So Matt and Lane are “currently” on the block and up for eviction but since Matt has the Diamond POV, my guess is that it will be used. My thought is that Kathy is going to be the replacement nomination.
So one thing is for sure….it will be LANE vs. someone other than MATT!
I think that PK (one of the awesome regular commentors on Big Brother Blog) explained Matt’s options this morning quite well….
PK 08.19.10 at 9:17 am
Tonight we will see if Matt is as smart as he claims to be. His IQ dropped 40 points when he failed to put B&R on the block when he won HOH the first time around.
If he puts Kathy up for eviction it is a short term safe move and guarantees her eviction and keeps the Brogade intact until Enzo, Hayden and Lane can dump him the next time he is on the block with any other brogade member. Bad move long term if Matt hopes to get to the final 2.
If he puts Btit up for eviction it is a short term safe move and guarantees her eviction and keeps the Brogade intact until Enzo, Hayden and Lane can dump him the next time he is on the block with any other brogade member. Bad move long term if Matt hopes to get to the final 2. He needs her to net the bungling borgade out sooner than later.
If he sees the writing on the wall – ALL CAPS – that he is at the very bottom of the borgade pecking order despite the fact that he is the only one of them actually doing more than eating, sleeping, playing pool and simply talking the talk, with or without pretending to be auditioning for a dumb guy role on the Sopranos, he will get rid of Enzo NOW!
Without Matt on boaed, the Brogade is doomed and Matt, Ragan, Brit and Kathy can target Brendon, Hayden, Lane (Brit can live with that for a shot at half a mil) in that order. Kathy would be disposed of then, leaving the winners/real players free to compete for the big prize with the losers long gone.
Think about it Matt… Real hard… Play to win…
So tell us Big Brother 12 faithful…who do you want to see Matt put up and then who do you vote to evict out of the Big Brother 12 house this week.
Peace, BBBlogger
PS: this blog is about YOU and without you guys this blog would not exists. Thanks for being a part of the blog and the family!
Matt… Put up Enzo before his gets someone else to get you…
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Put up Britney
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I dont get the feeling that Matt has a clue #1 that Enzo is after him. Has Enzo had the “meeting” with Matt that they are voting to keep Lane? Personally I hope Matt doesn’t win, because I don’t like the fact that he is lying about his wife.
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hey PK….I added your comment to the post. You are FAMOUS now!
…can I get your autograph?
Peace, BBBlogger
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With the dimond power of VETO and it can be used on anyone as I have listened to clearly a couple of times. Put up Brenden..unless he is exempt
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I say Kathy. She has done nothing worthwhile and every time they think someone isn’t a threat, they end up whooping them. They need to get her out right now. Besides I didn’t like the way she joined up with R&B. It was sickening that she sat and played with Rachel when Rachel came back for 24 hours. And speaking of that, I think Rachel is totally clueless. When Ragan told her how it is and what she is like, she not only had no come back, I think she was surprised. I really don’t think she sees what a real witch and how mean she is. She must be that way in real life. Scary.
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Hey hpr56…you are the 30,000 approved comment on this blog! Congrats! I would like to offer you a $10 iTunes gift card! Sound good?
Peace, BBBlogger
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I was hoping the DIAMOND power of veto would be strong enough to allow Matt to put Brendon up! I thought it would trump the HOH immunity.
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Could be Enzo going. After a convo 2 days ago, Matt flipped him off as he walked away. Fingers crossed. Liked Enzo, but at this point, he’s more of an embarassment to New Jersey, than the Jersey Shore show.
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Put up Hayden. Enzo is not able to win competitions and is all talk and no action. For all his paranoia, he is helpless. Lane will stick with Brit and Ragan with Matt leaving Kathy who is a threat to only herself. Next week you’d see Kathy and Brendon on the block. You would likely see Brit, Matt and Ragan vote out Hayden, and Enzo and Kathy vote out Lane. With no tie Brendon couldn’t vote.
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OK i have one question..can Matt put up the HOH(Brendon) with the DPOV?……..if not i think he will put up Brit…………
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Put up Enzo!!! PLEASE!!!!!
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I think he will put up Kathy, but I wish he would put up Britney. I am so tired of hearing her personal remarks behind everyone’s back.
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Matt cannot put up Brendon (HOH) or Ragan (POV) with the DPOV!
(way too many acronyms in this game!)
Peace, BBBlogger
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Whomever he puts up in his place will be voted out. Who that will be is the question!
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@dido18, but still it’s like I said, it’s surprising how many times in these reality shows that the person who is perceived to not be a threat ends up making it to the end. Either because they finally show they can fight or because they just keep sliding through and get lucky. I still say Kathy.
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I bet he puts up Britney, and then she will go home. But like PK, if he was smart, and let’s face it he has not really shown us that trait yet, he would put up Enzo. However having said that, he has not been a part of all the “brigage’s” conversations, and he does not know that Enzo is coming after him, so he won’t do it. I have had the Meow Meow up to my ears, that every time I hear my cat, I want to swat her & tell her to bark like a dog. haha
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Thanks BBBlogger. I would love it. WOW
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I love PK’s logic and it sounds like a smart thing to do. But, I don’t think Matt knows what’s going on and he wants to keep the brigade in tact. I still think it will be Brit or Kathy, but wish I would be Enzo or Hayden now. Matt’s the only one keeping the Brigade together with his wins. Don’t like that he’s using a fake illness for his wife.
I’m going to do my very best not to look at the spoilers to see what happens before the show is on, here on the west coast. Gonna be difficult!
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I think that he should put up Enzo or Hayden would make me happy! But Matt aint got the balls, and there is no way for him to pin it on any one else! kathy is going home, BUT how is the Brigade going to like being lied to about the DPOV??? Its going to be a GREAT night!!
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so that is what i was wondering… the diamond veto cannot put up the hoh right????? In a way I am gld… with Brandon really fighting for himslef… it is now getting fun and more intersting….
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Can Anyone tell me if there is a way to see the diary room sessions? I have the live fees.
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oops live feeds
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I’d like to see Britney go. She is so annoying!
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No…the only way to see the Diary Room is what they show on the CBS broadcasts!
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hpr56, i sent it to your email (hotmail) so let me know that you received it!
Peace, BBBlogger
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There are no live feeds of diary room sessions
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the game is finally worth watching, although I have yet to find a favorite out of this group…………….I do think it is time for Kathy to go, and Enzo to follow her, I like him but he is really worthless!
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Kathy should go home before she gets the chance to prove she’s been acting like she can’t win anything. i have a feeling if she don’t go tonight her game is going to pick up speed.
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Got it BBBlogger. Thank you so very very much.
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Thanks Yall
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Get rid of Enzo. Dumb as a rock!
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I would like to put up Hayden. Hayden is playing all sides. He kisses up to Brendon too much for me and if push comes to shove and Brendon happens to last for another week and becomes HOH again and gets his head out the dirt puts up Hayden and enzo don’t think Hayden won’t turn on his bromance to stay in the house. I would like to see Brit and Ragan final 2.
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Enzo! Get rid of the non-game-playing sleeze!
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I am like the restof you, I dont really like Matt,but I would side up with Brit & Regan. Face it the boys talk big but dont deliver
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Don’t think I can “stomach” Enzo’s fowl mouth, horrible eating habits, and scratching his balls another day. Haven’t seen a player as conceited and self-centered as he has been. He talked about missing Gia and she would be 11 mos. old when he sees her. She would be saying “dada” and “meow meow”, but if she has been watching her daddy on 24/7 she is more likely going to say “f***” to her beloved dada. After all, that’s all she hears hims say.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PLEASE put Enzo up for eviction.
I would chose despicable Matt with his lie about his “healthy” wife but that D-Veto stands in the way.
7 1/2 hrs. until show time.
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I hate that Matt lied about his wife…but if Matt stays strong, breaks up the brogade, and takes Ragan and Britney to Final 3…I think Ragan has the best shot at winning. He deserves it the most because he has shown the most class, and the most strength of character. His make-it-up session with Rachel after their big fight was priceless! Besides…he made Rachel speechless for a full 5 minutes or more…lololol ANYONE who can pull that off deserves the half Mil!
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Matt should vote out Enzo H e is getting on m,y nerves.
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Me again the boys always talk about Katy but they dont win anything either
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I totally agree with PK. Enzo needs to go and that’s Matt’s best chance of winning this game.
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Enzo is the ultimate floater. He wins nothing. He talks a lot. He does what he is told to do by his alliance. Talk about a life vest!
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I would love to see Britney go home. I am so tired of the faces she makes in the DR as well as the nasty comments she makes. She never has one good thing to say. I know it is the game but gosh she is NEVER nice about anything. Just my thoughts. Thanks for listening!
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IMO, put up Brit as she can win things and is more of a threat overall than Kathy. Then next week the house can take out Brendon followed by Kathy if it turns out to be double eviction.
From that point it’s “dog eat dog” and let them fight it out to the end.
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@Eagle….That is the best scenario I’ve heard so far. I agree 100% with you. Glad to see someone is on the same page as I am. 🙂 Everyone was so aggainst Matt…now they want him winning? WTF am I missing here? Matt can go right after Kathy.
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could someone tell me, will BB make all the house guess pack there bags ( except for ragan and brendan) before the eviction, because they wont know who is going up after the gremlin uses this DPOV power, myself the clear choice would be to put britney up and get her out of the house, i hate to say it but she is better in these competitions, than the guys are, the brogade is an embarressment to all men around the world, and it wouldnt surprise me if matt turns his back on the three blind mice, hayden, enzo, lane, worst in competitions, next to cathy, how can they even show there faces after this season, im still hoping that brendan can hang on to win, but with BB giving the gremlin super powers and his disgusting cuddle buddy ( RAGOLA) the sabotuer 20,000 dollars and the whole house out to get him, i just dont see that happening, maybe BB can even the playing feild a little and give brendan a special power to use, i mean he did win the hardest competition in the game yet, just an idea, im outty, peace…. :~)
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Thanks for your comment franniep2.
Even though I’ve been a BB fan for years, this is my first year on this blog. This place is great and I’m really enjoying it. Even though I don’t post much I read the comments multiple times each day.
Not trying to divert the topic here, but rather just wondering if the manners and eating habits of the HG are getting on others nerves. Is it just me? If I smacked my lips so much or chewed with my mouth open like that as a kid I know I wouldn’t have a tooth in my head as my parents would have slapped me silly. But these people are adults…why can’t they act like adults? I see them acting like they were raised somewhere in a cave by animals. Every time I see most of them grabbing something to eat I always want to hit the mute button. LOL
Ok, rant off now and thanks for giving us all a place to vent our frustrations.
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I agree w/ most of you, Enzo is annoying (did anyone else hear him tell Roachel he hopes she gets to see Brendan WTH? PUKE) But, the 3 stooges are just that, stooges.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lane isn’t playing to win, he is laid back and is fine w/ riding along, and as long as he thinks he is safe w/ the brigade, he won’t fight to win. He will let the others work at it.
Enzo is a coward and moron he won’t win.
Hayden is too busy trying to be nice and look pretty (WHICH HE ISN’T).
Matt can beat the 3 stooges in comps, keep them. Keep Kathy, she isn’t going to be hard to beat either. As much as I like Brit and find her very entertaining, you gotta dump her, she wins and she is smart. That’s what I would do, well if
I were Matt that is.
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@Eagle….it certainly does bother me too. I would guess their mics make it sound way louder than it actually is but that’s no excuse for them when they eat with their hands. That’s straight up nasty. It makes for watching the live feeds pretty difficult on a full stomach.
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The HG that gets put up at the last minute will leave without there stuff. BB will have everyone pack their stuff upm later and send it out!
Ebeneezer Scrooge and the 3 Stooges will break up either tonight or sometime in the coming week. Enzo will be in trouble because he hasn’t being trying to set up an outside alliance
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I love Brittney and Ragan, and I hope Brittney makes it through tonight. I know she talks about everybody, but it is funny! The show will not be as interesting w/o her. As I always say… if you don’t have anything nice to say, then come sit by me. It’s a show guys, we complain when they are boring. I say get rid of Hayden, maybe then he can get a much needed haircut!!!
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Now that the Rachel bullying is gone, the game has become more intellectual (with the exception of Enzo and Kathy). Look for the winner to be just that. Matt thinks he is but he may just be his own worst enemy. I’m hoping the sabateur lets the HGs in on his disgusting secret soon (what fun to watch he try to get past that one)!
I feel sorry that Kathy is, or appears to be, so dumb. I wouldn’t want her protecting me in her law enforcement capacity. She gives them all a bad name.
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All the extraneous noises the mikes pick up drives me crazy. Their eating habits do leave something to be desired. Also the way they repackage the food after getting something from a bag or box. It’s a wonder they don’t get salmonia or something
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right on bigbubba, we think alot alike, ragan thinks he is so classy, but really he iss just gassy, matt is 2′ nothing and would be gone this week if it were not for BB giving the gremlin these powers, have you noticed how the gremlin walks around with hiss hoody on and showing off his chest and abs, lol i gues he thinks he is a man now, he looks like a kid with a scraggly beard, and wait till his cuddle buddy ragola finds out that he is lying about his wifes condition, wonder if he still wants to toss his salad then, lol eww, im outty, peace…:~(
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I agree with John..As I heard and believe, Matt can put ANYONE up as his replacement, including the current HoH. So, if he uses his head for once, then Brendan will be joining Rachel.
My vote is, Brendan. And if it doesn’t go that way,then the Brogade is history and Matt and Reagan could be the final 2.
Thats just my thought! I can’t wait to see how its played out tonight.
Have a great day Y’all
OH yeah..I vote to evict the replacement (I hope its Brendan)
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have you seen mat and enzo, literally playing pocket pool in front of the cameras like they are in a porno, then go to the kitchen and make them something to eat, spreading their grems all over the food, glases, even getting ice out of the freezer with there bare nasty a$$ hands, im surprised one or more of the house guests havnt gotten sick yet, because im not on the set and they make me sick just watching them, matt acts like he is looking for his but enzo finds his and goes to town, and the BB cameras make sure that america see’s it all, they should be evicted for their nastiness alone
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Hopefully Enzo and Hayden go up to Matt at the last second and tell him they are voting him out and the reasons they feel they need to!! This will give him a few minutes to gather his thoughts and put up either one of them!!!! I am hoping he is smart enough to see that the Brigade has turned on him, but I am not sure he is!! I agree with PK, if he is not smart enough to put up one of the brigade members (Enzo), he is sure not to be around much longer!!!! Everyone has to agree with me though, the moment he pulls out that Diamond power of veto will never top the looks on Jessie and Natalies face when Jeff stood up last season for the Kudetah!! (sp?) I don’t think anything can top that!!! How hysterical was it last night to watch Brenden searching that house for Rachel???? I wonder what they told her to get her to pose like she did for the video they showed him during Pandora’s Box?? I bet he was thinking he was finally going to knock off a piece!!!! lol
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attached link rated “R”
Lane in the shower”
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another brendan and racheal basher, how original, the gremlin weasle cannot put up the hoh with this power, anyone else yes, wishfull thinking on the bashers part,
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Britney is a better player then all of the brogade. Get rid of her now while they have a chance. I believe they will have to vote immediately after Matt does the DPOV and there will be no question who the brogade will vote for if is Lane/Britney
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I’m with big bubbabronson!! I too like Britney but she needs to go. She a good liar and she can convenience anyone that she is on their side.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hate to say keep Kathy, but Matt would be smart to keep her around. She sucks at every game in the house. None of the bridgade are any good at the games either. Matt and Ragan have pretty much won them all. The bridgade is just letting Matt carry them. So Matt if you can’t put up Brenden, so he can be Rachael’s little pet put up Britney. I am just happy that we don’t HOPEFULLY have to hear from
Rachael for awhile.
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It was my understanding that Matt could use the DPOV to replace both nominees put up by the HOH, and he becomes more powerful than the HOH if he decides to use it.
I figure if this is the case, Matt will put up Kathy and Brit.
Its also my opinion that the two life long friends in the place are Matt and Ragan, just due to how they interact with one another.
Anyone else remember the rules of the DPOV that allows Matt to replace both nominees on the block?
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maybe if it was a double eviction, why make 2 people mad at you if only one goes to the jury house, he should just put britney up and get her out of the house
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Matt can take himself or Lane of the block (only 1) he gets to name the replacement but can’t put up the HOH or POV winner
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Enzo is the quintessential floater! He has no spine and no balls(which is what he is doing in his pants all the time…looking for them!!) I never liked him in the beginning and I should have listened to my gut. He is kinda funny, but the more the show goes on, the more he seems buffoonish! He kisses evreyone’s a$$ and TRIES to be everyone’s friend(remember when he told Rachel that when she came back in the house?? OMG…he was even afraid of her then and she’ not even in he gme anymoe!!!)He won’t make it to the end…or even the f4, IMO. But now isnt the time for Matt to take him out.
Matt is a strong player(even if i don’t like him personally)and he needs to take out a strong opponent. Since that can’t be Brendy this time around , he is considering taking out Kathy to appease BOTH of his alliances. But, the smart move would be to take out someone that could hurt his game and that the brogade also would agree on…leaving only Ragan upset. But Ragan is so enamored with Matt, all will be forgivien.
SO….I vote for Matt to put up Britany. I really don’t care who gets evicted at this point, but I think that is HIS best move. She annoys me no end with all her nervouse habits and nasty mouth, but so do most of the people this year. SO I am from now on just going to say who I think should go up. They can evict whoever they want. I could care less!
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you got to go britney, your time has come, you can quit eating your own flesh and pulling your hairs out one at a time, and i just cant stand looking at your cocked eye anymore, i can never guess who your looking at with that wondering eye of yours, so do us all a favor and go to the jury house and make like you really did like racheal while in the house, i hope she has nothing to do with you
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Aggie now that the pool sticks are gone boo hoo how long will they be able to play with one stick, looks so stupid giving it back and forth, but i guess that is all they have to do, well i guess what with enzo now copying matt with his hand down his pants. last nite bbad after the “accident” hayden hit destroying the pool sticks even their favorite one (side note they all appear the same to me) went flying and are now splinters. Out of the corner of me eye i see something dancing in enzos pants, I swear it looked like a case of mexican jumping jeans had fell down enzo;s pants, or brit, kathy, or ragan suddenly looked good to him, lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i watched real close and notice his hand was dow his pants, this is whrere it gets really funny, i guess the camera men really had a field down with this, cause the camera keep zooming in on his now dancing private part, i was rofl, now i have to say bbad last nite was a bit more interesting then the usual bbad.
after all that being said
I vote to evict Brittany, however, I have a feeling will be the resident pawn Kathy. I am taking my phone off the hook for the entire time. Now I just have to pray we have no rain or my dish stays working,
ciao all you fellow bloggers. and hpr wtg on being 30,000 commentor and gift from bbb. Nice of you bbb, wtg.
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Everybody keeps talking about Matt taking himself off the block. Maybe I’m remembering it wrong, but last year when Jeff had the Super Veto Power, didn’t he get to take BOTH people off the block? Why isn’t anybody talking about the possibility that Matt might do that?
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didju know that every surface – every door nob you touch has been in contact with all the other peoples hands in the house – for instance – enzo after he scratcheshis butt crack – having that said………brittanys hands are always in her mouth – GROSSSSS
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HA HA TONY!!! I have talked about Britney’s weird grooming before and it is nasty! Dawn, they probably told Roachel that she was doing a video for Vegas, LMAO, I AM VEGAS BRENDAN!!!
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Tracy.. Jeff had the coup d’état which is much more powerful than the diamond veto.
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Macyy123123, I just threw up in my mouth a little, LOL< YUCK!!!
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Until Brendon is out the door, Matt NEEDS Brit and Ragan to collectively work together toward that goal because if Brendon wins POV this week, Matt, Brit and Ragan need to try and try again collectively until he is gone since they are Brendon’s prime targets so long as he is in the house. Enzo, Hayden and Lane couldn’t beat Brendon at anything physical or mental so they are collectively as usless as tits on a Texas longhorn bull.
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this really should be a no brainer for the gremlin, he has been handed this great and powerful gift, and to use such a gift on a floater, dumb mayberry cop (cathy) would besuch a waist of power, and really show that matt has no back bone, do the right thing matt and at least use this power to get a good player out of the game, im outty , peace… :~)
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dont you guys think on the LF – they will put cameras on people that are sleeping – so that they dont have to pay attention to them – or have to say – like- ‘you are not allowed to talk about……’
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Why does everyone love Ragan so much? He is not classy and he is the biggest cry baby ever in the BB house.
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pk- are you serious, britney is a better player in these games than brendan is, matt better dispose of her now while he can, or she will bite him in the a$$ later
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tony… Matt would have to be in the game later to have Brit bite him in the ass and he can deal with that possibility then NOT NOW… Like you said, Brit is better than Brendon and so is Matt and so is Ragan in all but endurance challenges favoring big feet. Let Brit help Matt get rid of Brendon before he gets another chance to dispose of Mat and Brit.
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pk- the whole house wants brendan out of the game, he cant play for hoh this week and who ever wins it will put brendan up thats a given so get rid of britney tonight if you have a back bone matt if you put up cathy it will show just how spinless you truely are
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tony… If Brendon wins POV (real possibility) then he will have a shot at HOH the next week and be assure that Enzo, Hayden and Lane won’t stand in his way… Brit needs Matt and Matt needs Brit until Brendon is gone. Then they can battle it out.
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I think Matt wants to keep the Brigade together because, Matt is the brains teamed up with the three stoogies…. He could not have better odds than that… Matt will probably win hoh this week too…. Hayden, Lane and Enzo really are the three stoogies… Sorry about spelling… Hugs, Jade
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your right jade, matt is smarter and much better than the brogade members and can beat them in most competitions, all the more reason to get rid of britney this week, and then go after the rest of the house, the odds of brendan winning agian against 6 people is very low indeed, this week briney goes, or she will win the game, dump her goody to shoes a$$
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Jade… The three stooges have already trimmed the 4 man brogade down to three and Matt should surely realize that by now. Matt is effectively no longer a part of that alliance, just the ace the stooges like to play as needed, when needed, to keep their lame asses in the game.
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Pk, we will see tonight… You have good spelling… lol
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Don’t understand why everyone hates Brendon at least HE is playing the game and winning some unlike Hayden Enzo and Lane , Kathy. Brittany makes me want to gag and Matt is the last person I would want to win lying about his wife terminal illness. Ragan is a big crying gay baby, Would love to see Brendon win!!!!!!!
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If Brendon wins (about as likely as me winning the power ball lottery), fortunately Rachel will be there on finale night to let him know he won.
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PK – You mean Rach-ho will be there to take the money from good old Brendon!
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Put that weasal Ragan back up on the block before he can cash in $20K. Plus Ragan and Rachel in the jury house might force BB to start filming the cat fights.
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Betty… That too… But… He will do it out of love for his black widow disguised as an ordinary house ho.
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PK I agree with you completely. Matt should see the writing on the wall and break up the brigade now while he has a chance to blind side them, then ride the rest of the game out with his new alliance of Brit, Regan and they could draw Lane in. Brendon needs to go,
Echo: Everyone hates B because he is a TOOL. Did you not watch his actions while R was in the game. His head was in the sand and expected everyone to hand him and R the game because they were in “love” Geez even last night he admitted that he was thankful his tramp left him directions because he couldn’t think for himself.
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when Kathy wins HOH, she will not put up Brendon….ok just kidding, we all know Kathy will never win HOH. Just wanted to stir things up a bit.
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When Kathy finishes a HOH competition or and competition for that matter, Hell will freeze over and we wont have to worry about global warming any more!
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wow how original, more B/R bashers, your worse than britney and ragan, i wonder who your favorite players are, both no better than brendan or racheal, only in their minds
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Wow Rachel really showed her true colors last night ~ go Regan for leaving her with her mouth open ~ she needs to be gone ~ I agree that Enzo needs to leave now ~ I hope the genuis see that and puts him and Hayden up ~ can’t wait for tonight 🙂 yea
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lol Kelly complete and utter boulerdash, all lies and half truths, and i know now that kelly and pk are one in the same
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Not one in the same and how is it lies? I saw the same show last night that you did, didn’t I?
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Tony I think you drank the same cool aid Brendon drank.
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tony… have you been watching the same BB12 as the rest of us?
If Rachels laugh could be unleashed on the Taliban, they would surrender their arms and legs in less time than it took her to alienate all of civilized humanity (Brendon not included for reasons that should are quite obvoius).
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Tonight tonight I can’t wait for tonight ~ 3 more hours to go ~ think I will get into my pool with this 100 degree weather and so I can be refreshed and ready for tonight ~
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i will give you one thing kelly and that is your gay boy can really sling some shit, you know the gift of gab and all that but my eyes are wide open i can see ragan for the disgusting sick perverted he she that he really is and thats something you and pk seem to be blinded by, his words, stand back and look at the person saying these words, he is not better than racheal in fact he is worse, open your eyes, are you people blinded by his gayness, he needs to wear a but plug to, im sick of hearing him shit all over himself, but i guess your ok with that, im outty, peace
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how original pk i think i asked you the same thing about an hour ok
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Wow… And to think I have been slammed on here for being homophobic. I am not a Ragan fan. Gay is one thing, flaming gay is another. But this is a game and to the victor goes the spoils with or without my endorsement. Ragan is playing to win… Cheers!
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Someone needs to take a chill pill ~ anyhow I can’t submit my vote today since Matt has the DPOV and we won’t know if he is going to use or who he is going to put in his place ~ so I will vote late ~ I’m outta here it is getting hotter in here than this Texas heat 🙂
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Tony, tony, I think your a little homofobic… I do recall R going after Regan. Then Regan was outside and here comes little miss sunshine looking to rub in the fact that he was a have not with an offer of cookies. So yea, I like Regan he is the only one in the house with a set to stand up to the wicked witch of the west, who thinks she is still part of the game. She has ONE vote in the end, but she came back in the house with her power trip on that she had every time she got a wiff of any power throwing it in everyone’s face. He stood up for himself when no one else would. As for Regans life style and gas problem is any of my concern, why is it yours?
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I agree with one of the statements I actually read above
“Me again the boys always talk about Katy but they dont win anything either”
but i don’t think Matt is smart enough to put up enzo and will prob take the easy way out and prob put up Kathy. I hope not but……
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i’m ready for enzo then matt to go home.
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My money is on PK….
Oh and BTW, Go Ragan….you rock dude.
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Howdy tendr… you doin’?
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Haven’t read all your posts yet but I do agree with Star and many of you that Brit might just be his best move but personally I think Enzo should go. He’s like a whiny 7 year old mean girl and the he says, “I’m friends with everyong bro”. Puhleease. He makes my teeth scream.
It’s a real shame I don’t have a favorite to love this year. 🙁
@BBB didn’t have time yesterday to read all the posts but you have done and are doing a fantastic job with this blog and we all, well most of us, thank you so much. I’ve had so much fun with everyone and some wonderful back & forths with everyone because of you. Those who don’t like it with critical comments and those who use obnoxious language should just not visit this blog. Don’t need you like the house doesn’t need Roachel!!
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One serious question for you Tony…Do you know Racheal out in the real world? I ask because you seem to be defending her like you do. Just an honest question.
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Although Brit has some nasty habits like several others, she is smart and has some great one liners. I’ll miss her if she goes home tonight.
If she stays I look for her to be HoH next week since the Brogade guys seem to have no interest in winning anything. I have to say that while I respect Kathy for the job she does, she has been a bitter disappointment for anyone who works in that field. She has not represented herself well at all with the exception of standing up to Rachel and refusing to apologize. IMO, that was a great 2 minute clip to watch. LOL
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pk, Great thought! Maybe the sabateur could ask for that in the house.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Imagine how the HGs would react! Only drawback, I couldn’t stand to hear her for an hour so I would have to keep the mute button handy.
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hah ..regan go girl !!!!!loved it..she deserved it..i would like to add something about evil dick..he was awsome.. he was all game play w/his meaness and he wasnt screwing anyone in the house …racheal was making it personel on every girl in the house..including regan..the attack on him being a bitch b/ c hes gay was was ok for her to dish it but when it hit her back she couldnt handle it..but this time he wasnt their to be her knight ( gag ) ..she attacked everyone b/c she could ..hate to tell her but if by some chance brenden makes it to final 2 sure her vote will be the only 1 he gets..
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frannie trust me you would lose, a little 2 on one action now i know how brendan and racheal must feel, kelly did you steal that word from pk, lol that really hurts, not
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Tendr – I am not a Kathy fan, but just maybe she has been holding back and will surprise us all!
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Kudos to Ragan, way to go up against Roachel. You stopped her cold, you froze her lips, she was stunned by the truth! WoHoo
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enzo isn’t any better at comps than kathy. enzo kisses ass as much as anyone. (and i understand that’s part of the game) but Kathy at least votes the way she wants even if other’s don’t agree. I don’t want Matt to win. I can’t really think of anyone I want to win except maybe hayden or kathy. usually there’s someone i really like alot but this bb didn’t have anyone i really could be crazy about. i wish annie had stayed and rachel and matt had been voted out early in the game.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i’m just constantly repeating myself.
maybe i should just cut and paste my comments. lol
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WAVING AT FRANNIE…i sent you mail last night with a link i wanted you to watch….
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Tony, no “that word” is in the dictionary, look it up 🙂 oh and now your gonna pull out the victom card. Come on, your better than that, B & R already ran that concept into the ground. Besides this is all just in good fun.
Tendr: I agree enzo cant win anything but it seems like, to me, that Kathy just gives up, i.e. Paint Can comp or this last POV. I do like the fact that she is voting how she wishes. I cant stand the fact that Enzo is kissing ass more than anyone needs to, even to the folks in or out of the house he really does not need to.
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I will admit I LOVED watching rachel looking for branden and vice versa……and being so naive to think BB was going to let them spend the night together..(that happening would make me stop watching the show forever)…i clapped like a two year old
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I know Kathy is no athlete and I wish she didn’t smoke but if i had to pick which person i had to stay in that house with , with nothing to do…………….it’d be her.
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Tony… Just a heads up… Be careful… Keep up the Rachel praise and Brendon may think you are trying to come between him and his woman… He does love her, you know… He said so…
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lol definatley not my type, but i can see the soft tender loving side of her that apparently no one else that watches BB can, she would have made someone a great partner in this game, someone you could trust in the game,
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Starfish, I agree with you about Ragan last night. I loved the way Rachel tried to come back at him and then just ended up standing there looking dumb like she had no idea. And I gotta love anyone that could shut her up for a few minutes. I was a little appalled that no one else in the house stood up to her either and backed him up. She can’t hurt them except on the jury (of which she is only 1 vote) so why not at least support him.
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I have always been a ragan fan, I hope he can hang in there, and i hope kathy will finally be going tonight 🙄
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Tony I soooooooooooo agree with EVERYTHING You say!!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------That Ragu, who the hell does He think He is with that Potty Mouth of His……I see Him as Perverted, disgusting little slime ball. And NOT because He’s Gay at all. Its just HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thanks Nette, you sound like a very sweet person and a great judge of character unlike some of the bloggers in here, it is refreshing just knowing your out there, you have a wonderful day, :~0
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Ted, Frannie, Aggie and who knows who else knows I am a sucker for bulging boobs (real or amply augmented) and I was crushed when Laura was evicted early on in BB 11. That said, even Rachel’s over exposed, fake duallies couldn’t offset her Vegas personna non tolerable in my eyes… YUK for the umteenth time…
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You Regan fans must love to cry… Ready to see that cry baby go…
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This is a social game? Correct? Rachel is a horrible partner. Yes she won a couple of HOH’s. And congrats to her for that. BUT, yea, you knew it was coming. Her attacks on house guests as soon as she had power is a huge mark against her in a social game. Also she told Brit (BBAD) this last time she was in the house that Brendon told her to go out into the house and be social but she didnt want to because she just wanted to be with him. Another mark against her. I think if B went into this game and R was not there from the start he would have gotten much further. He has show much better game since her departure but it’s to late he is already marked from past actions.
Nette if someone comes at you like R did to Regan are you just gonna sit there and take it? R came at him with personal attacks and he fought back. Like I said earlier he is the only one in the house with a set to do so. AND if you think Regan is a pervert ok but is that worse than showing the house, world etc all your “parts” like Rachel did while in the house. Maybe it is in your eyes. Just posing a question from the other side of the coin. Im not rooting for Regan or anyone for that matter, I just know who I dont want to win. But I do respect him for standing up for himself.
BTW: Im shocked no one has called me out on my spelling yet. I get typing to fast and dont check what im writing. Sorry.
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yea, Jade I will agree with that. Regan does turn into a pile of “poor me” when the chips are against him. NOT a fan of that.
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Hi Aggie…:)
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R & B’s first mistake ….. a showmance too early in the game, historicaly gets you targeted for eviction. (b/c it’s an alliance)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2nd: Rachel has a Girl’s Gone Wild wannbe mentality (posed in every mirror in the house)
3rd: acted like a bitch every time she got power
4th: cried like a wuss every time someone made her a target
5th: “don’t come between me and my man!”
6th: Brenden for getting into a showmance with R (I believe his game would have been 1000% better and would not have gotten a big target on his back.
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Come on 8pm…the look on everyone’s face when the DPOV is revealed is gonna be good !
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I am not a Regan fan. I think he is just a big cry baby, and I hate the way he came at Rachel, and I am not a fan of her either. Excited about the show tonight, can’t wait to see who Matt puts up. I really hope it’s Enzo but I have a sneaky feeling it’s going to be Kathy.
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I’d say Britney will go up, because now I’m wondering if Kathy and Matt couldn’t be brother/sister, I’ve been watching when they are near each other and having a conversation with each other or with someone else with them, the camera does not show their faces together, even when they are laying right next to each other like last night on the big lounge bed outside, the camera completely focus’s on one of their face’s at a time when they are talking to each other, so if they are related, Matt won’t put Kathy on the block, I know Kathy was born in Arkansas and has an accent, and Matt was born someplace else, so he wouldn’t have the accent cause he wasen’t born there and they are 8 years difference in age, so they very well could be brother and sister.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maybe its a wild thought, but its just an opinion
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Been living in NJ for 38 years, Enzo gives the state a bad rap!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All big talk but what has he done? Man he needs to go!
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i have to admit, after trying to get caught up on the last couple of weeks of posts that i somewhat agree with tony. firstly, rachel and brandon supported him completely when he was sobbing in the ‘have not’ room the first time around. consoling him on missing his father and stroking/scratching (what IS that about?) his arms… i miss rachel wreaking havoc in the house, but i don’t think she understands how she comes off to people – hence the bravado of her “i’m back bitches” entrance.
as far as jane’s comments about lane, i’ve actually wondered for several weeks now if “lane” was really the heroic (for marrying brit) “nick.” neither lane nor brit have actually tried too hard to win an HOH so we don’t have to question any pictures that may or may not be there. they stand in each other’s “space” the way partners do, and are not always aware of it. what seemed to solidify it in my mind was that on one of the BB or BBAD shows, after some kind of good news, she walked up to lane in the bathroom area and hugged him from behind, which would naturally press her breasts into his back – a VERY intimate move for people who just met. when they were play-fighting in the kitchen on BBAD a few nights ago and he was CAREFULLY manhandling her there was no warning STOP THAT from production, almost as if it was known they wouldn’t take it too far… and they didn’t.
matt, ragan, and brit are a pretty tight alliance with lane attached to brit. enzo and hayden need to keep playing both sides if they’re going to survive this. i would so love to see matt leave. i can’t imagine how betrayed ragan will feel (despite his disclaimers) when he’s sobbed all week and matt pulls the DPOV – never mind when ragan actually finds out the lie about stacie, matt’s wife.
ragan has lost so much class and respect in my eyes over the last weeks i REALLY want him out – and a few weeks ago he was taking the lead as my mid season favorite to win!
sorry about the novella, justwanted to get back into the “game.”
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so how do I ever get an answer from this site?
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what was the question?
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hey Princess….did you watch DOOL today? Just asking….If not, you may want to soon. Sorry folks, I had to go off topic here for just a minute. 🙄
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princess you talking to me…
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no, frannie, it didn’t tivo today, watching at 9pm on soapnet.
yes, bobo, did you ask a question that didn’t get answered?
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what does 🙄 mean?
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Yes I did but this blog is hard to talk to anyone! Got to keep going back to my E-Mail & then reload to get one answer….see ya, but thanks anyway!
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bobo, try F5 to refresh!
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frannie, was it good today?
JT, did you watch?
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I Really Think some people on here need to get over the fact that ragan is GAY AND EFFEMINATE, The fact is, he was great on the show last night. It was the best show yet this season. I really don’t have a problem with Girlymen, apparantly some here do. Ragan, told the skank exactly what she deserved to hear, and she was totally dumbstruck by his comments. GO RAGAN!!!!!!
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HI TENDR, glad you are here
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Thanks F5 did work! you are ok!
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macy, if you read it in an e-mail it’s nothing, in the blog it’s a smiley with eyes that roll 🙄
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Aggie – I agree, Ragan roared last night, while all the others cowared.
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thanks snake – found that outwhen i typed it – ha – ok – heres another dumb question – what is amp???
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BETTY, Ragan is a very smart man with a PHD, I hope he can stick around
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aggie, i have straight and gay friends – i make no distinction based on someone’s sexuality. i do not care for ragan and his incessant sobbing anymore. my opinion. i do not need to get over anything – if any of that remark was directed toward me!
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Aggie – well said….GO RAGAN
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@princess…very good. Pay attention to Kate and what she has to say. You’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.
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It’s almost SHOWTIME
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btw, aggie, i do agree that his intellectual discourse is amazing at times. i think he hit rach too hard, knowing her insecurities, but it was truly a verbal treat!
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kate! oh, frannie, oh oh!!!
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that is what shows up in the e-mail when someone uses the ampersand symbol (&)
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No Princess, I don’t see you as a bigot, some above here I do, sorry to say’ This is 2010 people i see we haven’t come very far, thanks BETTY
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thanks, bobo!
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And I do believe JT did watch. He tells me he doesn’t miss an episode. 😆
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i agree, aggie. some people won’t accept ragan because he’s gay. that is a very sad statement on members of society. i’m tired of matt, too. and he’s straight!
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Did y’all see Brendon on the balcony calling for Rachel? That’s what he will be doing once Big Brother is over too. 😮 She will be no where to be found.
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frannie, he better be on EJ’s side with me! you know how long i’ve waited for this… almost as long as we’ve all waited for BB12!! if you’ve convinced GORD to go over to the dark (rafe) side, i will never forgive you!! LOL!
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WTF!!? 😯 Yesterday Aggie was volunteering me for everything…. and today princess and Frannie have me watching DOOL! 😆
……….I really need to quit going to work so I can pay more attention here! 😆
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Aggie – I’ll always have your back!
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welcome back! see what being employed does to your life!
you do want sami to marry EJ and not rafe, right?
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I did see Brendon calling to Rachel from the balcony…….. was that a scene from DOOL?
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Sorry princess…I guess I’m on the dark then cause Rafe is smokin’ hot. I think you have that wrong my dear…EJ IS the dark side. He is evil.
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Hi princess! 😀 ….the answer to your question is ……yes? ……..right?
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Thanks betty, Princess, I can’t stand matt, COOL IT TIGER EYE, YOU LOVE THE ATTENTION
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justa, back in 1986 when Bo married Hope in New Orleans. maybe AC was there…
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i dont have a problem with gays at all – but regan is still a MAN – he needs to cut out all that crying – i think he might actually be in love with matt –
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yes was the correct answer, justa. frannie is wrong about this. sorry, girl!!
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macy123…I think you’re right. They are always together.
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no worries princess….we all have different taste. I always like the GOOD guy
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but EJ has CHANGED!!!!
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It will crush ragan, when he finds out about matt’s lie.
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YA THINK??? Just watch. A Dimara cannot change. I’m justa saying.
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does anyone think matt has the balls to put enzos white socks up…..i dont..
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15 minutes into the show and I have missed all……. I need to leave til after the show….. or I’ll spend all my time reading/typing. And this is one I want to see!
Be back later
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you’re so right Aggie….he will run off crying again. But I still like Ragan.
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JUSTA….check out Tivo. 😆
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yeah fran, he is very emotional
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ok, i’m running off to get something to eat. see you after the show!!
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Commercial 😀
Frannie…. nothing like watchin’ live though right?
Julie just took away one of Matt’s excuses to put up Kathy! 😆
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T What Julie said may just save Kathy. Do I think she should have said anything? NO!
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JT..are you thinking like me? Careful!! 😆
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Tivo…I am watching live. I can rewind, FF and pause while I’m typing.
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I am watching live too… and recording… but still gotta see it as it happens!
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Brit —-> 😯
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Kathy it is
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as I said before….. “by a vote of 5 to 0……
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yes, love it he put up kathy
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Ragan —> 😀
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I hope ragan gets HOH
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For the west coast….. it was Kathy that was voted out 5 to 0. But y’all already knew that if you’ve been reading.
I don’t think that was the best move for Matt… but I KNEW that’s exactly how it would go!
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Funny…they all did the happy dance. Ragan’s face was priceless.
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OK…my tivo just came back to bite me in the ass….I did a rewind and I forgot to FF to catch up. You guys were all putting up comments that Kathy was us. I said WTF? How do you know so quick. I was 5 minutes behind. 🙄 😳
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See…now I’m making errors typing.
SHB Kathy was UP
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I’m hoping Brendon doesn’t get to play for HOH
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Frannie, You knew Kathy was up…. I tode ya 2 days ago! 😆
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Now it could be interesting who wins and who gets put up next to Brendon……. and Enzo & Hayden will want to throw this.
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Brenda. looked pissed 😯
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****Spoiler for West Coast****
BRIT won HOH!!
(Brendon could NOT play) Hayden threw the comp on the 1st question. 🙄
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Please no bean dip for Ragan… 😆
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Enzo looked like he really tried and was the last one standing with Brit. Enzo said all week that he wanted to be the one to send Brendon out…. would have been interesting to see who he would have put up. I think he would have put up Brit and Ragan… then Brendon if need be.
Who will Brit put up next to Brendon now that Kathy is gone? Probably Enzo? Maybe Enzo will finally get a taste of the block.
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O bet they are sorry now they didn’t get rid of her, she was the bigger threat.
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next week ….. dbl eviction
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Thanks for the pretzel message Rachel. Brendon would have put up Brit and she would be gone without that message. There is NO WAY Matt would have saved Brit when he could have just left things alone.
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Off to watch some football….and some live feeds. 🙂
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JT, enzo wouldn’t beat britney, they are sorry now she isn’t gone
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Football! 😯 ……I forgot about that!……. I’m off too! 😆
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How are they sorry. They couldn’t get rid of her. She was never on the block to be voted out. And they didn’t know Matt had DPOV. And I would think Matt is safe this week. Well at least til Thurs. double eviction.
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AC, They could have gotten rid of her rather than kathy, she would have never won anything, BRITT was the bigger threat
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I think Matt kept Brit because she is pretty good at challenges. Matt wants Brendon out and removing Kathy gives all the other HG’s a chance at the veto. Brendon was really stunned at the eviction meeting and now with Kathy gone he hasn’t a friend in the house. I really want him gone, then Matt.
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I say Brenda And Matt could possibly go up she is closer with the other guys, it doesn’t matter they want brenda gone, and next week is double eviction.
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How? They didn’t have a choice to get rid of her. She wasn’t on the block. Matt makes his own decisions based on what’s best for him.
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Aggie – Interesting you think Brit might put up Matt. I don’t have LF, but doesn’t Brit like Matt? I think she will put up Brendon and Enzo or Brendon and Hayden, but what do I know? lol
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a perfect world brenden will leave next week but…he will win pov and shove it in their faces once again..unfortunately..double eviction i see enzo and possibly hayden leaving unless lane gets in her ear..then if they cannot b/d brenden i see enzo and matt leaving..i would like to see matt liking lane alot i just wish he would win comps being a good guy isnt gonna get him to final 2..kathy had alot of class..good for her..but now she has to put up w/racheal..
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When, if ever, will the most deserving get the prize?
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Donna, I agree with you I think Brendon will win the POV.
Does anyone remember who the guy was that everyone wanted out of the house a few years back and he kept winning the POV’s? I hope it’s not like that with Brendon.
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Wow Benda was pisssed when Matt pulled out the bedazzled POV. AND now HOH interview with Julie. Nothing like BB dismissing Benda.
Bye Bye Benda, thanks for playing. 2 shots at you this week.
Matt through the HOH comp. tonight. Smart move, he knew he was safe this week with Brenda in the house. I have a feeling Matt, Brit and Ragan will team up and remove Enzo and/or Hayden after Benda is gone.
I didnt know what to do after a female won HOH and she didnt go attack another house guest right away. It was calm and civilized!
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Betty, that was crazy James in BB9…… and when they did get rid of him, they voted him back in! 😆 With our own Natty being the deciding vote.
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sonia, who is the most deserving this season? (in your opinion)
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Thanks JT, I just could not remember his name, but I do remember when he was voted back in – I almost slit my throat! LOL
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IMO… The Diabolical Super Genius is most deserving ATM. 8)
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Brit is closer to Matt than she is to Enzo. Plus Enzo kissin Brendon’s ass all week will most likely land him in the chair next to Brendon.
But the big question will be who will she put up if she needs a replacement? It will be Hayden or Matt….. prolly Hayden?
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Betty, that was one of the funniest moments. They all wanted James out (except Chelsia & gang) and the Natty goes to the DR and panics… and votes for the guy they just got rid of! 😆 It would be like Ragan voting to bring Rachel back in!
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I don’t think she would put Matt up. Poor Ragan will beg & plead if she’s even thinking about that.
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Mensa boy must have been channelling Fred Sanford with the “big dumby” comment 😆 Poor Mr. Personality, the alcoholic stripper has screwed him again. Not to worry it won’t be the last time she screws him over. Now he’s left to go off and sulk on his own. This cast of characters must be big fans of Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamber.
I guess Kathy forgot she got to play in the HOH and the POV this week when she said she didn’t get a chance to fight for herself. Time for the boys of the brigade to start getting serious in competitions or they will be headed to Malibu.
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Current odds to join Mr. Personality on the block this week.
Enzo 2-1
Hayden 5-1
Lane 25-1
Matt 35-1
Ragan 100-1
Keep a close watch as the odds could change. We all know how quickly the mood in the house can flip.
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i think matt will get in brit’s ear and explain that enzo was ready to vote him out. perhaps brendon and enzo on the block!
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PGA, exactly what I thought when Kathy said that. She DID get to fight! Matt didn’t get to play in HOH or POV this week… she seemed ok with him not being able to fight though. If not for DPOV… Matt would have left with no chance at all to fight.
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kathy said she didn’t want the house to think she was a strong player and she threw comps and got voted out. whaaa.
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PGA… those odds for Lane need to be adjusted. Lane is Brit’s #1 in the house since Monet left.
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😆 😆 nice find AC. Production should play that tomorrow morning for the wake up music.
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princess, Kathy was successful at her cover. The house didn’t think she was strong at comps……. and neither did we.
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I still think the way it sets up currently she would stay alligned with Mensa boy and Waaaaaaaaagan. They’re friends, but she’s fairly fresh from school and knows “bros before hos” mentality. Personally I wouldn’t put money on anyone other than Meow Meow. Maybe a hedge bet on Hayden.
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Forgot to mention how happy I am that this STUPID saboteur thing is over. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaagan thought he was so clever at it. The last note for Meow Meow was the only thing he did that he even had a remote chance of getting caught doing. That may well be the worst twist AG and her staff has ever come up with. I still say fire the idiot that pushed it thru production meetings.
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isn’t that what i said, justa? or am i speaking girly again???
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It will be interesting to see if Brendon tries to kiss Brit’s ass.
“You know I did save you last week, I didn’t put you on the block like I said, I kept my end of the deal, I could have sent you to the jury”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"I hate you you little 3 foot nuthin spoiled b#tch!, I wanted you out til the love of my pathetic life put the Mr Salty's on the table!!
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BETTY, BRITT is closer with hayden and lane, she will put up either enzo or matt with brendon, unless the guys talk her into putting up ragan she is close with him also
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i forgot about that deal. brit won’t keep her “word” to brendon – there is nothing in it for her!
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princess, that is what you said… mostly. And you know you always speak girly! …..I like the new flowers 😀
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I agree Dok. That was too easy for $20 G’s.
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Ragan deserves everything he gets, just for the great show last night
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thanks “guy” apreesh!!
and yes, i almost always speak fluent girly. sorry. my bad.
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aggie, if he gets 20k for THAT, i’m owed a lot of money for the people i’ve taken out in my recent life.
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Can someone translate what princess is saying for me 😆
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Hey Miss Princess, He is a smart guy with a PHD, I think he desserves it just for putting skanky in her place, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
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which one, dok?
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Out with the saboteur… with the blaboteur!
..tired of lame-a$$ twists! 👿
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I couldn’t wait and had to log on to find out who Matt nominated. I’ll watch the show in 15 mins. Yea Brit! I’m happy she won. It will be interesting to see how she handles it being the only female in the house now. Brendon should go up and I would like it to be Matt but she likes Matt. Hopefully it will be Enzo, what a schmo he is.
JT, you bet he’ll kiss her ass and put on his puppy dog face when he “verifies” that she’ll keep her part of the deal they made. NOT
The Sab was a big bust (no pun intended). I agree with whoever said he didn’t have to do a darn thing that could put him in harms way. The ridiculous Sab screen did most of the work. 20K for that!!
Okay, getting ready to watch the show. Thanks for the spoilers, love em!
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jt, can you help dok, please? you both speak “guy.”
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Joking with you about the girly talk princess. I lost my girly to stupid jock translation guide.
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I will help….. if I can?
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Aggie, we are all in the cabana room! 😆
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i think dok wants to know why i think i’m owed $$$ if Ragan gets 20k for his little rachel outburst…
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aggie goes looking for the Cabana Room
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😆 no translations needed I was just being a smart ass after you said you always speak fluent girly 😀
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i’m so sorry i missed that. i guess i don’t really know you that well…
i’ll catch on eventually!
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dok, you play golf, right?
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😯 princess forgot me. Cancel my candle order and no more, was it diet cherry coke or diet caffeine free coke? 😆 Yes I play golf.
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PGA, guess she forgot your cameo appearances at the TH. 😆
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I’ll go back and read all eyes are tired.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i knew it’d be kathy…as she’s the easy way out. the one to pick that’d not make anyone angry at matt.
chicken he is……AND
stupid enzo saying S =sheriff….and why would kathy be dumb enough to put a note under his pillow just after making his bed?
i wish the SAB had one more trick up his sleeve just to show they picked the wrong person as guilty.
ALSO i’m no longer liking Hayden since he and enzo told kathy ‘don’t tell matt about the msg from rachel’ and then they went and told. so they just threw her under the bus.
she was probably too nice of a person to play that game.
as entertaining as brit is…………..and i do hope she goes AFTER brendon to get him out, she is a bigger threat than Kathy was but i don’t think it’s going to be easy to get brendon out. i wish double evit would be brendon and matt or enzo…
now i’m wanting more ppl sent to the jury house than ever.
it’s kinda boring when you don’t want anyone to win.
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The show always seems to go by too quickly. I want to know what’s going on right now that the show is over.
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Tendr, kathy had to go she was the least deserving, nothing much going on the feeds, these people are pretty lame
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HAYDEN IS STILL HOT AND GOING ALL THE WAY. RAGEN IS SO IN LOVE MATT. RAGEN I HOPE YOU GET A CLUE SOON.
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i did not! that was my way of opening a conversation with a very talented golfer!
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JT<mr know it all , who do you think BRITT will nominate. 😀
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and it was diet coke with lime.
VERY good, dok.
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and your candle orders get shipped to florida, unless you’re in LV for a visit!
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Damn it was lime 😳 I knew it was something out of the ordinary. That may have even been the commercial for it 😆 Vegas for Labor Day Weekend. I didn’t get my fix over the 4th.
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In my opinion no one in that house deserves the money.
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your probably right tendr, this is the worst season ever.
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Aggie, I already mentioned who i think Brit will put up (upthread)
Brendon & Enzo…. with maybe Hayden as replacement if needed.
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JUst testing JT, I’m feeling ignored here 🙄
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question: is golf really hard on one’s knees and/or back? there is a golf pro here (i’m on a vacation w my sister (finally)) not too far from Vegas and i want to try the baby beginner class they have to see if this would be a good idea for a new form of recreation for me. justa has already weighed in on the tennis idea (there is some kind of special tennis (Vic Braden) school here also and people fly in from all over US and Canada to do the 3 day school – i want to try the baby beginner tennis, too.
what do you think about golf for me???
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We even have the odds up already aggie. Place your bets.
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Aggie or JT – I’m still not sure of the BB format. What day will Brit make her nomnations?
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Aggie? Ignored? 😯
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I would say she puts up enzo Or ragan with brendon, doesn’t really matter, hopefully brendon will go
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Brit will make nominations tomorrow.
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Aggie, there is no chance Ragan goes on the block.
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Golf can be rough on both the back and knees. However, just playing recreationally shouldn’t be too bad. I have troubles with both from my baseball days and can’t practice nearly as much as I would like. If you are going to attempt to play I would definitely recommend lessons from a PGA Memeber. That way you can learn proper movements and hopefully enjoy it without causing yourself pain.
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Thanks JT!
Nite all!
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the guys could talk her into ragan, she is tight with them, they want him gone anyway, it doesn’t matter really, hopefully brenda will go
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princess tees off!! …….FORE!! 😯
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At least they will ALL be tryin’ their hardest for the POV on Saturday!
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Britney is in a lose lose situation. She is going to have to put someone on the block besides Brendon. If Brendon wins POV, then the Brigade is in serious trouble. No matter what Britney does she gets evicted on Thursday on the second eviction, if she doesnt win HOH or POV.
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thanks, dok! i’ll let you know how it goes when i try it out!
night everyone, BBAD starts in 3 minutes or so…
night justa!
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night princess!
stephen, that sound about right… and Britney wont even get to compete for the next HOH. She could be in trouble unless she has a 4th veto up her sleeve.
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hopefully brenda won’t get POV, then someone else will have to go, he could luck out. 🙄
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HEY!! …who stole my avatar? 😯 ——>
(ok, I’m done playin…. nite all) 😀
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hopefully britt might luck out and one of the guys are gone, I hope so since she is the only female
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hey guys. I’ve been reading your blogs for a while and decided to write in. I love big brother. I work nights, so I log on to see the spoilers. I can’t wait till the next day. So glad Kathy got voted off. Enzo should be next. Nice to meet you all.
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Ragan asking did they ever have the DPOV,? yes, allison irwin in season 4 had it, I’m pretty sure thats the only time they had it. 😀
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WELCOME ANGEL, this is a good group here, stick with us, i have been a fan of BB since season 1, we have alot of super fans here. 😀
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Thank you aggie. I work nights….anyone stay up all night to blog with me?
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Angel ,you can talk to me anytime ,if I’m around at the time
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JT, UPDATE, Enzo was talking with brendon outside, the others were upstairs he knows Britt will put him and brendon up, those guys will fight like hell to get the Pov, I don’t know if they will get rid of brendon he is a better competitor than any of them, he won for rachel when he needed it. funny how they actually thought kathy was the saboteur because of the pretzel thing but enzo didn’t think she was smart enough to think of that. It’s weird how they never even thought of ragan being the saboteur. Matt was talkng with ragan in the hammock it seems he wants lane to go next. I say Brenda gets POV, nobody there will probably beat him. It should be an interesting competition.
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Aggie, You are from Chicago? Me too. I wanna move back sometime soon.
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Welcome Angel….you’ll like it here. This is the place to be…it’s the best BB blog on the net.
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ANGEL, yes I’m from chicago, their is a few people on here from there
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Mornin’ miss aggie. You have someone to stay up all night with you. Both from Chicago too.
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hi fran, I felt ignored yesterday, i didn’t think it was fun
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Are you kidding me? You were doing pretty good. I’ll talk to you in an e-mail. Not here…I’ll send from work.
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My puter is refreshing slow again. I guess it’s all the comments here. We’ll prolly get a new page later…that should make it faster.
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Fran, no of course you never ignore me, sometimes it’s fun sometimes it isn’t.
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Aggie…I have to shove off now. I’ll talk to you later from work. Have a good one dear….peace. 🙂
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you too fran, peace
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I miss Chicago, wanna go back. Can’t wait till Sunday’s episode.
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Thank you Frannie, this is lots of fun. have to go nap now. I’ll be on later. Looking forward to survivor and amazing race.
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Angel, I have lived here all my life, i think enzo and brendon will be on the block, can’t wait till sunday either, it should be fun
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<—– hangover. went out last night drank way to much wine and just watched BB. so glad Enzo didn't win. matt should have put his punk azz up. going back to bed and recoup b4 i pick up the kids. hopefully someone (JT 🙂 ) posts live feed info i don't want to see any bb or personal flashbacks from last night. i love what matt said to brendon when he played DPOV. peace out bloggers… J.
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Hey Jane, yeah that was cool what matt said to brendon but i still can’t stand the guy he is way to cocky. Jane, you will be happy to know I’m pretty sure Britt ,will be putting up enzo and brendon. if brendon takes himself off probably hayden will go up and enzo goes 😀
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👿 +:razz: + 😈 + 😮 + 😯 + 😆 + 😎 + 🙂 + 😡 + 😀 + 🙁 +
+ 😥 + 😕 + 😳 + 😐 + 🙄 + ❗ +:wink: + ❓ + 💡
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Good Morning aggie!
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Good Morning Betty, It looks like britt will put up enzo and brendon
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Yes I agree. I also think Brendon will win the POV, only because I don’t want him to. I REALLY want him gone. Glad to see a new face, Angel. I hate being the new kid on the block. LOL
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Betty, I don’t think they will be able to get rid of brendon, he will be killing himself for the pov, alot of them will.
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Aggie, Brit has won the POV more than anyone, so I hope she will continue to do so. Matt was clever to throw the HOH last night, as he knows he is safe. I want him to go right after Brendon. If Matt and Brendon are gone, Ragan will most likely win HOH. I know a lot of bloggers don’t like him, but he sure outlasts all of the other HG’s during challenges. I like Ragan and want to see him go to the final two. For being so small, he sure has a great deal of endurance!
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Betty, I really don’t think someone will beat brendon for that Pov, he hates matt and ragan so much he wants it really bad. I always liked ragan, he is a very smart man and knows alot about the game he was coaching the other guys yesterday on what could be on the comps.
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Agglie – If the challenge has to due with balance and coordination Brendon just might fall on his a$$! Let’s hope for that!
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Aggie Bobo asked yesterday what does #amp mean, I can’t even type it! I could not answer him and have be wondering about that myself.
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Betty, we can only hope maybe it will be something like that, he will be so pissed, and say they made the comp for a smaller person. 🙄
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Betty, I have no idea, people are always abbreviating everything, JT, there is a question for you, since you like to do that 🙄
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Aggie – Glad to see Jane back this morning, but where is TED? I hope he didn’t take my comparing him to Richard Hatch to heart. It was he only zing that I could think of to get back at him for zoig (even though you set me up). I really had a good laugh over that.
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BETTY, If you like art click on teds name, it will take you to his personal blog site.
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Aggie are you setting me up again? LOL
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Betty, jane isn’t feeling well, i don’t know when she will be back on. ted, i just talked to on facebook awhile ago, maybe he is busy i don’t know when he is coming on.
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Betty, no ted really is into art he entered a painting and it got first place, not my taste, but he has alot of potential as an artist
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Aggie – I love art and will click on Ted’s name the next time he comes on.
If Brendon, Matt and Brit are evicted I really think Ragan will have a chance at the final two.
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Welcome Angel: You’ll like our group. We’re quite lively at times and we all love BB. I’ve been hooked since season 1 myself as many others on here have.
@Aggie & Betty, I agree it looks like Brendon & Enzo will go up – at least I hope that’s it and Brendon goes to be with his lost love. I don’t want B to win the POV this week at all so I’m keeping that out of my mind and concentrating on his uncoordinated self to lose whatever the comp may be. I agree that Brit could win it – I hope she does. Has anyone else won HOH and POV at the same time this year?
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Good afternoon Starfish. No one has won both HOH and POV as of yet.
Please tell me what $amp means. I don’t even know how to type it?
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Hi starfish, Didn’t rachel win them both i think she did she was real lucky, we can only hope the big oaf brendon goes.
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Wish I could stay on longer and chat like I used to but after I read all the posts, my time is up. It’s great to have so many bloggers.
I hope BBB is able to continue this site or find someone who will buy (?) this site so we all have our BB forum.
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Aggie the winners of POV so far this year have been:
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It was great talking to you Betty, I have to be somewhere by noon, I you want to know about abbreviations JT does that ask him about it , take care, later girl.
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Betty, good afternoon? It’s only 9:10 am and I’m not even dressed yet. I did feed my dog though. 🙂 I live in CA.
Aggie, you may be right about Rachel winning both, I just can’t remember if she did. It would be great if Brit did it though and the “OAF” 😆 goes to his love. He thinks he’s Romeo yelling her name off the balcony. 🙄
Now I really have to BBL. ciao
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Betty… amp is short for ampersand and the type key &.
Aggie doesn’t like “cocky” guys? Since when? 😯
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PK Thanks for answering. I haven’t a clue how to type it.
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ampersand = &, however it shows up in e-mails as the character + amp for some reason , just shows up as :&: in the blog
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Thanks Snake. I get it now, but I do not have an ‘and’ symbol on my keyboard. If I want to use it I have to go to Microsoft Word Symbols to use it. Or am I missing something?
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Snake when will the nominations start, someone told me it would be sometime today?
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it’s above the “7” …. “shift” + “7” = &
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Silly me! My keyboard is so old (but I love it) and with all the typing I do the letters, numbers and symbols are all gone. Funny to see people come in and use my computer and see all blank keys!
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yep, sometime today. I have my LF’s up and try to find out
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JT if you have not found your avatar yet (see comment # 303) let me know I will have it put on the side of a milk carton, it is just not the same without “THE EYE OF THE TIGER”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ANGEL warm welcome to the blog. You are in for some fun times.
We do have a great bunch of people on here. And you can count on having a great time. Fair warning at times it can be a little rough but we read, comment, group hug and then carry on, all in good fellowship.
One thing is for sure any question you need answered re BB you will surely get an answer or two, or three lol
I have been on here since Season 1, and by n0w most of it has all just melded into one big blob, lol. That is why I depend on some of the more seasoned members to jog my memory.
Now back to our regular scheduled program:
Was a bit disappointed Brendon did not show any more emotion then he did last nite when Matt used DPV, Ragan & Brit were shocked, and I felt bad Kathy left, but now the resident pawn is gone they are down to slim pickings. My prediction is Enzo is next…. we will see.
Ciao for now
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Cats tend to shed hair when they are under stress, so when Brit puts Enzo on the block next to Brendon, Meow Meow could be totally bald by next Thursday…
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LF: They HG are on lockdown, BB must be setting up for the Veto comp. ….. no word on Nom’s yet
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Sal… Setting up for veto comp or food comp?
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Hi starfish, mama margiesal, aggie, Bettye et al!! And we got a newbie this late in the season, eh??? The more the merrier..welcome once again Angel! with a name like that, she may be in trouble here…lol. Don’t have alot to add. We are all such seasoned fans and afficionados that we tend to think alike! I also think Brit will put up Brendy and Enzo. I hope B wins POV and Enzo GOES!!
Hey..time for the nom ceremony!!! On LF now!!!!!!!
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LF: bubbles up ….. going to do the have/have not comp
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No wait..its the have/not comp…and bubbles!!!!! *00oo00ooo000ooo000oooo*
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I am out for now…..
L8R guys!!!
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Hi Star – Glad you are here. I depending on you, Snake and Jane or other LF bloggers to let us know who is going up on the block. On LF last night how did Brendon act?
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i hope she puts up brenden i would like to see him b/doored and hope he doesnt get to play pov..but..he will and win..dble eviction enzo and brenden i hope..enzo is so nasty plays w/himself right in front of never see him wash his nasty hands..or anyone else for that matter..if brenden gets pov she will put up enzo aand hayden..unless lane convinces her other wise ..i hope he doesnt..but..brenden has to go ..or it will be the brenden show..
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Donna I agree, but I really think Brendon is going to be another ‘James’ from BB9 (thanks JT for reminding me of his name). I have an awful feeling that Brendon might be around for a while.
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txs for updates on lf, i really count on you guys,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------am so addicted i can’t wait a second to hear what is happening.
Betty, i do not have lf, but on bbad last nite what i did see of brendon she did not act at all upset. I felt it was almost too good to be true to him that matt would walk out the door. i have to admit it was a snooze fest so i fell asleep and did not see much other then the back of my eyelids. at times this blog and the updates are far more exciting then bbad, lol
Snake thanks keep those up dates coming, check in later
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oh..i meant to commet on brendens emotionless face..i was disappointed also..but..hes so uncomfortable in his own skin right now..and thats fun to watch..oh ..i have 47in screen tv and brendens azz takes up the whole screen when his back is to us..geez
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oops meant HE did not act upset, not she, lol sorry my bad
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lol @ donna his butt takes up the 47 in screen, reminds me of enzo on bbad the other nite when the camera kept zooming in on his private part doing an irish jig, seems enzo was doing a matt with his hand down his pants, seemed the faster he talked the wilder the irish jig was going. was rofl now that on azy size screen would be a sceam or screen fest,
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Mama Margie- Thanks for the up date I don’t have showtime2 so I am really left in the dark…like a mushroom! LOL
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lol betty if not for the updates from fellow bloggers who have LF i would be sitting next to you in the dark, being blind and being fed bullsh**like any mushroom
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ciao for now, will check in later
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hopefully will know more re have/havenot and nom
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Everyone a new page is up, see ya there!
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@ mama margie ..hahah..thats so true !! haha
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Hey Jane..sorry…wasn’t ignoringyou…had to step out for ahwile!!
But the LF are STILL palyoing BB music and the Q/A thing.
prolly doing hte have/not and nom cerimony all at the same time. I lfet over an hour ago and it waS the sme then so…..
Ill try to keep ya posted until I have to leave again!! 🙂
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Hi Star! Thanks. I feel a bit better now. Every once and awhile I forget how long it takes to “recover” at my age from one night of partying. Blah!
Starfish, I’m in Cali too. Where are you? I’m in Long Beach.
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