Ever gone to a concert live? Ever go to see your favorite singer. You know there is always going to be a warm up act. Their only job is to get the crowd pumped for the headliner. Their HOPE is that they will someday be as big, as powerful, as awesome and have as many fans as the main act.
I see The Glass House (which starts tonight) as Big Brother 14’s opening act!
I am not going to get my hopes up too much however, I am intrigued. I will be watching tonight and I am looking forward to seeing what it is all about!
Either way…it will be a nice warm up for the main event that starts in 24 short days from today!
Also, in case you did not know this…we will have info on the Big Brother early bird special that will be live soon! Once we get our info we will share it with you all. I promise that we will do what we can to make your life better with Big Brother 14 coverage. All links are equal…so please support the blog/website you like and it would mean the world to me if you chose my little blog! 🙂
I am so excited to be back! Hope you are too. So tonight, who is watching The Glass House and even more importantly. Who is excited for Big Brother 14 in 24 days! BBBlogger sure is!
Peace, BBBlogger
PS: Is there a desire for me to start up a new chat room for Big Brother 14? If I do…would you check it out? Comment below!
I’ll be watching tonight, but I am a die hard BB Fan. Can’t wait.
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Sure would. I will be watching Glass house to see how it is. Will let you know.
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I’ll watch the Glass House but I know it won’t compare to our favorite Big Brother.
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I guess a lot of us including me will be watching glass house tonight. I have to admit i am a bit curious, as I am sure most of you are.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Saying that I am and always will be a die hard BB fan,
Will give mu feedback, till then
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is Rachel going to be on the glass house…maybe she’ll be sitting on the glass house…what type of show is this Glass House going to be…my nother always told me as i was a little boy growing up…people in glass houses should not throw stones…what ever…
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I am sure the Glass House will be a VERY cheap version of BB. I’ll watch it at least once, but I will NEVER not watch BB. I have never missed a single episode, even though I don’t remember the players. BB is my favorite reality show.
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I’ll be checking out Glass House…only because I can’t wait for Big Brother. No matter what…BB will always be my favourite reality show!!! So excited that it starts soon!!
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never heard of glass house
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I will watch either at 10pm or later o the DVR. I can’t wait for Big Brother and The Glass House might be okay. I am a huge fan of BB so no matter how good this Glass House show it will NEVER replace BB.
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It’s freaky. I watched the 1 hour stream they had on abc.com. Everything they do is voted on by the viewers. Their live shows are streamed online .
About the Show
Introducing an exciting and interactive real-time reality competition where the viewers are in charge!
The Glass House features fourteen contestants living and competing for a quarter million dollars in a totally wired, state-of-the-art house. But the contestants aren’t just playing the game with each other – they’re also playing the game to win over the audience each week.
Through online and their social networks, viewers will be encouraged to support and follow the contestants they like and those they don’t. Viewer votes will help determine which contestants are sent home and also which eliminated players will earn the chance to return to “The Glass House” to compete each week.
Viewer feedback doesn’t end there! Several times a week, viewers can watch a live online feed of the players and vote to decide everything from what they wear and eat, to the games they play, even where they sleep. Viewers will also have the chance to give their favorite players feedback on their game from outside the house. How the contestants use that information is up to them, because in the end it’s about who plays the best social game and the most important alliance a player can have is with their fans!
“The Glass House” premieres MONDAY, JUNE 18 (10:00-11:00 p.m., ET) on The ABC Television Network.
How does the show work?
When the show begins, fourteen people are living in a house together, participating in challenges – with America making the decisions about what happens in the house. Each week there will be somebody eliminated from the house. The winner is the last person left in the house – as voted on by you, the public!
What are the decisions that the public makes to effect what happens in the house?
The public will have the opportunity to vote on a variety of things relating to the house. Not only will they ultimately decide who stays or goes, but they will also influence other show elements like including what the houseguests wear, where they sleep, what they eat, and who gets another shot at the game.
How does a player on the show get removed from the house?
After losing a challenge, the team captain of the losing team goes to “limbo” – along with another member from the losing team that the house votes on.
What is “limbo?”
Limbo is where two people from the house go after losing a challenge. It’s an area outside of the house where the two people go until one of them is allowed to return to the house.
How are the captains for the challenges determined?
The two people with the fewest votes from the public become team captains for that week’s challenge.
How does somebody return to the house from limbo?
America chooses who they think deserves to return to the house. All the power is in the public’s hands.
What happens to the person who the public doesn’t choose to return to the house?
That person is out of the game permanently.
How many episodes will air for The Glass House?
Ten episodes will air as part of season 1.
How can I help determine what happens in the house?
You can influence a variety of events in the house by voting in the Live Stream Voting, the Daily Voting and by choosing your favorites in the house.
What is the Live Stream Voting?
The Live Stream Voting lets you have real-time influence of events seen during the live stream.
What is the Daily Voting?
The Daily Voting includes a number of voting opportunities each day through which you can influence events in the house – including major decisions such as who should be given a chance to return to the house from Limbo. This voting impacts on-air episodes.
How does the voting for favorites work?
You can vote on as few or as many people that you’d like to stay in the house. At the end of the current voting period, the two people with the fewest number of votes become team captains for that week’s challenge.
When does the live streaming occur?
Four hours on Monday evening from 11pm-3am ET – and also Tuesday thru Thursday from 3pm-4pm ET.
What’s the difference between ‘view & vote’ and ‘video’ on the site navigation?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The ‘view & vote’ link goes to the page where you can access the live streams and voting opportunities. The ‘video’ link goes to the Video page – where you’ll be able to find a selection of video content, including moments from the episodes, and even full episodes themselves .
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hi. i’ll watch if i remember.
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Back to Big Brother for a minute. The early bird special is now active! SIGN UP TODAY!! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BBBlogger’s Live Feed Link
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This sounds complicated to me! I will watch out of curiosity, but probably will not participate. My fingers are still sore for voting for Phillip Phillips!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anyway, I would like for you to start up a chat room for Big Brother 14! I can’t wait.
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I’ve watched the clips an live streaming of The Glass House that ABC has available. Let me just say……CBS has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to worry about! This is probably one of the LAMEST reality shows I’ve ever seen!!! IMO……it’s not even worthy enough to be the opening act for BB14! Spongebob Squarepants would be a better opener an thats no joke lol I think they’ve been in the house for about a week. There’s been no backstabbing or drama that I’ve seen so far. An even worse……NO GAME TALK!!! Everyone, for the most part, seems to be friends. It’s sooooo boring! I thought the viewer participation would be an awesome thing. I was sadly mistaken. Viewers vote on just about everything the contestants do in the house. Their polls are as lame as their show!!! They’re like…..every 10 min or 30 min or what have you. You vote on the dumbest things that don’t even add anything interesting to the game. Maybe that will change as the game continues, but I see ABC losing lots an lots of viewers after the 1st or 2nd episode. I’m gonna watch tonight. Not so sure if I’ll be able to handle the whole hour lol Not so sure about the live streaming tonight. I’ll have to see.
BBblogger ~ If you started a new chatroom, I’d definitely be chiming in {8>D
Thx for listening to my rambling,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yvonne 🙂 (OVER THE TOP BB ADDICT)
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Hello everyone, what channel does the glass house come on? Is it CBS?
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Hello BBB fans, I was wonder if the glass is gonna be on CBS, and if so what time?
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Ditto what Mama Margie said!!lol And what is the early bird special?? The Live Feeds?? Is this a deal and if so, whre do I sign up??!!:)
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Hmmm….. well, I said I would check out Glass House.. in fact I had to answer the poll above with my own answer “JusttilIrealizeitsucks”.. and I think I have my answer…
It took me til now to realize it sucks.
9 minutes! 😆
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Oooops… almost forgot. Gotta practice for BB14.
I vote to evict everyone from the Glass House. And I vote to evict the creepy house voice. Also, evict the Glass House from ABC.
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30 min in watching Glass House an it doesn’t
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------compare to BB, so glad it’s coming soon!
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After reading all the comments about The Glass House here, which I hadn’t even heard of before, I will record it and check it out tomorrow.
I have been anxious for BB to start since Survivor ended its most recent season lol.
This year will be a big change for me, I have Optik TV now, similar to TIVO in the US and will have the dilemma of either recording or watching on east coast time even though I am on the west coast I love this PVR, I am no longer tethered to the TV by its schedule I can watch at my own leisure. However, when it comes to shows and blogging … and BB is The ONLY show that I do this with … watching live time might just have to be the way to go 😉
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The Glass House is nothing compared to Big Brother. I can’t see this lame show lasting very long. ABC screwed up with this one!
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No No No! Please make it stop and ABC….you owe me an hour!
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So true BBBlogger…we will never get that hour back. 🙁
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Yep BBB, your Domain is safe I can’t see The Glass house lasting, what is it with the techno crap, But i will probably check it out for awhile and see if anything gets better. I can’t see it lasting also, so far I don’t really like anybody 🙄
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Since I am smart enough to not watch The Glass House, I did not waste an hour.
Of course you need to have a BB Chat Room, BBB… how can I possibly miss the gems that my girls Aggie, Frannie and The Mama come up with??? And JT is always good for a laugh. I see my old friend Snake was here… brief as ever… and with a new avatar… finally! And then there’s PK… that’s worth the price of admission any day.
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Does anyone know when the finale for Big Brother 14 will air? I am trying to figure out when to sign up for the live feeds
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I watched the Glass House last nite and will watch again, at least until BB starts. I was totally disappointed, thought it might be entertaining. I must admit I was wrong. I was bored, confused and ashamed all at the same time. The true fix to the delima of having to wait so long from the end on one season to the start of another, is to follow the excellent example of Survivor and have two seasons a year.
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BBB – lemme know when and where your new chat room starts! I’ll be there.
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I did not watch it yet but I did record it so maybe tonight I give it a look!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for the info Sal! Can’t wait for BB to start and so are my friends from Aggieland! See you soon BBB………….. 🙂
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I tried to watch it. It made me want to punch someone one in the face—j/k. but seriously it was too many ppl talking at the same time. No one really likable. I felt annoyed and the ‘mean guy’ you know who i’m talking about…..was gross. Big Brother’s worse was still better than Glass House.
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@ DianeK
This is justa guess…. but I would say the finale of BB 14 will be about Wednesday September 12th?? (Don’t hold me to that!)
The last 2 seasons have had finales on Wednesdays (Sept 15th & Sept 14th). So if they keep that schedule.. it will be 9/12. Of course they could always change it up and go back to Tuesday finales! 😆
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I tried watching and just could not get into like I do my Big Brother. Oh well.
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@ Diane K
Remember if you get the live feeds to cancel them when the season is over or you will keep getting billed for it.
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Dont like Glass House at all..especially that Russell wannbe.
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I tried watching Glass House but there has been so much drama going on in my house I had a few glasses of wine on a work week I can’t even remember what happened other .than go baby go lol
Glass House … boozed up and all … did not capture my interest.
Sometimes … the real house is more interesting.
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Okay I watched the show! I did not like it…..The 48 year old guy said”hey I’m 48 I’ll be dead in a few years” I’m in my 60’s & i feel great! What a bunch of jerks on this show! 🙄
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hiya all my friend over the pond glad to hear bb usa is starting again next month i can’t wait for it & to watch on you-tube because i love it we’re into our 4th week over here in blighty so see yas later xx
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seems weird seeing i’ve posted at 9:25 am when it’s 3:25 pm here lol x
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Hi Northern Lass, so nice to see you here again this year!
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hmmm…i would really be interested to know what the demographics of the audience of Big Brother would be..anyone know? I am 58…seems like there are alot of people around my age that watch this show…do we make up the majority? if so I think that would surprise me a bit
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Hi Diane K
There are a lot of old folks here, me for one! (over 65)! I don’t know if we make up the majority, but there sure are a lot of us 50+! Welcome! I was surprised myself when I first joined this blog and found out how many people over 50 there were here! 😆
Now we have to set you up with an avatar. Just wait for Ted, JT or PK to come on. They will help you, as they all helped me put my dog’s picture on!
Looking forward to your comments. Have a great evening!
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@ Diane K
I think it’s mostly an older crowd here, I’m 56
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When will we find out the names of the new Big Brother contestants?
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It took me more than 9 minutes to turn the channel JT. I watched for 20 or until the water started sloshing out of the jacuzzi. Enough for me to be gone.
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Just saw a rumor on Twitter that Mike “Boogie” Malin will be returning to the House as one of the four mentors.
Been watching BB UK and it’s pretty interesting but doesn’t seem as fair as our BB. Some mean Houseguests. They were allowed talk about nominations the first two weeks or so but then that’s all they talked about and the producers decided to change it. The UK fans and BOTS (BB Bit On The Side, hourlong aftershow) hosts loved it and I think it was for the better. The cool thing is it’s on every night. But after Survivor, TAR and watching this (and that ridiculous Glass House crap) my love for our BB has grown. One of my favorite three shows in TV history. Easily.
And watching that “Prime Time Alex Stein 99″ knob, I strangely have a new appreciation for Amber, Chima and Natalie. At least they were naturally mean whereas this dork puts on a contrived act to pretend he’s mean knowing he”s on TV. Even though it’s a natural comparison and has a bunch of ex-producers from BB, this show should never be compared to our BB. Too much stupid interactivity IMO. Lamer than Lame.
Big Brother is to The Glass House what Muhammad Ali is to Peter McNeely. That’s right, who’s Peter McNeeley? Some dude who Mike Tyson knocked out in no time and whose name I might not even be getting right.
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Hi K11, so nice to see you back, I’m sure you will bring much to this place, True the Glass House Sucks, probably it has to do with all the techno Crap as well, I really thought Alex would stay, but probably he didn’t because of personal attacks. Even Natalie on BB didn’t act that bad and I could not stand her. They keep bringing people we really don’t like on BB. We just heard, Colton from survivor is suppose to be on as well, Most people can’t stand him. Good to see You Kevin, I hope you stick around, goodnight
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well last night was the 2nd showing of glass house, I had to deside to watch it or pick lint off the furniture, I did the ladder, cant wait for BB to return . I hope they dont bring back any, I mean ANY one that has been on there before or from survivior, come on I want something that is fresh. they need to change things up a bit and have some fun to watch people . I love BB but the last couple years it has been boring , I will always watch, it is the best and wont ever miss a show. wish they would put it on twice a year. they put Survivior & AMR on twice a year or more. Oh and WELCOME BACK ALL BB FANS
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A Peter McNeeley reference? 😆 There’s a name I hadn’t thought of in 15 years.. but I do remember how quick his manager was to stop the slaughter!
Just 16 days to go! 😀
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My main man JT! What’s up brother? Thought about you and all the gang here much over the last two seasons (of Rachel). Best friend bought a Dell computer and now I know what the world is really like. Hope all is well with you. Read some posts last year (PGA Dok in LV looking for a cat named Saki’ ☺) Funny stuff.
Just got on computer in February. Been watching BB UK. Pretty entertaining. Hope this BB season lives up to hype. Getting close.
Hey aggie. What’s going on? Read you post. Actually on Twitter now and someone asked ED about Colton being in BB House. He said Colton just finished taping a new season of Survivor for what it’s worth. Who knows. The guy does know his BB though and will be doing “Dick At Nite” aftershows on RTVzone.
Saw a new Tweeter (@CornrOffice14) who claims to have info on BB. Said no mentors or past Houseguests this season but that “hosts” would be key, leading me to believe ex-HG’s would be involved. Worth checking out. Says will reveal more once they are in sequester.
Was a bit letdown by last two years but still watched every episode as well as all BBAD’s. That reminds me, need to get Showtme hooked up. Been writing (for free) on a big sport website and Saki’ ^:^ sends her love. She’s now 11. 11 of course.
Can’t wait for the new season and hate to admit it but I look forward to this crap more than NFL, MLB and NBA Opening Days. Cool to be back in touch with my BB family. STILL know no one here (Las Vegas) or have any friends who watch. Think I’m crazy and weird for getting into it so much. Oh well. You guys get it.
And can’t believe that silly Reality Nation poll that had Jeff and Jordan meeting in all-time FInals! Silly cat ladies. Loved them as they were outnumbered in BB11 but they played a poor game last year in my opinion. Jordan didn’t even want to be there. And was so pissed ED was gone, the first night of BBAD to boot. At least he would have made it interesting. And I found it weird in the end that I was pulling for Rachel in Final 3 after hating her the season before. Rachel, Adam and Porsche? Reminds me of Jordan, Natalie and Kevin. Hope better players make it to the end.
Thought about you guys during show last two seasons Mama Margie, Sal, Star, Princess, PK, franniep2, Starfish and all. Glad I’m online now but admit it was nice to not have a computer (and never had a cellphone) for two years. Probably hard for some of you to relate with.
Keep up the good work BBBlogger. Noticed you are on Twitter.
Later guys. 11:11
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s/b @CornerOffice14 My bad. A little too excited.
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One more thing. Anyone interested in checking out Big Brother UK, this guy-girl @Ermmmmmmm posts YouTube clips daily. Pretty cool.
Old BB Producer Rich Meehan turned me on to it two weeks ago.
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Hi K11, you were very missed on here, No BB, was not that good the last couple years, hopefully it will be a good season, and hopefully the feeds won’t be boring, I’m on Twitter but never go on there. I think you would Like Ted Strutz, he’s on here, he will be on this blog also. Not interested in BB UK, we have enough shows here. JT, Fran and I, really like AGT, it’s getting fun now. We are all looking forward to BB, The Glass House won’t last I don’t think, most don’t like it. At least the DOUCHEBAG ALEX Left though. L8R Kevin
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One more thing, Kevin, you need to be On FACEBOOK, several people from this blog is on there, including JT, even though he’s not on that often.
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Hi K11, heard so much about you from the gang glad that you are back. Aggie I really like AGT too, dont miss a show(you cant they rerun it so much) all I have left to say isHURRY UP BB.
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kev11 hey hey dude how goes it
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------your ears must have been burning for year we talk about u so much
so glad u have ret’d bb was NOT the same without you my friend
As you know we have a good group here and have a good time, so let the fun begin i really should start a count down
well my dear stay tuned and looking forward to your chat, I can tell u JT missed u a lot u two were like partners in crime 🙂
will do fly by later
ciao till then
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Hi Mike, Good, I’m glad your a fan of AGT, I’m sure alot of folks are it’s 2 hrs tonight. I think Howard adds alot to the show, I have always been a fan, I hope he stays with the show. Tonight the show is on 8 to 10, In case someone doesn’t know.
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Big love back to all you guys. It took me forever to get on Twitter and although it is what you make of it, I must say I like elements about it and have met some cool people. Does seem like a massive “I’m the Smartest Person in the World” snarkfest at times but after following some past BB HG’s, can tell who’s smart, who’s dumb, who’s accessible, who knows shit and on and on…
As far as Facebook, I’m sort of like Prince or Howard Hughes in that I enjoy and value my privacy although here, on Twitter and everywhere else I have always chosen to use my real name. I will likely have a very torrid affair with Kate Upton (a girl can dream can’t she?) before I join Facebook although I remember a silly poem I wrote in this space three years ago to FRANKS which shows I do change:
We don’t Twitter
And we don’t Tweet
And we like fire
Beneath our meat.
So I have succumbed to Twitter and found it a great source of information for some things. I also remember my first night here (as JT does), with the name Kevin11 having to explain to everyone that I wasn’t doing it as a fan of Kevin (from BB11) and it was just my name and favorite number and that I wasn’t gay. Social media pretty strange sometimes.
Just got off Twitter and saw that former BB Produce Rich said that Twitterer I mentioned above (CornerOffice) has been very reputable with his stuff and also saw ED saying we should all forget about the rumors (mentors) and such and just wait for the show to start. Funny how wise he really is.
Anyway, the commercials pump me up for Opening Night and it seems there will be something big we won’t expect Night 1? Elimination? And seems at least 17 HGs will be there to start with all that’s been said. Still wish they’d jack the prize money to $1,000,000 with all they save doing a show without stars and all they make on ancillary stuff. Have also heard four competitions a week which would make sense with all the down time (really seen on BBAD).
Nice to meet you Mike and I’ve watched a couple AGT’s but being a big Howard Stern fan I hear about it first thing every morning. He was smart to do it and they were smart to snag him. Love how seriously he takes it and sounds like Final 48 will be great. Still, at 52, I find it hard to see how a guy getting kicked in the nuts is talent. Will probably watch when the live shows start although seems my TV cup is overflowing and BB and BBAD hasn’t started. And have been writing about five-eight hours a day since February.
Think they (Grodner, Kass, CBS, Endemol) owes us a great season but it’s always up to the HGs and the process. One thing I remember about this (BBBlog), and have learned again on Twitter is that being out West means I have to turn the computer off to enjoy the shows I have followed for years. Just haven’t trained myself not to read when I see “SPOILER ALERT” I guess. ☺
As far as The Glass House, well, think they’d be wise to cut the cord right about now. Not even close to our BB and I bet CBS embarrassed it filed that lawsuit right about now. Later guys.
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So, this is the famous Kevin11??? Am I glad to see you here! Your fans have been pissing and moaning your absence for two years now… I don’t think I could have taken another season of that. You should visit AggieLand… http://aggie27.wordpress.com/ … that will make them pee their pants. Looking forward to seeing you this season, as well as my good friend PK.
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Hey Kev11!!!! 😉 I hope we can still call you that!! Don’t mind Ted. He’s a late-comer to BB and I think his 1st year was the one right after you had been here. Us all missing you and wondering where you were kind of made him feel left out I think…..poor baby..lol J/k TED!!;)
Can’t believe how TECHY you have gotten!! Twitter???? The old BB Producer??? Seriously guy???LOL I’m not on Twitter but I did succomb to FB and that is how I knew you were blogging as aggie left me a message there. I had no idea people were pre-BB blogging!! I was kind of resting up for it as once it starts it’s 3 months of blogging, watching BBAD, LF’s…..rather all consuming…lol
Anyway….good to have you back…not only did we MISS you but we were more than a bit WORRIED about you!!! Now no matter who they(BB) throw at us now, we know it will be a FUN season!!!!;)
Peace,love and light!
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K11, Tedster so likes to be the center of attention, Poor Thing. I look forward to a battle of wits between both you guys, we shall see who’s smarter. as far as PK goes I hope the wife or concubine has him under lock in key. although it is funny to see the barbs back in forth between PK and Ted 🙄
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Glad you came by Star, nice to see you here ♥
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Hey Stra. Think of you every time Mercury goes into retrograde!?! Missed all you guys but those last two seasons were C, C+ at best. The HGs seem to have become so self-aware. Keep seeing rumors on Twitter (yeah I’m on it and love and hate it at the same time [Gemini]) that there may be four mentors and I’ve seen Mike Boogie, Janelle, Dan Gheesling and the Wicked Witch of The West Rachel’s name although I saw one post hinting a Natalie. Wouldn’t that wind the masses up? Flattered people missed me but some perspective warranted: I’m just me, the show is just a show (and a game) and this is just a little corner where we all gather to rave and bitch about that show. Nothing more, nothing less. Oh, who am I kidding? I’m embarrassed that BB and this blog mean much to me.
aggie, I like the sound of this Ted guy and his passion but don’t plan on arguing too much about BB. Seems silly with so much wrong in the world and I’m still looking for a paying job, still have spinal cord pain issues and a bi family thing I can’t and won’t talk about here unless I feel it’s safe to do so. Have to prioritize my emotions and I would probably only get that pumped up if the House had guests like Ronnie, Natalie, Jessie and Chima that drove me bat-shit crazy like BB11. We’ll see.
Another weird rumor and one I hoped for when here two years back was the hidden Immunity Idol type thing in the House. Always thought that would be cool: to hide it somewhere in the House and be able to use it like Survivor. We’ll see. Rumors are rumors and following soccer now it seems rumors run rampant and few come true.
And that “Corner Office” Twitterer’s account was shut down so I imagine either he/she had good information (mentors, big House re-do, something about the “Big Brother” voice being significant) or he/she was a shill. Funny how much stuff is out there on Twitter and the Internet. Now I know what you guys were talking about two years ago. If I wasn’t a BB freak I’d say we”re all crazy. Maybe we are. Just hoping the show gets better although I love it even when I think the HGs are lame.
One thing about last season: I thought Daniele became full of herself and too self-aware and that she should have (mathematically) cut a deal with Jeff and Jordan midway on knowing she could beat them in the end. That’s what’s cool about BB: one season I detested Rachel then pulled for her in the end last season. And another I saw Dani as one of the best players ever (still sorta think that) and then wasn’t too sure about her on BB13.
That’s a great thing about BB for me. The HG or HGs I’m pulling for changes with their play from week to week. Notice the same thing on BB UK where I am pulling for like six different players. Their stay is shorter, they have no hard competitions but they get to swear like sailors after a fifth of whiskey. And the chicks are pretty hot. That always helps.
Time to go see what this aggie27wordpress thing is all about. Later guys.
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Hi K11, Nope didn’t mean argue with Ted, He and PK are continuously throwing barbs back in forth, ted is the guy right above your comments. Sorry to hear about your injury, I never knew that. and sorry Ted, put my blog post there, he really should not have done that. as far as Danielle goes, Dick did not think she played a good game. She is in the shadow of her dad and tried to make moves, but they fell flat. at least she had a better social game last time in her season, she always acted like she didn’t want to be there. a real brat, this time she was more likable, she had more haters last time. I hope you have a nice weekend and things get better for you, take care, and yes the Tedster is a blog member
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