It was really no surprise, but after all his compelling arguments to stay, studying the entire game for hours on the hammock, pleading, weeping and hoping – by a vote of 2-0 – Ragan was evicted from the Big Brother house. Ragan was my favorite player in the beginning of this game. That was before I bought the feeds and watched BBAD. Had he played the entire game as he had the last two weeks, he’d have met Julie in the finale with $500,000. in hand. Instead, he now joins Rachel, Kathy, Matt & Brendon in the jury house and will cast his vote for someone else. Ragan was like a giddy schoolgirl when he met Julie and who wouldn’t be? She looked fabulous and it was cute to see him a little star struck.
I’m cuckoo for Christmas, so I loved the BB HOH competition last night. I thought Britney would do really well since she has little hands, but Hayden pulled out his third HOH win by placing the star on the top of his Christmas tree before Enzo or Britney. Hayden gets a lot of flak on this board, but you can’t deny his ability to pull out the HOH win when he really needs it. He won the first, the HOH double eviction, last night’s all important HOH and he’ll be able to compete in the final HOH as well. If he ends up in the Final 2, I believe he could take home the grand prize.
Last night we finally got a look into the beautiful jury house with more than just Rachel as the occupant. But the highlight was Matt’s admission about his wife’s health. “A lie is a lie and everyone in Big Brother lies,” is one of Matt’s quotes, but this level of his lie was too much for Kathy who took it personally. Matt is detested on this board, but he’s spot on about this game, the players and Britney, in particular. And one can only wonder what Ragan will do upon learning of his “strategic lie.” Will Matt still be his “brother?” And how will the others feel about Ragan being the second Saboteur, winning $20,000.00?
Last night was uneventful, just general chit-chat, BB Bashing for the millionth time, sunflower seed munching and lots of eating. The boys all got a laugh at Britney’s comments about the house being so filthy since they all agree she’s the dirtiest of them all. None of them clean the house, so they’re all equally guilty for the army of ants that wear their boots and hardhats and continually invade the kitchen!
Our Final Four…Lane, Britney, Hayden & Enzo. There aren’t a lot of scenarios to play out here and it all comes down to the POV. Britney thinks she may be the next to go, so her life in the game depends on her winning the POV. She’s a strong competitor so she could pull it off. But they all need to win the POV to remain safe this week.
The end of this season is near! Who has the best strategy and why? With only three choices, which combination will Hayden nominate for eviction? And do you think there will be a Season 12 of Big Brother? Let’s play it out and debate…and please be respectful of your fellow bloggers. Don’t forget…Big Brother is watching. =^^=
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Not everyone detests Matt out here. . . I liked him and wanted him to go all the way to F2. He’s a little squirrely and weird, but. . .I liked him.
I don’t really care who wins at this point except for Enzo. . . I’d like to see him go to the jury house next, and let the other 3 duke it out.
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I think Hayden will nominate Brit and Lane. Hayden does realize that it doesn’t matter who he nominates, he was even talking to Lane & Enzo about nominating his 2 fellow brigade members. Lane & Enzo were fine with it because they know it doesn’t matter.
It’s all about the POV now… period!
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I just got caught up reading the comments from the last page lol
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Does anyone out there w/LF know if Noms are over yet? Who’s on the BLock?
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Judi Bee…… no noms have been made yet. They should be doing that soon I would think.
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Hayden was just called to the DR… so maybe it is getting close to time to do nominations.
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Good Post BBBlogger… This one was well put and clever. I do think there will be a BB13 next season. Ratings are not bad I understand in the slow TV Summertime. Perhaps you can advise KRISTI as to how to view past BB Seasons.
I don’t despise Matt either and would be good had he stayed and gone on to final 2. I did not care for his hip-hop persona, as I do not care for Meow-Meow’s wannabe gangster rap, Yo. Matt’s ‘lie’ in the House did not bother me as it did others. But then, I am not suffering from a disease and having him tell it to my face like Kathy had to endure. I think the others outrage is more for being duped. Will love to see Ragan’s reaction.
Still rooting for Britney and Enzo for F2.
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I was just going to tell Ted that it is Donna Rose who wrote today’s post.
Guess I was a little too late. Ted, note the =^^= at the end of the post….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=^^= = Donna Rose (she is west coast like you Ted… California)
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Whoever wins the POV decides who leaves next. I’m sure Hayden will put Lane and Britney on the block. So if Britney wins POV then Enzo is out. If Lane wins POV then Enzo is out. If Enzo wins POV Britney is out. If Hayden wins POV Britney is out. Simple as that!
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Corrine, exactly what I said! Lane looks to be in good shape to make final 3.
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Matt’s ‘lie’ in the house did not bother me as it did others so I am with you on that Ted, but cancer survivor Kathy constantly puffing away on her cigarettes did bother me, but probably not as much as it did the taxpayers in Texarkana, Arkansas, who pay for her health insurance.
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I wouldn’t have used the lie that Matt did in the game. It didn’t bother me as much as it bothered others either. The reason I wouldn’t have used it is because it’s a dumb game play. The pity card never gets you very far in BB…. people get tired of hearing why you deserve the money more than they do.
Other than that, I liked that Matt played the game. He was too cocky for his own good, but definitely made things more interesting. Given the choices of who was left, I would have liked to see him stay longer. But his over-confidence got in his way.
Feeds have gone to the trivia screen.
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Exactly PK, Kathy was so hurt by Matts lie I’m sure she went outside and lit a cancer stick to calm her nerves.
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Well you hit the ‘nail on the head’ with that one PK! Or maybe the ‘nail in the coffin”.
Right on JT about Matt. And, how am I to know it is Donna Rose writing the column??? It says ‘by BBBlogger’… I have noticed that on occasions the blog has been better written and far more clever (and not when Natty is the author, although I appreciate her efforts). Those must be the =^^= times. And that I have agreed with the writer to a ‘T’. I hope Donna Rose joins us on SURVIVOR BLOG.
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HI JT missed hearing your blog
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Hi Mike, don’t let Ted hear you say that! (cue Ted’s smarta$$ response)
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Hi DonnaP!
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Who wants to see a bunch of Smiley Faces, Ruffus???
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PK-spot on as usual, LOL!!!! I ended up turning off Thurs. BB just so I could fast forward the jury house. I truly detest Roachel, I can’t take her voice!
I care less who wins at this point, this is the worst season in history of BB so much so I am not sure that I will tune in next yr.
This blog is the most interesting thing about the season, if it werent for this blog, I would have been completly done. Thanks everyone!
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I hope and pray Brit goes to the jury house. The funny thing is right now the “live feeds” are probably more intresting in the jury house! i would love to be in there right now!
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@ Ted ————————————————————————>
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bbbronson, Look at the bright side… BB13 HAS TO be better (I hope!!). If there is a BB13, we will all be here.
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LF: HG are playing a game notice is still up!
Matt’s lie should have made no difference to the real players in the game. Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear in the BB house. Everyone lies in this game if they want to survive. Don’t be outspoken (aka Rachelle) it puts a target dead center on your (boo….oops) chest! Lay low when your not a target for the week. Listen to what people are saying and offer no ideas. Play hard even if you don’t want to win the comp! You get the idea!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Brigade worked but made for a boring game because they all layed low and only Matt got in the line of fire. Of course his buddies fed him to the lions near the end! What we have left is a sorry bunch of which 1 will luck into $500,000. Oh well “Are you ready for some football?” and of course a little Survivor who has a football coach playing on the over the hill team!
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Well, if SNAKE and PK were on SURVIVOR NICARAGUA they would sure get to meet Jimmy, because that’s the team they would be on!
So, maybe NOMs soon? I’ve got the ‘game notice’ too and my sound up so I can hear a voice when they come back on…
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this game is taking FOREVER!
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Hey guys!! Holy Labor Day weekend, Blogman!! Miss a day and all HECK breaks loose!!! lol I came here 1st, went to the preceeding page to see what was going on and WOW! 😯 I still need to go back and finish as I was hit and missing trying to see if I could catch up that way but…..’fraid not!
SOooo…..there was a contest and apparently Brit won $10,000? So that is over…what is it now..noms?? Man, they seem to do those later every week! They used to be about 3-5 EST.
And looks like jrzygrl left quite an impression…lol She’s really a very cool girl. Probably was here when I started blogging on this blog, but last couple of years hasn’t been on much. Always enjoyed her tho….and jrzygrl if you see this, I left you a message at the end of the previous blog. 🙂
Ok..going to go back and keep catching up but will skip back and forth!!
Oh and Betty…..missed you too!!;)
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@Ted➪➧➽➠☞➵➾⇰➤➢…… don’t try to be clever! 😆
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Hi Stra!…. I still need to go catch up on comment too! I always read everything…. just now it has to be later than sooner.
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What do you mean Kristi? Why is it so boring, or Why is it not on right now? Are you on the East coast? Maybe because Noms are going on and there is nothing to show. The earlier game for the 10K took so long that Noms were delayed. Britney said BB thought it would take 30 mins and it took almost 4 hrs. Guess they hid them pretty well. Brit sure did… since she won… put it in a cereal box and smeared chicken gunk all over it and put in the trash!
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BBAD will be damn good tonight!
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As far as I know Showtime After Dark is still on… it comes on in 2 hours.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I did see that after all the times they bored us to sleep, they finally bored themselves to sleep last night!
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@Justaguy➪➧➽➠☞➵➾⇰➤➢ you know I always am… just not always successful!
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PK – did you get over your drama – ha!
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Can I just ask my friend Ted, why does nobody like little Brit? I think she is a good player and really funny at times.
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Sal… One thing we learned from BB12, other than that it was boring after the initial drama, is that a 4 person alliance can be very effective against even strong individual players and couple alliances. A voting block of 4 right from the beginning, even if 3 out of the 4 are dumb, dumber and dumbest can effectively control who stays and who leaves. One of the four must occasionally win HOH and POV to keep the 4 protected, however. We know who that was.
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Ted, will you keep an eye out for noms? I am stepping out for a while…. plus the noms don’t matter at all in final 4.
But people do want to know.
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Star, I was watching all that drama too but I think some of it started with an attack on Jane. The new girl apologized but Jane hasn’t been back yet!
I am ready for survivor Ted and will most likely be rooting for the old ppl!!
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PK is back….. between PK, Sal, & Ted.. the noms should get posted. (and if they drop the ball, maybe Star will be caught up on reading and post them!)
See y’all later!
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Macy.. I despise drama… Ted is the trained actor, not me, thank you.
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Hey JT and cya when you get back ,I guess!!!
Betty…just read your POEM about blogging….I thought it was cute..and true!! Did you compose it yourself??? Plus, I know we are both from Mich, and we CAN get melons here, ya i LOVE cantalope and esp. watermelon! I cheat tho and buy it cut up so i can eat it quicker and like candy!!!! hehehe
And Hi Kristi….I have to hand it to you for apologizing to Jane and the blog!! we all have bad days and I respect you for admitting to yours and in front of God and everyone!! Welcome to the blog!!
Sal..liked your take off of Betty’s poem too. maybe you 2 should callaborate or something…like Abott and Castello…..*Who’s ON 1st…on the blog*???lol
feeds are back….
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Looks like Lane and Brit!!!!
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Night all… Tomorrow is another day, fortunately….
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Oh, sorry……..***************SPOILER ALERT***************
Noms are…..Lane and Brit!!!!
sorry for anyone who DIDN”T want to know that….as IF!!!! 😆
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Feeds are back
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Hey Donna Dixon, you aren’t originally from Occoquan, Virginia, your Dad owned “Hillbilly Heaven Pub,” you were Miss Virginia In the Miss America Pageant, starred on Bosom Buddies and several movies and are now married to Dan Ackroid are you?
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I hope that Hayden and Enzo will end up in the final. Lane was weak to listen to the princess, and let his buddy down, even though I know you need to think *Its a game and you need to play it*
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Bubbles are back, damn
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good idea STAR… either them or Laurel and Hardy!
Well, the feeds came back on and no one seems pissed @ Hayden or depressed. Hanging out in the kitchen…. maybe they were cleaning up during the break.
I think, and I have nothing to go by except this year and others comments, that CBS or BB Production needs to drastically improve the quality of the feeds for next year… too many cameras on the same image. And, they need to give them more to do, and get them up earlier in the a.m.
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thanks STAR… well they sure aren’t talking about it… rehashing the searching game… Lane is quiet and went upstairs… i’m sure Britney was expecting it and Lane was blindsided…. in HOH room with head phones on… bubbles!
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I personally thought the cancer ploy was over the line, but a lot on here think it was cool. The thing about Matt though, is he cares about no one but himself, does not care who’s feelings he hurts. (because everyone is so far down the worthy pole from him) I, myself, am overly concerned about causing anyone pain, but I think Matt actually enjoys it. He has no conscience whatsoever which is sad. I wonder what would happen if one of the boys smacked him. They’d get kicked out, but they are already out. If they won prizes, they would probably be taken away, but is there anyone of the boys who didn’t win anything??
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Ted you will have to watch another season with a more lively cast of characters!
I’m starting to get a complex, whenever I come on all I hear are “crickets”.
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Ted..yer welcome! And I didn’t think of Laurel and Hardy…but then they were British…..and this is the American BB……altho we may not want to OWN that this year…
I clicked on your link for JT…you want to see him shot in the head??? pop a zit??? What IZ that exactly??? ❓
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Well I dont think if they did give them something to do ,they would do it. The other seasons Iwatched they always made something to do. They played beer pong,drew picture with nail polish, made stuff out of foil,took bottles and played bowling. This bunch just wanted to play pool,no fun pool party. I think thats why BB didnt give them any thing. Last year if someone had took the king from chest they would have used something else an played anyway.
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Ted…..I am right there with JT on Survivor…have only watched the last couple of seasons and did so also more to connect with you guys than for the show itself. But… IS kind of growing on me! Russel was so fun to HATE but cheer for!
Haven’t been over there yet, will try it out soon and see if i am acceptable Survivor material…;)
Not sure how far back that chaat was…..seems like I have been reading backblogs for IONS……..juasta popped into my head whilst talking to you….:-D
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Hi Holly… Most are annoyed at Britney, but she is the funniest one on the show and by far the cutest. I would love to see Evel Dick’s Season. You know how I like those types.
STAR… The only Smiley Face I like is the Watchmen Smiley… JT is the King of Smileys and created the Queen… CHICAGO AGGIE.
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Hey ruffus2……These HGS are just lazy and/or different from other seasons. BB did give them play-do..lasted like one day! Not even! They also got badmitten. Nothing seems to interest them! enzo did start to build something out of tin foil…….an engine?? Not sure if he finished it tho. I am definetly going with LAZY! They sleep more than anyone other than season 1, throw comps unless they absolutely NEEDS them to stay in the game……they don’t even play CHESS this year!!! I don’t think Matt stole a chess piece either. I think that was just a big excuse so they didn’t have to use their brains for such an extended period of
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☆ you are definitely SURVIVOR material! I wish it was on twice a week… would beat some of the dreck they put on… I guess if it was on in the Summertime they could.
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I’ve always used smilies, but I did it the old fashioned way……with punctuation marks! But maybe i just didn’t OVERDO them!! Everything in moderation….except chocolate or wine……lol
Aggie has gone a lil NUTSO with them tho!!! Give her time……it’s like a kid with a new toy…..she’ll get bored eventually….esp. if you don’t keep egging her on by telling her how much YOU hate them! You KNOW that is the only reason she makes them!!! 😯
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Me Egg Someone On??? 😎
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Awwwwww…thanks, Ted!!! I always did love Gloria Gaynor so……… 😉
DREK is right! This summer has been tortuous! I no longer watch network TV except for BB, news and sometimes soaps! Nitetime tele SUX! Something tells me fall won’t be any miracle worker, either!
What they need to do is make survivor 3X /wk and have a winter BB!!! Or maybe we would all KILL eaxh other on here by then…lol
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I think they blamed andrew for stealing the chest piece. I have BBAD it takes me about 5 mins to go thew it in the morning the other years it took most of the 3hrs to watch.
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Ted..your halo needs a lil polish…lol
Are we the only 2 here?? NOT that I am complaining…it’s much easier to type this way…lol Figures tho….guess everyone got worn out after the raging battles I MISSED on here all day!!! 😐
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I am still here but not for long
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Goodnight All
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OOPS! Sorry ….do you prefer ruffus or Mike?? just refreshed……..:-D
And totally agree about BBAD……..SNOREFEST! can’t believe BB doesnt make them DO more, ya know?? call them to teh DR every nite and tell them to entertain us, dammit!!!lol
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Damn I wanted to talk to Ruffus/Mike too… yes Thank God for Tivo!!! Does not take long to go thru BBAD…
☆… I am glad to hear everyone say it’s a bad season, because, frankly I was wondering what all the fuss was about… from my BB friends posing and passing time of Survivor Blog. I was seriously questioning their sanity and taste in television shows as I watched the first few episodes of BB… Starting with them running into the Big Brother House acting like middle school children! Who knows… maybe I would act like that getting off the boat or out of the helicopter on Survivor!!! But, I did Wonder!
☆ ~ Or maybe we would all KILL eaxh other on here by then…lol NO JUST PK!
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Hey Tony… what’s up?
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Ted….how do you make that star??? Tellmetellmetellme…..PUHLLLEASSEEEE!!!!
BB is a journey…and fans love the amount of it and the comraderie(sp?) etc etc. But there have been more BAD years than memorable, to be honest! I can’t NOT watch either way…and hope springs eternal each year as you hope agaisnt hope that it gets better, or the one you hate goes out…whatever. There is so MUCH of it that there is always room for us to *Expect the unexpected*!!
If you can find Seaaon8…that is Evel Dick’s year…it is the quintessential BB..the way it should be played…..complete with comedy, drama and wild moves!!!! Don’t feel bas if you aren’t hooked yet. I’m not on Survivor yet either!! I think alot of that *fan-ness* comes with time.
And I’m not going there on the PK thing….don’t know him that well and I have seen the aftermath of his payback……. 😯
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Hi ☆ ! I am back and STILL need to go back and read yesterday and today’s comments. (To make the ☆ …… just steal it from his Mac!!) 😆
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Oh, this is just choice!!! I was just about to comment about the ✰ & JT… and he shows up! Like AC popping up when he is mentioned. I can tell you how to it ✰ if you have an Apple computer. JT has been lusting after these characters forever… that’s why I did all the arrows… Smart Ass and proud of it, but at the same time very humble.
Yeah, PK doesn’t mince words… but if he gets out of line with you, I’ll just have a little talk with Rebecca about it.
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JT… best thing is to just skim the posts looking for my avatar to find what you need to read.
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LOL… I see things went just as predicted with the nominations (no, not the part about Brit & Lane)…… the part about Ted dropping the ball and leaving Star to catch up on reading and keep us updated all at the same time! I knew she was talented enough to handle it all though!
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JT..I finally read and responded to all…..took awhile!!!!
A *mac* attack?? Ok..can’t mean you have to have a Mac cuz I KNOW you have a Gateway..and you just DID it!!! 😎
Testing…….. :star:
That prolly won’t work but…worth a try!!!
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For some good reading ✬, just click on the ‘Blue Ted’ on my comment.
In anticipation of the up coming season of SURVIVOR, I will be honoring some of my favorite survivors on my posts. And Of Course on Thursday, my favorite House Guest.
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Star… you can just copy and paste the ☆
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Ted…..MY hero!!!! *batts eyelashes* I still think I’ll justa keep m y distance tho…lol
Ok …that didn’t work, as predicted!! HOW did JT makeit if it’s only on Macs???? Inquiring Stars wannna know….. 💡
and JT….I WAS the original SPOIL ALERTER b4 all the LFers got here…*looks smug* And actually….you couldn’t tell SQUAT from the feeds..I got it from my Secret Source!! That’s how I always used to do SA’a and it still works best!!! 😀
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Well BBAD is on… guess I’ll check it out…
Oh, I see JT is back… Yes, I did drop the ball… ✰ always seems to scoop everyone in that department… that’s what happens when you are trying to work and watch live feeds at the same time…
✪ all JT is doing is copying and pasting the ☆. So, I ❤ed talking to you, and as AGGIE would say…☮ out!
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I KNEW IT!!! A SECRET SOURCE!!! I couldn’t believe I missed it… the sound was on the whole time I was e-mailing work.
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Star, but your secret source got their info from the feeds… the very same feeds we watch. I just figure that by the time they see the spoiler on the feeds.. and then post it… and then we read it… and then come here and post it…. it is faster to just watch for myself… plus I like to figure it out myself.
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☆ ☆
☆ ☆
☆ ☆
☆ ☆
By jove, I think I GOT it!!!lol and they are multiplying!!! 😯
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So, after you figure it out, JT, you come here to see what really happened right?
And what’s up with so much work??? Didn’t you tell your boss that Big Brother was on?
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Ted, note that all I copied was the star….. not much else of substance to copy! ……and Ted, 起,無限撥打美加中港台 免費保留原號碼,中港台親友免費打美國 (and I mean it!!) 😆
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Hey… look at that… I’m impressed ☆!!!
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Haha Ted, no, after I figure it out, I come here and inform the readers who want to know.
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Ditto Ted!!! Nice getting to know you better!! 😉
And my closing has always been *Peace OUT* forever!!! So if aggie is using it, she stole it from ME!! Just ask JT!!! 😛
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I hope Lane and Brit goes to the final 2 ,then Lane wins the whole thing. Cant wait for season 13, i will always watch even if it is boring like this year. My favorite season was bb9
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A lot of reading to catch up on but finally finished and can’t for the life of me remember who said what except for the rumble that went on yesterday’s blog. Sheeeez!
Star I agree with your last post from yesterday. No use repeating everything you said. This board has definitely changed but diversity is the spice of life, just ask anyone. 😛 We all express ourselves in our own way and sometimes we take a wrong tact. That’s the way of life, we move forward.
Thank you all for the energetic blogging, updates and especially spoilers. It makes me smile. 🙂 I wish I have JT’s Jack Nicholson’s smiley face for this one.
Not surprised that Lane & Brit were nominated now if only Brit can win the POV. I just don’t want Enzo to win anything. He gets on my lat nerve. Jrzygirl but I do remember you too. I haven’t been able to post much the last couple years. JT asked, did you go to Montana?
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¡¡¡˙˙˙ʇظ pǝssǝɹdɯı ɯɐ ı ˙˙˙ʍoʍ
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JT…you mean if you get here FIRST!!!! *evil grin*
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Ted, my boss has no idea what Big Brother is. It’s this way every April & September… I am used to it so it’s really not a big deal… and I can always use the extra $.
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Ted..looks like u are UNDER impressed to
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“Peace out” is most definitely yours Star!! No doubt about it. 😆
nite all
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Star ☆….what is ur secret site??? Inquiring minds NEED to know lol!!!
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Star… you got me on that one. You are right, if I am not on-line then I wont get here first. (But I do know when I log-on that someone will have the info we are looking for)
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strafish…you and I go WAY back…..with jrzygrl, mama margie, Nat(we miss you Nat!) and others. was a calmer blog then but…nothing wrong with a lil drama!!! (Did i say LIL???)lol And I couldn’t agree more IE the Meow Meow! He’s been FUN…kinda…..but he does NOT dseserve the $$$!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You have been here alot more this year…..gladly…..:) We all have lives and sometimes they get in the D*mn way!! lol But we all managge to give what we can and make this our Blog away from Home???
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Hey Starfish… who’s that cute kid?
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Hi starfish, I don’t think Hope went to Montana yet… she said last year that it was still a few years away. (at least that’s what I remember.. I could be wrong)
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dgar472… can tell!! It wouldn’t be a *secret* site then anymore, would it???lol
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I think BB, like Survivor, whoever gets to the end and is last one on the Island, then they deserve the prize.
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Star, you wont even tell us your secret source? Not even us fellow BB bloggers? Oh ok… I guess you don’t have to tell.. as long as the info keeps coming, that is good enough for me! 😀
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starfish….thanks for the validation!!!! *huge a$$ grin* did it on blog #100!!!! That’s gotta mean SUMTHIN”!!! 😆 Also takes me back to when we would TRY to get to 200 and thought it was ALOT!!!
Peace OUT hun!!!!!
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JT…..trying to get me in trouble, eh??? You’re treading on THIN ICE, boy!!! 😆
Besides, if I told ya, I’d have to WHACK ya….YO!!!! 😎
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Ted..not to be rude, but..I’ve read that twice now and..isn’t it kind of stating the obvious???? 😉 Justa askin’……:)
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MISS STAR, I have been using PEACE or Peace OUT Or Peace And Love for years, i guess I always wished i was at woodstock, yes i have a smiley fixation for sure, which reminds me time to put up the new chart 😛
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Hey JT and TED
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Hey aggie…..the more PEACE in the world the better!! And as long as you are using the peace symble..I guess it isn’t plagerism…lol
But I always used JUST Peace OUT……..occasionally Peace, love and light…..BBBlogger always uses Peace too. Like I said..nuff to go around!! 🙂
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For all the “newbies” (I personally hate that word… did any of us invent the internet?.. didn’t think so)
I was a “newbie” here last year. I am not the type to just read along and say nothing (no comments from Ted on that). I jumped in and started making comments…… I believe my first exchange was with HPR56 (he rightfully asked me if I was crazy! 😆 )…….. then I had an exchange with AC (He said I was drinking “Haterade”… I still love that one! 😆 ).
So I was off to a “great” start! I also read many many comments by the regulars about how glad they were to see each other and how great the blog used to be. I didn’t feel very welcome and was about to leave…. I mean who really needs to jump in the middle of a bunch of friends chatting anyway? NOT me… that’s for sure!
Then one night I met another “newbie”….. kev11. He was happy to read what I had to say and responded. Then Star jumped in with us along with Franks and made us feel right at home. After a while, the regulars treated me as one of theirs and are stuck with me for good! 😀
So…. my point is this. If you are new to this blog, just keep adding your comments. The more people read of what you have to say, the more they will respond. It really is a pretty friendly group… you just have to join in. I always try my best to make new people feel welcome because I remember just last year feeling unwanted.
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evil 👿 ……. grin 😀 ………twisted 😈 ……..mrgreen
…..shock 😯 …… 😎 ……..??? 😕 ………mad 😡 …….neutral 😐 ……..sad 🙁 ……..! ❗ ……cry 😥 …….? ❓ ……oops 😳 ……..roll 🙄 ………idea 💡 …….wink 😉 ……arrow ……… ➡ ………razz 😛 …….eek 😮 ………lol 😆 …….smile 🙂 ……….
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BLESS you JT, love the books, the man likes to write
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Hi Aggie…. glad you enjoyed the Dexter finale. Did you watch seasons 2 & 3?…. if not, I recommend those for the future.
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And Aggie…. Ted LOVES the smiley chart!
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JT, do you know where to get those seasons, they only had season 4 on in demand i don;t have netflix anymore, possibly get it back though, i enjoyed that whole season it seemed to be better than the ones i saw.
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Aggie, I am pretty sure that at some point in the future they will be on demand (they aren’t on there now for me either). Prolly after season 5 is over… I will keep an eye on it and let you know when they are on there. You will enjoy those seasons as well.
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Good memories, JT!!! Just wish franks and kev11 hadn’t given UP on us!! (I miss my Oz guyz!!)lol That was an accurate account for the *newbies* here…..hate that word too!! PTOOEY!! Think of this as a frat….you just have to go thru’ a little innitiation……saying something, ANYTHING…and then you’re IN!!! (NO hazing allowed!! Promise!!)
Peace OUT!!
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Great, i see my show 6ft under is on there, another michael c hall show
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……and PS, I should add that it wasn’t HPR56 or AC that made me feel unwelcome (if that’s how it sounded)… quite the opposite in fact!! Love those guys! It was just more of an overall feeling of being an outsider… turns out all I had to do was be patient and let people get used to seeing my comments.
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are you serious JT, when did you feel unwelcome, That makes me laugh, i remember when AC, told you to get a real name, funny coming from mystery man, I guess A few years ago I didn’t really know you, I don’t think you really talked to me back then, i remember you asked me if there was 2 of me once. 🙄
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I can guarantee you didn’t know me a few years ago. My first comment was in August of 2009.
Did you ever answer that? Are there 2 of you? 😆
(All I remember asking was if Aggie had to do with Texas A&M)
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Yeah it had to do with season 11, I would go back and forth about liking jeff, yeah i think i answered
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Yeah texas Aggie’s alot of that, no it was mom’s sisters name
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Not until Aug of last yera?? What took ya so long, Justa???LOL (remember when I couldn’t call you JT??? It justa didn’t feel right!!) We were holding a place for ya…..:) I can’t beleive it was so late…seems like we talked ALOT more than that!!! But then we were the *Late nite crew* and yacked into the wee hours about almost totally non-BB related stuff!!
Odd LF question…..I have never tried to watch them b4 when BBAD was on….I was going to shut mine down tonite when it started and it has the *Hgs are in a comp* type thing on it. Do they block down LFs during BBAD??? DUH! Justa wonderin……..
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Star, the reason I came on in August last year was for one reason only… I had to find out how the voting was going for coup d’etat!! I wanted Jeff to win that so much that for the first time ever in my life, I actually went on-line looking for info about a tv show. Looking back… it seems like a no-brainer that Jeff would win that, but at the time, I didn’t read blogs to know who people liked.
You couldn’t call me JT initially because I only used the name “Justaguy”… I added my initials later to make it easier…. under much protest by kev11 I might add! 😆
LFs are on during BBAD… that is when you can tell that they are way more censored. Sometimes the feeds will go to bubbles.. but BBAD keeps showing us what the feeds wont (like talk of DR sessions and stuff)
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Lane and Britt are on the block
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True about your name….BUT….when you started going by Justaguy(JT)…was it survivor or before?? I couldn’t call you JT cuz I was so used to calling you Justa. That’s who you WERE to me. But JT was easier to type and I justa got used to it…..:)
My feeds must have gotten stuck from being on too long. Just reopened them and they are on!!! Ok..BLONDE moment!!!
Speaking of Jeff..he sue has gone a long way. He has probabably gone farther than any other HG with his ccelebrity from the show.
Not much to talk about on BBAD….you guys sticken around???
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hey star, not watching BBAD, listening to PRINCE now, PURPLE Rain, PURPLE RAIN ➡ ➡ mrgreen:
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So you like Minnesota guys, eh??? JT….Prince………lol
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Ok… I get what you meant. You & kev11 couldn’t get past calling me “justaguy”.. and PGA still wont call me JT or justaguy! 😆
I’m really not watching feeds or BBAD… I will try to watch after the POV comp tomorrow.. I am VERY interested to see who wins that! I wonder if they will finally use the morphing faces challenge? They are running out of time.. and I don’t think they have ever used it in final 3. So looks like it should be tomorrow or they decided not to use that this year.
Guess I’ll sign off now…. see y’all later.
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Aggie, you should root for da Bears! …….and 1985 is not “way back when”! 😆
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JT, I just liked it when Ditka was coach, now it doesn’t interest me
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JT..yes I did read the morphing comp IS next!! Very perceptive!!!
Nite guys…I’m out too!
sweet dreams!!
Peace OT!
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errr…OUT!!??? 😳
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good night STAR AND JT
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Star, they don’t know what challenge is next for sure… all they can do is guess with the rest of us. Ragan thought it would be last week.
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don’t have anything nice to say so i’ll just read.
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I’m glad Hairden put up Britt & Lane; Britt now knows she HAS to win POV (she has it in her); then she can ome off the block & Hairden HAS to put up EnZERO and he can go to the JH. I really want Lane to win so I’m banking Brit can get him to final 2.
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Judi you crack me up with the Hairden name!
OMG I have a purple bruise from my neck to my tailbone. Went to an olds friends house last night. She just moved downtown. Walked into her bathroom and ran into her tub. Like literally fell in it! I couldn’t find the light switch. And who has a damn tub right in front of the door?????
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Wow Jane, sorry to hear of that. Glad you didn’t break anything.
Thanks all for the spoiler info since I don’t have LF. Should be a very interesting POV coming up.
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just my pride Eagle, lol!!
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On the bright side that heals easier than a broken bone ! LOL
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Finally saw Thursdays live show last night so im a bit behind…What Matt said about his wife was not cool and those types of lies never get more than a pat on the head and a “sorry”. I don’t think they are worth the risk but it didn’t bother me nearly as much as the HG. It also didnt bother my wife who has a mountain of health issues, but that is for another time.
The funniest thing on the show was when Rachslut told Matt to “leave the kitchen” and my wife said “wow i didint see her pee on the carpet to mark her territory!” I laughed my ass off, thought I would share.
Enzo was entertaining at the beginning but as the act has wore on he has bored my wife, myself and many of you. Send him to the house AND for that matter his pleading for a vote in his good bye message is pathetic.
I would love to see Brit and Lane in the F2. I think both of them have funny personalities and enjoy their comments. I wish though that Lane would have kept Regan, he made a VERY strong point to stay in the house to Lane and I think it was Lane’s biggest mistake for not keeping him. If he wants to be in the F2 with Brit that would have been his smartest move, but that ship has sailed.
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very true Eagle!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kelly LMAO @ your wife’s comment about Roachel!
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Good Morning everyone .I just have 2 things to say. Just THANKS to JT on his Blog yesterday I am new at this too, and what he said was true , I was about to stop writing any thing and then JT respondedto some thing I said it made my day, and THANKS to Star and Ted too.. I seen Britt talking to Shagy Dog about how he couldnt win in the f2 next to Enzo AN how Enzo would win 25k as best player wont they be sad after the show when they read the Blogs?
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Good Morning Ruffus, Yes JT, is a sweetie, very accomadating, always trying to answer as many questions as he can, I don’t know why people think enzo is going to win everything, if you go by gameplay he is the least deserving of anyone, take care 😀
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Good morning Aggie and Mike…
I am still hanging on to hope that Lane will win. I want Enzo out first, then Hayden. Brit and Lane in F2.
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yeah fran, we can only hope, britt and lane PLEASE!!!!!
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Hello KELLY… ‘Me Too’ on your wife’s comment… I thought the same, well not about the pee… that is funny! And, she is out of her league getting into arguments. Wait till Ragan shows up.
Morning MISS T & EAGLE!
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Hey… didn’t see you kids… hadn’t refreshed I guess… Morning CHICAGO AGGIE… FRANNIE the Spirit of St. L… and Ruffus2 Too. I guess that’s a common feeling when new to a blog… or maybe blogging/chatting. You should have seen the treatment I got at SSB, Ruffus2! But I persevered and won the tight-knit group over with my witty charm, insightful observations and humble helpful attitude.
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good morning
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Good Morning ted, It is never easy being the new kid on the block, you just have to hang in long enough, then all is good
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HI everyone hey could some one help me I am new to the computer .When I submit some thing Iclose everything an then bring it back up to read some more Blogs I know thats not right. thats why it takes me so long to reply I have windrows 7.
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Mike….just hit the F5 key to refresh and it will get you back to the bottom of the current page you’re on. Or, another way is to hit the ‘END’ key. That will do the same thing.
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THANKS I will try it
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Hey Ted…what’s with the midwest states being boring? Every state is only as boring as you make it. 🙄
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THANKS Franniep2 it worked
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Mornin’ Mike, glad you didn’t give up on us. We were all new at this at some point. I also have windows 7….. Frannie is right, F5 is the ticket! I hit F5 and then while all the gadgets here are being reloaded, I also hit “end” which jumps me to the comment box immediately and I can babble some more! (without waiting for all the other junk).
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You welcome Mike…just remember, the more comments on a page, the longer it can take. At least mine does. 🙁
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Do you remember dial up JT…that’s the pits!!! Or…how about your web….oh dear.
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Frannie…. it’s just the midwest states that begin with “M” that are boring for Ted… you know, yours, mine, Star’s, Margie’s, Kim’s, BBBlogger’s, Betty’s, …….a lot of us! 🙄
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Washington….what do they have to offer? Especially if you live on an island. How boring can that be?
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I have to go for about 20 mins then I will come back and talk some more
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CYA Mike…I’m at work and I may be gone…enjoy your holiday.
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LOL.. do I remember? Absolutely! I spent all BB11 on my dial up webtv… which is WAAAAY slower than a dial up computer. No exaggeration here… it actually took 5 whole minutes to refresh when pages got too long! 👿 So I am very happy to now have hi-speed… it takes 2 seconds to refresh whether the page has 7 comments or 700 comments.
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HEy Frannie, keep eyes peeled for POV, I have to go see MOMMA BEAR now, hey JT> 😀
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When it’s gets to be over 250 comments…my computer starts slowing down at home and at work. Arghhhhh!!! At times I feel like I’m back to dial-up. That is something I’ll never go back to.
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OK Aggie…hope momma bear is doing better.
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Later Aggie, Hopefully we get a new page today…. this POV could be a late one. If it is the morphed faces, they seem to like to do that one at night… I think the faces on the screen show up better that way.
I just checked in for a bit… guess I’ll go get some stuff done. BBL
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Later JT…enjoy the holiday if I don’t see you here later.
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L8R Frannie….
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What Holiday??? True BBBloggers never take a holiday. We are here rain or shine… thru thick or thin… ready with an opinion…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------✸✸✸Britney and Enzo for F2✸✸✸</b?
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I am back this computer has double the ram so it is fast , its me that is slow, I type with one finger.
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You need to meet PK then Mike, he types with 2 fingers. His words…not mine.
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Mike I know just how you felt when you first started blogging. I am new this year and it took a while for someone to respond to me, but I kept on blogging and soon I found everyone to be friendly.
I do remember a time many years ago I entered the BB blog and asked a question (probably who won HOH). Two people were chatting back and forth and ignored me. I then wrote another comment, only asking the same question again. Finally one of them answered me with what I thought was a rude tone, as they seemed angry at me for interrupting their chat. It was probably just my imagination, but I never returned to the site until this year. Please note: I am not sure it was this blog I tuned into.
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Hi Betty….bye Betty.
Time to leave work now. Y’all have a fantastic weekend. I may be back later. I have lots to do, but it shouldn’t take all day.
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Bye Frannie2 have agreat weekend
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HI Betty love the picture
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Hi Mike. When I first started blogging Ted had a picture of himself with sunglasses, so I thought it would be funny to use this picture. There were a lot of laughs from everyone who said it looked just like Ted!
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Good Bye I am going to fix lunch and play some games while waiting for new blog.
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Still looks like depends in his mouth
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Later Mike.
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Still love the picture later Betty
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I knew you would eventually give me back my avatar!
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I have an idea, lets do the rest of the season from theJH. It would be so much more fun to see what happens between Rachel and Regan. Everyone loves a good cat fight. lol
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Good idea Dorothy. I don’t know if the LF goes into the jury house. If it did, I just might subscribe, only to see Ragan and Rach-ho’s cat fight. LOL
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