feel like I owe Aaryn one for not coming after me when she had the opportunity and she has a huge target on her back, so my Texas Tornado comment was to still keep a target on her back if she stays and also to make it look like I have no ties to her. I had asked Kaitlin to be a pawn as well and that I would keep her safe. feel like they need separated now because this week coming up theres going to be a serious line drawn in the house and I need one of them on my side. Both Aaryn and Kaitlin are actually great people. Aaryn has done a lot to make people angry but she really is funny and has a good heart deep down. Kaitlin probably has the best heart in the house and everyone likes her but that is dangerous at this point in the game. After sharing this experience with each other I hope theirs no hard feelings down the road.
Some days in the Big Brother house you go a little stir crazy so we have to make our own fun in the house. Bandit Ball is probably one of the funnest games we have been playing and I am the current Bandit Ball champion!!!! We also hang out at the pool and jacuzzi a lot and play some pool. Helen is slowly becoming a pool shark! Other than that we just all act a little crazy! One of the funnest times I have had was copying everything a buzzed Andy did one night when I was a have not, it was driving him insane!
Now on the HAVE NOT situation. Slop is not good at all but we do have a few great slop chefs in the house (Amanda, Helen, Elissa, Jessie). I am not a good slop chef at all, any slop i have tried to make ends up being inedible and gets thrown out so I avoid slop while being a have not. We all do really appreciate y’all voting on extra choices we can have for the have not weeks, they have been awesome selections MOST of the time haha. I have been a have not twice and the first week we only had slop so I didn’t eat much that week. Not eating very much was annoying at first and we all do have a mid-week slop melt down from time to time, but I have to say that it does make you way more humble as a person when you think about it because theirs people out there who would do anything to have unlimited slop for a week. When I have been a have not and catch myself complaining I always catch myself after and think of that and feel like a schmuck. The cold showers are no fun especially in the morning so you just have to do them as fast as possible. The trick to the bed situation is just to stay up as long as possible and go to sleep when you can’t hardly hold your eyes open any longer. Everyone wants to be a have! But we also have to appreciate the food, running water, and shelter that we have. I went from being a have not to HOH so that was a major change this week, it felt strange being back in a bed again!
I hope y’all enjoy watching this season and always realize that this is a game we are playing. I can’t wait to talk to all y’all (in September) God Bless y’all and I hope y’all are having a great summer!
God Bless, J-U-Double D
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I, for one, wanted Evil Dick to win. It he could buffalo all those HG’s, he deserved it, but if production had a hand in, I am with you Becky.
I know a lot of you don’t like Amanda, but she is acting like a typical J.A.P. (like me). She is pushy, obnoxious and disgusting sometimes, but she is in the game to play. I see her as a female Evil Dick. I find her more entertaining than most of the HG’s. I am tired of the Yo thing and HG’s being so insecure. Elissa is a fruit cake and can’t comprehend anything, maybe she will find the answers if she keeps looking at herself in the mirror (Mirror, Mirror on the wall). Helen is to motherly, Candice is too gullible, Howard is just as pushy as Amanda, if not more, Spencer is a pig, Jessie needs a life, Kaitlin is a snob, Aaryn is a racist and GM is no better than her. McCrae and Amanda are there for a showmance and Andy, well, quoting JT – He is everywhere! Judd is the good old home boy and hopefully this will not be his demise. Hope I haven’t forgotten anyone, but this is my rundown on the HG’s.
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@Betty, see link on post 52.
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@Rich, I did see it. Quite frankly, I don’t think Amanda has a chance at winning, but I do hope she makes it to the final six. I could be wrong, but you can’t believe all you read, not even my posts! 😯
Ted if you are lurking around, what do you think of my analysis of the house guests?
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@ Rich, see comment #17. 😆
@ Betty…Ted doesn’t watch BB, he just comes here to stir the pot. He wants people to think he watches, but we all know Survivor is his reality show of choice.
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Heerrrre’s Annnndy!
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HoH8 – Yes I was trying to login. I went back there and I see I don’t have to login now. They have a guest post. Silly me.
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Betty…u was right on with ur views on the Hg’s….but what is a J.A.P.?… 🙂
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Hi Frannie! I know Ted doesn’t watch, but you know Ted always goes for the gal with the big ___s, in any reality show. Just defending Amanda for him, although she is not my favorite anymore.
Good night everyone. Pleasant dreams.
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@janice….oh ok…i feel better now, lol…. 🙂
@Rich….i was going to tell u that frannie beat u to that article by 40 posts…. 🙂
@frannie…u find great pics…thats Andy for sure, lol…. 🙂
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HoH8 – Many of my friends are Jewish, that is why I understand Amanda so well. JAP means Jewish American Princess – I am not Jewish, but I like to think of myself as a princess!! I love to call myself that, but CAP just doesn’t work! 😆
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Night all…I did see that if you have lf’s, it’s getting good. I would rather catch up on my sleep…. 🙂
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Nite Fran, I am signing off again! Sweet dreams!
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I do see they are having a house meeting with everyone there.. I don’t see Amanda & McCrae though.
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This reeks of DR manipulation. DR possibly trying to get Aaryn out instead of Kaitlin to avoid her possibly being in Jury. Get the “racist” embarrassment over with (then act like the Spencer, GinaMarie, et. al stuff didn’t happen) and get on with the show? So, so lame.
As I wrote yesterday, I now like Aaryn more than Elissa. Aaryn has received a horrible edit while the game and DR seem to be on Medicated Elissa’s side. Sometime I love this show and sometimes I hate. Doing both right now. I’m a Gemini and entitled.
On the last ‘Dick at Nite’ Evel Dick told of how he tried out and met a guy named arnold Shapiro who wanted integrity in the game. ED said when Shapiro left–between the time he first tried out then finally made the cut–the integrity left. GrodnerBall…the reason Jeff was so loved, the reason Jordan and Rachel got to fight back a season or so later. It’s a shame they have to tamper so much as the wise folk her, on the Web and on Twitter can see right through it.
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@JT: You need to rewind about 15 minutes…this is like a Seinfeld episode…a massive argument about nothing (Think DR behind Elissa’s sudden mood change, decision). Kaitlin asked who the source was and Elissa mum. She wouldn’t say so if DR was behind it. Something smells. And it’s not Spencer this time…
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I will rewind… after it’s over and everything settles down. And all the while losing valuable sleep along the way (is it Friday tomorrow?) 😆
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I’m worn out too and these people are on my last nerve. At least a House argument should be about something that happened or was said.
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LF’s / wow – GM, Kaitlin, Howard, Spencer, Helen, Elissa & Judd, Andy talking about Amanda spreading false info
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I Hate Big Brother! @ihatebigbrother 36s
That moment when you realize you aligned with the craziest Big Brother HG ever. #BB15
Chima, v2.0
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Great! 🙄 …now the group meeting is over and they all scattered to other areas to have about 4 separate meetings.. no way I can watch them all at the same time. 😆
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Three witches now talking, Helen and Andy talking, Spencer and Elissa went to the hammock
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Kev, here are some thoughts I had about Elissa earlier. I’ve never seen any good game play from her yet.
I have to disagree with those who say Elissa is playing the game now…. I guess she is playing technically, but I would disagree that she is playing well.
If playing the game well is having Amanda, Judd, Helen, & McCrae tell you everything to do… and then tell you how to do it (also telling you the rules of the game)… and even after that, you still come dangerously close to blowing the plan.. then I guess she is playing well.
Sure, a lot of others are controlled by someone else in this game too, but Elissa has a unique ability to fight against strategy with her personal beefs in the game. She often (almost always) exposes the plans of those looking out for her by having a “red flag raising”, awkward conversation with the “enemy” (usually right after being instructed to keep it all on the DL).
Right after being warned by Amanda & co that Howard is a sneaky liar & to steer clear, what did she do? She started interrogating him as soon as he set foot in the HOH room (before he even sat down).
So, who do you think should go this week Howard?
Who would you nominate if you won HOH?
How did you get on this show? (don’t talk about production)
Oh, you auditioned? At an open call? (don’t talk about production)
Where was that at? (again….. prod)
New Orleans? How far is that from you?
So you drove an hour and a half to audition?
(This was Elissa trying to find a hole in Howard’s story… some believe he is an NFL player and didn’t audition… even though they’ve been told how much $$$ he would lose by going on BB if he were an NFL player)
Yes Elissa, some people did actually have to audition.. and drive a ways to get there. What? Do you think everyone just gets handed the show like you did? And with a special power too?
These questions don’t seem that odd in type (no context).. I know. But when you add the strange look and mocking tone of Elissa to them.. they were very weird. It went on like that for a while. You could tell Howard was wondering what was up. Way to keep your cards close Elissa. Playing – yes. Playing well – no way (IMO)
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I Hate Big Brother! @ihatebigbrother
“She is like a malfunctioning robot” -Andy about Elissa
Big Brother Updates @BB_Updates
Andy- I’m telling you, she (Elissa) is a loose cannon. Every day it’s freaking me out more and more. Helen- I’m shocked #BB15
Big Brother Group @BigBroGroup
Helen: What’s going on w her? Andy: She is like a malfunctioning robot. She is a loose cannon. Helen: I am shocked! #bb15
CBS made their bed and now they can lie in it.
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I’m getting sick of Amanda and McC using the HOH bed
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@JT: Great analysis. Arguing with her is like arguing with a seahorse. Aaryn had some good points but Elissa always turned it around on her in a nonsensical way. Even those close to her are skeeved out now. Luckily for A/McC, they’re sleeping or something.
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Amanda & McCrae were hiding in the HOH room… when Helen walked in, Amanda said, “I was waiting for someone to come up here.. what happened?”
I bet McManda wanted no part of that house meeting.. some of their many many deals may have been exposed as well.
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No one learned anything from that meeting. Not a good 15 minutes for Elissa and now she’s calling Judd a liar. She’s lashing out at everyone. Must-watch TV. God I hate this bitch.
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Sad state when this happens…..
Amanda, McCrae, Helen, & Andy all said they felt bad for Aaryn and that Elissa was being an asshole 😯
(no, I didn’t turn A & E names around by accident)
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GreatScott @Great_Scott33
Elissa’s game is OVER. She may as well self evict now. #BB15
Retweeted by Tart with a Heart
She will. Trust me. Nobody will trust her after this. Impossible to put into words. Will love to see how CBS tries to edit/include this or if they leave it out. Elissa is bat-shit crazy.
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araon Paul on Leno now
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Joker’s BB Updates @JokersBBUpdates
Judd telling people in HOH that Elissa needs to go. (More ) #bb15 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
Big Brother Group @BigBroGroup
Judd is up in the HoH explaining to the rest how Elissa has gone crazy. #bb15 Elissa destroying her alliance bcause she can’t get her way
Wow. Just wow. Talking about blowing your game up quickly. What’s the word for delusional to the 11th power?
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Aggie, let me know how Aaron P was on Leno on your page tomorrow. I missed it… to wrapped up in the BB mess. 😆
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Spencer: “Nobody will admit who started this rumor.”
Amanda: “Maybe she just (Elissa) concocted it in her head.”
Ding, ding, ding.
And why would anyone create an alliance with someone on the block, Elissa? Reeks of DR meddling and she’s been in there often today. Bitch turned on a dime. Eat a turd Grodner. I hate you and Elissa. You’re ruining a great show and decent season.
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Kev, Spencer & Howard did form an “alliance” with Kaitlin & GM (It was the “Alliance Du Jour” I wrote about days ago). The one I emailed you about.
So Elissa didn’t make it up….. nor did DR put it in her head. But Elissa’s lack of judgement to just stay quiet and help her own alliance is what the problem is now.
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IdolKnights @idolknights 2m
PS: Elissa is trending “Worldwide” #bb15
Now ‘Elissa’ is trending worldwide. Even past fans of hers on Twitter jumping ship. Saying she’s “bat-shit crazy” isn;t fair to bats. Think Production behind this to get Aaryn out, be done with racist talk. It’s blowing up on them if so. House arguments should be about real things, not shit fabricated behind the walls. At least Chima and Natalie’s blowups and stupidity were on display and us viewers could understand.
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Here is a link to the alliance between Spencer, Howard & Kaitlin
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@JT: Don’t confuse me anymore. 😉 I’m still trying to figure out what the rumor they’re talking about is and “who” started it. This is easily the most confusing season ever. If it was so entertaining, I’d bail on it. May cut back of LF’s if it stays this stupid. WHAT IS THIS RUMOR THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT? I’M LOST. HHHHHHEEELLLPPPP Please Mr. Meteor, please. Studio City, California. And now I don’t mind GM? Send drugs. Send a psychiatrist. How smart is Ted for fleeing for the hills?
Must-watch next three hours, at least. What have I become?
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OK JT, Aaron’s interview was a good one, he said his first Job was on Beverly hills 90210, he said this season will be the most violent and brutal ever, he said he and Brian got tattoos at the end of the season, Jay, said he really likes to say BITCH alot, and he says he gets that from people he meets also, they say He, Bitch, they also talked about him just getting married.
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The rumor is S&H made an alliance with K (this is true… wrote about 3 days ago)
Judd was part of that alliance… so he also told his other alliance about it (mistake I think). Of course Amanda took it and ran… and it ended up in Elissa’s ear (really big mistake).
So Elissa (having absolute zero game) confronted Kaitlin about it.. and Kaitlin wanted the whole house together to clear the air.
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And Candice (up from her sleep) thinks someone can explain all this to her.
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Thanks Aggie…. can’t wait for Aug 11th! 🙂
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God bless you Jeff. Thanks brother.
NOW I get it. And I thought this week would be boring. This show is wearing my out…again. Need GM/K/A/E all out. They’re doin’ me ‘ed in.
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Well I had to come back just to see if any key can tell me WTF is going on???!!! I feel like I’m watching to game room of an Insane asylum!
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*anybody* darn typos
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Andy, McCrae, & Jessie saying a mouthful….
“She’s (Elissa) crazier than GinaMarie”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“She’s a triple threat, she’s stupid, she’s entitled, and she’s selfish”
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@jane: It would be easier to explain the history of the world at this point.
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Even the “experts” on Twitter are lost here. Thank god we have Jeff. This really makes me want to smoke something.
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Touché @K11
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Jane, long story.. and way more than my limited typing skills can handle 😆
Click the link in comment # 93 and read about that alliance.
then read comment #96
and basically all the people that were looking out for Elissa are upset now because she couldn’t keep a secret. They were all planning on voting out Kaitlin and staying quiet about it. But Elissa couldn’t keep it to herself and confronted Kaitlin.. and it all blew up from there.
They do still plan to vote out Kaitlin though.
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I’ve never loved and hated something so much at the same time (this show the last four or five seasons). Well, maybe sports gambling. And Las Vegas.
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@jT that’s what I figures by reading Jokers but it makes no sense why she would jeopardize her own game so badly when she’s off the block!! Maybe production sent out the Village Idiot to do a Hitmans job?
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And when I say “they” will vote out Kaitlin.. I mean Amanda, McCrae, Jessie, Helen, Andy….. at least. And 5 is enough this week.
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Every second I watch this cast I lose a few brain cells.
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BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak
Elissa to Howard: “I know Big Brother is about lying and scheming, but maybe I’m just not cut out for this.” #BB15
Big Brother Updates @BB_Updates
Elissa to Howard- It has turned into me being a bad person cause I’m asking her (Kaitlin) if what they are telling me is true? #BB15
Candice @BBCandice
I think Elissa is bat shit crazy. She is out of her fucking mind. But These assholes are playing the we can do it no one else can act. #BB15
Retweeted by Tart with a Heart
Big Brother Group @BigBroGroup
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elissa is now telling Howard that they were making fun of her religion. Howard. The person who she said disgusts her all day. #bb15
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Even the HGs are all saying they are confused. I really think DR got into Elissa’s head.
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Lisa Marie nailed this shit in her write-up today:
“It’s been pretty obvious that the producers of Big Brother wants Aaryn out of the house and they want her gone sooner rather than later. Whether it was encouraging Elissa not to nominate Howard or totally changing the MVP twist to make sure that Aaryn would be nominated this week, everything seems to be designed to get Aaryn out of the game.”
Bravo sister. Something smells in Studio City but sadly, I have become used to, and apparently addicted to, the stench.
@Jane: Buying the Live Feeds has made me lose billions of brain cells. Without JT, I’d be lost at this point. Fun watching those who missed meeting trying to figure out what happened. all saying Elissa “is an idiot” now. This is an understatement of epic
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------proportions. I will celebrate when she leaves and am hoping she self-evicts to cause herself embarrassment and CBS the subsequent headache. My head literally hurts.
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Jane, That is one thing I will never be able to explain no matter how many hours of feeds I watch (I’m probably over 100 hrs for the season already).
What goes on Elissa’s head as far as this game is concerned.. no idea here. She has NO IDEA about this game. Never shows good judgement.
If people like her.. they like her.. fine with me. But I can’t recall a HG this clueless about how to play BB.
She might be a very nice person outside the house.. that’s not my point. But in the house, aligning with her is like buying a ticket for a trip on the Titanic.
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What was that Big Fight???….Who was Lying???…was Elissa lying?…was Aaryn Lying?….was Kaitlin lying?….who is getting Backdoored???….OMG….this fight was nothing compared to the Biggest Fight in BB history…remember Chima & Russell?… thats what i call a FIGHT, lol…. 🙂
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HOH8… This is not a big fight. This is just a case of very poor judgement while playing a game of deception for $500k
It equates to showing your pocket aces in the World Series of Poker.
(and yes… of course we all remember Chima & Russell) 😆
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“But I can’t recall a HG this clueless about how to play BB.”
Truer words have never been written Jeff. And she chirps about how this game is her and her sister Rachel’s Life. She is now my least favorite player in the history of Big Brother, all countries. I just don’t have the words to explain this. Perplexed.
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This speaks volumes about everything:
Big Brother Updates @BB_Updates
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda- Who is the one that told you they (Kaitlin/Spencer/Howard) were aligned in the first place. Elissa- Judd, wasnt it? Or Helen #BB15
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@JT….i know but if u listen to how the BB11 Fight went, it was all about who was Lying…just like this one tonite….when they were all telling each other that the other one Lied, right, lol…..i found both fights so similar… 🙂
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Now what’s with the fucking Feeds? I click to see Elissa talking on three different and they all take me to the kitchen. What a strange night.
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Midnight! 😯 ..and I have to be up in 4 & 1/2 hrs.
Keep us posted if anything else developes on this that could affect Thursday’s vote.
Nite all (and as I sign off I see Amanda is in Elissa’s ear now) 🙄
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One last thing….
Houseguests.. you are not allowed to blow dry your hair while talking game!!
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Danthebbfan @Danthebbfan 34s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elissa is drinking? Uh oh #bb15 #fightwatch
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“It equates to showing your pocket aces in the World Series of Poker.”-JT
So true!!!
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Goodnight @kev11 @jt and @Hoh8… I’m gonna go read and workout my brain now!
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Night Jane.
Big Brother Group @BigBroGroup
Judd: She threw me under the bus. She is my no. 1 target now. Amanda: She can’t play veto next week. Judd: Let’s get rid of her. #BB15
Danthebbfan @Danthebbfan
Candice thinks Amanda is the root of all the drama? What a fucking idiot. #bb15
hamsterwatch @hamsterwatch
Candice: “GinaMarie doesn’t even know that we’re on Big Brother” lol #bb15
Big Brother Updates @BB_Updates
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Judd- I f*cking hate Elissa. Makes me sick cause I wrote a nice tweet about her today cause I really liked her #BB15
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Wow, thanks for the game of thrones. Pretty much the same as no one knows what anyone is doing. Sounds like Elissa has short term memory and starts each day brand new. Ground Hog day for sure. Clueless child.
You guys are having a wonderful love hate relationship with BB and having the time of your lives.
hoh8, this is it for me. It’s the easiest! It seems all the fights are about lying and they think they’re not supposed to lie.
Gotta love this year. Can’t figure out a darn thing. I’m tired but hoped to watch some BBAD but not on for an hour and I don’t think I’m going to make it to midnight tonight.
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Kaitlin is definitely going. Amanda telling Aaryn they have the five votes.
Big Brother Junkies @BigBrotherBBJ 7m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Even Judd speculating that the PoV was rigged in Elissa’s favor. I can’t wait to see it tomorrow night
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@SF: Great analogy with ‘Game of Thrones’ there. I am literally dizzy from the last five hours here. Can’t help but the the DR is involved somehow, tried to get Elissa to start it up with Aaryn, get her out next. Happened just like that.
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Danthebbfan @Danthebbfan
She joins Spencer and GinaMarie right after Spencer calls her a cunt. Nice. #bb15
Danthebbfan @Danthebbfan 33s
Amanda is fucking heated! #bb15
I would not be breaking bread with any of these HGs. Walter White on them maybe.
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Kaitlin: “I’m from Minnesota. This doesn’t happen.”
Helen: “I don;t know what happened tonight.”
Me neither sister. And I have Twitter, the Live Feeds and this Blog to fall back on.
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@Kev…u gotta relax…the Feeds is whole different world…u cant get caught up with everything thats going on in the House…it will drive u Insane !!!!….or i should say it has Driven u Insane already, lol….. 🙂
i been watching the Feeds since BB7 and im used to them and i’ve learned Not to take anything serious…so the next time the Feeds get on fire just light one up and just relax with Saki and u will enjoy it better, lol… 🙂
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Sal….since no one thanked u for Judd’s HOH Blog….let me say thank you, u was very kind… 🙂
and here are the Judd’s HOH Tweets for the week……
@BigBrotherHOH 4m
God Bless y’all and I hope y’all are loving this season of Big Brother, it’s crazy but we are having a blast! #BB15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 5m
Hope all my people in McMinn County are having a great summer! #BB15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 5m
S/O to my dude Jeremy! Good game brother, wish we coulda worked together earlier. Hope all is well with you brother man! #BB15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 6m
Blindsides 2 outta the 3 weeks so far, bet y’all well be surprised when you see who goes this week. I may even be! #BB15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 6m
The POV was a messy blast this week! #BB15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 6m
I miss the good ole southern watermelons, the ones here are tiny. #BB15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 7m
s/o to Nick, guess I got you before you got me! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. U shoulda picked smarter allies than Spencer and Howard. #BB15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 8m
Hope everyone is enjoying watching #BB15 so far it has been one wild summer so far!
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 8m
s/o to my mom,dad,billy,kaylan,courtney,jeff,scooter,stephanie,dt,jordan,kynlee and all my other friends &family! Love y’all! #BB15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 8m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------New lines will be drawn again in the Big Brother house!!!! Stay tuned…
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@HoH8: You’re right. But this has to have been one of the weirdest days in the BB House ever. Nobody has any idea what’s going on yet we’re only talking about either Aaryn or Kaitlin getting evicted. This is going to stay nasty and still think Judd’s winning this.
As far as lighting one up, so wish I had some to do so. No job, no extra $$ so no **** but wouldn’t be watching this if had a job and still writing 30 hours a week for soccer websites. It is a different ballgame having the Feeds.
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ONE SIDE: Elissa-Helen, McCrae-Amanda, Andy, Judd and now Aaryn.
ANOTHER SIDE: Candice-Howard-Spencer.
LOST: GinaMarie
GOING OUT: Kaitlin.
Think McCrae, Andy and Judd make Final 3.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Andy-Judd Final 2.
Judd wins it.
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I didn’t get to see the ” cra-cra” sadly – but, behind every rumor that is actually true stands comandant Amanda which is why she very wisely stayed upstairs – I haven’t been giving candy cane enough credit – she is on to Amanda’s BS just like she figured out – the piano movers – I don’t care about game – when someone like Aaryn has basically taken the summer off from the kkk to be on big brother her ass needs to go! I don’t think much of people that would keep her or gm in the house knowing how she feels about all people of color – and gm is such a dumb ass that she doesn’t realize two generations ago her grandparents were considered people of “color” – ignorant stronsa
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Hi, everyone! I got an early start this morning and the latest post is already up!
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@Starfish, Can you answer a question for me? what did you mean by this statement about Judd ? The fact that he didn’t care one wit about his room being utilized while in sequester, says a lot about his laid bac? I didnt hear what happened in sequester, but he sure didnt care about his HOH bed
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