Jeff’s POV decision: Will he or won’t he???

by BBBlogger on August 24, 2009

Well, it’s clear that some of you think Jeff will keep Russell around for another week…and some of you think he’ll give him the boot! If he keeps him, he’ll keep his word. Kick him out and he may lose a vote should he make it to the Final 2 – although in the DR Russell said evicting him would be a good move. If Jeff sends Natalie or Kevin to the jury house, it’ll be a Jeffapalooza bash fest since they all seem to have the maturity of a 2 year old – gnat. On the other hand, maybe they would come together under the assumption that they were so strong they had to be eliminated. And privately I wonder…did Lydia prance around the jury house in the Captain Unitard for Jessie’s…..uh…amusement? I’ll bet if she did, he fell asleep.

Personally, I’m hoping he sticks with his original plan to keep Russell. He’s one of the few entertaining personalities in the house these days. Kevin seems bored without Lydia, Natalie is overachieving in the domestic diva department, Jeff is over-thinking everything, Jordan is eating everything, and Michele, well…I got nothin’…

These Houseguests have gotten BORING without the drama of Chima. It’s down to marathon card games & badminton, complaining about insects, pool playing and working out…especially Jordan since she found out she’s up to 140 pounds. Yikes! (Someone needs to tell her eating a carrot won’t neutralize the 15 churros & cookie dough she smacked down) On BBAD it’s obvious the camera people are bored, too, they seem to leave their cameras stuck on one of the Houseguests and we end up with a shot of a pillow. Maybe they take a potty break knowing they won’t miss anything.

Early this morning, we found Jeff & Jordan still mistrusting Michele & Russell and wanting to keep Natalie & Kevin. Little do they know that their trust will be their downfall – or back door, however you want to look at it. If Natalie & Kevin can pull this off, I think they deserve to be in the Final 2 and I think Natalie would win, although the “eye candy” that is Jeff would be missed by many of the women. Hey, Jordan is adorable, as long as she doesn’t actually “eat” the candy.

But it’s Jeff’s decision whether or not to use the POV when the ceremony is held today. He may change his mind which he is prone to do, but so far he seems firmly set on spending a few days with a crazy man when he puts Russell on the block. But Russell may not go so crazy…he may convince J&J to keep him and cut loose the remaining block sitter. But Natalie & Kevin are hatching a plan to make sure Russell blows a gasket if he’s put up. The waiting is the hardest part – for us!

The DR is open, the light is green, so come on in and share your thoughts!

Meg August 24, 2009 at 12:21 pm

ohhh am I the first to comment how exciting 🙂
I think Jeff should backdoor Russell. Either way if he keeps N&K or R&M I think either one will backdoor him. Jeff will win if he makes it to the final two. Plus I wanna see Russell go ape Sh*t when he goes on the block 😉 Michelle should go next week…she is still a floater. Shee hangs around russell because he is the only one who wants to talk game with her, because he has no one left.

Go Kevin!

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I want Spoilers August 24, 2009 at 12:22 pm

Russell has got to go. If Jeff keeps him he has a serious competitor for any physical competition. If Russell wins HOH this week I promise you he would either put up or backdoor Jeff.

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 12:27 pm

Jeff has all the power, I think he should take Kevin off and put up Russell, then send Natalie out the door. Am I the only one who finds her annoying? At least Kevin has a personality.

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Donna August 24, 2009 at 12:37 pm

No Donna Rose I find her very annoying.I think they need to get Nat out.

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judy August 24, 2009 at 12:39 pm

I can’t stand natalie, jeff should leave the nominations the same and vote nat. off . he’s got to be smart enough to know if he takes nat or kev to the end one of them will get the jury votes . so please jeff think about that.

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Alyssa August 24, 2009 at 12:41 pm

I sure hope he puts up Russel. It would be entertaining and not so predictable.

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bulwinkle August 24, 2009 at 12:58 pm

I don’t kown if it’s the smart thing to do, but backdooring Russel is the entertaining thing to do. We were cheeted out of Chima’s Meltdown. I think BB owes us an explosion, and Russel just might be the guy to provide it.

On a game nte, I think if Russel wins the next HoH, he may well put up Jeff and Jordan to break up that team, but then again, so might Gnat and Kevin, but they might give him a pass because he did get rid of russel, that’s a small might. Im Not sure what Michele will do, but I don’t trust her either.

In the end, you need to make bold moves to win this game. Jeff already made one with the CdT, now it’s time to do it again.

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Roller August 24, 2009 at 1:06 pm

If he evicts Russell, Jeff will avoid his own eviction only if things play out a certain way: either Michelle or Jordon has to win HoH or Jeff needs to win the POV (Natalie and Kevin have made it their goal to get Jeff out next week) . Jeff is an idiot for beleiving Natalie and Kevin’s lies, and Russell is an idiot for not having a real man-to-man talk with Jeff. They are giving the game away!

Jeff’s best move remains get rid of Kevin now.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 1:08 pm

Jeff’s words to Jordan, in the HOH room, keep coming back to me. They were (paraphrased) “every senario ends with me on the block.” That’s almost the name of this game. Jeff, stick with your original final 4. There are some of us out here who would cry ourselves to sleep if Natalie took home the big money. (I know ’cause we sob a little each time she is on the block and not evicted…)

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gobbki August 24, 2009 at 1:09 pm

I really hope Nat wins this thing. I was really hoping Chima would take it but the jerks in the house ran her off. I wasn’t going to root for anyone after Chima decided to leave, but then I thought about what Nat said when it happened. IT WAS MICHELLE’S FAULT! It was Michelle who drove her to leave. Chima was suppose to be HOH and have the power, but they ended up giving it to Jeff and taking away all of her power. So she really didn’t get an actual turn to have HOH power in the house. Then Michelle won and instead of going to Chima and asking her who she wanted to put up, Michelle decided to pick who she wanted. And that was not fair. Chima had her turn taken from her, so it was Michelle’s responsibility to share the HOH power with Chima so that Chima could have a real turn. But anyway, to my point. When Nat made me realize it was truly Michelle’s fault that drove Chima to make the hard decision of leaving the house, then I realized that Nat was a lot smarter than I thought. So If Jessie or Chima can’t win it all then I want Nat too. And Michelle is a B**ch for what she did to Chima and I think if anyone should be backdoored this week it should be her.

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I want Spoilers August 24, 2009 at 1:13 pm

We all have the luxury of hearing what Kevin and Nat say behind Jeff’s back. We hear what Russell says. The people in the house have no real idea what the other is saying/doing/plotting behind their backs. That being said I think Nat and Kevin are the only ones thinking about the votes in the jury house instead of just making it to the final 2 like the others are. Jessie and Lydia are currently in the Jury house and will vote for Nat or Kevin no matter what if one of them makes it to the final two. The other, if evicted before final 2, votes for that person as well. That means at least 3 of the 6 votes for either Kevin or Nat with Russell and/or Michelle being wild card votes. But then again I believe that is why Nat is buddy buddy with Jordan because she want to take her to the final 2 because Jordan has NO game and has ridden coat tails all the way through this game. Finally, how interesting will it be if we, America, has that 7th vote.

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Lee August 24, 2009 at 1:14 pm

I just hope that Nat does not stay. She is the most dishonest because she has stuck with the age lie even to her alliances and uses her ” honesty as her best quality” She is so annoying and thinks she is smarter than erveryone else. College educated I beg to differ.

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Mike B August 24, 2009 at 1:16 pm

By back dooring Russel, Jeff will show Michele that he doesn’t trust her and makes an enemy of her. We all know that Nat & Kev are going after Jeff if they get HOH and I will assume Michele will do the same for going against their finale four. If Jeff thinks the air head Jordon that he is dragging along with him is going to save him by getting HOH he is nuts. Jordon has been running her mouth and lying to Jeff so he uses the Veto, she should sit back and have another tube of cookie dough and watch her rear end get wider. The ones who have made the game play is Nat and Kev starting with the lie and getting Jeff to believe it. I thought Jeff was smart but he has proved me wrong. The game is up in the air and there are no favorites in the for front until after Thursdays elimination and all of us speculators can re-evaluate again.

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Shelley August 24, 2009 at 1:17 pm

I want Russell to stay and Nat to go.

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Dom August 24, 2009 at 1:23 pm

Jeff is not over-thinking everything as Russell & Michelle or Natalie & Kevin as either team will try to give hit the boot next week because he has become the strongest competitor in the House. One thing it may have been better for him not to win the POV and let the other create the plan to takeout Russell or Michelle. With the POV the target will be on his back for sure if he use it or not. He must decide which team is weaker or will taken him to the final four because if Jordan cannot win HOA they are almost guaranteed to be put-up on the Block. Then Jeff or Jordan would need POV to save themselves with Jeff being the main target. Bottom line he needs Russell to give his word that he would put-up or vote to evict him or Jordan next week as Russell has been good up until now when giving his word. So Jeff needs to play the POV option with both Russell and Michelle. Note he may have to not put Jordan in the mix which will be hard for Jeff to do. J&J have played the cleanest game of any BB in the history of the game.

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Marie August 24, 2009 at 1:23 pm

I think Jeff needs to backdoor Russell. I like Russell but I want Jeff to win so the chances of Russell winning an HOH this week if he stays is pretty high and you know he will put Jeff up. Natalie hasn’t won anything at all, so she’s not even a threat. She will be evicted eventually. I also like Kevin, even though he started the lit about Russell, but I would rather have Kevin remain in the game rather than Russell.

Regarding Michelle letting Chima choose who should go up…I disagree. This is a game to win big bucks and you need to play your own game and not do favors for someone else. Michelle did the correct thing by putting up Chima. I really don’t believe Chima would be in the game today if she had stayed. She was just too mean to remain in the game. She got what she asked for…elimination.

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joanna August 24, 2009 at 1:24 pm

Watching Natalie play poker last night it occured to me that if the houseguests knew her actual age they wouldn’t put up with her arrogance. I think they think she is a kid and let things go. She is just rude to people and quite the braggart. I find Russell sort of scary hulking around the house eavesdropping on everyone and sucking up to anyone and everyone especially Jeff. I am rooting for Jeff and Jordan to win the whole enchilada and I hope Jordon gives Jeff a kiss when they do.

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Jasper August 24, 2009 at 1:26 pm

No one, least of all Michelle, made Chima do anything. I don’t think anyone on the face of this earth could MAKE Chima do anything. Her Grandmother testified to that. She was a strong willed (stubborn), ill tempered child who was more interested in the succour she gleamed by playing the victim, rather than growing up, listening, facing the realities of the game, and playing to win.

Big Brother is not a game of right and wrong, loyalty and friendship – as many oddly come to believe. It’s about outplaying the rest to be the last standing. There are no moral clauses for the players, other than no physical violence.

Chima had unreasonable feelings of entitlement that she clearly brought into the house with her. She didn’t CHOOSE to leave, she was expelled by the producers due to her choices, and her choices alone.

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bluezey60 August 24, 2009 at 1:26 pm

i would like jeff to keep his word til the final 4 it will assure him votes if…the jury house acts w/sound mind and current age.although im not sure if russ will keep his word if he wins hoh. maybe russ will bd him or give him the chance to play for pov…i like russ but,he has been a deal maker w/pretty much everyone. i do not feel nat belongs in final 4 at all or 2 her entire alliance will be in jury house they have the no.s there.i guess i would hope he sticks to his final 4 word and put nat and kevin in the jury house.i do think the final 2 will be jeff and russ. jeff has more integrity,he really hasnt been mean to anyone.

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Roller August 24, 2009 at 1:26 pm

On a scale of 1 to 10, here is how I stack up the 11 houseguests after week 2 (Braden and Laura were not there long enough for me to form a real opinion):
9 Casey
8 Russell
6 Jeff
5 Jordon
4 Michelle
4 Kevin
2 Lydia
0 Jesse
0 Natalie
-3 Ronnie
-5 Chima

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BB fan August 24, 2009 at 1:27 pm

Wow, I’m new here, but it sounds like “gobbki’ is a relative on Chima’s.

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Cherile Berrio August 24, 2009 at 1:28 pm

Get rid of Natalie and Kevin. Russell and Jeff made their deal along time ago.

Lets keep it real!

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maria August 24, 2009 at 1:35 pm

wanna use then back door michelle other wise keep it the same

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Jamie August 24, 2009 at 1:35 pm

Can we ask BB to shut Michelle’s mic off when she is eating PLEASE??!!

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I want Spoilers August 24, 2009 at 1:37 pm

Is there really a right move for Jeff here?
No matter what he does the only person that he is safe with is Jordan. If Russell stays he is putting Jeff up. If Russell goes Michelle, Nat, and Kevin will all put Jeff up. Lose Lose situation for Jeff except he better get rid of the one person who can compete with him in a physicall competition because Jeff has 1 1/2 hope of staying next week 1 winning POV 1/2 Jordan winning HOH.

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Jaymes August 24, 2009 at 1:38 pm

Jeff should take off Kevin and BACKDOOR RUSSELL Now is the time to do it. Remember this is a game As Jeff would say..

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bulwinkle August 24, 2009 at 1:41 pm

I want Spoilers,

I agree with you, Jeff is btw a rock and a hard place now. Get rid of the physical threat for the marathon comps, the PRAY that Jordan can sneak in a victory.

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Dom August 24, 2009 at 1:42 pm

Correction: Russell to give his word that he would not put-up or vote to evict him and/or Jordan next week as Russell has been good up until now when giving his word.

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Joan August 24, 2009 at 1:46 pm

I totally disagree that Michelle should have shared her HOH power with Chima.
It’s a game!! Michelle won HOH fair and square and she had every right to play it her own way. You didn’yt see Michelle act out when her HOH reign ended after only two days. The players know going in that they are to expect the unexpected. So Chima didn’t really have the HOH power she thought she had, so what. It was a twist in the game that at least made it somewhat entertaining to watch and to play. Chima was a spoiled little brat from the very beginning and had a false sense of entitlement with everyone she came in contact with. It’s certainly NOT Michelle’s fault Chima left. We are all at choice in how we react to circumstances in our lives and Chima decided to act out and cause the outcome that was her elimination from the game.

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BB Reality August 24, 2009 at 1:47 pm

A lot of viewers are “playing” this game with the insight we have into the BB house/what we are shown on TV/cams. I think Nat/Kevin and playing a smart game and its showing based on the results so far. Everyone in the house is playing a game!! They will all do what they need to to win. Its not about being friends and honest. There may be personalities you don’t like, but they are all doing what they think they need to to win. I think Nat & Kev will keep their final four deal w J&J if J&J agreed. Mich & Russel would never trust Nat to keep her there

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 1:49 pm

Michelle didn’t owe Chima anything! It was just BB11 producers bad luck or decisions regarding ratings that gave Jeff the Coup d’etat power during the week that the most entitled female on the planet happened to be in the HOH room. As in past seasons that speak to expect the unexpected, Chima had a choiceto play the game as it existed in BB’s world, not in Chima’s world. She couldn’t do that. The producers did us all a favor by evicting her and making a statement that intolerable behavior will, thankfully, not be tolerated.

As in Survivor, I tend to get annoyed with the HGs referring to the “good” side and the “bad people.” Everyone who plays is just a mixture of both. It’s how you use it in life and in a game that determines the outcome. Very few people are all of one thing. As much as I disliked Chima, she was very articulate and expressive (when she chose). Gnat, whom I desperately wish to see leave next, has a deep love of family, Michelle, who seems a little odd, may find a cure for a deadly disease (or assist in that endeavor). It sounds like her work (7 days per week) keep her from socializing very much so she may be very uncomfortable interacting with her fellow house guests.

Forgive my rant. It really is all about the choices we make. In life and in the game.

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Joan August 24, 2009 at 1:50 pm

I found it very interesting how angry production became when K & N continued to talk about pig-latin. They weren’t even actually using it. They were just trying to figure it out in conversation. It must be a BIG no-no. I always wondered if players could use sign lanquage. I guess my question was answered!

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 1:50 pm

If you worry about who is in the jury house, you’ll be in there with them. The only goal is making final 2. You can’t control the jury, but you’d be surprised how time heals personal stuff. The jury often starts looking at game play. They have little else to do. Some keep their grudge, but I have to strongly disagree that Jessie would give his vote to Kevin over Jeff if it came to that. Jeff is SOL no matter what he does. Unless Jordan wins HOH, Jeff WILL BE on the block next week. Sorry to the people who want Nat out (myself included), but that is not going to happen. It is the poorest gameplay despite my distaste for her. It’s either Russ or Kevin that leaves this week. Either of them that stays will target Jeff. Michele will target Jeff. Nat will target Jeff. It’s simple, Jeff is screwed no matter what he does.

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Debbie August 24, 2009 at 1:53 pm

gobbki – what planet do you live on????

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Joan August 24, 2009 at 1:54 pm

WoW paraphernalia2 ! We were on the same wave lenght for sure! LOL..
I agree with you on the fact that in “real life” there is good in every one of the players. No need for anyone to be hateful about any of them. They are just people playing a game in very under extremely stressfukl circumstances.

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jadeagle August 24, 2009 at 1:56 pm

Jessitch, Natitch, lyditch, and kevitch are all idiot biatches too and should not win. They have no class. It is ok to play the game and tell one person one thing and another one thing and so on but to take this game serious and get all mad when things do not go your way??????? ARE THEY JUST PLAIN STUPID???????
Natalitchs, Boyfriend should be ashamed of her behavior and drop her like a hot potatoe.


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Joan August 24, 2009 at 1:56 pm

Except that I did say that Chima was a spoiled brat.. LOL..
I’m such a hypocrite! I agree that she is an intelligent young woman. it’s just to bad she lost her cool.

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Joan August 24, 2009 at 1:56 pm

LOL Debbie

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 1:59 pm

Joan, thank you!! BTW, she was a spoiled brat. You can be a spoiled brat or suffer from delusions of entitlement AMD be articulate. You are not a hypocrite at all! We all have opinions and you and I just seem to agree on this one!

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 2:00 pm

Amen, Debbie!

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Chris August 24, 2009 at 2:07 pm

gobbki.. I think you are as CRAZY as Chima, Gnat, Lydiot, Jessica and Kevin! Maybe even more crazy if you think that she had her HoH taken away from her! Sweetheart it is a GAME and every year the identical thing happens one way or another! She knew that there was a chance that her noms could be overturned and she acted like a 2-year old child! She now owes CBS & Big Brother more than she received from her stipend for destroying their porperty.
She knew what she was getting into when she signed up for the game! She thought she was all that and truthfully she wasn’t. The woman has serious psychological problems that stem from her attack and she never had the proper treatment for it, maybe that’s why she thinks she was OWED! You believe what you want but I am so glad that that CHIMP was removed from the house, her behavior was out of control, and if my daughter ever acted like that B**CH I’d would KILL her.
The world does not owe Chima a damn thing and she needs to get some serious help. She has lost everything now for her actions including her job from what has been stated.
IF you even attempt to say that all this is the fault of Jeff overturning her HoH then your are in need for some help as well! That woman was out of control and I was never so happy as I was the day that I heard she wass gone and saw some of the action before she went totall bezerk on the live feeds.
Now it’s your turn to get a little bit of a reality check too, maybe the two of you can get it together!

As for Jeff backdooring Russ, I think it is the stupdiest move he can make trusting that puttbull Gnat and the Fruit Loop Kevin. If he actually believes them then he does not deserve to go to the final 2!!!

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Joan August 24, 2009 at 2:07 pm

Thanks paraphernalia2 !!

I thought for sure I was going to get slammed. LOL
Yes we are are in totaly agreement on this! You, me and Debbie!!

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 2:12 pm

I hope we don’t have to hear them use the word “backdoor” any more this season. With 6 people left, backdooring is an impossibility. Backdoor is when HOH puts up two pawns with the intention of putting up and evicting someone else after veto. Everybody plays in the veto now, so backdooring is done for the season…. If somebody plays in veto, they aren’t backdoored.

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nan August 24, 2009 at 2:16 pm

Hey jeff wake up don’t be stupid get rid of nat think dummy think nat and kev are the enemy did you forget it’s a game think think i like you but not like i did before you lost some of your brains, now i may want russel to win and least there is some fire there.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 2:17 pm

Joan, I just appreciate the feedback on my comments. I’m sure there’s a few of us who just want to shake people back into the realm of reality and the unmistakable fact that This Is A Game. Under a microscope, or a microphone, your weaknesses will be magnified exponentially, your strengths could become your downfall, and your quirks exaggerated to the magnitude of seeming seriously delusional.

For me, it provides hours of entertainment on the human/tribal condition. And I LOVE how paranoia sets in. But is it really paranoia if it’s true?

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 2:21 pm

justaguy, is that really the definition of back door? i always thought it had a more loose interpretation, any one pawn or person exchanged in a “surprise” maneuver or just to prevent someone from playing in the POV.

do you know how this expression started? just curious…

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debbie jean August 24, 2009 at 2:22 pm

I really think that Kevin and Michell are going to be the final two.


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Sherri August 24, 2009 at 2:22 pm

Please please please vote out Gnat. Jeff keep the nominations the same for your sake. I somewhat agree with Russell about how he’d like to real square off with Jeff, let’s see who really deserves to be there in the house… Don’t get me wrong here, I love Jeff to pieces but let’s face it – were at the end of the road here so as much as we all love Jeff we need to let him and Russell duke it out in the competitions. I kkep changing my mind about Jordan… Can’t help myself for liking her but she really is a weak player, and I am getting aggravated at how she blows Jeff off. Jeff has carried her through this game, and she acts like she’s entitled to go with him on his vacation to Hawaii. Disturbing… Jordan looks as if she is just using Jeff. My opinion is to vote Gnat out, then Michelle the weirded out pig and finally “Jordan”. Just a few days ago Iwas all for Jordan winning but not now. I am watching her actions towards Jeff and I think she’s using him to further herself in the final two. Kevin has really picked his gameplay up!!! Holy cow was I impressed with him during the veto competition. I seriously didn’t think he had any gameplay, but wow he suprised me for sure. What do ya all think about Lydia’s entry to the jury house? My thoughts are: she probably tried to play hard to get for about two minutes with Jesse and then was all over him. Lydia can’t help herself when it comes to Jesse, she has an infatuation with that guy, For some odd reason. I hope Big Brother chooses either Kim Mitchell or Justaguy for our seventh jury vote. Please consider this option Big Brother… I love everyone’s comments

Sad as it sounds but this Blog is my highlight of my day besides The Young and the Restless!!!! lol

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Peter Thomas August 24, 2009 at 2:23 pm

Is Gobbki an alias for Chima? The power was given to Jeff BEFORE the dumb diva was HOH. All this nonsense that the producers took the power away from Chima-pet shows a lack of knowledge of the facts. Also that Michelle somehow owed anything to Chima is just an example of how people no longer have any common sense. The dumb diva should have been removed from the game many times before the producers actually did so. Allowing her to stay as long as she did takes away whatever integrity the game had left. Actually Chima-pet cost Michelle time in the HOH bedroom and caused one of BB’s best ploys, the double elimination, not to be used. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

As to Natalie, what has she done in the house except attach herself to Jessie? And then join up with the Uni-retard, her “rival” for Jessie. As previously posted, her age lie should be easy to determine. If her poker prowess was obtained in Las Vegas, the minimum gambling age is 21. In CA, only the Native American venues allow 18 year olds to play.

What does BB put in the air in the HOH bedroom, paronoia dust? The inhabitants lose all perspective during their stays.

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BBinKy August 24, 2009 at 2:23 pm

I agree with Justaguy…Jeff doesn’t have a lot option. Michele has proven over the last 2 weeks that she will go to Russ with all game play talk so J&J had to shut her down. If Jeff could only trust that if he told her I will definitely take you in the final 3 and she would keep her mouth shut he might have a chance to stay but she IS NOT TRUSTWORTHY. That is the main reason they stopped talking game with her because of her “fake deal” will Russ….Really????? Crazy! Any how, Jeff is screwed…if he keeps Russ, if he keeps Nat or Kev and if he depends on goldielocks to save him!

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debbie jean August 24, 2009 at 2:24 pm

what happened to my comment?

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miguel lopez August 24, 2009 at 2:27 pm

I’m starting to wonder if Jeff is in another house. What does it takes for him to realize that Nat and Kevin are the enemies. If he get rid of Rusell then he deserve whats commong to him. Stupid…..

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Ryan August 24, 2009 at 2:27 pm

Hopefully, Jeff sticks to his word and gets rid of Nat and Kevin. Removing Russell right now may be a good decision from a strong competitor standpoint. But Natalie and Kevin together form a strong, manipulative duo, which could prove to become dangerous in the coming weeks.

Jordan, poor Jordan. Eating s*** all day will wash her beauty away–especially her beautiful as*. If I was in that house all day, I’d be hitting that gym all the time. What else is there to do–well, besides eat. Poor girl! I’m still a huge fan of hers, she’s hot! I’m hoping Jeff makes a well-thought decision this week, one that takes both him and Jordan to the final 2. At the end of the day, Jordan gets my vote for the 500k. Cant wait to see the events that transpire over the coming days.

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bulwinkle August 24, 2009 at 2:33 pm

Does anyone know when they will show the Jury House? I am interested to see if they show Jessie. Somehow I imangine that Jessie woke up the morning after Lydiot arrived and found that he had been tide to the bed with the Unitard… LOL

Lydiot talked a big talk about giving Jessie hell, but see her tying him up and keeping him for her play thing… LOL

Just a weird thought that popped into my head.

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Shana August 24, 2009 at 2:33 pm

Nat needs to go. They need to stop trusting anyone but thenselves and start thinking about the jury votes.

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 2:35 pm

I found these 2 meanings

back·door (-dôr′)


of a rear entrance
secret; underhanded


Secret or surreptitious; clandestine: a backdoor romance.
Sports. Of or directed toward a player who has slipped behind the opposing defense: a backdoor pass.

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 2:35 pm

paraphernalia2, It’s been quite a few years since they came up with “backdooring” as it relates to BB. The original intention was to put up 2 pawns and hope that the true target didn’t get to play in the veto, thereby having no chance to defend their spot in the game. If Russ had been put up last week and evicted, that would have been a true backdoor because he didn’t play in the veto. People that play the game now seem to think that any time someone is put up as a replacement, it’s a “backdoor”.

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susan August 24, 2009 at 2:36 pm

gobbki, when I read your comments earlier this morning, I thot for sure you were kidding – that all you said was tongue in cheek. Ummmm, it’s Michelle’s fault Chima left? It was Chima’s choice to act up and act out from day one. Every single action which led to her expulsion, was her own; no one ‘made’ her do anything, or act anyway.

I don’t think there’s anyway out of this for Jeff. If Jordan wins HOH next, he’s ok, but that’s the only scenario I see where he wouldn’t be put on the block. And that’s not very likely to happen.

Paraphernalia2, I like your comments – so much that I’m going to copy them off and remember them as I watch this game. I forget sometimes these are normal people in an extremely stressful and abnormal situation.

Cheers, everyone.

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Debbie August 24, 2009 at 2:38 pm

I like Jordan but I had a problem with her in the beginning. Remember night one when she and Lydia had sexy nightgowns on and were primping before the camera? That kind of turned me off of her in the beginning. I don’t think that she is as dumb as she is acting (Jessica Simpson) and I don’t think her family is as poor as she says. I read somewhere in another blog from one of her schoolfriends that she didn’t grow up poor. I think the dumb sexy blond is her game. Another one is Natalie. She won a gold medal in the junior olympics. I think that she is playing a lot weaker to get this far and will blow them out of the water if there is another physical challange. I hope that Jeff uses his head and gets rid of Natalie but I think that he is going to backdoor Russel. Big mistake.

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McElrath August 24, 2009 at 2:38 pm

I don’t think that Jeff should backdoor Russ. Reason being no one likes Russ.
I love Jordan as a person, but I don’t think she deserves to win 500 G’s for just floating through. I give her props for winning P.O.V, but other that that what has she done? Think about it if Nat goes into an endurance challenge against Nat she will loose. Nat. don’t deserve to win because she has won NOTHING. She has floated through as well as Kevin. Kevin would win the 500 G’s just on spite alone because Jessie will tell them who to vote for. They should have got Jessie eliminated before the jury house. He will tell the women how to vote and they will follow. Unfortunately they can’t see that Jeff is the most honest in the house. If they had common since they could use process of elimination and see why America gave him the power. I think if Jeff goes up with anyone but Russ he will not win the money. He should not have told Nat or Kev Russ would be going up if the P.O.V is used because they will hold that against him and would probably sway their.

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Ronna August 24, 2009 at 2:44 pm

POV is currently going on-will update when I hear the outcome. Sadly I forsee Russell in a new chair and angry.

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Pat D August 24, 2009 at 2:47 pm

Justaguy, How can you ignore the jury house? You have to consider the makeup of the Jury house in relation to who sits next to you in the final 2.
Got-to-goNat would get Jury votes…So would Kevin and Jordan. Jeff’s ONLY option in winning the game is to be sitting next to Russell or Michelle.

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 2:47 pm

Sherri, I’m honored, but you wouldn’t really toss me into that jury house with those 2 whack-jobs, would you?(LOL). Where’s the love? I want Natalie out too, but that is the only thing that I am sure won’t happen. You will have to put up with her for at least another week. It’s either Kevin or Russ this week.

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Pat D August 24, 2009 at 2:50 pm

Oh, just an observation …why does the 2 “straight” guys (Russell & Jeff) eyebrows look waxed and the gay guy’s (Kevin) eyebrows don’t. What’s up with that? Is it a fad for straight guys to get their eyebrows MANicured?

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bulwinkle August 24, 2009 at 2:55 pm

Pat D,

Im as straight as they get, and I would never get my eye-brows waxed, maybe my antlers, but never the eye brows. 🙂

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 2:58 pm

Pat D, I agree, the jury can be tricky. But you have to do what’s best for you in the BB house, not what you think is best for you in the jury house…. or, as we have often seen, that’s where you’ll be too. I agree that there are some people that you’d rather be sitting next to in the end, I’m just saying that you have to get there first.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 2:59 pm

justaguy: thanks for that. I’ve only been watching the last 4 seasons (thinking about watching the previous seasons, if only to see how the game has evolved) but your explanation makes sense. It does seem to be used interchangeably with “replacement nominee.”

susan: thanks so much for appreciating the comments and letting me know!

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KevinOutWest August 24, 2009 at 3:02 pm

We need Russell cuz his yellin’ at everyone keeps things interesting and he’s pretty eye candy to boot. Nat’s a bore so she should go next. Kevin’s not much better–definitely a slider too. I wonder who the upcoming competitions will favor. The remaining peeps are all so different. I hope BB brings back Crazy James soon!

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 3:08 pm

Pat D, I also disagree that Kevin or Jordan would get the votes over Jeff in the final 2…. Not sure about Nat, but will concede that one. That’s as of now, but there are 5 competitions left (3 HOH & 2 veto) and whoever can win some of these will also win some respect in the jury house.

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 3:09 pm

Lilve feeds are up..
Jeff used the POV and put up Russell

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Ronna August 24, 2009 at 3:11 pm


Russ is on the block. Not sure yet who Jeff took down. Not that it really matters… 🙁

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Debbie August 24, 2009 at 3:12 pm

I now no longer care if Jeff win’s or not.

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 3:13 pm

paranoia wins out again, Jeff is going to need help next week.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 3:14 pm

Oh, Jeff. You idiot!

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 3:14 pm

Russell is cornering Jeff.. they are in the back yard arguing..
I think this is the fire we might need to get some good live feeds..
Russell just said that Jeff better win this game cause if he comes to the jury house he will mop him all over the house.. and kick his ass.
Well i put the record on .. they are yelling at each other
Wow this is crazy..
I am recording it..
I will email to who wants it..

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 3:15 pm

me, please, kim

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 3:16 pm

ok when it is all over i will give my email addy. then email me and i will reply with it..

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Sandy August 24, 2009 at 3:19 pm

Jeff needs to go home, he’s an idiot!

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 3:20 pm

Sorry kinogirl, I know you are very disappointed:( If Kevin wins HOH, Jeff is on the block. If Russ had won HOH, Jeff is on the block. Someone had to go.

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 3:21 pm

Damn i just lost my feeds.. Have to reboot..

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Debbie August 24, 2009 at 3:25 pm

Thanks Kim – I would love a copy.

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 3:26 pm

You really got your work cut out for ya now Kim. All those weeks of typing while watching are gonna be put to full use now. I appreciate any info you can give.

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 3:26 pm

Ok this is gonna be in two clips.. they dont have action after my player went down..
They are still going at it..
I am recording again
Ok be back soon

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PGA Dok August 24, 2009 at 3:27 pm

Ok here’s the deal. The “lie” wasn’t actually a lie, even though Kevin and Natalie didn’t know it. Russell did actually tell Michele Jeff needed to go the next week. And now that the reports are Russell is once again going caveman on someone. He himself stated it was the smart move to make in the game. If he truly is making physical threats he will quickly find himself being “Chimad” out of the house as well. Whether you cheer for Jeff or not he didn’t have a great choice this week. He is going on the block next week unless Jordan wins HOH. As I said right after he won HOH from this point on he needs to win every comp he gets to play in the rest of the way as he is the one everyone else is gunning for.

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 3:28 pm

Russell isn’t out yet, he needs to talk 2 people into keeping him. If he can get Michele and whoever came off the block we definately could have some fun in the house!!

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 3:29 pm

someone email me at so I can see if i can email this first clip out.. Not sure what all i got.. I know I missed the first part of it but I can go back in like 4 hrs and record it from flashback.. I think this is what the show needed to give some excitement.. Jeff should have not said some of the stuff he did but Russell should not of either..
Ok sooo email me so i can try it..

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 3:42 pm

Snake at this point, Russell has not one allie in the house. Well maybe Michele.. but she is scared to piss off the J & J team .. My clips did not save.. I only have one clip and it is short.. I will have to go back later and record the blow up from the flashbacks..
Russell told Jeff that he better win the game cause if he comes to the Jury house that the producers better have security to protect him cause he will mop the floor with him. Jeff said bring it on.. I will stab you in the neck and not think nothing about it.. Russell kept bringing up the comment that jeff made about if he went back on his word he would come and kill his family.. at the time they did laugh about it and Jeff was kidding.. Russell knew it..
If you go back this last week and read a comment from me you will see that I said that comment was gonna bite him in the arse.. I knew it..
Well they were back and forth and I really thought they were gonna start throwing blows.
Well they are calm right now. But I can tell they want to choke each other.. Jeff told him he knows it was a good move.. Russell said yeah yeah it was cause I would have gotten you too..
But you wait till you get voted out and come to the jury house.. he wont let it go.. he just keeps on with that deal that he was gonna wipe jeff all over the floors there in the JH..

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 3:42 pm

True, Russ isn’t gone yet. The “fat lady” isn’t singing, but she’s warming up in the wings. Russ may be able to swing Michele if he convinces her that he is her only shot and without him, she is on her own. Now he needs Nat (I’m guessing that she was the one taken off the block). He could convince her that keeping him would be in her own best interest to go after Jeff. It is possible. Russ needs to calm down and start playing the game again or they will all want him gone.

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Debbie August 24, 2009 at 3:43 pm

Ok I am done being mad a Jeff. I realize that we as viewers and bloggers are privy to much more information than the players and he is just doing what he thinks is best for him.

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 3:52 pm

I guess Russell can wipe the floor with Jeff, and then have him go out and so some shirtless gardening.

If he thinks this is a good move, okay…but who’s still on the block?

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 3:53 pm

I still believe Nat will do what is in her best interest. Russell is a strong player and now is the time to make an alliance with Russ and Michele. They can get J & J out unless Jordan wins the HOH. Final 3 would be
R – N – M. It “IS” possible.

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 3:53 pm

Ok i cant email the clip but I am going to go back in 4 hrs and record the fight and post it to my facebook acct.. I am logged on here via facebook and it should let you all view it..
At least I am hoping .. It was good.. We need some excitement at this point.. I totally believe that production encourages them to do just this stuff.. Like Jeff go off on a wild card and put up Russell.. You have to admit it makes good viewing.. I am drooling at the mouth to see it again.. I might find it on another site and if I do i will email the ones that emailed me that site addy..

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 3:54 pm

Whatever happens from here, Jeff pulled Russ from the clutches of the jury house and gave him the chance to compete in 3 more HOH comps. Russ said early on, “I feel like if I don’t win, then I don’t deserve to be here.”

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 3:59 pm

he took Kevin off ….. nat is still on the Block

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hpr56 August 24, 2009 at 4:00 pm

Kim, will you e-mail that to me. The fight between Russell and Jeff.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 4:03 pm

um yes, Debbie, but even with all the behind the scenes info we have available, for Jeff to rely on Gnat and Kevin and there sudden reversal seems a bit short-sighted on his part. oh well, it’s all part of the game for us. for Russell, it represents someone taking away his 1 in 6 chance at serious money!!

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PK August 24, 2009 at 4:04 pm

Jeff’s only shot was to make a deal with Russell where neither would put the other on the block or vote out the other right to the final 2. Opportunity lost… Bye Jeff. One very stupid move is all it takes to lose in Chess, Checkers and BBH…

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 4:06 pm

their sudden reversal, phooey

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 4:07 pm

PK – and real life!

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BBinKy August 24, 2009 at 4:07 pm

Sure wish I could have seen that fight!! Damn having a job.

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tendr August 24, 2009 at 4:07 pm

I’d love to see those feeds——no matter who jeff put up you KNOW the rest (except Jordan) will come after Jeff. Michelle is too easy to influence and instead of booting out lydia last wk it should have been either kevin, nat or russ….
Jeff or Jordan are going to have to win hoh’s and pov’s to stay in the game.
I hope Russ gets voted out. I don’t like him and never have. he is a bully to everyone and has zero respect for women. At least Jeff seems to be a kinder classier person. Russ is a meathead no different than jesse but maybe more energy.
If Russ had class he’d realize he’s big competition for jeff and that jeff would have to get him out at the first chance. AND russ needs to be what KEVIN told him and let russ go after kev.
i want kev and nat out asap also.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 4:13 pm

It is very interesting to me that he left Natalie on the block. Maybe he’s not quite as trusting as he’s led Kevin and Gnat to believe. Kevin might even be persuaded to vote Gnat out in order to keep himself off the block next week. Jeff makes a deal with Russell to keep him safe and himself off the block next week, Michelle, Jordan, and Kevin vote Natalie out and Jeff is (supposedly) safe from the block next week. He must know by now that he can’t save both himself and Jordan single-handedly…

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Roller August 24, 2009 at 4:23 pm

OK, for me the fat lady is singing, and the opera is about over. Jeff has proved himself to be a snake, and there is nobody left in the house that I could bear to see win. I may or may not watch on Thursday, just in case some extraordinary miracle saves Russell at the last minute, but I don’t expect something that unexpected. Once they evict Russell, BB11 is over for this guy.

Bye, y’all. I’ve enjoyed the discussions.

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 4:29 pm

I guess when I think about it, it probably was best for Jeff to take Kevin off the block if he wants Russ out. I could see Nat wanting to work with Russ. I can’t see Kevin keeping Russ and evicting Natalie. In that regard, it was best to leave Nat on the block.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 4:31 pm

justaguy, for that kind of prize money i’d evict my own mother!

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 4:31 pm

Great job again here everyone. Jasper, pararphernalia3, Kim and justaguy–great points about the Game, the desfinition of back-dooring the BB context et al and thanks for the nes Kim although that may be the beginning of The End for Jeff. Right now it seems the loose and lately desperately formed team of Kevin and Natalie is the one to watch as much as I hate to admit it. Not giving up on Jeff-Jordan’s chances as I still think Michele is the key and she thinks herself and J&J have an agreement until the Final 3. So all of a sudden Michele winning Thursday’s HoH is epic for J&J’s “side.”

A thought: Red Sox fans think Yankees fans are evil while Yankees fans think Red Sox fans are evil. Republicans think Democrats are Satan’s stepchildren while Democrats think Republicans are The Devil’s Daughters. And Jessie’s side of the House fans think Jeff’s side of the House fans are lame and vice versa. So who’s really evil in America (Not counting Dick Cheney)? I guess whoever we’re pulling against at that specific time.

Also great point from my fellow Chicagoan (though I live in LV), PGA Dok (below). This big percieved “lie” that Kevin told Jeff wasn’t really a lie overall as we (the viewers) saw Russell and Michele talking about that exact possibility in the future. It was a lie from Kevin and Gnat’s perspective, but the truth in the overall scheme of things. Nut still, it may have planted an evil-enough seed of doubt in Jeff’s head to do what he just did (Put Russ on block). Or maybe he justdidit to get a stronger physical player out, meaning he thinks he’d win that last big endurance comp (if there is one), enhancing his chance of winning it all. Here’s part of that post from earlier:

PGA Dok 08.24.09 at 3:27 pm
Ok here’s the deal. The “lie” wasn’t actually a lie, even though Kevin and Natalie didn’t know it. Russell did actually tell Michele Jeff needed to go the next week.

This blog is as entertaining as the show right now. Some great thinkers here. Respect.–kev11

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bendi1231231 August 24, 2009 at 4:31 pm

KIM KIM KIM – where were they for the fight and who was watchin? woooohoooo!

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hpr56 August 24, 2009 at 4:33 pm

Debbie, if you bothered to follow the story line of Jordan, she never said she was raised poor. Her parents divorced and there were circumstances with her father that caused her and her family to become poor. I have been a victim of a similar circumstance and believe me, it happens a lot. As far as gobbki, I really can’t believe you can blame anyone for someone else’s behavior. Chima had been acting like a spoiled little brat from day ONE! And you can’t blame it on her trauma. I worked on a hot line and made friends with some victims and believe me, they never acted at all like she did. She was hideously arrogant and self centered and couldn’t take it when she didn’t get her way.

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 4:34 pm

my bad…paraphernalia2 not 3

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 4:38 pm

thanks, kev12, um 11


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bendi1231231 August 24, 2009 at 4:39 pm

ah oh – my i typed in the wrong name – lets try again – KIM – where were they for the fight and who was watchin?

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 4:40 pm

BTW, I agree, this has been an interesting day of information and opinions. meanwhile, i have overdue reports and a GL that doesn’t balance. I hope I will be able to check back from time to time. I’m really interested in Thursday night this week.

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 4:43 pm

Roller, sorry to see you go, I really have enjoyed your comments and opinions. I have been a BB fan since day 1 back in 2000. More often than not, it doesn’t go the way I want it to, but I still enjoy it. I’ll be watching in years to come through thick and thin. I’ve tried to kid myself in the past that I won’t watch, but who am I foolin’? I don’t watch much tv these days, I guess that’s what makes it easier to get so hooked into this show.

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 4:44 pm

Understand you’re pain Roller–felt that way earlier in the Game and blogged you about it under last night’s (late) posts. Either way, it’s been a pleasure commenting with you and your thought Russell’s word has been “good” this Game is spot on. If Natalie ends up winning this all because of this move, you’re justafied. But don’t give up yet. This is BB and stranger things have happened. But I thought Jeff should have ousted Russell last week or justgo head-to-head in the Final 4 and let the chips fall where they may. Either way, like justaguy astutely said earlier, Jeff can’t win (In the House-sense, not Game-sense) either way right about now. It’s up to Michele and Jordan this week. And they’ve surprised us lately so maybe we should’t give up so easily. And can Kevin or Gnatalie really win this thing? Guess there are no “sides” anymore unless it’s J&J oneone side and K&N on the other with Russ and Michele in the middle. To me, they’re all in the (Mingle) mix right now.

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 4:45 pm

Justaguy…do you remember the producers calling out to Danielle in BB3 to stop using sign language? =^^=

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 4:47 pm

paraphernalia2, tks bro. And you’ll balance that GL, whatever that is! lol I promise.

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 4:50 pm

Kim, justaguy, anyone…Did you find out who was taken off block, Kevin or Natalie?

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bulwinkle August 24, 2009 at 4:53 pm

I’ll say this, the house just got a bit more interesting… and I’ll give props to Kevin and Nat, their Lie more Lies (LML) plan seems to have worked out pretty nice.

Me personally, I would like to see Jeff win, he dies seem to be the most real person in the house. BUT, he was in an impossible position — Russ was going ot be after him — period! Better to act and deal with the consequences, then sit by and let the consequences deal with you.

In the end, no one in this house really deserves to win, but someone gotta, so props to Jeff for a gutsy move, props to Jeff for making the house a bit more interesting. Thursday should be rocking!!!

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 4:54 pm

kev11!! Welcome to the jungle! Is it midnight already??(LOL)… louder than “lol”.

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bulwinkle August 24, 2009 at 4:55 pm

An Update posted from another site at 1:29BBT:

Kevin: “Thank you again, Jeff.” Jeff: “No worries dude f**k that guy.”

Based on that, it looks like Kevin came off.

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Marie August 24, 2009 at 4:58 pm

Jeff has really made some BIG decisions in this game including putting Russ up on the block and taking Kevin off. I don’t understand why everyone is mad at him for doing this. It’s a game and you need to do what is going to get you to the end. Russ was going to do the same thing the moment he got the chance. Jeff can still win. Look how bad Evil Dick was and how hated he was and he still won. It’s all about playing the game and when everyone is in the jury house they have to look at who really played the game and Jeff is the only one that has made some moves that REALLY changed the game. He’s playing and he should WIN.

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 4:58 pm

Guessing Jeff talked to Jordan AND Michele about making this move (putting Russell on Block) before doing so, so he knows there’s 2 votes to evict Ruseell with Jeff being the tiebreaking vote. The odds of Russell winning it have plummeted in my apartment in Las Vegas. Updated odds to follow…

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 4:58 pm

Donna Rose, Now that you mention it, I do kind of remember that… sort of.

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 5:00 pm

Well ppl the action is over.. Live feeds are back to everyone but Russell being buddy buddy..
Russell and Jeff have both been called in the DR for counceling.. Jordan was called with Jeff..
She said something when she came out that she was told he is a ticking bomb and to stand back and not fight him. She then said that he would be expelled if he did anything violent.. Kevin is playing all scared and worried about the entire situation. I think he is off the block and Gnat still on.. he said he is so nervous now.. What ever Kevin grow some balls!!!!
If he does get expelled he will lose the 10k he won plus his pay for the weeks there. Jeff and Gnat said they are not scared of him. Kevin said i am scared of him.. everyone laughed at him..
Well really nothing great happening right now.. Just talking about how Russell lied about several things and how he said last night that Casey was his dog and that he really loved the way Braden told stories and how he really wanted to get to know him.. Oh russell.. just try to save face at this point.. You are not gone yet but soon.. There is a slim chance you might pull one vote.. If you intimidate Kevin enough..
Ok I am gone for now..

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 5:10 pm

Thanks bulwinkle. And yeah, justaguy, it’s midnight here in my head in Sin City! LOL And it’s sad I get so more pumped when the old Windows 1888 is working like a normal computer’s supposed to. Anyway, here’s the updated odds from a guy who lost a little on Liverpool this afternoon…

kevin 11 (For Newsmatter Only)
Michele………………………….. 7-2
Jeff……………………………….. 9-2
Natalie…………………………… 8-1

Analysis: This move killed Russell and hurt Jeff and Jordan’s chances a little.
Kevin and Natalie obviously benefitted from this a little while Michele is laying smartly in the weeds and can be the (odds) favorite down the stretch if she wins Thursday’s HoH.

WHO’S VOTING NOW? Michele, Jordan, Kevin
HoH: Jeff
ON THE BLOCK: Russell, Natalie.

> So Russell’s apparent blow-up at Jeff won’t help getting votes from these 3. And it looks like Natalie (as well as Michele) are in the catbird seat this week. And I was wrong about Jeff being a tie-breaking vote when just 3 are voting Thursday. And to think most here would have loved to see Russell and Natalie on the Block two months back…

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PK August 24, 2009 at 5:13 pm

It was a given that Russell would explode if Jeff pulled either Kevin or Gnat off the block and put Russell there instead. So does Russell’s meltdown put Jeff any closer to the big prize? No way. Just one more vote Jeff would never get even if he did reach the final 2.

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Hope Mason Coulter August 24, 2009 at 5:18 pm

stupid stupid stupid Jeff just like a guy to think in the minute instead of long term (jk guys but not really) long term this will hurt Jeff.

Riddle me this who would you want sitting next to you in the final 2? Really. If you answer Gnatalie or Kevin you just lost 500,000. That is if Jeff even makes it that far. I would keep Russ he is no good this week in any endurance competition he is on slop all week and will be weak. Jeff should really think his game through if he believes the original lap dog to jesse is going to keep his best interests in mind he deserves everything he gets. The same goes with Kevin they have never had an alliegence to Jeff and sadly never will. They are sneaky trouble making liars and have suceeded so far. Kevin has been stepping things up lately at comps and gnat doesn’t feel like she even needs to win comps to stay in this house and so far she is right.

Next week Jeff or jordan will find themselves sayin we should have known as they walk themselves out the door to meet Julie. And since Jeff broke the final 4 he now has placed his fate in Jordans and only Jordans hands next week. Why should Mich stick with them they didn’t tell her anything this week didn’t keep her in the loop. Like Jordan said to Mich b4 the veto meeting “your a smart girl you should know what is going to happen” will now be the answer that Jordan will get next week when Mich either wins HOH or flips to the other side of the house.
So now J&J stand alone w/o Mich. They should have known better Kev and Gnat say good-bye after Russ leaves. What does Jeff get after this? He will be lucky if he gets a thank you for doing our dirty work and giving us one more jury vote from the gruesome twosome.
I don't know about you all but I would have weighed these options out long before I broke the final 4 for two people who have never and will never have my best interest at heart.
Short term vs long term goals.
Like they used to have for the NFL

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 5:19 pm

kev11, you’re an odds guy (not an odd guy). What are the odds that the 222 comment mark (from last week) will be broken? Is this the “hot button” that we need? Less than 100 comments to go, and yes, this counts as one.

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 5:21 pm

Ok I am seeing the flashback of the fight..
It will not let me record it.. anyone know how I can manage it.. It will not let me record it..
As I sit here watching it, It is the same Russell we all saw when he was put up by Chiapet.. If you remember his anger over took him so bad that he was throwing his weight around and trying to intimidate everyone there..
Ok.. I will keep trying to get the clip.. Hopefully someone out there did record it..

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 5:25 pm

well, all that blows my theories from 4:13pm. maybe no hope of reconciliation between Jeff and Russell and a surprise move to get gnat out.

kevin eleven, sorry, i’m not a bro’. i’m the other kind (female).

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 5:26 pm

Russell has had more than one life in this game – but this time, I’m not so sure he could pull it off and stay. It would take some fancy foot work, and with the way he walks…doubtful he’s much of a dancer.

I, too, wish Kevin would grow some fuzz on his kiwis, but if he hasn’t yet, I’m not too confident he will any time soon. =^^=

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 5:28 pm

Loved your posted scale (Roller 08.24.09 at 1:26 pm). Based on truthfulness? Respect in the BB sense? Game play? I agree with your numbers either way and am pretty close with my own (with Jeff’s move, Russell’s blow-up included).

Roller’s Scale: 9 Casey, 8 Russell, 6 Jeff, 5 Jordon, 4 Michelle, 4 Kevin, 2 Lydia,
0 Jesse, 0 Natalie, -3 Ronnie, -5 Chima (Braden, Lauran N/R).

Here’s mine (Scale 1-11):
-3 Ronnie
-11 Chima

In short, Jeff, Casey and Michele are the only types of people I would hire, trust or even hang around with although Laura would look wonderful in my apartment and Braden would probably be a great guy to hang with. Funny how everyone (but Casey really) dissed him about all his accolades and his photo shoot with just him and 50 Playmates at the Playboy Mansion. And yet it happened! And I think Braden’s was unfairly deemed a racist by Lydia who ran with his stupid comment and pinned that on him.

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 5:29 pm

Hope Mason, just curious what you would write on Friday had Jeff kept Russ and Russ won HOH & sent Jeff to jury? No matter what he did, he’s the target.

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 5:33 pm

Donna Rose, LOL “wish Kevin would grow some fuzz on his kiwis.” They need to drop first before he can grow any fuzz sister!

And justaguy, the boys at the Las Vegas Hilton SuperBook have us at 1-3 (Bet $1 to win 33 cents only) to break the 222 tonight. With my CTL+ALT+DEl total at 0 today, combined with Russell’s new reality, they have decided it’s just stupid to bet AGAINST us freaks hers at the Big-Brother-Blog. Ooops, now it’s down to 1-4 brother…

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 5:33 pm

Donna Rose, love your comments about Russell and Kevin. Have to remember that expression re Kevin.

Were you, by chance, our guest blogger. You came to mind first…

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 5:36 pm

kevin eleven i’m using that in the next management meeting! (i’m the only female.)

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Hope Mason Coulter August 24, 2009 at 5:40 pm

It is Hope Coulter or for the old time BBBLOGGERS Jerseygrl38. And I don’t believe what you wrote is true. I believe Russ would have honored everything up until the final 4 and then all bets are off. This shows Jeff to be a deal breaker and not an honorable guy plain and simple. I was a Jeff fan throughout this season Justa now I think he made the wrong move FOR THE WRONG PEOPLE. Again he was not thinking long term Jury votes he was thinking about endurance comps and if he could win. In the long run if he finds himself sitting next to KEV OR NAT he loses 500,000. Its my opinion and I am sticking to it.


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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 5:42 pm

The big question, entertainment value-wise now, is how balistic will Russell act? Will he go all Chima on us? Or will he realize this is all being filmed and tens of thousands are watching his every move? Wouldn’t want to embarass “Pops” now would ya’ Russ? He obviously knows the writing is on the wall and the person I think he’ll desperately talk to the most is Michele. And ya’ think Michele wants to talk to that much now, and then try and get Jordan to vote off Natalie instead? Whoever speculated Jordan would be the geath of Jeff may be right as it’s seemingly more HER (Jordan’s) desire (BBAD, last night) to keep Natalie and take her to the Final 4 (With Jeff, Michele and hesrelf). If Jeff does lose in the end, remember this point in the Game. It’s what Jordan wanted, and Jeff decided it’s time for Russ to go. So will Russell cool off enough in the Jury House and respect Jeff for this move? I agree with Roller, and think not. I say Russell will be bitter and vote for ANYONE BUT JEFF, and may campaign with Jessie and Lydia that Jeff “broke his promise.” Hey, justhowmany promses are broken in a given BB season? About 1,111? It’sjustagame people. And breaking promises is something that the math dictates MUST HAPPEN in the long run. Note to self: Getting a little too Einstein about a reality show brother. Change the cat litter or something…

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 5:43 pm

paraphernalia2, If you have noticed, we have a “mystery blogger” again today. I tried to pin it on Donna Rose yesterday, but didn’t get very far. She stone-walled me!! (LOL)

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 5:48 pm

i hadn’t noticed, justaguy. was too entranced with all the theories, opinions, and paranoia. (remember, again, it’s not paranoia if it’s true.)

thanks for the update!

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 5:51 pm

what is Jordan thinking, taking Natalie to the end? and what in the world is Jeff thinking letting someone he’s been carting through the game put thoughts, if one can call what goes on in Jordan’s head thoughts, in his mind to consider for serious strategic planning?

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 5:53 pm

paraphernalia2 , sorry about the “bro,” sister. Should have known better than to assume the sex of a blogger without a name like Donna or FRANKS (where ya at man?). Am I wrong to like you more now? Always been a big fan of women, up to a certain point! lol I equated paraphernalia with rolling papers or something and envisioned a dude. My bad. Anyway, that GL won’t balance itself and those reports won’t be written by gnomes. But I have work to do myself now but I’m blaming Jeff for putting Russell up and using it as a justafied excuse to blog on….

justaguy and p2, I really think the mystery blogger was Kim Mitchell as she was the only one I read who returned her e-mail address to BBB in the posts I saw Friday. May be mistaken, but the way whomever wrote the “Jeff / Jordan” teams was a stylistic cluse as to who it was. Think justaguy was spot on that it was a girl. LV oddsmakers think it was Kim, followed by Star. Will we ever know?

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 5:55 pm

If you really believe that Russ would throw away a chance at $500k by targeting Nat, then fine. You can’t disregard the short term… you need it just to even make the final 2. Ronnie did a lot of long term thinking.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 6:05 pm

thanks k11. it’s the same one i use on ebay (can i say that here) for selling extra cosmetics and that kind of “paraphernalia” that i have too much of. i loved your deduction of how i came to be a ‘bro in your mind – so far from who i am i’ll be smiling for days.

now the bank rec is off and it is almost the end of my day. got a lot done even with the distraction of blogging more than i ever have. now if you can find out why i don’t balance…

by the way, you are correct, i thought it was donna rose that had responded…

justaguy, don’t understand your last post about Russ throwing away 500k…

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 6:06 pm

So now it seems everyone here fears Natalie winning somehow. This show justgot interesting again! And if I have to hear her say it was her “I’m just 18” strategy on Finale Night when she wins……..The horror. Looks like giving us (America) that 7th vote isn’t such a bad idea afterall the way it’s starting to play out. And say it’s Michele v Natalie in the F2. Is it fair that Michele wins the cheddar because we all dislike Natalie more than her? Getting good again….That human chess thang. Hope Russell isn’t sleeping tonight (BBAD) and you know Jeff’s not scared of him. Should be interesting.

Record Post Odds Broken? Yes 1-6 No 50-1
(Record: 222)

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 6:06 pm

paraphernalia2, I’m glad you brought up “paranoia”. I’m not a Jessie fan at all, but I thought it was funny his last week in the house. He believed Jeff had the mystery power and would send him packin’. And everybody called him paranoid!! I called it perception.

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Hope Mason Coulter August 24, 2009 at 6:09 pm

lol comparing the 2 Jeff and Ronnie you can’t be serious? Russ was the obvious target for Kev and Nat. There is safety in numbers as Jeff will soon find out. I didn’t say Russ was targeting or should target Nat? Simply stated Jeff made a move for Kev and Gnat and Jordan who BTW has no clue and has used Jeff to get by this whole season just as much as Kevin and Gnatalie have used Jeff this week. My point is simple and maybe this time you can understand Justa.

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 6:10 pm

….And it ain’t paranoia if it’s true!

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 6:14 pm

hmmmm, hard to believe, justaguy, that jessie had perception. was that his mirror talking to him?

so, how many posts now, kevin? do you have a way to tell?

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 6:18 pm

paraphernalia2, sorry for the misunderstanding. I’m saying that if Jeff had kept Russ this week, and Russ won HOH on Thur, I don’t believe that Russ would have targeted Nat(or Kev) with $500k on the line. It would have been dumb. Russ knows it. Jeff knows it.

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hpr56 August 24, 2009 at 6:18 pm

I just wish J/J didn’t trust Gnat. My gosh don’t they have any memories. I know they don’t have much in the area of brains but they should be able to remember the rants and raves of that little witch. They also should have been able to figure out her age too. I really wish they would slow down and think. The possibility if Jordan winning HOH next week is slim to none. Sorry, Jordan. Just past history talking. I am so sick of the Gnat saying how great she is and what a wonderful move she has made. Can’t stand the girl.

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PGA Dok August 24, 2009 at 6:20 pm

Hell yes Russell was putting Jeff up the next time he won HOH. He told Michele he needed to go next, and if you recall (repeating myself again for those without BBAD) I mentioned the other day that Russell was trying to sell Jeff hard on the idea that it was too late in the game to make anymore big moves. Russell thinks these things out as well and he knew he couldn’t make the move last week, but was hoping to get HOH and pull it off this week. Since he didn’t win HOH or the POV he knew what the move would have been on his part and is why he was sulking around. He knew he would have put Jeff up and odds were he was going up. Regardless of the moves you choose when it gets this late in the game if you don’t win HOH or POV you’re probably going home. In Jeff’s case, as he layed out the other night on BBAD, no matter what he did he was going on the block next week unless Jordan wins HOH. I feel (channeling our Chicago connection lol) he decided to get the biggest physical threat out no while he had the chance (same thing Russell was thinking). Will it work in the end? Everyone will have to stay tuned to see. BTW Kevin11 did you get my request for the weather change out there over Labor Day Weekend? I don’t want to melt when i take a break from the craps table.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 6:21 pm

hpr, ain’t no slim about it if Jordan’s just found out she weighs 140lbs!

keven11, now can you tell i’m a female?

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 6:24 pm

ok, justaguy, i have to run your thinking through my tired brain. thanks for the explanation, but wouldn’t it have come out better for Jeff in the final vote if Russell were sitting next to him? After all, Russell was much disliked by the outed HGs.

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 6:28 pm

p2 (easier than spelling pararphernalia), we’re at 147. It’s right under the daily post by BBBloggr way up top… It’s only 4:20 in the West and BBAD is on nowhere now? I expect 300 is not out of the question tonight, operating system willing (Keep running gerbils!) lol

justaguy, I’m still rooting for our boy Jeff to pull it off but he has his work cut out for him. Michele seems the key to me for Jeff still winning. And he should get more credit brau. We’re at the Final 6 and he has 2 PoVs and 1 HoH and as you went off Friday on CHRIS (I like today’s Chris compared to Ronnie-wannbe CHRIS), Jeff verbally agreed to let Russell win that hanging HoH — a strategic move he need to do — and his ball bounced off the lip of the winning hole when Jessie won his HoH. So that’s two more he
COULD HAVE HAD, then toss in the fact he GAVE JORDAN HoH by banging his golf ball off the course last week. So that’s 3 fuc*ing HoH’s he could have had by now on top of the 1 he has now, along with 2 PoVs. So if Jeff had 4 HoH’s and 2 PoV’s at this point, wouldn’t we be thinking he was on of the best BB players ever? justathought.

“They’re all luck.” (Jeff on BBAD last night referring to the BB competitions.)

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 6:31 pm

Calm down Hope, it’s just a discussion. You have your opinion and I have mine. Capital letters won’t change either of our opinions. I can agree to disagree… civilly. I do agree that there are people better suited to be sitting next to in the final 2. I’m just pointing out that you have to get there first. I’m not trying to argue.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 6:34 pm

thanks for the update, k11.

personally, i think it is incredibly naive for Jeff to believe that BB comps are “all luck.” it has been pretty obvious to me for some time that some comps are geared more to one player’s strengths than another’s at any given time. there has been more talk of that in the BB house this season that previous seasons, but it has come up in the house.

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Margie August 24, 2009 at 6:34 pm

My head is killing me, I leave for a few hours and all heck breaks loose.
Jeff, Jeff Jeff what have you gone and done? You should have kept the final 4 (that you swore on) and the duked it out. but noooooooooooo had to put Russ up. Did Jordan tell you enough times that you got her message that she “does not trust that Russell” Or did gnat or Kev slip you some dopey pills? How can you now trust “the other side”? Oh well, I can hardly wait to see J&J face when they walk up to the block, hand in hand, and have a look of shock on their faces.
But again this is just my opinion.
I am going to be sure to watch BBAD and maybe tonight I will NOT fall asleep from being bored, lol
Mystery guest blogger another great blog

mama margie

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Takethat! August 24, 2009 at 6:36 pm

I want russell to go!! He annoys me! He is always smacking on something and then wants to talk. SHUT IT! He is constantly picking fights and thinks he is gods gift. I think it is the short man syndrome. I’m rooting for …Jeff ( I just like the guy.. nothing about his game play), Kevin (Now that he isnt hiding to slide through he actually has balls to get in the game to play) and Natalie ( tough cookie… and interesting to watch her adjustments to her surroundings.. she adapts.) the rest I can’t stand… russell is too paranoid for his own good and I believe will need help once he does leave the house. Michele who is just annoying.. Y is she on the game again?? and Jordan—–Do I really need to go into Y I don’t think she deserves it. Only reason she is there is because she talked to Jeff while he felt the house was against him. does that deserve 500,000. I dont believe the jury would give it to her if it was the two of them n the end. She did NOTHING. Sweet as she wants to be but… not for this cutthroat game.. Shes smart for hangin on to Jeff though. I would have done the same thing.. but this blog would have some SERIOUS things to discuss during the night. 🙂

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 6:37 pm

margie, it will be jordan with the look of utter shock. jeff, will be wearing a look of weary resignation.

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Hope Mason Coulter August 24, 2009 at 6:39 pm

Yes paraphernalia you are probably right. In the end Russ wanted to sit next to mich (AFTER FINAL FOUR) Russ stated this to her when jeff walked in on them in the splish splash room last week. This coupled with Natalies lie about cutting Jeff this week and the always popular HOH paranioa is what led up to Jeff replacing Kevin with Russ. Russel knew he would have to sit next to someone as hated as him hence the conversation with Michelle. If you end up sitting next to Kevin or Natalie if they make it that far you are as good as second place like it or not.

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Hope Mason Coulter August 24, 2009 at 6:42 pm

You actually still equate capital letters with yelling Justa LOL. I wasn’t yelling hun just trying to make it more simple for you to get my point. No worries dear I don’t hate I participate 🙂

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 6:43 pm

PGA Dok, Talked to God (bulwinkle) about the weather brother here in Sin City this weekend. As far as I know, it’s never rained on the craps tables! (Go 7-11 for kevin 11 and not Kevin in BB11 if that makes sense).

p2, yeah there ain’t no “slim” in 140 pounds if you’re a woman unless you’re 6-6! That’s what happens when you bang gallons of ice cream with a hot dog fork in your left hand and stuff cookie dough into your mouth with the right hand! lol And that may cost her (Jordan’s body, not her brain?) in any physical comps as fat doesn’t respond at all like muscle. I think sehe’s too dumb to smarten up at this point. Poor Jeff. Should (and can)he discard here here? Probably not.

justaguy, Love the CAPS comment(s). Always. Clean.

Gotta go buy some hamburger and cheese. Don’t think Cheez-Its and cookies are in the food pyramid. Back in an hour.

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 6:45 pm

I agree that if right now, Jeff could chose who he wants to sit in the final 2 with, his best bet of winning would be Russ. He doesn’t get to chose right now. All he can do is try to get rid of the biggest threat to him. Was that Russ? I’m not sure. Maybe Russ would have stayed true, maybe not…. I lean towards not, others say he definitely would have. Do any of us know for sure?

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 6:46 pm

Hope, I would hope that would not be the case, but as childish as the HGs in this season, especially on “that” side have been, they will probably vote for their “friend” and not by virtue of game play or strategy. Jeff and Kevin have probably done the best in keeping the emotional side of game play under control, with the obvious exception of Jeff with regard to Jordan – and they will never make it work in the real world. Jeff is already trying to “school” her to be better and that never has a happy outcome.

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 6:46 pm

You’re right Hope, CAPS don’t always denote screaming. All love in here sister.

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PK August 24, 2009 at 6:54 pm

Maybe Russ would have stayed true to any deal with Jeff, maybe not…. But Gnat or Kevin and now Michelle putting Jeff on the block if any of the three wins the next HOH is a certainty.

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Irish Mistral August 24, 2009 at 6:57 pm

Yeah it’s Monday,
Look who’s back at work and typing on the bosses dime Kim

Guess where I was this Morning
Slán leat a chára

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Hope Mason Coulter August 24, 2009 at 6:59 pm

I would vote for Kev or Nat if they were up against someone in the final 2 only because it seemed as though they were all but done this week and next week. But they planted a seed and watered it and watched it grow right up to kev getting plucked right off the nominee chair. And being replaced by Russ. I hope this is all smoke and mirrors and Jeff boots Nat out the door but I don’t know if Jeff (as hot as he is) has that in him. Maybe after the blow up today Russ can shimey his way back up the ladder but I doubt it it seems as though Natalie is reveling in the drama again playin both sides running to both side stirring it up. Our only hope is Jeff seeing what the lil mess is doing and booting her butt right out the door but it doesn’t look good from where I see it not good at all.

And u guys/girls 140 is big? You really think Jordo is fat?? I am 5’8 and 140 is a good weight remember we want healthy girls not shells of woman like the 5’8 120 waif models. Man its hard to be a woman these days lol 🙂

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kinogirl August 24, 2009 at 7:03 pm


What are you talking about. Chima did herself in. Nat pointing out that it was Michelles fault is bull crap. Michelle nor anyone in the game owes Loser Chima anything. I guess you must have loved Kevin kissing Chima’s crack. I know it takes all kinds, but to Justify Chima’s behavior and Nats. Good luck with that. It could have been anybody’s HOH week, it just happened to be Chima’s week. Not to mention if Jeff happened to be on her side he may not have changed her nominations.

Hey I love Russell but I’m not going to go as far as to say somebody owes him the right to stay in the game. And, I definitely can not say he has always been on his best behavior.

But to each his own in their way of thinking.

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 7:04 pm

PS, I wasn’t comparing Ronnie to Jeff (and never would, can’t blame you for laughing at that one). I was just pointing out that sometimes players get way ahead of themselves in the game. (like Ronnie)

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 7:04 pm

No, Hope. That was in fun. In response to Jeff’s fate resting in Jordan as being “slim to none.” Jordan has gained weight for her smaller size, though, and early on in today’s blogs she discovered she weighed 140lbs.

I’m not tiny. I’m 5’6″ and weigh more than that. Real women have curves and yes, it is hard to be a woman these days!! LOL.

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Hope Mason Coulter August 24, 2009 at 7:10 pm

Ahmen to that para,ahmen to real women and curves. My husband of 15 yrs always had a disstain for women without them god i love my husband lol.

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Margie August 24, 2009 at 7:10 pm

I believe Russ would have kept his word till the final 4, I believe him as he swore on his pops. Anyone keeping up with the game has seen how devoted he is to his dad, and I think he changed for the better when he got his letter from his dad. Isn’t that one of the reasons Jeff gave the hoh to him, cause Jeff knew how much russ wanted to hear from his dad? Also Russ is a bit rough around the edges, however, I think he gets that way when he feels he is put in a corner. Do I agree with all his past outburst no, do I believe him when he says he will honor the final 4, Yes I do. At least with Russ still in, they (the 4) had the numbers, now I think Jeff dug himself a hole. If I believe that he and airhead are safe next week??? hmmmmmmmmm I have a bridge I want to sell you in Arizona, lol
So few options left to the hgs, and so little time for some of them.
Will be interesting, and I will stay until the winner is announced lol
mama margie

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 7:14 pm

Hope, I think I love him, too! My BF LOVES curves without hesitation and reservation. OK, TMI. sorry!

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bulwinkle August 24, 2009 at 7:16 pm

So, I wonder what will be Jessie’s reaction when Russel walks through the door. Assuming he can untie the unitard that Lydiot tied him to the bed with~~ LOL!!

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bulwinkle August 24, 2009 at 7:16 pm

and , I believe we just might break 300 posts on this thread before the morning.

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aggie August 24, 2009 at 7:18 pm

JEFF you are such an IDIOT!! THeir was atime when I was rooting for you to win the GAME, Now I am sorry you ever got the coup, because you have made some pretty stupid DECISIONS. Whats really PATHETIC he has to count on JORDAN too get the next HOH. THE odds are she wont get it , AND theirs MICHELE and KEVIN BOTH SMART WHO PROBABLY WILL. now I AM rooting FOR MICHELE OR kevin TO WIN THIS game.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 7:19 pm

Margie, I definitely agree with you about Russ. He blows a lot of smoke, but would most likely keep to his word. I think much of his talk about getting out Jeff was sheer nerves, insecurity, uncertainty. I think he would have taken Jordan out before Jeff. And Gnat before that.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 7:23 pm

bulwinkle, wouldn’t it be much more fun to watch Gnat walk in on Jessie and Lydiot and spoil their good times?

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bulwinkle August 24, 2009 at 7:27 pm


If Gnat walk in on Jessie and Lydiot, I sense a Cat Fight… with Jessie still tied to the bed with the Unitard… LOL

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 7:28 pm

sounds like a good time to turn the cameras on in the jury house to me!

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bulwinkle August 24, 2009 at 7:30 pm

evil thought, what if Lydiot has Jessie dressing up and playing Capt Unitard??? Maybe it’s time to turn off the cameras??? LOL

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 7:34 pm

evil thought! oh, stop, my head!! i just had a mental picture of jessie posing in his pink lycra suit. i know he wasn’t born but jessie is still the kind of guy that would think this song was about him…

(from you’re so vain, if i’m being to obscure…)

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 7:35 pm

Margie, if Russ swore on his Dad this week, that’s good enough for me. I know he swore on his Dad on the swings and kept his word. I didn’t catch that he did the same this week. I tend to believe Russ if he swears on his Dad.

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 7:36 pm

I still think Jordan is darling and she doesn’t look 140 pounds! I wonder how tall she is. I’m a shorty – so an oreo shows up within minutes. Darned chocolately goodness.

And I have to confess, I would like Jeff to win and the jury house to understand that his moves were just game. But I also have a soft spot for Kevin and his phobia over praying mantis’s.

And it’s not like Russell could “cry it out.” It wouldn’t go with the knuckle dragging or grunting and would be bad for his street cred with his homies. =^^=

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 7:37 pm

didn’t Russ swear on his Dad awhile ago, in the HOH room. during Jordan/Michelle’s time? I haven’t heard him say that since. Am I wrong?

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 7:38 pm

Irish Mistral, Believe that was a new, “good” Chris as opposed to the rable rousing, all-CAPS CHRIS. This Chris talked about his daughter whereas the other dude seemed like a young, “let’s piss these guys off-type” of blogger. He was tolerable until Friday’s “I HATE JEFF” rant that showed he justjudges the show from the prime time, homogenized version

P.S. I have taken Dae Yum Yum hostage and want at least $11.11 for the baby unicorn’s return. I’m not budging Tinkerbell.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 7:40 pm

taking dae yum yum from de num num. that’s cruel.

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 7:42 pm

paraphernalia2, not obscure at all! Any Carly Simon reference is welcome!

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PGA Dok August 24, 2009 at 7:46 pm

Nice call with the Carly Simon reference p2. I thought the same thing last year and when he came back this year. I do have to rebut the Nat and Kevin automatically win if they get to the end comments though. Other than Lydia and Natalie (if she doesn’t make it to the final), I think after decompressing on the beach and getting sauced every night Jessie and Russell will look at game play. Both have admitted on camera that they felt taking them out was the right move. We know Jessie really had no respect for Natalie and has made no big moves of her own. I can’t count what’s happened this week as being anything to do with her or Kevin. Jeff kept going over and over the scenarios and found himself being on the block whichever way he chose to go. So coming to that conclusion it appears he’s taking out the biggest physical threat in the house. I say appears because this is BB afterall and until the votes are cast on Thursday night things can still change dramatically. At least it gives us something to debate until then.

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 7:47 pm

kev11, I “tode” you last night to give Dae Yum Yum back to Dae Dumb Dumb!!

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 7:48 pm

You’re right on women’s weight ladies. Jordan isn’t that thick, it’s justhat her caboose has grown a tad in the BB House. I’d probably pack on 10 lbs. myself just arguing with HGs and get 2-3 cavities from the gobs of candy they are eating. Yeah, it’s hard being a woman in 2009 but it’s no walk in the park for us guys either there days! Between all the flysh*t in our pepper and the mega-motor scooters at the super Wal-Mart, being a human being has changed so much since BB1. Ah, the good old days…

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 7:49 pm

Just dropped in the see what condition my condition was in.

Yeah, yeah, oh yeah.

Juice boxes for everyone

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 7:51 pm

OMG!!! Evils Evil Twin…please don’t yell at me like the other boys on this site, but were you here during Season 8? =^^=

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 7:54 pm

Alright, justaguy, I give. I have given Dae Yum Yum back to the tatooed Dum Dum without payment. I’v had enough cleaning rainbow-colored unicorn sh*t up around here the last two days. And I humbly apologize to Lydia’s fan.

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 7:58 pm

kev11, you are correct, today’s Chris is “good” Chris. “Penn State” Chris is only 21 and does like to stir it up. He admitted it.

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 7:59 pm

I think “Penn State” Chris is dyslexic and he’s actually 12. =^^=

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PGA Dok August 24, 2009 at 8:03 pm

It’s highly possible. You don’t even have to get your name correct on the SAT to get in.

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 8:07 pm

Kim, i checked into it and you can only record the live feeds. The Flashbacks and Hot clips can not be recorded!

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 8:10 pm

Where are all my old peeps?


oh sorry….


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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 8:11 pm

Some Nittany Lion humor! lol Can relate. And the weather’s perfect out here (Las Vegas) right now PGA. Want a betting thought? Bet Chelsea (EPL) and Bordeaux (France La Ligue) on European soccer and take the Red Sox over the Pale Hose the next couple days. And the Chargers (-7) look like the call on the opening MNF. justsomevicestuffonarealityshowchatroom———————kev11

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PK August 24, 2009 at 8:11 pm

Ouch! Any reference to Carly Simon’s “You’re So Vain” reminds me just how self-centered I was in my youth. My first live-in GF sent me a copy of the 45rpm single soon after we broke up. Fortunately, I got the message loud and clear. No more me, me, me after that and still holding true to my rude awakening 50 years later.

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 8:12 pm

God’s here, he’s Bulwinkle now. I miss Lisa & Brian, though…but there’s a great group of people here you will be sure to offend. =^^=

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 8:16 pm

PK, I feel your pain. In my younger days the girl I was living with went through my underwear drawer, packed her stuff and left. A few days later she sent me a copy of “Copacabana”.

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 8:18 pm

Okay EET… thank God for Bob Seger because you’re still the same. =^^=

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 8:18 pm

You bet I think blog is about me, don’t you don’t you?

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 8:20 pm

Who was “You’re So Vain” about anyway? Did they ever figure it out? Has Carly copped to who it was. I remember rumors of Mick Jagger and Joe Namath and even James Taylor when I was a tadpole but I’ve never heard exactly WHO was so funking vain….Anybody know?

200 posts and not even winded…

PS, Evil’s Evil Twin: Evel Dick For President (And juice boxes for all!)

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paraphernalia August 24, 2009 at 8:22 pm

evils et, i think i know exactly how you feel. i woke up this morning with the sun down, shining in.

thanks, justaguy. i worry about the “penn state” agers (regarding my reference points).

k11 are you over the idea that my paraphernalia is different from yours?

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 8:22 pm

Mick Jagger sang back up, Joe Namath wore nylons, James Taylor was high on meth and the song was about Warren Beatty. =^^=

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 8:22 pm

Warren Beatty. Jagger sang on it and Namath wore pantyhose

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 8:24 pm

EED, ” A few days later she sent me a copy of “Copacabana”.” That’s cold, man. lol

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paraphernalia August 24, 2009 at 8:24 pm

k11, the biggest rumor was that it was/is Warren Beatty. several years ago Carly had some kind of contest and flew the winner to her home (or some such thing) and revealed the name of the person. of course there was a confidentiality agreement involved. to the best of my knowledge, the real name has never been revealed. i’ve never heard Joe Namath before – but it was the 70’s…

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 8:27 pm

K11, yeah and a week later I realized my favorite pumps were missing.

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 8:28 pm

Warren Beatty! That’s it! Good call EED, Donna Rose. Jagger really sang back up? And didn’t Carly Simon sorta remind you of a female Mick Jagger? The lips, face, body language? Thanks for the answer guys.

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 8:28 pm

Donna Rose, appears you are right again. I knew better than to ever doubt that mind of yours. I’m also glad I never yelled at ya. With all respect, I still haven’t crossed you off as my number one pick for “mystery blogger”. I wonder when we will find out. Oh well, whoever it is does a wonderful job.

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 8:28 pm

Yeah…it was the groovy 70’s…there were clouds in my coffee, a pet rock on my nightstand and the Partridge Family on my TV. =^^=

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 8:29 pm

Anyone watching the feeds? Have Jeff and Russel hugged it out yet?

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PGA Dok August 24, 2009 at 8:31 pm

Don’t forget the lava lamp.

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paraphernalia August 24, 2009 at 8:33 pm

and the tie dye

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 8:34 pm

Still have that, too, but now the PF is on CD. =^^=

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BBnKY August 24, 2009 at 8:35 pm

I think all the Jeff fans that think he made a big mistake are forgetting that Jeff is capable of winning the POV next week and saving himself. (At least that is what I keep telling myself). Look Jeff was going to be on the block next week one way or another so he is just dealing with someone that eventually needs to leave the game anyway, what does it matter if it’s 6th, 5th or 4th.

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paraphernalia August 24, 2009 at 8:35 pm

donna rose, are we CERTAIN it has been confirmed that it was Warren B? or is that still a very strong leading contender in the rumor mill that has just been accepted as fact?

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joanna August 24, 2009 at 8:37 pm

All of you down on Jorden and her treatment of Jeff, remember she is a southern girl and her family (including grandparents) are watching. And i think Jeff understands this and that is why he is so sweet about it. I hope Jeff gets rid of Russell or Natalie (can’t stand the arrogant little brat) and Michelle, I just don’t get her at all. Russell’s stirring of whatever he has in the container and not picking up his feet when he is walking makes me crazy. I enjoyed BB this year the most of all because of Jeff and Jorden. and maybe they don’t want to be this year’s showmance.

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 8:37 pm

and POLYESTER Still have the lime green leisure suit hanging in the closet.

K11, leave the closet reference alone

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 8:37 pm

Re: From pararphernalia
“k11 are you over the idea that my paraphernalia is different from yours?”

What happened to the “2” in your paraphernalia2, sister? Decided to drop the dead weight? Anyway, I’m TRYING to “get over the idea” that your use of the word “pararphernalia” may be very different than mine. I’ve justneverheard it used in a cosmetics context. So one’s woman’s powder puffs and concealers and lip gloss may be another man’s rolling papers, bongs and pipes. I just wish they come up with an easier word to spell and pronounce than “pararphernalia.” Imagine Jordan trying to wrap her head around this one! lol

Think I figured out “GL.” Must be General Ledger. And the mystery blogger is really quiet all of a sudden…

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paraphernalia August 24, 2009 at 8:38 pm

BBnKY, the final 2 really matter. I’d rather Jeff sit next to Russell than next to Kevin.

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 8:39 pm

I think Warren Beatty is the mystery blogger

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 8:39 pm

Kiss 222 good-bye. We are well on our way to 300 comments

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 8:40 pm

it is indeed GL. P2 is just fine as a reference.
I had mistakenly logged in at home w/o the 2 and had to start a few days ago with my comments being held. just corrected it.

if i were to get rid of excess baggage it would indeed be off the back end.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 8:41 pm

sorry, that was for k11

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BBnKY August 24, 2009 at 8:41 pm

I haven’t seen a season yet that the winner never told a lie or went back on his word. I don’t think that Russ would have waited until the final 2 to gun for Jeff. He knows he a competitor and would have removed him from the game at his first chance.

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 8:42 pm

Russell was working Kevin hard while they were playing pool. Told him how much better to keep him than Natalie for HOH competition. Now to see if Kevin tells Nat and if Russcan work on Michele

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 8:43 pm

Very good point BBnKY! I like it!

P – yep, confirmed many years ago. That’s why her contest was so ridiculous. Everyone already knew.

Here’s the article:

Warren Beatty admits it: he was so vain.

The once-notorious Hollywood lothario has acknowledged what many in the business have long suspected: that he’s the self-absorbed ladykiller Carly Simon sang about in her 1973 hit “You’re So Vain.”

“Let’s be honest,” the 70 year-old-star told the Express. “That song is about me.”

The identity of the cad Simon sang about has been such an intense source of speculation that in 2003, NBC sports head Dick Ebersol paid $50,000 at auction to learn of the identity of the man who was so vain that he watched himself in the mirror.

But marrying Annette Bening, 48, and having four children with her seems to have tamed the beast in Beatty.

“After years of running around and having a good time, I began to realize with some embarrassment that in most ways my movies all seem to return to one fairly unoriginal recurring theme: ‘Love conquers all,’ ” he said. “I don’t know if it’s true but it seems to be true for me.”

But for our purposes, it’s Jessie. =^^=

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BBnKY August 24, 2009 at 8:44 pm

Russell gone or Jeff gone it’s the same for Kevin…they are both strong and I think Kev would rather bet on a sure thing that a maybe.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 8:44 pm

fair enough, BBnKY, except he swore on his Dad. Did we ever resolve the question of when the last time was. Margie (i believe) brought it up and i mentioned that i had last heard it when Jordan/Michelle were sharing the HOH room.

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BBnKY August 24, 2009 at 8:45 pm

At the end of the day Jeff would rather play against the weaker ones than a stronger person that will give a harder run for the 500k. Just my opinion and I have definitely been known to be wrong in some of my opinions.

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 8:46 pm

I swore AT my dad, is that the same thing?

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BBnKY August 24, 2009 at 8:47 pm

Jeff knows he has to get to the final 2 and his best chance is against weaker players. Though Jeff hasn’t been very strong in memory recollection challenges so the word “weaker” is very subjective. If Jeff is in the jury house it doesn’t matter who would or wouldn’t have voted for him….he has to get the F2 to even have a chance.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 8:48 pm

“Let’s be honest,” the 70 year-old-star told the Express. “That song is about me.”

you probably think this song is about you, don’t you, don’t you…

thanks, Donna Rose. outstanding memory

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 8:49 pm

p2, funny! And the abbreviation will save years off our lives as well as stress remembering how many bleeding “r”s there are in pararphenalia! lol Now you need some kind of cosmetics-related avatar, sister. And couldn’t we all stand to lose at least 5 pounds in our asses (or arses in Kim’s case)?

EED, I’ve known you 15 minutes and you know me too well, too soon. I may not have gone straight to the “closet,” reference, but when I saw you write “my favorite pumps were missing,” you can’t blame a brother for at least THINKING it! lol And a lime-green, polyester leisure suit? It was the 80’s I guess…

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 8:50 pm

BBnKY…opinions are like…oh wait, keep it clean. They’re not wrong or right!

K-11, you are so funny! That made me literally laugh out loud not just pretend and type the acronym. One toke over the line…=^^=

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PGA Dok August 24, 2009 at 8:56 pm

I’m thinking 400 is the new mark to hit if BBAD has anything at all going on and we can keep EET out of the closet long enough to keep tossing in comments. The ultimate odd couple Kevin/Russell. Neither one likes the other at all. Could make for an interesting few days if Russell can get him to go along.

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BBnKY August 24, 2009 at 8:57 pm

One thing is for sure it’s much BB is more interesting when the HG’s are doing the predictable.

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BBnKY August 24, 2009 at 8:58 pm

oops my cursor skipped around.. you get the gist.

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 8:58 pm

Good stuff, as usual, Donna Rose. I completely had forgotten I heard it was Warren Beatty. It fits if you think about it…

And 222 is a distant memory justaguy! 300? We may approach 400 with all the COOL people we have getting their blog on tonight. Did I justwritethat? Anyway, this may be the hosttest corner in Cyberspace and it’s neat to see everyone’s perspective on everything. It helps sharpen the sword for our own personal battles in the real world by seeing there are always like 373 points-of-view. This blog helped me prepare for Jeff’s putting Russell on th Block although I’m still wondering if it was that good a move. But like Roller said, Russell would have been coming after Jeff anyway next week so it’s all justapart of the Game. And I never realized until the BBBlog how many times I use the word “just.” Great handle man.

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 8:59 pm

PGA Dok, obviously Kevin is Felix…………….

K11, not to worry about the pumps. I found them years later on eBay.

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Margie August 24, 2009 at 8:59 pm

O K gang I am # 231 to sign in,
In regard to Russell he did swear to Jeff twice, the 2nd time was earlier I think this week, when they renewed their vows lol, so to speak. I thank that is why Russell felt a bit more safe until the POV. I could be wrong what with being a bit older then a middle aged woman who is known by my first name at our local Wal-Mart.
Hey guys, before I forget to ask, this is no big deal.
But, how come when my chat is other then BB issues I am called on the carpet (As in Howard to me the other day), re Little House on the Prarie, and yet like now the blog is going way off the bb subject. This does not bother me at all cause I chime in too, but I think Howard is related to Chris and is out to get me, lol
Just a curious mind wanting to know, and my daughter just called me that on live feed, Gnat is under blankets, J& J in a room counting bottles and using her eye liner to keep score and then Jeff got called into DR…… make you wonder
ciao for now
Mama Margie

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 9:01 pm

ok, here’s the question du jour for k11, donna rose, justaguy, etc., who have been blogging with me today (and tremendous apologies to those i left out).

i have 3 hours of BBAD on TIVO. is it worth the space or time? will i learn anything i haven’t today? and should i get a life? another one, this one isn’t working out so well for me.

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BBnKY August 24, 2009 at 9:02 pm

P2 I’m watching it now and thank God for the FF button! Notta.

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 9:03 pm

Mama Margie…Howard is a duck. Ducks can’t type. =^^=

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 9:06 pm

EED, “found pumps oneBay” was hysterical. Me laugh out loud too, p2.

and p2. Erase some other crap from your TiVo and get the 3 hours of BBAD. It’s been a boring blowfest of botlre-couting, candy-eating and Texas Hold’em playing the last 3 nights but the proverbial flysh*t may hit the fan tonight if Russell gets all Chima-esque. justmyadvice…

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 9:06 pm

P2 – I wouldn’t bother – this is more fun and more informative because we know more than they do. If you get a life that means we all have to, so forget about that, too. =^^=

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Margie August 24, 2009 at 9:07 pm

lol @ donna rose, seems like a million bloggers or as justaguy said 32 who could be mystery guest blogger and i get picked on, wahhhhhhh
although i have not seen him nor chris back.
mama margie

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PGA Dok August 24, 2009 at 9:07 pm

p2 I’d say from watching it you could delete it. What you’ve read here today has more going on than the last few nights of BBAD.

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 9:08 pm

Mama Margie, so how much does a greeter make, anyway? Just half a mind getting curious

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 9:09 pm

great. that’s 2 votes for erase last night, nothing doing. 1 by default of get ready for tonight, and dead silence on the issue of whether or not i should get a life.

glad we’ve all got our priorities in order!

thanks k11 and bbnky

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 9:11 pm

p2, delete it. Nothing at all happened last night.

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 9:11 pm

P2, everyone on this blog are the LAST people to harp on you to get a life.

Well, except for me.

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Margie August 24, 2009 at 9:11 pm

i tried to be a greeter for one day, what a mess
i said good morning to a lady with 2 screaming kids, she said what the hell is so good about it and stop talking to me i am not in the mood.
as my boss told me to do, i smiled and said well welcome to walmart &
have a fuc**ing wonderful day,
and that was the end of my walmart career. lmao
mama margie

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 9:12 pm

ok donna and pokadok. thanks for the additional votes. almost everyone here is more entertaining than what my TIVO isdoing. When will Michelle ever change into a different hoodie. Or shirt, sweater, or bustier?

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 9:13 pm

why, EET? are you my ex-husband?

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BBnKY August 24, 2009 at 9:13 pm

Michele and her “fake team” gag…she kills me with that!

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I want Spoilers August 24, 2009 at 9:13 pm

Holy Sheepnuts Batman! I leave around lunch time in the West and come back and there are a ton of comments. I am glad Jeff used the POV and put Russell up. Jeff was screwed next week if he did and screwed if he didn’t. Now at least he has a chance to win the POV next week if it’s physical or endurance. He still has that 1/2 chance that Jordan wins HOH but I think it will be something with brains and Michelle will win it this week.

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 9:15 pm

I still think the mystery blogger may be our girl Kim Mitchell. The ampersands (&) make me think it’s her…

1-justaguy; We’ve shattered (sha-dooby-doo) the old BBBlog record of 222.
2-pararphernalia2: “Pararphernalia” doesn’t justmean rolling papers.
3-Evil’s Evil Twin” “Pumps” aren’t justused to blow up footballs and provide gasoline.
4-Donna Rose: Warren Beatty was the dude in Carly Simon’s “You’re So Vain.”

You’re making me smarter by the hour blogfolk…

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 9:16 pm

ok, justaguy, it’s deleted.

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 9:17 pm

p2, its possible. I’m a LOT of womens ex

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 9:17 pm

Hey Spoilers! If the challenge has something to do with brains, why would Michele win? Rats, I could see, but brains? =^^=

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BBnKY August 24, 2009 at 9:18 pm

Per Michele she “works with brains too”.

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I want Spoilers August 24, 2009 at 9:19 pm

Maybe it will be an eating competition and then Jordan would win.

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BBnKY August 24, 2009 at 9:20 pm

Ahh man, that was right to the gut.

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 9:20 pm

But then we’d have to see Michele eat and we’d lose…our lunch! =^^=

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 9:21 pm

BBnKY, Michele was referring to her French cooking class.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 9:21 pm

EET, do they all live in Texas?

BTW, you can’t be mine, he only had me and his current…

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 9:23 pm

p2, THANK GOD! I was just waiting for you to ask me where this months check was

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 9:24 pm

i hate to rain on our little doomsday parade, but Jordan won the POV in a memory contest! granted it came down to a tie breaker between michelle and jordan, but blondie kept up with michelle admirably.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 9:25 pm

another nod to the fact you can’t be mine, no replicants.

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 9:25 pm

Y’all must be related…I see a family resemblance in your photos. =^^=

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 9:25 pm

p2, noticed I’ve spelled “paraphernalia” three different ways. Anyway, this IS Life isn’t it? (we all need to “get a life”) Didn’t you read that part in the Bible?

“And on the 7th day, God (bulwinkle) created the Big-Brother-Blog?”

And other people laying around, picking their nose or listening to radio noise have a life and we don’t? I’ll hang with you people anyday. Alot of this stuff is really funny. Mama Margie at Wal-Mart and “Welcome to Wal-Mart. Have a nice fuc*ing day.”? Priceless. And where else are you gonna here reality like that? And 400 comments is a possibility tonight.

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BBnKY August 24, 2009 at 9:26 pm

Goldielocks just barely….she went back and forth on a couple of them but I guess a win is a win no matter what it looks like. I was surprised that she was able to remember all of those.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 9:26 pm

LOL, Donna Rose.

btw, what is your photo of? it looks like feet.

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aggie August 24, 2009 at 9:27 pm

JORDAN is not so sweet , she talks shit about people the same as anyone else. The girl is getting large ,140 are you kidding me. More like 150.It seems like RUSSEL is trying to get in with NAT and KEVIN, He was playing pool with them. KEVIN was listening to what he was saying. It would be so awesome if RUSSEL wasnt voted out. If he got MICHELES vote and KEVIN that would be great. Then if RUSSEL got HOH, talk about great.

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 9:28 pm

Anna Nichole faked it. She copied Michele by listening to her and then got lucky with the number in the end. She admitted this on BBAD. =^^=

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BBnKY August 24, 2009 at 9:28 pm

P2-funny I was just looking at that a couple of minutes ago.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 9:28 pm

i did notice your spelling, but i blamed it on your personal paraphernalia, k11

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PGA Dok August 24, 2009 at 9:30 pm

Glad to see I’m not the only one that has to mute and ff when these people start eating. When did chomping with your mouth open, talking with a full mouth, and holding your utensils like a caveman/woman become the norm. Is it a production joke to see how much candy Jordan and Natalie can consume this season? “This is so bad and I just worked out” all while chomping away and double fisting anything they can get their mits on.

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 9:31 pm

Anna Nichole? that’s just wrong.

Funny? Oh yeah…………..

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 9:31 pm

instead of the BBAD being Tivo’d, get the free trial of the Live Feeds and cancel when the trial is over. That way you can view the Flashbacks which is like a tivo of the live feeds or check out the hot clips which are cuts of the better happenings usually 5 or 10 minutes long

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 9:35 pm

donna rose – how did i miss that (ok it was the FF button) When did she admit that? is there anything you don’t know?

snakebit – i ordered the live feed and paid for it. it will not work for me. i’ve tried canceling it off my credit card and having no luck. i’ve never tried the live feeds before and i have no idea why the silly thing won’t work. being a little technophobic does not help.

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 9:35 pm

PGA Dok – That is freaking hilarious! Guess they were absent on the day they taught “manners!” =^^=

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PGA Dok August 24, 2009 at 9:35 pm

LMAO Anna Nicole now that’s funny right there, I don’t care who you are (checks in the mail Larry the Cable Guy). I think i just heard the voice from above say PGA Dok you’re not allowed to talk about production.

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 9:36 pm

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!SPOLIER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nah, I got nothing….

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BBnKY August 24, 2009 at 9:39 pm

Ok guys and gals I’m out for the night….Thanks for all the live feed updates through out the day and looking forward to reading what you bloggers have to say tomorrow.

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Donna Rose August 24, 2009 at 9:39 pm

P2 – She told Jeff when he congratulated her on the win. She flipped her hair, stared off into space, wondered where dirt came from, made goo goo eyes at him, he melted and they giggled. You know, just like every other night. =^^=

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 9:39 pm

‘Twasn’t the paraphernalia in this case p2, it’s the word. God bless the creation of p2. It’s like when justaguy made kevin eleven into kev11, then k11 evolved. Justcan’t figure out how to shorten justaguy’s handle. “jag” justdoesn’t sound right.

PS1: Send me some cosmetics paraphernalia sister! LOL I’m low on concealer. (sp?)
PS2: Please don’t blame any futher spelling mistakes on the paraphernalia. I’m justtrying to type fast and get it all out before the thought passes. I spelled
“hear,” here above. It’s all part of the posting experience. Respect.

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Callie August 24, 2009 at 9:41 pm

I’m not exactly sure what Jeff should do.. Yes I understand that Nat and Kev need to go. But, does anyone honestly trust Michele and Russ?? I would love to see Nat go but I would also love to see Russ go. My thoughts are to take Kev down and put Russ up.. Then the HG vote who THEY want to evict. That way atleast one of those two go home.

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 9:47 pm

Callie I think you just might have something there……

good call

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 9:47 pm

kev11, Kim uses “just”.. that works

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 9:51 pm

Callie, word in here is that Kevin was taken down and Russ was put up. So Jordan, Michele and Kevin would be the 3 voting Thursday night. May be adios for Russell? Seems Jeff would have talked to Jordan and Michele about securing their votes BEFORE deciding to put Russell up. Justmytheory…

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Evils Evil Twin August 24, 2009 at 9:52 pm

k11, could you hear my sarcasm?

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kinogirl August 24, 2009 at 9:53 pm


thanks for thinking of me. You know I’m grieving. Unfortunately I refuse to pray over a stupid game. God had better things to do with his abilities to answer prayers.

But if Russell just calms down and think and continue to play the game anything can happen.

I still like Jeff. I just wish he could see what we can see. From what I’m reading he needs to shake lose from Jordan.

I’m sad. I must have pretty bad judgment. I should have known the
strong never survive. Let the petty little weaklings have it, because I doubt if even Jeff can win this now.

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 9:55 pm

kev11, as we hit 300, what’s the over/under in your professional opinion?

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 10:05 pm

EET, got the sarcasm NOW. Sorry bro, musta been the paraphenalia now! An sorry for calling you “EED” earlier. The Evel Dick thing stuck in my small brain and made the “T” and “D”….

just, Nice. Easier than justaguy. Good work Kim. And if we’re hitting 300 now and my Windows 1492 is working despite the “Cannot find server” message, a good over/under (total) number of comments right about now is 404 1/2. I sometimes blast around 2 am Las Vegas time (5 am in the East, 4 am in Minnehaha). I believe the addition of EET may have turned the intensity level up a notch as well as the total number of daily posts. I’d bet the OVER 404 1/2. and to thing BB isn’t even on prime time tonight! This BBBlog is quite something and may be as hot today as I’ve ever seen it. But where’s Star, Kim Mitchell, Starfish, FRANKS and our boy Augustus Cole at? If they were on, this baby may hit 500…on a Monday. Write on…

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 10:06 pm

Hint to Final Six
Trust no one
Sleep lightly, someone is talking about you
Your friend today is your enemy tomorrow
And yes, “EVERYONE LIES” in this game, (your lying if you say you don’t)

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 10:08 pm

EET, No dark sarcasm in the chatroom. Oh wait, I forgot where I was. Oh well, whatever, nevermind. (I know… my references are too easy)

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Margie August 24, 2009 at 10:10 pm

Evils Evil Twin,
lmao at your “I think you might have something there, good call”
OMG this is way too funny. But I am a bit confused
What POV did Jordan win? Or are you guys just fooling around, I tell you I am sooooo confused, Between trying to work on my pogo badges, answering the phone and keeping up (or trying to) to this blog, it is any wonder I can even think, lol
I am almost sure that is a joke about Jordan winning the POV but then again who knows.
Can someone please set me straight.
mama margie

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 10:11 pm

k11, i thought Callie was being facetious…

eet, your sarcasm ripped a hole in the ozone. good going. always much appreciated.

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PGA Dok August 24, 2009 at 10:14 pm

Margie they were talking about the POV on the live show when “Double Fisting” Jordan beat Michele in the tie breaker.

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 10:19 pm

Yeah, and justmyluck, when things start to get real interesting on here, I have to miss it all. Oh well, all good things must come to end…. and so do vacations. I got some projects done around the house (I know it’s hard to believe) and all is well. I’ll still check in and toss in a comment. This thing is sooo addicting! I’ll put a 20 on the over.

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aggie August 24, 2009 at 10:20 pm

The difference between ANNA NICOLE and JORDAN is ANNA NICOLE is the smarter one.JORDAN and JEFF are trying to practice for HOH , their counting things around the house. I dont know where MICHELE is , I have seen everyone but her.

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 10:21 pm

kinogirl, You’re exactly right. It’s like a lot of us here could see it coming and if Jeff could read this mess he’d know this might end up being the wrong move at the right time. and listening to Jordan, and what Jordan wants (Take Natalie to Final 4 with Michele, Jeff and her) may end up being the dumbest thing he’s made in BB11.

I’m still perplexed why so many aren’t cool with the Game Michele’s playing. She’s placed herself perfectly between “sides” and has proven to have the capability to win HoH’s and PoV’s. If we knew in the beginning that Michele may beat Jessie’s Girls (Jessie, Natalie, Lydia, Ronnie), many here would be thrilled. Maybe the feeling will change.

Anyway, my heart’s out to you and Roller with Russell. He has proved his word is pretty good and I was hoping he’d stick to that F4 deal with Jeff and then battle it out. In short, Jeff got janky. And Jeff got janky because Jordan is in his ear 24/7. She may end up being his demise and costing him $500,000, although he’ll probably snag the America’s Vote ($25K?) chunk of cheddar…and the second-guess himself about Jordan from October to Christmas! lol Oh, Big Brother!

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 10:22 pm

ok, it’s gotten too quiet for me. i’ll start buying things off QVC and break my budget if we don’t get back on subject. how about some new gossip about JJ?

i’d like to hear a guys opinion too

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 10:24 pm

k11, i thought jordan was the dumbest thing jeff had made in the BB house?

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PGA Dok August 24, 2009 at 10:25 pm

Aggie has she holed up in the loony bin room again? She likes to go in there and talk to herself. She’s the wrong one to be a “have not”. She’s stated several times that she’s socially awkward (REALLY who’d have ever guessed), but when they get her liquored up she cuts loose and rattles on about anything you ask her. Ok so make her eat the slop, churros, and chitlins, but give that girl some alcohol.

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 10:27 pm

At least Jordan is still alive.

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Margie August 24, 2009 at 10:29 pm

Tx for update, duh, I get it now.
I guess this is what Jordan feels like, lol
confused to the hilt.
I am off to get ready for bbad, hope it will be better then the last few nights. When I came in there are 311 comments, this being #312
and I am off.
have a great nite, and ciao for now
Mama Margie is leaving the bb blog for the night.

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bulwinkle August 24, 2009 at 10:30 pm

wow, Jeff makes one simple move in the game, this Blog explodes with posts, servers melt down and the internet comes to a screeching halt…

and its just a game… wow!

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kinogirl August 24, 2009 at 10:30 pm

Jeff just got finished shacking the crap out of Jordan telling her she had to vote to evict Nat. Jordan’s crying but she says ok. Michelle’s and Russell are both in the room. Russell is saved. Kevin over hears this and ask to speak with Jeff and tells Jeff he will also vote out Nat if he is saved for just one more week if does not win HOH.


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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 10:31 pm

You’re in for $20 on the OVER 404 1/2, just. No false posts to get that total OVER either brother! And this is strangely addictive. Wasn’t I justher last night? This morning? This afternoon? Right now? Help! Need protein. Clean kitchen. Check Rockies score. Alright, gotta leave until I come right back! Time to head off to my first-ever BBBBA (Big-Brother-Blog Bloggers Anonymous) meeting. So don’t tell anyone. It’s anonymous.

Callie: Sorry for any missed, intended sarcasm. Sometimes I read this like everyone’s being sarcastic and other times not. If you knew what I thought you didn’t know, my bad. I’m getting a bit blog drunk here…

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K.B. August 24, 2009 at 10:31 pm

I think Chima was the biggest A$$ in B.B. history. She acted as though she was entitled to more than anyone else. I saw that the first time she lost and was a have not! That’s exactly what she is. Did she ever hear of expect the unexpected. Michelle had no reason to share any H.O. H. with her. She was just so pissed b/c she was on Russel’s ass all week about how he was going home like a 5 yr. old and he didn’t BOO-HOO! I do think Jeff should keep his pact of final 4. I think it will bite him in the but if he doesn’t. I don’t know why he was angered by hearing Russel was talking to Michelle about final 2. What does he expect him to do? Nat should go next. Kevin really hasn’t done anything in this game and by aligning with Lydia and Chima screwed his game royally. He should have tried to align with Michelle and or Russell. I think it’s to late now.

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Lu August 24, 2009 at 10:33 pm

If Russ wants to stay he’s got to get Kevin by showing him that he (Russ) and Kevin have a better chance of getting HOH together – if its physical or mental challenge than Jordan and Michelle. He’s got to make Kevin realize if Jordan or Michelle gets it Kevin will be gone. Intimidating Kevin is not the answer – smart talk will work! Remember when Chima bailed how angry Kevin was that it cost him a “vote” in the Jury House. I think Kevin is doing a lot more thinking than people know. JMHO!

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bulwinkle August 24, 2009 at 10:38 pm

Hey EET, welcome back… How they been hanging?? Better then Jessie’s I’ll bet. After all the steroids, Im sure he’s only got raisins hanging now. LOL

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bulwinkle August 24, 2009 at 10:40 pm

Ju, unlike Jessie whoe’s only got raisns for balls, Kevin has never had any, but, you may be right, he is thinking about this game.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 10:41 pm

great memory, Lu. So apparently Gnat was in his sights at that time, otherwise Chima would have voted for Gnat if Keving and Gnat were F2.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 10:43 pm

Keving. Kevin and leaving? Freudian slip??

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K.B. August 24, 2009 at 10:44 pm

I was just thinking. If Jordan were smart and Jeff decides to keep Russell to final 4. She should tell Natalie and Kevin that she wanted to keep them but Jeff said no way. That way if he takes her to final 2 she’ll probably beat him. If he decides to keep Kevin and Nat she could say the same thing to Russell and Michelle. You know they all would believe her.

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 10:44 pm

bulwinkle, depends on how long Lydiot keeps him tied to the bed with the unitard

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 10:44 pm

p2, QVC? Don’t do it sister! I mean, how many scented candles can one possibly have?

As far as J+J, I think Jeff thinks he’s obligated to Cindy Lou-Hoo at this point. Mathematically now, there’s not much to choose for him but if he was really smart, he’d go behind Jordan’s back an make a SuperAlly with Michele to fend off the Kevin-Gnatalie factor down the stretch. And making the Jury vote Jeff or Michele is cool with me.

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 10:49 pm

Ok I am here.. been under the weather today.. Did catch the live feeds when Jeff and Russell were bashing each other.. Tried to record the damn thing and it froze up had to reinstall my real player and I be damned if I only have like 3 mins of the fight towards the end.. Not good viewing at all.. SOOOOOO I went to flashbacks and tried to record it for all of you to see.. Best damn fight since Chiapet and Russell duked it out… Well there is a restriction on it.. cant record flashbacks… This was confirmed by my friend the snake..
Ok Russell has been just running around trying to pit pawn against pawn and pal against pal.. he is really making some big lies up.. I am surprised but not surprised.. I am sure you fans will say he is just saving his exiting arse..
Kevin is like scared to death of him and just listening and entertaining his ramblings.. Gnat seems to take pleasure in his ramblings too.. She told everyone behind his back she was going to make sure she eat every meal in front of him.. WHATEVER!
Ok I have seen my name several times in your post my dear darling Kevin11..
What’s up you wanna go toe to toe.. hee hee hee Russell is rubbing off on me!
Margie you forgot to mention that Chris is Christopher robin from pooh land.. had to clear that one up.. I noticed he once again made an appearance today. No need to worry him and Howard are only make believe cartoons..
Ok now anyone know anything else going…
BTW HGs are all sleeping.. go figure..

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 10:50 pm

k11, how did you know. i actually have an excel spreadsheet with the amount, brand, number, and size of the variety of scented candles. (no, this time i am NOT kidding.) I just ordered 6 more boxes, yesterday. (there was a Slatkin anniversary show…)

ok, it appears to me that Jeff is now getting irritated with Jordan. She won’t kiss him and won’t let him even put his arm around her. He keeps trying to teach her things to make her “even better.” At 31 and intelligent, no matter how pretty Jordan is she is uniformed and basically, ignorant of mundane facts. She can’t possibly survive in his real world. Especially with her over-the-top announcements of her personal female schedule and problems and irritability. Funny, this is the 3rd month and the 1st time we’ve heard all the gory details that any female should keep to oneself or ones close female friends.

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 10:53 pm

If Russ DOES get Kevin to vote for him to stay, he still needs Jordan (Nope) or Michele to vote for him. So Michele (a lot like Kevin) becomes the key for Russell in the nxt 2 days. I’d be surprised if she leaned Russell’s way and flipped the House on Jeff. But we never know…

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 10:56 pm

Jeff is suffering from HOH room poisoning. They pump a nerve control agent into the room so that the paranoia is intensified. Just look at how much it effected Russell while he was HOH, damn near drove him crazy

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 10:57 pm

As you all have been saying for days.. Kevin is a sleeping PLAYER!!
He is no fool. If you could have heard the entire speel behind Russells reasoning to Kevin to keep him.. Russell told him.. I am the only person that can win any comp. here from now on if we get out jeff.. I am a shoe in if we get rid of jeff.. i will do this and that .. blah blah blah..
Ok as I said Kevin is no fool.. Russell just might as well said.. Hey Kev my man, his new name for kevin, keep me so i can screw you and your b/f in the end..
I am thinking some of the punches to Russells head via boxing has jarred a nut loose.. I honestly thought he would play the “Hit on Kevin” card today when I was watching him try to sway kevin to keep him..
Ok Had to say that much more..
And No K11 I am not the mystery blogger.. Honestly If I was I would say so .. I thought they did a great job.. Would I pass up that kind of fame?

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 11:02 pm

k11, don’t you think she’s too scared to go up against JJ to flip to Russell? Why would Kevin BB11 vote to keep Russell in the house when he can’t possibly beat him in comps of endurance and knows it?

snakebit, i believe it. it has made every alpha male HOH in BB11 nutso (that’s the professional term for paranoid).

k11, join me in a rounding chorus of “it ain’t paranoia if it’s true!”

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PGA Dok August 24, 2009 at 11:04 pm

GREAT BBAD kicks off with shots of Jordan, Russell, Natalie, and Kevin sleeping. What happened to the days when production used to make their lazy asses get up when Showtime went live? Ah hell there goes the voice overhead again “PGA Dok you’re not allowed to talk about production”. Get up you lazy fools BB has candy, ice cream, and cookie dough for you.

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 11:04 pm

ok, BBAD just started ………… Russell is asleep, Natalie is asleep from live feeds.
Jordan is sleeping from BBAD shot….
Jeff — nowhere to be found
Kevin — n-t-b-f
Michele — n-t-b-f
Live feeds now showing same things as BBAD

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 11:04 pm

Ok it is time for BBAD.. Do they make the HGs wake up and do something? I can not believe they are all sleeping.. Whats up?
I guess a tiring day of name calling, nail biting and eating has wore them all out..
I can’t believe I am keeping the live feeds this last
I keep saying that when there aint crap going on but would not give it up to miss a fight like today..

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 11:05 pm

Kevin is sleeping ——— damn BB

We want some action

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paraphernalia2 August 24, 2009 at 11:07 pm

does anyone out there know:

i’m on the west coast. i get BBAD on Showtime at midnight to 3am, therefore the need for TIVO. Does anyone know if it runs west coast real time?

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 11:07 pm

Kevin is in his bed across from Gnat..
last i saw Jeff was in HOH
Not a damn thing happening..

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 11:09 pm

wow, 4 of the last 6 pictures on the bottom row of the memory wall. Is that a sign??? Doubt it
Jeff, Nat, Kevin and Jordan

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bulwinkle August 24, 2009 at 11:09 pm

OK, the smart move for both Kevin and Michele is to vote out Russel, this will only up their chances of winning the next HoH. right now, all they have to worry about is Jordan, but if the next comp is physical, then Russel really has the edge. But if he’s gone, then michele and kevin have a pretty equal chance against Jordan. If the next comp is a puzzel, well we’ll get to see how dumb Jordan has been playing, or is it real… Still think she’s adorable though…

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 11:11 pm

Sal that is what Gnat said today on live feeds.. She said that should be the final 4 then said just joking cause Michele was sitting at the counter.. I think she forgot that Michele was there.. speaking of which.. anyone see a shot of her??? Hell maybe she is up in the HOH room with Jeff.. he has all but givin up on Jordan.. she might do a favor or two just to stay.. hee hee hee


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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 11:12 pm

anyone seen Jeff and Michele?

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bulwinkle August 24, 2009 at 11:14 pm

also, wow has this blog ever taken off!!! even Evil Dick never got this kind of response. Anyone think 500 posts before the night is over???

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 11:15 pm

does anyone know what happened to that mashup video contest BB was running on line. Will they use that this week, maybe??

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 11:16 pm

Kim, seriously? I did think it was you. But I also think a couple different people may have been writing Saturday – Monday. Will we ever know? Anyway, can you believe 333+ posts justcause Jeff is putting Russell up? Oh my goodnesss…

p2, Didn’t mean to psychically nail the scented candle thing! But a spreadsheet? I hope you’re selling them.And don’t ry and blame it on a Slatkin anniversary show. You obviously have more than a BB addiction! lol Hey do you have anything in a pumpkin, sister? As far as Jeff, he should be getting frustrated with Jordan and I DO think Michele is scared to make the aforementioned move. It’s getting good again…

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 11:16 pm

When I called it “Must-Sleep TV” last week, I was referring to us…. not the HGs! Can’t they crank up the volume and play some “We’re Big Brother Friends Forever” over the speakers to wake them up?

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 11:17 pm

I can’t stand the suspense ….. BB needs to call someone to the DR and wake everyone up!!!!

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 11:19 pm

WAIT!! I think I saw a grasshopper in the backyard!…. oh.. nevermind, it was just a leaf.

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PGA Dok August 24, 2009 at 11:19 pm

Well they’ve panned the house and the backyard so Michele is either in the DR or up in the HOH making a tent with Jeff. Must be the DR since they just showed the HOH and no tent action was going on. Someone wake these idiots up. Showtime has to be screaming at someone by now.

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bulwinkle August 24, 2009 at 11:20 pm

Yeah, I was wondering, what’s up with Jeff and Jordan. Last night I saw jeff lean to give her a kiss in celebration after the POV and she dodged him like he been chewing garlic and onions after smoking a carton of cigs. When a girl does that, you can count on not getting any… Not that I would know anything about that… 😐

and wow, has this blog exploded. 500 post in this thread by morning is very doable. Evil Dick never got this kind of action…

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 11:21 pm

there was a grasshopper pout by the pool earlier today, Jeff pulled it out of the drain and let it go in the grass ….. Jordan wanted to kill it

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 11:22 pm

I found the clip on Youtube.. I have emailed it to the ones that requested it..
IT is good..
It is so much better watching than BBAD.
I have watched it several times and it is still good..

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Gracie August 24, 2009 at 11:23 pm

jeff need to stick 2 the final 4, natalie is already going over her speech that she is gone 2 give jeff for evicting him, ( like the one he gave jesse). and they all got 2 turn on each other when it get down 2 four of them. but i hope jeff have enough sense 2 know he and nobody else can truth natalie. and if jeff can stay in there with any of the others except natalie and kevin he can win this, but who ever go in the final 2 with one of them( kevin or natalie), they(kevin or natalie) will win because all of they friends r in the jury house . jeff send natalie out the door.

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 11:24 pm

Jordan said(not sure when) that even if Jeff took her to hawaii all he would get is kisses and hugs. so take it from there.

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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 11:26 pm

p2, Can you delete this episode before you even record it? justasuggestion.

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 11:26 pm

Jeff just came out of DR

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 11:27 pm

Jeff is up and came out of splishsplash room
woohoo.. some action

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bulwinkle August 24, 2009 at 11:27 pm

Well Snakebit, I know who I wouldn’t be taking to Hawaii…

and with that, it’s sleepy time for bulwinkle… and let me tell you all, I didn’t get this cute by missing my beauty sleep — LOL

and somwhow, I think Im gonna have a lot of reading to do in the morning.


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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 11:28 pm

kevins awake, jeff in bathroom , maybe some action soon

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Augustus Cole August 24, 2009 at 11:28 pm

OMB…. Took me forever to read 192 comments. Then I refresh and now its 352. My head hurts. Haven’t done this much reading since high school. o.O

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 11:30 pm

I could have swear that was the pool room.. he went through the red room.. and out. now in green room..
humm what a min he just told jordan he has been in there forever… DR.. your right snakeysal..

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 11:30 pm

Jeff is in green room, talking to Jordan, Russell just called to DR

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Kristen August 24, 2009 at 11:31 pm

Kim, I would love a copy of the recording too. email is
not sure if it’s a good move or not, unfortunately you don’t have the priviledge of knowing who’s really saying what in that house, but Russell did say he should take Jeff out, right or wrong, time will tell. The rest of the lil rodents in the house will just munch away until there’s nothing left.

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 11:31 pm

Jeff was in HOH so long, coiuldn’t figure out what to write in his blog

Michele was sleeping in HOH room, hmmmmmmmmmmm

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PGA Dok August 24, 2009 at 11:32 pm

I have to think if the “Double Fisting/Anna Nicole” Jordan wants any shot at being taken to Hawaii she better come up with a better sales pitch than “some cuddling and kissing”. This is Hawaii woman not a trip around the corner.

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 11:34 pm


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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 11:35 pm

damn live feeds lag behind BBAD, must be about 10 seconds when same shot is up

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PGA Dok August 24, 2009 at 11:36 pm

Kim I wouldn’t mind watching the blow up if you would kindly email it to me Thanks

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kevin eleven August 24, 2009 at 11:40 pm

I’d have to take Laura to Hawai’i. Hugs and kisses are cool to a point but a decent conversation every once in a while trumps mindless, kiddie-talk babble from a blond bimbo anyday.(Hope I haven’t offended. Still pulling for ya Jordan but geeeeeez!) justabuxomlaurafantasy—k11

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bulwinkle August 24, 2009 at 11:43 pm

Here’s a link for Youtube for the Jeff / Russel fight…


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justaguy August 24, 2009 at 11:44 pm

Since we like references …. Remember the look on Ralphie’s face when he opened his present, and it was a pink bunny suit? (A Christmas Story) That’s pretty much how I looked for the first half hour of BB/AD. At least some are awake now.

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Kim Mitchell August 24, 2009 at 11:49 pm

bulwinkle.. you will get your butt spanked for that..
That is why i always have ppl email me for any of the videos I want to share..
bad bad bad bulwinkle..
justawatching out for you,

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Snakebit Sal August 24, 2009 at 11:54 pm

I thought I was the only one who saw Christmas Story. I loved the “LAMP”

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kevin eleven August 25, 2009 at 12:02 am

Kim, Would I be wrong to say “good bulwinkle”? I was justgonna ask you how to e-mail you to get the link you raved about and boom! presto! there its is. Understand your POV (not to be confused with PoV), but I’d love to watch that tonight and that made it justthatmuch easier.

just, Jimmy The Greek Snyder justcalled me from That Great Big Brother House in the Sky and he wants the Total on the comments raised to 555 1/2 now. Your bet’s still good. Good call. Justmade a pot of coffee so 500 is dead meat my cyberspace-BB-friend…

PS: $25 million for Favre for 2 years? Say wha? That’ll translate to about $1 million a game where I’m sitting. Don’t believe the hype–ah forget it Vikings, it’s too late for that. $25 fuck*ng million dollars for him. Wow. And now, back to your regularly schedule blog talk on BB..

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PGA Dok August 25, 2009 at 12:05 am

Thanks Kim. I was cracking up watching that. Even “Double Fisting/Anna Nicole” Jordan got a little piece of Russell. Jeff pointing out that everytime Russell gets in a fight he repeats the same thing over and over had me rolling. I find it even funnier that Russell is only NOW offended by the comment Jeff made. He knew it was a joke when it was said, they even laughed about it at the time. Someone said it earlier today Russell has a Napoleon complex. He has showed it thrughout the show. He was always asking people if he looked shorter than Jessie. Like Jeff said the real bad asses don’t run their yapper they just knock you out.

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kinogirl August 25, 2009 at 12:07 am

Just marking my spot so I’ll know where to reading tomorrow.

nite all

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Starfish August 25, 2009 at 12:17 am

Reading all these posts has made my day. Such great insight with different scenarios by everyone – terrific stuff. Kim I hope you figure out how to record the “fight”. Sorry can’t participate more this year. BB11 has kept me sane this year so what does that say about my sanity. 🙂

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Snakebit Sal August 25, 2009 at 12:18 am

There all up now, might have tohang around awhile, you can feel the tension with Russell alone playing pool while everyone else sits on the patio

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Starfish August 25, 2009 at 12:19 am

Thanks bulwinkle, somehow I missed that linek.

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Kim Mitchell August 25, 2009 at 12:20 am

The link I have is a dff one than that one.. but basically if you put in Jeff and Russell fight big bro 11 on the youtube you will get several..
That one there the sound is a bit muffled..
But you can get whats going on..
Ok off to bed for me.. the sleepy heads are up nothing really good happening..
Hope you all reach the 400 + or whatever you wanted.

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justaguy August 25, 2009 at 12:24 am

Now that is funny kinogirl, and creative. Kind of putting your own personal bookmark in here. Gotta love it, and it adds 1 more to the total comment counter.

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PGA Dok August 25, 2009 at 12:28 am

Gambling commission says the bookmark post doesn’t count towards the total for wagers “guy on restroom door” lol. Neither does this one since it’s an official ruling from the commission.

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Snakebit Sal August 25, 2009 at 12:30 am

Just checked we just passed 380.
Sleeping , now eating ……….. i might have to go to St Mattress and let Reverend Sheets sing hymms to put me to sleep! Have my Sunday best on, holely shirt and pew pants.
If they keep yawning i’m not gonna last long!!

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justaguy August 25, 2009 at 12:39 am

Not much happening, there is a lot of tension in the house.. speaking of Jordan’s sweatpants (baddabing!), the camera guy was having a bit of fun documenting the cookie dough factor.

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justaguy August 25, 2009 at 12:48 am

Jeff explained to Nat & Kevin how he chose who to take off the block. He said he just cut cards. I think he just figured Nat would be more likely to keep Russ than Kevin…. I hope he put that much thought into it.. but who knows anymore? Russ & Nat are playing pool.

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kevin eleven August 25, 2009 at 12:50 am

Kim, thanks. Tried to watch it nut Windows 1666 took a crap and I’m back in the computer sluggish zone…

just, revised Total to 444 1/4 as 555 1/2 may be a bit lofty. Seriously, did anything exciting happen on BBAD tonight?

PGA, Las Vegas Weather this weekend: Friday High 105, Saturday High 105, Sunday High 104. Hot. Hot. Hot. Bring your parka brother. The New Ice Age has started.

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PGA Dok August 25, 2009 at 12:58 am

Wrong weekend Kev11. You have another week to cool things down. Only outside though don’t be playing the cooler at the craps table. On a game note Nat is already working Russell for jury votes. They have to make sure David Koresh/Charlie Manson/Jessie tells them what to do.

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kevin eleven August 25, 2009 at 1:01 am

Like 25 pounds of flour in a 10-pound flour sack? justajigglyimage…

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justaguy August 25, 2009 at 1:02 am

kev11, not much so far. Russ just spent 20 minutes sucking up to Natalie, then remembered (out loud) that she doesn’t have a vote.

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justaguy August 25, 2009 at 1:13 am

PGA Dok, (as in golf?). A horse is a horse…. and a post is a post. Not sure about k11 raising the number on me though.. You got a ruling on that? On your way to Vegas, can you swing by the Twin Cities and get my $20 for k11? It’s not too far out of your way.

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PGA Dok August 25, 2009 at 1:24 am

Yes you picked it “guy on restroom door”, golf is correct. It’s slightly out of the way these days. I’m no longer in Chicago. I’m down in Florida these days. Gambling commission is sticking with their original ruling, however, you placed your bet at the old number so you should be good.

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kevin eleven August 25, 2009 at 1:26 am

PGA, Sorry man. It’ll be 100-101-101 next weekend and a brisk 69 degrees at the craps table. Trust me. Better vring your mittens too…

And justa, a post is a post of course, of course (way back to “Mr. Ed”)… (I smell 400) Thanks for updates. Russell kissing up? Wouldn’t have guessed that tonite! lol (Heavy sarcasm intended, obviously.)

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justaguy August 25, 2009 at 1:35 am

I was pretty sure it was golf all along. Just never bothered to ask and figured now was a good time. I got the impression that you were still in Chicago. Yeah, I guess Florida to Vegas via Minneapolis is a bit much to ask. I did fly Minneapolis to Dallas via Atlanta just to save a buck back in the day.

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justaguy August 25, 2009 at 1:46 am

kev11, glad to see you picked up on my Mr Ed reference. Natalie has us all captivated telling all the ins and outs of working at Blockbuster. Who would’ve thunk there was so much to it? It ranks right up there with “do you want fries with that?”

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kevin eleven August 25, 2009 at 1:52 am

“guy on restroom door,” have you ever checked out that “girl on restroom door” brother? She’s right next to you. And she’s pretty sweet looking. Old girl doesn’t say much but have you eyeballed her? Ooops, my bad. Forgot you came up a little bit short in the eyeball (and nose and mouf) department.

just, looks like your OVER 404 1/2 is good as gold. A winner, winner, slop-and-squid dinner. Well played Erotic City. I blame it all on Jeff today.

PGA, Fled Chicago 18 years ago for Sin City. The brutal weather (I know justaguy) there sapped my soul so I think you’re better off in FLA. Hurricane Bill justmissedus here in the Mojave Desert. BBAD in 7 minutes here although I sorta know what to expect because of this space. Mahalo.

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PGA Dok August 25, 2009 at 1:58 am

The best part of that “guy on restroom door” was her saying they don’t make any money on game rentals. Let’s do some quick math. They pay much less than the let’s call it $70/game you would pay at Wal-Mart (no Chris I’m not a middle aged woman and actually couldn’t tell you the last time I was in one of them). They then rent it for 8.99. So 7 rentals (not counting overhead, wages, etc) the thing is paid for. Wasn’t she a business major? And how about Jordan when Kevin said he was upside down in his condo. “What’s that?” This girl needs to get out of the woods of Carolina and learn a few things about the world. She’s had a sheltered existence there.

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justaguy August 25, 2009 at 2:00 am

All 4 girls are talking about make-over shows. I’m watching a reality tv show conversation about reality tv shows??? WTF am I doing?? I’m going to bed… can’t wait to go back to work on Wednesday morning.

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justaguy August 25, 2009 at 2:10 am

Yeah Dok, things that make you go hmmm. I thought the same thing about the video games. I think Jordan thought Kevin was talking about yoga or his favorite position…… I’m out. zzzzzzzzzz.

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kevin eleven August 25, 2009 at 2:16 am

And I’m reading you, justaguy, writing about a reality TV show conversation about a reality TV show while watching the HGs sleep on BBAD. And you think you have issues? Getting tired here too. 404 1/2 may have been a good number after all. Wonder if we’ll ever top today? Vaya con Dios mis amigos and amigaettes.

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justaguy August 25, 2009 at 2:23 am

kev11, I would check that girl out… and about 2 seconds later get a severe crack across the back of my neck. justnotreallyworthitbrother… zzzzz

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kevin eleven August 25, 2009 at 2:34 am

I’d be remiss if I didn’t bang out Comment #399 and set up Comment #400 (another record-setting day) for whoever wants to spike that volleyball for a point. To think the old mark was 222 is mind-boggling and if I wake up and see anything near 444.4, I say we get the Library of Congress on the horn.

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JT (justaguy from previous weeks) August 25, 2009 at 2:36 am

One more thing, is this a good time to change my name? (since I don’t have to wait for moderation) zzzzzzz

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kevin eleven August 25, 2009 at 2:56 am

just, Feel ya’. They all look so innocent until the rubber hits the road. And then, smack! There’ll be others that let us down in the future. Not all avatars are created equal I guess.

Quotable, BBAD
JEFF (To Kevin about Russell):”That vote for Jessie was the last straw.”

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aggie August 25, 2009 at 2:58 am

Alot of tension in BB house, RUSSEL is trying to work people for votes, But I doubt KEVIN would screw Natalie and MICHELE might be afraid to make any kind of move, It would be great if russel stayed and then got HOH. I am hopeing for anyone but Jordan to get HoH. AND then goodbye JEFF.

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aggie August 25, 2009 at 5:29 am

The more i listen to JEFF the more I dislike him , Hes so ARROGANT . He was totally TRASHING MICHELE last night . HE cant have a conversation without dropping the F BOMB many times , ITS starting to really bug me. He acts like hes the only one who should get the money. It will be great if it works out and RUSSEL stays. that would be really AWESOME.

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kinogirl August 25, 2009 at 6:19 am

Good morning. Big brother on tv tonight. I know Russell’s out I just hope when I watch tonight that I can still like Jeff. It depends on how he represents having all this power at the moment. Thursday is the day I can not wait to see what happens with HOH. If Nat or Kevin get HOH and treat Jeff like an outcast I will probably have a little pitty for him.

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Lu August 25, 2009 at 6:49 am

Hey Aggie you may get bashed for that comment – (disliking Jeff) but I am feeling the same way after seeing that video of the fight! And I am sure there are others because he really trashed the “All-American Boy” image we “middle-aged” ladies were so enjoying! When you want to claim more intelligence than someone else – having your mouth on the “FY” line with constant repeat don’t work for me!! I now believe that Jeff’s whole strategy was to be like “Dan” but unfortunately his stress level has gone WAY up and Jordan just ain’t gonna help him find release!! Better HANDLE it Jeff before you completely lose it!

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ken August 25, 2009 at 7:37 am

its a no brainer, jeff will use the pov to remove kevin and put up russell then all hell will break loose. The whole situation is gettingrisky cause everybody is going for the gold so who can you trust anymore, NOBODY. good luck to all and even if Jordan gained a few pounds i think she is still gorgeous, but still a dumb blonde. good luck to all, ken

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bulwinkle August 25, 2009 at 8:30 am

OMB (oh my bulwinkle), tell it ain’t true… is the blush off the rose? is america’s choice falling from favor? well, not being a middle age lady, I can say that Jeff is playing the game HARD… and after watching the arguement with Russell, 3 things come to mind. First, I am not impressed with the “I’ll stab you in the neck” comment at all. That simple comment lessened my opinion of him — a lot! 2nd, what a lame fight. Both sitting, kink of relaxed, 5-6 feet apart droping f-bombs. I’ve seen better arguements with 2 year olds fighting over the same toy. 3rd, I miss Chima… at least when she was pissed, she was in you face. Still not a nice person, but her drama was worth tuning in for.

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Kaleki August 25, 2009 at 9:11 am

I hope Nat win HOH and evicts Jeff ~ that would really stir up the other house ~ that would be the house I’d want to watch

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bigbubbabronson August 25, 2009 at 9:12 am

Funny how we all love certain cast when they play the way we want them to but the minute they don’t, we don’t like them anymore. Much like the BB house don’t ya think LOL!
My advice to Jeff is “keep your mouth shut dear, you are much prettier when you aren’t talking”
I still like Jeff, I think he is hysterical, but I think he isn’t playing smart, so if he goes next week, then so be it. My second choice Russell looks like he is going home this week so I will have to start cheering for my 3rd pick, Kevin.
Say what you want, but I’ve said it before, Kevin has played an AWESOME strategy by “not playing” the game until recently. Really, how many times has this strategy really worked in BB history? Not at all as I recall. I know he hasn’t won yet but I’d watch out for him that’s for sure.

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PK August 25, 2009 at 9:30 am

The verbal altercation between Jeff and Russell proved to be a classic example of what happens when two individuals with a very limited vocabulary engage in a war of words. F**k to both of them apparently means means anything/everything but f**k, but it is easy to remember and flows of the lips easily with no aforethought.

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bulwinkle August 25, 2009 at 9:32 am


I would like to see Gnat win and put Jeff up, but then have Jeff win PoV, that would stir the drama up because Gnat would be all worried again…

as for Kevin, he’s competive in the comps, but he’s just a scared little mouse. He didn’t use PoV to save Lydiot, his closest alliance and runs around worried who’s mad at him. He doesn’t deserve diddly…

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Lu August 25, 2009 at 9:42 am

I still think Kevin is the one to watch out for — He’s like an infection – at first you don’t know it’s there until it decides to take over! Nobody dislikes him – in BB house or JH. Nobody fears him as a competitor. As for not playing the game – as long as he has Nat to do the dirty work and put the “bad” on her he’s okay – but when he has to start overtly getting into the game the other hgs may start seeing him with a different eye — but will it be too late?!

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Donna Rose August 25, 2009 at 10:18 am

Good morning everyone…

P2 – I’m also on the west coast. We have Showtime II and BBAD airs from 9p to midnight. We’re also really lucky because we have Directv and since we’ve had it since it was Primestar (15 years), we got grandfathered in and receive the East Coast feeds of all the networks. But Showtime II should still be the same. It was pretty boring last night – literally a snore fest. =^^=

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Snakebit Sal August 25, 2009 at 10:18 am

Jeff’s biggest problem is Jordan. He likes her so much he believes every thing she says. So when kevin convinced her of the R & M team counter attack jeff went for it. The damn HOH paranoia drug works again.
I don’t have a favorite but thought Jeff would have a good chance to win was my first impression when they moved in day 1. I think he screwed himself now though.

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Snakebit Sal August 25, 2009 at 10:22 am

edit —- the K & M scheme not R & M

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Snakebit Sal August 25, 2009 at 10:24 am

i needto go back to bed, got russ and michele on the brain

The K & N LML scheme, sheesh.

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Snakebit Sal August 25, 2009 at 10:26 am

I truly have watched too much BB this year. I actully dreamed about the BB game the other night and wasn’t any fun. I got mad a someone but can’t remember who ( maybe it was I can’t remember Michele, LOL)

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Kim Mitchell August 25, 2009 at 11:03 am

As I said before.. it is a game
It is $500K and I would almost sell my first born to have a chance at it.. Ok well at least my first born dog…
They are down to the point when it dont matter who you are you are gonna be a target. So play the best you can and the way you feel you will prevail. I honestly do not think Jeff is stupid by any means.. He knows exactly what he is doing.. As you see he has narrowed the field down to basically the weakest, jordan included.. Dont you know he knows that if he take Michele to the final 2 he will win the jury votes??? Of course he is not going to say that to Jordan.. At least that would be my take on it..
I totally think he will keep Michele to the end.. Jordan will be gone once the others put her and him up.. he will win the PoV and take himself off..
This is all my own opinion.. but like everyone else we all have one..
I will stick to the guy I have supported all along..
Its kind of like our kids, they dont always make the choices we want them to but we are always there to support them..
I can see some rocky roads ahead for Jeff but I think he will come out looking good in the long run..

on the fight issue.. No I didnt think he should have said what he did but I think he was trying really hard to get to Russell. They both, according to Russell, had been counceled by production as to what would happen if the PoV was used.. Russell told everyone that he told production to keep security on call cause he was going to go after Jeff for using it.. Soo you dont think they encouraged the fight a bit?? They know what makes good TV..
Ok off to do a middle class womans job for the day..

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aggie August 25, 2009 at 6:32 pm

LU, JEFF Isnt anything like DAN from season 10, I really thought dan was a good guy, I was glad to see him win. JEFF has a real mean streak , we are definately seeing his true colors. He cant get through the day without dropping the F BOMB hundreds of times. To make a comment about stabbing RUSSELS family , thats something you dont joke about.

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bulwinkle December 8, 2009 at 9:40 am

I don't kown if it's the smart thing to do, but backdooring Russel is the entertaining thing to do. We were cheeted out of Chima's Meltdown. I think BB owes us an explosion, and Russel just might be the guy to provide it.

On a game nte, I think if Russel wins the next HoH, he may well put up Jeff and Jordan to break up that team, but then again, so might Gnat and Kevin, but they might give him a pass because he did get rid of russel, that's a small might. Im Not sure what Michele will do, but I don't trust her either.

In the end, you need to make bold moves to win this game. Jeff already made one with the CdT, now it's time to do it again.

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