It’s Time Open Up The Diary Room For Week 9

by Lisa Marie Bowman on September 8, 2021

Hi, everyone!

Well, it’s time to open up the diary room for Week 9 and you’ll have to excuse me if I’m not very happy about it. Our two nominees are Claire and Xavier. Xavier is clearly the one who should be voted out because this might be the last chance to do so and, should Xavier make it to the end, he’s going to win the game.

But no. Claire is going to go on Thursday and then Alyssa will probably follow right after her. The Cookout stuck together like they said they would. Give them credit for that but I think that Tiffany is going to regret the choices she made this week.

Anyway, with that all in mind, how do you vote?

Do you vote to evict

CLAIRE, who could easily be voted out any week after this one


XAVIER, the much bigger threat who will probably never be on the block again?

Cast you vote in the poll over on the right side of the page or in the comments below! And then watch on Thursday for the season’s first double eviction episode!

Lisa Marie

Vicki Finton September 8, 2021 at 10:53 pm

I don’t really care

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Yvonne September 9, 2021 at 7:21 am

I’m with you, Nancy and totally agree. I vote Claire out. I just can’t like Tiffany or her game.

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Lou Salvadori September 9, 2021 at 6:18 pm

Worst Season Ever!

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lisa r hackbarth September 9, 2021 at 9:28 pm

i just cancelled the rest of the season. not that i didn’t expect this outcome. however, i have watched every episode of every season, this was the most racist thing i have ever seen. if any other race had done this it would not have been allowed to continue. i had wanted all along for two of the remaining house guests to be the final two. they were of a minority group and yet, they were my favorite players. i don’t know how that was possible for me, a white person, to actually like someone who was not white! seeing that is what the cookout has put out there this whole season. big brother has some power in how these seasons go. they have stepped in when someone or a group has been offended. what happened this season, there are many of us i am sure who are very offended. this has been one of my favorite shows, this season was the hardest to continue watching. sadly many people i know, even of different races felt the same way. wonder what will happen when and if there is a next season? who will continue to watch when the entire season is looking down on you the viewer?

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💞Tammy Sweetheart💞 September 10, 2021 at 10:27 pm

I agree with every word you posted! I cancelled the series from my DVR box 2 week’s ago. My pic was Xavier. I to am white! How was that possible right? They also added $250,000 more to the prize money. Was it for all the contestants, or was it CBS and Chen’s way of giving reparations to her staged house guests? I hate it because this was one of my all time favorite shows. CBS will find out that this scripted racism stunt will cost them a whole lot of viewers. I also have BB buddies that have stopped watching. I will never watch it again. When celebrities start planning division, I want nothing to do with it!

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