If you don’t want to know who HoH Dustin has nominated for eviction, quit reading now.
However, Dustin’s strategy — as worked out with the sequester alliance — is true to form and exactly the same as last week. Dustin nominated Jen and Kail, which upset Jen quite a bit because she felt like Dustin was a friend.
She goes off to the bathroom to cry, upset not that she might go home but, I suspect, because she’s been rejected again. While Jensa has been an annoying personality to many on Big Brother 8, folks might start to feel bad for her if the house continues to hammer her with nominations and strategizing and general rejection.
Not saying I’m empathizing with her yet, but she was crying, and that was enough to bring the soft side of Nick the football player out. He walks up to her in the bathroom and hugs her and talks to her as she sobs.
This annoys Daniele to no end, or so Nick thinks, so Daniele and he have a heart to heart in the HoH room. However, a heart to heart with Daniele consists of her being short, whether it’s with Dick or Nick.
What’s wrong?
Why are you mad?
I’m not mad.
It can get annoying, but notice in this video I just clipped from the live feeds at about 9:30 BBT just how Daniele looks at Nick. Her body language is practically inviting ol’ Nick to make a move, I think. She’s clearly thinking about something. Nick is clearly annoying her to a certain extent. But there is undoubtedly a physical chemistry here.
Watch and enjoy. Oh, and I don’t have to work on Saturday, so I’ll be clipping as many live feed happenings as possible. If there is something strategically or whatever you’d like me to focus on in these feeds, post a comment — and I’ll do my best.
i saw that clip too and I think she’s debating whether he’s the one who voted for kael. That lie, I think, has had devastating consequences for both Jen and Nick. I appreciate Jen and am growing fond of that wackjob. As superficial as she is, she’s also genuine – a very odd combination. Dick, IMHO, has got to go – he’s a very very negative element in the house. Daniele is actually in the best position because she knows exactly how to work him – withold, withold, withold.
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