Due to technical malfunctions of the buzz-in device, Big Brother will be redoing the Head of Household Competition. It will be broadcast during Sunday night’s show.
Erika won HOH, Or did she? Due to technical difficulties the HOH compeition was re-done soon after the show aired Thursday, August 10th. Howie complained that his buzzer didn’t work as well as James’s, Wills and some other houseguest had troubles buzzing in their answers. You can see Howies complaints on Youtube by clicking on this link,
Interested in knowing who the new winner of the HOH is?
Watch the new HOH comp on YouTube ^
This looks like a good spot.
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Now for some quick cleaning
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Sweep some dirt under the rug, throw dirty dishes in the dishwasher…
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Pick up dirty towels… fluff a few pillows…
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Pick up breadcrumbs.. and hope nobody drops any…
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There! I think it is presentable for company now!
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You forgot to take out the trash. 😆
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Let’s see if Cynt opens the door.
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If you make it here Cyn.. Let me explain. One month ago today… BB11 commenting ended and I wasn’t into Survivor. I went off and built a “Tree House”. AC found me there…. then kev11… then p2… then we left a “door” for Star. We had a little group of 5 to comment about anything without having to talk about SS. We have moved a few times… Some things we talked about were pretty personal… we just moved here to keep that stuff on the “DL” from the casual reader that may stumble upon this. I can hook you up with locations to previous treehouses if you’d like. You can read all our silly comments and come back here. It’s just a silly way to keep things a bit more interesting til BB12 starts.
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Anybody else that uses the “door” is welcome here too. I just started this to stay in touch without having to comment about Survivor… as it turns out, most aren’t commenting about Survivor anyway and these “tree houses” were probably never needed… but it became a fun side game. Kev11 is gone and Star might be too? It’s just AC, p2, and I now. I just figured whoever found me still playing on the BBblog, could join in if they wanted to.. that’s why there were no big announcements… most people might think it was silly to post here instead of at SS.. we do both. If you got a question or a statement that you don’t want the “F Ben”s of the world reading.. post it here.
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HELLOOOOOO!! I was still talking to you guys over there!!!! LMAO
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😯 She found the door.
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I’m not totally todd did.
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Welcome Sarah
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Ok, no more hints on SS. Lets see who else stumbles upon us. 😉
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Hell yeah—I want the hook up. This is very cool.
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R there any rules here?
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NO RULES!! That’s why we are here! Just a bunch of 40something kids playing in the woods!
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Where did we park this mobile treehouse this time anyway …. oh wait, nevermind, I see it.. August 11th, 2006.
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damn guys, you made that clue way too easy. I knew y’all were up to something, just not sure how you placed a link in the blog post.
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We don’t want to leave any doors here AC.
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Sal…. where ya been? 😆
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was usually to late for me when you guys were playing around and didn’t catch y’all links
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Hey Snake —they had to make it kind of easy for I am todd did. 😆
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no retodds around here, just retreads
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No. You are we todd did LmAo 😆
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Just playin. 😉
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See I an’t even say todd did right. 😆
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That’s the only point behind the secrecy. We don’t care what “regulars” find us, but it’s kind of tough to make invites without the likes of “F Ben” taggin’ along… know what I mean?
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Sarah LOVES secrets.
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Well Sarah, I will hook you up with others.. just not yet. I should wait til I talk to p2. She is in Canada.. her Aunt passed away. We expect her back Early next week…. hope she’s not too pissed that we up and moved on her like this.. just protecting her privacy… that’s why we moved.
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I guess you can see how wrong you were Cyn. We packed up everything… cleaned up the joint… and left the “door” open all for you to join in. It took quite the coordinated effort on AC & my part.. and we did it without communicating. That’s why AC’s the man! I think of something.. and he is already working on it!
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Very cool & thank you!! That was sweet of you to do.
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OK, jumping over to SSblog now… hope aggie is still around.
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Are you ready for some football?!?!
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Who Dat!
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Who Dat? Who Dat? Say Dey Gon Beat Them Saints?!?!
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Giants going down today!!!
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Who the Vikes play today JT?
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Oh, I see. Baltimore. Should be ya’ll first big test.
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I think Vikes lose today. I can’t see their offense functioning very well. The Saints have an offense, but do they have enough defense for the Giants? I didn’t even go check your work AC, I have confidence. Nice work.
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hi, i’m sorta here. how do i get back to TH1 and TH2 to check what i’ve missed?
need a good diversion, having a bad time today.
thanks for taking care of me, guys.
love, ya
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hey snake, been hoping you’d find us…
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Welcome back P2. Hope everything is well with you.
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You really didn’t miss anything p2. Welcome back. Sorry to hear your not having a good day.
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your=you’re of course..
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JT, catching up, your (not you’re) comment on 10/16 re 19th hole! PRICELESS.
hi AC, if you or JT want to send me the doorway, it’s my first name, no hyphen
don’t know if that will work for you. if not have other “code” resources so i’ll know it you guys and no one else… but that doesn’t protect your privacy. hmmm. don’t know how to work that one. AC, master of all, JTguy of all???
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she may have tried to call my mother before… i have had reason to believe it wasn’t just in her sleep – trying to keep all that away from my mum and sister. that’s when you phone a friend!
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I tried that p2…. Denied!! I’m sure I knew what you were saying.. so.. not sure what went wrong. contact me here and I’ll respond with the hook-up. (not a real address, but should work.. on a temp basis)
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hi cyn, welcome to the mobile TH.
JT, you DIDN’T sweep the dirt under the rug, did you? (sigh…) it’s a hand-carved oriental rug!
cyn, thought i would give you a different perspective of the TH than the men gave you.
the living room, where the women hang out if the guys are talking/watching sports is very nicely decorated. it had fluffy needlework and petit-point pillows, some i’ve made myself, and lace curtains. we have a fully stocked kitchen, complete with dishwasher and for star, who can’t climb up here in heels (and to bring in large objects) we have a small elevator that JT created and reinforced. there’s beer in the fridge and wine in the living room wine rack (mostly red) and some champagne in the fridge. would you mind bringing an coffee pot and your starbucks favorite blend to share?
we all have separate bedrooms and, since we don’t eat together, there’s no formal dining room. however, there is an MC (man-cave). no scented candles are allowed in there, it’s also nicely (in a guy sorta way) decorated and has sports memorabilia and a large flat screen TV that JT put in one day. the guys go there to put there feet on the coffee table and get away from the frou-frou in the living room (i had to decorate one room justfor them!)
if there’s any decorating you’d like to do, let me know. i’ve pretty much taken over that aspect of the TH, but i’m willing to share! right now, we’re burning vanilla sandlewood candles, in a few weeks it will be ginger spice and pumpkin spice…
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ok, sent. it kept asking for a password, but i ignored it. as i always do with techy things i don’t understand.
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- is what i said wrong. i’m a dufus.
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sorry p2.. I did sweep dirt under the rug. Desperate times —> desperate measures… gotta do what you gotta do when company shows up at a moments notice.
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sigh. did you get my email to you with both addresses?
but it was VERY nice of you to move and protect. thank you again.
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sorry, justrealized you’re watching FOOTBALL!!! ignore me til you’re ready…
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I sent you something p2.. did you get it? I didn’t get an e-mail from you. A password you say? WTF? Not sure why you would need a password to send an e-mail. Maybe if you get mine, it’ll let you “reply”.
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got it, justa
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wow, caught up. thought there was a second me!!
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New flowers here too.. nice touch. Just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and what a tough day it must have been. Take care p2.
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P2–I VERY MUCH appreciate the warmness of your welcome. I know the guys moved a lot of stuff just for me to be here but also to protect your privacy. JT was just ONE post short of cleaning up though. 😆 IE:
“JT (justaguy) 10.18.09 at 3:59 am
AC, I’m sure you realize our slight problem now that Saki is out of the bag. p2 comes back and posts at TH2 or Dead End…. breadcrumbs!! Intel compromised!” So they really did hustle to protect you. THAT in itself is AWESOME!!
BUT I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND that & ADMIRE it a GREAT deal. They are stand up guys to want to protect you like that. It IS VERY RARE these days to find such good people. Maybe one day I will earn the trust to get to the other THs. But for now, I think it’s just super cool to be here. 😀
Don’t be upset with them. As you can see above they did tell me about your Aunt. And sweetie, my heart goes out to you in a big way. Just wanted to let you know. I am here for you if you need to talk. OK?
Going to SS blog now.
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😯 You caught that huh? Guess I was too slow…. dangit. Fell asleep.
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Hey there– 😆 I’m not totally we todd did. LMAO But I think it’s very cool that you guys did all of that to protect p2. WAAAAAAAAAAAY Honorable!!
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An amateur photographer was invited to dinner with friends and took along a few pictures to show the hostess. She looked at the photos and commented, “These are very good! You must have a good camera.”
He didn’t make any comment. As he was leaving to go home, he said, “That was a really delicious meal! You must have some very good pots.” 😆
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Cynthia… where to start? Well first, let me say welcome (again). I am very impressed that you found that post I left for AC. It shows that you really are paying attention. Good job on that. I was originally going to leave it here, then at the last second… jumped back a day. More just for fun than anything else.. I KNEW AC would see it no matter where in the BBBlog universe I left it. Didn’t really matter to me if someone else saw it. I have gone back and checked out AC’s work. I was very impressed. I knew it could take hours for AC to come here and spot that post. That was a “window” of opportunity for someone else to find it too. I guess that’s where you stepped in. I didn’t know how fast he could accomplish the “mission” once started. AC!! You posted at 3 spots(TH2, Dead End, & here).. all at the same time!! (10/18/09 @ 11:08AM). Then within 5 minutes…. all breadcrumbs were gone!! I guess I need to give you a challenge next time!
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Question for AC, p2, & Cyn… under “recent comments”, how many does it show for y’all? For me, it is 5 here.. and 10 at SSblog.
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As far as being one post short of cleaning up…. that’s the way it has to be. If I had cleaned up.. I would have defeated my own purpose. AC is damn good! But even AC needs a breadcrumb…. I think?(LOL)
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Cyn, it’s really not a trust issue with you. I think I can safely say that we all trust you. If p2 gives the “green light”, you can e-mail me at the address that I left earlier on this page… it’s still active. Then I can send links. I only named it “forp2andac” because I had set it up earlier… and at that time, they were the only other ones still active on here (kev11? Star?.. care to chime in?). I do have a couple questions for you that are better left to e-mail (nothing weird.. LOL). I better go see what’s happenin’ on SSblog… it seems really slow there today.
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JT—dude no need to explain. When I found the “crumb”, I was looking at the “recent posts” & thought, “Hey why is this one different?” So I clicked on it. 😆 When I saw how much work you guys were willing to do to 1. Let me come & play, & 2. Most importantly to protect p2, I was SOOOOOOO impressed with it that I didn’t NEED to look any farther. The ONLY reason I saved what I did was to tease you later. 😆 You must understand something about me JT. I ADMIRE you & AC for all you did that night. It is VERY RARE, as I stated earlier, & I am VERY happy to “know” you guys. Let me just say— I hope I do one day—But–IF I NEVER GET to the other THs—I’m ok with that. Just knowing that you trusted me enough this far is way cool to me considering you don’t know jack about me except what I have written. Don’t let it go to your heads 😆 but you 2 are VERY standup guys & P2 is VERY lucky to have you. She is soooooo sweet herself it’s unreal. Welcoming me like she did—well it blew me away. So sweetie, no more explanations are required ok?? Oh—& yes I WAS wondering about the webtv addy. But notice I didn’t try to use it. All good things come to those that wait, right?? 😆 😆
AC—funny joke. I know a$$holes like her. 😆 Sadly enough tho— they are related. LMAO
Also JT–I see 5 recent posts on here & yes I saw 10 on SS blog.
Ok trippin’ over to SS blog now.
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I see 5 here and 10 on SS.
BTW…… I saw your little “mistake”. 😉
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Are you talking to me?? What mistake??? I make so many you must be specific. 😆
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Nah. I was talking to JT. He opened a door and left a cyber crumb. But y’all missed it. May be a potential new treehouse. We’ll see. 😉
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I don’t think so AC. I was just testin’ the waters at SSblob. Gotta keep you sharp. You never know where I’ll “pop up”. 😆
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Cyn, That’s cool.. I shoulda known that you didn’t need any splainin’. Onward and upward!
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R U there?
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I’m here
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Me too. 😀
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About to watch Survivor. I taped it. So no spoilers. Thats why I didn’t go to SSBlog yet. 🙂
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Ok—I got a phone call today telling me that there is this guy trying to hunt me down online. We went out a couple of times & he’s a REAL creepy dude. In a BAD way. This person that called said he had it narrowed down to the Survivor blogs. So I wanted to ask Snake if he can get an IP address for me if the bastard posts crap ya know?
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How do you do it AC? You always seem to “pop up” at the right time. I’m sticking to my theory that you have a 6th sense! 😆
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I’ve already quit going to Yahoo chat rooms because of his shit. I just don’t want anything to screw up the “attitude” of the SS Blog. Everybody is so nice there & I really don’t need him to be there. But all I need is his IP addy. I can handle the rest. The prXck preys on weak women but boy will he ever be surprised.
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Hello AC.
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That’s weird! If you went out with the guy, doesn’t he know where you live?
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And this is what I get for letting a friend hook me up on a blind date. Luckily I NEVER had him bring me home.
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Wow. You got a real life stalker? Hope he dosen’t know where you live. 😯
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How can anyone hunt for someone at SSblog? I don’t get it?
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HELL NO not that I’m aware of. I NEVER bring anybody home until I know them VERY well. And this dude was creepy as hell. We didn’t even make it through the second date.
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Well apparently, my “friend” who might not be my friend much longer, told him I am online a lot blogging about Survivor & Big Brother. BUT there must ne hundreds of blogs out there right? So he may not ever find me. I just wanted Snake to get the IP addy IF he shows up.
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Haha. No 6th sense. Just got back from playin a lil poker. Thought I’d check in. 😀
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I don’t like blind dates. Too many variables…. and I’m a guy.
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Oh thats good. Well Snake can ban him if he starts some crap.
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Well the first date we were with other people. The secoond dte we weren’t. We met at a club & he started telling me how he was into all of this crazy shit & I bailed in a cab.
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You could change your name on here like p2 did.
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He is really one sick f&cker!!! And I don’t scare easy. but I wouldn’t want him around my family. Let’s put it that way. And the person that called me today said that I’m all he talks about because he feels like I’m the one that got away. MY ASS!! He’s just a sick twisted f$ck!! The only reason it freaks me outthis bad isbecause I don’t want people hating me IF he shows up on the blog & starts a lot of shit. Hell if he shows up here by some un-Godly stroke of bad luck–he won’t see anything but he barrel of a 9mm.
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Nice friend!! Sets you up with a creep.. and then tips him off where to find you on-line? WTF? Male or Female “friend”?
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I was wondering if Cynt knew who P2 was on SSBlog?
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Male!! And he knows how I am. Don’t know why he did that. Well I do know too. This dude has one side he shows to be sweet & the other he saves for the women he tries to intimidate. The “friends” he has doesn’t see that side. Know the type very well. Been there done that. REFUSE to go back.
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She seems to know, she didn’t ask any questions when she came here.
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Yes AC I know Princess is P2. I didn’t until she told me on the SS blog that she left a message for me. Then I thought, “Oh shit it’s the same one.” 😆 Eye ham sofa king we todd did. 😆
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SHIT I probably shouldn’t have written that!!! Dammit man—-I’m sorry!!!
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So one creepy guy “friend” set you up with one of his creepy friends. Sounds like a good time to cut your “friend” list down.
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Seriously considering it at this point.
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Cyn, it’s ok. It’s no secret here… as for anyone else, I would think they would have chimed in that first night when you and Sal did. (Sal knows too)
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But my “friend” is not creepy. He’s really sweet. He just probably hasn’t seen THAT side of his friend. But I told him today & he was pretty freaked out too.
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So how many others have 2 names??
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That’s the nice thing about a TH. It is only read by “regulars” on these blogs. Somebody new at SSblog wouldn’t find this.
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Just her
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Oh—JT–wanted to say thanks for the comment to PK about Aerosmith. 😆
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Sorry, I misunderstood your 10:20 post. I thought you were talking about your “friend” having 2 sides… My Bad!! 😳
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No worries. Well he is a bit fruity. But in a sweet way. 😆
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No prob… Those are just the facts about Steven and Aerosmith… thought they needed to be pointed out. Any comments or references to classic rock.. and I just can’t help but throw in my 3 cents. 😆
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Well he sure “put me in my place” about the writer of the song. I was trying to be cool about it. I didn’t give anybody credit for the lyrics. He just decided to “correct” me. I guess. Who knows?? 😆
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That’s the part that I didn’t get… all you did was throw in some lyrics (which I love when people do that). No “correction” needed. And to say that ST only wishes he could write that, it was too much for me. ST has written MANY great songs.
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AC? WTF? Still here? Saki got your tongue? 😆 …maybe I should jump to SSblog and see what’s up. BRB
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Yes he certainly has. But I guess that is just the PK way. 😆 Maybe he was educating me??? Whatever!!
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Damn. Just finished watching SS. Was sad to see Russell leave like that. He really wanted to stay. The preview made it look different. I thought he passed out and smashed his head or something.
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He did pass out, but he didn’t smash his head. His heart rate dropped like crazy. Yes it was sad to see him go out like that. It was also a shame they didn’t give them all pizza.
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Well back to SS Blog.
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Cyn, You should be who you always wanted to be. I always loved that Fleetwood Mac song… different spelling.. but still.
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I heard that!! 😆 Well SAW that!! 🙄 Does Snake NOT know where the door is anymore???
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Two gas company servicemen, a senior training supervisor and a young trainee, were out checking meters in a suburban neighborhood.
They parked their truck at the end of the alley and worked their way to the other end. At the last house, a woman looking out her kitchen window watched the two men as they checked her gas meter.
Finishing the meter check, the senior supervisor challenged his younger coworker to a foot race down the alley back to the truck to prove that an older guy could outrun a younger one.
As they came running up to the truck, they realized the lady from that last house was huffing and puffing right behind them. They stopped and asked her what was wrong.
Gasping for breath, she replied, “When I see two gas men running as hard as you two are, I figured I’d better run too! 😆
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Cyn, The impression that I get from Sal is this… he saw the “door” that night and was curious. He jumped over here, chimed in, … and that was the end of it. He probably didn’t save this page.. so he would have to find the “door” again to get here. I could be wrong.
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Why Parents Drink
The boss wondered why one of his most valued employees hadn’t came in nor phoned in one day. Having an urgent problem with one of the main computers, he dialed the employee’s home phone number and was greeted with a child’s whisper.
‘ Hello? ‘
‘Is your daddy home?’ he asked.
‘ Yes ,’ whispered the small voice.
‘May I talk with him?’
The child whispered, ‘ No .’
Surprised and wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked, ‘Is your Mommy there?’
‘Yes .’
‘May I talk with her?’ Again the small voice whispered, ‘ No ‘
Hoping there was somebody with whom he could leave a message, the boss asked, ‘Is anybody else there?’
‘ Yes ,’ whispered the child, ‘a policeman ‘.
Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee’s home, the boss asked, ‘May I speak with the policeman?’
‘ No, he’s busy ‘, whispered the child.
‘Busy doing what?’
‘ Talking to Daddy and Mommy and the Fireman.’ came the whispered answer.
Growing more worried as he heard a loud noise in the background through the earpiece on the phone, the boss asked, ‘What is that noise?’
‘ A helicopter ‘ answered the whispering voice.
‘What is going on there?’ demanded the boss, now truly apprehensive.
Again, whispering, the child answered, ‘ The search team just landed a helicopter .’
Alarmed, concerned and a little frustrated the boss asked, ‘What are they searching for?’
Still whispering, the young voice replied with a muffled giggle…
‘ ME.’
😆 😆
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In a whispering muffled giggle
You are we todd did. 😆Support our blog by signing up for the BB22 Live Feeds via CBS All Access
hi cyn, justa quick note. my ex-h stalked me for almost 6 years. RUN do not walk to the nearest non emergency cop shop and let them know what you are dealing with. i moved 3 times, had traps (not taps) on my phones. trouble is, he stayed in touch with my mother and would go and spend weekends with her – she took care of him from the time i changed the locks (for my own protection) to just after he remarried. he would go through her address book to get my newest info – the phone would start ringing as soon as i walked in the door from work. he would call at 3am, it was incessant. change your name on SS right away. do not mess with this. if you’re the one that got away, he already WAY to possessive to be rational or seeing the situation “normally.”
to justa and AC, miss you guys. more later…
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change your name and avatar here, too cyn. justto be safe.
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Hey p2, good to see you on here again. Hope things are going ok. Ok as can be expected under the circumstances. I already put in my vote for Cyn’s new name. I hope it’s the one she uses. I’m kind of used to the avatar though. I guess changing that too might be best. But that avatar would appear next to old Cyn posts. You must use 2 e-mail addys to pull off 2 avatars at once. I noticed some past names throughout the BBBlog universe and connected them with current regulars… just by the avatar. If Sal changes his avatar, it goes back to past seasons when he used different names on here… as long as the e-mail addy is the same. I noticed kev11’s avatar has gone back to the first one that he used. As for AC, I quit trying to keep up with the “avatar de jour”. I think I lost track at about 15… it’s fun to see the changes though!
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yup, that’s how i keep p2 and the p separate. two different email addys. also how i added other comments. you don’t have that problem. the guy on the restroom door can be anyone!
still tired for some reason. stayed in bed yesterday and today was just on the couch napping and watching tv. have no energy for anything.
caught up with most of the SS blogs. a little worried about cyn, you and AC made me laugh, having trouble being interested enough to get “involved.” cyn said the only thing that would have pulled me out of my blues. been there, done that, got the t-shirt. i know she’s strong, (game recognizes game) but it really is no fun.
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i think cyn’s posted under a new name. think snake gave it away by referring to it. let me know if i’m right.
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I was wondering about that one too.
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did that come close to your suggestion? or email me, i don’t want her to be put in jeopardy.
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at comcast
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justa, didn’t you “dare” me to use wit and sarcasm on you sometime when you weren’t looking???? at least, that was my interpretation. hope you’re having fun on the SS blog. i’ll take it down a notch now.
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ok, AC. you may not actually tell me the truth, but you can e-mail me. how many people are you?
i tode you you hadn’t me all my personalities, but you….
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😯 1 and only 1. 8)
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why do i doubt that?
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jt, you still need to define the “dark sarcasm” for me please.
thanks, k
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ac, jt mentioned dark sarcasm on SS.
you are everywhere. you’ve got to be more than one!
just popped in to see what condition my condition was in…
and say goodnight.
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P2—Soooooooooo sorry to hear about your experience ith your ex-husband. I do know how you feel. But I REFUSE to hide from this freak. Maybe that’s stupid on my part—but we’ll just have to see. But no I haven’t gone to the cops or anything like that. I did BETTER than that. I told my ex-husband.
And my brother.
😈 So this guy is toast if he goes too far. I’m sorry–I do not trust the cops in our area. Most of them are just as bad as the people they arrest.
I wish I could post more but I don’t know who all will find the door here. But trust me, I am not new to violence. It will take a much creepier bastard than this to make me run. I’ll be Ok. BELIEVE THAT!! I’m covered.
Hope you guys are doing good. I haven’t posted in a couple of days. Been busy with work. Plus I think I’m getting some kind of flu bug. Throats all scratchy, head feels like it has bricks in it. 😆 No comments on that one from you AC or JT. 😆 Was on the phone today with a possible future client & he called me “sir.” LMAO So the throat is really bad.
Well, I have to go see what all I missed on the SS Blog now.
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Sooo. Sarah’s from the hood. 😉 Got the strap at hands reach, huh? Bad guy go bye bye. 8)
Drink some herbal tea. Hope you feel better sir. 😀
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LMAO—no I’m not from the hood. Just hung out there way back when. 😆 Old habits die hard. I posted waaaay back that my Daddy was a hard man. I wasn’t joking. He almost made a “man” out of me. Between him & my brother —I didn’t stand a chance to be “girly.” That came much later–kind of. LMAO SO what’s new?? & yes I saw the “SIR”. I’ll get you for that. 😆 Where is everybody hiding?? I read all of the posts from the last 2 nights on the SS Blog & man you guys were on a roll eh?? I don’t think I’ve laughed THAT hard in awhile. Too bad I missed it. 🙁
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i’m sorry you missed it, too. i was hoping everything was ok. i understand, cyn. everyone asked me why i didn’t get an unlisted number, etc., etc., and i said i wouldn’t run, or hide. i got the traps on my phone so i could press charges and i called the cops in when he called me to talk about the new gun he had… the cops in my area are GREAT. there was a murder next door, one of my neighbors killed a guy on a sunday morning at about 5am, about 20 feet from where i sleep – there was only a driveway separating the two homes…
that was an interesting day, too. anyway, before i start to sound like PK, sorry about the ick that’s going around. i had it about 2 weeks ago and my boss has it now. i hope you’ve got the one that doesn’t hang around very long…
stay in touch.
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AC, new picture of beautiful monica! thank bulwinkle she made it through the possible execution last week. can hardly wait for this week! think its too soon for a merge, though!
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My how they change so quickly with no food. I got another pic of her from last tribal council. She looks like a skeleton. Cheeks sunk in, eyes sunk in. These people need food.
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Monica Day 1
Monica Day 15?
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LMAO@P2 for not wanting to sound like PK. Too funny. Hey it’s ok to tell your “stories” because sometimes I think they might even help people. Ya know? So tell away Lady!!
I appreciate your concern though. I just want to know—who in the right damn mind “hunts” down a short, overweight, 45 year old woman??? Who?? There’s something wrong with that all by itself. The dude is screwed up!!
Yeah, I think this is the short term bug type. IF it’s long term, I’m screwed. Can’t keep much down. Had to quit drinking coffee today cause it was just wrong when it hit my stomach. HATE THAT!!! I’m drinking Sprite now. BUT all in all, I’m good. Fever is lower, etc.
As for phones being “trapped”, we have three phone lines coming in here. As far as I know he has NONE of them. And to find them, he’d had to know my relatives to get them. None of them are in my name. You are VERY lucky to have GOOD cops in your area. Ours are—-well, ours are just NOT good. A couple of them are but the rest—- NOT!! That’s why I told my ex-husband & brother. Much better than the cops & much more dangerous than this freak ever wants to meet.
AC your poor Monica looks really bad on day 15. Looks like some of these rock monsters around here. You are soooooo right. They NEED food.
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Cynthia, you are not short and overweight – you are petite and plumpish!! i didn’t have a dad here, have no brothers, and was pretty much on my own when i was dealing with all this. like a lot of other things in my life, i just handle it.
Sorry about you not getting support from cops in your area. That sounds a little scary to me.
i read a little with you and AC exchanging notes the other night? or today? Aggie justabout put me over the top with her discussion of the sniff test. That is one freaky lady! i like her, but she alway goes one point past my gag reflex! and trust me, i can swallow alot (so to speak).
sorry i missed you both on SS. my sleep schedule is totally messed up.
AC, a good catholic boy, hmmm. That’s one piece of secret info that we have about you, you sure don’t give away much, sweetie. 40ish, NO, Saints, Monica, Catholic. forgot birthdate… did you give it to Star when she was on BB11??? will you give it to us???
inquiring minds want to know.
monica still looks beautiful, AC, but definately emaciated. and that’s 15 days! brutal. but it’s nice to know your true to her…
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that was “you’re true” if i’m going to try to speak english and not american.
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popping over to SS to catch up on today. notice PK posted. well i can skip that shit, so it may be a short read. it’s surprising how pleasant it is when you don’t read his posts…
sorry, the bitch in me is out… (yes, JT, that’s one of the personalities! sometimes people just push my bitch button and – whooops! there she is)
btw, you took the whole attack on your manhood (HA!) with good grace and humor – i liked that alot. you do know i wasn’t really attacking you though, i know.
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Not ish. 😉
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“Not ish” I believe is AC’s way of saying that he is exactly 40 yrs old… didn’t I hear somewhere that you were 37? 😆 😆 😆
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Whew!! That was a close one. I addressed princess as p2 at SSblog… then changed it just before submitting… I need to pay attention and keep the personalities straight!
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p2, I figured if I let you and aggie have some fun at my expense… then you’d join me in watching the Vikings. It worked! I was impressed! Now if I can get aggie to join me in watching sports…. nah, THAT aint gonna happen!!
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that might have been my fault, jt, for asking franniep2 if “they” were related!!
i hope vanessa comes back, i really liked her opinions. she was smart and funny, for a mere woman!
saw a walmart joke VINN diagram that made me think of y’all. did you ever get my note about engineers/engineering? justchecking. going to pop over to SS and catch up.
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p2, I got it. I just came from SS, thought I’d check here before bed.. maybe I’ll jump back over for a minute.
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Good morning everybody! I know I’ll be at work by the time the new post is up.. this will do til I get home tonight. 52 degrees this morning. Looks like rain most of the day… oh well, we can use it.
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Sal, looks like you got a bit bored huh? Glad to see you regained control of your keyboard…. mostly. Dang aliens!
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p2, I’m pretty sure Sal is right… that has to be the game you were thinking of. It was one of the all time great Monday Night Football games. The Bears were undefeated going into that game and won the Super Bowl in Jan ’86. I think the SB was just two days before the Space Shuttle Challenger blew up. 🙁 That was the only game the Bears lost all season. Everything went right for Miami that night…. Marino even had a lucky deflected pass for a TD.
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😳 I meant to post this junk at SSblog…. I’m an idiot!.. must be early!
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it’s even worse, JT, i shoulda read the TH before i emailed/harrassed you!!
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What do you mean prin… err, I mean p2? I got your “harassment”… and responded.
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justmeant the Bears game… covered it in both places, i think…
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cyn, are you here? or there?
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Cyn, glad to see you are feeling better!… it seems like it anyway. I guess we were all too tired to have much fun the other night. Just as well, my alarm clock doesn’t forget to ring at 5am no matter what time I get my a$$ to bed! 😆 Don’t feel bad that we had already seen that picture, it was still funny! The coincidence was almost too much! I know I was laughing when I got home today and read last night’s posts. Weird! Maybe a pic of a treehouse next time… we don’t have one of those and treehouses have been mentioned way more than dead ends. Surprise us! 😉 I wish I could have been on last night.. but can’t do it at those hours. 🙁
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Well ok I guess I should have came here first & saved myself some time.
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OH MY GOD—you did it too. “Weird?” “Treehouses have been mentioned way more than dead ends” Surprise us” WTF???
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OK–fuck it—look I asked my friend today where she got the picture & she told me she got it in an e-mail with lots of other links to weird pictures. She said she can’t even remember who sent it to her. So THAT is where the picture came from. When she sent it to me she was talking about her life, well more specifically her fucked up husband. She was being sarcastic about him. Ok not TRULY funny BUT when I saw it—I remembered you two talking about the dead end & so I posted it AS A FUCKING FUNNY. I had NO CLUE it was a pic that AC made or whatever. Edited!!! I have found it several places online today. But only the one that ISN’T EDITED. PLUS the url is AC’s & he said he never even tagged the picture. And yes I believe that because I searched for it on tinypic & couldn’t find it. So how did it get in an e-mail that had been forwarded to my friend?? I DON”T KNOW!!! I just thought it would be an inside funny. Well the HA HA is on me I guess because AC seems to think that I have been to the damn dead end or man cave or whatever the fuck you call it & I don’t appreciate that shit at all. The ONLY place I have ever been is RIGHT HERE because I DON’T KNOW where the other places are!!!!
I have felt bad about this shit all day. But I am tired of worrying about it. IT WAS A COINCIDENCE & I’m VERY SORRY IF YOU FEEL OTHERWISE!!! So much for being funny!!
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Wait—not complete!! Let me correct myself before I have more problems!! The only other place I have been OTHER THAN HERE is the place where you left a crumb. And you KNOW I was there. Hell I TOLD YOU I WAS THERE! So IF I had found this picture at the dead end WHY wouldn’t I tell you that too??
Ok Now I’m done!!!
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Cyn, it’s ok. I never meant you any harm in any way.. ever. I’m not sure why you are angry with me (it seems like you are), but let’s clear it up. We don’t want you to worry about anything here. That’s why we like this… because we don’t have to “air” things at BB. So, talk to me?
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No–I’m not mad at you—I just got the feeling that AC thought I was lying or something & I hate—HATE —that shit.
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Cyn, I read that stuff. I know AC pretty well (as blogs go). He’s as harmless as anyone I have met. If he came off wrong, I’m sure it was unintentional… just as anything you may have taken wrong on my part. Believe me, you’ll see when he posts. He’s a damn good kid.
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I’m sure he is harmless. But I have felt bad ALL day about this stupid shit & it’s extremely irritating to think that someone doesn’t believe what you are saying when you have NO REASON to not be totally honest about something.
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This browser is very slow! Refreshing takes eons! Bare with me on that. That’s why I often can’t respond right away.
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LMAO!! Stop it JT. MY browser is slow. I’m on dial up. YOU are slow responding because you are busy responding somewhere else. Stop it!! 😆
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I guess all I can say (w/out AC here) is to not feel bad about anything. Easy for me to say huh? True. But I did have a MAJOR misunderstanding with p2 a while back. We figured it out and are best friends now. Don’t let this stuff get you down. I am VERY sorry if I said anything that hurt you in any way. I really didn’t mean to. I thought I was just having fun.
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I thought I was just having fun too. What a fuck up. It WON’T happen again though. Believe that.
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Cynt.. come on :lol:.. webtv? Do you know the limits of this Flintstone piece of shit? Everybody has zippos and I’m up here rubbin’ 2 sticks together! 😆
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You have webtv?
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Yes, but it’s a webtv plus… still a piece of sh#t though. I can’t even have an avatar 🙁 .. and I have so many that I thought of to use!
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Calm down sista. Never thought you were lying. I thought it was a hint that you found the dead end. Cause how else could you get that pic? Is what I was thinking. I said it was weird because The Dead End is the only place where I posted it. So either someone found it there, or maybe someone searched Tinypic and found it. Either way its weird that it showed up in your email. Or should I say a coincidence? 😉
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Maybe I’ll take my slow ass browser and let you 2 talk.
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BTW. We would be happy if you found The Dead End, or any of the other TH’s. You’re welcome at all. 8)
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Fuck off AC—-I’ve been feeling like REALLY bad ALL day because of you. I’ve been thinking all kinds of weird shit that YOU might be thinking & it pisses me off that I would even give a damn what you were thinking anyway & the day just got worse & worse.
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Oh yeah—like I have the time to hunt through zillions of tons of cyberspace to find a hideout. OK I’ll jump right on that in the morning.
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Wow. Sorry. I’ll go and let you cool off. Bye.
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WOW—I’m sooooooooooooooo sorry I let that come out. I didn’t mean it. REALLY I didn’t.
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He’ll be back Cyn. He does actually like you you know.
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Ok Cyn, now you gotta put yourself in our shoes. How many people do you want reading all of this? That’s why previous THs have been kept on the DL. Just as if someone new wanted to come here, we would protect your privacy too. It really is nothing personal.
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Now my posts are getting eaten! Great!
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OH JT I FUCKED UP FOR REAL!! I’m sooooooooooooo sorry.
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Cyn, I was saying that you need to put yourself in our shoes. I’m sure you don’t want everyone to read all of this. That is why other THs are kept on the DL. If somebody new wanted in here, we would move again, this time to protect your privacy. Nothing personal against you.
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Another post gone! They’ll prolly show up later. Cyn, it’s really going to be ok. AC, come on bro. Cyn f’d up and she’s sorry. Remember how p2 and I hashed things out? I’m askin’ you to do the same.
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Thing is I really like him too. I guess that’s why it bothered me so bad that he might not believe me. I mean I like you too. Ya know?? Shit let me just stop now.
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3rd time tryin’ this….. Cyn, do you want everybody reading this stuff? That’s why the secrecy about other THs. If someone new came along, we’d protect you from having all of your stuff read too. Not personal. …Hope this works this time!! Fingers crossed.
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NO I don’t really want EVERYBODY reading what I just posted. That was awful & I’m sorry. But if he won’t even talk to me now does it matter???
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It will all work out. You just have to trust me. p2 and I laugh about our misunderstanding now. Please don’t be too hard on yourself. Shouldn’t have said that to AC.. but we are a forgiving bunch.
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God this is all sounding SOOOOOOOOOOOOO wrong. It sounds like I’ve got a big woody for AC or something. WTF?? I’m having a spat with someone I DON’T EVEN KNOW??? I’m insane.
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Before all this business about a pic started. You were pretty short with me the other night. I’m still not sure if you were mad about something I said or were just feeling sick. Good a time as any to ask I guess.
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What night was that?? And what did I say?
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His avatar changed?
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It was 2 nights ago. When you mentioned jokers and impressionists. “Talk to the hand brother” is about all you really said to me. And “Uh huh” “ok” in response to my impersonation of AC’s smiley posts. Maybe you were joking and I took it as you not wanting to talk to me. If so.. my bad! and sorry.
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No—talk to the hand was said jokingly. Uh huh & Ok—I have no clue. But it certainly wasn’t because I didn’t want to talk to you.
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Had I been serious I WOULDN’T have called you brother. 😆
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Cyn, I know my reload times are a killer! I’ll read your response and let you go. I take it you are familiar with webtv (dial up) and how slow it is. I did see that you asked Sal if he had ever used it… that’s why I figure you must be somewhat familiar. Goodnight and best wishes. This will work out.
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Oh yeah that’s the night I was calling you & AC jokers & AC an impressionist because of the Heeellllloooo thing that he did the night before & you said something like you had to go back & check the name to make sure it wasn’t me 😆 That was NOT a mad comment at ALL.
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Yes I am extremely familiar with WebTv. Not the new MSNTV but the ooooold WebTv. It is what I first started on the web with. Sometimes I miss it too.
Anyway—-yes I guess I will go also since he doesn’t seem to be coming back.
Wait—DUUUUUH—OF COURSE you have webtv or at least access to a unit. The webtv addy way up above. Jesus I’m so dense sometimes. WHATEVER!!
Goodnight JT. I’m still VERY SORRY AC!!!
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OK one more time.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’M SORRY AC
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Ok let’s try for 2.
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OK I worked on that since 6am. So if that doesn’t show you I’m really sorry I don’t know what will.
BTW– Happy Halloween!
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Holy sh#t! That last picture scared the crap outta me! Good one for Halloween though. Cyn, you do have to give AC credit for his restraint. Leaving for a while was probably the smartest thing for him to do. I wish I could say that I would have done the same if that comment were directed at me…. but I know myself too well. Give it time.
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ONStar works wonders 😆
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Think I’ll make myself at home, have a few drinks, and see how long it takes for you guys to figure out I posted this 😀
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ONStar, I bought a Saturn Sky last year that has that. Don’t drive it enough to keep it activated though.
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Kick up your feet Dok. You must know it’s pretty nice in here. We can watch the game on the 65 inch tv in the man cave!
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who has a 65″er?
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I got a 65 incher
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Great for watching the Vikes in Hi Def.. and I can go split screen and blog away! Webtv does suck.. but it is pretty cool reading comments on a 65 incher!
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i remember back when PIP was the cool thing
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did AC say that pic is one he took, or just something he edited?
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Speaking of webtv.. once a page gets over 200 comments.. my refresh times are a bastard! You shoud have seen me the night we had 536 comments on BB11. I could go make and eat a sandwich in the time it took to reload! I wouldn’t to do this on the computer though. I like being downstairs watching tv while on here. I have a wireless keyboard, so I can sit back on the couch and blog away. Otherwise I’d have to be upstairs in a little room with no tv or tunes… no thanks. I’d like the speed better, but not at that price!
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I believe he found it somewhere. Then he chopped the top off like it appeared on SSblog.
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i went to tinypic but couldn’t find it, i did find links on google images where 2 different people used in blogs/stories
i have a notebook pc, can use it anywhere because i have mobile wifi
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On the road again.. I just can’t wait to get on the road again … we are well over 200 comments. My reloading times along with a few things that were better left unsaid tells me it’s time to move again. Where will I appear next? Stay tuned.
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gotsta go, or i’ll be sleeping with head on key board
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Ok I see why you called it the old treehouse. Looks like yuo all have moved again.
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Hehe. I thought you knew.
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No I didn’t actually. Do you promise on your life to never give my info to ANYBODY??
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Yeah. Why would I do that?
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Ok be right back.
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I HATE YAHOO MAIL!! R U still here??
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Got it??
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Where did you go??
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Cyn, if you read this, ask me how to put an e-mail link up without actually using the addy
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