Wow. Not sure what to say about this video, these first two videos to be exact. In two parts, Jameka and Amber give Dick a taste of his own medicine. In true Dick fashion though, he doesn’t back down one iota.
It makes for great theater, but I should warn you — neither of these first two videos is safe for work. Totally NSFW. Too many “magic words” used, so hide the kiddies. In fact, the magic word gets used, and in my experience, any man who uses this word toward a woman should be prepared for wrath.
However, that doesn’t mean Jameka or Amber were taking the high ground. This is ugliness all around. Good theater, but I don’t actually recall Big Brothers of the past getting THIS ugly. Do you?
Here’s the second part of the tirade, but I should note that Jameka is now planning to apologize to Dick for her behavior. Honestly, while there was a bit of schaudenfreude in seeing her go off on Dick, this is Jameka’s M.O. She blows up, flips and then regrets it later — classic passive/aggressive, no?
Perhaps she’s just psycho. Perhaps Dick had it coming. You tell us (in the comments forum).
The rest of the Nerd Herd sat outside and in the hot tub in hopes of keeping Dick from coming out to smoke. If he does though, believe this, it will be ugly because the house is at war. War.
Here’s Part 2 of Dick vs. Jameka.
In this third video from tonight, Dick tries to console Daniele, reminding her what a good competitor she is and, frankly, being a good dad (well, at least in this video).
Finally, in a lighter moment, new HoH Jessica shows off her room. Notice the look on Eric’s face when she says she’ll wear her sexy boots she got from Big Brother with a skirt.
You’re an angel for showing this – thanks!!!!
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You are very welcome. It’s weird … because I was pretty much ready to go to bed, thinking all the excitement had gone away for the night, well, the early part of it.
And then, it started, and I really could NOT believe it. I thought, “I gotta get this recorded,” and I figured it would last for 5 minutes MAX … but then it freakin’ lasted for 20!
Off to bed now … 🙂
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LOL yeah and the backlash continues – but I’m sure this week will have plenty of “good stuff” for you. Again, thanks!!!!!
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Is it just me or is Jameka completely off her rocker? She reminds me of some little girl sitting in the back of the room playing the I know you are but what am I game. No way she is Dick’s match, he is the master and I hope if he does go home next week that he leaves everyone of the nerd herd shaking in their boots. Eric should have left this week and Dustin should be leaving next week. Shame on the producers for interfering in the DR. Does this prove that reality TV is NOT reality TV??
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What’s that ditty from the Wizzard of Oz????Psychos, crack whores and fags, oh my! Jameeka, Amber and Dustin set the causes of Jesus freaks, recovering addicts and gays back a hundred years. Was part of successful application to BB8 failing a Rorshach???? These people are scary!
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there are no words to describe this war,… yikes.
to me, it seemed like eric wasn’t so much impressed with jessica’s room/stuff. (or maybe i’m in denial ;)) i’m really surprsied that dick and dani actually went up there to see what she got.
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Can anyone answer a question for me please? Does Eric HAVE to vote the way America tells him to, or can he decide for himself? Thanks!
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Personally, I love ED, Zach and Daniele. ED may be harsh, but at least he’s honest. Jameka, Dustin and Amber are liars and hypocrites. Eric, he’s beyond creepy, Jess has a voice that breaks glass, but she’s adorable and I used to hate Jen, but she’s a good player and I think she has more tricks up her sleeves. The whole house needs to remember the next houseguest evicted, I believe, goes to the sequestered house. Then again, it’s easy to be too judging toward them based on what we see on line, on TV and on Showtime2. Cheers and thanks for all you do! =^^=
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I saw the initial blow up on the live show, at the end, after the HOH event.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I also just happened to be watching the live feeds, and saw it rel time.
Funny thing here is that Jameeka aslo stated that the pasive agressive behavior is Dick’s MO.
If it werent this far into the game, I could excuse anyone for lashing out at ED.
He just keeps pushing it further and further, but by this time, they all know how this works, and either fuly “shut down” or walk away.
It does make for great viewing tho!
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There you go CBS. What you set in motion has happened. Jen also revealed last night that the “Diary Room” was encouraging her to keep Eric. Does the movie “Quiz Show” ring a bell???? Oh well my husband kept telling me it was all controled by CBS and I didn’t listen. Guess I look pretty naive now.
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If dick goes out this week will ge be going to the jury.
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WOW, Robin, that’s shocking, I didn’t hear her say that.
Kathy and Nancy I think you guys hit the nail on the head, I’m not even going to waste space here trying to say it better!!!
And, John, I KNOW passive agressive behavior and believe me – Dick is about as far from that as Arizona is from having oceanfront property!!! Read up on it.
As I said, this is a house FULL of misfits who don’t fit in any where else in society who have come together to make SOME meaning of their pathetic lives. THIS is the ONLY place people like Jameka (who, by the way is going to be sorely surprised on HER day of judgement), Dustin, Amber (who has NO PLACE talking about someone ELSE’S Karma), Eric (who has NO sense of conscience at all), and Jessice (whose brains went down the drain with her bottle of bleach), can have a platform for anything – they are just plain lucky and don’t deserve to win anything. I was sick last night listening to AMBER of all people talking about Dick’s and Danielle’s KARMA when she had this whole thing planned with Dustin!!! UNFRIGGINREAL!!! I’m picturing the RAP party when all of them will be waiting for Nick to be there and HE walks by all of them and only talks to Dick and Danielle – I SO hope he’s been watching!
BUT, this sadly is indicative of REAL life and how things usually turn out!
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This was posted regarding Amber’s rant about Jews:
She’ll never live that down and rightly so!
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As anyone seeing the show last night is aware Dick really is a good guy with many true and loyal friends. Tell me one family where there is not some desention in the ranks at some time, but he and Danielle seem to be on the right path. Dustin has given a taste of his friends on the outside, not loyal or true, so has Eric, all say he is the came to mess with people’s minds and prove he is the greatest player of all time. Jameka and Amber, well they both need lobotomys. As for Jessica, she is truly a young naive girl that is being led by the wrong the group. Even Dick knows that. Dick has sprung new life in this show as never before, America’s player can’t say that. People who truly enjoy watching the show want to see if play out, not be manipulated by the producers and network. As for the banner, during the first season they were flown over the house constantly, it did not effect the outcome. As for this time, CBS most likely would not have had a problem with the banner except that is mentioned their MOLE, excuse me, SNAKE. Danielle and Dick were onto Eric before the banner, that only confirmed it. Dick is throwing himself under the train to save his daughter, do you honestly believe anyone else in that house would do that to save anyone. They would sell each other out in a minute. Dick is telling everyone exactly the way it is in that house, he’s not lying and backstabbing, and they just can’t handle the truth. CBS should still be ashamed for their manipulation, Eric is not worth loosing your viewers and this show. Eric needs to not only get Dustin nominated but should openly campaign to get him out as punishment to CBS. This would mean he would go next but …. Oh well.
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does anyone know If the evicted HG this week will go to the jury house???????
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Redarin D — yep, this is the first week for evictees to head to the jury house. Seven go there. Two will be finalists. I wish we could have live feeds OF the sequester house. 🙂 …
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I’ve known a lot of Jameka’s – Christians and a lot of Dick’s – party hard types. Dick is being himself – calls it as he sees it, ditches it out and takes it (sometimes he goes overboard on the ditiching it out).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But Jameka……….my gosh, I do not know REAL Christians who behave in that manner. Where is the turn the other cheek? Maybe it is the house that will drive you crazy…? Makes you wanna go hummmmmmmm
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Kathy, great post. This is supposed to be about “entertainment” and I find the house becoming LESS entertaining once Dick is gone. We can only look forward to the sequester house fun when those weasel-like idiots show up to face-off against Dick.
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Hi its the old one again, 🙂 You know this is the way I see the J thing. She is a baby Christian. People think once you confess your soul to God you become this perfect creature never to err again. That would be nice but it doesn’t work that way. Just as we all stumble and make mistakes in our younger years that we would never make again when we older, its the same way in any faith, Christian, Muslem, Jewish, Buddhism, etc. As you mature in the faith your actions and reactions to those around you change. I think its unfair when people that are immature in their faith are held up to a strong light and ridiculed for not being perfect. Even at 40 or 50 you still make mistakes, so a person with lesser years in their faith will definitely make them. The hope is that as their faith matures so will their actions. My heart went out to J during this taunting, she will look back at it and beat herself up for a long time for not knowing how to handle it like a Christian, which would have been to walk away and pray. But again, just like when you were young, its hard to walk away from a school yard bully. I’m ready for ED and DD to go… they were interesting for awhile, now one is pathetic and the other is just vulgar. I’m ready to see how the LNC II will pick each other off, LOL.
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You guys are funny. You actually are making excuses for Dick’s behavior and trashing the women who stand up to him? Yeah, I guess women should know there place and not respond to a man who calls them a b*tch or a c*nt. I don’t know what planet you people are from but Dick has been nothing but a horrible person since he got in the house. I wish I was in there because I would have broken the guy in half already (probably around the time he poured the drink on Jen.
If my wife was one of the women in that house and he dared talk to her like that I would destroy the old fool.
I am actually appalled at some of you people excusing his behavior and coming down on the women who are just giving him a taste of his own medicine.
Sad, you think a man berating women is “entertainment”. You talk about Jamekea like she needs help? No, you people need help if you are entertained by that.
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Meghan — Eric MUST vote as America does, and technically this is why I think he can say he is not lying about votes … because he does not actually vote. America does. In fact, don’t be surprised if in the end that’s Eric’s description of the twist this year — that he, in fact, never actually cast one vote.
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Jason I am a woman and am smart enough to know that this is a game and this is the way Dick has chosen to play the game. He has been consistent in the way he plays the game from the very beginning, not like the other houseguest, women and men. He has not gone behind anyones back, like the other houseguests, and he has only called people out on their lies and deceptions. If these other players were smart and felt they did not deserve what Dick was dishing out they have to option to get up and walk away or to go toe to toe with him. My suggestion is that if you are going to go toe to toe with him you need to know what you are doing, and they don’t. The problem is that they are all being caught up in their own lies and bad game play. Even Kale’s husband understood it was a game!! The key is to keep the real world seperate from the game remember! Until last night Dick made no comments about anyone’s family at all. That only began once Amber and Jameka opened that can of worms. Amber called Dick an unfit father and Jameka called Dicks’ MINISTER mother a bitch. Let’s keep perspective here, as a woman, I’m ashamed of the two of them, the only way they can respond is to make it personal…ridiculous. At least Dick was keeping it within the realm of the game. Check his diaries, they state that this person or that seems like a nice person but just doesn’t know how to play the game. I remember seasons past where a woman was berating every man in the house…did you feel that was entertainment because it was reversed? You don’t bring religion into a game, you don’t bring your past demons into a game, that was there mistake. As a woman, and a woman who knows a really bad man first hand, I would be honored to have a Dick as a friend in the real world. At least he is consistent and honest. Some people are just abrasive, but you take them for what they are or you get the hell out of their way. This is a game, keep the perspective. The object is to win, how you choose to win is up to you, do you choose to honest and true to yourself in the game or do you choose to be a liar and backstab everyone. It’s up to each houseguest. Keep the perspective here.
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Totally agree, Kathy – well said!!!!!!!!
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Wow, Kathy! That was excellent! Not sure if we want to watch if D&D are gone. The others are so painfully predictable. I fast forward through their diatribes from the Showtime feed.
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So true, Donna. I just got done watching Eric and Zach talking in the workout room. They are NOW planning to try to get rid of Dustin. There were many different scenerios to accomplish that, including the possibility that Dick MAY be able to stay another week. BUT, they were vehement about Dustin going. SO far it appears that Dick will be put up and they will try to talk Jessica into putting up Justin, too. They had some horrible things to say about Dustin – I swear, I just never get used to the two faces of people – I’m a grown woman, been around the block a few times, owned two businesses but it just never ceases to amaze me. Eric has been poking his nose in the HOH room all day with Jessica and is definitely pulling Jessica’s strings, she has NO clue how she is being manipulated right now – she is way over her head as HOH!
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Lisa thanks for the update – it seems that Eric doesn’t know when to just lay low, especially when he really can’t promise anything! I couldn’t imagine talking game plan with Zach either, he doesn’t seem to have any strategy, unless that is his strategy 🙂 I think Jessica is also easily manipulated, but well liked and will probably go pretty far. I don’t think she would put Dustin up though.
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Thanks Lisa!! I think Dustin is a bad seed!!
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Well, as far as Jessica is concerned, I’m stunned that she can actually sit there like “Miss Innocence” while Eric and Amber trash Dick regarding Amber’s secret and accusing Dick of outing a confidence, ALL THE WHILE, she is the one that Eric told the secret to and it was ERIC who used the secret. It’s just sickening to watch this. As far as I’m concerned the game has now been taken down to the trash room with these “people”. I have even found myself not even thinking about the live feed with most interest lost at this point. I just want to see Nick confront all of them at the rap party!!!!!
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OH HEY, Tony, sorry didn’t see your post until I was done. Yeah, LOL, bad seed is a good way to describe Dustin!!!! Actually, it’s a slam to all the bad seeds of the world!!!! LOL
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Kathy, nice try, just because you are a woman doesn’t mean you are an authority on how a man should treat a woman. I get it, you like Dick and you don’t like Jameeka and Amber, but don’t try and spin it like he is right and they are wrong.
Who is this woman from seasons past? Tell me her name and I will tell you if I was entertained. Please don’t speak for me or my past opinions.
“The key is to keep the real world seperate from the game remember!” Actually, I don’t remember that. Is that a rule or just how you would choose to play? Are you trying to convince yourself that Dick never used Jen’s relationship with her mom against her? He was constantly bringing that up. The tables get turned on him and you feel he has been wronged somehow?
“My suggestion is that if you are going to go toe to toe with him you need to know what you are doing, and they don’t.” Oh really? Then why is he going home this week and they aren’t? He brought this all on himself and is playing one of the worst games of all time. Berating everyone for the sake of “keeping it real” is not a good Big Brother strategy. Sorry, it just isn’t.
“You don’t bring religion into a game, you don’t bring your past demons into a game, that was there mistake.” Why not? Is that another rule I never heard of?
“I’m ashamed of the two of them, the only way they can respond is to make it personal” So calling Jameeka the C word and telling her to suck his balls is not considered making it personal? What world are you living in? And that was before she called his mom anything but I’m sure that was okay to you because you know all about bad guys right?
“At least he is consistent and honest.” I could point out times he wasn’t honest but who cares because this is big brother and if you go in trying to be “honest” you are not only a terrible player but an afront to the spirit of the game itself.
The guy is garbage and I am going to laugh when he gets booted and acts like a little baby the whole way out. Then I am going to laugh again when his daughter gets booted.
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In Dante’s L’Inferno, the deepest rings of hell are reserved for the betrayers. Hypocrites, liars and disemblers are also ranked in the nether regions. Loud mouthed rockers are not even mentioned. The anti semitic diatribe by one of the women you defend is indefensible. That she seems to be having recurring psychotic episodes(crying interminably, equating her child with a pet, crying interminably, ranting at someone for divulging secrets most of us would not have revealed when protected by the seal of confession, then voting to keep that person because she swore on her daughter- or was it her dog, and crying interminably)does not seem to be of concern. Seeing God’s will in ping-pong balls, repeating the same phrase for an uncountable number of times, and cursing a blue streak is laudable ?? They could just have walked away, but they were flush with their Pyrrhic victory and their hubris won out. They thought they would best their opponent.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I promised my daughter I would tape this show for her while she was at Oxford. Big mistake. I was concerned I was becoming addicted, but I know I can stop before I take apart someone elses comments – item by item. THIS IS A GAME, AND YOU’RE NOT EVEN A PLAYER!
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Evil Dick WOW! No wonder Danielle is so screwed up, and has such father issues. Not only is he rude,he has no manners of a complete pig. Between the farting and the constant loogie spitting. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeuck!
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Hey Lisa,
Ok, so P/A behavior is not completely what Dick is about, but how many times has he blown up and then gone back with “you know how I am”
Maybe its more a abusive pattern? 😉
I wish I had more time on the live feeds, but I don’t capture them, and I find it frustrating how much time off camera time is offered.
C’mon CBS. I want to hear what BB is saying to the houseguests.
Who cares? I think we all know that there is some dealings with the crew (handlers) with the houseguests. Like last night, the lockdown was over, and a guy came on telling them that they would raise the grates, then BAM off camera. Then D&D talked about not being able to walk on the grass.
I like this part! Heck, I want to hear the wake up music.
But the noob I am, I dont know what time they get up.
As an east coaster, I try to be here, but either they are still sleeping, or already awake.
::sigh:: How about some schedule, please?
Anyone? Bueler?
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Please feel free to laugh all you want, but check alot of the other sites. I’m not the only one who feels that the show will not be worth watching. I suppose the guy is garbage just because he’s not like you or your friends. This country is about individuality and freedom of speech of course. That freedom also provides you the choice to walk away, change the channel, etc.
Let me say that I had nothing against Jameka until she started using her religion as her excuse for bad game play. I am a christian and even I know God has better things to do that put a little ping pong ball in my hand. There are people killing each other in the real world and I believe he feels a game can be handled by the players. Kale is a Christian as well but did not use that as part of her strategy. As far as Amber, in the beginning I liked her as well. But she uses the oldest female trick in the book, crying to get the attention and make it seem everything she does is OK. Danielle does most definetly have a bit of a spolied brat in her, but at her age alot of girls do. Jessica is also very young and inexperienced.
If Amber and Jameka want to stand up to Dick that is fantastic and I don’t have a problem with it. I just think they should do a better job of it. They both sounded like little kids. Jameka kept saying your mother and your daughter what 20 times and I lost count of the I love yous. All Amber did was make a statement and then sit there and laugh at her own comment. If they both had any common sense, they would either stay away from Dick or handle him the way Jen did, with dignity. As much as Dick does not like her she has earned his respect showing that she will not be bullied or loose her cool.
If you want to talk about real men lets talk about Dustin and Eric sitting in the hot tub yelling insults at Dick while the women handled things. Eric even made the statement to Jameka that if he had know Dick was yelling at her he would have come in and rescued her. Excuse me, Amber was out there telling Dustin and Eric all about it. If these two are examples of real men then we are in trouble. They hid from Dick like babies. Remeber Dustin peeking through the door but as soon as Dick noticed him he ran away. He even had Amber go in and get him something to drink and don’t forget he made it clear he wanted to go into the hot tub but not by himself because Dick was out there. Give me a break!!
Dick has been consistent throughout the game. While Amber, Jameka, Eric and Dustin have done nothing but loose their composure. Kale, Mike, Jessica, Zach have not engaged in any of the “fights” in the house. Other Danielle and Jen’s altercation Danielle has not raised her voice and through it all Jen has just let it all flow off of her back like water. Let’s get one thing straight here, this is not all on Dick. Did you see Amber go off on Eric, wasn’t she lady like? Have you seen Dustin run his mouth about practically everyone in the house, isn’t he the gentlemen? The problem you have with Dick is he does this face to face instead of behind peoples backs. If Dick had a problem with me I’d rather him tell me to my face, give me the opportunity to respond or walk away, but I guarantee you I wouldn’t be as childish as Jameka and Amber were.
I love the “if this were my wife he was talking to I would have broke him half by now”. Yet Kale’s husband knows it’s a game and said his wife can take care of herself. He is keeping perspective here and knows that none of this will have any impact on life outside the house.
As far as Dick leaving, he most likely will, if not this week very soon. I never saw him making it to the end as he has too big a target on his back. I don’t see Dustin or Eric (if the producers stay out it) making it as well as Amber and Jameka. They’ve all played bad game. It would not surprise me in the least to see Jen as one of the final two.
Regarding the rules of the game, let’s just say in watching the game over the years you learn from others mistakes. Please feel free to provide me with the rules if I’m wrong, but I’m a big believer in learning from mistakes not repeating them. Religion, politics, and dirtly little secrets have no place in a house full of strangers. This is common sense, please.
The bottom line is Dick is American’s favorite player because he keeps the game interesting and keeps everyone in the house on their toes. The houseguests know what they sign up for when they play this game, as long as there is no violence anything goes. Most people know this is a game and look at it as just that.
Just like your favorite football team, there are players that go over the line, but boy do they get the job done and that’s why people go see them play. If your team looses the big game it sucks, but guess what, life goes on. You don’t consider what happens on the field real life, why would Big Brother be any different??
This is a game, it’s not real life! If the players make the mistake of thinking it is they deserve to loose and get voted out. If the people watching make that same mistake, shame on them, get a life! We’re all just in it for the fun, just as the houseguests are. The difference is they get paid, and trust me I’d let someone cuss at me all they wanted for $500K because in the end, it is only a game and I could remember that!!
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And, Kathy, if I may add – what these people don’t realize about God is – God is NEVER involved with lying, cheating and hurting people for the sake of money – HE is as far away from a situation like that than it gets! So to be praying to screw your fellow houseguest MAY get results – but watch out – God has a real funny way of teaching us DIRE lessons!! Sorry, but when these people want to bring God into the equation it only means they have NO intention of being accountable – but to blame their prayers and God’s plans for their failures!
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Dick is Dick…24/7. What you see (and hear) is what you get. He is not afraid to have an opinion and not worried about being politically correct. (not a brown-noser if you will) I have honestly thought since the beginning that he and Jen are working together. The whole tea thing was a set up….If you notice Jen didn’t even blink when it happened and just said thanks. For the first few weeks Jen was playing the bimbo card but it was an act. She is turning out to be one smart person. (does the name Janelle ring any bells?) Daniele is pretty smart too…but also very young. I think she is right when she says she is being penalized for things her dad does. That’s because no one has the balls to take on Dick. Nick’s mistake was that he fell for a girl. If his “showmance” had been w/Jessica or Amber do you think he would have been voted out? The America’s player bit could have been a good twist w/the right person. Remember Joe’s glee over the whole “Nick tried to kiss me” (per Jen) bit. I think Joe would have been perfect for the job. Eric is completely inept….one job was to campaign against Kail and that was the week that he completely set up Nick. (said he wanted all the ladies!!) The hallmark of a good liar/game player is to make you believe it. As much as I wanted Janelle to win last year – Mike Boogie totally played Ericka and walked away with the cash. So far the only thing I’ve seen Eric accomplish is the mustard on Jen’s pillow and suck up to Jessica. Who I hope is smart enough to figure it out and start working w/Jen. Dustin is just being Dustin. For everyone who felt bad for him at first and disliked Joe. I wonder if your feelings have changed yet? Dustin seems to think he is the new Dr. Will w/Eric as his James.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amber truly worries me….she is just a joke and completely out of her depth. The things she does in the show are going to impact her life and not in a good way. Hopefully Big Brother will get her some counselling -she sorely needs it.
Or maybe she own stock in Kleenex and it’s all an act. Nah….no one is that stupid!! The only person I have trouble with in the house is Jameka who uses her
religious convictions only when it is convenient to her. Someone made the comment about she is “new” to her convictions and doesn’t deserve the bad rap she is getting. That is a little naive. when you portray yourself as morally superior and righteous and whipping out the bible over things like a POV contest- it just is a little suspect. Being a christian is a way of life…not a strategy for winning the Big Brother game. Remember when Dick made a comment about the “starving children in Africa”? Jameka jumped all over his case because she felt that only reinforced stereotypes and prejudices against black people. She was thumping her bible for all it was worth. But when Amber made her comments (stupid and inane as they may be) It didn’t seem to me that Jameka took any offense at all.
I really wonder what Jameka would have said if Amber had said something about those n—-‘s on the street selling dope??? Would she have told her not to make broad sweeping statements about people you don’t know? Or would she have been up in Amber’s face like she was Dick’s? (and by the way…there are millions of starving children in Africa…a fact that has been documented by many well reputed news organizations.) As far as what she said about Dick’s mom – that was pretty unforgivable. So he called her a c##t. That is his opinion and he has a right to it. But for her to retaliate is in no way the christian credo. You are supposed to live your life as set out in the bible. (the 10 commandments and all that jazz.) Just a few tenets to ponder….do unto others….people who live in glass houses…and turn the other cheek. If Dick had called Jameka’s mom a bitch she would have been frothing at the mouth. Being a religious person is not bad….being a religious person in the Big Brother house is not bad either. But you can’t turn it on and off when it can be used to you advantage. And on a slightly less serious note…Don’t you think God has a few more serious problems in the world to worry about than a POV competetion? Oh, but I forgot…Jameks’s got it like that!
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There are all different types of dimensions of someones faith and spirituality.
The only thing that makes me chuckle about Jameka and Amber and whomever else is that even though they ‘might’ be Christians, they should have checked that at the door and just played the game. It’s only a silly game.
I wouldn’t label myself a Christian because there are things with that faith that I care not to associate myself with, but I am a very knowledgable and experienced student and teacher of the Bible and have done my share of saving souls.. and blah blah blah.
BUT, If I were on BB8, I would play the game and leave the label out of the door, but use my knowledge and insight selectively. Why? This BB thing isn’t really real life. If it were real life, then there would be no “kicking me out of the house†for thumping a vile and abuse person upside the head – or worse.
So that’s where being real about your walk in Christ (or I would call Maschiach) would come into play. I’m not one of those “meek†“turn the other cheek†type of believers. I never, under any circumstances, mistreat or start anything with people, but I will finish quickly and forcefully. Nobody said a Christian (or whatever) is SUPPOSED to allow themselves to be abused. The only person who ever did that was the Messiah himself. That was His purpose and divine destiny – not mine.
I ain’t the Messiah and don’t wanna be. Treat me good and I’ll give you the shirt off my back. Treat me bad and I’ll kick you to the curb permanently. Abuse me in close quarters and you’ll get your lip split. I’m not praying for forgiveness or repenting afterwards either. YOU started it. Period.
Jameka does look silly, but she is NOT a hypocrite. If anything, I’d say she’s probably immature in her spiritual walk. I’d definitely not immediately bodyslam Dick. I’d definitely have a soul stirring talk with him about his behavior and give him a stern warning. Such that the producers would likely have to intervene in “some†way to mitigate the consequences.
The strategy of this game certainly does entail deception, secrets, gossip…etc. And even with my spiritual values I find no fault in that – as it is a game. But unprovoked mockery and abuse is unacceptable in any context – period.
If a man-to-man was to no avail, I’d either be extremely physically aggressive with him during competitions or just time him up and let the girls squirt ketchup and whatever else in his face, and give him titty twisters. See how he would like that. 🙂
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Even when prayers are said at football or baseball games – you don’t pray to win the game – or at least you shouldn’t – you ask for the best team to win – and that no one gets hurt during the game – Jameka and Amber are way out of line – Pray for some common sense – that would be much more helpful to them.
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What's that ditty from the Wizzard of Oz????Psychos, crack whores and fags, oh my! Jameeka, Amber and Dustin set the causes of Jesus freaks, recovering addicts and gays back a hundred years. Was part of successful application to BB8 failing a Rorshach???? These people are scary!
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