Keesha vs. Libra – The Diary Room is now yours….

by BBBlogger on August 14, 2008

A loud voice comes over the house PA system…”Please report the the Diary Room!”

If you watch the feeds, you know the drill. You are now being called into the Diary Room to share your thoughts and opinions on other house guests (without them knowing what is said)

So tonight it is Keesh vs. Libra. I have a feeling the house wants Libra gone….and I hope that happens since I am a HUGE fan of Keesha…

…but as of now it does not matter what the house thinks….

ALL THAT MATTERS IS WHAT DO YOU THINK? Please comment and cast your vote for eviction.

Peace, BBBlogger

PS: Please join us in the big brother chat room tonight for our weekly Big Brother 10 watching party. It should be a full room tonight!

realityfan August 14, 2008 at 10:48 am

I vote to evict LIBRA she’s is driving me nuts!!!!!!

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mbentley August 14, 2008 at 11:26 am

I agree. She was such a witch and had such a bad attitude and suddenly she is the nice one who is being calmly honest. Don’t buy it!!!!! Amazing how many of them are saying that they are just nice and that’s the way they are and they are honest and can’t lie. They all do. It appeared on BBAD that April and Ollie and Jerry are planning a back door to evict Keesha. Hope it doesn’t work. Libra is a poor excuse for a Mother when she can leave her little kids like that (especially the twins) and then opt for a Hawaiian vacation without them. Now she suddenly misses them. NOT!!!! It’s all phony. I don’t buy it. She hasn’t given any of them a second thought. Very selfish and high maintenance that one.

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Joetexas August 14, 2008 at 11:27 am

Keesha, your dentist is calling. Get that gap fixed. It can be done at the jury house.

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Tammy August 14, 2008 at 11:27 am

I vote to evict Libra she is Psycho!!! I want Keesha and Renny final two I have said that from the first week.

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njLBIgal August 14, 2008 at 11:28 am

well well well…..interesting to watch the feeds, there is so much more going on than the show allows you to see. However, I really like Keesha and somehow…Libra has grown on me (couldnt stand her before). All I really care about today is how to get APRIL out of there…..omg, she is so annoying. How she slid by this whole thing I have no idea…..Michelle, you made a mistake

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Tinasz August 14, 2008 at 11:29 am

Oh BBBlogger. Why? Why? Keesha is the worst house guest EVER!!!! She has a serious personality disorder. Can’t anyone see the I love you I hate you crap she pulls all the time? Talk about a Borderline Personality Disorder!!!! This B**** screams it!!!!! Everything she says she hates about April she does. It is like she is yelling in the mirror at herself but she cannot accept responsibility. She is annoying as all hell and the voice when she goes off sends me up the wall. Keesha needs to leave!!!!!! HUGS, Tina

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mortgage dr August 14, 2008 at 11:30 am

the MORTAGGE DR. says that Libra or as Jerry would say LIDRA (dam old goat) don’t let the door knob hit ya in the butt on the way out the door…1000 on x-mas bulbs…some how i don’t think she needs the money from this game if she is dropping that type of cash for x-mas bulbs…what’s next puting $60 sneakers on the 5 month old kids that they will grow out of of them in 2 weeks…PLAESE MAKE HER GO GONZO…as in gonzo out the door momma…

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Jenni August 14, 2008 at 11:31 am

I vote to evict Libra! I did not like Keesha and Renny at first, but I am with Tammy…I hope that they make it to the end!

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john coughlin August 14, 2008 at 11:43 am

I vote for Libra to go. She is a very shrewed player. Keesha could be blind-sided tonight. April and Ollie need to be broken up. Watch out for Ollie “Mr. Nice Guy!”

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S Goldenberg August 14, 2008 at 11:45 am

Libra needs to go. And then, Jerry needs to be gone. He drives me crazy. If he calls Dan Judas one more time….and he keeps ripping on him for taking off his crazy at evictions. What about the first week when he took off all his military gear for I think it was the POV meeting…

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Kim August 14, 2008 at 11:48 am

My comment goes to Tina. How or why do you think April is so sweet compared to Keesha. I am wondering if we are watching the same BB10? Hmmm…When Keesha was HOH, Tina wanted Jessie out in the worst way and was in Keesha’s ear the whole time. When April won HOH she was the one that put up Jessie and now she is mad about it, get real. APRIL needs to go and then maybe Ollie can have an opinion or think for himself. Kim

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flora August 14, 2008 at 11:53 am

April is working on getting Keesha out the door, Keesha is on to April’s gameplay for sure. I am hoping that Jerry and April leave soon, like today if possible! ha! I have lost all respect for Jerry and April. As for Libra I believe she was misunderstood and cannot redeem herself.

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matt August 14, 2008 at 11:54 am

No one dis likes Libra more than I….but she cant win the game and has no one left to align with her so taking keesha out now helps your odds of winning no matter which side your on….but as usual no one will play the game without emotion leading there thought process…..and holy helll her laugh has got to be killing the ratings

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Arlene August 14, 2008 at 11:54 am

I VOTE TO evict……..LIBRA !!

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flora August 14, 2008 at 11:59 am

I want Renny or Dan to be next HOH and set the house on its side. Evict Jerry, April and Michele.. good bye!

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flora August 14, 2008 at 12:00 pm

Why are all the comments I put out here regarding the chat room erased?

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Tracie August 14, 2008 at 12:05 pm

I vote to evict LIBRA! omg she is a crazy woman! She can never have a discussion without yelling and blaming someone for something. She has a high and mighty attitude that needs to take the High road out!

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Soccermom97 August 14, 2008 at 12:06 pm

Keesha needs to go. I agree with Tina. Libra has a temper problem but really I think anyone that is tired of hearing about her money then they are just jealous. Since when can you not talk about what you have? I don’t think she said it in anyway to brag. She was sharing a story about how much she spent on Christmas ornaments and how her husband was upset with her. Helloooo, that’s a standard story with married couples. Wife spent too much, husband got mad. They are all immature in that house and that includes Jerry. They need to get over themselves. This is my least favorite season of all because of how they have much they fight and don’t think twice about dropping the F bomgb all the time. But of course, I will watch because I can’t stand to not know what is going on. The fighting all the time is getting old.

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katie August 14, 2008 at 12:10 pm

I vote to evict – Libra!

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Yvonne August 14, 2008 at 12:18 pm

I want Libra gone and I hope April is out next. I think they are both awful!!!

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Juan Davis August 14, 2008 at 12:18 pm

Why, oh why, does someone not call Jerry on all this Judas stuff? HE was the first to betray a player on BB10 and he has the nerve to call Dan a Judas! The faster Jerry is booted from the house – I hope next week – the more I’ll enjoy the show.

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SHANNON August 14, 2008 at 12:18 pm


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Terri August 14, 2008 at 12:23 pm

I vote to Evict ……….. LIBRA !!!!

Dan Renny or Keeha you ‘ve got some work to do have got to get Hoh !!! Hopefully Renny she needs to see her Family pictures and get that special letter that helps keep them strong in the game !! She’s an awesome Lady very funny !!
GOOOOOOO !!!! Renny.

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Marla Jo August 14, 2008 at 12:25 pm

I, too, vote to evict Libra.
I hope whomever wins HOH puts up April and Ollie, because I think they would vote out April. Then Michelle needs to go after that.

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maria August 14, 2008 at 12:26 pm

I vote to evict Libra she needs to go

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Jaymes August 14, 2008 at 12:32 pm

Good bye Libra (The Drama queen). I heard through the grapevine the next 2 up will be Ollie and April. BB do not like couples in the house. And April is Not to be Trusted along with Michelle.

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Soccermom97 August 14, 2008 at 12:37 pm

oh I hope all of you that want Libra gone aren’t disappointed tonight! I think you will be though. Both are annoying really.

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Catherine August 14, 2008 at 12:52 pm

i would love to see jerry leave but unfortunatly he is not up there. I vote to evict libra 🙂


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Tracy August 14, 2008 at 12:54 pm

I want Libra out. My biggest reason is because April and Jerry want her to stay. I can’t stand A&J & hope that someone in the other alliance wins HOH next week (Memphis or Dan would be great) and gets one of them out the door.

Go Memphis, Dan, Renny and Keesha!

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Ronna August 14, 2008 at 12:57 pm

I actually like both Libra and Keesha as they both bring entertainment into the house. However, my vote is to evict Libra. I think it’s time for her to give her twins a hug.

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Al germann August 14, 2008 at 1:01 pm

Libra is out for Libra, not a guest, not her husband, not her kids. A different Libra,,
depending who she is talking to. Do not like her, do not trust her. That stupid smile with her hands off to the side, I can not take it anymore. End of story.
BYE LIBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or I will go.

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DPyne August 14, 2008 at 1:13 pm

I VOTE TO EVICT KEESHA………….Please God let it be so. Why is everyone down on Libra for “leaving: her babies at home”, for cripe sake the womwn left them with her Mother and her Husband.It is not as if she left them unattended. What would you say if the woman went off to to war??That does happen people ,or didnt you know there is a war going on? And while we are on the subject, where is all the objection to crabby Jerry dumping his wife for his own wants and needs? She has alzhimers( sorry for the misspell) I theink she needs care and guidance too!!!! Who did he leave in charge her?? Let’s drop the double standards people …….2008

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Momdrgfly August 14, 2008 at 1:15 pm

I vote to evict Keesha , PLEASE let it be her , she is absolutely annoying .

I am not a Libra fan but I still would prefer to see Keesha go first , would serve her right .

However I am afraid the house will evict Libra tonight . Its to bad , would have loved to see the look on Keesha’s face .

Also it would shake that house up good !

Then it would be real interesting to see who gets the next HOH and what the fall out would be .

I don’t understand why everyone thinks Keesha is so damn fabulous …..this is a game ,lets have it ….. game on, do the unexpected SHAKE IT UP !

Hate when its so predictable …..

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Soccermom97 August 14, 2008 at 1:23 pm

I agree Momdrgfly! I’m not really a fan of anyone in that house this season but I think it would be hysterical to see Keesha go just like Jessie did last week.

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stephen withington August 14, 2008 at 1:28 pm

libra your outttttttttttttttttttttttttt seeya

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D August 14, 2008 at 1:30 pm

And , by the way,while Libra gets all the blame Keesha is setting it in motion. If I have to hear that high pitched cackle from Keesha again I might go over the edge. I truly hope she goes tonight , if not next week, I don’t like April either but would rather see her win than Keesha or Jerry. He is just plain mean and cruel with his mouth. GOOD LUCK LIBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( HOWEVER , IF YOU HAVE to go to seq. house, being first would be the bomb!!! ) my pers.opin!!

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Dominick August 14, 2008 at 1:36 pm

Unless the houseguest break tradition of BB10 Libra is gone. This is the best move the house could make. Beside the fact Libra is a Drama Queen who appears to have a mental disorder or something. It would be great if Dan would win HOH and stir-up the pot. It would be interesting to see who he would put-up Team April and Ollie, Team Keesha and Renny, Jerry the floater, Memphis team player (for all the teams), Michelle the lost soul or Jerry the floater. Plus that speech Jerry made was a joke, acting as if he removed Keesha he would then put Dan on the block.That would have been Michelle’s choice and if she wanted Libra gone, the best and saftest choice would be to put-up Renny. Jerry claims he watched evey BB. If so, does he forget the POV does not pick the replacement person or does he think he controls Michelle? Think not. Anyway, unless a miracle occurs Libra is gone and its about time…

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Lyn August 14, 2008 at 1:39 pm

Get Keesha out of there, she is crazy and such a lier. Libra is the fall gal for the double meint twins, April and Keesha. Everyone in the house has told big dam lies on Libra. Manchelle is a crazy bitch and needs to go next. Send Crazy Keesha home to dance on tables for a buck.

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Linda B August 14, 2008 at 1:44 pm

OMG….I can’t wait to see Libra outa there! She’s way overdue and deserving at this point. April is the next “B” that needs to go and they need to break up that shomance with Ollie. I hope Dan is next HOH and Jerry is outa there soon! I liked him in the beginning but he has really turned and he keeps using that “I’m 75” crap. Renny, Dan and Memphis are the ones to watch ……. they could really stir the pot in the next couple of weeks.

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mortgage dr August 14, 2008 at 1:44 pm

does anyone know if they keep using the saem SEQ. HOUSE…

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kat August 14, 2008 at 2:17 pm

Between the tow …Get Libra out!!!! The go after April, she is more annoying than Keesha………. if that is even possible. Jerry with his crap with Dan is ridiculous…His is a grouchy old man and would not know the meaning of the word loyal. Someone early said haw he took off his military stuff because he had to betray Brian. Well,,,,Jerry maybe someone ought to teach you a good lesson. HE IS THE ONE THAT SHOULD GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t even stand to watch him any more. He is more of a threat than anyone, but everyone thinks because he is old that he is harmless. Watch out HG’s Jerry is gonna get you.

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Bob August 14, 2008 at 2:19 pm

Vote to evict Libra:
Jerry needs to back off Dan; who does he think he is God? He is proving to be a poor excuse for a Marine with his unnecessary and continued hang up with Dan and the religion issue. Hope he shares the block next.

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Augustus Cole August 14, 2008 at 2:35 pm

I vote to evict……April…….aww wait, she ain’t nominated.

Guess i’ll have to vote to evict……Libra. Sorry. Don’t hate her. Just like Keesha more.

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FRANKS August 14, 2008 at 3:00 pm

DPAYNE, Jerrys wife does’nt have Alzheimers disease, she has Parkinsons disease. They are as different as night and day!

Mortgage dr, no, they were at different houses in previous seasons. And as you all remember this is’nt even the original BB house.

Debbie, he has erased some of the more disgusting comments. At least I think he has!!!

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Arlene August 14, 2008 at 3:50 pm

I wonder when they BB-10 will have a DOUBLE ELIMINATION NIGHT !!
Then maybe…..Jerry will finally get the BOOT …along with April !!
Something has to be done !! they are absolutely disgusting people!

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Big-Brother August 14, 2008 at 4:08 pm


I have deleted any and all racial comments and any reaction comments. This is not the place for that stuff. I usually do not edit or delete comments but I am not interested in anything that borderlines racism!

I delete all spam comments (100’s per day) and as of today, only have deleted 3 racist comments and edited one referring to the now deleted comment. I have never deleted any comments otherwise (unless i have by accident which I would guess could happen) Flora, I have never deleted any of your comments on this blog. Honestly, this is the 2nd time you have claimed your comments have been deleted. I have no clue what you are referring too.

I try to let this be a place of free speech. Where people can share their opinions. I only delete comments when I need to….and today was one of the first times I have ever felt like I needed to.

Please, give reasons why people should go…that is ok….but race is NOT and NEVER WILL BE a reason to judge someone. At least not on my blog.

Peace, BBBlogger

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mbentley August 14, 2008 at 4:24 pm

I have no problem with anyone having money and being in the BB house. So that doesn’t bother me about Libra. It’s not the first time. I understand that Moms and Dads are sent away to war. I don’t live in a cave. But when Libra volunteered to leave babies behind – that’s a different story. She hasn’t even mentioned them until the last week. That’s pretty sad. She even made the comment she didn’t care what her husband did as long as the checks keep coming. Very selfish and self centered woman I say. I think they all have very dirty mouths. But I believe Michelle is honestly herself. Wish she would clean up her mouth (like the rest of them should) but she’s honest. More than I can say for most of them. I would like to see her and Renny make it to the end. I believe they are playing the best game and doing it with honor. Just my opinion.

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Dr. James August 14, 2008 at 4:41 pm

I enjoy all of the house guest.

I have to vote for Libra. She lost to Manchell so she needs to go. Plus she really did a job on her kids and husband for being ob the show.

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Pat August 14, 2008 at 5:05 pm

Libra doesn’t have the numbers. Olly, April, Jerry, and if they throw out Keesha’s name, they will make enemies of everyone else in the house. It’ll be annonymous that Libra is voted out.

Even if Olly, April or Jerry wins HOH, they won’t have the numbers to get Keesha out next week. Best case scenario would be for anyone on the other side of the house wins HOH and makes quick work of getting Olly, April and Jerry out, and with double elimination coming, that can happen sooner. This would leave only one of them left before the rest have to go at one another.

When it gets down to Michelle, Dan, Keesha, Memphis and Renny, I’d like to see a female win this one. The problem is whether the women can stick together once they out number the men. We’ll see.

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Peggy Warren August 14, 2008 at 5:11 pm

I think for the sake of the game Libra should go. They don’t trust Libra, so she would probably have trouble becoming a trusted ally in any alliance. Keesha would not have any trouble that way. Sorry, but I don’t believe Michelle is honest. What about the plane banner? And no telling what her and Jesse were cooking up. They stayed in the sauna whispering most of the time. I really want April and Jerry out. Wish Dan could be AP another week. I do hope HOH goes to dan, keesha or Memphis. I don’t believe that Libra has 3 votes promised to her which I read she told that to Dan. But wouldn’t tell him who they were. Should be an interesting night!

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Mistyblue August 14, 2008 at 5:50 pm

I agree with you Yvonne, also I vote to evict Libra, even though I like both Libra and Keesha, but was disappointed when she threw Keesha under the bus to Ollie in the SR after the feast fight.

My choice would be April if the ditz was on the block but she isn’t this week, but she really needs to go “Soon” also Jerry, I use to really like him but have lost all respect for him now the way he’s stabbing everybody in the back that he use to be very nice too, i.e. Keesha, Dan, Renny.

I can’t wait to see Jerry’s face when he finds out that Dan was America’s Player, and all these horrible names he’s calling Dan now, thats un-called for in my opinion, I call Jerry “Mr. Magoo” he looks just like him, but alot of the younger folks here won’t know who “Mr. Magoo” was……….he was a cartoon character years back, Jerry could almost be his twin, just taller.

Evict the tramp, April next!!!!

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maria August 14, 2008 at 5:58 pm

As one as said why go after libra for leaving her babies that women go to war .. Totally different war you have no choice bb you do you asked for it. knowing you have small children and clearly don’t need the money. So not a good mother!!!!

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Natvtxn August 14, 2008 at 6:13 pm

Thanks for all your hard work…BBBlogger!!! We LOVE you site!!

Glad you moderate the comments! Again…YOU’RE DOING A GREAT JOB!!


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tendr August 14, 2008 at 6:22 pm

I vote to evict Libra but i want Jerry next and i wish we could then watch what happens with them locked away together…prob be more interesting than BB..also…i want APRIL out……………….GO DAN WIN THIS THING.

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mbentley August 14, 2008 at 6:27 pm

I think Dan has put up with too much religious bad mouthing since he voted Jessie out. Jerry has been way too mean to him. It had nothing to do with religion. I think Jerry is way too opinionated. This is definitely a volatile group. Personally, I think Michelle has convinced herself that was what the banner said. She has been honest to people about her feelings about everything else. I still like the girl.

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Gracie August 14, 2008 at 6:43 pm

well mbentley, you don’t remember how Michelle, Memphis, & Jessie lied about the plane with the banner, how they lied about the banner had Libra name on it tell Keesha to wacth out for Libra. And Julia told America that the banner had nothing to do with BB. But Mechelle is still lying about the banner and she have even add the lie to it saying that the HG need to be care of Keesha. Mechelle don’t do anything but lie. And she want to make everyone think that Libra is so bad and powerful. Common sense would tell you Libra can’t make these HOH put these people up for eviction because no one trust Libra so why would they put up who she would tell them to. Keesha did all of this with getting Jessie out, but everyone is put it off on Libra. I hope they send the little lying Keesha out. She is a snake in the grass. And mechelle is CRAZY………she just want Jessie and he is not thinking about her now he is gone on with his real girlfriend.

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Judy August 14, 2008 at 7:12 pm

I want to see Libra go because April/Ollie/Jerry do not. Both Keesha and Libra are nut cases so it really doesn’t matter. Target April (Ollie has done nothing so he will continue to do nothing), then Jerry, then Keesha and at that point, may the best person win. I like Michelle much more since Jessie left. And for the record, any parent out there would understand why a trip to anywhere without your kids is a much needed break! so lay off of Libra for “stealing” that one

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Gracie August 14, 2008 at 7:49 pm

well, they kept Keesha and I hope she win the HOH so she can wipe they A__ out one by one

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racinred August 14, 2008 at 7:56 pm

I don’t like or trust Libra. Any mother of young twins (which was I assume her choice to be a mom) honestly would not miss out on a chance to hear from home. If she’s got so much money, she can afford a trip to Hawaii. And, here are my thoughts on her talking about her money: HAS SHE LOST HER MIND? The reason most people do not talk about the material possessions they have is because people will not vote for someone with money to get the grand prize. Look how Memphis got put up on the block due to his already winning the car. Duh! Don’t get me wrong, if she and her husband worked for their money, then more power to them for living the American dream. But, if you want to win, you want to seem as penniless as possible. This is just my humble opinion. Keesha seems like she has a bigger heart and is much more approachable than Libra. As far as the lying, cheating and backstabbing – they have all pretty much done it. So take all those things out of the mix, I’m going with the nicer of the two to stay in for now. Keep Keesha.

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Natvtxn August 14, 2008 at 8:02 pm



Should be a great week. BUH-BIE “HONEY”!

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Gracie August 14, 2008 at 8:18 pm

Renny won HOH, so we all know Keesha is HOH.

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Tim August 14, 2008 at 8:44 pm

Gracie I do not believe what you just stated. Renny has already said that April and Olie will go up if you will recall. So stating Keesha is HOH not so. Trust me Renny will control the house this week not Keesha.

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Tina Stephens August 14, 2008 at 9:39 pm

I, at first didn’t like Libra (comments about the shades of her children). However, she grew on me. She’s gone now, but that’s ok. Now let’s see the real claws come out. I say put up April and Olie. And if Olie doesn’t fight to stay in the house, kick him off. Did he come on the game to win money or fornicate? Michelle and her unreasonable rants about not getting her way. I guess people think that’s ok. Garbage mouth. I can’t believe she eats out of that thing. In the end I hope Dan wins the whole thing. Jerry is too old to be so judgemental with out putting any thought behind it. It is a game and so far I don’t know anyone who hasn’t voted someone out. You can’t get mad when someone doesn’t vote your way. Then again if they vote your way you’re sure to win.


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Sandy August 14, 2008 at 9:47 pm

I vote for Libra to be evited. I like to listen to her, but honestly, she is selfish. She never helps clean up in the house, and when Keesha asked for help sewing a rip Libra told her she was not her Aunt Jaminema. I have not like her since. She is just plain lazy.

Would like to see April and Jerry on the block together and both go home. Can’t watch much more of their crap. They never talk about anything but hate.

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Gracie August 14, 2008 at 11:13 pm

aTim ansd if you remember, Keesha is the first one to say that she would put April and Ollie up first. And Renny is just like Mechelle if Jessie don’t like someone then Mechelle don’t like that same person. And Renny is the same way when it come to Keesha. Watch BBAD.

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Starfish August 14, 2008 at 11:34 pm

Well since the cat is out of the bag and Libra is ‘sequestered’ and Renny is HOH, I’m thrilled about both. I was rooting for Renny to win. I would like to see A/O on the block this week but I was hoping for a double elimination this week.

April or Jerry should go next. They have all lied and Jerry didn’t wear his marine garb when he “lied” and voted out Brian so he’s a hypocrit big time. Plus he’s simply a nasty, vicious old man and I can’t stand looking at him any more. Someone one said he reminds them of Mr. McGoo but I think perhaps he looks like Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam or perhaps Darth Vader. 🙂 He’s just horrible no matter how you slice it.

Everyone lies and in Libra’s defense, I’m a mother, and she and her husband made this decision together to give their children a better life. Granted she’s a loose cannon to the max and a loud mouth but she loves her children. Plus, she probably wants time alone with her husband, but if they have money, maybe they’ll take the kids and her mother to HI and they can all have fun! Who cares if they have money. Look at Boogie and Dr. Will who both are millionaires.

They are all liars, but watching BBAD, I honestly believe some of them don’t even remember what they said half the time. Plus, lying is the name of the game, you can’t win without deception in this game!

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FRANKS August 15, 2008 at 5:22 pm


BBBlogger, I am logged onto and There are blogs on AOL that are not on Comcast and visa versa. What am I doing wrong?

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Tammy December 8, 2009 at 9:34 am

I vote to evict Libra she is Psycho!!! I want Keesha and Renny final two I have said that from the first week.

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