Yay!! Big Brother 12 is finally here! :o) I can’t believe we are already at another season of Big Brother! Man, time flippin flies!! It’s so exciting watching BB and knowing what all those hgs are gonna go through. Right now they are still in the beginning and having fun. After your there about a month is when you really start to go stir crazy. So far I’m loving the season.
When the hgs names & pictures were released I went on line & checked everyone out at the cbs website. Based on first impressions I liked Rachel the best. She just has that bubbly, positive attitude that I love so much! ;o) I was also liking Kathy, Brenden, Annie, Kristin & Britney.
So BB finally started on Thursday the 8th of July. I absolutely loved the premiere. It’s crazy seeing everyone move in, meet, find out what the twist is, ect… Of course BB never wants anyone to know what they are gonna do next & I never suspected a saboteur! HAHA…that’s brilliant! Love the idea that someone is not in there to win it. I wonder who it could be. I thought it could be Brenden because who the heck brushes their teeth right when the lights go out, plus he’s from California & he just looks like a saboteur! :o) haha…or I think it could be the cop Kathy because she has done terrible in every comp so far. I mean for the Love of God didn’t the police academy teach her how to climb & jump over walls or swim in goo. She couldn’t hang on to the wiener to save her life. So maybe she’s throwing everything so she won’t be a target & no one would suspect her. My 3rd pick would be Monet because she is so quite & I notice she likes to observe everyone. She tends to lay low & not causing any drama. Plus no one would suspect her, the princess.
I haven’t seen that much of the feeds yet but from what I have seen my favorite to win is Kristin. I think she is a nice, down to earth, fun loving girl. I think she is gonna do great in all the comps. People in the house aren’t even concerned with her yet so that’s a sign she will last a long time. Also, on the feeds Annie has been doing a lot of crying & I know it’s because she’s on the block & everyone wants her out. Same with Rachel though. She is on the block & crying to Brenden about how tough it is & she didn’t do anything wrong to anyone. So why does she deserve to be put up. I know, it freaking sucks but someone has to go every week. I do like Rachel & hope she can pull it together & start playing the game. I wanna see what happens with her & Brenden.
I really love watching the feeds because it really lets you watch & see how they really are in the house not just cbs edited version. It’s hard to tell who you really like when you only watch cbs. So after watching the feeds I’ve decided that I’m not too fond of Kathy anymore. I think she might end up being as bad as Sheila. I really don’t like listening to people who are a little older complaining & talking crap bout other people. Older people in the house should be a role model for the younger folk. Renny BB10 was great & I rarely heard her talk crap, she just spoke the truth about what’s going on in the game, not just gossip. Britney, Monet & Kathy are just doing too much gossiping & I really don’t like listening to that. It’s so funny watching the feeds though because we always talk about the same things in there. Whatβs gonna happen when we get evicted, where do we go, do we go on the early show? Where’s the jury house? etc… Haha they even talk about past hg’s. LMAO we all do it!!
Well that’s what I think so far, who knows what’s gonna happen or who the saboteur is. I need to watch a few more episodes and a little bit more feeds before I can make up my mind on my favs.
I’m just so happy that BB is back!! YAY!!
I hate not watching BB on Tuesday nites. I wish it goes back to Tuesday instead of Wednesdays. Got all me shows lined up and now a wrench is thrown into it. I like Rachel and Brendon showmance. They are 2 brainics and are fun to listen to.
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welcome Natty, I thought you were most entertaining in your season, a real hoot, take care girl, peace
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Hi Natalie!!! I loved you on your season and hope you’ll be coming back for the next AllStar Season – YEA!!! My hubby and I both think you’re super sweet and adorable and miss seeing you in your many pairs of knee socks – soooooooo CUTE!!!
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Welcome Natalie! You write the same way you talk! I have not seen too much of BBAD yet and still dont even really know everyones names yet.I like the showmance and hope it lasts a while. I dont like that sherriff lady. can she really be that weak? I agree with you on Monet being the saboteur, she is mysteriously quiet
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First off, I AGREE about the Wednesday vs. Tuesday thing!
Secondly, it is like you took the words right from my mouth. How could a Deputy Sheriff be unable to crawl through some goo and search for things. And hang on to the “hot dog”. Watching her lay in the caramel was pathetic.
For my favourites as of right now, Brendon, Regan and Britney.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My “least” favourties, Kathy, and Rachel…I don’t like her voice.
π — Courtney.
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hi all i use to go by bluezey60 but decided not to this season..i like the non crazy cast..i have to admit im for the brigades this time..my son is a deputy and said kathy is throwing it..she has to be able to put big guys down..so if shes not the saboteur then she is playing her self down so they wont think she is a threat…hayden & kristen somethings up w/them..i think brother and sister..look at their mouths they look alike..lol maybe not but just thought i would throw that out there..i think hayden or lane could be the saboteur tho..anyway..im really happy someone got a healthier cast this year..
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Hello Natalie. Nice job on the first writing. Glad to see you aboard. As I said yesterday it will be nice to get an opinion from someone who has actually been in the house and knows all of the ‘in and outs’ so to speak. Something most of us will never get a chance to witness or experience. I wish you a lot of luck in your writing. π π
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So where did the thing come up that two people know each other beside the sabatour? I still get a kiock out of Ragan and annie repeats more than a bropken record. Welcome nat!
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i read in someones blog that 2ppl knew each other ..bbad i heard hayden say to kristen ( do you think anyone knows about us..) so anyway thats where i got it from ..i dont know if its true..but i think they look alike..i cannot wait to see it tonight..
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Natalie you were disgusting then and I really expect nothing different now. I wish you would not try stretching your time in the limelight and just go away peacefully.
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I don’t get this saboteur.What happens if he wins?Does he or she earn more money the longer they stay around?Do they have access to the Diary Room?
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Shirley, once again ESAD
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LMFAO at Aggie….Let’s play nice now Aggie. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.
Shirley….just so you know, you are the minority here. π The rest of us seem to like Natty.
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hi fran, sorry don’t like narrow minded people, BWASUTB
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That’s one nasty POV comp.
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Brittany is a little devil. It’s too early to start craziness
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Brittany is definately a chit disturber.
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I’m sorry…….Rachel is annoying!!!!! I hope they vote her out. Wake up Brendan…start thinking with your head on your shoulders!!!!
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brittianny will be crying the bluez soon..and i think the life long friends are kristen and hayden.. i think lane is the saboteur..and i thought they were going to tell us tonite..who the saboteur is..natty no disrespect but..im trying to remember you..unfortunately the only 1 i remember is the 1 putting the moves on jessie last season yuk ..so maybe someone can refresh my memory..
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Nat was the little tiny black girl that was in a alliance with Jessie
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Ok time to check in for the first time. Hope I don’t need moderating since TripB is a busy man these days. Welcome aboard Nat, while I’m not a fan, it will be very interesting to read from the perspective of someone that has been thru the experience, and this blog is all about varying opinions. Now on to a few of my own opinions and observations of the hg
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) I find it a MUST to keep the remote in hand so I can rapidly hit the mute button anytime Rachel is on (just typing that her annoying laugh is ringing thru my ears)
2) While I think it’s great that Kaptain Kosher is so strong in his faith it gets a little tiresome being beaten over the head about it everytime he opens his mouth
3) I for one would love to see Monet and Brit hit the block at the same time and watch the fur fly. The two that talk trash about everyone behind their backs up against each other for eviction would make for some great drama in the house
4) As some others have stated, I also think Hayden and Kristen look an awful lot alike and the sneaky alliance causes me to lean that way even more
5) Just winging it on the sab guess, but Monet is just a bit too quiet (unless she’s trashing someone with Brit)
6) It seems the first week of BBAD was much more entertaining in the past. They would make up question games or other things that had everyone involved together. These guys so far are better than ambien.
7) Annie is getting bent over and not even getting a courtesy kiss
8) The Meow Meow is perfect Jersey casting and cracks me up (needs to learn how to play pool along with the others though)
9) The other thing that is fishy about Monet was she told people she was from Chicago in Southern Illinois. I played it back a couple times because she also tossed in some Carbondale, Cairo, and Marion flap, but when I grew up in Chicago it damn sure wasn’t south. Aggie did you guys move the city on me lol
10) Where the hell is Kev11? We need our resident bookmaker to lay out some odds so we can get some bets down
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Sorry I was wrong about which Natalie it was. There is a picture of her on the big brother blog home page.
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Flock of beagles typed out a whole long list of things and didn’t get the “awaiting moderation” message, but I don’t see it. Pebbles did you hijack my message since the moose isn’t around for you to play with?
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I went straight to big brother of last year and the Nat they’re talking about is from season 9. Sorry.
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Trip B hook me up with some moderation or something so my comments show up and I can get in the game.
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It’s always entertaining to have a little “disagreement” going on in the blog. You go Shirley and Aggie. It’s almost as entertaining as BB. π Almost!
In years past, we’ve always had a great time bantering with the person in the miniority. As for Gnat, Natty or Natalie, I do remember her being the blunt of many blogs but she’s who she is. A pretty good job on her first blog though.
Thanks BBB, great job all the time!!! π
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BTW, I have no clue who the sabateur might be. Looking forward to tonight!
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Hey Nat…Weclome to our blog! I did post to you yesterday, guess it was a little early! π³ Very excited to have you with us this season tho. π
Kevinoutwest and Shirley…I think you are BOTH thinking of the wrong Natalie! Gnat, as she was called, was from last year. Skinny little annoying chick…worshiped and hung on Jessie’s every word! I can see why you wouldn’t want her back. This is Nat from Season9…the winter show. Coffee barista…..good looking….artist…..liked Matty. Ring any bells? Just trying to clairfy for ya.
BBBlogger…are we voting for who we want out this year…officially?? Unofficially then, I vote to evict RACHEL!!! Can’t stand her laugh, her boobs, her *not a shade in nature red* hair OR the way a supposedly self-proclaimed smart woman let herslef get into a showmance SOOooo damn fast!!! Seriously?? Was this your strategy?? Or haven’t you ever watched BB before to see what happens, especially to women, who do that!!! π
Somone else asked about why we weren’t told who the saoteur was….BB is telling us that Thurs. nite on the live show. I’m sticking with Andrew. Even if I’m wrong, he is just weird enough to be. Did you see the way he stood up in front od the whole house tonite after the saboteur spoke and said they can’t suspect him anymore because he couldn’t possibly have a friend in the house because none of them know anything about Judism!! Really?? Is that how you choose your friends?? Then I bet you don’t have any OUT of the BB House either!!! Sheesh! Seemed a bit desperate to me..and all the HGs were looking at him like…WTF??!! lol
Ok…I voted……Peace OUT!
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Hi Starfish, We have two haters on here so far, Shirley and Dubs love, Natalie is a guest on this blog, they need to shut up or go away.
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shirley, for your information ,gnat was natalie martinez from season 11, who not very many people liked, the natalie on this blog is from season 9. get your facts straight woman.
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HELLLLLOOOO everyone. π A big hellllloooo to Natalie. Great to “see” you on the blog. Very entertaining in your season. You go girl. π
WTF?? Already a spat on the blog & it’s NOT me this time. π Loving it!! Aggie play nice babe. π I just watched the 11pm show & I don’t know who the rat is. In fact, I don’t know much about any of it yet. Too much going on here to keep up with TV right now. BUT I know Rachel REALLY needs to quit laughing if she stays.
IS KevinOutWest our missing K11?? Just wondering?? And where he hell is AC?? And Princess??
Oh well gotta go. Great show. Thursday will be better. π
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Hey Cynthia,
I wondered the same thing about KevinOutWest but the writing style is totally different and this guy says he’s gay, which kev11 wasn’t or at least never said he was. Plus he would have said HI and done shout outs. But I was kind of hoping so too….no offense to the NEW Kevin!!
AC is around but doesn’t say much..as usual. Haven’t seen tiara nor trace of Princess tho. Lots of regs are totally AWOL. Kinda sad. π
And I LIKE couldn’t agree more about Rachel’s laugh!!! Maybe she will laugh all the way out the door Thurs. nite!!! π
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I hear ya Star….A LOT of the old regualrs are missing. Must be on Facebook or just gave it up. Yeah I wasn’t trying to offend the New Kevin either. Just hoping to have K11 back. Although the New Kevin said Enzo was “stoopid.” Hey…lovin’ Enzo…”stoopid” or not. π Haven’t “seen” Princess in ages. And AC…well…just got an e-mail from him, but he won’t talk. As USUAL!! LMAO The mystery man strikes again. π
Just had to stop by one last time before giving it up for tonight myself. So have a good night & take care.

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I think it’s Annie and I think Brittany & Kathy are related. What are your thoughts? Andrew I’n not sure of, he is weird. He only has Jewish friends?
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Nancy, i agree i thought brit and kathy could be related also, it wouldn’t surprise me if andrew only has jewish friends. π
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If you dont like fun then you are a Enzo hater. So far this guy is the only entertainment in the house. I hope he goes very far in the game.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BB will confirm tonight that mean girl Britney is the Rat. @ STAR , like I too like vote to like evict Rachel.
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Whats Up DOK? Former chicago guy, glad you came back, yes sad about Kevin 11, it doesn’t look like he is coming back, wherever you are Kevin you have been missed by quite a few, take care, peace
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Hi all bb watchers,Another season another reason to hate one or more at the bb house, my choice for the one i like the least Rachel. She did not one thing to keep herself in the house, Brendon did it all, is this dejavu (Jeff & Jordan) or am I having a mental block? I had no idea it was Annie who was the sabateour, and the long standing roommates are Hayden & Kristen, heard that on bbad.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, true to form, Annie is out (wonder how they are going to handle the sabetour thing now) and Rachel is HOH, should make for an interesting week, I guess the HOH room will now be called for the next week at the Bridal Suite, lol
My favorite is Ragan (spelling ?), he seems so down to earth and sure of himself, Enzo is just like the home boys I know from New York, but yes I am aware he is New Jersey, which is a stone’s throw from N.Y., I predict a veryyyyyyyy interesting week to come, let’s see how many hgs do a turn around regarding Rachel now, she appears that she can be a real meanie, ie her farewell speech to Annie, which I feel was totally uncalled for, oh well, just my thoughts.
Glad to be back yet another year and see all old roomies and a few new ones, hi to all, hope my computer stays up and running had it at the doctors and this is NOT the time to take a dive on me
ciao for now
Mama Margie
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Knew it was Annie.
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