Which HG Is The Chairman Of The “Bored” in the Big Brother House?

by BBBlogger on August 17, 2010

My vote? Kathy! Our HGs were greatly disappointed yesterday that their anticipated competition didn’t happen. What did happen was the first POV meeting where Ragan used his POV on himself and Brendon replaced him with Matt! This stunned Enzo & Hayden who saw this as a betrayal by Brendon who promised them he’d nominate Britney and not “back door” Matt. Now it’s two Brigade members on the block and they’re “gunnin’ for Brendon.” So what else is new. The house has collectively decided that no matter who wins HOH, Brendon is going home. And Matt is playing off his DPOV possession as well as Ragan is hiding his Saboteur Sash.

It’s easy to forget that Matt & Ragan are in a side alliance together which is fitting since they’re the HGs with the most current BB secrets. And Ragan told Matt that he is willing to make any kind of deal with Kathy to get her vote keep him in the house. Not necessary, but a nice gesture and Matt was grateful. Ragan was concerned after his POV speech that it may have come off “too girlie” and that he didn’t want to be the “crying gay guy.” I say it’s a little late to worry about that. Nearly everyone cries in the BB house!

Britney, Enzo, Hayden and Lane have concluded that Rachel is the Saboteur based on their believed brilliant theories of Rachel’s statements and behaviors. All the HGs excel at making square pegs fit into round holes during their speculation meetings and Britney thinks she’s especially relevant. She believes that certain events happened all because of her conversation with Rachel…They keep forgetting the basic premise of Big Brother: Expect the unexpected. What they think they know, they don’t. They don’t suspect Ragan as the Saboteur. They don’t suspect Matt has a secret power even after he has all but told them! They also don’t know that Matt is lying about his wife’s health.

Yesterday was mostly quiet with the occasional interruption of Brendon bashing. How he’s still playing the game for Rachel, making decisions she’d want him to make – how everything he does is for her and in her memory. She’s only a few miles away in a Hollywood Hills mansion and unless he’s a master magician he’ll be joining her in a week!

It’s probably just me, and I know it is based on the opinions expressed on this board, but I’m actually pulling for Brendon at this point. Yeah, yeah, I know, slap me and call me Skippy, but after watching the feeds and BBAD, he is his own underdog, and worst enemy and made a huge “showmance” mistake with Rachel. But for any of the other HGs to cry foul on anything he’s done in the game is ridiculous. It is just a game…with boxes of tissues, rolling around in caramel, being covered in popcorn, untying yourself from water weighted ropes, trying not to fall off a surf board, sliding off a giant hot dog, spinning on a paint can, having to eat slop and sleep in a freezing room with jarred up creepy critters…it’s bound to take toll.

Our HGs were tired folk yesterday. But after a while, I could no longer watch the feeds with them going back and forth with this scenario or that scenario, fantasizing about winning competitions. As a viewer with knowledge of the DPOV, it’s hard to listen to and the Brendon bashing just gets to be too much. Although it was funny yesterday listening to Brendon talk to himself in the HOH room before he took a nap. No one else is really talking to him, so who else does he have? He needs Wilson.

What will today bring? Matt has already said he’s going to “chill” for the next few days and just enjoy his friendships in the house. He has nothing to worry about so why not play it cool? He’ll have the Brigade on his side so it doesn’t matter who his replacement is, you can bet they’re going home. What say you? Do you think there will be a double eviction this week? We may be in for a few BB surprises come Thursday! =^^=

Cherile Berrio August 17, 2010 at 12:27 pm

I do like Brendan and hope to see him continue. Wait until the BROMANCE finds out about the lies from MATT…he’s outta here like a baldman! I think Brittany should go. She’s very catty and a sneaky. She talks about everyone behind their backs. She does not like Brendan and is only being nice so he wouldn’t put her up on the block. I actually miss Rachel.

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donna August 17, 2010 at 12:29 pm

im glad he put matt up..i wanted him to use the dpov !!!!..i just wished he could over power and put brenden up ..now that would be a spanking cave idiot wouldnt like..i guess we are saying bye brit..gonna miss watching you make the gag face and talking crap about everyone..we know lane is staying..

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carolyn August 17, 2010 at 12:29 pm

you ust lost me reading and voting for your blogg with that whimpy crap about brandon he is an absolute spineless wimp.this is first season that i have truely wished they would remove a player but he gets it from me.

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Leeta August 17, 2010 at 12:31 pm

Brendan is an idiot for being stuck on Rachel, even after she’s gone. I can only hope he’s now playing strategically for himself, but I doubt it. I hope he sticks around for a while, just because it would annoy everyone else in the house πŸ˜›

Matt is a cocky b*tch and it will come back to bite him in the butt (I hope!) Britney I really liked at first, she’s usually funny, but her constantly saying how gross/disgusting Brendan is old now.

Enzo and Kathy are useless, they should both go home for being boring (Kathy) and annoying/an ignoramus (Enzo). I miss Rachel because she actually tried to win competitions, and she succeeded.

I’m pretty sure Kathy is going up and leaving this week. I’m also pretty sure unless Brendan wins the veto next week, he’s gone.

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Tammy August 17, 2010 at 12:40 pm

Wow 2 new pages in 1 day lol

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Dr. James A. Lee August 17, 2010 at 12:45 pm

Britney is the only person I care about in the house. I hope she is the next HOH. However, things could go wrong, and she is on the block and go home. Kathy could go all the way if they do not get her now!

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Gracie August 17, 2010 at 12:59 pm

i agree with u Cherile i’m glad he put up matt, but brittany really need 2 go, she is just 2 two face, i can’t stand her she talk about every 1. i think every 1. but ragazn will turn on matt when he play his veto with his lying self. we know he is gone 2 replace himself with kathy so she is gone. it would be nice if it was brittany but brittan is just like him. i will be so glad when it get down where they all start turning on each other. we r not gone 2 talk about enzo with his lazy self.

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jajablonde August 17, 2010 at 1:02 pm

Go Brenden! I hope he wins – Enzo is useless and no one else is playing the game.

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Maureen August 17, 2010 at 1:07 pm

I think Britney is great and I love watching her. I think Matt & Kathy need to go and Enzo is just gross !!! After watching him floss his teeth last night on BBAD and then spit it on the floor was to much. He hasn’t done much for the game and he can go too !!!

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JulesT August 17, 2010 at 1:13 pm

I may be about the only one who still feels this way, but I don’t really want to see Britney go. Granted, from time to time, I wish she’d cut back a little on the cattiness but, whereas Rachel was an out-and-out bully, there is a certain intelligence to Brit’s cat. Looking back over the past several weeks, she has made some really funny statements. There is a certain amount of intelligence involved in funny. If she goes, I will miss the sharp wit.

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Bobo August 17, 2010 at 1:16 pm

Does Matt have the power to take two people off? Then he is the one to pick the replacements ….Right?

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Casaundra August 17, 2010 at 1:22 pm

I really want ragan to get put back up–the expression on his face would be priceless.

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kelly August 17, 2010 at 1:23 pm

I love Brit, she is funny so funny! Pretty typical actions of a female her age.

Benden needs to go. I think now that the skank is gone he is playing a better game but he is still a spook. I cant forget some of the freaky stuff he has done in the past. AND If it takes your “soul mate” to be evicted to get motivated to play the game for half a million dollars something is wrong. Also did he not watch BB before he went into this game? His montra is that the house split up him and R because they were in love. Come on douch, did you 2 expect the rest of the house to roll over and let you 2 win the game because you were “in love”? REALLY!

I liked Reagan but he has been crying to much for my taste.

I like Matt and I think he has a right to be cocky. He has pulled the Brigade on his shirt tails. And now he has the DPOV, one more benefit to the Brigade. Enzo will be all over himself with joy when Matt plays it. And then Enzo will take credit that the Brigade is running the house.

Enzo I liked but he is a bit off and thinks he is running the house but is all talk and a lot of unneeded worry.

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kelly August 17, 2010 at 1:24 pm

oh and Kathy is just skating along hoping not to be seen.

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Tammy August 17, 2010 at 1:28 pm

Can someone please tell me why I am getting everyone’s posts twice?

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Liz August 17, 2010 at 1:30 pm


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Betty August 17, 2010 at 1:31 pm

Put yourselves in Brittney’s shoes. If any of you were in that house with all those morons you’d be bitchy too! She says it how it is and is not mousey like Cathy (just my opinion)

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Dorothy August 17, 2010 at 1:44 pm

At this point, Brendon is the only one I halfway like on this show. Britney needs to go home to Nick or is it Lane? If they are not the same person, what does Nick think about Lane? I have heard both of them say the only people they want to stay are each other. Whats up with that?

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enajyord August 17, 2010 at 1:47 pm

when is Matt going to use the DPOV. Is the HOH safe from going on the block when Matt uses the DPOV? Is Ragan save from going on the block when Matt uses the DPOV?

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Tomi August 17, 2010 at 1:59 pm

Kathy has been so two faced, it makes me mad that she is telling everything people say about brendon to him..but where was she when the group was dpong their talk show…oh wait…she was there in on it. And claims to have clean hands..she needs to go. As for Brit. Granite she is cattie, but so far this season she has been the funniest with her one liners. And that’s not saying much..this has been the most boringest. Season. Yet. BB needs to take the pooltable away for 48 hours…what would nasty Enzo do.

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Betty August 17, 2010 at 2:02 pm

Go Brit – Cathy go home!

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franniep2 August 17, 2010 at 2:10 pm

Betty….I’m seeing a new side of you and I’m liking it. πŸ™‚

Haven’t been on for a while. I’ve been busy at work….DO YOU HEAR THAT TED? Me busy!!! Gotta go….L8R

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marie August 17, 2010 at 2:18 pm

hope matt can put up brendon that would be sweet

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PK August 17, 2010 at 2:23 pm

Matt can’t put up Brendon or Ragan, DPOV house rules…

Enzo says to Matt, no matter what happens, we are going to hang out when this is all over. Matt says what are you implying? Enzo says we are all gonna get out of here eventually.

No matter what Enzo says, truth is Matt goes and Lane stays…. Oops… Matt has DPOV…

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dido18 August 17, 2010 at 2:58 pm

I think that the only reason they brought Rachel back was so she could tell Brendon to put up Matt and use his DPOV power. I don’t think BB wanted a power to be unused as the Sab bit is sooooo lame. Of course they knew that Brendon wouldn’t be able to make a decision without Rachel telling him what to do.

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Debbie August 17, 2010 at 3:15 pm

Just my opinion……I want Hayden, Lane or Enzo to win this season and I can’t wait to see Brittney, Ragan and Matt sent packing. I kinda like Brendan too but I don’t see how he is gonna get much further. I am kinda disappointed that someone (Matt) would use such a terrible illness to try to win this game. It would be admirable if he was doing this because he was in that situation but……..
Just my thoughts. Thanks for listening.

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tendr August 17, 2010 at 3:25 pm

who in the house ISN’T two faced? It’s part of the game.

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macy1231231 August 17, 2010 at 4:57 pm

dont shoot me – but i’m pulling for brendon to – i tend to gofor the underdog – but wait…..rachel was an underdog and i couldnt wait for her butt to leave! he he

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tendr August 17, 2010 at 5:01 pm

I think brendon lost my vote when i saw what a dope he is. You know if he won, rachel would spend his money then drop him. do you really want HER to get a dime of it? she has her 5g’s to play with.

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tendr August 17, 2010 at 5:02 pm

I think they should take the money and split it between all of us blogger (the ones in here) lol

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macy1231231 August 17, 2010 at 5:04 pm

tendr – re: rach spending his money – i kinda think he would be a tite-azz – he seems anal to me – whata you think

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aggie27 August 17, 2010 at 5:05 pm

Sounds good DEBBIE

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tony August 17, 2010 at 5:13 pm

how can these people still like brit, and ragan after the things they have done and said, and britney is a cannible, eating the flesh from her fingers and hands, after 43 days in the house she must have a belly full, and her crazy eye drives me crazy, how do the house guess know which one to look at, and ragan crying is driving me crazy, he is a bundle of laughs when he is not on the block but put him up and stand back and watch who the real coward is in this game, he has the gift of gab but no a$$ to back it up, go brendan, your the only one really playing the game right now, and to all you haters, do what ragan does and put it in a napkin. I’m Outty, Peace…..

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bigbubbabronson August 17, 2010 at 5:37 pm

I agree w/ dido18 TOTALLY!

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DonnaP August 17, 2010 at 5:45 pm

So happy that the neanderTALL puts Matt on the block so he gets to use his DVeto. This might not be popular but I hope Matt wins it all. Not condoning the lie about his wife but he is the only member of the brigade with any nuts.

Mission accomplished Brenda your HOH reign was such a huge success. Cant wait for Thursday to see the look on his face when he realizes that by playing Roachel’s game(nominating Matt) he gained nothing.

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Bat August 17, 2010 at 6:50 pm

thought I’d jump in her when I read that the money was going to be divided by the bloggers! LOL I don’t understand that if you watch BB at all of read any of these blogs that you have to ask the same questions over and over again. NO, Matt can not put up two people, No, Matt can not put Brenden on the Block! Come on pay attention people, it’s not that dificult to get it after the 200 time someone asks it.

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Gracie August 17, 2010 at 7:48 pm

i think it is good brenden put matt up because he will have 2 use his DVeto and that will expose him as a liar and the brigade will not trust him any more. and they r gone 2 say if he lied about that he could be lying about his wife illness. ragan and brittany was just as nasty about talking about every 1 as rachel. but they on the block and scared they going on the block they act change, they licking up.

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DARLENE August 17, 2010 at 8:34 pm

I agree with u Gracie, Brendon did good putting up Matt. Maybe the ng will find hes a lier and a sneak.

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Star August 17, 2010 at 8:59 pm

Nice! Only 38 comments in here…..so I got thru ALL of them..lol

@Betty…..LMAO at*If any of you were in that house with all those morons you’d be bitchy too! * from post #17!!!! Good point! Seems like us bloggers are getting a lil B*tchy too, judging from the commnets! But I thought they were all hysterical! Oh ya and….
@ tony your Brit is a cannible line wasTOOo funny..and TRUE!!!
And Bat..I agree but you have proved my B*tchy pt…just sayin’! πŸ˜†

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Carmel August 17, 2010 at 10:41 pm

I hope Matt is dumb enough to not use special veto because he thinks he has votes to stay and he ends up going to juror house with Rachal!!!

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kelly August 18, 2010 at 8:20 am

I totally disagree with those of you that think when Matt uses the bedazzled POV the Brigade will be pissed. When he uses it all he has to say is that he couldnt tell anyone about it or he would use it. Enzo will be the first to tout the Brigades power of running the house while grinning ear to ear. Even though it’s Matt who is the only one who is doing anything that benefits the Brigade. Brenden will be pissed but oh well, they dont really like him anyways.

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aggie27 August 18, 2010 at 10:15 am


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Justaguy (JT) August 18, 2010 at 6:14 pm

Jumped back a couple pages to take care of some moderation business…… hope you don’t mind!

Gotta get my Vikings avatar cleared now that football season is on us!

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Justaguy (JT) August 18, 2010 at 6:15 pm

And how about a blank avatar while I am at it! Thanks…. no hurry.

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Justaguy (JT) August 18, 2010 at 6:16 pm

Did that work?

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