James vs the Big Brother House

by BBBlogger on April 2, 2008

Isn’t that a movie? No wait….that is James and the Giant Peach! 🙂 Alas our person that people say is the strongest player and who should be the target to get out of the house is safe from tonights vote! Winning the Power of Veto in dramatic fashion over Shelia and Ryan who looked like a couple of crazies after James played them and walked away with POV. I loved the edited in commentary of James. It was too classic!

So tonight someone will be leaving. It will be either Sharon or Joshuah. I am 50/50 on this one.

So who do you want to see out? Who do you want to see stay? Who should win the next HoH and will it be a double elimination tonight?

All will be known tonight. Please join us in the Big Brother Blog Chat room at http://www.big-brother-blog.com/chat/flashchat.php and watch along with us. I would say there will be drinks but since this is the internet….it is Bring Your Own! 🙂

Peace, BBBlogger

BBCourtney April 2, 2008 at 12:18 pm

Why does everyone keep talking about a double elimination? The HGs are talking about it this week, and so is everyone in the chats. Why this week all of a sudden?

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jolee April 2, 2008 at 1:12 pm

sharon must go

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Dominick April 2, 2008 at 1:23 pm

James knows he must win either HOH or POV to remain in this game. Proving his bigest mistake of the game was evicting Matt and not Ryan. Go James….

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Patricia April 2, 2008 at 1:24 pm

What am I missing about double elimination I didn’t hear anything about that Come James show them how to win this game!

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marius_luv April 2, 2008 at 1:30 pm

They are talking about it because it would not only be cool it would enable the house to be down to 5 people and the real hard compitions begin. But if it is Daniel Danoto hosting the next HOH I think it will just be a single elimination tonight and that will leave the house at six people and then next week the double elimination that will leave the house at 4 and then all bets are off. I want James to win so badly. I think he is cool just the way he is.

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flora April 2, 2008 at 2:42 pm

GO JAMES!!!!!!!! I want him to win the WHOLE THING!!!

Good Bye.. JOSH..

JAMES for HOH!!!

my fingers are crossed!

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nicole April 2, 2008 at 2:43 pm

I think JOSH will leave tonight….with him in the house James will surely win and so on….I think SHELIA deserves the HoH she is underestimated and I would love to see her eliminate JAMES from the house he went crazy on her……..Double elimination will happen soon i think it will be next week not this week….and call me paranoid but I still think there is another couple i think BB still has a couple more suprises…….

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Erin April 2, 2008 at 2:44 pm

ya gotta root for James..he is playing the game the way it was meant to be!Finally some excitement.Sharon Is boring Keep Joshuah around…but I dont think they will.The other house guests arent thinkin ahead.They are gonna have to start evicting each other pretty soon and they have no clue.Ryan really isnt doing anything but somehow he is still in the house!

i Love watching Joshuah and his BBAD rants in the pool by himself. he is so funny sometimes and he calls sharon “his bitch” so he’ll really be down when she leaves

My preferred order of winners is
Joshuah and Natalie are tied for #2
Sheila#3 (just for her ballsy side switching tactics)
Ryan=he’s just plain ol nice
adam=hasnt really done anything
Sharon=hasnt really done anything

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donna April 2, 2008 at 2:54 pm


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Tracy Goodwin April 2, 2008 at 2:56 pm

Goodbye Josh.

I just don’t think the house guests will save Josh this week nor do I think they should (what a big mistake that would be). So far, the biggest mistake of this season was James evicting Matt as it brought about the destruction of his alliance. Chelsia paid and now Josh will pay for it, as well.

Little did Joshy know that Natalie of all people would bring about his exit … that is priceless!

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Luvinthebb April 2, 2008 at 3:21 pm

Im hoping that James goes all the way on this one. I’m good with Sharon leaving tonite, James gettin HOH and sayin GOODBYE to Shelia! Double elimination?? Not sure but,, wouldn’t it just mix things up a bit more….

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Victoria April 2, 2008 at 3:24 pm

I am hoping Josh leaves tonight and that anybody but James wins HOH. I have had enough of their better then all these people attitude. I hope Josh sees that James sold him out. Shows James is an island by choice. He’s always after the pity me vote. Can’t wait to see him leave also.

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Nomad April 2, 2008 at 3:51 pm

James is a Howdy Doody looking male slut. Nothing would make me happier about this show than to see him leave!

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KustardPie April 2, 2008 at 4:29 pm

Wasn’t it interesting to watch Joshuah turn into a snake before our very eyes??? Crying his eyes out, oh poor me, then realizing he could sell out his closest friend in the house. I hope that James & Ryan will figure it out and they all vote for Josh’s eviction!

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nancee April 2, 2008 at 4:35 pm

I would like to see James go all the way!!! If there is a double elimanation, I hope that Shelia goes home, and that it is James sending her packing. It would be soooooooooo cool to see Shelia’s face, especially after the little “fake” pep talk that James gave her, and she was dumb enough to fall for it!!!! Remember Shelia paybacks a bitch! What goes around comes around!!

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funkyt April 2, 2008 at 4:57 pm

Josh needs to go and will go!!! Sharon is boring ….but safe at this point. I hope anyone but James wins HOH! He needs to go…Adam and natalie are so stupid for bringing him back. That was the biggest mistake in this game so far. Their alliance was “GOLDEN” at that point. Sheila is doing the same thng everyone else is doing but just more forward about it. James is a wuss and he can not handle it when he is not the one dishing it out. he has lied, cheated, played people on both sides as well….so why are you all so against Sheila. She rocks. Adam is hilarious too. You see how james shut up when Adam came and jumped his ass the other night. James and Josh both can only attack Sheila & Nat who they think are weak. Those girls are strong and resilient.

James needs to go next week.

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J'ona April 2, 2008 at 5:38 pm

I hope that Joshua stays so he can win HOH, start campaigning and use one of the other side’s members so the other guys can help get Sheila and Natalie out. No more women to cloud their minds for the competitions and fight hard to compete against each other for the win. Now it will become a game!!!! The girls that are left don’t deserve to win based on their “Gameplay”, or lack thereof!!!!!!!!!!!
There’s not one man I want to see win over the other either, so it’ll be a fair competition.

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Christine April 2, 2008 at 8:17 pm

If it’s a double eviction tonight, it will more than likely be James getting evicted along with one of the other two (preferably Josh).
These people do not seem to be really thinking about the final two. This sort of strategy requires you to think backwards from the final two spot.
I still stand by my theory that ANYONE can win against Sheila in the final two. If James was thinking with his brain instead of his emotions, he’d realize that he should take Sheila to the final two. Same with any of the others. I know that Natalie has recently shown some thought process during her nominations as well as getting others to do her bidding since Mattie left. But, she isn’t thinking past this week and next. If it was her and Sheila in the final two – the entire jury would give it to Nat. This isn’t a game where you get this far and eliminate people just because they are sliding by or because they piss you off. This is “who can I beat at the end”.

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Pat April 2, 2008 at 9:05 pm

Wow, the James and Josh wailed their eyes out, and James came out on top at pov. So now he’s walking around like a proud peacock. If Sharon knew how Josh was throwing her under the bus every chance he got, she wouldn’t be so gracious with him.

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kndrban April 9, 2008 at 1:13 am

I am so bummed about James losing the POV this week. What is up with this whole “Team Chirst” thing? Do you really think that with all God has to deal with that he is sitting around plotting his revenge on James for kicking Matt out of the Big Brother house? I know they don’t get access to the outside world but has anyone alerted them to the fact that there is one and in that world there are people like me who want James to win!?!

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nicole December 8, 2009 at 9:33 am

I think JOSH will leave tonight….with him in the house James will surely win and so on….I think SHELIA deserves the HoH she is underestimated and I would love to see her eliminate JAMES from the house he went crazy on her……..Double elimination will happen soon i think it will be next week not this week….and call me paranoid but I still think there is another couple i think BB still has a couple more suprises…….

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