Last night’s Big Brother show highlighted the Veto competition and ceremony. Since Jenn and Frank are on the block, they play automatically, as well as Ian. The other three chosen by random draw were Dan, Danielle and Joe. Shane was the only HG to sit this one out. This was on OTEV type competition. In case you don’t know, OTEV is VETO spelled backwards. In past BB, OTEV was a God-like statue that would ask questions. The HG’s would have to know the answer and dig through some kind of mess to find the correct answer. Then they would have to climb a ramp and place it before OTEV. The last person to return would be eliminated. This competition had the same premise except this time OTEV was an alien that needed corn to fuel his spaceship. The final duo was Frank and Dan. Dan was hoping that Frank would throw the win to him, but, for once, Frank was smart enough to realize that the only way HE would be safe is to win. Unfortunately, he didn’t win and Dan now holds the Power of Veto.
Question for all you BB fanatics. Did anyone else realize that the alien said “The Golden Power of Veto” and not just the Power of Veto? If this has been discussed in the comment section, I apologize. I haven’t had the opportunity to read the comments yet. At first I thought it was just a slip-up, but then the alien said it again. There is a difference between the two isn’t there or has it always been referred to as the Golden Power of Veto? I had to take my migraine medications so maybe I’m just a little loopy!
So anyway, Dan decides to use the Power of Veto on Jenn since she used it on him last week. Poor gullible Frank is FOR this idea because he knows that if Dan uses the Veto on him, their secret alliance would be revealed. I wonder how long Frank thinks he could be in a secret alliance with only 7 people in the game? Dan uses the veto on Jenn and Ian puts up Joe as the replacement nominee since he agreed that both Danielle and Shane would be safe this week. Poor gullible Frank thinks that Joe will be voted off and he will stay. Poor gullible Frank
Throughout this whole episode, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for Frank. He is just so gullible. After what happened to Mike Boogie, you would think he’d smarten up. But, alas, Britney is correct…Dan spreads a “mist” and you are forever under his spell. The same goes for Ian when it comes to Dan. I really think Ian should win this game because he is there for all the right reasons. He is not interested in celebrity status, he needs the money. But, more than needing the money, Ian LOVES the Big Brother game and is playing out a dream. Dan too loves the Big Brother game. He is the master manipulator and I’m continuously amazed at how he manages to get everything to work exactly as he wants it to. My only problem with Dan is that he has already won Big Brother and I don’t think he should have even had the opportunity to be in this particular BB season. What I would like to see is a Big Brother ALL Stars with ONLY BB winners. Let us find out who truly is the best BB player ever.
Danielle just gets more and more annoying as time goes on. Did anyone notice that when she was doing here DR session, she was saying “I”. For instance, “I need to get Frank out of this house.” “I have been trying to get Frank out for weeks.” Danielle needs to learn some humility. Oh wait, she will learn when either her boyfriend or her coach vote her out of the BB game!
Tonight’s episode is a double eviction once again. It should be a great show. Get those DVR’s going!!!
Have a great day all. Bloggergal
Frank has earned a lot this season but his social-strategizing-backstabbing game is non-existent unfortunately for him. This is where the best players take each other out viciously and maliciously and then a real big LOSER like Joe or Danielle wins it all. To paraphrase Ian “you are really stoopid if you take {Dan…Ian…Shane…Frank…} to txhe end. This should be interesting…
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Oh… I think Frank and Brit will become good friends in the jury house and Frank will probably hook up with Ashley.
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Thanks Bloggergal! Great update! It’s time consuming so you don’t have to apologize to us.
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I dont think that was any different veto, even if it was it has been used, so doesnt matter
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I think this season it has been referred to as the “golden” power of veto all along. I’ve heard it called that several times and wondered if it was different but it seems to work like always!
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aw poor gullible Frank….lol I love this game , it would be nice to see Dan leave it’s not fair for him to win.
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Thanks Bloggergal and I so understand migraines. I agree Ian should win and Dan should leave. It’s just not fair for him to be allowed to steamroll over the newbies.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I do feel sorry for Frank being so gullible and I think Shane is a close second.
Thanks everyone for all the blogging. Kevin11 I love all the links and the Bluebird poem is the best one yet. Maybe I’m odd but it brought tears for me.
MamaMargie I love your grapevine and your comments about it are the best. They have given me so many laughs.
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they wont post my blogs anymore. π
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Shane is just as deserving as Ian is and Ian’s mouth has really got bad since b eing in there. I’m hoping Shane will win.
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Was a good show last night, but can’t wait for tonight!! Thanks BBB and all the bloggers for insight.
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BLOGGERGAL – and (danielle) dont forget the bigee – when I got janelle out……
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As far as who deserves to battle it out in the end? I definitely think its Ian, Frank and Dan. Dan loses points because he has already won, but the ones who have truly “played” the game – its Ian, Frank and Dan.
No way does Shane, Danielle, Jen or Joe deserve anything.
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I do feel sorry for Frank, but Dan and Danielle are still my favorites.
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Has anyone noticed that when Ian swears it does not make any sense? He seems to swear just to swear! I am sure he thinks it is cool and wants to show America that he is a tough guy! Well Ian, it is not cool and all that swearing makes me think that you are nothing more than an overgrown baby!! Cut it out! I am tired of listening to it!
Frank needs to clean his mouth up too!
Can someone PLEASE get Danielle out of the house. I don’t know how much more of her I can take!!! π‘
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Bloggergal I did notice that OTEV said ‘GOLDEN’ power of veto and it made me wonder if there would be another veto before tonight’s eviction. I would really be happy to see one and have Frank win it! Oh, just to see the expression on Danielle’s face if that happened!! PRICELESS!!!
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Dan’s ‘Hail Mary’ to save his ass by throwing an undeserving Britany under the bus was brutal and monstrous. Ditto his emotional manipulation of Danielle. I only hope the house wises up and has the opportunity to boot him out tonight right after double-dumb Frank (hopefully) goes. Boogey did all his thinking for him and he needs to be sent packing.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Re Dan: I have seen well-played back stabbing and back-dooring in this game but the ‘victum’ usually deserves it. Like when Dustin and his ever-expanding ego got tossed out in Season 8. Perfection. Britney was playing a good game and was my favorite to win until Dan betrayed her. People–and the press–seem to be applauding his behavior. I think it’s appalling. I want him OUT.
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I donβt think Ian will go to the end. I honestly think Dan is playing the best game, and he will take Danielle with him to the final two. I couldnβt believe that Frank was putting so much trust in Dan when he tried to get him out a few times this season. Since I was working at Dish last night, I had to watch it this morning on my Hopper with the Auto Hop feature. It was nice because Auto Hop automatically skipped over the commercials for me. I watched it and had time to get the kids ready for school. I think Frank will go home tonight and I cannot wait to see who else goes.
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Love all the comments and your sharing your thoughts, thanks to all of you.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Watched BB last night and fell asleep during the POV comp. Does this show how boring this season is? LOL I did finish watching it after a “catnap”, okay so maybe it’s my age!!!! Dbl. LOL.
Can’t say that I’m really rooting for anyone now…except I’m wishing Dan would NOT win since he already has in the past. I do have an idea for a prize….for Ian, I think CBS should present the hammock to him seeing how much mileage he has on it. Monday’s rockin’ on hammock was unreal.
Did anyone catch the convo. between Joe and Ian last night? Or rather the monologue by Ian to Joe….as he tooted his horn about all he had accomplished in game play to get him to his current position? It started about 12:15am BBT on cameras 1/2. Joe would repeat the last word or two that Ian said after about every sentence. Got to hand it to Joe for not getting seasick watching Ian rock in front of him.
Dan has sure changed his attitude about Shane & Dani. He used to keep such a close eye on them to keep them from “canoodling” as Ian calls it….but now he forced Dani into bed with Shane and keeps dropping hints and suggestions. Hmmm.
Jenn City is still hanging in there. Haven’t seen what I would call game play, just more of floater.
Agree on “gullible” for Frank. He just seems like such a loser of a guy, strange clothes, out of control hair (never brushed, just fluffed by hand), and the baseball caps…almost like the headband since it lets his face show and no ambition in sight. Somewhere I missed how NASA, astronauts, etc. connect with him. Does anyone know the story on this? I heard Frank say he thought he’d just hang out for a few months after BB resting and relaxing. Could he even get a job if he wanted to? Does he have ANY qualifications?
Danielle, nurse, pimple squeezer. She said she used her fingernail to “lance” her huge zit. That bump was looking pretty bad but this big scab looks awful. Just in time for the live show…lookin’ good Dani….lol
Looking forward to an exciting DE tonight. What’s your guesses on who gets the 1st HOH and who the 2nd eviction will be? I have no clue.
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I kinda want to see frank stay and f2 with ian and get dan out. Lying is part of thegame. But he has taken it to a whole new level
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@Bloggergal, I had horrible migraines too. We wouldn’t be ‘we’ without you so never worry about not getting a new blog up. We’ll just keep on posting. π A divorce fixed my migraines down to maybe 4 or 5 in the last 30+ years instead of 2 a week. Sooo Happy!
I think if Frank took a brush to his hair he would look like a porcupine and that would be worse. He needs a haircut, plain and simple. He has a great face with a great bone structure. I think he would be handsome but that won’t make up for gullible and jobless, no matter how beguiling his smile.
I’m kinda bored with the OTEV thing. It’s a good comp but geez can’t they come up with new stuff. Have they done this every year like Jessie?
I hope they show Brit’s face when Frank walks in but it prolly won’t be until next week if they show it at all. I mentioned this weeks ago that I hope they show more of the jury house this year. They certainly didn’t show much last year.
Looking forward to the show tonight but I’m pretty sure the DNC will push it late just like last night but they did air the full show. Thank Goodness!
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@starfish I agree, hope to see more of the Jury House. I also missed that last season. This year it might be more interesting than the BBH. Of course it will, Britney is there.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Kevin11. I missed the Bluebird. How might I get a copy?
HGs are currently in HOH room with that awful theme song playing loudly. Why does BB do that to them? I think it’s cruel. Anyone agree or disagree? If the idea is to keep them awake then why not play tunes like they do when they want them to wake up?
Sure glad I don’t have to vote tonight…I’m teetering back and forth. Pros and cons both ways. Do wish Frank would speak up about what Dan said after his “funeral”. The other HGs need to know all that info.
6 hrs. till showtime.
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doing quick fly by i am as busy as a one armed wall paper hanger at the present time, will bbl but in the mean time macy what is your actual birthday
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i do not even have time to go to the grapevine, i promise to do so in a bit
hugs to all my darlings i have a lot of reading to do
forgot the womens name s something woodhouse where is she now
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Is it me- but dearest Danielle I don’t think you look like Kate beckinsale or j lo- you just keep on staring in the mirror – I hope Ian wins!
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Okay, getting a little dizzy We have two pages going on right now β![:mrgreen:](
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Is this what happens on Thursday β ………….
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Bobo, this is the new page. Note Bloggergal’s post on the last page.
Regarding Dani’s question, “what movie star do I look like?” When I told my hubby her question, he said Goofy. lol
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@ star and bobo join the club i am so confused also did long blog only to find out i was on 2 blogs ago and there is another page up titled
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JOE VS THE VOLCANO AKA FRANK SO PLEASE REPORT TO THE DIARY ROOM STAT
lol i guess i am in good company being confused
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@bloggergal Absolutely no apology needed…ever. Like Starfish, I understand migraines, and I’m sorry you are having them. I traded mine for menopause and feel I got the better end of the deal. You mean you do have control of your life sometimes? Amazing! I noticed the Golden Power of Veto comment during the otav comp. and when Ian got it in the arcade. I’ve seen them say it both ways but as yet I haven’t seen a difference in power. Poor gullible Frank, indeed!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@tammy Thank you for the blue sky wishes!!!! The sky is blue here today. There is an air show on the base this weekend so the Blue Angels are practicing overhead. Just awesome but my dogs don’t like all the jet noise. I just swell with pride thinking of all the good people who have kept this country safe.
@bobo While on the subject of military, is your new avatar a purple heart? Your purple heart? I don’t know if or how to enlarge it so I can get a better look. Hope the new meds are still keeping you pain less or experiencing less pain.
@star, star, star!!!! You and Brit on tv is a show I’d watch all day long. You provide a party in a post!!!!! Don’t know Mason Willians. big surprise! : ) Thanks to you and others for reporting how you ‘got’ the bluebird poem knowing I didn’t. : ) But I don’t need anyone’s help to feel doltish! : ) As soon as I knew there was no real little bluebird in trouble, I got it. there were no bluebirds harmed in the composing of this poem. CB should have made a statement about that so all the clueless people reading his poem would know that from the start! : ) Har-de-har I did remember you mentioning Dr. Drew and someone else, star, and that started me thinking of the name of that show. I watched it. I tend to watfch all ‘celebrity’ shows, even though celebrity is used in the broadest sense. : ) Dr. Drew could have a whole seadon devoted to bringing Dani back to reality. Anyway, your street cred is intact. You have street cred on top of street cred. Can’t blame a girl for learning from the best. : )Do you emember after Dan’s funeral when he was trying to smooth things over with her. That’s when she said he broke her heart. She also said, “I would have gone home for you.” Dan may soon put that to the test.
@starfish Sweetie, I understand how being literal can get you in a world of trouble. Been there! I hope Ian wins. @Betty His cursing is peculiar and off-putting. I think he’s trying to make a place for himself with the men. He’ll prolly start spitting and scratching next. : )
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@starfish Goofy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good one
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@ star and bobo join the club i am so confused also did long blog only to find out i was on 2 blogs ago and there is another page up titled
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JOE VS THE VOLCANO AKA FRANK SO PLEASE REPORT TO THE DIARY ROOM STAT
lol i guess i am in good company being confused
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@mm I feel your pain. I go back and forth, back and forth checking times and dates of posts to be sure I’m on the right one since I posted on an old one once. Now do I have this right? You don’t need me to go back and find what you posted to bobo and starfish?
Below submit it says previous post and next post, yet this post is neither. I’ll just follow you guys! : )
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Current post, I’d guess it would be, but when do we go to next post?
I’ll be quiet now! NO thanks necessary! : )
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Patricia Just answered your question on the other page…….. π
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the answer to the “Golden” Power of Veto….it is called Golden every week…..BUT there is a “SILVER” Power of Veto….the one that Jeff once got to evict Jessie… where the holder can take someone off the block and name the re-nom himself… so the kinds of vetos are “Golden” and “Silver”, which is rarely used and has to be kept secret from the other HG’s in order to use it…..
i hope that clears the confusing…..βΊ…..
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Powers of Veto (taken from Big Brother Wiki)
Silver Power of Veto
The Silver Power of Veto, used in Big Brother 3, allowed the winner to remove one nominee off of Nomination Block, if they so desired. The winner of the Power of Veto could not remove his or herself off of Nomination Block. If the Power of Veto was used, the HOH (Head of Household) would select the replacement nominee.
Golden Power of Veto
The Golden Power of Veto was introduced in the end of Big Brother 3. It was the final veto used of the season. It has been used ever since then in all of the succeeding seasons. The Golden Power of Veto allowed the winner to veto a nomination from Nomination Block if they so desired, including themselves. The HOH would select the replacement nominee if the Veto was used.
Diamond Power of Veto
The Diamond Power of Veto was introduced as the final veto of Big Brother 4. It was essentially the same as a Golden Power of Veto because it was used for the Final 4, in which case there was only one possible replacement nominee anyway. It was used by Alison Irwin to save herself from the threat of eviction. Erika Landin was the only possible replacement because Jun Song was already up on Nomination Block and Robert Roman was the Head of Household. The Diamond POV was reintroduced in Big Brother 12 and awarded to Matt Hoffman as a gift from Pandora’s Box. The rules of the Diamond Power of Veto became more clear then when it was first introduced in season 4. It grants the bearer the power to remove a player off of nomination block and then select the nomination themselves, rather then deferring to the HOH for the replacement nominee. The holder of this veto may not select either the HOH or the regular Veto holder as a replacement.
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NEW PAGE…….. Follow Me>>>>>>>>>>> π
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bye frank
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Let’s have a vote – who has been seen looking at themselves in the mirror most this season? My vote is for Shane. He is such a girly-guy!
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I would love to see joe leave and then frank right after that.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@kahn..I vote dani, she dosnt always pose in the mirror but in the sliding door, to the cameras. Shane is close 2nd
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New page..where?
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@Tomi, ya, but I bet Shane spends more time fixing his hair in the morning…lol!!!
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