Quite the Night in the BB14 House!

by BBBlogger on August 3, 2012

Now that’s more like it Big Brother! It was quite a night, wasn’t it? The live eviction show started out a bit slow and looking back now, rather pointless. The HG’s were back and forth about the eviction…would it be Joe or would it be Frank? Some were worried about the loyalty of Wil since he seems to really like Frank. As of show time however, Frank was supposed to be evicted.

I have to admit, this part did surprise me. I expected the coaches entering the game to come up after eviction. But, instead of having the eviction, Julie told the HG’s about America’s Vote. Of course, America voted to give the coaches the opportunity to join the game or remain as coaches (cough, cough). If they remained as coaches previously evicted players would have a chance to get back in the game. Each coach would enter the Diary Room and if they wanted to join the game they would push a big red button. Now here’s the catch, only ONE coach had to push the red button to have ALL the coaches enter the game. Brittany was up first. She seemed a little conflicted, but she pushed the button. Boogie did not push the button. He doesn’t want to be in the game and he thinks the other coaches are going to feel the same way. As Boogie passes Dan in the hall, he gives him the NO signal. However, Dan does not hesitate in pushing the button. You can just tell that Dan wanted in this game from the start. Janelle also pushes the button. Later on, Brittany and Janelle both pretend that they didn’t want to come into the game, leaving all the blame on Dan’s shoulders.

With all the coaches joining the game, Julie says it has been “reset”. What that means is that both Frank and Joe get to remain in the game. Big Brother…you found a way to keep Frank in the game, right? Shane is able to play for HOH. All players are now playing as individuals.

The HOH competition is endurance. We knew that was coming, didn’t we? The players have to stand on a little platform while holding on to a bar on the side of a pirate ship. Not surprisingly the pirate ship rocks back and forth. The weather every now and then turns stormy and the players are soaked with cold water along with wind and (pretend) bird poop. Not a pleasant way to spend a couple of hours, I’d say. These competitions notoriously favor smaller HG’s. In other words, the big, muscle men don’t have a prayer.

Boogie is still very unhappy that now he has to play in the game. I think he really didn’t want to. After all, he has tons of money. I think he wanted to spend a summer in the BB14 house tanning by the pool, coaching and relaxing. Ha ha…the jokes on you Boog. He is heard to say that he’s only going to stay on a little while. He has no interest in fighting for this HOH. I won’t quote time because I didn’t write them down, but Boogie jumps off first. Jenn seemed to have been waiting for someone else to drop and she jumps off next. Joe is quick to follow. It’s a little while before the next HG comes down. Ashley slips and falls. Another long stretch of time goes by before Frank comes down. Shane is struggling and moaning, but trying his best not to give in. IMO, this was just plain silly because there were players that seemed quite content up there. Wil, being so tall was also struggling. I can’t remember who came down first, but both Shane and Wil are out of the challenge.

We are down to Janelle, Brittany, Danielle and Ian. Janelle is uncomfortable and you can tell she’s not going to make it to the end. She’s next off. The last three start to negotiate. Well, actually Brittany and Danielle are trying to get Ian to jump off. On the live feeds, this was interesting because one of the feeds was focused on Frank and Boogie in the house talking about how they need Ian to win this HOH so they can be safe. The two idiots are in the house getting warm and dry while the others are outside influencing the remaining three players. I don’t think Ian would have taken the deal if Frank and Boogie were outside telling him not to. I’m not sure if he could have remained up there longer than Danielle, but now we’ll never know. Ian agrees to jump down after Brittany and Danielle agree not to nominate or back door him.

With just Danielle and Brittany remaining, Brittany agrees to give the HOH to Danielle and she jumps down. Danielle is the first HOH of the reset BB14. My question is…was Brittany being nice or was she just trying to keep the blood of her hands?

The house was abuzz after the HOH competition. Everyone was in a little bit of shock. Shane was very upset because he feels like he worked really hard all week for absolutely nothing. Yep, that pretty much sums it up, doesn’t it? Dan had let it slip that Frank would have been voted off. Oops! Dan is one smart guy…did he really make a mistake in releasing this little tidbit? Brittany, Shane and Dan are breathing easy this week. Dan thinks Danielle should take Janelle into the alliance. This is probably not a bad idea since she’s such a strong player. Boogie is still walking around mumbling about how he doesn’t want to be a Have Not. He just wanted to enjoy the summer. Teehee. Janelle is quickly turning on Wil so she can keep the target off herself. I didn’t see or hear that Wil talked to Danielle about the game last night. I think he’s in trouble. Jenn is still the invisible HG. Joe and Ashley will probably do whatever Janelle tells him to. The last is MO, I don’t know for sure. Frank and Boogie say they will stick together to the end.

Okay, now let the game begin…


Tammy August 3, 2012 at 9:48 am

I was hoping Joe would of been voted out last night, sorry but I do think he is dangerous he is just good at hiding it.

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connie August 3, 2012 at 10:00 am

I agree tammy i would lovr to seen joe gonr ssveell someyhing not wuite right upstsirs im thinkin

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aggie27 August 3, 2012 at 10:01 am

Dan was talking with Danielle last night in the HOH and telling her she should nominate Frank and Wil as the Pawn. Wil is not going to be happy, pawns go home alot of times. Also strange, Wil wanted to align with Dan and Danielle, now that might not happen.

Unfortunately dan has way too much influence over Danielle This HOH will be his. She will of course do what he wants and will stick with dan till the End. I really wish she would put up Janelle and Boogie. Interesting she’s putting up 2 newbies, there should be at least one vet in there.

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john August 3, 2012 at 10:05 am

boogie is down playing his interest which will show more later and ian get on with it of all the newbies only you and frank deserve to win

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caddykitty August 3, 2012 at 10:29 am

you’re the blogger and you didn’t write times down or you came off before who?

sorry, i’m stopping reading this waste of time. I’ll go to joker to get facts

thank you in spam you go

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Tammy August 3, 2012 at 10:51 am

Caddy grow up!

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Tammy August 3, 2012 at 10:51 am

They work hard on this blog and do have lives outside of this blog

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Marla Jo August 3, 2012 at 10:55 am

I don’t like this twist at all. I am so tired of them bringing back “old” players. Just let the houseguest have their season and play their game. I think that Survivor and Big Brother are cutting their throats by bringing back players from the past.

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Fong August 3, 2012 at 11:04 am

Can I just say, how adorable was Ashley at the beginning of the show when she goes in the DR and says “I did it!” for being taken off the block. Sweety, that was all Janelle, but nice try.

Love, how this twist worked out though!

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franniep2 August 3, 2012 at 11:04 am

Well said Tammy… 🙂


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Bloggergal August 3, 2012 at 11:12 am

Thanks for sticking up for me Tammy. This blog is an informal conversation between the bloggers and many, many dedicated BB fans. If you want a blow by blow of last night’s competition, I would think you would have been awake and on the Live Feeds like the rest of us or watching BBAD. Also, I’m sure the comments from yesterday’s blog give you every single detail. It was worth losing sleep over…but I think I’m going to need a nap today! I LUV my BB commenters!!! 🙂

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Bloggergal August 3, 2012 at 11:14 am

LOL…love you Frannie!

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rebecca diem August 3, 2012 at 11:15 am

This twist was lame from the very beginning. BB, STOP BRINGING BACK PEOPLE WHO HAVE ALREADY HAD THEIR CHANCES!!

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Tammy August 3, 2012 at 11:16 am

I unfortunately didn’t stay up to see who won, but I knew I could count on everyone here to fill me in, in the morning 🙂 Anytime Bloggergal you do so very much for everyone here do not let idiots like Caddy get to you

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Tammy August 3, 2012 at 11:19 am

lol franniep2

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Jeannette August 3, 2012 at 11:25 am

knew it was comming coaches had meeting before this happpen. They had to have them play just keep it going. I think they should be back Jodi because she did not have a chance. Saying did not have enough of keys then what happens next week they have enough of keys hmmm.

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janie August 3, 2012 at 11:58 am

Not happy with the twist. Not sure i will waste my time after thus season if they continue to bring back people to give them multiple chances of winning. Shane also wasted a week of his game campaigning. It so appears BB favored keeping Frank in the house…but why? He is as boring as the
rest. I hope BB doesn’t think Glass House is competition..it is incredibly boring. Come on BB, you are looking lame.

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Princess August 3, 2012 at 12:16 pm

Bloggergal, you are SO right. Dan did not just let that piece of info slip. He doesn’t make those mistakes. He also didn’t have to reveal he pushed the button. That’s why it was done privately. It’s taken me a couple of hours to work through the “possible” machinations going on in his head but, if I’m anywhere close to getting what he’s doing, he already setting himself up for the F2 and has been all along. If coaches were not going in and the key slots meant nothing, he simply would have been a coach working toward a member of his loyal team sitting in the F2.

I have LOVED watching Dan’s mind work in this season. It’s like watching someone with Sun Tzu sitting on one shoulder and Stephen Covey on the other. He is brilliant. And a strategic planner. Remember it was Britney who, in the first few days came up with the “coaches are coming back in” idea that she relayed, unfortunately, to Willie. That was the trigger for Willie’s HG only meeting without the coaches and the beginning of Willie’s end. Not to criticize Brit, but Dan is leaps and bounds ahead of her mentally and strategically – although she is good.

Listening to Wil I get a totally different image. Wil is scary-smart about the people in this game. He has a manipulative streak that is carefully crafted and he remembers clearly what has been said, to whom, and when. I see an uncanny ability to put these little pieces together when I watch Wil’s mind at work.

To me, the season finally got interesting.

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Tom Wright August 3, 2012 at 12:24 pm

Boogie looked like he was mad enough to break something when Julie announced the coaches were in the game. He still looked pissed during the HOH competition. Someone should make his dreams come true and nominate him for eviction ASAP.

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Catladyb August 3, 2012 at 12:38 pm

Bloggergal thank you to to you and the others on this blog… You do a great job!!!!
As for last night, I have to admit, the BB reset has been fun to watch. I look forward to the newbies on their own.

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macy1231231 August 3, 2012 at 1:08 pm

I hope danielle doesnt back down on getting janelle out – she was so mean to her, hang in there (and milk the shane backrubs)

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tendr August 3, 2012 at 1:37 pm

um let’s see it’s 1:30pm here exactly. Caddy, i read bloggergals comments and I pretty much thought she told us who came off first sec and so on…
who cares what time it was? i would have been satisfied even just to know who came off first and then last.
Bloggergal could find something else to do instead of this so if you want…why not start your own and YOU tell everyone every little detail.
(i won’t be there) it’s now 1:34pm.
yea! Frank’s still here but i want Danielle to put up boogie and someone who no one would really want off…OR two coaches against each other. If the newbies were smart they’d do a “zombie kill” (my imagination) zombies on big brother….and get rid of the coaches asap.
oh i love frannie…wish she’d been here where i live and my galpal during my divorce.
thank you tammy for standing up for bg. a job i would NOT want.
i see my fb girls in here..hi..
it’s 1:37 and i’m gonna go pee then take a walk in 100 degree weather.
hope Danielle grows a pair…or maybe swipe janelle’s from her.

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tendr August 3, 2012 at 1:40 pm

or hey i just thot……boogie and joe on the block……would be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny, to me.

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Tammy August 3, 2012 at 1:43 pm

lol tendr love your response to Caddy he sure was an idiot and obviously a coward he did not respond to us lol

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Kevin11 August 3, 2012 at 2:26 pm

@Bloggeral: Brilliant write-up today. Simply ignore the condescending egomaniac who just happened to drop by the nit-pick at something you know they already knew. Any fan that would theoretically care about the order the players dropped off that much would follow it on Twitter, have the Live Feeds or find some other outlet to get that information.

Also, our brilliant bloggers had a play-by-play in yesterday’s blog last night but I guess that would be asking too much for to use 15 more seconds of their precious, entitled life to scroll down, access is and figure it all out. Please.

Keep up the good work sister. We are a tight-knit bunch and have no need for someone that critical of something so available in the public domain. Always something in this world of selfish people just waiting to be outraged by the silliest thing. I can see getting upset at CBS by the Coaches Twist and the way it went down but displaced anger at a blog you’ve never visited? Seriously?

We love you here and appreciate all you have done. Massive respect.

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starfish August 3, 2012 at 2:36 pm

THANK YOU DEDICATED BLOGGERS FOR LAST NIGHT! Just had to do caps to show my appreciation! I don’t dare name you because I’ll surely leave someone out but you know if you were up all night.

@Bloggergal, just simply ignore the ignorant and the rude. It always works, they just slink away.
@Caddy, I agree with Tammy & Frannie!

I read every single blog and I haven’t even watched the show yet. Grandkiddies are out to lunch with their other Grandma right now so I have a minute. This way I get all the comments on my email. 🙂

I have no idea where Dan is coming from based on all your blogs. I too would like to see Boogie & I don’t care who else but let Boogs go home.

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tomi August 3, 2012 at 2:59 pm

All I can say is…it better get interesting now, but I have my doubts.

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franniep2 August 3, 2012 at 3:06 pm

Found this on another site….check this out! 😯

Sad and Bad News

Thursday, August 3, 2012

The ratings are out and what a shocker they are! It is not a shocker that NBC and the Olympics are dominating. It is a shocker that what should have been the biggest night in Big Brother 14 history there was zero ratings improvement.
It is bad and sad news to what remaining Big Brother fans there are. Their favorite reality TV show is suffering badly. Big Brother 14 is running approximately 2 million short of last years average.

Last night’s special episode with “America Votes” should have easily topped 8 million viewers as has happened in the past.

The only records being set by Big Brother 14 are stagnation records.

Just to give you a perspective on how bad things are, everything last night except for the Olympics and Wipeout were reruns. Had the Big Bang Theory and Two and Half Men not been reruns the situation would have been even worse for Big Brother 14.

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franniep2 August 3, 2012 at 3:09 pm

here are the numbers….


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mamamargie August 3, 2012 at 3:17 pm


mamamargie 08.02.12 at 11:55 pm


7:20pm HOH is still going..

Boogie: “Fuck this guys I’m Willieing tonight.. ”

7:31pm everyone still on ..
7:50pm Everyone still on the boat..
8:02pm Boogie out
8:03pm Jenn Out
8:04pm Joe out
8:20pm This may go the distance.. (Am i the only one that feels Shane has been screwed a zillion times this season?)
8:35pm Cam 1-4 Everyone still in it…
8:44pm Ashley Out
8:45pm Dan out…
9:01pm This HOH is a battle HOLY SHIT
9:07pm Frank out.. Only Ian left out of that boogie’s group
9:24pm Shane is in major pain.. he’s digging deep .. Janelle is looking a bit rough to. Wil, Ian, Danielle and Britney looking alright they are definitely fatigued
9:36pm Shane and Wil are out
9:40pm Janelle is out.. Danielle, Brit and Ian left. Brit starts talking to Ian asking him if she’s good. Ian tells he SHE is safe if he wins HOH.

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mamamargie August 3, 2012 at 3:23 pm

Oops just wanted to add one more thought
we should have taken a pool on which day we would get a blogger who was NOT happy about something on the blog. As all of our faithful bloggers know there is at least one every year, so saying that maybe that will be it for the year. ok now i am really going to sign off
ciao till later

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Bloggergal August 3, 2012 at 3:37 pm

Okay I’ll admit it. I wrote that so I could hear all the amazing accolades! No not really, but I must thank that poster. I’m feeling so warm and fuzzy loved today 🙂

I am worried about Big Brother though. I’m not sure the show is going to survive after this season. Geesh I’ll have to find a new summer hobby!

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Patricia August 3, 2012 at 3:50 pm

I’m a faithful BB watcher and go straight to this blog when I get to my computer in the morning. I enjoy everyone’s diverse comments, but nothing in this or previous seasons has brought me to the point of joining this blog than last night’s twist(s). My heart sank when the elimination was eliminated. I like Frank – even more so now that his family background has been revealed – but as my allegiance was for Shane to go the distance, I felt that Frank was the only serious threat to that happening. After a good night’s sleep and knowing the coaches are entering the game (go, Brit!), all I want is to see the detestable boogie leave the house. He’s such a troll. This is the third time I’ve had to suffer through a BB while he is in the house. Face it, Boogie. Dr. Will won twice and gave you one. You didn’t win anything. Finally, and I know you all have been hankering to hear that word!, Jodi won’t be coming back because Julie told Dan whomever he chose to evict would leave the BB House forever. Forever means not coming back. At least this season. She’s probably already signing a contract to join BB15. Lastly, I am on CST. BB was on last night from 8-9 CST. When BBAD started at 12 midnight, Danelle, Brit, and Ian were still hanging on. As the endurance began shortly before 9 and the last 3 were still on at 12 and all fell within about 10 minutes, I’d guess the entire trial lasted about 3 hours. Three really miserable hours. Also after Dan pulled Danielle off the ship and fell with her into the water, he shispered something into her ear, then stood, and Shane jumped on her and gave her a big smooch. Then came the backrubs. Guess he’s decided to stop keeping her at arm’s length. She seems unresponsive to his advances. Maybe she’s the most clever player in the house! Sorry for writing so much. I am mentally unable to get my point across in few words. : )

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Duchess August 3, 2012 at 3:53 pm

Well Said !! everyone , I think Blogger girl is doing a great job. as for caddy GROW UP ! if you think you can do better lets see you try !. I hope Boogie & Frank are the first to go up. I do hope the show will be a little less boring now.

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Duchess August 3, 2012 at 3:56 pm

Hope Boogies gone soon Frank too!!

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Mel August 3, 2012 at 4:06 pm

First off, Bloggergal, thanks for all you do contrary to the idiot who thinks that they are entitled to something for nothing!

As for BB, since it is pretty cheap to produce, can’t see it being gone even with the numbers its getting now. Only thing I can see happening is the producers are replaced since they’ve become pretty stale in their production.

Booger kinda showed last night why he was PO’d, not because of the coaches joining, but because they joined in with too many newbies still in the house to be able to boot the coaches out, as he said last night he’d be ok if there were only 6 newbies but 8 is too much to overcome!

Keep Booger around to suffer a bit and ruin his summer in the jury house, get rid of Janelle please, her nose is getting as big as her non-winning lieing ego!

Better yet, send in ED to spend a night with Janelle in the have not room, that would be fun!

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tendr August 3, 2012 at 4:24 pm

don’t care for shane…the way he used Danielle and then flopped over to jojo then back to danielle…she’s stupid to not want him out asap.
i’d like to see how frank and ian play with boogie GONE so…..i want boogie out, then joe, then the rest of the coaches..
big bro needs to take the hint how much they are sucking this yr. worse than last yr even. i can’t even remember last yr.

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Star August 3, 2012 at 4:43 pm

Ok..came on here with some news but it looks like I MISSED some! I thought I read or at least scanned all the comments but WTH happened??? Somebody was dissing the blog?? Just tell me what comment and I’ll go back!!! Nobody comes between US and OUR Blog…..obvious;y said in Rachelese!!lol

Princess….I totally agree with your insights and even said so much to part of them last night, wondering WTH Dan would go running to Boogie with DR info…Mr. Button UP…. and then grovel and obvioulsy LIE to his team about it!!! Definitly not as it seems! Like your take on Wil too. Not sure I saw it before but I do now!!

Anyway….been watching the LFS for about an hour and here are the key points:

~~Ian wasn’t to join up with Dan & Brits group anad they are definitly considering it. Even thinking of letting him name it. He says Boogie’s heart isn’t in the game anymore nor does he triust him. And he just wants to belong somewhere. Poor baby!!!

~~Danielle , etc are thinking of putting up Franks and Wil. Wil had been stuck to Franks side all day and telling him that Dani and Shane were going to vote him out!!! Frank has been giving them the stink eye all day because of it. Dani really wants to put Janelle up but B&D have convinced her that getting Frank or Wil out is more important right now. They will get her later!!!

~~They are already planning a F5 with Ian.

Frannie……thanks for tht info about the ratings. I had no idea but it would explain why there are hardly any posters here this year!!! That is why I never bitch too badly about the show this year. I would rather have a not so great BB than none at all!!!! I was already egtting depressed cuz there are only about 5 weeks left!!!

Mel..I like your take on it. Hopefeully they will fire the producers and get new blood in there. Glass house sucks and BB still holds up….even more than Survivor as there are so many nites a wweek its on adn LFs and blogs about it!! Hoping you are right!!!!

So…from what I hear..I am predicting Frank and Wil to be the Noms. I’m going for some shopping therapy now that I am depressed about the show’s ratings..lol Willcheck back later!!!

Peave, love and light ….BB Forever!!!

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Kevin11 August 3, 2012 at 5:16 pm

Kara Monaco ‏@KaraMonaco
I’m back! I’m back! Feels weird being back in the real world, but couldn’t be more excited. I’ve missed everyone.

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Majorrn1 August 3, 2012 at 6:08 pm

If Danielle was smart she would put 2 strong players up ie: Frank & Boogie or Janelle & Boogie or Frank & Janelle. Can’t put Britney up due to the deal she made. They need to get the coaches out along with the strongest players first.
Sooner or later someone is going to have to put Jen up, I hate floaters!!

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Tammy August 3, 2012 at 6:19 pm

i was thinking BB should of said only 2 coaches go in the game and the hg’s had to vote right then and there no talking to other hg’s before the vote. Some of the hg’s are at odds wih their coaches so it would have been interesting to see who was voted into the game lol

Star it was an idiot named cady

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Kevin11 August 3, 2012 at 6:26 pm

So CBS saved $100K on its fake claim one of the Coaches would win and prolly made another $200K on text messages for a fake vote. Lovely.

On BBUK tonight, one player had a chance to earn 50,000 pounds cash in a White Room (isolation) aired live with no one knowing what would happen. This is how you do fun reality television CBS:


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franniep2 August 3, 2012 at 6:29 pm

@ Star….It pertains to comment #4 by caddykitty . 🙄

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holly August 3, 2012 at 8:15 pm

I found you all! I was lost in the land of cyber space hell but it’s good to see the old blogade is still together and still sticking up for each other 🙂 Go girls!!
I think we are finally back to the game and thought it was GREAT! The whole coach thing was LAME. I agree with you all though, put Boogie and pretty much anyone else up and get the Booger out as quickly as possible.

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franniep2 August 3, 2012 at 8:24 pm

As of 8:21 the lf’s have gone to trivia. Maybe they are getting ready for the nomination ceremony. Dan is trying to persuade Danielle to put up Frank with Wil being the pawn. Dan sure makes a fantastic liar, that’s for sure, and Danielle is believing every bit of it. She really wants to put up Boogie and Frank, and get Frank out. Play your own game Danielle, the coaches are sticking together, can’t you see that?

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franniep2 August 3, 2012 at 8:26 pm

Hi Holly….glad you found us. You should have asked, I could have sent you the link to get here. No fun being all alone in cyber space with no one to talk with.

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mamamargie August 3, 2012 at 8:30 pm

OMG I can just imagine what danielle will get in her hoh basket, she’ll probably get something crunchy and then she’ll want to share it and the first to hit the crunchies will be the amazon. My ears!
It’s no secret that I am not a fan of Danielle, however… however! She’s batshit crazy and there’s no telling what kinds of sexual favors she’d demand from Shane during her tenure. Can’t you just see her forcing Shane to sleep with her every night? While he sleeps she’ll stare down at him with wild eyes and count his tiny breaths. Up and down, one. Up and down, two. OMG she’s so creepy! It could be our first poltergeist HOH. Poor Shane he is going to have one hell of a sleepless week, in fact if he is lucky he will be a have not, hell he may even fight with ian for it.
It is going to be quite interesting to say the least.
ciao for now will do fly by later maybe we will hear some (solid) news regarding nominations.

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Kevin11 August 3, 2012 at 9:03 pm

Zingbot 3000 ‏@Zingbot_3000
Nomination Ceremony Underway.

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bbigbbob August 3, 2012 at 9:06 pm

janelle could get what she wants if she would play that “thing” the right way.

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Star August 3, 2012 at 9:08 pm

OMG!!! She IS a Catty Kitty!! MEOW!!! (refering to commnet #4!!) Who ever said this was a spoiler site!!! Go to H………errrr…..Jokers, hun..and good riddance! People have no patience anymore and when did RUDE become such a popular thing?? Cuz it’s rampant across the nation right now!!!! Thanks to Tammy and Fran for pointing that out to me. She won’t be back tho so that’s the good thing!!!! Not HERE KITTYKITTYKITTY…lol

Trivia is STILL on!! They don’t usually do this so late. Was normally around 5ish EST.

Hey HOLLY!!!! Welcome back!!! Hope more of our old Blogaders find us eventually!!;)

Fran…you really think Dan is still in with the coaches?? I guess he did talk to Boogie and Janelle, but I can’t ell if he is working THEM or Danielle!!! This year has me so confused……lol

MM..I disagree with you about Danielle. I think she is truly sweet, smart and determinded. And Shane has said a million times NO Showmance! I can see some cuddles and kisses here and there…whether real or kissing butt but..I don’t think it’s going to get nasty or using!!!

Ok…off to eat some t Taco Bell. We are painting and the house is a mess so no cooking! DARN!!!lol

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tomi August 3, 2012 at 9:13 pm

@MM..thats hilarious. Danielle. Needs to think for herself. What happen to her getting the amazon out?

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Cynthia August 3, 2012 at 9:19 pm

Ok been reading & reading trying to catch up. Could not watch BBAD last night….too much going on. SO Danielle won HOH…good for her. BUT….didn’t I see a photo (link) put up by K11 of Shane kissing her after the win?? And wasn’t he telling Julie NO MORE KISSES??? I say Shane is a piece of work….don’t want him to win. And did I or did I not see another photo (link) put up by K11 that may have been Danielle?? WTF?? Was that really her?? What does she do IRL?? Model or what?

Also read the dis by Caddywhoever at Bloggergal. Caddy person….get bent babe. Nobody here gives a damn. Go to Jokers….. have a blast. Seeeeeee ya!! Bloggergal….ingnore the rat’s ass. ok?? You do a fine job. Wouldn’t be anywhere else myself. Love the crew here….love the posts….love the job you do.

Ok I’m done….LMAO….waiting on an update on noms. K11 you still here babe?? Frannie, Aggie…anybody with feeds???


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Cynthia August 3, 2012 at 9:21 pm

STRAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! long time no see girlfriend!! How’s it going??

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franniep2 August 3, 2012 at 9:23 pm

@ Star….yes I really do think Dan is with at least Boogie. That’s why he’s trying so hard to get Danielle to not put Boogie up. Even Brit and Janelle are not wanting Boogie up. They don’t want the coaches out for a few more weeks because those that leave in the next two weeks, don’t go to jury. They want to be able to have the votes as to who wins the money. Way to think like a vet….another advantage the coaches have over the newbies.

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franniep2 August 3, 2012 at 9:24 pm

Hi CYN! Hot damn girl…..so good to see/hear from you. 🙂

Yep, feeds are still at trivia.

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Cynthia August 3, 2012 at 9:28 pm

Hey Frannie…good t be seen. LMAO After just being able to LIKE shit…this is way fun. LMAO I miss you guys soooooooooooooooooo badly.

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Cynthia August 3, 2012 at 9:30 pm

@K11 Was that picture of Danielle or what??

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franniep2 August 3, 2012 at 9:30 pm

I always see when you click the like button. Tell that friend of yours you need an update on your puter. L8R girl….time to check out fb. You really do need to get on there. It’s 2012, after all! 😆

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Cynthia August 3, 2012 at 9:34 pm

So they keep telling me. LMAO Catch you later sweetness. I’ll be back after while hopefully. Lightning just popped by my back door & I need to shut this down. WOW!! Gotta run.

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Jane August 3, 2012 at 9:38 pm

BBBloggergal, I am a little offended you didn’t tell me how many fruit loops were in the bowls on the have not table.

Hey errrrbody!! I miss y’all. I have been so busy with my non profit (yes I finally got my approval, and am no longer pending) that I haven’t been able to chat with you. That and the teenager has been hogging the computer this summer, much more than last year talking to girls on Facebook… sheesh!

So the twist was expected but cant believe they didn’t still evict someone. I guess the producers love the Frank/Boogie Duo! I’d like to see Janelle & Boogie on the block with a Frank backdoor if need be. I really like Wil. I totally couldnt stand him before but he’s starting to grow on me. Maybe because he actually dislikes Janelle’s game play this season as much as I do.

I also like Danielle. I hope she sticks to her guns and votes who she wants. She’s pretty smart. I hope we arent missing some huge blowup from POV votes… feeds have been off 70 min! I cant wait to see DR on Sunday and find out why Dan planted the seeds.

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Jane August 3, 2012 at 9:42 pm

oops i meant Nominations… i’m a hot mess today. I’ve been watching BB like a hawk the last 24 hours!

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Kevin11 August 3, 2012 at 9:47 pm

@ Cynthia: What up girl? yeah, that was a picture of Shane kissing Danielle. It was on BBAD last night around the 10-minute mark. First Dan jumped in the water and gave a her a big hug in the water and then Shane did a couple seconds later.

Saw this amusing post on Twitter justnow…

BBFeeds / Spoilers ‏@BBFeeds_BB14
Love it! bwahahaha RT @BBGossip: Big Brother Trivia Screen Update! #bb14 #bblf #stillnotreally http://pic.twitter.com/NJfG8tzo

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Jane August 3, 2012 at 9:53 pm

OMG is that for real Kevin???

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franniep2 August 3, 2012 at 9:54 pm

LMAO….that was pretty K11.

I have to take off for a bit. Jane, I hope your son lets you watch longer tonight. I’m relying on you for the update. BBL….I think!

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Jane August 3, 2012 at 9:56 pm

Bye FP2!! I can watch on tv and my android but this blog is rough to follow on my lil droid screen :/

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franniep2 August 3, 2012 at 9:57 pm

😆 Not pretty, but pretty funny. OK….L8R

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franniep2 August 3, 2012 at 9:59 pm

Will and Frank are on the block!

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Jane August 3, 2012 at 9:59 pm

Feeds are back!

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Jane August 3, 2012 at 10:00 pm

************SPOILER ALERT************

Frank/Wil on Block

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Kevin11 August 3, 2012 at 10:01 pm


If one of the Coaches win this season, this specific nomination will likely be the big reason why.

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Jane August 3, 2012 at 10:01 pm

FP2 your quick! LOL!!

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Mel August 3, 2012 at 10:01 pm

Is Wil having a hissy fit?

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Jane August 3, 2012 at 10:03 pm

I don’t know. I need to restart my computer it froze on feeds. But he was saying before he would prob. go up and he wouldnt go against her so I think he knew. He also said if he went up he wanted to go home… whats with all the bitchy ways this season?

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franniep2 August 3, 2012 at 10:05 pm

@ Mel….Wil is not having a fit. When the feeds came back up, he was up in the HOH room talking to Danielle and Dan. He understands that he is up only as a pawn. (pawns go home many times) I just wish Danielle would have played her own HOH noms, and not Dan’s.

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Kevin11 August 3, 2012 at 10:05 pm


I’m not really sure. Was hoping someone here with the Live Feeds could answer that. Probably not. I found it funny. Doubt Grodner, production would put something that funky on the screen…too revealing, plus can’t see her leaving her house for something so strange. Would likely justtella production person on the lot to handle it.

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mama margie August 3, 2012 at 10:06 pm

let me clarify what i should have said i am not a fan of danielle when she acts like a love sick puppy of 15, did u see bbad when they played spin the bottle and the hgs set it up so danielle would get to kiss shane? it went on forever she kept saying she had butterflies, the kiss was short, do u think he liked it over and over again, she follows him and has a really big crush on him and it gets so annoying can’t she see the forest for the trees he is not interested and now that she is hoh i will bet she will use it to keep shane close real close.
danielle must be smart as she is a nurse, but sorry she is not acting smart but more like a teenager, but hey just my humble opinion, maybe once she gets her head out of the clouds i am sure she will be more level headed, and shane needs to just have a heart to heart and tell her he is not interested.
@tomi, i really think danielle wants to put janielle on the block but instead will listen to dan, brit and shane, so i doubt it will be janielles turn this week, how i wish it would happen but do not think so

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Star August 3, 2012 at 10:08 pm

Hey Cyn!!!!! god to cya gurl!! Are you on FB??? Kinda gathered tht from fran. If so, ADD ME!!!!! DUH!!lol

FP2 Is fast! Plus I was trying to get this blog to go to the right page when the LFS finally opened!! Me needs a new puter!!! lol HATE this laptop Vista piece of crap!!!!

Mel..so far just see Boogie and wil talking game rationally in the eviction chairs…..oddly enuf..lol

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Mel August 3, 2012 at 10:08 pm

was it really Dan’s or was it more Shane’s?

Last night Shane was leaning towards Frank and Wil going up if I recall right

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Jane August 3, 2012 at 10:10 pm

@Kev…. lol i am so gullible, i almost believed it. I wouldn’t last a day in the BB house. Actually I’d prob get kicked out quicker than Willie I’d definitely be the idiot calling everyone out!

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Kevin11 August 3, 2012 at 10:10 pm

Big Brother Wire ‏@BigBrotherWire
Haha RT @BigBrotherSnark: This Newbie-on-Newbie crime has GOT to stop! #BB14

@ MM: Agree with you that Danielle still listening to Dan too much. And so sad that one of the most surprising evictions in seasons was screwed up by CBS’s silly plans last night. Shane’s HoH did nothing put a bigger target on his back for the future.

@ All: Was it me or did Julie Chen look pregnant in that dress last night?

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Jane August 3, 2012 at 10:10 pm

Hi Stra!

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franniep2 August 3, 2012 at 10:14 pm

@ K11….I said the same thing about what she was wearing. As a matter of fact, two weeks ago I said the same thing about the dress she was wearing. Glad to know I’m not the only one that thought that.

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Kevin11 August 3, 2012 at 10:18 pm

Danielle’s Delusions ‏@DanisDLusions
Dan. You are safe… Britney. You are safe. Shane. Will you accept this rose? #BB14 #BBLF #DaniDelusion

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Mel August 3, 2012 at 10:24 pm

K1 maybe Julie had a bullet proof vest on under just in case someone went Willie on her when she read “America by an overwhelming majority voted for the coaches to compete in the game”

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Star August 3, 2012 at 10:31 pm

Hey Janie!!!!! Wait..i got carried away…..do you ever go by Janie??? 😆

MM…totally understnd. Danielle is more than a bit smitten and is still leaning on Dan alot. But I’m alot like her and like jane.. a bit gullible!! I tend to be trusting…do unto others until they DO unto ME! then look the F*** out!!!! hehehehe

K11 and fran…DITTO!!!! I said that out loud last nite!! Not that the hubs cared….lol That dress was so 60’s preggers housewife i couldnt beleive it! All it lacked wad a big flower pin stuck right in the middle of the neckline….lol

Not sure hpow I feel about Wil right now. I am back and forth with him!!! Liked him from the getgo then back and forth after last nite. One thing I do hate tho is his Kathryn Hepburn voice he does when he’s trying to be silly!! It’s creepy!!! It’s more southern than KH but shaky like hers. If i am listening and not watching I always think it’s a woman/old lady and never know who it belongs to!!!

Not much going on right now..alot of eating. Altho Boogs and Frank talking and saying they think Shanae would still want to work with them. Really???? This is one unpredictable year! Which is why it’s GOOD!! Usually we know who is with who and exactly what they would do. It’s kinda nice NOT to be able to read them for once!!!

Crap…got the hiccups!! Quick! Somebody scare me! Post a pic of jessie…..lol

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Kevin11 August 3, 2012 at 10:34 pm

@ Mel: 😉

QUOTABLE FROM LAST NIGHT’S BBAD (A strange voice of reason after all but three had been eliminated from HoH comp in the storage room):

ASHLEY: “The worst thing that could happen is like last year when the Newbies didn’t stick together and then the Coaches won…or whatever. So, we need to make a pact before any of the Coaches get to the Newbies.”

Also, seems Wil is just a pawn from what I’ve seen on Twitter tonight and someone said (I think Dan, who now thinks he’s in charge of the House) if he (Wil) wins the PoV, he needs to put up Mike Boogie. Actually a pretty good game move. And Shane and Danielle said they trust Wil, so a Shane-Danielle-Dan and Wil alliance MAY be in the formative stages. But we all know BB is a fluid situation…from second to second almost).

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Kevin11 August 3, 2012 at 10:41 pm


I don’t think she’s pregnant as I doubt she’d hide it from the media but damn did homegirl look weird at certain angles in that dress. Maybe ordered three pizzas every night with the money CBS made on texts with the Fake Vote! Did find this silliness on the World Wide Waste of Time… (From April)


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tomi August 3, 2012 at 10:51 pm

@K11 I thought the same. If not..she need.s to fire her stylist

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Cynthia August 3, 2012 at 10:54 pm

@K11 You are a scream dude. Love..Love…Love it. 😀 Hey..is this a picture of Danielle that you put up?

Well it’s still popping lightning here. %$#&#^$ Florida Pines. Soooooo close to the house too. WOW!! But I HAD to check & see who the noms are. Damn shame Danielle is thinking with her……ok let’s not go there…..LMAO…& not her brain. And for Ashley to be the voice of reason is unreal. LMAO
Good night everyone. Time to give up & let the lightning win. 😀 Catch you later.
Oh @STRAAAAA Hell no I’m not on Facebook. They were asking for phone numbers & crap. Screw all that. 😀 Maybe one day but not yet.
Peace & Much Love to all,

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Star August 3, 2012 at 11:21 pm

I wasn’t ever going to be on FB either ,Cyn! But a friend signed me up and now I’m HOOKED!!!! That’s all I need is more to do during the summer when I already BLOG and watch LFS and BBAD!!! I am spending WAY too much time in cyberspace…lol What’s up with you these days hun???

Kev1….I didn’t THINK Julie was pregnant…just that her dress made her look to be. I catch the Talk a few times a week and nothing was said on it there. And your source was back from April so..guess it’s jsut bad fashion…..lol
Where do you find all these pages OL??? I guess I am BORING! I do my email, FB, come here and search for things and shop OL. Otherewise, i am a Virtual Virgin…lol I liked this guys from your link…what else does he write about???

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Kevin11 August 4, 2012 at 12:11 am

@Stra: Find some stuff on Twitter and some on Internet by simply Googling. And on the pregnancy thing, isn’t it a weird that Willie Hantz is a grandfather and Les Moonves is a father? Seems like it would be the other way around. Also, the Twitter posts I drop down are from various Tweeters and I don’t really follow what specific guys/girls enough to form an opinion. I’m a Luddite girl–no computer for two years, never had a cellphone and never been on Facebook so don’t think I’m like Charlie Computer or something over here. Have only found out what you guys/girls have known forever and justgoton in late February. I’m as technological as a tsetse fly. 🙂

@Cynthia: Yeah, that was one of two pictures I put up of Danielle. The other was of Shane kissing her in the water. There was also one of her in a bra and one on a Harley so this Kindergarten teacher, excuse me, NURSE is not as conservative as she seems.

QUOTABLE From BBAD (Last night, after Thursday’s show, in kitchen):

IAN: “Let’s face it. Asking America if they wanted the Coaches to play was like asking if it {America} would like North Korea to launch the nukes.”

Smart kid.

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Kevin11 August 4, 2012 at 12:17 am

CHECK THIS OUT! I found this incredibly cool and I’m sure you all will too…The layout of the House in a schematic:

DogDave ‏@dogdavebb
Here are explicit directions to the BB House. Can someone drive over and throw Dan into the LA River http://dogdave.com/bb13bbhouse.html #bb14

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Star August 4, 2012 at 12:31 am

Kev11 LOVE that BB House Link!!! You know it’s not a real house or yard but this really puts everything into perspective!!! Thanks for sharing!!

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Kevin11 August 4, 2012 at 12:45 am

Star: You’re certainly welcome. I loved that.

Here’s my current Twitter Timeline, littered with posts about a big Dan-Boogie conversation in the Storage Room for those who have never seen Twitter (There are little icon photos like we have on the left that don’t show up):

BigBrotherLiveFeeds ‏@BigBroLiveFeeds
Boogie is explaining to Dan that he feels Dan is sneaky. #BB14

BBFeeds / Spoilers ‏@BBFeeds_BB14
Dan to Boogs I mean Boogie: “I don’t want to play this game without you” #BB14 #BBAD http://twitpic.com/af8ip5

Joker’s BB Updates ‏@JokersBBUpdates
Boogie says actions speak louder than words, and that he only has that with Frank. #bb14 #cbsbigbrother #bblf

hamsterwatch ‏@hamsterwatch
Boogie to Dan: “actions speak louder than words, and all I’ve done is been lied to” …PAGING DR WILL #bb14

Joker’s BB Updates ‏@JokersBBUpdates
Mike saying Dan is in the DR saying he is the great Dan Gheesling. Dan says thats not him. #bb14 #cbsbigbrother #bblf

Big Brother Updates ‏@bbupdates
#BB14 Boogie tells Dan that this looks like a BD attempt. He says actions speak louder than words. I’ve been lied to

Joker’s BB Updates ‏@JokersBBUpdates
Boog asks why Wil is up. Dan says because he is trying to keep him off the block. Boog asks if he is in an a… (http://bit.ly/NSuTmv) #bb14

Joker’s BB Updates ‏@JokersBBUpdates
Dan telling Mike he was never going to put him in harms way. #bb14 #cbsbigbrother #bblf

BigBrotherLiveFeeds ‏@BigBroLiveFeeds
Dan pleading with Boogie to work with him. Boogie said the only one that has not lied to him is Frank and Ian. #BB14

Crypt Orchid ‏@Tawny_Leigh
Boogie, get off your damn cross. You lied left and right in AS. You used people. Get over it. #BB14

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Kevin11 August 4, 2012 at 12:50 am

One more than I have to start cleaning up this apartment. This was a short but funny exchange.

Willie Hantz ‏@HantzBB
@KaraMonaco yeah got little crazy when you left lol

Kara Monaco ‏@KaraMonaco
@HantzBB Haha. That’s I heard.

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Kevin11 August 4, 2012 at 2:10 am

QUOTABLE Evel Dick on RTVZone’s ‘Dick At Nite,’ August 2, 2012:

“I’m not watching another season of Big Brother. I’m done with the show. I’m really sorry…but I’m done with the show. It’s just stupid. If I was one of the new people coming into the House, how would I feel about these players getting a pass like this?”

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aggie27 August 4, 2012 at 2:15 am

So Wil And Frank are on the Block, In reality it seemed Danielle would have liked to put up Booger and Janelle, But of course Dan talked her out of it. I really don’t respect women who don’t think for themselves, This HOH was Dan’s HOH. She did exactly what he wanted.

I know this girl is not stupid, But doesn’t she think Dan is playing for himself. They gotta get those 2 out of there, I really hope they end up on the block soon. Dan has way to much power of this girl she should have put up Janelle and Booger like she wanted. 2 newbies on the block, very unfair.

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aggie27 August 4, 2012 at 2:18 am

@ K11

Sorry to hear dick made that quote, i was hoping he would be on another season of BB, interesting there ratings are down, maybe grodner will finally get the message about this bullshit

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aggie27 August 4, 2012 at 2:20 am


You don’t have to give them any personal info at facebook, I never did, that’s up to you how much you want to tell them.

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Bobo August 4, 2012 at 9:27 am

Watched BBAD, Looks like Boogie is taking a hisses fit! 😆 Big J hates Frank because he treats women badly , he is loud , strong, Knows how to play the game O & he has bad BO! She is so bad this season! 👿
Was reading all the comments and my dear friend Bloggergal If someone has a problem with the way you do this Blogg they can go some other place!
Thank you for all your hard work ♥ Your Fan & Friend Bobovnvet!
See you soon……….. 🙂

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mama margie August 4, 2012 at 9:40 am

bobo, txs for update to be honest i fell asleep on bbad las nite,
i know it is a matter of time when boogers blows up, this game has more twists and turns the the indy 400 race track. and once again the newbie is still listening to a coach, i want to shake them up till their teeth rattle and scream WAKE UP, have u not seen this game before. oh well nothing new seems to me the newbies r just playing to have a fun summer vacation on tv, i wonder what it is going to take for them to wake up and see what the game is really all about.
stay cool bobo and please try and send some rain to us that need it
ciao till later

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Bobo August 4, 2012 at 9:49 am

I have been trying to sen the rain to you 🙂 Good to see you so early, I have been up since 5am tried to sleep around 3am but too much pain 🙁
See you later my dear ♥

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tomi August 4, 2012 at 10:18 am

WOW..Boogie is throwing a hissy fit cause he was lied to..REALLY…this comes from one of the biggest minupulator and lier. Dan needs to stop talking, boy he’s dumb. He’s digger his own grave. Danilelle needs to grow a pair and dump Dan and get a alliance with newbies. If Dani and Shane are as dumb as their acting, then deserve to lose. Has anyone else noticed that when someone threatens Janelles game she hates them, can’t stand them, and comes up with crap that she did it with their rude or smell or other stuff. Poor Kara and JoJo and now Frank. Tell me if i’m wrong, but who has Frank lied to. I wasn’t on the Frank and Boogie train, but i’m thinking about hopping it and riding it to the end. But I also might become a floater and sway twords Wil if he makes a move soon.

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mike stover August 4, 2012 at 11:29 am

My thoughts on the players(or should I say dunbasses) Dan go home you have alrealy won BB, Dani you have a better chance of going to bed with Wil than Shane. Joe you are on the wrong show, you should be on a hog calling contest. Jen where are you. Booger just go,Jan used to like you now you are just a bitch, Ian for someone that is so smart you are so dumb get away from Booger, Wil you are playing better now(not listening to Jan. Shane stop wearing pink tank-tops. Frank stop playing Boogers game and play your own Ashley lay off the drugs and Brit didnt like you on your BB, but liking you better this time you are playing a better game AS FOR THAT CADDYKITTY, i FOR ONE ARE GLAD YOU ARE GONE WE DONT NEED YOUR KINDA SHIT ON HERE. @ BBLOGER THANK YOU FOR THIS BLOG. I THINK YOU DO A GREAT JOB.

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mama margie August 4, 2012 at 12:11 pm

@ my fellow blogger mike I THINK U NEED TO LOOSEN UP and tell us how u really feel. I am rofl u r a man of few words however when u let loose by crackie u let it all hang out and i say good for u i second all of what u say.
i keep saying to my self “self, when r these newbies going to get it”
and sorry to say to date my self has no answers when i see a tiny glimmer of lite at the end of the bb tunnel one of the newbies blows it out
i do feel sorry for frank he is really not the one who should be on the block the amazon should be up there along with the screamer joe. Guess it is easy for us bloggers to know how to play the game but come on newbies grow some mountain oysters and take the reins, ho hum the beat goes on.
i feel sorry if frank gets pov and then hoh next week then u will see all hell break loose.
@ tomi u hit the nail on the head boogers having a hissy fit cause someone lied well duhhhhhhhhhhh you boogers are the master of being a liar, i guess for some the old saying goes”DO AS I SAY DO NOT DO AS I DO”‘
by now u all know i have a memory like a strainer when does pov take place?
I am really hoping frank gets it and then somehow wil beats the hangman, we are in the bb house expect the unexpected
ciao for now fellow bloggers will do fly by for any updates
till the mm has left the bldg 🙂

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mike stover August 4, 2012 at 12:23 pm

@MM, hey you know when I take my pain pills I get happy

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PGADok August 4, 2012 at 12:44 pm

Hook me up with some moderation so I can spout some nonsense about this season Trip B.

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mike stover August 4, 2012 at 12:48 pm

@PGADok , you are
comming in load & clear, havent heard from you for a while, welcome back

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Betty August 4, 2012 at 12:52 pm

I know I will probably be banned from this blog for this comment, but hear goes…The newbies are such fools and not one of them has come up with any sort of game plan to get rid of the coaches. They are all over the place and there is no sign them banning together. Danielle can’t think for herself, Wil talks too much, Joe is disgusting, Jenn is a floater, Shane is too into himself and is beginning to tap dance on my last nerve (I personally think he is gay – too much pink Dude!), Ian is Boogies puppet, Frank is too trusting and can’t see the forest through the trees and Ashley, what can I say that hasn’t been said about her before? She is a simpleton.

I hope Boogie or Frank wins the veto, then win HOH next Thursday and put Shane and Danielle on the block! I am just too tired of waiting for the newbies to break away from their coaches and come up with some sort of game plan to eliminate them.. My feeling now is out with the newbies and final four for the coaches. Shouldn’t the 500k be given to the best player?

Just my opinion gang so please be nice, I just call it, like I see it.

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mama margie August 4, 2012 at 12:55 pm

pgadok, welcome back my friend seems forever since we have seen u, in fact few time some of the regulars bloggers were asking about you, so i know many as well as i am very happy to see you.
Even kev11 is back from his long absence and he is in full swing, cannot wait till we hear your take on bb thus far,
again welcome back chat with u soon

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franniep2 August 4, 2012 at 1:07 pm

@ PGADok….I guess BBBlogger heard your plea to be moderated, and now we are waiting to hear what you have to say about this lame game this year. Good to see ya!

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mama margie August 4, 2012 at 1:09 pm

betty, am glad u called it as u see it, that is the main reason for this blog (one would hope lol wc can meet, greet and have a bitch fest who we like and who is deadwood. to each his own, and i truly believe it is not what you say but more like how u say it.
can u imagine how boring it would be if we were of one mind omg would be a snooze fest for sure lol
i agree with lots of what you say, and am hoping the newbies grew a pair the coaches need to go and fast i would love to be a fly on the wall when they get out and not only watch all the tapes of the show but read all the blogs i know i would. Personally bb producers really need to give closer attention to how much the prospective hgs know about big brother like it used to be in the öld
days when no vets were allowed to come back and they had to think on their own or rely on what they had seen on the past season or two of bb, well there i go ranting and raving again, sorry fellow bloggers i tend to get on my nora rae box lol
ciao till later and betty txs for your opinion i for one loved it and thank ou for your honesty\mm

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mama margie August 4, 2012 at 1:14 pm

SPOILER ——————–SPOILER=================SPOILER

Power of Veto Players are: Danielle, Frank, Wil, Ian, Jenn, Shane
POV Host: ?

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PGADok August 4, 2012 at 1:36 pm

That was fast. I must have been granted lifetime moderation due to my superior wit 😀

It’s been a crazy busy time of year for me and I won’t bore you with the details, but I will be very hit and miss as far as commenting. Good to see a core of the old crew still hanging out and trading thoughts on BB. Kev11, I may not have found you on my many searches in Vegas, but glad to see you return. Saki needs to get you out of the apartment more. You’re tracking more internet, twitter, etc than one man should be allowed.

Unfortunately, I have to say in my opinion AG caused BB to “jump the shark” the last couple of years by insisting on recycling players. I try to give it a shot every year and just keep getting more and more disappointed. It seems they spent more time trying to prevent “Glass House” this year, than actually coming up with a game plan to revive our beloved BB. Most of what I have to say at this point has been said by quite a few including my BB brain double “guy on restroom door”. Therefore I’ll skip the rehashing and just give my thoughts on the hg.

Jodi: What little bit we saw reminded me far too much of Kalia from last season. She was worthless, other than eating and flapping her gums about others.

Kara: You never get to know much about the first evictee. CBS has to pack nearly two weeks of tape into two shows. She showed she could hang in in athletic comps on the first night and who knows what may have been if she hadn’t been the victim of the random first week noms.

Willie: I didn’t get the bullying comments. He lobbied for who he wanted to stay in the game, and didn’t come anywhere near the bully factor that Janelle used. That blew up on him when he tried to warn the house about the coaches entering the game and Frank’s bs to Wil about homophobia. While what we saw wasn’t much of a head butt and it was said the hg witnessed 3-4 total (trying to figure that out as from what we saw Ian was the only one in the room) he did deserve to be removed. That being said, Joe also played a part and came towards him with his fists up. They should have gone out the door together.

JoJo: Probably too brash of a NY personality to be able to survive a full season of BB.

Joe: He’s loud, unsanitary, and thinks he’s far better at this game than he is. Haven’t seen anything out of him that makes me think he can take the cash at the end of the season.

Frank: Plays the nice guy, but is one shady character. Anyone fully trusting him shouldn’t be overly surprised when he helps send them out the door early. If the others want to win they need to bounce him to an exit interview with Julie sooner than later.

Ashley: I have to give her credit for knowing the newbies have to ban together and get the coaches out first. However, I’ve had more intelligent conversations with the brick pavers in my driveway than I could possibly expect to have with her. She will manage to float her way close to the end, being used as a voting number and then sionara senorita.

Wil: I keep hearing the hg talk about how athletic and smart he is. I haven’t seen it. I’ve watched 6-8 year old girls softball games with more athleticism displayed than anything I’ve seen out of him. His role for the year is to bitch and moan and be a pissy jury member (if he lasts that long).

Ian: As it seems to have been with all the “super” fans that have entered the house to play he knows a lot of info, but not the first damn thing about actually playing the game. He’s a nice enough kid, socially awkward, and his poor background makes him a sympathetic player. If he keeps hanging around, gets over being star struck, and formulates some type of plan he could be a threat.

Jenn: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Sorry, that’s all she has made me do so far this season. No game at all.

Janelle: I’ll be kind and simply say I’ve never liked her. She’s one hell of a competitor, but you need more than that to win, as she has proven twice already.

Britney: She fell victim to the Brigade, but was the one to realize that the coaches were coming into the game. She didn’t make for the best coach, as instead of diffusing situations, she made them worse. Still not sure she has matured enough to take home the money.

Boogie: He was ready to just chill by the pool and throw around some advice here and there. Now we will see how much he really wants to be around this summer. If he chooses to get invested and can line up the right people around him he’s going to be trouble.

Dan: He’s trying to use the same strategy as last time. Can this work twice?

Enough rambling for now. I will be trying to keep up at least with reading everyone’s opinions and posting here and there.

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Betty August 4, 2012 at 1:39 pm

Thanks for the kind words Mama Margie and for the results of the POV players; I was sorry to see Shane among them. I think I am the only one on this blog that wants to see the coaches in the final four. My opinion may change if I see any of the newbies start playing the game on their own, but I am not holding my breath!!

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PGADok August 4, 2012 at 1:45 pm

Oops forgot Danielle: She’s too wrapped up in her crush on Shane, and still listening to Dan. She will end up being the Erica, Janelle, insert female showmance name here of this season.

Thanks for the heads up aggie. Appreesh

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Betty August 4, 2012 at 2:02 pm

Nice to see you back PGADok!

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Bobo August 4, 2012 at 3:24 pm

Well you all said what I said so most of my friends are on the same page as me 🙂 Betty Say what ever you want we love what you got to say!
Mike, stop coping everything I say….. 😆 You know some times these Meds make us say a little too much, well they do fore me…. 😀 Margie thank you for the up date, I fell asleep for a few hours, boy did I need a nap today!
See you all later……

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Star August 4, 2012 at 4:34 pm

**PGADOK!!! WB!! We were just talking about you the other nite…what a coinkydink!!lol Considering aggie said she would get ahold of you…. 😉 Glad she did tho! Amazong summation of all HGS!! Loved the comparison of Ahley to your brick pavers…..priceless and sad but true!!! 😆

**Betty…I have disagreed pretty much all sseason with modt everyone on here so if they kick us off, we can start our own blog..lol I agreed with mot of what you said. the HGS are serious;y inept at this game this year. If it weren’t for the Vets we wouldn’t have a show! And you all know how I feel about bringing vets back to any show!!!
My gaydar doesn’t go off around Shane. I think either he has a GF at home and won’t talk about her or he just thinks he is too cool for school and kind of keeps his distance from most of the HGS. He plays it off by saying he PROMISED his mom NO SHOWMANCES! So either he is a mama’s boy or *taken* and doesn’t want that to ruin his chances of winning cuz this way he can pretend to be interested in one of the girls!! He might get GERMS on his perfect body!! *shudder*lol
I also think that probably the winner of BB14 is going to be a Vet…with a newbie beside them, GRATEFUL to just be sitting there and estatic to be getting the 50k. Idiots!!!!

MM….thnaks for the noms..I was out laying in the sun at the time…lol

And Mike..take your pain pills everytime you blog cuz you totally crack me up!!!!lol

HGS just chatting on LFs about NOTHING so no clue when Veto will start at this point. Seems everything gets later and later this year. Would have been playing about now in years past!!!

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Bobo August 4, 2012 at 6:15 pm

Hey hold on Star…. I’m a Vet!…… 😆

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franniep2 August 4, 2012 at 6:52 pm

Danielle won the POV!!

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Mel August 4, 2012 at 6:55 pm

Thanks FP2, hope she backdoors Booger now, or Dan…..lol

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Mel August 4, 2012 at 6:56 pm

Hey Bobo, which animals are your specialty?

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franniep2 August 4, 2012 at 6:59 pm

@ Mel…I hope so too, but she (Dan) really wants Frank out.

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Mel August 4, 2012 at 7:13 pm

FP2 Danielle not listening to Shane, or who is it Shane wants out?

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mama margie August 4, 2012 at 7:21 pm


When the live feeds come back, the house guests are gathered in the kitchen. The congratulate Dan on his hosting job. Britney, Danielle and Janelle are in the storage room celebrating. They talk and laugh about how Frank has to wear a spirit tard. They congratulate Danielle for winning the Power Of Veto! They laugh about how Frank will be evicted in his spirt-tard outfit.

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franniep2 August 4, 2012 at 7:24 pm

Danielle won PoV, Frank has to wear a unitard, Shane won a veto ticket (can play in a future PoV without being picked), Wil won $5,000, Jenn won a trip, and Ian has to live in a dog kennel for 24 hours and wear a leash and eat/drink out of a dog dish.

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franniep2 August 4, 2012 at 7:27 pm

@ Mel….Danielle is so far up Dan’s behind, that’s who is telling her what to do. Shane hasn’t been around her very much. He’s afraid of a target on him if he in in a sho~mance, and he is right. Danielle still doesn’t get it! He just isn’t in to her.

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franniep2 August 4, 2012 at 7:30 pm

I am so tired of Danielle patting herself on the back for winning the HOH and now the POV. OMG, get over yourself Danielle. She says no one knows that she had been throwing the comps. 🙄

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mama margie August 4, 2012 at 7:31 pm


Dan and Danielle are in the storage room talking. Dan says that it’s awesome that Shane won a veto ticket. Dan says that he can understand why Ian didn’t take Power of Veto and that he didnt take the trip to Maui instead he took the punishment to be locked in a kennel like a dog. Dan says that Ian didn’t want to be put in position to have to make a decision. Danielle says see I told you I could win stuff. Dan says that he is stunned! Danielle asks if she keep a good poker face and didn’t act too excited. Dan tells her she did good! Dan told Danielle to squeeze this power of veto for every ounce of protection she can get. Danielle tells him to do the same. Danielle laughs that Frank will be walking out the door in the spirit outfit!

Wil and Janelle are talking outside the HOH room. Wil talks about how he didn’t know who he could trust. Will say that he can’t trust Joe, he isn’t loyal. Janelle says that the coaches took his strategy. Wil asks if she would go after Dan to get him out. Janelle says yes! They talk about how they will talk later. Janelle says that she doesn’t want to be seen together because of how people talk. They head downstairs.

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mama margie August 4, 2012 at 7:36 pm


Britney and Danielle are up in the HOH room. Britney tells Danielle about how she saw Janelle and Wil talking and whispering outside the HOH room. Frank joins them and congratulates her on the win. Danielle tells him sorry for giving him the spirit-tard. Frank asks when he will have to put on the spirit-tard. Britney tells him some time tonight. Frank says that he wonders if it will help him get sympathy votes this week. The talk about how Ian will be locked in a kennel and have to stay in there for 24 hours! He will be locked in the have-not room. They says that whenever he wants to come out he has to wear a leash. Frank says that Joe thinks he will have to do a cheer whenever they tell him too. Frank asks what he has to do to stay in the house. Danielle says that she doesn’t even have a vote. Frank heads back down stairs and says that he will talk to them later..

Britney and Danielle are talking in the HOH bed alone. Britney tells Danielle that Janelle will be coming after Dan to get him out. Danielle asks when. Britney says probably after we make it past jury. Danielle says well I will just have to get her out

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Mel August 4, 2012 at 7:41 pm

Thanks FP2 and MM. In my gut, Shane is going to get Danielle to change the noms and get out either Booger or Janelle

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franniep2 August 4, 2012 at 7:44 pm

I hope so Mel….I really want Janelle out. I think she is the bigger threat.

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mama margie August 4, 2012 at 9:17 pm


Danielle won the VETO,
Jenn got a Maui trip,
Wil got $5000,
Frank has to wear a spirit-tard for a week,
and Ian took a punishment of 24 hours as a dog where he has to live in a kennel in the have-not room for 24 hours.
No Have-nots for the week.

@ mel & frannie
how i wish frank comes off the block and danielle goes up if anyone can change danielles mind it would be shane if frank was smart he would go rite to shane and make a deal to hook up and get the coaches out, those 2 would be a force to be reckoned with
will report as evetns develop

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mama margie August 4, 2012 at 9:18 pm

in the oops dept i meant if frank comes off the block the amazon janielle goes up sorry i get ahead of myself 🙂

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franniep2 August 4, 2012 at 10:31 pm

Margie, we are getting rain! 😯 It came from your way…hopefully you and Mike got some too. Night all…

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mama margie August 4, 2012 at 10:44 pm

frannie, woo hoo rain, lighting, thunder u name it we got it finally hope mike has it also, i had to shut down puter since lightin was so bad,
chat with u later

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mama margie August 4, 2012 at 10:58 pm

After I read this i have to say i was sick to my stomach this seems cruel and unusual/ It is degrading and in my opinion sick sick sick my heart goes out to ian this poor kid is trying so hard to be the best hg in bb historyl
I want to know who comes up with this really disgusting stuff. they give him dog treats and have to take him with the leash to the bathroom
For someone so smart he has no common sense. Out of all the crap bb has done to date this is the absolute worse in my opinion.
Nothnig funny about this at all

All the house guests are in the kitchen eating and making dinner. They are eating turkey burgers. Ian gets called to the diary room. He jumps up from the table and runs to the diary room for his dog punishment costume. Britney comments on how Ian isn’t allowed to be on the furniture. They ask her if that’s a rule and she says yes. They talk about how they think Ian’s kennel will be out in the backyard which means when he isn’t on the leash he has to stay out there. Ian comes out of the diary room and yells who wants to see the first big brother dog!! WOOF WOOF WOOF! Ian is really excited about his costume. He comes into the kitchen and gets down on all fours. He tells them that his dish is out in the backyard. Shane ties up the back of his costume. Big Brother cuts the feeds and then shows the backyard where Ian’s dog house is with a little fence around it. They open up the backyard and he says that it is better than have-nots. Ian says that he has to be served out of the dog bowl

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aggie27 August 5, 2012 at 12:56 am

@ Margie

LMAO at the Amazon comment, since I am one at 5’10. I don’t think Janelle is as tall as me though, she might be 5’9. I have to say i have liked Janelle in past seasons but not as much this season.

Janelle is a very pretty woman, but every season she’s on, she ends up being the fattest woman there. And the types of clothing she wears only emphasizes those extra pounds. She obviously has little self control, she constantly eats.

I will say I don’t like the newbie women much they are all pretty much milk toast nothing very interesting or exciting about them. At least Danielle has finally stepped up and shown she is capable of being a competitor. But, I really don’t respect women who can’t think for themself. So, they really need to get rid of her and Dan.

You can say a lot of things about Janelle, but she has always been a kickass competitor, she plays the game. I would only like to see those kinds of people in this game.

I’m really disappointed in the newbie woman this season, they are all rather Milk toast with no game in them whatsoever. So the only person I’m rooting for to win this season is shane. I hope he can hang in.


Welcome Back, nice to see you here again.

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Kristi August 5, 2012 at 2:17 am

I realize that CBS always adds a spin on the “present day” shows but I think this was not a good or logicaal things to do.
I realize their are some serious competitors,but on like pass games, I think these people are “floaters” but more like buoys. I think them having to push the the buoy’s empty space( and i’m just saying 1 of these players looks like shes truly “floating” all the time. I pray for this guest he/or she cannot be serious, and it’s all and act. ( can people take a guess on who im talking about?) That is all everyone thinks about, I do not think anyone knows their up from their down and some players might lose some of the “game play” by thinking negatively about after 4 weeks be gone and back to square one.
Then theres Janielle, I agree but your prevous blogs thats shes got to go I know she thinks she “all-that” player and I know in the past she did do well but her mind game sucks!!
I can’t believe I havent heard Bittany rag on her best friend on her BB Rachael and what she thought of her wining the whole thing last years show.
Anywhow I would be intreted in hearing what people think the pecking order is going to get down, there’s so much to choose from.
Oh and Janielle you have look like an idiot on TV talking BBF’s to one girl then the next week dropping them like potatoes the finally week. It will catch up with her you think she would think if shes such a “game player”For once keep it really intresting and get ALL THE FLOATERS OUT then truly have a awesome BB game

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Betty August 5, 2012 at 3:13 pm

I sure hope Danielle will save Frank and put up Janelle! Boogie’s proposal last night made sense! Get rid of all the floaters and let the games begin. Again, I am not holding my breath waiting to see what Danielle will do, as she obviously will consult with Dan and he and/or production will convince her to keep the nominations the same. Dan made a pact with Janelle to go to the final two, which I think Dan wants to keep for if that happened surely Dan would win!

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Betty August 5, 2012 at 6:57 pm

MM, I agree with you about Ian. I think there are a lot of people out there that are making fun of him (not anyone on this blog). I felt for him when he took the part of a dog for 24 hours. He is very immature, but he probably thought by doing this it would endear him to the other other house guests. My heart went out to him, as he has enough problems to deal with. It just made me sick to see him on that leash!!

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Jane August 6, 2012 at 11:13 am

Good Morning!! Hey Betty! How are you?

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mike stover August 6, 2012 at 11:22 am

Hi Jane we are on a different post, it changed yesterday

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