Shocker or Bummer? Today’s The Day

by soonerryan on August 16, 2007

We’ve referenced “the plan” over the past 24 hours, which pertains to the discussions among Dick, Daniele, Jessica and Eric last night that would spell Dick’s safety and Dustin’s demise.

Think “Ocean’s Eleven” or any movie in which a heist is about to go down. Here’s the Anatomy of ‘The Plan’:

First, Dick has Dani’s vote, and he’s got Eric’s vote. I should note that per the conversation last night, if Dick stays, he and Eric will be TIGHT. In fact, Dick promised to be loyal to the guy through and through until the Final 4, presuming it’s this new alliance.

Dani is iffy on this, and Jessica is iffy on Dick. However, they have tentatively agreed to “the plan.”

Jessica is responsible for getting Zach’s vote. Zach’s a young man smitten with cute women, and I think he’s totally pliable. Considering he think’s he’s “in” with Jess, the Kansas cutie should be able to seal this deal.

Eric is responsible for Jen. Jen’s thick, but Eric is a good argument developer, a good salesman. This is the tough part of the plan, but if anybody can pull it off, it’s Eric.

Final votes to evict Dick would be Amber, Jameka.

Final votes to evict Dustin would be Eric, Daniele, Zach and Jen.

That’s the anatomy of “the plan,” and if there are changes to this throughout the day, we’ll post them in the comments area. Unfortunately, if this ends up 3 to 3, I can’t say for sure that Jessica would vote to evict Dustin. There are too many human factors that come into play, and we haven’t seen Jessica (or any HoH) under that much pressure yet.

Will she follow through? Will she choke?

Like Lisa mentioned in comments yesterday, to reference a soccer analogy, we’ve moved past overtime, and we’re now into penalty kicks.

Forget who you WANT to go home, what do you think WILL happen? Make your predictions here. My prediction, for the record, is that Eric and Jess will only be able to garner one extra vote, meaning Jess would have to break a tie, and I can’t predict how she’d go. I am just not sure.

soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 12:08 pm

BTW, Big Brother is getting the houseguests up for the day, I do believe … It’s about 10:15 BBT …

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Donna Rose August 16, 2007 at 12:11 pm

I cannot see this alliance working at all for anyone involved. Eric would later have to go after his own nerd herd alliance thereby betraying this new one. This would put Dick over the edge, again, along with Dani and they’d be out anyway. I cannot see these children having the courage of conviction and game play to actually vote out Dustin. If they do, I applaud them. But I truly cannot see any of them having the backbone to really play and vote to keep Dick, and I especially cannot see Jess being a tie-breaker and voting for Dick to stay. She isn’t tough at all and cares more about what people think of her instead of what’s best for her in the game. =^^=

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Ronjj August 16, 2007 at 12:13 pm

Hopefully, it will be a tie vote and Jessica will have the courage and foresight to vote Dick out of the house. Jessica appears to me to be one of the cleverest players in the house although she has kept a low under the radar profile. If she is smart, she will get Dick out if she can, knowing that Dick will go after her if she stays. He has to see that she has proven to be a strong player and he has no tolerance for anyone who is better than he is. Dick is the root of most of the problems in the house and the players are too naive to see it, excluding Eric who is basically a sleaze.

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Redarin D August 16, 2007 at 12:15 pm

Donna they have an agreement not an allince. This is the only thing that will work for dick,eric,and dani. Jess on the other hand could go far but to be in the end with the three of the four most hated people in the house her chances would be good and she has to see that.

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Tony V August 16, 2007 at 12:21 pm

Well, if anyone is able to pull this off it truly is Eric. He is the best liar I have ever seen!! This guy could sell us a “relaxing” summer trip to Death Valley and believe that we got a deal!
I think that if Eric can convince Jen, which seems plausible and Jess tells Zach to vote Dustin out, then it is a done deal. However, if any of those two hedge and not vote accordingly, then I am not sure. Jessica is not the brightest star in the sky and I think she enjoys being liked (by a bunch of leeches).
Tonight is the night. We can vote for freedom or we can vote for a boring LNC snore fest!!

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Donna Rose August 16, 2007 at 12:28 pm

Jess would have a better chance of beating Dick or Dani in the end rather than anyone else in her nerd herd, which is why she should keep them around. Alliance, agreement, none of it really matters since things change on a minute by minute basis. I still think Dick will be voted out tonight. Tony, you’re right. Eric is a frighteningly good liar. Dick is abrasive, but Eric? I cannot see how any woman could be charmed by him. He’s so creepy, nauseating and he needs to keep his shirt on. =^^=

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Ronjj August 16, 2007 at 12:31 pm

Eric and Dick should be on the block and then we can hope for a double evicition!!!

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Lauren August 16, 2007 at 12:43 pm

Contrary to most people who have commented, I think that Jessica actually has a very good head on her shoulders. I think that this agreement/alliance could and would work out if Dick has the opportunity to stay.

I think theres a good chance that Jen and Zach will be swayed because neither of them truly have any strategic or friendly links inside the house, and therefore, the highest bidder has their vote.

Jess has said many times that she is playing for herself. If she votes to keep Dick, than I think that would be better for her because Amber and Jameka are both weak players and even if I were friends with them, I’d rather have strong players behind my back than weak ones.

It’s hard to say what will happen, but I think that Dustin is far more dangerous than Dick to have around. I predict that Dick will get less rude with less houseguests.

I really have no idea but I think that they’d be stupid to keep Dustin. He is dangerously cunning.

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Shawna August 16, 2007 at 12:44 pm

I am appaulded at Eric’s strategic thinking right now. I would think that if anything since he knew he had to give a vote to Dustin, that he would work magic on Jen by convincing her to vote for Dick. If that happened, he wouldn’t have to worry about being the extra vote for Dustin. But just laying it out there as the one who is going out of their alliance, if I was Jessica make me think how trustworthy he really is and wonder if she could really trust him. If they should throw out anybody in the alliance it should be Amber for she is very useless and boring. Someone must have got on her about all that crying she was doing cuz she hasn’t did that in the last couple of shows. I wish someone would get the guts to nominate her.

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Lisa August 16, 2007 at 12:45 pm

Eric is sitting up in the HOH room surrounded by several people sleeping – I can’t tell who they are because their backs are to the camera. He is sitting in the chair stairing at the big screen in silence, like a man on death row about to meet his maker!!!!!

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Lisa August 16, 2007 at 12:50 pm

Sorry I just got a closer look. It’s Zach sitting in a chair facing the camera/big screen aseep, surrounded by a lot of people sleeping in the bed (HOH room) and on the floor! ODD

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Lauren August 16, 2007 at 12:51 pm

Lisa, that is weird.

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Rodney August 16, 2007 at 12:59 pm

Remeber they all moved into thr HOH room to get away from Dick, maybe they (Eric and Jess) are still scting out their role until after tonight then the truth will be revealed. I don’t like Dick that much at all because of how rude he is but I tend to agree I think he will change if this takes place. Eric is saving himself if this works, and I agree I think its a great move on Jessicas part because who better to be at the end with except the person the house may most hate. It will be unique to see what happens, I can say this my house will be upset if Dustin leaves, my family just doesn’t like Dick. BUt again its all a game!

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Ronjj August 16, 2007 at 12:59 pm

Lauren, how can you even believe that Dick will get less rude with fewer house guests? He is what he is, rude, boorish, crude, and basically a liar. He will not change the person he is inside. Once a lowlife, always a lowlife.

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Rodney August 16, 2007 at 1:02 pm

Hey Ronjj, if you think about it he has only been rude when he feels threatened, I guess thats all the time!!LOL You’re right….. I’ll leave it at that.

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Lauren August 16, 2007 at 1:02 pm

Less houseguests, less stress. I know I would relax if I was stuck in a house with 12 other roommates and then half of them were gone.

People let off stress in a variety of ways. People also do not act like themselves when they are a) playing the game; b) stressed to the nth degree; and c) on television.

People also tend to learn from their behavior on TV.

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Rodney August 16, 2007 at 1:06 pm

Lauren unfortionately he doesn’t get to see himself, I would believe he would change if actually got to see how he looks and how hateful it is.

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Lisa August 16, 2007 at 1:08 pm

OK, it’s Zach facing the camera asleep, Dick sleeping the the chair next to him, Danielle sleeping on the floor next to the two chairs, in the bed is Jen, Jess and Eric. Could THIS be the coup d’etat??? Could they have all gone to the room to make a stand before the show tonight?? This is VERY interesting, considering everyone else is sleeping and probably don’t know about this – what will they do when they wake up and see that their FORTRESS has been inhabited by the original LNC!!!?? This should be VERY interesting (as Klink would say, LOL)!!!

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John August 16, 2007 at 1:08 pm

Had to run a few errands, but came back at 10:45 BBT (1:45 est) and yes Zach is still sitting there, Jess and Eric are in the bed, but someone (Dick, Amber or Jameeka; cant tell other than hair color) is sleeping in the chair.

My impressions on watching from the beginning (sorry, I did not come to the blogs till late, and may have intruded on doing so…) and I really have this gut feeling that if Jess is put on the spot to perform a tie breaker, she will vote out Dick.

Once they are seated on the couches tonight, Eric will not be able to communicate with Jess. Jess has sought out Eric’s thoughts often, and the day he stuck himself in bed, we saw just how pliable Jess is based upon comments from others.

The following is dependant upon how long BB allows thehouse to sleep today:

I think that once she is there, alone and forced to make a decision, she will stick to the “nerd herd”. If they do not have long and intense interactions to solidify Dustin’s eviction, Jess will vote Dick out.

I truely believe that tonight we will see the first tie breaker. It is 11:00 AM BBT (2:00 est) now and Jess, Eric and whomever are still alseep in HoH. Given time to wake up, shower and personal time, there will not be enough time for Eric to deeply root Dustin in Jess’s mind.

Had he kept her awake longer this morning, he could have done it easier. She would have been tired and more suseptable to direction.
Since she had tht troubling dream of someone screaming, and her hesitation about Dustin before they finally turned off the lights, I really have this gut feeling that if its a tie, Dick will leave.

::climbing down from my poduim::

Thank you for the read.


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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 1:16 pm

Lisa, did you just make a Hogan’s Heroes reference? 🙂 …

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Lisa August 16, 2007 at 1:18 pm

LOL yep, sooner!! I KNEW you’d catch it!!

John the person in the chair next to Zach is Dick. They zoomed in a bit and it’s his hair! Again, VERY VERY interesting 🙂

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Lauren August 16, 2007 at 1:27 pm


(sorry for the caps, but it seemed necessary to show my emotion)

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Donna Rose August 16, 2007 at 1:32 pm

Hey, John, great read! Jess is a sweetheart, but I think a tie-breaker would send Dick out, too. She plays this game too personally and although she says she plays it for herself, she put up who the rest of house wanted contrary to her original ideas. More independent thought on her part would be much better for her in the end. Then again, BB could surprise us all and have Mike Boogie and Dr. Will enter the house and scare the you-know-what out of everyone! =^^=

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John August 16, 2007 at 1:32 pm

11:30 bbt
Thanks for the info!
Now I see that it looks like Jen climed into bed with Jess and Eric.
I could make some comments, but am trying very hard to keep them platonic, especially since Jen is next to Jess.
Jen really has been using her “wiles” on folks in the house. She really tries to attract herself to folks. (heh, personal mind interjecting….)

Thursday is getting “interesting” as time passes! 🙂

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Kathy August 16, 2007 at 1:33 pm

If Jess is smart, and I think she is she will stick the deal with Dick, Dani and Eric. If she makes it to the final two with any of the three of them she should win hands down.

The problem is if it comes to a tie I don’t know if she can muster the courage to evict Dustin to his face. She does not like confrontation (remember her eviction ceremony, she was visibly shaking) and will not want to deal with Amber and Jameka.

Perhaps part of Eric’s pitch to her should have been to run interference between Amber and Jameka to keep them away from Jess. That would be the seal on the deal.

I may have to watch with my eyes closed tonight. But don’t forget one of my previous blogs when I ran my version of the blow by blow….Dustin had on his queen’s robe….and he did state yesterday that he was wearing it at the ceremony!!

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Chase August 16, 2007 at 1:33 pm

Can someone answer a serious question for me ?

Lately, Dick and Dani are back on their anti-Jen tirades, saying that she is a big liar. Can someone explain to me what lie or lies they are talking about, and why they are so down on her again?

It seems to me she and Dick are about the only players who have been steadfast about NOT lying.

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John August 16, 2007 at 1:38 pm

Zach took himself out of frame.
I thought he was just going to the bathroom, but then he sat in a chair thats not in frame. Scary. He is watching the bed.

I feel for the guy, but he keeps doing creepy things!
I admit, I found his myspace. I read what I can, but what I see is creeping me out as much as the HG’s are feeling.

I think a change in strategy is needed. He needs to go. Maybe he’s not a pedophile, but he is portraying himself as some kind of predator!

I am a VERY open mindended person, but EWWWWWW.

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Lisa August 16, 2007 at 1:47 pm

EW EW EW you’re right. Yeah, I just think Zach is a lonely guy with absolutely NO social skills!!

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kathy August 16, 2007 at 1:48 pm

Argh…I think Jessica listens to Eric, believes in Eric ultimately because she knows he is her protector, but if it came down to a tie…I just don’t know if she will vote out Dustin over Dick.

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Kathy August 16, 2007 at 1:54 pm

If it’s a tie I’m afraid Dick will go. I don’t see Jessica having the courage to evict Dustin with Jameka and Amber sitting there. I hope she does, but I don’t know….btw, nice to see another kathy in the group! Welcome!

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John August 16, 2007 at 1:57 pm

I hear you! Loud and clear!
1. I wish I had been savy enough to blog in seasons past. I only had friends and family to talk to, and they got tired too quick (they are not fans).
I really wish “we” had a chance to offer just one opinion each week.
And not though America’s player.
2. If every HoH had a chance to see one majority post from America, I think it would help the game. The fact is, we are there, we are just as much involved as the HG’s are. Heck, even if the one message was a “conglamorate” of popular opinion without specific fact, we could better help the game.
3. ::opinion soapbox time::
If that were to happen, we could be “America’s player” without having to compromise a player in the house (gods bless Eric for the fortitude and strength to fulfill this role).
Total control would be on the HoH. And depending upon the majority of bloggers, that would be the message of the week.
It adds a new demention to the game, and allows those of us outside to have an influence. That influence, as mentioned, would be generic yet give the HoH an insight that they already solicit from the other HG’s.

For what it is worth, they can take it and do as they feel is right.

Heck, in most of our lives, we have at least one outside influence that interacts with what we do and think, why not here? Even in the lab’s, experimental animals have an external influence that “can” direct them.

Broken down to its bare essentials, this just that, a lab experiment.

::lament time:: Oh how I wish I had the fortitude to apply for next season!!

::off my soapbox::

for what its worth

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Darlene August 16, 2007 at 2:09 pm

Waiting for tonight’s episode makes me feel like a little kid on Christmas Eve……so excited and hoping that I get what I want!!!!!!!!!!!!

My name is Darlene and I am a BB8 addict!

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Ronjj August 16, 2007 at 2:10 pm

John, I found your comments interesting,especially about the blogging. As I have mentioned, this is actually the first season I have ever watched BB. I got hooked, not from CBS, but from staying up late one night and watching the three hour nightly live Showtime cams. I actually think the Showtime viewing is far more intersting and telling of the houseguests than what we see three times a week on network. When you watch them for three hours a night, seven days a week, you see more into what they really are than what CBS portrays in primetime.

I have commented on Dick and his daughter at great length and I still think they are the ones who must be voted out. They are both dangerous and all one has to do is listen to their little twosome meetings every night on the outside couch. Their plotting and scheming really surfaces, and goes far beyond anything that is taking place in the house. I am not sure why people are so fond of Dick. They all think he is so upfront and honest. Listen to him after midnight every evening and you wilI think otherwise. He is just as much a liar and more deceitful than anyone else in the house. I do know, that if he continues , it is obvious that CBS is orchestrating this for ratings, and ratings alone.

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Lisa August 16, 2007 at 2:13 pm

Well, DUH, it was a lockdown and everyone was in the HOH room!!! SHOOT, I think I’M getting paranoid. I just do NOT trust Jessica’s vote, if it’s going to be needed. She is a puppet with absolutely NO guts, except for what she gets out of her bleach bottle, LOL!!! I HONESTLY think if you asked her what was going on, and what strategy she was following, that she could NOT give you an answer – I picture her going in the back courtyard, wetting her finger and sticking it up in the air – THAT would be the direction of her decision – sheeeeeeeeesh!!! :))

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Ronjj August 16, 2007 at 2:22 pm

And yes, Kathy, you are missing something. Guns and Roses are so over!!!

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chelle_ou August 16, 2007 at 2:22 pm

Okay, so I am new to posting, but a constant reader. Back to the clues that the mad hatter was saying, somethings people have posted have gotten me thinking.

1. Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead. Could this somehow refer to Boogie and Dr. Will, since it was speculated that Jen had connections to them???

2. The majority of the quotes from the Mad Hatter are Ben Franklin quotes. Both the Mad Hatter and Ben Franklin where involved in Tea Parties. Also when I think of Franklin, I think of electricity and the kite with the key, maybe it has something to do with keys.

Anyway, just some thoughts that I had, let me know what ya’ll think.

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Norma August 16, 2007 at 2:24 pm

If it becomes a tie, there is NO WAY that Jessica will keep Dick…I do not believe this will happen…I predict that Dick will only get his daughter’s vote to stay in…I HOPE!!!

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Ronjj August 16, 2007 at 2:48 pm

Norma, let’s hope you are right! For the good of all the other houseguests, Dick has got to go. If they want to get rid of Dustin, so be it, but it should be next week, after Dick is safely gone from the house.

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Redarin D August 16, 2007 at 2:49 pm

sorry norma but that’s not going to happen. I think when all hits the fan dick will still be in the house.

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Chase August 16, 2007 at 2:49 pm

will someone answer my question ? please ??

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Redarin D August 16, 2007 at 2:53 pm

Plus I still think dick got something from that chess peice. I’m sick of jameka talking like she knows everything that’s going when D&D were talking strategy and jameka was like were did we go wrong. That’s the difference between someone in the house trying to win and someone there to just slide by and hope for the votes later. I can’t wait to see the herd’s face when the Queen leaves.

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Donna Rose August 16, 2007 at 2:55 pm

I also watch the Showtime feed…they are ALL liars, they ALL deceive, they ALL speak horribly behind each other’s backs and the ALL deny it! They have no TV, radio, Internet, etc., all they can do is talk and scheme against one another. Dick is abrasive, to be sure, but if you watch the Showtime feed you see how cunning and vindictive Dustin is, how wishy/washy Amber is, what a hypocrite Jameka is, how creepy Eric is, etc. Jess seems like a sweet girl, probably has some tricks up her sleeves, but she follows Eric for protection, like Lisa says. The bottom line is that they are all playing a game to win 500k. They play for themselves and how they believe the best way for them to win. The best advise for a first time watcher is to not take this too seriously. It is, after all, just a GAME! =^^=
P.S. Although I’m freaking out until tonight… 🙂

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Lynn August 16, 2007 at 2:57 pm

To me Jen,Eric and Zach dont have anything to loose if they vote out Dustin. These are all people who are playing for themselves and I think they have a better chance at winning this thing with Dick and Dani. Jessica as well. I think that Jameka,Amber and Dustin alliance is very strong and they dont have a chance at being in the finals with them.

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Gail August 16, 2007 at 3:00 pm

I got this off another site:

Theory on 12:36 and 47 Seconds

Everything in the Big Brother House is said for a reason, and I believe our friend Paula just figured out the meaning behind the exact time that was given to the HGs right before they were let outside yesterday. Here it is:

Ok…so I was thinking…it was announced loud and clear before the HGs were leaving the house to go to the BY that it was 12:36 and 47 seconds. I am thinking that it means:

– 12 Houseguests will be evicted.
– 36 days are remaining (from yesterday)
– 47 days have passed (since yesterday)
– Waiting outside were 5 people: 5 people thus far have been evicted from the BB house.

Perhaps the comments the peeps in the BY were making were reflecting those evicted.

Now this makes perfect sense to me. OK.. so.. if they’re going to follow the same pattern and do something again today, it should happen at 12:35 and 48 seconds… and at 12:36, it would appear they’ve chosen to not spoon feed the clues.

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Evel Dave August 16, 2007 at 3:07 pm

Hello all, I may not be up to date, but didn’t Zach swear he would do anything Daniele wanted? Also I thought that Jen was working for Dick/Daniele as well. Please enlighten me……..

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Rhonda August 16, 2007 at 3:08 pm

I sure hope Dick goes. Mean people suck. I think Daniele is a douchebag. She should be next.

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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 3:17 pm

Evel Dave … Love the name, man. You should go into character and start reaming all of us! 😉 …

OK, I watched a lot of the feeds last night and today. Zach talks in a tone just below inaudible, so if he has committed, we sure as heck couldn’t hear it. I have also not heard Jen say for sure what she’d do. While Jen’s relationship with E.D. is definitely better than it was, she was also chummy with the LNC leftovers.

Your guess is honestly as good as mine.

Now, Jess was to talk with Zach, and Eric was to speak with Jen. But did it happen, resulting in something concrete? I don’t think so …

Eric did mention just now that they’re about to go into rehearsal, which I did not know they had. It’s a rehearsal for the live show … which makes me think they sit them on the couch and go over the “rundown,” which is TV talk for the segments to be had in the show:

1. In the A block, we’ll go over this and that. We’ll “reset,” meaning show stuff from the past couple of nights. Jess will mosey on up to the HoH room …
2. In the B block, they’ll have some viewer questions, and Julie will chat with Juli.
3. In the C block, they’ll have a feature on one of the houseguests … Then the vote.
4. In the D block, they’ll do the HoH competition OR introduce the twist.

Now, if there is a big twist, I would not think the producers would even hint to it until tonight.

As of right now, the houseguests have cleaned the house … and Jess and Eric are flirting. Same ol’, same ol’ …

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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 3:18 pm

In No. 2, I mean Julie will chat with Jess … oops

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dogluvr August 16, 2007 at 3:27 pm

Anyone remember Eric’s is America’s player?

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areyouawake August 16, 2007 at 3:28 pm

Are you people awake at all? Dick a liar? Have you been watching. All that I have seen Dick do is be brutally honest, to the point that it is over the top. Whereas the rest of the people in that house could win medals for self denial. Amber who thinks she is the most honest person in the house. Get a grip on reality. Jameka the Bible beater who couldn’t treat another person decently if she tried despite her “Christianity”. Dustin the “queen” of all lying, backstabbing deceivers and Eric the “shifty eyed weasel. Jen and Zach are so non essential that they don’t bear mentioning. Come on if it wasn’t for Dick and Daniele this would be the most boring show on television. We would see a bunch of losers in real life and idiots in the house. What would be interesting about that. SO PLEASE GET RID OF DUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Bohn Butler August 16, 2007 at 3:33 pm

If the C block segment is on Dustin, it’s pretty sure that he is the one to go. If it is on one of the other houseguests, it most likely is Dick.

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Alexandra Erickson August 16, 2007 at 3:34 pm

Most people here want Dustin gone, yet most people also fear the Dick will be voted out. Hmmmmm Interesting huh??

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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 3:36 pm

Bohn — interesting observation!!! Let’s see if that comes true. It could foretell things in the future. I wonder though if the houseguests have to write down their votes before the live eviction or document them in any way to give producers an idea of what’s going to happen so they can plan accordingly???

BTW, Dustin LOOKS like a dead man walking right now. Actually, he’s doing stretches by the front door and breathing really hard … and Dick just walked by singing, “Leaving on a Jet Plane” …

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Redarin D August 16, 2007 at 3:38 pm

wow i just watched a video of joe putting one danielle chocolat bars in the shower with him then kicking it over to zachs side making zach think that it was poop. “Classic” man Joe should really come back.

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xox BIG BROTHER xox August 16, 2007 at 3:40 pm

Dustin is so sure he is staying. Wearing the robe out of the house will be a little awkward. Has any house guest ever not packed their bags and got evicted or does BB make them pack their bags? Just curious.

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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 3:44 pm

Breaking news … Dustin and Zach are in the gym, and Zach says that if he can do what he wants, Dustin stays. Zach said that this depends on Jessica “releasing him” … Zach is talking to Dustin about who he’d envision going up if Dustin stays. Dustin promises not to put Zach up.

Say what you will about Zach the Creeper, but well played, man … well played, man. He’s pretty much covered no matter what, or at least he thinks 🙂

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Lisa August 16, 2007 at 3:44 pm

Zach is in the exercise room talking to Dustin. I just canNOT read Zach – he’s just too flakey. Doesn’t he and Jen know that if Dustin stays he (Zach) and Jen have the bullseye on their backs??? Is he stupid enough to even entertain the possibility that Dusting cares about him at ALL??

OK Control freak biting nails LOL!!!!

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John August 16, 2007 at 3:48 pm

Sorry all, I went to some World of Warcraft stuff, my other reality! :heh:
ANyway, what is happening is awesome!
I still think that Jess, if pursuaded in a tie, will vote Dick out.

Her saving grace is if the remainder fo the HG’s take Dustin out, otherwise Dick is out, and the Nerd Herd takes some ontrol next week, and further.

*If* this happens, it will be AWESOME to see what these kids do as we go forward!

It is incredible, as mnetioned before, that these are *KIDS* trying to act as adults.
They have so much more to deal with before they even enter the zone that I, and others (40/YO+) have had to deal with!
I give then MAJOR Kudos on what they ghave done, but from my own experience, Our friends inhouse have much more to deal with before they have an inkling of what actually happens!
Besides that, GO Nerd Herd!
I am ROOTING for you ALL!



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Redarin D August 16, 2007 at 3:50 pm

Lisa Ogers don’t think, come on you know that. This is the same guy who showed his angry inch for attention.

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Redarin D August 16, 2007 at 3:52 pm

So John your just watch big brother for everyone to get along and someone just happens to win.

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Donna Rose August 16, 2007 at 4:04 pm

Hey Lisa, this is definitely NOT a show for control freaks! (I oughta know!) 🙂 Zach is a careful player. He’ll do whatever, follow whomever and say whatever needs to be said in order to get what he wants. He may be odd, but he plays well, albeit both sides! They only have a few more hours left to negotiate…GO DICK! =^^=

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John August 16, 2007 at 4:06 pm

Wowzers all!
Zach is playing up to Dustin? This is too much for my feeble brain!

Ok, so if Zach is playing to Dustin, then he *may* know something on Jess’s part.

As I mentioned earlier, Jess has has some misgivingings regarding Dustin’s eviction. If Eric has not been able to secure her vote, we will see Dick leaving tonight.

If Eric has been able corerise Jess into evicting Dustin in a tie, then we have a whole new game as of Thursdy night!

It’s 3:55 BBT (5:55 EST) and I am WAY ecited to just what happens.
**Personal opinion** Dick is the 1st member in sequester.
Next week sees a double eviction. Dani is the 2nd, and father/daughter have some time alone.\
Nerd Herd has time to scavange from within including Jen and Zach, however, I *feel* Zach gets to play further than Jen.

My prognosis:
Dustin (winner)

Ok, so I am big fairy myself, but that is what I envision! 😉

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Bohn Butler August 16, 2007 at 4:10 pm

soonerryan – I woulld love to know all the in’ and out’s of how this show is produced! I bought Season 3 on DVD hopeing they would offer some kind of “behind the scenes” extra. Alas, no. The “extras” we auditions etc. and they were pretty boaring. I would love to know if they know ahead of time what the vote are going to be.


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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 4:16 pm

2:18 BBT — feeds have gone to trivia, making me think they’re about to do a rehearsal. Dick just took Daniele into the round room, and he basically said his goodbyes. He said, “Hey, if this doesn’t work out, then we’ve made some real inroads here …”

However, they quickly turned their conversation to next week, just in case.

Daniele implored Dick to go talk to Zach before the show, and he seems hesitant to do that. I think he must given Zach’s discussion with Dustin. And has nobody approached Jen?

Right now, my opinion, this is smelling like a 4-2 vote to evict Dick, which will heap all sorts of trouble onto Daniele and Eric, and maybe Jen or Zach if Eric can convince the Nerd Herd that he’s still cool with them … but in my opinion having peeked at these feeds all day, Dick, Dani, Jess and Eric have not done nearly enough to secure either Zach or Jen. I know you don’t want to seem too needy at the last second with all the campaigning, but you have to try — right?

Hmmm, looks like the feeds will be on trivia for a while.


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Ronjj August 16, 2007 at 4:17 pm

Let’s hope Zach can pull it off for Dustin. No matter what anyone thinks of Dustin, Dick is still the most disgusting guest in the house. If Dick goes this week, followed by Daniele, then let Dustin go next. We need him right now to get rid of the Donatos!!!

Let Dick and his daughter find time alone together in sequester. I doubt if his daughter even wants to be alone with him.

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Redarin D August 16, 2007 at 4:23 pm

Ronjj withought dick the house will be boring.

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John August 16, 2007 at 4:23 pm

No way!
I appreciate what you are saying, but I am way into more than this!
I would like to see the best player win this event. If “we” the general public have a say or not, I am all for the best player to excel to the end game here.

Despite all of that, I still would love to see “america: have a say that was beyond any indivual player”.

Eric deserves to play this game as himself.
Any and all “AP” information should be a “conglamorate” of ALL bloggers and interested players. No specifics, just a majority informational packet that every and all HGoH’s can see and act upon.
This gives the HoH total control, while offering more of a 360′ view of events.
Eacy and Every HoH would have access to this info, for his/her information on the Nomination cerimony!

Long live the WWW and BB! This could be the BET Symbotic relatonship for the 00 generation!

As a member of the LOST generation of 1964, I am looking for a place to place MY trust!!

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John August 16, 2007 at 4:26 pm

Oh Christ, (forgive me Christians!!!!!)
My spelling SUCKS! I hope you all ot the jist of what I said.
::curicifying myself::


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Ronjj August 16, 2007 at 4:28 pm

Redaren, I would rather a boring house without Dick that watch that lowlife continue to bully the rest of the houseguests. You have obviously never experienced a bully during your lifetime.

Dick is the bottom of the barrel, and no matter now skillful he appears to be, he does not deserve to win this competition. I don’t really care who wins, as long as it is not Dick. If he does, it only goes to prove that the nice guy always comes in last and the worst of humanity is victorious. Not a nice thing to have to admit.

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John August 16, 2007 at 4:28 pm

a man walked into a bar. He throws three nails on the bartop, and says: “Can you put me up for the night?”


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Ronjj August 16, 2007 at 4:34 pm

Let’t hope they don’t put Dick up for the rest of the show.

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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 4:37 pm

John, you know, one of the cool things about getting involved with this blog as I have is to talk game with people as passionate about it as I am. I could totally see CBS incorporating bloggers and commenters into the final mix — such as having the best blog and its regular commenters comprise a surprise jury.

If the game ended today, here’s how I would vote depending on the pairing:

Dick vs. anybody but Eric — Dick to win. Right now, if Eric were to survive to the final two, he’s gotta be the winner, given that he’s played with the handicap.

Dustin vs. anybody but Dick or Eric — Dustin to win. Scheming, lying, yes, but if he were to survive till the end, he’d be worth considering. To me, the two best players in the house should they make the final two have been Dick and Eric.

In fact, let me just rank them this way. This doesn’t signify who I like … I’m just saying that if I were taking the vote seriously, this is who I’d pick to win if they were in the final two:

1. Eric – if he survives to the final two, he will be a legend …
2. Dick – well played game, particularly if he survives to the finale
3. Dustin – the sneakiest game, but well played if he survives
4. Jen – aloofness, Chilltown style, wins again
5. Jameka – first female to stand up to E.D.
6. Jessica – really good at not making enemies
7. Zach – floater, but has recently done well with deals
8. Daniele – nearly as bad as Carol without Dick around
9. Amber – total emotional mess

Trivia still going. Rehearsal is almost certainly on …

So, guys, if CBS calls to have us comprise a secondary jury, are we up for it!? 😉 …


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John August 16, 2007 at 4:38 pm

I would like to add:

If Dick is out, then the Nerd Herd will turn in on itself.
It will take at least one week, but these *kids* will turn canabilistic!
They have nowhere else to turn!

Sadly, Jen and Zach will find themselves sacrificed, however Jameeka, Amber and Eric will find themselves up and without much support.
Dani is a forgone conclusion.

This will be an eventful episode. I am looking forward to it.
I am glad I do not have any **moolah** attached.. ::koff::
Folks who have a close investment, get ready! Good luck to you all!
I am here for you!



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Rodney August 16, 2007 at 4:44 pm

Are they taping the show now? Is that why they have it on trivia? Hi I’m Rodney!!
Enjoy the blog.

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John August 16, 2007 at 4:51 pm

Ryan and Lisa,
You both have been a HUGE factor in this blog!
I am grateful for the consideration on what happens here!

At this time we all are on the “bubble” We are watching the off line cameras.

To be brutal here, are we seeing too much bubble? I mean, its like my life is depandant upon what CBS decides… ::GAG ME!!!::
Ok,m so at this time I have NO life, but does that mean I con not enjoy what is happeneing in Burbank, CA? I thin those of us who pay for the feeds should have some recompense! We do not enjoy the idea of sitting around watching BB/CBS graphics. If I wanted that, I would be at my employer doing this.

CBS, got over yourselves!! Or Hire me!!!! I will help you! Wootness.


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Donna Rose August 16, 2007 at 4:53 pm

If Dick goes, he’ll have to sit through those “good bye” messages from all those “nice” people some think are sweet & kind and without fault. I love Dick. I’d rather have a guy confront me to my face and have a knock down, verbal fight than slander me to others and feign friendliness to my face. While it may be fruitless (no pun intended toward Dustin) I still hope for Dick to stay. =^^=

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Tony V August 16, 2007 at 5:02 pm

I am with you Donna!!! Save Dick!!

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John August 16, 2007 at 5:07 pm

I wish I had an answer for you dude, but I do thin it is relavant game wise.
Should things change, as is wont to do, then we willbe beholden to you, and I for one will bow before your greatness!

However, should you be outside the majority here, then dude, you Owe me big time! You will owe me a J/O session! Bahahahah!

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Donna Rose August 16, 2007 at 5:07 pm

I just thought of an upside if Dick has to leave! They’ll show more footage of the sequestered house than the BB house since it will be far more interesting!!! And everyone will beg, borrow, lie, cry, plead, and sacrifice their soul for safety so they won’t have to go be with Dick! HEEHEEHEE! Go Dick! =^^=

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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 5:13 pm

OK, let’s think about it as if we were each of the houseguests. If they knew what we knew, how would they vote?

1. Eric — I gots no choice. Evict Dustin.
2. Daniele — I’m not evicting my dad and closest ally. Evict Dustin.
3. Zach — My best chance to get into the Final 5 or 4 is to give the D&D train a ride. Evict Dustin.
4. Jen — I need to align myself with somebody, and I have the best chance of making an inroads with the LNC leftovers. Evict Dick.
5. Amber — Dustin is my closest ally. Evict Dick.
6. Jameka — Dustin is an ally, and I hate E.D. Evict Dick.

Now, in this scenario, I think Zach is the one who in reality will not do what’s best for him. He’ll probably vote to evict Dick, and it will cost him in my opinion. But let’s keep imagining.

Tiebreaker, Jessica — if I’m Jessica, if I’m truly doing what’s best for ME, I vote to evict Dick. It will have been a successful HoH week, and the heat’s off me, even if it costs me with Eric.

I dunno. I’m just trying to get in their heads and think what I would do in their situation. Both Dick and Dustin are formidable players, but if it’s me, I truly prefer the guy who stabs me in the front to the one who stabs me in the back. I would personally evict Dustin, particularly if I can swing a deal with Dick.

Truth is, my observation only … Dick and Jameka have lied the least of anybody. We know about the magic ping-pong ball and saving Jen and promising to keep Eric, and basically, when she makes a promise, she keeps it. Likewise, while Dick might go off and tell what somebody else said, he’s really never lied, not the types of lies that we’re used to seeing here.

If I can’t swing a deal with either side, I vote to evict Dustin.

The only way, if I were in the house, that I would vote to evict Dick is if I were in tight with Amber or Jameka, which in reality I would not see happening. Lisa can tell you, I’m not the biggest E.D. fan on the planet, but a) he’s a deserving player, b) he’s formidable, and c) he would be the strongest partner to have in this game.

My hunch — Zach’s decision tonight to evict Dick, if he does, spells his doom.

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Kriss August 16, 2007 at 5:20 pm

I hope Dick stays. Go DONATO FAMILY!!!!

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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 5:24 pm

Chase — Maybe I can answer your question.

First, while I can’t think of anytime Dick has outright lied, Daniele has one big one under her belt — promising Kail’s safety on the bat swing.

As for Jen, where shall I start?

1. Lying about Nick trying to kiss her. That was such an odd lie, so early in the game, that people right off the bat wouldn’t trust her.
2. She’s lied several times, although they’re pretty much in line with BB fibs, that people have come to her with deals when they hadn’t. In fact, when it comes to the phantom deal, she really is the biggest fibber …


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John August 16, 2007 at 5:32 pm


Ok, so if the DeNato alliance works, then Dustin is gone, however….
regardless of the bubbels on bb8, we have No Friggin idea what is happening!
It is 3:28 BBT (6:28 est) and we have been in the interminal bubble for way way too long.
Help me, help me Rhonda (Long time Beach Boys tune_)

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John August 16, 2007 at 5:36 pm


Man, I am at your side!

Glad you went to the bat for this! I am behind, and beside you for this entire thing!
I can not just sit here behind Ryan, he hit this right on the head. Dude deservese evrything that comes with this, regardless of spelling! Ryan, you got it right, and are deserving of all the benefits of this part of the game.
WOOT to yo/u dude! WOOT!

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Jess5644 August 16, 2007 at 5:47 pm

ugh I cant wait any longer!!

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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 5:49 pm

John —

They go into rehearsal before the live eviction. I posted in a comment before what is likely happening. It’s basically a meeting where they review exactly what’s happening tonight (outside of the vote) … I would imagine also that producers come in and help with last-minute packing and stuff. Maybe. Also though, tonight, they’re probably reviewing an itinerary with Dick and Dustin as to what’s next for the evictee.

1. You’ll have House Calls at this time.
2. Early Show at this time.
3. You’ll be on a flight to wherever at this time and will need to bring X, Y and Z with you.

In fact, if I were a betting man, tonight’s show prep is probably a bit more detailed than in past weeks given that the sequester house gets its first occupant tonight.

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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 5:50 pm

Jess — I know! We’re an hour away. My final prediction: Dick evicted 4-2. And, I’ll gripe until the end of time that I’d like to see cameras in the jury house because that dude was pure entertainment, well, relative to BB. 🙂

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Donna Rose August 16, 2007 at 6:09 pm

I’m with ya Jess & Ryan. Just about 45 minutes to go…I’m in California and we get the East Coast channels! Let’s hope for a twist or something for Dick to stay!!! =^^=

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Danni August 16, 2007 at 6:12 pm

I am hoping that Dick will indeed find himself safe. However if Eric and Jess didn’t secure the votes with Jen and Zach, I see Jess voting Dick out. I don’t see her having the back bone to do what is in her best intrest. She doesn’t like to create waves. Which makes me wonder,why did she want to do this show?
We have about 50 minutes until show time. And I am about to get a storm I sure hope my power doesn’t go out.:(

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Frank August 16, 2007 at 6:35 pm

For those of you on the East coast…would you mind keeping the blog updated when the show starts? I’m on the West coast and can’t get the CBS Eastern feed…I’m dying to know how the game plays out tonight! Thanks a million!

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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 6:40 pm

Frank, I’ll start a new post as soon as the eviction is official and will update it with HoH results, reaction and tidbits from the live show. So, those of you who don’t want to know until it comes on the west coast, you might hold off coming to the site until your show is over.

With that said, I’ll get a post up during the first break after the eviction and will fill it in throughout the show and then throughout the nite … and then we’ll all react to either the really good news or the really bad news, depending on your perspective.

15 minutes until showtime.

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Redarin D August 16, 2007 at 6:49 pm

I don’t think anyone is going home. If dick does go home they have to have some kind of twist. I’m sure they’ll do what they can to hold ratings.
and john and Ronjj you can go to any BB website on the web and I guarantee that dick will have well over half of the votes for favorite HG. They might pull something think last year of all the people to give the coup detat to last year and they gave it to Boogie. The producers won’t try to screw up a good thing if they can save eric than they can save dick.

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Tony V August 16, 2007 at 6:51 pm

I am with you Red……can’t let the cash cow leave just yet. Viva Dick!!

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Willie August 16, 2007 at 6:52 pm

All its going to take is Jen or Zach… thats all itll take this time…

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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 6:52 pm

I do think somebody is going home, Redarin D, but I am always open to a twist! 🙂 You are 100 percent right though — Dick is one of the more popular players in recent history. He’s polarizing — lots of people love him, lots hate him, and CBS is secretly hoping, perhaps not so secretly hoping, for his survival. I think that is a flat-out guarantee. The producers want Dick there. I don’t think they care if he wins it, but if they can keep him until the first of Sept., when their fall promotions get into high gear — that’s what they want.

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Redarin D August 16, 2007 at 7:00 pm

Hopefully we can vote for who we want in the next all-star bb. Dick would absolutely have my vote him and maybe Joe but that’s it.

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Frank August 16, 2007 at 7:08 pm

Thanks for the updates during the show Ryan…you’re awesome!

Red & Tony- I hope you are both right…I’m crossing my fingers that Dick will remain! Enjoy the show-


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Tony V August 16, 2007 at 7:17 pm

Thanks Frank…. It is tough being a BB fan AND live on the West Coast!! I am waiting along with you buddy. Go Dick!!

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Frank August 16, 2007 at 7:22 pm

You’re right Tony…the three hour delay is killing me! I never thought I would ever be this addicted to reality show…lol. Well dude, I’m going to crack a cold beer and await Ryan’s comments.

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Tony V August 16, 2007 at 7:23 pm

lol Frank… too

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Frank August 16, 2007 at 7:26 pm


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Tony V August 16, 2007 at 7:31 pm

The suspense is killing me…..what about you Frank??

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Frank August 16, 2007 at 7:33 pm

Me too…30 minutes in and no word yet…yikes!

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Lisa August 16, 2007 at 7:34 pm


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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 7:34 pm

don’t look for the comments … look for a new post … It’s 2 to 2 right now. No surprises. Eric and Daniele to evict Dustin. Amber and Jameka to evict Dick.

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Tony V August 16, 2007 at 7:34 pm

Well, today is a drinking day. Drink to celebrate my boy Dick avoided eviction or drink to dround my sorrows.

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Rocklives August 16, 2007 at 7:35 pm

Dick’s gonna stay I bet

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Frank August 16, 2007 at 7:36 pm

Thanks Ryan! Come on Jen & Zach…fingers crossed!

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Tony V August 16, 2007 at 7:37 pm

for real!!

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beta August 16, 2007 at 7:37 pm

Well as tired as I am of Dick, it would be smart to get a JD/DD alliance…. if they all can trust each other


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Frank August 16, 2007 at 7:38 pm

Beer numero dos!

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Tony V August 16, 2007 at 7:39 pm

What is taking soooo long?!?!?!

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Lisa August 16, 2007 at 7:40 pm

The princess is GONE!!!!!!!!!!! Long live DICK~!!
Yes, Dustin is gone!!!!!!!!!!

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Tony V August 16, 2007 at 7:40 pm


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Tony V August 16, 2007 at 7:40 pm

How did it go down??

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Frank August 16, 2007 at 7:43 pm

Excellent!!! A round of drinks on me!!! High five Tony, Lisa, Red, Ryan!!! YES!!!!

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beta August 16, 2007 at 7:43 pm

Why didnt they tell Dustin the twist????? If the sequester people dont get to know the twist then there is NO way Eric can win

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Tony V August 16, 2007 at 7:44 pm

SWEET!! Cry me a river Amber!!! How was Dustin’s king robe??

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Redarin D August 16, 2007 at 7:46 pm

I say jen should go next,then zach,then jameka then amber

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beta August 16, 2007 at 7:46 pm

I accepted Dustin was going to go once JE/DD started their alliance, but my gosh I can’t get over Julie not telling Justin about the twist… I don’t know if I can watch the rest of this train wreck

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Tony V August 16, 2007 at 7:47 pm

Hey Red, I can’t handle Jameka and Amber…….they are just dead weight.

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Frank August 16, 2007 at 7:47 pm

What do you think…a tiebreaker or a 4-2 vote? Can’t wait to read Ryan’s post.

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beta August 16, 2007 at 7:48 pm

I say amber next for sure, I just can’t take the crying anymore. Jameika can’t get HOH so she doesn’t matter, Jen might win if they don’t get rid of her so maybe Jen and Amber should go up

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beta August 16, 2007 at 7:51 pm

oh my Eric might be safe again if the alliance holds

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Redarin D August 16, 2007 at 7:54 pm

alright danielle I wonder who she’ll put up.

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Redarin D August 16, 2007 at 7:56 pm

tony i’m totally with you, but there no threat amber will never win neither will jameka. So I say backdoor jen. Then Zach, then amber or jameka.

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beta August 16, 2007 at 7:59 pm

Jen makes the most sense to me, I’m telling you guys she can win this thing if somebody doesn’t get her off

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Pat Vasseur August 17, 2007 at 10:06 am

All the way with D & D

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Ronjj August 17, 2007 at 10:50 am

At this point in the game, I honestly would like Jen to win. I like Jameka and Amber, they are real people who wear their emotions on their respective sleeves. Eric and Jessica are pathetic. Do really think a girl like Jessica would even give a second glance to a weasel like Eric? She is using him for the game and he is so pathetic that he does not realize it. Zack is just a total Dud. The Donatos are poster children for the white trash citizens of America. They should return to the trailer parks they came from.

I quite honestly would have liked to have seen Kael or Mike stay in the house and compete, but they were railroaded out far too early.

Jen, hang in there and win this thing. The true colors of the remaining guests are now showing through and they are not nice to see.

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