Tomorrow, tomorrow, we love you Big Brother 13 cast reveal is tomorrow!

by BBBlogger on June 29, 2011

So what’s so special about tomorrow you ask? Well, tomorrow we will be exactly 1 week until Big Brother 13 starts on TV and we will be finding out the poor unfortunate souls who will be subjected to our watching their every move for the next 3 months!

Yes from what we have been told, tomorrow we learn the Big Brother 13 cast and who will be in the Big Brother 13 house!

Thursday at 9:00am EST, 8:00am CST, 7:00am MTN or 6:00am PCT

Excited? We are…plus then I can change the graphics on my pages! 🙂

So we will be watching and talking. Then over the next day or so we will start speculating and getting to know the new cast of Big Brother 13!

Excited yet? Is it real? Need BBBlogger to PINCH YOU? (I will for a nice comment below!)

See you tomorrow Big Brother Blog faithful!

Peace, BBBlogger

PS: do not miss out on the early bird for the LIVE FEEDS! We want you watching with US!

Barbi June 29, 2011 at 5:08 pm

I am so ready to get this started. Feels like a lifetime ago since we seen the show. Love you, BBB.

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mike stover June 29, 2011 at 5:12 pm

Great I will be looking for your blog tomorrow, cant wait to see who is on this year

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KeriJ June 29, 2011 at 5:30 pm

Yes!!! So ready!

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JudyBitterSweet June 29, 2011 at 5:35 pm

I am excited! I have never miss a show! Starting with BB ONE, It my favorite show of all time! My husband and I watch, and just love every minute of it! We get Show time after dark, tape it, and watch the next morning!
Evil Dick is my all time favorite! Just love him!
I hope we have mnay twists and turns, I can’t wait to see what BB has in store for us this year!
I am looking forward to THE TALK……..with Julie every day! That should be fun! Judy from Virginia

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edward June 29, 2011 at 5:35 pm

CANT WAIT Im n a BB 13 pool @ work

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Soapsudz June 29, 2011 at 5:48 pm

I am so ready for some excitement. My biggest hope is that the cameras or shall I say the “BIG FOUR” glimpses into the BBhouse…will offer more variety this year. Let’s hope we don’t have the repeat of 4 cameras on the same place/person/people. Come on…let’s see more choices around the house.
One of my favorite episodes of BB was the group that put the talent show together for the late night show. Just love it when they come up with stuff like that.
Please BB13…let them have games, a slip’n’slide, decks of cards, pool toys….when the HG’s have props…the show is so much more fun.

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Panic June 29, 2011 at 6:03 pm

Hey BBB! long time no see 🙂 cant wait to get the new season started 🙂 Hope you are doing well!

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HoH8 June 29, 2011 at 6:05 pm

Cant wait for the Big reveal of the cast…..but better yet cant wait to watch the videos of the interviews done last week when they first went to sequester……

i love the Twist of the Dynamic Duos this yr…..this twist will really put a spin on the season…cant wait to see which duos will show up….i know for sure the HG’s will hate it, lol…..:-)

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starfish June 29, 2011 at 6:05 pm

A Big Thank you and perhaps a kiss to BBB!! You’re the best! This site has brought together many of us who would never have met and we communicate throughout the year thanks to you.

Yes, I am so excited for BB13. I agree with Soapsudz, let’s have better camera choices and more games/activities/props for the HGs. Can’t wait to see who they’ve chosen this year. I hope they give us variety but not so far off the chart that they go immediately. I hope they don’t start alliances the first day, that’s just plain stupid, but they do it anyway. We’ll see. Can’t wait!!!!

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Dawn June 29, 2011 at 6:27 pm

Oh BBB and Big Brother how I have missed you!!!!!! I am so looking forward to this summer and watching with anticipation as to what is going to happen next!! It is my guilty pleasure of course and I don’t know what a summer would be like without it!!! Can’t wait!!! Thank you again for the blog that gets us all together!!!!

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Pat June 29, 2011 at 6:33 pm

I just love BB,it is the highlight of my summer. I know it is sad but thats life

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Soapsudz June 29, 2011 at 6:41 pm

Wow! Just had a tour of the BB13 house. Loads of creative ideas, curved benches at the dining table, a round bed in the HOH room, bicycles all around, graffiti walls in the BY and a Tarot card reader, also spotted some bikes and exercise equipment. Not so sure about that brushed steel bedroom #1, …looks like you have to crawl into bed and the the “candy” bedroom with an ice cream cart…Julie says it reminds her of Katy Perry. Now to guess what they did with the showers & vanity this season.

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Shelley Reigers June 29, 2011 at 6:54 pm

A local TV station asked, what is your favorite thing about summer, cooking out or swimming? IDIOTS, my choice is watching Big Brother and BBAD. Obviously it wasn’t a CBS station that poised that question. I’m so ready. I can’t wait.

Can’t wait to know who will be in the house. Can’t wait to see the house. Can’t wait to hear what the twist will be.


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Ted June 29, 2011 at 7:01 pm

Have to agree with Soapsudz… Wasn’t going to get the live feed, because it was so lame last season… if there are 4 cameras, then there should be 4 different images… I was surprised at the lack of creativity by the production team in that department. Hopefully there will be a little more effort there.

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Ted June 29, 2011 at 7:04 pm

I’ve got The Early Show tivo’d for an announcement of the cast tomorrow. I have it on good authority that Jessie will be back in some capacity, which should set Aggie to drooling. Also, that some past duos… hmmm, any ideas????… will play a role in the show too.

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HoH8 June 29, 2011 at 7:18 pm

Can i say…if most of you are veterans of BB and especially the Live Feeds….you should know the story of the 4 cameras by now…they NEVER show us 4 different rooms….u should be lucky if they even show us 2 rooms…….

and the Blocking of alot of events in the house is a common thing, be ready to watch more FISH then anything every season……

these are things that we have to get used to after watching for so many years and no matter how much we complain, CBS will never listen to us… 🙂

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Angel June 29, 2011 at 7:26 pm

I completely agree…..I can not wait! It does feel like a lifetime ago!

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franniep2 June 29, 2011 at 7:57 pm

I can’t wait to meet the new houseguests. I hope they will be a much livelier bunch than we had last year. Give us something to watch on the live feeds. Play some games or something that involves more than a boring pool game where no one is talking. WE WANT ENTERTAINMENT!

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starfish June 29, 2011 at 8:21 pm

@ Ted – say it isn’t so. Jesse again??? I don’t think I could stomach that and why on earth would they bring back anyone except to lead a food competition? Let’s get some new blood but CBS wants us to bitch and we are good at that and they think that will keep us watching. It will for most of us, but not all of us.

Soapsudz the house sounds like it has some interesting new features. I don’t have the time I used to watch live feeds or BBAD or even the morning show so I rely heavily on all of you. I used to know things almost before they happened it was so much fun.

Love seeing all the newbies on here. I have been on this blog since it started and I love it. Thanks again BBBlogger!

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aggie27 June 29, 2011 at 11:56 pm

Dear Lord, WTF, is this Jesse obsession, Ted I hope you are wrong about that, The Man sleeps 16 hrs a day, He isn’t even around much are they fucking with us or what. of all the people to see back. I think i would rather see Rachel, Hey at least she will be up, and be a total BIATCH, at least their is some entertainment there. Jesse, Might wiggle his man BOOBS for us thats about it. 🙄

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tendr June 30, 2011 at 1:11 am

Man boobs…LOL…snort.

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aggie27 June 30, 2011 at 1:15 am

Hi TENDR, yes he had MAN BOOBS, I’m sure he could wiggly those babies, it would be the only entertainment that jackass could offer us. 🙄

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Sweet Judy June 30, 2011 at 1:20 am

Like they said ^ Can’t Wait!!

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the mortgage dr. June 30, 2011 at 7:14 am

it’s the ROID’S that cause you to sleep that much…it bulks you up but sucks the life out of you…sleep sleep sleep…having that muscle brain idiot again for a 3rd season would make about 1/10 of america happy the rest would be watching the weather channel or the food network…america is bored with Jessie…if this rumor is true the season is already a failure…ONLY MY OPINION…so no bashing the doctor

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aggie27 June 30, 2011 at 7:21 am

I agree Doc, I’m sure most others would also, he is no entertainment of all the great people they pick him, WHAT”S UP C.B. S? Give me a break

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aggie27 June 30, 2011 at 7:25 am

Judy Bitter Sweet, I agree, Love EVEL DICK, that is someone to bring back, the live feeds were always entertaining, something to think about CBS 😀

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mama margie June 30, 2011 at 8:05 am

the best part of summer is about to begin, forget the cook outs, the pool, the REAL fireworks will began on opening nite of BB13, instead of caglon take me away it will be BB13 take me away. I too too have been a faithful bb stalker since year 1, can’t believe it is so many years and still going strong, shows you what is great tv. You have drama, comedy, jealousy, competitions, nail biting moments but most of all you have old friends to hook up with and new friends to meet, so what is left? just the waiting. I love to watch the fish, good for ones blood pressure lol also forgive my senile memory but didn’t the house have 2 other animals forget what the heck they were, kind of like rodents but i am sure a lot of you will remember and bring me up to speed. Also looking forward to BBAD, however after a week of BBAD I begin to wonder “when did my wild oats turn into oat bran”
Again, txs BB for yet another year to blog about our favorite show, u rock. Thanks to Aggie for her blog since BB12 ended, has kept some of us in touch and we do have fun on her blog, got to know my BB fellowbloggers even more, Aggie thanks a bunch. Now I am off to the casey anthony trial, have a great day all, and the countdown begins

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Donna P June 30, 2011 at 12:16 pm

It sure is a ghost town up in here on a day like today, with so many new revelation about the new season.

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