Shelly is Trying to Stay Above Water in the BB House

by BBBlogger on August 28, 2011

I’m too lazy to read through the comments so I don’t know if this has been reported, but Shelly is up to her old tricks again. She had a “heart to heart” with Jordan and continued to lie, lie, lie. I actually had a hard time reading what she was saying! I do have to admit, she sure can play this game. She continues to move to whomever can get her further in the game. Hopefully, Jordan is smart enough to realize that she is continuing to “play” her. Of course, Shelly’s tears were flowing. She’s quite the actress. Here are some of the things Shelly told Jordan. These may not be exact words.

Shelly: I am not on their side at all. If there is something I can do, I’ll do it (referring to Kalia/Porsche).
Jordan: I don’t understand why you sided with Dani. Shelly: I never sided with Dani.

Jordan actually apologized to Shelly for her outburst! Shelly too apologizes to Jordan. Shelly kept bashing Rachel in an attempt to separate Jordan from her.

I know I wrote a ranting blog about Shelly and I don’t take back what I said, but I do have a very negative view of people who are taking a game like Big Brother and attempting to assert it into real life. Through Twitter and Matt Hoffman and Ragan Fox, I have read some horrible comments about how people are attacking Shelly and her family in the “real” world. Not on this site–thank goodness! Things like that are totally uncalled for! One comment has even been sent to the FBI, that’s how serious of a threat it was.

If Shelly makes it through this next week, I will be unhappy, but totally in awe of her. She is playing one heck of a Big Brother game. I think I said this before. I think so many people dislike her not because she is playing the game so well, but that she doesn’t admit she is playing the game when she is in the DR. If she lied to everyone and then went in to the DR and said “Yep, I’m lying to everyone. Aren’t the other HG’s real suckers?” Then you could at least understand her a little better.

Another topic that is flying around the Internet is whether Rachel is pregnant. That really isn’t any of our business, but wait, is it? Is there any chance that Rachel has planted that in all the HG’s heads so that if she does make it to the final two, she might have a slight advantage? Something to think about!

Have a good Sunday. I hope everyone in the East gets to dry off very soon and the West gets a break from this paralyzing heat. See you all tonight. Bloggergal

Justaguy (JT) August 28, 2011 at 11:11 am

Hope Shelly goes Thursday… I think she has a shot to stay though… never know what Rachel will do.

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Justaguy (JT) August 28, 2011 at 11:22 am

And Shelly saying she never sided with Dani??? Huh?? She does say things to try to cover up her lies.. but how could she even say that? She voted to keep Dani.. then she voted to evict Jeff. Then she was hi-fiving with Kalia & Porsche when they won HOH & POV.

Seems pretty clear to me.

I’ve said before, I don’t really have a problem with some deception to get further in this game. It’s BB after all…. not citizen of the year. I just don’t like when people do non game things to hurt someone else… and that goes across the board for me. I don’t care who it is or who the target is… that’s a bunch of BS.

But people getting angry to the extent Bloggergal described is WAY OUT OF LINE! They really need to get their own life if a “reality” tv show affects them that much. Pretty sad really. Those are the people that should quit watching.

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judy ann August 28, 2011 at 11:23 am

Shelly act’s like a man. There is nothing lady about her. I kind of liked her @ the start, but now I really hope she is gone this week, if not next. Rachel, I never liked but I do a hell of a lot better then Shelly. Shelly is just plain & simple sick . She is a man in a woman’s body & she walks like one to. PUKEING SICK SHE IS.

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starfish August 28, 2011 at 12:00 pm

Thanks Bloggergal! Great analysis of Shelly. I agree, she should be honest with America while in the DR and we would be more receptive to her chosen way to play this game. It would even be funny if she confided in us and made the other HGs out to be dumb for believing her. We would applaud that strategy. It’s amazing though, you have to give her credit, they believe her. The obnoxious threatening behavior of some people is unacceptable. The FBI??? Really? That is too scary. As JT says, people need to get their own lives.

Shame on Matt & Ragan, they are doing their best to take the bad press away from their friend Rach. They are as bad as she is.

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Maya August 28, 2011 at 12:01 pm

So looking foward to tonight. I wanted Dani to stay, but thongs happen. I’m glad they finally broke up Jeff and Jordan ., next to go should be Rachel or Jordan . Like I said before., if I was playing I’d be breaking up the OG couples big time. Newbees have to win … The OG already had a chance. But the only bad thing is that this set of newbees are floaters!!! They don’t do much!!! Adam does somewhatore, but they are not leaders whatsoever !!! I’m going back to school on Monday, keep me posted please!!!!???? I just moved and don’t have cable to record … Whaaa!!! Have a great Sunday !!!

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starfish August 28, 2011 at 12:05 pm

@Maya, yep too bad Dani had to go. CBS didn’t do such a great job choosing newbies this year for sure. They were too shocked to play by the oldies coming into the house. I think it set them on their ear for awhile and the Golden thing didn’t help either. Can’t play for a few weeks sucks.

I said this on the last blog. Anyone know? I would love to see the contract CBS has the HGs sign. Does anyone know where to find one? It would be interesting to see any disclosures they may have in the β€œfine print”. I just don’t see how they could legally manipulate the game without being sued from a past HG.

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Justaguy (JT) August 28, 2011 at 12:37 pm

Check this out starfish… I haven’t read it yet. I doubt that former HGs can prove that CBS rigs the show. They would need someone from production to step forward. All the things they say in the DR can be written off as playing Devil’s advocate to make HGs really think about their decisions.

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jolee August 28, 2011 at 12:44 pm

hello all
i cant believe anyone could lie
as much as shelly UNLESS
she is a mole planted by CBS to cause havoc in the bb house

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Justaguy (JT) August 28, 2011 at 12:47 pm

I read 2 pages of the contract… then I quit. No way will I read all 36 pages! 😯

But if somebody (starfish πŸ˜† ) finds something of interest.. then feel free to tell me what page it’s on.

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Spookicat August 28, 2011 at 12:56 pm

I have been reading that the fortune teller finally did something and shelly was intimating that she got something, and perhaps Adam did too, anyone know what they got if anything at all?

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Ted August 28, 2011 at 12:56 pm

I have to react with 😯 to the fact that JT has not read the BB contract!!! Even I, a minor BB fan, read it when I saw it posted on Andy’s column.

Silly how everyone is in such an uproar over Shelly’s game.

Rachel pregnant??? What a surprise.

I hope they show the arrival at the JH of the new evictees. I’m sure they all patched up their differences, but it would be a bit tense for a while… they should put that on BBAD.

Hoping one of our resident BBEXPERTS can fill me in… how exactly, will this POV that Rachel won work? The Duo is off the block or just R? Not happy with CBS meddling to keep people in the game. But then, Rachel and Jordan are important to the ratings I guess.

Not much to live for since Daniele got the boot… but, I’m trying to stay strong and carry on in spite of my tears.

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BlueJay August 28, 2011 at 12:57 pm

At one point I did think that I was watching “The Mole” instead of BB with Shelly’s actions.

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Ted August 28, 2011 at 12:58 pm

Oh, I see he read 2 pages… some BB fan…

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Justaguy (JT) August 28, 2011 at 1:00 pm

Ted. the veto will work just like the first 4 weeks of the show.

If you read all 36 pages of that contract.. then tell starfish what it said! πŸ˜†

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Ted August 28, 2011 at 1:01 pm

I read that Shelly was messing with the FT for a long time and got it to light up, Spookie.

So, what is the deal with these ‘powers’ they talk about? I don’t remember that from last year. Matt got that POV thing when he was HOH, but that wasn’t a power. Lawon certainly thought he was going to get some kind of power.

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CATHY August 28, 2011 at 1:02 pm


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tony August 28, 2011 at 1:04 pm

Shelly is a man, baby, how anyone could shag her, is beyond me, that face has been thru alot of battles, and beat to sh–, with an ugly stick, someone that ugly has to be great at lies and decieving people, its her only chance of survival, in life, how is that back feeling ugly puss, thats karma smacking you right in the face or should i say back, you are by far the most disliked BB Houseguest ever, so you did win something after all, disgraced your family and freinds, i cant wait to see you hobble out of the house and hear all the boo’s from the crowd, your only great in your own demented mind, by shelly or sam who ever you really are!!!

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Justaguy (JT) August 28, 2011 at 1:04 pm

Matt’s DPOV was a power Ted… it saved his butt (for the moment) …and sent Kathy to the jury house.

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Ted August 28, 2011 at 1:05 pm

Well… I didn’t say that I read the ‘whole’ thing… I’m not crazy! But I did read all of the Survivor contract… πŸ˜†

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Justaguy (JT) August 28, 2011 at 1:07 pm

What Shelly doesn’t realize is that Rachel & Dani got that fortune teller to move a LONG time ago… and she didn’t give them anything either… but they hadn’t been in the house even a week at that point.

Check out the flashback on the feeds….

July 9th / 10:46pm (BB house time) / cam 1

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Justaguy (JT) August 28, 2011 at 1:10 pm

Ted, you will be happy to know that although I haven’t read the contract.. I did find the part where it tells you what page covers certain subjects.

Page 14 at the bottom covers rigging the game. I did read that.. but am unable to copy that paragraph.

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Ted August 28, 2011 at 1:13 pm

Yeah, I guess so if it said ‘Power’… I forgot the P. But a power from the FT? I guess you could find them somewhere in the house, not just PB.

So Porsche has to put up S & A. Then the voters would be K, J & R. So I guess Shelly will go, as I do not see R & J keeping her.

Where’s my pal PK? Missing his BB Sun Dinner Menu.

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Spookicat August 28, 2011 at 1:16 pm

I didn’t know that Rachel and Jordan got it to work back then. Shelly is saying that she got something from the Fortune Teller and they were thinking that Adam may have as well.

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Ted August 28, 2011 at 1:17 pm

Thanks JT… What the Hell! Do you keep a log of the live feeds??? You need more help than I thought. Oh, glad to see your pipeline to Bloggergal has been restored.

Glad Irene lost some of her power, and maybe our BB friends in her path were spared some. Pretty scary and the aftermath will be brutal. Waiting for a report from Bobo.

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Ted August 28, 2011 at 1:20 pm

Does anyone know what happened to Kaila’s arm… I am assuming it got scraped up in the comp.

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Justaguy (JT) August 28, 2011 at 1:26 pm

Ted, let’s see if I have this straight…

If I don’t know something or don’t read something…. then I’m not a true BB fan??

If I do know something or can reference something on the feeds… then I need professional help??

..hmmm… seems like a lose-lose situation for me. πŸ˜† ..wouldn’t have it any other way though. πŸ˜›

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Justaguy (JT) August 28, 2011 at 1:28 pm

PS.. don’t know about Kalia’s arm. (some BB fan I am) πŸ˜†

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Princess August 28, 2011 at 1:35 pm

The first year I was on BB Blog (8??) I remember a contest and a quick camera flash with writing on it. Having TiVo’d it, I ran it back until I could understand it. There was a name, but nothing so blatant as a HG name. After that, at BBAD, there was much talk of the comp being geared to “???.” After that I really started watching for such things. I remember hearing clearly in Jeff’s season someone complaining that in the DR production was trying to convince them NOT to put up Jeff (ratings). I’ve heard Jeff murmur about the same thing this year. I also notice the same thing about games on Survivor, although it is not so blatant. If you watch with a cynical eye, you will pick up on BB trying to influence, but not force, the HGs and games. Ratings are ratings.

Hi justa, good to see you!

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Justaguy (JT) August 28, 2011 at 1:40 pm

Hi princess.. good to see you here! πŸ˜€

I do remember Kevin telling Natalie about production trying to get him not to put up Jeff in BB11.. and this year Jeff telling Jordan the same about him putting up Dani.

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jolee August 28, 2011 at 1:43 pm

kalia ‘s arm got hurt by the refridgerator door

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Anne August 28, 2011 at 1:50 pm

Kalia, shelly and porsh have got to go!!! Triple avection… That would be sweet πŸ˜‰

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Ted August 28, 2011 at 2:14 pm

Thanks Jolee… I guess by opening it to many times!!!

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mike stover August 28, 2011 at 2:17 pm

@ jolee, I could see that happening, the girl loves her food

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Ted August 28, 2011 at 2:20 pm

Oh no Justaguy, would not be using the ‘L’ word… you are the ultimate BBFan for me. In my state of absolute disbelief I misspoke. But, your ability to state the date, time and cam for any occurrence in the house is truly uncanny, and may lead to the necessity for professional help when BB is over.

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starfish August 28, 2011 at 3:39 pm

Thanks Justa, I will take a look at the contract to see what I can find and I will look at pg 14 for sure. Thanks for finding it.

Ted, you didn’t read the whole thing?? I’m shocked. And Ted, to many times??? 😯 I agree about Justa’s brain, it’s a steel trap. πŸ™‚

@Jolee, if that’s true and it’s from the fridge, I hope they show it. Not surprising tho? πŸ™‚ @ Mike, πŸ˜† too true.

Hi Princess, good to see you back. JT might be right about them getting away with “leading” the HGs by claiming they are playing Devil’s advocate. I’m sure their contract is iron clad or we would have seen lawsuits by now. It’s good to have a cynical eye. I still don’t like that production can ‘lead’ the HGs, not ethical IMO.

I don’t know who CATHY is but I guess she doesn’t read our posts or she would have seen that a couple of us have mentioned that all caps means she’s yelling at us plus I don’t even read those posts, it’s too hard on the eyes.

Waiting to hear from Bobo. I sure hope he’s ok. He said he was 2.5 miles from the Jersey Shore.

Good to see some new posters on here today. That’s great!!

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Edie August 28, 2011 at 3:39 pm

I think Shelly is a horrible person, she does nothing but lie to everyone and the way she treated Jeff and Jordan is despicable. She may say this is for her family, but the morals she is exhibiting is certainly nothing I would want my family to see. Do it once, twice, and continue, just gets easier to be a scumbag in your real life outside the Big Brother house.

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PK August 28, 2011 at 3:47 pm

Who would have thought that Allison Grodner and her crew of reality tv purists could have devised a POV competition where Rachel would have to cling to a hanging effigy of her fiance and love of her life until hell froze over if necessary to prove her love for her man.

@Ted… Lazy Sunday watching Carole Lombard movies all day and letting Church’s Chicken perform some of their chicken genius for a change…

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Star August 28, 2011 at 4:20 pm

Hey Justa, Starfish, Ted, Princess, Mike, Pk……

I was watching the LFS in the wee morning hopurs..bevause that is when all the GOOD stuff happens…ZIPNADA during BBAD!! The whole talk from Shelly to Jordo was disgusting!!! She was whining and crying and swearing on whatever she thought would tug on Jordo’s heartstrings. She said she had ALWAYS been loyal to J&J, that she was acting like their torojan horse trying to go out and get info from the other HGs and give it back to them(She forgot to say that she was doing just the opposite too!!) She explained that the onl;y reason she went to Dani’s side was that she knew she couldnt win with J&J and it was purely game and she jsut *needs something for her family and her parents and in laws*!! What…don’t any of them work eitehr, like her hubby??? I don’t care if she is or isn’t a CEO or is rich or needs the money! NONE of those are good reason to LET somebody win! People need to win on their own gaming skills and merit. At least last year when Matt was saying his wife was sick, WE knew it was a ploy!! Bloggergal is right..if she would admit in the DR that she is playong everyone, I wouldnt feel so bad about her. Maybe. It would be by degrees
Anyway, Jordo wasm’t that moved but by the end, they were hugging it out. Bleh! then she went to go to bed and I think Racho had been out talking to Adam the whole time cuz she started quetioning Jordo as to whether J&J had ever really been true to Brenchel! Just all of a sudden, she didn’t trust her ONLY ally in the house at all!! Somone was working on her head while Shelly was working on Jordo’s!! Coincidence??? Me thinks not!!!
Meanwhile, Shelley goes back up to the HOH and is confirming her F3 with Kalia and Porsche……after telling Jordo that she would do ANYHTING for her in this game!! ya, like stab her in teh back!!! She relaly is despicalbe and it’s way to late for anyone to change my mind about her now. I hope and pray that she goes this week!!! Then whoever wins, wins and we can all move on to Survivor. At least it won’t be BUCK!! YUCK!!lol

Can’t wait for the show!! Catch ya all afterwards!!!

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Dorina wood August 28, 2011 at 4:37 pm

Rachel and Jordan are off the block winning the Veto! So that mean shelly and Adam will be on the block. I think shelly will loose because Adam hasn’t done anything to upset Rachel and Jordan and they will now be majority vote. Bye Bye liar liar! I hate also that Shelly can’t admit to at least america she is lying to get futher in the game.I could respect that. I to have read the horrible post about Shellys family. I pray for their safety and feel that these websites should screen what ever is posted so things can’t go on the sites. Its not good to put ideas into peoples heads. This is a game not real life. I know everyone loves Jeff or Jordan. But to say what was said is dispectable. So in close I say GO RACHEL!! GO JORDAN!!

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starfish August 28, 2011 at 5:04 pm

Thanks Star, you definitely put the good bye for Shelly in my book. She was loyal for awhile but then she was even lying to herself and everyone within 3 feet of her. 😑 Psycho comes to mind. πŸ˜† Could it be that Adam and Shelly worked out that little ploy to work on Jordan and Rach to pit them against each other? That may just be the work of Adam if it’s true. He’s the strategist of the two and less emotional for sure.

Hey Dorina wood, “bye bye liar liar” πŸ˜† That’s perfect! As for the crazies and their obnoxious remarks about any of the HGs especially what they are saying about Shelly and her family is unacceptable. I agree there should be some stiff moderation regarding threats. I hope these folks get the hint if the FBI is involved as Bloggergal says. I’m ashamed of Matt & Ragan for their participation in the destruction of another human being – shame on them both!

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Lillian Flores August 28, 2011 at 5:14 pm


Ley’s see, how about we just shoot you straight. That is straight out of the Big Brother House.

I hope you can make up a good story for Jeff and Brendon to believe in the Jury house. I don’t think that they will buy your shit…..

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Lillian Flores August 28, 2011 at 5:18 pm

I hope I am right and Rachel wins that last HOH, they she can shoot those bullets right back at em. You go Rachecl, and you too Jordan.

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tendr August 28, 2011 at 5:30 pm

I agree Shelly is manly and she is good at convincing herself she doesn’t lie. I actually feel she lies like everyone else but then doesn’t want to admit she is lying because she’s forgetting it’s a game. Hey, I was taught not to lie but play cards with me and I will cheat like crazy…..ha.


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Marsha August 28, 2011 at 5:40 pm

Wow CATHY, that was one long sentence and a LOT of caps!

I certainly hope Jordan didn’t fall for Shelly’s BS. I know Jordan has a good heart and I think she will probably forgive Shelly but I hope not forget. Maybe Shelly will be the one to go next. Then it will be interesting to see how she plays the rest of the Jury. I mean she has lied to the other houseguests all season and all of America all season, so who would think she would change her game when she gets to jury?

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Sandra August 28, 2011 at 6:55 pm

I have been reading some peoples comments and wonder why on earth would you want to read the contract of the show????Crazy!!!Your not on it.And as for Shelly…she IS playing the game and yes she does have a manly walk,but all this name calling… old are these people?Anyway before I leave I just have to say I don’t care who wins but I don’t want Adam to win.Do he really thing someone is going to take him to the end and then hand over the game to him..I DON’T THINK SO.

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luv2shootpics August 28, 2011 at 7:50 pm

Shelly must expect someone to hand her the game because the final 3 must compete for the last HOH who gets to pick the person who goes with them to the Jury vote. You must have game to make it to the end an all Shelly has is her mouth!

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starfish August 28, 2011 at 7:52 pm

Star you wrote something about Shelly saying she wants to win for her “family, parents and in-laws”. I agree with you, doesn’t anybody work in her family but her? I also wonder what her co-workers & those who work for her will think after watching her on this show. If she was my boss, I’d really wonder about her.

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starfish August 28, 2011 at 7:54 pm

Yea Sal, you got that right. I still think playing both sides worked for her and originally I liked her but then somewhere she went off the rails big time. πŸ˜€

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Jennifer Clugston August 28, 2011 at 7:59 pm

Shelly is a back-stabbing twofaced horrible rotten low down snake in the grass bad example setting evil person noone should trust for a friend because she PROVED WHAT GREED DOES!!!!!! Her family looked pretty comfortable, not desperate for money, yet stabs the two ppl in the game who CARRIED HERTHIS FAR!!!!!!!!!!! I hope shes EVICTED THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!

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Mel August 28, 2011 at 8:03 pm

Anyone hear that Shelly’s family including her 8 yr old child has received death threats and her work has been harrassed by mentally disturbed J&J fans for Shelly having Jeff evicted last week? And her family is calling in the FBI,

What is rediculous is that the only thing BB producers has done is tweet to people it is only a game, not telling Shelly her family is in potential danger for her being on the show and allowing her to leave the show. But they called Dick into the DR and he left the show over a friend???

BB producers have sunk to a new low, aside from rigging the game (i.e. P Box and POV comps to keep players in the game Jordan and Rachel, prior Jeff and so on)

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BCMarie August 28, 2011 at 8:13 pm

I missed the Zingbot episode and from the comments that I heard about it on the blog many didn’t know what the f was going on. I am hearing impaired so I always have my close caption on my TV … I am also a telephone operator so I really ‘get’ what can be misread/misunderstood. From the posts it wasn’t a memorable moment in BB.

To the ones chatting about age and looking in the mirror. It is my 52bday this week, the gal I look at in the mirror looks similar to the gal in my grade 8 school pic. I don’t have older school book pics cuz I was a runaway. Yet I rose up and achieved the education at the time that was right for me. This old gal sees a wrinkle or two here or there but that gal that looks back at me in the mirror is grateful to be alive. While many of you have done your career and family life, thinking about retirement … I am just only BEGINNING to have my skills, philosophy, life experiences appreciated.

You are only as old as you want to be.

If the newbies got their poo together, they would realize that taking Jordan or Rachel to the F2 would be the ultimate goal to make.

If you are against Jordan … the jury room … would they really hand over to her another half mil?

With Rachel … that is the iffy. She is vilified but tolerated.

Who will be the final two?

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Rebecca Diem August 28, 2011 at 9:04 pm

What is the hate over Shelly. Ok, I’m not a huge fan of the woman’s but she has been playing a great game up to this point. So, she hasn’t won anything; neither has “sweet” Jordan–except that one HOH which was handed to her after being set up for her to win by allowing Rachel to set the order in which they took their turns. Shelly was star-struck as is Adam. And Adam still thinks he has a chance in hell to win if he makes it to the f2. Yeah. Sure. Adam and Jordan are the ultimate floaters–riding the coat tails of others right to the top of the heap. At least Shelly has played the game in the only way she knows how since she can’t win at comps.

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starfish August 28, 2011 at 9:28 pm

@Mel, they should do something more than tweet it’s just a game. New low for sure. I wish they would stand up and make a huge statement as to what is appropriate and what is acceptable for all fans of any reality show. Death threats are so way over the top that I’m stunned they exist. Beware of the crazies out there whose life exists between the TV and the Internet. It’s scary and they could be living next door to you.

@BCMarie, you didn’t miss much with the zingbot. I think you can see the episode on the computer though by going to Someone correct me if I’m wrong on that. As for looking in the mirror, it is what it is. I wouldn’t go back for anything. Sounds like you did good for yourself. I can’t imagine what it was like running away. I tried that and packed my little suitcase with dolls and walked to the intersection with a light and went home because I wasn’t allowed to cross there. πŸ™‚ Taking Rach to the F2 could be risky but I agree about Jordan since she already won and didn’t do much.

Rebecca D, yes, Shelly was playing a great game but she’s gone off the rails the last weeks. IMHO

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luv2shootpics August 28, 2011 at 9:40 pm

Great show tonight. I liked the Jeff/Shelly situation shown that occured before the eviction ceremony on Thursday. I love how brash everyone seems to get when they win HOH lately. Singing and dancing and then turn around and wimpering when things don’t go their way!
Game Time people …… just play the game!

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Star August 28, 2011 at 10:53 pm

Tonight’s show was good..and eye opening!! Even tho we all usually know days ahead of the TV show what is or had happened, to see the actual comps and people’s reactions to them says alot.

Prosche really did practice with that snake game thingy this week, so ya gotta hand it to her for winning and working to get there. I felt so bad for Rachel and Jordon, esp. Jordo as she felt ALL the pressure on her at the end. And she looked so dejected when she let her duo down. And I hate to keep harping on her, but Shelley’s reactions really bugged the crap outta me!! I totally agree that NO one should be getting nasty on blogs to the point of death threats and definitely not taking it to anyone’s real life!!! And also agree that BB should have done ALOT more than they did!! If comparing to what they did with ED….I said then and stick to it , that that was all rigged!! I think telling people that ED and Dani would be on the show was a ratings getter and he never did plan to spend the summer there!! OR wanted out once he did get in so they accomodated him cuz he is their SuperStar! But anyway, back to Shelly…I can see WHY people get so irritted with her!!! Did you see her face tonight when she was watching Jordo playing at the end?? It was all contorted and evil looking..and she was bent all low like she had cramps and was doing everything but reaching out and hitting the thing !! Then when Porsche won(Uhhh..Shelly..have you ever thought about practicing so YOU could actually win something yourself??Instead of smoking and lying all day ??))She was beside herself with scary looking ….joy?? It was more relief for herself and her NEW, yet again, alliance!! She wasn’t happy for Porsche…just that SHE was safe..or so she thinks!!
I have been watching BB since Show 1 Day 1. And i have disliked alot of HGs. But I can’t even stand to LOOK at this woman anymore!!! She is NOT JUST gamplaying. As Starfish said,she is PSYCHO and if she doesn’t go home this week, I may, for the 1st time EVER, quit watching the show. I cannot take her crap anymore. It’s not funny, smart, ethical or even normal!!!

@Starfish..yes she did say that about her family. Im’ not so sure she does had a great big CEO job! But another thing that irks me is…and she has said it multiple times…she always says*I need SOMETHING for my daughter…or family…..* But she never says MONEY!!! Like it’s a dirty word and if she actally says it, then we will see what she is really like. Umm…delusional much??lol

@BCMarie..more power to ya for being self made in your own way and time!! It’s always nice to know a lil something about people who we are talking to here.

I better stop for now as I ‘m sure this is HUGE already!!lol And sorry for being so focused on Shelly. I will try to talk just about her game from now on…oh wait…like Sal said…* You must have game to make it to the end an all Shelly has is her mouth!*

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justlookin August 28, 2011 at 11:01 pm

Wow how about sweet Jordan when she’s mad! I feel bad for her. Shelly has been a snake this whole game. Yes I know this is bb and it is the game. πŸ˜‰ but in every season I’ve seen the snake get It’s head cut off eventually… So why does Shelly think she can float to the end n stab her alliance in the back? Anyway…..

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BBBlogger August 28, 2011 at 11:09 pm

Blog’s up. Goodnight friends! Bloggergal

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Cherile Berrio August 29, 2011 at 7:32 am

Hopefully the 2 floaters (Shelly & Adam) leave this week. I can’t stand it when they throw competitions!

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