I honestly know 100% who will win Big Brother 14 and why. Do you want me to tell you? Well, I am going to make you wait.
Tonight is the night where Big Brother 14 wraps up. Will we have our first 2 time winner? Will the quirky nerd prevail? Will Dan’s floater Danielle pull off a surprise upset?
At the end of the day I am having a hard time seeing this going any other way but DAN taking it all. He is not quite Will but he has made some amazing moves in this game when he was DEAD and used every trick in the book and some he pulled out of his booty to make it to where he is now…which is THE END!
I am not a huge fan of Ian but I give him props and respect for getting rid of Boogie and being entertaining to watch….I just do not want him to win.
So it does not matter what I want, or what I think, or what will happen tonight. All that matters is what you, the BEST GROUP OF PEOPLE AN OWNER OF A BLOG COULD ASK FOR! It is all about you…
So let’s VOTE! Please report to the diary room and VOTE for who you want to WIN Big Brother 14!
Peace, BBBlogger
PS: If you want to be on top of Survivor this year…Bloggergal and I are partnered up and ready to rock over at Survivor-Blog.com so consider joining us for offseason fun! 🙂
Ian!!! Yes Dan saved his own life many times but that wasn’t skill. It was pure lying and conniving. Ian won many comps and he did get Boogie out! He was the mole and the head Quack pack leader and some would even say creator. Dan snuck by. He lied. He used people. He had a lame funeral. I’m not giving him any credit for fooling the blind. Seriously that whole funeral was so cheesy and they were crying! I really just wish I could have smacked them all in the head that day and told them WAKE UP! Had Janelle or Boogie been there they would have died laughing. Dani should walk away with ZERO money for what happened to Shane. She should have been smarter! She let Dan use and abuse her. Ian was the smartest and even out of the 3 the best at comps. IAN ALL THE WAY! Dan seriously doesn’t need the money. I mean he might but he already won. Ian loves this game! He is a huge fan and was an original player not a coach turned player. The odds were stacked against him always. He also is a student and needs the money for his education. Ian has to finish school and invent the new computer. Forget IBM I’m thinking IAN. =) GO IAN!!!!
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thanks for this blog!! really apreesh
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I want Dan to win!!!
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I hope that Danielle pulls it off just to stick it to Dan…but do not want Ian to win!
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I want Ian to win, and Frank to win the $25000 people vote!
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But it looks like DAN might take it all!!!!
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Dan to win and Ian for the $25,000.
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I really don’t care who win… But it would make for good Tv if Danielle some how made it to the final two!!! *GOOD TV*
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Dan hands down!!!!!!!
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Most definately IAN! Dan/Dani played way to ddirty. I know its a game but why do they have to be bullies to IAN? Thank you @bloggergal for another season of BB updates!
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Dan and Ian have played the game really well, and it is really about who played the game and it should go to Dan, but I would actually vote for Ian to win.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We will see tonight how this all comes out, it would be devastating if Danielle and Dan are up for the grab tonight instead of how we all thinking that Dan and Ian will be the two up for the grab.
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I vote Dan….his game has been a little difficult to watch at times but
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------no one played it better
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Thanks for a great blog.. I really enjoyed all your insight and spoilers…. U want Ian to win. But I think Dan will ( even though I think Dan funeral was totally scripted) I hope I’m wrong but I don’t think so.
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i want the person who played the game the way it is supposed to be played to win is by far is DAN
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DAN IS THE MAN
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I vote for Ian to get the confetti shower as the winner of Big Brother 14.
I’m a newbie to this blog and hope to be accepted as a regular in time. I plan to participate in the Survivor blog and maybe get to know the regulars better.
My granddaughter is 7 now and has been watching BB with me since she was 5. She actually has been asking for my phone to leave her own comments lol. She has been using a laptop since the age of 23 months. So Ian may have someone break his record on age starting to watch BB. She wants to be on big brother one day.
I look forward to tonight!
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Dan all the way!
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I’m hoping for IAN but believe Dan will win due to his game play:)
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SCHELITA – my daughter is 12 – been watching since she was 8 – she wants to go on the show at 21 – i say NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! ha ha – i couldnt bear to see her cry on a reg basis – all the girls on the show do – and some of the men. i just think her kind heart would do her in. goodluck to ur granbaby though…..
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I have been following this blog for years (it has been my go to for information) but I have never felt like posting. Danielle disgusts me and although Dan has played a viscious game I want Ian to win it all. He reminds me of my son so much! Not so much with his possible autism but the ADHD. GO IAN!!
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Dan all the way…..Best player there! I feel he tops Will and I loved that guy.
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JUST A THOUGHT, Dan says he might throw HOH3 to Ian so he can evict Dani and Dan wont have blood on his hands, I hope he does and then Ian stands up and says Dan hit the road, I would pay to see Dan, Dani , the jury and half of Americas jaw hit the floor, the jury has made up their minds that Dan has played the best game, but if Ian does that, he has played the best game and it would have been the best move in the game, the player getting played. just a thought. not going to happen, but would be fun to watch and be a great ending to a great season. Have enjoyed all of you this season and hope to see you next year. so no matter who you want to win, its just a game, and if we all wanted the same person to win it wouldnt be any fun. so go Dan ,Go Ian,and Go Dani. May the best man win.
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@Bloggergal, a big, huge THANK YOU for giving us BB fans this forum to chat in. You always give us great summaries of the show. Also, thank you for thinking we’re the best!! WooHoo
Dan really made some phenomenal moves in the game, no doubt about it. He even saved Ian by blindsiding Shane. Of course, that was for Dan’s game plan but still, we Ian fans were pleased. I would prefer Ian to win but think Dan may take it and I hope Ian is second. Do you think Dan will get a conscience if he wins HOH and take Dani because she’s been loyal to him the whole time. Who knows with Dan. Anything’s possible with him.
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I really want Ian to win
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dan won already & I didn’t like the fact that the “coaches” were supposedly voted back in by us. Add I didn’t like Dan in his season!
As for Danielle the girl needs meds big time & needs to see a professional she told more “fabricated” stories than a fairy tale if I were anyone from her family I wouldn’t be showing up tonite to prove a point.
Also would love a restraining order (even fake) keeping here away from poor Shane & if I were Dans wife I’d have one keeping her away from my husband and our family she is one screwed up girl
But I still want Ian to win & Dan can take 2nd place want Dani walking out 5 minutes before it ends
For theAmericas Choice I want Frank! He deserves the still be in the house more than the bimbo Danielle
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25000 to Brit
Coach Dan had the advantage of playing once and has no morals
Dani the most annoying g person to listen to no way I want her to win anything
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STARFISH – well depends on the deal the have (ian and dan) dan is to give ian his grandfathers cross necklace and ian is to give mr. snakey and the golden power of veto ball – to secure their deal
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@BBBlogger thanks for loving us with all our quirks and strong opinions! You and Bloggergal are the best! Glad you guys are our blog moderators. You understand we all have good and bad days without calling out our character flaws! We love y’all too!
@Shelita you are all ready a regular. You secured that spot with wisdom quotes from your grandmother!
Dan Win! Ian win if he has a bad a$$ speech! Danielle go look up pathelogical liar and don’t let the door hit ya! Ian America’s Fav!!
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I think Dan has played the absolute best game and far surpasses Will. I want Ian to walk away with some money.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think Danielle’s poor sportsmanship when she lost the second challenge shows her true character. Don’t want a poor loser to win this game. Her threats were childish and out of place in this game. Poor Ian. He is vulnerable to her threats.
I hope Dan wins the last comp and takes Ian but if he lets Ian win, Ian gets rid of the winer and complainer. Dan was clever in talling Shane Danielle was just playing him. Dan has been outmanuevering everyone this entire game from the moment he realized he was going to become a player. I miss Brittny’s clever comments and funny quips. She is a trip. I would like to see her on All Stars along with Ian, Dan, Boogie, and Matt. Do not bring back Jesse. He is disgusting.
My hopes are Dan takes it and Ian gets the $50,000; but in all honesty I would not be sad if Ian took the prize and Dan walked away with $50,00. Anyway, since the coaches entered, the game has been awesome. One of the best. I love Big Brother!
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Ian is going to win this whole thing….he was going around a few days ago mumbling to himself……”If you want to be the best, you have to beat the best”….so people what does that mean….I think it means that he is going to pull off one huge event, and take Danielle with him to the end, and give Dan the boot…which will get even with Dan for what he did to everyone….Ian is no dummy, he knows what he is doing…..
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I too want Dan to win and liked him before this season. Was especially hard for him with the house already knowing his game style and having to change it up. But, I like that we all have our favs and can express that here with no fear of being judged. Love that!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dan, Ian, Dani…Brittney for AF all in that order.
Thanks all for the fun posts. I am a rookie here(but watched all BB’s) and appreciate the blog and opinions. Good luck to all three when they come out to the real world, they sure will need it. Some people are brutal and take this game just way to seriously. Sheesh…lol
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I would like to start off with a BIG THANK YOU guys for this great Blog! I really like what you said Mike That would be the best play of the show but sadly Ian will stick to his word, I hope you are right, that would be great to see Dan’s face ❗ 😆 My vote is for Ian but if he does go against Dan they may give it to him. I think Ian would be really happy to come in second & take home the 50 grand! ………………
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🙂 thanks Jane!
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@mike that would be awesome to watch. But I don’t want Dani to walk away with 2nd place money. She’s one of those girls that makez me question if I am being Catty for nit liking her and then she says or does something so out of line that I feel secure in my disgust for her.
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Dan has a history of promising/ swearing he will do one thing then do right the opposite. He has not made a real deal with Dani nor Ian – only with himself! think Dan will win but i hope Ian does.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have enjoyed reading this blog this year. All of you have been informative and helped me get thru the addiction to BB by providing another source of information and opinions. Thank you!
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Weather has changed 😉
I can wait to see everyone’s reactions to Dan the Snake
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope Danielle’s pimple explodes live
So she can run faraway
And Ian WwwwwwwIiiiiiiiiiiiNnnnnnnn!!!!!!
Nope that’s spelled correctly !
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@Shelita your welcome! All three of my kids know what time it is in the Summer…. Big Brother time!!! My youngest watched in the crib Hahahaha!
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@Sylvie Thank God!!!! I don’t know how I ever survived in Uganda I can’t take the heat we’ve been having! When I go home this year it will definitely be in the early Spring!
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Note to my friend Sal I am not a newbie, 😆 I have been around for years just did not chat that much, & My name was BOB for a while!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Came in this year or last not sure with Bobo! bobovnvet was too long 😆 I was in other Blogs but someone started using my name & was causing lots of trouble! ……………….
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@jane, I have wanted Ian to win from the get go,back when this thing started and I said it on here to watch him he will surprise you, dont really want Dani to get in F2, but still think it would be one of the best moves in the game.
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It would be epic if there is a free for all brawl at this finale with Ian’s family going after Dan and Danielle and the other players going after Dan and boogie getting the wind knocked out of him by little Ian!
They would run the finale as a rerun just for the ratings! Lol
Nobody would care who won! Lol
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From the other page…..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Starfish I think you hit the nail on the head! Game play is one thing but this kind of behavior From Dani & Dan does give you a look at something they have inside of them ❗ Just look at the way they talk to the cameras….
Something is the same in the game and outside the game………..
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Danielle might get a deal with Proactiv!
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Thank you for giving such interesting and informative blogs this season. I would like Ian to win but I’m afraid you’re right and Dan will take it all.
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@Shelita LOL!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Mike it’d be good t.v.
@Bobo I remember Bob
didn’t know you were Bob!
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I want Ian
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We gotta blog and it’s about Big Brother,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------have never seen anyone’s face but we know each other.
With Jane and Fran, PGAdoc and Kevin11,
the conversation is here is hotter than an oven.
Hillbilly, Bobo are also in the crew,
every time I look there is somebody new.
BBBlogger and BloggerGirl run the whole show,
they keep it all running and they don’t make much dough.
So come on you newbies and get ready for next year,
or come along and join our Survivor crew this year!
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Sal Great poem My friend ❗ I like being part of your Crew!
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Jane That was the problem there were a few Bobs 😆
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sorry was put on previous pg
mamamargie 09.19.12 at 12:46 pm
Dan does a final run through of his speech and times himself with a stopwatch from the storage room. He says when the game was reset he knew he was in trouble because he looked around on the pirate ship and saw Shane and Frank, the two huge physical competitors. I knew I couldn’t beat them. I saw some great social gamers in Jenn and Joe. I saw an absolute wildcard in Ashley; I had no clue what she was doing. I saw an underrated coach in Britney that I knew scared the life out of me because she was just that good. Dan says but of course I had my loyal warrior Danielle through it all
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ok guys part 2 of 2 was posted on previous page duh
mamamargie 09.19.12 at 12:58 pm
He says that he looked around and said you know what, I can’t be better than these people in any of their areas and expertise because they are just that good, so what could I do to beat them.. (guess u found the answer with your ginza knives)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dan says that his answer was although you might not agree with it.. was to play a ruthless game. He says not because I wanted to but because I had to. He says that he had to build relationships to get you to trust him, to get you to do something for me, like share a power or use a veto on him. He says then I had to stab you in the back. (here is where he stops and has ian and danielle pass around tumblers full of kool air for the jury to enjoy)
He says not because I wanted to but because I had to for a couple reasons. (I being i am a ruthless son of a B, 2 because i am the son of saten, 3 because it is rumored my real mothers name was rosemary, 4 because i love to get one over on any and all i can and i find much pleasure in seeing those i no longer need to squirm as i smile at the bb cameras and say “I LOVE THIS GAME”)
Dan says he knew if he was hated, you would want to sit next to him and he would have a chance to explain himself, like right now. He says that he would then get a chance to explain himself and why he did what he did, like why he hosted the funeral. He says that he had to host a funeral because of what it allowed him and Danielle to do was to make you think we would never work together again. He says but you, Joe, actually had it figured out. He says that Joe came up to him and asked if it was all an act? I told him no. Dan says that of course Joe was right; I had to create chaos so Britney wouldn’t think that I was striking a deal with Frank.(at this point even i am amazed he has kept track of all his evil doings they were no spur of the momenht acts but deliberate acts)
He says that if she thought I was still playing the game she would have been able to stop me. Dan says that at the end of the day I played this game 24 hours a day and I never wanted my game to depend on me winning a competition. He says that he couldn’t depend on that because he could never depend on always winning a competition against any of you. He says that you guys were that tough.(But not tough or smart enough to outwit the devil)
I hope you all can respect the fact that I played this game 24 hours a day and always tried to out think myself out of situations, even in the bleakest of scenarios. Dan says that he doesn’t have a photographic memory but what he does have is a burning desire to play this game as hard as I possibly can with the tools I have been given. (at this point he stops to hold up the bible which is now charred and burned from all his blasempy, he shows the cross he wears under his shirt, then lifts the shirt to show the cross is burned and scarred into his weasel skinny chest)
He finishes up the speech with all I can ask for is that you vote for the best player. Thank you for your time..(and thank you all for cooperating with me i had a great time this summer let others carry me which gave me lots of time to find ways to screw u all, and in closing i hope u all loved the new kool aid to be known in the future as THE DAN G JUICE), the label will read for those who do not want to think for themselves this is a sure hit HA HA HAHA
to those who like dan well this is my opinion and lets all say it together
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If you made it in Uganda you can survive anywhere !
Glad it’s perfect weather now
@Schelita, Proactive sounds good for Danielle but she’ll need a voice coach first and a lie detector test on Dr Phil
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Margie Sounds like some big sucking up! They my just buy his BS!

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@mm did you hear what he said about Ian in his practice speeches… classic. I put it on otber page this morning. too lazy to retype lok
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I know Dan will probably win. I won’t like it but it has happened alot in bb…ppl i don’t think should win, do.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He’ll get up there and give a ‘coach speech’…and the jury are prob drunk cuz it seems they usually give the person who stabbed them in the back, the money.
i’ll be pissed for ten min. then change the tv to something else.
Dan is too cocky and i hate hate hate hate his speeches….i’ll prob plug my ears.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I echo Tina’s sentiment: “Danielle disgusts me and although Dan has played a viscious game I want Ian to win it all.”
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jane i have to go back and catch up was out all morning and going to catch up now txs for heads up
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I want Dan to win. I think is only chance is to bring Dani with him. But I don’t think that will happen. Great Blog. And Thanks for all of your hard work.
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Dan or Ian
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Keep up all your great comments, I got to leave in a few mins. Got to go for some PT ………. Much better then all the dumb pain pills 😆 Or like my friend Mike calls them Happy Piles 🙂 ……………….. :mrgeen:
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Margie Who is in the photo in your Gravatar ?
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I would like Ian to take it all. I believe that Dan had an un-fair advantage for almost 1/3rd of the game. He also hit many times below the belt and was off-side and should have left the house in disgrace same as Willy. Verbal and mental abuse is the same as physical abuse. It was not amusing to watch the antics of Dan offer up his cool-aid spreading his mist especially with Danielle who did his bidding while he was lying down taking it all in with a smirk.
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I hope this season provokes production to have a serious meeting on adding bullying to the list of things that will get house guests removed from the game.
Ronnie was also viciously bullied among others.
There has to be a line established. Bullying is a serious problem in this country and there should be zero tolerance for it everywhere.
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I hope that Ian pulls off the win tonight. I think he’s played this game well and considering his mental disabilities, he’s Survived (oh wait…that’s a different show!).
I’ll be back with a recap of the finale. Also in a day or two I hope to have an interview with a few of those who are attending the Big Brother finale/party.
Survivor is going to be fun this season. There will be interviews with Reality Stars and more. So please join BBBlogger and me at Survivor-Blog.com.
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Sal’s poem is worth repeating:
luvs2shootpics 09.19.12 at 1:00 pm
We gotta blog and it’s about Big Brother,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------have never seen anyone’s face but we know each other.
With Jane and Fran, PGAdoc and Kevin11,
the conversation is here is hotter than an oven.
Hillbilly, Bobo are also in the crew,
every time I look there is somebody new.
BBBlogger and BloggerGirl run the whole show,
they keep it all running and they don’t make much dough.
So come on you newbies and get ready for next year,
or come along and join our Survivor crew this year!
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thanks KEV
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Bloggergal and Blogger,
Please include me in the survivor blog.
Thank you for having such a wonderful forum to share the love of big brother.
Looking forward to survivor.
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Did anyone notice how great Joe looked when he walked into the jury house? He really dropped a lot of weight. I know most people here think he is gross, but I have to give him credit for looking so good.
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I vote for Ian to win
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@ BOBO the middle gal is rebecca and next to her is nick my grandkids
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------nick is the one with down syndrome and the gal to the far left is becca friend they were playing on my new laptop so took pics
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I noticed Joe too. He did look good. I’m sure his kids still wants him to shave that thing off of his chin. He would have done better had he got himself physically fit before entering the BB house.
They all should know better to show up in sloppy condition.
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Like everyone sys… it is a game and Dan played it to the fullest…lied, lied, lied, misted, misted, misted and served koolaid every chance he got… Dan was so scheming and conniving all the time. IMO that is what has gotten him to the end…that and his loyal cohort Danielle. I like Danielle she was a strong competitor and lied because Dan told her to and she was being loyal to him ( she also lied for no apparent reason whatsoever) but still played hard and won comps. I would love her to be in the f2 with Dan and maybe even win it but doubt strongly that will happen She should never have thrown part 1 of the final comps …So then I want dirty playing Dastardly Dan to win and Danielle to come in second.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Angel Hugs & Blessings,
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Did anyone watch the Talk today? After yesterdays disappointment I decided to record it and skim through it later.
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Ian to win, I wanted Frank but knew he never had a chance from the beginning. With a house full of sheep, we all know they will vote for Dan to win. Thanks for this year all of you, if not for this blog the year would have been boring. Hope all of you have a great year and see you back next year.
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@ Dewyrose
I respectfully disagree 🙂
To reward Dan or Danielle for bullying a mentally handicapped person is not what I consider a good entertainment award or a good message.
If Willy had been allowed to head butt and get away with it, then we would start seeing the Big Brother Jerry Springer show.
Physical violence would become the norm and the ratings would soar I’m sure but it would still be wrong. It would surely bring law suits. CBS should know better.
What happens if Ian has a break down because of the bullying? He should sue! Production clearly sees what is going on and they know more than we know through the DR sessions. They are getting a kick out of this.
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Loved the poem.
I still think, like many of you do, that Dan has honestly earned the win spot. I don’t like all the lies but he couldn’t play the game the way he did last time and win. Different group this time. I think Ian was smart and his “mole” game was amazing but he kind of got a little too much arrogance, In My Opinion Only.
Do they play the third part of the competition tonight or has it already been played and we see it tonight? Can anyone tell me please?
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I’m on record, Dan all the way with Dani taking second. Ian will prob take AC, but my vote, rethought, has gone to Brit.
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By the way, I forgot to thank you, BBBlogger and Bloggergal for making this season special. For guiding us through and giving us the updates. I also want to thank everyone who has given updates from the live feeds and after dark. It also is nice sometimes to see other peoples’ insight into players and why they like one better than another. Thanks to all.
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Thank you both for all your hard work on this blog. Have enjoyed it for years.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Hillbilly—-I would also pay to see the player get played. What a wonderful way to end the show, as Dani doesn’t stand a chance to win. Dan has played a great game however, way too ruthless for my taste.
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What ever happened to enjoying people getting their double dealing, lies, and secrets exposed for another player to save themselves from going on the block or to get the POV used on them. It was fun watching the truth used as a weapon in game play.
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Ian to win and Ian for America’s favorite. Definitely! Dan for #2.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for a great blog.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We all see things differently and we are each entitled to our opinions.So Bless you for your opinion and thank you for allowing me mine.
Angel Hugs & Blessings,
Dewy Rose
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@ DewyRose
That’s why I like this blog. We all can have different opinions and still enjoy BB. I understand where you are coming from. But I’m right lol”
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I want Frank but he’s not one of the choices. So….Ian to win $500,000 and Frank to take favorite hg. For the $50,000 I say Dan only by default. Dani and Dan really only deserve a smack. No hard feelings.
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I’d love to see Production tell Danielle that she can’t wear makeup for the finale. They used to stop Shane from shaving.
I would buy some depends and get ready to laugh until whatever decided to break loose or flow free! Lol. Especially when Ian’s mother snatches her bald.
I can dream can’t I lol!
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When they do All-Stars it should go to Charity
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Dan for first place and Ian for AC. Danielle is useless except for a vote.
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@ Jane, when that happens i shall change my name to Charity lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Angel Hugs & Blessings,
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@Dewey we can only dream! Even if they did they’d probably give it to some big name brand named org. that they’ve never researched! Us grassroots charities can omly dream they would be smart enough to give to charity than hand the funds to grassroots organizations!
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I wanted Jodi to win but she left before game even started and then Frank but he is a victim of Dan ~ sooooooooo from the 3 choices ~ I guess Ian ~ for no reason only that Dan already has won and Danielle for not thinking on her own
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oh well I like my real name better anyway. lol
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Apparently there are two other “Joan”s blogging here…I’ll have to create a more distinctive name to blog with next season. Anyway, I’m the Joan who hopes Ian will win…and I also think that CBS should create an “Ian and Britney Show” — I think they would have a big hit…If failing that, Ian would fit in perfectly on “The Big Bang Theory”
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@ Joan…big bang too funny. I like it. I thought Brittney and Jeff did really well on her exit interview. Played off of each other well.
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Joan ……. make it:
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Dan for the win. Anyone but Danielle. She is worse player ever. Mid I see her cry or pick her face one time, I am going to scream. She said she never lied, well that is the biggest lie ever. Never will forget her face when Shane went home. Priceless. Will miss these blogs after tonight.
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I think Dan should win, Ian second, and Ian America’s fav. Dan played one heck of a game with moves that I sure wouldn’t have thought of. I hope Dan and Ian both stick to their F2 deal and Dani walks out that door as number 3. Someone needs to go back over the season and count how many times she’s told people what a good person, honest person, sweet person she is. I sure didn’t see any of that when she was yelling at Ian. Ian could even win and Dan second, but nothing…I repeat nothing for Danielle.
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thanks bb blogger,
This blog has meant alot to me these last few weeks, after the loss of my beloved sister Hannah.
Again I wish to thank everyone for their kind words.
I’ve been watching bbad these last few days, and I hope that Ian wins the game. He at least has not played as cruelly ad dan and dani . Talking to himself these last few days is just his way of dealing with the stress, the other two have placed on him.
I wish Ian the very best in his future endeavers, and Dan and Dani get the wrath from the viewers they richly deserves.
Again thanks, and next year I promise to be more involved, I’m hooked .
Take care everyone get well and stay healthy and happy.
take care everyon
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i feel that Dan will win and americas choice will be Ian this sucks being a team Frank from the beginning but i didn’t want Rachel last year to win either i think Drew was the only one that won that i really liked oh well there is always next summer
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@maryann, I want to be the first to welcome you and will be glad to see you next season, I really like Hannah, she was a joy to us all, so again WELCOME
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I want ian to win, but they will probably give it to dan for his game play
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Oh no!
Just realized that in the terrible event that Dan wins he’ll make a speech and I’ll have to
It but also not look at his neck w veins popping
Daniele please catch a cold and don’t talk shhhhhhhh
Ian little guy win go to school and show them that being nicer than Dan works!!!
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This is how I feel this season went:
One bright day,
in the middle of the night.
Two dead boys,
got up to fight.
Back to back,
they faced each other.
They drew out swords,
and shot each other.
Two deaf policemen,
heard this noise,
Rushed right over,
and arrested the boys.
If you think this tale is tall,
ask the blind man who saw it all!
(author unknown)
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@maryann I am so glad your sticking around! Hopefully you’ll join us on the Survivor Blog as well! Same people there!
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DAN !! He played the best game I think, .
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I’m so happy you have decided to stay, Maryann!! Do come to the survivor blog as I know I for one would love to see you there.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I read on a blog poll that Ian is way in the lead for AP. I certainly hope that is true. I do wish the jury members could see how mean Dan and Dani have been.
I would rather watch Joe scream for hours then hear Dan say anything. Sorry to the Dan fans.
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Ian all the way!!!!
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Finally caught up. Catching up is hard to do. 🙂
@Maryann, I wondered if you were Hannah’s sister when I saw one of your posts but didn’t want to say anything just in case I was wrong. We’ll miss her but are so happy that you’re hooked. I am also happy you’ll be a part of this great crew.
Sal, love the poems. Next year I hope to get LFs or at least watch BBAD sometimes. I saw this blog since it’s first year but didn’t blog until the second.
Macy, that’s interesting about the deal between Dan & Ian. Did they really agree to that?
There’s just too many posts to comment on so thank you everyone for all your input. It makes this blog so great without too much drama. Also, I agree with Jane when I say, thank you to our moderators BBBlogger and Bloggergal, we’re so happy it’s you guys who love us no matter what. 😀
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Jane, great idea — Charity BB for one year. But you’re right, it prolly won’t be to the smaller charities. It’s a great idea and maybe a mail storm to CBS could convince them to do it one year and to donate to local charities in each of the HGs towns. You know like they say, “I’m playing for so and so charity because….”
We have so many newbies this year and it’s great! Maybe next year everyone will be in a poem. I’m so looking forward to the show tonight!!
I could really go into it but my ex was just like Dan and it scared me just watching the mind games, mental abuse and manipulation. I was young and really naive. That’s not something you just use once in awhile, it’s who you are. Again IMHO
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@macy1231231: My pleasure girl.
@Snakebit Sal (luv2shoot): Love the poems brother. And glad to see so many different opinions on the Blog this season.
@Mike (hillbilly): Would love to see your scenario play out.
I am pulling for Ian and actually believe Dan has one more big trick up his sleeve. He sucks HGs in to thinking he’s with them, then BOOM! Adios. Dan has it all played out in his mind, as does Ian but would frek is somehow Danielle found a way to win via votes.
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@jane,did you see the post yesterday from moe, about Ian I thought it was very good at telling people about what happening to him. so they can under stand, I thought about puttiong it up on here in case some one missed it.
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>>>>>WIN>>>>>IAN>>>>>WIN 500,000.00
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>WIN>>>>>DAN>>>>>WIN 50,000.00
>>>>>WIN>>>>>IAN>>>>>WIN 25,000.00
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I’m going to say Ian. This is Dan’s 3rd time playing this game so he came into it with so much more experience than everyone else. For anyone to actually still be in the game with him just shows that they deserve to win. Like I’ve said before, it us unfair to new players to be pitted against veterans. At least this season wasn’t as bad as last seaon which I felt was the worst season ever since the paired the veterans in 2 person relationshp teams against the newbies – the newbies didn’t even have a chance. This season, the veterans got a free ride as coaches while the first newbies got knocked out and then joined the game. Except for Willie who knocked himself out. Sometimes, I like seeing veterans return, but in games where the house is all veterans. But the veteran thing is beginning to get old, not just this show but on others as well. I’m hoping next season goes back to a pure game with all new players and hopefully goes that way again the following season at least. But from the looks of Survivor, I guess the network isn’t done yet with bringing people back.
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moe0204 09.17.12 at 6:13 pm
I think Ian has Asperger’s syndrome. Einstein had Aspergers. It’s a form of high functioning autism. The characteristics he shows are that he is very intelligent, has a photographic memory and is great at puzzles because to a person with aspergers, every social minute they exist is a puzzle. They don’t get the lay of the land which is a help sometimes when you are in a game that utilizes lying and gaining trust. They think in a very systematic way and keep track of details that regular people miss. They guess their way through social situations based on what they have seen work in the past. Ian had to study these people to figure out that kicking himself in the head and putting rubber ducks in his hair wasn’t making the people in the house want to keep him. He figured out that acting like a clueless, emotionally fragile kid gave him lots of wiggle room. He was never a clueless kid. The people he studied that were in the game before aren’t at the end if they played a similar game. Dan was the loyal Catholic last time he played. Ian got Boogie to tip his hat to him for the way Ian got him out.
The way he walks on his toes and rocks himself when he is stressed is consistent with Aspergers. Also not being very coordinated. The rocking you see him doing is called stemming and it is self soothing and calming to an “apspie” When Ian is flooded he talks to himself and walks in circles. He leaves the planet as far as game goes when he is maxed out. He can’t help it. He tries to makes sure he has space when he melts down. When things go in ways he does not expect, even if they go his way, he can barely breath and has to reset and re-analyze everything even more than a normal person would.
Normal people are called “neuro-typical” They get the” gist” of a situation and know when to put on a mask and go quiet. Ian has to go through all his files and make his best guesess before his anxiety will get back under control.
Aspies typically are thought of as nerdy and dorky and they know it. they would love to be “cool” but they just aren’t. The one thing that might cost Ian the game is that Dan treats him like he REALLY likes him. Aspies know they are weird and are often targets of bullies. They long for true friends who “get” them and like them anyway. An Aspie will tend to identify a person as their anchor and it is very hard for them to regroup if that person is not there. He just might believe Dan because Dan took heat for him and has never dropped a card in front of Ian. As far as Ian knows, Dan has always had his back. That feels pretty good to someone who isn’t used to people doing that for them. Dan has been quite nice to Ian from the moment they formed the quack pack.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Still, at the end of the day, we’re talking about Ian studying this game for 10 years AND a million dollars. When Ian acted like he couldn’t comprehend $3000. Don’t believe it. The guy knows numbers better than most. Great player but I think Ian could be scary in real life since Big Brother may not be anymore of a game to him than getting through each day has always been for him. Just sayin’
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straight up Ian…Danielle is DUMB. Dan is too evil… Ian would be my vote for sure 🙂
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While we wait to see the finale and whoever wins, whether our pick or not, I want to thank bbbloger and bbblogergal for running the show. I’m new this year and never had so much fun with bb this time because of this wonderful blog of yours. I’ve enjoyed the spoilers, the opinions and making new friends. It was wonderful to feel part of this process of the bb season and to feel the affection I’ve been given and the priviledge of being affectionate to those in my new family. I know we all have benefited by belonging to this blog. I am profoundly grateful.
So let the fun begin and can’t wait to meet you again after the show tonight!
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thanks again and i will try to keep up with survivor blog, but i never really watched the show, but i will be there to stay in touch with you all.
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yep, thanks bbbloger and bbblogergal!!!!!!!
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in a few hours this blog is going to be bursting at the seams I wanted to take a moment or two to thank you guys for giving us a bb home to come to.
Warm welcome to all the newbies, big hugs to all the regulars, I am so happy our little family is growing, we may all have a different opinion on the out come of bb14 but one thing stays the same thru thick and thin we always end up being family, and you two made it possible in other words I APPESCH
Dedicated hearts like yours
Are not so easy to find.
It takes special people to be
So generous and kind.
To care so much for your fellow man
Is a quality all too rare.
Yet you give of your time and talents,
For all of us to share.
So thank you for being a volunteer,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We’re privileged to blog with you.
We want you to know how appreciated you are,
Not just today, but the whole year through.
ciao with hugs
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The jury house will murder Dan and his foul play. Ian will win by default.
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Very nice mamamargie, love your poem. Did you make that up?
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I Vote Ian, I so hope he wins, Go IAN!!!!
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Dan city all the way
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I want Ian to win. And don’t see the jury giving Dan a second winning, he isnt worth it, and if they do vote for him, I’ll be shocked. GO IAN!!!
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I want Ian to win. Would be ok with him coming in second. As long as Dani doesn’t get to F2.
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HEY EVERYBODY ON SUPERPASS – do yall know if they will play the after party at another time – maybe tomorrow?
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@ starfish wish i could take credit for it i changed something on every line so it would fit the occasion.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GOOOOOOOOOO IAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN
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MM – touching words – u lil sweetheart u
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@maryann: Your presence is so appreciated. I think I speak for most everyone when I say we have your back in this time of need. Hang tough girl.
Mikian Sellem @MikianSellem
LOL saw this on fb. #BB14 #DansMist #TeamDan!!!! http://twitpic.com/aw6d2e
Clio the Leo @Clio_the_Leo
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“On [the Bible] my wedding ring & my grandfather’s chain, everything I tell you is the complete truth.” #bb14 #SoSad
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@mm: You rock girl. Proud to be your friend.
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@Patricia aka PAt2E…..We are glad you found our lil fmily too! And I echo your sentiments to BBguy and Gal!!!
@macy….YES! I Just found out that live feeds will be on tonight for the BY interviews and tomorrow for the afterparty!!!!
MM….you wax poetic so well..even if a lil plagerized..lol But loved the sentiment!!!<3
**********SPOILER ALERT**********************
CBS had announced early that there WILL be a BB15!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO! I guess the Tweets blew up this year!!! And the age group that watcvhes the most???? OURS!!LOL Here's the breakdown…….
Since premiering on CBS in the summer of 2000, BIG BROTHER has consistently finished among the summer's top-rated series in young demographics. This summer's edition is averaging 6.79 million viewers, 2.5/08 in adults 18-49, 3.0/08 in adults 25-54 and 1.7/06 in adults 18-34.
Looks like BB won't be goin'NOWHERE for a very LONG time!!!! 😉
As for the winerr tonight..I predict Ian takes it all!!!!!! The 50K AND the America's favorite!!!!!!
Havne't read all the posts yet as I just got here and it wad already at 132!!!! Will eventually tho!!lol Gonna go watch the Super reality 3 Hours but I will be back after for sure!! Hope some of y'all are still around!!!!
Peave ,light, LOVE,
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SOMEBODY HELP! Where is the survivor blog. It just came on!
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I CANT GET IT EITHER – clicked on ‘survivir blog’ where they said – what r u waiting for – but my computer would let me click on that link
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Just got home from dinner survivor just started…… I hope to see you all soon & thank you all for the comments ♥……………….
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Hi all you lovely folks on this blog it’s Pam from over the pond & my 1st blog of the season, i would like to take this opertunity to thank blogger gal/guy for sending me e-mails so i can keep up with all that’s been going on in BB USA & for everyones updates. I love you’re BB more than our UK BB it’s got more nailbiting excitmennt 7 is far more cut throat lol. I’ve also been keeping up to date through jokers.
Now to the nitty gritty i would love it if Ian won the $500.000 & AC & here’s why i think his game ( someone with his condition ) has been exceptional, also he’s stayed true to his alliance through thick & thin. Dan & Dani are the most horrible people in my opinion especially the way they’ve BULLIED Ian when he beat Ms southern belle in 2nd comp & Dan being a teacher encouraging even instigating it, my heart has gone out to him. If they had done what thay did in the UK house they would both have been removed because there would have been the biggest public back-lash you could imagine.
So to my friends from last season who are to many to mention i hope you enjoy the finale tonight & i look forward to you’re up-dates.
Peace & love to the friendliest blog anywhere
Pam xxxxxx
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Had do much fun on this blog
Thanks everyone 😉
Go Iiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnn
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So far so good…………….
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I put the Survivor link up on comment #137. Macy said she couldn’t click on it. Anyone else having that problem?
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Jon @jonsays
@delon03 @EvelDick Ian gonna be piss if Dan’s name going to be highlighted lime green (winner) twice on wikipedia LMAO
parker delon – BB9 @delon03
@hluning @jonsays @EvelDick i hope ian isn’t stupid enough to take dan. he doesn’t stand a chance. #bb14
Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@delon03 @hluning @jonsays I think he does. He would have Britney, Ashley, Frank, Shane, probly Joe
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ps @ Mike aka Hillbilly thank you for you’re explanation of Ian’s condition i have been wondering all season what was wrong with him, as i don’t get to see the shows it has had me wondering exactly what it was he suffered from.
Could you all let me know what time the show starts as it’s 01-47 here
Thank’s again xxxx
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@northern_lass: Thanks for noticing our kindness sister and big love right back at ya’ from across the pond.
I have become a big BB UK (as well as CBB) fan over the last year and find it’s funny you like ours better and I like yours better. More strategy in BB US and way more cut-throat but I find BB UK charming and loved pulling for Luke A., Adam and Deena (“soldiers !”) this season. And The White Room scenario and letting the fans vote were phenomenal. Also, being on EVERY NIGHT is pretty damn cool and I also liked watching “Bit On The Side” when I could.
Please comment more often as we pride ourselves in a variety of opinions and always welcome kind, thoughtful people here. Just a great group I’m so proud to be a part of. Also, thanks for The Beatles, Pink Floyd and all the culture the UK has provided to us. And like all good Americans, know we love and cherish our Mother (England) more than you could possibly imagine.
Enjoy the show girl. Chelsea’s #1 fan in Las Vegas, Kevin11 😉
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i really wish everyone would just stop diagnosing ian.
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My Sister and I have been fans of BB and have seen every Show..Every year We go back and forth saying OMG where do they get these people….this one is the worse…but as time goes on like every Show it draws You back and each week gets better and better. But never once have I seen anyone play like Dan this year. How dare He swear on His wife and dead Grand Father. He went below the belt for Me.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dani is plain stupid to think Dan is still her coach…She’s a disgrace to all women.
Ian???? I Love the way Ian played. He’s a lover of the game since he’s 10 years old.
Ian to WIN!!!!!!!! Frank for AC….And whatever IAN’s Disability is He has shown to Kids, Grown-ups, etccc…that You can do anything You put Your mind too!!!
God Bless You Iam!!!
To BBBlogger His: To BBBlogger Her’s….You Both have done an amazing job and I say Thank You once again for a great Year!!! To all the Wonderful People’s comments I have read Thank You, Thank you!!
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Pam (northern_lass), Hey girl good to see you! I was thrilled when I saw your name. I’m happy to hear that in Canada there would have been a big public backlash. I think they said something to Dan in the diary room about it but I’m not sure. Just too over the top for me to digest his horrid behavior.
Also, Ian told Dan he has ADHD and that’s all he said he has. That’s all we know for sure. So the explanation that Moe gave us and reposted by Mike, is a great explanation of a condition but not necessarily Ian’s condition. He has never said he is in the Autism spectrum.
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@northern_lass: It starts in 35 minutes here in the East Coast time zone (This Blog is time-stamped in the Central time zone, 1 hour later).
Here’s a Canadian link. Didn’t work Sunday but may be airing live online at 2:30 am your time. Sorry if it doesn’t but worth a shot. If it doesn’t I’ll have to check back in here later (around 2 am ET/11pm PT) as I want to be surprised. We’ll see what happens…
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KEVIN11 (aka mr. smith) where do u watch bb UK?
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@ Kevin11 thank you so much i did make a lot of comments last season but have had to much going on this year looking after my dad who sadly passed away plus a lot of other family prob’s going on.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dont get me wrong i do love our BB as joe public have far more say on the outcome that you good ppl do & yes big brother’s bit on the side is hillarious & we all love Emma Willis & the gang.
Iwish i could get to watch you’re BB like you can ours xx
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Star, good to see you girlfriend! Thanks for the updates and the ratings. Very nice that we’ll have another year.
I still like the idea of a Charity BB that Jane suggested. I just hope they choose some people who actually know the game and have really watched it and who have some smarts would be nice.
K11, thanks for the tweets. Not to sound too ignorant but you and Princess talk about Chelsea. Ok, I give up, who is Chelsea? If it’s a program, I obviously don’t know it. Always apprech your posts my dear!
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Pam OMG, I said Canada and meant UK. Good grief, they were showing something about Canada on TV and I just typed it in. So so sorry! 🙁
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@ starfish lmao it was a good mistake & kein thaks for the like i will try it out i suppose that another 28 mins to wait will let you know if it works xxx
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@ starfish lmao it was a good mistake & kein thanks for the like i will try it out i suppose that another 28 mins to wait will let you know if it works xxx
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@ starfish lmao it was a good mistake & kein thanks for the link i will try it out i suppose that another 28 mins to wait will let you know if it works xxx
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So sorry to hear about your Dad Pam. It’s so difficult when we lose a parent. Take good care!
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@northern_lass , I was wondering where you were ,miss you this year .sorry for your loss, I changed my name to hillbilly, but this is mike.
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oop’s sorry for the 3 posts don’t know how that 1 happeneded & starfish not sure but kevin could be talking about Chealsea football club here in England just a thought sorry Kev they’re deffo not my cup of tea as we say over here i’m more Manchester United fan although i’m from Middlesbrough which is in the n/e xx
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itook me awhile to work it out Mike but i got there in the end lol & thank you i’ve been loving you’re posts as well as MM’s xxxxx
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Thank you also Starfish it’s much apesh i was also devastated to here the news about Hannah’s passing my thoughts & prayers go to all he family xx
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@starfish: Chelsea is a soccer team from west London which plays in the English Premier League. They tied 2-2 against Juventus (Italy) in the Champions league tournament earlier today.
@macy1231231: On Twitter, I follow @Ermmmmmmm and he posts them within 30 minutes after they end. Also does BB US. One great reason to be on Twitter.
Show coming on on video.brother. Enjoy all. Will report back later. Go get ’em Ian…
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Hi everyone, I’m here for the finale
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OK…here we goooooooooooo.
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it’s working Kev cheer’s xxxx
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Hi northern_lass
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hi aggie hi norter lass
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------go iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
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Thanks MM….I love you too!
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I don’t think anyone will ever trust Dan again if he ever comes back on this show
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I would hope he never gets a chance to be back on the show. Enough already!
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HI Fran, Margie, Northern Lass
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Fran, you know they will keep bringing that guy back, he’s like the new Rachel now
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Howdy Aggie 😉
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omg sorry frannier was scannig bill was talkig to me
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(((frannie))) parslery lol
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me too, I’m here. Thanks Kevin. Got my ear phones in so I can hear every word.
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there is a new meaning in the dictonarty for the word idiot
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Oh noooooooo….not the parsley crap again. I already forgot what that was. 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------That’s ok….only for Bill.
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heyhey *fish hugs
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Hi Starfish…I didn’t know you were in the same time zone as us midwestern folk.
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Hi MM am in 7th heaven her watching final thanks to Kevin11 i think i’m in love with him lol xxxx
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fran being in the middle and just sitting there doing noting but dressing up the place like my grandma used to say
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------fran r u in hillbillys hooch and speaking of which where is he did he get locked in his outhouse again lol
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WoW, I wish they would dump Dan
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@ north lass lol join the club we all love kevin11 and his cat saki too 🙂
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Hillbilly just left….he brought me some moonshine.
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I wish they dump Dan too, Aggie. I’ve been saying that for 2 weeks now.
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lol at fran
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------aggie i wish they would dump him on mars
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MIIIIIKE, where are you? You should be home by now.
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Great for Ian, it was very close with those two
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Yep Margie, I loved Dan in his season, he’s just way too devious this time
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Good for Ian….I hope he sticks to his guns.
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hb mm
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i was afraid of this that who played the best gamer and not persdonal per prod
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I would be curious who Shane will Vote for
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Damn….sounds like right now the jury will give their votes to Dan. PLEASE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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me too aggie maybe after the jury cross examines them they will have a better idea
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Fran, It looks that way, but Ian has a shot also
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fran i am afraid of that too
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------did any of u see survivor? how was it???
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OMG after earing the jury – dan is gonna win this crap – NOOOOOOOOOOO
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Margie, survivor was good
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I watched Survivor…did you Margie?
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Maybe not Macy
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what a waste of the talk show today all of 5 mins for bb
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The winner of this will be ….. _AN, but what is the first letter?
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AND PULL THE BIGGEST FEAT IN BB HISTORY KICK DAN TO THE CURB WITH THE REST OF THE GARBAGE
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YEAH IAN, I think Dan let him win, he didn’t want to cut Dani
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Wow, I’m watching videobrother and Ian Won HOH. WooooooooooooooHoooooooooooooo
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Come on Ian….you can win this.
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Hi Starfish, yes he did
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kick Dan to the curb, if you want to win, besides Dani needs the money to pay for all the DR. she will need, and like I said I would pay to see Dan go
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AND THE WINNEER IS I A N !!!!!
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come on ian u know how this game goes get rid of dan the entire jury knows he played the game till it hurt take dani u left her in the dust playing
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If Dan lost on purpose, why would he lose so badly? I guess it doesn’t matter, at least Ian won because I don’t think Dan would have taken Ian.
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Glad to see Mike made it home ok.
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looks like devil threw it hope Ian whipes the smug 1s smile off his mug i’ll be roflmao gooooo Iannnnnnnn yar hoooo
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I think Dan Let him win, he knew he would take him, the questions were pretty easy
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oh no he just gave haf a millio away
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I knew it, he would not do it To Dan
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I am affriad he will lose now
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IAN, still has a shot
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I just hope Ian can talk smart to the jury. We all know how well Dan can talk/lie.
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He has a good shot Mike
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ian had a better chance against dani
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i wanted to see that smug smile wiped off dans face
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Fran, Exactly spreading the mist yet again
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Yeah…DAN…i heard dan’s speech last nite in the feeds…it was GOOD……
************* GO DAN **********************************************
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My puter is running sloooow….I even shut down other stuff I had up but it didn’t get any faster. What a royal pain in the ass!
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Yeah Margie, not sure why he would think the Jury would like Dani over him
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oh I want Ian to win, so bad, why does he have to be so loyal
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My god how many Add breaks do you have ?????? they’re soooo long to lol xxx
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Dan will WIN….by 4-3 vote………………………
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mine is taking forever for comment to go thryu
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Good to see you here
I am so anxious Ian IAN IAN IAN …..,,,,
I repeat myself a lot lately
I just can’t stare at Dan or Dani o e more day
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good bye! Happy whatever
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ian is alread suirming
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Ian may have just got Dani’s vote
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i think the shock of dani face will be this years halloween mask
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WOW, What a slime bag Dan is
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Way to go IAN….
See ya Dani……
I want Ian to win but either way he’ll get money”……….
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Oh WOW…..Ian is Sh*tting in his pants, LOL…….
****************** G O D A N ***************************
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I think Ian will be happy with whatever amount of money he gets. He doesn’t seem greedy like Satan/Dan
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Swearing on his Grandfather’s Necklace, Really Bad Dan
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that last question should have made up her mind to vote for ian but then we are talking about dani
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@Nonna….I love your name. Looks like we have 3 Italians on here. 😉
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Ian pooped his pants ? Lol
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way to go ian – and dan is the devil – DANI GET UP AND TELL SHANE YOU WERENT PLAYING HIM
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well i must say what a douch Dan is & he must be soooo desperate for $$$$$$$ i wouldn’t like to think he was 1 of my kid’s teachers & a catholic 1 at that may God forgive the man
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Thanks franniep2;)
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and nonna i am the rd lol
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I think Dan lost
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@mamamargie – rd? Mean real deal? As I am as well:)
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RD? What is that MM?
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nonna sorry meant i am the 3rd italian in the bunch lol
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DANI, is such an idiot, she seemed pissed i still think she voted for Dan
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the VOTES…..
for DAN…Brit…Jenn…Shane…Dani
DAN WINS….4-3…….. YYYYEEEAAAHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dani is gonna vote for dan.
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LOL @ mm….I thought you meant the REAL DEAL!
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i thnk so too aggie she said if ian took her out she would vote for her pal satan the coach
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britney IS NOT voting for dan. NO WAY….
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I hope not Tambo…but it sure sounded like it in the beginning when they were all outside the jury house talking.
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Thats what Dan does, He shits on people and expects them to forgive it
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Ahhhh….Poor Jodi, JoJo…Kara…NO TALK for them, LOL……….
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I think me, MM and Nonna need to give Dan the ole’ evil eye. Like on Golden Girls. 😆
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4th Italian here!!!! 🙂
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dani= said to ian u cut me and i am going to taint the jury and vote for dan and i think she voted for dan an idiot to the end if she did
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------glad shane got it from the devils mouth
u guys notice my new avatar middle is becca and nick , beccas friend is on the left
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Alrighttty then….Welcome Tambo. Please join in to give the evil eye to Dan
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This is fabulous…
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Is Dan’s wife on the audience? Would love to have seen her face during the questions and answers when Dan was talking.
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love it mamamargie!!!
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hey tambo welcome to the group gabesch?? (understand)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hey mike i am going to miss our trips to the grapevine
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EAT SHIT AND DIE U EVIL DEVIL
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WAYNTO GO IAN:) yeah!!!!!!!
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yay ian
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So happy about that, GO IAN!!!!!
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AC was even here to witness this. 🙂
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Hi AC, glad your here
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I love your comment Margie.
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Woohoo IAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
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UGH>>>>>>Ian Won….Let me go VOMIT….UGH………
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Ya damn right 😉
You know I’m a lurker.
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Good one margie, great ending to an OK season
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Who do you guys think will get the 25 grand?
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Sup Agnes. 😀
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Fran, I hope it’s Brit some say Frank
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Dan’s speech to the Jury about not being as physically able as players like Frank and Shane while sitting next to wirey geeky Ian, I think that kind of did him in.
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That’s right AC….some things never change. Even that dang avatar you’re still using.
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Quack Quack Quack Quack
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Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the top 2 Finales ever. Great job kid. Well deserved. Buried him with your speech and love to see The Player got played. I’ll bet even Dan’s grandfather was pulling for Ian. That just made it all worthwhile for me. What a show! And why we blog here. It’s that simple.
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damn CBS, it went blank I know Ian won but what was the vote
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Congrats to Ian!
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I said Dan might get only one vote and Dani was stupid enough to vote for him again
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Great night guys….so glad for Ian
6-1 for Ian.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WAY TO GO IAN!!!! DANIELLE YOUR A WHACK JOB!!!!!!
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Let’s party now….bring on the hooch!
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Hey Kevin, yes Ian had a great speech
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Dani is the only one still under the mist. Oh and Janelle.
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WAY TO GO FRANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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One reason I’m glad Dan didn’t win is that I remember when Dan was grilling Ian about his mental disorder. Dan recognized Ian had it and was telling Ian he had a relative who had the same problem, but Dan’s a teacher so probably came across it from students (not saying he was lying, but then we are talking about Dan). But Dan used this information about Ian’s mental disorder to try and play him and it almost worked. I think Ian’s final speech and his answers were much better than Dan’s. Dani at the end proved that she was and remained Dan’s pawn.
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Who won America’s Player? Somehow missed it…
@AC: What’s up brother? So good to see you here. Our peeps watching in the Midwest and west are going to absolutely freak out when they see this.
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Glad Frank got something
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So glad Ian won!! I have to say I was surprised at the vote being 6 -1, but I was absolutely shocked that Frank won the 25K. Great season!!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You know you love to hate her.
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Yep, I think when Dani watches she will be disgusted with herself, AC, I’m surprised your not on the Dan Train, since you liked Russell from survivor so much
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IAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our Next inventor!!! Congrats to You Sweetie!!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proud of You!!!!
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Great ending 6 to 1 Happy for IAN ❗ ……………….
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@Kevin – Frank won it.
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boy we need ed a new page, its really slowing me down, it alright till we all try to post
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K11…we are from the midwest.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WHERE IS BOBO???
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Great BB ending:) can’t wait for next season. See you all on the Survivor blog for those who watch. Otherwise to the rest of you – peace out:)
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can’t use God and win tho he didn’t deserve a dime imo.
i’m proud of Ian. he’s a kid and too trusting and i could see the hurt that dan used the cross to swear on. if i were ian i’d keep the cross and make dan buy it back. and YEAAAA frank.
Dummy Danielle is the only one who voted for Dan. I actually felt sorry for Shane..
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At least Frank got something he’s deserving I would have loved to see Brit get the money
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Dan over Dani, not Ian though.
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frannie – u know dani was in sahnes ear sayin – i swear ididnt know – i had to give him my vote – when she watches the show back – i feel sorry for her
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We have Survivor now….so we will be able to keep in touch. Take care guys…you are all a fantastic group! ♥
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I think Danielle was 😯 when she didn’t win America’s favorite! I bet she can’t wait to get home to read all the wonderful things people said about her during the season. That girl is in for a rude awakening! 😆
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Woot Woot Woot. Wow, I didn’t expect Jenn to vote for Ian. I thought it would be 5 to 2 for Ian but 6 to 1 WOW!!
Hey AC. So sorry HoH8 Loved your Boo tho. 😀
I too think Ian’s speech helped win him the game. But who knows, knife wounds don’t go away quickly. Dan’s just fell flat. Now off to watch Survivor and then I’ll watch BB again just so I can jump around and do happy dance and hoot and holler. My hubby is in LV visiting his father so I can be really goofy and boy am I. See you all later. Survivor is starting.
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What up Kev11. Is Saki an Ian fan? 😆
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Cool to see Frank won AC. Evel Dick said on his last show that he (Frank) sort of saved the season and like I said last week, both he and Ian deserve an All-Star spot from this season if there ever is another one.
And Janelle is as delusional as Danielle. Following her on Twitter and she can’t see the forest because of the trees. Think we have overrated her as her social game has blown all three times. Major props to Mike Boogie for the respect he showed Ian tonight, just like he did the night he was blindsided. That couth looks good on you Mike…
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Congrats to Ian. Nice to see good triumph. Great ending for a fantastic season.
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Joining in the happy dance. A very good season end.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------K11 Frank got AP
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Tambo look up I was here! 😆
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Jenn’s vote surprised me the most and then Brit’s. Obviously, they were both swayed by Ian’s speech. Again, Dan pleading that he was a weak player, so not being able to win competitions while sitting next to little Ian changed a lot of people’s votes at the end. I kind of laughed to myself at Dan doing that because that ploy was just so weak!
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@Macy….don’t feel sorry for Dani. She played dumb and it came back to bite her. See ya on the Survivor blog.
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Maybe not the best season of BB but DEFINITELY the best finale.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well done Ian. Danielle was soooooo angry it was funny to watch and
what a great shot at her from Janelle. Dan played ugly and he still
didn’t win so he can’t even use the excuse “Well I won didn’t I”. Hopefully
he will feel some heat when he gets home.
And good to see Frank win 25 g’s.
Cheers all. Great blog. Great comments and very nice people here.
Well on to Survivor now. (The first episode was good)
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Hey tendr….how you be? 🙂 Time to catch a few ZZZZZZzzzzzzz. 4:30 comes around too damn fast.
Night all!
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@Frannie: You know what I mean. Prime time from 8-10 pm in the Midwest and airs same as East?
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I’ve been trying to post and nothing is showing up:(
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FRANNIE – how do reply so fast – is there a way to refresh after u post so that you dont have to go back to ur e-mail
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Ian may have had trouble getting girls before this game, but now he’s going to have trouble keeping them off of him! LOL! I’m glad Frank got the People’s Award, he worked hard in this game just to keep himself in.
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Macy….click on your refresh at the top of your page.
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I thought for sure Ian would win America’s favorite house guest. Happy for Frank though. 😎
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Just Click F5
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Well ok…it’s all over now. All I can say is damn that kid is good!!! YEAAAAHHHHHHH IAN!!!! And good for Frank for getting America’s Fave. I wish there was a way Dan could be robbed of his but this is life. And DANI……WTF is that child thinking with?? Noodles?? That has got to be the dumbest chick alive!!! 6 to 1!!!!! Hell Yeah!!!
Good to see everybody here for the ending. Thank you BBBlogger & Bloggergal for a great place to share our opinions & be a family. See everyone nexy year. OR…at Aggie’s OR on the Survivor Blog. 😀 Everyone stay sweet & be safe until next time.
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I am so HAPPY it was Ian winning and Frank getting the $25,000. Frank should have won the whole thing. Dan saying he has to go to confession and he will pick up his heart and morals justifies swearing on his wife, the Bible and his dead Grandfather’s gold cross. This man has no morals or conscience. Unbelievable. And then Dani still voted for him. Oh let me keep my word to him after all that and then the final zinger. That’s crazy. Would Ian have gotten all 7 votes if it wasn’t for Dani?
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Yep Bob…it can be done that way too.
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Saw a crawl that said Big Brother Canada will air on justintv (videobrother.com) on February 13. Would love to see this blog accommodate our need for winter BB chat.
Here’s the link if anyone wants to save it in their favorites:
Time to watch Survivor (out West) and then the Big Brother finale again. Maybe Dan will win this time around… 😉
@Bobo, @Mike: How’d ya’ like them apples gentlemen? 🙂 🙂
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BOBO thanx
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Ian! Ian! Ian! I think he has made dam good moves but not so obvious as Dan. NO Dan! You had an advantage as a former winner and as a coach in BB14. Go home and apologize to your school!
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Great Kevin! 😆
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AFTER PARTY tomorrow 8pm
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Macy you can also hit F5 to refresh the page.
Thanks Bloggergal and Bloggerguy for all your hard work keeping up this wonderful blog. Hopefully we will all stay in touch on the Survivor blog.
Good night everyone!!
Sweet Dreams!! Ian is not going to sleep for a week!
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Anytime Macy 🙂
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u too my girl frannie
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I’m still laughing to myself because Dan thought he had this in the bag. All of his hard work and backstabbing and playing people. I don’t know how the votes would have gone before their speeches. But I am almost 100% certain before the speeches, he had Jenn’s vote and maybe Brit’s. Joe too he might have had if he gave a good enough speech. But after Ian’s speech and then his, well, Dan’s speech just didn’t ring true and honest. Had he just been making a plea to Dani, he would have won, even Shane didn’t buy it!
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Where the hell are my posts going? 🙄
I’m not gonna repost them and look like Stra with double posts that show up later…. 😛
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Dan, you couldn’t say, little weak me couldn’t win anything while sitting next to Ian…lol!!!
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MR. SMITH – is that another twitter thing
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Did anyone of you catch the bad looks Shane was throwing at Dani ?
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I’m so thrilled that I called this game when I said that Dan would probably be Ian’s best choice to bring to the F2. What can I say, the vote was 6-1.
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I’m going to have BB withdrawal pains:( See you on Survivor blog for those who will be watching. Catch the rest of you next BB season…. Peace everyone!
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Goodnight all, I hope I see you all again, I will be going to Survivor Blog but getting kind of tired….. Take care all ❗ …….
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Oh, one other thing, the whole who formed the Quack Pack doesn’t matter as much as the fact that that alliance might not have gotten as far as it did without the person who took all the risk to provide all the insider information from the other alliance… and that person was Ian. So in a way, all of the final 4 owe their getting to that point to Ian.
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@Betty, @Bobo: Night guys.
Just saw that Shane is a little bitter towards Danielle for giving the PoV to Dan. Can’t say I blame him. Also says their “relationship” will be hard since he’s in Vermont and she’s in Alabama.
Can’t wait to watch this one again. Think Star was right all along—this season way more entertaining that I imagined in my fog of CBS bitterness. Still don’t like the way they hoodwinked us, but hey, it’s their show and they can do what they want. Already looking forward to BB15 and hoping all new HGs, HDTV and a step away from the Jessie-Pandora’s Box ridiculousness.
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Man..people clear out fast around here..lol
WOOHOO for Ian!!!! SO glad he won!!! Am I crazy or does anyone else think dan wanted it this way??? That he actually took Ian to he F2 adn then threw everything after that so he’d win??Dan doesn;t need the money! He just won 4 yers ago and he had 3 boosk out and a real job!! I think he wanted Ian to win it. he obviously threw the final comp!!!!! And he didmn’t look nervous, kept flashing that dmn evil smirk and gave kin dof a antagonistic speech!!! I think he thtrew the game to Ian on purpose! I’m still thrilled ian won and think he deserves it but……I could be wrong . eitehr way…gret game. Grat season!!!!! really 1st season where the only person who got on my last nerve slef-evicted….thank you very much Willy…….and I didn;t mind any of the otehr HGS after that! when was the last time THAT happened??LOL
@Kev11…Dan’s grandfather wouldn;t vote for Ian cuz…well…he’s dead!!!! That is why Dan wore his necklace!!!
@Macy..at the top of your screen there is a curvy arrow,…that is the refresh button.
@tendr..hey gurl!!!!! *waves*
@Hey Betty!! You are right about dani! I kinda feel sorry for her. But I doubt she wil change. So then I also feel sorry for SHANE!!!lol
@aggie..I agree tht I was thinking brit might get America;s vote!!! I almsot puked when frank got it!! REALLY?????LOL
Can’t beleive no BBAD to watch tonight. But Don’t forget the BY interviews those with LFS!!!!!!
BB FOREVER!!!!!!!! And Best show ever this season!!!!!!!<3<3<3
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great finale i am so hapy for ian and for frank wanted frank to win but when he got evicted that was that so happy he got ac.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hugs to ALL my darlings hope to chat with u all soon, i think frank and shane tossed the devils sorry ass to the curb and poured what wa left of the kool aid over his friggin lyin head
ciao and mega hugs
again bbguy an bbgal great blog we are the champons my friend as far as blogs go
hugs to ian and frank and the fickle finger of faith to satan
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@TheKhanKubla: Great points. I would hate to be Dan’s wife and have to listen to all the crap he’ll spew now about how the Jury was wrong! What’s weird is he just won $50K (plus $20K Coaches’ money?) and should be extremely happy he made it to this point and won so much $$$ for playing a game on a reality TV show. Well, at least he got to plug his website 4,763,903,762,530 times…
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Thanks for the shout out Kev11..always enjoy being told I’m right…lol
Anyone else still around?????? *crickets,crickets*
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yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
SO HAPPY FOR HIM ! Ian speach was great !!! Dan’s was poor pitiful me !! I knew I couldn’t beat Joe, Jenn, Shane, blah blah blah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Did anyone see Dan’s wife run up to him? I never saw her on the floor, but I did see her in the audience.
Danielle got exactly what she deserved Zip O Man that girl is going hate watching herself on BB when she get’s home.
Glad Frank won the 25,000 Great Show Tonight !!! Loved when Dan was giving his speech Ian was saying bull, bull, bull to everything they never cut Ian off ~~~ But they did cut Dan off ~~~ My husband thinks Dan was desperate for the money and he had a Need for Greed ~ maybe ~ he did win the 50,000 ~~~ Well I had a great time with yall ~~~ Watch the Talk tomorrow all three will be on the show, Ian ~ Dan ~ Danielle poor poor Danielle 6-1 for Ian wow ~~~~ she will feel the sting for sure ~~~~ nite all see yall next time.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Survivor was ok tonight
have a great night,
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@Star: It was purely metaphorical (Dan’s grandfather). That’s where the humor was (theoretically) supposed to lie in that a dead man related to Dan would actually vote for Ian because he was so disgusted with his grandson’s actions. 😉
I do think that was one of the best 3 BB shows ever (BB8 and BB11 Finales) and that this season had three or four incredibly memorable episodes. I so wish I could watch both Ian and Dan on camera for the next 24 hours. Ian so deserved the win and that off-the-cuff speech was epic. Still amazed at how brainwashed Danielle was. She’ll be furious when she watches this one back.
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I can’t wait to watch this show again tomorrow on Hulu just to hear Ian’s speech about Dan losing 2 players as a coach and how he only had 1 life to lose and kept it through the entire game. We all know Dan has been preparing his speech for the last few days and Ian had to revamp his after learning about Dan’s final 2 deal with Dani and for Ian to pull out such a winning speech in minutes over Dan’s bla speech that he’s been working on for days is just so funny! My God – Ian converted Jenn who dispised him only moments before his speech!!!
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kev11….good point. Actually, no one can really complain about money as they all got paid pretty well to just lounge around in Calf. all summer!!!!! And don’t forget the money and luxuries they all won!!!!
Speaking of Dan’s wife…didn anyonme see her in the audience??I kept watching but never saw dan with her.
And to anyone who read my earlier post,I was in such a hurry to post I did NO spellchecking!!!!!! 😳 Obviously!!lol I reall can spell GREAT!! See??LOL
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@mm: You came up with the line of the night again. First “pity poke” and then this gem? Epic sister…
“hugs to ian and frank and the fickle finger of faith to satan”
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Big Brother Network @bigbrothernet
Janelle says she was most excited to see Danielle evicted this season. Yet no “why?” from Spicy… #BB14 pic.twitter.com/LkXLVzKG
Big Brother Network @bigbrothernet
Joe joking that Willie was so close in that fight he thought he was going to kiss him. #BB14 pic.twitter.com/gIs2AuCA
Big Brother Network @bigbrothernet
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ashley is up next. Her future dream board is going to have her moving to California. Seriously. #BB14 pic.twitter.com/3lWqOvoR
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@Kev11 – Ya, we can hardly feel sorry for Dan who won this game before and came out of this one with at least $50,000. I believe they all get paid for their time on the show as well for giving up their jobs to play. Plus Dan has written 3 books so he’s not exactly broke. Now he can write a new one on how you shouldn’t BS too much on a reality show and backstab everyone along the way while not winning competitions.
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Best Jury speech ever from the youngest winner ever? So glad he responded to Dan’s trick and I actually believe Ian would have also crushed Danielle in The Finals. The Mist got to the kid a little…
Sorry, pics didn’t post from Backyard interviews in last post…
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@Kev11..sorry dude! I actually think you didn’t KNOW Dan’s grandfather had died!!! I used to GET your humor better 3 years ago!! but then we \were talking everynite late and I was usually drinking wine…lol
@Khan….you are SO right!!! Ian wond because of his youth, freshness and ability to think on his feet!! It was an epic speech and Dan’s sounded rehearsed and more than a tad desperate!!!!!
I’m watchin g he BY interviews on LFS. Can’t wait until they get to Ian and Dan. SO far just Ashley adn Janelle. Ash was asked who her favorite BB player of all time was and she said FRANK!!!! Could that be because you were sleeping with him in Jury and you neeer watched another year of BB????lol
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Survivir Blog ~~ came to my email ~~
I just want to say one more thing ~ I think that Mike Boogy gave a nice speech to Ian, he was very kind.
peace out !!
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OMG – I forgot about Shane’s calling Dan Satan! LOLOLOLOLOLOL! THAT WAS SO FREAKING FUNNY!!!
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@Stra: Don’t worry about it. Sarcasm and humor often lost in Twitterverse, Blogs and social media. I wasn’t sure if you were kidding or not. And three years ago I had so much weed in my system always the dude on the Zig-Zag pack decided to get a tattoo of me (Marijuana humor maybe lost on the masses). I miss those days when all the girls in here would be drinking vino from coast-to-coast and we had our own little LNC. Feel clearer sober but would be lying if I said I didn’t miss that relief somewhat.
Let me know if anything funky happens with Ian or Dan’s interview.
So hard to go from watching the BB Finale to a new season of Survivor. On first blush, I think they (the producers) judge putting female contestants on strictly by boob size. I do like the 3 Tribe thing so far…
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kev now that i read what i said i even had to lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------great ending it started off with a bang willie gettin asked to leave
and dan getting 6 pokes and none were pity
it really was exciting and i am so happy frank got ac
i do not have live feeds for backyard is there a link i can check out to see some of it \also making note cancel showtime for the season
was a fun nite here glad we were all able to share it
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@Star – Thanks. I know they are going to talk with Ian, Dan and Dani tomorrow, but my goodness, I really want to know what converted Jenn from her hate of Ian to vote for him. I worked on this for the last few days and I thought the vote would be 4-3 for Ian with Jenn voting for Dan, and with both Brit and Dani at about 50/50 voting for either Dan or Ian. But Jenn I thought 100% would vote for Dan. Dani only voted for Dan because, well, there must be some brain damage there none of us know about. Like Jenn before, I don’t know why she didn’t talk to Ian and expose Dan for having a F2 deal with her to try and stay in the game and at least win something. Most of these players have just been so frustrating allowing themselves to be martyred so somone else could advance and win the money!
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I was so proud of Ian. He spoke up for himself very well. Even if he had taken Zits, he would have still won!
Boogie was very kind to Ian.
Danielle was a bitter B—h!
I was very proud of the way the jury voted.
Queen of the zits had no control over the jury votes!
I need help getting on the survivor blog, somebody please help
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@mm: I’d cancel Showtime too but I don’t want to miss ‘Dexter’ and ‘Homeland.’ So no HBO for awhile. They know (Showtime) they’re sucking us in but at least we don’t have to see any more ‘Gigolos’ or ‘The Real L World’ commercials for at least another year! 😉 That’s almost as good as Ian winning in my book.
I’m happy for Frank but very leery of the vote. Seems Ian (ineligible?) or Britney or even Shane may have got votes but who knows? I love the show but will never trust CBS again after this season. They reveal the vote %’s when they want and don’t when they don’t. Too many lawyers and suits-ties for my simple tastes. Glad I didn’t bail on the season or the show. Star was spot on. Ciao…
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Now that BB is over, I’m getting goosebumps knowing The Walking Dead season 3 is about to begin! I hope I’m not turning into a zombie and those are only just goosebumps!!!
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Anyone who has live feeds, the backyard interviews are on now
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I now feel like the last man in a bar with no alcohol, no bartender and no lights on.
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Dan played the best game, but the Geek/Nerd got his revenge in the end.
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Ian clinched it with the HOH win ……. neither Dan or Dani had a chance from that point!
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@SnakeBit Sal: Gotta admit, that was way more fun than I was expecting out of this season. I need to remember it always has its peaks and valleys and always makes me happy in the end. Good job again on your part this season, buddy.
Watching it all again here in Nevada. Must admit, Danielle’s acting after Ian won P2 was pretty good. Tonight is another perfect example why we love this show so much. After BBUK, CBB and BB US, I must admit I’m a little BB’d out now. Thank god for football. Dae Yum Yum out… 😉
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@ star I didn’t get the impression Dan threw anything, but maybe I was just projecting my hopes and dreams onto Dan’s face…the look of someone who knows he lost. : ) Ian’s speech was amazing and finally someone outed Dan. He mentioned Dan giving him his grandfather’s cross for collateral causing another Dani O moment. I’m still amazed that those hg didn’t talk about Dan’s moves between themselves. I noticed Dan putting the necklace on before heading out the door and wondered why he wasn’t wearing it during the final comp. Guess Ian was wearing it while Dan’s dead grandfather was whispering the correct answers in Ian’s ears. : )
Dan mentioned going to confession. I hope his priest makes him say 50,000 Hail Marys and 50,000 Our Fathers for absolution.
I’m so glad the jury voted as they did…except for Dani. Dan spun a web around Dani’s neck all summer but she jumped all by herself.
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Live finale show Thursday night @ 11:30 est
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Anyone with LFs…the finale party is going to be Thurs nite at 8:30BBT. Funny how we all got used to saying that and KNOW what it means..lol
@Khan……Jenn just sid in her interview that Ians’s final speech and finding out alot of things she didn’t know made her vote for him.(Ie Dan, I am assuming) even tho dan technically played a pretty flawless Dr. will type game, he pissed too many epople off to win…like Russel did on Survivor!!! Dan seems happy enuf tho with hsi 2nd plae adn couldn’t stop plugging his books and websites in the interview!! Does anyone knowif dans books are hard cover or just on the Net???
@K11…I miss those days too!! Never knew you were stoned all the time but tht and the wine could be WHY we ahd so much fun..lol If it’s working out for you, glad you got sober!!!;) We were missing alot of other elements tho too..like all the other PEOPLE!!!lol Lots of newbies this year but pretty much all daytimers so I never got to know them too well as I’m not available usually until latenite. We need to post a wanted: bloggers who stay up late sign or have BBB do it for us next year…….lol
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@Oatricia: “I’m still amazed that those hg didn’t talk about Dan’s moves between themselves.” I’ve been saying that all summer sister. It’s like they’ve never seen the show before. I wouldn’t trust anyone after watching every season of BB, TAR and Survivor. But that paranoia might kill me.
@Star: I never knew I was stoned all the time either. Thought it didn’t affect my personality and work ethic but now I know better. Was used to it most of my Life (but NEVER was high during college classes or for any employer or interview) and became comfortable in my skin doing it but now only go there when Times get really tough or the spinal cord is singing like a sparrow. I have learned much in 2012. Still, a big fan of legalization although that will never happen in our PC country.
Watching this all over again and loving it. Don’t think the “Bitter Jury” theory holds water. Ian killed it with his speech and unveiled Dan’s Last Lie live on national TV. Oh, snap! I bet we see him (Ian) and Frank again someday and would love to see them team up. And can’t believe I have so much respect for Boogie now and am cynical about Janelle and Dan. But it happened before with me with Daniele (Donato) who I loved than hated and with Rachel (hated than loved).
This is why we get so pumped about this show. One never knows how it’s going to end or what will happen when. One thing, Dan left an impact of paranoia that will stay with the show for seasons. And can we stop it with the “swearing on your wife, grandfather, etc.” crap? It’s a TV show and we all know they’re going to do what they want and there are no rules. One’s integrity is the only issue in the end and if someone like Dan doesn’t care how he comes across on TV, well, then that’s on his head. He still played a great game this season but got caught up his own lies and prolly should have trusted his ability to win a comp or two. I think he thinks he was doing a Dr. Will but that ship sailed years ago and evolving is the key to winning BB as Ian proved tonight.
Kudos kid. Now please don’t let it go to your head too much.
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Hey Oatricia!! Was jsut thinking about you again……maybe you have the Dan mist going for ya..lol
I know what you mean about eh otehr HGS talking together..like ther is anything else to do in there!!! but if you noticed, dan kept them apart..at least the last 2 or 3 people left. he was always with them and tried to keep them together saying he felt more secure or something. He didn’t WANT them talking to each otehr!! Or he would get them all riled up about something..eitger raging anger(Ian)or in crying jags(dani…obviously!!)and then they didnt want to talk to anyone!!!!
i loved dani’s O looks too!!! Not sure if htey are fake or not but she sure does them on a regular basis. Kinda cute actually…lol When she was in the BY interview tonight, Spicey(LF interviewr….kinda fat and not really great at interviewing, IMHO, but I digress…)told her tht Dan told Shane as he was leaving that she had been playing him the whole time!!!!!! And THERE it was…..the O!!!!! lol So amazing the things that came out tonight about Dan that the 2 people closest to him physically for the last few weeks didn;t even have a clue about!! Like Dan having a F2 with BOTH dani and ian!! Well DUH!! Would you expect less??Ian was truly shocked! As was Dani when told what he said to Shane!!! Ddan siad he had no hard feelings toard anyone in the gme but I wonder if they will be willing to say the same about HIM!!!!lol
Also in the itnerviews, Ian said he hadn’t known he was a fan fav…..awww…..and that he was going to pay off college loans and buy a bucket of sunglases with the money! Hmm…odd. Maybe he thought it was ironic or something…..lol And that he is hot for Krisen from S12. Wasn;t she hayden’s showmance??? A lil OLD for him I would think!! But he said *Date me* to her into the camera!! Yes..our lil boy has grown up!!lol Mayve a likl too quickly!!!;) (He asked dani last nite if using a condum made sex less enjoyable. If you have to ASK that ..you are not ready for older women, huh!!)lol
BTW…got your email and am working on a response between blogging and watching interviews..which are over now!!;)
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Jury is part of the game. Ask @russellhantz …. You can’t fuck people over and over and expect them to vote for you at the end.
Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick
Dan choked on his speech, bad. Too rehearsed and too much ass kissing. Too dependent on the Funeral thing as well.
Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dan was a huge liar and that is not my thing. I don’t like liars and am not one myself. Dan paid the price. Ian gave a great speech.
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K11..Yup!!! guess Dan found out the hard way!!! Most people play emotionally whether they admit it , want to or not!!!m remember tht next time!!
And that is BULL! ED , according to your tweets this summer…was saying he loved Dan and his game play! Course that could have been earlier in the season b4 Dan got so slimy!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He is right about the speech tho and I said the same thing..too rehearsed. And he tried to say something nice about everyone in it. Too little too late Dannyboy..lol
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Hi all, I just finished watching for the 2nd time. So happy for Ian. I think Dan really did miss that question about Britt but yes, it looks like he threw the HOH comp. What a scumbag he is. I agree his grandfather prolly would vote for Ian. Great line K11 and effing people over and over will get you f’d for sure. LOL
Star, great stuff and I don’t have a lot of time tonight. Dani is dilusional no doubt in my mind. And what show was Janelle watching? Someone said she’s dilusional too and her social game wasn’t all that which is why she never won and I agree.
Dan admitted he could have played the game without the ruthlessness or something to that effect and that line had to hurt him along with his poorly delivered speech. Really, I’m not as strong as you and I’m not as popular as you. Please, he caught whatever Dani has, poor me. Speaking of Dani, she’s in for a real surprise especially since Frank won AF player. She had to think she would get that, she has such a high estimation of herself.
I don’t doubt Dan will pay the price when he gets home. He’ll be in confession for a month! Ian should have given him back his Grandfather’s cross.
Ok, gotta really run and I’ll have to come back and read everything. I only did a quack run through. pun intended. WooHoo go Ian!!! Great speech too! He hit Dan hard! Loved it!
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@Starfish ..great post as always GF!!! May take us a few days to catch up on reading here so I’m sure we will chat again!!lol I wonder if the BB’s will put up another site for us for awhile??? Since we are almsot at 400 now! Too bad you couldn’tt stay and bump it up there with me like when we did it to 200!!!lol And we thought that was ALOT!!! 😆
Anyway, G’nite and sweet dreams!!!!;)
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I am so happy Dan the Devil didn’t win, Ian can pay for school and have a good time learning about protons or whatever he studies.
Dan go apologies to your students before you get fired !
Brit was so happy for Ian, I like them both 🙂
I didn’t know I was supposed to drink while blogging LOL
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@Star – Thanks for that update on Jenn.
I said that before about the difference between playing a flawless game but not taking into consideration the feelings of those you blindside and vote out. You have to vote people out but still make them like you. Dan did not do that. Jen stood up and said basically that people would be stupid not to declare Dan the winner, but she is an emotionless “B” and doesn’t have a clue! Winning the Jury over is just as much a part of the game as playing a great game. Dan played an awesome game, but he left a wake of destruction behind him that he could never recover from. Then his speech saying he could never win against players like Frank and Shane in competitions while there’s Ian sitting next to him who beat Frank and Shane in competitions came out like over cooked pasta – limp and soggy! While Ian, relied on the truth in his speech and told everyone exactly what he did and why he did it. I remember Ian talking about this game as a game of chess why early in this game and how the end game, your last move was the most important move. Ian called Check-mate on Dan in this last show!
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Sorry, change up there where I wrote “Jen stood up” to “Janelle stood up.”
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@starfish @ star Well if you both thought Dan threw the last comp, then I must be more like Dani than I think. Naive. If Dan had won do you really think he’d take Dani to f2…with Ian wearing his grandfather’s cross?
@K11 I agree the ‘swearing on’ has got to stop. It’s meaningless. I hope Ian doesn’t let this win go to his head either. Mental conditions aside, I really think he’s grounded pretty well. His father was crying so he must have a close knit family. I’ve never been stoned but I don’t judge. I do smoke cigarettes a bit, but didn’t start until I was in my 20s. Yeah. I guess I am more like Dani than I thought. Sigh. Years ago my straight-laced dad said he felt that one day you would be able to buy a pack of marijuana at the corner store just like cigarettes.
My happiest moment tonight was Ian winning. Second happiest – Dan’s face when he didn’t win. Maybe his final delusion was convincing himself that he could beat Ian and win. That speech was awful. Carried no impact other than to cause the jury members to raise one lip in a universal sneer. Worst moment – Dani voting for Dan because that was the final nail in the coffin of her ever being mentally sound.
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Congratulations Ian!!
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What was everyone’s favorite competition?
Mine was the one where they were all hanging onto ropes going around the sun being slammed into that comet while Ian spouted off different cosmic facts to everyone. I thought that was so funny!
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@Sylvie – Man, Brit seemed like before the questions and the F2 speeches, she was in favor of Dan winning! Isn’t it crazy how the last few minutes of this game can change everything?
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@Star: ED was saying he respected the way negotiated the season to get to the end earlier but tonight said he wasn’t a fan of “lying” in the game. His ‘Dick At Nite’ goes online at midnight and I’ll let you know if anything interesting comes up.
@TheKhanKubla: Excellent analysis.
I am impressed that Jenn voted for Ian after talking so much about how she hated snitches and rats but was amazed Danielle still stuck with Dan. On the ‘Dick At Nite’ (from Sept. 15) I justwatched (What up JT?), Jun Song (S2 winner?) said she thought Dan and Danielle will still be friends after all this. I’m not so sure but what worries me is that I even carry about that aspect. This show is so addictive that I’m even writing about whether some naive chick in Alabama will be friends with some egomaniac nimrod in Michigan! Like that will get me a job or my next meal. Please send help. 😉
@All: Great job everyone again this season. Truly a pleasure hanging out in our little corner of the world with such cool people. And glad we all didn’t agree on everything this season as it made it that much better. Peace.
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I’m stuck in moderation hell on Survivor Blog 🙁
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@Patricia: Don’t feel bad. I’m 52 and didn’t start smoking cigarettes until 49 after talking smack about them my whole Life. Pretty hypocritical but the stress of our Modern World has somehow beat me down to this point. Can’t believe I smoke but it seems I woke up one morning in 2009 and had a Cat, a Cane and a Cigarette in my hand. Funny how Life can change in the blink of an eye. I miss the old me but am slowly getting used to this modern version and I certainly don’t need to tell anyone here that getting old isn’t for the week of heart. And when I watch soccer or BB like I did today, I am amazed at young guys like Oscar (Chelsea FC) and Ian (BB14) look and wonder if they justgot their Driver’s License. If I feel this old at 52, I can only imagine how strange 62, 72 and 82 must feel. And I fear for the world in that Time as it seems are really about to hit the fan in the next year or so. So no wonder I 9we) hide in a reality TV show and smoke cigarettes. A healthy distraction from where I’m sitting…
Great to make your acquaintance this season Patricia. I like your style.
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@Sylvie..you don’t have to drink, but it helps..lol On S11, Kev11 and JT joined our lil group and with time diffs and niteowl tendencies and a few other girls, we formed the LNC..Late Nite Club..so donned by Bbblogger!!! the girls always talked about bring a bottle of wine to the party and the guys drank beer..or whatever…….;) it was suposed to be Virtual, but i know I was drinking wine..and judging by the fun we had I don’t think I was the only one!!!lol
@Khan..you are more than welcome!! I love the way you write ,BTW! And I think it;s funny that Dan beat Ian at every actual chess game(I think)and then Checkmated him for the 500K!!!! Who played WHO here,Hmm???? lol
This is the 1st year I remembver HGS swearing on jewelry or loved ones. I think Janelle started it! Also 1st year I remember HGs who wer still IN endurnace comps asking all the others to give them some space so they can game talk!!! AYFKM????? It’s called a GAME for a reason!!! You whisper quietly and quickly or jsut hang in there until you drop!!!!!! I can’t believe all the other HGS put up with that!!! It’s not like you’re in a meeting and get a call and Say..hey….I gotta take this and everyone walks off!!lol I hope neither of those 2 things become precedents in the game!!!!
BTW..has anyone noticed for the last few years that all the HGS say , for example, Dan VERSE Ian. It’s supposed to be VerSUS……right???? I think someone dropped the last syllable at some point like they were texting and all the others just kept saying it cuz they don’t know the damn difference!!lol Drives me frigin CRAZYY!!!! Ok..done venting….. 😆
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@Sheelita cbeck your email!
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I have a few more points to make after having watched this show for the 2nd time. I’m going to give each point it’s own post though.
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First comment is, wow, Britney and the dress she wore at tonight’s show. Both sexy and classy. I think she is one smart woman and I do think as far as all the coaches go, she focused on all of her team, where other coaches like Dan and Mile only focused on one player. Obviously, thinking of Mike, he focused on the wrong player considering who won the game.
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When Dani is evicted, Julie asks Dani what she thought about what Ian said to her. Dani thinks she is talking about the personal things, but I think she was talking about Ian’s reference that he had a final 2 deal with Dan. Ya, Dani is clueless to the end!
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Star answered one of my posts saying that Dan’s final plea to the jury was desperate… and it was. Dan kept saying how he couldn’t beat Shane or Frank with that 5 inch taller than him Ian sitting next to him who had beaten both Shane and Frank. That just didn’t ring true. I think Dan’s final speech actually lost him votes and I think if Dani weren’t so clueless, he would have lost 7-0. Janelle thinks Dan should have won because she is as souless as Dan who played this game in a souless way. Dan won before because he was loyal and honest. Did he really think that he could come back on and be disloyal and dishonest and no one would care? His final speech was babbling and long, talking about that gold veto ball and how he was not a match for the other players in the game while smaller Ian actually beat the bigger stronger players. Sad, really! You can play the best game ever, just don’t sound so pathetic in your final speech!
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Ian’s final speech was short and to the point and directed at Dan’s throat! He didn’t lie or try to be fake. He also answered the Jury’s questions truthfully. I think he swayed Jenn’s vote and possibly more with his answers and his speech.
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Finally, if you were to play this game and could only watch 3 seasons of this show, this would have to be in that list of top 3 seasons to watch. This show defines the difference between playing a strategic and a social game and which is more important. Dan played this perfect strategic game but left a ruin of a social game. Ian played a better winning game, his strategic game was probably average and his social game was probably high average, but he was honest in his loyalties. Frank and Jenn were mad at him because they had an alliance with him under Mike, but Ian told them directly that he changed sides and then stuck with his new alliance and they both saw the truth and respected him for it. Dan wasn’t true to anyone and that’s why he lost.
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Sorry, a post up there, should have read with Dan sitting next to a 5 inches shorter Ian and not taller. When you see the two next to each other, Dan is obviously more physically buff than Ian. But Dan is saying he can’t do what Ian did against Shane and Frank.
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CONGRATS IAN…..KARMA for Dan……what goes around….comes around !!!
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So happy that Ian won by a vote of 6-1, and Satan didnt.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boogie said it right, that it’s OK for Nasty Dan to play the way he did but dont try to sell that he is Mr Nice Guy out of the house. The Bible is sacred and the way he used it like it is any ole book is unforgiven.
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Also… Frank for the fan fav… oh it already happened ~ ha ~ that’s what I meant to include ~ it was fun reading everyone’s take on this year BB ~ I swore I was going watch after the coaches entered the game ~ darn Time Warner’s “prime time on demand” anyway I’m glad I watched it all…
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I wasn’t.. I meant wasn’t going to watch ~ the coffee hasn’t kick in
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Yep a great game in the end, Dan tried to convince people that’s he was playing the game , dumbass
@Jane I was joking about the wine thing
Like oops forgot to bring a bottle to party.
See you on survivor everyone
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Oh, Danny boy, the church, the priests are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
The summer’s gone, and all your hopes are dying
‘Tis you, ’tis you must go and Ian must bide.
But never come ye back when summer’s in the meadow
Or when the valley’s hushed and white with snow
‘Tis Ian will be here in sunshine or in shadow
Oh, Danny boy, oh, Danny boy, the jury hates you so.
And if you come, and all the flowers are dying
If your lies dead, as dead you well may be
I pray you’ll find the place where you started lying
And kneel and say an “Ave” there for thee
And they shall hear, though soft you tread above me
And all on your bb grave will warm and sweeter be
And then you’ll kneel and whisper that you lied to me
And the jury shall sleep in peace until you never return to me.
or the jury simply sleep in peace knowing that you will never come to me.
And they shall rest in peace knowing you will never come to me. or Oh, Danny boy, oh, Danny boy u fuc”””””up so
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Congrts again to Ian winner of bb14 he showed he knows his chess game he proved a pawn can take the game
from the bb house to the penthouse
I was also thinking a few of you asked if anyone seen dan’s wife i think she came in for a second since it was required then she exited state right with her head hanging in shame.
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NEW PAGE UP ——————————————————————->
NEW PAGE UP————————————————->
NEW PAGE UP—————————>
AND OF COURSE NEW PAGE UP———————————————>
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IAN, BABY! YEAH!! Never send a pretty boy to do a nerd’s job. Ian proves you can play the game “nice” & still win. Kudos to Boogie, for giving Ian props, where it was well deserved. Seeya next year, everybody!
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MIKE – BILL – all my GIRLS – did yall happen to see ‘the talk’ today? they had ian come out first and with true ‘talk’ fashion – they all hug him – when it got to cheryl hines – she wouldnt let go – she just kept on squeezin him! ha – akward as hell for ian – he just kept patting her back – so funny
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@ macy,
I saw that akward hug lol! I was disappointed that they didn’t get on Dan and Danielle about the way they treated Ian.
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SCHELITA – yea – but i was glad danielle finally was looking like she had enough of danster – that creep
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I saw the Talk too, I didnt think she would ever let him go, the look on his face
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