This post contains a spoiler. The spoiler is the winner of POV.
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The winner of PoV is Jen. Now who is Dick going to replace her with? Do you think he will put up Mike like he said at the start or use a pawn to make sure Kail goes home like Jessica or Jameka?
I am about 98% sure it will be Mike.
I think the suprise will be that Kail stays and Mike goes….that will REALLY throw a kink in Kail’s game.
…but it just may be the break Kail needs to seek revenge! 🙂
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i want eric to try and get mike evited from the bigbrother house and mess up jen things and i’ll be happy and i hope eric will do that and please try his best to get mike voted out.
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i want eric to try and get mike evited from the bigbrother house and mess up jen things and i'll be happy and i hope eric will do that and please try his best to get mike voted out.
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