Sunday night’s Big Brother show gave all those without the Live Feeds a glimpse at Thursday’s HOH competition. For the record, the HG’s had to slide across a slippery pathway with a tiny cup filled with liquid and fill up an empty bottle. They had a choice of three bottles: HOH, Safety and $10,000 prize. The first one to fill up the bottle wins. In the beginning Shane, Ian and Danielle were the only three going for the HOH. Brittany, Joe, Ashley, Jenn and Dan were all going for Safety. Boogie was the only HG to choose $10,000. I would have hated this comp because I can’t stand sliding. When it’s icy outside, I stay inside! The trick to this competition was knowing where to start putting your liquid from the very start. I think if Dan had chosen the HOH bottle over the Safety bottle, he would have given Shane a run for his money. I also think that when Brittany won the Safety and the other HG’s had to switch bottles that they all should have gone after the $10,000. They could clearly see by that time that Shane had a large lead with the HOH bottle. I would have loved to see someone grab that $10,000 out from under Boogie.
Speaking of that $10,000, Frank was upset that Boogie chose cash over trying to win the HOH. He showed absolutely no loyalty, just greed (as usual). I think he figured that if the HG’s were going to go after someone, it would be Frank and not him. At that point, Frank should have ran upstairs and threw Boogie under the bus.
When the nomination ceremony took place, Boogie was all smiles when he realized he had been placed on the block. I think that Boogie has such an appreciation for the game that he couldn’t help but be amused that he had been played. The way Big Brother showed clips, it looks like Ian was the mastermind behind the whole Frank/Boogie nominations. I’m not sure if Ian was the first to mention it to Shane or not. I have to admit, it is gutsy of Ian to break away from Frank and Boogie. Since the HOH competition will have to be a short one on Thursday, it most likely will be questions. I’m hoping Ian wins. I just feel bad though that if he does win HOH, he won’t get the pleasure of having the HOH bedroom and all its perks since he will only be HOH for an hour!
One administrative note…I have no idea why comments keep showing up in Spam when they are from regulars. I try to go in and look at spam at least once a day.
Have a happy Monday all! Bloggergal
Good Morning Bloggergal!
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This game is between Shane and Frank. They keep getting HOH or POV. Ian is very good at playing both sides. Brittany, Ashley, Danielle, Jenn, Joe, Boogiem, Ian and Dan are coasters.
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I wouldn’t call Dani a coaster. I’d call her annoying and I’m tired of seeing her buttcheeks in those P.E. Gym shorts but she is playing the game.
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Good Morning Bloggergal & Jane but it’s afternoon to JT and most of everyone else I think. Not Ted or K11. Who else. Patricia did you say where you’re from. Don’t tell me, I prolly won’t remember. The only thing I’m truly sure of is that the Steelers are from Pittsburgh. LOL
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yep, Bloggergal, Boogs was played. I hadn’t thought of it, but you probably are right that his appreciation for the game made him smile at himself for getting played. I think he has a Joker look about his smile though. 🙂
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Totally The Joker!
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@Jane from last post. I was agreeing with you girl! See that’s what happens when we type and you can’t see my face! All in good fun though. It would not be a smart move on Frank’s part.
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hey yall – WHO THE HECK IS GARY Z i went all through the last blog and i dont see him any where???? clues???
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oh I have cramps I don’t think I find anyone aggreable. Send Chocolate and I will be nice gain! haha you know i love my Starfish! Even if your cheating on me with Bobo LOL!
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@Macy it was a couple of days ago. But now jenn is mirw memorable.
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thanks jane – im not crazy after all. well, maybe a tad……….
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well if it takes me to verify your not crazy we are both in troubl! I am swarming in Menopausal insanity!
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Still morning to me too Starfish. Not quite 10:00 a.m. I still want to see what Boogs does if he does get evicted. Not sure how many more lives Frank can have but I guess we will see. I know everyone loves Brit but to me she has been so annoying this season that I will be glad when she’s gone.
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@hpr do you think Boog will throw a fit? I can’t wait to see his face wgen Julie tells him Ian’s the mole!
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Cramps, OMG, I surely don’t miss those and you have my sympathies.
@Macy, don’t even bother yourself looking up posts from GaryZ. He was just complaining that we didn’t respond to his posts (boo hoo) and he wined about it and said he was done with us. So good riddance to the victim of the year.
Yes, I too hope there’s a snarky message from Ian telling Boogs how badly he was played. We’ll prolly see the Joker face then too, but maybe a little shock. From what you guys have said about the ankle and Boog’s shocked reaction, he may even be a little hurt. Nope, don’t think so. 🙄
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Did Ian get hurt last night? i didn’t watch BBAD my brother said ian got hurt and that they wouldn’t show the backyard after
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geeze – this morn booger – ashley and jen on backporch – he is filling them with his lines – he goes to w/o and jenn and ashley say to one another ‘we are really going to have to be there for danielle to pick up the pieces when dan goes home’ i hope i didnt miss something – shane better not have changed his mind!!! get ur butt up shane!
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No he hasn’t changed his mind. They are delusional.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for sympathy Starfish. Menopausal and Cramps are a nightmare. My house is 60 degrees full blast air on abd kids are freezing. There lucky I’m gonna make them breakfast over a hot stove.
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When did Ian supposedly get hurt? At the beginning of BBAD he was in the hammock snuggling with Ashley (Brittany was chaperoning) and he seemed fine. I went to sleep about 45 minutes in, taped the rest, should I watch it? Thanks!
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@Marsha he got hurt playing badminton. Towards middle/end of BBAD. He’s not hurt bad. Just rolled his ankle the HGs said.
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Jane, yes I believe Boogers will throw a fit and blame everyone but himself. That’s just par for the course for him. I think he will respect the fact that they got him out and his ego will have to say that he was the biggest threat and they surprised him but he will blame the silent six for not keeping him in. Well, gee, Boog, maybe you should have thought beyond the stupid $10,000. Oh no, never mind, he is a money grubbing little slime. I can’t believe he was actually trying to get Frank to take him off the block. The ego explodes his tiny little brain.
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he wasn’t trying to get him off the block. I just threw that scenario out there since he thinks he’s a master at the game. that would’ve been fun to watch! He’s so slimy I can’t believe anyone did babymaking activities with him…gross!
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Did someone say CHOCOLATE!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------boy I missed alot yesterday. My husband was in a demo derby and when I got back to my phone I was at something like 65 missed entires. But I read everyone.
So it keep it simple…@everyone..I so agree with y’all.
im watching bb and bbad this morning till I take my grandson Chunkybutt to his first day of preschool. Preschool here is like kindergarden other places. So yes im jumping for joy.
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Tomi I’m counting the days until school starts here! What kinda derby does he do?
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Omg, I get more attention gone than when u was here, starfish and Jane just shut your useless traps there is no reason for you to even mention me. Name calling and ridicule is such a childish trait! Seems I am still getting notifications from here and your comments aren’t appreciated PLEASE REMOVE.ME FROM NOTIFICATIONS
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I have been a fan from season 1 and never before have I fast foreward through most of the show. I record it just so I can do this. Ian is an egotistical little snale, always trying to get camara time. He is so jellous of Frank, thats why the little sneak wants him out. Shane is soooo into himself that I can’t stand him. Joe never seems to wash his hands and everyone knows this but continues to eat the food he cooks. As for him getting his own cooking show, only in his own head. The girls are all useless. My god, Dani, wake up Shane is only interested in Shane. Personally I think she has a bigger crush on Dan. Ashley gives a whole new meaning to dumb blond. Sorry blonds. To be honest, the only person I really like is Frank. I am totally team Frank. I think he should go for Ashley just to piss Ian off. They got to do something to liven up this show. I never thought I would say it but I can’t wait for Sept. 19.
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Jane…you and I are in the same boat. We need to talk! LOL Sadly, chocolate contributes to my migraines. I don’t even have that outlet. Hey, remember That 70’s Show? The mom had an interesting way to deal with menopause–alcohol!
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Well Whata ya know – theres ole gary z – hey guy happy to tell you – all you have to do is go to the end of the blog that your postin on and uncheck the box that says ‘send me replies via e-mail’ (not exactly that) u will have to wait until a new page comes up b cuz you have already posted on that last one and the box goes away
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Gary Z 08.20.12 at 12:49 pm
Omg, I get more attention gone than when u was here, starfish and Jane just shut your useless traps there is no reason for you to even mention me. Name calling and ridicule is such a childish trait! Seems I am still getting notifications from here and your comments aren’t appreciated PLEASE REMOVE.ME FROM NOTIFICATIONS
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sickum mm
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@garyz……UNSUBSCRIBE TO THIS BLOG..And does your mommy know your on the computer?
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GaryZ “shut your trap”?? That made me LOL so hard I can’t even bemad. Actully I’m one of the two that stuck up for you. Read back to tge original posts. The Jenn comment was in fun! If you have no sense of humor your definitely on the wrong blog!
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@Bloggergal it’s a miserable feeling caught between ti worlds of womanhood but getting all the symptoms! Yes. Alcohol!
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@GaryZ *in my Ashley voice* um okay.
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I think Mr z needs anger mgmt……………………………….
i wonder if he kisses his family with that mouth
bad bad boy mr z
and this is my FINAL words to you i have better things to do with my time like watch the grass grow or watch paint dry
i think there are more crazies out then in rubber rooms
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Wow!! So Glad Boogie will be going!
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jane and gary sittin in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g – ha ha -we better watch it gals – pretty sure we r dealing with a teenager…..
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wow, i must’ve missed all the gary stuff. have no idea what’s going on….
gary..if you can’t unjoin then just mark this mail (when you get that there’s a blog available again) mark it as spam and don’t open it. then they’ll all just go to spam and not into your inbox.
anyway…i hope boogie goes home…i am sorry but i still like frank best.
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@No Name gz since you don’t want us to mention your name. If you go back to the time you mentioned we didn’t respond to you, every single one of us responded nicely to you, including me. Even one of the guys said we could use another male. However, you came back with some nasty post and we all reacted. So I agree with MM, not another word from me to you. We all tried to be nice but it’s not possible with poor you, so buh bye!!! Your comment #33, very nice and intelligent too. 😮
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Shane put Jenn up as a replacement nominee and there has been a tiny bit of drama going on. She is really upset with him and accusing him of doing Dan’s dirty work.
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Thanks @Wisteria turning on LF now. Did you choose your name from Desperate Housewives? Loved that show!
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Boogie NOW realizes he’s out the door. He’s Effin up a storm. Too funny. Frank is planning his revenge. Uh, one against the rest of the house Frank.
Gary what is your problem boy? Yep that worked. Consider yourself officially blocked.
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You go with yo’ badself Bloggergal! get rid of that Zero!
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@Bloggergal, thanks for the update about Boogs going bonkers. Would love to see that.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes, kudos to your badself to coin Jane’s phrase. LOL
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Jane, I love wisteria flowers and was using that for my ebay name long before Desperate housewives. They just don’t bloom long enough for me.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good job Bloggergal. I think the people on this blog are the best around and I hate when someone bad mouths them.
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@Wisteria, I love Wisterias too. One of my neighbors has them growing over a fence and they are beautiful but, you’re right, the blooms don’t last very long.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for the kind words about our great bloggers!
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Hey Kids, I’m not one to stick up for a whiner, but, maybe the z has no family and is just a lonely angry fellow taking out his frustration on people who can’t see him. This way he can hide and say whatever he pleases to upset as many people as he can. Just maybe if you continue to ignore him he will go pick on someone else and eventually figure out that his anger and nastiness is worth, ” NO COMMENT “!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FYI, I have been rooting for Frank and/or Ian since day 1, but, dropping Ian due to his turning into a wanna be “Showmancer” with Ashley….feel sorry for him, but, between him and Danni can’t decide who is more pathetic. Now with his thinking that he has made a HUGE MOVE and gotten Mikey voted off, well……, news flash, not so much. Brit has been working on that since day 1……… Ian, you are getting too full of yourself and losing sight of the game. Trusting your Quack is just Smack…it could cost you and probably will.
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The girls are trying to find a place to hide. Stupid Jenn is upset that she’s on the block. Just shut up Jenn. You aren’t going anywhere. Ian is a nervous wreck, rocking back and forth, back and forth. Shane is cooking himself lunch, trying to act like nothing is wrong. Dan is laying on the couch reading the Bible and also pretending like nothing is wrong. Frank and Boogie are making snide comment after snide comment. Where is Willie when you need him? I’d like to see a head butt right around now! I’m wondering if anyone is going to have the guts to tell Frank and Boogie to just shut up and admit defeat. Shane makes the big moves but he doesn’t have the guts to back them up. He keeps shoving the blame all over the place. Okay, I’m going back to work now!
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Oops! I was logged in as BBBlogger. the above comment was mine. Bloggergal
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Amen to that Bloggergal! I don’t understand Jenn being upset about being the pawn on the block since she’s been playing under the radar practically the entire game. I should have said she hasn’t been playing at all. 😯
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Jane, I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. But I did hear on another site that Booger was trying to convince Frank to take him off. Frank isn’t that dumb. I think Dan is pretty weak this year. Brit drives me crazy. Ash is living in fantasy land. Dates in the BB house? Not just spending time but dates???? Joe still freaking drives me crazy. Danielle is making a fool of herself. Jenn was pretty much just absent, IMO, and now she’s driving me crazy. Ian is a sneaky little buggar but I thought he was pretty smart. However, now I realize he thinks he is smarter than he is. Boogie just needs to GO. Shane is pretty arrogant but not as irritating to me as others. Frank really could be a good player without the Boogs telling him what to do.
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Thank you for all the up dates! Still under the weather so not much from me today!
Going to watch some of the BBAD now see you soon..bye…. 🙂
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Take care Bobo
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Hope you feel better soon Bobo!
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@ Jane, thanks for the informaton about Ian. Oh and I think GaryZ needs some serious medication, LOL! Glad to see y’all sticking up for yourselves, I don’t post much by always read the posts and appreciate all the information y’all pass on to those of us who just read.
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wisteria txs for update on pov happy days, i have no idea why jenn is freaking out maybe cause she is now visible? she has been on vacation these past weeks, and she is S A F E i tell u guys if she had a brain she would get a headache.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------good job ladies in letting u know who he can hit the road and keep on walking good blogs all i enjoyed and appesch
@ mema maggie if and it is a big if there are any problems from mr z he may direct to u if i have not been on the blog when or if he returns, since our names are so similar so do not get upset more then likely he means it for me lol,
@bbgal txs txs txs and mega hugs but i do have one question he seems the type that will come back use a new name and new email and i know there is no way that can be controlled, hopefully he is gone but seems too good to be true.
hugs to all i missed blogging yesterday was not feeling well but u can see i am back and in good form, bring the nut jobs on grrrrr
again great posts all
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Good morning, bloggergal and all my friends! It’s 3:20 here in Arkansas. My natural sleep patterns indicate I was meant to live in Hawaii! : )
I am also so tired of staring at Danielle’s rear end. And what’s this with picking up Brittney and carrying her around? Trying for some girl on girl action to get Shane’s interest? I keep my a/c set on polar. My poor kitty stays plastered against the refrigerator grill because it’s the warmest place in the house. : ) Woo! My thoughts exactly about the baby-making activities with boogie. He never mentions a wife. Who would be that desperate????
I just finally figured out the Boogie as joker comment. Duh. : )
@mema maggie
I agree with your comments about GaryZ (sorry to mention your name after your request not to. First yu get bent out of shape because we don’t mention you, now you’re mad because we do. Make up your mind! ) : ) I also think he’s more to be pitied than argued with. The rest of us should be grateful we don’t have to resort to those kinds of tactics to get attention. Now lets get back to doing what we were accused of in the first place…not acknowledging his posts.
I was watching BBAD when Ian twisted his ankle. The camera wasn’t on the play but they showed Ian being carried over to one of the outside chairs and lots of the action. Like I said in a previous post, boogie ran to Ians aid with a look of genuine concern, and Danielle stood back and let everyone get ice, elevate his leg and do the first aid. Isn’t she a nurse practitioner? Shouldn’t she have stepped forward with all her expertise, and I wonder why none of the hg turned to her as a medical professionsl for help. The camera switched to the bb round table in the house but only for a short time. Then eveeryone was in the house again. I wonder if Dani carried Ian inside since she was toting Brit around earlier.
Lucky for you guys my coffee buzz is wearing off, but I’ll be back later in case you want to run and hide. : )
@bobo – hope you’re feeling better, and JT, thoughts and prayers are still coming your way.
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bobo feel better soon, got to be ok for show tonite u do not want to miss booboogers face when he knows his goose is cooked, i for one am counting the minutes
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@ marsha, come on jump in it is so much more fun to read, blog and receive some kind of comment, we really r a fun bunch (despite what some may think or say lol) now at me i am sooooooooo shy and once i get over being as shy as i am then i am really going to open up and blog up a storm, till then i am going to be my shy quiet self (psst want to buy a bridge in arizona lol)
ciao marsha welcome aboard
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couple of things that i need to get cleared up…what happen to Ian last night in the back yard…did the little guy get hurt…that wild and crazzzzzy little imp…back dooring Frank and Boog Trash…YES…Michael is going to drop a load wyhen he gets home and he see’s that the little guy jumped out of the Boogie nest about 2 weeks ago…hale to the quack pack…and Jenn…who the hell do you think you are to be all jazzed up becuase you were put up after Frank took himself off the block…listen lady…this game is more than 1/2 over and now you may have to do something…can anyone tell me what she has done for almost 50 days…
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Justwanted to say hello to everyone. I haven’t been here for a week or so but I’m catching up on my reading. Really miss chatting with you all.
More later when my headache and backache go away… Just send drugs and chocolate. If you want to make me REALLY happy, deliver a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Creme Brûlée ice cream. All of the flavor and all of the guilt.
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hmmmm wondering if Gary Z is related to boohoo Boogie? They seem to have a lot in common, running their mouth and tantrums!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Figured it would take a while for Boogie to realize that he is going home but the reason it took so long is his ego is so inflated it takes a while for things to travel to his brain!
It will be interesting to see who wins the next HOH and see who gets put on the block.
Now is the time for the game to get a little ugly as if that has not happened yet,, I would like to see Danielle gone or stop her one sided showmance with Shane
One thing for sure CBS did pick a lot of strange people for the show.
I enjoy this blog as much as watching the show, thanks to all that watch the feeds and keep the rest of us updated.
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@Patricia , where in Arkansas are you I am in yellville in between Harrison & Mountain Home, if your a hillbilly you got to have a still, moonshine forever
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Bobo, feel better soon. Princess too.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Patricia, happy you got the Boogie as Joker joke. 🙂 I thought it fit perfectly.
@Marsha, I agree with mama, just jump right on in anytime, the water’s fine. Welcome.
Thank you all for the LF updates. I can’t wait to see what happens during the live eviction for boogie to hit the road. woot woot
Whoever said it, I agree Frank would have been a much better player without the Boogs in his ear.
@MortDr, I agree totally, Jenn has done zip.
@Hpr, – Ian thinks he is smarter than he is. Perfect. I still like him though.
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Does Jenn think she’s accually playing the game? How could she be surprised, she has really hasn’t made relationships with the quacks. She dosnt even have a relationship with frank and boogie.
@patricia…im not a chocolate icecream person, but I LOVE. Ben and jerrys phish food and karmel sutra..mmmmmmm
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@Bobo..hope u feel better soon.
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@mike stover
I’m in Jacksonville about 30 miles northeast of Little Rock. The Little Rock Air Force Base and the Little Rock Covention Center are both here…in Jacksonville. Go figure. Yellville is well known for the turkey drop. Please tell me they don’t do that any more. Sorry, no still. Not much of a drinker. I think I had one of those light beers last year. Control freaks like me don’t like to be out of control even if it feels good! : ) I had my moments back in college, and those moments always ended up with me staring into a toilet bowl. : ) Nice to meet a neighbor, mike!
So Shane put up Jenn. What was he thinking???? He must be totally convinced that Ian is loyal to the Quackers. I think to be absoutely certain Ian will vote to oust Boogie, Shane should have put up Ashley. Ian would NEVER vote her out and his vote against Boogie would be guaranteed! Who knows. Maybe production told him to put up Jenn. Why is she upset? Did she think she could hide in a back bedroom for the whole game and jump out yelling “Surprise!” when we’re down to the F2?
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------give me caramel and butterscotch any day!!!!
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@Patricia , yep your way down south and I am up north, they made them stop the drop this year, about time, glad to see you here, and boy havent we had a hot summer. I live on top of a mountain 3/4mi. from Bull Shoals Lake, well nice to see you, why does booger wear clothes that are for a 14yr. old and what the hell does Jen think shes doing, or as most people say Jen who? is she in the game
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I changed my name on here from mike stover
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@mike stover
Beautiful country up there! You are lucky! Up on a mountain. Bull Shoals is a great place. I’d be down there every day! At least on the days I wasn’t tending to my still! : ) Hey! Boogie wears clothes suitable for a 14 year old? What a slam against 14 year olds! : ) Actually anyone 14 has a better sense of style than Boogie does. I’ve wondered about his clothing choices since day 1. Everyone – except Wil – dresses up on eviction day. I wonder if boogie will gussie up for his walk of shame????
I may take a picture of Boogie from the TV and tape it to my fridge. Like I said it will turn my tummy and be a great diet aid! : )
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About Danielle, she lied and said she was a school teacher to be less threatening. But Boogie and Brittaney did figure it out but did not talk about it.
So now she can’t save a life if anything happens to a HG, kind of dumb.
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Just read the last two days of posts. Takes a little while but when I’m done, always proud to hang with everyone here. Love you guys.
@princess: Good to hear from you again girl. Hope all is well with you. I think the intelligent posters here that have been awhile realize all have different realities, things to do, jobs, pets, struggles, grocery shopping, etc. and can post when we can. I always feel everyone is here even if they haven’t posted for quite some time. Hard for some I think to realize this isn’t like texting or Twitter or a phone call. Sporadic communication. Always love seeing your flower avatar. I remember the old days when you were pararphenalia (spelling?) and p2. 😉
God does time fly when we get older.
@ starfish, @Patricia, @Star: You girls rock. Great souls.
@Bloggergal: Thanks for finding that post. Always a freaky thing trying to re-rite or remember what you just typed.
@JT: Rock solid. As usual. Breaking Bad is sheer perfection and Vince Gilligan is an effing god. It never ceases to amaze me. sorry to see your Vikings have been eliminated from playoff contention already.. 😉 😉 😉
@mm: Good looking out girl. Some people never happy no matter how hard you try. We all try to be as open to others as possible. The nature of blogs is a freaky thing for many but I embrace the positivity most here espouse. I am more optimistic because of all you and can’t tell you how many times posts here have made me laugh. Respect.
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Hi everyone….hope y’all been great…..reading all the posts, i see y’all been doing just great…..just wanna say one thing to:
@Patricia…on ur first post today #57…u asked a question and i was Shocked that nobody answered you…i started to feel u was gary z, lol…ignoring ur question…..but u asked why Dani didnt help ian when he got hurt and why didnt the other hg asked dani to help……well Pat….Dani being a Nurse is a SECRET, only a precious few know she’s a nurse…so she couldnt help him……
i bet u even forgot u mentioned that in ur first post, right…cause u never asked again in ur many other posts, lol….anyway now u know….☺…..
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@K11, you rock. Great post and thank you! I like us too. 🙂
@Sylvie & HoH8, thanks for clearing up the Dani nurse being a secret thing. I totally forgot that one. I still don’t know why she wouldn’t step in and help. What’s the difference to playing the game whether you’re a nurse or a school teacher? Anyone have a clue? I could understand keeping it a secret if you were a millionnaire or something similar like Tom Cruise’s brother. 😯
Wow, this is the most I’ve been able to post in about 4 or 5 years. I forgot how much fun it is. Thank you to everyone with LFs keeping us in the loop.
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I would say Frank is the next to go if he doesn’t win Veto. Boogie isn’t really playing the game to win, he’s playing to win as much money as he can before he is voted out. Franks worst move wasn’t to distance himself from Boggie after the coaches joined the game as players. Boogie isn’t going to win this game and he knows it. I don’t think Dan will win either, but then who knows. Seriously, I’d want the 2 people who won half a mil to go anyhow, they don’t deserve another chance at the cash. 40% of this game is luck and chance that the competitions will favor your strengths, the other 60% is what you do with it and how you play the other players.
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This goes with my last post. Frank had the chance to make a big move and he didn’t take it because he listened to Boogie, who like i said, isn’t out to win the game but win as much money as he can by playing safe. Frank messed up and now he’s going to have to pay the price for not thinking big. He could have definitely formed a new alliance uniting the newbies against the veterans and especially the previous winners.
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Ooooh! Thank you. What great company for me to be in with star and starfish! : ) I too always feel like everyone is around whether posting or not.
@Sylvie and HOH8
Thanks for the Dani clear up. I already forgot I asked! And HOH8, I suspect most of you see how much I’ve written and move on down to the next post! : ) Don’t blame you not one bit! : ) I didn’t see when Dani came clean about her occupation, but I noticed she was making nurse talk with Brit, Dan and I think Shane also. Guess I figured everyone knew. So easy to miss something. do it all the time. Those of you with live feeds keep the BBball rolling. In previous seasons I agonized between episodes. I’d much rather have the spoilers and chat about what’s going on in the house otherwise with all of you.
Wisteria is one of my favorite flowers too. My favorite is the bearded Iris.
(Shout out to anyone from Tennessee). Similar scents and petals of glory! : )
I love hearing about everyone’s life outside of BBlife. I like being asked to pray and send wishes for recuperation and a return to good health. It keeps me close to you in my heart!
Has Ian been limping because of his ankle today? I like him except for his showmance in his own mind with Ashley.
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@Mama Margie and Starfish, I’m not a newbie, been posting occasionally since the 2nd season the blog was up, first couple of seasons posted under my email name “kustardpie” then went to my regular name. I haven’t watched last nights episode of BB and just watched part of BBAD last night. I plan to watch BBAD tonight and see if I can catch up somewhat, unless they put me to sleep again.
OK, here is my take on the season so far:
I agree with everyone, Jenn needs to step up and show some game. She is like the invisible houseguest this season, can’t remember anyone in previous years as nondescript in their game playing. Danielle is embarassing herself over Shane, can’t imagine what her mother is thinking right now. I am tired of Brittany whining and picking her hair. Joe is disgusting with the no hand washing and I hate his DR ranting. Frank could win the whole thing if he will get his head out of Boogie’s a$$ (sorry). I think Shane is a strong contender but since he keeps throwing the other HG’s under the bus, he won’t get any jury votes. I love Dan but he won’t win, no one will vote for him to win a 2nd time. Ashley, Ashley, Ashley, what can I say about her except, “Oh….OK.” I hope someone buys her a dictionary when she gets home. Ian is great but I don’t think he is enough of a physical contender (remember that the final challenge will include some form of endurance) plus I don’t think the winner of the final challenge will take him because he would win. And finally (I think) my take on Mike Boogie. I couldn’t stand him the first 2 times he was a HG and I cringed when I saw him come in the house this year. He needs to go home before it is time for the evicted HG’s to go to the Jury House so we won’t have to see him anymore this year.
OK, rant over whew. Bet you guys wish you hadn’t told me to spill it after all, huh? LOL. Hope y’all have a great night, I’ll be back on here tomorrow to see what’s happening!!
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@Kahn Kubla You said it exactly right! That’s exactly how this game is supposed to work. Frank messed up twice…once not putting Dan up and two, telling Dan that he thought about it. Even for a nano second. Dan’s face said it all. ‘Yikes! I almost was put on the block!” So the crack in the silent six alliance was Frank’s big mouth and being too clueless to drop Boogie like a hot potato.
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@Marsha I’m embarrassed to say that every thing you posted in one post put everything I’ve posted in 3 days in a nutshell. Please rant more often! : )
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hey guys great blogs today txs all
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------kev txs for the kind words dude so glad u r back in the fold
hoh8 good catch re pat’s question i have to plead gulty as charged my defense i was so riled up by the now evicted blog pest ( er excuse me meant guest) gz, i am like a pit bull when i get something in my jaws i do not let go i was so centered on him i just zoned in on him.
My opinion danielle does not want anyone to know she is a nurse because the last dr she worked with may be familiar to some of you can you say
Dr Korvakian???
anyways, huge txs to all todays bloggers, hoh8,kev11,sylvie,mortgage dr,princess,sherry, tomi, welcome to marsha. patracia,jane, keri j, tendr. hpr56, bobo, starfish, wisteria.mema maggie,macy (no numbers) hillbilly aka mike stover, and all of our favorite bbgal, whew i am exhausted lol, if i missed anyone i am so sorry this is up to and including comment #73
will do fly by later to check for updates
ciao with hugs
mm (yes i am back to mm) lol
just wanted to say txs to each and everyone who blogged today and one last questionn for bbgal do u have any idea what the count is as of today how many comments made???
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@Patricia, LOL!!
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@Bobo I Hope you feel better soon.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Wisteria… see I’m such a TV addict I immediately thought Desperate Housewives LOL!
@Marsha I definitely remember your not a newbie. You were one of the first ones to talk to me when I joined the blog.
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Boogie has lost what little respect I could possibly muster up for him. Crank told Boogie that Dan was staying calm because he watched and admired Dr. Will for doing that and Boogie said “I’m gonna tell him I’m going to Michigan to F**k his Wife and lets see how calm he is then”.
Really???? That’s disgusting! He needs to go now! Isn’t verbally abusive as bad as physically? Production needs to check him!
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*Frank* not Crank… darn cellphone typos!
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@hpr & Starfish Frank just said to Boogie that he thought about using POV on boogie to force Shane to nominate someone else Hahahaha he is an idiot. Boogie said he wouldn’t of accepted it! <– yeah right liar!
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@mamamargie Wow! How did you remember everyone’s name??? I’ll never be able to do that. I was about ready to think of some way we could all wear name tags. : ) It’s hard to keep track and I’m easily confused! : ) Kavorkian? Really? Good grief!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@jane Oh, Jane. Boogie said that??? Now he’s managed to turn my stomach without me actually having to look at him! Just when I was thinking he couldn’t sink any lower. His mother must be so proud!
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Yes!! What a Slimeball!! LOL @ nametags!!
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@Marsha, sorry about that. I remembered the name kustardpie though. 🙂 Your assessment of the players is perfect!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Jane, I hope Dr. Will hears that comment. Disgusting for sure and abusive absolutely!
Nite all and it’s easy to remember everyone’s name Patricia, just copy it from MM. Just remove your own name. LMAO
“huge txs to all todays bloggers, hoh8,kev11,sylvie,mortgage dr,princess,sherry, tomi, marsha, patricia, jane, keri j, tendr. hpr56, bobo, wisteria, mema maggie, macy (no numbers), hillbilly aka mike stover, and all of our favorite bbgal”
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Thank you BG for the latest update. Also, the reason the comments from the ‘regulars’ end up in Spam… have you ever read any of those comments?
So Frank took himself off the block and Shane put up Jenn. How will she do against Boogie… My prediction is that Boogie will weasel his way out of elimination and she will be gone… when the smart thing to do would be to get rid of him. I don’t know why Danielle would think a nurse would be more threatening than a school teacher. Can anyone elucidate?
Aggie27 one bush is all I’m looking for.
What is the deal here??? Mema Maggie and Mama Margie! I thought there were the same at first… but Maggie can spell so I know they are different. And speaking of spelling… first poor spelling is blamed on a cell phone, and now the cramps… admit it Miss T… you just can’t spell. >>>UPDATE… she’s back to Cell Phone Typos again.
Gary Z cracks me up… sounds like PK, except he would have better grammar. Shut your useless traps I love that… that’s really telling them… except I would not dare tell Miss T that, and I don’t think Starfish either. And Gary Z… definitely watch out for Double M
I’ve heard the rumor of Mike Stover changing his handle, it is nice to see he finally put his pic on instead of his grandson (in case you all wondered why he was so good looking)… also heard he’s ‘under the weather’ and hope he get’s well soon. He had better, because I think Patricia is heading to Yellville… and after I warned her.
Love to see Kev11 yanking the old JT chain. Dooming his football team before the season starts… but then, JT roots for Minnesota teams, so not really a hard call to make.
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NEWS FLASH, GIRLS… Chippendales Dancers on the new Amazing Race!
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@Ted, I wondered the same thing about nurse vs school teacher. No one knows except in Danielle’s own mind.
Loved you mema and mama comments. LOL
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Ok, now I’m going to bed. Nite Ted and anyone else out there.
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@starfish I thought about copying the names, but I guess it’s time to confess my laziness. Oh, wait, everyone already knew I was lazy. : ) I’m sure it was an easy assumption. : )
@Ted. Ted, Ted, Ted
I’ve already been to Yellville with PETA protesting the annual turkey drop (at Thanksgiving they tossed live turkeys out of an airplane to plummet to the ground below). Turkeys don’t fly well. I mean, when’s the last time you saw a flock of turkeys flying overhead? While there I never saw a still or anyone running around naked and drunk. Not that that’s a bad thing! : ) Mike stover said they finally stopped that cruel practice (dropping turkeys). Don’t get me started on factory farming. I’ll get off my soapbox for now, but if you think I post a lot on this blog, you should see how I tear up an animal rights blog. To top it off, I still eat meat. I’m such a hypocrite. Did I spell that right? I don’t think I can elucidate because I believe my elucid is broken. : ) I think Danielle thought if everyone knew she was really a nurse, they would know how smart she is. Still waiting on that one. : ) Chippendales? No, thank you. Not unless we’re talking horses. : )
@mike stover. I hope you really do have a still. good for you! : )
Again, Ted, I love your posts. Starfish, you too. In fact everyone go back toMamamargie’s post #80 , and consider yourselves thanked by me. I mean it. If you doubt me go back to the top of this post and read the part about me being lazy! : )
A friend of mine’s nephew is a Chippendale. On a visit I met him. His tongue was pierced. I said tongue in cheek (pun intended), I’ll bet no one ever asked you if that tongue pieercing hurt. He said, “No, they ask me all the time.” Easy to tell where his brains were. : )
On BBAD Ian seems irritated with Ashley and she’s making efforts to smooth the waters. You know Ian loves the attention from his flirtmance even though he is now playing hard to get. Joe spent lots of time in the HOH room with Shane explaining why he’d be the logical choice for Shane to take to the F2 because no one in the jury would vote for him to win. But then he’d at least get 50 grand. Shane is all in agreement, and, ya know, that makes a little sense. If Joe were in the F2 with anybody, he wouldn’t win.
Nite, fine folks. Sweet dreams!
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@ Strutz
I hear you like more than one BUSH ? Just Saying 😛 So Jenn, is on the block, boy could she be a more boring person , they probably thought she would be this wild rocker chick, but she’s just as lack luster as alot of them. She hasn’t made any moves yet. I sure hope boogie doesn’t stay even though Jenn does deserve to go.
@ Gary Z
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I read that Joe was having chest pains, does anyone know if that is fact or fiction? I sure hope that if it’s true, that it doesn’t give Boogie a free ride to stay. That would be yet another HOH for Shane that was for nothing. 👿
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Boogie said that when he gets home, he’s going to “F” Dan’s wife. What a prick…..I hope he goes home this week!!
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I hope this link works….Mike ‘Boogie’ Malin
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Nope, I guess not. 🙁
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Frannie i did see joe durin bbad he was in bad shape said he had migraine, he was sweating his face was red he was in back yard i thibk with ashley and brit they kept telling him going to dr he said he did not take his meds with him, the next thing i know he is up in hoh with shane and dan, now he is really breathing hard, sweating face red, shane and dan ask what is going o he tells them they at least give him help ask if he wants water, tells him to relax dan says to camera saying to dr joe is really sick, he needs to get in there cause nurse ratchett (daniele) was in dr more then likely whining that jenn is not talking to her
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to be honest i must have fell asleep (my meds finally kicked in) that is all i know about joe but yes he was in bad shape, good for shane and joe to help
if up to ashley she looked so stoned she hardly knew where she was and as usual brit was countig her split ends in between picking her face i think she is bored and nervous but i do like brit
in re to booboogers doing the horizontal mambo with dans wife not going to happen unless she is an elderly man named uncle jerry or dad and boo pays her, talk about being a di**
ted i had to read your blog twice i was lol the first time
enjoyed all the latest posts starfish patricia what a hoot i was rofl and sssh here is my secret i have a pen and paper next to puter and wrote names down hee hee heee
better half has dr appt so i will return to read and write
aggie love the msg to gary z two words said so much my question is
fried, sauted, broiled , bbq or in a cream sauce ???????????
ciao to all my darlings
m (back to just one m again lol)
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@ Fran
I think Joe is ok he was yucking it up with Shane and danielle last night, doing the sex talk again. It doesn’t surprise me about the chest pain, he seems like a heart attack waiting to happen, that man gets way to worked up about stuff.
He seemed good late last night though, Boogie and Frank think they have the votes to keep Boogie, But I doubt it, they want him gone.
Boogie seems kind of stressed about the whole thing. Dan’s wife would never want that ugly toad.
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Good morning all! Just got thru watching Sunday nights episode (finally) and loved the look on Boogie’s face when he realized that his key wasnt going to be in the box. Priceless. I am so hoping he will go home this week. After reading the above posts about what he said about Dan’s wife it intensifies my dislike of him.
I know there has been talk of a girls alliance but that won’t work. The girls never stick together, they always let a guy convince them to turn on each other. If dan/danielle and shane/brittany can stick together they will go to the final 4 then turn on each other. None of them should take Dan or Shane to the final 2 with them, either of those could take home the prize money.
I tried watching BBAD again last night but it put me to sleep (again). I did tape it so if I have time today I’ll watch. I watched the previous night where Ian hurt his ankle and Danielle stood back and watched. She could of as least suggested ice or elevation, everyone knows to do those things. If any of the HG’s think back on the incident they may wonder why she had nothing to offer.
Just my .02 for the day. Have a great day all. I’ll be checking back in to read comments later on!
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WOW…talk about bad sportsmanship….did jenn accually think she could show up on BB half way thru the season to play..oopps I mean to be a bitch. Why is she so pissed? did I miss something? Ok so she’s up on the block as the pawn, she knows boogies the target, dosnt she?
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Good Morning all and thank you to everyone for the BBAD updates. I too hope Shane’s HOH doesn’t get ruined again because Joe had to go home. Seems he’s feeling better now (thanks Aggie) so we can only keep hoping that Boogs goes home this week! He’s such a slime.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aggie to gz, HILARIOUS! I think whipped cream or chocolate! 😀
@Tomi, no one knows what Jenn’s deal is. I guess her meds just kicked in. She’s really one of the worst non players I’ve ever seen or should I say the best non player. 🙂
@Marsha, why don’t the girls stick together? I don’t understand that but I did read somewhere that the women in politics are more partisan than the men. I’ve seen it firsthand in the boardroom where the men will be f you and f that and they go drinking and playing golf after the meeting but the women don’t talk to each other if there was even a little disagreement.
@MM or m, “horizontal mambo” – lol He’s just creepier now.
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boober – frank and ashley in the B Y this morn – they r all pmped up – they think they have joes vote – i dont know what happened last night – ashley is telling them that she talked to joe last night and that he loves it when she talks to him (game) – so they think booger is going to stay – they r going to try to get jen and joe in a fight – o brother………………
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