Good Morning!
The POV was held yesterday and who came out of the woodwork and pulled off the win? Yep, Dan. Hmm, you can win when you want to right Dan?
I caught a part of the conversation between Dan and Ian running different scenarios to get the best use out of the POV and further their game. The most likely scenario is that Dan is going to pull Jenn off the block to show her he is grateful for her pulling him off last week. Ian will replace her with Joe and Frank will go home. Dan and Ian were talking about taking Jenn to the final three (huh?). Another option was that Dan would talk to Joe and tell Joe that he won’t use the POV if Joe guarantees he won’t be put up next week. Dan is worried that Joe will get HOH and put him up next week? (huh?)
Well, lets dream a minute or two. It would be pretty funny if Joe does win HOH next. Assuming Frank is voted off, Joe then puts up Dan and Shane or Dan and Ian. Dan gets evicted. Remaining in the BB house is Shane, Ian, Joe, Jenn and Danielle.
How many HG’s has Dan made final two or three deals with? He definitely told that to Danielle, Frank, Ian and Jenn. Did he tell Shane and Joe the same thing? So much going on in there, I can’t remember!
Okay, back to the real world. Frank has more than likely run out of lives this week. If Dan saves him, it won’t help Dan at all in the short run because Frank can’t play for HOH. Saving Frank would definitely put a huge target on his back.
Shall we bring up Danielle? Maybe spending all that time locked up in the BB house and taking pain medication is affecting her brain cells. As you all have mentioned, the gal is off her rocker. I actually feel sorry for her because she’s going to be sorely disappointed after getting out of the BB house.
I too watched Britney and Jeff’s interview. They really should make her the co-host of that with Jeff. They have a good rapport. I would be just as happy to see Britney doing the interviews herself. When Jeff asked Britney if she was interested in a career in the entertainment field, she really seemed to not be, most likely because her life is with her husband…not in Hollywood.
I’m going to see the Atlanta Braves/Phillies game today. My son is in from San Diego ๐ Have a great Labor Day Sunday all. Get away from your computers and go DO something fun! Bloggergal
Yes I agree Danielle is not well
Frank needs to go they saved him many times as production loves him more than fans
Dan the backstabbing coach finally plays and wins
Joe is a health hazard he may never get a job in a kitchen after this
Ian , I like u now!
Jenny and Shane who?
Brit needs to host w Jeff they are great together , funny and no arrogance how refreshing
Booggie, Frank, MeowMeow, Danielle, Rachelle, Jesse…. You wouldn’t know what that means
Can u please keep me informed on Reality Really ?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am in LA and as a survivor I would be happy to help make a difference
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good morning all, hope you all have a great and safe week-end, Frank you shouldnt have listened to Booger, you wanted to put up Dan and let him talk you out of it, Frank you put up Dan, had the whole house ready to vote him out, but you let him talk you out of it, Boogers told you about him. Dan told you about Ian,hey if you & Boogers would have talked to him once in a while he would have stayed with you. Dan you telling Frank that Ian was a rat, you didnt think he was when you where having him find out what they were doing, you are the biggest rat and Joe tells everyone, everything Jen who, Shane dont listen to Dan or Dani, he wants to go to the end with Dani & Jen so he can win
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I don’t know why everyone keeps saying Danielle is delusional and she wont have any fame after this. Danielle is going to be an amazing Movie Star. Lifetime Movie of the week is probably casting ber now.’
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Danielle can only be a soap and that’s not going happen.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Isn’t Days of Lives Tge only one left?
They are booking real actors not high school drama queens
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Hey Mike…send me that e-mail that K11 sent to Star, if you got it.
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Bloggergal have a wonderful day with your son.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hillbilly you are so right about Frank. He should have gone with his intuition and removed Dan when he had the chance.
I’d like to see Dan go next and then Ian and Shane in the final 2. They are not favorites but choices are poor. I’d like to see Ian get the money.
Maybe Brit for America’s favorite. This is my first season with no real favorite.
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@Wisteria77 I agree w you ๐
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Don’t know why Janelle was considered such a huge threat. She’s never actually won I dont think. It was Dan and Boogie who already WON – so why go after Janelle? Was also sad to see Britney get the boot after some last minute scheming on Dan’s part. I was originally wanting to see Dan be saved somehow but not at the expense of Britney! and now I don’t care if he gets voted off or not – but would still rather see him there than Frank who has become obnoxiously unevictable! just get rid of the guy! Slays me how he acts like anytime anyone puts HIM up he accuses them of betrayal.. IT’S A GAME. – THE NAME OF THE GAME IS TO WIN. Plus look at all the people HE has thrown under the bus! Everyone there is there for the purpose of trying to win. It’s not called the “Let’s do whatever we can to help FRANK win” game!
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As a former Mormon missionary and BYU grad let me assure you and every BB houseguest that you’d best beware af anybody pleading their message to you with a Bible in hand, sworn on or otherwise. Ditto Mitt Romney, with emphasis!
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I love Danielle and Dan. I hope they get to the final two. I think Danielle should get America’s favorite. I also think she will do great fame wise outside of the house. Dan is an awesome player and I think he has proven he is the best player in Big Brother history. He is even better then Dr. Will Kirby.
I also hope Dan , Danielle and Shane get to the final three and the Jen to the final four. Poor Joe he has been so loyal but I don’t really think he has a chance in this house.
I love Dan, and Danielle. <3
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What is with everyone saying Danielle is not well? Did I miss something ?? because I just saw her start to cry when she thought Dan – who she’d been loyal to from day one and thought was her friend suddenly attacked her in front of the entire house. She’s certainly not the first person on Big Brother who has broke into tears, so why make her out to be crazy for it? I’m sure it could get to you in there after awhile! I hate how they all turned on Britney who basically helped get most of them as far as they are! Right now .. with who’s left … and seems it always comes down to some of the LEAST deserving people .. Dan won before. Frank, although has certainly played a good game, has become a little too full of himself, Jen is the most insignificant player of them all and now has betrayed the people who have protected her all this time to go side with Frank so I’d like to see her go next. I think at this point I’m rooting for either Ian, Joe or Shane. Danielle, although I like her, I think is just riding everybody else’s coattails as far as gameplay. If anyone truly deserved to win it was Britney but so much for that ..
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PK if someone use a bible, someones health or life in a game or life situation I have no respect for them. How can these HG’s be conned by him? I can’t figure it.
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@PK when did this BB Blog get political?
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Agree with Sylvie! Keep politics out of this game!
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@ sylvie, u go girl, thank you for your response! for reasons i do not wish to discuss i am glad i do not have to make a statement to comment #8
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------two things my family taught me never to discuss with friends is
religion and politics.
not if u want to keep being friends with them
enough said
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@ holly and to u also thank you u rock girl
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------now i am off to meet mike (hillbilly) at our shared grapevine since he lives only 70 miles from me the grapevine is quite large lol i forget who but i think there are a few others here who are in ark, please refresh this old ladies memory txs bbl with some juicy tidbits (i hope)
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@Sylvie Actress post was a joke. Have you seen lifetime movies?
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OMG also cracking up at BBAD last night Ian telling Danielle to slowdown. they have to ration the junk food!!
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I am on this Blog for 3 or 4 season now , helped me thru breast cancer chemo, radiation and this year Brain surgery.
I am enjoying myself in a simple fun and harmless way , I find everyone here interesting and funny…..politics don’t make it fun, they seem to start fights!
So if you want fights or politics start your own Blog and i won’t visit ever i promise
About BB it’s getting better ! Go Ian i am liking you more every day
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Go little guy!
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@jane, I was being funny too maybe not!
My 2 friends work working/acting on days 2 weeks ago and what they described was like a scen from the Tracey Ulman show…the behind the scene part
Make up artist, acting coach, same crew for 25 years….
They wouldn’t want Danielle to mess up the routine.
Must go hiking, Santa Monica mountains here I come
Go Ian and Brit we want to see you again ๐
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I agree with Jane. Dani will become famous on lifetime. There always looking for crazy women for their movies.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I sure hope Frank goes home, his errogance drives me crazy (not like dani crazy thou). Dan will never let Ian get to the F2 with him. He will take a floater, cause he dosnt have …a pair…
and dani isn’t the only delusional one..jenn thinks SHE made this big move…she did what frank told her to. She thinks she’s a big gamer now..OMG!
I’ve given up on Shane…what happen..he’s hiding behind people…
I hope Ian makes it to the end and wins…GO IAN!!!
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Dan, Dan, Dan, what a great coach to all kids out there. Hey, if it is to win a game, lie on the bible, your wife and your wedding ring. He did this to Frank when he made the deal with him to get Jenn to use the veto. Frank will be gone this week and you know what, I am still a team Frank member but I have lost all respect for Dan the lying man. Yes, it is only a game but there are some things you just don’t do in life. He is not someone I would want to coach my kids or for that matter to be around at all. I can see it all now, “Hey kids, it was ok for me to lie because I wanted the money. Lying on the bible is also ok if it is going to get you what you want, and hey my marraige, I haven’t been married that long for it to count.. Now remember, you have to do whatever in order to win. So lets go out there and lie our little fannies off and win the game.” What a man, he gets my vote for coach of the year, yea right. All of you can go ahead and tell me it is only a game and you do what you have to do and what a wonderful move he made, but also remember he is influencing a bunch of children along the way. In less than a month he has to go home and explain to these children. Good luck Dan, it may have been only a game, but you crossed the line for your occupation. Sorry everyone for my ranting but I worked with children for 30 years, and in my book he has sunk really low.
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@Sylvie LOL! I think my brain is still waking up. By lunchtime I will be quicker with getting the jokes. I agree I hate talking politics & religio. I e seen ‘both subjects make some otherwise awesome people become ugly and evil!
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@Sylvie what amazing battles you have conquered! You are truly a strong woman!
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@ mamamargie I, too, am in Arkansas. Actually, I didn’t realize that so many people on here were!
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@Tomi goodmorning!! yes Jenn is delusional to the maxx!! I think I need a slop diet! She’s dropping pounds and looking healthy!
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@Jane, are you serious about Danielle???? Obviously the girl has issues. Do you look in the mirror and practice smiling at yourself? LOL Did you read all the comments she said on BB about her life? Oh well, different opinions make it all so very interesting. Have a wonderful day!!!!
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@tambo..janes comment wanst for dani. Do u know lifetime..waco out of their mind crazy true women movies..that’s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@dorothy, I so agree with you. No way in blazes would I let him teach or coach my kids.
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@Tambo no I’m not serious. Lifetime Movie Channel is 24 hour channel devoted to movies about crazy ass women.
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@Tomi Thank you!! LOL! I thought maybe I’m the only one that knows what Lifetime is!
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@Tome and Jane, I apologize, my mistake. Sure hope Frank took something for “gas relief”!!!!!!!!!!! Did y’all see him earlier when he was alone talking to his frenz and family? Good grief, talk about letting em rip!!!!!!!!!!
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Sorry, meant Tomi!!!!
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My neighbor back in my Arlington, VA, days, the infamous Liz Ray, had not only a couch in her bathroom, she had a mirror on the ceiling, a phone on the counter and one next to the bath tub and 70’s mood lighting.
Regarding Danielle comments, reread or rewatch “Gone With The Wind” to see that Danielle is a simply a modern Scarlett O’Hara, typical Deep South Southern Belle, in every respect. It really can grow on you. I know…
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@PK..I agree with Ian..couch in the bathroom? And they all hang there..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the bathroom is the most germest place. And from watching years of BB, they all talk about how nasty the bathroom is…Y IN THE H$LL would anyone want to sit there and with food and drinks too. Im sorry but give people who r using the toilet or taking a shower privacy.
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Ian has been my guy since week 2! He’s not only smart, which everyone recognizes – he’s funny and so refreshing in this tired group. Now that Brit is gone, he’s the only one left with a sense of humor. He dares to make big moves in the game. I want Ian to win. No-one has played a better game. Go home, Frank. AT LAST. Good riddance. Really interested in Dangerous Dan’s next move. Dani is bizaar, Joe is hopeless, Shane is a disappointment, Jen has perked up a bit. Love Ian. He’s playing a really good game.Hope he wins the big bucks. He deserves them.
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Guys I am not that special, a little sarcastic yes!
But they are millions like me and I hope to make a difference in the cancer fight
But I have no tolerance for fight initiating people they cause disharmony who needs that.
I have to speak up!
Go little Ian ๐
About BB what is Dan going to tell the kids he coaches about ” his” game?
Money 1st truth if convenient later?
Please don’t bring him back , his voice not as loud as Joe’s or hight pitch as Dani yet extremely annoying
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Dorothy……I agree with you.
Sylvie..don’t ever give up. my prayers are with you. ๐
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I’m pulling for Ian as well.
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I have been team Frank from the beginning with Ian a close second. Looks like Ian will be #1 after this week. I will definitely be voting Brit for Americas Favorite.
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Oh geez, now Danielle is talking about a “family friend” that is an actor. Starred in ‘The Departed’, knows Jack Nichoson. AS IF!!!!!!!!
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@sylvie You rock,girl. What you went through and your attitude about it makes you a hero! And a humble one at that.
@PK I know your comment was just an off hand one, like, go razorbacks, but it’s best not to bring up the slightest reference to politics as that’s a hot topic with just about everyone having strong views. Same for religion. Best not to say, go methodists or go catholics. This blog brings us together and no one wants us to be split apart over any topic.
@K11 Love the poetry and I’m not a particular poetry loving girl. Loved, I say!
@mamamargie I’m also in Arknasas…central area
@everyone who posted thanks for keeping the information, and your opinions, flowing. I like keeping up with the show and with what you all are thinking
On BBAD Danielle started trashing Ashley by telling Frank some of the nasty things she said about him. got him mad and he turned to the camera snd said what a bad player and bad person Ashley was. Dani had to be heavily coaxed to reveal what Ash said. D looked like she was loving it…having all eyes on her waiting for her next words. I’ll be so glad to have her and Jenn and Joe gone, gone, and gone. I wish Brit would go into entertainment. She could podcast from home. Maybe Dani’s actor friend could help get Brit’s foot in the door. Yeah, right.
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why is frank wearing that thing on his head??? did i miss something?
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does jenn ever take that skirt off? she wears it over shorts. ???? strange.
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Thank all of you for keeping me up to date! I have been kind of still under the weather, so I have not been adding much to this Blog! I have been reading everything you all had to say yesterday & today some of you make me happy very funny ๐ I mean that in a very nice way โ Thanks to Kevin11 I got to see Thursdays show & read about that crazy Dani….. ๐ I will try and keep up today, thanks again…………..
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danniel is probably not going to get it when she’s out, she doesn’t care if anyone’s talking about her, she just wants to hear her name. I wish they would let janelle and Rachael in the house and don’t forget the ny girl can’t think of her name to confront Danielle on all she has to say about everyone including Brit who she started backstabbing as soon as she was out the door. and shane looks like he has something wrong with his head, or maybe it’s that hairdo he isn’t even good looking, they all been in there too long.
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I saw a blog on Joker either yesterday or day before that said Dan had a private convo with Ian about his disability. Did anyone read that I never did get into it. I have to admit BB is getting more interesting, however, this is the first year that I could care less who goes next, I really wish they didn’t have to reward any of them as winner with half a million. None of them deserve it.
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Come on folks give Dan a break. What he does in the house with the other liars does not constitute what he is like in real life. The whole house is full of liars, manipulators, and what ever else you call them. Dan just did to them what they wanted to do to him, but he did it first. You go Dan.
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and jenn with that hood. think these folks are starting to get on my nerves!!!
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I give up! I can’t keep up. I’ll just keep reading and posting so I can get the emails. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and spoilers.
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What do you think Danielle will do when she is not voted America’s favorite? ๐
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I like Dan and Ian. . . Dan has been a fave ever since he gave that long hug to Jessie, while giving all of us in TV land a big wink and a nod over Jessie’s shoulder. Look at all Frank did to be HOH to get his #1 enemy on the block only to take him right back off the block. I need a large can of that Dan mist. . . I could use it around here. ๐
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Oops! When I say ‘around here’ I mean around here at home. . . not online. ๐
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someone please tell me who “jesse” is….asked yesterday, never got an answer!!!!
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He was a HG in BB11 and seems to show up every year now as a silly muscle man doing weird things. I never cared for him.
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Tambo – Jessie is probably the most unpopular house guest in BB history. He is all muscle and he has a brain the size of a pea – and that is giving him credit! ๐ Wait till they air his appearance, then you will know what all the talk is about! Please make sure you have a barf bag handy!! ๐ฏ
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Jesse is a former houseguest , body builder and ego-maniac. Has been the Pandora Box surprise like the last 3 years, and pretty much everyone thinks he is a joke.
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Delsi I am right there with you โ Could not have said any better….
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@Tambo, heres you can see him
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Going to watch the rest of BBAD see you later!
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Does anyone think Dan will take Danielle to the final two?
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@Sylvie, yes, you go girl! Never, never give up and keep on moving. You are an inspiration.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Patricia, your comments were perfect. Much nicer than mine would have been to PK. But I’ll defer to you as they were perfect.
We are a great group and we know we all have differences on BB and we state them and we appreciate our individual opinions. This is not the place for any snide remarks about politics or religion.
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@Betty, I dont know if he would, I think he would take Jen or Joe before her, people like her better and he doesnt want anyone he can beat at the end. Still think Frank would be good on Survivor
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@Hillbilly, wow i so remember him now!!! thanks very much pal!!!
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Oh, I never thought of Frank on Survivor. . . I think he would be good too.
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I sure hope he doesn’t take her, as I would love to see her reaction. I think she would literally go ballistic and probably not show up for the finale. I wonder if CBS was aware of her mental condition.
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@K11, great poems. Thank you!
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If their not, they are stupid, any ones can see that
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I just went back and read the comments and I must say this blog is like a game of ‘telephone’ sometimes. Very funny.
Everyone wants Star to send her the e-mail I haven’t even sent her yet (will later tonight) about something he said on BBAD I heard that “proves he’s gay.” BUZZER SOUND. Wrong. It’s something he said that I think he proves he is far from gay. And too sensitive for even my rugged tastes. And it’s just one sentence.
And please don’t take this the wrong way, it is certainly not meant to be a slight, but the kid is young and he is from Vermont. Life experience is very different for people from the country than the city and for a 26 year old than a 46 year old or a 66 year old. Shane may be gay but I highly doubt it and I really could give a rat’s ass either way. I just got sick of a few people on Twitter (and one I really respect) saying he was without knowing. A semi-character assassination of sorts.
Also, on the topic, Shane’s Mother, a devoutly Christian woman (context) was incredibly hurt by the rumors on Twitter and it got to her but like any good Mother would, she went to bat for her boy and said she was pretty sure he wasn’t (and wouldn’t a Mother know best?) and that even if he was that she was still her son and that she would love him just the same. Good for her.
Metrosexual? Yes. But gay because he simply doesn’t like Danielle and wears a pink shirt? Please! We’ll all know the Truth eventually but it really doesn’t matter. What does, is what we’re CHOOSING to have for dinner tonight. ๐
Enough said. I’ll send Star the remark tonight an she can send it to you but I’m surprised our crack group of bloggers who watch BBAD didn’t catch it in the first three weeks. Anyway, on to important things…
@Patricia, @starfish: So glad you like the poems. Have sparked more creativity in my this week and I will drop a great one down about flies later tonight. I am having a love affair with Charles Bukowski right now (but am not gay nor a necrophiliac). ๐
@Sylvie: Love your story girl. A true survivor and I can so relate with you. Health is everything and it’s important to learn from people like you that others can help with their words and thoughts and that Life is so precious and we should NEVER give up, know there’s something bigger than us (context) and that we are all much stronger (soul) than we possibly know. When we go through things like this, we realize what we thought we knew before is nothing to what we know now and nothing compared to what we will someday know. Sorry for the philosophy folks but I (and all you) have, and are living it now. Seize the day, live in the moment and know there’s nothing you can do about the past nor is it too wise to worry too much about the Future. It will come.
Also, probably best to keep politics and talk of religion out the blog as it is sure to offend someone here and we all know this one of our few, precious ways to escape from the madness that is now Modern Life in America.
@Bobo: I got yer back buddy. Thanks for the thanks.
Here’s the link for JustinTV (Canada) if anyone wants to watch tonight early or for future use and please be nice and respectful of each other. Fighting over stupid stuff is stupid by its nature itself. Hasn’t worked real well in the Middle East (context) for the past XXX years. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend soldiers.
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*he (probably not a good spot for the typo ‘she’) ๐
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“Common etiquette says not to talk about politics, sex, religion, or money. But these are the most interesting things to discuss!”—-Anonymous
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Kevin11 You are a rock star my FRIEND! And thank you โ

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To follow up to K11..I heard what shane said and he’s not gay…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------my son isn’t gay and he wears pink..ok his pink shirt says..”DON’T LAUGH..THIS IS YOUR GIRLFIREND SHIRT”…
the hot pink tank he wore was a girl shirt. But I also see a male rapper wearing who care
But cause he wears girls close don’t make him gay. It would make him a transvestite..just kidding..
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Going to order some C food for delivery … Wife & I don’t want to cook tonight!
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โHey kids, it was ok for me to lie because I wanted the money. Lying on the bible is also ok if it is going to get you what you want, and hey my marraige, I havenโt been married that long for it to count.. Now remember, you have to do whatever in order to win. So lets go out there and lie our little fannies off and win the game.โ What a man, he gets my vote for coach of the year, yea right. All of you can go ahead and tell me it is only a game and you do what you have to do and what a wonderful move he made, but also remember he is influencing a bunch of children along the way. In less than a month he has to go home and explain to these children. Good luck Dan, it may have been only a game, but you crossed the line for your occupation. Sorry everyone for my ranting but I worked with children for 30 years, and in my book he has sunk really low.
Please try to refrain from any mention of what may be construed by some as political, religious or morality issues on this blog… ๐
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@PK, stirring the pot as usual!!
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@Kevin11 You are awesome! I love your posts and think YOU should be a writer. maybe a book of short stories inspired by charles B poetry. Put me down for one pre-sale!
Shane – gay or straight – who cares. I’ve had gay friends who were out in one sense and closeted with their family. Gay people don’t always broadcast it like Wil did. Thank God, people are more accepting now, but gay or not we all need to respect everyone’s reasons or desires to open their personal life or keep it private. We can guess and what if we’re right? If Shane is gay or even bi why is he the subject of speculation? Wil was gay. Jenn is gay. I don’t think anyone on here has wondered and speculated that they might be straight. : ) Maybe Shane is just smart and doesn’t want to get any more involved with Danielle as he can because he doesn’t want to get tangled up with her craziness. He may not want to risk hummiliating her when after the show the shomance dissolves. That’s a gentleman! I think Dani’s greatest dream is to have a long-lasting showmance like jordan and Rachel did.
@starfish thank you so much, darlin’! I can’t keep up either. 50-60 posts and my head is spinning. But don’t stop posting. I love seeing your name in the queue! : ) We easily befuddled people need to stick together.
I guess Star is on another craft quest. : )
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@PK I agree that striving to remain PC can become ridiculous. But this is a BB blog. Morality or lack there of is in the house. Discussed openly, by the way. So what was said about Dan’s morality was the result of watching BB. The Bible is the only book in the BB house. Notice you see people reading it yet never quoting. In fact the bible looks like it has a grocery sack book cover on it so no one can see the word bible. The hg don’t talk religion much but if they did, I don’t see any reason we on the BB blog couldn’t talk about it or disagree or agree….about what THEY said or did. We all have political views…well not me so much. to tell the truth I just glossed over what you said that got all this started. I had to go back to your post to see what everyone was talking about. Please don’t not post because you feel like you have to censor yourself. We can do that for you! ; ) Plus, we like to hear what your think and this has already gone way beyond those 2 little words. the whole rest of the post was great! : )
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Okay – I haven’t been on this weekend because I haven’t been home, but I would like to say that everyone stating how they don’t want politics on here is more irritating than the flippant political comment. Enough already. One person was all that was needed to say that. Not everyone else. Now, I will state my opinion that I absolutely cannot stand Ian. Little boy who thinks he is so tough. I want to see that arrogant little toad gone soon. I personally hate to see Frank go because I think he was messed up by getting attached to Boogie. He has fought harder than anyone in the world. I’m also sick of all of them ganging up on Shane and Danielle. Leave them alone. Just because Shane doesn’t appear to be interested in her does not mean he is gay. Then there is Joe. The little arm pit. He is kind of disgusting and the biggest flopper I have ever seen.
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@sylvie u r truly an inspiration and u have a wonderful attitude such a pleasure to know you, i am truly blessed to have met lots of you i may not be able to smile at you if we ever met nor would i know the sound of your voice but it is truly wonderful to be able to connect with those who share a common interest.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@tomi i spoke to my step mom last nite i call her omah and she is going to ask david about you it is a small world after all
today was church and dinner at mamas house and when i was ready to catch up on blog the service was down lots of reading to do,
@kev11 love the poems and u r truly very special u all are pretty special and i am lucky to have found this blog and lots of you
@hillbilly want to meet me at the grapevine after bb later lol ๐
hugs and i am off to read and not just scan
ciao for now
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And please donโt take this the wrong way, it is certainly not meant to be a slight, but the kid is young and he is from Vermont. Life experience is very different for people from the country than the city and for a 26 year old than a 46 year old or a 66 year old.
Bennington, VT, Shane’s hometown, is not far from Stowe and, believe me as one who has skied there many times, anywhere in Vermont gives a whole new meaning to “country.” No bubba’s sitting on their porches sipping moonshine and puffing on roll-your-own smokes to speak of as I recall.
And then there is this: Shane Meaney, 26, a 2008 grad from Lydon State College with a 3.8 GPA pre-med, makes his living โhouse flippingโ as the owner of Quality Home Investments Real Estate. He is also a model and the owner of Xplosive Performance Fitness. He is a National Strength and Conditioning Association (NCSA) Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and a NCSA Certified Personal Trainer. He is telling the other show contestants that he is merely a beer and wine salesman who does some personal training. Not bad for a 26 year old, a 46 year old or even a 66 year old, you think?
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And please donโt take this the wrong way, it is certainly not meant to be a slight, but the kid is young and he is from Vermont. Life experience is very different for people from the country than the city and for a 26 year old than a 46 year old or a 66 year old.
Shane Meaney, 26, 2008 college grad with a 3.8 GPA in pre-med, makes his living โhouse flippingโ as the owner of Quality Home Investments Real Estate. He is also a model and the owner of Xplosive Performance Fitness. He is a National Strength and Conditioning Association (NCSA) Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and a NCSA Certified Personal Trainer. He is telling the other show contestants that he is merely a beer and wine salesman who does some personal training.
Not bad for a homegrown Green Mountain boy at 26, 46 or even at 66 years old. Sure beats Frank’s unemployed by a country mile, you think?
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And please donโt take this the wrong way, it is certainly not meant to be a slight, but the kid is young and he is from Vermont. Life experience is very different for people from the country than the city and for a 26 year old than a 46 year old or a 66 year old.
Shane Meaney, 26, 2008 college grad with a 3.8 GPA in pre-med, makes his living โhouse flippingโ as the owner of Quality Home Investments Real Estate. He is also a model and the owner of Xplosive Performance Fitness. He is a National Strength and Conditioning Association (NCSA) Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and a NCSA Certified Personal Trainer. He is telling the other show contestants that he is merely a beer and wine salesman who does some personal training.
Not bad for a 26 year homegrown Green Mountain Boy at 26, 46 or even 66 years old. Beats Frank’s urban unemployed dolt hands down, I’d say!
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Dan has seemed like a creep to me. Neither in his season nor in this one has Dan shown any other player any real loyalty. Publicly humiliating Dani in order to advance his own game was a disgusting show of his lack of character. Anybody who says Dan is the best BB player ever, doesn’t know what they’re talking about, IMO.
In Season 2 on Day 1, Dr. Will told the entire house that he couldn’t be trusted, that he would lie to them all. A speech like that should have had somebody nominated for eviction that week, and yet, Will managed to win the game with most of the other HGs saying what a great he is. He played a similar game in All Stars, but his goal that time wasn’t to win (I am convinced that if Will wanted the win he would have had; he went in to help Boogie win).
Dan, OTOH, makes enemies left and right. He also makes alliances wherever one might advance his own game. He doesn’t care who throws under the bus at such times, how much that other person has done to help him, or how long another alliance has been in play. If it will advance Dan’s game to stab somebody in the back while vowing to that person’s face they have a “F2” agreement, Dan will do it.
I was angry when Dan won his original season. I don’t like to see bad behavior rewarded. And I see Dan’s win that season more a reflection of the backbone of the other HG more than Dan having earned the win by the way he played. And if he wins again, I will be even more upset. Everybody in that house knows what Dan is capable of doing to reach the winners circle. If nobody has the balls to set him packing, they are all idiots. That still wouldn’t mean that Dan would deserve to be there.
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@k11, send it to me too but I think I remember someone mentioning it.
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Is it just me or does Dan yell in theDR as bad as Joe
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@hillbilly: He does. They must tell them all to speak up or something.
@starfish: I will, but not sure I have your e-mail. E-mail me if if you have mine and I’ll get it to you. Confusing as many use handles here and it’s hard sometimes to figure out whose e-mail goes with whose handle. I have sent Star the information (in three paragraphs) and she can send it to most of you as she’s knows whose e-mail is whose.
As far as the show, I sometimes think they tell them they have to open Pandora’s Box and can’t remember the last time a HG didn’t. And it seems Ian’s lines when hemming and hawing about opening it were coached a bit. First lame show in the last four for me. And haven’t we had enough of Jessie already? Seems like this whole season has been re-hashed crap and I wouldn’t blame anyone for being extremely disappointed.
One more thing I need to repeat: Funny how on Thursday night they *CBS) chose to reveal the close vote (51%) for Joe’s #punish on Twitter. I saw around 32 people, including at least six past HGs, all vote #punish so if 32-0 = 51%, we have been bamboozled like they did with the “Want Coaches Back?” BS Vote they tried to sell us. Why reveal a percentage for one vote (Punish 51%) but not reveal the most important fan’s vote of the entire season, maybe ever? Oh that’s right, they could give a gerbil’s ass what we really wanted and knew the Coaches were going back in anyway. Asshats. And remember, like I posted here, Janelle talking with Britney about Allison Grodner (BBAD) slyly whispering in her ear (Janelle’s) before the show started, “Expect the unexpected” with a smile. Why would she (AG) even say that unless there was something really unexpected like a pack of wild wolves in the House ready to tear the HGs into small pieces? We’re not that naive Mrs. Grodner and you owe a great and simple, old-fashioned season free of past HGs, stupid competitions, Jessie, production manipulation, DR coaching and ridiculous costumes. I must be dreaming if I really think that my happen. Time to write a soccer story (Soccer) for The Man. Will be back later with a CB “fly” poem. Later all.
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@Jane & Tomi, my mother used to watch Lifetime movies all the time.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@MM, sending love to you my friend. Many don’t have a clue what went on a few seasons ago on this blog.
@Rebecca Diem, your paragraph #2 summed up Dr. Will perfectly. Boogie wouldn’t have won squat if it Dr. Will didn’t give it to him.
@Patricia, you should have been a mediator? :)) You just weren’t here back when.
I have something for someone else but I keep talking to myself – do not respond, do not respond, do not respond, do not respond. Just do not ever respond to that person again and I won’t โ
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Thanks everyone you are so sweet ๐
Can’t wait to see Brit in sequester and the next guest arriving, hope it’s Frank.
You know they’ll do the fun montage showing the next victim surprised when they get evicted.
I always enjoyed that.
PK who?
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starfish hugs ,back to you my friend
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and my new chant will be
do not respond, do not respond lmao
must be good advice i heard that a lot today from those that matter to me and i love them for being there for me as you are starfish
2 more things before i forget lol
#1 does anyone recall where we got the link about where danielle was saying her life history, her dad made her drink whiskey with him, how her godparents took her in, how she had something to do with miss america, my grand daughter becca wants to read it and i forgot(what else is new lol) where had seen it, any help i would appesch
#2 i think brittany would have made a super co host with kelly rippa too bad kelly already has one, they woud have been dynamite together i can totally see that being a succes.
sorry no grapevine thus far every time i am ready to go i am side tracked sometimes i could confuse a tranquilzer lol
hugs to my darlings and happy to see lots of newbies, kev send another poem love them, mike hope u were not waiting for me at the grapevine lol
ciao till later
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@bt2012…comment#44…..glad u mentioned the convo with Ian&Dan regarding Ian’s condition…..i was surprised that nobody here has brought it up so i did, u can read it in yesterday’s “Saturday Blog”…its comment #124…โบ…
@kevin….thanks for all the Links here…i see ur the Link King, lol….im the Link Queen in the many other Forums i post in….i know peeps get tired just reading and reading so i give them pics and vids to see, its more fun…i wish i could do it here also but im not allowed to post vids…idk, maybe cause im a newbie?…but we have u to keep us entertained with the vids, lol….โบ….
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Dan tells Ian to start working Joe for a final two deal.(of course this is to throw joe off on what is really happening) Ian says that he will tell Joe if he ever votes him out he wont get my jury vote. Dan says tell him he wont get Britneyโs either.(have to hand it to dan always thinking i think i am going to start calling him mandrake the magician) Dan tells Ian to tell Joe that I am not using the veto so that when I do use it you will be pissed and that way we wonโt be nominated together if he wins HOH.(with dans way of thinking i wonder how many games his team has won?) Ian heads down stairs.
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Good show tonight except for Jesse, That is really getting old that they keep bringing back that Tool, How many times has it been? ๐
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Ian tells Dan remember we are playing with idiots.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Wow, I wish i could be a fly on the wall when these hgs read the blogs
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@starfish Thanks again, sweetie! Anyone would be lucky to call you a bestie!! I too have a chant…let it go, let it go. But I seldom can. How do you and mm do it? I guess I’m hopeless, but gotta say it doesn’t feel all that bad! : )
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@k11 You and Brit and Rachel should have the BB Show About Life. Poems, stories, cat talk. I’d tune in for sure. I love all the links too. thanks!!
If someone tells Dani that shane will kiss her again if she wins HOH, I’ll bet she’ll move heaven and earth to do it. She is so tiresome. Maybe shane is smarter than we give him credit for. I wonder if Dani has any girlfriends on the outside. If she treats them like she did Brit and Ash, I can’t imagine she has many.
@sylvie I’d love to see Brits face when Frank comes in next and then Jenn so she’ll know Ian struck back for her.
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@Patricia, thanks sweetie. Do you watch Big Bang Theory because the female brainiac on there uses bestie a lot! Let it go works too! As for mm, and a few of us, we have other ways. ๐ Wine works too. ๐ I too hope they show Brit’s face when Frank walks in the door and Jenn right behind him.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Aggie, ugh, I agree, enough already of the “tool” Jesse. He’s just creepie.
@mm, you gotta give Dan credit, he’s certainly covering all his bases. I don’t want him to win though.
I think I’m now rooting for Ian or Shane. Jenn thinks she’s really hot stuff now, one big move in the house. Oh boy, pop the champagne! As for Danielle, is she real? Can anyone be that mentally deficient and naive? Shane isn’t Einstein but he seems to be a truly nice guy no matter his sexual preferences. Makes no never mind to me. Joe is in the same category as Jesse, simply creepie. And whoever said Dan is yelling in the DR, he sure does. As for Frank, I did feel sorry for him when he was nominated but hope he goes out the door. ๐
I can’t believe BB ended the show 3 minutes early and had at least a 5 minute commercial before the final bit. The viewership must be high for them to have so many sponsors.
No Star siting yet ๐
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FYI for all of the die hard fans & collectors. ๐
Can you believe that price?? For a bag????
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@Cynthia Darn. I was going to buy ED’s bag as a gift for you! Now that you know about it, it wouldn’t be a surprise and if it’s not a surprise, why bother! : ) This bag has lots of bids. I wonder if anyone else’s bag would get so much interest. ED has the biggest reputation in BB history (IMO) so his would be the bag to score. Donating the money would be classy so I don’t expect him to do it. : ) If I was going to spend that much on a bag, ED better take me to dinner first! : )
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@starfish I don’t watch BBT but I know the girls of whom you speak! : ) She was on a show called Blossom with Joey Lawrence years ago. Then she went to an Ivy League school, got her masters, had children and now she uses contemporary slang! I’ve only done the last one! : ) I’m with you about shane. Who cares? Agree about Dani and Jenn also. I still have creepy goosebumps caused by Jessie from his season. Ugh!
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@Patricia: Thanks girl. I actually am a writer (although now unemployed) and have written sports here in Las Vegas as well as Chicago, along with resumes, poetry and I am now an (unpaid) Featured Columnist for the Bleacher Report sports website where lately I have been writing about Chelsea soccer (English Premier League). Just finished up a story that took between seven and eight hours and I’ll drop a link here sometime if I have one I think may interest this diverse crowd.
I do have some great poems around here somewhere but my apartment looks like ‘Hoarders’ at times but will look for a couple. Would love to assemble them all (1977-Present) into a book someday although I doubt publishers think poetry would sell in the Twitter-Internet Age. Hard to imagine a high schooler on a cellphone reading a poem and having it mean much when they’re so busy texting Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. ๐
The Charles Bukowski ‘2 Flies’ poem I promised will follow this post. Cheers.
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2 Flies
The flies are angry bits of life;
why are they so angry?
it seems they want more,
it seems almost as if they
are angry
that they are flies;
it is not my fault;
I sit in the room
with them
and they taunt me
with their agony;
it is as if they were
loose chunks of soul
left out of somewhere;
I try to read a paper
but they will not let me
one seems to go in half-circles
high along the wall,
throwing a miserable sound
upon my head;
the other one, the smaller one
stays near and teases my hand,
saying nothing,
rising, dropping
crawling near;
what god puts these
lost things upon me?
other men suffer dictates of
empire, tragic loveโฆ
I suffer
I wave at the little one
which only seems to revive
his impulse to challenge:
he circles swifter,
nearer, even making
a fly-sound,
and one above
catching a sense of the new
whirling, he too, in excitement,
speeds his flight,
drops down suddenly
in a cuff of noise
and they join
in circling my hand,
strumming the base
of the lampshade
until some man-thing
in me
will take no more
and I strike
with the rolled-up-paper –
missing! –
they break in discord,
some message lost between them,
and I get the big one
first, and he kicks on his back
flicking his legs
like an angry whore,
and I come down again
with my paper club
and he is a smear
of fly-ugliness;
the little one circles high
now, quiet and swift,
almost invisible;
he does not come near
my hand again;
he is tamed and
inaccessible; I leave
him be, he leaves me
the paper, of course,
is ruined;
something has happened,
something has soiled my
sometimes it does not
take man
or a woman,
only something alive;
I sit and watch
the small one;
we are woven together
in the air
and the living;
it is late
for both of us.
Charles Bukowski
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Frank: โDan, have you cheated?โ
Dan: โAnytime I was close to cheating (on a girlfriend), it sounds pretty bad, but Iโd call whoever I was dating at the time, like the night before, and break up with her.โ
Big Brother After Dark
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Nice to know I was missed!! ๐ whoever said you can pick your friends but you can’t pick your family didn’t know about this blog…the best of both worlds!!;)
So, Kev11…what is this about me sending your email to everyone on the blog???!!!! First, I don’t have everyone’s addy and 2nd I’m not sure everyone would want to read it…no offfense!!!lol And judging by the comments, Shane’s sexuality or lack there of really isn’t an issue here!!! IMO, as I have stated before, Shane is straight and just a sweet, simple HOT guy who will make some lucky girl…..ANY lucky girl other than danielle…..a wonderful husband!!! But who cares?? He’s in BB to play a game and win the $$$$ and who he prefers to sleep with has squat to do with it!!!lol BUT..that being said, if anyone does want that email, just let me know! ๐
@Hpr56…LOVE the way you cut to the heart of things!!! Well said!!lol
@MM..thanks for the grapevines girl. How are you one upping me on those this year??LOL Sounds like you and Mike have a secret info meeting place….not fair!!!lol And BTW…for what it’s worth…my mantra for you is IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE!! I practice what I preach!!!! lol
I did read each and every one of the 96 comments and agree with and enjoyed so many but to quote starfish…..I can’t keep up!!!lol I have jsut had a really busy summer and usually only get online late at nite so have missed the chance to respond to most anything by then!!! Since we only have about 17 days left, i will try to pop in and out more often as soon the blog will disappear into cyberspae again until next year and I will regret not having more time with everyone!!!
Gonna stop here as I doubt anyone will even read down this far!lol
Peace, love and light,
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@ Cynthia, ED was a chain smoker and a spitter. Remember he would smoke, couch and spit on the astro turf?
Wonder if the bag smells like smoke.
No thanks ED well maybe , if the money goes to Lung Cancer Association
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New Blog is up!
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@ Starfish
I think BB loves torturing us with Jesse, he’s been on so much, when will it ever end, he also gets bigger and bigger, shall we say STEROIDS. So glad at least he wasn’t one of the coaches this year.
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@ Bloggergal
I have not gotten the new page, I had to click on the bottom to get to it
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Aggie… I think there is a delay in when we get e-mails about new pages. I have noticed that sometimes I get an e-mail right away… sometimes 20 minutes or so after the page is up.
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Seriously, I think if Ian makes it to the end, even if he’s in the finaly 2 against Frank or Dan, he’ll win because it’s just so unexpected that he’d be there.
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Out of the three Danielle deserves to win the least. Ian the second
least and unfortunately Dan the most. Darn I don’t like the way the
guy played but if I was a juror I would write his name to win.
If the final two are Ian and Danielle – Ian wins.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If the final two are Danielle and Dan – Danielle wins.
If the final two are Ian and Dan……….?
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