Diary Room Is Open: Cast Your Vote!

by soonerryan on August 15, 2007

Campaigning has begun in the Big Brother 8 house in anticipation of what could be the shock of the season. Speculation still swirls that Dustin could be evicted in a live vote Thursday, leaving evel Dick in the house and Big Brother 8’s ratings in tact.

Why do we think this?

Because America’s Player Eric is workin’ it, girlfriend. He’s in Jessica’s ear, and combined with Daniele and potentially Zach, they’d have enough to oust Dustin. Now, Jessica doesn’t get to ‘vote,’ per se, but she’s the tiebreaker should the vote end up 3 to 3.

Eric is obligated to cast America’s vote, but he only gets his money if Dustin goes. While he is NOT obligated to campaign for Dustin, this is a profitable enterprise for the 27-year-old New Yorker. Plus, what fun is it if America’s Player doesn’t get in there and do our bidding.

And right now, it appears America wants the shocker to happen on Thursday night.

But what about the Big Brother Blog community? The online Diary room is open, and this is how it works. Each of you cast your vote to evict either Dustin or Dick (do it in the comments under this post), and please explain why.

At 11 p.m. CDT (9 p.m. BBT), I’ll tally the votes and then write a majority opinion for the lot of us, declaring who we as a blog choose to send to the sequester house. So, let us know … who’s gotta go?

~angie~ August 15, 2007 at 12:19 pm

Dick cant stand him!!! He is the rudest person I have ever seen on tv and i just cant stand to see him on tv anymore!!

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Rhonda Watson August 15, 2007 at 12:21 pm

Dusting should go. Dick makes the sho

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George August 15, 2007 at 12:23 pm

Send Dustin home. Enjoy watching Dick interaction with everyone

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erisdoe August 15, 2007 at 12:23 pm

I want to see Dustin go. He is a jerk and Dick makes the show.

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somie August 15, 2007 at 12:24 pm

Keep Dick! Entertaining. Dustin is very boring…send him home so we don’t have to watch a boring show

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Iris August 15, 2007 at 12:29 pm

Dick, he is rude. Yes, he does bring the ratings up and makes the show a little more interesting but seriously, the verbal abuse that he uses on the girls should already have gotten him kicked off. As Eric put it, he stepped a line. And with this line he can’t turn around and make up for it, he’s tring, he promised the little evel that he would stop with the jokes/nonsense but he can’t make up for it in a few days. Dick has to go without a doubt. I could never live in a house with all of that drama, I, along with most other people, get enough of it in real life. Okay, it makes an interesting show but enough is enough, evel has to go.

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Gail August 15, 2007 at 12:29 pm

Evict DUSTIN!!!!! He needs to go, Evil Dick makes great TV!

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angie August 15, 2007 at 12:30 pm

Dustin! He’s to arrogant. I love Dick…I think he is hilarious!!

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angie August 15, 2007 at 12:30 pm

Dustin! He’s too arrogant. I love Dick…I think he is hilarious!!

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John August 15, 2007 at 12:34 pm

I vote to evict Dick.
Regardless of his screen presence, the nerd herd can and will provide as mich entertainment as they turn on each other.

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Scott August 15, 2007 at 12:35 pm

Whether they leave Dick in the house or not CBS Big Brother 8 isn’t putting a dent in the ratings. Honestly, this show which was entertaining at the beginning is becoming very rude and hurtful. I agree that Dick should go but if America asked Eric to vote out Dustin, then what does that tell you about society. It’s iron that America sees the females in the house as dumb and fragile that it would take a person like Eric to convince those who bad Dustin is.

Now once he’s succeeds in doing what America wants him to do and after the show is over, how will he deal with the backlash. What’s the reason of keeping Dick because he’s rude. Are we all rude? I guess Dick being a Asshole is okay for us because he doesn’t have any shame. At the end, would you really care about thoses folks. Surely, not all of America is watching….They rather watch America’s Got Talent and other boring shows.

To add on what is $10,000 compared to possible backlash that Eric will receive. How this game is going, I’m sure more folks will stop watching but that will not stop CBS for having a Big Brother 9.

My thoughts.

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Melissa August 15, 2007 at 12:35 pm


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Mannie August 15, 2007 at 12:37 pm

Dick should be evicted.

Why? He’s basically a scumbag, but it’s a close call, since this season has the biggest collection of losers that has ever been on the show. I can’t think of one person I want to win. CBS calls this entertainment?

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Tony V August 15, 2007 at 12:37 pm

I vote to evict Dustin. If I have to see him scrach himself, pick his nose, twitch his lips or look at himself in the mirror, I am going to go crazy!!

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Erinn August 15, 2007 at 12:38 pm

I vote to evict Dustin
Otherwise this season becomes all Crying and Praying i.e utterly boring!

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dave August 15, 2007 at 12:40 pm

dick might go a little overboard at times…but you all know that the show will lose so much of its appeal if he goes…plus dustin is a little conceited POS…so i vote to evict dustin…go DandD!!!

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tyson August 15, 2007 at 12:42 pm

Dustin, can;t stand the nerd heard

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Lisa August 15, 2007 at 12:42 pm

Dustin, because he’s a cockroach and, right now, there having a hard enough time with ants!!!!!!!!

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jimmy August 15, 2007 at 12:45 pm

Dick gotta go

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TrickPoni August 15, 2007 at 12:46 pm

I vote to evict Dustin!

Dustin is an arrogant idiot for suggesting he be used as a pawn. Anybody that stupid needs to be voited out. Plus he’s nasty, picks his nose, scratches himself and doesn’t take a SHOWER!

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peekab000icu2 August 15, 2007 at 12:46 pm

I vote to evict Dustin. He’s too cocky, arrogant and domineering. Can’t stand his “in charge” attitude anymore. Hope the other HG’s wake up and see this too.
Dustin, you have been evicted from the BB house. *applause” 🙂

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patrick August 15, 2007 at 12:49 pm

I vote to evict Dick. He’s gross and scary.

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Erik R August 15, 2007 at 12:51 pm

I vote to evict Dustin. He has become EVERYTHING he criticized Joe for. He is slimy and overconfident. He leads a group of sanctimonious hypocrites, who believe that Jesus was over-rated in his teachings. What happened to turn the other cheek? They are ALL going to burn in hell…right after they BORE us to death. Get rid of Dick, get rid of the ratings…but not because of Dick himself…but because of the dynamic between himself and Danielle. And as for the Princess…OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!

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Rocklives August 15, 2007 at 12:52 pm

Bye, bye dustin! He can go to Barbados with his “girlfriend”

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Tamara August 15, 2007 at 12:53 pm

gotta see dustin go….just to traumatize that ballbaby amber….could that girl cry any more geeze….

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Conner August 15, 2007 at 12:55 pm

DICK MUST GO! Enough is enough – last night when he was attacking everyone – that was just getting old. Next should be Daniele – because if I hear the phrases “…you guys just don’t understand… this is my life…” or “… I’m just so frustrated…”

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joy August 15, 2007 at 12:56 pm

I vote to evict dustin. He is to arrogant and it is the best strategy for now.

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Mary Ann August 15, 2007 at 12:56 pm

Dustins gotta go. He is so obnoxious and self possessed!! He is also not to be trusted!!

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Brenda August 15, 2007 at 12:57 pm

I vote to evict Dustin. I totally agree with Erik’s comments. At the beginning of the show, I actually liked Dustin. I felt bad for him and having to deal with Joe. But since Joe left, he has become two-faced, shady and an awful representative of the gay community! Fulfilling every negative stereotype the rednecks of the world like to believe. He needs to go now, before he slits his throat any deeper. And besides, Dick is fantastic! Why would you want him to go?

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Laura August 15, 2007 at 1:00 pm

I vote to evict Dustin!

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jeri August 15, 2007 at 1:07 pm

Dustin should go. I have hated the way Dick behaves but I
must admit, he is the Sanjaya of BB….he may be awful, and you might not want him to win, but it will be awfully boring without him !!

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christina August 15, 2007 at 1:07 pm

Dick has to go!! He is arrogant, rude and downright disgusting. As said often by Amber “i just cant you guys..”. I am so done with dick.

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Lisa August 15, 2007 at 1:09 pm

DUSTIN!!!!! He is so smug and cocky. We need some
excitement. Without Dick, it will be no fun to watch.

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john price August 15, 2007 at 1:09 pm

Please evict DUSTIN! Since Dustin and Eric have been introduced to the US, I am ashamed of being a gay Jew. Dustin and his fawning, foppish ways (curling eyelashes, affected gayman voice…and sneaky, lying queen!!! Plus, he’s got gonarrhea????? Eeeeew!) And Eric; constantly giggling in a nervous way over his own, uncomfortable jokes, the ever-shifting eyes…he weighs 100 pounds soaking wet, hangs out only with women, has pierced nipples – even I am confused!! – and WHAT is that Uhuru-esque apparatus in his right ear???!!!
At any rate, as hateful and spitty as Dick is, I could not help but be moved by his selfless, self-destructive actions…all on behalf of his estranged daughter. Touching in an inked-up, Viper Room kind of way. Lastly, Dustin’s eviction (and, therefore, a more even playing field) would make form a far more interesting final few weeks. Adios and shalom to Dustin….wiked irony, no? He begged to go up against Dick…amazing. Wait! I just got a quick visual of Dustin’s queeny face directly after he chose to take the money and the trip to the Caribbean…hateful!!! Please evict Dustin. Thank you – jp

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Jodi August 15, 2007 at 1:11 pm

DUSTIN needs to go. Dick is annoying I will admit. But it really is entertaining to watch and see what will happen each week. Also, if dick goes home then the rest is prety much predictable. Imagine the look on dustins face if he gets evicted and not to mention the cry baby’s face. ooooh its priceless. and we all love drama…so the drama that will unfold after dustin gets evicted will be delicious!! I VOTE TO EVICT DUSTIN!!!

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Donna Rose August 15, 2007 at 1:11 pm

My vote would be to evict Dustin. Besides his arrogance, he simply will not be missed by the audience. He adds nothing to the show or to the game. He’s a cling-on with no true personal strategy. =^^=

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Donna August 15, 2007 at 1:13 pm

Dick needs to go. Enough is enough. I think he has overstepped boundaries enough. The others will do enough entertainment without him, only one can win.

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Nels August 15, 2007 at 1:14 pm

I vote for Dustin. I can’t stand him. He is a liar and a backstabber. He acts like he is the HOH every week. And that no matter what is going on in the house he has his nose in everything and always has to be the center of attention. I LOVE DICK HE IS SO RUDE & EVEL & I HOPE HE WINS!!!!!!

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chris August 15, 2007 at 1:17 pm

I am not in love with any of them. Especially Tamekwa and Amber…horrid, self-righteous women. I was an acolyte until I was 17 and have NEVER heard religious claptrap like that. They pray ONLY for themselves, never turn the other cheek….who is watching over Amber’s crack baby while the show is being taped? Did Tamekwa really call Dick’s mother (innocent in all of this, I imagine) a “bitch”? !!! Ugh. Oh, and Dustin claimed that Dick was “gloating” after he won the POV…does he not recall when Jessica won HOH last week?? It looked as if they had won the superbowl. I digress….I am with the gay Jew who left a comment earlier…PLEASE vote out DUSTIN!!! Vanity kills, vanity kills, vanity kills.

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Dee Dee August 15, 2007 at 1:19 pm

I vote to evict Dustin. Time for him to go. Dick has been playing the game very well and to everyone’s faces and hasn’t been the way Dustin has been since week 2 ~

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Dave August 15, 2007 at 1:30 pm

I vote to evict dustin… leaving dick in this house will turn things upside down again…. watch for evil, danielle and yes, erik work together again and take this house over……… watch jen be the pawn again looking at which way she should go and zach ( no need to say anything)

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A August 15, 2007 at 1:34 pm

-gets into houseguest character-

While Dick may be more annoying and obnoxious than anyone who has played Big Brother, and he does take things to a personal level, I believe it would be more beneficial to have him stay in the house. Let’s face it, Dick tells it how it is; he’s not afraid to call people out and state (or yell) his opinions. But, most of all he’s probably one of the most trustworthy people in the game. I get this vibe from Dick that if you were in an alliance with him, or even just had a short-term deal with him he would stick to it. He’s more for keeping Daniele in the game than actually winning the money himself, which could benefit other players down the road.
Whereas, from Dustin I get a totally different vibe. I wouldn’t feel comfortable in even making a one week deal with him. He’s seems too sly and harder to read.

Therefore, I vote to evict DUCTIN.

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Debra August 15, 2007 at 1:35 pm

Dustin is a dud! Get ‘im outta there! Go Dickie! Take it all and give your baby half!

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Redarin D August 15, 2007 at 1:35 pm

I vote to evict the Queen, he’s fake and he’s playing the nerd herd. No john the nerd herd wont give entertainment 1. A chick that’s always crying 2. A jesus freak 3. A gay guy who only acts tough around the chicks…….oh and shrek too. 4.a guy who has the most annoying laugh in the house. if you noticed after he laughs he does this deep inhailing thing. He was obviously the nerd in highschool you could tell when he was talking about nick. If dick goes a lot of people will stop watching and this will proabably be the last season.

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Anna August 15, 2007 at 1:37 pm

I vote to evict Dustin because he’s a lying priss.

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rosebud 1974 August 15, 2007 at 1:38 pm


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Bohn Butler August 15, 2007 at 1:45 pm

I vote to evict Dustin.

If I were in the house, I would vote Dick out in a heartbeat. As a viewer though he makes the show very interesting. Can’t wait for the live vote! Go BB8!

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Michele August 15, 2007 at 1:51 pm

Dustin – Dick is the show and the ratings! Love watching the Showtime late night and would not be worth watching without E.D.

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Vivian August 15, 2007 at 1:51 pm

I am sorry, I cannot stand Dick. I know he adds a lot to the show, but he has crossed the line one too many times. He is so arogant and rude and hateful and he attacks people worse than anything I have ever seen. He then acts like he is the one running the show. When he poured tea over Jen’s head, I thought they should have kicked him off. I just do not agree with them letting him stay.

Connor, you forgot the line of Danielle’s “I hate all of these people”. She says that all of the time. I am so sick of her. She is very self-centered. I do realize she is young, but please.

I have to say I give much credit to Jen. She has handled the way Dick has treated her with class. I just cannot believe she is nice to him now that he has decided to be nice to her. He has crossed too many lines with her, as with most people.

Please don’t let Dick stay. He just cannot be rewarded for his terrible behavior.

I think that Dustin would be the next to go so they should let Dick go this week and try for Dustin the next week.

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WENDYKAYS August 15, 2007 at 1:55 pm

I vote to evict Dustin. His arrogance is driving me nuts. Dick is an asshole but I like watching his antics moreso than watching Dustin do his thing. Dustin is outa there.

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nancy August 15, 2007 at 1:57 pm

I vote to evict Dustin – because he’s Dustin

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Shawna August 15, 2007 at 2:01 pm

I vote to evict…….DICK!
He has really played the game at an all time low. He went to point of mocking peoples religion preferences. He had no shame and even though he so called apologized he only did to try to benefit himself once he knew he was up against Dustin. I was hoping Jameka poured a glass of something on him. His behavior was funny, original and appauling at times but he was downright degrading. He should have been kicked off the show.

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TWEETYB August 15, 2007 at 2:01 pm

I vote to evict Dustin

I can not stand to even look at him any longer.
He makes my skin crawl… Get him out and then work on his hipster

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bethAnn August 15, 2007 at 2:02 pm

I vote to evict Dustin. He is dull and arrogant.

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Mothergoose August 15, 2007 at 2:03 pm

I vote to evict DUSTIN!!!! I want cant wait for the EXCITEMENT TO BEGIN!!!!!!!

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Staci August 15, 2007 at 2:04 pm

I vote to evict Dustin. I believe that he has become very full of himself and is very rude to the house guests. I know that Dick has been rocking the house with his comments. However, I feel that potentially Dustin will seek the power and ruin the spirit of the game with his arrogance. Ultimately, everyone is in it to win it, but taking Dustin out will shift the power and the game will become more interesting to watch. If Dick goes–the game stays the same and less interesting.

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E YOUNG August 15, 2007 at 2:05 pm

Evict DUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!! He is an arrogant little brat who just is not as entertaining as Dick!

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vts August 15, 2007 at 2:05 pm

Dustin must go!!! Dick is the only reason I watch BB this year, otherwise it is boring!!!!

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Paul C August 15, 2007 at 2:08 pm

Sorry, if Dick goes, YES, we will STILL watch, and NO, it wont be an end to this show, He is just nasty. PERIOD……… Dustin is the gay man of the house, but Dicks the one wearing nail polish and pretty Purple Highlights……….go home Dick!

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Tara August 15, 2007 at 2:11 pm

I vote to evict Princess….(dustin)

I love dick, he really makes the show. I can’t wait to see what he is going to do next.

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hope August 15, 2007 at 2:13 pm

This is a really hard desicion for me mmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmm….

I can see good and bad in both of these guys
Dustin you are a backstabbing weasel with STD’S ALL OVER THE PLACE

Dick you scream and yell the truth about people. Men and Women and men who like to act like women and women who like to act like GOD and woman who look like men and women who are bi -polar and rely on Kolonopin or whatever anti anxiety drug it is and the lucky charm leprachaun disguised as a HG…think LET ME think give me a min………..

America i DEFINETLY vote to evict Dustin.. 2 BAD SO SAD

Have a great life drama queen
ps (can you get me a good deal on a pair of coach boots ???)

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Jessica August 15, 2007 at 2:14 pm

Princess Dustin’s little B@$#* A$$ needs to go!!!
I love D&D!!!!! Everyone else “suck it”…….by the way I REALLY am sick of freakin Eric!!! Anyone else?????

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Angel August 15, 2007 at 2:17 pm

I vote to evict Dustin. I mean, really……how boring would it be in the house without Evil Dick?!

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Chrissy August 15, 2007 at 2:18 pm

I VOTE TO EVICT DUSTIN. He’s a big baby anyway!

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jamie August 15, 2007 at 2:18 pm


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Shenanigans August 15, 2007 at 2:19 pm

I vote to evict Dustin….. I think that Dustin would gladly and willingly carve out the spleen of everyone in the house, with a wooden spoon, for $20. He has got to be the most selfish person in the house. Everyone in the house has done something for someone else except Dustin.

Not that Dick is a nice guy, but I think that I will be able to find out what else is on T.V. when he leaves. It interest me to see them squirm a little, and as far as “Getting personal” they rest of the HG’s do the exact same thing that Dick does just behind that particular persons back. Hypocrites….

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Andrea August 15, 2007 at 2:20 pm

Dustin. #1, as everyone agrees, his depature will make for an exciting rest-of-the-season as America watches what transpires over the upcoming weeks. #2 Dick has won the hearts of America-dispite his callous approach to the game and his housemates-because of the relationship between him and his daughter. Everyone wants to see them mend their relationship and come out winning the entire game. It’s not about who’s playing the game the best/worst, it’s who are we siding with as they appear to us on TV. Let’s be real, its high school all over again.

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Alexandra Erickson August 15, 2007 at 2:21 pm

I vote to evict Evil Dick. No one should have to put up with his tongue lashings, even if it is just a game.

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Lisa August 15, 2007 at 2:21 pm

OMG something major is happening. A midget dressed up like the Mad Hatter is going throughout the house screaming “A Snitch in time saves nine”, and “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive” and “Fish and visitors stink after three days”, over and over and over again. The houseguests are in an uproar not knowing what is going on (honestly so am I, LOL). He just exited and everyone is hurrying through the house getting dressed and etc. They are trying to remember everything the Mad Hatter was saying, figuring that it has something to do with what is evidently about to happen.

I’ll check back, but think they will put up the bubble thing.

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kate August 15, 2007 at 2:23 pm


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kate August 15, 2007 at 2:24 pm

bye bye dustin

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Lynn August 15, 2007 at 2:25 pm

Evict DICK!

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John August 15, 2007 at 2:30 pm

Also said: 3 can keep a secret when 2 of them are dead.\There is no little enemy.

He has danced, gallopped around, excercized (arm curls) weighed himself.
He also was pointing at three different photo’s.
top row: far right
Middle row: middle and far right

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Steve August 15, 2007 at 2:34 pm

DICK has got to go…he is a dick,… something doesn’t go his way, he flies off the handle taking very bad personal cheap shots at everyone. Even though the LNC is very annoying with the God and crying thing.

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Donna August 15, 2007 at 2:35 pm

Bugger picker, crotch grabber, don’t shower, & greedy, all = Nasty Dustin.
I love Dick !!! He tells it like it is… Kick butt & take names. What’s wrong with honesty ???

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The Saint August 15, 2007 at 2:39 pm

I’m 100% for evicting EVEL.

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nancy August 15, 2007 at 2:39 pm

Definitely Dustin. Dick is the realest, most badass guy in the house, while Dustin lies and weasels around everything in an attempt to get his way. Send him hooooome!

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MartinMan August 15, 2007 at 2:42 pm

Evict Smug Dustin

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Lauren August 15, 2007 at 2:45 pm

Evict that cocky little bastard Dustin! Yes, Dick is an asshole, but can you truly disagree with most of what he says? That nerd herd is worthless, particularly Amber and Jameka. The reason America looks at them as weak females is because that’s what they are. Regardless of gender, they’re just weak minded people and they ARE hypocrites. Dani and Jess are smart, and Jen isn’t as dumb as she acts. If Dick goes this week the “good people” will bore us until the end. I don’t neccessarily want Dick to win but things will be ALOT more interesting if he sticks around for awhile.

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Augustus Cole August 15, 2007 at 2:45 pm

I vote to evict….. Princess

And Mario can’t save her ass this time. So take your, what was it?…. 5G’s and have fun with your “GIRLFRIEND” on your little trip that you was so happy to win, you Greedy, Selfish SOB…….

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Redarin D August 15, 2007 at 2:46 pm

so lisa the midget just came out of nowhere???

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Christy August 15, 2007 at 2:47 pm

Dustin has got to go!!! Dick is what keeps us watching!

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Kim August 15, 2007 at 2:49 pm


Even though evel Dick is mean and degrading and can be cruel, he still is not as terrible as Dustin. At least he is up front about it and he’s not trying to fool anyone. If anything he is acting meaner and more degrading on purpose as strategy. Dustin is a secret sniper and a liar and a cheat pretending to be a good person. He is way too arrogant and secure in the house and needs to be knocked into his place. Evel Dick showed alot of humanity and who he really is when he gave the veto to his daughter. I truly believe that he is more concerned with his relationship with his daughter then the money and being a parent to me that makes him more human and deserving to stay then Dustin.

But what’s the point of even thinking about it, no matter what the population thinkg, it wont happen. The vote will be 4-2 evicting E.D. Jen and Zach have no balls…they will vote to evict Dick. Dani and Eric will vote to evict Dustin. Amber and Jameeka are hopeless and they will vote to evict E.D. no matter what. Why bother even discussing this…it’s a sad done deal.

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Gail August 15, 2007 at 2:51 pm

three of the verses (in their original form) come from Poor Richard’s Almanac written by Benjamin Franklin.

Tell me, what does it mean?

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Patricia August 15, 2007 at 2:51 pm

Dustin bye bye love Dick

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Dan the Man August 15, 2007 at 2:57 pm

Dustin has to go…he’s selfish and untrustworthy.

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Brother Jeff August 15, 2007 at 3:13 pm

I vote to evict Dustin.

Dick makes the show worth watching. If Dick were to go it would be so boring watching the nerd herd pray their way through the remaining weeks. Besides, if Dustin were to go it would be one of those classic t.v. moments that would breath new life into the Big Brother series. Can you just see Dustin’s face when Julie Chen says “Dustin you have been evicted from the Big Brother house”. My question is, how can the Big Brother producers allow anything else to happen?

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Conner August 15, 2007 at 3:14 pm

I love the people on here who say Dustin exudes every gay stereotype then go on to call him “Princess” – give it up for the homophobes! Why be PC about people – just call him a faggot – b/c you know you want to…

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PB August 15, 2007 at 3:15 pm

I vote to evict Dustin-because Dick makes it worth watching and also to see Amber flood out the house with her tears.

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Jewels August 15, 2007 at 3:16 pm

I vote to evict DICK. How much fun to throw Dani to the wolves!!!! Very entertaining. Plus I love Dustin. He’s a smart guy. He can totally manipulate the ladies and he doesn’t even have to flirt.

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Lisa August 15, 2007 at 3:18 pm

Red, yes. And when I went back he was still there. Here are the things he was saying:

1. Fish and visitors stink after 3 days.

2. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

3. A sNitch in time save nine (the number of houseguests in teh house)

4. There no little enemy.

5. Three can keep a secret but two of them are dead.

THEN he started banging on the huge clock he was wearing. He was walking all throughout the house posing at certain strategic points then pointing to which ever house guest was in the vacinity. He didn’t socialize at all, rather just continued chanting the above phrases.

The houseguest finally made it out back where a barbershop quartet was singing – one song was “I’m just wild about Harry”. There was a guy on stilts walking around and, of course, there was the Mad hatter who remained out back. THEN the 24/7 feed went to the bubble – there SEEMED to be talk about anoter VETO vote or something about a visitor joing the house.

So there you have it folks and if you’re puzzled, join the club LOL!

I’ll check back when the feed is back up – I know this was an inappropriate place to post this – please forgive me for that!!!

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kathy August 15, 2007 at 3:21 pm

Dustin Go Home

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Robin August 15, 2007 at 3:23 pm

I vote to evict Dustin!

Seriously he is the most 2 faced, conceited, arrogant azz on the show. Gotta keep Dick, Although he gets loud and rude he plays with a “in your face” strategy that I just love. Don’t know that I would like it if I were in the house but I get what he is doing, and think it is great how he saved Dani. Go D&D! Hate the “Good People Alliance”! They think they are so much better than everyone else. I would also like to say that I have known a lot of Christians in my life and I have never heard any of them say the things or talk the talk that Jameka and Amber do. I think their holier than thou attitude is a riot when they conduct themselves the way they do. They make fools of themselves.

Thank you!

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Lisa August 15, 2007 at 3:27 pm

They are back in the house on lockdown. They now have a cage with 3 white rabbits in it in the middle of the table. There is a “live statue” dressed in all white in the corner on an end table (a person dressed in all white pretending to be an all-white statue). The Mad Hatter is still there chanting like before. They seem to be waiting to go out again after a period of time. They are NOW on their way back outside and on LOCKdown.

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PrincessLover!! August 15, 2007 at 3:30 pm

I guess I am the only one who actually likes Dustin….thats too bad! So, obviously I vote Dick off. He’s mean and I hate him!! And I do actually feel bad for Daniele, could be cause the age is the same, but how would you feel if everything your father was doing was taken out on you too. Yes, she has been hiding behind him most of the time but that doesn’t change the fact that he is a seperate person who is the most immature person in the entire house…yet the oldest…

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alex's mom August 15, 2007 at 3:31 pm

Dustin, Dustin, Dustin…if for no other better reason that he is not Dick. Without Dick in the bb house it would be a complete and utter bore. The most fun we would have would be to count how many times a day Amber bursts into tears or Jameka repeats…”your mamma and your daughter.” Dick may be an ass…but he isn’t pretending to be anything other than an ass. Please, please, please vote out Dustin.

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Norma August 15, 2007 at 3:33 pm


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Jaymes August 15, 2007 at 3:34 pm

Evict Evil Dick!! Cant Stand his Fowl mouth He’s rude and has no compassion for the other players emotions. Yes I know its a game but com’on pouring tea over someones head is just plain cruel!! It might be great for the ratings. But he’s NOT worth keeping on. The show will go on without him..

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Brigitte August 15, 2007 at 3:35 pm

See ya Dustin. Save Dick. Dick and Jen would be great to see go all the way to the end. Eric can go next week….

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redrum August 15, 2007 at 3:36 pm

I vote to evict Eric. Like America is really voting here. please. It’s just a scam for the show producers to pick the person they think will cause the most contraversy. Also, what is up with BB8 producers try to sway Jen’s vote. How lame is that.

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Niki August 15, 2007 at 3:41 pm

I vote to evict Princess Dustin.
Dick is playing the game and is awesome! Would you rather see him having a great time pointing out what idiots the others are or watching Amber cry? Or Jameka preaching about her God? Enough of that crap! Dick’s the man!

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joyleigh August 15, 2007 at 3:41 pm

I vote to evict Dick because his daughter is a whiney little girl that needs to grow up. I like Dick and Dustine really needs to go, but I’m ready to make the sacrifice just to knock Danielle off her high horse!

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Bibi August 15, 2007 at 3:42 pm

Dustin has to go….

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Natalie August 15, 2007 at 3:43 pm

Evict the “Princess” dustin!! He’s such a slime

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K551 August 15, 2007 at 3:46 pm

Evict Dick. He sucks (no pun intended).

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T August 15, 2007 at 3:49 pm

I am so ready for Dick to go and his cry baby daughter. They both sit there and complain about the others. I agree with what Jameka said last night to Danielle. If she wasn’t so busy fooling around with Nick at the beginning of the game, she wouldn’t be in this position. Both D&D need to go. The sooner the better!!!!

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TESS August 15, 2007 at 3:50 pm

Even though I hate Evil for his rude and disgusting comments, especially when he attacks other members of the house with regard to their religious beliefs, In the end Dustin must go, due to his playing both sides.

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Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry August 15, 2007 at 3:51 pm

I vote to evict Dick. He is vicious and hurtful, and there’s no excuse for that. Allowing him to stay and possibly win tells him and the world that it’s okay to attack people in order to succeed.

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barbara August 15, 2007 at 4:01 pm

I vote to Evict Dick. He is nasty. He has very nasty mouth and I really do not like the words. That would be my reason not to watch the show anmore.
I want him gone.

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drgma August 15, 2007 at 4:07 pm

I will admit, Dick is rude, and a lot of times just plain cruel. But at least he is relatively honest, and hasn’t lied or backstabbed etc. If anyone thinks that the ratings won’t go down if Dick leaves, I feel they are sadly mistaken. I think a large portion of America likes to see violence (physical, verbal or otherwise), and I believe if BB thought that Dick was going overboard; they would have castigated him in the Diary Room, and told him to tone it down. (Who knows, maybe they told him to be so mean) I will admit, I don’t like Dick now, as much as I did before, but I literally can’t stand the arrogance of Dustin, and Eric, for that matte.

To please me, Dustin goes, and it would make my entire week to see the look on his face when he does. He is so cocksure that he’s safe.

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Redarin D August 15, 2007 at 4:08 pm

redrum I never thought about it like that, I think your right wow that makes a lot of sense. The producers will do anything for ratings. But I don’t think would have tried to have eric in harms way with the votes that he was accused of.

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Redarin D August 15, 2007 at 4:10 pm

Thanks lisa, Maybe this is the big twist, I hope not because it’s not a good one.

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Heidi August 15, 2007 at 4:14 pm

I can’t possibly be the only person who is sick to death of Dick’s “everything for shock value” ways – from his appearance to his combative personality. I’m so over it. I’m not a huge fan of Dustin either but I can’t watch Dick gloat and carry on any longer!

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mdlady August 15, 2007 at 4:18 pm

evict DUSTIN.

He is a nose picking, pimple popping, non showering slimy snake and needs to be gone w/his boyfriend JOEY.

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Lauren August 15, 2007 at 4:19 pm


1) I would not trust him at all. Dick may be a jerk, but at least he is a honest.

2) Based on what I can gather if I was in there I would be friends with Dick, he seems like my kind of guy, and therefore I would hope to keep him around.

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jen the sen August 15, 2007 at 4:26 pm

DUSTIN~GOTA~ GO: Without Dick the show would be the biggest BORE!

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katie August 15, 2007 at 4:27 pm

I vote to evict DICK! He isn’t good TV he is gross TV. I like Dustin he is just playing a good game. The DICK plays dirty, and Daniele should be ashamed after her B.S. crying Drama last night. Pathetic! I bet we find out in the end, that they get along just fine,live together and she’s a stripper at her daddy’s club!

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Bev August 15, 2007 at 4:39 pm

I vote to evict Dick.

Have some pity on the poor people who have to live with him. He’s disgusting to look at, disgusting to listen to. And I’ll bet that the minute this show is over his darling little daughter will go right back to not speaking to him. Would you want to tell people that THAT is your father?

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BL_078 August 15, 2007 at 4:42 pm

Evict Dustin! Dick is the reason I watch the show, he makes BB very interesting! Dustin must go.

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Pat Vasseur August 15, 2007 at 4:45 pm

Put the throne in Storage evict Queen Dustin ,too bad Eric & Amber can’t go with him

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Candace August 15, 2007 at 4:47 pm

Evict Dustin!! He’s cocky enough to volunteer himself, Dick makes us all laugh (even those who hate him can’t help but smile once in a while) and I will roll on the floor laughing when Julie tells him he’s been evicted!!

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Dora August 15, 2007 at 4:50 pm


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Taylor August 15, 2007 at 4:52 pm

I vote to evict Dustin,

Dick is great t.v. and plus who knows what could happen if he stays and maybe he’ll finally get out Jameke cause shes so freaking annoying.

So once again i vote to evict Dustin.

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D Smith August 15, 2007 at 4:53 pm

Applause, applause…Dick has you all under his spell. He is putting on a great show and whether he wins, or his daughter, he will be a hot commodity because he planned it that way. His behavior is his ticket to paradise. He is another Sanjaya from American Idol. Gotta hand it to Dick…he has a great get rich quick strategy win or lose. Too bad he has no respect for himself or anyone one else, not mention his daughter. Keep Dick. All his fans deserve to watch him another week. I do feel bad for the other houseguests. I admire them all for not letting him get the best of them. Especially Jen.

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Marie August 15, 2007 at 5:10 pm

I vote to evict Dustin. Dustin is a liar, whereas Dick tells it like it is.

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Brooke August 15, 2007 at 5:13 pm

Dustin needs to leave. I want to see this whole plan by the Dustin, Jameka, Amber-crew blow up in their faces!!!

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Myra August 15, 2007 at 5:26 pm

Vote to evict Dustin. Dick makes the show. He does not seem to ever be really mad, I think it is all show.

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Frank August 15, 2007 at 5:42 pm

I vote to evict Dustin…the Princess has to go!! He’s a nasty liar.

Dick rocks!

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Lindsay August 15, 2007 at 5:45 pm

I vote to evict dustin. Because the nerd herd has got to go, if not this will be the most dull and drab big brother ever.

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Heidi August 15, 2007 at 5:50 pm

Dustin out. Dick is the best.

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Long Beach August 15, 2007 at 5:56 pm

I’m gay but that doesn’t mean I have to stand by Dustin. Just like how Daniele doesn’t have to stand by Jameka even though they are both Christians. You don’t have to throw it out all there to prove your beliefs or lifestyle.

Dick may be rude but its all strategy and the other housemates understand. Just because the truth is brutal doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be heard. Besides I think Dick is a nice guy, he just knows how to piss people off. Same with Jen, I never really hated her. I think she is just one of those people that sound like they’re dumb but really aren’t. I can tell she’s not a bitch outside of the house. One thing that this house shares is that they are alllll extremely insecure. Maybe not Eric & Zach so much but everyone else definitely is.


He thinks he is so smug and smart. Every word that comes out of his mouth breathes stupidity. He thinks he’s so safe and cunning but he’s actually oblivious to everything important in the game. At first I liked him (because I couldn’t stand Joe.) But now I understand why they dated. Plus I bet he really does have an STD.

The nerd herd is annoying. They are all so wishy washy and fake. I can’t stand to watch them when they are excited… its like a Junior High clique.

Dustin the Pretty Pretty Princess….. of with her head!!

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Long Beach August 15, 2007 at 5:59 pm

haha Erik… I just read your comment with the “off with his head!”

Great minds think alike!

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Kathy August 15, 2007 at 6:13 pm

I vote to evict Dustin!

He has proclaimed himself princess/queen of the house. (not a homophobic comment but his own words). Whether the rest of the nerd herd want to believe it or not he will chew them up and spit them out the first chance he gets. If he would stand up to Dick, instead of waiting until he leaves the room to blast him them I may have more respect for him…no not really, he has to go.

Dick rules!!

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Kevin August 15, 2007 at 6:29 pm

I vote to evict Erectile Dysfunction EVIL DICK. The first half of my life I dealt with a good deal of verbal abuse the likes of which Evil Dick dishes out. Every time he starts acting out it disgusts me. I’m thankful for workplace rules these days that have zero tolerance for verbal abuse. Dick is a multipersonality sociopath. He tries to come off as a cool rocker one minute and then he turns into an extremely judgemental mean spirited creep. Dick runs around calling everyone a liar to their face when he was the player who orchestrated everyone elses eviction. His creepy makeup/alliance with Jenius Jensa Jen and Kayle was pretty icky. I’m not really a fan of anyone in the house in particular but the self absorbed Jen makes me want to puke and I’m tired of Amber’s tears of hysteria.

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slv August 15, 2007 at 6:40 pm

I vote to evict DUSTIN!! it’s the best game play to get rid of him now. Dick is playing the game much better and may just be a rival to Will Kirby. Most of the nerd herd and rest of the remaining people probably think they can win against Dick more than they can win against Dustin. Time for him to leave. And for us watching it will make it much more interesting!!!! GO DICK!!

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Nicole August 15, 2007 at 6:52 pm


And hopefully Amber and Jameka won’t be far behind.

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bb August 15, 2007 at 7:01 pm

I vote to evict Dick

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Brandy August 15, 2007 at 7:46 pm

Send dustin packing

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jc August 15, 2007 at 7:50 pm

I vote to evict DUSTIN.

Reason: He clearly things he’s all big and bad. If Eric, Dick, Daniele, Jessica and Zach are in alliance now supposedly, that makes them technically the final 5 and the most powerful alliance in BB8. Jameka won’t be able to compete in HoH, which leaves her bait for eviction. Amber is crazy and not a threat without Dustin, but her having a feeling she’ll win something next week(HoH?) should worry some people. Jen could go any which way, but she’s smart – I can see her in the final 6 to be honest.

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DaniISselfcentered August 15, 2007 at 8:00 pm

I vote to evict DICK.

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Keldawg August 15, 2007 at 8:01 pm

I vote to evict Dick.

I think we would all be pleasantly surprised about how “entertaining” some of the other houseguests will get if Dick is gone – someone else will step up to the plate to be the jerk!

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sunday August 15, 2007 at 8:03 pm

i vote dustin out, he thinks he is soooo safe and will def. not leave, dick may be rude but at least everyone always knows how he feels on everything,

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jenn August 15, 2007 at 8:17 pm

i vote to evict dustin!!!!
– hes a complete bore and absolutely annoting
– plus dick totally makes the show it would be soooo boring without him!!

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Brenda August 15, 2007 at 8:17 pm

Send Dustin HOME!!!! He is arrogant, annoying and useing the women in the house to keep his butt there. He will eventually turn on them all to get himself to the end. Dick is real, he speaks his mind and is honest, something this world needs more off. The cursing isn’t necessary but he is the life of the house. The other players are just boring.

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JML August 15, 2007 at 8:21 pm

I vote to evict Dick, cause he matches his name pretty well.

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kata August 15, 2007 at 8:41 pm

I vote to evict Dustin!

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Beth August 15, 2007 at 8:58 pm

I vote to evict Dustin! I think they are all going to need therapy after this, but they won’t do it! What’s with Amber and Jameka praying out loud to the camera at night, I’m a Christian also, but I never say prays out loud unless it’s a group prayer situation, seem a little planned to me, but I shouldn’t be judging it, just seems interesting!

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TeachTerrie August 15, 2007 at 9:11 pm

I vote to evict Dustin, studpid is as studpid does. and you have to be stupid to put yourself up as a pawn this far into the game. Bye Bye Dust.

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JenClay August 15, 2007 at 9:36 pm

Bye Bye Dustin! Dick is a jerk at times but it’s game baby!

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Daniel August 15, 2007 at 9:40 pm

I vote to evict Dick… he’s obnoxious and rude.

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Glenda August 15, 2007 at 10:16 pm

Please, please, please, evict Dustin. Dick is very rude sometimes, but it is all strategy.

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Janna August 15, 2007 at 10:47 pm

Dustin should go. Dick rules!! Dustin sucks and the game would suck without Dick in the house!!! GO D&D GO!!!

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soonerryan August 15, 2007 at 10:57 pm

Alrighty … it’s 11 p.m. CDT. I’m counting the votes, and am putting this comment in here so I know where to cut it off.

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Cindi Helton August 15, 2007 at 11:27 pm

Please evict Dustin! If I have to wait him look at his ugly gross self in the mirror one more night I will puke! He needs to go home to “girlfriend.”

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lonnie August 15, 2007 at 11:39 pm

i want dick to stay. if dick goes i go till next year rest of the house guest are boring.

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Kari August 16, 2007 at 2:03 am

I vote to evict Dustin. I don’t mind him per se, but I despise Amber and Jameka. If Dustin goes, that will be the beginning of the end of the Nerd Herd and hopefully Crybaby Amber and Hypocrite Jameka will follow suit shortly after!

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Mel August 16, 2007 at 6:57 am

Dick is so abusive, I just can’t stand it anymore, please get him out of there. HE brings nothing but hate, anger, and discontent to the house. He is the worst house guest in the history of BB.

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Tra August 16, 2007 at 7:03 am

Dick’s speaks his mind and he’s a scrapper. That is to say he seems like the kind of guy who doesn’t run away from a fight even when he knows he may lose. I like the father/daughter drama too and Daniele will become a basket case with Dick gone. Dick got really vulgar and overzealous in his plan to make everyone hate him and he should have just taken himself off the block with the veto. I don’t think Daniele has staying power and the whole reason they’re there in the first place is to win this thing. Dustin is…dull, a decent enough person perhaps in real life but I don’t think I’ll be watching after if he doesn’t get voted out. On the other hand, as contestants both of these guys should earn the right to stay another week and not have the issue decided by an opinion poll. That said, I vote keep Dick in BB8! p.s. To those who say they feel sorry for the other houseguests who have to live in the presence of someone like Dick… y’ever been through boot camp or lived in a college dorm?

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Tammy August 16, 2007 at 9:43 am

Vote Dustin out, he is so cocky and arrogant and he thinks he is running the show, he lies and he is a chicken talks behind everyones back. Dick tells it like it is he does not lie he is honest!

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brandi August 16, 2007 at 10:12 am

I vote to evict Dustin. I think he is dishonest and sneaky. Atleast Dick lays it all out there on the table. Plus, the rest of the season would be really boring if Dick was gone.

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Ronjj August 16, 2007 at 10:45 am

Dick needs to be out of the house NOW!! He is a poor excuse for a human being.

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Ronjj August 16, 2007 at 11:03 am

Just an afterthought. I am trying to imagine all of you who think Dick is so wonderful, actually having to deal with a person like him in real life. All of you would run for cover and hide if you were ever confronted by a person of his ilk. He is an abusive bully and that is how he survives. I still can’t believe CBS has condoned his behavior and don’t understand why they haven’t booted him off the show. The iced tea/Jen incident was a pure act of assault and CBS allowed it. Unbelievable!

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michael August 17, 2007 at 2:15 pm

i love when people complain about how big brother is full of losers and scum bags and how cbs should cancel this show cause its so pointless but these are the very people who seek out blogs and feel the need to discuss it. so lame.

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michael August 17, 2007 at 2:16 pm

and ps: dropping tea on someones head is not assault. if you couldnt handle that you probably shouldnt watch tv past 8PM

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imyourdog August 21, 2007 at 10:03 am

michael is a loser

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k August 21, 2007 at 12:19 pm

mustard on the shirt? tea on the head? cigarette destroying? isn’t all the same? why is jen being punished? why can dick continue to dive into the pool without being punished? he has been warned! double standards?

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erisdoe December 8, 2009 at 9:23 am

I want to see Dustin go. He is a jerk and Dick makes the show.

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