Olympics…Big Brother…Olympics…Big Brother…I’m having a hard time paying attention to both! So, I’ll admit I cheated and looked at all your comments to get my information. Shane has put Joe and Ashley on the block. Janelle once again won the coaches competition and declared Wil safe. Lucky for him because he was going out the door! I see that not all of you agree with Shane, but I think he did the right thing. He’s keeping Boogie and Frank on his good side, but he also has the opportunity to backdoor Frank this week.
The thing is if the coaches enter the game after this week, Shane is going to need Frank big time. Its too bad we know this and he doesn’t. I did watch a little bit of when Brittany was sitting alone in the HOH room talking to the camera. Say what you want about the gal, but she knows something is up and she thinks (knows?) the coaches are going to enter this game. I really think there had to be something in the contract that allowed for this contingency. They couldn’t have signed up to be coaches and then all of a sudden “surprise…you are a player now!”.
I didn’t catch who the Have Nots are this week, nor do I know what America chose as the foods, but I’m sure you’ll fill me in on that. I think I read that Ian once again is a Have Not. Okay, enough is enough Ian.
Enjoy your weekend, all! Bloggergal
get rid of ashley she is a real downer on the show
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I’m thinking Shane did the best thing even though I would love to see Frank leave.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I voted 10 no’s to the coaches coming into the game but like everyone here is saying that probably doesn’t matter. They have no one else to fill in the season. I really hate to see previous players playing again but I guess loyal fans mean nothing to CBS.
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Joe is a HN this week. I see he is sliding down on his bed. Wonder what he will have to say when he awakes?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Salmon & Cereal were chosen for the HNs for this week. Please explain why we are voting for food for the HAVE NOTS and the rest of the HGs are consuming it. Sick & tired of Boogie snatching stuff. Eat your own food! I’d love to see BB make the chosen foods off limits to the rest of the house. After the week is over then they could eat any of the leftovers, ei. the cans of salmon, boxes of cereal.
Any chance of updating the pix on the upper right…since JoJo is out and Joe & Ashley are on the block, also Shane is HOH now.
Anxious to see the Coach’s Comp….and how Jani got so bruised.
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I agree, Ashley should go. She is absolutely useless!
I agree with you. If the coaches comes back in the game Shane will need Frank!
If a member of Janelle’s team wins POV Shane will be forced to put up one of Boggie’s players or Danielle. On BBAD last night Danielle told Janelle’s team that she would not vote any of them off, which could put Shane in deep trouble. The best scenario for Shane would be to put Ian up (if one of Janelle’s players wins POV), as Ian would definitely vote to keep Ashley in the house if given the chance to vote, thus keeping Janelle’s team intact! Oh what a web they are weaving!!! π
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Hi aggie, in response to your post #68 on the previous page, I think shane did not put frank on the block as he does not want to make the same mistake willie did in saying u r safe then he is put on the block in the next breath.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------also for the numbers he needs boogie and his team to work with him something has to be done to get out the amazon (janelle) and her gang of thieves and liars. I think it was a smart move on his part, at least for the time being. I wish it were will and joe, but alas and alack it is not to be, and i love the way will was sitting and pouting and making all kinds of plans as if he was sitting in the hoh chair. also is jenn still in the house? have not seen much of her, talk about floating she gives new meaning to the word. Ian is an idiot to want to be a have not again i think he is trying to set a record and the only record he will set is losing the most weight which he really cannot afford. Ashley Ashley Ashley she is a mess what else can i say. I just hope joe goes taking his stupid pet catapillar with him. I am happy dan and danielle r hooking up with shane and brit, but have to think danielle is so quirky she is upset when she is on the block and is even more upset when she is NOT, what gives. Oh well I guess u all see and hear most of this,
will do fly by later to check for updates, hoping no one gets the veto,
have a great and cool day fellow bloggters,
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@Bloggergal – thanks for your input. I agree totally that Shane may need Boogs and Frank later but in this game, you should strike when you can. Only time will tell if his picks are good for him. Personally, for his own game play he should back door Frank. Also, thanks for the tidbit that Ashley did some porn. I still think she’s one fry short of a happy meal.
@Betty If it comes down to the 3 of them and Boogs is in the game, well gues who goes out first? Shane doesn’t realize that Boogs & Frank are attached at the hip right now.
@MM, I couldn’t agree more. We can wish but Joe & Ashley are it and I hope Joe goes unless he back doors Frank.
@Aggie, thanks for the Dr. Will update. He has too much hair. So True and his face is stiff. ha ha
@JT, thanks for staying up all night to get the correct noms. You and Frannie really hung in there. Thank you!
@Star, I’m doing better. I’ll email you soon. Just crazy right now and BB is a break for me.
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******* SPOILER****************SPOILER************SPOILER
not sure if correct but this is what I have seen so far:
Power of Veto Players:
Ashley, Joe, Frank, Danielle, Wil and Shane
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Hey Bloggergal..i posted this on previous page.#43, but here is the rest of the info you needed:
β’Janelle Won the Coaches Comp and Saved Wil!
β’Joe and Ian are the Have Nots for the Weekβ¦
β’America Voted for Cereal and Salmon
Been cruising around and lools like Joe may be the one to go this week if he doesn;t win POV! Frank is making deals with everyone….not sure if he’s doping it on hid own or under Boogioe’s tutilage(SP?) but sso far Wil is telling heim he wants a deal and Danielle is talking to Shane about beiong F3 with Frank! wil says he promised Joe his vote but it’s his game and basicallyif Frank makes an alliance with him, Joe is gone! Brit doesn’t wnt them to backdoor Frank now and Shane ahd a deal with him, so he prolly won;t anyway! If they don’t get Frank out this week , it may be their last shot. Alto I personally like Frank so tht works for me. Just stupid on their part!!
MM..I did answer your post last night, right before aggie’s last 2..about #66. Maybe you didn’t see it. π
Betty..you know how I feel about ashley too!! But it looks like she may stay. they dislike Joe more and like I said last nite, tht girl could FLOAT her way to the end if they aren’t careful!!!!
Starfish..Im always just an emial away but onl;y if you need to talk. No worries!! Glad you are doing better!!
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MM…I haven’t see anything yet to confirm or deny POV players so good on you!!!;)
Quote form the HOH:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shane: Joe’s outta here. He’s gone. If he doesn’t win PoV.
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Bringing th coaches into the game?! Looks like BB desperation to me. It’s a lousy idea. If (when) it happens, I’m gone. Glass House, here I come. Ugh!
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star went back and read comment 66 txs i see u got an lol about the catepillar ugh and lost nite on bbad the camera keep zooming in on it i really think they have several people doing nothing but reading blogs and do stuff just to pi$$ us off lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I keep checking to see who won the pov if goes as planned should be a great if not the amazon will be strutting her stuff.
i can’t believe how last nite on bbad she was so happy that brit is buying all their bull crap, ZING amazon two can play the same game.
ok keeping fingers crossed pov goes as planned
will do fly by later for update and or breaking news
hugs star and so good to see starfish miss u
betty i agree 120% ashley should have a life preserver name after her
ok ok now i am gone…
ciao till later………………………….
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Here is yet another little tidbit i found thru the grapevine to be quite interesting but cannot state 100% true, but we can still talk about it right?????
Joe drags his sorry carcass up to the HOH and hopes the breakfast in bed he served Shane (which he later divulged the DR told him to do – yuck!)
Has anyone else heard this???
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are there only 2 HG’s on slop (Ian & Joe) and if so why not 4 as before?
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------that is a really good question, I guess BB changes the rules with each comp
I am curious to know the reason why, I have been so caught up in the upcoming pov this did not even enter my mind, perhaps because brits team was not eligible lol???
thanks for bringing it up.
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Hi Margie! Glad to see you my friend! I am with you so I don’t have much to say! π Going to watch some of the BBAD I have taped two days of the show, guess I’ll be doing plenty of FF after hearing some of the comments! I wii see you soon, maybe in Aggie Land….Later my friend β₯
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wil is worthless. Is he one of the girls?
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bbigbbob…I will tell ya something i DO know about Wil..he has naturally curly hair!! It looks so straight but one night Brit asked him if he had grown a tendril and he laughed and said his hair was as cur;y as frank’s!!! Also, when he saw that Ashley had a boar’s hair brush, he jumped on it and asked if he coud use it cuz its supposed to be good on EXTENSIONS!!!! SO…he has naturally curly,short hair which he flatirons and puts extensions in. Maybe he IS a girl!!lol He is FAKE at least, that’s for sure! I like WIl a bit at 1st, but the more I get to know him, the less i like him!!!!
Dewy Rose and MM….I was wondering the same thing!!!! We should find out Sunday when we see the show. Weird year. They keep chanign things up..it’s like there are no rules this year!!
Still trivia since 2:03BBT so POV still on. Takes hours sometimes!! Going out for dinner soon so I may not be around when it’s over. If not, someone let us know who won!!!! I kinda hope it’s Shane or somone who won’t change the Noms cuz I’d be happy to see either one of them go home!!!
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Good stuff Star….. π See you after dinner…………. π
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Shane won POV …
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Britney wants to hide because she doesn’t want Janelle all over her to get the POV used to save one of her players.
Really looks like it wont be used… and that Joe will be the one they want gone.
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I heard wil won JT.
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Are you watching feeds Star or reading other sites?
IDK for sure… but they were talking about Janelle’s team being poor sports… and how Shane has become an even bigger target.. if that’s possible.
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Nope. U r right. My source just changed it to Shane. I’m happy with that tho!!! π
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OK… whew… I didn’t actually hear them say Shane won… I just put that comment up based on conversation… but it is hard to tell sometimes.
But if Wil had won… that would have made some sense too.. because Wil would have saved Ashley and Joe would still be pissed. π I guess Joe would have been pissed no matter who won other than himself.
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LOL… now Janelle is already up in HOH trying to get Shane to see that he needs to get rid of Frank.
So far, Shane aint buyin’ much of it. Janelle said that it was Frank who flipped the house in the beginning… and Shane said he had to because he (Frank) was on the block.
Janelle is trying to see Joe as the quiet, innocent bystander. Please… he sure as hell aint quiet from what I’ve seen… and he sure as hell aint innocent.
Janelle is desperate.. and Shane & Brit can see that. Should be funny to see what Brit & Shane say after Janelle leaves the room.
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Janelle is trying to
seesell Joe as the quiet….…is what I meant to say!!!! π³
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Brit makes a good point to Janelle.
Janelle wants Frank gone… more than anything. Brit points out that they had a chance to get Frank out when he was on the block.. but they voted out Kara.
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Worst year yet. I like Frank and don’t want to see him go. Can’t stand anyone on Janelle’s team. I am so tired of seeing them plot about lies they are going to tell. I f the coaches do come into the game or should I say when they come back into the game, it will no longer be worth watching. I would rather see a short season than them to come back in. Not only do the players lie, BB itself does. It is becoming a “non” reality show but scripted. Not cool BB, just keep it up and see how many of us diehard fans stop watching.
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Dorothy, I agree 100% that the coaches should not enter the game this far into the season.
And I agree that I would rather see a shortened season than have that happen. I don’t want a short season of course, but if those are my only 2 choices, then a short season is what I’d take!! I know they need more players… I know it would add some excitement… but doing it this way is just flat out wrong!
As far as not watching…. I did say (for the FIRST TIME EVER)… that the coaches entering the game would make me consider that. I don’t throw around comments like that lightly. I have always been one to look for the bright side of BB even in down years. I have read season after season how it’s the worst ever… yet I still tell people to stick with it in hopes of it getting better. I continue to report what is happening year after year despite all the negative comments.
But this vote and possible outcome would be something totally different for me. Not because I think the coaches would run the house.. not because they already had their shot… simply because of the timing. No way should anyone enter the game after being shielded from eviction by other players who are now gone.
If they do this, then next year when they get to the final 4, they might as well add 4 vets that hadn’t been in the game yet… and let the 8 of them battle it out. Just plain stupid idea… but it would make as much sense.
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Does anyone know who won POV?
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Shane did Betty π
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Hope Shane does not change the vote and Ashley is eliminated, even though everyone wants Joe out! Did Joe cry when he lost POV?
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JT do you think Shane with use the POV?
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Doesn’t sound like Shane will change noms at this point.
Don’t think Joe cried π ..just heard them talking about him being a poor sport.. didn’t hear what they meant by that though.
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sorry -substitute ‘with’ with will
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JT…I seen/read somewhere that Janelle took her wedding band off and gave it to Brit to keep her players in the game. Don’t know if that’s true….did you hear or see that. I’m not on the feeds right now. I was getting bored watching Janelle kiss ass!
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Frannie, I was only half paying attention during that (doing other stuff on computer with the feed sound on) π …..not sure if it was Janelle that did that.. or Ashley?? It did just happen while they were up there.. maybe I’ll have to check Fl back???
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It will be great when it comes out on Thursday that the coaches will compete. Shane and Frank will really form a true alliance! Boggie will hook up with the other coaches…should be fun!!!
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Janelle will take more than her ring off to stay in the game!!! π―
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@ Mama Margie:
Saw on BBAD that Joe did make breakfast for both Shane and Britney and delivered it up to HoH room. When Frank came in to talk, Shane showed him the UNEATEN plate and Britney said she was too tired to eat it too and went back to sleep.
@ PGA Dok @ Kim Mitchell @ FRANKS @ gobbki @ Augustus Cole and any others I may have missed:
We miss you guys and would love to see you back despite the show’s decline…
@ JT:
Seems most on Twitter think it’s a forgone conclusion that Coaches coming back no matter how America votes (85% NO 15% YES from what I’ve seen, guessing) and Janelle just said something to that effect. I’ll grab it and drop it down here.
And Shane did win the PV. Three PoVs and and HoH in 22 days? Can a brother get a little respect? I know the competition is lame but still. And people of Twitter have been killing Shane for two weeks saying he’s gay and hasn’t come out of closet. Don’t have killer “Gaydar,” but maybe he just doesn’t like Danielle in that way. Seemed to like JoJo when in the room sleeping.
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DogDave β@dogdavebb
ITS OFFICIAL Janelle “The Coaches are going into the game next week” 7-27 8:52pm cam 3 #bb14
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And, if the Coaches do come back Thursday I will be pulling hard for Frank and Shane (and any other newbies) as this is so unfair to us fans and the game itself. And if they have “fixed” the vote, then wow…. A double-dose of hatred for the CBS Power That Be. Like with government, banks, sports teams, etc., we just don’t matter and they don’t care what we think or do. We’ll see how it all plays out and the Coaches will be surprised at how much bitterness they receive after the game because of this goofy move.
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@ aggie (From Yesterday’s post)
“@ K11- I hope you hang in here with us Kevin, you are one of the better posters here, you make up for some of the deadwood here, Meaning the people who just make comments and donβt bother to reply to other peopleβs comments.”
Oh, I’ll be here sister. You can count on it. (Computer and server willing) Where else am I going to bitch about it all. But I really do see guys like JT and Evel Dick’s point about maybe “never watching” again but think they probably will anyway. π I don’t blame them for being mad as it seems we have had the wool pulled over our collective eyes. And can’t wait to see what our boy Ted makes of this mess.
Growing up in Chicago and being a Cubs fan (109 years since World Series title) has made me expect the worst out of entertainment and made me skin crocodile-thick. I actually believe their may be some bitterness from the newbie HGs toward all this and it could get ugly. Wouldn’t want to miss that!
And ironic that Britney and Willie would end up being right about the Coaches entering game and that those “key slots” mattered. Britney catches so much grief in BBland it makes me pull for her in a strange way. But I must say, CBS has really shot themselves in the foot this season. And I was wrong thinking that casting did a good job. Seems everyone’s backstory way more important than being justagirl or justaguy. π Later.
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Kev11.. just to clear up something. I never said I’d “never watch” again… just said I would seriously think about not watching the rest of this season.
Either way, I would give BB another shot next year.
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BB HG pic after POV results (and I tried not to cover up Shane’s face for the ladies here!) π π
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JT, you need my avatar for whoever has POV….Justa thought! π
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txs to all who kept us updated, i just got in from nite on the town and was biting at the bit to get home and check out pov results.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------shane the man did it yet again doing happy dance
u guys did a bang up job in reporting
can someone tell me who played in the pov? was my info correct that the players were, Ashley, Joe, Frank, Danielle, Wil and Shane
that i reported earlier comment # 7?
i cannot wait for bbad, going to be good, and i doubt that shane would change his mind.
Also i am curious to hear what all the anti=willie hgs have to say that he warned them to play their own game the coaches were coming into the game for the half million, anyone want to bet no one gives him credit, well maybe shane and brit.
keep those updates coming, i wonder if joe is going to lose it before thur
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Those were the POV players MM. π
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txs jt, now i feel better my source was accurate. i hate to give false info
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------if the coaches do come into the game who do u think will take it the worst? and who do u think will give willie some credit for having tried to warn them
again txs jt u the man
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Hey Margie, My friends from Aggie Land, Thanks for all the info!I guess I might be some of the Deadwood because I have not been on this blog as much as some but I do enjoy all the comments I read when I do get a chance to stop by! π―

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am not very happy about the coaches coming into the game….I think like my friend JT, I might not care to watch the rest of the season, so far BBAD has been pretty boring watching Janelle going up & down the the stairs to the HOH room just to put her spin on every little thing she can!
Anyway I hope things pick up a little tonight on BB after dark, see you soon
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@ JT:
My bad. Don’t blame you if you don’t. Always getting you and Evel Dick mixed up anyway. I know you’re disappointed and you know I am too. For us who have been watching since S1 when Will Mega was the first evictee and Eddie won, this just seems so fucking unfair. Toss in the “faux America’s vote” reality and I think we all have a right to be mad. Reality TV show or not.
If they wanted buzz, they have certainly created it and it will be entertaining to see how BB fans in the US voice their opinions to all this with blogs like this, social media like Facebook, the Internet and Twitter. They will get what they deserve.
Certainly wouldn’t want to be Allison Grodner right about now. Overthought it all. I love you man and Saki’ says F- You. I’d have he come bite your ankles but it’s an awful long walk from Nevada to Minnesota, even if you have four legs.
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@ MM:
Willie is looking better every day isn’t he? He was entertaining, tried to warn the House and got the shaft for a fake head butt. Reminds me of NBA players or soccer players flopping. And if he were still in the House, can you imagine he Shane and Frank teaming up to try to take down the Coaches? That would be exciting. He make have played too hard too fast and had a monster ego but I think we could all see that before he even went in the door.
Coaches, Shane and Danielle now having a sushi party in the backyard. Wonder why just them but I guess I’ll find out in three hours on BBAD.
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@BBBloggergal or anyone interested:
I have this link to BBC1 in case any of you want to see a specific Olympic event in LIVE TIME. NBC killing me with this tape delayed crap. Like BB, I already know what has happened way ahead of time and it has made both the show and the Games a little less appetizing than I anticipated. Such is the reality of living in age of social media with instant information. All of sudden life itself has become a SPOILER ALERT. Good column today.
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BBAD Is on now in New Jersey! All dressed up having drinks & talking how great Joe is, being such a great cook and making slop taste so much better and all π They are all talking about all the players, who is a shit head & who is cool! π Got to go down to my Cave and watch this on the Large screen!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Will check back later to see what you all have to say…. Later!
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No thanks Kevin, I do thank you for the invite to watch Live Time but I am still catching up with all my other shows! π
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@ Bobo:
No problem man. Have a backlog of stuff myself on DVR and been erasing many shows I used to cherish to make room for it all. I remember when July used to be somewhat boring. Now MLB, soccer, Olympics, BB, BBAD, Breaking Bad, The Daily Show, Letterman, Kimmel, BBUK, BBOTS…my head ’bout to ‘splode!
From Twitter:
BigBrotherLiveFeeds β@BigBroLiveFeeds
ICYMI: Shane won HOH, nom’d Joe & Ash, also won POV, no re-nom yet. Dan won Sushi party in coach comp,chose coaches, Dani & Shane to go too
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Tonight’s BBAD is the best one so far… π at least it is so far!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Will give a better report when it’s over, I think BB should give them a lot more to drink maybe then the show would not be so boring…. π
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@star, justwanted to mention that about the second day I posted I said I didn’t know if I could stand watching frank’s frizz or wil’s extensions an entire season!
janelle was one of my favorite players off all-time, until this season. i’ve become amazed and disgusted with her self-serving machinations. she is not the person i thought she was. clearly.
as far as brit goes as a coach, i think she’s very clear minded on her analysis of much of the game. as far as her mistakes, I think we all forget she is very young. early 20’s i believe. doing great for not as much life experience as most of us on here have. justa thought.
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Kev11…thanks for update. I was out and didn’t turn BBAD until after 1:00 so I just thought the party was for Wil’s BD!
BoBo..I am not on all that much either this year. No worries! People just pop in when they have time and something to say!! No homework with this class..lol
JT…sorry I didn’t elaborate earlier when we were trying to guess POV. I was out and sneaking a peek on my iPhone and kept saying….*Just a sec…I’ll be right there…*lol I was having trouble today getting any sources to report accurately OR in a timely manner! I have only had LFs for the last couple years and always used info from the web for Noms and comps. I still find them faster and easier than the LFS as you have to wait and hope you hear something. But I think they are as bored with this season as we are cuz they are lagging with info bad!!!lol
Tonight was pretty entertaining on BBAD actually. I agree they need to give the HGS more booze at night!!!lol Seems S9, they did alot more drinking …IE…..the stripper show with Josh MCing and all the girls taking it off….lol I thought spin the bottle was pretty funy and the HGS used it as a time to set up people they had been wantingto kiss, I think…..lol And then there was Wil STREAKING!!!! At least he had his Cap in hand..so to speak!! 2 streakers in one season..and it’s early yet!!! However,speaking as a woman, Ian and Wil would not have been my preferances..lol
I am still watching LFS…Dan made Shane promise to send Dani downstairs to bed so no one gets suspicious of them. Boogie and Frank were talking about who to trade next week and who they want to sit next to etc, until wil came in. Boy, have they got a SHOCK coming this Thurs when they find out they they may be playing against each other!!!!! I still say it will be an intersting twist….altho I know I am like a minority of ONE on this blog that thinks so!!! lol
Oh and Kev11…Kim M. was only on here like one year, so i doubt we will see her. As to the others,maybe aggie can dig them up!!lol Franks wasn’t really on last year either , AC did one or two flybys and PGADOK may just be busy working as he was on here and there last year. Now you know what we were saying about YOU for 2 years!!!;) Glad to have ya back in the fold tho!!!
I’m sure I am talking to an empty house so ..niters!!!
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Hi Star! Yes you are right In & Out….BBAD was much better with the booze!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I did not like the term that Kevin used about being deadwood! I am so Okay with it no problem! It’s getting time for me to lay down & try to go to sleep..
3:53 AM…. I think I am mixing up my rooms…. π See you all soon …
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Just a quick check back…..
Hey Princess!!! Long time no chat!! I did not see the comment about the extensions..very perceptive tho. Wil had ME fooled!!!
Bobo….i just looked back and didn’t see a comment from K11 but I am sure he didn’t mean YOU specifically. Altho it prolly shouldn’t have been said at all, altho like I said, I didn’t see it so maybe it was taken out of context or something. BBAD makes niteowls of us all..lol Sweet Dreams!!!
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Thanks for the backup Star. I simply picked up Aggie’s comment “in quotes ” so she could understand what I was responding to because it was in yesterday’s blog and was simply saying I would continue to be here. We should all read carefully what others say and in what context. I have never had beef with anyone here but that douche CHRIS from BB11 who bombarded us all while he was at work so negatively.
@ Bobo:
I agree with you that tonight BBAD was one of the best ever. Unbelievable how much went down in just the first two hours–and all fun. Nice to see them enjoying their stay in the House and nice always scheming. I credit the alcohol. Really made me look at the season in a better light and not hate the HGs as much. They didn’t pick the cast, casting did. And they didn’t make the silly rules or try to pull off a fake vote, CBS did.
@ Princess:
Thanks for defending Britney. She knows she’s not the legends Boogie, Dan and Janelle are and is much younger and rumor has it she was a last-minute pick. On Twitter people are absolutely crucifying her and although I agree she’s not the best Coach, we must remember, as she said tonight on BBAD, that the way the draft fell, she was left with choice between Willie and Jodi.
And poor Shane. He’s apparently gay to everyone on Twitter but I see no hint of that and if he was it wouldn’t matter anyway.
They played spin the bottle (got wine for Wil’s birthday) and he and Danielle had a kiss and Danielle turned into a 17-year-old girl asking Brit and Jani “How did the kiss look?” “Do you think he likes me?” and all that jazz. Really pretty cute if you ask me. Justa great episode and one I’ll never forget. And for the love of God, at least they weren’t playing “Big Booty” like last season. ;-That was some grating stuff.
Also, both Ian and Wil went streaking so CBS is loving it. In the words of Wil speaking right now on BBAD, this sums it up for me:
“Thank God we were able to have a little bit of a break. I don’t know about y’all, but I had a break. Did you have a break? I think it’s nice to have a reminder that everybody, and it’s a game…you guys are great people and it’s justa game and at the end of the day…” (He was interrupted by Boogie)
Alright getting late in Sin City. 2:22 and need to get some sleep. Blog at ya manana.
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@ Margie
I can’t stand Joe, he can’t keep his mouth shut, totally untrustworthy, I hope his nasty ass goes home. I really think he would do almost anything to stay in that house, he’s such a suck up.
@ Starfish I like Dr. Will, he at least has some class, I wish it rubbed off On Boogie, But he’s The reality shows Warren Beatty, He will look very scary when he’s really old.
@ Kevin Good to hear Your sticking with Us and thanks for all the Info, I will Email you soon about something. I hope Shane Can hang in, he is the one I’m most rooting for, Take care.
@ BoBo I would never consider someone on my blog deadwood, I just meant the people who just make comments on here and never read or reply to anyone. Which makes me wonder why they are here
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Does anybody know WTH That is on joe’s back? He has this dark patch on his back that looks like dirt on his back, It looks strange
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Aggie, I saw him last weekend in the backyard… they were all gettin some sun. I did see something that looked like a huge scar. I haven’t heard how he got it.. but it did look gnarly!! π
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Stra, thanks for elaborating π …but I always believe my own ears over a spoiler site… and I can hear faster than they can hear, then type it, then post it, then me refresh to read it.
Kev11, Kim M did at least make an appearance each of the last few years.. just to let us know that she is very busy but does still read… here was an appearance she made this season…
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WOW! I missed that comment fromKim!! Good to kmow she’s still around!! Thanks for the link,JT!! I’m afraid BB’s not-so-great castng the last few years have lost us alot of bloggers I truly miss!!!
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@ Aggie:
Like past seasons, it seems I am now rooting for the (mathematical) underdogs, those with the lowest numbers and at this point, I would love to see Shane go all the way too and I would say he’s my favorite. Three PoVs and one HoH in the first 22 days in the House is impressive and when your teammates were JoJo and Willie and your Coach is Britney (whom I’m also gravitating toward along with Dan and Danielle to a degree), well, enough said…
The only HG or coaches I know I don’t want to win are Joe, Janelle and Boogie. They rub me the wrong way. Did anyone see Janelle looking in the mirror while giving JoJo that fake hug upon eviction Thursday night. Carly Simon wrote a song about her I think.
As for Kim Mitchell, I loved her contributions here. Always on top of the Live Feeds and I always remember her saying her husband would “get her back” when BB season ended. The way some of us do BB can be quite time-consuming and I respect commenters like JT who, with his work schedule, finds a way to make this little corner of the world better (and so accurate) as well as those who post once in awhile and even love the idea the Coaches are coming back. We are all entitled to our opinions and this is justa spot to talk BB with everyone and trade information. And I forgot another in my list of those I loved seeing here: skellygirl. Saw her post when I got the computer in Spring and read some of last year’s posts. So cool JT knows who’s where and when they were here. For me, he is the Michael Jordan of this space and I know many of you would agree. If I had a son, I would want him to be justlike him. Truth.
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@ K11, I agree with you for the most part, And Shane is the one I want to see win, But I don’t mind Janelle really sure she’s vain, but still a good competitor I wouldn’t mind seeing her in the end, But would prefer Shane
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@ JT It looks like Joe has dirt on his back, But I think it looks like a burn scar because of the discoloration.
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