No. 7 From Big Brother 8: Amber Goes Apes***

by soonerryan on February 5, 2008

Eric Stein’s time in the Big Brother house last season was a roller coaster ride. It started way up, given that he was America’s Player, seemingly in the good graces of BB fans worldwide.

He did our dirty work, dousing Jen’s clothes with mustard. Voting to evict who we wanted. Acting a fool on our behalf.

However, the general consensus among Eric haters was that he behaved in a manner befitting a weasel, and some of those haters darn near outed Stein as America’s Player with a banner labeling the New Yorker as a liar.

Nick Starcevic had been evicted, and romantics worldwide united to take it out on Eric. Well, not really, but they definitely blamed Eric for what led to his ouster, and that roller coaster trekked downward quickly.

However, voting irregularities regarding Nick’s eviction were the least of Eric’s troubles. No, siree.

No, he drew the wrath of Amber “God Bless You, God” Tomcavage.

She apparently told him a secret regarding an abortion. Forgetting somehow that everything she says is amplified via a technology called microphone, Amber flew into a rage befitting a meth addict when she found out Eric had suggested that he might use the secret against her.

What played out was pure gold. By Tuesday or Wednesday of that week, whichever day this went down, Eric was already a beaten pup, and Amber was at the top of the dogpile.

Anyway, “God Bless You, God” for our fond memories of the No. 7 clip from Big Brother 8.

Natvtxn February 5, 2008 at 1:40 pm

Uh…BBBlogger? How come my comments aren’t showing up? I really don’t want to have to rewrite it all again!! This is kind of frustrating! What the heck is going on????!!!!

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Natvtxn February 5, 2008 at 1:46 pm

Nevermind, BBBlogger! I just went to yesterday’s post a few minutes after I wrote the one above and it was there. I was wondering what I was doing wrong!

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Natvtxn February 5, 2008 at 1:50 pm

LOVED, LOVED when Whamber went out of control (like she Always did) and tore into the Weasel. Eric drove me up the wall with his pansy ways..But I have to admit…he was a GREAT PUPPET!! I love how Jen is trying to melt into the couch and pull her “bunny ears” over her face!! What in the heck does Nick see in her? Kind of changes your opinion of Nick!!

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Ronna February 5, 2008 at 2:09 pm

Classic moment!

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Donna Rose =^^= February 5, 2008 at 5:11 pm

Hi Natvtxn! I remember you from last year! I’m sure we’ll have a blast again this year on this blog! Nice to see some familiar names! =^^=

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Donna Rose =^^= February 5, 2008 at 5:13 pm

Oh…almost forgot…BBBlogger…I’m really hurt that you never called me after last season. I was hoping to hear from you…I feel like an old used snot rag in Amber’s pocket…=^^=

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mumble spires February 5, 2008 at 5:15 pm

I hate Amber. she deserved it if eric told on her.

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Bohn February 5, 2008 at 5:17 pm

That scene made me so nervous! I remember I saw it on the live feed when it happened.

This is a funny Whamber scene on youtube:

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Karen February 5, 2008 at 6:22 pm

My Gravatar isn’t showing up again 🙁 – I loved the way Amber went off. It added excitement to BB8! Too bad Eric wasn’t “strong” enough to fight back. But then again, with Amber, everything made her cry. Did she think she was out in the “world” ? That is what makes Big Brother good, the secrets, backstabbing, entertainment for us. Keep up the good work.

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Big-Brother February 5, 2008 at 10:44 pm

Karen….go get your Gravatar showing you need to not capitalize your email when you post. 🙂 I can edit it for you if you like. should be

then it will work….PROMISE!

I am glad you are here Karen!

Peace, BBBlogger

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Big-Brother February 5, 2008 at 10:45 pm

Donna Rose…

I will call ya anytime sweetie…just email me your digits and i will send ya some love over the phone.

My email is realitytvchat (at) gmail (dot) com.

Hope to hear from you soon! 🙂

Peace, BBBlogger

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Matt February 6, 2008 at 9:06 am

God, I had forgotten, thankfully, how much her whiny ass cried all the time…that was a meltdown-and-a-half…I always wanted to be able to go up and give Eric’s nipple rings a nice tug-n-twist….friggin’ weasel. That new cast looks weird. We’ll see…who will the Donato clone be? Time will tell….(c’mon, you know SOMEONE’ll try)

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Donna Rose =^^= December 8, 2009 at 9:31 am

Oh…almost forgot…BBBlogger…I'm really hurt that you never called me after last season. I was hoping to hear from you…I feel like an old used snot rag in Amber's pocket…=^^=

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