Big Brother 15 — Elissa Goes Batty

by Lisa Marie Bowman on July 24, 2013

Hey, y’all:

Two big things to report on.  There are allegations that Alison Grodner has rigged the game in Amanda’s favor.  But before I get into that, let’s talk about Elissa.

As Helen put it tonight, Elissa has “gone batty!”  Ever since she got nominated for eviction, Elissa has been acting increasingly paranoid.  Even though Elissa was the first of the houseguests to correctly guess that America had selected the nominees this week, she later apparently decided that she was incorrect and instead, one of the houseguests must be responsible for nominating her.  As a result, Elissa has spent most of this week acting more and more like her sister.

Elissa’s meltdown started in the afternoon when, while discussing why it disturbs her when people like Howard swear on the bible, she spotted McCrae and Andy laughing.  Elissa  decided that Andy and McCrae were laughing at her religion and basically, she lost it.  She started crying and threatening to self-evict and refused to listen to when Andy and McCrae attempted to apologize.

(What is the deal with houseguests threatening to self-evict this season?  I’m probably about as emotional a girl as you’ll ever meet — it’s the red hair — but, if it meant winning half a million dollars, I think I could manage to control myself for 3 months.  I certainly wouldn’t threaten to walk out just because I thought someone was laughing at me.  If anything, that would make me even more determined to stick around and win.)

Well, despite her threats, Elissa did not self-evict.  However, by the end of the night, I get the feeling that a lot of houseguests wished that she had.

Once she had stopped crying about Andy and McCrae, Elissa then went to Kaitlin and told her that — surprise! — Kaitlin is probably going to be evicted this week.  (Elissa was originally planning to vote for Aaryn but was talked into voting for Kaitlin by Helen, who argued that Kaitlin has a secret alliance with Howard and Spencer.)  Elissa asked Kaitlin if she was really had a “final four” deal with Spencer and Howard (and no, I’m not sure how three people can have a final four agreement) and, when Kaitlin denied it, Elissa went on to reveal that Helen, Jessie, Judd, Amanda, and McCrae are in an alliance.

Here’s where things get even more confusing.  Aaryn apparently overheard Elissa and and Kaitlin’s conversation and then went back to the HoH room where she told Amanda that Elissa had basically sold them out.  This then led to a huge house meeting in the bedroom where everyone tried to get the bottom of who said what.  Elissa ended up going off on Aaryn and blaming the whole thing on her.  Elissa also claimed that she has never said anything negative about Aaryn which everyone knows is a lie.  The end result is that Elissa came across as being unhinged and Aaryn, for the first time ever, got a chance to legitimately play the victim.

As a result of all this, all of Elissa’s former allies are now talking about voting her out next week.  (Elissa, in order to win the veto this week, gave up her chance to play in next week’s POV competition.)  Elissa, meanwhile, now seems to have decided to go back to her original plan of voting for Aaryn.  She made an attempt to talk Howard into voting with her but, considering her current status as the house pariah, it’s hard to imagine anyone voluntarily getting into an alliance with her.

Meanwhile, outside the house, an anonymous post has started to circulate on Facebook.  The author of the post claims to be a former casting associate with Big Brother.  In the post, she claims that Amanda is actually a friend of Alison Grodner and that Grodner has already decided that Amanda is going to win this season.  The post also claims that Elissa is only in the house to distract the viewers from noticing how the entire game has been rigged in Amanda’s favor.

I can’t say whether the post is authentic or if it’s just a hoax.  The whole conspiracy theory about Elissa serving as a decoy is a bit too paranoid for me.  However, regardless of whether or not the post was actually written by a former Big Brother casting associate or not, it’s hard to deny that there does seem to be a grain of truth to it.

Consider the following:

1) As we all know, the “storyline” of any reality television show is created through the editing. The show’s producers pick their heroes and their villians and then they edit accordingly.  On shows like Survivor and the Amazing Race, this editing is done after the competition has ended.  However, Big Brother is edited while it’s playing out.  As such, the producers are undoubtedly trying to effect what happens in the house from the minute the houseguests are first selected.

2) The producers of Big Brother have a well-documented history of protecting their favorites.  An obvious example would be Evel Dick who did a lot of things that should have gotten him kicked out of the house.  Others, like me, would include Rachel in this list.  Of course, sometimes the favorite — like Frank, for example — still end up playing such a bad game that they end up getting voted out of the house.

3) As Amanda was telling McCrae yesterday, she worked on a reality TV show before she went into real estate.  Conspiracy theorists are suggesting that this is where she first met and befriended Grodner.  Myself, however, I wonder if someone heard Amanda’s comments on the live feeds and then decided to write up a post accusing her of being a production plant.  It’s seems like an amazing coincidence that Amanda would just happen to talk about her past in reality tv on the exact same day that an anonymous author accuses her of being Alison Grodner’s best friend.

4) Amanda has gotten the most positive edit of any of the houseguests.  At times, I feel like the CBS Show might as well be called the Amanda Show.  Anything that happens in the house, we hear Amanda’s thoughts on it.  When the show first broadcast Aaryn’s racist remarks, we heard Amanda’s opinion about them before we heard from anyone else.  Though many people in the house have confronted Aaryn, Amanda is the only one that we’ve seen do it on-screen.  Amanda is definitely getting the hero edit, often times at the expense of other houseguests who rarely seem to get any screentime.

5) We’ve had three evictions and that means that we’ve sat through three set of goodbye messages.  Amanda is the only houseguest who has had her goodbye message broadcast all three times.  That would certainly seem to suggest that, at the very least, Amanda has some fans behind the scenes.

6) This may just be me but Amanda’s Diary Room appearances all have a very rehearsed, almost scripted quality to them.

7) Is Amanda’s arrogance simply a matter of her being confident or is it a sign that she’s sure that the game has been rigged in her favor?  It’s easy to be reckless when you have reason to believe that you’ll be protected.

Don’t get me wrong.  This is all speculation on my part.  I don’t know if the game is rigged but it is obvious that, for whatever reason, Amanda is currently a production favorite.  She’s also someone who, by any strategic logic, should have a huge target on her back.  If she makes it all the way to final two, you can be sure that a lot of people will assume that she had inside help to get there.

And they may very well be right.

Finally, I’m looking forward to tonight’s episode!  Not only will we get to see Elissa’s reaction to getting nominated by the Brenchel Army but we’ll also get to see the POV ceremony.  Yesterday, Judd commented that the POV seemed to be specifically designed for Elissa to win.  It’ll be interesting to see if he’s right.

Stay supple,

Lisa Marie

P.S. On an unrelated note, I think that William and Kate should name the royal baby Carlos Danger Windsor.

Justaguy (JT) July 24, 2013 at 5:24 am

I’m skeptical at best about that facebook note. We all know there are many many people out there just trying to start stuff. And making up something on FB is way too easy. They are probably sitting back and laughing at all the attention it’s getting. But, who knows anymore.. I guess we’ll just have to see what happens.

I agree 100% that Amanda has received a “hero’s edit” on the CBS shows. I was thinking the same while watching them because I know damn good and well what she did right after confronting Aaryn… and have heard her make several racist remarks herself….. not to mention her constant use of the term “retard”.

Amanda has been the toughest critic of Howard & Candice being hurt by Aaryn’s comment. She thinks they are being big babies about it. “It wasn’t that big a deal… get over it already” is what she says. Amanda is upset because this whole racism “inconvenience” is getting in her way.

Of course, we will never see any of this on CBS.

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aggie27 July 24, 2013 at 6:23 am

Looking forward to show tonight, I know Cougar Amanda can be a bit much, but still like things about her and hope she can make it far.

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Dubs Doll July 24, 2013 at 6:42 am

I don’t think anyone has been told that America voted. Ellisa was asking Howard last nite if he put her up. That leads me to believe they weren’t told. I also believe the show is rigged. We have had to put up with evicted house guests returned just for pot stirring, ratings and drama. Never understood how a show about a game with money involved gets around the Game show rules. Didn’t Quiz show stop that?

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Sylvie July 24, 2013 at 7:00 am

@Dubbs Dolll
You are right it’s crazy since the game shows have person on set to make sure no one cheats.
This is “reality ” so there’s a loophole it’s not a game show

It’s just becoming g obvious and annoying

Those DR sessions are edited they cut and start up again so no mystery there

Amanda gets STAR air time and that taking over the HOH bath tub w Greazy MC was gross w her green bikini her implants looked like frogs lol

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Sylvie July 24, 2013 at 7:01 am

@Lisa Marie

Not supple yet today and royal baby should be named Mac Ceay Sam Grodner Winn

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carole July 24, 2013 at 7:24 am


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Mike THE MORTGAGE DOCTOR July 24, 2013 at 7:36 am

oh Alison…what atangled web you have wove…just my opinion…but the BBAD show on TVGN is horrible…commercials every 10 minutes…and half of the communication have been blinked out…BRING BACK SHOW TIME..

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Jane July 24, 2013 at 8:06 am

It’s so refreshing to see so many on here see right through Amanda. @JT she has made so many racists remarks. Also, im glad you caught the use of the “R” word. Amanda and Ginamarie say tha word so much it makes me sick. It’s in almost every other sentence. As a mom with a Special Needs son, and an activist in the End the “R” Word Campaign, I find it as horrendous as racial and gay slurs. They are old enough to know better. It’s disgusting! @sylvie, frogs are better than these guys!

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Rich July 24, 2013 at 8:06 am

William and Kate will name their son Larry after the Queen Mother’s favorite Stooge. The Queen has the same curly hair sticking out the sides of her hat. If she ever removed that hat you would see she also is bald on top, making her a dead ringer for Larry!

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Jane July 24, 2013 at 8:09 am

@lisamarie lol at Carlos Danger!!

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Gemama July 24, 2013 at 8:12 am

I agree 100 present with you Mike. It’s horrible!!
All I can say is thank you thank you thank you Lisa….
Your blogs is all I are awesome.

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Rich July 24, 2013 at 8:20 am

Conversation among all female houseguests:

Like, You know, Like, You know, Like, You know, Like, You know, Like, You know, Like, You know, Like, You know, Like, You know, Like, You know, Like, You know, Like, You know, Like, You know!!!!

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aggie27 July 24, 2013 at 8:23 am

@ Jane Good seeing you back on here, take care

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prh July 24, 2013 at 8:42 am

Been four days without BBAD. Haven’t missed a beat to the game, rested & awake. Get my “fix” by reading this blog, thank you Lisa Marie!

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Nancy July 24, 2013 at 9:12 am

Amanda even made up a song called “Stereotype”. Maybe the reality TV show she use to work on was BB. Maybe she’s a former employee. She’s annoying and a bully. Candice is the only one that has her number, just like she determined that there was an all boy alliance. Candice is smarter than everyone thinks.
I think Elissa was talking to Judd some time back and said after she stops getting MVP she wanted them to vote her out before Jury. She didn’t want to go to jury so maybe instead of self-evicting she’s trying to be the next one out. If Kaitlin goes home this week and Elissa next, that means Aaryn goes to jury. Won’t production like that?
Andy and Amanda both stir the pot all the time. I think it’s creepy how Andy roams the house to be in on conversations throughout. Amanda talked to Elissa last night about the fight but I’m not sure the correct information got back to the rest of them. This has been such a weird year for BB.

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Beth July 24, 2013 at 9:12 am

@Rich, that’s hilarious!! Can’t stop laughing lol so true!!! I was wondering when the Rachel in Elissa was going to come out!! It was too good to be true, we’ll see how good she is with damage control. Amanda is very cocky for NOT having won one competition as of yet so if she actually wins, we will know it was rigged!!

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Tuna July 24, 2013 at 10:06 am

Doesn’t every season inspire conspracy theroies?

And the baby should be named Stephen. We’ve had way too many Georges.

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Dorothy July 24, 2013 at 10:13 am

Aaryn really needs to go. Next Amanda, but that won’t happen if the rumors are true. This is the first year I have no fav. Out of all of them, I like Elissa because she is the underdog. At least she is honest, the rest are all sneeks and liers but that is part of the game. If Elissa goes, so do a lot of fans, remember, whether you like Rachel or not, she has a large fan base. I liked Helen in the beginning, but now, she is no better than the rest. I think the money should go to charity this year, there is not one player that should get it. I wonder if this year is BB’s swan song? I just may be for me if some changes are not made.

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RMM July 24, 2013 at 10:19 am

Hi All,

Thanks to all of your updates, I really don’t have to worry about not being able to see much live feeds.

Now, does anybody know what time and what camera I can view this big fight all the HG’s are talking about? I guess yesterday or last night? I tried to find it on the LF but couldn’t find it – or maybe you could give me around what time it might have been?

Thanks so much 🙂

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Beth July 24, 2013 at 10:46 am

Question of the day, who’s NOT a floater?? Sorry, I see nobody playing the game. I do give Candice props for figuring out the MC but that was so long ago! Hopefully there will some good reality show drama tonight but I won’t get my hopes up.

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Yvonne July 24, 2013 at 11:03 am

This season has been so bad I haven’t been posting much. It is getting more interesting with Elissa going off the deep end. Seems she thought she was entitled. Also Amanda thinks she rules the house as continuous reigning queen. I think it’s terrible Amanda and McCrae think they own the HOH. I want someone to put them out badly. Amanda trying to push everyone into evicting Howard makes me pull for him regardless. I’d like to see him win HOH and evict Amanda.
I’ve never seen a season where I have so few favorites.
I’d like to see a house of teams. Half over 40 and half under. They would be teamed as one older and one younger. Hopefully it would balance out physical ability of the young with the life experience of the old.
Thank you Lisa Marie for all your work on this wonderful blog. Thanks to all the regulars for making it a special place.

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RMM July 24, 2013 at 11:10 am

Yvonne – I agree, I very much like it better if they evened up the ages. I think there would be less sexual crap too!

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RMM July 24, 2013 at 11:11 am

Amanda & McCrae…..”GET A ROOM!” and NOT the HOH – Hotel Room!

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Starfish July 24, 2013 at 11:23 am

Mornin! LM, loved the update this morning.

I don’t see how Elissa has much of Rach in her. Rach was smart about the game and Elissa sure doesn’t have that gene.

If the game is rigged, why am I nor surprised. If Amanda is a high-end real estate agent, she should be making good money even in this market. She has about as much class as a frog. Loved your comment Sylvie.

JT, I wish they would show more of Amanda’s antics and I like the one you pointed about her minimizing the racial comments and wanting Candice to “get over it”.

Hey Jane, ridiculous isn’t it how they don’t show more of the nastiness from the other players including the vicious R word too. The editing appears to be skewed for Amanda as JT said 100% “hero’s edit” for Amanda.

@Aggie, I really liked Amanda at first because she seemed to want to play the game and was level headed. Now she’s justabully with frogs. 😆

Time for the gym and then read the posts from the previous blog that I missed. THANK YOU everyone for keeping us all up-to-date!!

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Sylvie July 24, 2013 at 11:32 am

Thanks Starfish
Glad you appreciate my humor

What big fight?

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Tuna July 24, 2013 at 11:33 am

Elissa made the assumption that simply being Rachel’s sis was enough to carry her through this game. It isn’t. Having, and losing, MVP also messed with her head. It’s clear the girl has no idea how to play this game.

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Sylvie July 24, 2013 at 11:42 am

Here’s Amanda Zuckerman ‘s real estate resume
It’s a multi million dollar family business ???
Really ?

Amanda Zuckerman, Realtor in Delray, Florida – Zillow
Visit Amanda Zuckerman’s profile on Zillow. Find great Delray, Florida real estate professionals on Zillow.

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Sylvie July 24, 2013 at 11:43 am

Here’s Amanda’s acting resume

Amanda Zuckerman
Amanda Zuckerman SAG Eligible/ AFTRA Must Join 561.350.0272 Film · …

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Sylvie July 24, 2013 at 11:47 am

Amanda Zuckerman
Amanda Zuckerman SAG Eligible/ AFTRA Must Join 561.350.0272 Film · …

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RMM July 24, 2013 at 11:51 am

Thanks Sylvie

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Sylvie July 24, 2013 at 12:01 pm

So yes says test Snanda has production and post production experience
Doesn’t say on what show

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sylvie July 24, 2013 at 12:11 pm

And she sings at Macy’s

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Diane July 24, 2013 at 12:23 pm

Rich and Yvonne I agree with you both. The like you know only shows there lack of couth and use of the English language. Amanda needs to go. I knew she was or thinks she is running the game from the start.. That’s why she hooked up with McCray.

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Betty July 24, 2013 at 12:33 pm

This season is more confusing than ‘Who’s on First’!! I think it is obvious that Production does not want Aaryn to make it to the jury house and I believe they made a promise to Elissa that they would have her out of the house before jury. If Kaitlin goes home, then either Elissa or Aaryn will reach jury. Elissa seems to be a bit mentally off to me, but this could all be an act. There hasn’t been a dull moment in the BB House so far, except when Helen was HOH.

Hands down, the Royal’s should name their baby THEODORE!!! 😆

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RMM July 24, 2013 at 12:56 pm

Royal Baby’s name is : Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge

George?…. really?

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Dubs Doll July 24, 2013 at 1:50 pm

I was hoping the name Spencer would be in there somewhere. I thought William would honor his Mother with it.

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Jane July 24, 2013 at 1:54 pm

Speaking of Spencer… Ewwwww creeper!

11:46 AM Spencer told Jessie that he thinks her vjj proably taste like butterscotch.

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RMM July 24, 2013 at 1:59 pm

EWWWWW – Spencer is Nasty talking that way!

I too was shocked they didn’t have Spencer and/or William as well. I’m betting Queen Grand-Ma-Ma may have had a hand in this. William knows the world has been excitedly waiting to see how he honors his mom via namesake…… mmmmmm I guess I’ll have to wait to find that out down the road when he is interviewed and the question is asked….. AND IT WILL BE ASKED.

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RMM July 24, 2013 at 2:03 pm

That little Royal Baby’s name already sounds like and old King from the past, not a cute little prince. (not saying George is not a modern name for those of you who are particularly fond of it…LOL) but the whole name in general just sounds like he is old and not a little munchkin. They must know what they are doing.

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Jane July 24, 2013 at 2:05 pm

@RMM Spencer is such a pervert I’d be uncomfortable being in the house with him. @aggie Thanks! @sarfish hiiiii!

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RMM July 24, 2013 at 2:27 pm

@Jane – I’m glad I’m not his Mother! Clearly she must not have had much of a hand in raising him.

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Debbie July 24, 2013 at 2:54 pm

I hope these houseguest finally smarten up and see Elissa and Amanda for who they are and get them out. It really stinks that they can’t play the game without producers strong arming the players to do what they want. It would be good to see what would happen if the game was not fixed!

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Starfish July 24, 2013 at 3:20 pm

@Sal & hoh8, thanks for J-U-DD’s blog and tweets. I really haven’t had a fav but right now I’m liking him the best.

@ K11, your top 3 sound possible to me at least right now.

@Jane, really butterscotch? The guy is a PIG! What did Amando do, laugh it off? I wish the show would portray her as she really is as so many of you watching LFs have stated. She’s the 4th witch and Spencer should be numbero uno. That would be 5 witches.

I’m looking forward to the POV comp too. Sounds like they had lanes and Amanda said something about using Elissa’s lane and it was easier. Since they pick their lanes randomly, the game had to be set up prior yes? Also, if they could cross lanes, what’s the difference? Oh well, we’ll see tonight.

I also don’t know how production could promise Elissa out before jury. She may want that now because she realizes she’s not winning this and she’s so far out of her element, it’s not even funny, it’s just plain sad.

I still don’t think Aaryn should get a pass because she’s being a “good” girl now but they are right, she’s no threat and would be a good person to have at the end. I still want her out, she doesn’t deserve to be there but there are so many who we want out right now and Spencer is at the top of my list!

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PK July 24, 2013 at 3:22 pm

In England Queen Anne ( The last reigning Monarch from the House of Stuart) had no surviving children and in 1701 Parliament passed the Act of Settlement to ensure a Protestant line of succession and oppose the claim of the Catholic James Edward Stuart. The first English King named George’s mother Sophia, a Protestant (German House of Hanover) became heiress to the British throne, but she died in May 1714 a few weeks before Queen Anne so when Anne died in August that year George, Anne’s distant cousin became King George I of England and Scotland.

George I arrived in England from Germany aged 54 speaking only a few words of English. He was followed by a series of King named George, the last being King George VI, Queen Elizabeth’s father. Having “German” royalty ruling England became a “sticky wicket” at the beginning of WWI when Germany declared war against England, so King George V conveniently created the House of Windsor, very English in spelling and pronunciation, which the British Royal Family continues to adopt.

Our founding fathers had a major dispute with King George III that changed the course of out history forever.

Guess The “Windsors” want to keep the family’s German roots alive, one way or another.

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PK July 24, 2013 at 3:25 pm

course of “our” history. Yet another typo.

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Jane July 24, 2013 at 3:53 pm

@starsish Whoaaaa:
1:35 PM Spencer jokes to Amanda about Hitler,”next time we are in the bathroom I’m going to say Come here Amanda, I have a shower for you” NT

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PK July 24, 2013 at 4:02 pm

Maybe if the racial, homophobic and ‘R” slurs are not sufficient to warrant eviction from the house, perhaps anti-semitic slurs will hit closer to home with Allison Grodner and enough will finally be enough.

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Kevin11 July 24, 2013 at 4:05 pm

Good stuff Sylvie and Lisa Marie.

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Dubs Doll July 24, 2013 at 4:07 pm

@ PK

Thanks for the history lesson. I slept through them in school and now regret it.

Hope to see the house get the evil out and do the right thing without production help.

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Kevin11 July 24, 2013 at 4:08 pm

@jane: Wow! Glad you caught that. Way more offensive than anything I’ve heard in the House this season. Saw a group in the backyard talking with Jesse about how Spencer imagined how she looked naked and thought she tasted like butterscotch.

These fools know there are cameras on? And can’t believe how medicated Judd and Elissa always seem to be. Judd needs subtitles and I always love it when a HG asks him, “What’d you just say?”

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Kevin11 July 24, 2013 at 4:17 pm

Neal Golden ‏@rnealgolden
@bigbroaccess if u take a drink every time GM says Ya know? & Elissa says Like, u cant make it through a full episode without passing out
Retweeted by Big Brother Access

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Holly July 24, 2013 at 4:31 pm

OMG @Jane!!! So glad I missed that part! He needs to go just because he is a filthy dirty pig! YUK, YUK, YUK!!
As for Harry, no comment!

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Starfish July 24, 2013 at 4:32 pm

@Jane: I have no words for that one. Well, let me try this: Spencer is the most nauseatingly repulsive human being I’ve ever run into anywhere!

@k22, I know, right? 🙂 The other night when I was watching BBAD GM was doing most of the talking and that was for at least 10 minutes and I could barely get the gist of what she was talking about because every other word is “ya know”. In 10 minutes I would have been heaving because there’s no way I could take a drink every time she said it. I wouldn’t even have time to take the glass from my mouth. I would have to do a GM at the yogurt machine to keep up.

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Starfish July 24, 2013 at 4:34 pm

:oop: sorry K11 not K22. good grief

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Starfish July 24, 2013 at 4:37 pm

I can’t even do oops right today, sorry K11 😳

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Starfish July 24, 2013 at 4:42 pm

@ Holly, happy I didn’t see or hear that either. Hairy pig is as harry does. 😆

@RMM, I wonder what his mother is thinking now since she said he’s such a nice boy and he’s not like that at home. Well mommie, this must be a big surprise to you because that seems to be who he is. I feel badly for her. Can you imagine that being your son and not knowing what a sleeze ball he is?

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RMM July 24, 2013 at 4:45 pm

@PK – thanks for the history lesson, I too don’t remember all what I was supposed to. Now I know where “George” came from.

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RMM July 24, 2013 at 4:47 pm

@Starfish – I agree with you. However if “I” was his MOM I definitely wouldn’t give excuses for why he is acting like that. We clearly can tell that is his every-day language. “Wake up Ma-Ma – your son is a PIG!”

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Starfish July 24, 2013 at 4:52 pm

Where’s Bobo? Anyone know what’s up with him?

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Jane July 24, 2013 at 5:24 pm

@starfish .. K22 you sure your not hitting the liquor to get through a BB sesh? I’m waiting for the sun to go down and take a fahgetabout Harry shot!

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Jane July 24, 2013 at 5:26 pm

@K11 I was in shock with my mouth hanging open reading the Hitler/Shower comment!!!! That has to be the worse one yet. However there is still another 1/2 of this season to go so I’m sure some dumbass will prove us wrong!

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PK July 24, 2013 at 6:13 pm

George I likely spent most of his Regal life in Hanover, Germany as Georg without the anglicized “e” at the end written in now seldom used German Script.

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RMM July 24, 2013 at 6:18 pm

@PK – LOL that is interesting 🙂

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macy 1231231 July 24, 2013 at 6:21 pm

@RICH ha ha – i have a thirteen yr old daughter – she and her friends cant stop with the ‘like’ – we had a little pool party the other day and we gave them $10 in quarters and everytime one would say ‘like’ they had to put a quarter in the bucket – last one standing got the bucket – needless to say – the game didnt last long!!!

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Justaguy (JT) July 24, 2013 at 6:21 pm

RMM, The conversation where Elissa sells out her own alliance by telling Kaitlin what’s going on starts at
July 23rd : 7:33pm (BB house time) : Camera 1

You can watch the entire thing develop if you want…. and switch cameras if you want. But the actual house meeting doesn’t start til around
8:06pm : Camera 1 (all cams are on this when it gets going).

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Justaguy (JT) July 24, 2013 at 6:38 pm

A lot of HGs think the next HOH comp could be endurance. It could.

But now they are thinking it might be a game of some sort (like the golf & bowling comps).
They are locked inside right now and have heard construction noises, but DR also told some of them that they would be able to go outside soon.
If it was endurance, they wouldn’t see it till competition time.
If it’s a game, they will get to practice… so that would make sense.

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Starfish July 24, 2013 at 7:07 pm

@Jane, you makin fun of me? 😛 I know K22 is funny tho. Look at what you called me #46. That’s what made me take a Harry shot early. 😆

@JT, where are the endurance comps? Aren’t there more of them by now? Are they taking it easy on this bunch of weaklings? I want to see some suffering from these idiots while they hang from a surfboard or rope or Spencer. The only endurance I remember is the first HOH comp. Were there others and my brain has just gone to mush because this is such a convoluted bunch of coconuts.

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Jane July 24, 2013 at 7:55 pm

@starfish hahhahahaha starsish…. I crack myself up! Well I was just going to go get a couple brews to watch BB with and the teen took a $10 bill instead of the couple of dollars he needed for Gatorade for Basketball tonight! He better be thinking he will bring me back change since I’m in for the night or I may have to put him over my knee!! 6’3 and all!

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HoH8 July 24, 2013 at 8:04 pm

sylvie…thank u for all those Amanda Links….i found a Link that shows where she has worked as a Reality TV executive producer and also in CBS…so it might be true that she indeed knows Grodner….Hmmmm…. 🙂

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HoH8 July 24, 2013 at 8:10 pm

Ok, since we’re talking bout Amanda…i found something she said that i was not aware she did….it happened on July 15th…’s a c&p of what she said…..

“During this morning’s live feed, she was commenting about how dirty her hair was and how she has only been able to “washcloth clean” herself. Then she said: “I’ve taken like 14 Puerto Rican showers”. I think Andy said something about that comment being racist, and her first reaction was to say: “We don’t have any Puerto Ricans in the house”. Like that should make a difference. Then she laughed and said she was just joking, continued to laugh and said: “It’s just that Puerto Rican’s are smelly”. She kept laughing and McCray called her out telling her that her comments were racist. She said they weren’t, and said she was just joking again. Then she said: “Whatever, if the Puerto Rican alliance want to come after me, then they should shower more” These comments can be verified in the live feed. 9:15-isham house time, camera 3.”

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Sylvie July 24, 2013 at 8:11 pm

Oh you guys are so much more fun than this bunch of rude, classless , ignorant, homophobe, self centered, racist, discussing , dirty bunch of individuals

Wow never used all at once, that’s pretty bad Allison Grodner

But this blog is always entertaining

Lets see how they can tweak ghe game so the Bigest Looser can “receive” the money

I am not rooting for anyone
Don’t even watch After Dark

Spencer !!!! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

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Kevin11 July 24, 2013 at 8:20 pm

SpeakDaTruth ‏@TheMouthRoars
If you aren’t following on live feeds or on a #bb15 website, & just going off cbs show, u r missing over 60% of what is really going on.

Tart with a Heart ‏@Tawny_Leigh
FB time for Amanda and Aaryn guessing what every ones crotches would taste like is 5:50pm Gets kinda racist too.

Tart with a Heart ‏@Tawny_Leigh
“Howard’s would taste like watermelon. Helen’s would taste like wonton soup.” Amandas opinion on what Hs dick and Helens vag. #BB15

マット ‏@mcoop
I wonder if they’ll show Judd calling Candice a “gold-digging slut” or Amanda saying Candice is a “bitch and a fat pig”. List goes on. #BB15

Tart with a Heart ‏@Tawny_Leigh
I was skeptical of that “inside info” at first but the more odd Elissa becomes and the awesome edit Amanda gets I am wondering #BB15

BigBrother Fan ‏@BBTweets15 25m
@Tawny_Leigh plus her Boogie connection! I hate the conspiracy theories, but this is one I could potentially believe

Brian Lynch ‏@LynchMgm
3:15 yesterday/ Elissa’s religion freak out/ she basically says she doesn’t care what others think, but they better respect what she thinks.

3:15 pm PT for those with the LF’s

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Kevin11 July 24, 2013 at 8:22 pm

@Sylvie: I voted for The Meteor to hit the House 10x. I lost out. :mrgreen:

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Kevin11 July 24, 2013 at 8:23 pm

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Becky July 24, 2013 at 8:26 pm

Ok, I don’t have the LFs (work too much, so it would be a waste of my hard earned money) so I missed McCrea’s birthday party. I gotta say, though, that the clip of it on tonight’s show were entertaining. I especially enjoyed Amanda crying over what Elissa said to her face about how she looked in that dominatrix getup. Sorry, but Amanda did look like a whore dressed that.

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janice July 24, 2013 at 8:33 pm

why do the blog emails keep stopping? is there something I can do to prevent this?

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Jane July 24, 2013 at 8:36 pm

And why hasn’t Amanda taken full showers is my immediate concern!! You’ve been all over McRae with your rot tw**!

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HoH8 July 24, 2013 at 8:52 pm

Oh Dear…again more on Amanda…this is what she said about Elissa…..

“she should have her throat slit so she doesn’t have a voice box to scream when she gets anal sex”

IDK, did Amanda have orders from Grodner to talk this way..she is so Horrible. 👿

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HoH8 July 24, 2013 at 9:03 pm

for those on the west coast…u can watch tonite’s tv show here…. 🙂

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Kevin11 July 24, 2013 at 9:05 pm

Big Brother Network ‏@bigbrothernet
And there goes GM again. Telling story to Ka & Aa that she doesn’t want to spend much money on candy. Drops the “J.” Stay classy, GM. #BB15

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HoH8 July 24, 2013 at 9:07 pm

did someone post that Spencer said that Jessie’s **** smelled like Butterscotch?…..

check this out, LOL…. 🙂

AY….Spens has GOT to GO !!!!!!!

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Dubs Doll July 24, 2013 at 10:22 pm

Why don’t we see the house guests complaining about spencer?

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aggie27 July 24, 2013 at 10:41 pm

So annoying i paid for feeds now i can’t get on for some reason, that usually doesn’t happen 🙄

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bbigbbob July 24, 2013 at 10:51 pm

I really enjoyed the birthday party.

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bbigbbob July 24, 2013 at 11:00 pm

Do you think the producer could get Amanda in a 2 piece bathing suit? Who else could have a birthday?

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HoH8 July 24, 2013 at 11:36 pm

the Hg’s are practicing for the HOH Comp tomorrow…. 🙂

It’s a ramp with buckets on it as obstacles at the bottom is a rotating platform with buckets. You have to roll a ball down the ramp avoiding the obstacles on the ramp and time it right so that it lands in a moving bucket at the bottom.

here are a few pics……

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HoH8 July 24, 2013 at 11:45 pm

aggie…i also had trouble with the CBS Live Feeds… using B3V Viewer as a Backup whenever CBS doesnt work…..this program is safe and free…u need to login with the CBS Feeds in order to start them….just Download the Viewer and Login with CBS and ur all set….i’ve used it before and it works Great…never problems….try it….

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kimjmj July 25, 2013 at 12:05 am

So watching the hgs practice for tomorrow’s hoh, if this isn’t a red herring activity going on, first off it’s my favorite type of comp since as much as production likes to muddle it really can come down to pick of the roll so to speak. Secondly, if the setup stays similar I’m thinking in keeping with the flight-ish theme it’s going to be luggage down a ramp to the baggage carousel… we’ll see!

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kimjmj July 25, 2013 at 12:27 am

Luck of the roll, stupid Swype!! Also, was filling hubby in on some of Spencer’s finer comments from today and didn’t see if anyone else here picked up on his “holocaust pictures are Photoshopped” one. Now hubby, born Texan, with his annoyingly accurate take on people (especially when someone I tell him to give a chance is exactly the way he called it!), immediately associates those comments as “clan thinking”. I’m from the Pac-nw so I find all of this stuff pretty shocking, but hubby is not surprised at all, knew lots of folks like this growing up. And yet Spencer got a good edit tonight. Aaryon is ignorant, it’s the Spencer types that seem easy going at first that scare me.

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aggie27 July 25, 2013 at 12:33 am

@ HoH8 Thanks nice to have a backup 🙂

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Starfish July 25, 2013 at 1:09 am

Well, it doesn’t look like they could have rigged the POV comp to me anyway. Elissa was pretty catty to Amanda since seeing the whole thing and I didn’t think Amanda looked bad at all. It was supposed to be fun and I don’t give a rat’s a$$ what Elissa would do for her hubby. The one piece was perfect for the situation. But I’m still not an Amanda fan. Elissa, just shouldn’t be there at all. Rach didn’t do her any favors getting her in that house.

@Aggie & hoh8, what’s up with the good ol’ boy edit for Spencer? He’s a scumbag and they aren’t showing it.

@kimj, it’s obvious if your hubby says that’s not unusual behavior for the south then that’s terrible. It’s shocking to me too and I know a lot of people from the south including my hubby’s family and they don’t talk like that. They are from the College Station area. Clan thinking is a terrible term but it fits Spencer to a tee.

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HoH8 July 25, 2013 at 1:09 am

@aggie…ur very welcome dear…hope it works for u…. 🙂

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HoH8 July 25, 2013 at 1:12 am

@SF…dont worry bout Spens…his days are numbered now…he will get his….but in the meantime we get stuck with Aaryn…. 🙂

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kimjmj July 25, 2013 at 1:42 am

@starfish, yeah, I was taken aback by hubby take, but after 16 years and never getting the chance to prove him wrong…well I haven’t learned not to argue, I’m just used to him always getting to say he told me so. 😉 He did spend his 20’s vaugabonding around the US, doing everything from carney work to deep sea fishing and has interacted with a lot of different types.

I’m just really disappointed in the edit they have Spencer especially tonight since he hasn’t been shown much until now.

On another note, settings Elissa has stabilized back to a likeable rational person so far tonight… are we sure Rachel didn’t have twin sisters???

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Star July 25, 2013 at 3:50 am

@SF…..LMAO at your K22!!!! I thought I had missed some inside joke!! Does K22 mean that K11 is BESIDE himself with joy watching BB this year???? 😆

@Jane…been calling Spencer a pig since Day 1…and he just keeps proving me(us) right!! Watching BBAD (halfway)and he said something about college and taking *testicle-ology*. He’s not just a pig, he’s an immature, insensitive, hormone riddled pig!!! Constantly makes you kinda throw up in your throat a little….lol I just overherd the girls(E,H,C)saying after Kait, he’s next!! I guess catching on later is better than never!!!

Thanks for all the links on Amanda too. Seems she is supposed to be in the *industry* somehow. Yet she is working for the family biz. Hmm….so apparantly she wasn’t making there so he decided to be on the other side of the camera on a reality show??? Seems a lil rock-bottomish to me!!! OR she’s not as confident as she tries to look in he house and just selling real estate is safer and that way she can’t *fail.*

I really want to like someone this year. I tried and failed with Ellisa. Then Amanda. I even liked Nick but, he’s a distant memory now! No one seems to fit!!! 😉 And I am SO tired of trying to figure out those damn alliances!!! Maybe once a few more HGS are evicted, that will at least be manageable!lol

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RMM July 25, 2013 at 4:51 am

@JT – Thanks for the time and camera on that argument.

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Justaguy (JT) July 25, 2013 at 5:52 am

RMM, Y/W 🙂

Mornin’ all

We will finally have our first unanimous vote tonight. We thought it would be Aaryn leaving early in the week… but everything flipped in the last 2-3 days.
Kaitlin will be voted out 9-0. No one wants to be the odd vote this week (unless someone does it just to stir the pot) 😆

Next HOH: That’s a total toss-up. They will play a game described above by kimjmj (comment #87). They were let out into the backyard to practice, but only for one hour (they usually get to practice these games all night).

Not sure what the actual comp will look like (I like kimjmj’s idea). The practice one was just rolling a ball down a ramp and landing it in a bucket on a round, revolving structure. All a matter of timing.. and some luck. No way to predict who will do well based on what I saw.

I’ll be rooting for Howard or Candice this time.

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Justaguy (JT) July 25, 2013 at 6:04 am

Also, The “house” is in “agreement” that they should all just stay on the same page and whoever wins HOH will put up Aaryn & GM.

Puhhhhleeeeease! 😆 This is BB! Amanda was pushing this idea hard to Howard & Candice, but we know better. No way in hell would Amanda “waste” an HOH on Aa or GM. That’s just playing the game. I don’t think H or C would waste an HOH on those 2 either… at least I hope not because they would be sitting ducks the next week.

The bad part is that whoever wins HOH has to be the one to break that (FAKE) agreement. Then the others can claim they would have kept their word (they wouldn’t have!).

This week’s HOH is in a tough spot. Keep the “deal” and weaken their own position by not striking first… or break the deal and suffer from that.

Gotta get to work… L8r all

PS: I vote to evict Aaryn & Clownie (not gonna happen)

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bigbubbabronson July 25, 2013 at 8:28 am

I am not sure why everytime I see BBAD I see Amanda in that HOH room and/or bed! Who’s HOH is it? Her’s? If the house isn’t seeing Amanda for what she is they are ALL idiots. As I said before I was a DIE HARD BB fan, haven’t really watched but bits and pieces due to hubby but what I have caught this just maybe the WORST CAST in BB HISTORY!! O, and I have to say JESSIE, does anyone even remeber her, lol! SHE HAS GOTTEN HUGE and I find it SO hysterical that in her introduction video she claimed to be so hot, great at everything, awesome athlete, and all girls hated her lol! WTH? She is a total non factor (which will likely get her to the end, sucky) but funny how she perceived she would be in the house!

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aggie27 July 25, 2013 at 8:31 am

@ Starfish I agree Spencer has to go, What a Douchebag, someone will probably drag that perv to the end OYYYY.

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aggie27 July 25, 2013 at 8:32 am

I vote to evict Aaryn, even though I know it won’t go that way 🙄

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Starfish July 25, 2013 at 11:21 am

@hoh8, I hope you’re right and Spencer get’s his very soon.

@Star, happy I tickled your funny bone but your comment about K11 being beside himself works perfectly since he’s going batty since BB is so nutty this year. I hope you’re right about E/H/C wanting to get the pervert out next.

@JT, I don’t understand this bunch. Agree that next HOH evicts Aaryn & GM. Well they really should go but to have Amanda pushing this seems she’s got more up her sleeve. Doesn’t make sense to agree to that. Maybe just put them up and use the MVP and/or POV to get the real target.

@Aggie, yes, yes, yes, Aaryn and Spencer should go next. Doesn’t Howard see who Spencer is? What is up with Howard anyway?

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Betty July 25, 2013 at 11:52 am

Morning All

@Starfish – I believe Howard will stick with Spencer to the end. Candice seems determined to get rid of Spencer, but this may just turn around and bit her in the butt, as Howard will be really upset. I still say Howard is using Candice and will never take her to the end.

I wonder if production is calling Howard into the DR so often because they want to make sure he will put Aaryn and GM on the block if he wins HOH tonight. I don’t think this would sit well with him, as he needs GM to flip the house. Just thinking!!

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holly July 25, 2013 at 12:03 pm

@ Jane, lol at rot tw*t!!
I can’t believe that Amanda is saying all that racist shit! WTF is wrong with her?!?!
Such a weird, ignorant cast. Where are the good, normal people? I do NOT want to believe this is an accurate cross section of America!

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Ethan July 25, 2013 at 1:16 pm

Amanda needs to go. Amanda and McCrae made the rumor that Howard swore on the bible, which is so wrong because that is a big deal to America. Amanda talks crap about every single person behind their back. You can’t be mad with Elissa telling her Amanda that she looked weird with that bathing suit on. She wasn’t even mean about it. Another thing. Amanda is nasty she licks spoons three times and put it back in the pot. Just Saying. She tries to cry in everyones face and play the victim. Candice is one of the smartest people in the game. She figures out things very quickly. Aaryn is a b****. she never sincerely apologized to Ellissa, so why would she give you the time of day.

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LisaMarieBowman July 25, 2013 at 1:52 pm

New Post Up! Go vote!

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tedstrutz July 25, 2013 at 2:54 pm

Hello Friends… Back in civilization and gave a quick look in to see if my faves are still on the show. Looks like one will go tonite.

After all these years, Betty makes a sensible comment… See #34.

Nice to see they let Miss T back on the blog, and everyone is behaving.

Great info, PK. One thing… Please have the lovely Rebecca standing by when you post, so she can proofread.

Speaking of errors/typos … Starfish is comming in a close second to the Mouth from Mobile… K22… Really?!?! You will double his ego. Oh Wait, that’s not possible… You will just confuse 11.

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Starfish July 25, 2013 at 3:01 pm

Hey Ted welcome home but there’s a new post up. Check new post below.

Not a fair comparison Ted and offensive too. Shame on you! I want an apology and quick! 😉

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